INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, JUKE 16, ; 1833. - THE HOBTGrAGJE TAX LAW! i .. - - J ' ; '. ' j We publish iu full, vrith the excep tion of 4the table for the guidance of the Clerk, the mortgago tax law, as passed bj the last Legislature, for t(ie two-fold purpose ef showing that? the law is just and calling the attention of all persons owning mortgages or j the land upon which they are Ijetd, of lay ing U credits or payments endorsed upoa the margin the mortgage record prior to the first day of August; AN ACT to define the terms " Laad ' and " Real Property," for the purpose of .Tax ation, and to provide where the same shall bo assessed and taxed, and to declare what instrument1 whereby Land er Ileal Prop erty is made security for the payment of ji Debt, shall be void, and to repeal Sec tions 2 and 7, of Chapter 37, of the Miscel laneous Laws of Oregea, j - Ue it Enacted by the Legislative Assembly 0 the State ot Oreicou; Section 1. The terms "real proper ty" and "land," wherever used in this Act or in any other of the laws of, Or gon, shall, for the purpose of assess ment and taxation, be held to mean and include not only the land itself, whether laid out in town lots or other wise, with all things contained therein, but also all buildings, structures, im frovaments, trees, and other fixtures of whatever kind thereon, and all sights (sites) and privileges belonging or in any wise appertaining theieto. And a mortgage, deed of trust, contract, or rtfliai rhlirr.irtn trlifoKtr Tijrul nr roat property situated in no more than j one county in this State, is made security fer the payment of a debt, together with such debt, shall, for the rmrDoses of assessment and taxation, be deemed uad treated as land or real property. Sec. 2. All land shall be assessed ;and taxed in the county where' the came shall lie, and erery person shall be assessed in the county where he re- p des when the assessment is made for all real and personal property then ownad by him within such county; and unoccupied land, if the owner is un known, may be assessed as such with- uv &iu iyu o& an r lie: I y and a mortgage, deed of trust, contract, or other obligation whereby land or real property situated in no more than one county in this State is made secu- . lity for the payment of a debt, together - with such debt, shall be assessed j and taxed to the owner of such security and (debt in the county, city or district in . which the land or real property affected by such security is situated. The taxes so assessed and levied on such security and debt shall be a lien thereon, and the debt, together with : the security, may be sold for the payment of! any taxes due thereon, in the same manner and witn like effect that . real property pf lAud is sold for the payment of taxes EC, 3. he owner of a mortgage. deed ef trust, contract or other obliga tion whereby land or real property, sit uated iu but one county in this State, is. made security for the payment of a debt, and also the debt so secured, shall, for the purpose of assessment and taxa uon, oe aeemea to oe cue person or persons to whom the'security was giv en in the first instance, unless it ap- pears on the record or the secuuty; that souae other person is the owner: and all assignments or transfers of a debt secured as mntioced in this Act shall, j for the purposes of assessment and tax- auon, us nun anu voni, unless such transfer oj assignment is made in writ- 'the security, and the name of the per son to whom such debt is assigned or transferred given; and in all cases such d6h and security shall be assessed and j $axed to the person or persons wjib ap- pear oh the record of such security to fee owner er owners thereof. All mort gages, deeds of trust, contracts, or! oth er obligations hereafter executed,' whereby land situated in more than pne comity iu tiib' State ia made secu rity for the payment of a debt, shall be void. Seo. 4. For the purposes of assess ment and taxation no payment on any debt secured as hereinbefore mentioned. ' in this Act shall hereafter be taken in to consideration by any Assessor iri this Biate, when assessing such debt and se curity as herein provided, unless such payment is endorsed in writing on the margin of the record of such security by tho owusr thereof, or his authorized agent, before the delivery by the Coun ty Clerk to the Assessor of the abstract iai securities hereinafter provided for. And ia all cases the Assessor shall as sess such debt and security for tho full pjaouut of sueh debt, that" appears from the record of such security to be owing, unless in the judgment of the Assessor the land or real property by which such ebt is secured is not worth as many dellars as still appears udpaid of such debt, and then, in that case he shall as sess such debt and security at whatever sum he thinks to be their real icash value. j . Sec. 5. It is hereby made the ;duty of eajh County Clerk in this State to (deliver on the first day of August of ' ;aach year to the Assessor of his county, 5aa abstract of all unsatisfied instru- peats aS writing on record in his office, hereby land or real property situated in his county alone is made security for the payment of any debt. Such ab stract of 'each of such instruments shall icantain the following: ' 1. The name of tho persons who ex ecuted such an inrtrument j V 2.' : The name of the person er per jsens for Whose benefit it was executed. 