THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, JULY 19, 18S4. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET. FOR TEE8IDBKT: G ROVER CLEVELAND, Of New York. Foa vice paEbiDEST : 'THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, Of Indiana. ELECTORS : L. B. ISON, of Biker. W. D. FENTON. of Yamhill. A. C. JONES, of Douglas.. I: the nomination of Cleveland, of New York, and Hendricks, of Indiana, the National Democratic Convention have presented to the people for their fcuflrages a ticket ' which every true patriot who holds country above party can conscientiously indorse and support with their votes. G rover Cleveland, a young man who has scarcely reached the meridian of life, has by his energy, industry, honesty and ability made for ;h:ruself a world-wide reputatiofa which commands the admiration of the nation For far-sighted policy and true states manship he occupies a position second to none in the American nation Personally, he comes up to the old Roman standard for aa executive ruler; in him we fii.d a sound mind in a strong, athletic frame. He is not subject to sun stroke or paralytic lep rosy which has characterized the .plumed knight of Maine. He is fully able to withstand the fatigues of the campaign and gracefully administer the affairs of th9 Government after the 4th of next March. The name of Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, is a familiar household word. He belongs not to Indiana alone, but to the whole United States. He has been in public life for move than a quarter of a century, and we challenge the opposition to place their finger on a single page of his p lblic record, or point to a single vote or speech of his that has not been in favor of the people. His record is an open book, commensurate with the kis. toi'y of our country and needs no com mendation from us. They will be tlecled. ' Press Comments. The New York Times savs: The in dependent Republican leaders are much gratified ever the result of the nomination. Gen. Barlow, chaiiman of the New York conference, said last 1 JrrTir fliaf Ltaiio vvrnLl o nf. nncp tfilfpr to put the organization again in work ing shape. Secretary Allerton will issue letters inviting members of the Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Jersey auxiliaries to a meeting to be .held here, probably within ten days, at wliidb a circular will doubtless be au thorized endorsing the Democratic ticket. The scope of the movement, may be widened to take in other forms of dissatisfied persons than the primary moving cause, but this is e matter to be arianged later on. Central head quarters will doubtless be established here. State committees will supervise the local work. The Philadelphia Times' leader this morning (July 12) is a lengthy dispatch firm Col. MtC'ure, at Chicago, headed "The Revolution." He says: "The convention was the most thoroughly deliberative convention that lias nic fcince the organization of tho present 'parties, with the single exception of the Lincoln convention in this city, nearly one-fou nh of a century ngo, and it ba inaugurated a revolution, as that did. Its lesults involve a sweeping political revolution, not merely the transfer of power from one political party to the other, but a revolution by the over throw of the worst methods and pur poses of both parties, and the triumph cf the best inspirations of every po litical fa;th. The conflict wLl be one of the mosf v'ioktt and exhaustive of our political history. The Republicans have tbeu- ablest leader. Cleveland will lose thousands of Democratic votes, jbut mere than 100,000 men of Repub lican faith in doubtful Stages wil J espouce his cause, and press resolutely to a successful revolution. Only some monumental Democratic folly can hin der the success of Gov. Cleveland." Tammanites to Support Glevelaad- Washington, July 13. A friend of John Kelly, who was interviewed this 'morning, said: "Tammany hall is com ing round all right. It fought Cleve land most bitterly, but ' it is Demo cratic to the core, and it would accord ingly support the ticket. Hendricks' nomination cannot fail to afford Tam- ti, -?ii many nnicu icouic j. ho uvuti nm win in Near York Stale with 40,000 votes to spare." The te-m "varsity," says & London journal is not used in England now by any university men. Each lunapy commissioner in Eng laud has about 70,000 lunatics to in spect and look after. Hendricks' Speech. j Indianapolis, July 13. At the ratification meeting last night Mr Hendricks continued as follows: The question is, fellow-citizens, will you support the ticket just nominated ? Cheers and cries of "We will !" And in asking that question I want to ask