The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, March 31, 1883, Image 3

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jf. hold lezular meetings on .Wednes
sr day on or before each full moon.
J. C. Fullerton, W. M.
T. Caeo, Soc.
US-IiOdge, a 3, 1 0. O
meets , on Thursday evening, of each
week at 7 o'clock, in their hall at Hose
bnrff. Members of the order in good stand
j ni lire invited to attend- By order cf the N
G. . - - ". V.
F.. mtet at Odd Fellows' Hail on Hie 1st
tsnd 3d Fridays of every month. Visiting
Brethren invited to attend
A L. Belfils, Ci P.
, ,T. Ford, Recorder.
II., will meet hereafter on the 1st fc'atur
ot each month, at Grange Hall, in Hoge-
btirg. All ffiembcrs' in good standing are
C6rdisi!y invited to a'tendS
Jas. T. Cooper, M.
J. P. Duncan, Sec.
' A. M.. hold their regnlar commit
J?sar3& nications every first and third
T.ienday in eacli month.- All members ia
tIoi standing will take due md timely
notice and govern theraselvers accordingly
"V .Siting companions are invited to meet
. .with the chapel when convenient;.
W. I. Fiuedlander., Sec'y.
'. Dealer "in :
Offers for sale in Ke?s or, Tin;
4009 pounds of Pioneer White
Lead; Galons Salem Boiled
Linseed Oil; 250 gals. Tur;
ueiitincr A complete stock of
Paints, ''Brushes, Varnishes,
and an Color. (If yen are
going to do any painting ca!i
and get prices before purchas
ing Elsewhere.) Av complete
assortment of School Books,
School ;.St8itioncryT-Writing
Paper, Envelopes, etc., which
I will';. sell very Cheap. Gar
den Seeds, Patent Medicines,
and everything that Is kept in
a llrst-elass Drags tore..-. Or
ders by ' mail , and Express
promptly attended to.
Farmers and others desiring a genteel, lu
crative agency business, by which $5 to $20
a day can be earned, send address at once,
on postal, to EI. C. Wilkinson; & Cr., 193
107 Fulton street, New York.
Notice. All persons holding coun
ty warrants datf d -iftor May 17, 18S2,
up to October GO, 1S82, are '-notified
that interest on the .game ceases from
and after the latter date.
W. N. Mooee,
County Treasurer.
Lumbermens Meeting. ATI persons
emrared in manufacture and sale of
o o
lumber in Douglas County are request
ed to meet in Boseburs Saturday the
- "
5th day of May, 1SS3 at 2 o'clock P,
M. to arrange and agree upon a uniform
ru-ice for the different grades of lumber
manufacture J at the various mills
the county.
N. II. Rone.
11. A. Booth.
4 V- A. Palmer.
Clauke & ."Baker.
Sauberx & Noble.
Suit- for" Libel. An action ha?
been commenced in the circuit court of
Marion county by Win. Ruble, against
Judge Prim, of Jackson county growin
out of matter published in a slip which
was inserted in the brief of Judge Prim
in the case of Kelly vs. Ruble, which
which has iust been submitted to the
supreme court.. The damages are laid
at $1000. The papers -were served on
the ex-judge just as he was starting for
home, Saturday afternoon. The case
before the supreme court is about the
Coyote mining claim, which has been
inlitigatiou for seveial years. ,
. Secoxd Meeting of the W. C. T. U.
This society met at the M. E..
Church in Roseburg on Saturday after
noon at the usual hour, Mrs. Webb in
the chair, being the second meeting of
this new organization. A vote of
tfianks was tendered to the proprietors
of the Plamdealer and Independent
for their very kind offer of space for
. the use of the society. The constitu
tion adopted is substantially the same
as used by the Portland Union,
changed to suit the locality. The
project of establishing a reading room
iiere wa3 canvssed, as was also the prop
osition to take charge of the Roseburg
Band of Hope, without definite results.
The next meeting will occur at the
same place on the 7th of April, at 3
o'clock, P. M. Prayer meeting Thurs
day night, in conjunction with the reg
ular prayer meeting of the M. E.
. Church. '
1 - -
Mr, F, H. Hannafee, a newspaper man
from Washington Territory, is in the city and
will remain a few days.
Carrie Ferguson, has taken charge of the
school at Hound ptaire near Elkton.
