THE INDEPENDENT. t 1 11 " """ .SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1883. The " Standard " cn the wool LvnZ- . I - .; - ' ."- -- I The Standard, in to Sunda, .IE5K&2r.S1L ZZZ jng issue, in a lengthy editorial neauea ."Taiiffcn Wool," exhibits an amount of i'morance on that question aot be- J fnra met with in the public p-ints. -- " . . I s account of the farmers ot v asco coun- ty demanding the restoration Oi the wool tariff of 1867, and seemingly en- dorses the corrunt action of the last Reppbliqati Congress in taking the duty J ptf weol and placing it on manutactnred woolen goods. Jf the learned editor I will take the pains to investigate ' he will firwl that the tariff on wont ievet 1 - - V 111. I nas oeea cuat iu tt .uu I been under an ad valorem duty for the purpose of raising revenue, where all commodities would be td'xed tcmallv to m.nt rw.. , .... . i. , i eent Democratic ideas strikes a direct blow at one cf the greatest industries I ot our country, wuiac u y sut- .. i , , and for which the people hare to pay, J it; behooves us to raise our most earn-1 est protest against such a dosma. - Tue Oresonian of the 16th instant. protection." What it objects to is be- ing robbed out of both pockets at the a; of ita'T..lKooa health ever since. Hw,vuWs.W v., does tne farmers oj the wnoie country, for the benefit of the New England manufacturer. The farmera of Ohio have spoken npon this subject, and nave saiu to tne aiepu oilcan party m V - T IT IT 1 " I most enitihiitic terms, "talrn vflur hanrla ' - I out of one of our nocked at least'' wnon once awaKenea to tneir own I rights and interests the wool-growers of Oregon will speak in equally em- T)hatic terms and hold tin Hon. M. I f!. Opnfl and hia nft.wnrtra to a strict account for the loose manner m which he betrayed them on this ques-1 ... tion. bv votin" to take the nrica off of .1 11 . ,i I - I i i i . i i i . lureawooien gooaa mey us m their families. Foremost amon the political ques- tiona vhith should awitatH the neonl ' O june eiecuon, is me regulation oi ran- raaH frpighfcs..,. Tothaagricu Jturist it transcends all others. If the State has the liirht to step in and set a price on the property of the farmer and com- 4 r . . pen mat larmer to akb we price set oy spring OQ tllQ South Umptiua 3 miioa west those arbit.atoi-s, why has not Ujb State of Roseburg, of G. M. Joues, Dr. Hamilton the same power to step in between the agent, and can testify that both myself and producer and the railroad magnates fami5y tave received great beaefiu from its . . . use. My son Andrew Willis was suT3rinc and set a just and reasonable rate on , , t , . . x, . ' L. . very much from nasal catarrh and by the freights! It is lear tq us that there is use of this water has entirely recwCredand an injustice heie which should be rem- iaDOv. welL, caa unhesitatingly recom , a . , . mend it as the best medicine I have used m died. Let the farmers agitate this my family for any of the above named com- nnerirn anrl Kpnd nnn nf.hpra tn tho plaints. Rev. VV. A. WllXlS. Legislature but those who know their rights and fayo maintain them. " Tender hands clasp a nettle, And it stings you for your pains; But grasp it 1 ike a mau of mettle, ud it soft as silk remains," Miss "Willard, of the Union Sig. nal, is responsible for this: " Let us hear ho more of woman's extravagance. Genral Francis "Walker, the untiring phief of the census bureau, has taken our case in hand and has ably and am ply maintained our defense. He says, or rather the figures say, that the men of this country spend 8498,000,000 in dress, while we womea, with our 'love of bonnets,' fec, ask our husbands for only $387,000,000, an avoraga of forty five dollars per annum for the lords of creation and twenty-seven for the ladies. Tell it in (Jathj publish it up and down the streets of Askelon! " The fact is not generally known that Georgia and Mississippi are the most uncompromising temperance States in the Union. 