THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1883. A LAUhEL lodge a. f. h. will hold each loll moon. J. L. x illkrton, w. M. I. Caro, Secretary PUU.ETAHIAN LODGE, TwyW!j!9 on Thursday evening: of ea'.-h week at 7 o'clock, in their hall at Kotteburfr. II j m hers of the ord?r iu jrood jstaudmg are invited to attend. By order of the N. G. UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 9, 1. O. O. F., meets at Odd Fellows' Hull on th first and third Fridays of evcrv monfli. Visiting brethren invited to attend. L. Bklkils, C. P. A. C. Marks, Scribe. . .UMPQUA GRANGE, Nc 28, P. of H., will meet hereafter on the first Saturday of e.ich nionth, at Orange hu.ll," in Uosebiirg-. All members in good staiidiujr re corJiaily invited to attend. Jas. T. Cooper, M. J. P. DtscAS, Sec. . rZZTlTMPQUA CHAPTER, No 11, F. A. il., hold FOte4 their regular communications every flint ltrf anJ tllird Tuesday in each month. All fsqftft members in jjood standintr will take doe and timely notice and govern themselves accordingly. ViHitinsr companions are invited to meet with tne chapel wheu convenient. J. C. Fcllertos, II. P. W. I. Friedlasdee, Sec'y. - S HAMILTOM Dealer in Oilcra for s:i!e in Kes or Tin; 4080 pounds of Pioneer White Lead; 500 Galons Salem Boiled Linseed OH; 250 gals. Tur pentine; A complete stock of Paints, Crushes, Varnishes, and Can Color. (It you are going to do any painting cali and get prices before purchas ing Elsewhere.) A complete assortment of School Books, Krlinol Stationery. Writing Taper, Envelopes, etc., which I will sell very Cheap. Oar den Seeds, Patent Medicines, and everything that is kept in a first-class Drugstore. 9 Or ders by mail and Express promptly attended to. BAZAAR OF FASHION TASKS PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO THE lablic thai he has receutly oieuedin the building two doors north o. the Douglas County Bank, a complete and asrted stock of Ladies FANCY DRY GOODS ! Consisting in part of the following: DRESS COODS, UIDBONS, LACES. EMBROIPEIt RIE3, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, SILK3. ATINS, ETC., ETC. Also a fine stock of tienl'a Furnishing Caods, Of flr.est styles and quality. This is THE place to get what you want. BAZAAR OF FASHION, CREED FLOED, ProiV. : Sisiitli c& Co. DEALERS IN ; MIIiIiINEBY' AND FAKCY" GOOB& NEXT ABOVE OAKES GALLERY. PriccN Moderate: FOB SALS. 1 OFFER FOR SALE A FIXE LOT OF ?PM MERINO BUCKS At my farm 6 miles from Rosetrnrg on tko Cole's Valley Road.. y21m3 Sr. . OAIILAITD A CAB EM T! Qaidand, Douglas Co., Or. School Year Begins Monday, September 3, 1883. rpurriOS PF-R SESSION" OF TWELVE WEEKS: Primary.. ......,.... $4 00. .First Grade Junior Cla-s ... 5 00. Seoond Grade Junior Class. 8 00. KintUrade Middle Cla Second Grade, Middle Class" , , Senior Class . , ' MUSIC. Twenty-four Lessons Use of Instrument '. . 7 50. . 9 tO. .10 00. $12 00. & 50. DRAWING-AND PAISTIXO. -Twenty-four Lesnons 1 00 to $12 Cfl t3" Send for Catalogue. (mCOVT ieUSseil, Principal. At Hamilton's drug store, quicksilver, Sulphur, lime and a cheap giadc ol coal' oil fax doctering sheep. LOCAL ITEMS. New good at 8. Smith and Co.'s. Great slaughter in pricey at S. P. Floed'a. Look at S. F. Floed'a : " Important No tiee." ... -.J.- " San Francisco has subscribed $18,000 to the Parnell fund. ' Latest styles in millinery at S. Smith and Co.'s. The California win crop this season will be about 10,000,000 gallons. Do not fail to give S. F. Floed a caU when in town. Goods sold regardless of cost. j The domestication of buffalo calves is be ing attempted in Arkansas. Bran has gone up iu consequence j "Hello! Where are you going! " ' Down to Morgan's to get some nice, fresh taffy. It is so nice." A thousand million dollars is the esti mated shrinkage of Wall street values with in two years. The San Francises Chronicle strongly fa vors the admission of Washington territory as a State. ''.' The time is at hand for putting together two mulish pieces of atove-pipe, when the annual swearing match may be expected. The net value of property in Multnomah county for purposes of taxation, is 17,653, 805 an increase over last year of but $5S7, 920. . The November number of. the North American Keview will contain a contribution from Dr. Norvin Green, president of the Western Union company, in opposition to the proposed government management of the telecrrauh: also, an article on John Brown, u 1W n,,M w TTff, ,k;i. i ..,i lated to! serious'v iffo the normlar ctimit ofthah.mnfO.awatnmiV . -t'v""t"' "l Y,c' nio"s T . . , .'