FOSTLAffD ITE21S. The hydraulic elevator works are getting a new coat of paint inside Nine new houses are building in Albina Since the first of the month. Y. W. Russell has been admitted to cit izenship in the County Court. The improvements being made in the city jail are nearly completed. , A large force of men have been put to work on the round house at Albina The street lamps, or at least a majority of them, are lit about midnight now. Washington' street is getting to be one of the most popular staeets in the city. Jailor Doherty is kept very busy now guarding the numerous murderers placed in his charge. Angelo D. Martin has been arrested up on a charge of assault and battery upon Louisa Orsini. Gustav Scholl has begun suit in the State Circuit Court for a divorce from his wife Margaret. Van B. DeLashmutt has been arrested upon a charge of assault and battery pre ferred by C. VV. Elkins. James Holbrook has brought suit in the State Circuit Court to obtain a divorce from his wife, Ida Holbrook. There is talk of organizing a gentleman's driving park association in this city, with a track two miles down the river. Augustus E. Miller, familiarly known among the people of Portland as "Gus," aied from hemorrhage of the lungs. Justice White dismissed the case against Henry Anderson, who was charged with threatening to kill Mike Harrington. A number of people who place vessels in front of their houses, to receive their milk in, complain that the same are stolen. The directors of the Molson Cordage Company appointed J. L. Barnard secre tary of the company, vice J. V. Spader. Herbert Nevil was chareed bv John Snider with stealing a lot of clothes be longing to him from the New York Hotel A large lot of firebrick from Detroit, Mich., has been received at Albina, for use in the erection of furnaces in the new car shops. v The building on Fourth street, near Sal mon, formerly occupied as a carnage fac tory, has been turned into a'Chinese lodg ing house. D. F. Hill, a prisoner in the county jail upon a charge of complicity in robbing the United States mails, is seriously troubled with heart disease. - The cantata of Esther will be given early in March by a number of Hebrew ladies. gentlemen and children, under the direc- UU11 Ui . IX. iUUlU!S3. Grain appears to be a little scarce at present judging from the way a couple of vessels, which have been chartered and are partly loaded, are kept waiting. The action brought by the Multnomah Street Railway Company against Poole & Kothschild has been appealed from a jus tice's court to the State Circuit Court. The new hose house at the foot of C street is being pushed rapidly, and is now well on toward completion, it will be fin ished in a week or two at the farthest. Sixth street was cleaned some time ago by the chain cans and the dirt niled in heaps, and with the next rainfall there will be more mud and slush than ever. Phil Corkin, one of the oldest engineers on the Northwest coast, returned from the Northern Pacific last week and will at once resume his old pesition on the East Side road. Warrants were telegraphed to Tacoma recently for the arrest of two Chinamen charged with the theft of a quantity of jewelry rrom a country woman in this city. Robert McLennan, of Napa City, Cal.. stoppeu in tins ciiy wmie on nis way 10 Colfax, W. T., in the neighborhood of A I 1 . 1 ' J . 1 1 1 . which place ne intends to engage m cattle raising. There is complaint that the city phvsi cian, F. A. Mayer, does not half attend to his duties, for which he is well paid, and Bometimes absolutely refuses to go near a . patient when requested to do so. J.U lUv Hid l LCI Ui. LUC VSIUIC Ul 1L. Myers, deceased, County Judge Stearns has set the first Monday in March as the time for hearing the report and settlement of the final account o the administrator. John S. Raleigh has been appointed guardian of Mary hi. and Johanna A. Riley, minors, and it was ordered that the city clerk pay over to Mr. Raleigh all the money now in his hands belonging to the said minors. The county commissioners have ordered that the county treasurer shall sell at pri - rate sale all the property left by Sanford Brightman, deceased, for the benefit of his heirs. The total property left will sell for only a few dollars. Frank Gray, alias Rineheart, was ar rested recently on complaint of a party from Fisher's Landing, Washington Ter ritory, accusing him of the larceny of a WAtrdi. Tltrl. overcoat. et. II was takpn back to Washington Territory. The money drawer in the establishment of a man named Peters, on the southeast comer of First and Hall streets, was taken away from the counter recently and robbed of its contents. No clue to the thief, and the amount of money taken not stated. Ah NttfF, a heathen Chinese, was locked up a few days ago upon a charge of at tempting to extort money from a Second street merchant named Ah Sui. The lat ter alleges that Nuff told him the high binders would kill him unless he gave "up $100. $, , E. S. Larsen & Co. have recently brought suit in the State Circuit Court to recover from Thomas Brown and William Philpot, proprietors of the restaurant corner First and Pine streets, the sum of $512.33, for goods sold some time ago. The place was closed by the Sheriff. There a number of young hoodlums in this city who make it a habit to throw stones at every Chinaman they see. One of them was given a pretty lively chase on Sixth