The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, July 05, 1884, Image 4

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A $15,000 club house is being erected in
Victoria, B. C.
Cholera has appeared in Toulon and
Marseilles, France.
Constantinople has quarantined against
vessels from Toulon.
Coronation Day, June 28th, was observed
in fine style in Victoria.
French authority has been established
over Camboodia in Asia.
It is reported that the plague has ap
peared on the Persian frontier.
The authorities at Alexandria, Egypt,
will quarantine French vessels.
The Bible belonging to Milton has been
bought b? the British Museum.
It is reported that the Federal Bank of
Toronto, Can., will soon suspend.
' Business at Marseilles is at a standstill
on account of cholera there and at Toulon.
Mrs. Langtry will visit Victoria provided
a subscription of $1,000 is secured for her.
In the German reichstaz last week the
treaty with Corea passed its second read
ing. At a farewell meeting to Moody, at Lon
don recently, fully 4,000 converts were
Bismarck says that the relations of
Germany with France are in no danger of
a rupture.
France at present has a greater number
of eminent sculptors than she ever before
, Austria is preparing quarantine against
vessels arriving from western Mediter
ranean ports.
Freight is now carried from Victoria
through to Lyttan via the Canadian Pa
cific railway.
Parnell is preparing for immediate elec
tions in Ireland, in case of the dissolution
of parliament.
Cholera is said to have broken out at
Yang-Tsun, China, a town between Tien
Tsin and Pekin.
The reports of the fall of Berber on May
- 26th have been officially confirmed by the
authorities at Cairo.
Clara Louise Kellogg has had three of
fers to go into English opera, and one for
Italian opera next season.
The British Bank of North America, at
Quebec, in view of repeated counterfeit
ing, has issued new $5 Dills.
A Paris cablegram says: DeLesseps de
clares all rumors of the failure of the Pa
nama excavation works are false.
Henry Gillig, gave a banquet at London
recently in honor of A. A. Sargent, ex
" United States minister to Berlin.
The London policemen, it is reported,
have had their revolvers restored to them
in view of the recent happenings.
The Victoria board of licensing com
missioners have decided to license for the
city nine hotels, six saloofis and eight
The American eonsul at Marseilles has
been ordered by the United States to tel
egraph the progress of the cholera epi
demic. Itoads and mountain passes in France
are being narrowly guarded to prevent
the -passage of persons infected with
The chateau at Marseilles, France, for
merly belonging to the Empress Eugenie,
is being prepared for the accommodation
of 500 cholera patients.
Lieutenant Schwatka has received the
grand medal of the Imperial Geographical
Society of St. Petersburg for explorations
in Alaska and the Arctic.
There was not a single bid for Lord
Queensberry's estates in Dumfriesshire
when they were put up for auction at
Edinburgh the other week.
A committee has been organized in Lon
don to dedicate a memorial window , in
Westminster Abbev to Dr. Charles Wil
liam Siemens, the electrician.
It is said on Spanish authority that of
the fifteen men who landed in Cuba with
Augero he has lost all but one, with
whom he is now hiding in the swamps.
The steamer Faraday passed Lizard last
week. -, After laying the shore end of the
Bennett-Mackay cable to Waterville, she
goes to Cork to coal, and will complete the
The Philadelphia cricketors won the
fame with the gentlemen of Leicester,
Ingland, the latter scoring 152 in two in
nings to 280 by the Philadelphians in one
In the German reichstag, the Windt
hurst bill, abolishing the expulsion and
imprisonment of the clergy for exercising
functions without civil authority, was
The Spanish cabinet recently, King Al
fonso presiding, decided that the two offi
cers found guilty of desertion at Santa
Coloma de Fames, April last, be shot im
mediately, y
Advices from Eastern Turkestan state
that -the Chinese governor of Kashgar has
ordered Russian residents to quit certain
stations, and forbidden Chinese to trade
with Russians.
As the steamer Pavonia, from Boston,
' was entering the dock at Liverpool last
week, her cylinder burst. The engineer
, was killed, and many others were seri
ously wounded.
Nineteen of the Riverhead prisoners,
charged with the murder of five Orange
men on St. Stephen's day, were all ac
quitted at St. Johns, N. 13., last week,
amid intense excitement.
Most of the arrivals of immigrants to
Victoria are from the United States and
Canada, though England and Scotland
have sent a gpod many. Many of them
are laborers with families.
The American legation at Constantino
ple announces that the treaty of commerce
between America and Turkey having ex
pired American imports will be subject to
a duty of 8 per cent advaloreum.
Ha-Noi advices of the 26th ult. state th:it
the fighting near Langson, between the
Chinese garrison and the French forces,
continued two days. Ten Frenchmen
were killed and thirty-three wounded.
General Mecnefell has arrived in Cairo.
He goes immediately to Assouin. The
rebels are massing near A bo a Hanrid.
There was increased firing at Suakem last
week. The conduct of the Egyptian troops
is good.
A dispatch from General MUlot to the
French government from Ha-Noi last
week states that th detachment ordered
to proceed to Langson, is in satety at
Basle. The French troops are displaying
great courage. '
It is reported that Admiral Courbett has
. been instructed to demand a public apol
ogy of China, as well as indemnity for
violation of the treaty at Langson, and in
case China refuses a French tleet will
bombard Chinese cities.
A .fans cablegram- says: Before the
vote was taken on the Anglo-French
agreement, rerry promised that the de
cisions of the conference should not en
tirely determine the position of France
without the consent of the Chamt)er ot
Military Cadet Gonzales, the President
of Mexico's 20-year-old son, while riding
on a street car in the City of Mexico re
cently witn Captain Pedro Garcia, a pro-
with General Majors son, who, with a
servant, was shot dead by Garcia.