Coal tar aad pine tar for sale at Hamil
ton's drug store, -j
A large acreage in Marion and Linn coun
ties will be p'anted to hops this year.
The late rains hare dressed the earth in
green foliage. A One assortment of carpeis
just received at Cjaro Bros.
W. F. Courtney on last Wednesday ship
ped to Portland eight yoke of cattle, which
he purchased on the Coquille at $35 a yoke
At Ilamiltoa's drug store, quicksilver,
Sulphur, June and a cheap giade of coal oil
fur doctoring sheep.
Arthur LangelL 'of Langell valley Kla
math county, passed through the city this
week, with eight span of horses which he is
taking to Seattle for sale.
Best quality of note paper ten cent9 per
quire and envelopes five cents per bunch of
25, at Hamilton's drug store. ,
The Misses S'nith are having fitted up
Woodruffs building for a new millinery
store. . " -
Gardening ia in.progre3J all over" the city.
Flowers and early vegetables are looking
exceedingly well. !
Jackson street is improving. The walls
of the new bank building of Peet, Humph
rey & Co., are approaching completion.
A. A. Fink has returned from a visit to
hi3 family in Oakland, California, and is en
gaged in gathering cattle preparatory to
driving to his stock farm in Lake county.
The grangers all 'wear a pleasant counte
nance aad the grain crop ' is assured beyond
the shadow of a doubt. Don't forget to ex
amine tha new carpets at Caro's.
Mr. McCIanahan, of Eugene city having
been south purchasing horses, left for home
with twelve head. jThe horses are of good
qualitj', but the purchase price i3 a secret.
Eb. Stephens, a former County Clerk and
Deputy Sheriff, is. with us once more.. He
is looking well and i so changed in -appearance
by a full beard that many of his former
associates failed to recognize him.
The Carsena Huntly claim on the north
Umpqua river was' sold this week to John
Dickson. V Tho farm included about 6,600
acres of land, and the terms upon which it
was sold are at the present time, private.
Senator G rover and wife have returned to
Oregon and will make their future home in
Portland. They are stopping at present at
the residence of Son. J. S. Smith, his
brother-in-law. !
Captain George D. Korts, late master of
the Tacoma, which was wracked off Coos
bay, is to take command of the schooner
Beda, now on the Columbia river.
Judge B. Whitten, a prominent lawyer of
Eastern Oregon, died at the reside nee of J.
B. Eaton, at Union, last Sunday. Judge
Whttteu was for a Ion? time a resident of
Canyon City, and ; much respected j,by all
who know him. The last two yeara he re
sided at the Dalles. .
John Henry Smith, the Granger lawyer
and temperance lecture of Harrisburg,
and well and favorab y known throughout
Oregon, made our ! city a hasty visit en
Wednesday and returned home on Thursday.
He came to the Urapqu to purchase a bill
lumber for improvements he is making.
F. P. Hogaa has reStted aad painted
what was known as the Crain building.
which presents a new aad improved appear
ance. The goods are bein displayed to
good advantage. W. T. Wright presides as
chief salesman.
The Umpqua Pomona and Umpqua
Granges will hold a .meeting at the Grange
hall in Roseburg, on the first Saturday in
April, at 11 o'clock a. m., with other im
portant business. The election of delegates
to represent tins county at the pext session
of the State Grange will take place. All
members of .the order are requested to lfe
present. D. S. K. BtfiCK, D. D. M.
Dr. M. W. Davis, the popular dentist, has
removed his office to the second ' story in
Marks' building. His parlor -is furnished
with a velvet carpet and easy chairs of the
latest and most esthetic styles. His oper
ating room is provided with all the latest
improvements and hi3 labratory shows the
Doctor keeps up with all the new inventions(
A visit to his rooms would induce almost
any person to have a tooth pulled whether
it aches or not.
Hon. J. F. Watson, U. S. District Attor
ney, was married last week to Mrs. Vir
ginia Kinney. The ceremony was per
formed at the Baptist church, by Ruv. J. A.
Gray. After receiving the congratulations
of their numerous friends the newly married
i pair were driven to the steamer Oregon, by
which they left for C.-ornia on their bri
dal trip. , The many friends of the J udge in
this county tender their sincere congratula
tions. The Rev. J. A. Gray has been admitted
bv the Supreme Court to practice law. The
reverend gentleman may be emineatly qnal
ified for that business, but we protest
against the consolidation of the professions.
