The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, February 09, 1884, Image 4

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An attack on Bacninh will open in the
beginning of March.
dangerously ill at Berlin. , . .
American pork for Prussian ships is de
sired by Prince Bismarck.
Ninety per cent of the Russian people
can neither read nor write.
The American Lumber Company of Tor
onto, Can., hare failed for $1,800,000.
Ha worth & Co., commission merchants
or .Liverpool, .Eng., have failed for iOOO.
Russia has promised Germany that mili
tary operations in Poland shall be re
stricted. A conflagration at Lourvig, Norway, de
stroyed sixty-two dwellings, causing a loss
Ot M,WV. -,;-.v
Professor Klinkerfus, the astronomer in
the observatory at Gottingen, committed
suicide recently. .
Gabieloff, the officer sent by Colonel Su
deiker to investigateinihilism, was assas
sinated recently.,
Jfermission to erect a monument to
Luther at Riga has been refused by the
Kussian authorities. - .
A terrible exolosion. killinsz five men. OC'
curred recently on the Canada Pacific Rail
way east ot Jt'ort Artnur.
The St. Lawrence Sugar Refinery in
Montreal was destroyed by lire recently.
The loss is placed at $200,000.
The ship Juno, from Liverpool for Cal
cutta, foundered in the Mersey recently,
and twenty-nve lives were lost.
Dean Le Breton, the father of Mrs.
Langtry, now lives in retirement at St.
iirelade s, ten miles from bt. lleliers.
The wife of a sand dealer, residing at
Heppon-Bashl, Japan, gave birth to five
cmldren, all or whom are doing well.
The first town to be entirely lighted and
have its tram-cars drawn by electricity
will be Montreux, on the Lake of Geneva.
A truce between Chili and Bolivia has
been agreed upon, the conditions of which
do not interfere with the Bermian ques"
A report was current in Paris that the
French forces, under Admiral Courbet, re-
The Imperial Council will shortly con
sider the question of forming a Russian
American company, for erecting elevators
at St. Petersburg.
P It is stated that all the Canadian Pacific
Syndicate now wants is a 5-per cent guar
antee for twenty years and a grant of $15,
000,000 to finish the road.
Within a radius of ten miles of Ayr,
Scotland, 200,000 trees were blown down
during the recent storm; 100,000 being on
the estate of Marquis Alias.
In Russia the Clericals and Government
are at each other's throats again. The Ni
hilists hava given up the printing press
and now employ the hectograph.
The circulation has been forbidden in
France of the book containing articles
from the Neuvelle Revue, so grossly libel
ous of the German Imperial family.
Great anxiety is felt at Plymouth, Eng.,
owing to the non-arrival of Dublin and
Liverpool steamers now much overdue.
They had numerous passengers on board.
The police have discovered a plot for an
uprising of peasants in Little Russia, and
aiso a scneme ror putting strycnnme in tne
Czar's bread. Many arrests have been
Blackberry, absconding member of the
firm of P. W. Thomas' Sons' & Co., which
failed for over $4,000,000, having no assets,
it is believed has sailed for the United
The Vienna police have compiled a list of
foreigners who are to be expelled from the
country, and also closed the Jacobi's print
ing office, at which the Socialist paper,
The Newfoundland sailing steamer Bear
was sold recently at St. Johns, N. F., to
the American government for the coming
Greeley relief expedition. She is the same
age, tonnage and build of the lost Proteus.
There was a serious conflagration re
cently near Cemetery LaChayo, France, by
which a lace factory, several coal depots
. and shops and five dwellings were de
stroyed. One hundred families were ren
dered homeless.
France Is seriously disturbed. The des
titution of a quarter of a million of peo
ple is acknowledged. There seems some
chance of a passage of a grant of 3,000,000
francs to release the tools of mechanics
from pawn offices. v
Garcia, the most notorious gambler, in
Europe, has entered a Trappist convent in
Spain. Garcia has been known to win and
lose 100,000 slakes at Homburg and Mon
aco. His last exploit was to break a Span
ish roulette bank. .
Troubles are reported to have broken out
. in the Khyber territory, Afghanistan. Ab-dul-Lanur,
the most powerful of the Khy
ber chiefs, was shot in a bloody feud re
cently. Since 1879 he has been the steady
friend of England.
The annual report of the Minister of
Public "Works shows that the government
management of telegraph lines in Canada
is unsuccessful. The lines cost f800,000;
tTlaa ATTOn1fflllA loot- -VAO-n -nroa VIA n-r A
the receipts only 827,000; loss, over 50 per
Placards have been posted in Paris in
citing disaffected policemen and starting
workingmen to arms. .They are supposed
to have been issued by the committee of
the revolutionary party. Large numbers
of the placards have been destroyed by the
It is stated that General Gordan, before
his departure for the Soudan, teleeraphed
Colonel Coctlogon, commander at Khar
toum, to send a trusty messenger to El
Mahdi, and ordering Coctlogon to suspend
operations until Gordon's arrival. Six hun
dred men have left Cairo for Suakem.
Papers laid before the Canadian Parlia
ment recently show that the total cash
subsidy paid the Canadian Pacific, up to
the 5th ot December last, was $12,000,000,
The total land subsidy carried was 12,600,
000 acres. After deducting amounts al
ready paid the company on that date a bal
of 316,000 due them remains.
Several mountain tribes, under Ali
Pasha, formerly Chief of Albania, have
revolted and seized the reins of coven
ment. They had resolved to oppose the
cession of the District of Gusinie and
Koina to Montenego, and recently they
entered Montenegrin territory but were
repulsed with the loss ot ttity men. r
A number of Irish and Irish-American
dynamiters have been recently arrested in
Paris, including several revolutionists well
known at the Scotland Yard. An Enzlish
detective In service at New York states
that Captain McAffertv. also one of the
number, went , there to conceal further
measures with certain Irish residents.
" The steamer Rhywabons. bound from
Holyhead to Cardiff, struck on a group of
rocks near Cardilr, recently. The mate,
five men and a boy escaped in a small
boat. Half an hour after leaving the
steamer thev saw her lierhts "disappear.
