MARGUERITE. , ; phe stood in the meadows with wind-blown hair, !i' . And warbled ft careless song, A vision of innocence fresh and fair; And. the wild brook ran alons And dimpled and quivered and kissed her foot, Then went o'er the .sands afar, And she laughed as she sprang to an old oak root; . "Oh, brook, what a rogue you are!" The words of her song came onward again, Upborne by the evening air, Ana I beard each' one with a thrill of pain, For her face was fresh and fair. "Oh, love is faithless and love is false; I'll none of his airy grace I I'll wed for power and not for love, And laugh in his mocking face." 1 Again in the meadows she stands at eve, And her face as a pearl is fair: Ah, many will weo her and some must grieve, For Marguerite is sweet and rare : She holds in her .fingers a half-blown rose; She bends, with a smile and blush, To press on each petal a kiss, then throws The bud where the wavelets rush. A song, like (he note of some happy bird, Is borne on the evening air, And 1 smile as I listen to each fond word, For Marguerite is young and fair. "Oh, love is faithful and loye is true; I yield to his tender spell 1 Go, brooklet, and carry this bud to him With secrets too sweet to tell !" . Phil. Saturday Night. Good Sleepers. There is bo much din and drive and hurry in onr American life that people forget the necessity of sleeping long and well. Everybody is crying out, "Wake np! All is motion and activity. -bvery faculty is alert; The nerves are strung to their' utmost tension. It would be the height of folly to preach a sermon on the text which. sends the sluggard to the ant; for there are no sluggards left. The beautiful story of the Seven Sleepers has been mode impossible for our time by the scream made by locomotives and the din of factory bells. Even the 1 oolisu Virgins wonld have had no chance to get their fatal napjiadthey lived in these days. Wakefulness is our craze. And there are people lunatics enough to teach and preach that four hours of sleep is enough for anybody. Yet it is thought very strange that all our insane asylums are falU and would be filled were they doubled. The" truth is that- the very rapidity of our life, the wakefulness and wasteful ness of our times, the strain and drive of all pursuits make longer periods of sleep necessary with us than people living in more quiet countries and at a slower rate. We are tired enough if we are well, and if we do not get tired enough to sleep all over and clear through it is a sign of nervous disorder. bleeping is sometimes more than a luxury for Americans, though the very opposite would be inferred from our habits. The Bible says the Lord "giveth Hia beloved 8leep,"ufrom which it would be con eluded that Americans were not included in the number. There is no way by which the wear and tear, the drain and strain of American life can be neutral iced but by large feasts of sleep every now and then, and a general allowance every twenty-four hours. Four hours work of a man who is thoroughly awake and vitalized at the top of uis faculties, are more for all practical business or lit erature or social purposes than fourteen hours of weary musole or jaded nerve and naocid impulses. feoplo are con stantly forgetting that it isiu quality, not quantity, that telle; it is life, not time that makes the scales kick the beam The man at his best is worth 100 per cent, more than the same mau fatigued depressed and demoralized. If he has no vital electricity playing through him, he is a weariness to others and a burden to his own soul, if he is conscious of hav ing one. ' And to keep at this top con dition and fiber and faculty, he must be a good sleeper and sleep well. When Mr. Beecher was asked how he managed to keep his congregation so wide . awake at a second service, he replied "By taking a big dose of sleep in the afternoon. It is my sleeping that keeps my congregation, awake." The time given to sleep is not so much lost of lile out so much gained, and at a doublv en hanced valuation. It is astonishing how much a nap of half an hour at noon in the summer time will do to neutralize the effect of the morning's heat and pre pare the body for