r Y- - 7 1' s ..- 4 .'..'"ii . i J? 4 " . i 'i.-' -1 , pg- -' , - r TtlE "INDEPENDENT. ' " "' "m ' ' 1 " i SATURDAY; iPECEMBER, 2d, 188?. THE T) LIPQTJA VAYLEY-iiOtriJLAS OOUHTY. been devoted to the development of Quartz. Gold, but owing to. the limited means employed, tha mountains re fuse to yield to. view the main vein or lode. Nickel mines rich and apparently inexhaustable, are now being actively Since manv inquiries am addressed developed. Chrome ore is also found to us from various portions of the At- J and "prospects" of rich deposits of lantic States, soliciting information as Silver and Copper are Irequently tound TT,rvr.iui v1W a.id Don "las but as vet not mined.- The Caal of county generally, as to its area, -popii- this valley, -will however, prove a more lation arable lands, amount and kinds lasting and valuable industry than all f imlr minM-ak lime or sand ate ne others. The coal so far mined on this V fcfc "V J ... - , rock general; surface, prices of im- western coast has been confined nejr nroved and unimproved lands, rainfall the coast and convenient, to snipping in inches, mean temperature in summer and from its quality has occasioned a and in winter, -and of many other de- very prevalent pinion that none of tails, we deem it of general interest our coate date back to the carboniferous that we should answer these inquiries age. It is there mostly a non-cakmg ,;v oil nncaii.U lifHv. vet accuratelv. bituminous coal. bein? classed as "liar n 1VU mi juniv ' J J w I - i cj v and without bias. ' nlte;" and no workable anthracite coai Dongas county 'proper embraces' an I has so far been- discovered, except as area of 4,950 square miles. It extends recent explorations prove, in Douglas from the Calapooia mountains, on tlie county, and thence cropping at fie north, to tliq Cow creek hills, on the qucnt intervals alonj; the interior of aoiit.lii-A.bmit 100 miles and from the Coos and Curry counties. - Ileie a val- PaciGc ocean and the Coast range I uable coal has been discovered, mainly mountains, on the west, to the Cascade found on the western tributaries of the ran" e on the east and south, varying Umpqua, the headwaters of tho Co from 72 to 108 miles. It i3 divided kmille river in Coos county and of from the Willamette valley by a rango Sixes river in Curry county. This of hills, or spurs of the Cascade and coal is fonnd suitable for steam, coke Coa3t ranee mountains, .which are and gas. It has been subjected to known as the Calapoias. It embraces I practical uses as well as scientific tests, all the country drained by the Ump- It works satisfactorily in the forge and qua river: and hence Douglas county foundry. With, tho railway extension and the Umpqua vallcv are known as ; south, and a road to the coast, this the game. The Cow creek hills on tho I muse prove of great value to the State. B0Uth spurs of the Cascade and Coast j Lime of superior quality is found in , range the southern boundary, is also abundance near Roseburg and lias a divide between the waters of the j been shipped abroad, much being used Umpqua and the Rogue river. In area j in the construction of the Slate Uni ! it constitutes an empire, within itselt. j versity at Jbugene City. Uwmg to It is lai-fer than Connecticut and twice cheap competition and importation b?7a nf Delaware and Rhode Is-1 from California of the famous Santa land. It lias 20 miles of coast line. Cruz and San Juan lime our own kilns Its seaport town is Gardiner, 12 miles have not been worked during recent frora the Pacific ocean, and on the years, Umpqua river, which is navigable for sandstone and building hock is 25 miles, to bcottsturg; conlmed to a tew localities, liiat m THE valley Coles Valley and near Oakland on the is a disappointment to the newcomer, ine 0f railroad has been much used iexpocting to behold a wido expanse of Miich of thai, tine, blue .rock near Oak- level land. From the foothills of the hand was uned by the government in mourtain ranges, it is a collection of J the Custom House at Portland. In-. innuraerable small valleys, divided by j feiior grades are found in many places, polling hills and ridges, covered mainly anj usetl for chimney building, by 8-attering oas ana nr tnnuer. r rum i THE total taxable property of doug- Scttsburg to ; the cean the' -valley las countv oeases, the river rolling seaward, as assessed t e pnsent year through, in many places, a perpendicn- amounts to 82.349.210; valuation of Judge Deady, in the United States Circuit court has grafted a perpetual injunction, restraining George C. Sears sheria of Multnomah -county, and kel son F. Ross, supervisor of road district No. 8, from collecting road tax from 1449 Chinese who were at work in Rooster' Rock precinct on tho 0. R. & N. Co.'s line, last April. 