The captain and ten men remained on
board the steamer and all were probably
lost.-- : --: -- - v -
. The Adamsons elevator at Toronto, Can.,
was destroyed by fire recently. It con
tained $100,000 worth of wheat and 60,000
worth of barley. The building was valued
at f 60,000. The fire spread rapidly to an
adjoining pier, firing it, and to Chapman
& Son's elevator. The latter contained
30,000 bushels of grain, which was Insured
Baker Pasha, with 38,000 troops, landed
at Trinkitat recently, completing the force
for the relief of Takar. Nearly 20,000 rebels
are between Trinkitat and Takar. The
first battle will probably be fought seven
miles from buakem, as the rebels are mass
ine at that point. Small bodies of the
' enemy, which approached within 400yards
or camp, were sneuea oy uie .uriugu gun
Hboatspnynx. ,
' "The mourning for the late Queen o:
Madagascar lasted two months, and was
not so severe as in the olden days. . This
time the f people were forbidden only
to plait their hair, to : wear hats, to
carry umbrellas, to build much, . and to
wear clothes. Formerly the mourning
lasted a year; and everybody's hair was
snaven close to the head.
The long strike of the window glass
workers la at an end.
The Star Route trials cost the Govern
mut 89,33159 for "extra" lawyer fees.
Fifty-five Apache children have been
sent to the Carlisle, Pa., training school.
A crank made two attempts to assassin
ate Governor Terrasos, at Chihuahua, a
few days ago.
General Booth, of the Salvation Army,
is coming to this country. lie is expected
early in March.
The safe in the postoffice at Blue Island,
Hh, was blown open one night last week,
and 12,000 stolen.
An entire family of five persons in St.
Louis have died from the effects of sewer
gas in the dwelling,
An attempt was recently made at Fort
Worth, Tex., to poison Miss Fannie Mur
phy, a school teacher, l;;
A block on Adams street, Peoria, 111.,
burned the other day, entailing a loss of
150,000; partly insured.
The Keeley Motor Company voted an
other postponement of a public exhibition,
at the request of the inventor.
Bonanza Mackay has guaranteed -Pat ti
65,000 for a season in San Francisco, and
Mapleson has accepted for her.
Mrs. J. J. Astor has sent 1,063 homeless
children to the South and West in the last
few years, at an expense of nearly 16,000.
Samul A. Medary, for a number of years
paymaster of the Cincinnati, Hamilton
and JJayton Railroad, is short 10,000 in
his accounts.
Savings bank depositors in Massachu
setts added 11,296,530 to their accounts
last year, and the sum now to their credit
IS 252,707,593.
During the past year 808,971,087 pieces of
mail matter were handled in the New York
postoffice, and the money order business
exceeded 872,000,000. . -
Sixty policemen made a night raid on a
cock pit in Philadelphia, securinor ninety-
five spectators and twenty teams, also sev
enty-two fowls of. all sizes.
A house near Norwich, N. Y., occupied
by an old couple named Clinton, was
burned recently, ine bodies ot the occu
pants were found in the ruins.
The New Jersey House of Representa
tives recently defeated the joint resolution
asking New Jersey Congressmen to favor
a national postal telegraph law.
It is reported from Liberty that Colonel
John G. Kasey, ex-treasurer of Bedford
A. X T i , J 41 1 M 4-1 O . A-
county, v irginia, iiau. ueu ixum me ouvie,
leaving an indebtedness of 60,000.
A strange and fatal disease is reported to
have broken out among cattle in the west
ern part of Texas. A large number have
died. The disease fails to yield to treat
ment. ,
John Eagan, ex-Speaker of the New
Jersey Assembly, was last week sentenced
to imprisonment at hard labor for a month
and to pay a fine of 500 for the crime of
A terrible explosion of fire damp oc
curred In the shaft of the Lehigh Valley
Coal Company at Wilkesbarre, Pa., re
cently. The damage was great. One man
was killed.
The Denver and Rio Grande roundhouse
at Leadville, together with six locomo
tives, was destroyed by fire recently. The
loss is between 60,000 and 80,000; par
tially insured.
But little more is said about the running
ce eorge at St. Louis. The break-up was
a tame affair, and steamboat men are con
gratulating themselves that so little dam
age was done.
A train on the Union Pacific Railroad
was delayed an nour Dy aoout i,ouu
antelope. The snow had drifted deep and
they had taken to the track as the easiest
road to travel in.
The daughter of Uriah Blear, who mar
ried the 4 living skeleton," declared in
court that her liberty was not restrained,
and preferred to go with her father rather
than .her husband.
On the elevated railroad recently a heav-
ily laden train ran into another one dis
charging passengers at the station. The
engine was wrecKed and passengers wen
shaken, but nobody was seriously hurt.
John H. Alexander, of Ohio, is making
a better record at West Point than any
other colored cadet ever admitted. In a
class of ninety he stands third in some
studies. He is well treated by his fellows.
A fire in the fifth-story of an apartment
house. No. 662 Sixth avenue, about mid
night, created a panic among the occu
pants, a dozen of whom, occupying the up
per floor, escaped to the roof in their night-
Georcre Brown and A. C. Gibson, a couple
of notorious counterfeiters, were arrested
lately at Kerbwille. Mo., and were taken
to Springfield for safe keeping. Brown
was once concerned in a train robbery in
County Clerk Keenan, of New York, has
informed the Legislative Investigating
Committee that he paid 87,500 to Tam
many Hall for the nomination, and paid
juuunii eise except xuciueuuu caiiipiugu
i x j :
Members of the House Committee on
Public Lands say a bill will be reported
declaring forfeited all lands along that
portion of the Northern Pacific not com
pleted within the time allowed by the act
granting the land.
Tilden G. Abbot, for ten years cashier of
the Union Market National bane at Water-
town, Mass., has absconded, taking funds
of the bank aggregating, as far as known,
1,160. There is besides a blank check
gone from the check book.
Chief Charlis and his delegation of Flat
head Indians, while at Washington re
cently, had a conference with the Secre
tary of. the interior upon the proposition
to remove the Flatheads now in the Bitter
Root valley to Jack's reservation in Mon
The latest scientific explorations of the
Yellowstone Park, made during the past
summer by members of the United States
Geological Survey show that it contains
500 crevsers and 5.000 hot sorines. These
numbers are somewhat larger than those
obtained in earlier surveys.
