THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, SEPT. 8, 1883. Th Political Cauldron. Public atteotioa ia centered upon the great States of Ohio and Pennsylvania Should the Democracy succeed m car-1 I rying either of those States it would presago a certain victory in ioe i. Ihe Democracy can count, with good chances of success, without either of those States. But the Republicans will have to be assured f both or their dent is out of the question and their chances for success are hopelessly lost, ,-o . . , . i t u- Iu Pennsvlvama the stalwarts and halt in j.cuujnaiu4u.o oKM ui cruo i o ia.Kiij fight for Governor waxes warm and at present both side3 seem confident of success; with the Republicans the issue . . . . rru is assuming nauonaipropoiuons. xm J I State in October will be a Waterloo , -which they cannot withstand, have im- pining States, aimed with the mum- tions of political warfare, and will spare neither raoneyMior means to elect their candidate for Governor, who seems to lack tha personal popularity and magnetism which characterize gna' leaders. The action of the late Repub- lican Congress upon the taruT question two sons to live with him in his house has incens'ed tho farmers of that great on tLo opposite side of the road which , . 1V . iu e his from the Alhofl puce. JSo wool-rowin2 section who, in. public . , , . i. . v i i siu o v , ! steps had yet been taken by the ad nun meetings all over the State have con- i8tratr;x or tiny one else toward com demned the ac'tion of Senator John plet'n AlholFs prc-emptior. In July, Sherman and the majority of their R.- 187, the United States survey was mil klino nAnnrvoaomon men in voting to in- crease the tariff on wool and at the Bame time increasing it upon manufac tured woolen goods. At tho same time they have unanimously endorsed the stand taken by Senator Pendleton upon this question. The Republican leaders Beoing ths disintegration of the fitrm- iDg community from their ranks, will resort to their old method of carrying lections bv the use of money in large cities. It is only a question as to who will win. October will soon roll round and by the result we will be enabled to determine what effect the tactics re" sorted to by Dorsay to carry Indiana in 1880 will havo upon the election in 1884. -I The Chinese Question- The decision recently rendered by Judge Nelson of the United States circuit court of Massachusetts in the case of the United States vs. John C. Douglas, is regarded with much alarm and serious apprehension by the people of tie United States. Especially is it 80 regarded on the Pacific coasc. Tlii3 case waj one wherein Douglas was accused of violating tho congres pioual act of May 6, 1882, by landing within our borders one Ah Hong, a Cuinese suljoc .Ike court reviews I this act, prohibiting Chinese immigra tion, and gives to it a judicial construc tion con form able to Massachusetts sen timent on this question; dismisses the action and holds that Douglas has not effended against the laws of thi3 coun try. The manner in which he evades the letter and spirit cf the law, is by Baying that Ah Hong shipped from Honsr Konjrand that ho is a resident of a port o the - British government, and therefore tho act of Congress prohibit" ius the immigration of Chineso labor rs does not apply to him. If such a construction as this is to prevail then the ' Chinese act," which was procured after such a struggle, is without any force whatever. By this extremely technical decision tho pro- iapfinn w1i?rh wmo nnnrrlit. fnv nnil tlif benefit to be realized by the peoplo is . , - lateen away ironi mera. The decision makes at least 1 f( An ft 1UU,UUU