street a few days ago, and had he been caught he would have fared badly at the hands of the enraged Chinaman. A young man by the name of Mike Lo gan was found lying in the gutter at the corner of Second and E, by Officer Cramer. The man Was too weak and drunk to talk. but in all probabilities he was knocked down and robbed, as he was minus his coat and hat and had a pocket cut out of his pants. An effort is being made to get up an other brutal "knocking out match" for the benefit of the sports and gamblers in this city. Bob bnorteli oners to back an un known giant against the "Prussian." The latter is a great brute, now in San Fran cisco, who goes around the country fighting for money. A brutal fight took place in one of the saloons on First street near F, some few days ago, in which a man named William Smith, because he refused to treat the crowd, was knocked down and badly beaten by them, besides having a mouth . full of flesh bitten out of his hand by Wil liam Enart. Young Rinehart, who was shot while at tempting to escape from the penitentiary last July, and who was- pardoned when the physicians supposed him to be dying. has been nursed back to life by his de voted mother, and was out of doors for a little while, a few days ago, enjoying the sunlight and beautiful air. A two-horse team standing on the corner of First and Salmon streets, took fright at some unknown cause Sunday, and started toward the river at a lively rate. Un reach ine the river one of them broke through his harness and plunged overboard. After i i , , , . , swimming arouuu a wuue ne reacuea ine bank and was finally rescued. Recently the Chinese houses on Second street, between Morrison and Alder, were improved by adding another story to them, and the refuse material was taken out of the buildines and dumped on Second street, where it still remains, obstructing passage. A large number or people are complaining in relation to the matter. Dr. Royal, of East Portland, has given $500 bonds to answer before the grand jury to a charge of outrage committed on Mrs. Oberholtz. The latter alleges that she came to him for treatment, and was drugged and outraged. The doctor denies the allegation, and claims that the whole story was put for the purpose of blackmail. CXn&XEJT EVENTS. Schuyler, explorer of equatorial Africa, is dead. The snow is about five foot deep at Cooke City.M.T. Mr. Blaine is soon to trive a dinner party to President Arthur and his Cabinet. ; Mapleson, with Patti and a full com pany, will soon visit the Pacific Coast. Two thousand miners at Dead wood are negotiating for transportation to the Cceur d'Alene mines. Horace White will soon resign the treas ttryship of the Oregon Railway and Navi gation Company. John G. Saxe is very ill at his Brooklyn home, and it is now thought that he cannot possiblyJive through the winter. At the inauguration of Governor Robin son, his father, mother, wife, son and daughter were interested spectators. At the opening of the Conservative As sociation of Dorchester, Salisbury depre cated the extension of suffrage to Ireland. Mrs. Bright Clark, a daughter of John Bright has taken to the stump in favor of woman suffrage. Her lectures are said to be bright. While ten men and a boy, were in a cage at Gamane colliery, in Wales, the rope broke and all were hurled to the bottom. All were killed. Carlotta, the widow of Maximilan, is 42 years of age. She has been ill for some time, but the doctors now entertain hopes of her recovery. Joseph B. Crockett, ex-Justice of the Supreme Court, died at his home at Fruit vale a few days ago. He was 76 years old, and a native of Kentucky. It is stated that Robert Harris has been selected for president of the Northern Pa cific road, and that the enterprise is to soon be fitted out with a receiver. A fire at Canstata, Madison county, New York, a few days ago, destroyed a large ?art ot the business portion of the town he losses agregate upwards of $70,000. John Hazeltine De Force, brother of Laura De Jborce Gordon and Gertie De Force ClufF, died in Lodi, Cal., recently, after a protracted illness, aged 50 years. Two skye terriers saved the city of New York $200,000 the other day. They made such a noise when the municipal building caught fire that help came in time to put it out. Mrs. George Bancroft, the wife of the historian, although 80 years old, still pre serves much of her beauty and all of her intellect and her manners of patrican ele gance. The only copy of the London Times ever issued on Sunday was an "extra" sent out in 1847, containing an announcement that saved the Bank of England from a serious run. A jury at Detroit. Mich., recently ren dered a verdict in favor of the proprietor of Coup's circus, for damages sustained in an accident on the Wabash Railroad last summer. The statement of the onerations of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad shows gross earnings for the year (esti mated) oi $io,o,0by; expenses and taxes, , Otf 3y,iwu,oiu. An aged prisoner at Werden, Westpha lia, was, ai ms urgent request, granted permission to be taken to the railway sta tion to see a locomotive and train for the first time. Each employe of the Long Island Rail road received as a present from the presi dent of the company a turkey, a day or two before Christmas. It took 1,652 turkeys to go around. A young child was taken to church in Ouebec. Canada, the other day. and ban tized, and when the parents and friends returned home the child was found dead in its wraps. It is said that nearly half of the patents applied for in recent vears have been for car-couplers, and still the bulk of car coupling to-day is done with the primitive link and pin. Elegant furniture is now being made ex clusively of yellow pine at several factories in Paris, France. It is stated that most beutiful and striking effects are produced by this wood. During the harvest season just closed. 