FOEUGN TELEGEAPHIC NEWS. Andreas Munch, the Norwegian poet, is dead. . Ninety per cent of the cholera victims are women. "War between France and China is now considered inevitable. It is rumored that there are several cases of cholera at Nice. General Norton is arranging for an American exhibition in London in 1S80. An investigation of the Wellington col lery disaster isnowinprogressatNanaimo, B. C. , The jute spinners at Dundee have re duced the wages of their employees 5 per cent. Sugar, it is said, can now be purchased in many parts of Cuba for two cents per pound. A new asteroid of the twelfth magni tude has been discovered by Palisa, of Vienna. The Island of Anticosti, Gulf of St. Lawrence, has been sold to F. W. Stock well for 9101,000. Joseph Simmons, the English aeronaut, has been condemned to two years' impris onment for perjury. A Paris dispatch says: Two cases of yel low fever are reported in Cazaretto, at the mouth of the Gironde. There are 1,700 cases of small pox in the public hospitals of London, and the dis ease continues to spread. The village of Bertischuryl, in Switzer land, was burned recently, and 200 people have been left homeless. Recent statistics show that out of every 06 emigrants that leave Great Britain and Ireland, 34 go to America. The King of Cambodia has transferred the administration of his kingdom to the i rench governor of foaigon. The embezzling manager of the Can tonal Bank at Neufchatel, Switzerland, closed his career by suicide. English steamers, about a score, are re turning from Montreal to Great Britain in ballast for want of cargoes. A Berlin dispatch says the government has given an English firm an order for the largest torpedo boat ever built. A Victoria dispatch says: The run of salmon at northern canneries is good. That on the Fraser river is slight. The Russian Emperor has contributed $100,000 toward the relief of sufferers in the inundated districts of Poland. ' London has fortv-three theaters' includ ing the surburban houses, an increase of twenty-live in about twenty years. Baron Arthur de Rothschild is having a steel steam yacht of 7o0 tons built at U run, England, which is to be named Jkros. The percentage of recruits in the Italian army who can neither read nor write va ries from 28 in Piedmont to 74 in Sicily. It is rumored in London that negotia tions are afoot between iinelana and France regarding the Dutch succession. A post office order of the denomination of S2.50 can be obtained in the United Kingdom for two cents and 5 for three cents. The Canadian government has granted permission to the Canadian Pacific Rail road to carry Montana cattle over its line in bond. Tha liirt.tnn onin of Hilirolfar injured by the bursting of the shot before leaving the gun, cost the English govern- Forest fires have done vast damage in the vicinity of Kingston, Ont. One tract of fourteen miles by three was destroyed by the names. It is feared the exodus from Marseilles and Toulon Will result in spreading the cholera. Migration from Paris to the sea side is unexampled. A virulent epidemic is reported near Kerbela, near Asiatic Turkey. The Rus sian government is adopting precautions against this special disease. The young Queen of Holland is very popular at The Hague, where she has in fused more social life into court circles than has been known for years. The cracking of a gallery in a Methodist church at Anglesea, England, caused stampede, in which many persons were trampled upon and severely injured. Mexican gamblers propose to put two cramblinsr cars on the Mexican Central Railroad, as there is a great deal of quiet gambling done on the smoking cars. The first Odd Fellows' internationa demonstration ever held in Canada, opened last week at Hrockville, Ont., un der the most favorable circumstances. A four-masted iron ship, Holt Hill, of 2,500 tons net register, was recently launched at Southampton, England. She is the largest iron sailing ship ever built. The famous Pasdeloup Sunday sym- hony concerts in Paris are to be stopped. 1. Pasdeloup, who is 03 years of age, has already carried on the concert twenty three years. A dispatch received at London from the steamer Faraday, laying the Bennett Mackay cable, states that she had picked up the Irish-coast end, 200 miles out, and laid 250 miles more. Tawhiao, the Maori King who arrived in England recently, is a member of the Blue Ribbon army now, but is said to have been formerly given to drink. He is an inveterate cigarette smoker. ; A Paris dispatch says there is a general feeling of surprise at the silence of the government regarding the situation in Tonquin. It is believed matters there are in a graver condition than has been ad mitted. No less than fourteen medical students of Paris have volunteered to permit M. Pasteur to try upon them his inoculation experiments in relation to hydrophobia, all expressing a willingness to die, if need be, for the sake of science. It is rumored in London that France and Portugal have concluded a secret treaty against China, by which France is allowed to make Macao the base of land attack up on Canton. Action will be taken to com pel China to recognize Macao as Portu guese territory, which hitherto