THE - INDEPENDENT. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3ItD, 1883 TAEITP BILL. The denied aristocracy are in confu sion and are having tbeir energies tax ed to the uttonacst to know how to maintain a high protective tariff and at the same timeprevent the payment f he debtaad retain the national banking institutions. So Ipng as they can man age to use the .accumulation of money arising from the revenues by an extrav agant and profligate administration, the banking insritutions whose share holders have be'.n fattening off the la bcr of the country for mcr than twen ty years, ean rest in comparative secu rity, but when money is allowed to ac cumulate in the treasury the people will at once clamor for the extinguish ment of the debt 'and the lifting of the burden which the unjust and unnatural banking laws have endeavored to entail upon the coming generations. The monied power, foreseeing the difficulty and fearing the murmer of discontent which was then spreading itself throughout the lard, in conse quence cf the disproportion in price of the necessaries of life and the price for labor required to purchase them, dur ing the last session of Congress had a commission appointed to devise means ot escape and at the same time promise the people relief and allajr their discon tent. Congress has met and the ses sien is drawing to a close. The com mission has made its report and the promised relief has not been granted 'nor is there any likelihood of it being realized during the present session. The following extract from the speech of Gen. Eosencrans will be found in ttresting in this connection: During General Kosecrans' speech on .the tariff, in' the house, he said that freights from Europe to San Francisco have been as cheap as freights from New York. Articles of cousnmpt'cn which the Pacific slope people have had, were cheaper in the European market than in the east, yet when the national defense - called for a tariff which deprived them of these advantages, they submitted without a murmur. They took their goods from inside our tariff line or ex ported them and paid the debts to the ameoal of $13,000,000 per annum, but our peeple regard the present tariff sys tem as fall of injustice and oppression. They think it is. building great mo nopolies and special interests at the ex pease of the great mass of producers end consumers, which could only bo justified by certain sudden and deeper ate national exkrenciei. Thev have the eonriction that common justice and the interest of revenue for the last ten years have demanded thorough revision and great redaction of duties, and I share fully in the convictions of my constitu ents ei the Pacific coast when I think that the present tariff should be thor oughly revised, simplified and reduced to the simplest rates of duties which will produce the revenue required for the economical administration and a reasonable protection to labor. Our people on the Pacific coast are specially aaxieasthak this should be done. Any legislation looking honestly to this end wall fcave my coidial support, and I hall bo governed by the convictions I - havo hero announced to my colleagues on the floor.. Does the bill now before oar committee answer the demands if ear people 1 I answer that it does not. Tax Ctxsua Gen. "Walker hssbeen employed by the government to com plete the census. He contemplates the redaction of volume reports on special topics from 11,000 to 8000 pages. Gen Walker adds that all reports not already printed are in a fair state of progress. Acting Superiatcndent Sea- ' ton the third chief clerk, is prostrated. .'Om clerk Is dead, another has ((one couth and a third lingers along in a snoot distressing disability of mind. Geo. Walker resumes the chargo of the esmsus and if granted necessary money, . aa;i ho will bring the whole business to close during the current calandar year. Tho expense of this census will 1m aVomt nine and a half cents per head of pepolatioa against nine cents in the ainth. census appropriation; $200,000 w(jl be enough to complete.the work. Th Hawai ax Treaty. A Wash, lagta special says: It it understood tkat om modification of the Hawaian treaty will be with reference to ship ping, so as to assimilate Sandwich Is land commerce to our