7,000 bushels of grain were threshed in the l.iong Creek precint. Grant county, Oregon This is a good showing in proportion to the acreage sown. A petition asking the President to ap point James N. Glover, of Spokane Falls, Governor of Washington Territory, is be ing enthusiastically circulated and signed in that section. The four buildings for the World's In dustrial and Cotton Exhibition in New Or leans are to have 1,000,000 square feet of exhibition space, and are to cost in the ag gregate only $25a,uxi. It is estimated that over 100,000 persons met with accidental deaths during the year 1883. The fearful convulsions of na ture in the Malay archipelago and Syria destroyed.over u,uuu lives. A few days ago the lessees of the Missis sippi penitentiary paid the State $33,944.33. This is the first money received from that source; heretofore the State has been in debt for repairs to machinery. In Worth county, Georgia, the drought is so severe that twenty-five or fifty-foot wells have been made one hundred feet deep and more, and still it is impossible to find an abundant supply of water. Burglars recently entered the jewelry shop of Goldsmith & Co., No. 49 Maiden Lane, New York, and opening two safes, succeed in getting away with diamonds and jewelry to the amount of $20,000. Great alarm has been caused in Monte video by immense tidal waves. One caused the death of a woman bather. The waves are attributed to volcanic disturb ances. Each wave was preceded by a large dark cloud. The earliest colonial coinage was in Massachusetts, in pursuance of an order of the general court, passed May 27, Ioo2, which established "a mint house" at Bos ton, The coins ordered were of the values of 12d, 6d and 3d. All the last spring graduates of the Yorkshire School of Cookery have found places on salaries ranging from $350 to $500, and the English papers begin to think that a new industry for women has been discovered. D. P. Hill, a merchant at High Bridere. N. J., was called to his store at 3 o'clock in the morning, recently, and shot by three masked men. Two balls lodged in his head. He is not expected to live. No property was disturbed. The Bartholdi Pedestal Committee an nounce that the Travelers Insurance Com pany of Hartford has subscribed $1,700 to the tuna. a. special engraving of the statue when completed will be prepared tor the American press. The men who stopped the train at Pen dleton, and afterward tramped from there to Umatilla, do not appear to have been all orderly men, as some of them went throusrh a Chinaman s house at Umatilla. robbing him of $50 worth of rice and other provisions. The Northern Pacific Company have es tablished an agency at Stevens' mill, three miles west of Thompson, and 532 miles east of Portland, Ine agency at Starbuck, on the Oregon Railway and Navicration Oompany's line, twelve miles this side of nipana, has been discontinued. Further criminal prosecution in the big opium seizure on Doara me steamer xokio in January, 1882, at San Francisco, has been abandoned and the defendants dis charged. The civil case is still pending against them in the United States Circuit Court to recover the price of the opium. The efficient police officer. Sergeant Birdsall, who has charge of the Chinese quarters in ban i rancisco, with his posse, has turned into the coffers of the city treas ury for the fiscal year 1883. between $24, 000 and $25,000; or, about $2,000 a month. This is the result of raids on opium dens and gambling games. It is a creditable showing and one commendable of him. Judge Ferguson rendered a decision re cently in the action brought by Annie E. Higbee to compel J. Walter Vaughn to support her on the ground that the mock marriage at a church sociable was valid and that she was his wife. The Judge dismissed the complaint, holding that the marriage ceremony was not legal and that Miss Higbee is not the wife of Vaughn. P0BTULND MABKET HEIGHT. BUTTER Fancy, fresh roll. lb., 30c, 35c; inferior, grade, 2025c; pickled, 25 30c. i CHEESE California, -17 19c; Oregon large, choice, 1920c, small, none. EGGS W do., oUc. FISH Extra Pacific codfish, whole, in c, 7Jc, boneless, in bxs., 8c lb domestic salmon, hi bbis., ipo.uu, .uu, ddis., $n.oo. 1-lb. cans, & doz., $1.45; mackerel, No. 1, kit. $1.75. $2.00, No. 2, $1.50. $1.75. No. 1. hf bbls., $10.00, No. 2, $8.50; herrings, salted, hf bbls., , dried, 10-15. bxs., 7oc. FLOUR Fancy extra, bbl., ; bakers' extra, $5.25; country,, $4.755.00; superfine, $4.00. FEED, Etc. Corn meaL $ 100 lbs., $2.75 fit 3. m- KnflrwVioar S3 fift- naf mool 1 fV 4.25; cracked wheat, $3.253.50; bran, fine, $22.5030.00; hay, baled, $18.0020.00; chop, $22.5028.00. FRUITS Prunes, Hungarian, lb., 12 15c; raisins (new), bx., $2.50, $2.75, "hf bxs., $2.75, $3.00, qr bxs., $3.25, $3.35, 8th bxs., $3.25, $3.50; currants, Zante, lb. in bxs., 10c; citron, lb. in drums, 22$c; almonds, Marseilles, lb., 18c, 20c, Lane, 20c; walnuts, Chili, 11c, 12c, California, 12c,13c. GREEN FRUITS Apples, bx., $1.25 1.75; lemons, California, $4.0O5.00, Sicily, $12.0013.00; oranges, bx., $4.505.00; limes, $ 1001.50(012.00. - DRIED FRUITS Bleached, 14 15c; apples, machine-cured, $ lb., 1516c, sun cured, 910c; peaches, machine-cured, in boxes, 1314c; German, in boxes, $ lb., 10 llc; plums, sun-cured, pitless, . 