. " - ; V . t ft WWWrt THE INDEPENDENT. ATURDAJ, AUGUST 18, 1SS3. " " . The Oregonian, in a Inst fainting .wail for the Portland capitalists who .are compelled to pay their "proportion of taxes by the operation of tho mort- as gage tax law, commences a column of bnlderdafah " with the following sen- j tence: "Even though it ler true that the purpose to tax credits in our State is iirmlv fixed and never will be aban- doned. the fact does not prove, because Dothinf can nrove. that tho policy is anything but an unscientific one, con- detuned everywhere by an intelligent experience. Every attempt to tax ; , ,i 1 11,-.. n nwl-n ta lnprnvvpv. or debtor, nav the tax, not "to the State, but to the lender This is elementary and axiom- a tic" If it is true that it is the borrower who is compelled to pay the tax, then why is it that all the complaint comes from the ii:h capitalists whom the op- eratiou- of the .law shows have been, in years pa?t, evading the payment of taxes, both State and local, upon their monoy. Here in Douglas county alone j more than 60,000 will be added to the taxable propqly of the county, under the new law, whWi heretofore was un- taxed, and this tax will have to be paid Jy persons ab'e to bear their share of the burdens of taxation. On all, or nearly all f these large suras the borrower is paying the high jest contract rate allowed by law, and the lender can charge nothing more and will take -nothing less, regardless of tho tax. Then how and in what jvay is the borrower compelled to pay to the lender the f. mount of this tax? An,l n if li tVuh Ins Und .navs no . . ,a .Un t -,-, vn tor linn Ina rwchn 'S. WHO hat- " , ' , 1 pens to uo so unioriunawj a w wut .of debt. . That the moneyed power would de- - n.a vomf. hiir ; . , , . . j accumuiateu weaim irom taxauu.i mm iorco nonest jauor iu ui;ui vhkhc burdens of government, is self-evident from th9 strenuous exertions they are matins to defeat t'je rnortgace tax law. That the Origonian and the par'y of Mhich it is the leader .should lena them- selves for such' base purpose, is not to be wondered at; but to attempt to con vince tho people that they themselves will be injured, by forcing capitalists to pay their j usb share of the tuxes, exhibits an amount of "cheek" never before exhibited in Oregon. When it asserts that the policy of taxing credits is condemned every where by an intelligent experience, it challenges the intelligence of nearly everv State in the Union. It was ow- jng to the persistent effort of capital to that permanence of tenure of office for escape taxation, and the conflicting de. the mass of the subordinate civil ser- o nnvf f Poli vice is undemocratic and aristocratic cisions of the bnpremo Court 01 Call- . , T, . . , . forma upon the constitutionality of the ocratg cd this permanence of ten mortgage tax law of that State, that u re as a matter of course, ar.d were brought about their new constitution, in which the organic law of that State j i 1 i in f r.,c declares in unmistakable tcims on thi3 . question; in which convention there was fully as much enlightened intelJi- sary to run tho Ore- so was John Quiney Adams, the great est living representative of the north- cence as is necess onian. Doubla Officers. In Japan the Emperor always ap pointed two men to fill the same civil ofiice und.r the government with Ihe purpose of making each a spy upon the pther and thus securing the honest per formance of its duties. This .novel idea has Ijeen introduced into the United States and now in addition to regular revenue, land officers, Indian agents etc., who ? re sworn and give