In the popular pinion they are inconsist
ent, but if a man can serve the Lord and
the devil at the same time, we think it un
fair to tho legal profession, who can only
serve one master. When a preacher be
comes a lawyer it looks very like what the
old 1 'sport" said, "he was prepared to take
them agwine and a comin'."
The North American He view for April
contains interesting and instructive articles
on the following subjects. "The Scriptural
Legal Aspect of Divorce." by the Rev. Dr.
Theodore Woosley and Judge Jhn A.
Jamison of Chicago; "Ab-orption and An
nexation of Canada by the United States,"
by Dr. P. Bender, of Canada. "National
Aid for Public Schools, by Senator John A.
Logan. "The Dangerous Classes that Me
nace the Perpetuity of Civil Order," by Rev.
Dr. Howard Crosby. "Race Education,"
by James C. Welling, President of Columbia
University. Thia magazine is pub lished at
30 Lafayette place, Mew York, and fur sale
by booksellers generally.
The Philadelphia Times observes
that Congress, which came in like a
lamb, went out like .a snuff! canals.
Ed. IsDErEKTEXt; I hope you will grant
ma space to aaswer an editorial that ap
peared ia the last Plaindealer, headed "The
Notorious Roody Case."
The article in question doe3 me a great
injustice. It seems to me that some one
was to blame an4 the author wants to pile it
all on my shoulders. 1 had been trj'ing to
have Roody arrested for two lona months,
but it seems he always avoided the vigi
lance of the officers and they claimed they
could not arrest him Two warrants were
gworn out, one by Casey and the other by
myself. I at last served the warrant sworn
out by Casey and proceeded to the railroad
front with authority and a full determina
tion to arrest vhim myself. When 1 left
Myrtle Creek Casey was there, with no in
tention of leaving and as he was the prose
cuting witness I supposed of course he would
be in readiness when Roody arrived. I
left Myrtle Cieet on the 9Lh of the present
month, and Casey left for Portland on the
12th. I also subpoSnaed' Joseph Rhodes,
who was an eyerwitness to the whole af
fair. He promised me to appear at Myrtle
Creek without fail, and I supposed Casey's
and Rhodes' evidence would be sufficient to
secure a conviction. The writer of the arti
cle alluded to says that instead of bringing
him before the magis trate himself I turned
him over to Dick Stephenson, one of the
men I had claimed was aiding and abetting
Roody. That is not so. I never claimed
any such thing, for Stephenson was a part
ner in the'property destroj'cd by RooJy and
ho had always told me he wanted to see
Roody punished to the full extent of the
law. I supposed they bad abundance of
proof and as I was not the prosssuting wit
ness I felt assured that they had proof
enough without ma and I had other business
of importance to attend to.
Jon Arbott.
The rain has come and everybody re
joices. :
Dr. Keeler H. Gabbert, who . has been
quite sick, is able to be arouud again.'
Miss Anna Hall, eldest daughter of our
worthy townsman John Hall, has gone to
Jacksonville, where she expect3 to attend
school. ; . ..
Last Sunday the 25th inst., John Ramey
was married to Miss El va Stewart. Rev.
John Starks performed the matrimonial
rites. -v. ; '
Uncle Billy Hutson, although having
passed the age of three score and ten still
fills with ease the Gubernatorial chair of
Myrtle Creek.
A child of Mr. Ingraham died last Fri
day night and was .buried thu following
Sunday The bereaved family have the
sympathy of the entire community?
Much sickness prevails among the chil
dren, but with proper care and the neces
sary medical aid all will likely recover
Profi Ji N. Hall, who has just finished
a nine months school at this place, will leave
in a few days far Jacksonville, where he
will teach during the spring. The best
wishes of his many friends - accompany him
ia his new field of labor. '. ;
S. Selig, of the firm of Marks, Wollen-
berg & Co., returned last Monday evening
from Portland, where he has been recre
ating for, several days." He seems to be
much improved by his journey.
Last Saturday wa3 a day noted for its
boisterousuess in this little village. Early
in the merning one of the saloon keepers
became intoxicated and raised a tremendous
excitement by shooting off his pistol in the
streets aud using very obscene language, all
caused by Strang drink. Drunkenness has
become burdensome, to Myrtle Creek.
- i .'