The English Court of Appeals has ren
dered a decision in the Park Club baccarat
case. The proprietor and members of
the governing committee were fined 500,
and the players 100. The Court of Ap
peals affirms judgment against the pro
prietor and committee, but quashes that
against tne players.
San Francisco'anticipates a dull Fourth
or Juy. ;
The Senate.has passed the.Mexican pen
sion bill, i
Morgan &
have failed.!
Sons, New .York bankers,
Jay Gould says the "Western Union
earning its dividends.
W. J. Watson, a heavy oil operator of
Pittsburg, Pa., has failed.
The obsequies of Bishop Simpson took
place in Philadelphia last week.
The Yellowstone Hotel, in the National
Park, will be opened about the middle of
Oliver Canfield, a woman murderer of
Vincennes; Indiana, was lynched last
week. j
The failure of Stout & Co., f New York,
was announced at the stock exchange last
The DeoDle of Alaska are in high pleas
ures over the news of a government for
Alaska. j
J. W. Burnham, a once wealthy New
York merchant, committed suicide re
cently, j
Great damage has been caused by the
recent breaking of the levees near Stock
ton, Cal. j
Five men were severely injured by a
falling building at Council Bluffs, Iowa,
A large number of Chinamen are arriv
ing in Philadelphia, principally from the
Pacific Coast.
The natural gas well at the Jefferson
works, Pittsburgh, Pa., were lighted
Tuesday night.
Jesse R. Grant, son of General Grant,
and family, are among the recent arrivals
in San Francisco.
Allen Pinkerton, founder of Pinkerton's
Detective Agency, is lying at the point of
death in Chicago.
Mrs. Isaac M. Singer, first wife of the
noted inventor, died in Brooklyn, N. Y.,
recently of cancer.
Fears of further damages to crops
throughout California from rain are no
longer entertained.
Two car loads of Columbia river salmon
were condemned in New York last week.
Cause bad packing.
The Lindell Hotel Association of St.
Louis has made an assignment for the ben
efit of its creditors.
The Louisiana I State Legislature has
passed a bill appropriating $100,000 for the
World s .Exposition.
A storm in the western part of Pennsyl
vania killed a number of persons and
greatly injured grain.
Overflow water in the vicinity of Tiger
ville, La., is falling. Some land is uncov
ered, but too late for crops.
The boiler in a planing mill at Wausau,
Wis., exploded last week, killing four per
sons and wounding several.
Including real estate investments of
$15,000 Langtry has $120,000 in loans on
property in New York at 5 per cent.
The Senate committee on finance has
postponed further consideration of the
trade dollar bill until next December.
The House committee on public lands
has agreed to report favorably on the bill
forfeiting the Southern Pacific Railroad
land grant.
Anion cr the Important measures passed
by the House recently were bills repealing j
the pre-emption ana amending tne nome
stead laws.
A Tiarerville. La., special says: The
sugar house of J. P. Vigulrio, on bayou
i3iaci-,i vftus ucmuusueu. bj a i jiiuuc, hu
other damage is reported.
From reports received by .the Chicago
Farmers' Review as to the wheat pros
pects, there is a promise of full average
crops, but not an enormous yield.
The steamer Idaho landed four govern
ment explorers at Copper river, Alaska,
on the last trip there, the object being to
explore the surrounding country and map
Because of the new story recently added
to CooDer Institute, m New xork, the
r,ioHrtr.a f i onHrA structure ara tn
he strencthened. The work is very serious
and difficult.
Frank R. Carmen, a clerk, 30 years old,
committed suicide last week by jumping
from the Oakland (Cal.) ferry. Drink and
remorse at his wife leaving him are be
lieved to be the causes.
Judge Toohy, of the Criminal Court of
San Francisco, recently sentenced Joseph
Randall, one of the eastern safe-crackers
convicted of burglary in the first degree,
to fifteen years in San Quentin.
Runkin, the Chinese mandarin who was
not permitted to land at New York from
the steamship Newport from Havana, has
made his escape from the customs officers
is whose custody he was placed.
Joseph Calamore attempted to dive from
a high bridge in New York a day or two
ago and was killed. His body was not re
covered. Very few witnessed the leap,
and those only happened to be on the
bridge at the time.
Dr.! John E. Vailefellow, of the Royal
College of Surgeons, London, attached to
the medical health institute in San Fran
oisco, is reported missing. ' Foul play is
suspected. He is said to be the heir to an
immense fortune in England.
Andrew Long, a wife murderer, was
taken from jail at Iona, Mich., recently.
and conveyed to Union' for preliminary
examination. There a mob made an in
effectual attempt to lynch him. , The Gov
ernor has ordered troops to the scene.
The will of Mrs. Eliza Cody, who died
recently in Philadelphia, leaving an estate
valued at $150,000, has been admitted to
probate. She leaves $100,000 to Catholic
charities, including $20,000 to the St.
Thomas TheologicalSeminary, near Louis
ville. A contest is going on in the San Fran
cisco school board over the matter of fur
nishing text books, and it is openly
charged that certain directors have been
"influenced" to aid the scheme f a pub
lishing house, which has applied for a four
years' contract to supply all the books re
quired, r
Emigration to California from Europe
and the East is smaller than fer years
past! A railroad official said recently that
the Northern Pacific was carrying more
people into the Northwest than the Cen
tral Pacific and Southern Pacific together
were bringing to California.