1516c, machine-cured, 1618c; pears, machine cured, 1012c, sun-cured, 10llc; figs, California, 25-Ib. bx., 9c; Smyrna, 2025c. WHEAT Good to choice, W 100 lbs.. $1.721.75, good valley; Walla Walla and n&stern Oregon, $l.eal.07i. OATS Choice milling, nominal; good BARLEY Brewing, $100 lbs., nominal; feed, nominal. BUCKWHEAT Nominal, $1.502.00, CORN No demand. RYE Nominal, 100 lbs., nominal $1.50(52.00. HIDES AND BAGS Hides, dry, over 16 lb., lb., 14c; Murrain hides, two-thirds off; hides, wet salted, over 55 lbs., $ lb., 6 7c (one-third less for light weights, dam aged, cut grubby or dry salted); pelts, 10c, 15c, Eastern Oregon, 22c, summer, E. O., 18c, 20c, valley, 25c, 30c; Burlaps, 40 in., 8c, 45 in., 9Jc, 00 in., 15c; twine, flour, 35c, 40c, wheat, 35c, fleece. 12c, 13c; gunnies, 18c; wheat sacks, 7c, 7ic; TmW V Tt. K v9 ft. OO 9S strained in 5 gal., 11c $ tt.; 1-gal. tins, $ doz, $14.00, $15.00, half -gal., $7.50, HOPS lb., 15 20c; PROVISIONS Bacon, Hie, 12ic; hams, country, lb., 13c, 15c, butcher, scarce; shoulders. 10c. 11c. LARD Kegs, fc? lb., 12c; Eastern, pails, 1313c; Oregon, fins, 1313jc; Call fornia, 10-lb. tins, none. PEAS, SEEDS, Etc. Beans, $ lb., pea, 4ic, s. w., 5Jc, lg. w., 4Jc, bayou, 4Jc, pink, 3jc, limas, 6c; peas, field, 2jc, 3Je, sweet, 15c, 20c; timothy seed, lOJc, 12c, red clover, 22c, 25c, white clover, 4(te, 50c, alfalfa, 16c, 20c, hungarian grass, 8c, 10c, millet, 8c, 10c, orchard grass, 18c, 20c, rye grass, 20c, 25c, red top, 15c, 17c, blue grass, 18c, 20c, mes- ouite crass. 10c. 124c. POULTRY Chickens, 1? doz., spring. $4.00, $5.00, old, $5.00; ducks, $10.00, $11.00; geese. & lb.. 9c. 10c. turkeys. 12c. 14c RICE Sandwich Islands, No. 1, $ lb., 5Jc; China mixed, 4c, 5c; China No. 1, none: Rangoon. 5Ac. SUGARS Golden C, in bbls., lb., 9c, in hf bbls., 9c; refined D, bbls., 8c, hf bbls., 8:fc; dry granulated, bbls., lOc, hf bbls., ivic; crushed, bbls., 104c; nne crushed, bbls., 11 Jc, hf bbls;, Hie; cube, bbls., 11c, hf bbls, lljc; islands, No. 1, kgs., oic, esc bgs.. Sic. SYRUPS-California refinery fsl. gal., bbls., 62$c, kgs., 67Jc, cs., gal. tins, 77ic; iiastern, bbls., gal., ooc, kgs, uoc, cs., twc. VEGETABLES Potatoes, bu 80c, bOc, according to variety; cabbage, W 2Jc; turnips, $ sck., $1.25; carrots, $1.25; oeets, $i.zo; onions (new), pio., ic; pars nips, lie. WOOL Valley, 16c, 18c; Eastern Ore gon, 10c, 17C. PRODUCE RECEIPTS. Receipts by leading lines of transporta tion since August 1st, as compared to like period of last year: . 1883. 1882, Wheat, ctla 3.335.764 1.872,011 Flour, bbls 281,097 2(i2,386 Oats, ctla 57,727 98,342 Potatoes, sks 13.808 9.072 Barley 2,810 4.360 Bran, ctls 26,613 33,729 MillstufT, ctla 29,660 25,064 Wool, lt.8 1,214,084 1,399.079 Hides, 1J.8 ... 609,488 711.306 Flaxseed, ska 11,229 81.504 Hops, lbs 1,476,706 630,228 Receipts for the past seven days have been: "Valley. .. 16,631 .. 8313 .. 5,486 861 . . 1.096 2m 111 . 2,630 . 2,734 ,. 46 151 .. 925 108 . 17.826 Eastern Wheat, ctls Flour, bbl Oats, ctls....... Bran, ctls MiUstunXctla.. Potatoes, sks... Hay, bis Wool, ns Hides, lbs. , Butter, pkgs. . . Eggs, cs Fruit, bxs Flaxseed, sks... Hops, lbs 4.033 5,586 366 72 28,155 SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. RECEIPTS-Wheat, 6,000 ctls.; flour, 2,000 qr. skaP oats, 850 ctls.; potatoes, 2, 000 sks.: eggs.9.000 doz. WHEAT--tExtra choice, $ ctl., $1.81 1.H34; iso. m white, $1.76; jno. a white, $1,682 1.71141. FLOUR Oregon, $? bbl., $5.25 5.75; San Francisco extra, $5.126.00; interior extra, $4.7o, $o.50. HOPS Per lb., 18c, 23c. BARLEY-VNo. 1 feed, per ctl., $1.16; No. 1 brewing, $; No. 1 chevalier, nominal. OATS California, good to choice $1,682 1.75. BRAN Per ton, from city mills, $14.25, SALMON Oregon, 1-lb cans, per doz., f. o. b $1.20, $1.22. BUTTER Good to choice roll, per lb., 334c. EGGS Per doz., 30c. APPLES Oregon, per bx., $1.50, $2.25. HIDES Dry, per lb., usual selections, 18c, 18fc. ONIONS Per sk., 75c. CORN New, $1.50, $1.75; old, $1.60, $1.75. POTATOES Petalumas and Tomales, 70c, 90c: peachblows, $1,124, Oregon, Garnet Chili, $1.25, $1.35; market slow. LARD Eastern refined, 3 to 10-lb. tins, 13c, 13ic. Other provisions unchanged. BEANS We quote as follows: Pea and small white, $3.00, $3.10 per ctl.; bayos, $3.40, $3.50; limas, $3,124, $2.25; pinks, $3.70, $3.75; red $3.75, $4.00 butter, $2.30, $3.25. HONEY Extracted, 5ic, 7c, lb.; extra 1 a - t- in. 1 x .0. . n . 1 , wuiiecoino, 10c, wiute, ioc, 10c; aark, 8c 10c. BEESWAX Quotable at 27c, 30c, $ lb. HAY Alfalfa, $10.00, $12.00: wheat. $12.00, $15.00; wild oat, $12.00, $15.00; bar lev, $10.00, $13,50; cow, $9.00, $11.00 $ ton. STRAW Quotable at 50c, 60c $ bale, as to condition. SEEDS Flax ctl., $2.50, $2.75; canary, 5c, 5Jc; Alfalfa, 9c, 9jc; timothy, 7ic, 8c, for native and 8c, 9c, for imported ; mustard, choice brown, $3,25, $ ctl., white, $2.75, $3.00; hemp, 4c, 44; rape. 3c, 34c BUCKWHEAT Nominally quotable at $2.70. 