THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 188-t. A LAUhEL LODGE A.t F. v. win. ux ii .? reiralar meeliDLi regular meetings on Wednesday on or before S&k each full moon. J. U. i LLS.ERTON, W. 31. I. CAito, Secretary, ferSW-S. MHLCTARIAX LODGE, i?fr-f K. 8. I. O. O. F., meets 'teCiS.r.1'"'-'i---i on Thursday evening of each week at 7 o'clnck, in their hall at Roseburg. Members o the ord ;r in good standing are invited to attend. By order of the N. U. UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 9, I. O. ). F., meets at Odd Follows' Hall on th first a'l 1 third Fri.l lys of every month. Visiting brethre.i invited t. attend. L. UiiWiLB, C. 1. A. C. Marks, Scribe. UMTQUA (J RANGE, No '2S, P. of II., will meet lie;ea.'ter on the Saturday of each month, at Cruise hall, in Roseburg. Ad members in good Bta.iding are cordially iavited to attend. Jas. T. Cooper, II.. , J. P. Di scas. Sec. VWI'MWIUA CHAPTER, No 11, F. A. M., hold -'hti'- their regular c mmunica lions every brut vvf and thinl Tuesday iii ea.h month. All $VHe& members in -.rood rtandiitg w ill tak due and timely notice and govern themselves accordingly, j Visiting com;aiiions are invited to meet with the j chapel when convenient. J. C. J'f LLKRT JS, II. P. W. I. Fbiedlasdkr, Sa-'" S .HAMILTON m ; Dealer in Brnsrs a Stationery, Oilers far sale in lies or Tin; 4090 pounds of Pioneer White Lend; 500 (JaSniis Salem Hoiied Linseed' Oil; 50 gals. 'Tur pentine: A COIlinletC StOl'k 0f . Taints, Krushes, Tarnishes,! and Can Color. (St you sue going to do any painting tali and get prices before purchas ing Elsewhere.) A conipSctc assortment of School Books, School Stationery, Writing Taper, Envelopes, etc., which I will sell very Cheap, har den Seeds, Patent 3IeJlc2jirs, and everything that is kept in a first-class drugstore. Or ders by mail and Express promptly attended to. S. Smith &. Co. DEALERS IN lillXXNEKir- AND FAIf GT GOODS. Next door to the New Bakery. X i i ! 3 I o i t ; I T. C. MACIIB1T, PHYSICIAN & SURGEOH DiiVri saloon, Jackson Street, JiaseDurg- The proj-reror of t liis well kn nvn and popular rtsrt won'd thank his lriji ls f r their libe al pat r-niiijro in the u-t and wiulJ ask for a continuance .of hHManirtin the lu'iire. The public is inf rined that I kevi. none but the best Irinds f, liquor and cigars and that I sell over the ar the cde brat Jesse Jloore & .Co.V Iventuck. W hisk'e- A good billiard table will bn found in the saloon; also the lea-ting puers of the world. OAKLAND ACADEMY! Oakland, Douglas Co., Or. School Year Begins Monday, September 3, 1383. rjUTTCON PEU SESSION OF TWELVE WEEKS: Primary Si 00. Kirst (Jrile Junior Class 5 00. . fcicymJ Grade Junior Cl;is3. 00. First Grade Middle Cla ', 7 50. . Second Grade, Middle Class 0 10. Senior Class 10 00. MUSIC. Twenty-four LctSAnns S1- t'seot IiiMtrumcnt 50. DKAWI.XU AND PAINTING. Twenty-foui Lessons ?1 00 to 12 00. &1T Send for Catalogue. iiCO. T. KliSsell, Principal. F1TSTE FAEMS FOR SALE. ONE FARM CONTAINING 431 A ND ff-1 acres, IS miles from Rosehurg, on tue Coos Hay etttge road, and known as the "Eighteen Mile House." Has good uwellinjr, Isage bam nd outhousee, with orchard and good gotden is wel fenefd. A gwJ sized creek o' ujh the pi;sce, near the house and barn. ar 'ero . ,ance rolling land. Grain, rras and 1 jcnty of timber for fuel, fencing- and build ng: urp6ses. Is a g(Kd tavern stand, be ' nir near th foot of coast, rane of mount litis Toll gate and stage station adjoining. licnithy, nter pure. Terms, .ar cash tand part on liberal ime. ALSO ADJOINING A FARM OF 100 ACRES, with good dwelling- and b:rn and ontbuildings with abearing orchard One half plow land and bal ance timber land, and all well watered. These farms wilt be sold either together or seperatciv, to suit purchase ra. Apply to Hermann & Roll, Koseburg, Oregon. A LSO, 427 ACRES NEAR THE TOWN OF S. MWRiug l.lass, m lou-rlas countv. 