THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1883. Temperance in Politics. ette and Portland that he favors the ! improvement of Yiquina bay and the I Columbia and Willamette rivers. In eastern Oregon that he favors the im provement of the Cascades and Ddles, DRY'S SALOON", Jackson Street, Roseburg- The propretor of this well kn wn and popular resort wonld thauk hlslfriends for their libe al patronage in the past The action of the. temperance people and without his influence the appropri- would ask for a connuance oi f Ohio in declaring for prohibition, has I ation for these improvements cannot be J informed that 1 keep none but the best branila ri wises, liquor anu cigars and that I sell over the bar the cele bratM Jts?e Moore & Co.' Kentucky VVVittflriAa f A e-ood billiard table will be found in the saloon: also ihe leading pacers of the world. wwmltaJ in absolute free whiskv in that obtained. Their program is to create State, ' a sentiment that it is absolutely neces- In Iowa the decision of the Supreme sary for the improvement of the State court in deciding the prohibitory I to have him in Congress. How well amendment unconstitutional, has left the scheme will succeed time will de t e wh-sky free as water, and it is now monstrate, and what particular relation stated on rood authority that the mem. the transfer of our contemporary has to Vers elect of the Legislature are op. p.vd to inteifering with the traffic In Oregon Urother Watts, who had the matter in charge, by a blunder or willful mistake in directing how the proposed prohibitory amendmentshould be entered in the journal of the House during the laafc Legislature, defeated all that had been done towards submit ting a prohibitory amendment to the 1 people of this State. In Georgia and Florida they have a kind of local option, where prohibition i enforced by a direct vote of the peo ple of the county or parish. In Flori da this law( has been upheld by the Su preme court of that State. In about one half of the counties of Florida pro hibition is in force, where the beverage cannot be had for money or influence, the enterprise, will soon be made mani. I fest. Governor Sherman of Iowa, says that he does not believe any prohibitory legislation could be passed through the Legislature. He looked to see the wine and beer clause in the constitution repealed, and all liquors, as beverages put on the same footing. But strin gent measures which would effectually suppress the traffic, he did not believe could be passed. These admissions from the Governor, show that the late campaign was for naught, and that af ter all the vow that was raised nothing practicable had been, or would be ac complished in the way of prohibition. HUBBARD Creek Mills ! clark & bake;; mors. FARMERS, LOOK!) TOR TUB BEST WEARIXO B 0 0 T For men and bojs and the most durable shoes , for misses aud children, try the celebrated X&OH-CuAD GOODS Manufactured by . PORTER, SLESSINUER, & CO. rmaranteed to srive satis faction. Will not break iu the back or np in the side. All goods of this manufacture made by white men. No Chinauien employed. For sale by JL.OTJIS BELFILS, WATCIHIAKER & JEWELER Rosetrargv Oregon. Coos Bay WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOV K mills of E. Stephens and Co., we are NAMED now pre pared to furnish anv amount of the best quality of ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We .will furnish at the mill at the followiug prices: No. 1 rough lumber. . . . ; $12 per M. No. IfliHmng, 6-inch ....fcM per M. No. 1 flooring, 4-inch t per M. No. 1 finishing lumber -' lor M. Kn. 1 flniahiii lnnibcr dressed on 1 side ;. .iU xr M. No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides. .$M per M. CLARKE & BAKER. FLOED A CO. BOOTH BROS. E. O. YOUNG ROSEBURG. YONCALLA. OAKLAND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPEC TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget STAGE LINE! p, P. HOG-AD THROUGH TO Coos Bay In 36 Hours. HAVING PURCHASED A COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OS1 GENERAL ecHiDt the old stand of METRCPOLITAH SALOON, i KOSEBURG, ORKGON, McCULLOOH-fe CO, OjYLT Tim BEST BRANDS j I BELFILS. This line Is now prepared to carry passengers uu freight, being supplied with comfortable stages ana and careful drivers. Stage leaves Uosebur every morning at six o'clock. Olflce ai " HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Fare to Coos Bay $5. WILL SELL THE SAMB CHEAP FOR CADQI PRICE LIST: SALISBURY, HAILY &CO.. 0114 m it W. T. PEET, W. S. HUMPHREY, A. Y. HOVEY, H. C. HUMPHREY. War in Egypt. DOUGLAS CO. BANK, Pect, Humphrey & Co. VA Mnlirli tlift frtlsft nronhfit. with an rPRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING ' . r. ,11 Draw sujht drafts on Portland, San and even the Presidential