THE INDEPENDENT. SiTURDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1883. A Niw Industry,-. J. L Wicker sham, of East Portland, has just com pleted a. mill near the O. & C. R. It. shops for the manufacture of bene phosphate and pure ground bone. This is a new enterprise in this State and one of great value to the farmers, as bone phosphate is one of the best' fertilizers known. " This little item will be of great con solation to a friend of ours iu this citj: 'A Cincinnati court decides that tossy' is r ot swearing, and a great many pf-.wple who have wanted to use the word, but hare been restrained out of respect to the third commandment, will feel re 1: ived. Tlw court holds that it is i v.olent adjc Ave, but not profane. ' LOCAL ITEMS. Comic and sentimental valentines at Langenberjj Bres. Saturday, January 20th, -there wag born a daughter te the wife f Overton Price, weigh ing nine pounds. T. W. Morgan is ageat for the new Davis Sewing Machine and keeps en hand a full supply of extra attachments, needles etc., at his Tobacco and Notion Store in Eesetrars. , The game law has gone into effect and hunters should be careful not to violate its provisions. Some wrk i bein done on the Yaquina railroad by Chinamen hut the progress is not encouraging for a speedy completion of th work. Ben. Simpson has been reappointed postal agent by President Arthur. Another score for Mitchell. J. E. Beggs passed through Plevna recent ly, en route to Klamath agency from Redding with a load of hardwood, to be used in re pairing wagons for the Indians, said timber costing the government 53 cents per foot. James Walton of Salem has just completed-, by the direction of Prof. E. B. McEIroy, state superintendent of public instruction, some very fine maps of the new counties of Crook and. Klamath, for the use of eastern geographers Tern Gilbert, an Indian, was sentenced last week by Judge Boise of the third district to be hung for the murder pf Wapato Dave and Fire. John Abbot was carrying on the saloon business neai tunnel No. J on the extension of the O. fc C. R E oil Cew creek. On last Tuesday a per son named Ruddy who claimed to be entitled to the -possession of the prem ises by virtue of some agreement, en tered the premises and persuaded the j his wife. The execution was ordered on barkeeper, . with a cocked revolver, to March 1st, between the hours of 11 a. m, vacate.. Abbot went to the scene of anal-- ,i , ,,, ,i . I Farmers and others desiring a genteel, In crative agency business, by which $5 to $20 wnenne as inauceu zo leave oy me a d Q be earned sendadireaa at same torcible argument Abbott, who on postal, to H. C. Wilkinson & Co., 195 was unarmed, accepted the situation 197 Fulton street, Xew York. and went to a neighboring camp to pre pare himself to defend his property. On his return the whole plant was in ishe?, although it is said that the liquors were so badly frozen they would not burn. The natter will be the The schooner Truckee is loading lumber at Bunch, Bennett and Co. 'a mill. She will take 100,000 feet at C'oquille, entirely clear ing the Wharf, and then complete her load at Parkersburg. The new vessel at North Bend was success- Eugene Vaghorn and family have re moved their residence to Portland. Fred. Floed has gone to Portland on busi ness. Abram Tenbroek has sold his farm near town, the old Stephens place, to B. F. Ramp, of Marion county. .. ; Henry Langenberg sold his lot and resi dence in North Rosebnrg to L. McGregor, or $700. Isaac Bloom, the well known representa tive of Schilling and Co. of San Francisco, made us a pleasant call yesterday. Our old fnend Charles Kohn, now in business in Portland, gave us a pleasant call this week. Charles is the "early bird that catches the worm." S i T. S. ltoadman Esq., and family have mi grated to Eastern Oregon, where they ex--j pect to .reside- Their friends wiah them success. H. Sengstakeu, A. M. Crawford, I. Hack er, of Coos Bay, have been -here en business at the land face