Til I'i INDEPENDENT SATURDAY, NOV. 22 J, ISSd. ! fi LAUi.EL LODGE A. F. M. WILL HOLD regular meet'ngs on Wednesday on or bef.re Kgjst-each fud moon, li. HEKMAXX, W. M. J. P. Duscan, Sec. fm-WfH N. S, I. O. O. ('.. meet vV-.;U?r;-."-on Thursday evei.ing of each week at 7 o'clock, in their hail at Koscbnrg. Mombers v. the ord ;r in good sstii Jinr are iuviitd to attend. Cv order of th.! N. UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 9, I. O. O. F., meets at Odd Fellows' Il iil on th fir-it a.i 1 t'.i.l Fr.d i.vs of ran monili. Viiti;iij brcliireii invited to attend. L. Uklkils. C 1. A. C. Marks, Scribe ,.kj.L'MPQUA CHAPTER. Noll, F. A. M.f hold l4'js their leular c jTninuni.aiion.s every tirst -y a,lJ third Tue-day in each mouth. Ail members in gtod standing will t.ikr due and uuiely notice and govern themelvej accordingly. Visiting companions are invited to inset with tiie -hapel when convenient. J. C. Fl'llekto.n, II. P. W. !. Friedlande. Se -'w Ta i cksgiviiig Proclamation- State of Okk;o-, ) Exkcciivk Dep't, 'r Salkm, Nov. 1-2, 1SS4. . 1 yiew of the custom establish d ly oar forefathers $iad iu accordauc. with a recom mend t ou of Chester A Arthur, "resident - f the United States, I weidd recommend that Thursday, the 7th inst., be observed by all the peoj le of the State of Oregon as a clay it thaiitsoiviiig, and that they ,-efrain from their usual avocations and repair to their respective places of worship ami offer thank and praise unto the Supreme buicr i'i li viiivum- for the blessing vouclis.if. il to us during the. l ast ver. and iui.ore a ccniiMiatn ii of thee b.&:iis for .he year to come. Witness my hand a i l the ortat I,, a. sea! of the .Si ate of Oregon here , to attached at Saitm, Oregon, thii 12ui d:iy,of Nove;u 'cr, A. D. SSl. Z. F. MOlVi. Governor of Oregon. By the Gor-n or. It. 1 EARHAKT. S-'Ora ary of SvSi. r on Pale. A Kpie?udid upright i o ( fit l td for sa!' eiif;j. Apply at this office fv p inicu'ars. Foil HoNoLi'ut . lliUc. Kevvcomh and Dr. J. A. Child, of Portland, arc projecting a,i excursion to the Sardwicli Islands, to start Iroiii that city aout January 11, 1685. The trip will consume about ninety das Tha expense viil vary I rein 140 to $220, . ii juilnij a trip to Hi ; volcanoes. Hamtcal C'on.si ipatio.v Is a prolific source of miscr atid nia!iy ills, giving r.s to headache, lti llness, fevers, nervousness, restlessness, bi liousness, indigestion, poion . a i 2T of the hiood, etc. Th hitter, nau-cotis liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts formerly used to relieve the sullercr, only aggravate the disease and sicken the stom ach. All who are alllicted in that way, know the importance 'of a remedy pleasant to the palate, harmless1 in its nature, and truly beneficial iu its action. Thy trial bot tles of Syrup of Figs jjveu aw.iy free of charge by our enterprising (jruiiiit.s, 8 Hamilton of Iloseburg, and Fagfc t l)i.u niick of Oakland, prove that it is all that can be desired. Large bottles liity tvnts and one dollar. Obituary Henry Gatterman a native of Germany ami for several years a resident cf i'osoburg, dn;d at the Ayiu:a ia Salem Monday tho l?ii, .d ly of November ISSt lie ; tase.l WiiJ a young mm in the prime of life- a blacksmith by trade and a good me chanic. And during the time he lived in the commm ity was regarded a3 a sober in dustrious hard working man. liy his fru gality and industav he amassed coiisidrral means ami-built for l.im.-cif a pleasant little hom;, and had established a go'.id busiueES A litt'o more than a year ago be was mat tied to a Miss Bruckner a native of kis own coun try, ami the two started in life with a biil Jiant future I e fore them. Soon after his marriage he was taken with a malady- sup posed to have been brought on by over work hia body and mind gradualy grew weaker until isoine few weeks a'o be wss sent to tlie Asylum for treatment 1 ut it was of no avail. All that was mortal sunk to rest on last Monday. The remains were brought from Salem to Iloseburg Wedy d -y and were buried in tho Odd Fellows Cemetery on Friday afternoon under the auspices ot the Odd Fellows Lodge of this nJaee of whij't he was an honered and icspected member He leave a wife to mourn his h.ss But no blood relations. in this cotintiy. In his do mise th. continuity h&s Jose an honest up right citizen and a u&o'ul member of socio ty. M. II. Dk Yoi .no Shot Last Wednes day evening Adoljih Spm-kels a son of vjlaus Sprcckels, the Sugar Ki'ig' of San Francisco entered the Chronic'e O.Ii-o at the corner of Bush and Keyrny Streets, ami aine diately commenced- a murderous attack upou M. 11. Ie Young. He lircd three shots, the first struck l Young iu the left