The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, July 14, 1883, Image 3

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H Mm
JULY I if 1883.
.? rezultir meetings on Wednesday on or before
.each full moon.
I. Cabo, Secretary.
CWr-iM No- 8. 1- O. F., meeU
a I f;', (Li'- on Thursday evening of
each week at 7 o'clock, In their hall at" Koseburg.
Member of the ordsr in good standing are invited to
attend. By order of the N. G.
UNION ENCAMPMENT, No. 0, 1. O. O. F., meet
at Odd Fellows' Hall on the firt and third Fridays of
ererv inonfh. Viaitin brethren invited to attend.
L. BKLF1L8, C. P.
A. C. Marks, Scribe.
UMPQUA GRANGE, No. 23, P. of H., will meet
hereafter on the Bret Saturday of each month, at
Grange hall. In Roseburg. All member in good
uixlin? are cordially invited to attend.
i Jas. T. Cooper, M.
J. P. Dirxcix, Sec.
mjirtrTst UM PQUA CHAPTER, No 11, F. A. M., hold
tne'r reinilar communications every first
f jb&l and third Tuexday in each mouth. All
aUt&9 members in good standing will take due and
timely notice and govern themselves accordingly.
VWiLin eomnanions are invited to meet with the
chapel when convenient.
J. C. Fillertos, H. P.
T. I. Friedlander, Sec'y.
Dealer in
jjpus ana
Offers for sale in Kegs or Tin;
4000 pounds of Pioneer White
Linseed Oil; 250 gals. Tur
pentine; A complete stock of
Faints, Brushes, Varnishes,
and Cau Color. (II you arc
going to do any painting cali
and get prices before purchas
ins Elsewhere.) A complete
assortment of School Books,
School Stationery, Writing
Paper, Envelopes, etc., which
I will scli very Cheap- Gar
den Seeds, Patent Medicines,
1 ...
and everything that is kept in
a ilrst-class Drugstore. Or
ders by mail and Express
promptly attended to.
Take pleasure in announc
ing thai they have opened the
finest assortment of
ladies Trimmed c Un-
trimmed Hats
ever seen in the State, and will sell
tkeni at a groat sacrifice. They have
also a Sue selection of
French Artificial Flowers and
Which they offer at a sacrifice. Call on them
and satisfy yourself, before purchasing else
where I m!7
takes pleasure in annouxcixo to the
publie that he has recently opened in the building
two doors north of the Douglas County Bank,
' complete and assorted stock of
- . Consisting in part of the following:
Also a fine stock of
Gent-s Furnishing Goods,
Of Bnest styles and quality. This is THE place to
get what you want. BAZAAR OF FASHIOS,
Neatly and Fashionably
O'a Douglas Street, south of Mrs. Compton's.
jLNT e "W Gr o o d s
Constantly received and ,
Prices j odcrnte!
250 FINE SHrcp
Mrs. Eliza J. Snthcrlin,
P. Sutherlin, deceased, late of Douglas county
Oregon. One hundred and fifty of these sheep are
Pure Bred ITreneli Mriuo
The original stock were imported and brel by Mrs.
Blaco of California: they are largo and the heaviest
hearers in ithe world; about 100 are a crcs between
pare Spanish Marino ewes and French bucks. Owing
to the -decease uf the owner, these sheep will have to
be sold at pnblie sale, and will be sold ut ten o'clock
. Wednesday, the First Day of August, 1883,
At WILBUR, known as Umpqua Station, on the
Oregon and California railroad, Douglas county, Ore
gon. Terms of sale, cash in hand, or note with ap
, proved security and interest at ten per cent, per au
J7-4t Administrator.
Caro Brothers will sell their entire stock
of millinery goods at 50 per cent, less than
4st. Con vinos yourself by ealiinai
Hamilton Piatt of the Oregonian news
force, called on Thursday;
Lowry Watson Esq. of Coos bay, and
Asa Carman of Port Oxford, were in town
this week.