the afternoon s duties. There is something in that bath of per fect hnconsciousness which restores every loss and refreshes the whole sys tem, so that one emerges from it as from a sea of oblivion to begin life renewed and - invigorated as from a suoernal source. . It it easy to say sleep much and well; but there are many unfortunate people who cannot sleep much; and the little sleep they get is disturbed and unrestful. How to sleep is a question which, in some instances, it taxes the skill of the physician to the utmost to answer. Per sons afflicted with insomania are often great sufferers, and their lives are short ened by the disease. There are persons who require much less sleep than others and it is useless for them to woo soft slumbers to their pillows for they will not come. A' peculiarity of constitution is'not "disease.and should not be doctered, With the disorder known as insomania we shall .not venture to deal. But with the majority of people sleep is regulated by habit, convenience, whim, mi - . i ;i , . a 1 1 xney matte it. yieia io every oiuer con sideration. People who would not omit, a meal on any account will throw away half , their allowance of sleep for the merest trifle. They do not feel the im portance of giving, the system its full unconscious reireshing, and higher en tertainers to cut off two or three hours from the needed restorative in the even ing, and set an alarum clock .to cut away an hour or more at daybreak. They seem to think that they can steal away from sleep with' impunity, when it is pretty much the only thing that pun ishes every pilferer of it as he goes along. Others destroy the ' possibility of sleep ing well by carrying all their cares and troubles and griefs and ambitions to bed with. them, and one might as well seek rest on a rack as with such bedfellows. The ability to lay off care and perplexi ties like one's clothes, and dismiss every thing that can excite the brain and dis turb the emotiops may be gained by con tinnrnH fiffnrt even u hon if ia lcf T T " v. a. Aw .j awu. The story is told of' a jguest at a hotel who had paced the uncarpeted floor of his room until midnight, keeping his neighbors from sleeping. - At last one of them went to his room to sea what was the matter. . "I have a note to pay to-morrow and do not know how to get the money," he replied in a tone of despair. "Well," said the visitor, "as you have walked on it half the night, you may as welltet the other man walk out the rest of it, and get some rest for to-morrows work. ' "The troubled man laughed and soon was sound asleep. .Of oourse sleep does not take kindly, to an overloaded stom ach and a brain excited by stimulants. 'Nature's sweet, restorer" refuses to"knit np the ravelled edge of oare" when vio- ence has been done to a digestion which waited on appetite only to be abused. lint when habits are good and conscience is clear, and the mind cleared of care and worry, sleep can be got after patient wooing, until a little while the sleeping habit is acquired, in fact, good sleeping, like good eating, and good talking, is very largely a matter of education, and a condition of good morals. Somehow there is an intimate connection between wickedness and wakefulness. Bad men are usually bad sleepers, and are sure to be awake when nature decreed repose. Macbeth found that he had "murdered sleep." They all do it. And good sleep ing s' ould be cultivated as one of the means of acquiring good dispositions and all the sweet Christian graces. For the sick to sleep is a sign of returning health. And the good physician said of his dear friend, if sleeps he doeth well. Christian at Work. Cleburne's Death. A correspondent of the Philadelphia limes writes from f ranklin: We hitched to the locust tree by the gale where Captain Carter, whose name is mentioned affectionately in the chroni cles of his comrades, was said to have fallen, and walked around the house The southern end shows many marks of minie balls, and a frame structure ad joining seems to have been peppered with small shot. So, too, the outbuild ings and trees offer evidence of.the con met, lor nere tne i ecieral centre was boldly salient, the