" - - 1 j ! TIIE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, SEPT. 22, 18S3. Adventurers in Council. Boss Mabone, Fort Pillow Chal mars, United States Marshal Longstreet, Col lectors of Internal Revenue Brady and Craig of Virginia, Congressman Jef fords, Editor Gorham, Duellist Cash, says the New York Sun, and other re jmdiators and officeholders ' and office (seekers, have been holding a conference fit Washington to organize a move- went " in the South, These hungry patriots are loud in their professions of devotion to Presi dent Arthur. They are all Arthur men, and propose to support hiax as the ' Republican candidate for President in 1884, if he -will, meantime, support them. They believe in the efficacy of patronage generously bestowed. Outside of Virginia these adventur ers cannot muster a corporal's guard. They represent public sentiment just as the three tailors 'of Tooley street did when they assumed to speak for the people of England. Fort Pillow Chal- mere tried rto organize aa "iudepetrid" ent" convention in Mississippi, and failed ridiculously. The RepubUcan party has come to a sad pass when these substitutes for the carpet-bagger3 assume tt lead it, either 8.S Straigh touts or as purchased allies, christened by Mahone "Coalitionists." Yet they are recognized by the admin istration, and encouraged to send dele gates to the national convention by ap parent friends of the President. ' How Mahono and the monirrel crew which he leads will be received by the ,..m,l,r T?0r,nl.l,vn i nnfJnr, ro. mains to be seen. Their admission vron'tl iwtainlv he a wVnal for the - - - j o open opposition of thousands who have hitherto m?ue sacriuces for the Tartv ,nw!mlinv stnorl hv t under the most m-ovokinL' circumstances. A solid South nomnosed of these venal elements A misht control the nomination and die tate a candidate objectionable to the rank and file of the party. A result of that kind, in presence of the existing disaffection, would eggravata the pres ent troubles, and lead to a bolt. The organized Republican machine which is controlled by only a few of the voters, is kept up entirely by the cohe sion Of public plunder. All these coa litions and alliances and bargains are made by the managers, with a view of covering defections caused by the dis content and the disgust of honest Re publicans who ars unwilling to counte nance repudiation or to accept Ross Mabone as a leader. Having stolen the Presidency in 1876. and having carried the election of 1880 by barefaced corruption and fraud, the managers are now preparing to play a new game for 1884. But the exposures recently made and the expe rience of their adversaries in the last two campaigns, are obstacles in the way of success not easily removed. The men who contributed millians two years ago will hardly venture to repeat that experiment, in view of what has been disclosed to the country, and the coalition cannot survive without plenty Of money. Northern .Pacific The Chicago Times says: M The com pletion of the Northern Pacific road has been celebrated and advertised with extraordinary eclat. A large number of wealthy and distinguished gentlemen, have come from the principal states of Europe to assist in .the opening of an other great American transcontinental railroad line, which, in most of its features, even, has not its parallel in this or probably in any other country, find now for us arises an important question "What will follow from the completion of that great undertaking! , Three railway lines now interlace the opposite shores of the continent It was the intention of Congress, and it has been the expectation of the coun. try, that competition between these Jines would overrule the practice of the central line in exacting a tariff as high as traffic would bear and force a reduc. tion of rates to a more moderate and reasonable scale. Inis was tne pur- pese, at leas& it was the pretext and defense of Congress