. ,U FJ g Q "T " drivers ot xue uoos ay stage line, ty e are informed, upon the authority of Mr. Glover, the superintendent, that the account of Mr. Brown's conduct was a fabrication and that he was not drunk nor was he discharged, lut quit the service of the company of his own accord. We gladly make this state ment, as the person in question has always been considered one of the most obliging and reliable men on the line. We have recently received from the pub lisher "Copp'sU. S. Salary List and Civil Service Kules Our many readers iU welcome iua bcuiu luiuruuuuu cuiivwueu iu t :. t i. i : I U1B1W UJ fc"" t is preparea iy nenry a. oPp, a lawyer of Washington, D. C. AU the government alaries are given from President Arthur's $50,000 to postmasters with 500, officials of the Treasury, Interior, War , and Navy Departments, Custom Houses, pst efEces, and fully 20,000 federal ofSces, arraaged by States and .Territories. Specimen examina- tioo questions for admittance to the cm! ser- vice throughout the country aredded. The price of the book is only 35 cents. - ' Good Joke. W. JJ. Clark of Coles vaiiey is one oi iue oia tuae xvepuuu- 1 1 ff .i .11 t i.i: lories in the success of his narty and who is always on the alert j for political. news. One day last week paper tie opened proved to be a fean FianciSco'Ualletm of xSOvniber, lbbO. The first thin": that met his eyes was a flamin-r headline "Creat Republican Victory. Ohio 80,000, Indiana 40,- uuu, jrcnnsyirama uu,uuu. A'gut here 3Ir. Clark broko out of the house with the paper in his hand, tossed his hat in the air and at the top of hi . , , , , . ., ' i . t i xi i i puuucansi x saia iney wouia win. Just here tue taniuy and a couple ot . ntighbors who were present came rush" in? out. and in an excited manner , , . . . nr rn i asked what was the matter. Mr. Clark rnst ins e e at me jmr anu seem- ui i l -a ii. J : il I date Said, "Oh nothing. I was only trying to make a little noise." Since hearing the news from Ohio Mr. Clark thinks some one has been playing a trick on him that it is not possible that the paper Iihs been sinco 1866 cowing from San Francisco. Bear Killed. Messrs Gosser, who reside a short distance south ot Rose burg, last Sunday, about noon, saw a small black bear in the field a shrot .u, f..nn, H.Q l,M Tl.o,r o Ul-nauvv iiuui vuu iiuu ov-t -a. j c l a: 4-i. 1 : T? p .u u.u.. tu. evidence tliey tound lie Had been stop- ping in their orchard and feasting on apples for some time and was im mensely fat. The meat was brought to town and left at the butcher ehop for sale. The hide will make as nice a robe as one could wish for. The best five dollar boot in Roseburg can be bought at S. FrFloed's for S3 75. On yesterday morning Deputy Sher- iffBuick arrived on the njornins train ... . ai r j. u r - wun iorging a ciiecK oa w wuusu company. While Mr. Buick was 14 smiling" with a friend in one of ojir nublin resorts the nrisoiier took advant- e i 1 t t i , . . iii. xruin me jcpuiy a uesciipbiun be is " a wae bit ot lad, witll a wnitel rial on his hat and red iiannel around his neck, and new boots on." If any one sees the prisoner they will please return him to the Sheriff. Prices that defy competition at S. F. Floed's. Parties wishing dressed hogs for picking, etc., kuouiu leave omen witb .... .... . ...i S. F. FloeJ. Foa Sale. rl have one span of good work horses and some others, which I offer for sale, JI. CONN, STL UISOUIT COUET. OCTOBER TERM. The State of Oregon va Robert Leadbetter f larceny. Prisoner arraigned and J C 1 ul lerton appointed to detend. Plea, guilty of simple larceny; fined $25 and costs. The State of Oregon va R B Uattbewa perjury. Trial had and verdict of not guilty; prisoner discharged. The State of Oregon ts. Bounds Lovelady selling liquor without a license. 