A bill has been introduced in the New
York Assembly declaring void all con
tracts, written or verbal, for the sale or
transfer of any share or interest In the
stock of any, company, unless the party
contracting to sell or transfer shall be in
actual possession of such stock, etc ;
The Washington monument, whose total
height is fixed at 550 feet, will remain
during the winter at 410 feet, the work of
hoisting the immense blocks will be re
sumed in the spring, Ine report ot the
engineer in charge shows the monument
has only settled a traction oi an men.
tion boss, and three men employed on the
Denver and South Park Railroad, came
down . hill into Leadville on a flat car.
When near the depot they collided with a
car of iron, and ail jumped. Maniey was
instantly killed, and the others were se
riously injured.
Advices state that seven cotton mills in
Massachusetts and one in New Hampshire
have shut down, also that orders have
been issued to stop a large number of
looms in Lowell, Massachusetts, and baco,
Maine. These include the largest cotton
mills In the country, representing some
7,000,000 spindles.
After a heavy run the Merchants' and
Mechanics bank of Leadville suspended
and was immediately attached for 37,000,
Bradstreet reoorts a meeting of the direct
ors the day aftei, and it was developed that
it will pay ninety-nine cents without call
ing on the stockholders, and will organize
and re-open again.
A bill has been introduced in the House
which authorizes the President to prohibit
the importation into the United States of
1 TT 1 - ! , 3
uerman and rrencn wines, liquors &ou
other such articles as he may see fit until
all restrictive or prohibitory laws, made by
those countries affecting American cattle
and swine, are revoked.
A sensation was recently produced in the
Court of Common Pleas, at Erie, Pa., by
Leroy Warner, of Coneaut, asking the court
to confirm the sale of his child, Maggie, to
Peter Wilde, of Erie, for the consideration
of 1. The bill of sale was passed up to
the court in good faith, the father believ
ing he could so dispose of his Infant.
BUTTER Fancy' fresh rolL lb., 30c,
35c; inferior, grade, 2025c; pickled, 25
CHEESE Cal i forma. 17 19c: Oregon
arge, choice, 1920c, small, none.
veca -l on..
xvturcT -p uu., ova;.
FISH Extra Pacific codfish, whole, in
c, 7ic, boneless, in bxs., 8jc lb.; domestic
salmon, hi bbls., 6.007.00, bbls., 11.00,
1-lb. cans, doz., 1.45; mackerel, No. 1,
kit, 1.752.00, No. 1.50(51.75, No. 1,
hf bbls., 10.00, No. 2, 8.5U; herrings,
salted, hf bbls., , dried, 10-lb. bxs., 7ac.
LOUR-'ancy extra, V bbl., -;
bakers' extra, o.00; country, 4.504.75;
superfine, 3.75.
FEED. Etc. Corn meal, 100 lbs., S2.75
nn. kiWt..t 5 KT. n.f mail .l fW
4.25; cracked wheat, 3.253.50; bran,
ton; shorts, loQstaj; middlings,
fine, 22.5O30.O0; hay, baled, 18.0020.00;
Chop, 22.5028.00.
FRUITS Prunes, Hungarian, $lb I2i
15c; raisins (new), bx., 2.502.75, hf
bxs., 2.7o3.00, qr bXS., 3.253.3o, 8th
bxs., 3.253.50; currants,.; Zante, lb.
in bxs., 10c; citron, lb. in drums, 22c;
almonds, Marseilles, Id., I8a 20c .Lane,
20c; walnuts, Chili, Hl2ic, California,
GREEN FRUITS Apples, p bx., 1.25
1.75; lemons, California, 4.005.00, 'Sicily,
12.0013.00; oranges, t? bx., 4.505.00;
limes 10QJ1.502.00.
DRIED FRUITS Bleached, 14 m 15c:
apples, machine-cured, $ lb., 1516c, sun
cured, 910c; peaches, machine-cured, in
boxes, 1314c; German, in boxes, lb., 10
llc; plums, sun-cured, pitless, 1516c,
machine-cured, 16 18c; pears, machine
cured, 1012c, sun-cured, 10llc; figs,
California, 25-Ib. bx., 9c; Smyrna, 2025c.
WHEAT-Good to choice, f? 100 lbs.,
1.601.70, good valley; Walla Walla and
Eastern Oregon, 1.601.62.
OATS Choice milling, nominal; good
feed, 55c; ordinary feed, 50(S;53c.
BARLEY Brewing, $U00 lbs., nominal;
eed, nominal.
BUCKWHEAT Nominal, 1.502.00.
CORN No demand.
RYE Nominal, V 100 lbs., nominal
HIDES AND HAGS Hides, dry, over
16 lb., lb., 14c; Murrain hides, two-thirds
off; hides, wet salted, over 55 lbs., $ lb., 6
7c (one-third less for light weights, dam
aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts,
shearling, 10c1.00; deer skins, winter,
10c, 15c, Eastern Oregon, 22c, summer, E.
O.. 18(20c. vallev. 2530c: burlaps. 40 in..
8c, 45 in., 9Jc, 60 in., 15c; twine, flour, 35c,
40c, wheat, 35c, fleece, 12c, 13c; gunnies,
lec; wheat sacks, 7c, vac;
HONEY In comb, lb., 22 25c;
strained in 5 gal., 11c $ lb.L 1-gal. tins,
doz, 14.00 15.00, half -gal., 7.50.
hufs w km io(a ax:; .
PROVISIONS Bacon, 114124c; hams,
country, v id., lioc, butcher, scarce;
shoulders, 10llc.
LARD Kegs, $ lb., 12c; Eastern,
pails, 1313c; Oregon, tins, 1212ic; Cali
fornia, 10-n.lyns, none.
JfEAS, SEEDS, Etc. Beans, V lb., pa,
c, s. w., 5Jc, Ig. w., 4Jc, Payou, 4c, pink,
;c, limas. 6c; peas, field, iWMc. sweet.
15Ca 20c: timothy seed, 10i(S)12c, red clover,
2225c, white clover, 40c, 50c, alfalfa, 16c,
20c, hungarian grass, 8c, 10c, millet, 8c, 10c,
orchard grass, 18c, 20c, rye grass, 20c, 25c,
red top, 15c, 17c, blue grass, 18c, 20c, mes-
quite grass, 10c, 12 jc.
JPUUJL.TKY Chickens, W doz., spring,
4.00, 5.00, old, 5.00: ducks, 10.00, 12.00;
geese, $8.00, $10.00, turkeys, ID., 12c, 14c.
