The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, November 15, 1884, Image 3

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(- :Y re.nil.T rncet nga on WedniMdttv on or before
l&'-iipach luj JU )iii. K. Ii.i.lijIAS.S. V.'. H.
J. P. Pr CA.V, tisc.
.No. , I. . O. K, meets
- c;i Thurtav eves an of
c'i week, at 7 o'clock, . in Vatic luil mi Kcftbar.
Me a!.n.!'.j o t'.ie ord ;r in t.ju 1 sij,adi:i0' arc hivUcd to
a:i,i".i i. tit ot'lar ut tits a'. O
UMi'N KN",'A I'M r'.ST, ?. 0, I. . O. P., ntC8t
at, id l'c 1 o'-t t'.l ;1.V. v I Vi'.r-l i Vi lays .,r
e.cvv juoil.'ii.' 4i.uiax b;"ewU"a mviusJ t- a.te;id.
- L. iiil.fil-S. O. P.
A. C. Muiks, Sjj'ibe
, UMPQ'JA OJUPTSirt. N'-.H, F. A. ?!., h'U
-11 t.uU" iu-ul'ir c )i:i:n-.i!ii :SU'im t-r..ry first
" :u r-n 1 faira Viid.-d.iy in civJi jr.T.itii. A'.i
Vis..tit (-o-n;ja,iU),n e tavlMi tt wesst with Use
h.ij.iii v. lie.i coav:Ui:it.
J. C. Fw-znrns, 11. l
W. I. I'lMSDi.XMKS, Sd-'v
. Foa Fall. A splendid.- .upright
piano offend for saV clnvip. Apply at
this olnse for particulars.
Ii.iPvN-. In lioselmrg, Tn"sliy nihN;er 11th, to tho w h-s of ioa
Moon.; a ko:i, weight 1-1- I':. Kau:e,
Gruver .Cscv eland Id oore.
Ivo is tne
proudc'it man in the city.
Board of Hegkkt.x Dr. Hamilton
Ml tiiu niornn.g for Eagfrn Cay to
attend the hp. t iai luretis-'g f tht?
Bur.rd of Jieuts cf tno titato Uni-tisity-
called to lvcynmicMnl an-. ap
jroj -nation fur a new building.
.Fixe Potatoes. Mr. J. IF. Whit"
sott p;i 1 his lt-ganLs to this oiiieo .cue
t-y tills v.-tf-.di in tho shape of a sack of
as lin.; potatoes as Oregon ever produced.
Thiransof tho ilocutj variety, th xid
of 'whieli Mr. V. 'itnportetl i'roia the
oast. Tiiey aro enormously largo- ami
miliko most extretuT'ly larg jjotntoes
jro- ed to be tlia very l;est in tpiality.
Caud of TiiAXK?. On behalf of the
Cleveland and Hendricks Ciub of lui,
Uic we i-xiend l:s to the iihtine
i.n-.l i.ogatt Ciub of i icbcbu rg for the
ijordial loan of their lamps fur our par
:.di tua Sattmlay before e!:xti.;n. We
a!! d) gi-eatty rejoice in the I ruth which
your kindly oiiiw in this i:iotai:c evin
ces ' that even in the hci'ut of pli!.iual
t'Xcit.LMurufc v are ail fiiouis and
brothers and citizens of one -common
A'.:. t:xz lt.v To e ouv t!; j p-rt.t
b'-r Ute an 1 sarp'iss sll prt viou.? dibits to
pit-asc i'.s! p-d,itt!, roijuiii's n si:a!l anuJuiit
ti iuav.vk JJ mid no little skill, and when
wo rti'iK'tiibvr that l';e vary a.ivcuI!o Siqtuil
fruit rc a hi .', Sy"p of I'.5, vi as .l'Caefieia'
t( tiie yjf.-i as it in aoccphdde to the stom-ur-li,
we icM-.U'.y undcretatid why it ia tin;
tuiivewd favorite p. a cure f-r habitual con
fctip tiion and other ills .'uasn-g froia a weak-
,xic3., aa-.-tive condir ia d Van l-owvk-,
lit.taeys, liv.-r and ssloariuh. t-ampiu !atiles
tro Jare loilies f...r sale hy S. liaaiit
ton, Un'bu!, and Pa;.-e & L'im'aieU, Oak-
.'.r2 Iloasrjuy. S.uulav night,
.i .l-;;,-':, (., ill! 1: ;o ; h ,i in, ag ;,;t for the O.
C b'ain-w.ul ' at Medford,'- Jackson
o.ouity' inoi ju.t lighted the lamps in the
f-U at t;;fc phu.- wiieu he Wi:S Ci.n
h .r.c i ay aail m-iu with a mask over
tiie-upp-;-portion of Ids face, and long
:;..:.!.-!, suppos-d to ie false, who
p:--.,.r-iie.i a p'st.oi and deunindecl that
aop.-n ti e safe ttm Ueiivcr over the
eoutiititx.' Tha manner of tho "
v-itor was so prsuusivo Mr. Cun
liiu-hasa was fofecU to obey, which he
did, ii mding ou-r to the thief some six
I.ati.irM dollars. . The robber then
t nked to the door and junde good his
fwap... Tiie ibdiroui couininy have
o.iei-.-d a 'e.v;a"i of vUC'O for tin: arrest
- nd convief io;i f tie- thief.