3.uu, f ctl. POULTRY Turkeys, live gobblers, 20c, 21c 1? hens, 20c, 21c, dressed, 21c, 22c; young roosters, $.uu, $u.o; old roosters, $7.00, $8.00; hens, $8.00, $9.50; broilers, $6.50, $7.50, according to size: ducks. $10.00, $12.00 do.; geese, $1.50, $3.00 pair. CHEESE California, Ic,tl8c, for choice; fair to good, 11c, 124c; Gilrov, in drums, 16c, 18c; Eastern, 18c, 19c; Western, 10c, loc " MILLSTUFFS Ground barley. $24.00, $25.00 ton; middlings are selling at $17.00, $20.00 per ton; wheat bran, $13.50, $14.50 per ton; oil cake meal, old process, $30.00, new process, $26.50: feed corn meal, $34.00, cracked corn, $34.00; rye flour, bbl., $6.00; rye meal, $5.50; buck wheat flour, per lb., 5c; pearl barley, 4c, 5c: Eastern oat meal, per bbl., $9.75; cracked wheat, per lb., 4c WOOLMendocino, 12c, 17c, per lb.; Humboldt, 12c, 17c; San Joaquin, 8c, 12c; coast, 8c, 11c: Red Bluff and Colusa, etc.. 9c, 14c. The Frederickton (New Brunswick, Can.) Reporter says, "Nobody can but admire the persistent enterprise manifested by the owners of St. Jacobs Oil in keeping the name before the public. It received a big 'send off' in the House the other day by the Hon. Mr. Perley, who warned his col leagues in the Government of the danger of Bear Killers receiving two bounties for one nose; the judicious use of the Oil causing rapid growth." Cionrront improper conduct, not Dy retal iation, but by example. Foster. m " m v 1 At -A. f Tf n. frtnirVt rHafurHs trmir kIpptv tAlce. Piso's Cure for Consumption and rest well. ThfrA la nnnAH nf t.Hrnwino'ft.lrls.q. Anv fellow deserving of one will go and take it. A SHABT MAN Is one wbo does his work quickly and well. That it is what Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" does as a blood-purifier and strengthener. It arouses the torpid liver, purifies the blood, and is the best remedy for consumption, which is scrofulous disease of the lungs. Th Knicrbta of Labor cleared $600 on a fair held at Decatur, 111. Vn nrtlntpa nr drastic earthftrtics are to be found in that peerless remedy, Samar itan JMERVTNE. Dujardin's Life Essence gives brain force and vital energy. . Rev. J. S. White, Rock Hill, S. C, says: "I used Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility. It has been of benefit in restor ing me to strength and vigor. It is the nrovince of ministers to do good, therefore we think every minister should inform himself in regard 10 Am men's Cough Syrup, and after being satis fied that it is all that is claimed for it, rec ommend it; thus lives can be saved and then taught how to save their souls. We are told the proprietor is always willing to give a bottle free to any minister 01 iamny who wishes it to try. i Dujardin's Life Essence conquers nerv ous debillity, loss of memory. , A low condition of health is common with many who allow themselves to worry. Mental anguish causes bodily sufferings. Anxiety and care has broken down many constitutions. A train of disorders usually follow mental distress. Heart affections, nervousness, sleenlessness.! dysoensia. liver complaint, kidney troubles, etc., are among the list. A sure remedy for reliev ing all mental and physical distress is Brown's Iron Bitters. . It at once strengthens every part of the body mak ing work a pleasure and care unknown. "Rough on Coughs." 15c, 25c, 50c, at Druggists. Complete cure Coughs, Hoarse- Annoint thyself with (Caloric Vita) V . Ill t . un.. it win cure ine worst pain. Strength for the weary Dujardin's Life lissence. I Hartford, Conn., telegraphers are laying by a fund for a "rainy day. i YOUTHFUL INDULGENCE In pernicious practices pursued in solitude, is a most startling cause of i nervous and general debility, lack of self-confidence and will power, impaired j memory, de spondency, and other attendants of wrecked manhood. Sufferers should ad dress, with three letter postage stamps. for large illustrated treatise, pointing out unfailing means of perfect cure, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buf falo, N. Y. j . The beavers and muskrats have promised a mild winter to Helena. i From Boulder, Col., Miss N. E. Wilder writes: "Samaritan JSkrvine cured me of epilepsy." ) Dujardin's Life Essence positively cures hysteria,, and all nervous affections. "Buchu-Paiba." Quick, complete cure, all annoying kidney and urinary dis eases. $1. I No safer remedy can be had for coughs and colds, or any trouble of the throat, than "Brown's Bronchial Troches." Price 25 cents. Sold only in boxes; Dujardin's Life Essence is the remedy for the overworked brain. Dr. E. E. Fuller, Keokuk, Iowa, says "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters in mj own family with excellent results." "Rough on Corns." 15c.i Ask for it. Complete cure, hard or soft corns, warts, bunions. i Ammen's Cough Syrup j cures colds, coughs, bronchitis and consumption. Dakota lias set apart school lands to the magnlttcent figure of $82,0001,000. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN Are made pallid an unattractive by func tional irregularities, which Dr. Pierce's "favorite Prescription will infallibly cure. Thousands of testimonials. By druggists. j About 3,000 persons are annually buried in the iew xorK "rotter s Held. Dujardki's Life Essence is The Great French nerve Tonic. HAEKNESS FIRE EXTINGUISHES. i First premium Mechanics' Institute. 1883. D. S. Brown & Co., general agents for Pa cific Coast, 36 California street. San Fran cisco. 