Chineso persons resident in T-r ion?r o Kong eligible for emigration to the United States; it opens the gateway to fraud, so that the act is impracticable and easily avoided by every Chinaman who wishes to emigrate to this country. The same spirit of sentimentality which prompted President Arthur to veto the first anti-Chinese bill, passed in 1882, has again found expression through the 3 :. c .i -mi- i . .. . medium Of the Massachusetts COUrt. The New York Times expresses the feelings of our people -when it says: "It Tl, Wain Vi.l. rp- ..,r 4.1, XheNeW York limes expresses the will fill with dismav thosfl who Itivp viu uii wun uismay iuoso no naei nffcmnfftd to sot un a linlwarlr rn" flip ":-t, a time and place for hearing ob aueinptea to set up a uuiwarh. on me jectios if any tbere be to sai l fina, Moimt and the Pacific coast against the influx of cheap fY'nfe?i?f TicfL Jhi noUce is pnbibhed by o x order of Hon. J. S. titzhugh. County Judge. Chinese labor. If the customs officers , . . thomas v. lev-ens, Dated at RoseDurff, Oreim. August IS, 1363. f the United States are to be reouired hereafter to discover among the intend ing immigrants which of them are Can tonese, and therefore entitled to be classed a Chinese laborers prohibited by law, they have an arduous task to perform." It remains to be seen how the coui ts "will finally determine this question be, fore it can be definitely known whether or not the Chinese restriction act of 1882 a dead letter. j Thk irrepressible J. H. Upton has started a Dew paper the Curry County Recorder in the woods of Curry county, at Denmark. Tbo paper looks and reads well. Success, Brother Upton. Subscribe for the Ixppexde;;t. Pre empted Lands The following decision that mere oc cupancy of public lands without resi dence gives no title, may Lfc of value to pre-emption settlers in this Stale: In the case of the Stockton building and loan association against Chalmers . il ' 1 c i. that the litiro ncrntintifw fir onrcrmiKMit, ,anJ nQ olher stepl iu the direction of pre - emption having been taken by the occupant during Im life, or by his ad- mimstrator or liens alter ms ueatn, notwithstanding that the probate court may have set apart the land as home stead for the family of the deceased, does not stand in the way to prevent a third party f torn filing a pre-emption claim for the same land, lne setting apart bv the probate court does not r 1 ,. e . e nor (jlgp0se 0f the steps requisito to outam a pre-emption utie. In this case one AlholF entered upon a piece of uusurveyed government land, extending his occupancy over about 23 acres. He put on it a dwelling house, bam and whl(J ,mJ 1)lanteJ a vineyard, and lived" on it till his death, a period of twelve years. He left a widow and two sons, the widow an- pointed, aujumstratpx. in xne same I rfli fhof A IIiatV rlftkri flirt v.rril fi f A prill !'t ;et apart the tract as a homestead fcr the widow and two sons. This was in 18G7. In Ma, 1869, the defendant, Robert Chalmers, was appointed guar- dian of the sons, who were then mi nors, but tiled no inventory or report. In July, 18G9, the widow married Robert Chalmers, who took her and her completed. Robert Chalmers t.ien hietl a. pre-emption claim including ms own residence and also something over nine acres of the Alhoff tract, beina the portion upon which the Alhofl dwelling, barn and wine collar were sit uated, and obtained a United States lies natfiivt thniefof. I f a afterward - cuted to the plaintiff in this suit, a moi rgago upon the Jand for which he had obtained a patent. The suit was brought to foreclose that mortgage and the two sons, who in the meantime had attained