arm, a lit tle alwve th elliow, and the second one hit him iu tW shoulder. At this Do Younsf turned to go into his private cilice and iu doii;gso tlipcd and fell ou the floor. Sj reek els reached over a counter an I tired a thu d shot the I all striking a bundle of school books which I)e Young was carrying and which pr. b.d.Iy saved his life- At the tune of ureiny the third shot G. W . EmotM.n ad vertising c crk iu the office took a revolver from the desK and fired at Spieckeis hittiug him in the left arm At this juncture oth er employees in the o!h-o reaehtd Spretkels aim took the revolvei from his hand. Po icemeti then enteie I the otike hihI took Sprecke's and Emerson in custody.. De Young was taken to his residence ud hi- wounds dressed. Sirtckcls was re eased from custody on tive taousau I dollar bonds. His father ami uncle being the security. Emerson was released on ohc thousand dollar, bondt. De Youngs wounds while dangerous are not considered fatal, fne snooting, it is supposed gr-w out of some articles pub- lihed :u tlio Chronicle in reference to the management of the Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Company which Clause Spreckels is ortsidentaml he and his son own the principal stock. The attack 13 similur to thst. rf fit-M vAnrs when the vouuirer Calloch murdered Charles De Young on the same spot where his brother fell last Wed nesday and the attact is much less provoked. Should vnnniT Siirer.kela who is now twenty ! (even years of ae by reason of his wealth and tUe wealth and influeuce of his father escape the gallows, ia case of DeYoungsdaath or a term it the Teuitentury if he should re- cover. We may expect to hear of the scenes . , , ....... . of less than one year ago in Cincinnati be.ng redacted io Saa Francisco. LOCAL IirMS. Who said tufke , . . 1 " Tinuiksgivi ug next. "Election 's over ovs hie." i Skating this; eeinng ut Sloeiiui's hail. j I Next Thumlay we eat turkey (some tinns). I i A. A. Fitjk and fauiily are living in Portland. j j C1IOU1', WHOOPING COUtJH and Bron chitis immediately lelieved by JShilou's Cure. I Ail kinds of Job Printing done at this cllite v itli lituintht. i.d ciisj atch. THAT II At KINO COUOH can be so ;uiekiy cuied by Cihiiuh's Cure. e guar iiilte it. Sheiiil G. A. Taylor and Deputy II. C Slociiiu are now engaged in coiiecung the Stale taxe-' L- Belft'.s is buiUl'.ng a Jewelery shop on the feuuth and west co.ner of Cass and Jackson btletts. Kev. John Howard is erectiug a couple of teu tiuent houses on his lot adjoining IJr Oakes resilience. S. F. Wi:so:i i prominent attorney of luiiiput city, Uuos UountY is viaitiug friends in Ptusubuig. StilLUiiS CATAliliH IJEMEiiY a ;j(;sinvi cure tor Cataiih, Diptucria, auu Canker Mouth, i ! Woud Uaiker and faintly have re j ut i.ed Irons easi of tiie nionniains to make their home in the Umpqiia Vaiiey. Itocei t Newcctnb and wife of Port iiod were la lludeburg last week and ealied on many ul Lhtir old tiiciido aiui u'c(numtuaces. I Tile skating j ru.k, uauer inanuyellicnt c-I Ai esia. i' u teiSf ami Chase, c'litiinues to oe the baturday evening utti action. fdllLOii'S L'OUGU and Cousumptiou Cure if tso.d ty US on a go ii.intee. it cures coiisumption. i F. II. Cabbert of Myrtle Creek was in Rosburg this week on business. He came down ou the, morning train Tuesday a.id returned in the evening. There will bo divine service in St. George's Episcopal Chutch on uext Sunday the 23d inst. morniug and veiling. .All are cordially invitett to attend. Horace Ilulbcrt returned from ease of the Mountains where he has been surveying for the Railroad Company. He is now sloping with his family at Round Prairie, SLEET LESS NIGHTS, made miserable by tliat terrible Cough. Shiloli's Cure is the Uemedy fo? you. i Ira Rice of ! Oakland made us a pleasant cali on Wednesday. He re ports mineral discoveries in the north ern i art of the county lately. We hope they may prove valuable. The many friends of Robeit Strother will be pleased to learn that he is en gaged as Superintendent of a mine of which hu is also a part owner at Coeur d'Alcne at a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars a month. CATARRH CUBED-, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Hemedy, Price 50 cents. :Nasal Injector free. The genvral ratitication of the elec tion of .Cleveland and Hendricks which look piaca in the city of Portland on Wednesday last, was without exception ti e giamlest po ideal ueuumsti ation that has taken place in this state siuc. our tirst settlement. Thomas lietcl er and N Garnette will leive Iloseburg next Wedmsday for Texas with thevievv oi settling in the Lone Star State. We wish them success but are sor ry tjhave them leav our county and speci ly i,o as they ate both sterling Democrats and good citizeus. The undersigned will commence a meeting in liuj Baptist chin eh in Oak and Saturday evening, .No vein tier 29, and wiil continue over Sunday. Expect to b assisted by Rev. J. I.'