party when on a tour of the State, had to content army of thirty thousand, attacked and themselves with "Florida" water. A destroy', the forces under Hicks Pa ftw years ago the Legislature of Cali- sha, numbering about twenty-five forma passed a local option law, where thousand, at a place near El Obeid. the people of a Toting precinct could The battle lasted three days. The en ear whether intoxicatinjr liquors could tire Egyptian army was destroyed, in- be told within its limits in less quanti , , , China has informed Franoo that the oawaasi iocai opium or temperance k Qn Bacninah wiU u consilJereU beverage. BUSINESS. Francisco, Bills of exchange on eluding the English officers. On the 22dthe Chi made preparations to Tlio Sn nmma orvnrt AerAff I e vvm. wv.owv. . qmiuQ lor war. the law unconstitutional, which has nese embassy left the temperance question a dead is- Leave Paris, ue in the politics of thai State, neither . - , : ztt t iV . . , . .... . On the 22d the Crown Prince of Ger- cf the political parties being willing to raanv received an ovatiori at Madri;1 ouse tht cause a a party issue, since Spain. The populace greeted him with (hat time, loud cheers. The men of war and bat Tn Main. a in Tnmi. wW th teries on shore fared salutes. temperance laws have been the most New York and other points principal points in Europe. Deposits Eeceived Subject to Sight Oheck- FARMS FOE SALE, The English government's scheme for colonization by sending the poor classes out of Ireland, has raised the indima- fitly the managers of vass. successful, means are devised and suc cessful! j carried out to evade the law. The most inebriate need not suffer long tion of the Catholic clergy. ffe! thirst if he has the means to pay fcr prescription. In New York, Maynard, the great temperance lecturer, was beaten for Secretary of Stat by over 16,000 ma jority, while the rest of the Democratic State officers were elected by overwhelm 4Miig majorities. Here in Oregon some of the little lo cal papers cry "bourbon" at the Demo crats, but the Republican party of this State have not the moral courage to espouse the cause of temperance and make prohibition a political issue. The prohibitory amendment was proposed bv a Demoeratirs LfKrinlatnrp and ik wan and we defire to close up all of our outstanding oy a jyeraocrauc legislature ana w was we would reTUest owlug U8 left for the last Republican Legislature t0 " forward at oucs and suttie up, either by cjh . r or note. All accounts unsettled January 1, 1884, to kill it by what purports to be a WH placed in the hards of an attorney for colleo- . . . ' I tion. Take flue notice ana save costs. blunder in not entering it in full on the j Houee journal Thus the peopla of this citato are deprived of the privilege tot voting on prohibition by the action of a Republican Legislature. The Re publican party dre not and will not make prohibition a political issue in Oregon, The undersigned has for sale the following Ucal Prop erty in Douglas Coun ty, State of Oregon: ! A FIRST-CLASS GRAIN ? ARM NEAR THE r Tun of Wilbur, containinir 314 acres. Has a .!(. llinj- and out-buildiuuM. and a One or chard; all well faaced and watered; 250 acres iu grain. A desirable home and very cheap. 125 OF i-e pas- well watered; (food improvements Wines, Liquors & Cijrarw Kept on hand, and customers will find this a pleasant llace of resort. Give me a call. One door south of the Metropolitan Hoter "SI JAMES DEARLING, Blacksmith and Farrier, OiKLANS), Oil; And well-known to the people of Douglas county, w,nlil rfi,'tfnllv announce that he is Dreiared to do all kinds of work in his lino and guarantees satis faction. , HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Any farmer having plow to sharpen or machinery to repair will do well to tfve me a call at my old I have full stock of iron and steel, and having purchased the same at a low price, can do work,- so far as prices are toncernea,. cneajer twi u; " will attempt competition, JAS. DEARLINO, HENRY Ij. BENSON, A.M. -MISS ANNA E- DEISEN DOFFER, -DR. J. W. STRANGE, MISS ADDIE E. SMITH, Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per janaV Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for $1. Persian Casbmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard. ; Fine Japanese teas, 45 cents per lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Principal. Other articles in proportion. Assistant. I Principal Commercial Department.' My motto" is cash sales & small profits. Music leacher. I u p irnriAV Ell ! Nevr Luildings, firet-class surroundings, low rates of tuition, cliei board. For particulars apply to . II EMU L. BSStSOX, al8tf Principal. PiHTCH UP But Before "You do Tlaat rSE FARM CONTAINING 352 ACRES, J which is plow land in cultivation, balance pas ture; all fenced; and orchard. Nine men who worked for Mr. Franklin Osborne, of Peabody, Mass., make affidarit that they wero dis charged from their places because they roted fo Butler, arid Mr. Osborne admits it. Many more such instances of the free lorn of tho ballot in the old bay stave might no doubt be cited and these A farm near roseburg, containing 320 .. .. 