MA'::MKD.Tn;-.bij: No.-omber 11th
lc' i, at ;!: res'd-.iert- .of ih:) bi-id.i .
faji.e.w, I. ii. Xieiedx, '.iii.hb'o, lo
ll -s. i )', Q. B.-o-vi., ot
i:' t:i,. lo M;s .Anita,
of i Higias CiMlaty. Tl)3 liewjy e rleo
oiipie s aried o.l Wednesday' train
loi their luiii'o Uoiuo in t'ie golde
Twue of Caiifoi-i.ia, taking .vith th-.-u.
I : . best v Uli vi :l hosts of trieitvl.-s and
a-'-Viaiuianees. Mr. leowo has reside !
temporarily' in .this om.ity for Mime two.
years or mors as superintendent of tiife
er ;; :i::- i X"Tck-.i .iui:ni near t'o town
i laddie, and o'uring his Voj,uirn in
ourtnidsi by his ge.iti maniy bearing
has tnaig u host .f fri-: 21i;-;s
7-. ie'iob; is a ytut.ig Judy of unexcej -tionab!
p:dit:o5, t,Ht j,....! raisv.l in
tleo trmpqu:t .. Vaiiey. As "she now
1 avos Cii h ,mr? ;f h . vhii lhod for?
to hvr, a .tran-e iaiei, we j u;i .will, her
.many .friends in v. ?shii;g hrr and her
b'gM h-d a long end j-tucp-rous uiat
ri.nonial Hfi.
Apf est kd ecu Mi; iiDKr:. -Deputy
f-UifiiiT S!cui niTcxted a in.iu b tne
inune of Nichols living in Biee Gulch
in this countv, on a warrant issued out
or Justice Caddis' court, charging him
With murdtr. A year or more airo
Nichols and a man named Kctvhum,
who former! lived in Camas vallev,
were hunting and trnppitig on the head
waters of tin South Umpqua. Nichols
returned to the settlements and had
Kctehnms's h'rses, Ideii ho chtbued to
ha-e bouglit, in his po.-e-es-unu. Keich-
nut t!n.l not - return jino a search
v?-u-. tuftds- for him. A short
t imp since bis remains were found part
ly buvood up; but euotigh remaiaed to
i lentifv theni,ns the remains of Keb h
um. Tiio.skull, which was not but nod,
was broken in, showing that he had
come to his' death by violence. What
the evidenett will show, if an thing,
W9 do not know, but, from the nat
ur of the cas muse be necessarily
1Tev.Jop. Coc k, ihr celebrated Bos
ton Iwc.t-.uvr, ias been speaking in-.tls
Willamette. It does not speak well
for -Boxebnrg, since eastern lectin ers
have been coming to Oiegi.n, wc have
not. secured the services of any of them,
Thanksgiving day is the next erent
on the docket.
The weather ha3 been as flaciuatinp;
as t news of the election.
A. A. Fink j returned this week from h;g
cattle ranch in cm Orcou.
For all kiudi of groceries and clothing
t:ik j your casu ud to Jio0n i's
Father iieinrich Las returned from
mi eXitikkd it rip to Coos tountv.
...... . - .
There aie lseveral thousand bead oi
beet cattle tor baiu m Klamath county.
'...-'.! ' - -
Mrs. J. CM 1'icul Jr, of Porthnd,
came up on Tuesday's tram tu visit Ler
pure ills.
.!ii;itL;ui;b. of Iloseur, has oac to A.-di-luud
to us up a smh. lis wilt rtaui u in urns
to ote lor CieVeitatd in 1 job"
The painting of Handle jks brie!;
Liock la being erv nrti&ticaSly Uono b;.
Aici&'s. Tyliea una Junker.
j 'ho I'iilaee saloon i.s now con J acted
l, John AicCuiuj and Johnny JSTc
Mv. laiqiiHi- liuvii.g retired.
b;ILOiird CUi;K viA iian.cJ.atdy re-'
iiove tiot:p, Viit?pUig con-h ai.ti liic-uchUi
UoLcrt ilcCuiioeh is hitmg up the
Murks Lad to be u.-:ed as a saloon, 'ihw
ye:ila-j budduig wiii be niiiied.
Captain Cox, of Sinsiivw, in the
City tins week visiting xnends and at-tc-nUiinj
to some laud bubiuess.
1IACKMETAUK, a la.-tiegdmd fragrant
peliuine. 1'iioe 2j and 50 cvuts.
M:ss Matubj Breutano, of J ackspa
vilie, flopped a few ctays to visit
friends in ifoseburg, on her leturn
irom Portland.