'Indict ment dismissed and cause resubmitted to the gn n I jury. The State of Oregon vs. George Cheney obstructing a highway. Plea, not gui'.ty and former acquittal. Verdict of not guilty, prisoner discharged and bonds exonerated. Maria N Currier vs Wm. II Currier di vorce. Default of defendant entered and cause referred to A F Campbell to take the evidence and report findings. Pi,uby McCarty vs. George McCarty di vorce. Default of defendant taken and en tered and cause referred to L F Mosher to take testimony and report findings. Keport and finding of referee filed and deCee of di vorce granted and custody of minor children awarded to plaintiff. II J Gates vs II L Gates divorce. Con tinued for service. E E Fields vs. E J Fields divorce. De fault of the defendant entered and cause re ferred to L F Mosher to take testimony and report findings. - Report and findings of ref eree filed and decree of divorce granted and custody of minor child awarded to plaintiff. Zetta Ball vs. C Ball divofce. Demurrer submitted and overruled. Elizabeth L Brandt vs. John W Brandt divorce. Default of defendant entered and cause referred to D P Kenuedy to take tes- timony aad report findings Jane Partm vs' Martin Partin-divorce Default of defendant entered and cause refer red to D L Watson to take testimony aud renort tin dines Nathaniel Evans vs. Belle E vans-divorce, Demurrer filed. Demurrer overruled and cause referred to D L Watson to take testi mony and report findings. W J Carlon vs. F P Hogan, executor of J C Floed deceased; action to recover money. Settled and cause dismissed. G V Hoover vs. J R Jennings; for ordr of confirmation of sale. Cause settled and dismissed. A F Brown vs. L Plowman et al; for or der of confirmation of sale of real property b;ue confirmed. Eliza A McCartv vs. William MeCartv; for order for confirmation of sale r,f t-r,- tr r ,f c.ia n,l(i,.,kA WW.V WllUIUlbUi I R Dawson vsi Maria A Cd.. nation fc law to recover Demurrcr Bubmitted overruied anj in.iPnt for la;t.ifT fyP kqq co,ts. B F Maver vs. F P Ilimtlev: action to mou , . , .. , Hetalin- & Co. vs. fieor nPmnt, actUm at aw reC9ver m & tii8nisgi,(i j w Krewsou et aI vs j g Pardom et &l. action afc Jaw to M mQ . strike out nart of! .nn-I demurrer overruled. Amended complaint tiled. William Saubert vs. Isaae Matthews: an- tion at law to recover money. Settled and dismissed A 1 totaling & Co. vs. Antone Si!va; ac- w to recover money, settled and fliamifcil J T C Grossman vs. II Brown; action at law to recover money. Settled and dismissed. I S Rosenbaum A Co. vs. James Moore; action at law to recover money. Default of dn1 auti judgment for U5. i A I 1 W'V t. r ,. .. TtT T amiuain, t? nccici a, vb. m jjaurer; action at law to recover money. Settled aud dismissed. D A Levcns vs. W II Ay tchj action at law to recover money. Sett lid and dismissed. F P Hogau vs. G N Frazier et al; action ai law recover money, oetuca ana ais- I missed. 1 Wm. Cochran vs. Wm. Pi McCarty; ac- tion at law to recover money. Continued for service. C A Daykens vs. D V Vanhorn et al; ac tion at law to recover money. Demurrer ... , , . . J l wir.nnra.wn unn annwpr ii Art c j An(ler3ea et al . 0. &. C. Ii. I? Co. ; action at law to recover money. Trial and verdict for plaintiff for $240G.92. James E Rice et al. vs. O. C. & S. M. Co., AFBrownetal; suit inequity to enforce payment of an assessment. Motion for non suit allowed and cause dismissed. Elizabeth J Maikham vs. Henry G Crow; action at law to recover money. .Default of the defendant entered and judgment for ; 1073. . Wm. Cochran vs. W W Walker; action at law to recover money. Continued for service, S Marks et al. vs. J It Jennings; suit in efimty to foreclose a mortgage. Settled and BJGrubbevs. W II Parks; action at law to recover money. Continued for service, J John East vs. Moses Parrott; motion for 'eave to issue an execution. Order that exe cution issue. Amount due. S521 2G. Willis and Abraham vs. Henry Smith; ac- tion at law to recover money. Demurrer overruled and answer filed. Hildebrendt, Posner and Co. vs. J B Hutch; action at law to recover money Settled aud dismissed. Mary C Wells vs. John Applegate. Ac- tion