THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, NOV. 29th, 1884. TiAtihFi. i.nnnp. A. P. M WITT. Hlir tl Sf regular meetings on Wednesday on or before moon. B. WEUMANN, W. M. J. I. Doxca.v. Sec. A-r-;rv 'lll'-tiAKIA- LODGE, iNo. 8, I. O. O. F., meets etch week at 7 o'clock, in their hall at Kosel.urg. M.wbeiJ o the ord :r in good siaudiug ar invited to attend. Bv order of the N. O I'MO.V ENCAMPMENT, No. 9, I. O. O. F., ineeta ! at Odd Fellows' Hail oil th first a:i J third Fridays of ver monfn. Visiting brethren invited t attend. L. BKLFIL8, C. P. A. C. MJrss, Scribe UlirQUA CHAPTER, No 11, F. A. M., hold tJuV'"?V thair regular communications every first (t aaJ thlr1 Tue-Ay in e-1 niontn. All U"(fcS member in good stauain mil take due and timely notice and govern themselves accordingly. Visiting companions are invited to meet .Willi aw 'hapet when convenient. J. C. r'CLLERTON, II. P. Vf . !. FiKDt,A.vaEa. Se -w For Pale. A splendid upright piui.o tfiitd for sal'" cheap. Apply at this office for particulars. Ketcrned 'J. W. Kimball county clerk who hi3 been visiting friends and relation in the Eastern State 8 returned home on Mon day morning's train. He is looking well and claim to have enjoyed hi' trip to the fulliet. He is not as enthusiastic over the election as his lttte a would indicate. Official Vote r-The -official vote of Oregon lias finally been announced. The highest Blaine elector ( Leasure ) twoivt-.l Of? intc Tin Dummrrut- ic elector (Fento.i) received 24.004 ! votes. I he highest iiutler elector ( loss) received 726. votes. The high est St.-John elector (Di'iimiek) recei ved 492 votes. Blain's plural ty over Cleveland 2,256. Biaiu's majority over all, Bel va's vote not. counted, 1, 033. Somewhat Da nuekous. Our atten tion has been called to the ledge of rock o'i the west side of the Uuip'pi bridge. The rocks are very loose and broken by blasting out tha road bed am' as the rainy season approaches a great pur tioa of them may ; fall. As this is a fa'vorits walk for the citizen it looks exceedingly dangerous especially as children are permitted to le near the ledge. A day or so of work would give the Iadge a safe slant. E.HTSSTAIXMENT An entertain ment was given at the Presbyterian church last Sabbath -evening by the members of the Sunday fcchoo!, the pro ceeds of which are to be used in pur chasing papers for the school. The ca pacious room was filled to overflowing and nil were very much pleased with the exfrcisfS. At the close Rev. J. II. N. Bell made a few 'happy remarks and asked for contributions for the purpose state 1. Twenty dollars were sub scribed, that being the amount required. More wDtild have been subscribed had it been necessary. Got Bo33Ed-A man named Charles Davis was knocked down and robbed in the streets of Ashland last Thursday short'y after dark the robbeis gett'.ng away witn somo'lung hko lbO in gold coin. Davis was also robbed of a valuable gold watch which the at tacking party dropped in their hurry to get a ay. At last accounts no arrests were made. Our citizens should bo on their guard at all times as there are nuuieious hard caes around that will take desperate chances for a very small amount of money. Bo prepared to give them a warm reception. I5l TVtatofs. Henry Landers left at this office last Saturday the largest potatoes that we b,ave seen this s3sju Many men past tli meridian of life pronouuee them the largest they have ever seen. Ho left a half dozen with us that will average over seven pounds in weight. The 'arrest weig'us eight pounds and a quarter. They are of the peerless variety and are e ex amining. Mi. Landers informed us tha twemy tilled a two bnahc-l tunny . sauk( Twenty such as he kit vwtn us will weigh ovtr two bushel. Thisisl'Ut a sample of what the Umpqna will produce in the way of vegetables' Air. Lenders takes this pro lific groth of his p t. e i'S a;i indication ot good tiiuos to f ii low the inauguration of Cleveland and Hendricks. M armed Novell. bar 26th 1S81. at the rcsiJeuco of the brides mother in Mosehurg by J. Heinricti Roman Catholic Pnet. GeorgaJ. Langenberg to iiiss Josephine whituey b .th of Douglas county Oregon. Mr. Langeuberg is ur wothry city mar shal whose reelection iu the midst of many tandidatcs testifies the esteem in whith he is held by in-, felloe townsmen. xNliss. Josephine ii a young lady who has gro wn lrom a small girl to womanhood iu this city highly rcspec'.ed by all our people. We join with tne friend and acijuaiuteuces in wishiug the yoauj couple a smooth and happy voyage over the matrimonial feta. We acknowledge the donatton of t bouuu fal supply of the Wedding Cake for which we return