A NASAL IlUKCTOli free wUbeach Lot.
f Miiioii's Calaiih AViuctiy. i'lice 5y
c-.uts. ; ;
0. Tho:.'.;.soa, of hiddle, was attracted to
oar city tins ween and remained several
days.' No uei-r.i welting to hi-iti the now s
or pa-h.tpi to icaru who is ckctu J .
WHY WILL YOU coa-h wheii- IfhiUvs
Curowiil give ianncdiaU relief. Price 1U
et$. uo cts. ai:d 1.
V dl C. King, Ciand Lecturer for
the U. I,, i. O. G. T. will address the
people as follows: .'Myrl le Cretfk, .N o .
.'1st; l-h'tneh Betileuiont, 2'J?i.
FOit L'lSI'KPSIA tnd Lncr ComiUiiit
oa have a printed giurantca 'on every bot
t e of SiiUviii'ii Vitulizr. It never fails to
ui:r?. . .
While engaged in a difficult surgical
HM-ati-h in his pig Ktje, Tuesday,
L'luis Pteteliei ha-l the nii.-forlune to
severely cut his hand, uecesitating the
aid of Dr. Davis to chess the wound.
TIIE KKV. iK0. IL'1HAYKH, of 13or
to, lud., '"iJoth uiyseif and wife
oue oar lives to iiii.Oli'd (JOAdUii-
Kcw si! ps have bueu placed in front
of the Court, the old ones buy
ing been broken down by the immense
throng that .attended the 'last givaM
rally' of th Deinoeiais.
ARB YOU MADJi miserable by indiges
tion, cons tipatttai, diusir.css, less of Hp petite
yekow skin ? fcihiioh'a Vitalijicris a poiti"e
The family c lh Henry Conn, Sr.,
living in ihe Frencii tiettlemeiit, this
coiiiitv, have been sorely ailbcted with
rynoul iever. Mrn.- Conn, a son and
d.iugntt r !ia e aii been prosit a tod. wim
tne teer, but aie s.owl re-covorin".
iiuin; Jotdaii Tiud id . M. iiawn of
Co.. en vain;. were isotlitj city. Wednes
day. Ti.ey were boin anxious to k..ow
wi;o was citcttu 1 rcsiue::t. It w,is
Uitheeossary to ;;sk as tjimoti Caro's
equate uanea
were useless.
too daiitlyj words
Ft.r l.-it.a rtck. S:-le or Chest use ShiJoh's
i'oroaj i
iVice '25 C2.ii.s. .
f San i' laneiico, a furni-
er iftubnt til Boljtir''
v. iiS in our
city this week una spent sev tiui das
amidst l bo c( life's of his lo hood, lie
ts ti.guged ak a o. mmtreinl travel-r
iu the n.ttiest!;of the wed known tavior -
i ni Lrui of i. Lev i.
- !
(ma:a kttpiA eupply of fresh oysters on
l.-nd. , Ltia- tliii hi taiml aud g.tru joui
scives accotuiiily.
Olnul.s l.y. tf tiidcsviNe made us a
pita&uic cati vtjfctciaiiy. Jic had just lc.
mi nod irot L.slinu.c on Cow truck, be ex
hibited as cue of thfchn-st bpccniieiiScl gold
ncaiiuy tinarlz. jiir. Jjivciley m ijis modesty
did Hoc claim that it v ..s piciaiiui or that
he i.d ieund the k'ug"3.
That team advertised' for sale, caa
yet be hfcd ut a bioiai. iauune at chid
Mrs. Will C. King, General' Super
intendent, of t
he J
uvcuiie work ;oi ttie
State, under the G. B., I. O. G. I. has
made appointments for public meetings
as follows: Drains, Nov. 15th and
lOih; Wilbur, 17th and lStb; Oakland,
19ih auu 20ih Boseburg, 21si; i'reueh
Settlement, 2od.
Now is your time to lay in a snpply of
merchandise. Gjo to IIi.-aa"s and s.ivy from
lOto a per iu.t- '
Our estrein'ed friend George W'
Denuniek, late Deputy blieiilT under
J. S. Purdom, came up frwni his ranch
on Wednesday and remained , in the
City a couple of days, ostensibly to
hear the election returns but we are ltd
to believe that the city, had other
j charms for George.
The State Cammittse issues r. Statement
to tha People of Ifew Yova. .
1stew York, Nov. 9. The Demo
cratic State Committee bas issuee the
following card :
Headq'es!, Democratic State Cui-
! tee, Nov. 9, lcs'S-i.
e deeut it our duty to announeo to
the people of this State that t'ua. lU
pubbcau managers have within the last
tut) -eight : hours conceived a new
scheme for throwing again into dispute
tiie result of tin election in our fbiule
Pur bevei'ai dnys afu r tiie election they,
in entire bad faith, chained for tii ile
publican canuiuates bo era I States
w bich l bey knew they bud not carried.