flanks resting on the river to the right and left, the present owner ol the plantation, Colonel Carter, looking as warlike as his battered prem ises when we caaght a glimpse ot him, witn a gun on nis shoulder, striding in from a locust thicket, where he had been shooting birds. The gun was less talk ative than the colonel, however, and he not only forgave the intrusion, but kindly showed me that part of the field From his yard he pointed out hills whence f merged Hood's lines of battle. and indicated all places to be famous in history. Neither through love nor money could I have found so good a guide. This was the very ground of slaughter, and Col onel Carter was not only a trained ob server in, the fury of the fight, but for eighteen years he has trod with his heel and turned witn Ms noe tne bloody soil "At the time of the fight," he said, "j was home on parole. Generals Schofield and cox nad tneir headquarters in my father's house, where also many of our neighbors gathered." His chat was mainly of grim reminiscence, yet now and then a flash of humor would bo ob servable. So hot was it once that he went into the cellar to calm the fears of the women and children, and happening to look out through the window bars he saw a sight that made him laugh in the midst of dying groans. Before his eyes stretched a comet s tail of men in blue, who hid sought the lee of the house to escape the bullets, and who swung to and fro as the battle surged around the building, These were the cowards whose claim to manhood was that they were bipeds had each two legs to run with. i Looking from an opposite window on the other hand, he saw in the dusk a line of Confederates dash upon the earth works with the fury of devils. Men jabbed with the bayonets at each other over hedge and fence, and hundreds were slain in his sight. General Adams, rid ing with head bare and sword uplifted spurred directly against the abattis. A sharp fence rail pierced the horse's belly, transfixing him dead in the air, and Adams, veteran comrade of Scott at Vera Cruz, was himself lifted dead from the saddle by Federal bayonets. As dark ness came on, fresh battalions swept over the plain. The light they fought by was the red glare of artillery. Midnight saw no cessation and when at last Hood sank aghast at the slaughter, with Gen erals Cieburne, Adams, Gist and Cran perry, a Hundred line omcers and many barefooted braves dead around him Colonel Carter heard a familiar whirr overhead and then counted two tinkles upon the little clock. Between that hour and daybreak Schofield, unhurt, crossed the liarpetn with his trains and left on the field a victor who had broken his own arm, his prestige and his heart in the frantic and fruitless blow. After the battle the farm, like others adjoining, was in utter wreck. The house alone stood. All the fences were down. Mud was knee-deep in the yard Dead men and horses were thick about "Hood's first charge was made at o'clock," said Colonel Carter, "and itfel upon this point, an did all the heavy as saults. You see this locust thicket on our right? That thicket then covered five acres, but after the fight it was a forest of tooth-picks. In the vegeta ble patch to our left Genera Cleburne fell dead. There is nothingto indicate the exact spot, but it is within twenty vards of where we stand. The corn field to the left of the pike was filled with dead and dying, and the corn to the right of the pike was a counter part of the other. In this yard and in that garden I could walk from fence to fence on dead bodies, mostly those of confederates. In trying to clear up I scraped together a half bushel of brains right around the house, and the whole place was dyed with blood. Nothing in the shape of horse, mule, jack nor jenny was left in the neighborhood. In fact, I remember that it was not until Christ mas, twenty-five days afterward, that I was enabled to borrow a yoke of oxen, and I spent the whole of that Christmas day hauling seventeen dead horses from this yard. There was a big rain storm not long after the battle, and as the earth was washed out of the trenches he saw a line of human hands sticking up some with fingers