in giving away to three Pacific railroad companies almost AS many million acres of the public do main as was composed in the original porthwest territory. "As respects the Sort&ariii Pacific lailway, that pretext, interest and ex pectation have failed utterly. The Southern Pacific is to day merely sec end track of the Central Pacific, owned, managed and operated by the same jnen? upon ihe same maxim of exacting ' all that trdfic will bear. The North era Pacific has opened under a differ ent management. Will it be managed m:cording to. different policy? If it shall be, is it probable that it will re piain very long und r a different man agementl Will it be managed accord ing to different policy? If it shall be, U it probable that it will remain very ywiHMH t,K--7 w'"-111'-" ' w .Af tt.t-l'Wiu iauw.w.iiwwi4.1;jft J'y'ptj.vAwJUg-iliUwiWu KlftjrJCiWijsiSjUSjdy m rn'rare-" rr"" -- long under a different management These are questions that now have much interest for the country, and particu larly far that enormous section of peo ple who are indirectly concerned in our commercial affairs. The answer whfcli the Northern Pacific management shall make to them may be quite as import ant to the extent of1 this corporation as any effect of the extensive and brilliant stroke of cosmopolitan advertising which the genius of Villartl hs con ceived and executed. " . The Uholera! This dread scourge, whose home is in India and Arabia, is again pursuing its periodical course eastward and west- ward around the world. In the east it is decimating Egypt and ravaging the eastern border of European Russia, while in the west it has broken out with ereat Tirulence at Swatou in Chi na, in these countries tee climate, density of population and the filthy habits of the people renders it almost impossible to check the plague until it kas run its course. With the immense commerce which Europe and the United States now carry on with all nations it 18 "army possiuie mat tnese countries will escape. The near annroach of cold weather, which prevents the spread of the disease, is likely to secure immu nity during the present year, but expe rience teaches tht ifc will make its np pearance the' next. Scientists are not agreed as to mode by which the seeds ot the disease are disseminated, but all agree that a healthy diet, pure water, and an abstinence of all stimulants are almost sure preventives. It is there fore o the first importance that steps early taken to secure the utmost cleanliness during the coming season, especially in towns and cities where it is now universally neglected. How this is to be enforced in the crowded linese qters of our cities will be a to seciUe tho safet? of tLe wUifce PeoP!e on this coast. il,oxjis SEr.iriiL,s, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER Boseburg:, Oregon, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPEC TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the old stand of Coos JlEii3r STAGE gill LltfE! THROUGH TO Coos Bay in 24 Hours, This line Is now prepared to carry pa?3entrers and freight, being supplied with comfortable stages anil and careful drivers. Stajre leaves Koseburg every morning at tux o ciock. voice at HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Fare to Coos Bay $5. . SALISBURY, HAILY &CO., Propls. OAKLAND AC ABE Oakland Do&g!as Co., Or. School Year Begins Monday, September 3, 18S3. rjiurrioN per session of twelve weeks: Primary $4 00. First Grade Junior Class.. 5 00. Second tirade Junior Class. . ..''....... 6 CO. First Grade Middle Class J 50. Second Grade, Middle Class 9 00. Senior Class.......... ..10 CO, MUSIC. Twenty-four Lessons , 12 00. Use of Instrument. S 50. DKAWINQ AND PAINTINO. Twenty-four Lessons $4 00 to $12 00. 