bonds, we have an unknown number pf special agents who roam aronud the country of their own sweet will at the government expense for the purpose of examining the regular, officers and their manner of doing the business. It is the duty of tho special to pounce down upon the unsuspecting ofncial and detect him in dereliction of duty, some private arrangement with a bank, dis tiller or brewer which would insure to his private beneSt. If the newspaper reports are to be taken as truo this pre paration is not entirely unnecessary. It is expensive however and foreign to our form of goverment, and we would suggest that th??3 trusted specials should have been appointed to the ofiices in the first place. Arrival of Immigrants. -A San Francisco dispa'ch to the Standard says: The Immigration Association of California reports the arrival of 1402 immigrants ill this State during the week ending to-day. A large majority of the arrivals are Swedes. Next week members of the association pro pose making an examination of gov eminent lands in Sacramento Valley, embracing parts, of fourteen different counties. Stage Robbed. A Prescott, A. T., dispatch of August 13 says: The stage Iroui Asp iork to Prescott was robbed oy two massed men last night, about six miles this side of the former place. Two men and one woman were passengers. Tao robber took Weils, Jargo Co.'d box. Labor Organizations. The strike of the telegraph operators still continues and Las lately been in- creased by the oneiators upon several o the railroad lines giving up their- keys. The companies insist that they have their full complement of men and that .their business is being carried on usual, but the nwasn-e press dis. patches give the lie to this statement. The, public would readily excuse the quantity if what was sent was impor- tant, iut it now recieves only the criraos anj equalities at places that nobody ever heard of and nobody car3 to read. We are glad to know that the strikers hold bravely out and the Western Union monopoly is sufTering for its gteed and extortion. Y hcther or not tho oper ' lUOrs tLeir point it 13 certain they haye adopted the only course that could insure success, that of forming a .0 protective association. As individuals thy were powerless, but united in one body they possess a power that must make itself felt. The company could discharge, without inconvenience, a few individuals who demanded more pay or less work, but it is a very dif- fere nt matter when the whole Brother hood of telegraphers imkq the demand It could say to an individual, f you are. not satisfied with your pay you can find some other work, and dismiss a man who having spent the best years of hi3 life m acquiring the necessary skill to do this work .properly, is un fitted for any other, but it cannot afford to lose all it3 skilled workmen at one time, Jt is the ivA.tr a3 well as the duty cf lador to protect itself, and the only w.iy in which this can be clone is by protective associations. Capital "as lts -jokers association, Manufac- turcrs, .Distillers, Iron and Steel and .. . ' other organizations to protect its inter- and wiy &)0nia not s,iIIed labor, which forms the only capital of so many ot our people, protect itself in rte saniQ manner There need be no antagonism between caiutal and labor. Meu will.by ' where they -oau buy ciieapest en. I sell wl;ere they can jret the highest price. Manufacturers, publishers and telegraph companies will obtain skilled labor at the lowest nnSiSililA Uripri flTl.