'A he court CONCRETE PIPE. LOUIS BELFILS have obtained the right for juo;4gUs oountylor laying f . j . Coiitimious Concrete ripe, TTENttY CVTERMAN AND SUBSCRIBE FOR DOUGLAS INDEPENDENT! THE ONLY . I held that the Chinese were not "resi dents" within the meaning of the stat ute which relates to tho assessment and collection of road tax. Of course it would bo impertinent to dispute the de cision of so eminent a jurist as Judge De-idy. An examination of tha stat utes of Oregon, however, would lead the ordinary citizen to a different con clusion. After providing the manner of assessing the road tax upon rest dents, the statute (sec. 22, p. 727. Deady k Lane's code) provides that he road supervisor "shall assess two days' worb to be perfor.ned by every male between twenty and fifty years of age, except persons who are "a public charge or too in firm to perform labor." If the Chinese working on the . railroads are not males they are excused, but it is difficult to see where the question of residence comes in. for conveying water, and Loui BelPls and George Prnt.ni.ii! have obtained the riuht f r Josophiue and Curry counties, and will sell farm or individual rights and la? pipe at the cheapest figures. Any size from 1J to tl niches furnished. This pipe is much j Cheaper than Wood, Iron or Lead ! It is also well suited for Irrigation or inning purpose andean be laid any distance witliout joiuts. Newsoaper Sherman, Clay & Co, Pacific Coast; Agents for v tiio Celebrated IN- THE KENO SALOON. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON- Subscrip lion Price $2:50 Per Te xr. Talkingtou & Jolmscin Props, j. OPPOSITE THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL, ROSEBURG. WHERE CAN BE FOUXD A FINE BILLIARD Table and the best brands of Wines, Liquors, and Ci"ars. Leadinz periodicals on the table. Con cert and freelunch every evening, but positively no free whiSKev. lidJ-u enl iviercnniiciise, INCJjTIliG EYEEY VARIt'x.Y OF LADIES' BBMSB GOODS, O f TE.E. LAIjst STYLE.! lar fass in the mountain or coast range. IIFALTHFUL CLIMATE. Its warm 3r and more southern latitude is tempered by j the fresh sea breezes, lands, $1,597,300. There are 112.222 sheen, 4,532 horses and mules, 10,323 swine, and 7,004 cattle. The wheat produce in 1880 was 441,383 bushels, The Republican press continue to insist that the late cyclone was not a defeat of their party;- it was only a re buke to the "bosses." To avoid dis cussion we admit this, but we vonture to enquire if the bosses of the half breeds are likely to be any more popu lar with the people than those of the stalwarts. The members of the forty-eighth Congress are undoubtedly under many obligations to the Republican press for its ad vke as to the proper course to pursno to retain the present Democrat ic ascendancy. If the Republicans had taken the advice now so freely given, the "gtand old paity" might have still retained its power. and this with the rapidly flowing as. against lU4,24b bushels in IbiV streams into tli main Umpqua a.id the Of oats there was 347,132 bushels .id. abs-snco of low,! marshy, miasmatic val- 18S0, and 188,761 in. 1870. The ap ,Uys, entitles the Umpqua valley to pie produce in 1880 amounted to 257, rank as among j the mos.t healthful por- 47G bushels. Of fruit, apples, plumbs tins of the globe. Viewing the last and -pears, are most productive, and statistics' within our reach, we find that, never failing, ai.d are subject to none while the percentage of mortality was o! the diseases aud blights so common Minnesota, .80; Kansas, 1.25; Nebras- to the fruits of the Atlantic States, and ka. .81: California. 