their majority, were admitted as intervening- attendants. Iliev claimed that the United States patent obtained by Chalmers, so far as it re lated to the Alhoff tract, was held by him in trust for their use. Thev also relied on the action of the probate court in setting the tract apart as a homestead. Ihe Supreme court de cided agaicst them on both points. TOs?P3D BOWELS, DEOORDfZnSD LEVEES, nr.d f ' From these bourcea tuisetiuee-fourlnsoi the diseases of the huniau raee. Eyiflptomaindicate tlieircustor.ce : Iiosa at Appetite, Ilovvt-li costive, fcilcSt liead Rce, fullness after eatiug, averaloa to exertion cf toc3y r nilsiil, Eructation cf fooil, iBTiiability Cf tesaper, Iotv spirits, A feoliaf? ef Sifrriiafr .4cslected e.imo dnty, 3iizziiacs,FlKtic5riiisratt3 Heart, S)oi3 before tho eya,iiislsJy coi cretl t?rie, C03I5T2i?A,?IA, and Us xrjanltj.3UGO ofarcraeslythat acta Girocti; oa tho fiver. A3aIjivorrcdicinoriUTT'a Ir.31.a havo no canal. Their action cn tha Kidneys ana Skin is also prompt ; removiag all ioouritic3 these thrco ' wav ns?ra of tho ByEtozn," producing nppo- vrirli dailv work and arcs a nerfoct AFITI9QTS riALAHffA. p liq n rr .1-.- Cat llxm cn Wrnsip-KS chansticl in- ttmt'y to a Gissr Black by a slr.flo ap plication cf thla Dte. Sold by Drutjsisw, or eer;t by exprcs3 on receipt or $ 1 . OfJcn,44 Murray EtroPt, Ksw Y'orlc. T'JTT'S m:ttk C? liSHFUL RECEIPTS OAIII4AITD nk!j5M! RonwIi f o flr iUii.4...i, Wilm LO., r. Schflft YaarRpirinsMnn.iitf. .WemhAr 3. ISM " ""'"w """" I rPUITION PER SESSION OF TWELVE WEEKS I Primary $4 00. Primary First Grade Junior CIas. .... . . i . . 1 .n. . . . 5 00. i 00. 7 50. ft 00. I CUIIIU UliiilU llttillHI viass.... First Grade Middle Class Second Gr.ule. Middle Class1 Senior Class 10 CO. aiL'otc. Twenty-four Lessons 12 00. Use of Instrument 2 60. DRAWING AM) PAINTING. Twcu,i-four Lessons.. i 00 to m 0. &3" Scud for Catalogue. UeO. T. ilUSSrIS, Principal. Notice of Finn! Settlesnciit. In the matter ol the estate of Sarah Levcna, de p the county court of the state of J. Ore'-'on for the County of Douglas. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned adn.ini.-trator of ceased. I tno estate ot baran jbevm-j, ueceasea, nas.nicd in the nbove entitled court his final account of the ad ministration of said estaie. That said Court, by an order duly made and entered therein on August 1.:, 1SS3' appointed Monday, Sept. 21, 18S.1, at lo o:!: k A. Mi of day at the Court room of iimmans axp iiali,, attorneys for estate. Administratrix Notice. TOTICE is hereby given to whom it XI may concern, that the undersigned ha been duly appointed by the County Court of Doue;i; g County, Oregon as administratrix of the estate of J. M. M. Venable deceased, and has regularly qualified as such; now, therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are notified to present the enmc duly verified, within six months from dats hereof, to the undersigned, at her residence in Oakland, Ore gon, and all persona owing said estate are required to make immediate payment thereof; individual ac counts to ui.dersizned and partnership accounts to Dr. J. E. Page, of Oakland. Oakland, Oregon, August 25, 1RS3. JANE VENABLE, Administratrix. Hermans and Ball, atton.ejs for estiite. sl-5 Kissolutioii Notice. THE C0PARTXEPJ5!IIP HERETOFORE EXIST ipjr b .tween R. 1 . McCulioch and M. A. 1 retitano of the fir.inif R. McCuiloch a:iJ Co., is thi day dis solved by nnitu il consent. U. T. Mc'.'uVnich remains in the bm'iie s and will s.e!iie a.l liabilities, and col-, lect all out t-ir.diiig aecouiits due the lirrr, M. A. Brentano retirisi ' from the business. TtJTTS - li.T. M.CILLOC'II, 