125 acres of ( m . . - r . plow land ot the best quainv. balance ns.xt.iire lml with plenty of oak aud fir timber for fuel ami fene- years ajTO while the McArdle Case from Mis mg. All well watered, with dwelling; barn and rod . . . . -' . irchad. Price $t,0C0. One thousand down, balance on easy terms. A f.e simple till gnaranteed. En " quire of& Hermann & Ba Koseburj;, or A. F. Crown Co., Oakland. A PKIZfi send sixejntufor lHwtasre and receive free, a costl v box of kixU which w.H help all, of either sex, to more money right away than anything else in this world. Fwob-await tho workers absolutely sure. A.t once aufess "TRT7E ariif'Cbr, 'AiigniHU, 'Maine. " LOCAL ITEMS. Severance; the artist. Hon. D. S. K. Buick of Myrtle Creek, was in our city this week. j ( David Dickenson of Yonoalla, made ua a pleasant call on Wednesday. Peter Nelson of Gardiner, was in Roseburg during the week. Business is extremely dull for this season of the year. i W. I. Friedlander is in Portland ou tusi nes. j What makes the Democrats of Douglas county tVel like a stage horse? Hon. B injer Hermann.; congressman elect, returned. home Monday evening. i The race traik is being put m excellent condition far the fourth of July races. The crop of drummers' is unusually large this summer. Look out for the fall failures. John Klly of New York, the chief of the Tammany braves, weighs 215 pounds. Santa Anna's widow is living in Mexico. She ii S3 years of age, though she looks ten years younger. In 41 counties of West Virginia the sale of intoxicating liquors is j now prohibited by local option. j Beceher says he cannot support Blaine in any event. This is hard; the tattooed men ouht to stand by oneanother. Why is the Republican convention at Chi. eago like the Cincinnati riot? Because they favored Lynch. Many of the boys and girls from town are engaged in pickiug strawberries at the fruit farm across the river from Roseburg. Aaron Burr's pistols, which are said to ,ve Kgured in eleven duds, are oxed by iIr. Tunis Hopkins of St. Louis. lop:, James Gordon Bennett's income is esti- uiafed at 2000 a clay. He is 45 and the richest bachelor in the world, A first- class orator will be selected to de liver the fourth of Ju!y address. The full program will be qiven in our next issue. The union campmectiug at French settle ment is iu session, A large attendance is expected ou Sunday. Have your photograph taken by Sever ance before he goes away, for you are sure of getting good work. Having stolen one presidency and bought another, the grand old party is Uuw loosing around to see if she cannot get this one on her shape. There is a curious disposition on the part of some Kepublican leaders to call Mr. Blaine's attention to the famous Mulligan letters. What does it mean. A citizt-n wants to know whether a resi dent of 1'ass creek can serve as justice of the pace if e'ected in Vontalla precinct. It is a conundrum. Wc give it up. The Hook and Ladder company Mill hold a regular meeting next Friday evening, at w hich time an election will b held for com pany oflioers. Members, be on hand. II. Conn, at' bis farm six mile3 west of Roseburg, oilers for sale very cheap, work horses; also some young hoi sea. Give him a call if you wish to buy horses. Lemonade and all other beverages are pro hibited from being sold on or near the camp ground during the meeting at French settle ment. If you have old photos that you want en larged you can get rirst-class work by leav ing your order with Severance, one door north of the Plaindealer office. In what respect does the national Repub lican convention at Chicago resemble the wanderings of the children of Israel? They are led by a black cloud by day and drink in the fire on their pillow by night. The Yankee Doodle band does the usual aniouutof blowiug. They are getting ready tor the big blowout ou the fourth of JuJy. Everybody should come., as th music will be fine. Strawberries are plenty in the market. If sorne'of our delinquent subscribers would send in their delinquent dues we too might enjoy their flavor and would be able to attest to the quality of the fruit. A ba5ket meeting will be held at Itoberts creek school house next Saturday and Sun clay. The funeral sermon of little Maud Whitsett will be preached by Fiev. J. W Crnig at 11 A. m. Sunday. Hon. L. F. Mosher arrived in Cincinnati one week after his departure from here. This was a quick trip. His old