1 j 1 I J acres. aU under fence. Good farm or grazing acts were ts-c tly or openly approTed by und. Mr. Robinson's cai - ASE SECTION OF LAND NEAR THE TOWN J of Scottsburg; 80 acres river bottom, balance hill and timber land. A FARM NEAR WILBUR, CONTAINING 823 acres; 125 acres In grain, the balance splendid grazing land. About 300 acress level, well watered and well imuroved. The cron and 500 head of hheep will be sold with the land if desired by purchaser, at a bargain. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. This Ffoptilar House Situated n the center of the business portion of Roseburg-, having recently changed hands, has been COMPLETELY RENOVAT12P, And orenared for the reception of guest. The during room will be supplied with the best th ft W. Gv WOODWAEB' UI ft AND BUY A NEW SET OF 5 With rood attendance. As Mrs. Zizler has charge of the kitchen the' cooking- will be unexceptionable. Kates reasonable, rreo coacu to ana rrom vne railroad. LOU. ZHLhil. NOTICE. A FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 640 ACRES 12 mile from Roscburjy; 15 acres of good grain land, at a bargain. HAYINO DISPOSED OF OUR BUSINESS IN this place to Messrs. Chenoweth, Stearns & Co., we desire to return to the public our sincere thanks for their patron ace in the past and ask that they will faver the new nnn wi.n a continuance 01 me same, AL. RGE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM NEAR Oakland, containinir 3200 acres. AU ut 700 acres plow land, well fenced and well watered. A STEAM SAWMILL Railroad. AT DRAIN STATION ON garter A FLOURING MILL AT SCOTTSBURG. A NO. ONE to Mitchell for Congress. At the J nne election approaches the bosses are busily engaged - organizing their forces and as the dial of time pastes orer the ace of the political horoscope the preconceived determina tion of the bosses to force Mitchell on the people of Oregon, is plainly seen through the lense. The old ring are determined to force the great bigamist on the people of ths Stat. Their pro giam bow is to nominate him for Con gress and by aid of the party last and the corrubtmg influence of money and she aid cf repeaters in the city of Port land, secure his election. This will en able him to triumphantly march di o:tly into the Senate, with an endorse? Cent of the voters of the State. There can be no doubt that this pro gram was settled on shortly after his failure to bo elected Stnato-, and at this tune the move is assuming vast proportions. M. C George, the present incumbent, stand no show for the nomination. Whilo ho has shown himself the willing iooi pi corporate monopolies, he is lack ing in force and ability and they have no further use for him. Mr. Mitchell with his known activity aud familiarity "with committees, is at this time of groat benefit fco the monopolies, and they will furnish enormous snms of money to secure his seat in Congress at this time, whoa the tendency of the en tire country is to regulate these gigan tic institutions. - Tho time is fast approaching when a Dmber of little country newspapers that jtave been secured for the purpose, mil commence bringing him before the people in a way to create a sentiment (n. his favor. In southern Oregon the people will bo told that he is in favor pf the breakwater at Fort Orford, and he improvement of the Umpqua, Co R. SMITH and CO. Oakland, Or., November 17, 1883. PATENT METAHIC STIFFENER3, FOR" LADlSS 1KD XBRIST Boot and Shoe Heds. Prevents running over Wearing off oa the SIDES. n ISSN! GHAS. SAMSTS fa 1 Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Eosehurg. Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike Manner. R.S.& J.C.SHERIDAN (Successor! to Thos. P. Sheridan) ' DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, ULNS, CUTLERY, Art V TIN N Its FUR NISHING GOO!S. The Ifcmon Unrivaled ' TIX STORE, ROSEBURG, Or. Having secured the aoove business, we are pre- nared to keen ui its former good name for work' and prices. We have the best of material aud always a full etocK of goodtt on nana ana it is our aim 10 iur nish customers with flrst-elasa articles at live and let live prices. A full stock of Iron, and Steel For Sale. Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. . S. & J. U. iSllt-KlDAM FLOUKING MILL FOUR MILES uin Oakland, on Caliiooia creek. 