this week, j A. C. Joces Esq., formerly of Jackson county, now of Seattle it v aahmgton tern tory, has been stopping a few j days in this city. " j . A correspondent of the Standard from Roseburg compares our popular butcher, Bitxer, with ex-CouncUman Keller, of Port land. Jake says that he does not object to the correspondent praising the quality of his befif, Bt he does object to bein ( compared to a Portland councilman, either in or out of office. , There is a report of a co-operative associ ation to be established in North Roseburg, to consist of a mill, brewery ,i saloon, hard ware store, butcher shop etc. We are not at liberty to give full particulars, as there seems to be scmo hitch in the arrangements. A .Railroad Slaughter. A frightful accident occurred on the Southern Pacific at an early hour last Satur day morning. . The regular Southern Pacific express had reached a point four miles from Tehachapi, at an early hour. The train con sisted of seven cars, four sleeping ceaches, twe baggage cars and the mail and express cars, and was in charge of Conductor Reed, an old and experienced employe. The usual time was made to Keene, aad at a station a few miles below the help engine was attach ed to assist in pnlliug the train up Tehacha pi summit. The grade is several iniLaj long and has an average rise of 116 feet to the mile; Arrived at the pummit, the engines were detached from the train to allow the helping engine to sidetrack and return. Im mediately the train began to move back on the terrible grade, and, gradually increasing in speed, soon got beyond control of the brakemen and the other train men, and went flying down the grade at lightning speed. The runaway caused the greatest terror among the passengers, who knew notpwhat the end would be. On and on the train sped, until a terrible velocity was attained. When the distance of four mi1e3 had bc-eo made, the two sleepers, baecr; i il and express cars jumped the hL s.d .Vtcre A t.t ATrml-.Art Train K.nhnPTT- i ' flfi T)iirrr Tl-ia c1amir('iinVi)'ia. I! ! " j ef the Hamburg-American Packet Company, January ZAna an unsuccessful av- WM 8Unk JjlIiay 19tht in tQe; German tempt was made to rob the east-bound i ocean, by a collision with the English steam exbress train on the Central Pacific at I er Saltan, She sank in fifteee minutes afUr 3 r? W. -ti- BHERIDAII, acciji-c?s to fhos. P. She'ridaa) DKALKKS IN Guns, Cutlery and Tireerr Fus- ; " ni6uing Oeadg. - TIHSTw.1 ROSEBURG, C2L. Mentella Station. Jnst before the er- collision, me Wmona lets namnurg i. - . . . , Ua the 18th with 380 passengers and a crew nvalof the tram tenor twelve masked on au 56omthaCim HARDWARE, TINWARF. grOTS men rode up to the station an captur- Bave been 3. The steamer had eight ed and robbed the section men and lock- ijfe boats. and more persons may have been ed them up in the water tank and as saved, but the loss of lif is undoubtedly th? train approached displayed a light Ter7 g"- iu front of the engine, when it stop- j l'cY- : lilK SIIi UV1 a I t I fiiili' I II IP T"Qf-l vrtlinfl noi0nep train wac w (www uwv uv m-Kj a v- w& ma jl w a i . r approaching by this time. The robbers placed the train on the side track and sent some of their number to tho end of the switch, who ordered the conduc tor and engineer of the west-bound train to proceed, whi-;h luey did at a rapid speed. They then detached the express car from the tram and taking for MEN AND BOYS AND THE mm FOR THE BET WEARING BOO Having secured the above business, we are prepared to keep up its former good name far Work and prices. We bare the best of material vnd always a full stock of go ids on band and it is our aim to fur uish customers with firsrclaS-. articles liv let livv prices. A full stock oflron acd steel for sal, dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. K S. J. C. SIIEKIDAN the coal picks from the engine broke in the sides of the car, but the messengar maintained his ground and kept up his firing from within. They then made ' MOST DURABLE SHOES FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN Trv tlu U;lb.