1.G1: Illinois. 1.66: many ot the more western. Ur no i . ' I Nevada, 1.45; j Oregon was only .GO. : crops either cereals or esculents While there was a propoition of one can it be said that there has ever been death in 283 in! New England -States) a failure. Crops are planted frqm fall in Oregon there; was only one death in to spring, there being no snow and ice 527. Taking the locality of the Ump- to interfere in the winter months as in ' qua as an instance, the proportion will the East. Wool growing i3 a leading compare still more favorablv. The industry. Umpqua wool is classed to population, itself. Merino and cotswold are pre- two years since,! was 9,560, while in ferred, and much money expended in j 1870, ten years previous, it vas 6,000, importation of fine breeds from Ver while now, since the recent impetus, to mchtand Kentucky. Unimproved lands immigration by railway extvnsion,'it is range in price from $2.50 to 5 per i safe to estimate lour present population acre, and improved lands from $5 to ! at 12,000. The total vote of Douglas $40 per acre according to quality, and We continuo to actassolicitorsfor watcnts. caveats. trado-m&rks, copyrighte. ete.:for the United States, and to obtain pat ents in Canada. Jingiana, xranuo, Germany, and all other countries. Tiiiiiv-t.il vcars' practice. No chargo for examination of models or draw ings. Advice by mail free. - Tatents obtained throngh us are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMEKICAN, which has tho largest circulation, and is the most influ ential uowspaper of its kind published in tho world. Tho advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. Thia large and splendidly illustrated news paper is published WEESitY at $3.20 a year, and is admitted to bo the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering ornrlfa on il nth fir denartmenta of industrial progress, published in any country. Single copies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers. .-' .... , 0 . Address, Mtinn & Co., publishers of Scien tific American, 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed free. . IMPORTANT TO M LUNFBS y -:o: -AT PRICES CHEAPER THAN PAID ABROAD Would announce that ho has bee consigned an extra fine stock ot FHEHCH AHTiHCfAL FLO WEBS Y hid. -.Uo'L be sold at en early date, and that he would advise milliners ami ladies in general to call upon him before sending their oruefa abroad, as he is fullv satisfied he can oiftr them bargains which they could not btain in .San Francisco by send ing there. Tho flowers are in every way tine and fancy; in fact, a bettet stock was never brought to llosebur aud oll'ered at fcuch low prices. ROSHTJUHG. - - OLIEUOX- Styles. of all Variety and Shades 1 -at the- 1 -OF M. O ISOJN 9 i 11 BTSELIHG- ORGANS The shove cnt represents style oo.wmcn Trill ecll fop100. $23caU, S10permon n ith iatcrest upon deferred paymente. one per cent per lucmtti. Good Mool snd book included. Address SHEBBIAN, CLAY & CO. . . . Cor. Kearny and Sutter SU., tinn Francisee. Cal. - Sherman, Clay & Co. Agents for tlio Celebrated G ent - s SEPI i emeu c& jiovs BET OH E PUIlCHAyNO ELSJB'WtfEBE,! BY SO DOING GOOD BARGAINS CAN 3E SEC j'iiiilU f county at the last June election, was 2,648. j : f GRABS, ETC, Every part of the county is adapted i to gras3. . Eveii the highest" hills are arable and will in time be utilized bv the plow and refiper. Except ihe per pendicular cliffij occasionally abutting on the river, arid an occasional but ijfhort and steep! ravine or cenyon, the land is tillable, every where, on removal in some places, of timber and growing brush. I rag TIMBEll ia found in abundance and assortment. Througn the valley, r rather valleys pnd intervening hills and ridges, scat tering oak and ir abound, with hazel mainly, and numerous other kinds of bushes, while or, the mountain sides or spurs of the Coast and Cascade range, the finest of commercial timber is found. The Po t ( Orford cedar, white fcnd red, and sugar pine and fir, pre dominate. Ihii timber, reaching from one boundary td the other of the coun ty, along the mountain ranges and of ten in the valleys and ravines, it would be a difficult task to estimate, even roughly, the