THE INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, MAY 26th, 1883 E.HE LABOB QUESTIOI- The lalr difficulties which arc again agitating , the country, says the San Frarrcisco Examiner, appeal to the thoughtful consideration of both par ties. They engender not merely a po litical question, but moral and social nspacLs which affect the entire com munity; That there is something rad ically wrong in the conditions which produce them all must admit. But that there is necessarily a conflict be tween labor and capital is a concession MiG ore., nob prepared to make. The fault" is In au tconemie principle which the government alone can treat. Net be Employer nor the working man can control those social economies which make up the cost of living. Yet the cost of subsistence is the root of the e'iL Many who hav made political economy a study refer, the wrong to the indirect taxation which is imposed upon the masses. Others say that, by strengthening the resources of labor, it vitalizes industry, and develops benefits which, could not bo otherwise secured. Whichever' may be tho right solution of this problem, the fact remains that labor is surrouaded by conditions which . depress it, and which stimulate periodic lockouts or strikeswhich augment iu stead of lessening its misfortunes. In the meantime, " capital, which is its counterpart and auxiliary, is not less affected, and between the two an in dustrial paralysis is brought about which incidentally assails the prosper ity of the country. Democrats assert that all this comes from the injurious influence of the tariff. Republicans hold that it is just the reverse, and that .labor suffers from a lack of pro tection to those industrial interests to which it is related. The issue thus mado up is for the people, acting ihroiigh the Legislature, to dstermine. To that tribunal we must all appeal at last. Truth from a Republican Standpoint There is a paper published in Wash ington which appears to have struck or thinks it has struck, a new trick in the way of office-getting. It used to b published by llinton and Morrow Politically it describes itself as Inde pendent Republican. Labt summer it published week after week, savage at tacks on tba management of the treas ury, and tho amiable Secretary sought the Iiew Testament for guidance, and, under its influence, rewarded good for evil byv appointing Ifinton gpecia agent of the treasury to stop smuggling on thaMexican borders. Consequently, the paper is only published by Morrow at present. This person is now utdo- ing his former partner in attacks on the administration. Recently ho pub lished a- double-leaded editorial, one column long, bitterly abusing the Pies ident, chiefly because he went on a pleasure trip to Florida, which says " In the midst of an upheaval, which se6ms likely to overwhelm the robbed and wretched, hapless and hated peas antry cf Ireland, the President was gorging- ' himself with liquids and Minmp salad, and while American citi zens were being railroaded to the gal lows in Dirblin without one word of protest from him or from that Half- breed Harvard English snob, our Min ister to England, James Russell Low ell." On the same page Secretary i? retingnuysen is addressed as a dotard, Secretary Folger as a debauchee, and Attorney -General Brewster as a sot t i . t while Assistant becrotary French is told if he does not resign, tho method j he secured his appointment win be revealed. It is presumed that Morrow wants to be treated like his old partner,'- but' is in doubt which member of the administration would be likely to heap coa's f fire upon bin . IEHLAND THE POrE'S VIEW3. The Pope, in a circular to tho Irish Bishops says: " Whatever Parnell's object may be, his followers have often adopted a course openly against the rules of the Pope's letter to Cardinal McCabe and the instructions sent tho BishepsVhich were accepted at their meeting in Dublin. While it is lawful for the Irish to seek rediess for their grievances and "strive for their rights ' they should, at ihe same time, seek God's justice and remember that wick edness and illegal means are not justi fiable in farthering even a just cause. It is the duty of the clergy to curb the excited feelings of the people and urge justice and