THE INDEPENDENT. s. SATURDAY," SEPT. 15, 1883. ; Tilden. , . Many Democratic papers are taking up the cry st.irteJ by Republican jour. '' nds, of Iho old ticket for 1884. V; We are all forced to recognize the great statesman and patriot in the Sage of Graniercy Park, and should all respect " and venerate Uie love of peace and good order manifes'el by him in submitting t a vronj rather than take the chances of deluging the country in a civil war, ".The time for the old ticket was in 1880. At that time tne lioness um.King peu- - .... i.ii;.. i: . I pie would have set the seal of condem- , nation upon too greater xrr.uu mat, was ever perpetrated upon law and order t .i . ml i. :4 t.. I in any ago oi mo wouua muiy. J-the action of Mr, Hendricks in refusing t: to. take the second place upon the ticket; i that time, Tilden and the Democratic Fai IJ CIO iUl w.. v vaw Q I -t4-i viravis frt oll n rl n fiio fffAil t. I till I -1 before, and lose the advantage which , they would otherwise have had in C Q campaign tf 1880. The selt-shness of ' Mr. Hendricks has forfeited all claims .. Which he might havo to a place upon the ticket. The country has recovered from the excitement and connection I into which it was thrown by the fraud- ulent action of Congress in counting the electoral vote, And the unselfish '. action, of the greatest of statesmen Khines with a bnchter luster as time . . . . .... ,., f j-olls away from the dangers with which I the country was then threatened: TnE tariff is the rock upon which the Republican bark . will strand in Ohio, at . the coming October storm. "We hope to hear of the final overthrow of the high-protectionists in that State. A Summer Eesort. It has always been considered both healthy and polite to move once a year from homes in the sweltering interior Tupper for having furnished, free, con to camps at the margin of the sea- veyance for the ladies, and to his gal. Following this time-honored custom a lant son Frazier who manipulated the brilliant company consisting of Davis ribbons and helped us in our dilemma and wife, medical division; McClellan We spent nine days in camp and wife and son, non-professionals; Miss they went all too rapidly. Mr. Will- Gilliland, pedagogue; Miss Cleaver, col- Jector of curiosities; and Campbell, wife and baby, legal division; with Campbell as unsuccessful hunter extraordinary, en about August 1st, -boarded a train consisting of wagon and lxick and pro- ceeded towards the setting sun, as seen from the mouth of the Coquille river The trip to Myrtle Point, the first J transier, was voiu 01 tunuing kach- aTIUinf tof Kntli n-itnn gTwl Iinrt CJ"v'vru "o V", were demolished by tlie way and owed 'their safe , arrival to a liberal supply of rope, applied in proper shape to the fractures. Myrtle Point, the former head of navigation on the Coquille river, i l e a. e i s j.1 is about forty-five miles trom the ocean, We camped there one night and wore yisited by a delegation headed by B. Herman, who, as spokesman, gave us a hearty "welcome to the Coquille." The present head of navigation is at Nor- way, below Myrtle Point, to which While there we feasted on clams, mus point we proceeded next day and trans, cles, rock oysters and flounders, which jferred ourselves and baggage to the l't- latter could be caught in quantities in fcle steam propeller Ceres, presided over y Captain ;Reed and engineered by p)V via trienu aiacK, oy wncm we were treated in most hospitable fashion, . ...... ('ine uoquuie is a ueauuiui ner, witu the bordering hills, .rooping trce3 upon Its banks and piacui sunace, out it nas , doubly pleasing to us who were only too anxious to exchange wagon for boat; dnat for water and burning sunshine for breezy shade. Coquille city, which ii the proposed terminus for the Coos Bay R. R. this winter is a thriving lit fche town and bid3 fair to be the metrop olis of that section. On the evening of 1 the third day out we came in view of the ocean, and shortly after landed at Bandon, near the place of our proposed camp. Here the hunter of the party was approached by a Frenchman named Giromi, who keeps some sort of a house in