; So Urug Medication-
Compound Oxygen is simply a new combi
nation of the two elements which make up
our common atmosphere, and in such por
tions as to render it much richer in the vi
tal or life-giving quality.' It contains no
medicament, unless the elements of pure air
are medicines, and its administration intro
duces nothing into the body which the sys
tem doe3 not welcome as a friend, accept
with avidity and appropriate as entirely
homogeneous to itself. Our Treatise on
Compound Oygen, its nature, action, and
results, with reports of cases and fall iufor
mr.tion, sent free. Dks. Starket & Pales,
110 and 1111 Girard street, Philadelphia, Fa.
All orders for the Cunpound Oxygen
Home Treatment directed to H. E. Math
ews, GOG Montgomery street, San Francisco,
will be tilled on the same terms as if sent di
rect to us in Philadelphia. ,
A Hand Amputated. Tucker, who was
injured some time ago by being struck with
a cane by Dr. Crawford, "and who went to
reside at the poor farm, has been very un
fortunate of late. On Thursday of last
week he approacbed too near the saw in
Clark & Baker's mill and attempting to re
move a piece of bark from ia front of the
saw, which was in metion, had tho misfor
tune to lose his hand and a portion of the
fore-arm .and the hand was Bawed off and
the bones of the wrist and arm were bo lac
erated that the arm had jto be amputated
about one-third the distance from the wrist
to the elbow. The amputation was per
formed by Dr. Davidson and it ia hoped that
a good rocovery may be had.
TnE revision of the tariff is of value
in only one respect, the New York
Heiald declares; it confirms the wisdom
of the people who in November last
dcided that a great number of Con
greesmen were unfit for the seats they
Mis Lucy Hays, School closes this
Friday, with a g-rand Exhibition by the
scholars in the evening at their school
room m masonic Hall. The patrons
and all others should not fail to encour
age the little folks with their presence.
Died Sirs, Pall, an old lady died at her
grand daughters Mrs, Picketts, near Canvon-
j villa' in this county on Wednesday, the 23th
a, f H.-.i, ;.. i rn c i
The deceased leaves many friends and re
litives TCsidiujg in lh vicinity of Canyonville,
' N. -NY Chapman gave his friends a
c dl the first of the week.
Mis3 Cora Booth is visiting relatives
in Yoncail.
Miss ILslena Holnian has gone to
Roseburg, where she taTces charge of a
class in instrumental music.'
Miss Mary Dinimick of Center Bend
is here visit'iig; hsr sister,-Mrs. J. I.
Rupert Ilainss has been quits sick
with Pneumonia for some time, but is
now rapidly recovering.
Mis. 'A. W. Strange is teaching a
class in wax work. The members of
the class are making some very hand
some flowers.
This is now the most quiet quiet
places. Vacation has come ths stu
dents are gone, and your correspondent
is lett aim os i alone toenjoy the extreme
dullness of the v.'cek.
Since the refreshing raias of the week
farmers have worn brighter fac3. At
tacks of the blues are less frequent, and
all nature is clothed with verdure.
Mr. G. W. Grubbe, our enterprising
merchant, has fitted up the building
formerly used by Mr. FraJser for a fur
niture store,' for a residence, and has
moved' there in. Mr. Grubbe is now
our enly merchant, and we feel quite
sure will be liberally patronized.
The Academy Journal, published by
the young ladies, and read by Miss Ida
Booth last Friday, was one of tho best
we have ever had, and reboots much
credit upon its contributors.
A social party was given at the res
idence of Mr. Booth Thursday evening
of last week. A pleasant time whs had
as we always have when entertained by
Mr. and Mrs. Booth and family.
Mr. J. CfSmith, who has lived with
U3 for?many years has sold his farm to
Mr.vBrowii of Oakland and will remove
to Eastern Oregon in the summer. He
will be accompanied by his- boti L. M.
Smith and family and J. Higins and
family.. . .. ' .
Mr. Theron C. Waite, who attended
school at this place this winter, has de
parted for Portland, where he will re
ceive a lucrative position on the N. P.
R. Py. - Mr. Wait is an energetic
young man, and i3 deservedly popular
rherever he goes. " We wish him much
Tho educational mill gi inds away . un
wearied ly. Wilbur cannot boast of
many exploits, but she can boast of fur
nishing her full quota of teachers.
And be it said to tha credit of Pr'cf
Benson that he has had many applica
tions for teachei'3 from his students that
ho camiot fill
Among those who will teach this
spring, who received their education
here we will give the following. - Ida
Wimberly who will teach the Oak Creak
school. S.J. Shruia at Mt. Scott; II.