'A gentleman who has been traveling in those States for sev eral months and who has had time as well as opportunity to study the mat ter closely, says there are :ghty-seven counties in Peorgia in which a man cannot buy, beg or steal a drink of whisky, and none can be purchased in the State, "except in the larger towns. In Mississippi they have gone to the extent of taxing billiard tables $1000 per year, under the belief that they en. pourajje drinking. Before Fanny Fern married Jame3 Par ton, she wrote a description of Broadway, in which she said, "Here comes J ames Parton, who don't believe in the devil' George D. Prentice, of he Louisville Journal, copied it sub--petjuently, and addled; "Ah, Fanny, tha" was before he wa3 married." A Kentucky newspaper is anxious to enter the Presidential canvass on a platform calling for whisky pr snake Mtes only. It is all right if it only adcls a second plank calling for more quakes. JOXES' SLEIUL WATER! Testimonials From Prominent Citizens of Uoseburg I , the benefit of those suffering 1.1- :ii i. t "' in ii l t i k&t thrfe0 ra anJ ater varioug remedies without any . benefit, wag finally induced to try the EJdorado Mineral Water, from the spriug of -m-WT T 1 ' f T Ml i 1 tQn in recomrneuclin it to thosa suf- feting with a like complaint J. S. Imuran, Judge ot uougius county. (j y4 Joxes. Sim During last Summer I was sufferins with consti- pated bowels and general ill health It i . i . . t e ' i procured two ooiues oi mineral wa- vi ctuii iiijui iv ctu cut cnwiui i vutvi.. X have no hesitation ia recommending tjie watei- to all who are suffeiiiw with like derangement of - the bowels and general debility, Henry Bowex, " CitJ Marshal of Roseburg. a ,,n ij icsii op George. W. Jones. Sin: Havins used the Eldorado Mineral VV ater for tnnr, iui ujsiwpsM u atrvii. r e..i .r i: :j- il. public as a sure and reliable remedy in W. S. Humphry, City Recorder, loseburg, April lb, lSoJ. . ima 13 t0 cemty tuat aun"2 I I'.1 II I - .1 :i ft ii Ml . kit.i nrviaiM'tl if TmV - rfistivft rhilla ana rvr. arul was i n- and am happy to state that one bottle cured me entirely and I have enjoyed W. G. Cleveland. Roseburg, May 5, 1883 The Eldorado Mineral Water can be purchased at any time at the Drug ktore oi Dr. S. Hamilton, Roseburg, at 50 cent3 l)er quait- tsstimosals. U. w. Jonea, dear sir Havina been troubled with dyspepsia fur i t n t iir ri r . many year aaviseu py v . r. uonn , . .. .. , .. ,., , ao unheait.-tinrlv snv it did ma more irooil than any thing x e ver usetl. It liad an immediate effect. Yours, JOHN HOWARD. Koscbnrg, April 1, 1SS3, Thia ia to certify that I have used buc " cessfully the Umpqca mineral water for six for nervous dyspepsia and debility vk fciic wiiviv oyawiu auu jl uavc ivuixu. Micnu rfiliaf an1 T mirrnfe ?vv nm tunf v nrpil. j -r x have DO hesit Jn 1 thia lllin. jeral water to be of great curative value. - t Respectfully, W.F.JOHNSON. ur' i t a i rt 1 000 I tLUUdAJU brrtliMbo. I rI Vh All NAysna eiii Hann itri V a na &ui I . a J tarrh affection of the throat or stomach, I J will at-.te that last Fall that myself and mem bers of my family were suffering with ca- tarrh U1 the head and mvself with an affec Ij." ii rri i t i tion of the stomach. . . iL , , , . . , jgaloa of the mineral water taken from tin xnac 1 purcnaseu a le A SUPERIOR LOT OE GRADE AND TIIOR ou'hbred ' Spanish Jlerino Rucks, At my farm, six miles north of RSseburjr, which will be sold cheap for caah, or approved credit. il8t THOMAS S3ZITH. LOUIS BELFILS, WATCIDlAKEIi & JEWELER Roseburg", Oregon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN WA TCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPEC TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the old stand of THROUGH TO Coos Bay in 24 Hours, This line Is now prepared to carry passengers and freight, being1 supplied with comfortable slaves aud aud careful drivers. Stare leaves Kosobur,f every nioruiuj; at six o'clock. Oliice ai Coos Bay HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. . Pare to Coos Bay $5. SALISBURY, H1LY &O0; r DllY'8 SALOON", Jaclison Street, Roseburg The propretor of this well kn iwn and popular resort wonld thank his friends Fur their libe al patMnago in the; past aud would ak for a continuance of he name in the future. The public. is uft-rmed that 1 keep none but the best rands of wirea. liquors auu cigars and that I sell over the tar the cele bratnd Jesse Moore & Co.'a Keutucky V hiskies A good billiard table will 03 fouud n the saloon; also the leading papers of the world. IUBBA1 Greek' ' Mills ! CLAiiii & b ike;; PKOPS. H AVISO PURCHASED THE ABOVE SAMEU mills of E. Btef.hens and Co., we are now pre pared to furuUh auv amount of the best quality of ever offered to the public in Douglas eountj'. We will furnish at the mill at the followtug priues: No. 1 rouorh lumber. 12 per M. No. 1 floonnz, 6-inuh 24 per M. No. 1 flooring, 4-inch WO per M. No. 1 flnishinjr lumber 20 per M. No. 1 fiuuhiuxr lumber dressed on 2 sides.. $24 per M. No. 1 finishi:i lumber dressed on 4 sides. ier il. CLARKE & BAKER. M. 'SULLIVAN TS KOW PREPARED TO DO ANY I kind of work iu his liua. Headstones and Monuments of all descriptions, at vtry low prices and warraatod to give ample sat isfaction. 21. SI'LLIVAX. V. T. PEET. W. S. HUMPHREY, A. Y. HOVEY. Ii. C. HUMl'HUEY. DOUGLAS CO. BANK, Pec J, ISiiiiipIirey & Co. TP.ANSACT A GENERAL BASKING BUSINESS. lraw sijrlit drafts 011 Portland, S:iu Francisco, New York and other points. lillU of exchange on principal points in Eurupe. Deposits Eecsived Subject to Sight Check- FARMS FOE SALE, Tlie undersigned Inis for sale the following Real, Prop erty in Ioughvs Coun ty, State! Oregon: A FIRST-CLASS GRAIN FARM NEAR THE Town of Wilbur, cont&ininx 3i4 acres. Has a piod dwelling house and out-buildings, and a fine or chard; all well fenced and watered; acres iu grain. A desirable home uml vory ohaa;). ONE FARM CONTAINING 352 ACRE-?, 125 OF which is plow land in cultivation, balance pas ture; all fenced; well watered; good improvements and orchard. Scottsbunn 80 acres river bottom, balance 1-ill aud timber land. 1 FARM NEAR V.ILBUR, CONTAINISG 8JJ3 J. acres; 125 acres in grain, the balance splendid grazing land. Alxmt 30O acreas level, well watered and well improved. The crop and 5U) head of cheep will be sold with the laud if desired by purchaser, at a bargain. - A FaRM NEAR RUSliCL'RG, CONTAINING 323 . acres, all under fence. Good farm or grazuig land. A FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 60 ACRES 12 niile from Roseburg; 125 acres of good grain laud, at a banjaiu. A URGE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM NEAR Oakland, cotitam'uuf 3230 acre. Abrut 700 acrps plow land, well fa.icel and well watered. A STEAM SAWMILL AT DRAIN STATION ON Railroad. A FLOURING J.' ILL AT SCOTTSBURG. A NO. ONE FLOUKING MILL FOUR MILES from Oakland, on Calipooia creek. A NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS IN TIJE CITY OF Oakland. I Mill sell the above real property ou rea