the thauks of our entire force- Thanksgiving has come aud gone. The night mate of lisappomtuient has vanished. Tne dream o cold turkey is all that is left for us lo ponder over. The anticipation of hot roiispSum pud ding and smoking fowls that wo have dreamed of, have vanished in thin air, and the pleasure of anticipation was more than the '- realization which the Independent force experienced on Thanksgiving, as there ware still left Heveral gapeing columns to be tilled. The day was one of the most pleasant we have experienced this fall. Tu sun lose m all the splendor of a summer's morning and shore with great Lin- liancy until its going down, in our little burg the principal observance was at the post oliico which remaiued closed a portion of the day with becoming diLmitv. A little more mvrth and cheertulnesH was observable amongst o j - - all classes of our people. The cloud of disappointment which has hung so " hapen in one ot thes.. offices he would j after the interest of the psople of the United ' universal favorite as a cure for habitual con heavy over a number of oar Republi- find out in two minutes that he had no ' States in the MexiconCentral Railroad. Dick ; stipation and other ills arising from a weak can friends since the election Sterns to ; cordial welcome there, such as he wouid cannot ; give up his old calling no matter ; nes, or inactive .conditicu of the b)wels, 'lead out, and a general feeling , of receive at the printing otliee at home. ! -where he turns up. He has mauy friends ; kidneys, liver and stomach. Sample bottles thankfulness perv'ided the entire com- Stand by your home pajier, for it will . jD Rosehunj who wish hira well wherever he free and large bottles for sale by S. jHamil m unity that we are so highly favored always stand by Ivou, and will ever be ' may be. The Independent is one of the ton, Boaeburg, and Page & Dimmick, Oak tu a nation. ' on the lookout for your interests. 'nuatber. ilaad. LOCAL ITEMS. Quite frostj around the edges. The school book fieud in atlartre. LangeiMicrg's brick is progressing tinely. 0. C. Petkeus was oa our street yester- j day. We believe all the election bets have been given up. v The roads are in oetter condition than for many years at this season. Hon. J. C Hutchinson rn-.d.) us a plas- rut call oa Thanksgiving. ! Sheridan Bros, have laid a sidewalk upon the south side cf their new Irit k. For lonie Hack, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous 'Plaster. Price "3 cents. For all kinds of gnu eries and clothiug take your cah and go t Uais HACKMElALKj a las-tag and fragrant peri u me." Price 5 ii.d 0 c nts. ltev. JR.N leli is ence -more in our midat as full of life ;U'd ciiir;y as ever. Union Services were held iu the Prvsby- l teriau church aC tli is place ou 'Thanksgiving. SblLOH'S CUKE will imn.ed ately re lieve ticrp, h oping ccnh and brcuchiti That team advertised fr sale recetnly, can yet be hud at a Largi.u. Entmhe at tins office. A NASAL 1NJECTOU free with each but tie Mfliluh's Catanh ifcnied). Price 50 ceuts. Charley Carpenter who has been with us fr uti,ue t0"U L'3 dei,arUre for Y,eUu ' this week WHY WILL YOU couth when hil..h'a ; Cure will give immediate relief. Pike 10 cts. 50 cts. amt 1. Now is your time to lay iu a supply of inerchaudiae. Go to Hoan's and suve irom 10 to iiO per cent- A mill tax was ', rtcently levied to de- , . J iray tiie nectaaary txp tsts tor the pre&tnt scholastic year iu Jd.cksmvilte. . Mrs. Thos. (jiiis li e and daughter Mrs. Fletcher have returned from a yisit to rela tives and friends iu Corvallis. We understand that a ma joi ity of county school sueiinteudeuts have voted against a change of text l ooks in this state. Mr. Oilman is insiructiug a class in the art of blowing. That is to say he is giving instructions upon brass instruments. Jonh Levxnes has employed the services of a first cliss Laker. Mr. Opeuht-iser and keeps fresh breud constantly on hand. The jury who tried Larrett, the stage rob ber, in Jackson county, after beirg fifty six hours, brought in verdict of guilty. Jaskuleks new store room is nexring coin" pletion. Judging from its dimensions Mr' J. intends making an extensive .display. There has be- n a consideiable amount o iyt raised in Jackson county, being encour" aged by Rogua Iliver Diistiliiug company. ARK YOU MADE miserable by indices" tion, constipation, d.zziuesft, loss of appetite yellow skiuY fcLiloh's Vicalizeris a positive cure. ( A large delegation cf the faithful started for Jacksonville on Thursday evuiugs. train to ta..o part iu the great joliticutioa Friday night. ; FOR DISPEPSIA and Liver Ccm1laint you have a printed guarantee on