boyhood friends received him most handsomely. Ho reported at Washington on the 2d instant and after a mouths labor at West Point will return to Roseburg, We whl heartily greet him. Joaquin Miller is authority for the state ment that the negro will Pteal in order. to gratify his generous impulses to bestow food, clothing and cheap jewels upon his friends, but that no ease of defalcation has been known among the colored people who hold positions of trust in the banks and govern, ment departments at Washington. Indeed, a negro defaulter is an unknown quantity throughout the United States. Born, in Hop valley in this county, on the morning of June 2, 18S4, to the wife of Geo. W. Cannon, three daugnter?; weight, 4, 6J and 7 pounds. Mother and girls doing well and George is the happiest man on Thief creek- We doubt not but when the returns are all in, that precinct has gone for the amendment. i - A paper is being numerously signed in Sau Benido county, pledging the subscribers not to vote for any man for a county office who patronizes or frequents sa'oons, or who will use saloon influence to secure his elec tion. The Free Lance thinks if the signers stand up to their pledge, there will be a light vote in thecounty this fall. June first the bill was passed in the house of representatives restoring the law f 1877 in the matter of appeals from circuit courts to the United States -Supreme court in habeas corpus cases. This law was repealed a few sissippi was pending before the supreme court. What is the use to buy trees from stran gers when you can secure a better character and quality from our fellow-citizen Tim. Ford. He guarantees what he sells and ho is here and if we find him false we can put our hands on him. ! ' " The Stats Election- The State has gone Republican be yond any doubt. The coiruptionists have the joint legislature by a small ma jority. Hermann is elected by over two thousand .najority. It is close between Thayer aad Flinn, Thayer probably elected. The constitutional amendment is snowd under so deep that it will not be heard of soon aain. J. W. Hamil ton is elected prosecuting attorn' y by a 1.51 go majority. THE COUNTY ELECTION. The Democrats elect one commission er, tht treasurer, assessor, anJ surveyor and the Republicans the balance of the county ticket. The following is the vote of the county: FOPv CONGRESS. Binger Hermann 1255. John Myers 1082. Hen i inann m majority.. 173. JUDGE SUPREME COURT. L. Flinn 11SG. W. W. Thayer. 1149. Fiinu's majority 37, DISTRICT ATTORNEY. J. W. Hamilton ..1412. D. L. Wa'tsen ... . 875. Hamilton's majority STATE SENATORS W. F.Owens James Chenowith John Shnpe John Eniiiiett . BEPRESENTATIVES. J. D. Burnett I. C. Kent Henry Beckley T. C. Mackey.. Henry Rogers C. B. Wilcox G. W. Riddle Win. Manning COUNTY CLERK. G. Y. Kimball W. T. Wright ,537. .....1018. . ...1071 1229 11C7 ....1056 ...1011 1079 1024 1185 . . ..1255 1215 1231 .122G. .1055. .. 171. . 1226. ..1055. Kimball's majority.. SHERIFF. G. A.Taylor B. Brock way.. Taylor's majority 171. TREASURER. W. N. Moore 1217. William Parrott. ,1050. Moore's majority . . . . 107. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. John Hall 1156. S. B. Carr 1046. Daniel A. Levins. 1095. Charles McGee 1232. ASSESSOR. E C Sacry 1110. P O Applegate. 1109. Sacry 's majority.... SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT F W Benson GT Russell Benson's majority SURVEYOR. 31. 1157. ....1103. 54. 1139. . .. .1120. 19. 1212. ... .1084. 123. William Thiel William F Briggs Thiel's majority CORONER. S S .Marsters Ezekiel Wright Marsters' majority . . . The av,ove figures include the returns fro ii all the precincts in the county ex cept Wilbur, which we were unable to obtain. Tke returns have not yet been opened, although they were all in by Wednesday night. Next week we will give the full official vote of the county. Chicago Angels Chicago must be an awfully pious place. A stranger happened to die there in 1867. He was one of the faithful and made application 'to Saint Pter for entrance through the Golden Gate. Saint Peter asked where he was from. "Chicago!" said the would-be angel. Chicago!" said Saint