1 he following letter exDlains itself J. N. Andrews, dealer in General Mer chandise; Postmaster and Agent Wells, Elk Grove, Sacramento Co., Cal., ) Decembers, 1883. f Messrs. D. S. Brown & Co.: 1 Gentlemen Please send me another six-gallon Harkness Fire Extinguisher as soon as you can. I had occasion to use the one I bought of you a short time aeo. Last night the hotel .adjoinining my store caught fire in the hallway to the sec ond story from the explosion of a lam n and the building being cloth and paper was im- i A 1 1 1 meuiaieiy on nre in several rooms, DUt in less than two minutes after getting the extinguisher to work the fire was out. As soon as this one arrives'I will send the otherone down and have it replenished. Also please inform me if I cannot draw off the fluid remaining in the tank and save it tor future use, or shall 1 send it as It is. .Yous, etc.. (Signed) J. N. Andrews. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, dwelling. Mpralna. Braises, Burn. Nrairt. llKet, 1SD ILL OTIIKR BODILY rlISS 1KB ACUCS. BoM by Dmiliu and Pealed ntrywten. fitly Cinua bottla. Direction! In 11 I.&niMgea. THE C1IAKLES A. TOSKLEK CO. wben I My ear 1 do not mera merely to top luem Tut time end then hve them return again, I mean radL wuEurw. m iibvo loan u ouMH OI rixs, uriLini or FALLING SICKNBSSlif-Urogtoly. I warrant my remedy to ear th wont ease- BecauM others bavi failed 18 no re&ecm for not now rocelrinij a enre. Send: ence for trectiM sad Free Bottle of my Infallible remedy. q;t Express, snd Fost Office. It eoste jro nothing for a trial, and I will cure you. Iddrew Pt. S. O. BOOT. 1" Pearl St., New Tors, la Hi s ;gore mm Mabttne & Co. In answer to your note requesting an unbiased and true opinion Of the Life Essence, I can say, that bo lore prescribing it x was so iavorabiy im pressed with the formula that I concluded to give it a fair trial on myself. Ihad been suffering from ulcers of the prostrate, of course with loss of the use of the organ. My strength was greatly reduced, both from pain and the constant drain. My nervous system was in a deplorable state. I took 1-32 of a grain of strychnine three times a day, but without favorable result. I then commenced the Life Essence sent me, and have grown strong and firm in my nerve force. But now I find that when from night work and the labor of the day combined, my nervous system gets into an irritable state, resulting in sleeplessness and irritability; if I take a teaspoonf ul on retiring, it procures me a peaceful, dream less sleep, and I wake refreshed in the morning. I am so well satisfied that I shall prescribe it to my exhusted patients. I would not use patent medicines under any circumstances, but since you gave me the formula, I class it among my other standard preparations: Very respectfully. I. D. M., M. D. TOG in in i -Xj yy The Strongest and Best! THOMAS PRICE. Analytic Chemist, pronounces the OIANT BAKING POWDER iiearfy one-third stronger than any sold on the Pacifio Coast San Fkancisco, September 24, 1SS3. . H. E. BOTHIN , President Bothin MTgl'o. : Bear Sir: After careful and complete chemical analysis of a can of Giant Baking Powder, purchased by us in open market, we find that it does not con tain alum, acid phosphate, terra siba, or any injuri ous substances, but is a pure, healthful Cream Tar tar Baking Powder, and as such can recommend it to consumers. WM T. WENZEIX & CO., We ooncur Analytic Chemists. R, BKVERIiY COLE, M. I)., J. L. MEARS, M. I) . Health Officer. ALFRED W. PERRY. M.D., Members of San W. A. DOUGLASS, M. D., Francisco Board AUG. ALE US, M. D.. J of Health. Mannfacturctl by the BOTHIN M'F'G COMPANY, 17 and 19 Main Street, San Francisco. N TARDin nnurrLS. DISORDERED LIVES!, and MALARIA. , Prom these sources arise three-fourtns or (no diseases or tne human race, xuenv symptoms Indicate tbeir existence : '. IvOSS of , m pjfCllbO, WVVVA VB.mW9 m-vmm, Head- .cue, luixncNii niter caiiii; Dwrua exertion of body or mind 12 nictation of food. Irritability of temper, Low tplrits, A. feeling of having neglected ome duty, Dizziness, JTlutte ring at the Heart, Dot before the eyes, highly col ored Urine, CONSTIPATION, and de. xnand the uso of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLiver medicine TUTT'S PITJLS have no equal. Their action on tha Kidneys and Skin is also prompt ; removing all impurities through these three scav engtrs of the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools-a clear Skin and a Vigorous bod v. TUTT'S P1XI.S cause no nauaoa or griping nor interfere with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Bold everywhere, 25e. Offie,4i Murray 8t.,N .Y. TUTTS UAlPi DYE. Gray IIair ok Whiskers changed in stantly to a Glossy Black by a single ap. plication of this Dte. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 81. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York, tnrrs MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. IflSTEf? a The necessity t rl-r Tmtw.A4- .nil i f piuiiipi anu ef ficient household remedies is daily growing more im perative, and of these Ho8tctter's Stomach Bitters is the chief in merit and the most pop ular. Irregularity of the stomach and bowels, mala rial fevers, liver complaint, debili ty, rheumatism and minor ail ments, are thor oughly conquered by thia incompar able family restor ative and medicin al eafetruard. and it is justly regarded as Brehensive remedy of ruggists and Dealers the Durest and most corn- its class. For sale by all generally. IS UNFAILING . ASP 1XFALL1BLB IK CTTRFNQ Epileptic Fits, Spasms, Falling Sickness, Convul sions, St. Vitus Dance, Alcoholism, Opium Eating, Scrofula, and a!l . Nervous and Blood Diseases. JSITo Clergymen, Lawyer! , Literary Men, Merchants, Baukers, Ladies and all whose sedentary employment causes Nervous Pros tration, Irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or Kidneys, or who require a aerve tonic, appetizer or stimulant, Samaritan Nerv ine is invaluable. jgTTbousands proclaim it the most wonaenm invigor ant that eversustain- (IfllElBlVlEp ed a sinking system. jrw $1.50 per bottle. fheDR.