ycu another: De you not, all of you, Democrats and Republicans, believe that the affairs of the Government have been long enough in the bands of cne set of men ? Cries cf "We do !" And do you not believe that we have reached a period where there ought to be a change ? Cries of "We do, and we will have it !" I do not ask that all shall be turned out; that is not the i idea, j If a man has dene his duty well and faithfully; if he has not used the powers of his office to disturb the rights of the people; if he has not fur nished money to corrupt elections; if he has simply confined himself to the duties of his office, I am not clamoring for his official blood; but, my fellow citizens, of the 120,000 men that now fill official positions in the country, we have no right to suppose from what has taken place, that they are all hon est Cheers and laughter; and the only way that we can do row is to make a change. A month ago every body supposed that all the employes in the bureau of medicine and surgery were honest, and now, at the very fiist examination, it turns out that they are not. But what is the remedy t Put them out, and put honest men in. Cheers and cries of "That's it !"j We cannot do that if we leave the same President and heads of departments and heids of bureaus in. I have every faith that this ticket will be elected Cries of "So have I." I think I know something of Indiana. Great cheers and laughter. We will probably stand here together, won't we? Cries of "Yo bet !" And this banner of lib erty, of right, of justica, and of fair government, that has been placed in the hands of Cleveland and Hendricks, fhall bj carried and placed in glorious triumph on the top of the national capitol in November next. Great cheering and cries of "We will put it there." Shall this be the people's banner? Cries of "It is." You have no interest except in good government and I t'jink I have none I have lived among you a long time; I have tried to secure your confidence and preserve it Cries of "You have it, too." And all I ask of you is your support, not fo1' myself, but for yourselves and for your children, and all the people that are in terested in good government. Cheers and cries of "Go on." Now, I have spoken longer than I lntendci. Cries of "Go on," and "We are not tired of you." I know wlien pny of my Re publican friends, who are intending to stand by their party still longer, shall see his numerous crowd here to-night they will think the doom of fate Jias come at last. Cheeis and laugliter.J Why, I happened up the street a few weeks ago. It was just after Blaine and Logan were nominated, and I saw a little gathering of very honest and honorable people behaving themselves exceedingly well and very quietly, and General Harrison was delivering to them a speech about the nomination made at Chicago loud laughter ; and really, if you were to bring the crowd heie and drop it light down amongst you, you would not notice it at all. Great che rs and laughter. What does it mean ? It seems that the people intend to have reform cheers; and that is the watchword that is written upon every Demociatic banner. It was written upon the Democratic ban ner eight years ago cheers, but reform was defeated by defeating the right of the people to elect their own ruler, Cheers. And what is the consequence? There has been no reduction of expen ditures; although the war is all the while, furthsr and further away from us, still the Republican party makes rio "'reduction of "public expenditure Shall we have it ? Shall we have cheap government? Shall we have lower taxes ? They tell us that the govern ment can b9 well carried on for $100,. 000,000 less than is now collected from the public. If Cleveland shall come into the Presidential office I believe he will cut expenditures down to the last dollar that will support the government, economically administered cheers; and then, when he does that, he will hive accomplished what Gen. Jackson said was the duty of any government. A government has not the right to collect a dollar from the people except what is necessary to meet the public service. Cheers and cries of "That's right." What a 1 government needs she has a right to come to you, er to me, or to all of us, and make us pay for it; bat when she gets all that she needs for an f ... economical administration, she has not the right to take another sixpence out of he public; and that is all we ask; when the ticket shall wave in triumph thai idea will be established in this country. Cheers. I I thank you very mucn for tho at tention vou have given me.. 1 ask yo simply as a citizen interested in all that interests all of us, that you will give your