svery bot t e of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. We acklowledgo of anual report of the chief of signal service fio'u J- J. .Nan cy. We tender Mi. Nai cy with the of this ofhee. THE Ri:V. GEO. H.THAYEK, of Dour bon, Ind., Bays; "Roth myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMP TION CURE." Some of the citizens of Josephine couuty w id inake an effort to have a slice f i-ix t .wiishiis cut oil' from Jackson county aud added to thesis. J. W. flauiiiiin, Disir;-t Attorney h.s returned nou.e from attending Court at Ku- lieu-- ,i.d C'l iiliia v licie h i.aa bcc-ii t-r luvl-.4' !eV weeks. It i ndtriui wnh w i:it wiutsunrs t.ic the lirpuioicana uii--l on ihc tiilun.i,in.iru of the civil ervic bnv tsiuce tne cuctii.o o; Cleveland ai-.d llcnmioiis. Miss VViuifred Moaner returned home, Tuesday evening from Sulpher Spriugs. where she lnis bet u t-injb yed to teach school tor the last few months. A Span of horses ami uagou viiil be bold iu front of (J. W. Wood aid Sadditry shop in lioseburg S Uurduy D etc ml cr tth IhSi at 2 o'clock P. M. byjG. W. Woodward, auc tioneer. Hon. H. Drain was in Hoseburg yesrerday on legal business. He is one of the ui.wiy Democrats who is not seeking office. Ha &ay 8 it does not seem uatura 1 to be on the winning side. Mr, Hull agent for J. Liuk an l Son's Nurseries of Oakland Cal. was in 1 oseburg a few days ago. Fruit trees which they have been selliug iu this viciuity will be at Carious Li very Stable in this city about the 6th ct December ready for delivery B. F. Dowelt of Jacksonville was iu Rose, burg this week. NHe feels elated over Cleve lauds election considering that he s a Re- publu-aa He claims thitt the grand old party will unload jand. that they will gel rid of all .its bud men. Will not tuch ar event break your party up Brother D .vall? party will unload and. that they will get rid of all its bud men. Will not t.uch an Stand by tour home papers. You may be able to get a larger weekly tilled with political news, muiders, scandal cases, etc., for less money than you pay for local paper, but those city papers do l.ot adveiti&e vour county i nU( rnake jour property valuable, They don't help along your schools ind churches; they don't publish your county news; they say nothing of your own town, and have no interest in voh, . A good newspaper is as advantageous to a town or country as Lood schools. If OJie cf our farmer friends should Cleveland Expresses His Views Boston, Nov. 22. In the course of an interview with a reprefentaiv of a Boston paper to-day, President elect Cleveland, speaking of the busines and manufacturing interests f the country and the effect of the change in the administration on these interests said: "It goes without having that the democratic party is m ado up of mer chant., business and working men, and every body surely deserves good times and realizes that all the people must be prosperous to iusure that result. We have 55,000,000 people almost bound less resources hundreds of the strongest financial institutions in the world, thou sands of enteral ising merchants, the most skillful ttibiiufaclurers, and the most intelligent farmers and working men ou the face cf the earth. Now, surely a country with these character istic has every qualification for Solid permanent prosperity. It will be my aim and the aiu. of ail those associated with me iu the conduct of affairs at H ashiugtoit, to give the peop.e of the U luted Sutes a safe, economical and conservative g'lverinent. The fact that so many business uiea and uiautifact-urt-rs and working men voted with the democratic party this election shows that they were not afraid of a change in the administration. The deinociatic paru, in us Chicago platform, meant what it said and said what it meant, and will carry the provisions of that platform which relate t Abe business i interests ot the country into -effect. r,v ' . . . .i : . : . .. ... 1 ik n.uht unuortiint tliiii-' is a restore , . . . lion kji unu ueiti ihmisuuh to forget partisan heat, and devote our lives to the country and all of its people. Iu this work every man should feel that he has a part to per form. Owner Wanted- The following letter was handed to us by a gentleman from the country to whom it was sent, no doubt, by some body through mistake, as the gentleman to whom it was sent fails to undei stand its meaning. "Dear Fiiend George: Your letter was duly received nd at the time afforded me a great deal of comfort, as it assured me oi the certainty of Blaine's election und us I know the ignorant democrats had nobody iu New i'otk half as smart us you ar to keep them posted ou the situation and bad to bet their money biintdy as they always did, T just thought I wouid hazard a few of tho gold twenties I got from Uncle Samue and make a '.