moderation. The clergy are not permitted to depart from these rules or" join or permit movements in consistent with them. Collections to relieve distress are permitted, but sub scriptions' to inflame popular passions are condemned. The clergy must hold aloof when it is plain that by such movements hatred and dissensions are aroused and distinguished persons ia eulted, or when crime and murders go uncensured, and when patriotism is measured by the amounts subscribed, for the people are thereby intimidated." Adjournment of Circuit Court. The court will adjourn on Saturday. All business which ha3 not been dis posed of goes over to the next term. This has been a busy term, and too much cannot be said in praise of Judge Bean for the promptness and dispatch with which he has disposed of the bus iness before the court. All this week has been devoted to the trial of James Beckley for killing Henry Levens. The jury, after re maining out all night, at half-past eight o'clock Friday morning, relu rned a ver dict of not guilty, which meet the en tire approbation of all who heard the evidence, as ic showed a clear ca3e of self-defense. 6UB2IAEDJE WAFASE. Ed. Independent: Your informa tion concerning tho inefficiency of our navy and the appalling decrease of our Merchant Marine, has set some readers of jour valuable paper a thinking, and some have already concluded that we are fast becoming a nation of wheat growers, horse-swoppers and political wire-workers, it seems mat tew Americans look to our commercial pro tection in the future. Our authorities at Washington "table" all questions of great national importance and occupy most of their time in skirmishing for strong positions in the political field. The continual strife for political party power seems to absorb all others. Seeing that our navy is not in a condi tion to meet the hostile fleels of other nations, and knowing that it takes years to build and equip a fleet of iron clads sufficient for that purpose, I would ask why Congress failed to make ample appropriations "to cen struct sea coast defenses sufficiently strong to protect our commercial cities from the attacks of a hostile fleet? In the absence of a nary our national existance demands that we cast and mount on casemated fortr, guns heavy enough to pierce the sides and crush the decks of any ironclad bold enough to approach our defenses that we build submarine galleries in all our ham bors having a defp water entranc", for the more efficient use of tha torpedo ; that we organize an independent tor pedo corps of 500 men and increase our corps of sappers and miners and train them in the science of submarine war. fare. The beggarly two or three hun dred thousand dollars that Congress ap propriated for harbor defenses is totally inadequate. Star routes, salary grabB and credit mobilier swindles can be passed through Congress, but nionoy appropriated far national security can not. Some readers may dissent from my views and say that such preparations are unnecessary. We ars a; peace with all nations and afraid of none. England i.s the most powerful of nationfand we whipped her twice, besides now we have 50,000,000 of people to draw sol diers from. All tLis is very tru sj far as it goes, but ypu must allow that England was at war with France when we whipped her and in imminent peril of being invaded herself. Such is not the case now, and besides Eng land has increased in population in a greater degree than we have, her pop ulation being 300,000,000, the Indian Empire having 24O,O0f5utfc In case a hostile ironclad appeared off tho mouth of the Columbia, what use would those poorly constructed forts be with thoir old time ordinance? Wbv any modern ironclad could run by those forts, destroy all the shipping in the Columbia, reduce Portland and Astoria to ashes and. run back to sea psrhap without any loss.