&A.RlCHMOND M E DIC UL CO., Sole Pro CGOiiQUEnonj Drietors.St.JoseDh. Mo. For tostimoniofs and circulars send stamp. EEDISOTOJI CO., Agents, has I'rsncisco. it BEST PAIN KILLER 1 1 " AVT) .... ir Healing Remedy IN THE WORLD. POLLS j v J v THEXGREflT ii Si Bis2 u c r)rO!lll nill H ! ; -.i.x LJ Smear Ttjr. POPULAR fflOMTEDLY Every Subscriber to Becerre a Present. 35TO 33XjJKTXZa. THIS OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 14, 1884. A PHESEHT flSSD fl SPLEIIDID ILLUSTRATED nGSZI.!E. One Year, for only $1JS0. Desiring to increase the circulation of our already well known magazine to 100,000 copies ve have decided to give our subscribers tne benefit of commissions heretofore jaid to agents, and to make every one a present according to the lias below, believing that the patronage which will follow In years to come will liberally repay us for the investment now made. We wish 100,000 subscribers and will eive away 100,000 presents, our list having been arranged for that purpose. FOR 01.50 We will send The Chicago Illustrated POPCX A R MONTHl,TMarazlneoneyearto any address and Immediately forward a printed receipt, numbered in duplicate from our subscription register, which will entitle tbe holder to one of the following presents to be given away March 14th, lbb4: PARTIAL LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY. 1 capital present, CASH . .86,000 1 rrarui present, vivn i ,uou 1 present, CASH... m rtfU 2.000 m pivwuit vAu ....................... 1 OO presents, each valued at SlO.. ZOO preMeiitM, each valued at V5..., 1 Grand Piano 5 IT. 8. Greenbacks of 8100 EACH 1 Family Carriage. 1 Grand Cabinet Orjran... ; 6 V. S. Greenbacks of S50EACH.. 1,000 1,000 l.ODO 750 BOO 500 350 300 1 Organ a so 10 U. 8. Greenback of 820 EACH..... 200 R Gold ltracelets EACH K2I) lOO- 2 Gold Watches, EACH 8100 1 Saratoga Trunk 2 Gold Neckl wees, EACH 815 200 35 30 200 150 10 Ulckens' Work, ACH 820 lO Fauuiy lilUles, iuach 15 AI.T. PRESENTS Will be awarded in a fftirand impartial manner by a committee of disinter ested persons to be chosen at the Distribution, March 14th. We pledge onr reputation that every subscriber will have a fair and equal showing. After the committee's report is made public all will be informed of the result. Subscribers are invited to be in attendance on the day of the Distribution. Presents willbesent to any address, whether the subscriber be presentor not. As we only charce $1.50 a year (our remilar price), you understand tiiat we give away thes a 100.000 presents wflboui cast to those who subscribe. Sample copies or back numbers of our magazine will be mailed to any address for 15 cents, which, amount can be sent in 1 cent or 2 cent postage stamps. Postmasters are authorized to receive sub scriptions, iiemit by registered letter or money or ier. Address all letters to Ammen's Cough. Syrup. ASK FOE Ammen's COUGH SYRUP, The great remedy for Oolds, Coughs, And all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. a o O Buy a Dollar Bottle All Dealers in Medicine sell it AMMEN'S COUGH SYRUP. ASK FOR AMMEN'S COUGH SYRUP. Take no other. Ammen's Couglx Syrup. PIANOS. PIANOS 5.000 New and Second-hand rir.noj at half price. Pianos 75 and up. Anti se!l 1'iano Factory. 24 & 26 hi lis St.. S. B TilZELTOX PIANOS, BEX1IA3I I Piasos, Standard Organs, Sheet Music, and Musical I Merchandise of every description at the Model Music Store, 735 Market Street, San Fran 1 Cisco. Bend for our catalogue of 10-cent mug la I CHA8. 8. EATON. A. M.BENHAM. PlASfOS Decker Bros., Behr Bron., Emerson, and J. and C. Fisher. Musical Merchandisrt. Organs Mason, Hamlin & Chase, h ohler & 'hase, 137 Post St. ,8. 1 $66 a week in your own town. Terms and 6 outfit free. AdressP WaiXBTT tCa. Portland. Maine siisii.ia..iiiig:-igi- CORES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tftstesgood. in lime, tsoia uyarupirista S72 A WEEK. S12 day at Home easily uiadn. Oestis or 5t free. Address Trvb k Co., Auffurta, Maine. fiAl P by watchmakers. Bymil 25o. Clrctriarj mUfree. J.S.BlSCaACO., SCAT! MARRIED ISMS BX Oil Marriage Certificates given to married ladles free. J. L. & 8. E. Shaw, 35 Brick utreet. Atlanta, Ga. flj C Tfl QOfl Ver day at home. Samples worth i5 ft vPJ lU will Address Stinbow t Co.,Portiand,MaiDe N. P. N. U. No. 7.-S. FN. U. No. 84. Koiman jStallions I H. WILSEY, Of the firm of Falrtmnb. tlunr choice lot of Korman Stallions. The ONLY DlltEC'l lmDortera f rom Fr&mvt tnt.Ua Inifir,ri.Df auiAn,A v. him with great care from the best stock in France. Serera are government apprOTed. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profita Those in want of this class of Horses, If desired, can purchase them on one or two years' time, at reasonable interest, with satisfactory security. Address II. T. FAIRBANKS or IT. TTILSEY, , . PETALTJMA, CAL. Something Sensible.f -FOB- T0HET, BATH AND LAITNDEY. NAGLEE BRANDY The purest and best in the world. Recom mended by all Physicians. Gold Medal award ed in France for superiority over all French Brandies. For sale, in wood or glass, by the Agent, S. P. MIDDLETON. No. 116 Montgomery Street San Francisco, Cal. ACENTS WANTED gJBSLfSg chineever invented. , Will knit a pair of stockings with HEEL, and TOE complete in 20 minutes. It will aise knit a great variety of fancy work for which there is al ways a ready market. Send for circular and terms to the Twonibly Knitting Machine Co., 163 Tro nont street, Boston Mass. -JJ-HiLSTEAD'S Self -regulating . Incubalor! From 20 nn. PUnd fnrilpfii'Hn. tire nrine list- plr.. Thoroughbred Poultry and Eras. 1(111 RrnnilwAr OaUanLCaL THE BEST. i yOUTE absolutely flrat-cla-e Sewlns Machine l tG world, hrntoo trial. Vrrantd 5 y(rk fend for I llnstrated Calw"? ,?S2Ar Tr w Jl. A treat Wanted. TUBlillOa 8iW ISO JOACUU6 CO.. Cblcuso or A ew Ywiito r3 use izfm Tin . -a-1 rTi i in i - r "" ' T3W 2.-t TTo msrra vL'JU u LjUu I- f. si 200 Farliesrraph Pictures, EACH 85 81,000 500 l'ocket Knives, EACH 75 teliU.. 375 1 Top ltury... . 2SO 1,000 Gold ltinsrs, Uoolm, etc., 81 each l.OOO 15 IT. S. Greenbacks, EACH 810 ISO 1 Silver (Service Ik-5 20 U. S. Greenbacks, EACH 8J 100 & Sewing Machines, 875 EACH.. 375 2 Breach-l oading Shot Guns each $75 150 2 sewingr Machines, EACH 805 130 2 Farm Wairons.E H KO l(io 4 Silver Wateh-s, EA H KO 120 50 U. S. Grvenbwks, 9i EACH 50 2 Ladles' Cliatelain Watches.. 50 2SO I'hotocraph Alhonjs, EA H IO.. 2,5K and 07,587 other presents valueI at from 20 cents to $1 EACH, which make a Kiftnd total of 100,000 presents, thus jmaranteeinjr a present to all wbosnd usl.50,a directed. 53 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILLS. A II T.T E N S C O ASK FOP. AMMAN'S COUGH SYffP. Take no other. G ft Ammen's COUGH SYEUP CTJBES . Golds, Conghs, Croup, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, acknowledged the beet for ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, and Lung Troubles. Recommended by Clergymen ; and Editors. Prescribed by Physicians. Indorsed by all who use it. S Y R TJ P Incubator! BELF-XECHJLATTN G. Gold Medal, Silver Medid ad 11 First Premium jvfr.hM.j f Hatches all kinds of Ep: . U All Sizes. Pria frnm Cl9 tm. Satisfaction gnaranteed. Address PETALUMA INCUBATOR CO., Petaluma, Cal. 3TSend for Circulars. Circulars Free. "Si BEST COMMERCIAL PAPER- 3 OO Per Year. Xiie now mauuu-Hiiiuui, ot the San FranciseoWEiJiLy; ALTA, beinsr determined that every family shall be enabled to read the best weekly newspaper published on the Pacifio Coast, have made arrangements with the A BOX OF ASSORTED an u manaiaciurers lor tlrty thou- I 11 9and Srom of their splendid 1 l pens including the popular brands known as the Central 1 Pacific, Falcon, KngrosHtug I (stub), LadUs (444), Xu(- I B nrtts, Colorado and ALTA la J Pns, the last-named beau. uiui pen being specially de signed and made for this splendid Dremium. 7 7. r"" j .uctuud: VL UW UOCBQnOia to suit every hand. This roaimiBoent useful pre mlnm will Ka Mnf nu r'orn j "t ""- f,v1. ivjo. w every person ALTA T inW 5ral" ubBoriPWon tothe WEEKLY i ;r "utotiw niia train lor household. Remember, to the cretter at of a lnh nf Hve, or more, we send on equal number of boxes of tnese Una iwim tf ti. .KnWKM -i i. . . Gboss of Pens. TO EVERY-NEV SUBSCRIBER J nft nlrt .nil mm .hi. U'PPfrr v i t n. . Hshed under anew management as an Independent lfemoeraUe journal, oontains the most complete news of any paper on the Pacifio Coast, and i especially ----- - . ., w,uioniiu miu nnanciaiieacares: Union, as well as by cable from abroad. It it the clean family paper of San Francitoo. Determined to spare no efforts or expense to secure ite circulation in every family of this Coast, the sub scription price has been placed at these very low fl?nre V.,,lnrla TOb(wription, inclndinff a premium l P" U gross of extra fine, fully finished pens. V Z? P?p year wery pen warranted. W ith every club, of not less than five, extra boxes will ba sent to the getter up of the club, equal to the num. W ..WDVI1WWM IAJU receipt of the single sub scription price (t2.C0) at onr office, box ot these superior TO THE pena wiu oe immediately I forwarded, and the WEEK-1 L.X ALTA aent for one VfWtr. irtfikrino t Via 1 tion in reality only ONE DOLLAR per year. tions to the Alta California I Publishing Company, 629 California street, San Fran cisco, Cal. Walter Turnbull, . Manager. a 3 OO Per Year. THE BEST FAMILY PAPER. mm mm uy mr v, wist w wkiii y iKrfiiiS X bare positive remedy tor th ftbo ve d laeane ; by its no tboosands of cams ol the orst kind and of Unce standing have ben cured. arte 4, so svroDir is mr faitia Id lu eOicacy, that I will send TW O bOTTLKd FRES. to-. rtbr wltteaT-aLCTaBLB TUKAIISUoa this dJjMaaa.ta BJ SttOerer. t?iv Kxpn-ss and P. O. addrau. . This BELT or Hojrenert tor smale exprtasily for' the care of derangement f the generative orani. Thf re is no mistake about thi Itiatrarmsnt, the con ttn'KMis stream of LU TBlOITV pernwattinc thr jegh the jmrta rmifS res oro them to healthy; act on. lo not con(cunl ttiiH with Eieotrio Belt an ertuwxl to cure all isii froin heal tot've, ltlsfot thsO.fcr-iflo otirvosft .nrrirralars eirfiiir full icfomatlon. address ChttfVCa E Mi A l i I Etoctrio BeltCw-103 WaLiiiUiaiiUChk3so: iii. 1