S. Strange at Greenville; B. D. Smith'
at French Settlement; S. D. Chapman
and Anna Cooper will' both teach on
Myrtle ! Creek; EJith Rice at Elkton;
J. L. Casebeer at Fall Creek; and Mis
Florence Casebeer will teach in Coos
The poat has said that ''The thought
of separation mingles bitter with the
sweet". This appears to have been prac
tically demonstrated here as the close of
the winter term of school approached,
and one by one was called home In
the school were about eighty members,
and the sjreatftr pQition of them came
from otiier precincts, arid at the final
clos of the term many were the sad.
disconsolate faces,
-e.jpeciall among
some oi tae
VOUng 113 511.
S. S.
It would appear frorn . a recent let
ter to the Pittsburgh Dispatch, that a
marked change has come over "Wash
ington society since the memorable and
commendable days of Mrs. Hayes at
tho ".White House. The correspondent
says: "Overeating and overdrinking
at receptions and " parties are among
the mo3t common forms ef ill-breeding
and the way in which some 'swell'
people gorge themselves at the supper-
tabl3 Avould make cannibal blush."
Araomr the illustrations cited the
writer mentions a recent instance of
one ot these secietv "swells who.
while obeying the request of a young
lady whose escort he was for ''another
ice and some more wine-jelly" himself
".vent over to the sideboard and swal
lowed in snccession six glasses of wine
which had .been poured out for some
body else!" It waso noteworthy fact
that so potent was the restraining in
fluence of Mrs. Hayes, as the wife of
the President of the United States,
not only did society leaders in Wash
ington in tnny instances "omit wijie
altogether from their entertainments,
or greatly limit it3 qautitv, but the
liquor dealers themselves complained
of a marked falling off ia their sales.
with the return of wines, and the in
troduction of New York club life to
the White House, the disgraceful so-
c'll customs chronicled in the letter
f:om which we quote- again become
conspicuous in the nation's capital.
RAMEY STEWART. March 25, ,1SS3,
at the residence of J. F. Smith, by the
Rev. J. I. G. Stark, John Rawey to Elva
Stewart . ,
DAVJS-WHEELEll. March 2S, 1SS3,
at the residence of the bride s mother in
Roseburg, by Rev. W. A. Smick, Dr. R.
At. Davis to Miss Emeli-i R. Wheele.
We acknowledge the receipt of cak and
cards, and wish the " young people along
happy and prosperous voyage over the matri
monial sea, and when time shall be or'e a
peaceful repose in the land of the Lord.
Jf&ULUiQ fuuLcfuLS:c
if ia aitife stack at
ifi tlia astute, of: J.
cla&e aut tke.
at fenLaSkaLhg.
lam fucLcEs. Eaf-
liQW Millinery Shop.
- The Misses Smith will open
their shop on Jackson street,
sonth ef Mrs. Compton's, and
display their new stock of mil
linery goo Is, on Tiinrsdaj i
April 5th. Ladies are invited
to call and sec onr fiats, Bon
nets, lUbbons, Flowers, etc.
All newandof the latest styles
jast received fi om San Fj an-
CiSCO. . . ' .
In tiie Circuit Court in and for Douglas county,
State of Oregon.
Nannie J. Moore, plaintiff, V Suit in equity
- vs.. - fira
Jolm W. Moore, defundait ) divorce.
you are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint Sieslnguinst you by the plaintiff, Nan
nie J. Sloore, in the above entitled suit, on or before
the first day of the Dext regular terra of said court,
to wit: the second Monday, the 14th day of J.Iay,
1S33, and if you f aii to so answer the said complaint
the plaint;!! will take judgment Rgniust you for want
of an answer and wdl apply to the court for the le
lief demamla-J in said eompliint "to wit: for a deoree
dis3olv'njr the marriairo contraet - existing between
the pliiiuiff and defendant, for tho custody of tho
minor children. Le!a May MoOi and Ethel J. Mnore.
for such alireouy as the court may deem just and
proper and for the costs of this suit. This summons
is published by order of the Hon. R. S. Bean, Judve
of t'.ie said Circuit court for DouLm county, btate of
wrecn, maao anu entered J-ei. 5, issz.
n45-7r ; P aintiff'u attorney.