shut tight, some pointing and all so ghastly that they were covered hur riedly. Before the bodies got to be bones, and it was not long, because this was among the last of the terrible bat tles, they were removed to the cemete ries. Now bones are uncommon sights and the ploughman is not startled as at some wilder grounds which I have vis ited. Au English princess carried a Mother ,Hnbbard parasol at the garden party at Marlborough House which she designed and painted herself. The design con sisted of quaint Kate Greenaway chil dren running round the edge, chasing a quantity of butterflies that fluttered over the whole surface. It was a spirited and amusing picture, and in a good deal better taste than the jeweled parasol car ried by one of her royal mother's sub jects on the same occasion. Apparently flowers and loud colors were exhausted for this enterprising lady, for she tri umphantly bore over her' head a white watered silk affair with a rosaie a the top of amethysts and topaz, forming a star encircled with rows of I seed pearls. Stones of smaller size were carried in a line down each of the bamboo stretchers of the frame, and the whole terminated by a fringe of white silk, on which were " a profusion of jewels. Professor Darwin died worth 146, TXX3. He leaves to his son William Erasmus the family portraits and papers. all medals, the silver candlesticks pre sented to him by the royal society, his manuscript of the voyage of the Beagle, and his manuscript autobiography; to his son Francis his scientific library; to his wife, Mrs. Emma Darwin, 500, all his furniture, plate, books, effects.horses and carriages, and his residence at Down for life; and to hi friends Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker and Thomas Henry Hux ley, Aiuuu, free of legacy duty. The residue of his real and personal estate is to be held upon trust for his wife for life.and at her death as to twelve seventy fourth parts for each of his two daugh ters; certain advancements made to his children are to be brought into account on the division. The growth and development of the "Pacific Northwest" is abundentlv proven by the large quantities of farming ma chinery which are yearly imported to this corntry, and the intelligence of the farming cummunity is proven bv the fact that none but the very best articles can be sold, as the high freights make it unprofitable to put so much money into any but the very best machines, and it must first be demonstrated to be worthy before it meets the support and confi dence of our farmers. "A good article is a cheap purchase" and it is far wiser to put a few dollars more into a good ma chine than to purchase a cheeper and poorer one. The sncces of the machinery sold by Stavervfe Walker of Portland is baaed entirely upon its merits, as they handle none but the very best that can be made, the J. I. Case Threshing Ma chine Co. s celebrated engines saw-mills, plows and farming machines are un eqnaled, while the Studebaker farm and spring wagons are known all over the world for their excellence. Spiced Plums. Nine pounds blue plums, six pounds sugar, two quarts vinegar, one ounce cinnamon; boil vine gar, sugar and spices together, pour over plums, draw on next morning and boil, repeat the boiling five mornings, the last time boiling the fruit twenty minutes. NOTICE. To the Farmers and Mechanics of Oregon, Washington Territory and Idaho: We wish to call your attention to the fact thai our annual Catalogue and price lixt for 1882 8." is now ready for distribution. It mil be fouud very valuable and instructive reading, and will be furnished gratuitously Send your name and postoffice address to FA KM EWS and MFCltAMCtf STOKE, 184 First street, J'orlland, Oregon. ep!-m . P. O. Box 175 Alaven's Vosemlle I hercy rootti Paste An aromatic combination for the preservation of the teeth and gums. It is far superior to any preparation of its kind in the market. In large, handsome opal pots, price fifty cents.' For sale by all druggists. Hodge, Davis Si Co., whole- Bale agents, Portland, Oregon. DON'T BUY BOSS BOOTS UNLESS YOU WANT THE BEST. SEE THAT OUR N"AME IS ON EVERY PAIR. AKIN, SELLING & CO. Frank G. Abell, the Gold Medal Photographer of Portland, was the only artist that dared to make a display at the Mechanics' Fair. He is not afraid to show his work anywhere, as it al wavs stands on its own merits. Book Akd Mcsic Bcyerp: Send to Wiley B. Allen. 