sonable terms. For full particulars enquire of J. C. HUTCHINSON, Oakland, Douglas County. Oregon The Famous Unrivaled T3ie Hardman Piano, A strictly first-class instrument at moderate price; Also The Popular Pease Piano ! A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 721 Market st, San Francisco, Sole agents for Pacific Coils'- Administratrix Notice. TkTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEJf TO WHOM IT j may concern, that tho undernamed has been duly appointed by the County Court of Douglas County, Oregon aa administratrix of the estate of J. M. M. Veaable deceacd, and has regularly qualified as such; now, therefore, all persons bavin? claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, within six months from d;tte hereof, to the undersigned, at her residence in Oakland, Ore gon, and all persons owing said estate are required to make immediate payment thereof; individual ac counts to undersigned aud partnership accouuts to Dr. J. E. Page, of Oakland. Oakland, Oregon, August 25, 1SS3. : JANE VENABLE, Administratrix. Hermakh asd Ball, attorneys for estate. sl-5 The Bitters' Gtttde is I sued March and Sept., each - l year: 216 pages, Six 11 J finches, with over 3,300 illufitrationa s -whole pic tore gallery. Gives whole sale prices direct to consumers on all goods for personal or famil use. Tells hoir to ord?r, and gives exact cost of every thingjou use, eat, drink, wear, or have fun with. These invaluable books con tain information gleaned from the mai -Icets of the world. , We will mail a copy Free to any address upon receipt of the postage 7 cents. Let us hear from you, Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. t tit J & Wsh Atcwk Cklcac 1 s w FARMERS, LOOK! YOB TUB BEST WHAF.tXQ BOO'T' Fttrraen and bojs and thainost durable shoes for iiiisses aud tkildreu, try the celebrated IEOH-0 LAS GOODS ilmufactured by PORTER, SLE3SINGER, & CO. San Franciaeo. They are guaranteed to give satis- fictiou. Will not break m the bac! or rip in me side. Alt goods of this manufacture nisule by wlute men. No Chiuaiuen employed, for sale by FLOED & CO. BOOTH BUGS. E. U. YOUNG . ROSEBURG. YOXCALLA. OAKLAND vMETRGPOUTAN SAL03H, BOSEBUUG, OREGON, McCITLLOOH & CO, O.XLT THE BEST BRAXDS OK Wines, liquors to Cijavw Kept or. hand, and customers will find this a pleasant place of resort. Give me a call. 2T One door south of the Metropolitan Hoter TE1 JAMES DEARLING, 31ack2smiti and Parrisr, OAKLAND, OIS; And well-known to the people of Dousrlas connty, would res;ectfull.v aniiounce that he is prepared to uo an Kinds oi worK in ins line ana guaranteed sans faction. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Any farmer having a plow to sharpen or machinery to repair will do well to y;ive me a call at my old stand. t . I have a full stock of iron aud steel, sn& bavin; purchased the same at a low price, can do work, so far as prices are concerned, cheaper than any who will attempt competition, JAS. UtAJiLlMJ,, Oregon HETBOPOUTAN HOTEL Tills Popular House Situated n the center of the business portion of Roseburg, having recently changed hands, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of puevt?. Th dining room wiU be supplied with the beat tha With good attendance. . As Mrs. Zigler has charge of the kitchen the cooking will be unexceptionable. lUtei reasonable, f'ret) coach to and from the railroad. LOU. ZIoLEK. Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Roseburg. Shaving and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike Maimer. 11. S.