. N. Bell and P. L. .Jones. All are coruiaUy in vited to attend. B. F. SilAHP, P. C. Rosel'iug Cr. WILL YOUi SUFFEU with Dyspepsia and Livei Compiaiul? Shiioh's Yitaiizer is guaranteeo to cure you. Hun J. L). Lee of Dallas, joint Senator of Puik and Benton Counties, suent sev erals day.w m Rosei.-urg t oe forej allot this tk. tic is .i - ideasant iient ifman ed cti;siit iao, I c I tl it-ncii and wiii uc liouid i,u e toi. siderabie intiueo'x; in diajris g 'i.s.i. liuli In the cou.iwg ieg.tiai'ur. SllILOll'S llAl.iZLB K- tti...i-j..u need for Constipation Loss td Appetite. D.suiuess ami all symptoms .f Dyspepsia.. Pmck 10 and 75 cents per battle. John Niehois ho was arrested last week at his home iu Rice Cuich iu tins county by Deputy Sherill" Sloeum charged- with ; kiibi g a uiua named Ketchum m tue Cow ( Creek Mountains a little over a yeir ago, j was bound over oy Justic Giddb, to an swer to the Grand Jury for the crime of j murder without bail and he is couiiued in i ail. Hon. L. F.j Mosher returned last week from air extensive visit and tour of inspection of the Eastern States. He j visited his SOU Charles who is engaged ' inthe newspaper business at Phoenix ; Arizona, and remained a week or ten da yg w,th Qn hh , g um tri) The " . . , , , , Jud-e is in excellent health and p- o r much impioyed by his visit. Deer CreoS: Items- The weather is exceedingly fine with bright sunshine and lovelv afternoons. The people in this vicinity are in good sjdrits over tho election of Clev- j eland and Hendricks, and entertain high hojes that times will be better. Hurrah for Cleveland A great many Democrats from this section went tu Portland on the ex cursion train to attend the "rami rati tication of Cleveland and Ilendrickr' election. lany changes have taken plac? on : Deer Creek within the laht year. A j number of new houses luve been built and other extensive improvements made which add greatly to the beauty of our val'ey. Wood Barker and family, wbo left this county some years ago, have lately returned from tie Spokane country and like all the refit of the old citizens who return, think old Douglas the best country to live in. Mr. Win. Laugh and family have moved over from Oakland and now oc cupy the Clarke Richards- house. We are glad to have them in this com munity. ' Miss Laura Ronebrake is prepaiing for an extended visit to C-;os Day and some of the Dser Creek bos wMI have their hearts broken. Never mind boys, Laura wiil return again. There was a general turnout at Blakely's dam.e Friday night; thirty fiv couple present. Your itemizer ts unable to give the full particulars, A- I eii:g j resent. Ualapooia Items Our farmers are speeding their plows Caiapooia has seven fruit dryeis run. j ning in full blast, averaging about one hundred pounds to the dryer per day. Rev. Sharps held divine services at the school house last Sunday. Consid erable interest was manifested during his concourse. Harden Davis, since the election, contents himself by secreting himself in the woods smoking ii s pipe. Jessie Day, ol i'ii.'.o: , W. ar rived here las;, ue'. -o peud tu:- vvj!;i..-e with his brother N. i . .1 . Our old friend and gospel -xpaid-r made himself very conspicuous p i boiore the election with the haif-breeos by informing ihem if they supported Cleveland they would lose th::ir land. The young people of this vicinity met at tin; residence of Allen Otting er last Satin day evening and partici. pated in an ohi fashioned bussing-bee. Andy Gross was th main participant in the leading p ays. John H. Mires, some days sine, had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse. Blaine's defeat and Mr. Mire's bad luck otherwise has about laid him up for repairs. Susie. "Painting the Town Eed-" Tuesday night according to announcj ment the Democracy met to celebrate the election of Cleveland and Hen dricks. Tie meeting was the largest and most enlhusistic that has ever bweu witnessed in our City. Two hun dred and nintten salutes were given. Tue torches were brought and a grand tutchlight procession pataded the prin cipal stieclsied by the Yankee Doodle bind, who played national patrioctic airs. A brilliant display of tire works, Roman Candles ami Sky Rockets' formed an attractive feature of the en ttitainment. This vvs planned by Messrs. Marks, Fan pur and others ami had not been prev iuiisly announced. R sci td to please and entertain (lie chil dren mote tnaii any other teature of the parade, and thosa ai lies ueserv e great credit for their fore'.iiuiight, in tins matter, as tlu celebration was rather an impromptu gathering than a i or ganized meeting. After the parade ills; procession marched to the Coot t House. The meeting was called to order by C. Bali, piesident of the Cleveland ami Hendricks club, w ho introduced Hon A. C. Jones, tue o rater of tiie evening, v un u-i tained all who could croud ; in- cotiit room with one of his v , i. :i..i.'