; . SUMMONS.- "
In the Circuit Court of the Sute of Oregon for the
County of Docg'as.
A. F. Brown plf. "
va. . I Suit in Equity
Lawrence Plowuwn to
Hester E. Plowman j Foreclc a'mortgage.
llvma-.j Abram-def.y
J Plowman. deicidHiita in the abovo entitled suit.
Iu the na-.ue of the State cf Oregon, you are hereby
required ta anpear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above entitled suit and coujt, by
the plaintiff A. F. Brown, on or before the first day
of the next regular term oi said courf, to-wit: The
second Uaaday the 11th day of May, A. D. 1833, and
U you f j.ii U answer said complaint the plaintiff will
take judgment against you fur want of an answer and
j. will apply to the court for tho relief demanded in
y said complaint, to-wit; for a judgment anddccree
that the mortgage deed (described in the complaint)
be duly foreclosed and tho mortgaged property to-
wit: The S. E. i of the N W. 1 and N. of the
E. 1 and the S. of the S. K. I -f eo
tion 21, T. 25, S. H. 7 W. of Willamette imr.diin of
lands in Douglas county, regon, be gold at. co-ding
to law ana tt:at the proceeds of tho sale be applied
in payment of the crests arid exnense of tho fore
closure and sale, and that the claim of the defend
ant, ilymaa Abraham, be rsc-ertained and paid out
of said proceed, and the amount due to the plaintiff
upon said note and mortgage be paid thereiroin and
tho baionee, if any, he paid to said defendants, La r-
renco I lowman and Hester E. Plowman or tueir
heirs or assiurna. This summon-) is pub:ishel by or
der of Hon. It. S. Pean, Judge of sa'.d Circut Court,
dated March22, .
. II El. KAN a ai.d BALL,
"W 7t Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Executors Notice.
XI gan was appointed Executor of the laet v. ill and
tes. amont of J. V. Hoed nr., deceased, jate of Do-jy-ia
County, Oregon, on the lot h day of March, 13S3
by tl e County Court f t sa-d County,- and has duly
qualified as such Ex.-cut-jr. A ii persons having'
c.'aiins against said csia.eare !iero-'y no'.iSea to uie-
scnt lite &amg, wita pi o, er '.orchei's to mo at my
store iu the i,'rauo buiiuiug !5jseburg. Dougtaa coun
ty, Urejron, witliin six monUis from d;ie hercv.-f. sua
ail persons owing said estate required to make
immediate payment to the undersigned.-
F. P. 11 OU AN,: Executor.
A. F Campbkll, attorney for Executor. : m;"o-7
Administrator's Notice.
il dersigJicd has been iuly appointed by the Coun
tv Court of Douglas co uny, Oregon, and has quali
fied as administrator of the eitate of iiobcrt Mc
Clanahan, deceased, lata of said county. All persons
Having claims against said estate are hereby notinod
to present the same, with proper voucher?, to me at
Canyonville, fa Douglas county, Oregon, within fix
months from date hereof, and ait teions owiuir said
estate are required to make immediate payment to
tne undersigned. JnAriY jIcCjLAj A-UAji.
L. F. MoHinsii atty. for administrator.
March 10, 1883. ' ;
European fiStcauiship Tickets.
X Europe to all ; points of Oregon, SS a? mngten.
Idaho and Mohuus, at greatly re iuced and lowest
possible rates over the f ollowin ' lines: isorta uer
man Loyd Steamshin Company. Hamburg American
Packet Company. White Star Line Steanmhip Cm-
pany. Ked btar Luie titeanisbip Comiiany. Amen
ican Line Steamship Company. Apply personally r
by letter to .
No. 10 Washington street, National Bank Building,
r. O. Box l o.tiand , vugen.
Xoticc of F.nal Settlement.
Oiegjit fo th c ranty- of Douglas. In the mat
ity of Douglas,
state of ulllert
ter erntp estate of uJlert MeNair de
ceased. ' To : vw. i it may co:ieem. Notice is
hereby given that ' underni-ued administrator of
tbe ivartnerslup estate Mcsaur acceasea,
nxi filed in said Cou lty Court hist final account of the
administration of said estate and the said court, by
its order dnlv made and entered on the first day of
March, 1SS2, has appointed Satunlay. the 7th day of
April, 13j53, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the
Court House ia Roscburg, a time and plac for hear
ing objections, if their be any, and for the settlement
of said account. ISAAC BOYLES,
administrator of paid estate.