3T Send for Catalogue. CICO. T. KuSSel, Principal. Notice of Final Settlement. In the matter of the estate of Sarah Levens, de- : ceased. - - , IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for the County of Douglas. Notice is hertby given that the undersized administrator of the estate of Sarah Levins, deceased, has filed in the above entitled court his final account of the ad ministration of said estate. That said Court, by an order duly made and entered therein on August 13, 1883, appointed Monday, Sept. 24, 1883, at 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day, at the Court room of said Court, a time and place for hearing . ob jections, if any there be, to inid final acount and the settlement of said estate. This notice U published by order of Hon. J. S. Fitzhugh, County judge. , THOMAS V. LEVENS, Dated at Roscburjr, Oregon, August 18, 1833. lyuauss asw Ball, attorneys tor rtate. DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, Koseourg- The propretor of this well kn wn and popular resort wonld thank h:sjfriends or their libe ai patronsse in tne pasa and would ask for a continuance ol le same in the future. The public js informed that 1 keep none but the best brands or wines, liquors aud cigars and that I sell over the bar the cele bratd Jesie Jloore & Co.1 Kentucky Whiskies - -; A good billiard table will be found in the saloon; also the leading pauers of the world. oils ! CLARK & PROPS, HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE NAMED mill of E. Stephens and Co., we are now pre pared to furnish auv amount of the best qtuUity of .''..'';:3CTJSE3f332!2E8i" "" ever offered to the public n Douglas county. We will furnish at Uiaoiul at the IoUqwiu prices: No. 1 rouxh lumber.. ... .... , , .'. .... . . .12 per M. No. i flooring, G-'lnsh........,..,., $24 per M. Ko. 1 floori i, 4-inch . '., ..... per M. No. 1 finishing lumber .20 per M. No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 2 sides,. 24 per M. No. 1 fluishins; lumber dressed on 4 sidea, l'ir M- CLARKE & BAKER. m i a Li ft NO W PTtEPAHED TO DO ANY iml of work in his line, Heaustonea and Monuments of "all desenptions, at very low pncea aud warranted to give ample sat isfaction. ; M. SULLIVAN. T.PEET, S. HUMPHREY, A. Ii. Y. IIOVEY, C. JlUai'HREY. DOUGLAS CO. BANK, Peet, Humphrey & Co. rPRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. I Draw siht drafts on Portland, ban 1 rancisco, New York and other points. Biils of exchange on principal points in Europe. Deposits Eecsived Subject to Sight Check- FABMS FOB SALS, The iiiidcrsigucd has lor sale the following Ileal Prop erty in DougSas Coun ty, State of Oregon: A FIRST-CLASS GRAIN FARM NEAR TIIK Town of Wilbur, conta,i'ins 314 acre. IIa3 a gcod dwclliiijj house and out-huililiiifjs, and a fine or chard; alt well fenced and watered; 250 acre in grain. A desirable home stnd very cheap. ONE FARM CONTAINIXS 332 ACRES, 125 OF which is plow land in cultivation, balance pas ture; all fenced; we'd watered; Rood improvements and orchard. 0! NE SECTION OF LAND NEAR TIIE TOWN of Scottsburg; SO acres river bottom, balance Ull aud timber land. AS ARM NEAR WILBUR, CONTAINING g23 acres; lso acres in jrrain, tne Daiajjce spieuuia grazing land. About 800 m ress luvel, well watered and well improvud. The crop nd &0O litad of -hcep will be sold with the land if deaired by purchaser, at A barifain. FARM NEAR RO.SEBURG, CONTAINING 320 acres, all under fence. Good farm r 'raag land. , .4 FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 640 ACRES JTi. 12 mile from Koseburg; 125 acres of good gram laud, at a bartrain. AL' RGE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM NEAR Oakland, containimr 3233 acres. Alxut 700 acres plow land, well fenced and well watered. A STEAM SAWMILL Railroad. AT DRAIN STATION ON A FLOURING KILL AT SCOTTSBUfiG. A NO. ONE FLOURING MILL FOUR MILES from Oakland, on Caupooia creek. A NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS IN TIIE CITY OF XV. Oakland. . I will sell the above real property ou rea sonable terms. For lull particulars enquire of J. C. HUTCHINSON, Oakland, Douglas County. Oregon Th Famous Unrivaled i- P 1H J' J. t . Tho Hardman Kano, A strictly first-class instrument at moderate price; Also The Popular Pease Piano ! A. L. BANCROFT & CO., . 