.oeiistic sjeeches. Pleasing and X j " I I'topiiaie speeches wero also inatle by 2uti.ss.rs, Lane, Owens, Flofcd and Ge-n-gtr. The meeting then adjourned with music by the Yankee Doodle Band fol lowed by thiee lousing cheers for Cleveland and Hendricks. And the vast assembly dispersed to their homes and ledging places for the night, aU fueling that we had a good time and that the country is safe. In tho morn- ing very many took tiie excursion train for Porllanii to cot.Uiiio iiK-ir rejoicing and take paitm iii g- i-t l '.!..:.; tion in that ('ity ei:-.c-.d.i. ichx. Eucklen's Arnica fcsaive The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed -0 to SO itr emt io give perfect satisf ictin, or money That team advertised for sale recetr.ly, cai refunded. Price 25 cents pei box. For j yet be had at a bargnr. Enquire at' thi sale by S, Hamilton. I cfEce. A Trip to Brewster Valley. xxy , , n , , , , We took a trip to Brewster last week .., - ,. . winch was one cf much interest and pleasure. After traveling all forenoon in the fog, we clinilx'jLl to the lop of Weekly mull li tain nd saw, as far as the eve could see, a -perfect ocean of fug bounded by distant mounta'ns; many of which v-re covered with mow. After a short rest on tin top ot the int iiitam we -descended the Co quiile from its .source, thiough nil Us windiniis fe-r several miles. For Kplendid timber and irauiticent sevn- ery there is no pWe that can surjass the canon if the Coq'.ullp. A long day's drive brought us to th hospitable house of Mr. Laird, wln-ie v. e foui d excellent accommodations. We weie shown a specimen of those immense potatoes von have before heard of, and also very tine apples. We saw the wing of a vulture that had been killed on the top of Biewster mountain, by George Miller. Tin; wing' wh;i spread measured over four feet. The bud from which the wing was uk'-n must have measured over tei IV1 t from ;ip to tip. T ae next mormie' we left Brewster with a very exal'ed idea of the enpabili ics of a valley which could produce such cattle, hogs, birds, .veget ables a;.i fruit as we saw samples of. That evening we arrived at Fiouriiov vallev. We did 'not get a good view of lh.it place, because it was enveloped in fog. There we spent the night at Mr. Jones' where we had a veiy pleas ant time. We weie also very hospitably enter tained in Looking Glass bv Mrs. Allen. We were fortunately blessed wth good weather during the entire trip. Tiie roads, considering the rough coun try through which they pass and the season cf the vear, were in a vet v ood condition. Q. Letter List The following letters r main and uncalled for in the Uoseburg postoftice on the twenty -second day of N- vemher, 1881. Persons calling for the same will please say Adver tised: 11. C STAN TON, P. M. Anderson Geo Jones M.s II Uoal C 2 Kane N 2 I.i Hf-r Mrs B Leonard Cap.) J N ' ;.rtt Jacob McNcal E 11 (;,:-). etc Mrs Clara Macklaud Mr i;:wm!i. Mrs I W NeM man J W i;i;-. ti. Mrs Sina Ibdling Allen Chaueay Jno F Ross Dora Claik.Maiy A Shong Hugh Dimmirk Mrs V A2 Shxw B F4 Dtevrry Chas W Symonds Josiah Ford Win J T-ivlorA Franklin Jno D Thompson L L Godfrey Thos WardJaiues Gicbs Mrs Carolina Ireland T A 2 Ladies' Medical Adviser- A Complete Medical Work for Women, handsomely bound in cloth and illustrated. Toils how to prevent and cure all diseases of the sex, by a treatment at home. Worth its weigh in gold to every lady suffering from any of these dis'wscs. Over 10,00u sold aiieady. Post pa td only 50ct. Pos- t ,1 -ta ... O - . a ii - " . V. .Jl.(ll.,ir.3. I 1 1 L.l. NUN DA PUBLISHING CO Nnmhi, N. Y. Nov. 1st 3-in Tn3 Housewife's Fayorite. We will send free for one entire year, to every lady who sends us at once the names of un married ladies, at same address, and 12 two-cent stamps for postage, our handsome, entertaining and instructive Journal, devoted to Fashions, Fancy Work, Decorating, Cooking and Household m.Vters. Regular price, $1.00. Send to-rhy, andsfjcnre next nuiiib-.sr. Atldres, DO-. MEST1C JOURNAL, Nuuda, N. Y. Nov 1st 3 -m Don't Give Up Yet- It doesn't follow that a patient will die bc'ca ise til? doctors have 'given iiun up," or that he will recover because they promise to "pull him through." It is never too late to try the great virtues of Parker's Tonic. Dr. Michael Guilfoyle, of Binghampton, N. Y., was cured of Rheumatism by it after ten years of unspeakable suflerin". Mr. R. W. Mosher, druggist, of the same city, certifies that he. has sold over a thousand bottles of Paiker's Tonic through its reputation for this and other cures. "Wide Awake Druggists- Dr. S. Hamilton is alwuv 8 alive to his business, and spares no pains to se cure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency for the ce'ebrated Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. The onlv ; ifaiu cure known for Consumption, i '-'..