3. The sum that still appears; se cured hf such instrument j ' 4. A. brief description-of the prop erty contained therein, to wit:- the range, township and section in which it s situated, ;t '-. - - i 5. The date thereot and when re- corded.- v -:y - I - ' 6. The book and page where re $rded, t , THE 7. .The person or pernons who ap pear on the record to Ixj the owner of the security. Sec. 6. The abstract mentioned in Section 5 of tab Act, shall be substan tially in the following form: . Sra. 7- It is lereby made the duty ; of the several County Clerks in this j State to record in the ' margin of the i record of all mortgages on land and real property, when requested so te do by the martgagee or owner of the mort gage, all assignments thereof, or of the note or other evidence of debt secured thereby, and copies thereof certified by such Clerk' shall be received in evidence in all courts of this State, with lik ef fect as a certified " copy of such mort gage. And all persons who now haye mortgages recorded in hi State, upon which partial payments have been made, are hereby allowed sixty days after this Act takes effect to cause to be recorded in the Recorder's office of the proper county such payments, with the dates thereof. Sec. 8. A debt secured by lnd er real property situated in no more than one county in this State shall, for the purposes ef taxation, be deemed and considered as indebtedness within this State, and the person or persans owing such debt shall be entitled to deduct the same from his or their assessments in the same manner that other indebt edness within the State is deducted. Sec. 9. ; No prommissory note or other instrument of writing which is the evidence of a debt that is wholly or partly secured by land or real prop erty situated in no more than one coun ty in this State shall be taxed for any purpose in ibis State, but the debt ev idenced thereby, and the instrument by which it is secured shall, for the pur pose of assessment and taxation, be deemed and considered as land or real property and together be assessed and taxed as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 10. Nothing in the foregoing shall be construed to apply to mort gages, deeds of trust, contracts or other obligations in favor of the State or the Board of Commissioners for the sale ef sthool and university lands, or jud ruents in favor of the State, or any of its educational funds whereby such debt is made a charge or lien upon real property. Sec. 11. Sections 2 aad 7 of Chap ter 57, of the Miscellaneous laws of Oregon, and all other Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved October 26, 1882. In connection with the foregoing law it should be remembered that the Re publican members as well as the lead ing papers ef Portland, done all in their power to defeat it and prevent its pas sage, when before the Legislature. When the law was pending before the Supreme Court these same journals were filled with unfavorable comments. We give below extracts from a labored article in the Oregonian of June 8th, which reminds one of pptcial pleading and shows the length to which a lend ing Republican journal will go to futth er the interests of the moneyed pewer, and against the rights cf the people: " J. Fred. Clarke, on being called on by an Oregonian reporter about the matter, gave the following statement: 'The condition e the real estate market at present is similar in til respect to that of the two preceding years at tha s&ne season, as can bo seen by the county records, or more easily by the condensed records in our office.'. The mortgage tax law is operating unfavorably, but chiefly on country property. Country members of the Legislature made the law aad they will end maay of their constituents ia great straits before they can hare an op portunity to amend the act, from which they will suffer." "The reporter then called upon the prin cipal bankers ef the city, with the following result. . '. ' "Mr. W. S. Ladd, of the firm ef Ladd & Tilton. said! We hare not loaned any o our own money on real estate security for long time, because we have not had any mere than was necessary for commercial purposes We hare loaned money on mortgages for outside parties, but they are not satisfied with the present state of affairs, and we will call in their money as fast as possible. The new' liw taxe3 mortgages at their par value while real estate is taxed at only from 40 to 00 per cent, of its value. This is too great a discrimination against the money lender. We will lend no more money on leal es tate.' ' 'W. V. Spencer of the Pertland Savings bank, said. 