at law to recover money. Leave given t0 fal9 amended complaint it The State of Oregen vs William Eddinss; 1 maictiaent for murder; prisoner arrsngnedi hia day to plead; pea o not en. tered. Cause continued until the 15th of January, 1S84. The State of Oregon vs Alex Ireland; in- j dictment for assault with a dangerous weap oh? prisoner arraigned and took his day to i . . state o Oregon vs. Bounds Lovelady; in dieted for selling hrjuor without a license. Robert Phipps vs. O. & C. R. Pt. Co.; ac tioa at law to recover money. Settled and cause dismissed. W Trask vs. Voltair Gurney et al; suit in cauitv to foreclose a morteaze. Continued for the term. Parties havinir sood winter apples for sale can obtain the highest marke . price by calling on S. F. Floed. No shoddy or ? Cheap John " goods at S F. Flood's. Hews Summary. Tha Senate sub-committee- on labor and education is in New Hamslure taking testimony. ; j Alexander Thackery, a Philadelphia lawyer, is missing. Defalcation is sus pected. . , :..':."..'.. i A meeting of 3000 Irishmen in Chi cago, on the 16th, memorialized the President of the IT iiited States in be half of O'Donnell, the slayer of Cirey, the informer. i G en. Roger A. Pi yor, A merican counsel for O'Donnell, advises the friends of the latter to be on their guard againsCalse and malicious l-eports, aud not to weaken in their sympathy. A number of the survivors j of the battle of Bull Run visited the field on .... "i the 15th. Among those present were General Lorgstreet, General j Ayers Colonel Tansill and others of the Con federate army, and General Rosecrans, General Fairchild and others, of the Federal army. . An application by the prosecuting attorney for an injunction to restrain the St. JLouis Post-Dispacthfrom using certain short-hand notes of testimony given to the grand jury was denied by the circuit judge, who held that he could not interfere with the liberty of the press. j II. Clay Myers, mayor of East Port land, has resigned his office on account of some objections being made to his ac cepting certain public work. Mr. Myers has served that city a long time and never did anything against its in terests. If any one else can do better he does not wish to stand in the way. Who says now that Oregon is not advancing in the way of civilization? If such such an obtuse a; d stubborn person exists, let hira read the accounts of the prize light and its accompanying "features," that took place somo nine t .ien miles below Portland, ladt Sunday. Details of the affair are about as dis gusting as those of lika manly games in the east, and will probably be up to the mark after the game becomes prop erly acclimated. -Very positively the Seattle Post-In telligencer says that the Chines are coming into the territory from British Columbia, by. way of Now Westmin ster and Whatcom, is not to be doubted. Every week half a dozen or more come by that routa that is, those who are known to come, while many more probably come of whom Kjss is known. On the Washington, last Friday, four came who there was abundant reason for believing were straigt from New Westminster. The fellows were afraid to land here at first, and hid on arrival of the boat, to prevent discovery, They afterwards shipped up town, and now, as far as detection is concerned, are undoubtedly lost to the law officers. The strength of the New York rich men can be understood when four or five of them loan $19,t)00,000 in a sin gle day to a railroad. But the mm who do this are almost all railroad men, and the tendency is to concentrat3 all valuable railroad property ' into a few hands. In ten veais more, as the country is progressing, all the trunk lines will be substantially- under one management, and will be readily con trolled by probably less than twenty men. It will be a powemnore tremm dous than ever existed in private indi viduals before, and will be as potent in the rule of this country as was ever the East India company in India.; - . The lottery companies have seized upon another lease of life;. When Postmaster-General Gresham - closed the mails against letters addressed to ottery companies, and directed that etters addiessed