has been refused. A dispatch from London says that for eign passengers are now examined, and any infectious cases will be taken to Gravesend hospital. The authorities have been asked to intercept a vessel from Mar seilles for Cardiff, on which there are two cases of cholera. While little is known about the details of the arrangements by which the Fortes-cue-Garmoyle breach of promise case has been privately settled. English papers agree, as one of them puts it, that "the actress comes out of the dispute with greater honor than the lord." A large district in Drogheda, Ireland, was suddenly deprived of water the other day and the water company's men were puzzled to account for the stoppage. On examination being made it was found that a pipe had been stopped by an enor mous eel, several feet in length and of un usual thickness. The long-talked-of delimitation of the northern frontier of Afghanistan is at last to be definitely taken in hand. A mixed Russian and English commission will pro ceed in the autumn to lay down the line up to which Russia may advance, and be yond which she can only go at the risk of war with England. The task is a difficult one. The London Truth says that Mme. Patti has signed an agreement with Col. Maple son to sing in America next season. She will sail for New York in November. She is to receive $4,000 for each concert, and all her expenses. She receives f 8,000 down and $15,000 in October. The agreement, moreover, calls for a security of $50,000 before she sings. DOMESTIC TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Modesto, Cal., had a $35,000 fire recently. Weather in New York this summer is very cooL, Lowell, Mass., has 9,006 French Cana dian operatives. Illinois has 255,741 farms, Ohio 247,189 and New York, 241,053. The first glass factory in the United States was built in 1780. Keene, N. II., makes 100,000 pails, with about as many tubs annually. Eighteen thousand homesteads have been entered in Florida during the past year, j Grant & Ward's exhibit provoked sar castic criticism from the leading New York journals. A clay which can be utilized in the manufacture of putty has been discovered in Attala, Miss. Cal., recently, one person was killed and several injured. Colorado is compelled to buy $2,000,000 worth of grain from outside sources every year to feed its cattle. Durine the last ten years ecrgs have been imported in the United States to the amount of $15,400,938. Duy Brothers, cattle dealers at North ampton, Mass.. have assigned, with liabil ities estimated at $100,000. Vessels arriving in New York from China report large quantities of pumice stone off the coast of Java. Dick Henderson, a colored murderer, was taken from the jail at iiusseiivme, Ky., recently, and lynched. The cotton crop of Texas last year was i worth more than the cotton crop of the entire United States in 1843. The total number of separate farms in the United States is 4,000,000, and their aggregate value is $19,000,000,000. The stem-piece for the United States cruiser Chicago, building at Chester, Pa., by John. Roach, weighs 6,000 pounds. Nebraska has 2,685 miles of railway hav ing an assessed value of $17,777,890. The increase in mileage over last year is 211. In 1831 the cotton mills of the United States were valued at $40,000,000, in 1870 at $41,000,000, and in 1880 at $208,000,000, liecent returns show that the savings banks of New Hampshire have $3,000,000 more in deposits than they had one year ago. Of the 107,300 buildings in New York on the 1st of January last, only sixty-five dwellings were reported absolutely hre proof. Sixty thousand people attended the first &unday concert civen by the seventh Keg iment band in Central Park, New York, recently. The barbed wire factories are too close for two months in order to curtail the sup ply; 25,000 men will be thrown out of em ployment. Statistics show that there is less crime in the United States in proportion to the population than m any other country in the world. The tax valuation of Chicago is, real and j personal, about $133,000,000; that of Cincinnati for the same year (1883) was $169,000,000. i A i Springfield, 111., watch factory em ploys 1,200 hands and sends out about 500 watches a day, making a total of about 160,000 a year. The harvest in the Virginia wheat re gions is now at its height. Both in quan tity and quality the wheat is unusually satisfactory. The exports of domestic cattle, hogs and beef, pork and dairy products for May, 1884, were $7,554,000, against $6,473,000 for May, last year. Since the Boston and Atlanta exhibi tions there has been an active and grow ing demand for southern woods from the north and west. The bondholders of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad have made application at Denver to have that road placed in the hands of a receiver. The original term of the charter of the Long Island Railroad Company expiring on April zl, 1881, a renewal has been ob tained for a period of 250 years. New York imports on an average about 80.000 bushels of bananas a week. None come from Florida, which barely raises enough for its own consumption. Richard Heller, a widower, was married at Fonda, N. Y., recently, thereby