that country, and charged wi th beiug a sheep herder come to work for Beu jiett jand came near being captured jbodUy and appropriated. The crowd however, consulting ita own interests Would not stand this but promptly, af ter inspection, identified their hunter, and hs was released, Having carried! our Jtwo wagon Joads of plunder about j a quarter of a mile we made camp by the side of a clear and beautiful little creek an4 Vere preparing to take a rest when we were agreeably surprised by a visit from our old friend if. P. Tupper who pieside over the fortunes of the . Ocean House, just above and command ing a fine view of beach, ocean and river. The next day wo all, of coui-se hunt the beach, each " to pursue his or Jier favorite phantom the .Doctor huting for iedine, brownine, sal-ammoniac and such; the ladies searchin? for shells, mosses and agates; McClellan supervising the whole business and the hunter terrifying the sea birds and ex" Citing ihe contempt of the sea lions by the frequent reports of his gun! There is no more beautiful spot than this IBaiidon and surroundings. There is a i enormous rock just in rront ot tue I Ocean House to the summit of which j . . Mr. 1 upper has put a ladder, from this summit can be distinctly seen the . , t-n- nver winding down the western lulls the waste of sand to the north; the . x . , . i i beach stretching away; southward and also the level plateau extending a mile cr .o inland; tier, is John place, bv the river;, the new chapel on the Kill- anrl In hut rrrpiff thp vost e hill, and last, but greatest, the vast ex panse ot ocean westwaru, witnits storms and its calms; its sunshine and its fog; jts solitude and its occasional passing vessel, all combining to mako up a ' sight too grand to be easily described by !a tvro. vWe had been in cam n onlv a , , u Jted t , b . . . t tfc Qcean , M Tum)e, for oul. express bene frout money and without ' . . - . . H gent his hack for the ladies , of courSQ and ever fcojy Jeffc abont tweive 0ciock . f ter a raoat eiliovaU(, evening . 1 . . ft VUC VA. t U- 1'iuiuiuvjiv a-wuvui w v. uu a. trip was an excursion to. China laket about four miles down the ooast. "We went for the purpose of catching trout. in which this lake abounds. There is a ge fishing boat which came ashore near thsro after a "storm, and it has been placed in the Jake. Our intention was to use this, and wo did use it but after great tribulation, for it was a lady who had the say on us, and she became in-flnsa,! .-if ins nrul aanrwllv herA fho , - . . .i man of no profession for invading the ' I sacred precincts of her Washing ground - , - upon the peaceful margin of the lake. Whereupon we adjourned, somewhat ilnwnciisr. frt th ViPOfli nnrl mIIpJ a p. " council ot war, it was determined to j assault the castle again and procure the boat, it possible. Atter soma wordy war on one sme ana assuacmsr assuv (inces on the Other tha rnmmirrPP! oamA off victorious, and all hands were soon aboard the boat and "snailing" in the beauties in good style. We returned late and felt under obligations to Mr. jams and family, Mr. Croxtonand fam- ily and Mr. Moore and family joined us before we lrft, and by their presence added to the enjoyment. . Many changes were noticeable there since two years before, the most impor- tant of which was the change in the outlet of the Coquille river, which now enters into the sea at least half a mile inrmcr norm tnan it uu tnen, tuanRS tn fUa r, W..T 6.v,1hu.v,..i " thus made a straight water way into the sea, with an average depth of nine feet. Schooners find no difficulty in going in and out of the river now and large quantities of lumber, butter and I j.i i i ? j ii ,i . other products find their way thence to San Francisco. More than 50,000 pounds of butter were shipped from John Lewis' this year. This river is desunnd, in the near future, to become a port of no mean pretentions. the river by means of an Indian or two land some small silver change. . We did not eaten any ourselves - out got all we wanted by Ifroity; Immense prepara- , ' , . . 