B. B. Jones of South port coal mines on
Coos bay, was in the city this week, on his
way to the Seund and Bellingham bay. . - ", ;
Alf. Croxton has returned to his desk at
Marks Ce.'s much improved in health,
bat refuses te give his experience.
Mrs. Geo. Ross and Mrs. Brown are on a
visit to their sister, Mrs. Lou Zigler at the
Metropolitan hotel.
Miss Alice Mosher has reopened the
school at South Teumile, The people may
be congratulated upon having secured so
popular a teacher.
The Roseburg W. C. T. U. holds its next
regular meetiug at the M. E. Church, on
Saturday afternoon, July 21st. A general
attendance ef the members is desired.
Col. W. J. Martin the old veteran, at his
home near Galesville, last week, fell and
broke his leg. We are glad to hear that he
is doing well,'
Wm. Roland, an old pieneer who in the
early days was scalped by a grizzly bear near
Winchester in this county, died on the 7th
of Jil, at his home on the south Coquille,
aged over 80 years.
Louis Bel Sis has fitted up the south side
of his store-room with shelves and counters
and hereafter his son, lately from California
and a disciple of the " art preservative,"
will vend eheice tobacco and cigars. We
wish the firm success.
There will be sold Monday, July ICth,
1SS3, at one o'clock T. m., by J. S. Purdom,
Sheriff, at public auction, the following per
sonal property: Oue five hoed cultivator;
I Michigan fanning mil! with ten riddles;
1 John Deering plow; 1 wheelbarrow; 1
Woeds' twine binder.
From a passenger on the Coos bay stage
last Thursday we learn that the road is now
in first-class condition for teams, and that
the stage passes oyer the road in seventeen
hours traveling time. He met several im
migraut teams, who are drawn toward that
ssction by the prospect of the early com
mencement of the railroad.
J. B. Emory an old and respected citiztn
of Douglas county who has been stopping in
Roseburg for the last year, left us Thursday
morning for Portland. He . will - be em
ployed as mail agent on the Columbia river
routed He has the best wishes of many
friends for his success.
Soli Caro, the genial drummer of former
days was in Roseburg during Wednesday
and Thursday of this week. He is agent for
the music emporium of Matthias Gray of
San Francisco, for the sale of sheet music,
music books and musical instruments. Mr.
"Caro is a live, energetio business man, well
qualified for his new employment. Mr
Gray is to be congratulated on securing Lis
services, as he is well acquainted with the
business people of the northwest.
If you have any disease which does not
yield readily to medical treatment, dont fail
to get the Treatise on Compound Oxygen,
that wonderful revitalizing agent and health
restorer, and study it carefully. It is sent
free by Drs. Starket & Palen, 1109 and
1111 Girard street, Philadelphia, Penn. All
orders for the Compound Oxygen Home
Treatment directed to H. E. Mathews,
606 Montgomery street, San Francisco,
will be tilled on the same terms as if sent di
rcctlyto us.
Drainage. The fact that Roseburg
remains healthy during this heated and
smoky term is no compliment to her
industry and enterprise in the matter
of sewerage, but simply goes to shew
that the healthy conditions tf our sec
tion have been at least a match, for
the exhalations arising from stinking
back yards and gutters. While we can
shut our eyes in certain localities and
know exactly where we are by the out
raged sense of smell, and still live, it
might occur to ne rcrsed in saaitary
laws hat such things cannot last for
ever, but the time will come under ex.
jlsting regulations when we may smell
and die.
Bottled Water. It is sometimes
said that our water works on the hill
will be insufficient in case of fire.
While we think that the persons who
make such remarks will find on occa
sion that our watar works and fire lad
dies :; will be equal to any emergency
which may arise, we know that it is an
aggravation to the thirsty (for water)
citizen to pass the quiet hydrants and
know that a refreshing stream is strug
gling to escape only a few feet away.
If it were possible it would be a bless
ing to the town to leave the gate open
a little bit and put spring water within
the reach of so many deserving citizens.