In the tame. Lad faith, when every
source cf lnioi niatien, inclmSir.g the
assoei.ite prcsy, had demonstrated- that
i he vo'e of Ix'aw York had een . given
to Cleveland electors, sail endui tho
State. Ko fitct of h story is now bet
ter known than the resuit ot the elec
tion, as ascei tnined, cieciared and cm ti
lled by the election obiuers, and on pub
lic record ' througiiocrt the tJtate.
They give Kew York to the Cleveland
eieeiois by a decisive plurality.
Tin so. - public ct-1 lined returns have
been sifted in several counties, by
both pai'tits,"wilh ths most couseie.i
tious care, (iuriiig the last four days,
until every possible doubt as to the re
sult has bcea rctiicvcd. iviiowjng tbi.,
fact, they now proj;, tis a last des
perate roort, to make of tlu boards of
countv" canvassers throughout the
'itate,-where contro lcd by thin:, iu
many returning boards, after the pat
tern of those not long since used by
them in the Southern States: When
ever boards faii them, judicial orders
are to bo applied for, thus teh iug upon
the 'partisanship of (ho boanis in the
tirst place, and judges of their own
political faith in the second. They in
tend and expect to throw again in dis
pute tho result of the (.lection, and in
volve it in iulsruiiaable- iitigitiau. To
this end printed papers have been sent
by them to their agents and representa
tives in every county i.i the State of
New York, to bo. used with courts
w believer an occasion can be laiauutac
t;ue;l. Of tho entire reliability of our
information as to this schema there can
be no question.
We call upon tepreser.tativcs'of the
party in tho various counties in this
"Slate. to be alert, and by every poss:.
bio method to resist and defeat tins
last desperate device -.and, mindful of
the consecuencos to tli buvnesi
interests cf our Slate, which' such con
spiracy necessiiriaily involve.-?, we deem
it'our duty to assure our' people, who
havo now eneivily acquiesced in tin
result,, that they may confidently rely
that bv no such scheme or devise will
the stale bo deprived of the result of its
deliberate choice, it may disturb ami
protract tho ttemoitstiatioji, but it will
not change ihe result. W. E. SiliTtf. .
Executive Comnifilee.
A Mcniuiien'i t j be ejected to tho Memory
ox .Ogon'si I)ead iiero.
The news that a movement is oil foot
to erect a monument to the memory ot
Gen. Joe. Bane, is being received with
n.iuii ruti..catio.; bv tiie old. seuieis
of Oregon, every o:.e of whom will add
h.s ...iie lo the iund, in order that a
ititin'g trioute may be paid to the mem
ory of W ef-f out's nobio Coveruor and
true friend, it is but justice to Gen
eral Lane that a should be
elected to his memory. Oiegon was
hi.- Lome, and it was here ha for the
las- lime saw the sum-mt.T sun snk to
rest. Seated in his beautiful; iittD
cottage at Boseburg, o:ie week prior to
i'his 'death, ami vvhiie holding a conver
satiou vv uh the writer of this article,
4 VY i;J "'lerwnius was ut the bed.side of
the-old hero, and gently closed his r v e.-;
after ihe Angel of Death hud .summoned
his soul tho Ureal lakuowii,
Central L.ane said: 'L must say that
I am now enjoying tha happiest mo
ments of my life. It will be but a few
lav s before 1 shall enter.- tho other
world, and my "las''- farewell here will
hav e been Said. - My past has been re
viewed by m so if, and I iinl nothing
within it that 1 feel 1 would like to re
cad. Having dote that,; have taken
a final farewell of all thoughts of busi
ness and political cares, and feel' as '
though I am Imppy only in tho ihoughi '
! of lhe beyoiid the grave. 1
shall be buried here here, beside my
dead Wife here, whi-ue I have spent so
many pleasant hours with mv children,
since my retn enomt trout miblie life
J 1 '
and rejoice with theru at the giowth of
the Male we-ali love so vveil." Geac-ral
Lane .was a friend of Oregon. Her
best inteiests were always his, and it is
but tilting that a lasting mark id' esteem
for his many noble trails should be paid
to his ashes. By till .means let the
monument b-e erected.- Mercury.
SHILOH'S.v ITALIZER is what you need
for Constipation, Less of Appetite. Dizziness
andal! .3i..pcu..i of DvWia. ln,-e 10
J 1 " 1 1
I and 75 ceuts per bottle. .
SymFiviiizin yitii Poor Old Vanderbilt-
J learn witli much Badness that Mr.
YvTilIiain M. Vanderbilt's once princely
fortu.'pcj had shriveled down to $150,
000,Tar3. Tii'.s piece of information
comes to me like a clap of thunder out
of a clear sky." .Once petted, fondled
and -caressed. William 11. Vanderbilt,
shorn of his wealth, and resting upon
no foundation but his nerliug integ
rity, must stiugij'e along with the rest
of us.
f u conclusion, I do not know what
to sav, tin less it be to .appeal to the
i;;:vw,p.tpu" uiea of the country m Mr.
Yamiubilts behalf. While he was
wealthy he was proud and .arrogant,
ilo s.iiu: ''Let the -"newspapers be
blankcty hiankt d to blank, or words to
that eib-'cl, but we do not care for that.