coast. Th;s, of course,' will be accomplished by pro viding that trade between the countries shall bo carried wholly in vessels bear ing either the flag of the United States er tlkat of the Hawaian government tjfkt object of this movemeut is to pre ent British merchantmen from taking cargoes of merchandise from the east, unloading a$ the Sandwich Islands, and returning there with sugar, which they bring to San Francisco, where thev are In a position to sail back again from w &enco they star tea STAB BOTJTE TEIALS. The star route trials still continue to attract public attantion to the titter disgust of all sense of justice and de cency. That our readers may have an insight of the disgusting spectacle and witness the degeneracy of our courts, we give the following extract of the proceedings contained in the dispatches of last Fidny. ' A. E. Boone wa3 called in the star route trial. He had a conversation with Miner, Stephen Dorsey, and per- haps with John Dorsey. In the con versation with Stephen he recommend ed Meore. Miner called at witness' of fice next day and saw Moore. Moore insisted on a ralarv of $150 a month, which Miner agreed to allow. After Moore left the city he called Miner's attention to the fact that a check had not been sent to his wife according to promise. He also saw Stephen Dorsey, I who promptly sent the check upon j Moore's request In connection with Stephen Dorsey, in November, 1877, Dorsey produced a letter from Peck, desiring him to secure an experienced man to get up bids for next letting. He offered witness the position, but the latter declined to accept a salary, de manding an interest in the business, which Dorsey finally agreed to give him. . Witness was asked who received the proposals' when thev were returned, but objection was made and another discussion followed. Bliss said Inger- soli was right in his statement that the government assumed that Stephen W. Dorsey was the root of the concern, in fact he sent out the proposals and reciered them. The court allowed the question, and witness said: The pack ages were returned to him through Stephen W. Dorsey. Three postmast ers responded, the postmasters at Lit tle Rock, Hot Springs and Helena, and the proposals were used ia bidding at the letting, all that could get in, said the witness. In response to a question for identi fication of ,the letter, Bliss read as fol lows: "U. S. Senate Chamder, Wash ington, D. C, Dec. 9, 1878." "Are you sure it is the United States senate chamber 1" said Ingersoll, with savage emphasis on the quoted words. Then as the court rapped for order, "Oh, I only wanted that to be empha sized properly." Merrick immediately presented an other letter to witness, and inquired: "The Stephen W. Dorsey who signed that was United States senator, was he not?" A. "Yes, sir." Tiie letters wero then oflered in ev idence as showing Dorse? 's connsction with the transactions to which witness testified. "In other words," Merrick said. Witness on the stand was tempora rily placed aside while S. W. Dorsey himself spoke to the jury on what he had written with his own hand. The defense objected and pointed to the record of the last trial, when the court rejected the proffered evidence. In the co'irse of argument Ingersoll used the expression, "Where will this end. "In the penitentiary," promptly in interrupted Bliss. .Ingersoll, shaking his finger at Bliss said, "You will be there as soon as tor client." The court This is entirely unpro fessional. 1 Ingersoll Did I provoke'il 1 Tho court No. Ingersoll I represent aTgentlemen and do not purpose doing anything a gentleman may not do. The court said At tho last trial it seemed to have gone off with the idea that it was an attempt to prove some sort of official misconduct on the part of Dorsey, aside from the routes in this case. 