153 Third street. Portland, for anv book or music published. Orders by mail filled promptly. The "Musical Pastime," a monthly journal of music, 60 cts. a year. Send stamp for L Dig caiaioguo oi music. Send $1.00 to W. D. Palmer, Portland, tor one year's subscription to the Pacific Overseer, the great semi-monthly A. O. U. v. paper. The be9t liver regulator known, a sure cure for Dyspepsia and indigestion is Dr. lieu ley s Call foruia 1. X. L. Bitters. Turkish Kcgs. Semi to John B. Garrison 167 Third street Portland, for catalogues ol de signs. The only first-clafs variety enteriainment in Urcgon is given at tne luite theater, 1 on. and New, Rich Akd Pcke Blood! The use of Oregon Blood Purifier. Garrison repairs all kinds of sewine machines. Explained at foot of this column. PfiFtiaifl bdiuss Directory ! MUSICAL. XHK MINICAL PANTIME.-A monthly lour nal of mimic (both vocal and instrumental.) sent to any autireto lor -mcts per year. Address Wiley li. Allen, publisher and music dealer, 153 Third street i-ortiami. uregon. t :aiaiogue f ree. tillBVETORK," W. 1. HAYKE.-Civil Engineer, Contractor and surveyors. Oflie Room So. 8 Lane's Building, Kast Portland. All kinds of surveying and drafting none Tor any part oi me country. BAKERIES. EM lM RE ffFKCRY 12 VB8htngton: Voss A Kuhr. I'roDH. Manufacturers of Pilot bread. Hoda. Ileiiic, Butter, Boston, Sugar and Hhoe Fly crackers. vtruers irom tne traoe soiDitca ana promptly at tenuen to ASAYERSi W. O. ,lfisE. fc . K Front street near v oslilngton. Ores, metals, mineral waters, coal? etc., carefully analyzed. Assays for gold and silver IX; other metals from $3. to Si Gold dust bought anu oars maae. uruera oy mau careiuuy attended to. a. B. McIXTOSH.-Cor. From and Stark. Chem ical analysis made of coal, mineral waters, etc. Or dinarv amuiysof gold. Jill ver, lewl r oopjwr, front lo m. nr. r. ix arvv. v:onsurtinK n ennui. ATTORXP.VK. D. P. KEXXEDY. Attorney and Counselor at Ijiw Boom S Deknm's building. Irfgal busbies.! pertaining to lelters latent lor Inventions, beforf SP ORTSMEirS7 EHP0RITJ2L WM, BECK & SON Importers and dealers Id . ;.. Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers Bods, Reds, 1 s Sinkers, Floats, lanes) f Sturgeon Lines, Baskets, Flies, Leaders, mm Hooks ol all kinds. PI8HIUG TAOKTCiE Braided and Tapered Oil Silk Uues. . Six Spliced Split Bamboo Hods, J63nd 16T Neeoat at., Portlsnrt. "r $1000 REWARD FOR AMVOSE WHO W1IX LEARN KellogtC b JtllMMi'a of Drew nnd Cloak i'atUntt, and, with a corret mm lire and perfect cutting, produce a bad fitting garment. Several Improvements have jup tn-en made. Agents to sell an teach wanted in everr town, uood agents eat ake imm 10 to 05 per day. K ELLOf KJ JILLSON, Cheney, Bpoteane Co., W. T The Bishop Scott Grammar School. A - WlARIMN'O AND DAT SCHOOL FOR BOYS X3l and Young Men, will begin Its fifth year under it present management Sept. 5, lvC Prepares boys CTliure nr hiiditipw. The teaching is practical and thorough, and discipline strict. Send for twelfth an nual catalogue, Ktving complete list of former pupils. Portland. Orogo t'ver and idner diseases veto by Dime Pills. EYE & EAR INFIRMARY AKD .- ' SANITARIUM, 03 HOME FOR THE SICK, llaeiulam Bond bet. Porter and Wood Sta.t Month Portland, Or. Pr. Pllklngton. late Professor o f Eye A Ear Diseases intbe Mtillcal Department of Willamette University nae erected a nne nuuning, on a neautuui elevation iu he soutn part of tne ciry amt n prepared to aocoino late palit nt RiilTaring troin all diseases of the KYE, EAR or THROAT. A lso will nav soecial attention to persons laboring under Chronic. .Nervous affections, and to diseases peculiar to women, and recieve a limi ted numberni cases expecting conniietuent. The intention is to Drovide a for such cases with all the best hygienic agencies combined with the best medical skill to be tutu m the metropolis. Consulting physician aim surgeon ir. .rump