S35 WAV. D Being In thy dlssolutiou known UoU lovely then; O Life that ever bu to die alone, To live (gain; O bounding bean that still most bow and break To touch tblne end; O broken purpose that mast failure take, And deatbward bend. For the great tido to stretch from rock to rock His fehining way; O wandering Will taat from the furthest shock Oftea deep gray, gilver constraint of secret light ou higti Leads safe to shore; O living Rapture that doth Inly sigh, And evermore 'Within thy j iy vhe wailful voices keeo; 1 se tnee now, Son of the antatnomable deepl And trembling know The crowned shadow of man's opposite, 1 he forces dread That sway him into being, blanched with lights Of thunder bred; poised Passion wrought from central breath ofwnlrling storm And evermore deathless life in death, That ktiil reforms. And tho'i, man's prototype In varying moods, . Didbt lonely beat The vacaot thore and rpeechlesa solitudes , With silver feet. Through the great eons wandering forlorn In search of him, At lose and Mi like vecent flame, lone morn And evening dim, Ere light had grown articulate In love. Or silence knew Herself hj worship, f ten didst thou ever move Beneath the blue And incommaaicible mystery. About thy shore; A visible yearning oi the earth and sea, Thatevtrmore Flung out white arms to catch at some far good Yet unfulfilled. And falling touted and sank in solitude Wlih heart uiisi I lied; A voice that ever crying as ot old : la deserts dumb, With hollow tooKue reverberate foretold ! A llie tocoae. EUlce Hopkins. HEREDITY AND INSANITY W. "W. Golding, M. D . , superintendent of the government hospital, read the following address to teachers before the National Educational association at a recent session: i Gentlemen: You take the j mind young auil fresh in life's morning and send it, aspiring to become godlike, on its upward flight; I receive it torn and bleeding as it comes fluttering down; is there anything in common betweenour studies that I should ask you to pause for fifteen minutes in the important labors of your session to listen to me? I doubt it, unless you consider it in the light of a fifteen-minutes reces3. How shall I teach the teachers? The germ of insanity lies back of the I education, and I question if the inexor able law in nature which we know as tbat of "the survival of the fittest" will not, in spite of any or all education, send a considerable per cent, of weak brains to moulder and become moss grown! within asylum walls. This seems but a reasonable deduction from the facts within my own observation; bur then I reflect that the sources of life and reason are not in our" hands; I" know how a little more or a little less of that subtle something we call common sense makes the difference between the wise man and the fool; remembering, too, how a sage physician, by a sudden flash of sunlight thrown from a mirror upon an idiot boy in a darkened room, awakened a gleam of intelligence, dis oloBinga mind wLere it had hitherto been supposed to have no existence, I realize what teaching in the hands of a master may accomplish, then, standing among the melancholy ruins where my arudies bring me, I think that perhaps a different education would have spared a father's anguish for his only son, could have saved this demented girl To have been some man's delight, might have still kept eloquent that drivelling tongue; and sol am here. From my standpoint the first mistake that we make in the edacation of the young is that we do not pay sufficient attention to the temperament of the child; we are not all cast in the same mould, even if we do bear the same im a.?e. This lethargic youth, whose men tal integuments are like the wrappings of a rhinoceros, needs all our goading a brain fever is hardly possible to such an organization; bat this girl, with clear skin, spare neck, intellectual fore head, and speaking eyes, whose lessons are always perfect, whose answer antici pates almost your very thought, whose nervous susceptibility quivers through every fibre if she fancies your reproof of the above mentioned blockhead is meant for her it is not study out of school that she requires, but the gym nasium, the rest of long vacations in the summer fields, with nights of repose un broken by any dreams of school prizes. I know ofttimes your brighs scholar is sueh an oasis in a desert of abounding dullness that there is ahtroDC temntatinn to the teacher to give him free rein; hence it often occurs that your valedic torian is never heard of afterwards. Is is staying power that you want more than brilliancy of mind. Are we not asking too much of our children? Lay the foundations