Pated March 10, XS32.
Xotiec to Creditors.
Iu the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho
County of Doutfas. In the matter of tho estat of
Leah Linrille deceased.
JL lerested in the c?tat of Ijeah Linville deceased.
You are hereby notified inal William Linville was, by
order of the County Cuirt duly made and entered in
said court, on the 14th day of February, A. J. 1533,
apiwiiited ndiainistrator of the estat said deceased,
and letter dnlv issued to bitn. , All persons hariiiif
claims against said estate are hereby required to pre
sent theui, duly verified, to said administrator, at his
place of residence in Canyonviile preiact, Douglas
couiitr, Oregon, v.ithia six mouths Is-oio the first
publication of this notice. ' - v.; ;
WILLIAM LINVILLE, admin'stratcr.
Dated February 17, A. t. 1833. : . ; .
Adsaiaistrat or's Kotice. ;.
1 dcrsicrned ha been duly appointed by the
County Court of Douglas county, Oregon, and has
qualified as Administrator of the estate of Jair.cs
Miiler. ltceea?ed, late of said county. -, Sow all per
sons having L claims against said estate are hereby
required to preseut the same, with proper vouchers,
tb me at my residence in Yoiicalla, in Douglas eoun
ty, Oregon,: "wiihin bis luontlis from date hereof,
aiid all persons owing Raid estate are notifled to
mate . immediate' r&vnieut to the nndcrsigncd as
foresaid. BENJAMIN HliNTlNUlON.
Iltrnnann & Ball, attorneys for estate. " . ;
February 7, las.'i. : , '
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of DougLis. In the-matte of the estate of
George Ebe! deceased. -
tercstj.l in the estate of George EtHl deceased.
You are hereby notified thatjhe undersigned, A. 0.
Cox, was, by order of tho County Court of Douglas
County, Oregou, made and inteTed iu fiaid court on
the 0th day i'tbruary, 18S3. apppoinUsd a-Jmiuistra-tor
of the "estate of said daceastd, aud letters oi ad
ministration tU-jreupou duly issued to hiui. All per
sons having claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present tboln, duly verified, to the under
signed administrator at his pla-e of residence la Wil
bur, Douglas county, Oregon,' or at the Con'ity
Clerk's oiiii-e iu the Court house, iu hoseburg, within
sis months from tlsis date.
A. C. COS, administrator.
February 17, 1SS3.
0 O T
Try tli9 Celebrated' r. .
Sii Francisco. Thy are truaran
teed to pive satisfaction. Will no
break in the back , or rip ia the slda.
All goods of this manufacture made by
white No Chinaaaea employed.
For Bale by
IJOOl'H R-tOi-E.
G. YuUNii..
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
. County of Douglas. , .
Sarah E. Goodwin, p".3., ) buit in efinity
vj. V for
Joseph F. Goodwin, def. ) - a divorce.
To Joseph F. Goodwin, defendant:
la the ntime of the State of Oregon. You are
hereby required to appear and answei the complaint
filed against you in the above entitled suit, by the
plaintiff, Sarah E. Goodwin, in the abovo entitled
court and suit, on or before the first day of the next
regular term of said court, to wit: The second SIou
day, the 14th day of May, A. D. 1SS;, and if you fail
to answer said complaint tho plaintiS will take judg
ment against you ftir want of an ans wer and will ap
ply to the court for the relief demanded in said com
plaint to wit: For a decree dissolving the marriage
contract existing between the plaintiff and defend
ant and fora judgment for the corts and disbure-
ments incurred tu sawl suit, nns summons is puo-
shed by orticr cf Hois. It. S. 1-Scan, Judge of said
Circuit court dated February 0, 13V,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Demand for our goods compelllcd us
to send for a complete assortment,
which we are aaiiv receiving from the
first hand, and can afford to
any house in the State. Our stock i3
more complete than ever, in all branch
es. - It you want bargains, now is your
time to call on us and satisfy yourselves
before purchasing elsewhere. We mean
what we say and you can always find
us at the
One door rom the Postoffice.
Administrator's Notice.