quantity. There is no farm but what s in reach and has ac V . t - cess to this timber for farm improve ments, while the various mills nearer the mountains, panufacture lumber of the finesc grain jand finisli. As to - MINERALS, Douglas count abounds. For many years gold has been successfully mined. , Placer mining an the southern part of the county Wijs originally the chief employment of the early settlers. Of recent years much attention has JAMES DEAnLlN'CI, Blacksmith Farrier, And welli-kDown to tlie people of Ddu Iup covnty, wiuld respectfuily annnunw tluxtiioi-i prepared to do all kinds of work in li 13 iine. and guarantees SatiSu i faction. IIOIISE-SIIOEIISQ A SPECIALTY. Any larni'T iiuvmra jihjw iMiuii'ru or macldnery to repair will no well to ei vo me A eid 1 at niy old stand. I have afullt-tock ot iron and steti, an.l liKYiur purchased thi'Farao at alow price, c.ui flo worn, sr iur a prices are ounceriud, cheaper tlinn any vh' win at t?iiibt.coiiiictiiio,!, JAS.DKAIIL1XO. fell? 1 in Uiiklaucl.Ur.gon. Sheridan Bros., Bosbnrg:, Or They would announce tnat they have just rec- vea and new ave hand one '.' th Largest Stock of Hardware Ever brouglit to Ponzli. aud when adled to thir STOVES OF ALL P.-.T TEUNS and READY MADE TINWAK1S, they are prepared to declare tu-y !1:iv. ;h lt-8' supplv in their Imu ol aiiv housa in Southurn Oreyou, which th -v r ni can purchaais elsewhere. j ' In Jie shape of hu.lding materials Si. t-e .vay c locks, butts, etc, we caii jo;"V; superior inducements to purchasers. Try u. .1 We van yive you bargains in the loU.w ag brands of stoves, not quali. il el. wlire buck's. Bi-nanza, Farmer. Utility. Dexter. Pacific, TA Me . W.i-et. Clareh-iJ.-. Occidei Iron KinL', Euipire City, and oi her stoves unti ranges. j The bv-at of workmen arc constantly t rnpi'-yea in me mauuiaciure ' i-u! . ..;. and buyers should learn our prices. We have also taragms to oner iu guus, n tucurti.er, .iiarp ana '.r.r v- e. . : . m. fl Piln'fi i P8We,l aH in onui-fjuno 1 . . ! We ate also Ageuis for the into l'eenes ana .w tiome &ewmg Mac:. we Bell atloweRt rates and warrant as com ule to ir every respect, We C8n also supply DPRIGffi1, SQUARE g GBAND A rt n nrrlnd bv all Stuslcal Anthorltle tot the BEST PIANO now mannffcetnrad I'rlrcs as low aud terms as easy as consistent with thoro-ush worlriiiiiship. Address , SuEnjiirs, ciay & co. . v Car. Ki.-.iiiy ami Solter Sts . Han. Francisco, Cal. IgTAMAHY 0RGAH1TS3 Jit "it a cr- f - J fv V. - " J, . The onl 7 Instruments that children can pltf as-well as growa persons. Only fire minnte . time required to learn how to. manage them. Any kioU of tancs can be played. Flnestaeeom pniiiment for tlio voice in Binglng. They are sold so low that any family can easily procure one. Havii!(r one no family could get along rlihout. Piu-es-of different Styles $3, $10, $12 and $14, including twenty-five feet of music. Send for catalogues and price list. Ad dress SHERMAN, CLAY &CO. . Sole Agents for the Pactfle Cot - Cor. Kearny and Sutter St.,"". - San Francisco, Cal. 'J l.e best in the market, at . lowest rates. . Give us a call, inspect )ur stocu, inquire as to nnr prices, aud we promise to suit a i any one cau. bHEKlDAN BROS. A!STD A 1?1 1 la Ea . HORSE A WAGON FURNISHED CLARK G A BAKER, . Proprietor. Having purchased the above named mills of E. Stephens & co we are iivdii!) rpfl tn furnish anv amount i.i ti t f orUf f ' rrtr) wuuiu iiu nui u v i OI tlie us. we want ageqs wnnng 10 worn BKsT QUALITY OF . LUMBER ana earn waiH inej geu v 'Y "Y Ever offered to the public in Dougias wish to pay salaries for we could only ei"uclcu . & , J , .A I P.nUULV. .UOOWl're We ial W pay u Be . I xr ,,T,. fnat. nurolmiPil nnA nf fliA i,..rtiTtn..lnli.Hmfihil AnrM).f& e(l lie iia.i, r.v..