Coxtests. In the timber-land con
test of .Whitsett ys Roberts the Reg
ister and Receivor have decided that the
land! is fit for cultivation and conse-
auntlv bel oners to Whitsett la the
timber land contest of Tipton va
Hughes, appealed to Commissioner,
it has been decided by the Com
missioner that the land is fit for cul
tivation and none of it can be taken
as timber land. It is now understood
that j there is a very bmall quantity of
timber land in Oregon, for if land is
fit for cultivation it makes no difference
it it
should happen to be covered all
with timber. It must be ab
solutely unfit for cultivation or it is
useless to attempt to get it under the
timber-land act
-.i i
Best quality of note paper ten cents per
quire and envelopes five cents per bunch of
25, at Hamilton's.
County Court July Term 1833
Unpaid orders July 4, 18S2. .....$ 8,834 41
Muey on hand July 4, 1882 2,343 91
Total indebtedness. . . . . . . . . .$ .590 50
Unuaid orders Jul 4. 1883. . . . .$13,234 82
Assets on hand July 4, 18S3 .... 3,930 10
Total indebtedness.......... $ 9.304 72
Excess over the proceeding year 1,814 22
Total liabilities for 18S3 ...... .$62,937 63
Total assets for the same year. . 53,632 91
Actual debt July 4, 1883.... .$ 9,304 72
In addition to the above there was audited
dating the last session of the County Court
404 warrants, aggregating 7,362.90.
The report of H. Weatberly, supervisor
of road district number two, approved and
ordered filed.
Thomas Coffey appointed supervisor of
road district number 42 at the April term,
18S3, having failed to qualify, J. W. Wiley
is appointed supervisor, of road district num
ber 42.
In the matter of the location of a county
road from Yoncalla to Scott's valley. The
v iewers appointed at the April term having
failed to make their report as required by
law, the further consideration of said road
is continued until the September term, 1833.
In the matter of the location of a county
road from a point 88 rods east of the north'
east corner of W. H. Wilson's donation
land claim to a point 56 rods east of the
northwest corner f W, H. Wilson's dona
tion land claim. The viewers appointed at
the April term having failed to report it is
ordered that the further consideration be
continued unjtil September term, 1883.
la the matter of the location of a county
road from a point 3 1-3 chains west of the
south ranze 7 west, to the northwest corner
of the El kton flouring mill in the town of
Eikton, in Douglas county, Oregon. Harry
Pinkston, James Davis and Thomas Gardi-
ner appointed viewers ana wuuam imie
surveyor, to meet at Elkton on the 15th day
of August, 1883, qualify and view said road
and report to the court at the next regular
In the matter of the location of a ctunty
road from the northeast corner of the north
west quarter of section six, township 29,
south range 8 west to a stake in the center
of the Camas valley and Roseburg county
road. William Irvin, K. B. Ireland, and
James Davlin appointed viewers, and A: R.
Flint surveyor, to meet at George Prior's in
Camas valley, August 20th, to qualify, view
at next term. I
In the matter of change in county road
from Looking-glass bridge through James
Davlin'a pasture. The report of the viewers
establishing the change approved and the
same declared a county road and the su pe
In the matter of the location of a county
r . i
road from JuTia to Redfield's. I. B. Nich-
ols, Mike Dean and J. R. Jennings appoint-
ed viewers and W. F. Bnggi surveyor, to
i.j. m 1-1- 4i. iciL j e it
1000 i:r j ..: :i .i .
iooo, uuaiiiv iuiu view eaiu ruau acu report I
their woceedinzs at the Hext reaular term.
The annual report of W. N. Moore, coun-
ty treasurer, found to be correct. Accept-
ed and ordered filed.
The following shows receipts for th. fiscal
Countv fand .ftsa. e oi
School fund 10.153 52
Irreducible school fund 27,598 98
The district attorney ordered to take steps
to collect certain judgments m favor of tne
Sixty dollars ordered to le paid W. G
Singleton for expenses incurred by him in
aid to indigent poor,
W. H. Parks was appointed justice of the
peace for Cow creek precinct.