--.take' off the ignorant democrats. In this way I got all my Spate change invested and my pockets aro all tired light. I always knew you were smait and kept your ejes open and your letters helped to keep my coinage up even when the news of the eie-.tion was coming against us. I was about to 'hedge' once, and tell the boys to draw bets aud save theimelves. But iheiijtou sent that Aloauy dispatch to Bro. Hursb and ve knew we hail 'em, because we all knew you couldn't be mistaken when you were right there on the ground. Weil George we ail know you meant well and it isn't your fault that tiie lan agieed upon at the time you sent the dispatch failed, but we lust, our money all the same. If you get this lettei before yuu start for i-egt.i gi't my loe to Bnjatuiu F, Il urv Wan!, Brother Burchard and tin i Vm. Your ever dyd frind jn llfpuhiicavsiti, J. C. F." If t'li- l;tt can ii ( it i;i v;n lOissMit the writer s. i i it to its dewtina- si i o, vsiiii'ig at this odi utid paying or lins iu idioation. An Outrage- The action of tne railroad company with regard to the return of the excur sionists from Portland lust Friday can not bt-tter be described than as an ottt rage. The cars were crowded when ! thev left Portland: at Albany two couches were left making it impossible to get seats, mei', women, and children were compelled to stand. A Eugene City tff) morecoaoliHS were left making it still more crowded, and iu fact from Albany to Roseburg from fifty to one hundred' pas&engers kept up a ceaseless tiamp looking for some seat that per chance miiht be left vacant. It remind ed o:i of an overcrowded street car. We do not know who Was to blame in the matter but a great deal cf censure belongs somewhere. Murder in Ashland. Thursday i , f4 i c i l I i-ir T , , h , .'i , - tacoos jy mg weltering in uis ojooo in th streets of Ashland, life was fiearlv extinct the top and front poition of his head having leen carrietl away by what seemsed to be the discharge of a shot gnu. A man named O'Neal wuh whom the deceased had had omo diti culty was a.rested and had a prelimi nary hearing, which resulted in his be in r bound ov er to answer to the Grand Jury of Jackson county on the charge of murder. Ii. Lewis who was for many years aent ' for the liailroad company at this place is enjoyinu himself in the tropical clime of t Matamoris, Texas He is we learn looking OBnuAEx: The ppproaching death of our late fellow townsman, K C. Dry, was gen erally realized but yet it was not with out a painful shock that we heard that he had departed heuce forever on the early morning cf the 23th lof this month. The weary hours of pain and suffering had passed by, and quietly and peacefully he sank into the s!ep that knows no waking. ; Mr. Dry was born of excellent par entage in Oxford, England, on the 27th of October, 183S. In arly -youth he entered upon a life of .'travel tuid ad venture and enjoyru a rare and versatile experience. For a brief period ho was in the erice of the Government in New Zealand, and afterwaids pursued various employments in Australia, lie leaves a father, an English Barrister, now a' resident of Melbourne. 4.1. JL-' i J tain iv j-v-o iu i j i and has eer made this his home Ills gentleness, cheerfulness and wil lingness to do any honorable work at tracted many to him who-have since remaiued sincere and true friends. By his honest, upright dealing - hesecured abundant confidence -lend. ;njuyed sub stantial prof. erity. At ail times he had a kind word and u gijitefut heart for Rose burg, lis soft, jentle voice, so full of eadense and pathos, is stilled forever, but there is left an echo in the hearts of many friiudt-. Peace bo with his soul. Burial in Masonic Cemetery Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Echoes from Patterson's HiiL Health is good. ' Delightful weather. Farmers are rushing their plows. Miss Sarah Wimberlv one of Mount Scott's fair ones who . has been absent for the past several months is again in our midst. Mr. John Dixon anticipate a visit to hi old homo lm the East. Bon voy age, John. 1 Mt. Scott's ex-Justice of the peace has been vt-ry feeble for the past few days, owing to the' change in the weather. Victory is ours is the echo. The election was the most important in the history of the government. I t was regarded as having an imgortant bearing on the destiny of our country. If Blaine had been elected president there would never have been another honest electicm, .until the Republican party had been overthrown by revolu tion. We regard