A portion of a tunnel on the Panhandle
Road, west line, near Steubenville, Ohio,
which was nearly completed, caved in re
centiv. burying eizht men and one boy.
Four of the party are thought to be seri
ously injured, and the others badly, but
not seriously hurt. The men were mostly
A disastrous fire broke out last week in
McCracken & Brewster's furniture store,
on Royal street, between Customhouse
and, Bienville, New Orleans. The build-
ine and contents were destroyed, lhe
fire spread to adjoining buildings, causing
a loss variously estimated at from $300,000
to $4,00,000; well insured.
While the cold water army of children
were giving an entertainment at New
London, Conn., last week, a temporary
pyramid on the stage gave way and seventy-five
children fell with it, but none
were injured. A lighted kerosene lamp
derrick on the tower of Grace
Church, in New York, used in hoistinor
stone and building material for the new
steeple, fell last week, carrying with it a
mass of rigging and timber. Joseph
McKee, derrick rigger, and Robert Sam
son, mason, were caught in the ropes.
Both men were rescued and sent' to the
hospital, where their wounds were pro
nounced fatal.
bakers extra,
superfine. 3.75.
extra, tf bbL $4.75:
-; country, 4.004.50;
FEED, ETC-Corn meal, 100 lbs., $2.75
3.00: buckwheat, $5.50; oat meal, $4,00
4.25; cracked wheat, $3.253.50: bran,
ton $1416; shorts, $2225; middlings,
fine, $25.0030.00; hay, baled, $18.0020.00;
chop, $22.5025.00; oil cake meal, $35.00.
BUTTER Fancy, fresh roll, lb., 25
zuc: interior, grade. l82Uc; pickled, 2oc.
EGGS W doz., 22c
OATS Choice milling, nominal; good
feed. 50c erdinary feed, 4850c.
BARLEY Brewing, 100 lbs., nominal;
feed, nominal; ground. $24.0026.00.
WHEAT Good to choice, 100 lbs.,
81.401.42i, good valley; Walla Walla and
Eastern Oregon, $1.35. ,7
FISH Extra Pacific codfish, whole, in
c, 7c, boneless, in bxs., 8$c lb.; domestic
salmon, ni DDIs., $buu7.UU, bbls., $11.UU,
l-Vb. cans, doz., $1.45; mackerel, No. 1, f
kit, $1.752.00, No. 2, $1.501.75, No. 1,
hf bbls., $10.00, No. 2, $8.50; herrings,
salted, hf bbls., , dried, 10-lb. bxs.. Toe
HIDES AND BAGS Hides, dry, over 16
lb., lb., 1718c; Murrain hides, one-third
off; hides, wet Baited, over 55 lbs., lb., 6
7c (one-third less for light weights, dam
aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts,
shearling. 1085c! deer skins, winter,
1215c, Eastern Oregon, 22c, summer, E
1820c, valley, 2528c; burlaps, 40 in.,
8c, 45 in., 8Jc 60 in., 14c; twine, flour, 35(2
40c, wheat, 35c, fleece, 1213c; gunnies.
18c: wheat sacks, 78c:
HUlNJSx In comb, lb., 22 25c:
strained in 5 gal., 11c lb.; 1-gal. tins, f
loz, $14.0015.0O, half-gal., $7.50.
HOPS lb., 1520c;
PROVISIONS Bacon. llj12ic; hams,
country, lb., 1315c, butcher, scarce;
shoulders, 10llc.
LARD Kegs, lb., 12c; Eastern,
pails, 1213Jc Oregon, tins, 1212$c; Cali
fornia, 10-lb. tins, none
SUGARS Golden 0, inbWs., ft.. 8c,
in hf bbls., 8c; refined D, bbls., 7c. hi
bbls., 7c; dry granulated, bbls., UJe, hf
bbls., 9c: crushed, bbls., 10c; fine
crushed, bbls., 10c, hf bbls., 10ic; cube,
bbls. 10c. hf bbls, lOc; islands, No. 1, fegs,
774c, bgs., 6S7c.
SYRUPS California refinery si, gal.,
bbls., 40c. kgs., 50c, cs., gal. tins, 60c;
Eastern, bbls., w gal., 50(55c, kgs, bO(gjboc,
s., 6065c.
RICE Sandwich Islands, No. 1, lb.,
5&c; China mixed, 45c; China No. 1,
none; Rangoon. 5c.
GREEN FRUITS Apples, bx., $1.50
2.00; lemons, California, $4.005.00, Sicily,
$12.0013.00; oranges, bx., $4.004.50
limes, 100, $1.502.00
FRUITS Prunes, Hungarian, ft., 12 J
15c; raisins (new), bx., $2.502.75, hi
bxs., $2.753.00, qr bxs., $3.253.35, 8th
bxs., $3.253.50; currants, Zante, lb.
in bxs., 10c; citron, lb. in drums, 22c;
almonds, Marseilles, lb., 1820c, Lane,
20c; walnuts, Chili, ll12ic, California,
DRIED FRUITS Bleached, 14 15c;
apples, machine-cured, v id., l3loc, sun
cured, 910c; peaches, machine-cured, in
boxes, 13Hc; German, in boxes, lb., 10
llc; plums, sun-cured, pitless, 1516c,
machine-cured, 1618c; pears, machine
cured, 1012c, sun-cured, 10Lc; figs,
California. 25-tb. bx.. 9c: Smyrna, 20 25c.
WOOL Valley, 1416e; Eastern Ore
gon. I417c
POULTRY--Chickens, doz., spring,
$4.505.50. old. $6.50: ducks. S6.(KKa8.00
geese, 88.0010.00; turkeys, lb.. 1214c.