broad the I broader the better in physical health, and let the mental growth be natural without foroing. I like the open atr summer schools; even in our climate we should be gainers with more of the out door life of the old Greeks,' I wish we had again the forum and the grove of Aoademia; in such sohools our children would gain in vigor to more than counterbalance their loss in the exact methods of book teaching. Yes; the ad- wn their name is legion. A treatise on the neurotic disorders now makes one of the largest works in a physician's li brary. It is an age spendthrift alike in brain and material. Of the heat and ower that have been slowly accumn ated in the coal measures through the eons of geologic time, which would last with careful consumption for myriad generations, we take 2 per cent, for our purpose, sending the remaining 98 per cent, to be dissipated in warming inter stellar space. To the charge of wasteful expenditnre,modern science answers that future generations can make available the energy of the tides and keep warm by electricity stored up in reservoirs whose feasibility is even now being de monstrated. They will need it, for the ruthless destruction of the forests will not even leave them the luxury of wood tire. Yes, power is convertible into everything short of mmd. bnfc tha I doubt. The "Promethean heat" Once exhausted, the vital energy of a race de stroyed, science, that tells us so much Knows of no way to restore it, and his tory points us only to the Huns and tne liotns. lhe danger to our civilization to-day i : it 3; uea in me direction oi nervous exhaus tion. I know that those who believe tha we are just on the dawn of an intellect ual and a material millenium will smile at this, and the v will tall vnn a a. . history o is that never in the tne world was there a higher manuooa, or a time wben the mdividua man was so grandly cared for and had such possibilities as at present. The world, in its successive epochs of civil ization, has always shown a culmination of prosperity and an intellectual bios sommg just before its decline. Witness the Augustan era and that age of gold , o opamsn conquest ana .renown. This the age of brain ; the marvelous discov enes of. science are utilized to intensify onx struggle for wealth, for vantage ground, u maxe an ine universe tribu tary to the little span of our human life The luxuries of the last generation h&va become the necessities of this; wealth is oniy relative, and power never brings uuuwm; mere is a constant increment o Duaiu, auu wmo tu tue orain mat goes halt or maimed into that battle. Do you say this is the mere vagary of au uiuuusn, wa uasouaara line cry tnat finds no believers? Ah, but while it was in the in unite decrees that Cassandra snouid not be believed in that fated o,tv At 1 It'ttt 1 M . J ' uuua me less oia tne divine amatascom pel her to prophesy, none the less were ner forebodings true. Do not under stand me to mean that our school educa A . m . . . uon is responsible tor all this; no, not even lor any considerable part of what we are pleased to call the spirit of the times; but what I do say is that it is the duty of the teacher, instead of drifting with the tide and accepting the tenden cies of the age as something inevitable and not to be overcome, to stand up in the dignity of his great ofBce, and of his mannood, and call a halt to this on rushing madness, and to so instruct the coming generation, the youths who shall tase our places, those who "shall be Kings hereafter," as to lead them into "more excellent way." in trutn, we are sponsors for the fu ture as well as possAssora of the present and are morally bound to transmit this earth, which is ours to-day.and the visor mi i.uib uuman me, wnicn tor a span we hold, unimpaired to those who in r.h endless procession shall come after us, as the miller may use the water in the river io turn nis wneei and pass it on to an otner, out nas no right to divert the cnannei or poison the stream. lhis brings me to what I have to say on heredity, a subject which concerns you as educators in the broadest sense t K ; l .1 . i , i . ' tuiiurou aioue Dni oi communi ties, ti use now, for the curnoses nf certain trial, the newspapers, those blind Samsons in the cause of popular educa tion, nave given out that there is no such miug as nereaitary disease, that the most emiaent experts have so stated. Well, what my brethren who stand away up at the head of the class did say, try ing to be very exact in the use of lan guage, feeling that they were under oath, was, that the tendency to insanity was hereditary, not the disease itself. j.ue rose by any other