to agents of lottery companies be not delivered, it seemed as if the lottery must go. j But the postal note appeared, and as it is made payable to "bearer," and postmasters have no means of identifying the re cipient of the money, as they have in the case of the money order, the lot tery man gets the money The postmaster-general is having a hard time of it in his praiseworthy efforts to suppress these gambling affairs, but he is deter mined to exterminate them, and the chances are that he will devise means to get overthis new difficulty. ; The Dallas Itemizer says: ; Mr. E. T. Miller placed on our table a specimen of one of the greatest natural curiosities it has been our privilege to witness for som time. It consisted of a fir' bough coaled to the depth of half an inch in places with a clear white candy. The specimen came from the neighborhood of Bald mountain, northwest I of Kings valley, where we are informed nearly all the trees are so coated. It is evi dently crystalized honey-dew, and must exist in immense quantities in that sec tion. The settlers gather it and man ufacture it into syrup for table use. Oregon against the world, i Remember S. F. Floed's bargain store is still running. Look oat for Ko , 1, and to do so give S F. Floed a calf. ' " Doable Wedding. ' On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the residence of G. W. Jones, in this city, there was solemnized a double wedding, Rev. II. P. Webb 'officiating. The parties who thus bid adieu to the state of " single wretchedness," were Mr. T. W. Morgan and Miss Cora Jones, Mr. J. F. Barker and Miss An na E, Jones. For some days previous there had een considerable flutter in our sociaj circles in anticipation of this event, which was to weld in the iudissoluble jouds of "hymen four happy hearts. At the appointed hour the contracting parties and a. large number of friends assembled at the residence of Mr. G. W. Jones and the officiating Clergyman pronounced the words which made the above named persons man and wife Immediately afterward, as soon as the usual congratulations were over, the bridal party repaired to Marks' hall, to participate in a grand ball given in their honor. We understand their ap- )earance at the hall was greeted with demonstrations of applause, the young people present thus attesting their re- sject for the newly wedded pairs. The brides were dressed elegantly, we earn; the presents were numerous and the occasion was altogether pleasant. We tender our congratulations and :iope that their journey through life may be marked by joy ard happiness. An Omaha dispatch of recent date savs: ine uorute de Lagrange ot I'ar- is, who has been here for about a month as 'agent of the French govern ment, left this evening for France with twenty-two Omaha Indians, ten men, five women and seven children, whom he has secured for the world's exposi tion at Paris. They are fine-looking Indians and will tako part in the expo- sition of uncivilized races of the world, which will be one of the principal fen turns. Rervons Prostration and Insomnia. In nervous prostration and leeplessnes8, from which so many invalids suffer, Com pound Oxygen rarely fails to bring relief. A lady (a teacher) in Avoca, Wisconsin, who j had been a great sufferer, sought help in Compound Oxygen. At the end of five weeks wrote: "The night after taking my tirsilnhalation of Oxvcen. I slept like a bet T Miiild have cried for iov the next morning, I felt that the restful sleep of that one night was worth th price paid for the Treatment. 'Tis now a comfort to lie down at night, lar l do not have to loot lorwart vo loog, weary nours oi nerve-jerKiug wnicn tn me is harder to bear than mm . 1 x - more nnanignc aiconoi ana water uatns; neither rubbmgp, countings, nor walking the floor in agony but rest, sweet rest instead." Our treatise on Compound Oxygen, its na- ture, action and reaults, with reports of cases and full information, sent free. Drs. Starkey &. Palen. 