(.-, Hoarsness, Asthma, Hay Fever, !'i:.. hitas, or any affection of the 'I hroai. wnd Lutifis. Sold on a positive guatant'o-. Trial Bottles free. Reg ular sizj $1.00. Now is your time to lay iu a supply of merchandise. Go to Iban's and save from J WT. P.. Clark of Coles Vallev was in the City vesten lay. Tt is the first 1 . , J t.w mo uitiuv. m.i rtMiraiaiitn . oilier; j , , . ,. . . . tiie election, lie came in the inde pendent onice looked around viewed our force with a contemptuous air. Fioin the lire in his eye it was easy to divine that he wai mad. We ven tured to ask if theie whs any iiews froin Coh s Vailev. He replied in an Hiigry tone of voi "I haint got"' any Hews ami I (lidn't tome to town for any news either." Hh left the oilice and shut, the door ai'te.i him with a bang .im1 as he siaited down 3Iaiu Street we heaul him mutter "wcli thfiy tan't liuit lue mm h. Tiie freight charges v-re as good a proles ticu as I want i.i the lumber trade. As I have a 'mon opoly of the saw miil business anyhow'.' As Mr. Clatk has been agoril ciistomei of outs we do not want to do him am ijiistic'. We think he takes a p'ail osophicas v iew of the sitna'iun an . how. i A RINGTON lii. mi Nov I7ch. 18S1. At Civil fiend Or. to the wile of V. L. Arington a Daughter Si! s. IJU RBAGE Bom Nov, b, ISSi. . At Moaiic li-coit O.-ij j a to tnz vit's of J. W.Burraoc a son. MEW THI3 WxlEK. In the County Court of Doula-s totmty, t-t?te of ( avoa. Won- Ah Seyow, I'laiiiilff, vs. Jalson A!anis ami Harvey hrmvn, i:a;tinjrs Oointr business in PouJa eounty, .Mate of Orc.n unUer the name of ore0'oi. Nickel Mine, l e.enlants. Action at law to recover money. rP EPSON ADAMS AMI HAKVKY BUOWN J. the aloe nanif.l Uei'cmuuts: In the name of ti.e siate oi Oregon, you are hei ebv le mireii to appeal a.id a.iswer the com;il.iiiii i.loi auiat vou bv the above n.-.cicd I'lauitilF la tiie above n.i;;ie ! Court ia ti.e atve ei-titiei aetion wrdim ten days from tl.c ";,IC "f t;;e.-ei -vice of this sU:tiuijau;ou Vou if serve. within tli.8 eiMii.ty, ..r if t-ervea in a:iv Jther aa;v ui this state then vviti.iu twenty uays from tho ua.l ot tiie servee of th.s sienmo'is iijm.'i yt u, or if surveu by pubiieadon tnereof you are berebV it- Mrred to uo pear and answer the i-ain i i iiii.iiinn'on "r btn re tl'.e lirst day of tl,e next re-ubir tenu of the above nan-u court, winch is the firat Mwicl iy, the fdh da v f .'ai iiary laSo, and if ou fail so to' appear and"ai.cv,ei, for want thereof, the plaint. ff wiil trke jwn t"' ..uamst you for the tun, t.f y-t e and interest i here on ate.trhl erccnt i er annum f.-.m, the 14th eav f Novemb-r l.ssi, and f,.r the eosts and d sbuiLCii.et.t oi this action. iH:ur m..h;c November 1 !th, ISSt, b," lion. .). S i itzliuh. -hide of the County Court of piv.'-hs county. State of ore-un f.r service rf this suumunis by p.Uolieat;..ii. WILLI... A JoNES, Ilov" Tt Attorneys for Plaintiff. Giiarilii&irs Hale. VfOTICE IS HEKEP.Y ulVEV TH VT THE I'v 11 dcr.vined thiardiaa of crcs-l L. Clie'i-wet'i laaior iicir of John e l.e:iove;h, hue of Pou-,a . t ;,' ty, (ox-oii, i:0Lfci-e.l, h:is been duiy li.-en ,.e.t an feetcil by tac County vourt of Ph;U4 . oa.itv A. ,11, by an order jnadu and entered of Kc.-oH Ai the 2.ji.h day of October, A. P. Iii4; to sell' alV'tli,' n.riit, tiile and intent of said mim,r, the wic iit-i-an undivi.ed ..lie-fourth (!) i.Kcrest, (su(i.:t t.. iV P..wer n-ht or ntcrc-t of bis mother. Mai-nda i hen ou tth) in and to tiie fodovvinjj des.-ribc i Heal Estate i'l i Manias Co'.mtv. ire on. 'o tvit- " " ' .-v;u. i. , . j n.iues..iiie Dei!if Icsi 'nat-d as lot one of Scetioa i;, '1'owiiRhiji 2ii S, liaii'x-r" VV confining :i"..75 acr. s of I.m.', more ' ie I the S. A of the S. W. J of . is, a :d lo i and (i of ;Se. 1!, T. S., ii. 4 Y. conla;i.i,, ' l i i of land, more or les-; ii:e N. V,'. J , . tb.Ac i "i the N E. I; the N. E. of the N. E J and lot o-',e ef SCv!. il, T. -2;i S, 1;. : W. eontaininy r-s ,f Uvm!, more or !e-:: All that, part of the P.V. atiii Land Chum ,,f E. !'. Whi.tier, eLum N'(. 