K1UE Sandwich Islands, JSo. 1, id.,
5c; China mixed, 42c, 5c; China No. 1,
none; Kaneoon. 5Ac.
SUGARS Golden C. in bbls.. W lb., 9c,
n hf bbls., 95c; refined D, bbls., 8Ac, hf
bbls., 8c; dry granulated, bbls., lOc, hf
bbls., 10ic; crushed, bbls., lOSc; fine
crushed, bbls., llc, hf bbls;, HJc; cube,
bbls., 11c, hf bbls, HJc; islands, No. 1, kgs..
8c, Kfe, bgs., e. . - .
SYRUPS California refinery si, i? gal.,
bbls., 62Jc, kgs., 67c, cs., gal. tins, 7c;
Eastern, bbls., & gal., 5oc, kgs, boc, cs., ooc.
VEGETABLES Potatoes, bu., 50c,
60c. according to variety: cabbage, & lb,.
2c; turnips, & sck., 1.2o; carrots, 1.2o;
beets, 1.25; onions (new), $ lb., ljc; pars
nips, lie.
WOOL Valley, 16c, 18c; Eastern Ore
gon, lbc, 1c.
Receipts by leading lines of transporta
tion up to date, as compared to like period
of last year have been:
1883. 1882.
Wheat ctls. 2.376.159 2,200.864
Flour, bbls 208.952 275.176
Oats, ctls 60,714 93.263
Potatoes, ska 14.200 10,835
Barley... 2,876 4.820
Bran, ctla 30,791 34,573
Millstuff. ctls 32,406 28,362
WOOL tt8 1,HH7,!MH L31W,U7
Hides, lbs 659,632 725.623
Flaxseed, sks 11.049 81.504
Hops, lbs 1.510,738 630.453
Fruit, bxs.. 11,049 81,504
Hay. bis 8J38 6,599
Lime, bbls 22.522 17.275
Uutter, pfcgS 2,087 55,0855
Receipts for the past seven days have
Valley. Eastern.
Wheat, ctls.. 9,484 . 1,262
Flour, bbl 11,431 5,620
Oats, ctls I,t40
Bran, ctls 1,726 291
Millstuffs, ctls . . .- 774 271
Potatoes, sks 64
Hide6,tbs... 7,274 11.686
Butter. pkg. 38
Hops,lbB 73,998 .
Fruit, bxs , 441
RECEIPTS Wheat, 6,000 ctls.; flour,
2,000 qr. sks.; oats, 8o0ctls.; potatoes, 2,
000 sks.: eges.9.000 doz.
WHEAT Extra choice, ctl., 1.814
1.834; No. 1 white, 1.76; No. 2 white,
S1.682(1.711. -
FEU U K Oregon, bbl., o.255.v&;
San Francisco extra, 5.12$6.00; interior
extra, $1.75, igo.nU.
HOPS 0 lb.. 18c. 23c.
BARLEY No. 1 feed, & ctl., 1.16
No. 1 brewing, 1.155; No. 1 chevalier,
OATS California, good to choice 1.684
1.75. -
iJJKAJN w ton. irom city mms.
SALMON Oregon, 1-rS cans, doz.,
L o. b.. $1.20. 81.22.
BUTTER-Good to choice roll, E.,
EGGS $ doz., 30c.
APPLES Oregon, W bx., SI. 50, S2.25.
HIDES Dry, lb., usual selections,
18c, 18c.
ONIONS Per sk., 75c.
CORN New, 1.50, 1.75; old, 1.60,
1.75. ' ..
POTATOES Petalumas and Tomales
75c, 95c: peachblows, 1.12&, Oregon,
Garnet Chili. sl.2o. $I.3a; market slow.
LARD Eastern refined, 3 to 10-lb. tins
13c. 134c. Other provisions unchanged.
BEANS We quote as follows: Pea and
small white, 3.00, 3.10 ctl.; bayos
3.50. 3.75: limas, 3.00, 3.10; pinks
$3.90, 4.00; red 1.00, 4.25 butter, 2.25,
BEESWAX Quotable at 27c, 29c. lb.
- HAY Alfalfa, 10.00, 13.50; wheat,
14.50, 16.50; wild oat, $14.50, 16.50; bar
lev. $11.00. $15.00: cow. $9.00. 11.00 $ ton,
STRAW Quotable at 50c, 60c bale, as
to condition.
SEEDS Flax $ ctl., 2.50, 2.75; canary,
5c, 5c; Alfalfa, 9c, 9jc; timothy, 7c, 8c.
for native and 8c, 9c, for imported; mustard
choice brown, 3,25, $ ctl., white, 2.75,
$3.00: hemp. 4c. 4: rape, Jc. Jc
BUCKWHEAT Nominally quotable at
$2.75.$3.00. V ctl. -
POULTRY Turkeys, live gobblers, 18c,
21c V lb., hens, 20c, 21c, dressed, 21c, 22c
young roosters. 7.50, 9.00: old roosters
6.00, 7.00; hens, 6.00, 7.50; broilers,
$6.50, $7.o0, according to size; ducks.
10.00, 13.00 doz.; geese, 2.25, 2.75
HONEY Extracted, 6c, 7ic, lb.; extra
white comb, 18c, 20c; white, ldc, 16c; dark,
9C 12c
CHEESE California, 16c,18c, for choice
fair to crood. 11c. 12Ae: Gilrbv. in drums
16c, 18c; Eastern, 18c, 19c; Western, 16c,
17C :
MILLSTUFFS Ground barley, 24.00,
25.00 ton; middlings are selling at
18.00, 23.00 per ton; w heat bran, 13.50, per ton: oil cane meal, old process
30.00, new process, 26.50; feed corn meal,
34.00, 35.00. cracked corn, $34.00; rye
flour. bbl., $6.00; rye meal, 5.50; buck
wheat flour, 1? Ib., 5c; pearl barley, 4c, 5c
Eastern oat meal, bbl., 9.75; cracked
wheat & lb., 4c.
WOOL Mendocino, 12c, 17c, 1? lb.
Humboldt, 12c, 17c; San Joaquin, 8c, 12c
coast, oc, lie; lied muff and uoiusa, etc
9c, 14c.
$20,000 GONE!