4 JTUMBER OF TOWN LOTS IN THS CITY OF J. Oakland. I will eell the above real property on rea sonable terms. For full particulars enquire of ( J. C. HUTCHINSON, . j OakUml, DongLis County. Oregon. Tho Hardman Piano, A strictly first-class instrument at moderate price; Also HTliA Innn1il Poocn Pliinn' A. L. BANCEOFT & CO., 721 Market st, San Francisco, Sole agents fcr Pacific Coasr Administratrix Notice. w 5)UI Absolutely Pure "3 2 r0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT may concern, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Douirlas I County, Oregon as administratrix of the estate of J. I it. M. V enable deceased, and has regularly qualified 1 as such; now, therefore, all persons . havin'ir claime against said estate are noticed to present the Mine, duly verified, within six months from date hereof, to the undersigned, at her residence in Oakland, Ore gon, and all persons owing said estate are required to make immediate payment thereof; individual ac counts to undersigned and partnership accounts to Dr. J. E. Page, of Oakland. Oakland, Oregon. August 25, 1883. JANE YEN ABLE, Administratrix. HsRMAtfK and Ball, attorneys for estate. sl-5 For Sale. I have one span of good work horsos and some others, which I ogsr for sale. H. CONN", SI. Notice of Final Settlement, TN THE 1 COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF Orecon for the County of Douglas. Notice is hertbv given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Joseph Kisberger deceased, has filed in the above entitled court his final accountof the ad ministration of said esta'e. That said Court, by an order duly made and entered therein on October 5th, 1863. appointed Monday, January 7, 1S&4, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the Court room of said Court, a time and place for hearing; ob jections, if any there be, to said final acount and the settlement of said estate. This notice is published by order of Hon. J. 8. Fitshugh, County Judge. O. K. P. CAIN, Administrator. ( Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, Oct. 20, 1S83. ! liKKMAjci asd Ball, attorneys for estate. j Kotiee ot lnal Settlement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UNDER-sig-ned naa filed his final account jn the County Court for Douglas County, State of Oregon, as admin istrator of-the estate of Elijah P. Connolly defies', and the Judge of said County Court, by an order duly made and entered, has appointed and fixed Monday, January 7th, 1884, at tn o'clock a. m., fur the heating of any objections, if any there be, to said final account and the settlement of said estate. By order of J. S. FITZHUUH, Co. Judffe. H. S. MARSH, Administrator. Kosebunr, Oregon, Oct. llillf 4Il4 ?ppS PAJ In th Wjllan j j IIrmans & Biui attorneys for estate, The Buyers Guide is lab sued March and Sept, each iyear: 216 pages, 8xlU f inches, with over 3,300 illustrations -a whole pic ture gallery. Gives whole- sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or familj use. Tells how to order, and gives exact cost of every-' " thing 70a use, eat, drink, wear, or have fan with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the maf - kets of the world. We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let ua hear from you.. . Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD a CO 9ST A SZS Wbk Areaae, CUea IIL Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court the of Oregon for the County of Donglaa. In the matter of the estate of A . J. Downen deceased. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN J.1I dersigned adminbf'rator of the estate of A. Jl Downen deceased, has filed his final account of his administration of said estate in the County Court of Dousria county, State of Oresfon. That said Court by an order du!y made and entered therein on Fri day, the 5th day of October, ISiS, appointed Mon day, January 7, 1SS4, at 10 o'clock A- a. of Haid day, at the court room of said Court, in the court house in Kosehurjf, a time and place for hearing objection, if any there be, to said Sa il account arid tbe set' lenient of aid estate Thin notice ia publuhsd by Hon. J. S. FiUhugh, County Judze. F. P. If Ofl AN, administrator. A. F. Cuipbbi. alt Tiev f jr ostatef BUY THE i UMPQUA VALl$Y MILLS 1 . THE BEST IX THE MAKRET! 4 . Address A; W. Stearns, Can onYlllevOreson, FOR harness or a acicii One of the biggest and best stock of goods ever brought to town. I use nothing but tbe best leather and have got :ERYTH!ft3G 1NTHK Dont Fail to See Me! W. G. Wodwair Rosebud, Or. LM "SAY; CAM YOU SEB?M SEE WHAT WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF Bs,a i:enani,is 1 : EVER BROUGHT TO ROSEBURG! s INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' GOODS, GNE FARM CONTAINING 431 AND 391-00 acres, IS miles from Kosehurfr, on the Coos Bay stage road, and known as the "Eighteen Mile House." Has good dwelling, large barn nd nuthousee, with orchard and foodgaUeii is wel fenced. A good sized creek . aw tor ngh the piace, near the house and barn, or 'eve ince rolling land. Grain, grass andv. . 