-.iis I hurled broadside, throwiiig the terror-1 an unsuccessiul attempt 3 burn the strieken passengers out of their berths car with what wood they could get from the engine. The fight lasted about three hours, when they with drew. Mr. iloss was slightly wounded I po RTF. U ataiust the seats. To add to the terror of the scene, the cars caught tire from over turned stoves and soon the whole train was in flames. When the crash came many paa- Manufactured by SLESSINGER, & CO fully launched last Saturday and christened subject of a judicial investigation, but Cecil Dreeme. After being loaded with lum- r o s.rret h;fe as yet been made. "A Laxdm.vrk Gone. The German community which settled at Aurora, in the northern portion of Marion County, i:dtr the management of Dr. Keil, has her she will be taken to San Francisco, where her machinery will be put in. Joe. Nay, of Elk river, Curry county, is prewiring to pat up a saw mill at his place in the spring. His machinery will arrive in April, and the mill will have a capacity of 15,000 feet per day. Nay recently purchased DRY'S SALOON, men in pursuit of the desperadoes and Ail goods of tins ifraimfacture made by Jackson Street, JRoseburg . . i t i .i i , i I wane ra;n." jno v.uiuuien euijuujcu. i it is to be hoed they may be captured. " " j" , : In St Louis on the 14th inst. a fire He is b in dissolved and the property divided wharfage land at Port Orford among the individual members. While Five families, comprisine upwards of Dr. Keil lived the community prosper- j twenty persons, arrived at Sacramento from ed because the doctor exercised almost I ow 18t wk to settle somewhere in despotic control of the whole business Jack8on county, Oregen. They are pleased , , - " .- ,. with the clinv.ts and say that tdere will be and wa a good manaev. Since his , . . .. . 0 death, it has met the: fate "of all com-j from tj,at State. munities, bscauso divided in opinion, Lt year Dean and Co.'s mill at Marsh- and in order to avoid expensive litiga- field, rau 301 days, sawed 18,867 logs, and tlon the members made an equitable manufactured 13,111,235 foet of lumber, .omnromise amon? themselves. All 4x.vw laths, and oiS.OW broem handieo. faveler3 frem the southern part of the . . ., . . i irue more man mat or lool, owiug to a State, whether by horseback, stage or glight advance iu the cost of laber and logs. rail, will remember the kind hospitality j , c, , , he received at Aurora. As a communi- probabi8 that the most of our raerchaBts will ty they have made profitable farms and ship over the Crescent City wagon road this comfortable homes out of what was a I year.- It will be greatly to their advantage very uninviving portion of the Will- to do BO' aB the rtM wul cheaper and amette valley. . We have no doubt that V y ga new " ! m a t r 0 f. An f npuinn will ha nnonoi ns individuals thev will do still better, i A new departure in the treatment of chronic diseases has been made. Send to Drs. Starkey and Palen, 1 1C9 Girard street, Philadelphia, for their Treatise on Compound Oxygen and leara Yll about it. ,M ailed free All ordtr3 for the Compound Oxygen Home Treatment directed to 11. E. Math ews, COG i'ontgojnpry street, Sau Frauoiseo, will be tided on the same terHis as if sent di rectly to us in Philadelphia. The business headquarters of the Lake Superior & Puges Sound La: d Company hae been trausforred froa. New Taco.tia to Port laisd, whtrs they have been placed under tke manageoiAut of Paul Shultz, of the Northern Pacifio land departmut. Tiie Lake Superi or tC Paget Sou'.i I Land Company owns a large tract of laud in the Pugct Sound region, MYETLE 0SEEK. The past week has been the coldest weath er that has been experienced here for several years; thermometer down to 15. Uncle Joseph Covnelison i froze his toes while out on a hunt one day last week. rirlflw Rrawn cut his foot severely while chopping