tiarvey, Prof, of diseases of women ami children in the medical deiiartment Willamette University. A lso Ir. J. M. F. Browne, Prof, of Physiologry med deo't. Willamette University, or any amount ot reierenci ana circular, aaurewi UB. J. It. PILKIKfeTOW, or. 1 t and Washington Htm., l..rtlimd. Or. ; Simmond's Kentucky Nabob Bourbon Wluskey. Of all the famous productions of the Bine Grass Dis trict this WhLskv i unexcelled for purity and llnvor. for family and medicinal purposes ' -"IN-AjBOra" Is notorious. It Is made from pure barley and wheat spirits, and its various component parts blended with scientific accuracy. The Best and Purest Brand in the Market. Tonn A BIT EN. Mole Agent, for Portland. Oregon nud the Ter rltorl-, where the i.radf can be supplied by the bar rel half barrel or casts at the same price and terms as iu Kentucky or wan Francisco. - ECOXOMI IS WEALTH. And by Hnylng Your 1300TS AND SHOES YKOM THK New York Boot and Shoe House, No. 10S First Street. Between Yamhill and Taylor, Portland YOU APR TO YOUR OWN WF.ALTW AND BY that means make the whole country richer. We have Just received the most elegant stock of goods ever brought to Portland, which we are selling at rates that no other houst can. When you come to the city bring in your whole family and we will sell them goods at astonishingly low prices. Orders from the country will be promptly attended to, and we will pay reight on all goodx sent to you. NO MOltE DYSPEPSIA. .ii&asfi-.:ti. J, irmm a mm i BEST TGHIQIH USE. Recommended bv all Physicians. iCenwl Ceitfflentris on tiack of Bottle. A Pure Cure for Indigcsilon. Loss of Appetite and the Best Liver Regulator knows. SOLD ONLY IN GLASS. To 61' or sell any but the gecnine article out of our bottle is felony, and when d tectcd, will be prosecuted to the fud extent if tbe law TrafieBuppiied by Arpad Haraszthy & Co. 530'ntloni.. Nan. KranclHo. Cal 1850. 32 Years Practical Experience. 1882. John A. Child si I'esler in Fine Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Sponges, Soaps, & Rubber Loods. Cor Morrison 2C alt Portland, Or. Special attention pa;d to orders bj mail when accom psniPdwitb tbe cash. HT1SELL 10 000 Pianoi 1.00C Organs. I- nan, isnj f Manufacturers From to 1,000 latr Uointa. C&talognif Frw, AXTISFLL. or "v( et -H'ovtitJ JVW. - ForCiits,Uiirn8, Sores,Uolls,piles Caked Breasts, Corns, ctc.,it has no equal. . Sold by Drug gists and conn try stores at 10 cents per box. Mi Sure Cure for CaW JIQCrO OR DRY, PRICE 100; "ATMOSPHERIC J Insufflators," price 5or. Dry Cure and Insuflia. tors mailvd on receipt of price, with full direction for use,etc. 14. BKIDMOKK fc Co., DruggKts 151 First street. Po-tlai'd. r i, renb for the N. Pacific rv.ft -.ruf me EA5B 7 TEHC1LS SEALS IHTITtHSii TMir f . rOBTLAITI OK. Write to Cleve anrt Dispensary. Cleveland.O for Pamphlet in plain sealed envel ope, describing an INSTRUMENF (worn t nlaht) for curing MfillT EMISSIONS. aimle,Cheap, Never Fails. MEN AND WOMEN, Bovs and flrts, anyone wt wants ligtit, pleaant env plment In which from f 3 to 10 per day can be mace will send their name and pnttfRce address to ua Im mediately, and reoelv.- onr descriptive circulara. Ad dress, U. II. eehH Ac Co., No. 187 Fron alreett Portiaud. Uieann. n WW's SEE WE. ,f i r4 : 1 testimonials I BETIBIt THAN al,t 1 CALIFOE.NIA FRUIT SALT. A Pleasant and Efficacious Remedy. IF YOU HAVE ABUSED YOURSELF By over Indulgence In eating ot drinking; have sick or nervous headache; dryness of the skin, with a feverish tendency; night sweats and sleeiilessness; by all means use ' i S'aven's California Fruit Salt. And feel voumr once more. U is the woman's friend. Trv it; si per hottle; (5 b-ittles for s. For sale by all druggists. IIODOE, DAVIS & CO., wholesale Agents. R. K. QI'KEN. S1000KEWABD WILL BE PAID TO ANY PER80N PRODUO ing a more effectual remedy than Dr. Keek's Sure Cure for Catarrh. Which has stood the test for fourteen years. Physi cians. Druggists, and all who have used and thor oughly tested it, pronounce it speclfle for the cure of that loathsome disease. Try It. Your druggist baa It, price L Dr. 