'Our money is all loaned oot, much of it o& real estate. We would rather have it in band than loaned ou mortgage. We de net propose to oppress people but will get in our money as soon as possible, as we can lean it in other ways to better advan tage. The principal oljection to the mort gage tax law is not to the intent of the law, which was to equalize taxation, which it, however, does not do, hut arises from the fact that the law has the effect of taxing money loaned on mortgages higher than if it were invested iu real estate. But what we most of all object te is, the amount of trouble caused by the requirement of the law that all payments mast be recorded on the margin of the mortgage. We shall get all our money loaned on mortgages is as soen as possible. There will be plenty of plsces to put it when it comes in."1 ,: " William Hfid ef the Oregon and Wash ington Mortgage and Savings bank said. jfo new'mortgage busiaess will be entertained from the city ef Pertlaad. We will, how ever, f ulfill all building agreements to loan, made ' before the decision ef the Supreme Court. It is impossible to loan on Portland mortgages at 10 per cent., because the taxa nere is three per cent., and with contem plated river improvements may go to 3 and pessibly to 4 per cent-, so that CJ per cent, would be the lender's return. That i not the ire it serious objection. It is this. If a loan is" made oa city property for fire years, no man can' tell the net return he will get each year, because he cannot see what the taxation will be Jmade each year, ahead, for five years I io sot object te tax of tat per cenkoif mortgages, or , if wt can know ahead what that tpecifie rate of tax will be. Ia tho country it is different. There the rate generally is 1 per cent, and fluctuates only three quarters of 1 per cent. ; still no man feels disposed to take chances evea in the ceuotry; and se we have not de cided what course te.take ia loaning there, for this reasoa: Suppose we had a winter ke that f 1SS0-81, when stores carried away 50 or CO bridges in the State. As the constitution prohibits counties placing them selves in dbt beyond a certain limit, the result would be that, as these bridges must be reUuilt and damages to roads repaired is the same year at the county's expense, the taxes for that particular year would be doubled and the lender open his fire or six years' mortgage would . receive aa nncx peeted and much smaller rate ef iattrest than formerly. All the laws vf a State nev er ean compel a man to loan his money at whatever rates and subject to whatever taxes the State may designate. The money lender will take care, if he has te make leans at all, that the same wdl not be for a longer period thaa a year, on account of the uncertainty of the precise amount ef taxes he will have to pay; or if loaned for thre ere or six years, will only purchase notes and mortgages at such a heary discount as will cause an impecanieus farmer or borrower to pay much iuhjr rates of interest than he ever dreamed of.'" SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ziosa of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain la tne Head, with a dull sensation in the back' part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion cf body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with m feeling of having neglected some duty, Weariness, Dizziness, Flutterins at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the risht eye, Bestleasness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION TUTT'S PILLS are especially ?pted to such case, oho dose effect each a r kaage of feeling as to netonlsb the uff rr. TUejr Xnrrvase Uw Appetite, and caiine the body to Twke on Flesh, thus tlie iyfm is nonrtehed. and by ttiir Toole Aetlo on the aMffeetire Orsane. Beralnr Stool are pro duced. Price cenw. 33 Murray At M. T. a 0at Hais or WimirT.M chaec ed to a Oiomt Black by a si ngle application of this Dt x. It Im parl a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Dcuavtet. or sent by expreae on, receipt of Si. orrictc, so hcbbat sr., jrew rests. CDr. HITS BAini T ValaaM UbmUn u4 Gtafol Bmejti viBee SmU4 raU ea imWW JOKES' MINERAL WATEE! Testimonials From Prominent Citizens of Hoseburg ! For the benefit of those