1 , tions were oemg maue to capture ana can salmon. A large run was expected. i ua tne morning ot the tLirteenth day out'-we turned our faces homeward under the impression there is no more pleasant resort in summer than the beach o Candon, and no more accom modating people than thoso who live there. The Cere3 brought us safely to the head of navigation and we reopened our camp at Myrtle Point. All wen t smoothly here again until we went after our horses. Upon enquiring of one Mr. G. A. Crown, our man of no pro fession am legal hunter were struck with paralysis upon learning that the bill was $1G 50 for pasturing and at tending to them nine days. We first paid the bill and then went away to a lonely spot and l icked hard. Uncle Chris. Lehnherr would hi ve done the same for us for $5 and thought him self well paid. Draw your own moral. N ext day, between Myrtle Point and Dora, Mr. Croxton was stricken sud- denly and violently unconscious, and . .., fii . the Services Of the medical department were required at tne tront. it miSIOr- : ' Cl t- i m i tune Were fitter-US, however, he tailed tor we all camped together that night pretty well, at Laird's. This man Laird does not put en much stvle, but he con cluded we must be rich whxn he chaiged us fifty cents for a quart of milk, and he had several cows. One of our com pany caught sisty trout in traveling from Laird's to the summit, and was in over the summit in time for dinner. This ended our unusual experiences and we ploughed through the dust untij on the evening of the fifteenth day, late, we arrived safely at home. Altogether it was as enjoyable a trip as one could desire, excepting tlie little extortions which are liable to hapje:i in any thinly settled country. ' , UU-x o daluim, .fnp.kaon Street. Jlosebursr The pro pre tpr of this well kn iwn a?id popular resort wonui lUanK nisjinenus forltheir nbe-al patronage in the past and would-ask for a continuance of he same In the iuture, The public is informe(1 that t teep none but the. be8t brands of wires, Jiquora and cigars $3?&?lg Mu$ Whiskies A 8oocJ billiard table will be found n galooD. algo tbe leajing ers or the world. :ubba: Caeek Mills ! HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE NAMED mills of E. Stephens and Co., we are now pre pared to furnish anv amount of the best quality of ever offoreJ to the public in Douglas county. We will furnish at the mill at the following prices: No. 1 rough lumber. , . , $12 per M. No, 1 flooring, e-inch 2 per M. No. 1 iloorintf, 4-inch S2 per M7 No. I finishing lumber jer M. No, 1 finishing luinbtr dressed on 2 sides.. 4 per SI. No, I finishing lumber dressed on 4 sides. .$6 per SI. CLARKE & BAKER. M...SULLIVA TS SOW PREPARED TO DO A .NY . I ! TI . . 1.1.. I kind ot worK m nis line, jieatistones and Monuments of all descriptions, at very low. prices and warranted to give ample sat- isfactiou, ..... M. SULLIVAN. W.T.PEET, A. Y. HOVEY, II. C. IIUMPHttEY, W a HITMPHPKV t'-vttnt i a rir "n 4 ATT jJ U IjLAD VjU. 15Ai IV, pct. HuiIlllhreT & Co. mRANSACTA GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS New York and other points. Bills of exchange on principal points in Europe. Deposits Eeceived Subject to Sight Check- FABMS l Draw sisht drat U ou rornana, an rrauciseo, FOE SALE, The umlcrsigneil lias lor sale the following Real Prop erty in Douglas Coun ty, Stateof Oregon: 4 FITtST-CLASS GRAIN FARM KKAR THK i Town of Wilbur, contai'iin' 314 acre. Ila3 a gtod dwelling house and out-buildinyH, and a fine or- J chard; ail weti fom-ed and watered; 25a acre in grain. rvSE FARM CONTAINING 352 ACHES, 125 OF VJ which is plow land in ciduvation, balance is- ture; all fenced; well watered; ijood imjtroveineuts and orchard. rXli SECTION QF LAND NEAH THE TOWN J of Scottsburg-; 80 acres river bottom, balance hill and timber land. A FARM NEAR W1LWR, CONTAINING 9C3 acres; 125 acres in krrau, the balance splendid rraziiut land. About 300 aeress levoi, Wfe;i watereu nJ wtfu impr0ved. The crop and 500 head of beep will be sold with the land if desired by purchaser, at a bargain. A FARM NEAR liOSEUlKG, CONTAINING 323 acres, all under fence. Good farm or grazing land. 4 FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 