forfeit ing $12o,000 left by his nrst wife on condi tion that he should not re-marry. i Sugar, which is the chief staple of Lou isiana, employs in that state, it is esti mated, $90,000,000 of capital, and is the exclusive support of 400,000 people. The secret service division ot the treas ury department at wasmngtn has re ceived advice that a new ten-dollar silver certificate has appeared in the west. A Connecticut company manufactures 17,000,000 pounds of licorice annually 1.500.000 pounds beingused for confection ery and medicines, the balance in tobacco Dr. Moore has been arrested in San Francisco, charged w ith having, through malpractice, caused the death of Mrs. Van Zandt. He was released on $u,UUO bail If the United States increases in the next sixteen years at the same rate as it has done in the past thirty-two years, it will have a population of 88,000,000 in 1900. Another case of the ill-effects of cigar ette smoking is reported from Long island where, it is stated, a young man has be come mentally disordered from using tnem. Mrs. Langtry brought East with her a uauuwiiic vulucsc uuj ui 10, sun Ui a merchant of San Francisco, who has in trusted his heir to the actress to be edu cated. The Charleston Aews and Courier says that Sullivan's Island, South Caro lina, is destined to become the leading summer and winter esort of the north and south. In order to put a stop to the increase of pool playing, the board of aldermen of Newport have increased the licenses from S2o to SIM. This has created a decided sensation. South Carolina has 1,568 flour, grist and rice mills, employing 4,379 whites and Kla.L-Q ronnirlnc n nnniffll nf 2 7-iA 7.tO and turning out annually $6,288,000 worth oi nour, ieeo, etc. The failure of A. Dyett & Co., was an nounced from the New lork btock .bx chancre last week. This is the firm with which John C. Eno. president of the Sec ond National Bank, transacted his stock operations. A New York dispatch says: it is re norted in Wall street that on the transfer hooks of the Union Pacific the name of Sidnev Dillon, who at one time was the largest shareholder, appeared as holder of only 100 shares. A San Francisco dispatch says: The Central Pacific Company has received an nouncement of the completion and open ing to traffic of the Central American rail road, from San Jose to Guatemala, "a dis tance of seventy miles. There is much indignation at the Brook lyn navy yard and elsewhere over the run ning down of the United States steamer Swatara by the Cunard steamer Aurania, in New York harbor recently. The Aura nia kept on her course without seeing if any assistance was required. One hundred and fifty persons were poi soned by ice cream in Brooklyn, N. Y., on the 4th, all sold from one place. Doctors and chemists have analyzed, but disagree. The proprietor was evidently not at fault, as he has been in the business a quarter of a century, and his wife was one of the victims. PORTLAND MARKET RETORT FLOUR Fancy extra, bbl, $4.75; country, $4.004.50; superfine, $3.253.75. w iLfciAT Uood to choice. W 100 ms.. $1.40l.42i good valley; Walla Walla and liastern Oregon, $1.3o. JbjEfSfJ, JfiTC Corn meal. W 100 lbs., JW.75 3.00: buckwheat, $5.50; oat meal. $4.00 4.25; cracked wheat, $3.253.50; bran, ton $1416; shorts, $1820; middlings, fine, $22.5025.00; hay, baled, $10.0042.00; chop, $22.5025.00; oil cake meal, $35.00. OAlo Choice nulling, nominal: good feed, 4850c; rdinary feed, 4850c. liAJxLitu x .Brewing, 100 IBs., $i.iu 25; feed, $1.10: ground. $25.00. CORN No demand. RYE Nominal, 100 lbs., ?1.502.00. SUGARS Golden C. inbWs., lb., 8c, in hf bbls.. 81c; refined D, bbls., . hf bbls., ; dry granulated, bbls., 10e, hi bbls., lOJc: crushed, bbls., 10c; fine crushed, bbls., , hf bbls., 9c; cube, bbls, 10c. hf bbls, lOic; islands, No. 1, Kgs, 7C474c, bgs., 627c. SYliUPb California rehnery isj, V gai., bbls., 40c, kgs., 50c, cs., gal. tins, 00c; Eastern, bbls., $ gal., 00c, kgs, 6570c, cs.. oo( uc. HONEY In comb, lb.. 22 25c; strained in 5 gal., 11c lb.; 1-gal. tins, f doz, $14.00(2115.00. half-gal., $7.50. VEGETABLES Potatoes, V bu., oew $1, according to variety, new, y lb,2Jc; cabbage, $ lb,. 2(j!2ic; turnips, sck., $1.50; carrots, $i.&u; beets, .$; onions, p 15., red, lc, silver, 15c; parsnips, zc. BUTTER Fancy, fresh roll, w id., 25c; inferior, grade, lo18c; pickled, 20(a) 25c. CHEESE California, 13 15 c; Oregon large, choice, 15(&;17c. small, none. Jli(it W doz., Z'o&Zt$C. GREEN FRUITS Apples, new. bx.. 82.00: lemons. Calif ornia. $3.85Ca)4.50,i!Sicily, $iu.ou; oranges, v us., $.umu. to, uiwiiw, $1.5C2.00; limes, $ 100, $1.25; gooseber ries, lb, 2i3c; apricots,: V bx, $1.25 1.50; peaches, $1.25 1.50; plums, $l.o; currants, It), 5c. DRIED FRUITS Apples, machine- cured, lb., 1516c, sun-cured, ll12c; peaches, machine-cured, in boxes, 1518c; prunes, German, in boxes, $ lb., 8lCc; plums. suH-cured. pitless. l415c, ma chine-cured, 1516c; pears, machine cured, 16 18c, sun-cured, none; tigs, California. 2o-fb. bx.. 9c; fcmyrn, lbtg20c. WOOL Valley, 1416e; Eastern Ore- eon, lofailc HIDES AND BAGS Hides, dry. over 16 lb.. & lb.. 1517c: Murrain hides, one-third off; hides, wet salted, over 55 lbs., lb., A 7c (one-third less for light weights, dam aged, cut grubby or aryxsaitedn pelts, shearling. 