name" but in common parlance we say, and properly say, hereditary disease; and where a great truth is involved we cannot afford to be misled by any subtleties of exact definition. And here I take occasion to say, in answer to this newspaper dictum, that the hereditary charaoter of insanity is a perfectly well established fact in medical soience, and is recognized as such by the profession, and that, acting as the remote cause, hered itary predisposition has prob- aoiy more . to do with the developement of insanity to day than all the assigned immediate causes put to gether. "Visiting the iniauitiea of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation" is not a mere metapnor of oriental language, it is a fact; it was true three thousand years au, it. ia irue now. we say this child does not learn because he has no head dui tne real trouble is the father was acepnaious before him? what a thousand pities such a father ever had a son; the 1001-mner was an important agent in the twilight dawn of civilization which wa miss at its noonday. From Lycurgus to pect to recover Love from his blindness. but all the more I reoognize how far ud in "the glorious procession of saints and martyrs" some souls will hereafter stand whose lives, like their devotions, have been single, whose silent purpose has been that the inherited taint of their blood should die out from the world with them. And we have seen iu them only single men and women, who being bo uiuuu ciuuupieu. in aomg good had jound no time "to marry or be enven in marriage," and so left no children to in herit their many virtues. But perhaps me vxreai xeacner saw tnose lives other wise.and had such in mind when He said for our instruction the words that we are inolined to hurry over as we read, "And some have made them selves euuuohs for the kingdom ot heaven's sake." Too much already the race is poisoned with hereditary taint; yes, as we use language, there is such a thing as inherited disease; it is a sin to conceal it; to deny it is a crime. The fifteen minutes, for which I thank you, are over. This is, indeed, a weird paper for teachers, as much out of place with its detention as that of the Ancient Mariner to the wedding, guest; but if you censure it from the educational standpoint, my apology must be that I have erred with the old Athenian teacher who exhibited a drunken man to his ohil dreh as a temperance lecture. j FARM ASD HOUSE NOTES. Stubble On land rich in vegetable matter the stubble bad better be burned. Drouth As a protection against droutn, the constant stirring of the soil by the small plow or cultivator can be surely relied on. Sulphur Remember to sprinkle the eggs of a Betting hen with sulphur. Every louse will be killed by the time she leaves ner nest. Useful Young chickens can be made useful in a garden at insect catching is long as they do not scratch the newlj planted ground. Hay Grasses intended for hay should be cut when they are in bloom. Cut earlier there is too much shrinkage. Cut la'er the hay is less digestible. Melons Potash, whether in the shape of ashes from burned wood, or in the form of sulphate or muriate, is an ex cellent dressing for melons of every kind. Orchards A successful orohardist says that if he were to live over again he would trim his trees higher and pasture his orchards with sheep in place of plow ing or mulching. Paris Green A member of the West ern New York Farmers' Club sprayed his orchard with a solution of Paris green to exterminate the canker worm, and reports that the apple aphis, which formerly infested his tiees. had entirely disappeared. Potatoes. An Ohio farmer says that repeated experiment and long observa tion have satisfied him that flat culture of potatoes not only requires less labor than hilling, but produces heavier crops of equally good quality, and this whether the season be wet or dry. Rice Waffles. One quart of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonfnl of sugar, two teaspoon fuls of baking pow der, one large teaspoonful of butter, two eggs, one and a half pints of milk, one cupful of hot boiled rice. Sift the flour, salt, sugar and baking powder well to gether, rub the butter into the flour. beat the eggs well separately, and add the stiff whiies last of all. Prune Puddinsr. Scald one Dound of Freach prunes, let the swell inu the hot water till soft, drain and extract the stones, spread on a dish and dredore with flour; take a gill of milk from a quart. Bur into it gradually eight tablespoon fuls of sifted flour: beat six eccrs verv light and stir by degrees into the remain der of the quart of milk, alternating with tne batter; add