his, defeat as one of more importance to tho people of the United States than any discovery or invention that has been made for the last live bundled yearn It is n6t simply the 'riumph of one political party over another but is the triumph of people over "ways that are dark and tricks that are vain." It was a god send tc the Republic that Blaine was nominated by the Republican party, for it was such an open and ciedant disregard of honesty and decency that the people could not bo whipped into the support of such a man by the sense tens cry of danger to the business inter est' iu case of his defeat. The b.ittio has I wen fought and won and we pro iiotwuo it the greatest victory evei achieved by any people, ihe "es'dt of wiilch will belt-It and previa!,, d by the generation for 1000 wars to com. Bedrock. Ladies' Medical Adviser. A Complete Me-vlical Work for Women, handsomely bound in cloth aud illustrated. Tells how to prevent and cute all diseases of the sex, by a treatment at home. Worth its weih iu gold to ery lady sullVriiig from any of these diseases. Over 10,06 sold alteady. Postpaid only 50cK Pos tal note or 2 cc. ; stamps;" Address pNUNDA PUBLISHING CO Nunda. N. Y. Nov. lit 3-ui Tne Hcnsewtfo's Favorite.l We will send tree for one entire year, to every lady who sends us at once the names of ten married j ladies, at same address, and 12 two-cent stamps for postage, our handsome, entertaining and instructive Journal, devoted to Fashions, Fancy Work, Decorating, Cooking and Household matters. Regular price, 1.00. Send to-dty, and secure next number. Addres, DO MESTIC JOURNAL, Nunda, IN. Y. .... Nov lst3-m All the Lag e . To captivate the popu Im- taste aud surpass all previous ed'oris to please the palate, requires no small aniuunt of knowledge and no little skill, and when we remember that the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs, is as beiienoiai to the system as it is acceptable to the stom- ! ach, we readily understand why it Us the If. If yon your lips , Would keep from s!ip3, Five tilings, observe with care: Of whom you speak, With whom you speak, And how, and when, aud where If you your ears Would save from jeers, These things keep meekly hid; Myself, and I, Me, mine, ami my, ! And how I do or did. ' 1 Eucklea's Arnica Salve Tii Best Salv.'i in the world for Cut, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaptied Hands, Chili.laiiis, Corns, and ali Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents pel - box. For sale by S. Hamilton. A Startling Disccveiy. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Throat and Lung dis eases is daily curing patients that they have given up lo die, is startling them to relize their sense of duty, and ex amine into the merits of this wonderful discovery; lesulting iu hi.nd' udh of our best Physicians using ic in their, prac tise. Trial Bottles free at S. II toii's Drug Stoie. Regular Size 1.00. Don't Give Up Yet- ; ' It doesn't follow that a patient will die because the doctors have 'given him up," or that he will recover because they promise to "pull him through." It is never too lato to try the great virtues of Parker's Tonic. Dr. Michael Cuilfoyie, of Bmghampton, N. Y., was ensed of Rheumatism by it after ten ytars of unspeakable suaering. Mr. R. W. Misher, druggist, of the same city, certifies that he has sold over a thousand bottles of Parker's! Tonie through its reputation for this and other cures. .Ti:e cabinet makers are unusually active since the election, though fur nifuro manufacturing is S dull as cot" ton weaving. HE? THIS WEEK. I7 mi SALS. A T Mil. ITOGAN'S YARD: A "MONI jGL tor" seeder and a Moline Sulky jPlow, Onth almost i;e.w and in good order. nov2U-2t' If. M. DUMBLETON. Administratrix Noticel Estate of Henry Gatenuan, deceased. TOTlcE IS HKIiisBY GIVEN TJIT TIIE UN- dcrsined hti, br order of the County Court of noujilua county, Oregon, made November 2lth. lsS4, been duly a; pointed administratrix cf the estate if ller.ry tiatencaii, deceased, and has duly qualintd a. .sll:h. Thea-forn, ail persims ha in claims against said estala are hereby noti.ied to present the am.-, with proper vouchers, to me at the office of Lane Lane in ilo.-ebin;, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this uoti-.e. , Batea, Itoseburg-, Doutrlas County, Oregon, No vember 2d, lSsi. SUSAN A GATERMAM, Administratrix of oaid Eiitit. Lane & Lano. Attorne ', s for said Estate. uovs-7t Ctmrdiasi's Sale. ) ISJOTfCE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TIUT TIIE UN- XI uir-ined ouaruian of Creed L. Chen.weth, maior heir of John Chenoweth, lute of liouyia-i coun ty, urvi;-ni, ucic.