1085c; deer skins, winter, 12loc Eastern Uregon, zzc, summer, h, 0., 1820c, valley, 2528c; burlaps, 40 in., 8c, 45 in., 8c, 60 in., 16c; twine, flour, 35 40c, wheat, 3oc, fleece, lzl3c; gunnies, 18c, wheat sacks, 7oc; POULTRY Chickens, doz., spring. $2.503.00. old. $4.505; ducks. S6T8; geese, $8.0010.00; turkeys, ? lb.. 12.loc. HUl'fci fe lb., ZofaSUc: PROVISION S Bacon, HJ12ic; hams, country, lb., 1415c, i butcher, scarce; shoulders. 88c. LARD liegs, $ lb., 1213c; Eastern, pails, U12c LOregon. tins, 1213ic. FISH Extra Pacific codfish, whole, in c, 74c, boneless, in bxs., 8Ac v lb.; domestic 1-lb. cans, doz., $1.45; mackerel, No. 1, kit, $1.752.00, No. 2, $1.501.75, No. 1, hf bbls., $10.00, No. 2, $8.50; herrings, salted, hf bbls., -. dried, 10-lb. bxs., ioc. RICE Sandwich Islands, No. 1, & lb 5Jc; China mixed, 45c; China No. 1, none: Rangoon, oAc. FRUITS Prunes, Hungarian, i., 12J 15c; raisins (new), $ bx., $2.502.75, hi bxs., $2.753.00, qr bxs., $3.253.35, 8th bxs.. 3.2ote3.50; currants, Zante, & H, in bxs., 10c; citron, lb. in drums, 22Jc; almonds, Marseilles, p lb., 18aic, Lane, 20c; walnuts, Chili, Hl24c, California, 1213c. PEAS, SEEDS, Etc. Beans, $ lb., pea, 4c, s. w., 3c, lg. w., 4c, bayou, 4Jc, pink, oe. limas, t4c; peas, field, 243Jc, sweet, 1520c; timothy seed, 10J12c, red clover, iJ2zoc, white clover, 4UteoOc, alfalfa, ma. 20c, hungarian grass, 810c, millet, 8 10c, orchard grass, 1820c, rye grass, 2025c, red top, 15l7c, blue grass, 1820c, racs- quite grass, umizhc. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. RECEIPTS Wheat, 30.000 ctls.: flcur, 6.000 qr. sks.: oats, 2jctls.; potatoes, 1, 600 sks.: eggs. 13,000 doz. FLOUR San Francisco extra, best, at $5.005.50; medium, $3.504.50; shipping superfine. S53.UU(Oi4.Zi. WHEAT The market is lifeless. The new crop is near at hand, but shippers are not eager to buy in advance, as the out look at foreign centers is not considered sufficiently favorable to justify any heavy transactions on a basis of values that would be acceptable to the farming inter est. Prices are nominal at a range of $1.37i1.42 V ctl for fair to good export grades, bales were as follows: Buyer 1884, city 100 tons, $1.43c; 100, 81.41. Buyer 1884, after September 1st 100 tons. $1.42. Seller 2884, city 400 tons, $1.0; 200, 81.364. Seller 1884- 300 tons, $1.3i, 200, $1,342 $ Ctl. Closing prices were: No. 1 white Bid. Asked Buyer season.. $1 50 Seller 1884 1 43M BAGS AND BAGG ING The new cram crop of California is now beginning to go into the sacks prepared ior it. Despite the attempt to make out that there would not be bags enough to go around, there has been no rush to lay in supplies beyond probable wants in the farming districts. We quote best quality Calcutta wheat bags, standard size and weight, at lie fer spot lots and 774c for future deliv ery: ban Ouentin factory mase, it; uaiifor nia Jute Mill make, 7jc; potato gunnies, 11412c; wool bags, 3o50c apiece. BARLEY There was a better feeling last week, causing the market to recover somewhat from its late depression. Hold ers were better able to obtain 85c ctl for choice grades, as the demand was more for this particular class than anything else. Fairlv good No. 1 could be had in small parcels as low as S2c, while quali ties that could be comprised under tne io, 2 standard ranged from 7576c $ ctl. In Brewing there has been no special change for a week. Trade has been rainy active, and sales have been negotiated on the old basis of 90 974c ctl. Sales 4ast week were: f Buyer season 400 tons, 90c; 400, 9c 100. 804c: 1.000. 902c ' Seller season 100 tns, 77c; 100, iic 500. 77ic: 100, 78c: 100. 784c. Buyer 1884 2,200 tons, 8Uc; i,4uu, aic 0, 87c. Seller 1884200 tons.78c; 100782c V ctl OATS The demand is rather light, while onces are generally undisturbed. We quote: Surprise and milling, $1.70 1.80; No. 1, $1.50 1.00; JNo. 2, $i.3U 1.45: black. 81.30ftf l.35 W ctl. CORN California yehow is quotable at tfl.60Gtl.6o for large, and for small white, $1.57i1.65; Nebraska white, $1.50 1.55cti. APPLES bx., 50c$1.75. HIDES Dry. 0 lb., usual selection. 18c; dry kip, 18c; dry calf, 2022ic; salted steers. 55 lbs, 11c. POULTRY Live turkeys, gobblers, 21 22c. do. hens. 2123c., do, dressed, 21 23c; roasters. $7.007.5O for old, and $7.50 9.50 for young; hens, $.00y.00; oroil ers. 83.00 5.00. according to size; ducks $5.006.00 9 doz.: geese. $1.502 $ pair, STRAW Quotable at 4050c bale. BUCKWHEAT Quotable at $3.50 4.00 ctl POTATOES We quote wharf rates Early rose, 5075c; garnet chile, 90c$l neerless. 00c 81 V ctl. SEEDS Brown mustard, $2.25 2.75 vellow. 2.00(a52.25: canary, 5olc; hemp, 343?c: rape. 243c; timothy, 546c, al falfa, 748c lb.; flax, $2.602.75 t? ctl. WOOL - Mendocino. 