The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, April 26, 1884, Image 2

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8 AT UK DAY.: APRIL 2G, 1 8841
; Fpr Congress, r
f Clackamas county.
Judge of Supreme Court,
of Multnomah county.
: Presidential Electors,
' U B. ISON, of B&ker;
W. D. FENTON, of Yamhill;
. A. C. JONES, of Douglas.
Prosecuting Attorney 2d Dist.,
of Douglas ounty.
have tried long ago what a resolution j brilliant, gifted oratow is sil need by the
calling upon the ecreUrj;f.; war . iubarmoniot e tone of a drunken nig-
shew cause why the appropriation for j ger and the rostrum that knew Uob so
Aert uiioru l not -expenaeu, wouia x.ivoraviy once wiu Know mm' no uiwo
forever. He contemplates going en a
ranch ; Gooal notion go anywhere-
ft rancberi a tannery' a cajiasry s or
better stUb, to 1 nunnery aai to
be thf Utfter of political sin Sfi
nly, Ingtfrwlh; do yoit net tkiak there
is some kind of a hell for some kind
of a nigger the political saloon -keep
ing, too atuatt nigger,- fer example!
After all, republics and. Republicans
are bftimes ungrateful.
bring to light. , Congress made a lib-
era! appropriation for a harbor of ief:
uge at that 'place, softie three ears ago
Not a dollar of tbi; money h& btfaif
expended, up the present time while
numerons vessels have been wrecked in
sight of these shores. These needful
appropriations we all can most heartily
subscribe to.
The necessity for an efficient registry
; law has Ton been felt in this State.
I - -
.-IZrr".,.- Its importance was urged upon the last
i ttDOTocrcy of the 8tta f Oregon, la couocn legislature. The majority of that body
w.drfeciare: . .. : ; ' I ' refused to pass such a law and this is
Irot That we far-w the forfeiture of all unearned ' , ,
I railroad and wagon road grauU and the opening of 1S3U0 in Our State. Such laws have
v settlement and occuPncT by those euti- been found beneficial in preventing
tied to the benefits of the various land laws of the , , , . , , ,
.United Eutes. irauas wnere tried. A.U persous ue
V Seocmd-That we are in favor of the passage by desire purity in elections will faor a
i '. congress of laws made in the interest of the people, . T .
regulating Inter-State commerce, and also Stats laws, 'gStry. 'aw. .. Lie t US try lu
t .coo roiling and regulating fares and freights upon all . mmmmVTmmS
' transportation lines, and, preventing discrimination Blailld's Uindidaoy-
In favor of or against persons or places. "
Ttird That we look with alarm upon the'unau- "Whilst the stalwart and half-breed
u thoriwd assumption of power and jurisdiction of bsses here in Oregon are uniting thair
United Statetffeoorts in interfering with officers col- . . , , .
lecting the revenue oithe sute of Oregon: . voices m one lend huzzah for Blaine of
Fourth-That we are in favor of the mortgage ta Maine, We give the tollewing extract
law, and believe the-principle of taxation enunciated . , -" T . , , A ,
thsrsiu i, cermet, and ought to be sustained. r,m the NeW York Herald, to show
ilth-Tbat we favor the passage of such laws in J what IS Said Of him by one. Of tie met
relaUon to the assessment and collection of taxes as I j-. ''!? 1'i 'lull 'Ji j.
will Biake the assessment aud taution of property 1 1 J .. , ,
" qual and uaiform throughout the State, and demand J " So the Republicans are going to
tne sict nio,eement sucn ..w. wnen enaci. nominaU Mr. Blaine. The friends f
Bixto luu me power couivrrau vj UiQ wuiw i ;
eonstitstien upon congress to enact tariff laws was I the "Plumed Kliiglit" are asserting all
given for the sole and exclusive purpeae of deriving oyer country that his BCmina tieil is
revenues for the support ofsuch govsmaient, and
that the enacUng of any tarift law for any ether pur. d as made. If they are to be
pose, such as taxation of one class of people for the I believed, .the Republican voters are
warranted by the constitution as it is repugnant to wak niSht3 ln thlr impatience
justice and inimical to the general welfare, and we to see Mr. Blame nominated.
uarviore lavur uum lur revenue, iiuiieu to iik m- i -r, v. i . l - i i i
-eesritU. ef rov.rnment economically adminiatered. 11 maJ ftli b trHe. thla tremendously
sod a gradual but persistent reduction of the exist-J pressing. Cry fer Blaine f Maine
K.g protective rruMirh if f -t .V-f
Seventh That the improvement of our cosst har- , ;
bors, the Columbia river and its tributaries, is of the voices which most loudly cry Out
vital impoiUnce to the commerce of the whole State far Ulaine 0f Maine ara the voices of
,pf Oregon, aud we earnestly ask that an adequate ; . '
-propriaUon be made by our preaeut con-resa to bajin political bummers and Camp followers,
the work o the Columbia river bar improvemeata,' Still,' in this we my be mistaken. It
already too long neclectcd. AV'e also ak such appra- . : . ii t , .