'In that instance it overlooked entirely the other question, whether the evidence did not tend to show a con nection between Dorsey and the de fenders in the Reparation of bids. for a letting soon to be made. The court then got a certain view of the ense and then ran off on that line. It might as well be understood the questions nrifing in ths caso would be decided without bias f I'ora any other decision. Sudden ly and with g.'eat indignation, he said to Williams, who was smiling, what do you mean by thae sirl What do you mean by sneering and gigung like a fool at- the decisions of this court 1 Williams "I don't understand you. I don't believe the court's language is warranted. I was talking about an other matter and did not hear you." ThV court "Yon should have been listening." Williams "Your honor had not de cided the question yet, and could not have expressed any opinion upon it." The court "Tbf court accepts your disclaimer and owes you an apology for the severity of its language." The delivery of the opinion was re sumed and resulted in the admission of thj papers. Dosery's letters to post masters in Arkansas, which have leen already published, request them to have tho blank proposals certified aud return ed to him, taking care to let noone know from whom they came. Root & Keer ens, mail contractors, and friends, were to be especially avoided. To Hon. Geo. Haycock, at Pin Bluff, Ark., lie writes: "This is for an intimate friend of mine and I ask that you do it as a personal favor." Defense objected tp a question put to witness, asking the rea son for omitting from the blank p-6po-sals certain provisions contained in the blank forms of bids issued by the de partment. The question was finally ruled out and the court adjourned. TUTFS SP1UUS SYMPTOMS OF A TRPiD LIVER. -.' S3 of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain ia the Head, wita a dull sensation ia the back part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fuLmesa after eating, with a disin clination to exertion cf body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with, a fnolmar of havinz ne elected pome dnT. Restlessness, with fitful dreaos, highly colored U tine, aad, CONSTIPATION. TtTTT'3 VlhLH arc enpecially adapted to ur h coses, one dose effects such n change of feeling; na to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cauw? the Ixxijr to Taho :t Flcah. thus the system is norlftho4l. an1 by their Tonle ArtlM on the ttlzestlve rcn--, Ufffulnr Stools ar pm ttuccd. Price 'Ja cents. 33 Murray Ht, Si. X. TUT T'S Hi ML Gray Hatr or WirtSTtKiw changed to a Olobst Heedaene generally over xoe ngai eye, Black bv a single application 01 ioisuys. Aivm parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of ai. OFFltfE, 39 HCRBAT ST KEW YOKE. CDr. TCTm ailUAIi TalwM tafcraatlaa a Ciul Ucl?U wUi Hs Mails SStt a agplktll J FAMIISATTIOT FOU THE BFT WEARING FOR MEN AND BOYS AND THE MOST DURABLE SHOPS FOR MISSED AND CHILDREN Try tUd Cjhb-at3l ! Mauufactared by POKTER, SLESSINGER, & CO S-tn Frpneiseo. They , are tfnaran teed tn uive satisfaction. Will no brvak in tbe bn.k or rip ia. t!ie side. All gooda of tli.s ntanufueture made Dy white men. , roChiuauieu empiojea For ualu by FLOED&ro,.., BOOTH BHOS E. (i. Yv)UNU.. TiOSEBURG. ..Yo NO ALL A ..OAKLAND METROPOLITAN- ilOTEL This Popular House SitnateJ in the center of t! e busfhesa portion of lio tViuro;, having rec:utlj' chaiiij-'u haad., bus beeu COMPLETELY RENOVtj TZD, and prepared to tho reception of quests. 1 he Dining uouiu wai be uplied wiiu tuo best tu with good attendance. As Mrs. Zigle h-JH cbdige ot titif kitcnen. thu qualify o Hie cookiitt; will bv' UtirXcepnouao . Kates rfU.-soua.bLj. iree coach from the raiitoad. r LOU. ZIGLER. A--VALUA3L FARM C CONSISTING OF 525 ACJiES OF iand, situated 11 miles north-east of RosHbure. in Mount Scott Prt cine Out hundred acrs p'ow land, the bslince goo pasture land, well watered and all under g-od enc.e. Plenty of tir and oak timUT !cr fencing and-fael. Good farn: houi-e and bam and other r.tit Duiidings, and 500 choice fruit trees lcring. Price $0 per acre. Iiiouire o! C H. Odeo on the premises, or Iler u:an & Bail, Rttornt'ys, hoseburg. H. R THOMPSOM, R. H. TUOMPSOX, E. J. Vft IIART U M HONKYMAN Thompson, Bo Eart k Co, ,'Iinpor.erj and dealers in 3321 san! oS.ssans, Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumhet and wasron material. 