- The Umpqua guard s would be of no avail. See the havoc a few hostile naen-of-yar could make in San Francisco bay. I think it high time the people should wake up and see the kind of men thai control our govern ment at Washington, and the woods are yet full of such fellows. (Re3eburg lawyers not included.) Let us send to Congress men to represent agriculture commerce an4 the trades, with an occasional Northern brigadier, and le us see if in five years we are not better prepared to protect our interests at home and abroad, by land and by sea than wo are now. B. Eeligiou$ Announcements. Tha District Conference for Jackson ville District M. E. Church South, will beheld at Cow Creek School House Fri day before 3rd Sunday in June, and continue several davs. A number of ministers will be present. Come, every body; bring provisions and remain until meeting ends. J. W. Stahl. Fourth quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church for Rose burg circuit will ba held in Boseburg, June 2nd and 3rd. Preaching at 2 p.m. Saturday. Quar terly conference immediately after preaching. H. P. Webb. "We acknowledge the receipt of a beautir ful edition of "Thought en tkt Beok ef Daniel and the Re relatione" by W. Smith, from W. Harper, agent for the book. From a hasty perusal of its contents we can say the work is all that the proprietors claimed for it. We commend it to all Bibli cal and historical readers TUTf SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. loss of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain is the Head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Fain under the Shoulder blads, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, IjQW spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at tha Heart, Dots before tho eyes, Yellow Silo, Headache generally over the riant eye. Restlessness, with fitful dxfeasos, highly ooiored Urine, and TL'TT'S PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase' ! Appetite, and cause tbe body In Take 021 Flesh, thus tbe system is nonrished. an1 by ttiPir Tenie Art Ion on-the IMsrealive Wrsau. Beffnlr Stool are pro duced. Price 26 cenw. 33 M array At.. . . TUITS'Hj 9 Black by a single application of thisDrx. litav parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of tl. o'rrscs, 33 jicbbat st hew tobk. CDt. TCTra MASrAfc TTlM U&nuSlaa s4 UMfel SfotimU will mailt IMi MwUnUsa Farmers and others ilesirinjj a genteel, lu crative agency business, by which $5 to $20 a day can be earned, send address at once, on. postal, to fl. C. Wilkinson : Co., 195 riniv tttk nit WrTTSTricTi cbsneed to a Glossy 197 Fulton street, New York. JOXES' 21INERAL WATER! Testimonials From Prominent t'itiaens of Itoseburg! For the benefit of those suffering with catarrh I will state that I have been affiicted with that disease for the last three years and afttr using various remedies without any benefit, was finally induced to try the Eldorado Mineral Water, from the spring of Geo. W. Jones, which I will siate has effected a cure, and I have no hesita tion in recommending it to those suf fering with a like complaint. J. S. FlTZIIUGH, Countv Judge of Douglas county. April 13, 1883. G. iW. Jones. Sir: During last tell mm er I was suffering with consti- patedj bowels and general ill health. I procured two bottles of minral wa ter and used it and am entirely cured. have no hesitation in recommending the water to all who are sutlering with like derangement of the bowels and , general debility. Henry Bowenv City Marshal of Boseburg. . April 13, 1883. George W. Jones. Sir: Having used the Eldorado Mineral Water for some time, for dyspepsia and catarrh, I feel safe in recommending it to the public as a sure and reliable remedy in those afflictions. W. S. Humphry, Citv Recorder. Boseburg, April 16, 1883. This is to certify that during last ITall I was suffering seriously with con gestive chills and fever, and was in duced to try the Jones Mineral Water and am happy to state that one bottle cured me entirely and I have enjoyed good! health ever since. J W. G. Cleveland. Boseburg, May 5,-1883. The Eldorado Mineral Water can be purchased at any time at the Drug Store of Dr. S. Hamilton, Boseburg, at 50 cents per quart. TeJtimonals. G. W. Jones, dear sir; Having been troubled with dyspepsia for many years I was adyised by W. F. John son to use your mineral water. I did so atd do uuliesitatingly say it did me more pood than anything I had ever used. It had an immediate effect. "" Yours, I JOHN HOWARD, Roseburg, April 1, 18S3. yhis is to certify that I .have used suc cessfully the Umpqua mineral water for six months, for nervous dyepepsia arid debility