-7 tlll et-illorl imil-iuon wiU jemand the st waes that he Can secure. Heretofore, .capital has had the advantage, but vhen labor ha3 perfected a thorough organization by means ot Irade Unions, which if being l-apidly done, tho contest will be more equal. Then the question of wages will bo a matter of negotiation, as any other business transaction, and the woikman will command the highest tho market affords. Permanence of Tenure. Springfield Republican. It is a singular fact that while the opponents cf civil service reform claim greatly outraged when it was departed h"om- .Jetierson and Madison, for in- stance, the two living ex-Prcsidents of , - tho Democratic ... nart v, were greatly alarmed by the passage of the four years' term of otiiee bill in 1820, and ep ern wing of tho Democracy, and the uext President. So was Calhoun and Ins great Whig contemporaiy, Web ster. All who were engaged in stealing the vote of Indiana in the last Presi dential election may not be detected, but we JDorsev that there were more of them than tiro now known. This comes. from being shut up 111 the house for two weeks. TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LSVER, 1 From tbeso sources midO tlueo-rourtlis cf cha diseases of tlaa Lurnan raec. These eymptomslndicGto tlieiroxistctico : Zoea zt Appetite, lEcwcIa costive, iicSc IZead aclie, fullness after catlap, rwersfoa So exertion of feody ot iat?;ii, Eractatlon Cf food, Irritability of Itcipcr, X.oiv spirits, A fi-eling cf liRving necclceteJ emo Uttty, Xlziiiie5s,,lctterincf at ti;a Heart, Iol3 toeforo trio eyss.fcigiilFCcl ored Urine, COiSTSTIPAIIOA, and do man J tho cso of a rcmedytli.it acts directly ontbo Liver. AsaLircrmcdicincTUTT'S J5IIiL.S bavo no e.iaal. Tlicir action on tho E idnoys and Skin is also prompt ; removing all impurities tlirongii t'acso three " sciv engera cf tha S5-atem,, protlucing appo. titf, ecund digestion, regular stool3, a eiear 6lduonvlavigorou3botJv. 'JCtJTT'S PIIiL.S ' cmiso no nausea or griping r.cr intorfaxa vritli daily work and aro a perfect APjTSSOTE TO MALARIA. hcli everrTvhf rf, a 5c. H ii", 4 1 M nrray fc t.,N . Y. Gray Haiti on Whisklr3 changed in etantly to a Glis5T Elaci; by a singla ap. plication cf thi3 Ute. Sold by DrugijisU, or s?nt by cxnress on receipt of g! I. OfLco, 4 1'jMiirmy Strot, Ncvr Yorlr. T2TT'S IA53il C?03rUlBCKPTS tEEi Our Spring and KmmeT Price-list No. S3, has made its appearance improved and enlarged. Over 200 pages. Over 3,000 iilns- trations. fVmtaina mints. tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly ail articles m general use, from Adam and Eve to Sitting Bull anrl ri ' Langtry. It costs us 25 cents for every J wyj c mui neany ou,uuu per annum. It makes our hair red to think of it. We 6hould have the cost of production. The book is full of brains. Send for it, and enclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from yon. Respectfully, ' MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 8il SS& Viftbtwdi ATenoe, CUccc, 10. j if Ei t, '- l.yl--y-a--.'r.vr??rx-3 Administrator's 5Totic8 of 1'inal Settlement- TOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN THAT Til El DKli IN signed has filed his final account in the County Court of Douglas county, Stute of Oregon, as admin-i-ta-atfr t,i thn elate of C. t RulImaTi. deceased, and theJud'eof said County Court ly an order duly September 3d, 1SSS, for the he:iri--,' of objections, if any there le, U said final account, and tha eitlemcnt ol suia etstate. liy omer or J. S. FITZirUGII, County Judijc. -U. Bhockwat, Aduunistrator. Attest: O. W. Kivbai l, Co. Clerk. Kosfclmrg, Or., July 3d, ISSit. jy21w4 DRY'S SALOON, Jacksoa Street, JtoseDurg- Tbe nroprecor of this well hn iwp. and