wood, one day last week improving slowly. j I.liss Jennie Baick returned .to Portland Saturday to attend scheol. fonro Smith and L. H. Harlow are building new blacksmith shop, Marks, Wollenberg and Co. having" bought the one they now occupy. If you want a good cigr ge to Keeler II Gabbert's drug store. Rev. Mr. Smick delivered a discourse at the schoel house last Sabbath, which was listened to by a crowded house. After, ser vices Mr Smick submitted a proposition looking to the building ef a church hoase here. Ke said the Presbyterian board would coutrib'ute for that purpose f 500 if the citi zens would raise 1,000. Levi Lolaud, Stats temperance lecturer, spoke here on the evenings :ot the 16th and 17th int. He orgarnized a j band of Hope on the i'Jth, with J. Elliott as superintend ent. He also organized a lodge of Gopd Templars, with 2Q charter members, tne lodge to be known as "Myrtle Lodge.' Frank P. Lane and Sana Hadley Jr. left for Lakeview on the 23d. Their many friends wish them a pleasant journey. CCA8IONAL. sengers were badly bruised and injured, so some two or three times, lue robbers that they could not escape from the wreck, before thev left returned the train men San Francisco. They are jruara i -ii . .i - i r i I . . . . i toun r.n iri vt mxi.ihi21ci.iuu. ii in Hu.iu..ereDow.e jou wween the tr Watches. : Xn company has sent b ak m the bick pr rip in the side. thfi heavv debna were burned tn I . ...., . . I . ... IT .r...' i The shrieks of the wounded and the agonies of the dying were fearful to witness. Those uninjured hastened to relieve the victims, and as far as possible, to rescue those still in " proEDi(X). ROSEBURG the cars from a fearful death. The bodv of brok eut suortly attar 4 A. M. in tne j ROorri ROS- .YuNC ALLA Mi'sh RnnirAB nf flat l.nrt baa btn fnnnrl llcihr-lipn nf tbft Pinntr'a TfnilSft. Od'mmV- I K. Ci. YOIISU.. OKLlAN D ... , , , i j i j and also Mrs. Ex-Governor Downey's. inj, the block on Fourth street, between Ta a e a i..el cis inougn, as lar as Known, mat me pIn. And PKestnut. anJ extended to the :i T j i ii a i. t I ' loau m uurucu auu au me Daggage All that was saved frem these cars were two treasure boxes of Wells Fargro and. Co. It is believed that the ail agents and baggage men were burned. It is now certain that IS passengers in ad dition to two porters were killed, and ten or tweWe badly wounded, making twenty dead m alL All the passengers iu the sleeping Homicide at Junction. Another one or iiiose learrni auiays tn.t rive th Pacific coast its bad name occurred at Junction city on the 19th of Jaunary II. W. Abran s a merchant at Jiuict"o:i city, Lane county Oregon shot and kill- ed Dr. J. G. Brownlee of that place in th former's store. There, wa much excitement ut the killing and Mr Abram? vur taken to the Eugene City jail for s.,fv' keeping, where he will have his ex amination. As the statement .of 'the facts diUsr very materialy we prefer to say notliin:? -until we receive the oliicial report of t!).: ca.-?e. Vt'e 'cannot avoid ' howevc r in thi.-j connection, from ex pre;ii:ig our coutosupt for a man who in resenting a personal insult resorts to jthe knife or pistol for satisfuctio!!. EIor:einent Under DiSculties- A dispatch from Eaor.e City of aad it cou'u not have Seiec:ed a person bet ter qualified than Mr. Sbaitz to tare charge of the business on this coast. Frc-d. Ee d was foreman of a jury called in it e-ii a tipir who who die i recently at WeektiviLe. The following verdict was re turned: "We, the jury appointed to sit upon the body of Andy Walsh, now lying before .January -uc says: . v. c uc.j, county E3j nnd that no came to his aeata irom a 'change of whisky." It has been ascertaioed that Klamath coun ty's proportion of the indebtedness of Lake county is i.SoO SO, of which amount nearly 2,20U is State tare. It will thus be seen that the afTair3 of Lake county have bacii judiciously managed, .nd that in spite of iaiiy unfavorable circumstances her debt is very smail. Wiiner & Sous have completed ths ncv road frem Jacksonville to Crescent City to its $nnectiou with the old road, at a cost of between $15,000 and $20,000. Everything will be ready for freighting before April. t is thought that a large portion of the Jacksonville freight will be hauled over this route. 