Let us forget all that and ' remember
that his sad fate may some day be our
cwn. In our aiduence let us not lose
bight of the tact that Van is suffering.
Let us pro our a place for him on. some
good a per. His grammar and spelling
area little bit rickety, but he eonid be
gtn as ianilor and gra-iua!Iy work his
way tit). Parties havirg clothing or
funds wliich they feel iiko giving may
forward the-sami to mo at Hudson,
Wis?., postpaid, and if the clothas do
not lit. Van thy nay possibly fit me.
Did Kve.
Sent Give Up Yet
It oOcsn'l follow that a patient will
dm because th:; doctors have "given
ban u)," or that he will recover because
lieey to ''puii him through.''
It is never too late to try the great
virtues of Parker's Tonic. Dr. Michael
Cuilfoilo, of Bingham pton, Iv. Y., was
cured of llbenniatism by it after ten
years of unspeakable sud'ering. Mr.
K. W. M.! ; her, druggist, of the same
city, certifies that he lias sold over a
thousand bottles of Parker's Toniu
through its reputation for this and
other cures. . '
Ladies' IIduIooI Advisar.
A Complete Medical.. Work for
Women, handsomely bound in cloth illustrated. Tells how to prevent
and cure all di 'leases of the sex, by a
treatment at homo. Worth its weight
in gold' to every lady sulk-ring from any
of thcs2 disr.ascs. Over 10, COU sold
ah cad y. Postpaid only 50et. 'Pos
tal note or "J et. stamps. Address
M. Y. Nov. 1st 3-m
We will send .free for one entire
year, to every lady who sends us at
once the names of ten married ladies,
at same address, and 12 t wo-cent stamps
for postage, our handsome, entertaining
and instructive Journal, devoted to
Fashions, Fancy Work, Decorating,
Cooking and Household matters.
Begular price, SI. 00. Send to-(Dy,
and secure next nuaib-ir.- Add res, DO
Nov Isto-m
Iheitid Tiisusaads
AH over the land are gfdng inte te
stacy' over Dr. King's New Discovery
foi Consumption.. Tludr unlooked for
i.-'ex . er;, by lie- linnly us a of this eat
life Savin:? r 'n.el ", cause." them logo
ne sny wsl-l iu its pai..-e. It is guar-ve.-d
to positively cure Severe (Roughs,
Cobis," Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis,
iXoaiseness, Bss of Voice, ot any af
fection of Tin oat and Lnr-gs.' Trial
Sbtih; free at Dr. S. Hamilton's Drug
Store. Largs size 1.00
Earklou's Arnica SMvc-
The bi:--T Salve in the world for
Cuts, Brui.-ft-s, Sole;, Ulcers, Salt
lih-.euui, Bever Sors, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Cidb laitss, Oi i-te-, ai..lall Skin
Brupiiou.-, ar.d positively cures Piles,
or no pay required.-. It is guaranteed
iogie i t sat i -T -tef lon, cr money
rete.iided. Pile 25 .-.. ni. m box. Por
sale .'',
.MS. 01
.U:i::-,7:f A8B MAKIXO
. j VI f ;,,. r.i-'idiii-i: our new
I aivcr-w." "hives of the
rrf;si!e:t",",,,r.-.ulitersi.f Awe;i:a," "Austin's In-
i5i--?t's:lte Urn-lUivk.r "ii'nrv of hr.-ithiiiiv.
'.id tae ktc::t s;u.-l tii:ket rcliluu-novolMo.. Be flrt
ii t:s n-rlfi- Aii-.n?1 ( io ii! i A.'! CO.,
l ull::.Ltr- a;,d Agents,
n.vir-it . San rrancisuo, t'al.
r-rrs rn ;j SKxr trs cents
tla tl "? Cia A-rii t;e;vv ires our now
'coait'.iiaiUon Pencil:
has .Bcvpn d'fl.TOtit .lust out. Agents
w.Uito-U A Li'CS liAiii isOVSa.TV CO.,
iovI,"-!t Sail i-V-iacbc o. Cnl.
& CO., cf tho Sanrrrrrc AMr-nicAw. con-
I iMf to cot v.h tviiieitors for Patents, Ctiveuts, Trade
mrks, oopynhls. l;r tiie United SO
.'itrland, Krnce, (iernmif, en
sent free. Thlrt v-s
ts ohtainetl throuirli M
' v0Trfe,?urt'w
frmm!rn. Snecimp
eircu.ated snleitttDc
tc s,'nt frm- AfiuressiiUMN & CO.. tciBxirxo
: AUHtlCAN 0:ViP(. 2..L Hrnna;!V. New Yorlc. i
pecitnpn copy f the
Jackson Strce " v Uoseburg
The p o-retor of t his w ell kn ivvn and
popmar resort won'd diauk his friet ds
f r their libe at pair iia.r in the iai
and w uhl ak for a com nuance ol
hi' sa?n in i he future, t'iie tuiblle i
Jnf rnie-ii that 1 keep none bnt the bo-i
-r-nd!i i.f w; es, "iquor and ciga
and that I sell over tise 1 ar the cele
j brat-d Jese Moore & Co.'s Keul uck
huk e ' . ,
' , "V ,,".,,p;1 w,!M found
; i' ihe saloon; also ihe lea lnir rnti
'of the world.
ites. Canada.
i. Hand Book about
tho largest, best, and
ana Jntrestln(r in
c.-ir-itiiftc Ainer-
2 a id i North Front street,
PORTLAND, - - - . GK.