prunes, one at a time: ooii two nours and serve with wine sauce or cream. and dreadful meaning. Any one who de sires to possess the "Mrs. Langtry nose," has bnt to sleep in torment for a week or two and the great result is obtained. If the figure of the would be beauty is not as lovely as she wishes, " the anatomical corset maker" will supply her with a noc turnal squeezing apparatus which will "fine her down" by degrees. If her statute is too long for beauty, she may remedy this by wearing what is mildly called an "appliance;" in the days of the Inquisition it would probably have been classed as an instrument of torture. This appliance squeezes and streches the low er part of the body, and its use is said not to interfere with the comfort of one's beauty sleep. Once enameled always enameled. The professed beauty can wuij auoru to oe yenow, grey and un curled in secret. She finds herself precipitated on the downward path. It is just as well, having once begun to at teno to the matter, to perfect her beauty. Why not make use of the marvels of modern inventiveness remodel her ears, her nose and her finger-tius? It is diffi cult to say why she should not carry her theory out to the full. London World. Value of the Stjntloweb. Agricul turists claim it to be the best egg-producing food known for poultry, keeping mem iu a mnvicg condition and largely increasing the production of eggs. Every poultry raiser who tries it will find that the seed is the best food known for glossing the plumage of fowls, and is almost indispensable to those who want to fit their birds for exhibition to the best advantage. The Russian sunflower is easuy raised, requires very little care, can be grown in fence corners or other places difficult to cultivate. Its produc tion of seed is immense, yielding often at the rate of 100 bushels to the acre. It should be planted in hills four feet apart any time from the 10th of May to the 1st of July. Three quarts of seed will plant an acre. FTP Hi Mil i uniwiiiiiiiwiiiiniin jii iisiniijii.ai i.jiLi , IlllllltlltiUfllfililr ia "J ' a i . i r i ri'Bi'ia, mm id ii iwi 167 Third St, PORTLAND, OBEGOX. JOHN B. GABBsSON, Propr. All the Leading Sewiug MahtiieH. Oil, fieedlea, Attachments and Genu ine FarU for sale, All kinds of Sewing: Machines Repaired and Warranted. GENERAL AGENT FOR The MMl aaiWMts Sswing Mines. GENERAL AGENT FOR THETURKISH RUG PATTERNS. GENERAL AGENT FOR T IE UNIVERSAL FASHION CO'S PERFECT FITTING PATTERNS. DR. SPINNEY, JT. IX IT ray street, U. F., Treats all Chrenle and Special Dl YOUNG MEN A. lste vieit lo the warerooms of Messrs Gardner Bros. 165 first street. Portland. OreRon, hit filled us with wonder at the immense displaf of pianos and organs of all kind. Prominent amon U these is steck's Little Giant rtano. Jmai f andele C5' vl ooerfDlly powerful and sweet Sfi2?t,2he Tbr 0aa 8irpesses any Instru ment we have yet heard Visit this home when in Portand and enjoy a musical treat. jyfi-lm BiAvns Vmemite cnerrjr room Facte. An nrnmfiH mmKlnntUr. 1. f7u . 41 , """'uu r ""i preservation of the teeth and gums. It is far 6uierior to any preparation of its kind in the market. In large handsome opal pots, price fifty cents. For sale by all druggists. Hodge, Davis & Co., whole sale agents, Portlaad, Oregon. New Branch Bouse. Messrs. Raymond fe Wilshire, of San Fr&ncisce." SJ.?6118 brnch house at No. 95 Front 8t! application ucm. rncea furnished cn DON'T BUT BOSS BOOTS UNLESS TOU WANT THE BEST. SEE THAT OUR NAME IS ON EVERY PAIR. AJK.LN. SELLING & CO. T? ILot0Sraph m Oregon, go to F. G. Abell's gallery. 167 First street, Portland. His work will bear the moat searching tests, for it is made by genuine artists, who understand their business. Roaring cataracts of honest applause, loaming oceans of fun, and the best show of the season now being held at the Elite theatre, Portland, Oregon. Kegular prices 25 and 50 cents. Turkish Bees. Send to John R Rirrionn 167 Third street Portland, for catalogue of ie- aigna. Garrison repairs all kind of sewing machines. Tuke frm. Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. WTO MAY BR SUFFERING FROM THE EF. fects of youthful follies or Indiscretion, wDl do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest boos ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR. SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit I50O for exery case of Seminal Weakness or private diseases of any kind or character which he undertakes and Jails te cure. AIIIDL,E-AGED HEX There are many at the age of thirty to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burning sensation and a weakening of the system in a mannst the patient cannot account for. On examining the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small particles of albumer will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkish hue. Again changing to a dark and torpid appearance. There are many men who die of this difficulty, ignorant of the cause, which is the second stage of Seminal Weakness. Dr. 8. will guarantee a perfect cure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration of the genitor uuinary or gans. OfBce Honrs 10 to 4 and 6 to S. Sundays from 10 te 11 A.M. Consultation free. Thorough examination and advice, t5. Call or addre s 1)K. SPISNEY A CO., No. 11 Kearny treet. Sail Francisco, OsX OREGON BLOOD PURIFIER . Strangers in Portland Should not fall to visit tha SAN FRANCISCO GALLERY, ''or, of First and Morrison Streets, Where you can get the Best PMoira in America. CIVIL ATTENDANTS Always in Charge. W. II. TO WKE, Photorapher. (O. ST. P. Cq-Mew Sertes Xc. -.) PHILLIP BEST'S 1 MIEE BEER v. . jessb de co.. Xo a wu.hn. M. Analysis of ores, metals, coals, etc. una assav for 4 assays. S10. Orders hv mail gold and silver. 33: promptly attended to, MITBIC HOlsR. vanoe in all kinds of Knowledge is some- Christianity is an immense advance; he thing wonderful. The Cell me it is nec- carei for the race and forsrot the ind v,M. ual; but may we not be iu danger of for- wssary mat my son snouid begin at the age of seven to fit for college, if he is to enter Harvard; it is true he begins to shed his milk teeth at that time, but be will only see of Harvard the outside of the building, for, college or no col lege, I Jo not intend to make him the last of my race. You say, and probably truly, that; the student now must kno-y more when he enters college than I did when T gradpated, and, I may add. than I ever have Binoe. And what do you ac complish by crowding all this accumula tion of wisdom into one .little brain? "Why, you have increased the cerebra tion, you have intensified the nervous action, but you have not enlarged the cranium, or, if you have, the ohanoes are you have done so at the expense of the physical vigorr. But you say by your education we have moved forward the limit of the in dividual life. For thirty centuries, and I know ' not how much longer, the Psalmist's three score years and ten have been the inexorable horizon of earthly existence; we cannot change this, but we do practically extend it by enlarging its vista; our life keeps quick step to the wonderful march of science; we ride with the storm, we write with the lightning, we paint with the sunbeam; everything is by the instantaneous process. As Poe said of the singer Malibran, "She crowded ages into hours; she left the world at twenty -nine, having existed her thousands of years." I grant you, if this were the final ago, nothing could be more desirable: if this was the closinsr scene and no coming timo, no children to inherit our exhausted vitality and to call us anything but blessed. In a bookstore, the other day, the first volumne that met my eye was "A New Form of NervouB Disease." Naw form? getting the race entirely in our care for fcue latuviauau Christianity came down irom heaven with its divine mission to ine poor and the outcast, and its promise is that ; "the meek shall inherit the eartn, Dut ahould we not draw the line at defectives, and stop the intermarriage of the insane? ; Imoress upon those who look to you for instruction and guidanoe that, while in their tender these unfortunates, they will do well to rM SMy Al. . 3 . . uivme compassion, thev shall, as they value the integrity of the race, in tneir pity stop short of marriage. It is time that the laws which govern nereauy were taught in schools other man meaicai. bins against the physical uu i00 tuose involving the moral nature kare far reaching in their effects. Ah, what a moral teacher vice becomes. when we see its last stages in a hospital! ouuienmes x imns i will open a sehool, lor, tnougu 1 am but little of a preacher ana less oi a leacner, my hospital could lurnisu a kindergarten with some strik ing object lessons. Contemplating the misery resalting from , bereditarw dis ease alone, looking on these pitiable wrbcks where vice and decreneracv. in sanity and scrofula, have left the blight on faces more eloquent of the truth of the inheritance of sin and the wages that it brings than any poor words of mine can be, I wish I could take the young men just breaking ground for the planting of their wild oats, and let these silent teachers speak to them! We sow the wind; "ah, what shall the harvest be?" . No ,you do not need to remind me how easily, when its passions are