San Francisco. Cal. The Chronicle
publishes in substance the following mar
vel: Captain VV, 7 Swasey, the oldest
pioneer of the coast, makes a statement of,
the intense suffering of his friend Colonel
u. J. Williamson, an army omcer oi dis
tinction and an ex-United States Consul,
who was attacked in the winter of 1861-2
with violent rheumatism. So great was
his agony in after years, he became it help
less cripple, and after trying numberless
remedies, the baths of other countries and
spending a fortune of 20,000, the disease
seemed to assume a more virulent type.
Finally, he was persuaded to try St. Jacobs
OiL the great conaueror of pain. It worked
a miracle of cure. In a letter to the Chron-
cle he confirms Captain Swasey's state
ment and adds: "I cheerfully give my un
qualified attestation to the truthfulness
ot the statement, because l I eel perfectly
certain that a knowledge of my cure by St.
Jacobs Oil will prove the means of reliev
ing hundreds of sufferers."
Very few women are employed upon
London newspapers, either as writers or
What ails you? If it is a cough, take
iso's Cure. Sold by druggists. 25 cents.
The motto for Congress "Down with
taxation." -
H ifH crt miiTifr Via1 Koo-n VIouaor) witVi Tli
w . J V UU J4lVJ, KVVU V. MJ. V T A V L
Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" she might
have reigned on many another bright May
day. The "Favorite Prescription is a cer
tain cure for all those disorders to which
females are liable. By druggists.-
Ex-Governor Hall, of Delaware, owns in
terests in thirty-five vessels.
"Rough on Coughs." 15c. 25c. 50c.' at
Druggist. Complete cure Coughs, Hoarse
ness, Sore Throat. - -
For a cough or a cold there is no remedv
equal to Ammen's Cough Syrup.
"Lord" Alfred Tennyson does not sound
bad. -
As stages are ouicklv abandoned with
the completion of railroads, so the huge,
drastic, carthartic pills, composed of crude.
and bulky medicines, are quickly aban
doned with the introduction of Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Purgative Pellets." which are
sugar-coated, and little larger than mus
tard seeds, but composed of highly concen
trated vegetable extracts. By druggists.
"Well, I'll be hanged!" says the window
curtain. .
Heart affections, kidnev and liver trou
bles affect nearly one-half of all mankind.
Yet how many heedlessly pass through a
shortened life giving no care to these com
plaints which cause the human family such
great distress. Does your heart beat vio-
ently from the least excitement? Have vou
fits of dizziness? Does your back ache? Are
your boMrels constipated ? These symptoms
are tne nrst warnings. Uelay is dangerous.
Be wise in time. Regain perfect health by
using Brown's Iron Bitters.
"Buchu-Paiba." Quick, complete cure.
all annoying kidney and urinary dis
eases. 1. ...
The combination of ingredients used in
making Brown's Bronchial Troches is such
as to give the best possible effect with
safety. They are the best remedy in use
ior uougns, uoids and Throat Uiseases.
"ROTTOH ON CrtHNS." 15r AsV for it
Complete cure, hard or soft corns, warts.
When we see a medicine advertised to
cure a half-dozen or1 more classes of dis
eases, we conclude that it is a humbug,
And having noticed that the proprietor of
Ammen's Cough Syrup only advertises or
claims it good for coughs, colds and lung
complaint!, we were induced to try it, and
now take pieasnre in recommending it to
our readers. -
Dr. W. H. Lee, Conyers. Ga.. savs
Brown's Iron Bitters is a good medicine
and many are using it in this place.
Boston's death rate last month was 18.7
per 1,000 people.
If the blood be impoverished, as mani
fested by pimples, eruptions, ulcers, or run
ning sores, scrofulous tumors, swellings or
general debility, take Dr. R. V. Pierce's
uolden Medical .Discovery. Sold by drug
An empty honor is sometimes full of
Rev. D. F. Manly, Tampico. Tenn.. savs.
"Brown's Iron Bitters relieved me of in
digestion and nervousness after several
physicians had failed.
advertised in another column of this na-
per. This establishment is well known on
the Pacific Coast as reliable and square m
all its dealings. Their goods have gained
an en viable reputation.
Caloric Vita Oil. the renowned healer, at
wholesale, liodge, Uavis &tk., Portland.
.21''. 71
ii b c e
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache,
Sore Tb roe.MweIltMft,Npraliis.II ralsea,
: Barns, Senlda. Frnl Bites.
SoMby Draggisu and Oeler eve r w br. rift; CUi botUa.
. DireotioD to 11 Lau(u(e.
: fnv ft . t r ca a vttiz ir r rn rn
DarhAm ia historic. It waa neutral srround
dnriiuf the armistice between Sherman and
Johnson. Soldiers of both armies filled
their pouches with the tobacco stored there,
and, after the surrender, marched home,
ward. Soon orders came from Eaet, Weet,
North and Sonth, for "more of that eleg-ant
tobacco." Then, ten men ran an unknown
factory. Now it employs 800 men, usee the
pink and pick of the Golden Belt, and the
Durham Bull 1b the trade-mark of this, the
best tobacco in the world. BlackweD's Bull
Durham Smoking Tobacco has the largest
sale of any smoking' tobacco in the world.
Why f Simply becanse it ia the be. All
dealers have it Trade-mark of the BulL
II he'd rone for a rock
aire of Blackwell's Bull
Durham Smoking; To
bacco, as be was told, be
mum 1 13 ham t lixus i
. oornered by the buU.
on rvvi;
it s
ix fWiril
Tho Strongest and Best!
THOMAS PBICE. Analytic Chemist, pronounees
the GIANT BAKING POWDER nearly one-third
stronger than any sold on the Pacific Coast.
San Francisco, September 24, 1883.
BL E. BOTHIN, President Bothin M'fg Co.:
Dkar Sir: After careful and complete chemical
analysis of a can of Giant Baking Powder, purchased
by us in open market, we find that it does not con
tain alum, acid phosphate, terra alba, or any injuri
ous substancss, but is a pure, healthf nl Cream Tar
tar Baking Powder, and as such can recommend it
to consumers. WML T. WENZEI.L CO.,
We concur! Analytio Chemists.
J. L. MEARS, M. I)., Health Officer.
ALFRED W. PERRYrM.D.,") Members of 8an
W. A. DOUGLASS, M. D., r Francisco Board
AUG. ALERS, M. D., ) of Health.