of the whole system and 1 have found great relief and I might say am entirely cured. I have po hesitancy in believing this min eral water to be of great curative value. Respectfully, W. F-.JOHNSON Roseburg, April 2, 18S3- DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, liuseburg- 1 The propretpr of this well kn wn arid popular resort would haufc hisjfriends for their libe al patronago iri the past and Would ask for a continuance of hesaniein tbe luture, Tbe public is informed that I keep none but the beet biMnii of wines, liquors auu cigars and that I sell over the har the cele braid Jesse Moore & Co.'e Kentucky Whiskies A good billiard table will be found in the saloon; also ihe Ieadiiig"pupers of the world. WATCHMAEiEft & JEWELER Roseburg', Oregon. WHOLESALE AND BETA1L DEALER TN WATCHES. CLOCKS, jEWELIIY ,4 FINE ASSOBTMENT OP SPEC TACLES, OF ALL KINDS. Call and examino our 80 before purchasing elsewhere. Doll t forget the old stand of I BZXFXLS. 9 . NOTICE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP- tKiinted It.soecUir of Sheeu for Douclas county. by the Hon. County Court of said county, and hav ing filed the necessary bond, is now ready to perform tlie duties apnerUiulnie to saidotnee, whenever called upon. THOMAS SMITH, Sheep Inspector for Douglas county, Oregon' Wilbur, Oregon, December 2, 1882. ; NOTICE. -TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE UN LY dersigned has been appointed a-jiniuiitrator of the estate of C. T. Kullman deceased. All ersuns haviwr claims against said estate will present the sains to mo properly verified, at the ottlue of J. W. Hamilton, in - Roswburjt. and any persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will cail and settle the ramc. li. BUOCKWAY, admin. J. V. Hamilton attorney. - ' Executor's Notice. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT F. P. IIO LM gan was apjointed Executor of the last will and testament of J. C. Floed sr., deceased, late of lHnijf las County, Oregon, on the lirt h day of March, 1SS3, bv the County Court of said County, and has duly flWitted as such Executor. Ali having claims against said estate are hereby noiiliea to oie sent the samg, with proier vouchers to rue at niy Ktore in the crane buildinjr Rosoburh'. louias coun tv, Oregon, within six months from d:ue hereof, and all persons owing said estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. F. P. H Oi AN, Executor. A. F Caspuell, attorney for Executor. m;0-7t Administrator's Notice tlanuhan, deceased, late of said county. All persons having claims against said esUte we hereby notified to present the same, with proper vouchers, to me at Canyonville, fn Doula county, Oreg"n, within six months irom date hereof, and all persons uwinir said estate are required to make immediate payment to the undenne& ; MA.K McCL.A3 AH AX. L. K. Mosukr atty. for administrator. March 10, 18S3. Administrator's Notice. SALE OF BEAL ESTATE. -VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IX TUR IN suance Of an order of the County Court of Doug las County, Oregon, entered therein on the second day of April. MHi, the undersigned, administrator of the estate of VVoodson Patterson, deceased, will, 011 Saturday, the 19th day of Juno, 1S83, at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day sell on the premises to tho highest bid der for cash, the following described real estate of said deceased, to-wit: The south half of the north half of the donation land claim of Abraham Patt er son and wife, being claim No. 40, in townahip No. 29, south of range 8 west of the Willamette meridian, situate in Douglas county, Orecon, containing 1(10.45 acres, excepting therefrom one acre of the northeast corner said land. A fee simple title guaranteed and possession given after harvest J. A. KIRKENDALL, administrator. Herman Si Ball, attyjj. for estate. April 21, 18S3. JAMES DEAKXIHG, Blacksmith and Farri6r, And well-known to the people of Douglas county. would respectfully announce that he is prepared to do ad kinds of work in his line and guarantees satis faction. HOBSESIIOEING A SPECIALTY Any farmer having a plow to sharpen or machinery to repai will do weil to give me a call at my old stand. I have a full stock of iron end steel, and having purchased the same at a low price, can do work, so far as priet s are concerned, cheaper than any who will attempt competition, JAS. DEAIlLINCi, Oakland, 1 rejon. R.S.