popular resort wonld thank his jfrier.ds frr their libe-iil patronajro in the pat and would a-k for a cont'imance of he same in tl)e iuture. The public is informed that I keep none but tbe beet IrKUdsj f wjr.es, lifiuors an;l cigars and that I sell over the tar tbe cele bratd Jes'ie Moure & Co. V. Kentucky N luskie ' A good billiard table will be found in the saloon; also the lea-Hng puoerg of tie worl.1. rl. W:i(,S kin -VT. fw sk.l 11 C a ra TTAVIXG rURCHASED THE A BOTE NAMED .Cl miils of K. Stejihcux and t:o., wo aro now re iarcd t t luna.h any amount of tiio bet (quality of TTb"""'3" r.i??. vcr offored to tlie public in ivmlis Bounty. We will furnish at t!iu n.iil ut this failo.vin iirL.us: N'o. 1 rou-h lumber ?12 pnr M. No. 1 t!..orin, 6-iiuh per M. Xo. 1 fl v;-Mjr. 4-in:th i-Zo jtr ?.l. No. 1 finishing lumber cr M. Xo. I finishhi); luraiitr urosicd on 1 sidw..S5i per M. No. 1 fmishing lurs.iior dressed on 4 siljs. ,Si per St. CLARKE & RAKER. SULLI TS KOW rREI'AKiSD TO DO ANY I kind of work in hia line. Headstones and Monuments of all descriptions, at very low prices and warranted to give ample sat isfaction. 31. SULMTAX. W. T. TEET, W. S. UUMi'IIREY, A. Y. IIOVEY, 11. C. HUili'IIKEY. DOUGLAS CO. BANK, Feet, Humphrey & Co. TRANSACT A GENERAL BAXKINu BUSINESS. Di-vw sijrht drafts on Portland, San Francisco, New Yrk and other points. Bills of exchange on principal points in Europe. Deposits Soceived Subject to Bight Check. FARM! SALE, TIic uiHlcrsssiucd lias lor sale the follovi?! Ileal fiVop eiiy I21 Douglas Coun ty, State of Oregon: AriRST-CLASS ORALT FARM NEAR THE Town of Wiibur, coiiitiriin- 3)4 a.-ras. Ifas a g od dwellingr huie and ut-ruildins, and a fine or chard; i'll wJil fenced and watered; 2o acres in grain. A do.iira.blts home and very cheap. ONE FARM CONTAINING 352 ACRE.?, 125 OF which id j.low land in cultivation, bahmeo pas lure; all frtiiced; well watered; good im;rovenieiits and orduird. I ONE SECTION OF LAND NEAR THE TOWN of Sctrttsbiirg; SO acres river bottom, bulaas IJll and timber laud. A FARM NEAR V.'ILUUR, CONTAIXINtl g23 Hcifes; 125 acres iu raia, the balu.nt-e tsjilendid jrrazimr land. AJiout :uh i-rcss level, well w.itercd and well improved.' Tho crujt atvl ."iCtf head of sheep will bo sold with the laud if desired by purchaser, at a bargain. A farm near nosEBCim, contaixivo 323 aergs, ail uud-.T feticu. Uoul funn or Krsu.ug land. A FINE STOCK FARM CONTAINING G43 ACRES 12 mile. from Rotcbur0'; 12.3 aerej of good grain hind, at a bargain. A URGE STOCK ANI GRAIN FARM NEAR Oakland, coiitainiuir 3230 Abf ut 700 acres jjI jw land, well feiieed and we!l watero l. A STEAM SAWMILL AT DRAIN STATION ON i"L R'alnxid. , FLOURING 1.ILL AT fjCOTTJjJiL'RO. VNO. ONE I'l from Oakland, LOUI1ING MILL I OUR MILES on Cuiipuoia creek. NUMCE jtY tukland. NUMBER OF TOWN LOTS IN THE CITY OF I will soli the aTjove real property on rea- souaLlo terms. 1'or full particulars enquire of J. C. HUTCHINSON, Oakland, Douglas County. Oregon. ELDORADO SPRINGS. To all per30us suffering with any nasal ca tarrh affection of the throat or stomach, I will st-.ta that last Fall that myself and mem bers of my family were suffering with ca. tarrh in the head and myself with an affec tion of the stomach. That I purchased a galon of the miaaral water taken from the spring on the South Uinpqua, 3 miles west of Rosebnrg, of G. M. Jones, Dr. Hamilton agent, and can testify that both myself and family have received great benefits from its use. My son Andrew Willis was suffering very much from nasal catarrh and by the use of this water has entirely recovered and isnow