Manufactured by the
17 and 19 Maiu Street, San Francisco.
and MALARIA. v ,
From these sonrces arise three-fourths or
Che diseases of the knman raee. These
2mptoms Indicate their existence :Xoss of
ppetite, Bowels costive Sielc Bead
acne, fullness after eatltur, Aversion to
exertion of body or &iind Eructation
of foody Irritability of temper Low
spirits, A. feelins; of bavins; neglected
some duty, Dizziness, Fluttering at the
Heart, lota before tlie eyes,bJcbJy eol
ored ferine, CONSTIPATION, and de
mand the use of a remedy that acts directly
on the Liver. AsaLivermedieineTUTT'S
PIL.I.S have no equaL Their action on tha
Kidneys and Skin is also prompt ; removing
all Impurities through these three aca-r-enciri
of the system, producing appe
tite, sound digestion, regular stools clear
Bkin and a vigorous body. TUTT'S PIX.L.S
cause no nausea or griping nOr Interfere
with daily work and are a perfect
Bold every wnere,2!5e. Offlee,44 Murray St.,N.Y.
TurrsiiAm oye.
Gbat Hair on Whiskers changed In.
etantly to aGtossr Black bv a single ap
plication of this DTE. Sold by Druggiats,
or sent by express on receipt of 1.
Office, 44 Murray Street, New York.
TadidA of Priliutshim is one of the strontrest of tha
minerals use in medicii.e, and has produced much suf
f erins in the world. Taken for a lonit time and in large
doses, it dries up the gastric juices, impairs aieestion.
tne stomacn refuses ioou, ana me paiiens uacuacn m
health and weieht. Persons with Blood or Bkin Dis
eases should be careful bow they take these mineral
poisons, as in most instances the effect of them is to al
most permanently impair tne constitution. -x o lase me
nlaca of these noiaoDs we offer you a safe, sure, prompt
and permanent relief from your troubles. Swift's Spe-
to conTince you ot its merit.
I hare cured permanently Blood Taint In the thiid
feneration by the use of Swift's Specific, after I had
most signally lauea wan mercury ana f-otasn.
F. A. Toomkr. M. D., Perry, Ga.
A young man requests me to thank you for his cure of
Blood Poison by the use of your Specific after all other
treatment naa iauea.
, Jos. Jacobs, Druggists, Athens, Ga.
Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free
Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga
. V. Y. 0ee; 153 W. 23d St., bet. 6th and 7th ATenuee.
Norman Stallions !
H. WILSEY, raaw-a
Of the firm of Fairbanks k Tfr Usey, -fif
has Just returned from France with a 1 T
choice lot of Norman Stallions. The ONLY DUtECI
importers from France to the Pacific Coast. Selected by
him with great care from the best stock in France. Severs:
are government approved. Our Motto: Quick Sales and
Small Profits. Those in want of this class of Horses, if
desired, can purchase them on one or two years' time,
at reasonable interest, with satisfactory security.
They who work
early and late the
year round need, occa
sionally, the healthful
stimulus imparted by
a wholesome tonic like
H o tetter's Stomach
Bitters. To all, its
purity and efficiency
as a remedy and pre
ventive of disease com
mend it. It checks in
cipient rheumatism
and malarial symp
toms, relieves consti
pation, dyspepsia and
biliousness, arrests
ptemature decay of
the physical energies,
mitigates the infirm
ities of age and
hastens convales
cence. For sale by
all Druggists an.d
Dealers generally.
ons 01 nannsr its oircuiat
announce another award
fmbscrtbara. ThAsward i
we will ci
r out and fulfill to tne letter tne promises
a am ri
ESIDB is now the largest ever attained
add I OO.OOO more yearly subscribers to our already
. I I ii .
custriDUte um ipu.uuu tnai w
coming year. This new award
fSSO.OOO that we shall ret for the sale
,rri. a txii. 1.
1 will ue cunuuwwi ii
cemr , o 1 nouinu
ion more widely extenaea ana uiuiot ;yw,wvff ? r-rx:
of S50.000 to be matle May 1st, lm, when they wUrhava securedi anofli
. . C'WVC j miV. ms fill) MUhll.tiM nnr rknnt&tlon ana
1 1 mii ijiM. imbm nuicKU 1 , ' . . 1 - . -
more numerous and costly presents, inereoy myuis m "i""""?" SiTr3irriihtteT in our last,
than for one or two nersons to sret the bulk of the award. We are positive that this plan U better wan our last.
We will enteryottr name on our subscription books and mail yon the n'n1KIS
vIM riELD a Nn Fim KSIDE resfularly for one year and immediately send a Printed liuraberea Re
ceipt whlcEwiuStttt be Riven away May 1st, 18S: .
ine lsi di tibsk 5 u m oiimi uui ouuduiiUwid.
60 TJ. 8. Oovernment Bonds of 1100 each...
to U. 0. oreenoacirsor snweacn.
t U.S. Government Bond......
iO U . 8. Greenbacks of 5o eacn.
tOV.B. Greenbacks, sjneacn
100 V. 8. Greenbacks, $10 each.
100 V. 8. Greenbacks, 8S each
6 Grand Parlor Organs
: 9 Grand Pianos....
1 Twentv-Foot Sloop Sail-Boat.
1 Rob Boy Fifteen-Foot Canoe....'
S' 1 1 Four-Oared Row-Boat
f f 1 Columbia Bicycle..
s rnaeins .......................... ...
6 Ton Buretes
Elegant Black Silk Dress Patterns..
I S Villatre carts
I 6 Best Singer Be wins? Machines
1 a Kaw sua rartor suits...
I Plush Silk Parlor 8alts.
rt Silver Dinner Services
Jl Black Walnut Marble Top Chamber 8uit....
100 Bet Solid Silver Teaspoon so tne set
Alan. fin.AAA nTTtTR TTSmTT. ATTO VAT.TJABLB PES3ETTTS, ranlnsr In value from Koto ft each.
making; a trrand total of HTITT TTTTPJ Tl H
so that
,t eaoa and s?rTVMi w fzrz?z-. . CVTT T - - -
onewbosubsertoestotneFARM FIEL.0ANU
m .iut aiM mlanrml udh for ona veer, and
toil 000k Our paper has now the larjrest circulation
or one year.