-eU, has been duly licenced and di rected by tii-i Ooiiiity Court of loa!a3 i.ounty Ore i'on, by an order made and entered of HejoVd, on tne 25. b day of October, A. i. list; to sell all the '. i-Tlit, tnlo and interest of wiid minor, the same behur .in uadivi e:t one fourth (I) iiuerest, (subject to the Oovvcr rifht or uttre-t of his mother. JIalinda Cheu-ov.-ctl.) iu aud to the following described heal Estate in t'oii'las county, Ore,'on, 10 wit: i'iie l)o:i iiloii Land claim of John B. Mills and wife Notiliciti n No. 31(17, the same being- the fractional SA of Sec. 21, anil the fractional NJ of Sec. 25, T. 20 S.," K. 5 W. containing- (10 acres of land, more or le?s; fractional N. E. J of the N. E. J of Sec. io, T. 20 S., K. 5 W. the a une being designated as lot one of Section 2-i, Towi.ship 2ti S, llan-fc 5 W contaiiiiiiif 2j.75 acrt-a of land, more or less the S. 4 of the S. W. of iec. 18, and lots 4 5 and (i of Sec. 10, T. 2(5 S., K. 4 W. containing-134.11 acre- of laud, more or less; ibe N. W. J , the vy. i of the N. E. ; tho N E. i of the N. E J und lot one of see. 24, T. 0 S, 11. 5 W. containing 315.53 acres of la id, more or less; All that part of the Donation Land Claim of E. 1". Whistler, claim No. 44, beinc l. v.-tlon f SSec IK, T '26 H, U 4 W, the south pari, of said loni tion Claim e r.tainitig i0 acre of land more or less, and lying on the north side of ths North rmpqiia river; the S E J of the S E J, and lot one of Sec 23, T 2." S, K 5 XV cont iiiiinj fi3.2 j acres of lan.: more or Ie-s; the S j of the S E i of iee 13, T 2H s) K ft W containing SO acres of land, more or tea ; the S .1 of the S W 1 of Sec 1 :; the S K J of the S it t of Hee il; the E J of the N E J, and lots 10 and 11, and tho N E of the S E of ties 23, T 2d S, ii 5 XV 'can-t-iining 279 acres of land, more or les.-. Tiie undivided one-half interest in all of the N W J of the S W J of Sis M, T 2d S, K 5 IV, all of the above devcribed lands behij in Douglas Coutitv, fc'tata uf Oregon. In (.crsurince of said license and order, I -svill the 2a 1 day of decemhbr, 18St, at tne hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. of .aid day, on the r-rembes in said county and State sell for cash hi hind at public auction to the highest and best bidder all the right, title and interest of said minor in and to the follow ing premises, to wit: All that part of the Donation Land Claim of John B. Miils and w if, Notification No. 3107, in T 28 S of It 5 W of Willamette Meridian lying on the south side of the North Umpnua river in said Township and Range, containing abotit 400 acres of land, more or le. Also the undivided i intcaest in all of the N W J of the S XV J of See So", T 20 S, K 5 west of Willamette Meridian in Douglas county, Oregon. I will also at the hour of 10:30 o'clock, A. sr. of said daj on the hereinafter described prembes in said County and State, sell for cah in hx.nd at public ..uction to the highest and best bidder, all the right, title and interest of said minor in and to the following described premises, to wit: The Donation Land claim of John B. Mills and wife, No tification No. 31C7. the pame being the fractional S of Sec 24. and tho fictional N I of Sec 25, T 2S S, R 5 W containing 043 acres of land, more or less, except ing thcrrfrom so much thereof as lies on the south side of the North Umpoua river. Fractional N E j of the N E J of Sec 26, T 28 S, R 5 W, the same being designated as lot 1 of Sec 26, T 2d R. K 5 W, c nta:ning 25.75 a res of land, moreorles. tiie ? t ot tne .-s v or ee is, and lots 4, 5 and 6 of See 19, T -:8 S. K 4 W containing 131.11 acres. more or ihe .N W i . thi W J of the NEi, the K Ei of the N E J and lot 1 of Se 24, T 2(3 S, R 5 W con taining 315..13 acres of land, more or less; All that pirt of the Donation Land Claim of E. K. Whistler, claim 44, being a portion of See IS, T2SS.R4 W the south oart of said Donation claim containing 90 acres of land, more or less, iuid lyinu on the north side of the North Umpqua river, the S E of the 8 K J a d lot 1 of Se: i3, T 26 S, R 5 W containing 6S.23 acres of 1 v d, more or le?s; the S J of the 8 E J of Sec 13, T 26 S. R 5 W containing 80 acres of land, more or lev; the H i of the S W J of Sec 13; the S E J of the S E J of Se:; 14, the E J of the N E 4 a sd h.ts 1C and 11 and the N K of the S E 1 of Sec 23. T 28 S. R 5 W containing 279 a-res of land, more or less, AH of the lands herein described to be sold will be sold as the undivided interest of the said Minor, and subject tn the Dower right or interest of said Minor's mother, diauiiua vnrauweiii. dAMFS t TIESOwETH, Guardian of Creed L. Cheiitweth. C. A. Schlbrede, Attorney for