involved, the world forgets the lossons of its phi losophy, and as a physician I do not ex- Buttermilk Pudding Althouah from its consistency this can scarcely be called a puaaing, still it is a verv nice dessert. and was eaten by our grandmothers when anna and corn starch were unheard of delicaoies. Boil one quart of fresh but termilk, beat one esrz. aoinch of salt and a heaping teaspoonrul of flour together, ana pour into the boilinc milt- fir briskly and boil for f wo or three minutes and serve while warm with sugar, or still oetter, mapio syrup. Profitable Crop Amateurs in farminc? are constantly asking agricultural papers which are the most profitable crops to grow, ihere is no answer tothis ques tion. Almost any crop well cultivated under suitable condition pava a nrofifc. The safest rule in going to a new locality or engaging in a new business is to do as buuse ruuuu.you are aoing. 'ne crops grown in a locality are pretty sure to succeea mere; otners, However, profit able elsewhere, may not, and probably win nor, ao so. ateaK i"ie uut a tender steak into thin slices and sprinkle them with a lit tle nnei-chopped mushroom, onion and parsley; season well with pepper and salt, rubbing the seasoning thoroughly over them on both sides; then roll up eacu mice oi Deei. rui into a saucepan a layer of bacon, then the rolls, and just enough water to cover them; simmer gently until tender, but not overdone, with the lid on th saucepan. Have ready a pie-dish lined and bordered with paste, put in the meat and a few hard- boiied eggs quartered; reduce the gravy, pour it over the meat, cover with naste ... ana oa&e in an oven. M- w .fJtMTlCK. lOT First Siret-Leadlne 1 X. Y. JEWEI BT(H). Bottled expressly for the Pacific Coast Trade. Superior In quality andjpurity to all others. One Trial Will Convince, SOLE DEALERS, CHAS. KOHfl & CO., 44 FRONT STREET, Portland, Or. NORTHERN PACIFIC Land and Immigration Company. Officet Rooms 40 and 41 TJnlAn Block. C A.. GOVE. Haaurr. 1AT vi. s. ."" Pbmonds, watches and jewelry. The Rtf Country orders solli-lted. Kallrond watch. PORTLAND. O. Chilsteom. President. WEAL. EXGBATKRS C B. PET V. Ko. S3 Oak Rtrut-a,,.! er, manufacturer of notary and lodsre seal., fcr tetters, 4c.; rubber stamps and steel stamps, steel and stencils. TEXTS AND AWNISes. V "!". . North Front St.. eor. jjaiiuiaciurer oi an Kinds of tenta. n i c bass. hydraulic hose. waron and other awning Flagsof all nations a specialty. Will fljl country orders. iKEMOVAli" -V"K.KttT.PKr8c,I-plan Maker an.1 Onran builder, and direct aent for Stei.,way A Son's pianos, has removed from 83 Yamhill to 131 Fourth street, near Alder. Portland. " IjOOBS, SASH A n BLIK OREGON. Frank Owkm, - Secretary. This Company operates throughout Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana. Lands of all kinds bought and sold. Immigrant Colonization a Specialty. Headquarters tor all land seekers. Description of Government and other wild lands furnished free. Information given on all branches of business. Correspondence solicited and communications promptly answered. 1. O. box 86Q. A Reliable Honse of Portland to www rr is SAFE TO SEND ORDERS. MERCHANDISE BROKER. uu.:a'M'Sli.y'. windows and UAKBLK MUKk.1. , T0 PK.K T Strk.-Monument. Tombs, Headstones,etc, furnished In Itilan and American marble. Countty orders filled promptly, tsend for prices and d. signs. JK.MCT.ATTOHTTN- HAS OPESFt) IN notf. nectlnn with hlR Oreen Front O'othlng and Fur ninhlne Htore, a Me.-rhand se Urokernge, and will seii and nnrcha al kinds of Merchant in Inree or small quantities for psrt'eR livln ontsMe of the city, for a very small comro'sxlon; therehv rnvlntr thrm the erpenne of oomlncr to Portland Matchirgdress sam ples a specialty, orders promptly filled. Correspond ence solicited. Address J. 33. MTA.TJaiIJL,Tjr, P. O. Box 82T, Portland. REFERENCES Murphy. Grant A Ct.. Aken. 8en ng Co.. Jacobs Bros., Wasserman fc Co., J. Bar-h-man Bros. 30Jlmt ENLARGED PICTURES MADE IN THE JSn' Highest Style of the Art, BRANCH HOUSE OF "THE WESTINGHOUSB COMPM' 8CHENJ3CTADY, NEW YORK. Jh: h- ; r V;;:; p f ; - Wfcj. .! naSSnwannnnnaaaaSaaaaMMiM u '1 11 ill Saassay. 1 . 