X. A. hir.STEL.
Eo;nu"r.c, On., Oct. 29tlr 183L
To the Pcmic :
Desiring lo engage in other pursuits
I have determined to close out my en
tire. Stock of General Mrehandh--.;
within the next sixty tlays, at actual cost
01 Be?. Til's i:5 no ha-"bug I mean
what I 5tv Any ii:rtics purchasing
of m:'c;'.a have the liberty of examin
ing nr." invoice b;oks and siiisfy tlicm
i.el cs as l' 1 ha whoh'-ub pries paid
for each a -.tick. Thru- d.'iriug to!
p irchaio ih.-u- vyi.itcr supply o' Goods,
Cioihi.ii', Bi:tsa:-1 Shoes, Crockery,
Ch.-.-.a-.- ve a :.l Ja.:oK vviil make on
..-a uvtJ.-g' irv-ui 20 i o CO per cent by
avai'iug t!.c::.:..dvci of this opportunity.
Mv terms v. i'l be tlricLl cuoh for all
1 Iks OH., ;v.d ov:-r'that :moui:t
r.pprovel note; v. ifi i-: Liken en three,
i'o.u- aa l ' ia"utl." lira-, bearii g
'ci,:.l. V ds wi.l ca.v'ae tlur-'j h iving
vvlo'at, ami wool to sell to retain B
us-til a mere farcraUkv pries can bo
had. . I slil b-ln firing oat on .tho
th- above .err,..-, 0:1 aau after-November
IsVlSSB '" ; P. HOGA.-'
Bring on yo-jcb work.: It will be
-erem-dlv- attended lo,' and at raasona-J
;;!o pi-ices
: p'WSi:oX-i.i r.i:::EM.i5Ett tuat
-Ann THE PiioToG-Arxii:E3
East Pop.tland, Owv.qmJ
Siiiley Block, 4f:i St. Iet. J
-..:-: :;...y,;.: .-r :& l
'.--! : - ry. -:; . ; ' "i&; .v- .' ... ' -?
i crrnu ron sat.h a Fi-: lot of .
At mj Tim, sk rdks froin Sisobrg; ca
ii. co :,":,
''.SEAS, mmmz'B
Uest Dozx Live Oak Ealosa'. Sasolmrg.'
Sliiivin'r mid Hair siUIno: -in a
.. . ITAT105. ;; '
In tip County Coart of t'ic cf Orc
g --it for the County of Doalas.
.Ia tho'Slatlo-r of the E-itate k- k ' .
A. J. M; .i, k'. e' rvr l. )
rno MkS. J. 'Ik MOliiilS, SAMUEL-B.
1 ?.Ln'-enTV,- Via. 0. Miliar.!, and the reiloaV Orphans'. Hor n' of Oraon, atid
all.-0''hvks, -Jcvuees er ncraaas interectttl
in s o.i iktirc:
Wl'.ereas :o);'ll-" tkn vv-15 . made ' ia due
form of law by iUvid Morse,-. Jr., adutitii-tr:tt-r
t;S tic -L-jtabJ of A. J. ?dndy, de
ceased, . to the . County Ov.irt -.-of ' Doajil.Vs
Coin-.ty, ' (rcu.:ni, -for an erdr anthoriiiur.
cinriv.'erii,;; .-md da'Cotin- hirn 'to sol!, a
inclt a.iaihnJ-tra'or, tbi1 re id ''prs.perly: ba-.
I Hi-.:;i n 4 to tie; c-stale -of - sai-i d-scca-icd,
to v. ti: ...
khko. u in ,H.?"'lnn TU, and Lnt ITe. 'S iu
Section 'kf ia Township 15, ii.-uth of l'au..e
1-2, Uct of U'iihtincr.tV- Moi-hliarn contaia
in'CJ 17-U0 aeu-:s '.d:Vo thai t.act; begiu
nii:'; :K a poiat l '- oJ-.L eiiains-'wcst of th
c.-uikt to-Seetions ijo", 7, ot,-!!. 21, ' vnn
iiii: th;.-r! ?e w.t 6 chait)?; thence
o;u.h 2" ibkiO ci'..-ur.r.; couth G'J de!