1821c. lb Humboldt, 1821c; San Joaquin, 10 15c eastern Oregon, lo 19c. THE FRIENDS. Mr. R. T. Bentley, a member of the esti mable community of Quakers at Sandy Springs, Md., says he was severely af fected by rheumatism in his right hand. Mr. Bentley applied St. Jacobs Oil, the great pain-cure, and by its contiaued use, in a short time, was completely cured. CONSUMPTION OF THE LUNGS A CASE OF RAPID DEVELOPMENT ACCOMPAN IED EY SEVERE HEMORRHAGE. The following testimonial to the prompt action of Compound Oxygen in a case of rapidly developing Consumption of the lungs, is given by the writer in order, as he says, that by means of its publication, "some afflicted one may be induced to try your very simple and beneficial remedv. ' "Fountain City, Indiana, 1 April 17th, 1882. f "Drs. Starkey & Palen: Dear Sirs My lungs have been affected for years, it being hereditary with me, my mother hav ing died of Consumption. One year ago this last winter I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs and finally resulted in a severe hemorrhage. I had a hard, hack ing cough all spring; in fact, all through the summer, at times. Last fall, as the cold weather came on, my cough increased and 2" was h aving night sweats every night and had one or two severe hemorrhages. I was very much reduced in flesh. The color had left my lips and I was expector ating thick, yellow matter, often mixed with blood. Had to lie propped on pillows at night. had aboid made up my mind that a few more months would end my earthly career, and my friends have told me since I began to improve that some of them had only given me until next May to live, but if I die oefore that time now I will have to go in some other way than Con sumption, i" have not had a single night sweat since I first began your lreatment. My cough hasr almost disappeared and I am rapidly tihproving. very gratefully yours, "J. Lin don Parker." Our "Treatise on Compound Oxvaen." containing a history of the discovery aad mode of action of this remarkable cura tive agent, and a large record of surprising cures in Consumption. Catarrh. Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., and a wide range of chronic diseases, will be sent free. Ad dress drs." starkey & Palen, 1109 and 1111 Girard street. Philadelphia. All orders for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to II. E. Ma thews, 606 Montgomery street. San Fran cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if sent directly to us m Philadelphia. Motto for the grocery man: "Honest tea is tfte best policy. Diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are cured with Papillon Blood Cure. An absolute remedy. "Rough on Coughs." 15c., 25c., 50c., at Druggists. Complete cure Coughs, Hoarse ness. Sore Throat. The glory of man is his strength. If you are weakened down through excessive study, or by early indiscretions, Allen's Brain Food will permanently restore all lost vigor, and strengthen all the muscles of the Drain and Dody. $1; b for $a, At druggists, or by mail from J. H. Alien, 315 First avenue. New York City. Red- ington, Woodard & Co., Portland, Oregon "Mother Swan's Worm Syrup," for feverishness, restlessness, werms, consti pation, tasteless. 25 cents. Poison-Oak. Oak-poisoning is caused by the absorption of the volatile acid of the plant by the skin. Camelline for the complexion will prevent this result. Scrofula, Scald-head, Tetter, Rose-rash, False-measles, Nettle-rash, Lichen, Red- gum, Branny-tetter, Dry-tetter, Shingles. and all diseases of a scrofulous nature are cured by bathing the diseased skin with Papillon bkin Cure. Can any one tell just where X-trcams meet; CATARRH A New Treatment whereby a permanent cure is effected in from one to three applications. Particulars and trea tise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon z bON, 305 fiing street west, loronto, Can Dr. Henley's Celery, Beef and Iron is the best rserve ionic ever discovered. The Throat. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" act directly on the organs of the voice. They have an extraordinary effect on an disorders of the throat. SARSAPARILLA YELLOW DOCK IODIDE OP POTASS. The Best Blood Purifier and Tonic Alterative in use. It puickly cures all diseases originating rrom a aisoraerea state or tne blood or nver, Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches. Pim ples, Scrofula. Gout, Dropsy, Tumors, Salt Rheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to its pururmg properties, it leaves tne blood pure, the liver and kidneys healthy, the com plexion bright and clear. For sale by all drug gists. J.It.ATJES & CO., - - Proprietors, SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. To the needs of the tourist, couimercia traveler and new set tler. Hoetetter's Stom ach Bitters is pecul iarly adapted, since it strengthens the ui gestmi organs, and braces the physical en ergies to unhealthful influences. It removes and prevents malarial fever, constipation. dyspepsia, healthfully stimulates the kidneys and bladder, and en riches as well as pun fies the blood. When overcome by fatigue, whether mental or physical, the weary and debilitated rind it a reliable source of re newed strength and comfort. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. IN CASH To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Fpecial Deposit Is to gnnrnntee the payment of the 25 premiums fully described In our for 'announcements. The preii..i;rn3 will be paid, no matter how small the number of bags returned may be. Office Rlarlevelf Durham T,birrn Co,,) Vurham, iV. C, Hay 10, 154. f P. A. WILEY, Es'J., Caihier Bmt of Durham, 7 m, X. C. Dear Sib: We inclose you f 119,.00. which I lease place on Special Deposit to pay premium-' for our empty tobacco bajrg to b returned 1'pc. loth. Yours truly. J. 8. CARE. Pro Went Ojfite of the &inkJ Dvrhm,) Vurham, A: C, Uaj 10, 18S4 .