attention to this campaign and never cease yeur efforts until your Democratic banner, with Democratic principles of reform and cheap gov ernment is found waving in all the skies above your heads. Cheers. At tfce close of Hendricks' speech, ex-Senator McDonald jwas introduced and spoke briefly, being followed by D S. Gooding and other local speakers, and the meeting adjourned. Andrew Jackson on the Tariff- From his farewell address. "There is, perhaps, no one of the powers conferred on the General Gov ernment so liable to abuse as the tax ing power. The productive and con venient sources of revenue were neces sary to it that it might be able to perform the important duties imposed upon it; and the taxes which it lays upon commerce, being concealed from the real payer in the price of the ar ticle, they do not so readily attract the attention of the people as smaller sums demanded from them directly by the tax gatherer. "But the tax iivpoed upon goods en hances by so much the price of the commodity to the consumer. And as many of those duties are imposed on articles of necessity which are daily used by the great body of the people, the money raised by these imposts is drawn from their pockets. "Congress has no right under the constitution to take money from the people unless it is required to execute some cne of the speciGc powers intrust ed to the Government; and if they raise more than is necessary it is an abuse of the power of taxation, and un just and oppressive. "It may indeed happen that the reve nue will sometimes exceed the amount anticipated when the taxes were laid; and in such a casa it is unquestionably the duty of the Government to reduce them, for no circumstance can justify it in assuming a power not given to it by the constitution, or in taking away the money of the people when it is not needed for the legitimate wants of the Government." How the Uomiiiations Were Eecei'ed in Boseburg. The nomination of Cleveland and Hendricks was received at this place with warmest enthusiasm by Democrats and independent Republicans, and by the Blaine managers with gloom and forebodings. The Saturday night after the nomination one hundred salutes were fired and a grand ratification meeting, held at the court house. The meeting was called to order by J. W. Hamilton, chairman of the Democratic County Central Committee, and speeches made by Messrs. Jones, Owens, Lane, Ball and Floed. The meeting was the largest and most enthusiastic political gathering that has Iwsen held here for many years. A feeling of general rejoicing pervades the entire community, and a hops that Republi-. can misrule that has imposed such burdens upon the people is soon to be done away with, and that the nation is about to enter upon a new era of reformation in economy and commer cial prosperity. Notice to Farmers. We caution the public against purchasing trees from parties pretending to represent Oakland Nurseries. We are credibly informed that one R. L. Freeman, from San Jose, Cal., has in several cases, to parties whom we sold last year, pre tended to represent Oakland Nnrseriest which he is not authorized to do. We havs only two agents in Southern Ore gon, Messrs. O. II. Hull and J. P. Schafer, who have certificates of agency signed by us and acknowledged before a notary public. We guarantee all our trees free from insects and that most dreaded pest the "San Jose Scale Bug." . .. .. .... J..LusK & Son, Proprietors Oakland Nursr lies. He was Orazy. "Podge, you're a fool!" yelled the good lady, threateningly. "Yes, dear, I suppose so," replied the poor fellow, trying to smile, "but I wan net always crazy." "You've been crazy ever since I knew you," she howled. "Was I off my base when you mar ried me?" "I think you most assuredly was." "Yes, yes," mused Podgp, thought fully, "it' a self-evident fact that I was crazy, or you never would have got me." The curtain rose then and the circus Wan. f Atlanta Constitution. Lumber. 1 have ou hand and offer for sale 200,000 feet fencing lumber and 75,000 feet flooring and rustic of A 1 quality. Cash purchasers will find it to their interest to get quotations before placing orders. Orders for all kinds of lumber solicited and prompt y filled. Address It. A Booth, Yoncalla, Oregon. Jews have been so persecuted in Lim erick lately that numbers have left the city. ESTERLY Twine-Binding Harvester. Newest and most complete harvester en the market, with all the modern ira provements. The binding apparatus is eo simplified that seven parts do the complete work of the forty-seven pieces used in all other binders. The sickle rim has pinion gearing and does away with the chain, making it lighter and more