&J. C. SHERIDAN (Successors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IN HARDWARE, TINWA RE, STOVES' CiUNS, CUTLLKY, ANI TINNERS IX'R MSIII.N'U GOODS. TIX STOKE, ROSEBURG, Or. Having . secured the above business, we are pre pared to keep up its former good namo for work and prices. We have the best of material and always a full stock of goods on hand and it is our aim to fur nish customers with first-class articles at live and let live prices. A full stock of . Iron, aiicl Stcdl For Sale. Dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. R. S. & i. C. SHERIDAN. METilOMlTAN HOTEL. This Popular Mouse Situated n the center of the business portion of Roseburj;, having recently changed hands, has bpei COBPXETELY RENOVATED, And prcpawd for the reception of guest. The, dining room will be supplied yi:h the Lent the MKItET AFFORDS With good attendance. As Mrs. Zilcr hag charge of the kitchen the 'conking1 will be unexceptional le. Kates reasonable, tree coach to and from the railroad. LOU. ZIoLER. R. R. THOMTSOS, R. U. THOMPSON, K. J. BE t;ART. WM. 1105EVMAN. Thompson, Do Sart & Go, Importers anc Dealers in Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumber and Wagon material. 184 First St. & 173 & 175 Front St . PORTLAND, OREGON. Carriage Hardware Etc FARMERS, LOOK! FOR THE B8T WKARIXO F or men and bors and the most durable shoei for misses aud children, try tbe celebrated IB,01T-C LAD G00D3 Manufactured by PORTER, SLESSINGER, fc ZO San Franciwo. They art miaranted to eive satis faction. Will not break in the back or rip in the side. All goods of this manufacture made by white men. No Chinamen employed. For sab; by FLOED 4 CO. BOOTH BROS. . ROSEBXJRG. YONCALLA. - OAKLAND P. O. YOUA'Q METROPOLITAN SALOON, EOBEBtrRO, OREGOJT, Mcculloch & co. 9 ONLY THE BEST BRANDS "Wlnent, Liquors c Cigars Kept n hand, and customers will find this a pleasant place of resort. Give me a call. 1 3TOnc door eoutb of tho Metropolitan Hoter -X TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LN 1N dcraiKiied has been duly appointed by the Coun ty Court of Douglas coumy, Oreemi, and has quali fied as adiuinUtratur of the estato of Robert Mc- BOO P P. HOG-AN's Storh HAVING PUBCHASED A COM PLETE ASSOBTMENT OF MM. ERCHID SF. WILL SELL THE SAME CHEAP FOR CASH! PBICE LIST: Calicos, 5 cents per vard. Ladies' dress goods, 8 cents per yard. Corsets, 50 cents. Genuine kid gloves, 75 per pair. Coffee, No. 1 Costa 'Rico, 7 lbs. for $1. Persian Cashmere, 25 cents per yard. Suitings, 12 cents per yard. Fine Japanese teas, 45 cents per lb. Six spools silk thread, 25 cents. Other articles in proportion. My motto is cash sales & small profits. F. P. HOGAN. 4BB HITCH U lilt efoa?e W. Ck WOODWARD'S AND BUY A One .of the biggest and best stock of nothing but tho best G Bono Fail 1 AY ; C AH WHY, THAT THE SEE WHAT HAS THE LABGEST STOCK OF Iff - EVEB BROUGHT TO ROSEBUBG ! INCLUDING EVE RY VARIETY LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF THE VERY LATEST STYLES. ALSO GENTLEMEN AND BOYS' , READY MADE CLOTHING! D o TVpt TPail to O nil and Examino lit Stock: Pia motto is Quick Sales aail Small EommT33r tho Placs, IXow York Storot Roso'bTirg. SHERIDAN BROTHERS, ROSEBURG, OR'GN. They would announce that tbey hare just received aud now bare ou hand oue of tho Largest Stook3 of : General Hardware Ever brouglit to Dousla?, nd when adJed to their STOVES OP ALL PAT TERNS and UEADY MADE TINVVAK, they are prepared to declare tliey have the bes-. 'supply ia their line ot any house m Souihern Oregon, which they propose can purchase elsewhere. In .he shape of budding materials- k superior inducements to purchasers. Ti We van give you bargains in the fo. jwinjf brands of stoves, not equalled else where Buck's, Bonanza, Farmer Utility. Dexter. Pacific. 'Wide West. Clarendon Occidei Iron Kin?, Empire Citv. and other The b;st of workmen arc constantly employed in the manufacture of our Ttnw&rp. and buyers should team our prices. we have also fcaragins to offer in guns, as weil as m bhot-cane and Pisto's We are also Agents for tbe White Peerles we sell at lowest rates and warrant as cow e cau itibu supply - r Avcpill and Slubber Paint. 