suffering with catarrh I will state that I have been afflicted with that disease for the last three years and after using various remedies without any benelit, was finally induced to try the Eldorado Mineral Water, from the spring of Geo. W. Jones, which I will slate has elfoctcd a cure, and I Lave . no hesita tion in recommending it to thoss suf fering with a like complaint. J. S. FlTZllUGH, County Judge of Douglas county. April 13, 1883. G. W. Jones. Sir: Durinz last Summer I was suffering with consti pated bowels and general ill health. I procured two bottles of mineral wa ter and used it and am entirely cured. I have no hesitation in recommending the water to all who are suffering with like deranjroKient of the bowels and general debility. Henry Bowen, City Marshal of Rosaburg, April .13, 1883. George W. Jones. Sir: Having used the Eldorado Mineral Water for some time, for dyspepsia and catarrh I feel safe in recommending it to the public as a sure and reliable remedy in those araictions. W. S. Humphry, City Recorder. Roseburg, April 16, 1883. This is to certify that during las all I was suffering seriously with con gestive chills and fever, and was in duced to try the Jones Mineral Water and am happy to state that one bottle cured me entirely and I havo enjoyed good health ever since. W. G. Cleveland. Roseburg, May 5, 1883. The Eldorado Mineral Water can be purchased at any time at the Drug Store of Dr. S. Hamilton, Roseburg, at 50 cents per quart Testimonals. G. W. Jones, dear sir Having been troubled with dyspepsia fur many years I was advised by W. F. John son to use your mineril water. I did so acd do unhesitatingly say it did me more good than anything I had ever used. It had an immediate effect. Yours, : V JOHN HOWARD. Roseburg, April 1, 1SS.V This is to certify that I have used suc cessfully the Umpqua mineral water for six months, for nervous dyspepsia and debility of the whole system and I have found great relief and I might say am entirely cured. I have no hesitancy in believing this min eral water to be of great curative value. Respectfully, W. F. JOHNSON. Roseburg, April 2, 1883. DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, JRoseburg The propretor of this well kn wn arid popular resort wonld thank hisfriends for their libe al patronage in the past and would ask for a continuance of' he same in the luture. The public is informed that i keep none bat the best brands of wiaes, liquors and cigars and that I sell over the bar the cele brat4d Jesse Moure & Co.'s Kentucky Whiskies A good billiard table will be found in the saloon; also ths leading papers bt the world ! FILLS hJ U 'HI I II I i ill n "'S' Ct nil i. Mwjiw.wiMiMuJIWItiga i i n i in m mm-tr fa rti astgmetmJB TUTT'S HI! ft DYE ELDORADO SPRINGS. Te all persons sufferiag with any nasal ca tarrh affection of the throat or stomach, I will str.te that last Fall that myself and mem bers of my family were suffering with ca. tarrh in the head and myself with an affec tion of the stomach. That I purchased a galon of the mineral water taken from the spring on the South Umpqua, 3 miles west of Roseburg, of G. M. Jones, Dr. Hamilton agent, and can testify that both myself and family have received great benefits from its nse. My son .auarew tiiis o" very much from nasal catarrh and by the use of this water haa entirely recovered and is now welL I cau unhesitatingly recom mend it as the best medicine I hare used in my family for any of the above named com plaints. ItV. w. A. Willis. NOTICE. nIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVIu Bti. Atr nointed li.ict..r of Sheep for Douglas county, by tho lion. County Court of salil county, and hav ing filed tho necessary bond, is now ready to perform the duties anpcrtahiliiir to said olfiee, w henever called upou. THOMAS sMirti, Sneep luspector lor iwu.a ko-uivj, Wilbur, Oregon, December 2, 1SS2. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE. SALE OF REAL TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ia Mm c:untv Court of Douir las County, Oregon, entered therein on the eeuond day of April, 1883, the undersigned, administrator of the estate or Woouson rauerson, ueraa-ma, ""' " Saturday, the lCth day of June, 18S3, at 1 o clock 1 . f r.t ...M iv uu nn the Tirnmise-. to the hisnest bid der for cash, the 1jllowiiif descr.bed real estate of said deceased, to-wit: The south half of the north half of the donation land claim of Abraham Patter son and wife, being claim Jo. 4U, ui wwimmu . 