Two hundred persons drawn to serve as
luroro ior luo ensmus Year.
bridge over the south Urapqna river. Three
petitions have been presented. One for a
bridge at what is known as the Conn ford,
on the road leading from Beseburg to Coles
vauey. une at me citys ot Roseburg to
Coos bay: One at or near Winsten's ferry,
V.. r-A fr, T7oT rp ,
Camas valley: The court having considered
the respective petitions and the financial
condition of the county, it is therefore con-
sidered that the financial condition of the
ttfuuiv wiu nui. uuiiiu as ine present time
, ., "
of erecting three bridges. It is therefore
considered that one bridge is sufficient to
meet the immediate wants of the people,
which if erected be at such a place as will
accommodate the largest portion of the
KliAriflTn rorvrvrf nf dtlmnmnf
t,A o.r.-r- ia -.i j j mj
A license was issued to the following
named persons to sell spirituous liquors in
less quantities than one quart, to-wit:
uiiii ijouu uevtkicy lor six moil in a. in lass
o: t.i.i-.. ii ... .-r
fwuvv, v MO ftWft WUO JCAI) I
in Scottsbursr crecincti J. B. Hch. for r,t
months in Cow creek precinct; John Nolan.
for six months, in-Cow creek precinct;
Heed & Nelson, for six months in Gardiner
precinct; John H. Miller for bix months in
Looking-glass precinct; McCulloch &
Brentano for six months, in Cow creek pre
Health and Excursions. This ig
the season when the tired and over
worked, as well as the invalid and the
healthy cast wistful glances toward the
forest shades an,d the bracing atmos-
pheie of the old ocean. A week or
more in the mountains er at the sea -
side is often an anual insurance on
health risks and doetors bilk Afc
present many of our citizens are so-
journing on ihe beach at the mouth of
the Coquille river, or camped along the
Uoos iiay road, gathering berries, fish-
ing the abundant trout in all the
streams, or trarlrinor iha llr ar.A
umrr th hi!.
Weather. Our recent storms were
more bluster and thunder than good
honest rain. The air was cleared for
a few hours atid the dust laid, but no
substantial benefit derived.
Celebration at Mt Scott.
Tke ever "Memorable) Fourth was
celebrated in becoming style by th
patriotic citizens f this precinct
Th glerious day was ushered in by
firing of anvils, and at an early hour
a goodly number of people were gath
ered together in one of the most beau
tiful places, a natural temple, by the
banks of the beautiful North TJmpqua.
At the appointed hour the president
of the day, Mrf J. Xlornton called
to order. An earnest prayer was de
livered by the chaplain A choir con
sisting of young ladies and gentlemen
of Mount Scott v-ith Miss Flora Wat
son as organist furnished good music.
The Deelaratien of Jndepenance was
read in clear distinct tones by Miss
Sarah Wimberly.
Prof. H. L. Benson was then intro
duced, who delivered an excellent ora
tion, which was full of thought and
highly commended. A bountiful din
ner was spread upon a table and all in
vited to partake, and right here let me
say that for good cooks and pretty
girls Mt. Scott can't be beaten.
In the afternoon various amuse
ments were indulged in, some playing
base ball, others more gallantly in
clined were boat riding, swinging eta
i . . . .
There were two candy stands ana a
swing, all liberally - patronized. A
Jancinw hall was erected on the grounds
and at night those who indulge in
dancinS -"'"PP tbe . .W fantastic
toe" until the approaching morning
called them home to their respective
duties. Thus passed away our nations'
birthday There were visitors present
. . . j ' l
from Tan0US Prncts' and n0n Went
away regretting having spent the day
among the hospitable people of Mt
"Death Lovas a Shims? Mark."
On the evening of the JFourth at ten
o'clock aad fifteen minutes, all that was
mortal of Samuel Ward ceased to be.