Muuiirh, m wftiit QftfVfWl VAarTv nhecrihers.
to our subscribers, all of which was carried out and
receivers in tne otner eoiumn.
All of the above presents will he awarded Kay 1st,
tan re will have presents sent to them by mail, express or frei
mxnn -rcTPl TtT.X. AT which vou sen:
lbie and reuame citizens ot gooq enaraevw ana
Miuniinn anil therefore chanro nothing for the
former offer you should not let this opportunity by. We believe that you will like oar paper so wei
til rnrnlnamroliir subscr'ber. and sav with others that von would not be without it for. five times
TOTTBi 8TTB8C&rPTI01v FB2S, Oet Ave of your
fnem. Bend us 5 ana we win senayoa me r Afcril. rlSL-tJANU flicatllt& xorww year ana a num
bered receipt for each of your subscribers and one extra for yooi trouble. - -sesd
TttZM SL'SSCBIBERS with a I O a dva will send 12 subscriptions and twelve numbered r-
eeints. We will msll the extra copy of thepape. fo.
shall limit the number of new nbscriptions to lOO.OOO, so we wonld advise all our friends to forward sub
scrip tions early, as many of the last award were too late to get a Numbered Receipt, v u ,
Is one of the oldest and ablest edited Family aad Agricultural papers, it contains twcnty-eignt isnre pRsrofl.
Mta limrlsi art1 tiMrwa Mlrtnvi thai nArtAl it iHBVa n f nrm nminii. stitched and cut. lu erri.iiU.i.xi is
now over I OO.OOO aad we are sure to receive the i&O.OQO ealled for at the time set, and the distribution of . !
presents will Uks pce on Kay 1st. The FARM. FIELD AND FiaESIDS has elejrantly illustrated covers changed each issue niustratin t' oir prctnrejqne ccr.n
smeSmanever attempted by another in toe worloBAKTLi COPY SEXT IEEE. Stories, 8 hatches, Poetry, Farm, Cirden, Household f
.tural gf0rrt.b ttnMhfch wfu'ILKi. ;
that we have capital enough to carry oat and fulfill
an pj I ripj rni n
MWf- ,aswe
Zlcrilini our'rllk, Wer 'shili bi se.ty Besristerod
traorttinary offer. Add ress - :. , ': - Wa ' -
The FARIal, FIELD & FIRES1DS 09 Randolph Gt.y Chlcogo. I J., u, 0, A; j
When you have a Cough
USE . . f.
The Best, Safest and Sureet Cure In the World
ior a uold 19
Where there are children subject to Croup al
ways Keep on nana a uottie ot
It is pust the remedy for Whooping Cough; re-
nevea anu euorieua luo imjcuao.
For Bronchitis andConsuniption, use
Many testimonials from Editors, who use
S Y R U P.
Druggists who wish to sell only the best, recom
mend i
Physicians who have tried it in their own fam
ily prescribe to patients
Acknowledged the Besf.
Indorsed by all who
In Bottles at 50 cents and $100. It is cheaper to
buy the large size.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in
; Medicines.
Mil, feBMHrirTSHg
d . BEST jl
jn Healing Remedy
The purest and best in the world. Reoom;
mended by ail Physicians. Gold Medal award
ed in France for superiority over all French
For sale, in wood or glass, by the Agent,
No. 116 Montgomery Street. San Francisco, Cal.
nave pouu ve remecv ror tne above diseass; by lta
em thousands of uma of the wont kind and of ton
tandlnj bars been enrod. Indeed, so strong u my faitS
In Its sfilcacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLh'S FRAH, to
fcotherwlth aVLUABLK TKKATI8S on thla dio.M
DE. T. A. aLooUK. 1U Pearl BU. M.w Tork.
f DR. f
(BltFORK.) ! (ATTBR.)
ILECTBO-VOLTAIO BELT and other Eluctric
j Appliances are sent on SO Days' Trial TO
MEN ONLY, YOUNG; OR OLD, who are suffer
ing from Nervocs Debility, Lost Vitality,
Wastino Wkakkesskb. and all those diseases of a
Personal Nature, resulting from Abuses and
Other Causes. Speedy relief and complete
restoration to Health, Vigor and Manhood
Guaranteed. Send at once tor Illustrated
Pamphlet free. Address
Voltaic Belt Co., .Marshall, Mich.
now over 100,000 actttal subscribers
Being deslr-
netors umin
the fact that
We 8til i want to
by any paper otjtslcma in inewono.
M InMPA llttT.
and in order to secure them we propose to
of advertising space uaoarpronism L f"ir .rD
nf ftrfvArtisi
;or too
fiv mnniu raceivea tne ffrsma btobim or uio 1 its w
' " .- - - - - t1k
hi. aTa number of cash Prises and
109 Solid Silver Table 8000ns.,
......... t0
100 Solid Silver Dessert Spoons.....
inn data Sil vw Fnrka fs to tha set)-. .
.. 1000
t) 60
100 Sets Silver Plated Dinner KnivesXS to the set)
100 Silver Sugar Shells 60
Vi Kuver loenscnera.. .....,.. ow
Iftia Albums. i each...... ............ 1000
1000 Pocket Silver Fruit knives ....... 1000
1000 Gentlemen's Pocket Knives.. .. MOO
SO Gentlemen's Gold Watches.. .................. 1600
20 Ladies' Gold Watches 1200
: 0 Boys' Watches.. .............. .................
S Solitaire Diamond ringer Kings.
ierantoieoKrapn neiures
Ladies' oid tiocsew..
60 Gold Finger Rinirs ....
410 Ladies' Breast Pins ..
............ . ... .
avt nnttmen's Scarf Pins and Watch Chains..
livie Fine Mounted Oil Pain tines (11x22)
09 Beautiful Nickel Clocks ....... . sooo
109 Microscopes 60
100 Magte Lanterns.. (00
101 Telescopes..... 620
riKtsiuc JI1..V.T' . .
a valuable present, raafrlnir In value from twenty
-five cents
of any paper of its kind in the world, hul this is not
fulfilled to
tne letter 01 our promise, nee tne names ot
in a lair ana impartial manner ny a oomnuttee of three
standing: where they reside. Persons living at a rila
at as nay oe reqmrea ny m aracie awaruea.
ns is the regular subscription price for a yearly
Dresents. If VOU have failed to
friends to loin you by cnttinsr this out and showing it to
tho extra, receipt to any one you may designate. We
any offer we may maae.