29, south of range wi t we uuinww urciiu"j oin.ftt in iwuwlaa countv. Oregon, containinir lt0.45 acres, exceptlnir therefrom one acre of the nenne i comer said land. A fee simple title tmarautced anu posseasiou civen after harvest . ... Herman & Bidl, afctys. for estate. April 21, 1883. Administat or's K otice TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE TJU JN deraigned has been duly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Douprlas county, Oreeon, and has quali fied as administrator ot tne esw h iwmuio wu Clanahan, deceased, late of said county. All persons havimr rinims against eaid estate are hereby notified to present the game, with proper vouchers, to me at Cauvonville, fu Douglas county, Oregon, within six months from date hereof, and all ersong ovnn said estate are required to niako immediate payment to the undersigned. MARY McCLAA UAJ. L. F. MosiiBnatty. ioraauui"oi.rtA. March 10, 1333. JAMES DEAHXI27G, Blacksmitli and Pamor, kA -..n.Vnnn tath neonle of Douirlas county, would reapct fully announce that be is prepared to do all kinds ot worit in ms uao uu gmuuiM faction. nORSESIIOEING A SPECIALTY Anv farmer having a plow to sharpen or machinery to repair will do well to Rive me a call at my old I have a full stock f iron and steel, and having purchased the same at a lov price, can do work, so far as prices are concerned, cheaper than any who will attempt competition, JAS. DtAKLiiNU, Oakland, Oregon. R.S.&J. C.SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, STOVES, C CNS, CLiTLERY, AND TINKERS CR K1SHINU GOODS. TLX STORE, ROSEBt KO, r. tr. aA,.nrnii tba nAnve hr.shiess. xve are pre pared to keep up its former good name for work ana prices. We have the best of material aud always a full stock of goods ou hand and it is our aim to fur nish customers with first-class articles at live aad let liveprls. A full stock ot Iron ana Steel ITov ale. balers from abroad will receive prompt attention R. S. k J. C. SHERIDAN. METROPOLITAN HOTEL This Popular House Situated n the center of the business portion of Roseburg, having recsutly changed hands, has been COMPLETELY RENOVATED, And prepared for the reception of guestf. duiing room will be supplied with the beit the .... s The 3IAUKET AlTirOIXS With eiod attendance. As Mrs. Zigler has charge of the kitchen the cookm? will be unexceptionable. Kates reasonable. Froo coach to and from the railroad. 1 LOU. ZIijLLR. R. R. THOMPSON, R. D. THOMPSON, B. J. DK HART. TV. HOSEYMAS Thompson, Do Hart & Co, Importers anc Dealers in HE saia? dlwsTC9 Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumber and- Wagon mats rial. 184 First St. & 173 & 173 Front St PORTLAND, OREGON. Carriage Hardware! Etc FARMERS, LOOK FOa TUB BEST WKAIUSO wd iTK r nn JLD U HJ JL For men and boys and the most durable shoes for misses aud children, try the celebrated IRON-CLAD GOODS Manufactured by PORTER, SLESSINGER, & CO. San Francisco. They are guaranteed to jrive satis faction Will not break iu the back or rip in the side. All poods f this manufactnre made by white men. N Chinamen employed. For sale by FL0ED4C0. BOOTH BROS. E. G.YOUNG - BOSEBURG. YONCALLA. OAKLAND METROPOLITAfi SALOO!., - UOSEBURG, OUEGOX, ' McCULIOCH & CO, OXLY THE BEST BRANDS - or :' ; "Wine, XlqLttoir &z Clg-ars Kept b hand, and castomcrs wQl find this a pleasant nliuwnfreiiort- CiremeacaiL OT 0 lm twA d bf tropUua Hater P. P. HOGABT's foil 11 A VING PURCHASED A COM PLETE ASSORTMENT OF . GENERAL IRCHiDSF. WILL SELL THE SAME CHEAP FOR CASH! PRICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per yard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per yard. Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa Rico, 7 lbs. for SI. Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard. Fine Japanese tea3, 45 ccnt3 per lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Other articles in proportion. My motto is cash salsa S small profits. F. P. HOGAN. But Before W. WOOBWARD' AND BUY A One of the biggest and best stock of nothing but the best Harness E' a Saddle VERYTHINCJNTHIS.LIN' Dont Tail Rosebv 1AY : CAM SEE WHAT 1 WHY, THAT THE HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF La EVER BROUGHT TO ROSEBURG ! INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES. ALSO GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' READY MADE CLOTHING! Do TVot ail to Call and Eximlno lilW Stoclc I Fiamotfois Quick Siea and Small rrofijs." Bememtar the Place. Ne'wTork Storo4 Boselsurg. SHERIDAN BROTHERROSEBURG, OR'GN. They woull announce that they have juat received aud now have oa hand one of the - Largest Stocks of -General Hardware Ever brought to Douclas, and when ad led to their STOVES OF AI.L. PAT TKUNS and HEADY MADE TINWARE, they art prepared to declare they have the besv supply in their line ot any house in Southern Oregon, which they propose sisaras Tmm Mrs om . can purchase elsewhere. InlheBliape of building materials ic the way t locks, butts, ete, we can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Tiy o. We .an jfive you bargains in