His death was the result of a hurt re-
hv a horse fallim? with him
j ----- a
preceding. bammie (aged 0 years)
was a young man just entering upon
the duties of manhood with as flatter-
in? nrosnects for Ions life and success
any young man in the county.
, - . nl T-.VI.
"tenons are my ways, ru; -
As the sad news pasaed tbrougti tne
community there was not a heart but
wa3 laJen with its throb: not bosom
" J
. ... . .
1 I . - i. . I . . J .-1.... l... . A. .AMI.
u" Ul"l' tt ""5
funeral, which was largly atteuded, sor
i .
row was depicted on every .face.
Rammi via hnv of hnt few words but
fi th rock He was noted by an
who kne w llim lov truthfulness and
stabihtv. Althouk lie tiaa a sad ac-
L:j. vii h;m h wo WaaA
WtiAU us.ia jw 'j
beinsr permitted to die at home in his
father's arms with his mother's lips up
on h- rl.ftet T.. b f fc amil- hav8
the sympathy of the entire community-
Those Pears. Mr. Louis Laugen-
burg has our thanks forfa basketful of
excellent peprs' sent with his compli-
I i a .i tp m
- i i j i .-i .T.-t i ti..i r
& '
one sPot8 would make glad the heart of
any player at the game df life.
Aargv Rose. On the 3rd day of
Juj Tjncj0 Aaron Rose, forgetting
, . , f
" "
int0 tQe "aynem near nis nouse to snow
a younger man how to mow. He con-
vinced the other man tha the was no
m0wer' to be despised than No. 1 work
e e x i..
men of fewer summers. Returning
, . . . , . ,.
110tne uncie Aaron VCeaw uives,
himself of his coat, vest and shoes and
dispensed cider to an eager and. dry
friend 0f his until a late hour, thereby
exposing himself and contracting a se-
TT K.l
vers ciu. xie was cgiiunau tu urn ueu
n the 5th and has been ever since,
J with a severe illness, but we under-
stand that he is now convalescent and
1 t
i -n t i. 1
ie w waJB'
OWAMP LAND A here IS a gwamp
land case now pending in the land of-
fico here. This is the first one for
some time. The settlers will occasion"
ally go for the Colopel on account of a
difference of opinion as to tho char
acter of Coquille land. All we have
to say is let the deserving man win.
Recreation. A large crowd of our
J citizens have gone ceastward. They
may not escape the smoke but wil
1 probably get into a cooler stratum.
would have been no more than fair to
have notified tho fish and deer of their
intentions, but they are forgiven and
we hope they will find oceans of fun
no accidents and return with ample
flesh and robust health.
Going Our.Our enterprising
young merchant, S. F. f loed intends
to closo out his mercantile business
only, on or about : the 20th
of August next If all onr business
men would exhibit Fred'3 enterprise
business would boom.
Dreadful Accident
New Westminster (B. C.) Guardian.
On Saturday last, the young girls,
pupils of St Ann's school, went out,
accompanied by - several of the good
sisters of St Ann, on a picnic party to
the farm of Mr. George Black, in the
vicinity of the Coquitlam river. The
day was beautiful, and the children en
joyed themselves with all the gladsome
mirth of childhood. Miss. Black en
tered into their juvenile- amusements
with the happy sportiveness of early
womanhood, and accompamed a num
bsr of them to the margin of the river.
It would appear that they were jer
mitted to bathe their feet, but did not
undress. The water just now, bowev
er, is very high and swift; Miss Ward,
one of the young ladies, had ventured
too far, and sank in deep water; Miss
Black, in attempting to save Miss
Ward, went down, and never emerged
alive. The alarm havig been given,
Mr. Joseph Wise, who happened to be
within hearing, plunged iato the river
and rescued Mua Ward, but was com
pelled to seek assistance to recover the
body of Miss Black, who was unhap- ;
pily beyond the reach of human efforts.