'i'-J- j i MANCfACTURI 8 OP THRBn,' HOR9 E POWER 8, PORTABLE AND TRACTION EXGIKZ8. MILLS. iTC. GecersJ sgecto fcr Use Wctlcgbonea Double Cylinder Znglne. Ko 8tLLi:D EJGIKEER N Ei;E33Afi Y: RIE. land; El KCTRIC.iL GINE? a apecial'y, fully guarantee .every nnJcJe a ld by us. Lo. c J aid trcs.rer A genu for THE DEERIXQ TA'INE BINDlfE. Reapcrt, Mower, ud dealer la nil klnda of BUGGIES and AGRI CULTCRAU IMPLE MENTS. Carl or send for circulars, priceje. Office, foot of Morrison met, Portland. Or. KA. OR EN. - THE NELSON ROAD OART. $X I Br F;r'V-.2f " 1 I Most Perfect 2-Whee!erJ Vehicle ! the World, Easy of acceRs, shafts being low and attached direct to the axle. Perfectly balanced and entirely frea from all Jerkin motion of the horse, ao disagreeable to other carts. Rides better and ts more convenient and desirable than a buggy, at about one half the cost, and it will carry a top equally as well. Four different styles and qualities. from 100 to 150. Refer hv nermlsMon to all partieswho have nsed them to prove that they are thm Mmt Kldlng Vehicles In the VForld. 7 , , A. P. NRIAOT, Portland Carrlsira rAnnfH.ptnrv u .xh mi vr,t. e Portland, Oregon" OF POBTLASD. ORFfiflV. (Incorporated under the laws of the State.) Every organ manufactured under the oarel va i,t nr. ..f 320 First street, Portland. Omcmn. S;.sR5Pi:i8, Manager Branch House, New Tacoma. W.T, r iv t-uui'jiK, JNianasrer Branch House. Salem. Oregon. BKTTKIS T11.1S GOLD. CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALT a A Pleasant and Effioactous Remedy. fi imm IF YOU HAVE ABUSED YOURSELF By over Indulgence In eating oi drlnkinir: have s!ek or jiervous neaiacne; arynesst ot tne skin, with a irverisn lenaencj, nignt sweats and sleeplessness; by u iutous una Steven's California Fruit Salt, And feel young once more. It w the woman's friend iry it; SI per bottle; 6 bottles for 5. For sale bv all umgtfisis. uuwit, uaviss CO., Wholesale Agents. DR. HENLEY'S 0jfPf?C (LieMrs Extract), if p ;p p tot w onfletfiii HamtiTB L3a iafj Mfl UTigoraior. - Biniiy. (Pyroplicspsate), Tcmc (or tis Blood, ni rood lor tie Bran. 'Another Great Victory la Medico Science I Worth Millions to ths Human Family! CELERY, BEEP AND IRON Is acknowledged by all Physicians to t4 the Greatest Medical Compound yet discovered. Is vl never rilling nrr fr Xenrulala und Airrvous ilcbtilty. "liRTKYQRH. COUPKRfe HAMILTOX, 3vll Engineers and Rurv-eyors. Room if. First National Bank building, Portland, Or. Ail kinds of surveying and dral tin done in any part of the country. TBAKJEBIBST EPIRK BAKKKY.-42 Washington. Voss A tllhr. PrODS. Uanu(iMlKir. nt VH1. K.rf c; 1 Picnic Butter. Boston, Sugar and Shoe Fly crackers.' Orders from the trade bolialled and oromntlv at. tenoed to. iuouo. DUB IS this admirable? Beant Bought in Shops. It is a question whether beauty, like gooaness, must not necessarily be genu ine in order to be admirable. The climax of this tneory is reached when the old lady oi eignty-nve, tne aged patroness of many charlatans, is held up to ad miration Decause at a little distance she would pass for thirty. Proudly her "makers-up" point out how this effect is produced: her hair is false, her skin is enameled besides being "tightened' to prevent wrinkles her eyelashes are stained, ner ngure is false all oyer. Now, is Would not a little honest old axra an? ugliness be more agreeable? Be this as it may, it is not very important. "When a lady nas reached the mature ae of eignty-nye ner appearance troubles no one very mucn, except her grandchil- aren. jjut wnen it -conies to the lady whom you love, or mirt.f wre quite certain that she was genuine, the case is differ ent. It is bad t o know that von r ilua Angela must sleep in corsets, or she never, never could attain to the fashion able waist: it is ad to think of thn in evitable results on her poor little feet of nose Louis umnze heels, which mafc her pretty boots look so bewitching. Fig ure to yourself what it must fl lit tn. take your beauty sleep with a pair of pincers on your nose. That pretty old fashion ex-pression has now taken a new K. X K 11 YA tt enm ey and Counselor at Law Room S llekum'a halldlnK. Iegal busineai pertaining to Letters Patent for inventions, befon the Patent Office or in the Courts, a specialty. BY ITJKT RECEIVED AT OARRISOX'S SEW'INO 19 Machine store, 1ST Third street, Portland, Ore gon. Iti9 canes of Household Sewing Machines. Dur ing two and one half years' use in Oregon the House hold has forced its wav to the front, fta imu.Hn. merits are now well known to the public. Agents wanted to sell In every town in Oregon. CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR AMERICAN WATCHES. Elgin, Springfield or Waitham Watrh. I oonee Sliver Cm Sia OO ! 8 ounce Silver Case i so la 4 enaee. Mllver Cam ... ... im I neaa boilsMi. and . - u.c, .eae taeaniaa A.meriM Movements- Imitation. Also full stork nf JEWELBT, CLOCKS and SPFtrr a nr.. Goods sent C. O D." to any part of the coonfay. aon.v ju beck. Watchmaker and Jeweler. 