durable. The main drive wheel is made of the best hickory, with heavy wrought-iron tire, welded and shrunk on. Tl e raising and lowering appa ratus is so arranged that it is raised and lowered on a level, so that grain can be cut within two inches of the ground, or at any height desired. The upper dra. per is arranged on springs, so as te carry ihe thinnest or thickest grain without choking. It binds the sheaves any uniform size desired. It is so sim plified that it can be worked by a boy. For sale by Bowen Brothers, at their shop on Main street, in Roseburg. Call and examine this machine before pur chasing elsewhere. Tombstones for Sale. I desire to call the attention of all persons desiring to purchase tombstones that -i have a select assortment of dressed marble, which I will sell on reasonable terms. Having disposed of the fchop lately occupied by my deceased husband, I have stored the entire stock at the Floed warehouse, near the rail road station, where the same may be examined at any time. Persons desir ing to puichase can consult me at my residence, west from the depot, or J. C. Fullerton, at the land office in Rose burg, Oregon. In case of purchase the lettering ill be done bv William Staiger, of Salem. Mrs. R. Bpackenridge. What is the use to buy trees from stran gers when you can secure a better character and quality from our fellow-citizen Tim. Ford. He guarantees what he sells and he is here and if we find him false we can put our hands on him. ltd! AT ILEiAI2Sd OR. J. M. DILL ARD would respectfully inform the public that he has on huud a tine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Itendy-IIadc Clothing, and in fact everything usually kept at a first c!ada store, (jive him a call. Goods at Low Prices All kinds of Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods. ta.AH orders promptly attendtd to."Jk HUBBARD Creek Mills! CLARK & BAKEK PROPS. HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE NAMED mills of E. Stephens and Co., we are now pre pared to furnish anv amount of the best quality of ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We will furnish jit the mill at the following prices: No. 1 rou-jh lumber.. . 312 per M. No. 1 flooring, c inch : ?24 per M. No. 1 flooring, 4-inch J-2t per M. No. 1 finishing lumber $20 per M. No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides.. $24 per M. No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides. .826 per M. CLARKE & BAKER. CIVIL BEND STORE! V. X. ARRINGTON, DEALER INi Dry Goods.Qrooaiies, etc. AH Kinds of Produse Taken In Exchange. CIVIL BEND, DOUG. CO., OREGON. 1 . H. ABRAHAM., N. A. HIRSTF-L, CJIAB, HlllSTKL ABRAHAM, HIRSTEL & CO., IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE GR0CEBS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 2 and i North Front street, PORTLAND, - . . OR. The Btttxbs' Gctdb is I sued March and Sept, each lyear: 216 pages, 8JxlH finches, with over 3,300 illustrations a whole pio ture gallery. Gires whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or family use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or hav fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the may kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you, Respectfully, - MONTGOMERY WARD & Cf CO IT OB County VTe are in receipt of a new and choice lot of spring goods, of ,all inds and suitable for all classes making our stcok of F'AYISOUSE SOUTH OF POIilXAISD. We are determined to reduce and in order to do our store and examine which will speak for themselv even the closest buyer that we C!1W TVn IU M-vwl 1 - 1 kjtvjv. 111. V III 11 II I W'l 1 I I I I I I IX 1 .1 I j. vw UuuijJ1Cij anu ITCH UP lit efore 7 m W. Gr. WOOBWASB'S AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothing but the best :VERYTHING JDont Fail W. Q. Woodward. Rosebv SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GK They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largest Stocks of General' Hardware Ever brought to Douglas, nri when ad-led to their STOVES OF ALL PAT TKUNSanJ HEADY MADE TIN W AH!, they are prepared to deciarethey hav th lu-8v suj ply in their line ot a.iy house in iSoiuheru Oregon, which they propose ISSflHS Q-m&SE can purchase elsewht-re. In Jie shape of liu.ldiujj materials i- the .vay t locks, butts, etc, we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Tij us. We van yive you bargains in the lo'. jwinjr brands of stoves, not equalled else where Uuck'fl. Bonanza. Farmer Utility. Dexter, Pacific. Wide West nnrnniinr Occidei Iron Kinir. Empire, Citv.and other The L.