The distress of every one present is
beyond description; the remains were
immediately brought toa this city and
kindly cared for by the Sisters, who
did everything possible to lighten the
terrible blow. Information was at
once dispatched to the bereaved par
ents, who were quickly beside the bier
of their beloved child. She was, in
deed, a beautiful creature,
"Fair, fair, with golden hair,"
just blooming into womanhood, and en
deared to everyone by her frank, happy
disijositibn, as much as by her sweet
face and graceful person. The scene
in the Convent pailor, where the body
was laid in a shroud, was very sad
the child's father and mother, the Sis
ters, and the school children, standing
round in the awful presence of death
it was pitiful. Mr. Black bore his sor
row like a Christian gentleman, and
tried to console the Sisters. The grief
of her parents is too sacred for discus
sion here. We need hardly say that
no blame is attached to any one; it was
one of those accidents entirely beyond
human foresight or ordinary precau
tions. The funeral took place on Mon
day last from the convent, the proces-
sian attending to Holy Trinity Church,
where the burial service was impres
sively read by the Rev. Mr. Sheldon,
assisted by Rev. Mr. Ditcham. The
procession then proceeded to the Ma
sonic cemetery, where the remains were
interred. Tbe grief of all present
would have impressed a stranger with
the belief that they were all relatives.
The parents, who are greatly respected,
have the sympany of all.
The thermometer has been dancing
o the tune of 98 degrees Farenheit
or the past few days.
Tbe " Glorious Fourth " was quietly
observed, and the evening was made
boisterous by the trite performances of
theatrical troupe.
Senator D. W. Stearns, like many
other good citizens, is playing the part
of the great Cincmnatus of Home.
Mrs. Lucy Taylor, daughter of Mrs.
P. G. Eubanks, took her departure for
Hamsbunr on Tuesday.s tram. She
bas a beautiful bo v that is the pride
and joy of its parents.
Richard Thomas, whose portlv frame
carries a soul bigger than his body, is
making more substantial improvements
around his commodious hotel. May
he ever continue as now.
Perry Linville has just returned
row east of the mountains, where he
and family have resided for some time.
Dr. J. C. Shambreok is again able to
attend his patients. His mind is as ac
tive as ever, and his numerous patrons
are jubilant.
Hon. J. C. Hutchinson is around
looking after real estate, and can aid
you in selling1 your property. Jim is
really growing taller in appearance.
Success my old friend.
Johnny Howard, the favoiite of all
the boys, is ever on tho alert and never
fails in making hi3 friends comfortable
when they come round. Marrying has
done much for you, old boy.
It is whispered that snveral beauti
ful Misses are soon to be led to the hy -
menial bower, where Venus of old held
divine power.
The man v friends of J as. H. Maho-
ney are soiry to see his manly form so
impaired by the relentless hand of dis
ease. Mar health and happiness seon
be his.
Judge Parker, who will soon become
an octogenanar, is the same affable
gentleman who helped to bear the toils
and hardships of tbe Mexican struggle.
Can't Uncle Sam " recognize his and
the' rest of those veterans' service which
furled the Star Spangled Banner over
the plains of Mexico
Your correspondent had the pleasure
and profit of examining tho attractive
academy building last Monday. Prof.
Geo. T. Eussell and hia accomplished
lady have charge of that splendid build
ing. This comm unity should feel proud
of such competent teachers. They are
devoting their lives to the noble cause
oi educating tne young, if a yeung
man or young lady, washes to obtain a
thorough knowledge of hooks, and to
come under a wholesome discipline both
in morals and intellect, Oakland acade
my is the place
A C. Young has been improving
his beautiful '. hosae for several
months and now it is one of the most
convenient and attractive domiciles in
The .invincible John Vinterburn,
snpt of the Bonanza mines, is prepar
ing his furnace for active operations
by the 1st of November. He ' has an
inexhaustible ; quantity of ore. The
Bonanza is simply immense,, and bill
ions of dollars will he taken from that
portion of the mineral kingdors,
M8t3eHfcH30ts. .