14 Front St. foopoatte the JEsmoad), Portland, Oregon. S. Larsen & Co., WHOLE8ALB OBOCEBS OTITOBE. S. L. tfc CO. Produca and Commission Merchants. Dealers in Tropical and Domestic Fruits. Knta etc Consignments of country produce solicited. H US fe 114 Treat Street. Fertlaad. Or. TTSE ROSE PILI.S. I. G. DAVIDSON. PHOTO Git A PHE R , PORTLAyp. 011EG0X. C. E. McBREEN'S EYE & EAR INFraMARY SANITARIUM, OR HOME FORTHESICK Haeadam Boud, bet. Porter and Wood Sts.. South Portland. Or. Dr. Pllklngton, late Professor of Eye fc Ear Diseases in tne .Meaicai uppanment oi Willamette University has erected a fine building, on a beautiful elevation in the south part of the city, and Is prepared to accomo date patients suffering from all diseases of the EYE, r.i nor in im i . ami win pay sieciai attention to persons laboring under Chronic Nervous affections, niiu w uwwa wt:uuur u unien, anil receive a Umi wanumoeroi cam's expecting confinement. i ne luiemion is io provide a lining tor alien rases witn an tne oest nygienic ageiicics combined with the nest meaicai ssui to oe naa in tne metropolis. ConsultUiK ohvhlcian and surseon Dr. Phll'n TTftrvev Prof, of diseases of women and children In the medical aepartment w Ulamette L-mversitv. Also Ir. J. M. F. Browne. Prof, of Physiology med dep't. Willamette Voiversitv. For any amount of referecies and circular, addresp J K. J. IS. I'1.HI.'1XI.V, Cor. 1st and Washington ftta.. Portlnod. Or. P. S. Akin, Bkx 8Ki.iJ3ja, H. K. DoacH BOSS BOOTS ARE BEST. THEY ABE ALL SADDLE SEAMS. - IB ITT JiO OTHER,' fll I See that Our Jiame is on Erery Pair. AKIS, SELLING- St CO., ' ' Portland. Otvcoa. WILLIAM BECK & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers In Sharp's, Kemington's, Ballard's. Marlla and Winchester Repeating Rifles. Colt's, Reminflton's, Parker's. MoorV Baker's Double tnd Three-Barrel BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUNS. S1000 JIEWAI1D VV i "A1U to AJ: ' PEKSON PRODUC "'O uivurciicvtuoi rua Ulsn Dr. Keek's Sure Cure for Catarrh. QUEENS WAltE BAZAAR, itTpri?e $1. "--- u I our aruggfat has Pr.Keclc thoroughly oaderatatida, and is emlnenUy succewrfnl in the treatment of allroalc anTallBf "T " 1 " L" ana all asrea. harinc made a mwiaJtYnr thsir -.mr. J" E'rT' rrT"1 He treat. CiaTwtthSnt og u.V knifeT hS faVS? Nolady aooSd be without it yZZ,F ffiaSTJ, rSlTr?'u'aDn or of suffering U SS24Su7PPlyto time to the ciaesjentioanr prt of th7 wiU E?c"r. 1eS montiki, and a list of printed oaestlons fn 6T llorrison Street. Portland. Or., THE LEAPING AND CH EAPKST 1IOVSE furnishing Store in Portland. Tea aad Dinner Sets a specialty. All Ooods below Pint Street Prlees. W. B. MA11YE, Cirll Engineer, Survejor & Draushlsman. AM. K1XDS OF KN(J IN EEKINf 1 KXECCTED in the state of Oregon and Idaho, Va,h:ngtja and Montana terntories. Sooia Ko, la, over Flrat Natlonul Rank. PORTLAND, OREGON. Full Set of Teeth for $10. Beat Set, 915. TEETH FILLED AT LOW RATES; SATrSFAO oaten Saranteed. Oas administered. Dental grad- IKI3HJV I1ICOH., Portlnod. Oreaoa. Room St, Union Block. Btark street entrance. k kFT&SSJSJI. fxl.,ddres DR. JAMES . No. 1SS First street, Portland. Or. WOBTHWRST I10VE1.TT MIHPAXY. WANT IK TII TO WW sw invention - atliWalt Im jBoy. to caiiTaws for Novelties. U.. H A . A., MK . 1 ..wi..uuWoew inventions t cataloeue A tctiua !!; Agents for specialties. s Commissions rmld. . . . v. - NINE CENT STORE. Great Bargains in Fine Dry Goods. Pend for price I'st and sspirs. Frea AddrtM W. B SK1VELY, 183 Third irei, rrtnnr. Oxgnn. CP R'S) j PISHING TACKLE! Of every description and qnality. LEAOEBA, FJUHT. IIOOK.8. HAlsn. Braided aad Tapered Oil 811k T.i. SIX SPLICED SPLIT BAM Hon Tinna - Slargeoa I.lnes and Hooks of all Kinds. 165 and 167 Second Street, Portland. H. P. GREGORY & CO., No. 5 North Front St, between A and B, Portlaad. Oregoa. n V 1 1J HA"W8, Woodworking Machinery. Straw Eogiaeo and Ilollera, - Mining Machinery Beltlasr. Paeklac avBdIlt Floor Mill Maealaeif Water Waela Etc etc ii SyKSiBGarfifflrCatairr I TQUID OR DRY, PRICE 1 00; "ATirOSPHERlO J-i Insufflators." price 60c. f)rr t'nre and Insnfll. core mailed on receipt of nrice. with full direction for oserc M. a. SKIDMOKK Co., Druggists 151 First strret. Poulard. Or, h1 A rents for theN. Iacift mwiM BISHOP SCOTT fJ RAMMER SCHOOL. -A Boarding avd Day School for Bork. THE SIXTH YEAR TJNDER PRESENT MAN agement begins !ept. i. Classes in Greek. Latin. German. French, Emcltah. mathematics, book-keep tng. sdeii'-es, music, drawing and penmanship.. Disci. pline strict. Kend for thirteenth annual catalogue witn list of former members to the If ead Master- y. u. tiawer 17. j. w. icill, M. D., - Portland, Oregon. THE BALDWIN I THE O.VI.Y FiKST CLiSS Family Restaurant in Portland. USE ROSE PILIS. USE ROSE PXl-LS.