PEAS, SEEDS, Etc. Beans, lb., pea,
w., 3c, lg. w., 4c, bayou, 4Jc, pink,
5e, limas, (4c; peas, neld, 2rfjc, sweet,
1520c; timothy seed, 10i12c, red clover,
2225c, white clover, 4050c, alfalfa, 16
20c, hungarian grass, 810c, millet, 810c,
orchard grass, l&20c, rye grass, 20(2!25c,
red top, 1517c, blue grass, 1828c, mes
quite grass, 1012Ac.
VEGETABLES Potatoes, bu., 50
60c, according to variety; cabbage, lb,.
2Jc; turnips, sck., $1.25: carrots, $1.25;
beets,' $1.2i; onions (new), lb., lie; pars
nips, 2c.
CHEESE California, 15 17c; Oregon
large, choice. 14(3K17c. small, none.
BUCKWHEAT Nominal, $3.00.
CORN No demand.
RYE Nominal, 100 lbs.,$1.502.00
RECEIPTS Wheat, 2,500 ctls.: flcur,
33.000 qr. sks.: oats, 1,200 ctls.;potatoes, 1,
700 sks.: eggs, 6,501) doz.
FLOUR San Francisco extra, best, at
$5.005.30; medium, $3.504.50; shipping
superfine, $3.004.25.
WHEAT Shippers mav be considered
as out of the market, for their .purchases
are sosmall and so few that they occasion
scarcely any observation. Millers move
around more lively in searcn ci cnoice ol
ferings, without obtaining much satisfac
tion. Prices are quotable at $1.421.47J
ctl for good shipping grades, while lots
suitable for milling go from $1.48A1.55
V ctl.
Buyer 1884100 tons, $1.48.
Seller 1884- 600 tons, $1.40 700, $1,403
Closing prices were:
No. 1 white Bid. Asked.
Buyer season......... $1 46 $146
Seller season 1 30 1 3DJ
Buverl884 1 52h
Seller 1884... 1 40i 1 40
BAGS AND BAGGING There appears
to be a good demand for wheat bags. We
quote Calcutta, 22x26, standard quality,
at 7J7ic for spot or June delivery. Wool
bags are nominal at 3639c; potato gun
nies I4(i44c apiece.
BARLEY Prices are generally pretty
well" sustained, and, from present appear
ances, there is not likely to be any inter
mediate disturbance of consequence in
rates now current. The best qualities of
Feed change hands at 8285c ctl,
while No. 2 grades range from 7780c &
ctl. The inquiry for Brewing is still
rather positive, though buyers are not
eager to close sales. A strictly choice
article is worth 07Jc $ ctl, while most of
the trading is arranged within the limits
of 9095c ctl. Over 2,000 tons No. 1
Feed were recorded as follows
Buyer season 100 tons, 95c.
Seller season 100 tens,82fc.
Buyer 1884200 tons, 91c ctl.
CORN California yehow is quotable at
$1.0O1.65 for large, and $1.65 for small;
white, 81.57J1.65; Nebraska white, $1.50
1.55 ctl.
TALLOW Good to choice rendered, 64
7c; refined, 84,8c lb.
HOPS Quotable at iultc, lb lor poor
to medium.and 1822Jo for good t choice.
APPLES Oregon, bx., 75c$1.25.
HIDES Dry. 0 lb., usual selection. 19
20c; dry kip. 192(Jc; dry calf, 2022Jc;
salted steers; 55 lbs, 11c.
LARD Eastern refined, 3 to 10-lb. tins,
1212ic. Other provisions unchanged.
SALMON Oreeon. 1-lb cans. W doz..
fo. b., $1.20, $1,224.
EGGS W doz., 2123c.
BRAN The spot market is quotable at
$15.0017.60 per ton.
MIDDLINGS Active at $18.0020.00
MILLSTUFFS Ground barley, $24.00
25.00 ton; oil cake meal, old process,
$30.00, new process, $26.50; rye Hour. $6.00
bbl.; rye meal, $o.ou; buck-wheat flour,
lb., 6c; pearl barley, 4(o;dc; graham nour,
3c; oat meal, 5c; Easterm oat meal, & bbl.,
$9.75, net cash; cracked wheat, lb., 4c.
WOOL Mendocino. 1720c. lb.;
Humboldt, 1720c; San Joaquin, 1015c;
coast, 8c, 11c: Red Bluff and Colusa, etc
CORNMEAL Millers quote feed at $34
35 ton; fine kinds, for the table, in
large or small packages, 3c $ lb.
DRIED PEAS Green, $3.75; rules,
$2.002.25: blacKeye. $3.00 ctl
CHEESE Calif ornfi, 9llc.
POULTRY Dressed turkeys. 2324c,
live, 2122c, lb., for hens, and 2022c for
fobblers, geese. $1.251.75 pair; ducks,
4.00 6.00 doz.: hens, $8.00 9.50;
roasters, young, $8.0010.00. old do. $7.00
8.50; broilers, $3.006.60, according to
OATS Tne market is inactive, especial
ly for small jobbing lots, which, however,
are not quick of movement.
We quote: Surprise and milling, $1.70
1.80; No. 1, $1.551.65; No. 2, $1.30
1.45; black, $1.351.50 ctL
Mr. Peter Mallen, 212 W. Twenty-fourth
street, New York,says that he suffered six
years with rheumatism and found no re
lief until St. Jacobs Oil, the sovereign rem
edy was applied, wnich cured mm completely.