gre a cast 1 'MMoy ch.nns: thcnfce north' S2
dgrcc-i? east 2 -i-i-10 t;haui:; ' thsnec south
4o" d.-;rviv3 'easi 3 ;'.2-lUn.; ehixins; thence
nortli 73 dvi'rcfii oivc. J (i7-h0 e'.sini--; :lh. uc-i
iorih 21i fff-tUd ehuin.j to p:a :o of bednaiu,
eoataiirt'S io o luj. -;v4,-' iacl'u ling the
i''iorct-c j I Pile 1 Jot--, oeciipit'l by T. V. j:Sv-,
a:i.l :-.!.-o the adjominy: lot. oecii pkd by A- dt
Bat-tolph. " - ,
Also the tide land abutting on lot ", Sec
tion 27, fend lot 6 of Ju-e-ibn SI, contaiaing
It) o':l-hio ;ut.k, . lot? , 2, k and 4, telicn
'21, t'.v.X L-t i, o, and i, Section So, contain
in ! i -i ! -1 0 aervs.:
Ako lite tide aunttinng on lot 7.
Secti.:.4. A I in 'Township'- Is," South of
Uatige 12, West of the Will.i-.aettc Mcridiani
" And vvhercsr said Court its ed as the time
and' place of hearing nn.v and all o' jctous
to the .granting of tai-l oivlcr r.nd . liceu -o of
sle at the Cowrt r.iom of -s-.dl- Court-i.-i the
C; uit buue in Ibiehur,- i'ouulns County,
Oregon, - .at 30 o'clotk, a-, jr., oa HaiariSay,
October ISth. 1824,' citing ' each of
you to be a ad avptara: k-a;d time and place,
then &tos t here to keiw' t-;eas", -if anv yon
have, why ti lth onb-r an 1 tieeni .should nut
issue for the sale of sai t pt'ernise-
Wirnc.-s, the Ilori. J.. .S. Fitzhah, Jadfa
of said C' ttn t. my hand and the stal of haul
Court this 11th day of jptvmher, 1S84.
C.W. K 1MB Aid.,
seal ' "Cuntity Ch rk.
W.; T. VlliUllT. Dujviity
Kctkc-'.of,. .Settlement.
In t!ie County Court'o! tha Stat-$ of Oijon' for tha
-Coaalyof iJot??!.?.- In the r.jatter of tiie e;.t:ste
Y."i?:i,!:'i P....-1-..!, (lo.. fil. -
"roTiCK IH !IJHti::)V. GtVKN"' TTIAT . TIIE Ua
TN : dci"k;rc.i adr.uitirei-x of thu e fata of V'il
ila:a tisu-toa.dcscssoit, hx iilu jrf..t d aonnt of her
;timhiU:?.iUA rf .! I est it tns C:a:itv c'ouriv of
ott3rii -e:nty. 'Kir w if orpin. ' Tha:'Vay -Court-
y a -'"-i1 fe.uyin.tae "id entered therein onTUor
ci iy, iir j 2.:-Ut day i.f Sept., lsSi, ai.oIia..l-Mmdv
Jailarv &tb, i'i i) vVmck A. of afj d-.y,
at the court room of suld t.V.urf.. in the court hoiwo in
iUtfi.tnv. a time a;ij plaee fokheariit.-j oLjeeUo;, it
any there 1, to at.l unvl aetsmnt n-d tits st3-.iie:it
of ud es-dW Tin n;.ilte is -published by ortf'-rwf
Hon. tltshugh, Count- .Tu-l-.-e.-.--: . -
v-: 'liiiBKCCA !V,'.;T0X, - k
. . . Ad..n'tratrix.
Willts i Jo:i03, Attorney f ir Eitate.
t '-"7 . -
. -. .-;- .-;- -:-.--
. ...
m 1
Bkj ntLjt JLYaL
Ctlda;:;!, Delias Co., Or.
Schs:! Year D:gina Monday, September 1, 1884.
rpuiTiox ri'ii sksSion iwelve weeks:
I'rhnary ...... J. ...... .
5 00.
. . 00.
.. 7 SO.
. . 9 CO.
..10 00.
r--rtj (--.!.: jr.i:ior Cl:os...:
KivtlirvJa .Mni.Uu Vln........,
Sc.-.-i:!l orsute, -i:dale class-
Of Cljriii. .... ..i .
!.-- MUSIC. -
Ij"2ty-fiv.r twflj! , .
t'se o l:iii!-r,niriit J.
.112 00.
. I 60.
Twority-roui Lcs-;ous .fl 00 to fit 00
CT r.-rul for C-ido2-t?.
eo. ''. Unsscll, Princirl.
noLircrATiixc physician
Oviv. On Oak street, one door west of th.
Central-II oiel,
' ' ; k 4...V-.; . s'k'-::..
lext door to the New Bakery.
I? y i o o ' M o ti x st t I
Comer cf
and Hose Streets
KottLnre, Crtccn.
Board $Bp3r Day - .Single Ms, 25 cents.
.' - - ' - - . - 5 : ":: ' -.'-"'.
1 -Ina hoy-sc Las lately changed hands -
audi? l!voroii-di!y rtnovatcd and refurnished
'the traveling publie v.iiL find the best
accmn :;:.,!.; lii.-n.-.. -; " -.
sTree -Hm to ninl from the.