well. I can unhesitatingly recom mend it as the best medicine I have used in my family for any of the alove named com plaints. Hey. W. A- Willis. Testimosals. G. Wr. Jones, dear sir; Having been troubled with dyspepsia for manyyear3 I was advised by W. F. John son to use your mineral water. I did so acd do unhesitatingly say it did mo more good than anything I had ever used. It had an immediate effect. Yours, JOHN HOWARD. Iloseburgr, April 1, 1S33. This is to certify that I have used suc cessfully the Umpqca mineral water for six months, for nervous dyspepsia and debility of the whole system and I have found great nlicf and I might say a entirely cured. , I have no hesitancy in believing this min eral water to he of great curative value. Eespectf ully, W. F. JOHNSON, llosehurg, April 2, 1883. FARMERS, LOOK! FOE THE BEST AVEARIXO For men and bej and tl;e most dara'n'e shoes for uiisses arid tbildrca, try tho celebrated IEQ27-OLA23 C500DS . Jl.vnufacturcd by PORTER, SLESSINGER, & CO. San Francisco. TTiuv are piarantecd to frlve satis faction. Will not "break in the back or rip in the side. All "oods f tlrs manufacture m:n!o by white men. No Chinamen employed, for s.de by floed i c:o. JiOOTH BKS. E. G. YOU NO - FOSF.P.mC. YONCALLA. OAKLAND rl ET R 0 P 0 LIT A M SAL99H, . . KOSEDUUO, OREGON, McCULLOOH k CO, OXLT THE BEST BIUJVDS OF Kejit r, hand, and cwstnmcrs will find this a pleasant phice of resort. Uive me a !). .W 0;ie du..r buu'Ji of.the lieiiViK-liUin IToter "SH Blacksmitli and Fanisr, And well-known to the people of Douyl ig ennnty, wciiM rtspei'tfiiliy !iiiiiu;e that he U prepared to do all kinds of work in his line and guaranteed &atii facli'.m. HORSES HOE rNG A SPECIALTY Any farmer hain a plow to sharpen nr machinery to rcpiiir will do well to niv! mu a call at my old stand. I have a full stoek of iron r.nd steel, and having iiiruhated-tho same at a low l.riee. can do work, so far as piices aro concerned, cheaper than any who will attempt competition, JAS. DEARL1NU, Oakland, ureijon. METI! 0 PCI I jITAN 11L. This IPopssIas' Mosisc Situated n the center of the business portion of Rocbur, hiiviug reuewtly changed luirids, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of iruest?. The dining room will he supplied with the licit tho With gfHid attendance. As Mrs. Zfcler has charge of .he kirchen tne cuokmsr wi rm uiiextepuoauttic. Kales roisonablo. i"ro coach to and from the niihoad. LOU. ZILER. Opposita Metropolitan Hotel, Roseburg. SIs;ivs!i and Hair Cutting in a Workmanlike Slamicr. R, S. & J. C. SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, GUN'S, CUTI.KRY, ANI TIN NEKS i'UH- Msma c:ouiri. STORE, ROSEBIIEK, Or. Having secured t'to anove lisinesfi, we aro pre pared to keep uj) its fonucr jxl name for work and prices. We have Ui.j best of material aid aKvays a full stock of fjw'is on li.nid and it is our aim to fur nish customers with firht-cla&i articlus at livuaiidiet live prices. A fall stock of - Iioii nticl Ssttscl'U'oi Stilo. Dealers from ahro:id will receive promjt attention, i H. S. & J. C. SiHKUllAX. BUY THE YAIiliEY mite TISB E5SST TIIS JIAEiRET! Aildrcss A. IT. Stearns, dm yonviile, Oregon. FINE FAIWS F01 SALE. ONE FARM CONTAIXISO 431 AND 501-00 acres, 18 miles from Hosehur, on trie Coos Bay st.'i nwi,tiTuI known as the "burhtceii M:lo House. H;j-s rood cwfliliir, larxre ban) dU outhouses, with oi-hard and irood araiUon s el fenced. A crxd sicd creek orvs tur-uyh the piwc, near the house and barn. ar 'a"3. o ,nn?e rolling lani. (irani. (,'rass and . 