Miss Anna Stroud is visitirg friends
in Roseburg,
The delegation from Floras creek,
Carry county, to tbe U. S. land offit e
this week, consists of C E. Langlois &
brothers, James Carman & brother
and numerous witnesses on their land
contest which commenced on Thursday.
The youngest child of Prof, H. L
Benson!, a babe of eight months, died
on last Sunday from inflammation of
the bowels. It had about recovered
from an attack of measles when it was
again taken down.
D. C. McClellen returned this week
from a mysterious and solitary trip into
the Ceast mountains. Mum is the
word with Mac and he leaves anxious
ones to draw their own conclnsions as
to the object of his pilgrim age
whether it was coal, gold or gammon.
He returned exultant anyhow.
Personal. Mrs. Floed went to
Portland on thursday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Chapman, who is in del
icate health.
Scarcity. There is ne lumber to
be had for love or money in Roseburg
A great many men want to build and
some to repair but cannot do so with
out materials.
Hon. Jas. Chenoweth is the busiest
man in the community, and on of the
most energetic.
At Hamilton's drug store, quicksilver,
Sulphur, lime and a cheap eiadeot coal oil
or doctoring sheep.
Notice of Stockholders' Meeting!
Orbqos Southern Railway axd Traksp's Co. V
Kcmcbursr, Oim., July 3. 1K83. )
To tbe stockholders tf tbe Oregor. Southern RaUwav
and Transportation uompany:
a stockholder's meeting to be held at the office
of tbe company in the city of Roseburg-, gtate of Ore
gon, On the 4th Day ef August 1883,
at 7 o'clock P. M., tor the purpose ot consummating
contracts for tbe sale of, or for the purchase of prop
erty for said company, and for the transaction of
suca otlier busineM as may come before the metting.
nl4-4t Sec'v O. S. R. and T. Co.
Testimonials From Prominent
Citizens of Roseburg!
For the benefit of those suffering
with catarrh I will state that I have
been afflicted with that disease for the
last three years and after using various
remedies without any benefit, was
finally induced to try the Eldorado
Mineral Water, from the spring of
Geo. W. Jones, which I will sUite has
effected a cure, and I have no hesita
tion in recommending it to those suf
fering with a like complaint.
J. S. Fitzhugh,
County Judge of Douglas county.
April 13, 1883.
G. ,W. Jones. Sir: During last
Summer I was suffering with consti
pated bowels and general ill health.
I procured two bottles of mineral wa
ter and used it and am entirely cured.
I have no hesitation in recommending
the water to all who are suffering with
like derangement of the bowels and
general debility. Henry Bo west.
City Marshal of Koseburg.
April 13, 1883. t
George W. Jones. Sir: Having
used the Eldorado Mineral W ater for
some time, for dyspepsia and catarrh,
I feel safo in recommending it to the
public as a sure and reliable remedy in
those afflictions.
W. S. Humphry,
. ; City Recorder.
Roseburg, April 16, 1883. ,
fiis is to certify that during - last
Fall I was suffering seriously with con
gestive chills and ferer, and( was in
duced to try the Jones - Mineral Water
and am happy to state that one bottle
cured tne entirely and I have enjoyed
good health ever since. i
W. G. Cleveland.
Roseburg, May 5, 1883. j
The Eldorado Mineral Water can be
purchased at any time at the Drug
Store of Dr. S. Hamilton, Roseburg, at
50 cents per quart. c
Testtmoxals. G. W. Jones, dear sir;
Having been troubled with dyspepsia for
many years I was advised by W. John
son to use yonr mineril water. I did so and
do unhesitatingly say it did me mors good
than anvthinst I had ever used. It had an
immediate effect. Yours, -
Roseburg, April 1, 18S3.
This is to certify that I hav used suc
cessfully the Umpqca mineral water for six
months, for nervous dyspepsia and debility
of the whole system and I have found great
relief and I might say am entirely cured
I have no hesitancy in believing this min
era! water to be of great curative value.
Respectfully, W. F. JOHNSON.
Roseburg, April 2, 18S3.