1 l e best in the'market, at. slowest rates. (iive us a call, inspect mr stock, inquire as any one can. COTES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ! bAROi'BROS. Will sell goods AT FOLLOWING QUOTATIONS: Best brands of prints, 18 yds. 1 00. White Bock and Lonsdale Mus lin 10 yds 1 00. Canton Flannel from 9, to 16 cents per yard. Ladies Brocaded Dress Goods, 11 cts. per yard. . Cotton Batting 20 cents per yard. Brooks', Coat's and Clark's spool cot ton, CO cenis per doz. Ladies' Calf Shoes, $1 75 per pair. Ladies' Clcth Balmorals, 1 50 each. Table linen from 35 to 60 cts. pr. yard. Costa Bica Coffee No. 1 guaranteed, seven pounds for $1 00. Tea, our own Brands, 37i cts. per lb. Sugars from 11 to 13 cents per lb. Tomatees $1 75 per dozen. Bice No. 1 Caiolinaj 8 cents per lb. And all other goods in our line in proportion. We have given you these quotations and hope that one and all will take advantage of our price list. OAE0 BROTHERS. nix u Yon do Tlaa,t NEW SET OF goods ever brought to town. I use leather and have crot INT isa ! to Soe Me! YOU SEE ? " LEADING MERCHANT. MS- m OF I'roacs. the way c locks, butts, etc. we can offer us. stoves tnd ranires. such as W inchester, Sharp and ?therBies. and New Home Sewincr Macbiiie whit:. rile te m every respect, t? onr prices, and we promise' to suit all SHEKIDAN BliOtl 1h r. Sherman, Clay 6 Go, Pacific Coast Agents for Z tlio Celebrate ; --1 ST3ELI1TQ- 0EQ-A1TS ThR.liOTftciitreDrf sents stTl BO. which w will sHl for $190. S23cMh, SI O pet month with Interest upon deferred pymnt. cn pe cent ptr months Good tool aud book includtd. Address SHERMAX, CIAY & CO. v Cor. Kearnjr and Snttcr Sta. -w - Ban Francis, Cal Sherman, Clay & Co. Af?ent8 for the Celebrate r j WMA W ' 1 ' 4Mt's- UPRIGHT, SQUARE 1 BBAHD AcfcnowledtrPd by all Murical Anthoritie to b the BEST PIANO bow manufactured Trices as low and terms as easy as consistent with thorough workmanship. Address , SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.v Cor. Kearny and Suttr BtM., San Francisco, Cat. MAlMASIi 0RGA1IETTE2 The only Instruments that children etn pla as well as grown persons. Only fire minnU time required to learn how to manage thee. Any kind of tunea can be played, finest accoaa panlment for the voice In singing. They aro sold bo low that any family can easily pro euro one. Having one no family conld get along without. Prices of different styles $8, SlCt $12 and SI 4, including twenty-five feet el music. Send for catalogues and price list. A dress SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. " , I ISolo Agents for the Pacific Coast P -'Cor. Kearny and Sutter SU., . j5aa Frauciico, CaL -1 For prices and terms, addr- SHER3IAN, CIAT & C- 4 ) General Agents for Pacific CaU Cor. Kearny anu saner stit 1 San Francisco. Cat " PORTLAND, OU,," Gexeual Agests for the North Pacifc Coast. T. W. MORGAN, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSE APPLE, NEXT s DOOR TO MARK'S & CO., OFFERS FOR SALE THE FINEST ; VARIETY OF TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED IN ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST CIGARETTES A SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF HOLI DAY GOODS. . CONCRETE PIPE. HEXltT GATERMAN' AND LOUIS BELFILS have obtained the right for louglag oounty for laying Continuous Concrete Pipe, for conveying water, and Louis BelSla and George Protsman have obtained the right for Josephine and Curry counUes, and will sell farm or individual rights and lay pipe at the cheae!it' fiarurca. Any size from li to 22 inches furnished. ThU pipe ia much " Cheaper tian "Wood, Iroa or Lead ! It U also well suited for Irrigation or Mining purpose andean be laid any distance without Joints. UK. iMe G-reaoo! Best in the world- Get the genuine. Every package has onr trade-mark and is marked Frazer's, SOLD EV ERYWHERE. no85-Ur BUY ONLY CANYONVELE MILLS FLOtTE, THIS FLOUR 13 MANUFACTURED FROM OXLY the best of wheal. I have for sale also Bran.. Shorts, and .-Middlings, Bacjn, Hams, Lard, etc.. eurod in the most ar lentific manner. Purchasers wiil do me a favor tv iuapect mj stock at the CanyonvUlv . , .... L - i, -..7,' ; T "3 t,1r ' -j Mills, W, K&AMER.