Peter: "Chica go! Never had an applicant from there before; guess you can't enter" If some saintly delegate to the con vention should die while in that city, how sad it would be for him to be turned away! Thei is one consolation, however, there will be very few saints sent to that convention. Slight Misapprehension. One Sunday recently one of the pastors of the little village of Pownal was walk ing to church, when he saw a man with his coat off digging in his garden. The good man beheld with grief and aston ishment, and coming up to the fence, began to recite in a solemn voice: ''Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work " "Se here," said the man in ihe gar den, looking up, "be you talking o me?" to Ves, my poor man, I am." Wal, you needn't worry about me. then. I ain't goin' to do any work; I'm only diggin' wo'oms to go afishin' with" All the Rage. To captivate the popu lrr taste and surpass all previous efforts to please the palate, requires no small amount of knowledge and no little skill, and when we remember that the very agreeable liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs, is as beneficial to the system as it is acceptable to the stom ach, we readily understand why it is the universal favorite as a cure for habitual con stipation and other ilia arising from a weak ness, or inactive condition of the bowels, kidaeys, liver and stomach. Sample bottles free and large bottles for sale by S. Hamil ton, Roseburg, and Page & Dimmick, Oak. laud. Obituary Ectice- It is with regret we have to chroni cle the death of Mrs. Laura A. Math ews, daughter of G. J. and E, J. Chap man, aged 26 years, five months and some days, which occurred on Mon day evening, May 19, 18S4, at her mother'- house, near Mt. Scott. Mrs. Mathews was a noble, kind, good woman, dutiful wife, affectionate mother, and loved by all who could comprehend the gentleness of her chrtr actei. - The ilsidious enemy, consump tion, won the prize that yielded after long and patient suffering. Whilst this visit of death was expected, it has brought sorrow and mourning to many hearts. The fever is o'er; the stream of life has l??n compassed and a pure spirit rests with its Maker. ''Sister, thou art gone to rest: We will not weep for thee; For thou art now where oft on earth Thy spirit longed to be. Sister, thon art gone to rest; ; .... -Thine is an ear'-y tomb; But God hath summoned thee away; Thy Father ca'Ied thee home." A Friend. Miscellaneous Items- Margins on stocks are trimmed close and en? bias. Progressive colored women in Geor gia demand "lady suffrage." "What is it that ycu like about that girir asked one young man of another, j "My arm," was the brief reply. , I don't know much about the' style i i gentlemen's apparel," said a lady, "but the latest thing in spring over coats is my husdand. He never get3 i l till 1 A. M. Kate Castleton to a Stockton audi ence ) what a mustard plaster is to a diseased abdomen sh always draws. But unlike the plaster, KaLe receives all the benefit. The Pall Mall Gazette says: Wols ley will command an expedition in the autumn which will land at Tu.skai1 and march to Berber. A military railway will be built across the desert in June The festival of the celebration of the 500rl anniversary of tha. death of John Wvcliffe, the earliest English reformer and translator cf!the Bible, toek place at St. Andrew's church in London, not long since. Five States of Mexico have rebelled and declared war against President Gonzales, on account of the revenue stamp tax. Troops are leing moved from G uay mas to the interior. The largest bell that was ever cast is the great bell of Moscow, Rus sia. It was cast in 1654, and weighed 288,000 pounds. In 1733 it was recast, and weighed about 432,000 pounds. It fell in 1735, and was injured, but it was subsequently raised, and now forms the dome of a chapel. Senator Edmonds was particulaily cordial towards the members of the American Medical association whom he met in Chicago, "because," say the graceless gossips, ''he owns the bigge ;t tombstone quarry in Vermont." An other campaign slander. "Do birds think" asked a writer, in opening a current