1 jenty of timber for fuel, fencing and build ng nrposes. Is a good tavern stand, be ing near the foot of coast range of mountains Toll gate aud stage station adjoining. Climate healthy, water pure. Terms, part cash and part on liberal hue. ALSO ADJOINING A FARM OF 109 ACRES, with good dwelling and barn and outbuildings witb a bearing orchard One-half plow land and ba! ance -timber land, and all well watered, These farms will be sold either together or seperately, to suit purchasers. Apply to Hermann & Ball, Koseburg, Oregon.'! ........ . .: , ALSO. 427 ACRES NEAR THE TOWN OF Looking Glass, in Douglas county, 125 acres of plow lanfof tbe best quality, balance pasture land, witb plenty of oak aud fir timber for fuel and fenc ing. All well watered, with dwelling barn andgo-nl orvhadr. Price $4,000. One thousand down, balance 011 easy terms. A fee simple title guaranteed. En quire of& Hermann & Ba Koseburg, or A. F. Brown Co., Oakland. -50, A FARM OF 525 ACRES, SITUATED 11 J miles northeast of Roseburg, in M-unt Scott pre cinct. One hundred acres plow iand. the babuic good pasture land, well watered and all under good fence. Plentr of fir ard oak timber for fencing and fuel. Good farm-boose and barn and other out build ings, and 600 choice fruit tree bearing. Price $0 per acre. Inquire of C. H, Oden, on the premises, or of Hbrmahs and BjlLI attorneys, Roseburg. Dissolution Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST ing between R. 1. McCulloch and M. A. Breutano of the firm of R McCulloch and Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. K. T. McCulloch remains in the bitsine s and will settle all liabilities, aiHj col lect all outstanding accounts due the firm, M, A. Brentano retiring from the business. K.T.MoOXXOClJ. Rosebury Auius O, ISBe, '- ' OF THE VERY LA EST STYLES. ALSO GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' BEADY MADE CLOTHING! T, W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT i OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S & CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIBTT OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED I ROSE- . BURG, AT x PRICED LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A -FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. D o not trail to vJitii nnci uxnmmo siock: Fis motto ia Quick Sales and Small Trodta." EememTjer the Place. New York Storo Roseburg. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would annonnce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largest Stocks of General Hardware Ever brought to Dou xlas, n1 when ad led to their STOVE3 OF ALL PAT TKKNS and KEADY MADE TIN AK, tlieyaw prepared to declare they have the i bt-r. supply in their line ot any house ia Homhern Oregon, which they propose &SMiIH SA?SE TRMi 4HY Qim locks, butts, etc, we can offer can purchane eleewherr). , In ;he shape of bu.lding material K the ray t superior inducements to purchasers. Tit us. wvan trive you oargains in tue 10: iwiDfr Dracas 01 stoves, not equalled else where Bucrs, Unnxoza, farmer, uuiuy, uexter, facihc, w ij West, Clarendoo Occidei Iron Kinfir, Empire City, and other stoves &nd ranges. The Lrst of workmen art constan tly employed in the manufacture o our Tiftware and burers should learn onr prices. We have also baragins to offer in guns, such as Winchester, Sharp and ther B3ee ! as we'l as in Bhot-gnnp and Pisto's We ie also Agerns for the White Peerles and New Home Sewing Macl m .whit" we sell atlowest rates and warrant as couinle te m every respect. We can also supply ' . Averill and Hubbep Paints, i e best in the mhrket, at. lowest rate. Give as a call, inspect qf ptock, inquire as to our prices, and we promise 10 suit aJ anouecao, gHEKlpAN HENttY OVTERMAN AND LOUIS BELFItS haveohUiaod tho riht for Douglas ooimty Jwr laying Continuous Concrete Pipe, foreonYeyln;r water, and Lou!9 Belflls and Osorf Procsman hav? obtained the right for Josophlae aut Curry oounties, nl will sell farm or "inJi vidua! ricW and lav piueatth cheanest fijrures' ahv aiza from H to 22 Inches furnished. Tliis pipe is much Cheaper than Wood Iron or Lead ! It Is also well suite i tor Irrigation or Uintag prpM ana can oe uu) any oisUdca without Joint n, Bet in tke world- Oetth cea Every package has onr trade-mark and is marked Fraaer'a. SOLS EV ERTWILERE. ' BUY ONLY CANYONVILLE MILLS ELOUK THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURED FROM ONLY tho best of wheat. I hare for salo also Bran, Shorts, ami Middlings, Bacon, llam, Lard, etc. ured in tlie moot scientific nuuiner. Purchasers wil Jo m fayor W inspect my nook at the Canyona Mills, w&RAH& , '"-W-..IMv.,