184 First at., and 173 and 175 Froat t Portland, Orexron. Carnage Hardware. Jan7 FOE ONE FARM CONTAINING 4J1 AND 89-100 acres, 13 miles from lioteiiurg, on tne Coos By stage road, and known as the "Eig-htecu Mile House." Uaa good dwelling, large barn end nu; houses, with orchard and good garden. Ii well fenced. A good sized creek flows ...through the place, near tbe house and bora. Port level, balance rolling land, brain, Kiass and timber. Henty of timber tor luel, fencing atid build ng purpose, la a good tavern Rtand, be in? near thr foot of coast range of mountains. Toll gate aud stage fct&tirm adj.nnr.ig. C'limat healthy, water pare. Terras, prt eiua and part on liberal time, . AlSO ADJOINING A FARM OF 109 ACRES, with good d'tTcUin; and barn and outbuildinif witta a bearing orchard Oue-h&lf plow lnd and bal ance Umber Iand, and all weil watered. These faraw will be sold either together or eeperatel y, to suit purchasers. Apply to Hermann & Kail, Koseburg, Oregon. . A LSO, 427 ACRES NEAR THE T0T7JI OF Lookiun Glass, in Douglas county. 125 acres of plow land of the best quality, balance ('jwtare land, with plenty of oak aud tir timber for fuel and fenc ing. All well watered, with dwelling bam and good orchard. Price (4,000. Une thousand down, balance on eay terms. A fee simple title guaranteed, in quire of Hermann & hail, .Koeeourg, or X- F. B"0 O T-S, CONCRETE PIPE. HENRY OWTERMAN AND LOUIS BELFILS have obtaiued the riht (or bouglas oounty for laying Continuous Concrete Pine, for conveying 'water, and Louis BelPls and Georgu Protsman have obtained the right for Josophiae atui Curry counties, and will sell farm or individual rights and Lij pipe at the cheapest figures. . Any size from 1J to "it iiithe fuinUhed. This pipe u much If ! also well BuitO'l far Irrigation or SlinLij purpoaa andean be laid any distance without joitu. THE KEN0 SALOON Talkington & Johnson Props. OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN HOTEIj, flOSEBURG. TIT HERE CAN EE FOUXD A FINE BILLIARD VV Table and the be3t branda of Winea, Liquor, and Cirars. Leading neriodicals on the table. .Con cert and free lunch every evening, but positively no free whisker. n32-tf BUY ONLY CANY0NVILLE MILLS ELOUK THIS FLOUR IS MANUFACTURED rEOM OXLT the beat of wheat. I bare tor sals also Bran, Shorts, and Middling, Bacon, Hams, Lard, etc., eared in the most s- ientifie manner. Purchasers will 4o me a favor to inspect my stock at ths L'snynnvilU Mills. W. KJtAMKX. BUY THE USIPQIJA TALLEY MILjLS THE BEST IN TIIE MARKET! Address A. W. Stearns, Can yonville; Oregon. JAMES SSAELING, Blacksmith and Farrier OAIIiANIA Oil ; Acd vrelll-koown to the people of Dou j Ins covnty. would respectfully annfmncf thatlirti-i prepared to do all kinds f work in bis iiuu. and guarantees Baiisu fuctiuu. HORVE-SHOFJSa A SPECtALTT. Any fanu-r havinsraplow to efcarp-n or macitinery to repair will do wvll to tr'vu me a call at my old ftuid. I buvtt a full tck of iron nrd stt- j, and hjtvinjr purchased the fame at alow price, ctn do work, so far na prices are cmceruwl, cheaper tlmn anf who will at tempt competition, J AS. DKAltLlNO. fcbl? lot Oakland. On goo. Seat in tho world- Get the cenuine. Every paolzaee has our trado.inark and. is marked , ITrarer's, SOLD L.V- ILT WHERE. no35-ly hub: !AEB .... i' Creels Mills ! CLARE & BAKER PROPS. "Having purchased the above named mills or K. ntf pliehs Co., we are uow prepared to furnish any amount "best quality of lumber Evtrr offered to the public inDo-iglaa county. We have juet purchased one of the Weatherty, Kugg & Kichardaon No. 1 Planers and rnutchera and are pre paled to do beer work tilau other mills ia the county. We will furnish at the mill No 1 lumber at the follow iug prices: I)reseJ rustic....... $16 per M Flooring (drt-sbl & matched $i5 pir M r.uoatier oressetl on one i-ile14 ter M Lumber dressed on two side&$16 perM IJoujru lumber ,8 to $10 per 31 W e have au -xtra quality of lumber equal to any found on Coos Bay, and will guarra)tee to give satisfaction to all those favoring ua with their orders - Posiotlice address, Umpqua Ferir Oregon. CL.AUKK & bAKEH. w. lewis & co;s CELEBRATED CLEAN SWEEP CIGAR, THE BEST B I T O I G-AR. IX ROSEBllta Manufactured expreily for, and for tale ouly at A. C. MARK'S CIGAR STORK. Quality not Quantity is the Desire IF YOU WANT PURE Irugs and flcdiciiic& Clieniicals, etc, do not forget to call on HEELER, k: GABBERT MYRTLE '..'CREEK. Also Keeps on hand tbe J. H. butler truUkie, Ilollflnd Gin, Jamaica Rtitn, and the fiaest Wicei and Bmadie? or tnedicai use.; Physicians Perscription poiallf " ' . ' HITCH UP: 11 'ROUIBf 0 