'Keck thoroughly understands, and m eminently successful in the treatment of aliekr oalc ana rftaf- ealt dlaeaaee of both aezea mod all sgea, having made a specialty of their treatment for fourteen years He treats Csstw without using the knife. His favor ite nrescrlDtion ia furnished to ladv Batttenta Free. No lady should be without it. Young, middle-aged or old, male or feaa-le, liisanlty or a life ot suffering is your lnevitaoie ooom unless yon appiy in time to toe nh vsician who understand, and la competent to treat your case. Waste no more time nor money with in competent physicians. All commnnlcaoons attended to with dispatch, and are strictly confidential. Medi cines sent to anv Dart of the country. Circulara, testi monials, and a list of nrinted Questions furnished on application. COXftVLTATlON KHKK. Inclose a three-cent stamp for list and addres DR JAMES iso. i-a first street, fortiana. ur. Q EST A t II A XT THE BEST 1ST THECITT All Modern Improvements. Oiien all day. T t, RRrVMtK. wrt.tnr F. & Ak,' Ben. Selling. H. K. Doacfe. Is eo every pair. EYEBY PAIR GUAEASTEED. A IK. SKU XWO -k COW SEWING MACHINE STORE 167 THIRD ST. BKPAIBINfl Don ON SHORT NOTICE. All Leading MACHINES 8AXE. THREAD, ATTACHESTS,ete. aBITEKAI. AGENT roa TMM WnniiPPiini r t a 11111 r 3. A. WESCO, Penman at the Portland Business College, Received the premium given by tbe PORTLAND MECHANICS' EAIR, For the best exhibit of Plain Writing, Card Writing . Flourishing, Lettering and Pen Drawing. The Portland Business College Journal, Containing specimens of ornamental pen work, exe cuted by Prof. Wesco, will be sent free to any address. Bend name on postal card. Address A. P. ARMSTHONO. se'tf lxck Box 104. Portland, Or. HUDSON'S Qim STORE. M Ft rat street, PortUad, Oree. SUN, . FHTOIA AXI MMVHITIOA Ttaklasr Taekl mt Kr-rr twn-tla4- WILLIAM COLLIER, JUL O T3l 1 2sT I S T . Dealer la Xfw and SECOND HAND MACHINERY. 88 Madison 8u, Portland, Or. Partle. dtrtn- Bnllera. Knglnes or SAW MILL UACIII.VEKY run .retire - Hddreiwtnii Mr. JIUr. New and Second Hand Machine . .Kht anil mKI orlrndnl l..rf.iiitwh W. E Chamberlain Jr. Thou. A. Robinson. Life Scholarship SIND FOB CIRCULAR Mp6 'imeow '-2 . I!J-rfiilSJ' - f 0j MjJ0 -J ' I K-BTV 2 1 I i I CO f I I UJ j ; S . 4 CO I CO H 1 s I J co I - -1 $70 R' 11 1 IV O f the a. i. case plow. TRI Portable 5i cjQODIDQEnilDE 1 DjO jEI DS DH Qo. nr2nrz2i23ii 24ir25" l.t.v,', a-. WESTiira h c re the sole acents for Orecron nnd Wiis'iiiieton Tprritrv fh. . T r rT.ti I'MPJI" WKKHKltf HH.I IlKIl.LS. Sill ivhntiir Vurm m Sn'Hni. VV.inn. I I S.T..' ' 1 li.ii'U-s, Engines ou skids, and sinale or double Raw Mills. Call and see in'nrwrit. f,.r" ..,!.. v I ' . . . . I f r --- 'UsSi-. IM l " : I ft SCHENECTADY, XKW YORK. llRAKCIt HOUSE. : PORTLAND, OGN e are now receiving a full line of our CELEBRATED SEPARATORS, Lever and Tread Powers. PORTABLE AND TKAt.TIO.V KMilXKs. Uur s, -purntor is I Iglit Running. Si rong and Durable and un equaled s a ORAIN AND FLAX SAVJNtj THRESHER and has the best Nboe movement and Riddle for siimratms WILD OATS KH.OM WHEAT. Our Horse-powers aret'ompact, Easv Running and dou't break down. Olll KMtl.N'K is an improvement lon needed; WEIUHT l.'X)t- 2000 LB-S LKSH than the average engine of mine power, and usrs ONE-l if I KH LE.SS WATER AND FUEL to do the same work. Is durable and easy to limniiKe Hundreds of these einrtnes and thresher have bevn ui successful oper ittoii for years. we-Pleas.' wmiJ for our DEwCIUPTlVii CATAIAMJVK AXD PRICE LIST and Investigate thoroughly before giving your order. ; , Saw mili Machinery and Stationery Engines' Furnished on Reasonable Terms. O. P. DART, Manager. OFFICr' CORimerciat Dock, Foot of Morrison si reel, Portland, Orfgou. fcA . , . .rihl. -rest StreaKt-. nnO&LFIFI hfll-L enlng Remedy and IlS&JbLI I V'arvo Tonic Is the le i5r'i!,cl Bitlmate result of over a El V iRVTCe 1 1 Hvears of practical expert- W iZ U irKf f??PAYV" TY', Nervous and Vbvsl cal Debility, Seminal Weakneps, Ppermatr)r rhoea, Prostatorrhea.Em ;nissioiis, Jmpotency, Ex hausted Vitality, Prema ture Decline and JMiXJ OF Ul.MIUOII, from whatever cause pnidured. It enriches and puniies the blood, Strengitieus tbe serves, urain, Musciea, juigesuon. rtepro'iiicuve or gans, and Physical and Mental Ea ulties. It stops Buy unnatural deblllutii g drum upon the system, preventing involuntary hnses, de bilitating dreams, seminal losses wiih tbe nlne, etc., so destructive to mind and body. It is a sure eliminator of all KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLAINTS. IT CONTAINS NO INJUKIOL'H INGREDIENT. To those Terlng from the ef fects wf yoathfal Indiscretions or Hfcwi. u speedy, thorough and peroiKnent CI' RE I fil'AKASTEf.ll. Price. SO prrbottle,or Sve bottles In case with full directions and advi.