-st of workmen arc constantly emil"ved in the manulactn unci buyers should learn our prices. We have, also tarauius to offer in guns, :.s wt?n as in Sljot-ynnp and Pisto's Y e Hie. also AiTMnm for th White Peerles and New Home Sewing Macl i0 .whUo we sell atlowesi rate and warrant as coninle te ir every re&pect. , 'We can' also supply " ..A vcr ill and IS libber ' laints, 'I ' e bast In h uinrUet. Rt . lowest rates. Wive us a call, inspect ur stock, inquire as to nnr price, and we promise to suit if any one caii. R.S.& J.C.SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, GUNS, CUTLERY, AND TINNERS FUR NISHING GOODS. TIX STORE, UOSEIH IM;, Or. Having secured the annve business, we are pre pared to keep up its former rood name for work and prices. We have the beet of material and al wax's a full tstock of goods on hand and it is our aim to fur nish customers with flrst-claes articles at live and let hv prices. A full stock of Iron and Steel For Sttlo. -. Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. K. S. & J. C. SHERIDAN. OHM. HADilY'S Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Boseburg. Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike Marnier. jBarber mm ! NTT FAIR NO pair. Merchandise Most Complete our immense stock of goods so have greatly reduced our ces in every department and to show ycu usiness, we ask you to call at our goods and prices and convince n 3an what w e . .1 . n .".a - I . - " una-s uii application, v. & ABRAHAM, WHEELER & CO. Yon do .That r& w wf Eta NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. I leather and have sol? use Iff IBIS L to See Me! Or. SH4ST Mil OH! stoves &nd ranues. such h.8 Winchester, Sharp and therlVKe? ' MSTBOPOUTAN HOTEL. This Popalar House Situated n the center of the business portion of Uosebury, having recently changed bauds, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of guest. The diuin; room will be supplied with the l4t the 3IARKET AFFORDS With good attendance. As Mrs. Zigler has charge of tne kitchen the cookin? will be unexceptionable. - Rates reasonable. Frea coach to and from the railroad. LOU. ZK.LER. A. F. CA31 PBF.LL. K. F. WALSII. CAMPBELL & WALSH, Heal Estate -A prents, ROSEBURG, OREGON. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SAX E CHEAP AND OS EAtY TERMS. &9 ARM SADDLES, WHIPS IX fact every thing IN THAT AND M US r EE Sold Clieap for Cash. Call and Sea me Before Buying- Elsewiiere. ALSO AGENT FOR - DEHHIIIG SSLF E1HDSS AND MOWMtS, OLDS' w-A.aoiisr, STEEL-WHEEL II AY RAKES, JAI5SS DBARLIHG. OAKLAND, OREGON. FABMS FOE SALR, The iiuilersigiic;! lias tor sale the following Ilea! Prop-" crty in Douglas Coun ty, State oi Oregon: A FIRST-CLASS GRAIX FARM NEAR THK Town of Wilbur, contai'iin 314 acres. Has a f? ml dwelling- hftiiMft fl.)ir1 mit.hinltltmr nn.f Al.. l'hard; all weil fenced and watered; tiA acres iu in-aiii. 1 : 1.1 1 1 1 a uvsniuic ziuuic iuiu wry cuuap. ONE FARM CONTAINING 352 ACRES, 125 OP which is plow land in cultivation, balance pas ture; all fenced; well watered; good iniprovemeuts and orchard. ONE SECTION OF LAND NEAR THE TOWN of Scottsbury; 80 acres river bottom, balance LiU and Umber land. A FARM NEAR WILMJR, CONTAINING 823 acres; 125 acres in grain, the balance splendid grazing land. About 300 acrews level, well watered and well improved. The crop and 500 head. of nheep ... : 1 1 la .1 .1 . 1. 1 1 it .1 : I v.. - i . a bargain. , t FaRM NEAR ruseburg, containivo 323 lY acres, all under fence. Uool farm or Kra?injc land. A FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 640 ACRES 12 mileo from Roseburg; 125 acres of good gram laud, at a bargain. AL'RCE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM NEAR Oakland, contaiatnsr 3203 acres.- Atxut 700 acres plow land, well fenced and well watered. A STEAM SAWMILL AT DRAIN" STATION OX Railroad. A FLOURING KILL AT SCOTTSBURG. A NO. ONE FLOURING MILL FOUR MILES from Oakland, on Calipooia creek. NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS IN THE CITY OF Oakland. I will sell the above real property on rea sonable terms. For full particulars enquire of J. C. HUTCHINSON, Oakland, Douglas County. Oregon. For Sale. -I will sH a good Hanes header, with two header beds, single and doubletrees, very low. Apply to S. B. Hendricks, . - .7 npar the depot, Ropeburj;, Or. ACENTS 7 AI 1TED EVERYWHERE To handle our I LLCS. FA3I1X.Y BIBLES. Sew frnbacriptian edition now ready, the moet ever produced. Superb Phot. A l- bams, in exclusive deejfrna, directly Imported for our own trade, and standard publications: Kill's . Manual, Histortea, etc We offer unrivalled In dnceme&ta, with exdnafrc territory. Vinte to na. ; BAIRD & DILLON Publi uneraMantif aeturew and ImporteraXalteia Koiidia. lia and z . i-'tai fctt, Vukaqo, iu