article. If they do we should like to know what, a canary bird tninks ot the woman who stands up in a chair and talks baby through the brass wires of his cage. . A Chicago storekeeper conceived and executed the plan of rutting up the sign "Admission Free" over the i door of his store, and his place has been crowded ever since. The average human being does love a free show. A silk farm has been established in Powhatan county, Virginia, and a Vas sar College graduate thinks it mnrt be so nice, because the farmer's wife and his daughters can go out in the field and pick enough silk to make a new dress whenever they feel inclined that way. "How do you like the squash pie, Al fred?" asked a young wife of her hus band a few days after marriage. "Well, it is pretty good, but " "But what do I suppose you started to say, that it isn't as good as that which vour mother makes?" ''Well, yes, I did intend to say tint, but" . fWolJ, Alfred, your mother made that very pie and sent it to me." The man whom the bootblack fol lowed and solicited to submit to the operation of "a shine" had refused sev eral times, and finally petulantly ex claimed: "Did'nt I tell you five min utes ago that I didnt want try boots blacked!" "Yer did, mister," replied the gamin; "but I thought yer might be lying about it." "Look here, Miss Teantwo," said Cnmsenbeak to the( village school teacher; "my boy says you kissed him the other day for saying his lesson. Is that sol" "Yes sir." timidly replied the spin ster. "Well" continued Cnmsonbeakf 'don't let that occur again. If there is any punisbiusj to ba done, I'll at tend to him. , . Sara Bernhardt, according to special Paris advices, has made a great hit as Lady Macbeth. , Tlie New York Her. aid's foreign ciitie, who gets his infor mation direct says that she wore a white jersr y, close fitting as a glove, no cor sets. This startling piece of realism is followed by the announcement that "as she took her seat at the banqueting ta ble, dressed in her white jarsey and mantle; and with twelve Highlanders in white oloaks seated at her right and left, the table was for a moment surest- CO ive of the last supper. It is a singular fact that we are in debted to Pompeii for the great industry of canning fruit. When the excava tions were just begun, a party of Cincin natians found, in what had been the pantry of a house, jars of tigs. One was opened, and they were found to be fresh and good. Investigation, showed that the tigs had been put into the j.irs in a heated state, an aperture left for the f team to escape, and then sealed with wax. The hint was" taken, and the next year the canning of fruit was introduced in the United States, t he process being identical with that in vogue in Pompeii tw enty centuries ago. The race evidently is not progressing, judging from the following extract from the Scott's Magazine for March, 1755: There was lately presented to the Em Press ot "x boring man who hi had two wlvcy tl, fi,sfc of who press of Russia u laboring man wh has m brought him four times, four children at a birth, seven times three, and ten times two. The second wife has lain-in seven times; the first time she brought forth three children, and the other six times two. The whole nu-nber of chil dren by the two wives amoun's to sev enty two. W e willingly congratulate the Republi cans upon the general principle of consis tency. That party knows that it cannot look to white votes for success and therefore at its national convention at Chicago e'ected Lynch of Mississippi, temporary chairman. This distinguished person is a mulatto of good abi ity. We had hoped that the great Republican party would elect a square out and out Congo negro or a Chinamin, but it always conceals its meauing and has defer red this action until another occasion. Jacob Brown, a step-son of Wm. Manning, died at his parents' residence in Canyonville on Tu?sday niorniug, the 3d instant. The deceased wa3 a young man 21 years of age. lie was well known and much respected in the community where lie resided. It is sad to see a young man just entering the active duties of life, carried away by the hand of death. Rev. II. P. Webb of