1 .cnty of timiier for fuel, fencing and build nrjoes. Is a g-ijod tavern Htand, be- near tho t,ioi of CKist ranire of mountains. Toll gate and t.tap; fetation adjoininjr. Climate healthy, water pure. Terms, part cash and part on liberal tine. A LSO AT).JOEr;iXCl A FARM OF 199 ACRES, j;v. witn g-toa -eiinij ana Darn and outhuildintrs with a bearing orchard One-half plow land and bul ance timber land, and all well watered. These farms will he sold either together or sejerately, to suit purehaHt rs. Apply to Hermann & iioseburg, Oregon. - ALSO. 427 ACRES XEAR THE TOW OF Looking Gla), in Douglas county. 125 acres of idow land of the best quality, l)alance pasture land, with plenty cf ouk ami fir Umber for fuel and fene ing. All well watered, with dwellinar larn nd rood orubad. l'rictj $ 1,000. One thousand down, balance on easy terms. A fee simple title jiamnteed. En quire oftt Hermann & Ba Roseburg, or A., F. Brown Co., Oakland. ?0, A FARM OF 6-:r ACRES, STTXTATED 11 XV milts nortiiiA&t of Roseburg, In M"uut Seotlpre cinet. One hundred acres plow KmJ, the balance rood pafnre Und. well watered and all nnder jfood fence. Plenty of fir a-d oak iito)cr fwr fi'isebsg .and fuel. Good frni H'us and b.irn and other out bniid hifj, and 500 qhviec fruit trren ic:riuf. price f( jr aere. Inquire of '. II. Oiien, on Hie rciuiscj, or of IlEiuux and Halu, attonic-ys, Rostburg. Notice oi r.isal etl!cTi:c!3t. VTCT1CE IS HERECY GIVEN THAT THE UST'ER i l M-'tied a:w iUed hi Uii.ii accu-iut in the Coiuity Court for Douglas County, State f tJrt oi:, a.- iulinin istr.tuw of tho e-"t:tte of Ufro ncv4-eU, a -d d f K tha 3d day of Sf fem ber, IsHi, at trfii i.Vl.K-k &. n., for the healing of any objections, if any there be, to Raid final account ai'd tbe settlement, of said estate. By order of J. S. FlTZMPuH. fo. Jndre. A. O. COX, AtLiiotrator, Rosurj,', Or., July iSUi, Uii. BOO B5 HENRY L. BENSON, A. M. - - - -MISS ANNA E. DETSEDOFFER, - - - - DR. J. W. STRANG R - - MISS ADDIE E. SMITH. - 9 New buildings, first-class surroundings, lew rates of tuition, chea loard. -For particulars apply to ' HEJEY L. BSXSOX, 1 alStf ' - Principal. itda x& gy d& 3uai fte pntLfc f lack of of P. St. SfiohLU canvnencad flVedtLe&da, jliiffiL&t tsl and ifidL daij imiiL tha fJeth 3icms.LLiid 2laLLcuLA iuatLLk of sjjxtads. aiLe. aLL AoLd, alLand. !nt JSefoF 7T HITCH -r. ir..t ... W. G. WOOBWABB' AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothins; but the best EVERYTHIN' Bout Fail 6t SAY ; CAM SEE WHAT WHY, THAT THE LEADING MERCHANT re m J 0 S P H'P 0 W; M I HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF genera EVER BROUGHT TO R03ERURG ! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DRESS OF THE VERY LA GENTLEMEN BEADY MADE CLOTHING! Do TVot "Ffiil to,Cxll mill Examine lii S to old Pis motto is Quick' SaIus and .Small Frolita." EsmemlDsr ths Place, HVw"York Storec'Bosetarg. SHERIDAN B110THERS, .ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that they have just received and now have on hand one of the Largest Stocks of jloneral Hardware Ever brought to Douglas, find when ad led to their STOVES OF ALL PAT TKRXS and HEADY MADE TINWAHK, they are prepared to declare they have the U-Sfc sujply in their line oi a. iy house in Southern Ort-ojon, which ihey propose can purchase elsewhere - In 'Aio Bhape of budding materials In the way t locks, butts, etc, we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Try us. We van give you bargains in tho, foil jwing brands of stov, cot equalled else where Buck's, Bonanza, Farmer Utility, Dexter, Pacific. Vide Wm PlanH Occidei Iron Kinsr, Empire City, and othr stoves .nd ranges. The Lest of workmen arc constantly