A clergyman in 'Cleveland, O., seventy
one years of age, who had preached regu
larly nearly every Sunday for over fifteen
years, says, in a letter dated February 8th,
1882, a few weeks after commencing the
use of Compound Oxygen:
"My strength was equal to the work un
til about a year ago, when I began to fail,
and had come to the conclusion that my
work, if not my life was nearly at an end.
But now 1 am quite a new man yea, me
revitalizer has introduced new life into
my almost dead organs.. I can say that I
am well, with the exception of a little
soreness in mv throat. Allow me to give
thanks, first to God, and then to you, for
this blessed hour ot neaitn.
Our "Treatise on Compound Oxyaenl
containing a history of the discovery amd
mode of action of this remarkable
tive agent, and a large record of surprising
cures in Consumption, catarrn. .Neuralgia, 0f
dress Dks. Starket & Palen, 1109 and
1111 Girard street, Philadelphia.
All orders for the Compound Oxygen
Home Treatment directed to H. E. Ma
thews, 606 Montgomery street, San Fran
cisco, will be filled on the same terms as if
sent directly to us in Philadelphia.
A sewer-pipe is the pipe of pieces-sev
eral pieces in fact.
The Unknown Trials Which a Woman
Endnred Without Complaint
Why They Vanished.
Near the close of one of the most trying
of the few hot days of the present year a
pale, care-worn woman might have been
seen at the window of her dwelling appar
ently in a condition of complete exhaus
tion. Her efforts to meet the accumulated
duties of her household had been great but
uuauccessj ui, wiiiie tiie care oi a hick cuiiu,
whose wails could even then be heard.
was added to her otherwise overwhelm
ing troubles. Nature had done much
for her and in her youthful days she had
been not only beautiful, but the possessor
of health such as is seldom seen. But
home and family duties and the depress'
ine: cares which too often accompany them
had proven greater than her splendid
strength and she felt at that moment not
only that life was a burden but that death
would be a grand relief. This is no un
usual experience. It is, in fact, a most
common everyday occurrence, and a great
prayer is constantly ascending from thou
sands of homes for deliverance from the
deadly power which is enslaving so many
wives, mothers and daughters. And yet
these duties of life must be met. JNo wo
man can afford to turn aside from the
proper care of her home and the ones who
are committed to her care, although in do
intr these duties she may sacrifice her
health, and possibly life itself. The expe
rience of one who successfully overcame
such trials and yet retained her health and
all the blessings it brings is thus told by
Rev. William Watson, Presidine Elder of
the Methodist-Episcopal church, residing
at Watertown, x. fie said:
"My wife became completely run down
through overwork and care of a sick
member of our household, and I enter
tained serious apprehensions as to her fu
ture. She was languid, pale, utterly ex
hausted, without appetite, and in a com
plete state of physical decline. And yet
she did not, coidd not neglect her duties.
I have seen her about the house, trying
courageously to enre for the ones she loved
when I could tell, from the lines upon her
face how much she was suffering. At
times she would rally for a day or two and
then fall back into the state of nervous ex
haustion she felt before. Her head pained
her frequently, her body was becoming
bowed by pain and all hope or enjoyment
in life seemed departed. What to do we
could not tell. I resolved, however, to
bring back her life and vitality if possible
and to this end began,to treat her myself.
To my great relief her system has been
toned up, her strength restored, her
health completely recovered and wholly
by the use of Warner's Tippecanoe, which
I regard as the greatest tonic, invigorator
and stomach, remedy that has ever been
discovered. 1 was led to use it more
readily as I had tested the health-restor-ine:
properties of Warner's Safe Cure in
my own person and I therefore knew that
any remedy Mr. Warner might produce
would be a valuable one. I have since
recommended both Warner's Tippecanoe
and Warners bare uure to many of my
friends and I know several Doctors of Di
vinity, as well as numerous laymen, who
are using both with great beneht.
If all the overworked and duty driven
women of America could know of the ex
penence above described, and act upon
the same, there can be little doubt that
much of the pain, and most of the dis
tresslng influences of life might be
avoided. Such truths are too valuable to
remain unknown.
A CARD. To all who are suffering from er
rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak
ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc.. I will
send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF
CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered
by a missionary in South America. Send self-
addressed envelope to Rev. JoaEriiT. Inman,
"Mother Swan's "Worm Syrup." for
feverishness, restlessness, werms, consti
pation, tasteless, zo cents.
Something old Allen's Bilious Phvsic-
Acts quickly, relieves promptly, and never
tails to cure bick Headache and Constipa
tion, zo cents, large bottle. At all Drug-
ensts. Kedington, Woodard ec uo.
Portland, Oregon.
CATARRH A New Treatment whereby
a permanent cure is effected in from one to
three applications. Jf articulars and trea
tise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon
& Son, 805 King street west. Toronto, Can.
A recent cold or chronic Catarrh yield
promptly to Papillon Catarrh Cure. It
does not irritate.
The Best Blood Purifier and Tonic Alterative in
use. Itpuickly cures all diseases originating
from a disordered state of the blood or liver.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Boils, Blotches, Pim
ples, Scrofula. Gout, Dropsy, Tumors, Salt
Rheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to
its purifying properties. It leaves the blood
pure, the liver and kidneys healthy, the com
plexion bright and clear. For sale by all drug
gists. J. K. GATES Jk CO., - - Proprietors,
To the needs of the
tourist, commercial
traveler and new set
tler Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters is pecul
iarly adapted, since it
strengthens the di
gestion organs, and
braces the physical en
ergies to nnhealthful
influences. It removes
and prevents malarial
fever, constipation,
dyspepsia, healthfully
stimulates the kidneys
and bladder, and en
riches as well as puri
fies the blood. When
overcome by fatigue,
whether mental or
physical, the we 17
and debilitated find it
a reliable source of re
newed strength and
comfort. For sale by
all Druggist and
Dealers generally.