4) ,.;,.., ., portion f set- is, T 2i; S, K 4 W, ti e south p- VtMf raid Pomtion la in e iilaiiiin- 10 acre- r.f l- i.,i nore or 1-ss, and lyinjr on the north side of ill W-th i'motpia river; the S K j of the S E 3, and 1 .tV.ne' of ee 2.1, T 25 S, !i 5 W co.it noin- acres f plnd 1 1,8 undivj-led one-half interest, in u 0f t!i T vv I . .. . . . . ' . ' . an ot Ilic I III lllC.r... I III .-S". '. . I ',; It 11- t . above .lecr;!eu lands being in Daugla Cnuntv, Slav of Oregon. " In persumee of said licence and orde-, I -vi!l the SI d vv oi' ubckmukk. ls,si, at tae hour of l'. o'clo;k, v. M. of said dav. on the .ren.Kn. sud cou ity and State sell f.,r casii in ha id at. nnMie i :in ti.in to the behest and be-t bidder all the ri'-h' J tit!- and interest ..f said minor in ami to the follow- in-,' ore.in.-e-. u. n. All i ,::t part of thf Ponatio:' Land '.aim of John 11. Mills ai d v ife Notil . atV No. 3107, in T 2o S of It:, W f Willamette -Men,ii-t, lyintr no the south side of theNor.b I;tiii,,iii riv in faiil Tovnh:p and H.me, containing 'about 4ne acres ol l ir.d, more or less. Also th mitMvided ' intcaest in all of the N W . of the S W ) of Se ii T ?.( S, It 5 west of Willamette Mendi.uin Vuiv'u county, Oregon. I will also it the hour of 10::;o o'. ock. . M ,,f sai ? dav on the hereinafter c'ecrd ed premi e in stid l ounty and Stt, sell for cash in h-oid at iuhlic.. action ro the highest and be-t bidder all the'-i-ht. title .aid intertst of said minor in and to the f blowing- described jirpm'sos, to wit: The !,neoio:i i,aii i i laun ,t .lolin y, Mill? and wife. No tification No. ;n!7. the pan e beiny the fractional S i of Sec 24, vid th- frctioied N of tec 25 T 2'i S, it S W cwt-duiiijr 40 acres o: land, more or'less, ecent in r therefrom so much thereof aslies o i the south side of the North Finpfjoa rivir. Fractional N E of the N E J of Pee ?6, T2(! S, R 5 W, the -une bein desi-naled as lot l of .sec 2ti, T 2(i S. It 5 VV, e intainiojf 25.75 a res of land, more or less tho S I of the S W of Sec H, and lots 4, ft and 6 of See lf, T 2(1 S. U 4 W containing: 13t.ll acres, more or ics- 'the N W . thi? VV V of the N E . the N E J of the N E and .t 1 of se ; 24, t 20 s, R r, VV eon taiidnif :i5.5S aeres of laiid, more or les?; All that part of the Pollution Land Claim of E v' ivhki.i,!,- claim 41, beinr a portion (,f Sac IS. T 2 S, U 4 W t ,t south "art ,-f said Donation I laim containinir '.Hi acres of land, more or less, and lyinjj on the north 'i le of the North t'miiqua rivtr, the S E of the S E a- d lot 1 of Set - 3, T 2fi S, I! f, W cont -.ini ' r.S.": acres of In- d.more or less; the S i of the S E of See 13 T 215 S. It 5 W c mtainin r 80 aores of 1 in 1. m re or !es-; the S i of the S VV of See 13; the S E of tbe E 1 of See 14. the E 4 of the N E awl l"ts 10 and M and the N K of the S E 1 of Sec 23. T 20 S. 1! a W containing 27!) acres of 1 oid, more or less. All of the lands herein described to be sold will be sold n.s the undivided interest of the said Minor, and subject to the Po,ver rii.t or interest of said Minor' mother. Malinda CheiiOweth . Jamks Ciiencweti' Guardian of Creed L. Chciioucth. C. A. Sehlbrede, Attorney for Guardian. nov22 'it mm rei AGENTS AUE MAKINil fortunes belliiijr o:ir new and poi idar books, " I'he H B5M' Si l inverse. ' '-Lives f ilic Preside-its," "Paujfhtersof America,-' "Austin's In ilipensible Handbook," "lFstory of . hrsitianitv," and the latest anil iniickest seihui novelties, lie liist iu the field. Address i.oi;ii.M &. CO., Publishers and Aent4t novlo-lt han Francisco, C'al, SEND TEN' CENTS for postage und re- ce,v-(j tree our new combination J encil: has seven different useful articles. Just out. Ajj-euis wanted. Address 11AKT NtVELTV CO., norir-4t San Francisco. Cal. DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Stree', R.'seOiiro-- The proiTetor of this well kn wn and popular resort won hi diank hrs Irb-tds f. r their libe nl patrina in tbn past and vubl a-k for a cont iuiauee of became in the future, Tiie public ii iuf irtned that I keep none but (be best brands of wj e, Jquors and cigaftj ami that I sell over the bar the te!e bratd JeSie Moore Si Co.'h Kentucky Uhisk;e A good billiard Utile will be found in tbe saloon; also the leading poers of the world. I he l.o!i-i.t',ou Lud claim of .b.hn R. xyj.; .v., wife Notinti- n No. SW7, the same loin- "th-. fraclioiia! S,( of .Sec. t, and the fi-ueta.aal Ni o" " 2.1, T. 20 S., ii. 5 V,-. eoaraiiiiiiy; 0 acres "of i.uuV more or less: fraetimial N. E. 4 f,f fhP . ' i , 't iiioic u; less; toe - 4 oi me S l. j of Sec- 1: 'f o j .s ti 5 W c'mtahiin? SO al-rei of lunJ, more or les " he S J of tl-.e S W 1 of S.