-r ----- tnj .....v,- v- . - -- --- u'eathor tr. ituirff a Kienarason jso. l v-v '7 j - CIO METROPOLITAN SALOON, UO&KBUKG, OUEGON, McCULLOOH & CO,' PROPEIETOES, ONLY THE BEST BRAJYD oy WlXfiS. LIQUORS A'D CIGARS Kent on hand, and customers will findtuis a pleasant plaee of resrrt. Give mo a call one door south ol the Metropolitan. Iiotoi. value of improvements,' the more usual price per acre being $10 for farm lands well fenced and. with comfortable dwellings, small orchards, etc. THE HAINFALL 1 .1 11 as taken x irom me vany observations of the U. S. Signal Office in this city is 39.27 inches annually as observed for four years last past. The mean temperature in June, July and August is 63.6 degs. and in December January and February 42.3 degs. THE O. -AND C. R. R. IS COMPLETED in tins county over a distance. of about 85 miles, and -. within 15 months hence, it is predicted we shall be in railway communication with Ban Francisco. . To tho local interests of the. Umpqua valley, perhaps no under taking will confer so many advantages as the enterprise now so eneigetically labored for, as the railway from this city to deep water navigation in Coos Bay, and thence transportation by ocean shipping to all j tarts, and is zealously fostered by capitalists and public-spirited citizens - ot San Francisco and Oregon. The disance to Coos Bay is about 90 miles. When these outlets to the markets . of. the world shall Le completed we can then ex. claim: "Surely the land wherou thy feet have trodden, shall be thine in heritarice and thy children's forever. iir.n flint vvrwiid pvfii ns : ior more "faw"r 7,,r . "t . in planess and malliers anu are pre than he earns, would be of no lue to 1 , i,.hB. fnrlr anyone, and 'would not -xrct to earn Vf. alr f. J bfltv WOrk start them in business and tak-i all 1VU,W .fc"f. . " DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, KoseOurg. risks o1 loss Lide. Parties who apply lor work do not want it Dressed rustic. The Dropretor of tbis well knwn and $16 per M popular resort wonld thank his friends 'I I UH VkJ III! II I II II V f - I i 41. rl'L I o... ..n-s ' "7' t Flooring (dres&ed & matched Sio per M wr meir nwe ui vuouk u iu, v .if they do not i 5,iu it and would ask for a continuance of accent it on terms we oiler tnem . v e i- 7 ; - -.- want agents wuo will worB, 011a reauy GOLDMiJ N & MURT0K 123 Front Street i PORTLAND, OREGX. For prices end. terms, nddr8, SHEK7JAX, CIAT & CO. ' General Ajreuts for Paclflc Cosit Cor. Kearny. ars.X Sntter Sta.( Kan Francisco. Cal. iutund to work when they gtt a chance, bl not professional applicant. ooa Agents Of cither, sex can make $40 a we k. isroTioin. Lumber dressed 011 twS sideerM he same In the luture. The public ,s Uongii lumber .$8 to f 1U per si informed that 1 Keep none out tue oest Wo hnvA im extra oualitv of lumber I brands of wines, liquors and cigars equal to any found on Coos Bay, and and that I sell over tlie bar the cele will warrantee to1 give satisfaction to hrawd Jesse Moore & Co.'a Kentucky all those favoring us witn.iueiroraera ..,, . ... . , ,n. rostofflce address, mpqua?erry 1" ZIV, on CliAHKE & UAal'.U. iu iuo aiwu, '"""o 01 me wona. Oregon. ANNUAL MEETING ! mnp AVVI'AI. MF.F.T7TO Or IliK AJU.-VAiAA X Gold and Quicksilver Mining Company, for tho purpose of elcuiinir a Board ol lrustees to serve ior sy r , 4 iT t.hPiiiin? rear. Will be held at Brown's Hall, k- Ks-UCULt land, l'oujias frountt T vjcmmf hi u.ium.i( dav of ove!n!er, las::, at iu ocjock a. ai. ... Office of Bjiianzi Gold and yuicasiivcr aiming Coiupany, Oakland, Oregon, oveinoer 4, ibbz. . U. ilAL UVI l,VJl J. CELEBRATED SWEEP CIGAR, THE BEST BIT CI O- jE. rL IK EOSEBURG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Flour, drain, Potatoes, Egr's, Batter, Bacon, eta. Sjecial attention given to consignments of j Wool, Hides and raiii. SOUTH UMPdUA MILLS MAK3 TU3 I . i .'. In Roseburg. j j. W- lilNCOOT, Prop'r r.. it thompsom, R. II. TIIOMPSOX, E. 3 . DE ifAKT W M HONEYMAN A Small Farm for Sale. Manufactured expressly for, and for! . sale only at A. C MARK'S CIGAR STORE. Havlnsr become tired of bachinff, I ofler my place for sale, with or without household aud kltcnen iurniture, on reasonable terms. It contain 72 acres. more or less.. 11 of which ar under cul tivation, a nice young orchard, n good s.zed barn and box house. Willi iour ... . n,i;tv U tli Desire .g I V UUI1 1 J MIVV ...... , rooms: also, the cut-door improve ments. It is Hituated in a cood veigh- borhood, within a half mleofa 'arge pebool house, seven and onehalf miles west of Roseburg, ill what is calhd ihe French Settlement, in Douglas county