0 0 L A fl H A H An oU flsh of rich and delicious
n -Tu7 J iV. flvor' Sprier to the finest ha.
03 CANDLE FISH ported Sardines. Ask for them.
This sterling institution, situated on the
corner of Pine and Sansome streets, San
Francisco, Cal., has just finished the
eighteenth year of its existence. Under
the able management of Dr. R. H. Mc
Donald, to whose direction it has all
along been indebted for much of its suc
cess, its progress has continued, the past
year being the most prosperous of its
brilliant career. It now enters upon its
nineteenth year with over $3,000,000 capi
tal, an ample surplus, and a share of the
well earned public confidence, worth more
than pletoric vaults. Its facilities for
doing business, its absolute security, and
its large clientage among the farmers,
manufacturers, merchants, and the cream
our business classes, insure a continu-
ance in larger degree of the prosperity
which has uniformly marked its past
Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer"
restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia,
2r. Ilerilerfs Celerv. Bee f and Iron
the best Nerve Tonic ever discovered.
Papillon Cough Cure does not contain
any drugs or chemicals: it is purely vege
table. It ..cures W hooping Cough, .bron
chial Cough, or tickling in the throat, and
Winter Cough so prevalent In older peo
Young Men, Middle Aged Men and All
Men who suffer from early indiscretions
will find Allen's Brain Food, the most
powerful invigorant ever introduced; once
restored by it there is no relapse, lry it;
it never fails. $1; 6 for $5. At druggists,
or by mail from J. H. Allen, 315 First Ave.,
Aew York City, lledington, Woodard &
Co., Borland, Oregon.
"Rough on Coughs." 15c.. 25c., 50c., at
Drucrtrists. Complete cure Cousrhs, Hoarse
ness, bore Throat.
6 s
5 b
c CD
lt S o
90 ft
O m
go CO
2 P
3- 3
P m
O ?3
50.. w
a r-i
vi g
p H
O a
c a
a o
C -!
c to
e 2
s 01
- c
No. 4 to 25
Smokers of Blackwell's Genuine
Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco will
receive Premiums as follows on
terms and conditions here specified:
2d 82,000
3d " Sl.000
22 other Premium as here shown.
The 25 premiums will be awarded
December 23, 1884. 1st Premium
goes to the person from whom we re
ceive the largest number of our empty
tobacco baurs prior to Dee. 15. 2d will
be givenfor the next Unrest number
and thus, in the order of the number
of empty batrs received from each.
to the twenty-five successful con
testant Each bar must bear our
original Bull Durham label, tf. 8.
Revenue stamp, and Caution Notice.
Bill's mnst be done np securely in a
packatre. with name and address of
sender, and number of bags contain
ed, rlainly marked on the outside,
and must be sent, rhanres prepaid, to
BlackwelPd Durham Tobacco
Co., Durham, N. G. Every Kenuine
package has picture of Bull.
See onr next announcement.
A ft - JV o - ca IX 23. X
Strongest, Purest, Best and MostEcononi'
ical in the Market
Never Varies in Qua ity.
liecomtaended to CONSUMERS by leading Physi
cians, Chemists and members of the haa
Francisco Board of Health.
San Francisco and Sacbamentu
EJft. V
rnrr.iKki (AFTER. I
T7LECTRO-VOLTAIC CELT and other Elfkttic
1 i ArriJASCrs nre sent on SO Days' Trial TO
MKN ONLY, YOU NO OR OLD, who are sutter
Iryr from NEnvocs DFBrxjTT, Lost Vitality,
WAsnxa WKAjrsrfSES. and all those diseases c a
rrHsesAL Natcue, rscUlm? from Abuses nd
Otheb Causes. Speedy relief and comp'ete
rrstoration to HeaLth. Vigor andMASHXD
CUARANTsro. at once for Iliuatr ited
Pamphlet free. Ad1res3
Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich,
mSif iw47
.. .iiiM i 1- 1 . ir
ul I
A mum at
SS nffiS i A5SS57. 160 ralta St..
ThePicxic Seasox. Oak-noisoninz is
prevented by applying Camelline for the
James Beecher, M. D.. of Sigourney, Iowa, i
says: 'H ot several years I nave oeeit using a
Cough Balsam, called DR. WM. HALL'S BAL
SAM FOR THE LUNGS, and in almost every
case throughout my practice I have had entire
success. I have used and prescribed hundreds
of bottles since the days of my army practice
(1863), when I was surgeon of Hospital No. 7,
Louisville, Ky."
( . ensart
Established 1S33.
Oldest OarteredBaalC;
cijgFuific Caast .
Capital Stock
Idrpta 450,000.00.
Dnmttrme Cc 77RfV77Rn
; SanFrancisco,CaL Jan. lksb-i.
All niwtters intrusted to our rare s. h
IT attended to with promplu-ss, fidelity, u.d i.
stric confidence.
The rollowinir staieweui snows i.i
condition of this Bank to date.
roans and DlfWonut. ... 2,309,72a S3
K?al KMtitte-Itaiimc ltone i-,wnw
tuhft- Kah.1 Kstate 1 .9 r
(Jo v. bonds, b'n k stk Ac 111 i 05
Honey on hand 8.16
Total Assets .3,7?i,077 so
'nnfrnl Stork 81.000,000 00
tttirnliin land - 430.00O oo
liMilvlried Irofls ,u3
Ine Ieioitors
One iiauks .. . ih,;hb.i
Due Dividend Ko. 69 JO.ooooo
Total liabilities...,' ..... $:i,7?fc.?7 bO
Onr connections are ct.miileie for the trans
action ot an Ki.'ias oi ruiiKing misiness.