$ J. 8. CARR. Esq.. fre. BlaekveTM Durham T- barea Ct. Dfar Rib: I have to acknowle4sre receipt cf i!1.9o0.oo from you. which we have placed uror. Special Deposit for tne object you ptnte. yours truly. P. A. WILEY, Cas! ier. None genuine without picture cf 3TTI.T !-o parkauv. 7"See our other anuoujicemeQts. BJI vkiP' U mm AWAY WHAT A MISSISSIPPI PILOT SAYS. Capt. D. M. Risers, who is well known at Xew Orleans and along the Mississippi rirer, says: "I have been sufferine from dyspepsia for the past five years, and from broken rest, by severe pains in the bowels and kidneys. I tried every medicine rec ommended for these diseases, without suc cess. At last i used a bottle of lirown s Iron Bitters, which proved a perfect suc cess in my case." It cures all liver, kidney and malarial diseases. Free Music. Send twooent stanm for auv one oi the following pieces of largo Sheet mental, by Freevian ; " Come to Me, Love, in the Gloaming," song, by Jas. Harris; " Pati etJ8 Waltz," arranged by MUford; "Beggai Btuaenc Lancers," arruiged by MU ford: "A j-ieamug o er me vtaie, song, vjji. jr. uanKS; "Pretty as a Butterfly," song and dance, by BMy Netccomhe ; "Better Luck To-morrow," song, by Frank Martyn. Address Weinstock Lnbin, Dry Goods Dealers, Sacramento, Cat The PeoD'e's Remedv for Biliousness. Constipation, Piles, Sick Headache, Jaun dice, etc., is Allen's Bilieus Physic, a purely vegetable liquid remedy; large bot tle, 25 cents. At all druggists. Reding ton, Woodard & Co., Portland, Oregon. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, impotence. VEEY WELL PUT. Why do we defer till to-morrow what we should do to-day? Why do we neglect a cough till it throws ua into Consumption, and Con sumption brings us to the grave? DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM is sure to cure if taken in season. It has never been known to fail. Use it thoroughly, according to directions. Perse vere till the disease is conquered, as it is certain to he, even it" it sheiild require a dozen bottles. There is no better medicine for pulmonary dis orders. A CARIK To all who are suffering from er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send self addressed envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New Y ork. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity, strength and wholesomencss. More econ omical than the ordinary kinda, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Raking Powder Co., 100 Wall street. New York. !t rongest, Pit rent, Best a nd Most Econom ical in the Market. Never Varies In Quo ity, IWmmendod to CONSUMERS by leading Physt chins, Chemists and members of tho Sou Francisco Board of Health. rRKPAREP BY VIIK BOTHIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, San Francisco and Sacramento. The Science of Life, Only $1. BY MAIL POST-PAID. KilOW THYSELF. A; Great 'Helical Wort on Mantai. Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility Premature Decline iu man. Errors of Youth, and the ur told miseries resulting from indiscretions or excesfies. A book for every man, young middle-aged and old. It cor tains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic disease, each one of which is invaluable. So found by the authoi whose experience for 23 years is such as probably nevrr before fell to the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound In beautiful French muslin, embossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work In every sense mechanisal literary and professional than any other work sold in this country for 2.50, or the money will de refunded In every instance. Price only $1 00 by mail, post-paid. Illustra tive sample 6 cents. Send now. Gold medal awarded the author by tho National Medical Association, to the officers of which be refers. The Science of Life should be read by the young lor Instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will bene tttalb London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom the Science of life will not be useful, wBether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman. Tribune. Address the Peabody Madical Institute, or Dr. W. H. Parkor, No. 4 Bullfinch sHeet, Boston, Mass., who may be eousulted on all diseases requiring skill and experi ence. Chroma and obstinate diseases that have baffled the skill of all other physi- fl CM latiant a specialty. Such treated success- f uye rj g fully without an Instance of failure. C-ar . , B. Send money by Registered Letter or P. O. Or der. Books can be sent to any address on the Pacific Coast as safely as at home. Concealed in substantia' wrappers bearing only the applicant'? address. 