Orecoa. Inouue of me on my larui. T. S. O'Buikn. Hon. Jas. II." Slater left Lome for the east on the 20th of November. The illness of" a brother in Tayloi-sville, Illi nois,' caused tho early departure of the Senator. Subscribe for the Ixdepexeest. S. K. KAYMOND, SURGEON DENTIST Oposite Marks A Co, Store. OfferB his" professional services to tl e people of Douglas county, with whom 1: tins" be-n 'acquainted several years. Al work warranted first-class, and terms a moderate as any other in the profession: ROSEBURG, . - OREGON IF YOU WANT PURE Druars and Medicine Chemicals, etc., co not forget to c&H on HEELER. H. GABBERT MVUTLE GREEK. Alan Vopns on hand the 11. Cutter whiskies, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, and the fiaest Wines and Brandies 'or medical use. Physicians Perscriptions j ptcialty. . i -.: ; BUY THE UMPHUA VALLEY MILLS THE IN THE MARKET. " Address A. TEAP.NS, Canyonville, Oregon. BePJ BUY LY CANYON V IuLE MILLS Manufactured from only the best of wheat. I have for sale also Bran. Shorts and Middlings, Bacon, Hams, Lard, etc. cured in the most scientific manner. Purchasers will do me a favor to in spect my stocK at the uanyonviue- IT A JS.w- . Thompson, Do Hart & Go, - - . i Importers and dealers in j Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Luin! t f and wauon materLJ. 184 First St., and 173 and 175 Fiout -l Portland, Oregon. BUY :,.--'" i THE UMPQUA YALVEY MILLS THE BEST JIN THE MARKET. Addess A. V. STEARN3,Canyonv!Ue. ' " . ; . PO.tTLAND, O'A.t (IcsuviAi.- Acjo'ts .roa tus orth' .PAcirc Coast.. . . . pviiMi. ,ut win-; m SYMPTOMS OF A -TORPID LIVER. : Loss of Appetite, BoWela costive, Pain in th9 Heed', w:ith a dull sensation in tn back part, Pain under the Bhonidr . blade, fullness after eating, witn a dura elination to exertion of body or minfJ. Irritability of temper, Ikw spirits, wit" a feeling of having neglected soma duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at tad Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skia. Headaohe generally over the right ey. Best lessness, witfi fitful dresjUB. AiglUX ' coiurod Urine, and . COJJTIPATIOri. . TTTTT'S PliLi,S are ospeciaUy adapted snob cnr.es, one t'.oa eflets such a change of fer-lins: as to astonish tbe sufferer. 'i'hpy tnerrsse tl AnpIte,and caase tbs bixly u Tnfc o- n)i. thus the system t Hotn-tIp. awl iiy thfHr Tonle ArtJon on-tnst Zizsiive rsav. ltccalar fcool are pro Uuc(l. 1'i-iea cefit.t uo 3Iorray 8t. N. ' DV1. Obay n atk or Whiskehs changed to a OMrr Jti.ACK by a sinRlP application of this DTK. It Hp parts a nutnral color, act Instantaneously. Boia by DrugBisu, or sent by express on receipt org. OFFICE. S3 SICKBAY ST KtlTIOBt (Dr. UTTS XASCAL f Vslssfcte IfXtto S licfui Wwilto wUl h Bulled fUSS M wlkitloj. Carnage Hardware. jan 7 SHERIDAII, ; . jSuccesbors to Tbos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IK- HARDWARE, . TINWARE', ST0V.3 . Guns, Cutlery and Timer Fur-; nisliing Goods.' ! TIM ST0R ROSEBURG, OGrJ. . Having secured tlie above business, we are prepared to- keep up its former pood name for work and prices. We have the best of material vnd always a full stock of goods on hand and it Is onr aim' to fur nieh customers with firstclas- artiok-s liv let live prices.' - ' . A fill! atii.lr nfirrtnnr d ctaal f..v an?.. dealers from abroad will receive prompt attention. Ji s- a J. UEKIL'AN Buy at dealers' pricCi ,Ve will sell you an article for family of. personal use, in any quantity, at wholesale price. No matter what you want; send for our Cataloguem con tains over 1,900 illustrations. We carry in stock the largest variety of goods in the U. S. f.:GiJTGGMEnY7Ar.DC3 . 227 Sc 2?9 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO.lU. . MSI OI5 IP, Next door to tbe Metropolitan Roseburg, Oregon. The undersicned has opened a neat and comfortable barber shno at the place above tk'scribed,'and hlnit long experience in his professien, !satisfled he can give satisfaction to all ho may give him a call. Ilia pri e pop ular, aud as follows: Hair Cuttid, 25 cnt3;ShavInflC, 25 cts. All I ask, is a fair trial, and that shall r-rovemy work a? a barber; I m willing to be put to the test. nio JHA KLES HA IjIET t