13, , Administrator's Nctice of final Settlement. ATOTICE IS II EREIiY GIVEN THAT THE L N DER 1N sijrnwl has tiled his final account in the County Court of Dou-las county, State of Oregon, as admin istrator of the etate of C. F. Kullman, deceased, and the Judge cf said County Court l.y an order duly made and entered, lias appointed and fixed Monday September 3d, 1S3, for the hearing of objections, u any there be, to said tlnal account, and the seitlcuieiit of &uid estate. By order of J. S. FITZIIUGII, County Judsje. B. BROCK'' AY, AUumudirevor. Attest: G. W". Kimball, Co. Clerk, llosebur-, Or., July 3d, 18S3J Jy21w4 DRY'S SALOON, lloscburg- Jackson Street, The propretor of this well kn wn and popular resort wonld thank UJaJfrlenUs for their libe al patronage in the past and would ask for a continuance of he same in the future.. The public is informed thatkeep none but the best brands, liquors and cigars and that I sell over the bar the cele bratd Jese .Moore & Co.'s Kentucky Whiskies A good billiard table will be found in the saloon; also the leading paoers of the world. HI Ga'es Mills ! HAVING PURCHASED THE ABOVE NAMED mills of E. Stephens and Co., we are now pre pared to iuruish auv amount of the best quality of ever offered to the public in Douglas county. We w'.ll funiicih at the mill at tho following prices: No. 1 r.)u ,'h lumber $12 lr M. No. 1 floorm,', -:nch X21 per M. No. 1 tloori iV, 4-tu jh per M. No. 1 finishing lumber. .'. . .20 per M. No. 1 miishin lumber dressed on 'I sides. .4f21 per M. No. 1 finishing lumber dressed on 1 bides. .5'2(5 st M. CLARKE & BAKER. SULLIVj r4 fS NOW PREFAKED TU DU AJ i I kind of work m liw hue. lleadatones ami Monuments of all descriptions, at very luw prices and warrauted to give ample sat isfaction. S jLIVAX. W. T. FEET, W. S. HUMPHREY, Y. HOVEY, C. HUMPHREY. DOUGLAS CO. BANK, Pcct, Humphrey & o. rfRAN.SACT A OEXEUAL BAXKIXO BUSINESS. X Draw sight drafta on Portland, San Francisco, New York and other points. Bills of exchange on principal points in Euroe. Deposits Seceived Subject to Bight Check. fab: F03 Tlie Gder.sigi;c(l lias for sale the following Ileal Prop erty hi Doisgkis Venn- ty, Stateol'Cregon: A. FIRST-CLASS GRAIN FARM NEAR TIIK J. Town of nil bur, contai'im-,' 314 aeres. lias a tf.d dwelling honse and out-hundiiiys, anil a line or cluird; all well fuiiecii and watlred; 250 acres in Lfiaiii. A desirable hoiuc and very cheap. ONE FARM CONTAINING 352 ACRES, 12.1 OF which is plow land in cultivation, balance pas ture; all fenced; well watered; i;ooJ improvements and orchard. ONE i BECTI of Seottsbt jECTION OF LAND NEAR THE TOWN fturf-; 80 acres river bottom, bulanue l.ill ind timber land. A FJy Y acr Ti.r x-r. r it'll i.T-Ti tAVTi iviv.'i r acres; lia acres m grraui, the baianeo SIe!iiUil fAft.ll II L.'llb II 1 Ij'.L IV, U.Il.lMl.lll yj ifnizinsj land. About .'(hj ucre-s level, well watered anil well improved. Tha crop and 500 head of i-heep will he sold wifli the land if desired by purchaser, at a A FARM NEAR ROSEBLRG. CONTAINING 323 jt acres, ail under fence. Good farm or grazing land. FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING 543 ACRES ni Uosebury; llo acres ol i'ood gram sain. I i lkge stock and oralv farm near A Oakland, 3233 acrcj. Alxut 700 -4- acres jtlow land, well fenced and well watered. A steam sawmill at drain station on i Railroad. A FLOURLXG X1LL AT SCOTTSBURO. A A SO. ONE FLOURING MILL FOL'it MILES from Oakland, on Calipooia creel;. XI. takland. I will sell the above real property on rea sonable terms. For fall particulars enquire of J. C. HUTCHINSON, Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon. Tfca Hardman Piano, A