the) fo'J jwinjf brands of stoves, not equalled else where Buck's, Bonanza. Farmer. Utility. Derter, Pacific, Wide West, Clarendor Occidei' Iroti King, Empire City, and other stoves and ranges. -The bsPt of workmen arc constantly employed in the manufacture rf our Tlnwer and buyers should learn our prices. We have aieo caragins to oner in guns, well aa in Shot-cans and Pisto's. as We are also Agents for the White Peerles and New Home "Sewing Machine whlc e sell atloweet rates aud warrant as coainle te ia every respect. ' we We can alao supply Averill and, Rubber Paints, 'JLebestin the market, at. i lowest rated. Give us a call, inspect )ux stock, Inquire ao7 03 e f UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! CAH0 BROS. Will sell goods AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. $1 00. White Rock and Lonsdale M113- liu 10yds.............. SI 00. Cunton Flannel from d to 16 cents per yard. Lad ios Brocaded Dress Good 11 cts. per yard. Cotton Batting 20 cents per yard. Brooks', Coin's and Clark's spool cot ton, 60 cents per doz. Ladjes' Calf Shoes, $1 75 per pair. Ladies' Cloth taluiorals, 1 50 each. Table linen from 35 to 60 cts. pr. yard. Costa Rica Coffee No. 1 guaranteed, seven pounds for $1 00. . . Tea, our own Brands, 37 cts, perlb. Sugars from 11 to 13 cents per jb. Toniatees $1 75 perdazen. Rice No. 1 Caiolina, 8 cents per lb. And all other goods in our lino in proportion. We have given yon these quotations and hope that ene and all will take advantage of our price list. C'ARO BB0THERS; You do Tlaat NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. I use leather and have got to See Me! vg, Or. YOU SEE ?." LEADING MERCHANT ! OF sucu as w mclieeter, Sharp aad rther EIt?ee . as to our prices, and we promise to salt a!i fll ly) Sherman, Clay & Go, Pacific Coast Agent j fay tlio Celebrated V . a - '..-.5 fiiil 'V STEELING- 0EGA17S Tlietbove cut r?ijrT.t8 style SO.whlck ; vrill etllforlSO. S23cftU,S10peimonth vith Interest upon deferred pkymente. nie cent per mouth. Good itool sud book Included. Address SBERJSAK, CLAY 6 CO. Cor. Kearny unit Sutter Sta San Francles CaJ Sherman, Clay & Co, Agents for the Celebrated. ill JAst. iZziu fee UPRIGHT, SQUARE GBA1ID Acknowledeed by all Muricl Authorities to b the BEST PIANO now mniiirjictnra. Prices as low and terms ss easy as conslstsal With thorough 'workinanshlp. Address 4 f ... SHERMAN. CLAY & CO, v Cor. Kearny and Salter Sts. San Francisco, CaJ ; Thsialy Instruments that children can plaf 'as well as grown persons. Only fire minutes time required to learn hew to manage thens. Any kind of tunes can be played.' Jinest aecexa ptiniment for tlie voice In singing. They f sold bo low that any family ean easily procnm one. Having one no family could get alona without. Prices of different styles S3, 1CL $12 and $14, including twentyfiTe feet ef xnusio. Send for catalogues and price list. . Ad .dress SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. " t dole A&rents for the Pacific Coast ) jC -"Cr' Kearny and Sutter Sts.,t; Xwui Francisco, Cai. - , For prices end terms, Rddreaa- SHERMAN, CLAY Ss CO, General Ajrenti for Farifle CoaaU Cor. Kearny and Sntter Sta, San Francisco. CaL b. vr. Pii?incs & co. PORTLAND, OK Geseral Aoexts fop. the North Pacifc Coast. T. W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSES APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S & CO., OFFERS POR SALE THE FINEST VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED IX ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER THAN TUB LOWEST. CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY". A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. CONCRETE PIPE. HEXttY GVTERMAN ANTD LOUIS BELFILS have obtained the riht for louglas oountj for laying Continuous Concrete Pipe, for conveying water, and Louia BolSIs and Oeorpe Pro ts man have obtained the riijht for Joaopliine and Curry counties, and will sell farm or ia JiviJaal ripht! and U pipe at the cheapest ftjrardi Any size from 1J to 22 inches furnished. Thu pipe is uiach Cheaper thaa "Wood, Iron or . Lead t U is also well suite! for Irrigation or Mining purpojf andean bo laid any dutance' without joints. j Asle Gieaoo! Seat in the world- Get the genuine Every package- has onr trade-mark aad is marked Fracer's. SOLD EV ERYWHERE, no 35-1 BUY ONJLTSr CAN YON VILLE MILLS FLOUR i -i - -Vi i i I -- i - - ; - It- - i ye , ' "' ' I M fill m mi hi iiiy-Taf "VmI t-irnif V n laW- Wit Ifil -Vh sJf r a-i ITS THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURED FROM ONLY the beet of wheat. I hare for sals also Bran, Shorts, and Middlings, Bacjn, Hains, Lard, ete., eared in the most soieotiSa manner. : Purcliasers wilf do tne a isvor W tnspeot my stock, at the CanyonriLi W. CUAl(i.