Guardian. nov22 Bt susraoss.. ' In the County Court of Douglas County, State of Oregon. Wong Ah Sayow, PfcintuT, vs. Edson Adams and Harvey Brown-, iiartnors doing business in Douglas County, State vt Oregon under the name of Orcgoif' i Nickel Mine, Defendants. Action at law to recover money, rni EDSON ADV.M-3 "AND HAKVKY BROWN X the above nmued defendants: In the name oi the Suite of Orc&on, ;.u are hereby required to appear 'id answer ihe complains tiled, against you by the aojvo itiouod I'laintiif i.) the aliote a. met Court in tiic abjve er.lUiei aotiaa wnliiu ten -days from t!ie da--e of these.Ticeof this summons upon you if served witliin this comity, or if eorvei in any other county in this .State then within twenty days from the tlata of the- Svjr'ice of this sumnions i!jon you, or if served by pubiic-iuoa taereuf yuu lire btreby rei;uired to ap-jt-w and answer tiie Mitl -tn:.Iiiint on or lte-fire the iir.t duy ik' U. next rcgul-ir term of the above mr.ied court. tilth is the licst f.S.inday, the 6th day of cn uary Ijj;'. and if you fad no to appear and answer, for want thereof, tbe pSair.tifi will take juaiuent against you fur die tuiu t.f'St.l'O and hiterest there on at eijjlit peroerit per toinuni fnan the 14th day of Nivcii6.-r lo34, aud fur the cost aiid disbu!Keneiits of this actit-n. i Or.iermsde November lHh, 1834, by Hon. J. FiUhuh, Jude of the County Court cf Douclas county, fjfctle oi Oregon for service of this summons by publivaU m. W1L1.IJ & JoXli-j, novi-Tt " AUoraevs tor f Iahitiff. Notice of Filial Setticmciit. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Ikn'jtlas. In the matter of the estate of William Burton, decea-d. VTOTICK IS HEitEDV GIVEN , THAT THE TJN X dernv!d aumiiiidratri of the estate of Wil liam Barton, deceased, has Sled her final account of her administration of said estat : in the County Court of l).)U'la- county, Siito of or;fun. That suld Court by an order diLy m.ule and entered therein on Thurs day, the i.iih oay of .Sept., loSt, appointed Monday January ota, Ijs , at Id o'clock a. u. of eaiil day, ac the couri. room oi said Oiurt, iu the court house in nscliurr, a time atid place for hearing- objec-Lions, if any there be, to duidti'ial acoount and the settlement of said estate TliU notice is published by order of Itou. J.S. l itzhugh, Couutv Juii-e. KEBEvC A BARTON, , Admiuistratris. Willis & Jones, Attorney for Estate. To tlie Public, RosEBur.c, Or., Oct. 29 th is Si. . To the Pcblic : - Desiring to engage. in other pursuits I have determined to close out my en lire Stock, of General Merchandise within the next sixty days, at actual cose prices. This is no htt.nbug; I mean what I say. Any pat ties purchasing of mo can have the liberty of examin ing my in voice . books and satisfy them selves as to the wholesale price paid for each aiticle. Those desiring to purchase their winter supply ofjGoods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glassware and Groceries, will make on an average from 20 to 30 per cent .by availing themselves of this opportunity My farms will be strictlv cash for all bills under $50., and over that amount approved notes will be taken on three, four and six months' time, bearing in terest. T'lis will enable those having wheat and wool to sell to. retain it until a mere favorable price can be had. I shall bein selling out on the the above terms ou and after Novem ber 1st, 1381. F. P. Hogan. Bring on your job work. It will be promptly attended to, and at reasona ble prices NOTICE! People going to Portland fJSilOULD REMEMBER THAT SEVERANCE & YOCUM, Are THE Photographers East Portland, Oregon? Bailey 'Block, 4th St. bet. I & J I OFFER FOfi" SALE A FINE LOT OF At my iFann, six miles from Eosebtirg, oa tb.3 Oo!e'3 Valley Eoad- " II. CONN, Sa. mm IJext Door Live Oak Saloon Eosefcurg- Shaving aisd Hair Cutting in a Vorkniaiilike. Slanucr. 3 tiFkl-3 AGENT3 ARE MAKING Byaa i IS a m iortunesseiiingoumew Xr fiiS and popular bi,ok, "The l mversc, "Uves ot the Presidents" "Daughters of America, "Austins in dispensible Hantlbook," "Historj- of Chrkitianity," and the latest and quickest seliine novelties. Be first m tne Held. Address uur.ii.oi cu., Publishers and Agents, novl5-4t Sau Francisco, Cal. ' em&$ SEND TEN CENTS k . 1 ifeaoKa ceive free our new combination Pencil; has seven d'fferent useful article3. Just oht. Agents wanted. Audreys 1JAKT rsovliLli cy., novl5-4t Can Francisco. Cal. DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, R.-scou rg- The prointor of this well kn ivvn and popu'ar resort wott'd liin friefTds n-r tlieir ltbe al patr .isr, m the oast aud w.