1 . Tho 1 1 1 adage that "true love never runs smooth," eecms to have been well verified with a. vomit? couole from the verdant , - Q A fields of Benton county, who were recently married iu Roseburg. The groom, a young man o: sonio twenty-one summers, of prepos sessing appearauce, and the bride, a bluih ia beauty of sixteen, got eft the south hound traia at Roseburg, oa the niht of the 23d. The next morning' the young man made the acquaintance of one of the young bloods of the town and introduced him to his intended bride and solicited his assist ance in obtaining a license.: ine younc man believing that the couple were old enough nroceaded to the clerk's ofHco and there made the necessary affidavit, wherein h .stated that the couple were repsectively o ver the ages of 18 and 21 years. With thi3 lecal document the partita proceeded to the METROPOLITAN SALOQU, EOSEBUIIO, OUEG0KT, Mcculloch & co, 0XLY THE BEST BRAJfD -OF WINeS, LIQUORS AND CIOARS Kept on hand, and customers will fiaittdi a pleasant place of resrrt. 1 Metroiohtan Ilotel. pantry, stereroom a".d servants' quar ters. These are all in a building in the rear, and detached from the hotel, which wai not -injured. One of the Lservants wag smothered to death, one Was burned and two others have broken The propretor of this well known and popular resort wonld tbauk his friends for their liberal patronage in the past aud would ask for a continuance of be same in tbe luture. The public is informed that 1 keep none but the best brands of wines, liquors and cigars and that I sell over tho bar thecel brawl Jesse Moore & Co.' Kentucky V hiskies A good billiard table will be found in the ealoon; also the lead ha j papers of the world. T2iis Popular House E. R THOMPSOX, K. II. TUOMPSON, St. 3. SB VA.S9 wM HOKJSXkLAjgr limbs. Great excitement prevailed i 1 car, except Mr. aud Mrs. -Ashe, of Sacra- among the guests and fcher occupants meuto, were either killed or wounded. Gf the hotel, most of whom left the changed handa. has been Johnson, porter of the sleepmg ear, was ouse, but returned again during the BitrifitA.l n th center of the business portion of Roseburg, having recently Thompson, Do Hart Go, Importers and deal ess la badly burned and afterwards died frem his 1 , . . - , v fion T, . COMPLETELY RENOVATED, Uoing dowa the-arade the coach and 1 114""31' V0,uu" wui no" 1 . fi, ,anntinn f vumU smoker led the way but did not leava the Milwaukee fire, was the work of mcen- j TheDiulng Room will be supplied. wi th J Ceal, Iron, Steelj Eardwetf track. Ihcy became uaeoupled ia sme j diaries, for the purpose of robbery. I the bet the . way and ran on down about two miles from hth kf araVa wanld ba ade- ' the scene of the disaster. None ef the per sous in these ears were iajured., The sleeper, directly behind the smoker, jumped the track and tbe ears fallowing were piled on top. quate punishment fer such fiends. At ameetinsr of the Republican na- ,k tfniUnrto. As Mrs. Ziele I " ' " &v' - ., iS . ional committee, held in Washington has charge of tue kitchen, tne quaiuy ' 1 4U nti.iar will hj nnnXf pnt'iOaaole. on the 17th inst., Dorsey's resignation aatcs reasonable, free coach freiu An Act to Protect Laborers in Timber and Logging Camps. ' Be it enacted by tbe Legislative Assem bly of the Stat ef Oregon: Section 1. Any laborer m the timber or in auy logging camp shall have a lien upon any timber or les cut or manu factured by him, or in such camp, for the amount due him for labor on or about the same. Sec. 2. Such laborer shall file a copy of his demand, verified by his oath, in the Connty Clerk's office, within thirty days of his ceasing work on such timber, cr in such, or in lieu f such filing, such