S133XsX Aim
secures ;-t rr
i it v ii
1 II 1
herein made. The circulation or tne f
a - u M al.
We are now known world over
5, OCa Kew aril Second-hand Fl&nof
at hft'f price. Jf anos $75 and up. Anti
seHianoFactry,24a3iilUs St.. EI
H Pianos, BtandarA Organs, S heet Music, and Musical
Merchandise of every deanription at tne 5 oieI
Stusie i(re. VSS MarU et Street, Sari I raa
Clseo. Bend for our catalogue of 10-cent rniwio.
PIAMOS Decker Bros., Behr Bros., Emerson, and J.
and C Fisher. Musical Merchandise. Orians
Mason, Hamlin & Chase, Kohler k Chae,137 Pwt ht.,S.f
Kasy to use, A certain care. Not expensive. Tbree
months' treatment in one package. Good for Cold
ui ine Aieaa, uenaacne. Dizziness, .nay ever, sc.
xuiy cents, ny an urusrsrists, or ny man.
T. IIAZELTrSE. Warren, Pa.
N. P. N. U. No. F. N. U. No. 8G.
-.jjr WE Ail OUT". '
O f I Vbr watchmakers. Bymil 25o. Ciroron-S
UJ NUim. J.S.Hmca ACo., SJ5lTSt..I.V.
Gold Medal, Silver Medal and
11 Firt Premiums over others
Hatciea all kinds of Egg-.
All Sizes. Prices from $12 ua
Satisfaction guaranteed. Address
aSend for Circulars. Circulars Free.
The best remedy in ttse for COUGITS, COLDS,
Sold by all drnargists for 0 cants.
J. It. CJATEW & CO Proprietors,
417 NanHome Mtrert. S. F.
When I tsv cars 1 do nut man tuereiv to KtoD tueca lu
time and then have them re'nrn again. I mean a radi
cal enre. I bare made the disease of FITS, EPILEPiS?
r FALLING 8ICKNES3 a life-long- stady. I warrant vn j
remedy to care the worst cuts. Because others bav.
failed I no reason for not now receiving a enra. Senda;
once for a treatise and a Frse Eott!a of my Infallible
remedy. Give Express and Post Office. 1 coats yo
nothing ftw a trJaL and I wl a cure you. .
Address Dr. H. O. BOOT, im Foarl St. KW Tori.
AuCItlO liPfliLU tha hent Family TTnittirxr Mo.
chine ever invented. Will knit a pair of stockings with
HEEu and TOE complete in 20 minutes. It will abo
knit a great variety of fancy work for which there is al
ways a ready market. Send for circular and terms to
the Twembiy Knitting Machine J., 1&3 Tre
mont street. Boston Mass.
- x - - .
h M.w. I. on r.-
c ays, by Dr. Pierce's Patent
llacrnetio Elastic Trass.
Warrs nted the onlvEieetrleTrnjia
in the world. Entirelvdiiierentfro
111 otners. ierioct ueiainer , ana u worn
rUh ease and comfort night and day. Cured
:he rerwwned Dr. 1. Simms of New York,
hundreds of others. New Illustrated paUH
(t fVee. eontainlnfirfuH infhrmstion- - .
704 Sacramento St.. cor. SLetmy, Saa iraxtcisoo.
From !M nn
Send for descrip
vo price list, etc.
horou or h h rrl
Poultry and Etrars.
i011 Broadwav.
iOakland, CaL
This BELT or Regenera
tor Kb made expressly fop
the cure of derangements
of the generative organs,
'.'here Is no mistake about
this instrument, the con
tinuous stream of KLEO
'X RIO ITT permeating
thronrh the parts mu.sS
restoro them to
action. Do not ponfonnd
ibis with Eleetrio Belt
advertised to cure all fit '
from head to toe. It Is f ot
theOS6isnecl3e rnri)0 .
f or circulars (riviiiv tuu tt;it vrrimLion, sQurusv KAMsrv
Etoctrto Beii Co, isa yiaDZMa be. Chkao, 111.
Offer Good Until .lay I, IOC-1
rniBEBEO KECEIPT 19,645. MIsa I
fit. Snyder, Waterloo, Ulackbawk Co., i
Clarst BCerrlU, Cove, Vrloa Co. Oreeoa,
JLkere, KJtnsas City, Sift., S50Q. .
Oeorse C Woodklrfc, IweIL Mass.,
flTHBEBED RECETPT 88,005, Mrs. .
J. 'Wrlcht, Meatercy, CtO., SIOO.
TeOera, Saline City, Clsiy C., lad., 850.
FroBts, New Faramtain, I'ak, SSO.
R. Mitchell, Arlington Xleisats, Coo It Co.,
IlL, 9SO.
dranirer, Detroit, Mich., R50. '
Brawn, X.Uchfleld, Montgomery Co., IlL,
c eane V. sTaeebs, . llamtnonton, Atlantic
Ce., W. J., 8100. i -
TVeybnrn, Tramansbarr, Tompkins Co.,
IT. "X., KrftdleV Gold WaUh. ,
IXstvea Smith, Staunton, Augusta Co., vsv, j
Create Geld Wateh. .
Vincent, OttervUle, Oat,, Caauada, Oeats'
Oold Wateh. 1
II7UB ESED RECEIPT 73.051, Albert;
Derr, PlattsvlUe, Shelby Co., O., Xtdleet I
Gold Wateb. f
- Jotis Gaylord. Charlotte, Eaton Co.,
. Mleb., Grand Plus. j
X UMBERED KECF.IPT 10.070, Robert
P. Fnllis, JLltchneid, 111., (silver lMnaer f
Service. .
Bsrtes, Obion, Tenn., 80. ?
tWlt you write to any of the above enclose a pofjal for
answer. For further awards, sea our paper. EentFree. i
TORSTOE for one : jn1 Tmmh
- award.
1UC IWjJVa o wv vu vim j v
Letter. P.O. Money Order or Eipr
w .3
"a a . .
O 4-3 . H
I "g SIS 8
3 3 S3
0 mm
I -'-faCaA r.
t :r x 1 j :3
11 jj fr
I.: ; ' .