-uhi ak for a cont itiiauce of hesamein the future. The puM'.c is Hif- ruied that I kwe; none but the best i-runiji -r n-pes. iquors ami cigars anf that I ?ell over tlie l ar the ce!e bra:l Jtse Moore & Co.' Keutuckv hisk e - - A good billiard tt.le will b. found in the saloon; also the leading paoers of the world. an f OAKX.A1JD A CADS MY! Oakland, RousEas Co., Or. School Year Begins fvlonday, September 1, 1884. rjU'rnoN PKU SESSION OF 'TWELVE WEEKS: Primary $4 00 HrtUnuie Junior C!8 5 CO Second Grade Junior Class. . .." 6 (0.. First Onu'e .l i!dlo Class 7 5c, Second li'mde, M.dd'.e class". 9 to. or Class ...,..,10 10 Ml SIC. Twenty -four Lessons.. $12 00. Use of Instrument....... 2 60. .- DitAWINa AND PAINTINO. Twcuty-foui Lessons v;l 00 to $12 00. tW Send for Catalogue. ' CO. T. fhleil, Principal. MRS. M. E. BATCHELOR HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office On O.vk street, one door west of th Central Hotel, ROSEBURG, OREGON. DEALERS IN -AND- 9 Next door to the New Bakery. Pi'iccs 3JT o tl o i n t I THE CENTRAL HOTEL. Corner of Cak and Ross Streets Board $1 per Day ; Single ' Meals, 25 cents. 3"Thi8 house has lately changed hands aim is iiiorougiuy renovatett ana refurnished The traveling public will rind the best accommodations.. NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED. Free 'Bus to and from the Traiu. SMITH BAILEY. II PAKKY, ROSEBURG OREGON. First right hand rooo.. un-stairs over Murks' Store. 1 cri.iis and alteiationa . t . leatly done. (Next Door to Key's Iietaurant.) Rosettir-j, Oregon. Finest Honnra nn,l flio Ul.... T.',- 1 l ... I . 11.1. fttl cigars passed over the bar to everybody. MUUiiL & i AIIJilH. .Roseburg-, Oregon. J. II. Cutter Wliisey, 5cst Cigars, And leading mners. (7u CnU i t - XkUUJII lor the use of patrons. JOHN FARQUAH. In the County Court for the State of Oregon, county business under the firm name ,f JWaltcr Bros. & Co.! Plaintiffs, vs. ,S. Bei kicy, Defendant. Action at Law to Recover Money. ---. VUU11U111,. iu me name oi toe o.te of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear w!f?,r, lhe st,mI,,a"' aI ains you hi the rv ' v !ltlUt;d1cou" and action, by t e plaintiffs, Hen- " V ""ak naiier, partners doing busi ness under the firm name of Walter Bros. & Co., on or tetore the flr?t day of the next regular term of A !W,YS M"nday tLe ln day January, -- - -, ,uu laa lo g;, nrnwer paid coni- l.Iaillt tlii" ril.iiniifPj ...;n '.," ,, juuj;uiiient, against J i '"'e sum of one hundred and tentv-even aim H."-100 dollar.? with in; tight per cent, per annum from the 7th day of June, lra4 until ju.igcmeni, together with the costs and di.sbijrscments. Tois Summons is published by order of Hon. J. S. 1'itznueb. Jumrftof iil Oregon, for tne County ,nf Douglas. Made and enter- u me isi aay ot uctoter. A. U., 1SS4. U.K.ilAN.Nj BALL, Attorneys for plaintiffs. Notice of Finn! Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon foi tho County of Douglas. Iu tho matter of the estate o J. M. M. Venable, deeea?.!. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN dersigned adniiniatratrix of the estate of J. M. M V enab.e, deceased, has Sled her final account of her ad ministration 0f sa;d estate in tiie County Court o Douglas County, SNte of Oregon. That said Court by aii i oroer duly made ann entered therein on Tues- fill V t.hf-' I i f Vt tft a .... 4 .. ... " ccf'-. i3, appointed ;ioniay, Jan uary otfi, 1885 it lOo'cloe'c A. it. of said dav, at the court ro.mi of said Court, in the court houe, in Roseburs, a, time and place for bearing objetlicns, if any there be to suid final a-count and the Pettlement of said estate, f hw notice m publibhcd by order of Hon. J. S. 1-uzhugU, (,ounty Judge. JNE TENABLE, tt. t -r. . Admiiiistratrix. Hermann & Bail, Attorneys for Estate. Creek''- Mills. CLAHK fc B15iElt PKUPS. nAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE SAW mills of E. Stephens and Co , w e Ire not wa pared to furuish anv amount of the beT quaTity I ever offered to the public in Donglas county We furnish at the mid at tiie following -no. i cojnng, eh.. , .4 Der vr No. 1 flnLAia lumber... "n rier M o. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides..6 per M CLARKE '& BAKER. send six cuits rwiEt.o- r,.t reseive free, a costly b:x of good a wnien w.n ne;pall, of e;tlicr sex. to more money right away than anything else in this world. Forfunes await the workers absolutely eura At once addreo TttlJS and Co., Augusta, Maine. nqtxcii;. 1 Notice is horeby given that I hive given my tvro j sous, John K. Suthcrim.1 ftnJ S. t. Sutitcrland their j time. I c'aim none of Uieir tv.ies a;ii will not pay any of their debts F'.:.ND.-:L SUTHEUHN. Oakland Or., Oct. 15, H3;.