strictly first-class instrument at moderate price; Also The Popnlar Pease Piano A. L. BA NCROFT & CO., 721 M-vrkot st, San Francisco, Solo agents fcr Pacific Cqoh Our Bprini? and Bumme Fnce-lost No. 33, has made kits appearance improved I and enlarged. Over 200 pages. Over 3,000 illns trations, Contains quota itavblo Works The Famous iiirivaleu tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull and Mrs. Langtry. It costs us 25 cents for every copy we mail nearly $50,000 per acnum. It makes our hair red to think of it. We ehould have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from you. Respectfullv, i MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. gr 8g WalHub Ayb Cbieae, IU. a FAR BIERS, LOOK! FOR TUB BEST WEARIXSJ For men and w s and the most durable hoc3 for mia-iCd aii J children, try the celebrated lEOl-T-CLiAD GOODS JLmufacturcd by PORTER, BLESSING ER, & CO. San Francisco. Thev are truaranteed to give satis faction. Will not break in the back or rip in the tdde. AH goods of this manufacture made by white men. No Chinamen employed. For saio by FLOF.D & CO. - ROSEBURO. BOOTH BROS. E. O. YOUNG YONCALLA. OAKLAND WTP.0?0UTA?3 SAL93H, llOfcEBUKO, OREGON, HcCULLOOH & CO, OXLY TRE BEST BRAXDS OF Kept on hand, and customers will find this a pleasant place of resort. (Jive nic a call. S3T One door south of the Metropolitan Hotcr T3i JAMES D2AIH.IITG, Blacksmith and Farrier, And wcil-known to the people of Douglas comity, would respectfully an.iounec that he is prepared to do all kinds of work m his line and guarantees satis faction. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Any fanner having a plow to sharpen or machinery to repair will'do well to ifive me a cull at my old stand. 1 have a full stock of iron and steel, and hnvin purchased the same t a low price, can do work, so far as prices are concerned, cheaper than any who will attempt 'competition, J AS. PEARLING, - Oakland, Oregon. METilOPOLITAN This -Popular Mouse Situated n the center of the business portion Of Koseburj;, having recently changed hauds, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of guest'. The dining room will be supplied with tho besi. the With irood attendance. As Mrs. Zi''ler ha:i charge of ihe kiLehen the cookin w ill be unexccitioniible. Kates reasonable. Fr cuavb to a:ul from the railroad. LOU. ZIoLER. a Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Ecsebtirg. Shaving Kair C'uttisis ui a R, S. & J. C. SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARP-WARE,! TINWARE, STOVES, UUNS, CUTLERY, AN L TINNERS t L R NLillKxU UOOUS. TIX STOfi, ROSS5I'Ii, Or. Ilavms: secured tho aoove business, we are pre pared to keep up its! former good name for work and prices. We have the best of I material and always a full stock of goods on hand atjd it is our aim to f ur ciwtouieM wish lir.-,t-o!asi articles at live and let live prices. A full stock of j Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. K. S.!& J. C. M1ERIDAN. . BUY THS I U35SUA. VALLEY MILLS FX.OXJ11! piOTXR! THE BEST IXTSB SSAKRET! Address A. W. Stearns, Can yonvi!!e, Oregon. j . FINE fUlIIMS SAL ONE FARM CONTAINNCi 431 AND 301-00 acres, IS miles from Hos-ebur, on toe Coos Hay stagti roxd, and known as the i"Kitf!iteen Mile House." Has pood dwelling', larije barn 'iid outhousee, with orchard and good ya.Uen M wel fenced. A pood sized ereek fir ugh tle pmoe, near the house and bam. ar 'eve o .iniic rolling hind. Orain, jjrass and . 