64D ACRES XI 12 miles from Roeburg; 125 acres of good grain land, at a banuii. A LRGE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM NEU Oakland, coiittiiiiiuir 3233 acres. Ab nt 700 acres plow land, well fenced and well watered. A STEAM SAWMILL AT DRAIN STATION ON Railroad. A FLOURING X ILL AT SCOTTSBURG. A N0- 0;STK flouring m A from Oakland, on Calip.H.ia MILL FOUR MILES creek. A NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS IN THE CITY OF Oakland. I will sell the above real property on rea- sonable terms. For full particulars enquire J. C. HUTCHINSON, Oakland, Douglas County. Oregon The Tamons Unrivaled IP Th.9 Hardmaa Piano, A strictly first-class instrument at ; moderate price; Also The Popular Pease Piano ! A. L. BANCROFT & CO., 721 Market st, San Francisco, Sole agents fcr Pacific Coastf Administratrix Notice. JN may concern, that the undersigned has been I uuij appoinieu oy in oouniy wiun oi uoutrias I ewwty, Oregon m aduiinistratrix of the estate of J. J as such; now,'.herefn-e, all persons having cUims against said estate are notmett to present me same, j duly verified, within six months from date hereof, to the undersigned, at her residence in Oakland, Ore gon, and all persons owing said estate are required, to make immediate payment thereof; individual ac counts to ui.dersigned and partnership accounts to Dr. J. E. Page, of OaklanJ. Oakland, Oregrtn. August 25, 19S3. JANE VENABLE, Administratrix. IlKRMAXS AND Ball, attorneys for estate. sl-5 Our Spring nt Bumme Jfnce-Last Iso. 66y has made jits appearance r improved land enlarged. Over 200 pages. Over 3,000 illus trations. Contains quota tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. -Langtry. Itcofets us 25 cents for every copy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum. It makes our hair red to think of it. We should have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from you. Eespectfully, $ MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. . Sr WfthMk Atmm CUnio, UJ. J m ' f w warn f !V PI FARMERS, LOOK! TOK TUB BEST WEAKIXO BOO T For men and boj s and tlieniost durable shoes for muses and children, try the celebrated IROH-C LAD" GOODS Manufactured by PORTER. SLESSINGER, & CO. San Franci"o. Thev are guaranteed to give Batis faction. Will not "break hi the back or rip in the side. All cooda of thifl manufacture mode by white men. No Chinamen employed, b'or sale by FI,0EDCO. BOOTH BROS. E. O. YOL'NO ROSEBUEC. YONCALLA. -. OAKLAND METROPOLITAN SALOON, HOSEBURG, OREGON, McOULLOCH & CO, ONLY THE BEST BRANDS or- Wines, lifrpiors to Cigars Kept oit hand, and customers will find this a pleasant place ot reson. liivo uie a can. 13" One door south of the Metropolitan Hotcr Et JAMES DEAHLII7G, Blacksmith and Farrier, And well-known to the people of Douglas county, would reiectfuily announce that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in lu hue and guarantees satis faction. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Any farmer having a plow to sharpen or machinery to repair will do well to five me a call at my old stand. I have a full stock of iron and steel, and having: purchased the same at a low price, can do work, so far as prices are concerned, cheaper than any who will attempt competition, JAS. dkakluxu, Oakland, Oregon. .rmm Jill This lopcilar HIouc Situated n the center of the business portion of ; Roseburg, havinjftecently changed hands, haa been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of guest. The dining room will be supplied with tbe beat, the 3IAKKET AFFORDS With good attendance. A Mrs. Zigler has charge of the kitchen the cookmir will be unexceptionable. Rated reasonable, tree coach to and from the railroad. LOU. ZILEU. 'A'DhWS'E Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Eoseburg. Simving and ISair Cutting in a Workr-naulikc Mauser. R.S.&J.C. SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS INT HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, ti UNS, CVTLKRV, AN D TI NNEUS FUR NISHING GOODS. TIX STORE, IIOSEBURG, Cr. Having secured the aoove business, wo are pre pared to keep up its former good name for work and prices. We have the best of material and always a full stock of goods on hand and it is our aim to fur nihh customers with first-class articles at live and let live prices. A full stock, of Iron aud Steel TTpi- Stile. Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. His. R. S. &J. C. SHERIDAN. BUY THE m OIPQUA VALLEY UILLS;' FLOUlil FLOTJE! TIIS3 miHt SNTIIE M AKRET! Address A. W. Stearns, Can yoiivillc, Oregon. FOR SALE FARM CONTAIN-fXO 431 AND 391-00 crcs. 18 miles trom JUwebursr, on tne Coos Bay stage road, arid known as the "Eighteen Mile House." Has good uwellinr, lar?e baru nJ nuthotuee, with orchard and good ga.aen is we I fenced. A good sized creek ow tir'U;;h the pace, near the house atid bam. ' ' ar 'eve r ,.acc rolling lami. Grain, grass and ' i icnty of timber for fuel, fencing and build ng urposes. - la a good tavern fttand, be ins; near th- foot of coast range of mountains Toll gate and fctage aUtion adjoining. Climate healthy, water pure. Terms, part cash and part on liberal ime. ALSO ADJOINING A FARM OF lOfl ACRES, with good dwelling and barn and outbuildings with a bearing orchard Une-half plow land and bal artre timber land, and all well watered. These farnis will be sold either together or sepcrately, to suit purchasers. Apply to Hermann & Ball, Koseburg, Oregon. A LSO, 427 ACRES NEAR THE TOWN OF A Looking Glass, in Douglas county. 125 acres of plow land of the best quality, balance pasture laud, with plenty of oak aud fir timber for fuel and fenc ing. All well watered, with dwelling barn and good orchad. Price $4,000. One thousand down, balance on easy terms. A fee simple titie guaranteed. En quire of.t Hermann & lia ltoseburg, or A. F. ffwn Co., Oakland. -SO, A FARM OF 625 ACRES, SITUATED 11 J. miles northeast of Roseburg, in M"unt Scott pre cinct. One handrrd acres plow iand, the balance good pasture land, well watered and all under good fence. Plenty of fir and oak timber for fencing and fuel.- Gowlfajmi house and barn and other outbuild ings, and 500 choice fruit trees bearing. Price 6 per acre. Inquire of C. H. Oden, on the premises, or of HeiujASX and Ball, attorneys. Rose burg. Dissolution Xotiee. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXIST: ing bjtweeu R. 1. MeOulloch and M. A. Breutano of life linn of R. McCulloch and Co., is ttiis day dis solved by mutual consent. K. T. 31 dXilIocli reinains in the bu ne -s and will settle all liabilities, and col lect all outstanding accounts due the firm, M. A. Brentano retiring from the business. r.t. Mcculloch. Q Rosoburg, August 13, 1S83. IT OPOIilTAN INiiil nun I.OUIS ifETL.F'IJL.S, WITCUSIAIiEIlit Rosetourg', Oregon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TN WA TCHE8, CLOCKS, JEWELRY A FINE ASSORTMENT OF SPEC TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the old stand of Xi. BELFIX5. HENRY L. BENSON, A. M. MISS ANNA E. DEtSENDOFFER, - DR. J. W. STRANGE, MISS ADDIE E. SMITH, - - New buildings, first-class surroundings, low rates of tffUion, cheap board. For particulars appl7 to HENRY L. BENSON, alStf . Principal. ITCH UP efoie 3 W. 'Or. W AND BUY A ami i One of the bisreest and best stock of nothing but the best leather and have got EVERYTHING ;IN THIS LI Dent Fail to Seo Ms! f"SC 46 SAY; SEE VVIIAT1 WnY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT 1, HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF nsra EVER BROUGHT TO ROSEBURG ! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY LADIES' DBBSS GOODS, OF THE VERY LA EST STYLES. ALSO . GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' READY MADE Do NotFnllto Call and Examine his Stock! Pis motto is Quick Sales and Small rroiit3." Eemembor tho Placo. No"w York Store RoseTavrg. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, .R0SEBURG, OR'GX. They wouLl announce that they have just Largest Stocks of Ever brought to Lonziai, nt when ana ki,aux MAUb iiavak,, bf8 suj ply in their line ot , any house eiz&iH ghiajii. Tom' mm can purchas3 elsewhere. In Uie shape of building materia sunt-rior inducements to purchasers. Tiy We van give you Bargains in tne iou wiiere uucs , ponaDis, rariuur, uuiuy, uexier, I'.acinc, ... wiae West, Clarendon Occidm Iron King-, Empire City, and other stoves tnd ranees. The LBtpf. workmen arc constantly employed in the manufacture of oar Tinware and buyers should learn our prices. We have also taragins to offer in guns, as well as in Shot-gun f and Pisto's. We are also Ajrenis for th White Peerles and New TTome Seeing MaciJne whtcl we sell at lowest rates and warrant as coionle tain every respect. ' We can also supply 'J I e best in the mhrket, at. lowest ratef". ' . Give us a call, inspect ur stock, inquire as t? onr pricea, tad wS promise to snH al ny one cau. .... . gUEUlDAN PIJOS. Coos Bay STAGE SB LINE! THROUGH TO Coos Bay in 24 Hoursi Thi line li now prepare.! to carry passengers nd freisrht. being: supplied with comfortable stagres nd and careful drivers. Statre leaves Roseburg very morning at six o'clock. OlBce ai HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Fare to Coos Say $5. SALISBURY, HAILY &CO:. rpl3. - - - - Principal. - - Assistant, Principal Commercial Department. - - - Music ieacher. You do Tiiat .Pi 9C NEW SET OF jjoods ever brought to town. I use YOU SEE?" OF CLOTHING! received and now have on hand one of tho General Hardware .idled to their STOVE3 OF ALL PAT ttiey are prepared to decmre they hav th? m Southern Oregon, which they propose tlie way t us. . locks, butts, etc, we can offer iwinj? OfRncis of stovps, not eaualld sucli k$ Winchester, Sharp and JtLerEICe? jvery respect. Y! P. P. HOGAH'o im I1AVING PURCHASED A COM f PLETE ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL . . ERCHIDSE WILL SELL THE SAME CHEAP FOR CASH! PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress good., 8 cents per yard. Corsets,' 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for $1. Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per, yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard. Fine Japanese teas, 45 conts per. lb. Six 8pool8 silk thread, 25 cents. . Other articles in proportion. My motto is cash sales & small proSta. F. P. IIOGAN. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! Will sell goods AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. $1 00. White Rock and Lonsdale Mus lin 10yds......... ... $1 00. Canton Flannel from 9 to 1G cents per yard. Ladies Brocaded Dress Goods, 1 1 cU. per yard. Cotton Batting 20 cents jer yard. Brooks', Cout's and Clark's spool cot ton, 60 cents per doz. v Ladies' Calf Shoes, $1 75 per pair. Ladies Cloth Balmorals, $1 50 each. Table linen from 35 to 60 cts. pr. yard. Costa Rica ColFeo N o. 1 sruaranteed. seven pounds for 1 00. Tea, our own Brands, 37 cts. per lb. bugars from 1 1 V to 13 cents per I. Toniatees$l 75 per dozen. Rice No, 1 Oaiohna, 8 cents per lb. And all other goods in our line in proportion. We have given you these quotations and hope that one and nil will take advantage of our price list. OAR0 BE0THERS. T. W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSE? APPLE, NEXT ; DOOPw TO MARK'S & CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND) CONFECTIONERY EYER OFFERED IS ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER TILAN THE " LO WEST. CIGARETTE3 A SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. HENUT OATERMAK AND LOUIS BELFILS have obtained the riht fur lJousrlu oountT for Contiuuoas Concrete Pipe, ffrcoVyiqff wattr. and Lout BelPls and Gorf Protraun hve obtained tbe right tot Joophln nd Curry counties, and will sell farm or individual rigbu and lay pipe at the cbaapest flsrure. Any aixe troui H to 22 iachu luriiinhed. This pi(e U much (Jheaper than Wood, Iron or Lead I It is also well suited for Irrigation or Miniag purpeea andean be laid any distance without Joints. Best In the world- Get the genniae, Every package lias our trade.nark and i marked Frazer's. SOLD EV ERY WHERE, ao?54 BTJY ONLY CAN YONVILLE MILLS FLOUR THI8 FLOUR IS MAN-UFAC?rrRED FROM OXLT W best Of wheal. I have for sale also Bran Short, and Middlings, Boon, Hams, Lard, ete. eured in the most scientific manner. Purchaser wil o me favor W Inspect my stock at therenyonvill - . W. KBAMBKT Q&RQ if" r - V