laborer or laborers may tsike and hold poe.ssion of such timber or logs, subject to the payment of their ...demand; Pro vided, however, That if such timber or legs should be sold at any time while such 'laborers are still at work, they mayjtake posossion ef .such logs and hold the same as aforesaid at any time before said legs are delivered at the mill where they are t be manufactured into lumber. Was accepted and John A. Martin, of the railroad. Kansas, was appointed in his place. LOU. ZIGLER. A-VALUABL! FARM FOE S-AX.JE e 0 Steamboat Explosion. A Seattle dispatch ef January the 17 th says: the Steamer Josephine, which left this city U 6:30 this morning for Skagit river, having on board a full freight and twen Sfcy passengers, blew up this afternoon in Port Susan bay, fifty miles north of this point Robert Bailey, acting master; ncONSISTINQ OF 525 ACRES OF Pa 1-1 tand. -irnftfpd 11 tnilea northseast of .R thfi ktewnrd- 8am Kavanaub the iRoseburflr, in Mount Scott Precinct . One ens, the stewaiu, Ham Jvavanaugn, tne h j d acri)S loW amjf the balance ireman, and several passengers are re- good pasture land, well watered ana an under goa 'ence. jrinty oi nr uu oak timber ior fencing and fuel. Good farm hou-e and barn ana otwer out The bortod lo3t. X3IX SSE?l0IWaS?O": ' and wacoa material. 184 First et.,and ITS ana ITS Trass i& Portland, Oreffoa. Carnage Hardware. n JsaT Santa. Glaus in BUSEBTJBGI Headquoctors at LANGENBERG BROS. "ITJIIERF CAN BB FOUNI ETERTTHIVa IU V the TOY, NOTION and MUSICAL 110 larg-e3t assortmeut of k'c. 3. Any laborer f:1in? such lieu elocutionary entertainment giv. ouildings, and 500 choice fruit trees en by Mitt. A. F. Luse at the court KTw?Vi. X house was a success. There were at 1 njau & Ball," attorneys, Koseburg. IcASfc one hundred peisor.s present, and the selections were of the very best and the reading of the h'ghest order cf elo cution. Miss. Luse will, on (this) Frvj day night give an eutire new program. and all who have not heard her should avail themselves of this last opportunity; HARSIAUES. (5- A M slows c iia c is t - j:idge, di-id at his rosideTice in this city at tw j o'clock this afternoon. lie was burn in Lu'in county, Penn.J Dec. 1, lit?', moved to California in 1803, and c:m-i to Oregon about two years later 1I was principal of the public school at RoeLur, and while teaching read law with S. r. Cl.:il id, lie. was admitted i:i 1"7, anJ'hhcrtly after was luarried to Miss Nannie Linn, ct Jacksonville. In 1S70 he commenced practice in Eugene, and has been asseciated in law with Messrs. Underwood, Thompson & Fagan respectively. He was elected prosecuting attorney of this district in 1872, and re-elected to the same office in 1874. lie was elected judge of Lane county in 1880. He was prostrat o'd by quick comsumption about the 1st of December. He leaves a wife and two daughters, aged respectively twelve and nine years. Judge Fitch was a man of great natural talent, and was . held in high esteem by different memb ers ef the bar threugheut the- gtate. The above dispatch will be received by the many friends of Charlie in Douglas county with sincere regret. Judge Fitch lived with us for so .many years, and after he left us to make his residence in Eugene City, was so often with ns that Douglas county claimed him as her own and was preud of him. We knoWjbuk few, so well known, who was more ; beloved and respected. He died young, and had he lived would have been one' ot the leading men f the stite. We tender our sympathies to the bereaved wife and family. The County Clerk yesterday recorded four deeds for claims 'oa the Excelsior ledge, in the Bohemia district. The conveyance was mad to parties in San Francisco, There is no doubt that the quartz ledges in this dis trict are superior to. the Comatock in Neva da, and this will be proveu whenever they fall into the hands of " capitalists who intend to work them. If, however, it is a steck gambling speculation, they will remain as they have