Firms, cornorHt ioiin, a ni i ncii vi aain.
desirine to ODen an account, or make any thaniie
their present banking arrangements will do well i
communicate with us. '
K. II. McIiVAI.I. Hrirt. .
CAMEL1INE has been sanctioned by the
mp.dieal nrofeasion. and is the only harmless
article for the complexion. The recommenda-
tion of forty of of the leading physicians have
been published.
CAMELLINE is a sure preventive of Oak-
poisoning and gives speedy relief in all cases of
Price, & tjents.
Ttio Arnrfniw In the treatment of Cancer with Swift's
Specifio (S . as. 1 would seem to warrant us in saying that
it will cure this much dreaded scourge. Persons so
afflicted are invited to correspond with us.
I believe Swift's Specific has saved my life. I had vir
tually last use of the upper part of my body and my
arms from the poisonous eifects of a large cancer on my
neck, and from whicH 1 natt sunerea ior twenty year.
S. S. S. has relieved me of all soreness, and the poison
is being forced out of mysystem. will soon be wen.
Two months aero mv attention was called to the case
of a woman afflicted with a cancer on her shoulder at
leant five inches in circumference, angry , painful, anil
eivinr the Datient no rest dar or nleht t r six months.
t nhtnined a itirrolv of Swift's Snecific for her. She has
taken 5 sottles and the ulcer is entirely healed up, only
a very small scab remaining, ana her neaitn is better
than for S vaara nast: seems to be perfectly cured.
I have seen remarkable results from use of Swift's
Specific on a cancer. A young man here has been
afflicted five years with the most angry-looking eating
cancer I ever saw, and was nearly dead. The first bot
tle made a wonderful change, and after five bottles were
taken, he is nearly or quite well. It is truly wonderful.
M. urumlky, ju. u., ugietnorpe, ua.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
Thk Swinr Specific Co., Drawer 3 Atlanta, Ca
V V Oflffiw 1M w. 2M St... bet. Wb and 7th Avenues.
Scales of all liindH,
Old Safes taken in Exchange.
Safes Sold on Installments.
Write for Prices.
Portland and San Francisco.
if The Greatest
j Nerrine known.
Fdiiebig's Extract), the
Wonderful Nutritive and
(Pyrophosphate), Tonic
for the Blood, ana Food
for the Brain.
This Valuable Discovery, lately prepared and
sold in Portland, Oregon, has been extensively used in
that locality, and performed many astonishing cures
As a Kervtue and Tonic it is unsurpassed. The
combination of Celery, Beef and Iron, has shown
to possess wonderful power to build up broken-down
constitutions, and restore vigor to both mind and body.
It is an efficient remedy in cases of veueral Debility,
iHllon, Kieepietwne, ftenrai
Loan of PltjHlral and Mentat
la. Lobs of PhjHlral an
rr DiraCHliies.ana mail weranse
menta of Health, where an efficient and agreeabl
Tonic and Nervine is required.
537 Claj' Street, - - San Francisco.
66c. SPECIAL OFFER. 66c.
hither of then heavv solid UoIIcmI Unld
Rinrs only 66e. in coin or stamps, provided
you cnt ont this advertisement ana send it with
your order at once. Any Initials desired,
engraved on inside of Ring without charge.
Splendid Illustrated Catalogue of fine
Jewelry, Watches, &c, gent with each
order. Send measnre of flneer, and state which
ring you uesiru, jiaareM, M. Va.ViiiU,t
25 Maiden Lane, New York.
Is tub Worm)
Ask your Grocer ior it
This BELT or Refronera
tor a made expressly for
the cure of derangements
of the generative ortrans.
There Is no nustace about
this Instrument, the con
tinuous stream of KLEO
TR1CITY rjermeatuv;
through ths pxrtf mrat
restore them to neatthy
action. Do not confound
this with Etectrio Belts
advertised to euro, all tit
from hfd totoe. ItUfoi
ior rirculars srlvlnir full ir.formatlon, address yawv
tboWBspecirHj ijui
Electrto Belt tU, WJ WatJBS hi., wwcago, au.
,11?'" , ' - -
mm. m m -maw sp 1
and filALAslIA-
Prom these sources arise three-fourths ot
Cia diseases of the. human race, xnese
symptoms indicate tneir existence :
Appetite, Dowel costive. Sick Head"
ncne roxiness aixer can Kg, kvctoiuu w
exertion, ot body or mind Eructation
or food, irritability or temper,
cpirlta, A reeling or having neglected
aome dutrj lIzzin8, Flattering at the
Heart, Dots before tho eye, highly col
ored Vrine, coarsnplTioa and de
mandtne use of a remedy that actsjaireouy
PITJub nave no equau -xoeu: ruuuuvu uw
Kidneys and Skin is also prompt ; remoring
all imparities mrougu iuwouiiot--m"-engers
of the Bystem, producing Bppe.
Ute. sounu aigeonuu, VV t
cause no nausea or griping not intcrfero
with daily work and are a perfect
Antidote to uiAi-AitiA.
Bold every wher, 25c. Murray Si.,N.Y.
TiiTTS mm dyi
rTiro nt? wmsKHiis chansred
Btantly to a Glosst Black by a single ap.
pUcatfoi of this DTE. Sold by Druggists,
or sent by express oaoreceiptof tl.