To all persons suffering with aoy nasal ca
tarrh affection of the throat or stomach.
will str.te that last Fall that myself and mem
bersofmy family were suffering with ca
tarrh in the head "and myself with an affec
tion of the stomach. That I purchased a
galon of the mineral water taken from the
spring on the South TJmpqua, 3 miles wes
of Roseburg, ef G. M. Jones, Dr. Hamilton
agent, and can testify that both myself and
family have received great benefits from its
use. My son Andrew Willis -was suffering
very much from nasal catarrh and by tbe
use of this water has entirely recovered and
is now welL : I can unhesitatingly recom
mend it as the best medicine I have used in
my family for any of the above named com
plaint Sjrv. W. A. Wiujui.
Coos Bay in 24 Hours,
This line la now prepared to carry passengers and
freight, being supplied with comfortable stages and
and careful drivers. Stag leaves Rusebury every
morning at six o'clock. Office al
Fare to Coos Bay $7.
Roseburg", Oregon
Call and examine our stock before
purchasing elsewhere. Don't
the old stand of
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Un
County of Douglas. In the matter of the estate of
John ,0'Rourk deceased:
hereby given that the undersigned ha been ap
pointed by the Comity Court of Douglas county, tbe
adtuiuistiutor of the estate of John O'Rourk deceased.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please settle the eame with me at my oince
in the Drain hotel at Drains, in said Douglas county.
And any persons having claims against said estate are
hereby notified to present the same to me at said
place, properly verified, withiu six months from tho
5te hereof, June 5, 1S83.
' S. BECKLEY, Administrator.
J.- W. Hamilton, attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Douglas. In the matter of the estate
of James P. Sutherl'n, deceased.
terested in the estate of James P. Sutherlin, de
ceased. You are hereby notified tuat the under
signed, Eliza Jane Sutherlin, was, by order of the
County Court of Douglas county, Cregou, made and
entered in said cjtirton the 8th day of June, 1883, ap
pointed administratrix of the estate of said dceeased,
and letters of adminitration thereupon duly issued
to her. All persons having claims against said es
tate are ucieby required to present them, duly veri
fied, to the undersigned administratrix, at her place
residence in Oakland Douglas county,
Oregon, or at the office of Hermann A; Ball, in Rose
burg, within six months from this date. And all per
sons indebted to the estate of said deceased are re
quired to make immediate payment.
Rosebtirg, June 1C, 1633.
German, Clay & Co,
- Pacific Coast Agents for
tho Celebrated , ,
stsrlhto- oeqits
The ebove cut represents style 50 .which
will eollforSlOO. $2Bcasb,i$10permontTi
tvith Interest upon deferred payments, raepr
cent per month. Good stool and book Included.
q Cor. Kearny and Sutter StS. j
San Franclseo, CaL, x
Sherman, Clay & Co.
Agents for tlio Celelbratea
Acknowledeed by all Muslcsl Authorities to be
the BEST PIANO now manufactured
Prices as low and terms as essy as consistent
frith thorough workmanship. Address
Cor. Kearny and Sutter Sts
' San Francisco, CaL
.TrmonlTlnfitrumenta that children
ss veil as grown persons. Uniy st minutes
time required to fearn how to manage them.
Any kind of tunes can be played. Jiueft accom
paniment for the voice In singing. They are
sold so low that say family caa easily procure
one. Having one no family could get along
without Prices of different styles $8, $10.
$12 and $14, including twenty-five feet of
music. Bend for catalogues and price list. A4
iress t SHEU3SIAN, CLAY & CO. -
n kiia a crnii Tar iiia caciiie ioau
t: -.Cor. Kearny and Sutter Sts. Tjl
K , . ji,Ja ratuicU van . v --.
8UW for Ptfl Coast.
Cor. Kearuy .
ga Ifranclsco.CaL
- Portland, Oregon.
Oeaeral Agents for the North Pacific poesft.
- Ml1-1' 3 W' TV. F m.
Jt 7
ctn Tlsi