-c 1 ; the S E j ,,f ,j,e s E of t: the E t of ta.j N E J, an 1 lois i0 an.l 11 o,i tl,r N E J .f ihe S K 1 of See 2:S. T 2.J S, U 5 W 't 'in. t iinni; 2iS) erc of 1 ind, nvue or Ifs Gat zaViaiSlte To the Pabli Rosebicg, On., Oct. 29th lsSL To the Pcblic : Desiring to engage in other pursuits I have determined to close out my en tire Siocii of General Merchandise within tiie n;xt si.;tv days, atactual cost nii.es. Tiiis is nohu.ubug; I mean what I sty. A..y parties purchasing of me can hare the liberty of exauiin- ug niv' invoice books and satisfy tJiem seives as to I'.ia wholesale price paid ror each at tide. Those desiring to p.irrhase tiieir winter supply of j Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Giusswi. re and Groceries, vviil make on an average from 20 io oO per cent by availing themselves of tlitd opportunity My ttnuis will be strictl v cash for all i;ii under 50., and over that amount approved notes vviil bo taken on three, four and six mouths time, bearing iu- ereat. Tiis vviil enbLs those having wheat and wool to sell to retain it in til a mere favorabhi price can be had. I shall begin selling out on the the above terms on and after Novem ber 1st, 1881. F. P. HOGAX. Biin r on vour job work. It will be piempiL attenilcJ to, and at reasona oie prices NOTICE! People goinu to Poiitland SUOI LD li EM EMBER THAT SEVEUAN0E&Y0GUM, Are. THE Photogiiaphei;?, Cast Poktlanp, OkeooxI iSiiiley Block, 4iii St. bet. 1 & 3 I orFER FOPv SALE A FINE LOT OF At my iParm, sis miles from Ecscbnrg, on tiie OjIcs Valley Road- H. CONN, Sr. arb;t op l Ifcxt Door Live Oak Saloon Sosc-burg- WOi'klHSllliEi&t? 2elICk. UiYATIA. Iu the County dure of the State of Ore g 'ii for the County of Douglas. In the Matter of the Estate ) of A. JMood, Deceased. ) rpo M ItS. J. E. MOIUJIS, SAMUEL li X Moutgoniery, Win. li. lluiard, and tin Odd Fellows' Orphans Uomeot Uivvon, am: all other heirs, -Jcvisces or persons in uuealt-o in said Ivitate: Whereas application was made in due foriii of law ny David Morse, Jr.. adminis trator of tiie Estate of A. J. Mnoily, de ceased, to tiie County Court of Doiiyta County. Oregon, .for an order authorizing empowering and directing him to sel!, a such a-uuinistra'or, the real .ropeny le toiigin to the, estate of said de:cA.M:d, to-wii: Lot No. ( in Section 34, and Lot No. 3 in Section 27 in Township IS, South of baii.e 12, West of v illaiuette Meridian, contain -iu (J3 17-100 acres; also that tract lieuin niu at a point 13 50-100 chains west of tin corner to Sections 'J(J, i'7, 34, and 35, run ning thence west G i j!-1 00 chains; theme south 23 9-100 chains; thence youth Go' tie grees ea.st 1 3G-100 ehaius; them-e north 31 degrees east 2 40-IO.) chains; thence soiitb 45 decrees ea.st 3 32-ieu chains; thence north 70 decrees tast 1 07-1 00 chains; thence north 23 04-100 chains to place, of ne-iimui, contain ng lo a 10 ) petes, lucindiug tiie Florence iiotel lot. occupied by T. F. Sally, and also the adjoining lot occupied by A. li Bnttolph. Also the tide land abutting on lot 5, Sec tion 27, and lot G of Section, 34, containing H) G3-100 acres, lots 1, 2, 3. and 4, Stction 34, and lots 4, 5, ami G, bectioa 35, contain -ing 44 41-100 acres. Also the tide land abuttinng on lot 7, Section 14. Ad in Township IS, South ot ibiiige 12, West of the Willamette Meridian. And whereas said. Court fixed as the tnm and place of hearing any and ail o ji'ctioiis to the prantiU'4 f .said order and licens,o ul sile at the Court .room of said C"iirt in the Court house in Rosebtir, Dongas Countv, Oreicon, at 10 o'clock. A- !., o.i Si:urda, October 1 St 1 1. 1SS4, citing you and each oi you to be and a; pear at said time and place, then and t here to show cause, if anv you have, why such order and license should not issue f-r the sale of wai premises Wimp?-', the Hon. J. S. Fnzhuirh, Jnde of said Com t, my hand and the seal of said Court this 11th day of September, 1SS4, G. W. KIMBALL. seal County Clerk. By W. T. Will GUT. Deputy Xotice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tbe County of Poojrla?. In the matter of the estate of William P.artou, deceased. "VTOTICE IS HEKERY GIVEN THAT THE VN L dersi-'iieil admiiiU'ratrix of the e-tate of Wi! liain lJivrton.deeta-seti, has (lied her final account of her aiiministrition of said est at in the County Court of lmurla county, State of Oregon. Th:n said Court by an order duly made and entered therein on Thnra. day, the 25th day of Sc'it., ISSt, apjxiinted Mouday January 5th, at 10 o'clock a. it. of said il.iv. at the court rMini of said Court, in the court house iu KoMjliurg, a time a-id place for hearbijr o'ojeetions, if a ij. inero uc, io ai-i miai aeeount ana the settlement of said estate This notice is published by order of lion. J.S. Fitzhugh, Countv Jude. KLBECOA CARTON . Admmistratrix. W ulu & Jone, Attorney for Estate. i--rS. OAKLAND A CADES Yl Onklnn;!, Kitotigtas Co., Or. School Year Begins Monday, September 1, 1884. fjptTTION PEU SLS.iUN OF TWELVE WEEKS: Primary tirst Gnuie ,uni r i:ia-s Second O i iu e Junior t. ias. . i irst Grai'e Middle clas. See.md t-r: de, SLddie Cltisa or CUs; ML sic. " Twenty focr Lessons t'se of Iiiiti u:ue!it. , . . ltKAWl.N'U AM) P.iTiV: 4 GO. 5 ro. ( i n. 7 .50. .. . . . 