- ' j k f-.MITIt HAILEY. '-'..''
2-1 ;:ipY,-k,:
'- k; H k;ri7l ' rn ,1 TSf rx'wii
rTirzt right band rccn., ujv-staira OTer
Marks'. &t-or'cM. cpuiis and alterations
neatly done, k! - : k '--, -
. t-ksf Door rj Key's Ketaurant.) -, '"' -
Fine:-! n.;-- jrs JtuX the cekbx
brated Kicker
ci ,ara pasatd over; the for to every bod
. -Itoselaurg,.' Oregon; - '.-
! Best Cigars,
And ls-ulin? pipers. Cozy Club Eoora
for the uso of patrons . i
In ilia County Co-ai t &.r the Statp cf Oregon countr
.f Douglas. ' 7
Xk-T J'?. a-i 1 X".;usfe VV;Jter, partners doinc
;k,1,5S! tho ilrti M vf Walter Bros & Co
l'i.-o.:stijrs. v. S. j;et k!cy, ncfenieit. .
At-lion at I-w to Ucbf.vcr M.-iiov. " ; - "'
T., S. hoMiloy, Dcf jndant: - In the nams of the
seife oi Oiv-oit, yon are hereby .quired to appear
ard.!i-.:!s"-t.r wc tiled a-siiist vou iiv the
r.s Waher and Anu Walter, partners dolnir bud-"
tier ,;s vtitdcr lb.: I.rm i,sae of Walter Bros. & Co on
:;:i;k;k:ik.rk 'l f f .. .regular ten of'
.... ... tlte-iUt liav .f Jinmnr
A. IK, 1.V. ;ei t ilvoit kl .t
i xlrn, the? oheTUiS.;: vili tike iucnicnt against
y,-:;i i ;i- tls sum ...f oie hm:i ,., 4 . ..".
s.!44 1 J-1DlJ (' J-" ith interest thereon at the rate of
.-.u.u per ci' anuunt from the 27th day of June
iwi uuni ju -c-.ucat,-ither - v.1th the costs ani
Ji l isr.suons h p IMhsJ by orJer of Hon. J. S. '
! ..r;,-a, .;udt:i: snd Oouaty Court, of the State of
Made and
uie u.i aay ct oitoler. A. 0..1S51.
Attorneys for plaintiffs.
Aotke r Final Settlement.
In the Conr.ty Court cf the SUtb of Orejon foi th
County of lou?!ai. In liw matter of the 'estate o
J.-M. ' SI. VcwMe, deecass J.'- ..''' - - - --JVroTtCTMo
XI cci'i.iiod a-jiiiiii'.M.ratrixof the estate of J M if'
V e.'tsWe. ceta-ioJ, h.u filed her fittalacoount of lier'ad
ntt.tistriUcn of said estats in the County Cntrtkf '
t.ced Coanty, ;:te of Ore-on. That said Conrt
u. v uic i . t c ay o: fept. . VSii, npjH.ii.ted Monday. Jan
ur..y oth, W.c!ocs a. 11. of sakidar atthJ.,rt
V:. . 1 V- l. ' nn entrea therein on
into wiui.i(i for he:;nr objections if anv th7
to8,idrUilt?8Pca-.t ami the wtUement of fd
.. w m me court House, in
...... iiiu iur lif SJi
FiUaaji), County Judjje.
' nermann & LUl, Attorneys far ' EtuuJ.1
I TAvpo, PvitarA-snD the above same
.1 L muei ot U ue.hens and Co., we -e tWiSe
iwea to furm-di - any unoqr.t of tho best quality o
,.V- 3CXTEC:33SsaE&
cvcreiTjrcd t fhe puMIc hi Pou-ias countr- We
v.-.;! rii ivia U-ie.ntjil at tiie f.-Uowmg prices:
Xo. I br.:r. !.. . ,tl2 per H
ao. I ! ;in:-. i j-fj, $24 per M
So. I :V;t-i i?, -K:Vkkk'k"k'kJk.82o!jr M
j fi;kkn- i!'Vrdreed 00 2 '.ln.24 peril.
AO- i tmiii::- taai"ocr2Ascd on 1 idea.-.92d per M
k .
,i ipjii.vefree,ae.t!yi
ii I f 1 1-J rjwhh"ti will hetaaH. td
posfase and
c:.l !y box of goods
of either sex, to
n.or; u; iccy right- than .iDythir.g eke in this
world. Fortunes .await the worker absolutely
At onoe afidras TlttTH ivnd-Co., Augusta, Maine.
' -' . . - ' I 1- II- -
B-ffi. k.h t ft. Sttihcrlhi-I and S. .Sutherland their,
time.- I o!.:n noua of itiiir wts-p.-t and will not pay
any of fitir dehtf . -.FSXII. SUTXihLIX. -1
O.-.Hi : 1 1 Oi".. Ovt. lji. .
- r