priationfor the Cascade locks aa will lusuro their 18 PS8bIti tfaat the CMirentlOU Will
poedy completion; also, we ask of our represent- nosuinate Mr. Blaine with a loud hur
tlves in congress a united effort t. secure a Lberal V " . , ' . ., .
appropriation for the improvement aud continuation A,9 that tLe 0ntry Itaj .elect
of the work of improving the harbors of Yaquina him with a still londur hurrah. '
Ul- ?!T ?d theCoq"!f e f !: '"Nevertheless, we advise the Ileput-
Eighth That we favor the ub&Utien of the priuou ; ' 1
contract system, and the present toolie trade con- licillS to be Careful. : It is He thing to
dacted on (his ooavt, as degrading to the wage-work- noaiinate a candidate, aud another, to
ers ef the country. , . . , .
Niuth-That for the purpoye of preventing growing olect him. .W hex a convention nomi.
frauds in our elections, and to preserve the iraUa tf nates a man and the people thereafter
the ballot-box, we favor the mssage of a registry law. , . ,. , . .
Tenth-Thatweareinfauor of more eiSdent me- ratify, the nomination, that IS a good
chauics' lien laws. piece of work. But when a convention
' i" 11 nominates a man and the people rejet
The Democratic Platform. b.m, that is not so comfortable. . ;
"No oubt the managers ef some
We give above our State platform, great corporations and the controllers
"The ten declarations of principles there- 0 many rwonopolies w ould" like Mr.
Rosoluig Oregon.
" - '-'CP ' CP m i - Pn
1 lh O ltwyl I & Xr-wsl sC' ry jesB si
i : - ' r , . ..... - ...... . .-
I - V- PS P3 ;tly -;JV iV
1 ? . . ;" .13- J- Mi?l fer.ri f I- ' I t3J '.is-'.: j
I .; - V f .rr -t: - I
P ' P. HOG-Lra
fell ite,
Call and examine our stock before
purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget
the old stand of j
OF -
Wines, Liquors So Cigrarse
Kept on hand, and eutoern will fiitd th a pleasant
plac of report. Give me a call,
fT Oas rior south of the MeVropciiUn Hoter "Ml
in set forth challeose crikicism ansl
commend themselves to the wants of
the people of the entire State. Th
.question of forfeiting unearned land
grants and opening up these lands t
settlement, is ef vital importance to the
jPeople of Oregon. This question is
now before the American. congress and
the tw political parties aro arrayed
. against each other on this issuo. M.
Ct. George, the Republican congress
man of this State, true to his pat ty iu-
. stinctr, opposns tho meususe with all
the powers of his gigantic (?) intellect.
It has ever beeu the policy of the
Democratic party to regulate freight
.and fares on railways, so us to be just
to all, and to preveui these 'wholesale
-discriminations resented to by -these
monster corporations to Hrek down
one person aiul build up another en
gaged in the sauiw knsinerss, aloiig the
line of their road. The justice ' of . this
proposition commends itself to every
iotlligetit reader. The recent acthm
of a federal court in interr'wriTig with
the collectTon of revenues of tha State,
is an assumption of power' which may
. -well fill us with alarm. Ard the de
cision of Judge Deuily in overriding
our own State supreme court and hold
ing the mortgage tax law m. constitu
tional, on so far-fetched and flimsy a
.technicality as that announced by the
learned judge, is wfll calculated to till
.-us with alarm at this innovation on oi'r
right to local sl government, ftie
principles enunciattl in the mortgage
ax law are riyat aitd ought to prevail
Capital has escaped taxatien in this
State long enough. It is time that it
ahould be compelled ta bear, its just
proportion of supporting the govern
ment and laws which protect it.
The tariff plank is a plain, outspoken
document It fearlessly condemns the
taxing of one class of peeple for the
benefit of another class, and is in favor
of reducing the war tax to the necessi
ties of the govern nitnt economically
administered, x
The imprpvenient of our harbors and
rivers is of the greatest importance to
the cosamerce and future development
4 great resources of our SUto. At
the present time, when the - national
treasury vaults are filled to verflow
ing, it becomes our party and people to
put forth a mighty effort to Becnre these
muck needed improvements!. Large
appropriations have been Made which
have never been expended. This is, in
a measure, chargeable upon our present
neosberof cengress. He is so com
pletely wrapped up in Portland and
pnder the control of the Portland bosses
-jbt he aeglecta all ether portions of
the State. Had he the interests ef
southern Orvon at heart, ho would
Blaine, but those gentry are not going
to elect a president this year. No
doubt the political bummers, manipu
lators and oamp followers of 'the party
would rejoice in Mr. Blaine's nomina
tion; but they are not going to elect a
president this year. We advise the
Republican leaders to be careful. The
Democrats are not in very good shape
but they can beat Elaine of Maine, be
cause they will have a 'great deal of
Republican help in doing it. They can
beat Blaine of Maine because he is the
wt-akest- candidate the Republicans
hav, and because his nomination at
Chicago would be a public and official
announcement that the Republican
patty ttey 'party of great mial idnys'
had at fallen ao low as to place, at
its! head a person descried by tho Rv.