the M. E. church, pronounced the funeral rites, which took place on Wednesday. He was buried on Wednesday. - The agricultural society for southern Ore gon was duly incorporated last Saturday, the incorporators being James Cox, E. F. Sheridan, A. Marks, Henry Conn and W. F. Owens. A largo number of shares were sub scribed and there is no doubt feut what this beueht suggestion will meet full support How then, about the woolen manufactory Let the incorporators come forward. There art lawyers in Roseburg who cheerfully vol unteer to draw up the articles. This should not be neglected. Ordinance llumber 60- An ordinance to regulate tho signals of the city lull. The City of Roseburg does ordain as fol lows to-wit: Section I. That signals from the city bell shall be understood as follows: For the meetiur of the board of trustees, one tap . jor thc meeting of the Umpqua Hose com. paav. two taps. For the meeting of the Rescue Hook and Ladder company, three taps. For the meeting of tho Board of Fire Delegates, four taps. Tnat lor the purposes of the fire depart ment only, the city shall be divided into four wards, a3 follows: First ward to be bounded on the north by Deer creek, ou the east by the city limits, south by Oak Btreet on l he west iv Rose 6treet. Second ward to be bounded on the north by Deer creek. on the east by Rose street, south by Oak street, on the west by the river. Third ward to be bounded on the north by Oak street, east by Hose street, on the south by the city limits, on the west by the Ump qua river. Fourth ward to be bounded on the north by Oak struct, on the east by the city limits, on the south by the city limits, on the west by Ruse street. Sec 3. Fire signals shall be as follows: A violent ringing of the bell and thereafter the number of taps shall correspond with the number of the ward in which the lire may be situated. Sec. 4. Any person or persons ringing taid bell without ritten consent of the City Recorder, contrary to the foregoing, sha 1 be punished by a fine uot less than five nor more than twenty dollars, or by imprison ment not k-sg than two, nor more than ten days. Hon. Hyman Abraham of the firm of Abraham, Hirstel & Co., merchants of Portland, was in town during the week lookins after the interests of the firm and visiting friends in this city, thus comb'uing buiness with pleasurc. We find him the same wholesonled pleasant gentleman he was in the days j when ho lived amongst us. Fousn. In Roseburg on Tuesday morn ing the 3rd of June, 1SS4, one large sized re volving pistol. The owner, can have the same by calling at this office. Lumber. I havo on hand and offer for sale 200,000 feet fencing lumber and 73.000 feet flooring and rustic of A 1 quality. Cash purchasers will find it to their interest to get quotations before placing orders. Orders for all kiuds of lumber solicited and prompt ly filled. Address . Ii. A. Bootii, Yoncalla, Oiegn. Deer Ureek Items- Weather very wain). Early sown grain is looking fine. Tho timothy meadows are being taken by wild cheat. Hurrah for a county fair. R. B. Dixon and W. B. Singleton jointly have the nicest piece of ground J.J 1 or a milo track and fair grounds in Douglas county, with Deer creek run ning straight through the grounds. The nicest camping grouud on earth. W. B Singleton received in addition to a broken foot and ankle, a broken knee cap by his horse! falling on him on the 5th of last month. Dr. Hoover us endeavored to straighten the knee cap, but without success. The knee cap being cupped in against the knee joint, makes the joint very painful. Rev. W. A. Willis was robbed of $102 in Portland, Oregon, while on his wav to Washington territory. " Leander Cole i? agtun out with whip and lines, after a long sjell of sickness. Although there is a game law the deer are doing great damage to the ft on tier crops and there should beVt stop put to it by legislation. Supervisor Slimmons is doing some very substantial work up Deer creek. i If. II. Ths Esterly T wine-Binding Earvestsr The Bowen brothers,; our energetic blacksmiths, have been appointed agents for the celebrated Esterly twins-binding ha. veeters, the best in the marke-, the