1109 and 1111 Girard st.. Philadelphia, Pa. All orders for the Coniptoind Oxygen Home Treatment directed to II. E. Math- ews, 60G Montgomery street, San Francisco, will be Jiiieil on tne same terms as u sent . t.1 -i i i i flirpnt.iv to ns in Fhilatleliihia. . Tho Norristown Herald says: John L. Sullivan, the slugger, has just opened a saloon in Boston. Not being able to 'b-n-i-lr nut." moil f-jot. onnuoTi with hia fists, he has employed Tom, Jerry and demi-John to assist, him m the busi nessa triumvirate that can knock out the best man living. RECirE for PreakixoSheep-dip.- Take one-half pound of unslacked l'nie, put in enough water to slack thor - oughly; when well slacked add one gal- on of water and one pound of sulphur; bnil until thrt siiiiilmr la wsll ili-isolvftil. t.hpna.1.1 U.rr-fi lona f water. U t frnm IlK frt.lOS flntri-ooa n hoal- m -. et sheep remain in one minute?. l a a vr a a v w Q u IIexry Conn, Sa. DAYS 0KEEK. S. T. Garrison and family removed to Canyonville last Saturday, PK.n-low MpTpnl in ncAr nt. Mvvt1f Creek, laboring for John Hall. , , ; . , -r 1 Tr 11 Joseph Chamberlain has purchased two -spans of horses. Joe is now able to do a rushing business. a A gentleman from Oakland on a matrimonial cruise, came up anal it is said everything is now in readiness for connubial delight : Tli a 1'irfii- roai tliia i-lirA boa Tvri J "v ,..w SCOlired tor a supposed animal, treas- npo .. rp.Af rnrpaqq nf qoiiid human ure, 01 tne aeaa caitass 01 some numan fnrm lint all to HO effecL The mvS- icijr ouu ismoiiio iujow.w.. mrcfDr nn. 'xti I iaviu J icai wm ictxiiiij their departure for Glendale. Some of the lUVeniieS Will Weep, but We UOpe n. , 11KJV t nut Ephrain? Raymond is now moving into his new Quarters, where he will be conveniently situated for school and church. .. . . i,t , The public School Olosed here last Frid ;iday. the 12th of October. Eckley Reals received the first prize, went the entire term, without being ab- .-r.t Bi'nfrl. dar Ecklev is a nrom sent a single aay. rx;h.iey is a piuui ismor young man. lUiss AjUIV AjUIThio ? J 9 . . . . -! t:ii t:.-ii. won the second prize. Several con- tested for this, but M:SS Lillv being tbe ... " . 1 niost attentive and tne most punctual minil in her class, came out victorious. Tho tfcird class was composed of veiy studious pupils, -but MisaEdney Flock and Miss Fannie Hanks were the clos est contestants. Miss Edney having missed one day Miss Fannie gained the present The prize for the smallest boys and girls was won by little The ron Beals, whose attentiveness wa3 fully equal to any in school, Q. rjESSHSSE 1'fiOM 0AKLAHD. V M. Fickle visited friends in Portland this week. Sol. Abraham gave us a pleasant visit this week. Jno. Norwood is in Portland pur chasing a fall and winter stock of goods. Mrs. Gibson, who "was called away to eastern Oregon a few weeks since on business, returned home this week. Ed. Cathcart, from Cottage Grove, is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. The Mechanic's fair is now in order and a fe.r of our prospective people are doing Portland, to take in the lively scenes that always attend. Rev. Shelby, from Dram, delivered a Very interesting sermon On Monday evening to the people of Oakland. Rev. Shel bv is an ' active worker in the cause of Christianity and should be en couraged bv all. Railroad carpenters are now busily Biigngru icwusMHUiiij; inu itrpauiny the depot, and will also build a large xn pninmnrlmiia wa'lr from rb dnnr aim COinmOUlOUS wa.i aepot tO K. TllOmaS LOtel. 1 Howard arrived t diome di- rnf-r. from Khiisar- on lisf. S:itn rdnv 1 i . tit ir i ". i evenings train. Mr. Howard s visit to las parental roof was short, he be- A , , i -i t j !! lllg called home to tlie SlCK-bed Ol Ills wile. Alex Brown, an old and highly re spected citizen of this i)lace, i3 danger ously ill at the present time, but is re ported now as being in a better condi- than he was a few davs since. The cinnabar mines are attracting considerable attention - and wo are in hopes that they may be successfully worked m a snort time. A mining expert from California interviewed them this week and seems to be satis- tiied that thy will prove valuable if handled properly. M. Fickle, the railroad agent at this place, sent in his resignation a few days since and wi'l now " engage in something more substantial and per manent than