1 icnty of jtiinher for fuel, fencing- and build njf urposes. Ii a g-ood tavern stand, be-in-i near tht foot of coast ranire of mountains Toll gute and stage station adjoining. Climate liealthy, water pure. Terms, part eaili and part on liberal hue. -j ALSO ADJOININft A F!AP.M OF 100 ACRES, with (rood dwelling and; barn and outbijiluintfs with a bearing orchard Onefhalf plow land and hal ance timber land, and all well watered. These farms will he sold either tog:ethc or seperately, to suit purchasers. Apply to" Hermann A: Hall, iioiieburff, Oregon. j ALSO, 427 ACRES NllAIl THE TOWN OF Looking 01as3, in Dwlas county. VlTi acres of lilow land of the best quality j balance pasture land, with plenty of oak aud fir tinlibcr for fuel and fenc ing. All well watered, witl dwelhmr barn and good orchad. Trice $4,000. One jthonsand down, balance on easy termS. " A fee simplfe title enaranteed. En quire ofi Hermann & lit Ir.wn Co., Oakland. Koseburg-, or A.j F. A -SO, A FARM OF a2. AcRES, SITUATED 11 miles northeast of Itoebkir, in M-unt Scott re cinet. One hundred acres piow iand, the balance lhkkI pasrure f!Kl. well watered and all under good fence. Plenty of fir a'd oak j timber for Uniting and fuel. Good farm house and tarn and other outbnild ingi, and 500 choice fruit wets bearing1. Frice $d per acre. Inquire nfC II. Odenj on tlie premise.-;, or of Hermann and Ball, attorneyjj, lto.burtf. Notice ol ; 8ettlcmcnl "VfOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN" TilATTHE UXPER 1.1 signed las Hied his flnalj aeeoutit iu the County Court for l)ouf!a.4 County, State of Oreg-rt'., as a'iniin istrator of lhceUt of Oe.5 E'r.I, dcctJurd, a -d the Judye ot sai l County Ctiiirt, by an order duly made ana entcretl, Iim appoiiited a..d fixed Monday, the 3d day of Srtvinber, lSi'l, at ten clock a. m for tbe beai insr of any object mk, ii any uiere tie, lo tleif.eiit of tui'jl estate. E.nd nnal neeount and the si By order of J s. FlTpiCwii, Co. Jv.dgi. A. ti. OX, Aorair.iBtrator. BOOTS, Jtoscburg, Or., July 2d. .JL.OTJIS JBIST.F'IJUs?,. WATIOIAKE2l & JWE?jER Oregon. WHOLESALE ASTD RETAIL VA TCIIES, DEALER TN CLOCKS, JEWELRY A FIXE ASSORTMENT OF SPEC- TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. , Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the old stand of Zi. BSLFIIiS. HENRY L. BENSON, A. M. MISS ANNA E. DEISEN DOFFER", - DR. J. W. STRANGE, MISS ADDIE E. SMITH, New buildings, first-class surroundings, low rates cf tuition, cheap board. For particulars apply to HESUY L. BEXSOtf, alStf , Principal. HITCH U OH1' . M AND BUY A .iJ Cy UJ One of the bluest and best stock of ncthincc but tho best Bent Tail 4 v. 6i FA ikY : CAM ISolliij, w SEE WHAT 1 WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF EVER BROUGHT TO ROSERURG ! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY LADIES' DRESS GOOD; OF THE VERY LA GENTLEMEN READY MADE CLOTHING! D o TSTot "Fail to Cxill mitl EKamino Jii Stoolc! Pis motto u Quick Sles and Smul 1 Seaeaibarttio Plaos, ITcw York Sto?s, Sosolsurg. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, JIOSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largast Stocks - of G-easral Hardwaro Ever brought to Doaila, nd when adiod to their STOVES OF ALL PAT TKJiXSand HEADY MADE TINWAUK, they are prepared to deciar tli-y have the bcsk 8Uj ply in their line ot a.iv houso in Southern Oregon, which they propose aiiSHS can purdiase eteewherp. Iu hutihnpe of budding materials Ik superior inducements to purchasers. Tij W e .an trivts you oarfraios in the ioJ nviug brands of stoves, not equalled else where Buck's. Bonanza. Farmer. Utility. Dexter, Pacific, "A He West, Clarendon Occulei I roi. Kin Tj Empire City, and olher stoves and ranges. The Lett of workmen af: cqnetnutJy employed m the manufacture of our Tinware and buyers should learn our prices. Wo have also