&J. C. SHERIDAN (Successor to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, iiVSS, CUTLERY, AND TLVNERS t Uit MSHI.SU GOODS. TIX STORES, 'ROSBJ7RG, Or. Having: secured the aoove business, we are pre pared to keep up its former good name for work and prices. We have the best of material and always a full stock of good on hand and it our aim to fur nish customers with first-clajB articles at live and let live prices. A full stock of Ii'oii tiiMl Stool XToi Sale. .Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. di. S. ii J. ,V. KiiEIUDAX. BUYTSS U31PQITA VALLEY 5IILLS FLOUK! IX.OTJli! THE REST IXTSIE 3IAKRET! Address A. W. Stearns, an yoiiviiie, Oregon. 0?TE FART - COXTAININQ 431 AND S91-00 acres, IS miles from Roseburg, on tne Coofj Bay stage road, and known as the "Eighteen Mile House." Haa good dwelling, large barn md outhousee,- with orchard and good g.uUen is we I fenced. A good sized creek ow t-r ugh the piace, near the house and barn. or 'eve. o .mice rolling lnd. drain, grass and . 1 icnty of timber for fuel, fencing and build ng urposes. Is a good tavern stand, be ing near tlw foot of coast range of mountains. Toll gate and stage station adjoining. Climate healthy, water pure. TermiJ", part cash and part ou liberal ime. ALSO ADJOINING A FARM OF 199 ACRES, with good dwelling and barn and outbuildinga witti a bearing orchard One-half plow land and bal ance timber land, and all weil watered. These farms will be sold either together or sepcrately, to suit purchasers. Apply to Hermann & Ball, Roseburg, Oregon. ALSO, 427 ACRES NEAR THE TOWN OF Lookiug Class, in Douglas county. 125 acres of plow land oi the best quality, balance pasture land, with plenty of oak aud fir timber for fuel and fenc ing. All well watered, with dwelling barn and good orchad. Price $4,000.! One thousand down, balance on easy terms. A fee i simple title guaranteed. En quire of& Hermann & Ba Koseburjf, or A., F. Bruwu Co., Oakland.: A 50, A FARM OF 625 ACRE3, SITUATED 11 A miles northeast of Roseburg, in M-unt Seottpre cinct. One hundred aereaplow- iaiui, the balance gK)d pas'ure lami, well watered aud all under good fence. Plenty of fir aid ok timber far fencing and fuel. Good farm house arul barn and other outbuild ings, and &0O choice fruit tree. tearing. Price J per acre. Inquire of V. H. Oden, on the premise or of Hermans and Ball, attorneys, Roseburjf. Dissolution Xotice THE.' ing -COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST- inar between K..1. 3JcCulloch andM. A. Brent of the ana of U. McCulloch and Co., is t his day dis solved by mutual congest. K. T. McCull-wh reioaitiv in the bovine s and will settle all liaLUUios, a nl col lect all outstanding aacouutg clue the firm, A. lirenXano retiring trout the business. . Boeeboqr AutajfAJJ, rnrr V- A AS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE 'FOR iness before January. 1st, I have laid m a small supply of Gro ceries to last that length of time, and offer them at the following reduced prices: Eiirlit pounds Costa Rica Coflee, Eiiiht pounds "0" Sugar Sttven pounds Cube (white) Sugar. Best V. O. Soap, box ... ......... Thomas' C. W. B. Soap, box . . . . . Tobacco per pound. ..... . .. ...... ALL OTHER GOODS REGARDLESS OF COST." livc Die a Call and Save Forty Per Cent. ill!! HENRY L. BENSON, A.M. -MISS ANNA E. DEISENDOIJFER, DR. J. W. STRANGE, - -MISS ADDIE K SMITH, New buildings, first-class surroundings, low rates of tuition;. cheap loard. . For particulars apply to ISESttY L. BENSON, alStf ! - Princijal. Bnt B G.WOODWAED AND BUY A ki One of tho biggest and best stock of nothing bu the best YTHING'.IN.THK Iont Fail 3 5 IAY; CAN; w, SEE WIIAT1 WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT f flf? 1 ff d y Q) j! e .a - Q !1 HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF EVER BROUGHT -TO ROSEBUKG ! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DBSSS GOOD OF THE VERY LA EST STYLES. ALSO GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' BBADY MADS : LOTHING! Do TVot ITnil to Call antl Exumiao lilsi Stoclfcl , lJi8 motto is Quick Sales aud SmaJl L'coiits." Somombsr tho Plaoa. ITov Yosk'Storee Rose'burg. SilliRIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largest Stocks of Generals Hardware Ever brought to Doufla, n1 when adied to their STOVES OF ALL, PAT TKIINS and READY MADE TINSVAHK, tUey are prepared to declare they hav ih Ih-sv bu ply in their line ol any house in otuhern Oregon, whicb they proposo ESS&X&S; CH14F1E ; TM&M AMY OWE - can purchase elsewher?. In he eUapn ot bu.ldiitK materials- i superior indacenjentB to purchasers. Tjv We i an yive you bargains in the io. win brands of stoves, not equalled else where Buck's. Bonanza, Farmer, Utility, Dexter, Pacific, Wide West, Clarendfc Occidei- Jrou Kintf, Eiuiire City, and oiher stoves and ranges. The best of, workman ar constantly tiaployed in the ninafactare . our Tiawarv and buyers should It-am our prices. '.We have also fcarajjins to oflV-r in une, such hs Winchester, Sharp and ther I2 r.V r.n well na in Shot-gan f an-1 IMsto's We Hte also Airbills for th Whttft Pt-erles and New ilome Sewiorr,whivJ wesell at lowt si rates and warrant as couinle tern every respect. We can also supply Averill and Hiibbrr Paazjs, 'J e nest in the nihrkrt. at . 1owfI ratt-V . ti jv an a call, inspect ur aicck, inquire as to onr price, and wi promise to suit a?,' any fxpa cju. ME TO CLOSE OUT Bus .1 00. . I 00 . 1 00. . 75. . 1 37. . 50 cents, 55 cents tfc 60 cents. 14 13 m j Principal. I '. Assistant. Principal Commercial Department. - Music Teacher. NEW SET OF 4 i goods ever brought to town. leather and have got use a ami to Seo Mq! M 9 111! 11 .! W oodwar 17 Vg, OF. YOU; SEE 95 PS the vray t a. locks, butts, etc, we can oS'er . fcULEHIDAN BKOA fog Stare. HAVING PURCHASED A CQU - PLETE ASSORTMENT OV GENERAL UERCHID.SE "WILL SELL THE SAMS CHEAP FOR CASH! PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per yard. Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for $1. Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard, f v Fine Japanese teas, 45 conts per lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Other articles in proportion My mocto is cash sales & small pro5ta. F. P. HOG AN. OS T. "W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S Js CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO,' CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED IN ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. CIGARETTES A . SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. HENRY GVTERMAN AXD LOUIS BELFTLS have ohUvinei tho right for ltouglu oounty for laying Continuous Concrete Pipr; forconvejinjf water, and LouU Belflla and Georw' Protsinan have obtained the right for Josophiue and Curry counties, and will Ball farm or individual right ami la pipe at the etie ijxHt fiirures. Any riize frooi 1 to 21 inches furnUhod, This pipe is much (Jiieaper than "Wcod, irca or Lead 1 It is also well suited for Irrijvtlqn or Mining parpece andean be laid any distance wiyiout joints. Asie Grease! Seat ia the world- Get the genuine. Every package has onr and is marked Tracer's, SOLS EV ERY WHEI1E. no 35-1 BUY ONLY CANYONVILLE MILLS ' FJLOUK ' THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURE D FROM ONLY the bent of wheat. I have for sale also Bran, Shorts, rv'id Middling, Baejn, Hani, Lard, etc. Tured in the most s ieutiiic manner. Purchaser wit Jo ine a favor tw inspect my etoclt at the Canyon vilL