most simple and durable machine made. It is light l mining and is the pr mium machine of the great wheat fields ot Minnesota aud Dakota. They keep these machines on exhibition and invite the farmers to i call and see them. Tombstones for Sale I desire to call the attention of all ersons desiring to purchase tombstones that I have ?. select assortment of dressed marble, which I will sell on reasonable terms. Having disposed of the shop lately occupied by my deceased husband, I have stored the entire stock at the Floed warehouse, near the rail road station, where the same may be examined at any time. Persons desir ing to purchase can consult me at my residence, west from the depot, or J. C. Fullcrton, at the land ollico in Hose- burg, Oregon. In case of purchase the lettering .viil be done by William Staiger, of Salem. Mrs. B. Brackenriuge. "Weather Report- We are indebted to Mr. Nanry, V. S. signal service officer at Roseburg, for the followin;; weather obser vations durin:r the month of May: Highest bar., 30.220; lowest bar., 2!.074; monthly range bar., .535; highest temp., 83.2, 31st; lowest temp. 35.0 4th; monthly range temp., 53.2; greatest daily range temp., 3S.4, 8th; least daily range temp., 51.7, 15th; mean daily range temp., 25.3; mean of maximum temperatuicti, 71.8; mean of min imum temperatures, 43 6; prevailing direction wind, n. '.; tjtal movement of wind, 1S:0 miles highest velocity wind and direction, 10 miles north; No. of f'gy day-:, 0; No. of clear days, 10; No. of f tir days, 10; No. of cloudy days, 2; No. of days on ; hicli raia fell, 7; mean monthly bar., 30.011; mean monthly temp., 5S.6; mean relative humidity, C6.3; total rainfall, .85 ineh. Letter List- The following letters remain and uncalled for iu the Koseburg postoffice on the first day of June, 1831. Persons calling for the same will please say advertised: Asbery Isaac Brown John N Catching J S Canning M J Cummiugs J J Dawson I R Hussey E P Harris Ed J Jack J M Loomis E Jv McMullen J Marks J Pierce Rj:hard R.ceD B Dr; Sperry Chas. Toton J 2 Winner V Barker J K Brown C W Wood W II ' Castillo John Cheney R W Everett Ed Hayne J F Ireland Juley Ixivelace A E Lawrenco F;C Moore E Petterson Charlie Rose E J Stahlberg A J Tintin John . Tomlinson Robert Wood W F Willie Owen H. C. STANTON, P. M. Ward J G R P. HOGAN Has iScmovcd to THE OLD STAND OF FLOED & CO. and with a Greatly Increased Stock IS PREPARED TO SELL GOODS Cheaper tlian Ever! PRODUCE BOUGHT AT Iligliest 3 In l-l cot? Ir,ijc ! SOLE AGENTS FOR DEiriMS HARVESTER AND BINDER, OLDS' YSA23M, DEER1NC MOWERS AN D ALL KINDS OF ITai-isiinjar KEPT ON HAND! "Quick Sales and Small ots " F. P. HOG AN. alec Mi-crnims AliOOIl Lin Hogau's former store buildios on Jacksoo street, ltosebnnr. P WittCS, ' L2llO?S & CfgaiS. , . , , ... J here is for use a s nlendid I2ILLIAR D TABLE. Come and you will be welcome No Loj-s need pply. Will be mailed CBEptO all applicants and to customers of last tlSE year without ordering it. It contains illustrations, prices, description and directions for planting all Vegetable and Flower Seeds. Plant. Ho. IllVftluatole to all. D.M.FERRK&C0.' Kctica for Publication- Land Oi ku k ATJRosi:iirr.o, Okegox. ) April 4, 1884. ' j Notice is hertbv given that the following uamed sett er has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made befre the Regrster and Receiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesthn-, May J3, 18S4, viz: August I'yfitz, pre-emption 1). S. No. 4135, for the N. E. quarter of X. W. quarter Sec 23, T. 22, S. II. i 2 West. He names the' follov, in? witnesses to prove his con tin no.' s residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said bind, viz: Wm. Duer, Henry J niinke, Feter Biake, Wm. Richards, all of Gardiner, Oieg n. , WM. F. BENJAMIN, Register. Eldorado Xliitcral Water. CIIFX-ICALANALYSJI., I A BOB TOKY, AKUY OkFICK, ElLLlOS ' I'.ooms am) OiiK Hooms, 524 Sacramento btreet, ban l-'ianoiseo, N-v. 23, loiJ. ?.!essM.Ho5jr.'ok, Merrill and Stitson. Gentlemen, I have submitted to qualitative analysis the fampl of Eldorado -water handed me for examination and find it to consist of the following substances: Colo. ri;c, Iodine, Carbonic Acid, Iron, Alumina, Lime Magnesia, Soda and organic matter. THOMAS TRICE. Eldorado-, Gaily bedight, a gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, singing a soug, Iu search of Eldorado. But ho grew old, this knight so bold, And o'er his heart a shadow Fell as he found no spot of ground That looked like Eldorado. . And as his strength failed him at length He met a pilgrim shadow. "Shr.dow," said he, "where can it be, This spring of Eldorado?" Quoth the shadow: "For the benefit o sulFering humanity I will state thet the El dorado sprius 's situated three miles west from Itosegurg, and a supply of the water is kept constantly on hand and for sale by Dr. S. Hamilton, agent, Roseburg, Oregon." Mr. Geo. W. Jonks. Pear Sir: I have been troubled with neuralgic pains in my h'sid and cheek bones, for several years, and had give up nil hopes ft ever Kotthig cured. I went to your medical springs with my son James and got sonic of the water, and drank it freely and found that it was a mild physic, 1 used it three -lines a day f.r a little more than two ; months, and the pain left me and I have uot felt them since, and that has been 17 months a?o.- II. CONN, SR. Roseburg, Jan. 25, 1SS1. Julian Joseph, of the well ki own firm of Hoffman and Joseph, of Albany, bears the following tcs'.i muny: ALBANY, OGN., Deccml-er 20, 1883. Geo. W. JoxHt". Dear Sir: I would here state to you that a year ago 1 suffered untold agonies on ac co'jjit of piles (blind) and went to Portland to get re lief from doctors there. 1 met Mr. Apple of l.ot-e-burg, who advised me before seeing the doctors to try your Eldorado Mineral Water. I did so and had one dozen bottles sent to me by A. E. Champagne. I used one-half dozen bottles, taking right before ei -ery meal, one small glass full. I not only was re lieved, bntl am certainly cured by what I used, and thankful for it, because I guffcted more than 1 can express. I Would advise any one suffering ,froni this: disease to try your Mineral Water. Should you have any occasion to use this statement do so. Vr-u arc at liberty on mv account. I think this is the least I can do for vou, as I was cured by it. Ke siicctfully yours, JULIAN JOSEPH,, ROSEliCRG, Iec. 3, 1&S3. GEO. W.JONES: Bear Sir. From sheer curiosity I was induced to try Eldorado Water and was not on ly surprised but high' vv, gratiflel with the result. I have for many years been a sufferer fron dyspepsia and have tried every kind of eji'i known to pharmacy ni'd without result. The contrary mas my experience from the use of your mineral water. Ta ken according to directions it produced ininiediate relief and iu a short time, if '-ontinued, would set: u re permanent cure. To any who will avoid irritating stimulants, I am satisfied it will prove of valuable comfort and lienefit. As a general retrulator I found it most excellent. L.t. LAJMJv DALLAS, Dec. '2! 1883. From Mr. M. W. Parsons, last August. I received one bottle of the Jones Eldora lo water, from Dr. Hamilton of Roseburg. Used half a bottle for ea tarrh and can fully ret-ommend it for that dreaded disease, as I have not been troubled with the com plaint since. D. T. SEARS. ' I have also used the Eldorado sprhig water from Jones' spring, Douglas county, Oregon, and ain fully satisfied with the result, as I was bottipred with ca ta-rh. . W. C, BROWN, merchant. J.'.' A.v.S.tVIBTH, Proprietor of the MEW BAKKRY .' asid.Cc f fee; Blouse Second door south of Oakes gallery, 31 AIN STREET, - - ROSEBURG JEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND A FRESH; Supply of Pies, Cakes, Bread, ete He also sets a good funeh, with a cup of coffee, at reasonable rates. He has secured the services of a first-class coulee, tioner and manufactures PURF CANDIES a'l kinds. Give him a cll. A. F. CAMFBM.L. K. F. WALSH. CAMPBELL & WALSU, iReal Estate -Agents, ROSEBURG, OREGON. IMPROVED. FARMS FOR SALE CHEAP AND ON EASY TERMS. METROPOLITAN SALOON, Mcculloch & co, 0XL V THE BEST liKAXDS Winos, Liquors fc Cinrw Kept or. hind, and customer will find litis a pleasant place of resort. Give uw a call 43 One door scuth of the Sletropclitast Iloter "EJ