721 Market st., San Francisco, Sole agents for Pacific Coas Administratrix Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT Xi niay coucetn, that tb.3 undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Douirlas County, Oregon as administratrix of the estate rrf J. M. M. Venablo deceased, and has regularly qualified as such, now, therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the same, duly verified, within six months from date hereof, to the undersigned, at he" residence in Oakland, Ore gon, aud all persons owing said estate are requ'.red to make immediate payment thereof; individual ac counts to ui.dersiarned and partnership accounts to Dr. J. E. Page, of Oakland. ... Oakland, Oregon. Aujrust 25, 18S3. JANE VtXABLE, Administratrix. Hermann and 13 all. attorneys for estate. sl-5 Our Bpring and Bummer Price-List No. S3, has made kits appearance improved I and enlarged. Over 20O pages. Over 3,000 illus trations. Contains quota- tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. Langtry. It costs us 25 cents for. every copy we mail nearly $50,000 per arnum. Jt makes our hair red to think of it. We 6hould have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from you. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. S7 A tS WebaA Avfira UcPy St MT4 .1L- T 1 FARMERS, LOOK! FOR TUB BEST WEARIXQ OOf For men and twj and the most durable sljoe3 for misses aid children, try thfc celebrated IEQ1T-QLAD GOODS . . Manufactured by PORTER, SLESSINGER, & CO. San Francifco. They are guaranteed to give satis faction. Will not braak in the back or rip in the side. All goods of this manufacture made by white men. No Chinamen employed. For sale by FLOED &CO, BOOTH BROS. KOSEBURG. YON CALL A. OAKLAND I E. G. YOUNG ETHOFOUTAli SALOON, JIOSEBURO, OREGON, McOTJLLOOH & CO, OXLT TEE BEST BRANDS OF "Wines,' Liciiiox-s fc CpigytirsaJ Kept or. hand, and customers will find this a pleasant place of resort. Give me a call. 3T Que door south of the iletropoiitart Ilotcr "Si JAMES DSARJXETG,'-. ilacksmitli and Farrier, OAfiliAMIK Oil; And well-known to the peqpleiof Douglas county, would resiiectf'.iHy announce that he ia prepared to do all kinds of work in his line and guarantees satis faction. HORSESHOEING A I SPl 0IALTY 1 Any fanner having a plow to sharpen ior machinery to repair will do well to t;ive me a call at my old stand. ; 1 I have a full stock of iron snd steel, end having purchased the same at a low price, can; do work, ao far as prices are concerned, cneaper tnan any wno will utuniipt competition.! J As. 1)Ivkliu, uaiUiina, Oregon. MlTHOPDra HOTEL. Tills Posalar IIosisc Situated n the center of the business portion of Uosebunr, having recently changed bands, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of 1 guest1", dining room will bo supplied with the best the The ..... -1 - With good attendance. As Mrs. Zigler has charge of the kiTchcn the cooking1 will be unexceptionable. Rates reasonable. Fro coach to and from the railroad. - LOU. ZlblER. Opposita Metropolitan Hotel, Koaebnrg. Sliavlng and Kair Ciittiiig in a Workasaniike Slaiiiicr, 1 ! li.S.&J.C. SHERIDAN v i "j (Successors to Tlios.' P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVE3, ; GUNS, CUTLERY, ANOTLSJiERSJbUR j MSHKSG GOODS. I TIX STOKE, ROSSBURS, Or. Havinpr secured the anove business, we are pre pared to keep up its former good name for work and prices. We have the lcst of material aud aUvays a full stick of goods ou hand and it i our aim to fur nish customers with first-class articles at live and let live prices. A full stock of Iron and Steel For Sale. Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. : K. a. & J. C SHERIDAN. ; BUY TEE U3IPii A VALLEY SIfiLLS ITLOUli! FLOUE! THE BEST 3IAKRET! Address A. W. Stearns, Can : yoiryiSIc, Oregon, FOIBIEE, ONE FARM CONTAINING 431 AND 391-00 astc, IS miles from Roseliurg:, on tne Coos Bay stage road, and known a the "Eighteen Mile House." Has tfood dwelling, large barn nd outhousee, with orchard and good guuen is wel fenced. A good sized creek ot t ir ujh t!io pmee, near the house aud bam. or 'ove i ,ance rolling land. Grain, grass and .1 icnty of timher for fue!, fencing and build ng urposes. Is a good tavem stand, be inar near th foot of coast ranye of mountains Toll gate and utage station adjoining.. Climate health v, water pure. Terms, ymn cosh and part ou liberal ime. ALSO ADJOINING A FARM OF 199 ACRES, with good dwelling and barn aiid outbuildinifs with a hearing orchard One-half plow land and bal ance timber laud, and all well watered. Thusc farm? will be sold either together or eeperatelv, to suit purchasers. Apply to Hermann & Ball, Koseburg, Oregon, j A LSO, 427 ACRES NEAR TIIE TOWN . OF XX. Lookiij" Glaus, in Douarlas couutv. 125 acres of plow land of the best quality, balance pasture laud, with plenty of oak aud fir timber for fuel aud fenc ing. All well watered, with dwelling barn and good orchad. Price $4,000. One thousand down, balance on easy term. A fee simple title guaranteed. En quire of& Hermann & Ba Koseburg, or A. F. Browu Co., Oakland. i "j j. miles northeast of Itoseburg, in M-unt Scott pre cliict. One hundred acre plow iand, tlie balance guod pasture land. i ell watered and all under good fence. Plenty of fir a-.i oak timber for fencing and fuel. Good farm house and barn and other outbniid ings, and 500 choice fruit tree ter.ring. Prico ftl per acre. Inquire 01 C. H. Oden, on the premises, or of 11 krm ass and Ball, attorneys, Itoseburg. Dissolution Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST uur between It. 1. McCulloch andM. A. Erentitio ; 01 the arm of R. ilcCuIloch and Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. R. 1. McCulloch remains ; In the bus ne s a-sd will settle all liabilities, and col- j lect all outstanding accounts due the firm, U. A. j Brentano retiring from the business. 1 B.T. MCCULLOCH. 9 Rosebury, Austtst 13, 183J. sh&s. smm'B cm i r; mm1 i sa fCiX?i WZ KK'sti v 7 wieaiassBJi msk.ma sets, esrssl . AS IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO CLOSE OUT Bus iness before January 1st, I have laid in a small supply of Gro ceries to last that length of time, and offer them at the following reduced ra'es: - Eight pounds Costa Rica Coffee, . . . Eight pounds ,'C" Sugar. . ...... Seven pounds Cube (white) Sugar. Bast C. O. Soap, box Thomas' C. W. B. Soap, box . . . . . Tobacco per pound. ..... ........... ... ...... . . . . ALL OTHER GOODS REGARDLESS OF COST. fve me u Call and Save Forty Per Cent. S. F. FLOED, 4BKEE93B HEKRY L. BENSON, A. M. -MISS ANNA E. DEISEN DOFFER, -DR. J. W. STRANGE, - -MISS ADDIE E. SMITH, - New buildings, first-class surroundings, low rates of tuition, cheap board. For particulars apply to IlESUY L. BSXSOX, - alStf Principal. IT 13 GH twit Jo COKES W. G. WOODWARD'S AND CUl' A 1 S3 Gl" One of the biggest and best stock of nothing but the best IVERYTHl Dont Fail 1 fA i KY ; CAM w SEE WHAT? WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT JOSEPH Hi 0 Jjj HAS TIIE LARGEST STOCK OF EVER BROUGHT TO ROSEBURG ! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DBESS GOODS, OF TIIE VERY LA EST STYLES. ALSO GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' BBADY MADE CLOTHING! D o NotFalito CJnii nnu Pis motto is Quick Sales aud 6uia!l Eexnem1)3r tho Hacs. Ihqtt Yor SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce tnat they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largest Stook3 of -..General Hardware ' Ever brotiglit to Boutin?, snd whpn adJed to their STOVE3 OF ALL PAT TKHNS and READY MADE TIN W AH1, they are prepared to declare thy hav tbt bt-8 sujply in tlwir line ol aay Iiousa m Southern. Oregon, winch they propose r miisisQ eHSAffis Mrs qm can porchaae eleewlierj. In'hashapd oi hu.ldiiij: materials k the ray 1 hcks, butts, etc, we can ofifef superior inducements to purchasers. , Tit as. Ve .an give jou bargains in the lol winjr brands of etoves, not quailed else where Buck's, Bonanza, Farmer. Utility. Dexter, Pacific, Wide West. Clarendon" Occidei Iron Kintr, Empire I'iiy, and other stoves and ranges, - The bjst of workmen ai constantly employed 10 the manufacture vt our Tinware and buyers should learn our prices. We have also tarajjina to offer in guns, such as Winchester, Sharp and -therRiPee ps well as in Shot-gun t and Pinto's W aie also Ajrents for th White Peerles and New Home Sewing Maclic ,wLUu we sell atlowestrates and warrant as coiiinle tern every respect, ' We can also supply AvcrilS and Blubber Paints," 'J 1 e best in the market, at.' .lowest ratep. Give as a call, inspect ux atock, inquire as to oar priced, and w promise to suit aJ any one can, SBEUIDAN BROS. it trn $1 . 1 . 1 '. 1 CO. 00 00. 75. 37. . . . . . .50 cents, 55 cents & CO cents. E3 'Principal. Assistant. Priucipal Commercial Department. - Music Teacher. NEW SET OF a goods ever brought to town. I use leather and have got to Seo SIo! - YOU SEE ? " ujxamino ins istoclc: rodts." - Storsf BoscTnapg. TTT F. P. HGG-AlFa tore. HAVING PURCHASED X, COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL UERGHNHD'SE WILL SELL THE SAME CHKAP TOE CASH! PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 ceats per yard. Corsets, 50 ceats. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. Costa Rico, 7 lb for $1. Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per. yard. Suitings, 12 J cents per yard. ' Fine Japanese teas, 45 cents per lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cent3. Other articles in proportion. My motto is cash sales & small profits. F. P. IIOGAN. UNTIL FURTHER WOTinin T IS u. W4H ii Ik 1 Wl I Sfl ... gUUUiS "V9 A I- AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. 1 00. White Rock and Lonsdale Mus- ' lin 10 yds. .... $1 00. Canton Flannel from 9 to 18 cents per . yard. . Ladies Brocaded Dress Good.-t, 11 cts. per yard. Cotton Batting 20 cents per yard. Brooks', Cout's and Clark's spool cot ton, 60 cents" per doz. Ladies' Calf Shoes, 1 75 per pair. Ladies' Clcth Ualmorals, 1 50 each.. Table litien from 35 to 60 cts. pr. yard. Costa Rica Cofi'ee No. 1 guaranteed, seven pounds for $1 00. . Tea, our own Brands, 37A cts. per lb. Sugars from 1 1 to 13 cents per lb. Tomatoes 1 75 per dozen. Rice No. 1 Caiolina, 8 cents per lb. And all other goods in our line in proportion. We have given yot these quotations and hoje that one and all will tiike advantage ofour price list. OAE9 JBE9THEES; T..V. . AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSE? APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S is CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINE3T VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED 1ST ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY . GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. IIEMtY GATE RSI AX AKD LOUI3 BELFIL3 hikve obuineJ the fx&hx, fur Duuglaj oount for la;.i, Continuous Concrete Pip forcciveyinsr walor. and Louis nolfflu and Geirga rrotsniiii hav obtained th riht for JauhIhuo nJ Curry countia1, and wiil soil farm or inUiviJual riiita and U pi;eat the ctwjKJit ftifure. auv aize fro.-a 1J to 22 iaches tui nUijad. Thia pi;e 13 mash ' JJheaper thaa : Wood, Iron or Lead ! It Is also well suitoi for Irrisntlin or M'.nioj purposs andean bo laid any UUtaiic without j.inU IKS? Axle . 0-seaso! Best in tho wor!d- Get the snaine. Every package Laa oar trade. mark and is marked Frazer's. SOLD EV ERYWHERE, no 35-1 BUY ONLTT . CANYON YILLE MILLS FLOU!B nill IS FLOUR 13 SIANUFACTL'RED FHOM OXLT RhJS" "L.T!?1" 1 Ior '-8 Bran, ,,,1 I !L'a Mljdilss, Bcon, Hanw, Lard, etc urea Ui the tnoxt rJentlda m .mioi- wil met lr W iasDeei. mi JUilla I -