9 10. .....10 tO. -...$12 00. 2 50. Tvveiity-foui Lessons , 4 00 to $12 CO. Se;:u for Catalogue. T. Itrssdl, Principal. MRS. 31. Ii' BATCH ELOlt HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Office On O ik street, one door west of the Central Hotel, RO.-EP. URG, OI F.G ON. B. BmMh 1 Co. DEALERS IN W.T.T Wl Til uJ3Ji. AND Next door to the New Baktrv. I l' i t is o 1 i- u t o : THECETOAL HOTEl, Corner of Cal; antl Rose Sireeta RcselElg, ClCCE. Board $1 per' Day ; ingls Meals, 25 cents. This house has Iatelv chanrnl bnnd and is thoroughly renovated and refurnished l.i traveling public will iind tho best accommodations. NO CHINAMEN EMPLOYED. Free 'ISus to and from the Train. s-.rmi BAILEY. 5T ROSEBURG OREGON. First right hand room, up-stairs over Marks' Store. 1 q i-i:s and aitciaticno neatly done. (Xtxt Door to Key'3 Retauraut.) Ilo&sljurg, Oregon. Fmest lirpiors and the celebrated Kicker cigars passed over the bar to everybody. MOO HE & FAIU'-IS. Rozehm Oregon. Best Cljr.'irs, And leading papers'.' Cozy Club lioom for the use of patrons. JOHN FAIiQUAK. I:, the County Court for th state of Oregon, county of Douglas. Henry Walter and August Walter, partners doing ..usiMess uder the linn name . f Walter liro-. Co P.ai.iUiis, vs. S. ne.-Mey, l ctenJaut. Action at Law to I'-jover M.t.-ev. oeek ley, Peadmt: la tho name of tha . ... .uoiiu ,,t naitor isms. kv tu., on or before. tbe hrst day of the next re.ii.:r term of aio court, to wit, M .nday, the 5th d-.v ,.f .'-.nuarv, A- P. iss.,; an . ii you fail to S j ansncr said ct..:. plamt toe idamtijf, wiil fciktj jtidc-au'.it a-.-ai.iM. you lor the sum of .me humire.l .m i c.ve itv's: v.-.i arid 0,,-lot dodars with interest the.-et.n at the rate of i-.gnt p-er cont. per attiimn from the 27th d.-y of June, i.si mas jn.'Xemei.t, toyeiher whii the "costs and .nsoiiietiie;its. 'iiiis himuiiona is pabl-yhj:! hy order of II. m. -T. S. i-it2hti-h, -Ju.'-oo: sid Co:ov Court, of t;ia SUte( 're-o:i, f ir tiv; tJ-moty of Pon-Ln. ila.ie and enter ed tiie 1st day of October. A. o issi HL'liMAN.V 'llALL. A;tortieys for plaintiff. Lt':t 1111:1, .r 11 . I...... ..... . e ,i- oUt-e of fFiiial Hvtthnwnt. In the County Covtrt cf the State of Oregon foi the eouiiiy oi inugias. la .he. matter of tha estate o J. M. M. 'en.bIe, dewa.;ed. : Oi'K.'E IS HEUEUY CIVEN THAT THE UN XA i.crs:;;,icd adTiilnistr .itrix of tiie estate of .J. M M V c:i:;b;e, deeeasci, ha, filed her a.iaiaceomi:. of hr ,'.i imoisir .tion of said esiats in the Count v Curt o l'i-ugLtscoun.y, State of Oregon. That said :.urt ny a,i or.ier duiy made aon entered therein on Tuts- t,v I' ' h '-av ot tei-t.. 1 si :mi.ii.if..i vr. .... uary ;Uh, Is'. ..t iUo'eloek .v. Si, of aid ia v. at the court room oi seal Court, in the c mrt house, in Iloseburg, a time -oiu t la.-c for healing ohjectams. if anv there l e u.K.id mial a count and tue setUement"of said eaiue. 1 ;i:s nota-e is published by oj,der of Hon. J. 3. "iiiij.i, v.uiur.j- juujc. JV.NE VENAP.LE, TI . t. .. Administratrix. Hermann & Ba'l, Att irneys for Estate. Ureek Mills, HAV.,,0.r.,PRCHASE! TIJE ABOVE VAMP imiN of K. Stephens and i o., we , re now v inirea tofuruUh a.n- am.uut of ihe belt qEuifo ever offerel to tbe public in Douglas county We w d furmsh at Uie mill at the foiling prie- .'u. i noorvi -No. 1 fiiiishin S-.. -1 .1 xo. i fiis;ihl-' luwiw.';::::::;;;;;;;;;:;:; Zrr si; No. I finishing lumber dreised ofi '-i 's'id'eV. 24 per M .io. l ftawlti.ig lujaber dresses! on 1 sides. per M CLAIIKK & P.AKEll. 1 IJ'tlfyji1! sea l six c snts for postage and fl I lJlJhich;itheIp-j.lI,of either sex, to more money right away than anything el e iu this world. Fortunes await tho workers absolutely sure At once address TttCE and Co., Augusta, Maiiie. XotiiTC i he'-ebv given that I hav given my two sous, J.diti K. isnthcrl n 1 aal S. 1. Sat nor! an 1 their time. I eiauii non-3 of oieir -ags a i I wi'l not ray anv of tivdr debts F'CN PEL SeTIIERLIN. - ... U.CS.M, you ars hereby required to appear ..:.d a.iswer trie complaint flied atfainst vou in the above entitled court an.l aetion, by t ie piamtiff s, Hen y Walter and Au-ust Walter, partners doin- btlsi- Oakland Or., Oct. 15, 1331,