llMur- Wrd Beechrr the ether dar, in
th followii' words: 'There is an-'
other contingency. If the engineers
nnd managers of the Republican party
shall select a candidate for tho pri si
iency stained hy jobbery, in alliance
with the politics of the great railway
princes, ha'id and glove will? corrupt
lobbies, and in full faith with the cor
rupt and corrupting g.lny;s.who "swarm
our, legislatures and live by sleek plun
der it will be tho duty of every patri
otic Republican to secure his defeat,'
and so on.
"But there is no !angrj of Mr
Blaine's ricmmation. The Republicans
have hal severe lessors of late. The
people punished them for tolerating
llob8on and the party temporarily re
tired Robeson. The people punished
them for elevating Keifer to. the speak
ership and the paity has turned its
back on Keifor by ratifying a unani
mous committee report which in effect
declares Keifer a falsifier and perjurer.
The Republican leaders have load
enough to carry in the coming cam
paign without adding Blaine of Maine
to it They ara carrying Dortey, Bra
dy, Kellogg, i Robeson and Keifer,
They would be gluttons if they added
.Blaine. , ;;: ' ;
"And, then, the whitewash might not
hold out if so great a surface were to
Ve covered. No; Mr. Blaina will not
be soounated."
Another Southern Outrage. -
The telegraph a few days ago in
formed us that a thick-lipped, curly
haired, coal-black African saloon keep
er f. Washington City defeated Hon.
Robert Ingeisoll for delegate to the
National Republican convention. Oh
ye Shermanses, and Edmondses, cease
your Copiah, Danville, Wachita inves
tigation, for the last is the outrage of
j this memorable t "Tho voice of tha
This PpsiSar Sfosic
Situated n the center of the business portion of
Eo-aebui j, having recenUy changed hands, has been
And prepared for the reception of guest. Ths
diiiing room will be supplied itn tne hesi, tne
With gcod attendance. As Mrs. Zlgler has charge of
;no ti chen tho cookiuz will fce unexccptieuabie.
i'uXea reasonable. Fre coach to and from the
railroad. LOU. ZloLEH.
mm I
Rosefei22s Satm?day, May 3, 1SS4.
Oakland, Elonday, Blssr 5, 1SS4,' -"Draim,
Taeedsi-y, SSa. 6, 18S4. ' , "
Cottage .fov, Wdne?dy, Hay 7fh,
Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Boseburg.
Shaving and Hair Cutting in a
Workmanlike Maimer.
In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, county
of Douglas.
B. F, Lolir, plaintiff, Suit in equity
vs. y for
Fwac'i Lohr, -ef;ndant. ) divorce.
To Francis Lour defendant: In the name of the
SUce of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed aaiust you in the
ab-ve ei'titisd court aiin suit, by t le plaintiff' B. F.
Lolir, on or before the first day "of the next regular
t nn of Hii. 1 court, to wit: Monday, the 12tbdayof
Miy, n-i if you fail to answer said complaint,
ti!! f l-iintii will take judgment against you for want
of m answvr, and will apply to the court for th re
lief demanded in said complaint.- to wit, a judgment
ai i deen e dissolving ths marriage contract existing
bevWeeii the pUiut'ff and defand&nt, and awarding
th- w.rc an i custody of Harry Lohr to the plaintiff,
anrl tlie.pJaintifT recover his c:st3 ana disbursements.
Tlii- snminons is published by order of lion. II. S.
Ie:m, judge of said court, dated the 2d dav of April,
Attorney for plaintiff.
In tha Circuit Court .f the State of Oregon for tho
.. t , County of Douglas .
Ivan R. Dawson, plaintiff )
' ' vs. i . , -
W. H. Parks, defendant. )
To siiii VV. If. l'lirkx, defendant: In the narna ef
the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answe.- t!-f- coiuplant Sled against you in tho
above entitled court anil cause on or before the first
day of th next regular term thereof, to wit: on or i
uetora tn&se ouu Mwntiav in Mav next, to wit: iay
12ih, A. D, 141, and in default thereof the plaintiff
will take judgment against yon in the sums of
.W.26; and $33.91; and $i.50; and $100.00 and in
terest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum
from My th, A. D. 1333, and 15 dollars, and for
costs n-i disbursements. Service of this summons
is made by publication in pursuance .of an order tnado
by Hon. K. S. Bean, Judge of said Court, at "Cham
bers'' on the 8th day of December, 1383.