WOOBWASB ii AND BUY A One of tbe Liggest and best stock of nothing but the best IVERYTHIN'C Dont Tail to Como and See Us! W. 0. WOOBWAEB & SOI, DOUGLAS INDEPENDENT! THE emati DOUGLASCOOTT"2", OHBGOS? Subscrip don Price $2:50 Per Tear . Merch i INCLUDING EVHrY VAnIETY OF LADrBS' DEESS GOODS, - OFT HE LATEST STYLE. Styles, of all Variety and Shades AT the - ' op ;. . . .: Gent Allien BETOHK PUUCUASNO WttEUB, BY SO DOING GOOD BARGAINS CAN BE SEt'jRKD Sheridan Bros., Eosburg, O r Thy woud announce Ahat they have jut t? ved and new . ne yu hnd ene ri th Largest- Stock of Hardware Ever brought to Dim?!, rn:l when ad led t tholr STOVES OF ALL PT TEUXSand HEADY MADE TIN WAK,, theynrt prepared to decmr the hav th bi-s-. . mj ply iu their line of aav houso in Souwheru Oregon, which they propos can purchase elsewhere. . Iu die shape of budding materials h t.. ray t locks, butts, etc, wo can offer superior inducements to purchasers. Ti uts. We vkd u'lvts jou bargains in the lo. w ng brands of stoves, not equalled else where t Buck's, Bonanza. Farmer. Utility.- Dexter, Pacific, 'AHo West. Clarendoc Occidei . Iron King, Empire City, and other The Wet of workmen ate constantly employed in the manufacture i our Tin war and buyers should learn our prices. We have also taragms lo oiler in guns, us weil as in Miot-guns ana riMo a., We are also Agents for tlA White Peerles we sell at lowest rates and warrant as couinle We can a.Iso supply . ; AverilS and Xubcr Paints 1 1 e best In the market, at. lowest rate. Give ns a call, inspect mr stock, inquire .Ity on. can. . . contintio to act assolicitore for Detents, caveats, trade-marts, copyrights, etc.for. the United States, and to obtaiapat- ents in Canada, England, France, Germany, and all other coantne3. Thiriv-ix year uractice. PiO charge for examinaon of models or draw tags. Adrice by mail free. :: - ' Fatenta obtained tbrongh tis areoticea in the 8CIESTIFIC AMERICAN, -which h&a the largest cirenhvtion, and is the most infla cntial newspaper of its kind published in the world. The aarantagesof snch a notice eyerj patentee understands. . . This large and eplendidlyillnstrated news paperiepuuuBueu . a.u..uB j. irispabhsbed nKKtt.Li atuayear. an nrosress, copies by mail, 10 cents Sold by all news- Heal era. , Address. Mann & Co., publishers of Scien U&o American, 261 Broadway, New York. " Saodhook afcoqpaotl mailed frr 1 to science, mecbamce, inf cnuons, engineering works, and other departments of indnstriaj . nnbiianea in any country, duikxb Sin up fij lyiiir NEW SET OF goods evr brought to town. We use leather and have got :iN THIS LIN ONLY newspaper IJL & sieve tuirf ranges. sncu as w incuester, Miarp and ther H'L. - , and New Home Sewing Mad Una cwL;fc te in every respect. as t? our prices, and wt promise to suit a'l ?iir,uiUA. li.(t: SVSI310XS. In tta Cirsait Court in and for Douslas County. Eliu A. McCariy, rt VSuit in eaulty for dirorce. William MaCariy. ) To William McJartt, lrr,!nXT: TX TUB NAME OF THS STATS OF OllEnOK- X You are hereby required to anuear and tuvcr th complaint niea against yon by the plaintiff, Kuza A. Jtcvury, ti me adore en'iue.i court and salt, ou 01 before the first day of the next re ralur term ( said eiurt, to-wit: Toe second UonJay, tbe lUh dar of May. A. li. 1853. and if you fail to no anwer Uie aaid complaint, the plaintul will take jndment ajrainst you fur want of an answer, a d will am!y to the court lor tae relief demanded in atud complaint to wit: for a decree dissolving: thj marriage co.itract exi-itin between the p?aintiS and dcfeiuiant; for eucb ilimouy a the court miy decaijajt. For the care vnd custody of the minor children, rrancu MeOarty, Aliae G. ilc Jirtv. aad Eliza McCarty. and for out- uurd interest in and to tbe following dssurioed rtil property, to-wit: Tbe northeast quarter of eoutheas; I tarter of auction 8, in township 23, aonth rnje 7 T3t, Ht the north half f southwest qlarter and imimveA quarter or nortnweqarr of section 9. t jwnsUp li, south range seven west, containing 160 i:res aud for suet Ktrter relief as the court rn.iv Jejtn jironer. an J for tbe cosU and disburaemanU tt .iiM suit. Tin suuiinona u puoiwfiea by oruer of tbe ilaa K. S. Bean, jod$re of the said circuit court for D'wgias county, State of Oregon, made and entered tneiotnaayQi January, issx - . O J. W. HAMILTOK, JsaXMT - FlMrtCTsAttecarf ddle indisca Boys5 Sherman, Clay &0o, - Pacific Coast Agents for tho Celebrated :, s. f . 