railroading. Mr. will soon take his departure for other rrie.: and will be creatl v missed bv every one in this place who knows 1 1 - o him. The cement mines near this place are attracting considerable attention of late, and it will not be long bofora work ill be commenced to open them A mining expeit from San Jbrancisco visited the mines this week, but we are unable to furnish a report of his idea concerning the rp. w Q improvement it still zo- on with great energy and the sound cf carpenter's hammer niay be i heard OU every hand. 11 i Uc. Ksil 1.4. : (.ii in u kt.oli. uig vumi'ivvivn. v, AnmJnf nn jjr Thomas hotel is now ready tor occupation. Mr. A. F. Brown is now improving the appearance of his store by tutting m a new front and the li. K. Co. is making soome needed improve- J ments at and near the depot. I VV e are requested to announce that- a meeting of the friends and patrons of the Y. M. C. A reading room will be hejd at tbe rQOm on Sabbath evening, ... , . . t i at tne conclusion oi cuurcu service. I ' It . it l i i.l .1 " I a juet an wno are mieresieu ur jp iu at that hour and consult together in rela. tion to the interests of the reading 1 room. Parties having pork hogs fur sale can obtain the highest maiket price by call ing on S. F. Floed. Parties having any produce for sale can obtain the highest market price by i calling on S. F. Floed. 1 Parties having dried fruit for sale can obtain the highest market price by calling on S. F. Floed. I Save 40 per cent, by buying at S. F, noeQS. Clot hing can be bought at aud below cost at i. a. l ioeu s. AOMCC. I KlllHl OClUCillUIiU . . -i. a. TN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF X Oregon for the County of Doujrlas. Notice is hereby tnven that the undersigned administrator of 1 the estate of Joseph Kisbenrer deceaed, ha3 filed iu j the above entitled court hia final a-jcoon uiit of the ad ministration of said euta"e. That said Court, by an .rilnr ilnlv made and entered therein on October 5th. 1S83, appointed Monday, January 7, 13S4, at 10 o'clock a. ji. of said aay, at tne voun room 01 saui Court, a time and place for hearinsr ob jections, if any there be, to said final acount a:id the settlement of naid estate. This notice in published by order of Hon. J. S. Fitzhugh, County Judjfe. ' O. K. 1. t:Al.x, Ainmiwrator. Fated at Roseburg, Orecon, Oct. 2 18i;3. llERUl.N.v asd Ball, attorneys for estate. Xoticc 01 F.iia! Sctllemcat. Tmnn 10 npornv f irrv Tn iTTTir PVT1PTI I l gicd iaa filed his final account. in the County Court tor Douglas county, fciaicoi ureapm, as auinui- thtat- . t?,i,,h rvmnoi'v deead. and the Judire of said CountvCourt. by an order duly maue anu eiiwreo, uas apjioiiiwu :.u u I . '-..-.I I K-.t f, I January 7th, 1884, at ten o'clocK a. M , tor uie hea.injr of any objections, if any there ne w 1 finaj account ana tne settlement 01 saiu esvaws. 1 orderof I Koseburg, Oregon, Oct. 20, 18.'. I Hbbxass & Hall, attorneys for estate. Notice of i Final Settlement. n the Ka0. 0re2nfor tbe Tjj the MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES 1 r. suuserun, aeceaneo. nonce is mmvy that the underehrned administratrix of the estate tZFSXZSZ It ta the her final ac- He County Courts Douglas eountv, State of Oregon. 11 the 5Th day o'f 'ober, 1 .7- herein on Friday, tbe 5th day of October, 15J, ap- - pointed Monday, January 7, 1S4, at 10 o'clock a. . 1 ,,,,. . muri in thel I " - - i court house tn Koseourg1, a time ana piace xor ner- I t v. it la 4 a mwI filial fLf.pmiriL 'ZntZt the 7 to. Sou, lished bv order of Hda. J. S. Fitzhugh. County Judire. eliz a jane walker, Formerly Eliza Jane Sutherlin, Administratrix. Rosebury, Oregon, Oct .".0, UWX liEKVAKN & Ball, attorueyB for estate. NOTICE. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that my son John XN Lewis has left home and that after this date all persons are warned not to trust him on my account, as I do not claim any of his wages nor will not pay anv of his bills. MRS.C. McRAE. October 6, 1883. Subscribe for' the Independent, Notice of Final. Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tl. Countj of Doi'glos. In the matter of the estate of . : A. J. Downen deceased. : "s ' VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UX Xi dcrsijjned administrator of the estate .of A. J. . Downen deceased, has filed his final account of hts administration ot said estate in the County Court ot Doujfla county, State of Oregon. That said Court by an order duly made and entered therein on Fri day, the 5th day of October, 1883, appointed Mon day, January 7, 1SS1, at 10 o'clock a. M. of said day, at the court room of said Court, iu the court house m KoseHur, a tunc and place for hearing objection, if any there be, to said final account and the settlement of said estate This notice ii published by lion. J. S. t itzhugh, County Jude, V. 1 HOG AN, administrator. A. P. Caufbkix, attr.iey for estate. ' Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN derbisied hs 5en duly appointed by the County court of Jula County. Oregon, as administrator of the ejUte of John ii. Humphrey deceased; and has regularly quniitied as such. Sow therefore, all per. sons having claims against said estate are notified Wt present the same, duly verified, within eix months in IrfH.kiag-glass, Dou-flas county, Oregon, and from the date hereof,, to the unucrsinca, at his r4- all persons o imr said estate are required to mak uumcUiae payment uiere a - - Administrator. September 22, 18S3. . Sale of Rciil Estate. AT0XICE is HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDEB JN and in pursuance of an order of the County Court of iJou-las County, Oregon, entered therein oa tne 2nh dav,rj Ammst, lSSa, the undersigned admin- istrator of the estat oi james wmnu on Saturday, the 20th day of October, 1883, at one o . .-j aai.i iiuud to wit: Lots number one, two and three of section seven; and lot nnmher eight of "fu;SiVt ,m township twenty-eight. outh of wnge hx, westot tne wniamew meruit. .iU!k in Douglas county, Orejron, eontalninjr .9.71 acre, a fee simple title euarauUed nd. iwssession jrlven on confirmation of sale. HENRY LANDER?, Administrator. sl5-tf Sherman, G!ay& Go, Pacific Coast Agents for tlio Celebrated J'SFKf.a..wrjt.iu 1' The dIjota ct rnivl f0 ,hlph ' w:!l 11 forStPO. $23 raah.SlO per month lIW Address sasaaA, tLAY&co. Q vur uim.i o iM.ik Sherman, Clay & Co. Agents for the Celebrate 59 UPRIGHT, SQUASE 1 GBMIB . . a -Mut.a1 Authorities to b hn BiSST PIANO nw mnufctuTa Pr?,eB m low and terms easy .scon-lstea Bi'li thorough worxmaushlp. Address f V SHKHMA.N, CLAY Si CO. Z Cor. Kearny and Sntter 8t.- San Francisco, Cl I-OSGAlMtES -.4, otli 7 inBtraments tiat children can tl tswell es crown persons. Only five minutes I time reouirea 10 learn hott o cumko umia, U,Aljy tjuj 0f tunos can bo played. Fluent seccto- pnniment for the voice in einstfng. They are sold 8.) low that any family can easily procure one. Having ono no family -could pet along without. -Pt ices of different etj les S3, $10, $12 and SI -4. lsrlndiss twenty-five feet of jnusic. Seud for catalogues and price list. Ad dress snEHSIAN', CIVY & CO. i r3ole Agents for the Pacific Coast? Cor. Kearny and Sutter Sts , i J N San Frsnclsco. CaL .y D. W. PRBNTICS & CO., Portland, Oregon. General Agents for the .forth Vaciflc Coast. , hf?fKWJ ' We continue to &i;m3 patents, c&veftw, trade-ma rka, copyrighta, etc.,f( tho United States, and to obtain pa, enta ia Canada. England, Franco, German v, and all other conn trios. TnirvixeariT)ractiee. &4 cfcarga for exftaiiiafion ef models or draw ins;. . AdTica by mail free. -ratoati obtained through us are noticed U tha SCIEXTinC AMEKICAN, Wiucn. I1M j tbo larffesfc circulation, sad is tho jnoatinfln-. emial newp-oaper oiiisik-iiu l uiiiuureuiu iw of wcrli. Tho advantages qf fiuclianotico every Pte.G5QAe" rn .- lr.:.H (11-r.L. in1 TlAWK i i. admitted to bo the bet W to science, pecjuamcfl.inKwo, w-nrta onri r,thnr fTpntrtments of inausina :i ' XX. , T progress, published in 6" c,Jin,try.,,i mea bv mail. 10 cents. Sold by aU Single newt dAd1reSa,Mtu tifi4 American, 2(31 Croadway, NfJ"' j Handbook a Wt patanta mailed free. , For the best line of family gi-ocer-ies at greatly reduced prices call. a Caro Bros. ' CAR VI OAE0 BEOTHEESj V-i K ' AZZ'T-'yf 1 ..V. KAffiAB -a c a mtM a,j..j