Omee.44 I1UX ray 01,1 rr. "
O I bill If AY .Gabler, Roenish Pianos; Bardotl
Organs, band instrument, Largest stock ef Sheet
Music and hooks, nanus suppueu ai taste rn nuu
M. GRAY, 206 Post Street, San Francu to.
5,000 New and Second-hand llano
aa hall price. Pianos $75 and up. AnU
sttll Piano Factory. 21 26EUlaSt. S.S
36.-S.iT. N. U. No. 107..
P I S CPs BJL t E 0V FO R CTA if
Easy to use. A certain cure.
Not expensive. Three
s' treatment In one packajre. Good for Colt
In the Head, Hpadache, Dizziness, Hay 1 ever,
S-iny cents. Se! Warren. Pa.
40 cents. Sydeb Sc hannold. m j; liDert
street, Philadelphia, Pa. -
Stands unrivalled as the
nrnmi miin bacco thb world.
UCAllU r LUUOne plug in every box
I TrtD A nnft MnWn! lrol1 & to 25c
1 wwnwww
A delicious syrup, perfectly harmless that
cures that distress iriff anncuuo, unuun.u
Cough, in a few days. It prevents tbe paroxys
mal coughing, which causes the whoop. Bron
chial or ordinary hacking cough, so prevalent
in childhood ana old age. are permanently
cured with this simple syrup. It is purely veg
etable, and can be administered to infants with
out the slightest danger. It relieves and cures
whooping cougn ana any coxign oi cnuureuw;
adults. .. . .... .. .
We are constantly m receipt or testimonials.
and reports from physicians and druggists.
praising the efficacy of this delicious syrup, ii
vour child has a cold, a few doses of Papillon
Cough Cure will prevent a contagious malady.
For a hacking night cough, this remedy is su
ae ri or to all others.
rTice. si.uuper come, six iuro.w. uirecuuiin
in ten !augiaigs aeconji.Miiiy every bottle.
For sale by all
No Mor'e-Dyspepsia
Recommended by all Physicians.
Read Certificates on back of bottle. A SUKK
UUItE for Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, and
the Best Liver Regulator known.
SOLD ONLY IN GLASS. To fill or sell any
but the genuine article out of our bottle is a
felony, and when detected, will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law. Trade suppled by
530 Washington Street, San Francisco, Cal.
STmHSmrTi i r KETHOa Adorned in all
the HOSPITALS OF FRANCE. Prompt return of VIGOR.
Kimni nmari &.itnH. Severe ones, I
(to (It. PsmvbletFm.
It In I A kmiiiii AKenvjt uu j
iltoa bl., new xorib
The Science of Life. Only $1.
mm THYSELF.Z 1 )
A Great Medical Wort oa HanlioaJ.
Exhausted Vitality, Nervous and Physical Debility,
Premature Decline in man, Errers of Youth, and the nnr
told miseries resulting from indiscretions or excesses. A
book for every man, young middle-aged and old. Uooa
tains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, '
each one of which is invaluable. So found by the autho
whose experience for 23 years is such aa probably nevat
before feu to the lot of any physician. 3u0 pages, bound
in beautiful French mualin, embossed covers, full gilt,
guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense mechaniaal
literary and professional than any other work sold in this
country for 2.6Q, or the money will de refunded in every
instance. Price only $1 00 by mail, poet-paid.- Illustra
tive sample 6 cents. Bend now. Gold medal awarded
the author by tha National Medical Association, to the
officers of which be refer.
The Science of Life should be read by the young for
Instruction, and by the afilicted for relief. It will bene
fitaU. London Lancet.
There is no member of society to whom the Science of
Life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian.
Instructor or aletgyman. Tribune.
Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W. H.
Parkor, No. 4 Bullfinch sCeet, Boston, Mass., who aruur
be sous ul ted on all diseases real
ence. Chronie and obstinate dii
wring seui ana expert-
ence. unronis ana oosttnate aiseasea j r tna
have baffled the skill of all other physi- rl liM saciane
a specialty. Such treated success- TUVCRI p
ful without an instance of failure. a
N, B. Bend money by Registered Letter or P. O. Or
der. Books ean be sent to any addreas on the Pacific
Coast as safely as at home. Concealed in substantial
wrappers bearina ouIt the applicant' address. .
. j Absolutely cmrd la 80 to
I J day, by Dr. Pterce's Patent
3r Mkarnetia Slastio' 'Trans.
arraDted the onl vSleetrloTrnu
in the world. EBtirDlvdiffiwntfim
all othen. Perfect Retainer, and it wore
with ease and comfort night and day. Cured
'the renowned Dr. I. Simmn of New York.
and hundreds of others. New Illustrated paw
rhlpt fWte. eontaininff ftill Inthrmmtton.
504 Bacrameuto 8t cor. K.earny, Saa f"ranoi8oa, CaJ.
How to remedy the Indiscretions of youth
and manhood and to detect them in
there. Send for the medical work ox
DR. MARTINS and cure thyself. Sent
to any address of receipt of fifty cents.
10 Geary street, San Francisco, Cal.
Clectro-Mairnetle Belt
is the only complete Body-bat
tery m the world. Only onj
generating continuous ti.BCTRO-M Aci
netic CtKKFNT, withoat Aclda,
Cures disease like magic. For mala
or female. Hundreds cured ! Pamphlet, &C, free.
704 Sacramento Street, Sau Francisco,
N. P. N. U. No
J Iru y y us 12a w LSL
f V.'(P'ft
r 5
p '
"t. -"