employed in the manufacture of bur Tinware and buyers -should learn our prices. . We have also taragins to onvr in guns, as well as in Miot-$uns ana riMO's. We aie also Agents for the White Peerles we sell at lowt-Rt rates and warrant as couinle te m every respect. We can also supply ArcrilS and 2ltibbir ants, 'J i e best in the lnitrket, &t. lowest ratep. . : Give us a call, inspect )uf stock, Inquire as to our prices, and wo promise to suit a' oy one can. - SHEK1DAN BHOSdL ' SCHEl! Principal. Assistant. Principal Commercial DeDartment, - Music Teacher. -r a. ejiefrd elciauclsL cant if um pant datj. ta ! (Lfto. not fad ta Ton do Tiiat FA'! M NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. I use leather and have irol N to e Mo! .TS. TK '5 ! r ti -y t 1 i Wu t7&2 YOU. SEE?."- EST STYLES. ALSO AND BOYS' such ks V incheeter, Sharp and therRiee . and New Home Sewing Marl. In .111 3? 8 , p. P. HOG-AH'g fore, HAVING PURCHASED A COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF. GENERAL- ' flERCHNNO'SE l: WILL SELL THE SAME CHJJAP;TOS CASH! PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladles' dress goods, o cents per jard. Corsets, 50 cents." , . Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. I Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for $1. Persian Cashmere, 25 cents ppr yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard. Fine Japanese teas, 45 cents per lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Other articles in proportion. My mocto is cash sales & small profits. F. P. HOG AN. UNTIL FURTHER Will sell so ods AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. $1 0Q. WJiite Itock and Lonsdale Mus lin 10 yds.............. 00. Canton Flannel from 9 to 16 cents per ' , 3 ard. . -'. '' ' . Ladies Brocaded Dress Goods 11 eta. 1KU yard. Cotton Batting 20 cents per yard. Brooks', Coat's and Clark' sjooi cot ton, GO "cents per doz. Ladies1 Calf Shoes,' 175 per pair. Ladies' Clcth Uahnorals, $1 50 eaelu Table linen from 35 to 60 ets. pr. yard. Costa EicaCof-e No. 1 guaranteed, seven pounds for $1 00. Tea, our own Brands, 37 h cts. per lb. Sugars from 1 1 i to 13 cents per lb. Tomatoes $1 75 perdozn.' Rice -No. 1 Caiolina, 8 centfi jer lb. And all other goods in cur line in proportion. We have "given you these quotations and hope that one and alb will take advantage of oar price list. CAE0 BBQTHEES; AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSE-1 APPLE, NEXT DOOM TO MARK'S & CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGAR3 AND CONFECTIONERY EYE 11 ' OFFERED LX ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY" GOODS... CONCRETE PIPE. TTEN'ttT OATEKMA.V AND- LOL'13 DELFILS JL l have old sobtalued tharyhtfor Douglas oouuty for la nig Continuous Concrete Pipe, for conveying- vater, and Lnui BclHU and GeorjfO i'mtMinau have ohr-iiiit-i! tho riht for Jo)p!iiiie and Curry nj!itiei, ;in will seft farmer iii'lividual rijhla . iutti la pipe at the cho.i;n;-(t fiurci. nif niza froiu H to 22 inches far;iibhjJ. Tliid pipe is much Oheapcr than "Wood, Iroa or Lead I H is also well miitol for JrriyiU.in or Mining purpose and can be i:ud any ilistanw without J.jiiita 'Aisle O-Fease! Beat in the ror!d- Getthe geauine. Uvery package hat our' trade. mark and is marked Froaer's. SOLS EV ERY WHERE. no 35-1 CANYOmTLLE MILLS FLOUB THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURE D FROM OSLY tho best of wheal. I hive for sale also Bran, Shorts, atnl MidHUngK, ciicjii, lianis, IarJ, etc tureil in tho most maimer. Purchasers wil i me a favor U iusvect nij stock at the CanyonviUg . UW W. Ii.R.UIJRr