since their discovery, f no value te the country of their ewners. The Portland fire, as reported by tele gram to the Ivsfxkdekt last week was la- correct. There were twe fires at the sane time. The fire en Front and First street only destroyed the house ef Corbitt & Mac leay. The adjoining houses of Knapp, Bar ren Sc. Co. and Fleischner, Mayer & Co., were but slightly damaged, their loss bing fully insured. The loss ef Corbitt & Mac leay is estimated at $143,000, a total loss: insured for 120,000. The other fire occur red on First street, near Oak, in a lot of frame shanties, and was probably the work of an incendiary. The loss was bnt a few thousand dollars, aad the most ef it was in sured for more than its value. residence of Rev. John Howard, 'and there or noiamg tne possession ot sucii logs, eutered into that holy contract which was Khali, within twenty days o such filing, henceforth to make the twain one .flesh. nr w:,i.:n 4-fin nf h: ri,;ncT nsa l. - . sion ef lo2;s or timber, as by thi3 act pro the Metropolitan hotel to eujoy the blessings r . - cf married lifo. but alas, a hard-hearted pa- vlded commence an action at law on rent had sworn out a warrant before a just- his demand and diligoutly prosecute the: ice of the peace irT Bsnton county charging game to judgment, and in his complaint the young man v. ith abducting a female nn- gefc f0Yl the f !tcU C0Uititnting der IS vear3 of aec, which warraut was tel- i- j eraphed to Sherift' Turdom, with a request , . , , . , . , to return the partite to Benton county ouambuca Frusiy mui uo CHchuCu Thby had already taken the train for home, and adjudged to be sold in manner as now expecting to receive the forgiveness and I required by &w in case ot attached prop Diessicg of the parents, but when the tram j gvf y s i -r- -rx i fit -rt" I arrivea n Jram stauoa iepuy onenn A nnrnvpd 0tnbr 2S. 18ft2 chief, stepped on board the train and ar rested the croom and returned the counle to Roscbunr. where the eroom was lacked nn ThK following extract from an ex- in one of the iron cells of the jail for saf j change will be received with a good deal keeping, while the bride was furnished a Gf satisfaction by one, if not more, O roomaneetropontan notel. Ihe couple our circuit judges: A question having were very much affected by th turn affairs . , . A, had taken, bnt bor. m,flwMn nstn m to the eligibility of the govern. - w MMFftw wwmww wua f . placently. or of the State of Illinois to be elected The next morning Sheriff" Pardom started United States senator, the fact is called with the prisoners U Benton county, where up that a committee of the censtitution it is to be hoped tho father may relent and al C0nventiOn of 1870 declined to make lorgive me young people and that they may , .. . live te eniey a Ion and nrosnei-ftn. l,f 1 " '"""u i . .. . i i . nnalloyea happiness. ground that bo provision in a eaie constitution ceuld make any StaU BROCKVAY DREW; Jav.ary 25th, at the residetice of N. Cocklerese, by Kev. M, C Miller, E. B. Brockway to Mrs. Ma ry F. Drew. EDW ARDS BARTON January 21st, by Dauglss Lovius, J. P., Fletcher h.dards to Luc'y A. Bartou. BETHERS PORTER. Ir Reseburg, Jan. 24th, by Rv. J ohn Jloward. Jlmer Beth ers to llucy Porter, both of Benton county. Notice to Creditors. Skkatorial EncTieN. The fellow- officer ineligible fer the occupancy f any ing senators have been elected since office or position provided fer under the ur last issue: in Massachusetts Gee. constitution of tar United States. F. Hoar has been re-elected. In New Judge Trumbull was elected Senator be. Jersey Jehn R. MePherson; Democrat, fore his term as judge had expired. was re-elected en the first ballot The constitution of the State, as then In West Virginia J ohm K Kenna, in force, had a provision that no State democrat, was elected in separate ses- judge whose term of office was unex- sion. In. Texas the Legislature re- pired could be elected United States elected U. S. Senator Coke, democrat senator. The question of Judge Trum In Kansas Plumb, republican, was de- bull's eligibility was raised in the senate, clared re-elected. In Colorado, Minne. but that body declared emphatically seta, Michigan and - Nebraska, the leg- that no provision in a State constitution Matures have failed to elect up to this ceuld render ineligible a person duly date. elected ta tho sena,ta . TO THE - PUBLIC. f5 DOLLS, TIN WAGONS, TEA 8STTS, CKIKA A tJLASSWAKK, MUOS, CUPS, TOY TliTOLS AND COMiW, POP GVSS, CBTSTAL INKSTANDS, SAUCERS, MU&- TaCUS CUPS, CHIMES TOOL CHJCSTL, Tops, s.:,i HoiiiJay jjiXta for sverybody, to oud u menuou. Also from Jewsharpg up. Call and so Ut i dor, tlitt Orjaoina. . CHEAP FOR CASH AT Langcaberu JUros LOUIS T3TZlL.irTAl Roseburg1, Orogors Demand for our goods coinpellled us to send for a comidete assortment, In the County Court of the State of Oregon for th Coutjr of DourUm. In the mattr i in estate of J-eph ftisherrwr deccaseJ. lO TBS CRElPiTOKS AND ALL PERSONS JX tirvit.'l in th pstin at ,TrMeli ttisbcrrer de- ceaged. You ar lireby notifted that th under-1 Waica WO aro daily reeeiVlllZ from the sig-ned, O. K. P. Oain, was, by order of tbe County - . - , . - . Court of Douglas county, Oregon, maae ana entereo l uisi uuiu, oau vau uviu vj In naid curt on the 15tb day oi January, i&isj, ap pointed administrator of the estate of said deceased, and letters f administration thereupon duly Issued to him. All DM-aons havine clahns againrt said es tate are hereby required to present mem, amy jven fied, to the uniersip.ed admlnirtrator, at hts place of residence ia Canyonmie p ectnci, Lo?iaa oouuvy, ( Orercn, er at the office ot Herman a Ball, in Koso- burg-, within six months front this date. o. Kt. r. i;am, KUDiQiitrewr. Boteburf , Jan. 27, 1S33. J 27 2 S3 ' St-'S C ! I Cmt stock is 1 f iU Cfof-A ROSEBURG ACADEMY. Ep 'rfr-mlb?l w ca. if you vant bargains, now is vew i.i . ... A ort.i oar ibtv vnur mi , e-i i iiui w cm uu ' j lne pjivaie ierm ui ocuwi, vwiiaou5 of 14 weeks, will begin on time to cal se;ves befoi . purchasing tusewiiere. We mean what-we say aod you can aU w ftjr find ns at th OLD STAND Otsdoor rem the :PetLoSWe. GUARDIAN'S SALE. Monday Uecember 4tLvl882. Mrs. J. Webb, who has been t.rtinor fnr xsanv veara. and whose! ropuUtion'a a teacher is established, will have charge ef the Uwer grades. AitilUa "X A wrOTICE 18 HEREBY OTVEIf THAT BY OBDSK ; A X t the County Court of Douglas County, .Orepn, n-t Mr flnnnvimenf ' CBi I. th 8th da f JanuarT. A. D. 1SS3, I will, on rruuttll icpatv-, --.y ,iw,'sit .! of Februarr. 18S3. at two o'clock T. M. of said day, on the said premises, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the following described land to-wiU An undivided one-sixth inter est in the following premises: Beginning at a point 25 chains south and & degrees east of the nortwrst corner of section four, in township 25 south o range five west, running thence south one degree and 30 minto7east 20 and 20-100 chains, thenoe east five chains, thence north I degree SI minutes, west 18 and meo chains, theoce west S and 62-100 chidns, thenco north 1 and 8-100 chayis, thence north 89 deCToes, . i a nn Khum. to the ulace of bemnmng, and conuinint 9 acres mor or less, " Douglas sounty, Oregon. Terms of saU nA to hud, jmUw Guardian for V. P. WilUamtoa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DI2ALKU IN WATCHE8, 1 - CLOCKS, JEWELRY, A FINE ASSORTMENT OW TZ& TACLE3, OF ALL KINDS Call and examine .ear stocaj before purchasing . .Isewher. Dea't lorgl the eld stand of w ; Fyurth tirade, Third Grade, Second Grade, First Grade, $0.00. $G.50. $t.50. $9.00. Tuition Dae in Adrance. 23. A. CATIIEY, Pr incipsL By bnying at dealers prices. We wSl eell you any article for family or per Bonal use, in any quantity at Vholeeale Price Whatever you want, senfl lot our catalogue ( free) and yon will find it there. We cany in ctock the Hrgcet variety of roods in Uic Unh3d States. MONTGOMERY WARD cCO. t57 'jlq Yifcsali .von-jra, Cli