' anl2-Ct attorneys for plaintiff.
Cieek Mills!
mills of E. Stephens and Co., we are now pre
pared to furnish any amount of the best quality of
ever offered to the public la Douglas county. We
will furnish at the mill at the following prices:
No. 1 rourh lumber......... petit.
No. 1 flooring, inch fcJ4 per M.
No. 1 flooring, t-inch...., S2 per Mr
No. 1 finishing lumber 20 par M.
No. 1 finishing lumber dressed 2 aides.. tU per 11.
Vo. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides. .rS Pr JL
. (Successors to Tho. F. Sharidaa)
Having secured the aoove bufinees, we are pre
Mred to keen up its former eood name for work and
prices. We have the best of material and always a
lull stock of goods ou band and it is our aim to fur
nish customers with first-class articles at live and let
f Hve prices. A full stock of
Iron and Steel For 6a.le
Staowt s i jjopttoUn.
Jr feof .5:f 5jLv--A,.'u . -"ci w-
SSL I r,-:-K-jvi,y,'j'. e-lt ''-j- V-& VI '-''r(-', - i
vi . ... ..
IViena-erie oi
id a rofTin
Ul'!j t f . H
CoarsGs of
A shew of wonderful features ml th-3 vi est ever perfected or conceived; tho top of the ladder of. farce, over
, shadowing all competition, c!ia nging all rivalry in equestrian and gymnasts.. The only
With the largest eas of born brutes. The largest and
in captivity, entered and performed daily. The handsomest ROYAL BENGAL TIGERS. Tin only "GRAVE
ROBBER.",.rThe smallest ponies, the largest horses, the only Male and Female S.tmso i on this continent, pull
ing against horses and elephants. M'LLE DORA, wonderful tattooed Fj w Islati 1 cannibal. Only one.
ever aeen in America. The best broke trick and ring horsoj and the greatest cirom 3rformHnc8 ever
witnessed. - Read ill the bills and advertisements, not ons-teuth can be toM in this limivvl sp'ace.
Two. performances daily, afternoon at 2, evening at 8, dojrs open one hour earlier. .--.Adiuia
' eion, popular prices. ; - .-!
Calicos, cents per vari.
Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per yari
Corsets, 50, cents. .
Genuine kid gToves, 75 per pair.
: Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 I be. fer $1.
Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yaL
Suitings 12 J cents per yard.
Pino Japanese teas, 45 ocnta per lb.
Six spools silk thread, 25 cents.
Other articles in proportion.
My moito is cash sales & small pro2te.
The Burraa' Gcrca 'la
sued March and Sept., eaeh
I year: 218 paze. gsxllf
finches, with over 3,000
illustrations a whole plc
ture rallerr. G!ym vital.
sale prices direct to consumers on all good
for personal or family tue. Telia how
to order, and gives exact cost of rtvf
thing you use, eat, drink, wear, or Lfirtt '
fun with. There lavalu&bk books eea
tain information gleaned from tke tas
kets of the world. We will mail a eew
Free to any address upon receipt f tLe
postage 7 cent. Let us hear from yor
. SSr 4 SS9 Wa& Awsmm, Ckls 1
have obtained the riht for Douglas eaary m
Continuous Concrete Pipe,
for conveying water, and Louis BPls and Oeeerw
Fretsman have okuined the right for Josophine aa4
F? eount,e, nd will sell (armor individual ri'U
and lv pipe at ths cheipest figures. Anr six ftresa
lj to 22 inches furnished. This pipe Is maeh
.... (
Cheaper thaa Wood, iron . or Lead I
It Is sZso well suited for IrrijratJon or lffinin? purrM
andean be laid any distauc without Joints.
Bei fa tho world. Cfottfea
Tery paetas w tradcxastr
and U marked ITraMr'a. BOLD EV-
Ai. this place to Messra. ChenowetA, Bri A cT
weesira to return to th pubUe "i sincere that
fr thelt Mtranaira in th. At ..i. Tu?!,u,cl0L UP all our .utu4i?
.TL Tl . " i , ' wouia aet all parties owinr am
IT7.ardt onc -'-Je up7itherbTeaa
or note. All accoanta unuMll T. .oo.
will be placed in the hards of an attorney fe 'eiie2
ton. due notica and save eosuT
a t R- SMITH and CO
Oalclaod. 0r.t yorembenT, X883. -
eaia. hiss
2 and 4 .North Front street,
i;V'." IT mm, . .