0 0 LA fi H A N An 0,1 flsh of rich al"l delicious mWniiu hw: Superior to the finest im OR CANDLE FISH ported Sardines. Askforthem. The Greatest Nervine known. (Liebiff's Extract), the Wonderful Nutritive and Invigorator (Pyrophosphate), Tonic for the Blood, ana i ooc for the Brain. This Yni liable Discovery, lately prewired and sold In Portland, Oregon, ban been extensively used in that locality, aud performed many astonishfug cures As a Xervine ami Tonic it is unsurpassed. The combination of Celery, Beef and Iron, has sho rn to posseas wonuertui power ta imua up orosen-aown constitutions, and restore Tigor to both mind and body. It is an efficient remedy in cases of General Debility, Xervous ExhanUn, Meep!ene, Xenral ftla. Iyspepla, Los ef Pnyoiral nnI Mentat Power, I rinary DlfiionlUea. and in all Derange meats f Health, where an efficient and agreeabls Tonic and .Nervine is required. PREPARED AND SOLD BY TUTHILL. COX & CO., 537 Clay Street, . - Man Francisco.! mm n (In PIFt IF! I W WWW" BRM5, wm -THE BEST TOIIIC. This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonics, quickly and completely Cures Dyspepsia, Indigentlon, Weakness Impure Blood, Malaria, C'hilU and Fevers and Neuralgia. It is an unfailing remedy for Diseases of the Kidneys and IJver. It is invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Women and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache.or produce constipation other Iron medicines do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates the appetite, aids the assimilation of food, re lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strength ens the muscles and nerves. m For Intermittent Fevers, Lassitude, Lack of Energy, &c, it has no equal. jirg The genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other. Bad only by BKOWH CUEBICAL CO, BALTIMORE, HD. TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. . From these sources arise taxee-fourtna ot the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence : Iioas at Appetite Bowels costive Siclc Head ache, fullness after eating aversion to exertion of body or mind Ernctatlon of food Irritability of temper Low spirits A feeling of having neglected somo dntj-j IMzzlness Fluttering at the Heart ots before the eyes, blgnly col ored ferine, CONSTIPATION and de mand tbo use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLiver medicine T.UTT'S PILLiS have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt ; removing all imparities through these three scav engers of the system," producing ffppe. tite. sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skinandavigorousbody. OTTPS PILLS cause no nausea or griping noi interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Boldeverywhere,25c. Offire, 44 Murray St.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Hair oa Whiskers changed in. Btantly to a Glossy Black by a single ap. plication of this DYE. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 81. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTTS MANUAL CF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREL No More Dyspepsia! 1 Salifornia Recommended by all Physicians. Read Certificates on back of bottle. Av SURE CURE for Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, and the Best Liver Regulator known. SOLD ONLY IN GLASS. To fill or sell any but the genuine article out of our bottle is a felony, and when detected, will bo prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Trade suppled by ARI'AI) IIAKASZTH V & CO, 530 Washington Street, San Francisco, Cal. NOIX THE BEST DESICCATED COCOAHUT Ix tub World Ask your Grocer for it DE' COGO CAUTIOX. Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable preparation, and should not be confounded with the various substi tutes, imitations, non-secret humbugi, "Succus Alter ans, etc., etc., which are now being niaunfactured by various pereona. None cf these contain a sinple article which enters into the composition of S. H. 8. There is only one Swift's Specific and there is nothing In the world like it To prevent disaster and disappointment, b sure to get the genuine. Swi't's Specific is a complete antidote to Blood Taint, Blood PoisoH, Malarial l'oisou, and Skin Humor. J. Dickson Smith, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. I have had remarkable success with Swift's Specific In the treatment of Blood and bkin Diseases, aud in Fe male Diseases. I took it nelf for Carbuncles with happy effect. D. O. C. Heeky, M. D., Atlanta, Ga. T used Swift's Specific on my little daugmer, who was afflicted with some Biood Poison which had resisted all sorts of treatment. The Specific relieved her perma nently, and I shall use it in ny practice. W. E. Bronte, M. D.. Cypress Ridg, Ark Our treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to applicants. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York Office, 153 West 23d St 30 DAYS' TRIAL DR. y DYES fBKFiKK. (AFTER.) T?LECTKO-VOLTA10 BELT and other Elbctric Vj Appliances are sent on 80 Days Trial TO KEK ONLY, YOUNO OH OLD, who are sufTcr lnir from Nervous Dfbility, Lost Vitautt, wastiso Wfakvfrses. and all those disposes o'l a rR8XAL Nature, resulting from Ascses f nd Other Causes. Speedy relief and comp'eto restoration to Health,. Vigor and Makbjod 0UARANTEED. Send at once tor Diuatr ited Pamphlet five. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall Mich. 