1 "I. LT. . " . f. -1- 1 ' The aboye cut rcpwf nts style 150, which w. trill ecll for $100. $23 cash, $10 per month, vita interest upon Referred payments, one per cent per month. Good Btool and book included. Address SHERMAN, CULY & CO. , Cor. Kearny and Sutter ts ' w San Franciaeo, CnL Sherman, Clay & Co. Affcats for tlio Celebratea TTTTITflTTfTT IrtTT 1 TtTI HT1 1 1TT Uf Kiliii'i, UiJil!. UKAlilJ AcVnowIedeed by all Slusical Authorities to be the BEST FUNO r.nw mannfaetnrfd. . Prices as low and tortus es easy as consistent frith thorough workmhnship. Address r - SHERMAN, CLAY CO. x v Cor leerny and Sutter SUh. San Francisco, Cal. MAllAM: G2GAM1S s The only Instruments that children ean play as well as grown persons. Only five minute time required to learn how to manage them.. Anytindof tunes can be played. Finestaccom panlment tst tbe voice in singing. They are old so low that any fauily can easily procure one. Ilavlrfr one no family could Ret aloof without. Pricesof. different fty lea $3, $10, $12 and $14, in'cludins twenty-flye feet ot music. Send for catalogues and price list. AU dresa SHER3IAN, CLAY & CO. . fiole Agent for the Pacific Coait. f Cor. Kefarny and Sutter St., t; i V; San Frauciaco, Cal.' For prices and. terms, address . BHEUMAN, CLAT 6 CA. General Agents for PariHs Coast Cor. Kearny ami Sutter Sts., San Francisco. Cal. a . PEENTICS & CO., Portland, oa Gexeiiai. Agexts roxf the North Pacifc Coast. W SJSSSS3 Next door to the " Iloschurg, Oregon, The undent izneJ has onend a npat and coit'irt;ldrt birder shro at t).n p ace ahovn 4l"K,'rihfl.:in-l hin!? lom experiruce ia hl.s pmfesaie'ii, -!jatitied lie can give Hiitibiuctina to ail nru. tn iy &;ivehhn a cdl. ; Hi; priw j-e nop uUr, an.! follows: llair futtidjr, 25 c ut3:havinoc, a5 cts. Alt Iafc U a firnii, and tiat shall my work as a harti" T um wllliriir to be put to the Ut. n4D ClIAfiLKB HAW.RY T. W. MORGAH, AT THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF MOSE? APPLE, NEXT DOOR TO MARK'S & -CO., OFFERS FOR SALE TIIE FINEST VATITETV f I? TAJ? A PPA ' firn 4 Tin ?tv m a m v a j w j 9 i a tJ s a CONFECTIONERY EVER OFFERED ITi ROSE BURG, AT PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. CIGARETTES A j SPECIALTY. A FINE SUPPLY OF 1JOLI . DAY COODS In the County Court of th Jwte ot Orey-ra for the County Ht lioula. In the matter of the estate of WotxUon IVlUj.soa deceiseO. Citation for sile of real estate. T J JOEL PATTEHSOX, AKGSLTn CKOUCH, Martha Jape Lee, and Lovev lir:r, heirs at U and next of kin of Wooixon P.t rn de ased. In the name of the State of Onrjjn, reetinjr: J. A. Kirkendall, , administrator f .' eai.l eitaie, having heretofore filed in the sai l County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, hi petition a -kitv- for an order to sell the real estate belonging t- th.' est'.te ot said deceiwd, to-wit: TheSmta h Uf .f N.jrth half of denation claim No. 40, of Abr.triam Patsrn and wit, situated in Douglas county.- Oregon, containing 100.45 acres (exeeptinjr therefroi one acre of the northwest comer of said land). Tho court havinjj set Tuesday, the second day of Janmry, at the court bouae of said eouuty, a time and plase for hearing objections to said petition, and ordered that citation be served upon tbe heirs and next of kin of said de cc.Ased, and it appearing by the return, upon said cita tioa that Lovey Porter, an hair at law of the said de ceased could not be foutid in oaid State and county, the court therefore duly maJo and enteral its order conti-iuiujf the timo for baaxintr objections to said petition until Febnnry 23;h, liii, t' o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court hou-te i' Ruebttr.', ire fn, at which timo you and each of you and all other persons interested in staid estate, are required to ap pear in said court and eho cats o, if any there be whjj an order f sale should nit ho made as praved for in the petition. .This citation u pablUhed by or- der of Jos. S. Fitzhnjh county JuJfc-.i Attest: O. W. -KLMB VLL, County Oe. Htivis A RiXL, ettorneys for adjouaistrator. -JaoOsf -. . - . .. f " c . r. 1M 1