Uraojns to offer in guns, such &s Winchester, Sharp and ther Rife i-s wh;1 as in Shot-j; uns and Pisto's. AVe RTe also Asretus for th White Peeries and New Home Sewing Machine ,whk- we sell at lowest rates and warrant as couiole te ir every respect. We cau also supply 'J ' e best in the market, at. i lowest rate?. Give us a call, inspect )ur alock, inquire any one cau. Coos Bay STAGE LINE! THROUGH TO Cocs J3ay in 24 HoarSi Ti.uiinola nnw nrftnare l to carrv" cassentrers and freight, beinir supplied with comfortable stapes and and oareful drivers. Stase leaves Hosibu-.-g every niorninir at six o'elock. Oi'lee -c HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE. Fare to Coos Bay $5. SALISBURY, HAILY &C0., ols. Principal. - Assistant. Principal Commercial Department. - - Music Teacher. o- Tliait 13 f Is? w W OBWllB'i 1 1 I NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. I use leather and have got 5 p S? fi at n to Sco lol 3 fl 9 YOU SBE?" ;s rs TBk re. OF EST STYLES. AND BOYS' ALSO i'roiits." TUMt &2T3T 0113 : the way c us. locks, butts, etc, we can offer as to cur prices, and promise to suit ah ill Eli IP AN BKOii. P. -p. HOG-AW's tot HAVING PURCHASED A C03I PLETE -ASSORTMENT OF GENERAL WILL SELL THE SAME CHEAP FOR CASH! PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per yard. Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for $1. Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12h. cents per yard. Fine J apanese teas, 45 cents per lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Other articles in proportion. -My motto is cash sales fc small promts. F. P. HOG AN. UNTIL FURTHER H0TIOE ! EX mi' Will sell goods AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. 1 00. WJiite Rock and Lonsdale Mus lin 10 yds... $1 00. Canton Flannel from 9 to 1G cents per yard. - Ladies Brocaded Dress Good., 11 els. per yard. Cotton Batting 20 cents per yard.. Brooks', Coat's and Clark's spool cot ton, 60 cents per doz. Ladies' Calf Shoes, $1 75 per pair. forties' Cicth Hal morals, '$1 50 each. Table linen from 35 to GO ets. pr. yard. Costa .Rica Coffee No. 1 guaranteed, seven pounds for $1 00. Tea, our own Brands, 37 cts. per lb. Sugars f rem 11 to 13 cents per lb. Touiatees $1 75 per dozen. Rice No. 1 Caiolina, 8 cents per lb. And all other goods in oar lino in proportion. Ye have given you theso quotations and hope that one and all will take advantage of bur price list. CAILO ERGTHEBS; T.,W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S & CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED IS ROSE BURG, AT PRICED LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A bTNE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. HENRY GATERMAN AND LOUIS BELFILS bave obtained tho riht for loula8 county for laying Cozitinnous ' Concrete Pipe, forconveyinif water, nd Loiils Belflla and Georpe Protsman have obtained the right for Jonophine and Curry counties, and will tsell farm or individual rijrtit antl lay pijieatthe ctmpet flijiirea. Any size frjia li to 22 iuched furnished. ThU pipe ia liiuch Cheaper than Wood, Iron or Lead I It is also well suitel Irri;ition or Mining purpos andean be laid any distance" without Joints. Axle Grease! Best in the world- Get the genuine. Every package has our trademark and is marked Frozer's. SOLD EV ERY WHERE, no 35-1 BUY ONLY CANYON VILLE MILLS THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURED FROM ONLY the best of wheal. I have for sale also Bran, Shorts, and Middlings, Bacjn, Hams, Lard, etc. jured in the hiort s ientifle manner. Purchasers wil Jo me a laror W inspoot uiy gtock at the Canyonvill fob fill FLOUR Bo.xy.irj, Aayiijt