Rondeau has been appointed by the County Court
of Douglas Couuty, tregon, administrator of the es
tate of llegis Pecar, deceased, late of said County and
State. All persons having claims against said estate
are hereby requested to present the bsme tome at my
residence on Days Creek Oregon , with proper vouchers
withia sU months from the hlte hereof, and all persons
owing su;d estate are notified to make immediate payment-to
the undersigned. -
- Francis Rondeau, administrator
A. F. Camxbell, attoraoy for administrator.'
Succesfrors to Thos. P. Sheridan)
Guns, Cutlery and Tiraer Fur
? nishing1 Coodji.
vr . ... .' j it. n n I...!.... .
are prepared to kep up its former goad
name fur work and pricep. We have th
bist of material vnd always a Jail stock
of ood3on band end it is our aim to fur
nisli customers with fiwtclas- artioles lir.
let live prices.
A full stock of Iron ar.d steel for al,
dealers from abroad Tf ill receive prompt
attention. II S. J. O. SUEHlDAi
Kept on hand, and customers will findthi
ap'easant place of rest rt.
Uive mi a call one door, eouth of tk
Metro)oltlau llotei. .
Jackson Street, Kosetmrg
The prorretor of this well knmn and '
popular resort won'd ihank bis friend
for. their liberal patronag-e in the past
aud would ask for a continuance ef,
he same in the future, The public is
inf-irmed that 1 keep none but the best
brands of wines, Jiouors and ciarars
and that I sell over the bar the cel
bratl Jesse Moore & Co.'a Kentucky
Whiskies ;
A Kood billiard tabic will be found
in the saloon: also the lealinsr paneEa
of tbe world.
Koticc to Creditors.
In the County Court ef the Stat of Oregon for th
County oi Dougia. in the niatter oi W.e MUM
of Joseph Kisbcrtrer deceased.
. terested in the estate ef Jftsepii Kiaberf
ceased. You are Lereby notiS.d that tke madAr
signed, O. K. P. Cain, was, by order f t Cur
Court of Douglas county, Oregon, mad aad ntrl
in said ourt on the l&ta day l January, ies, b
pointed administrator of the estate of said daM,
and letters of administration thereupon duly 4
to hiui All persons having claims against said -tatc
are hoi-eby required to present them, duly ",Yi
fieil, to tne undersigned administrator, at his place l -residence
in Canj-onyiHe, Douglas county,"
Oregon, or at theofik-e of Uerniaun & Ball, in Uos
burg, within six months from tiiis date.
O. K. P. CAIN, administrator.
Roseburg, Jan. 27. 1S33.
pouited It.Bpcctor cf Sheep for Douglas county, -by
tbti Hon. County Court of said county, and hav
ing filed tho r.ccessary bond, is now ready to perform
the duties appertaining to suidolttoe, whenever called
Sheep Insiie-tor for Douglas county, Oregon
Wilbur, Orego)!, December 2, 1SS2.
n. R tiiompsos:,
Tcmpsca, Be Hart k Co,
'Imporiers and dealers ia
JE3L S5iS? cS.'s7raE?o0
Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumber
aud w50n material.
18-1 First St., and 173 and 175 Front fit
Tortland, Orc-ffon.
Carnage Hardware.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Douk1.-m. . ' .
Susan Farrell, plif., Suit in Equity
vs. for
Thoma9 II. Farrell, dcf. j . Divorce. -
X the r.ame of the State of Oregon you re hereby
rcquicred to appear and answer the complaint filed
againat you iu tho above entitled r-uit and court, on
or before the first day of the next regular term of
said court, to-wit: The second Monday, tha 14th day
of Hay, laKi, and if you fail to answer said complaint
the plainiiiX will take i udcrment arainst vou for want
j an answer and will apply to the court for the relief
i:er.ianded in said complaint, to-wit: For a decree
dissolving the marriage contract existing between
plaintiff and defendant aud for a judgment for the
costs and disbursements incurred iu oaid suit. ThU
summons is published by order of lion. R. S, Bean,
Jodge of suid court dated Feoruary, 19th 1833.
Attorneys forplaintiff.
Roseburg-, Oregon
Call and examine our stock before
purchasing elsewher. . Den't forget
the old stand of
By buying at dealers pric is . We wi3
sell you any article for fs mily or per
sonal use, in any quantity r.t Wholesale
Price. Whatever you want, send for
our catalogue (free) and you will End
it there. We carry in stock the largest
variety cf goods in the United States.
Montgomery Ward & Co.
427 & 3x9 Wabash Avesue?Chiss5