'TINKING FEET r May be wholly revented by the use of a per fectly harmless U preparation put up b v Til K MA MAXVFACTUItiXU CO . Weeton. Vt. It also toughens tender feet, and will relieve distress occasioned by exposure and wcarinar tisrht boots. Inclose SI for a package and full particulars. Address I. CHAR liLE, Sole Agent, Portland, Oregon. WEAK. UNDEVELOPED PA8TS OP THB Ht'MAIi BOPY ENLARGED. PEVELOPEr, BTBESOTHENKU. it "no intTeaiiiig siiyorti.CTCCt "5IZ?i-!irj"i!?CT rep!y t-J qiirt-. we will any tnt there it no ryidPD-gof hnnug alyrot thl. On the contrary, the adTcrtiwf are rcry highly itxWjied. Intffrested poreois may get waled eirenlnrs ylTinTallparticqlar9,braJ'irenlng Kaia Mipicu Co., Buffalo. X. Y. Tok-flo tfftlw Bee. M mm. m, - mm. m .. nwn C 3 liffiili s-r-i ii i-i i-i i - i a m k H5? yMlUKLIA ;.fsw ft . .. TtEw.k fV2l o 1 I CD m CO 10 Bp BS o & a. so . e CO S J? - -2 O K j cc -,- 1 o . is 3 X CD I3 ft ft D oe 2 p a I? 3 p 9 P'E s e o 5" li lt C5 o s 3 S s M N H w P - CD -3 1 , ilQB mi e to CD o ft A S3 Ia 25. ' 0 v V n 9 S , t CD o C.e C cn 3 co Fg O o CO o 1 PIANOS. OTC I II UI A V KRAXICII & BACH. O I W II I I A I .Uabler, Koeniuh Pianos; Burdett Orns, band instmmenta. Largest stock et Shoe! Music and Books. Bands supplied at Eastern trice M. GRAY, 206 Post Street, San Francuco. nil Sinn 5,000 Kew and Second-hand Planet HlflFJiliS half pries. Pianos 1b and up. Auti 1 inilUU Belllianoyactory.24i26KlU8ijt.. ai N. P. N. U. No. 3--'.-S. JT.N. U. No. 109. Eany to nse. A certain cure. Not expensive. Three months' treatment in one package. Good for Coli.' In the Head, Headache, Dizziness, Hay Fever, &c Fifty cents. By all Druggists, or by mail. k. T. IIAZELTINE. Warren, Pa. "A SEVEBE CASE OF CATAEEH CUBED." Mr. Aea B. Rowley, of the firm of Pierce & Rowley, Druggists and Apothecaries, cor. 36th and Indiana Ave., says: "I was afllicted with a very aggravated form of Catarrh, several phy sicans predicted that it would soon end in con sumption. We have sold Papillon Catarrh Cure for nearly two years and heard such good reports from our customers that I was in duced to use the remedy for my own case; the result was unprecedented. I commenced to get vt ell after using it the first time, I continued using the remedy for several weeks, and am now entirely cured. I will be glad to give any one calliug upon me further particulars. Pa pillon Catarrh Cure we are confident is the only sure cure for Catarrh acute or chronic, 1 lay Fever or Rose Cold." "A EEP0ET FE0M HOME." Last winter I was afflicted by a carbuncle, followed by several boils on the back of my neck. 1 tried your remedies, and by keeping the inflamed parts saturated with Papillon Skin Cure, I was entirely cured. The relief ob tained from the soreness and inflammation was immediate and effectual. I have used the Skin Cure upon styes, and found it the most satisfac tory remedy for that trouble I ever tried; it gives immediate relief from inflammation of the eyelid, and effects a speedy cure. Wallace DeWolk. Chicago, April 7th, 1884. 181 Dearborn St, Etc. mmW mm Catalogue free. 6niiWoik,ritt-barg!i,p21ay' NOWLEDGE FOR IIEN! How to remedy the indiscretions of youth and manhood and to detect them in others. Send for the medical work of DR. MART1NE and cure thyself. Sent to any address of receipt of fiftv cents. JIt. 3IAIITIXK, 10 Geary street, San Francisco, Cal. t" Al IQM A M'CS Stands unrivalled as tho BEST CHEWING TO nPflPU Dl IIP BACCO is the WORLD. yCMUn r LUU One plugr in every box TOBACCO Ts a.08 fro"1i' 10 25c gllRUPTURB Tr ; 1 l Kl..fAT. ,.A t on . ni Abtolutelv cured in SO to !1 daya, by Dr. Pkrce't Patent H&znelia Elastia Tnuia. Warranted the onlvElMtrlo'Prnaia In the world. Entirely differentf-, m others. Perfect Ketainap. and ia mm with ease and comfort night and day. Cured, me rcnownea ir. 4. eunms oi aew norK. and hundreds ot others. New Illustrated pao MAGNETIC ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY. 704 Socrams&to St.. cor. Kearay, San, i raiioisoo, Cal. SEWER, WATER AND 1 Ml i i I Wmi M D I ft C r ir rw? To I 1 -.wa, r W mm n W W MLaO. D .J fffL iiMiii I llllll fry iMm or WORMY VEIN! VEINS the Hcrutiuo. Vnttm tkt mtuittpe'td ST MAWH000. Barn cnrewtlhouISraiiou. Circular hti-t con.ulUt.oo i?r. CI7IA1S BEKSSUL JLGS3C7. 160 TdUa St, 8W ImIl DR. PIERCE'S Electro - Magnetic Belt the only complete iJpdy-bat- terv in the world. Only one generating continuous Ei.ectbo-Ma;-NBT1C ClRRENT. Without Acld. Cures disease like magic. For maio or female. Hindreds cured 1 Pamphlet, &c, free. MAGNETIC ELASTIC TEUSS COMPANY, . T04 Sacramento Street, San Francisco. To kara GOOD HXAtTII ITTEB wt h fcrat In or4m DR. S AN pORD'9 LIVER INVICORATPR Just whallts nam implies! a erUble tivcr Medicine, and for diea resultini? from a deranged or torpid condition of the Liver; such asBilioasnena, Costiveness. Jaundice, Dyspepsia Malaria, Bick Headacbe, Bheamatisra. etc An invaluable lam fly Medicine For fall information aend yonr ad dress on a postal card for 100 mm book on t b - Liver and Its Diseases," to DR. SAMOIU), SI Duane Street, Kew York. DttlUCLST VfllA TaXI. TOC ITS BCTCTATHW. ID A If ir!l BEST 1 u j Jmmi. 1 j w M jut (C PAIN KILLER A5o- . Healing Remedy IN THE WORLD. 0' ,JIJ' n :: o , 8 tS $! : J3 e 3 5-5 - m 19 Vt- I ft ' Z 'V ft i III m m 1 In mA- n,JK imm MOB