-e, iO. Bent secure from observation to any address upon re ceipt of price, or C. O. D. To be had only of Itr. C D. Sulfleld, tO Kearny street. San Franclaco, Cal. Consultations strictly conflden tlal, by letter or at office, FREE. For the convenience of patient, and in order to seeure perfect secrecy, 1 have adopted a private address, under which all pack ages are forwarded. TKIAI. BOTTLE FREE. Sufficient to sh w its merit, will be sent to any on. applying by letter, staling his symptoms and age Communications strictly confidential. PERUVIAN ITTERS. htrM r:. --- 145 The Finest BITTKKS In tlte WOltLl). T1IEY EFFECTUALLY CURE MA-LARIAIi DISEASES, VI tall the syntmi nnd arrest the rsrapHi the UreudfDl Alcohol Habit, UIPMIMAMX Ask. your rngIt or "Wine Merchant to them. WILIf ERDI.6 A CO., A vents, Ran Fran Cisco. X". 3. VAX SfHIITVRB CO- Portland USE ROSE PILLS DR. SPINNEY. K. 11 Ke-rmy street, . V., rreots U Ckremle -d pedal IHa VOUEiG MEN rHO MAY BK SUFFERING FROK THIS EF T feeta of youthful foUies or Indiscretion, will do veil to avail theinselve of this, the ereatest boon ver laid at tl.e altar of suffering bnmatdty. DR itMNNEY will iruarantee to forfeit 5O0 for every se of rVniiiai WeaktKwa or private diaeaaecnf any tii i! orchrJ-wier which be undertakes and fella ur. MIDDLE-AGED HEX, There ai many at the ? of thlrtr toafxty wh -re trol,:el wnb too frequent evaeoatlons of tht 'ladder, often aa-companied by a aliglit smarting oi u rnhig so n nation and a weakening of the system lr . manner the patient cannot account for. On exam ml!,g the urinary deoohita a ropy sediment wU oftet i 'i'um', r.nd sometimes small particles of alhumet viil api'esr. cr the color will be of a thin mllkiiih huf ijfHi-i rh:.nic'.ng to a dark and torpxl appearance i-n !. niBiir nien who die of this dirlVatrv. iijuo aet tf the oatise, whi'h t. the seeonil s;a;e itf S'-m! il "iK.i:Hfl. lp. H. will sriiflrfuitee a p.'i-f-'et eure it nf ;ii h .- as and a healthy restoration of the genii- riu.'rv n jiHiii. 0;P- Ifitiii's-Tfltfif an'tO toS. un lar. frnr.i V. it !1 ' M. 'V.M-ntiion f?vfj. Tlifiritfh !ii;i:,.si5i am; t-1' U-e V Or."; or addVas DU. SPISSEY . No. 'I K,i ny 'eet. N&'i I- r ini '" ( AL rriiE "whiik." we have this pay kolj X onr entire Interest hi, and truns'errert the agency of the Wtilt ?ewii g Maehine to Mr. John H. avri son. of l7 Third Htr et. Portland, or. Mr. 4rriwit will hereafter Hiiily the growti'g dpmatid fur tolf superior and poj'inar sewing machine, aplo ft BA fK. IILuUWnAIUHB aiOX I aV 1- X Y. ' f? i ; ff J Tbe TKIl'MPU sEG )R Hiii At JL.L. mon. Portia" THE A Lit IN A HOMKSSTEAD is situated next to Albbia. and tetwwn and fronting on both the xtenslon of Fourth street. Kast -Portland, and Use Vancouver ad. A 1) t he lots Iu blocks 36, "Tt H,2uud ,' areiOxia) feet, with wenty-foot alleys tbrouith the docks. Ail the other lots are !ix i00 feet, nie streets are wide, and Uave all been cleared, while the lots are high and level and can ' i ?. jvery eastly cleared. We now offer for sale for a short time a limited number of these iots and blocks at reasonable prices and on easy terms. THE ALBINA HOMESTEAD Is unuueKioiiub.'y tbe best field for Investment and the most de sirable place for location now in ihemarket. lis close prox lmity : the citiea of Portland and Ir ast i fort latid, and to the heavy tin S 'it by the various companies un- urovcnients now beluir cari-Uwl 3 H?r tue uire-tion oi Mr. vuiam .1 bine hhops and other works of ''ice companies Its neamesa he irv no -ks Elevators. Mi- 1 iiSi to the Album Kerry .together v:m me jroiosea street Kail ay from 1. street Ferry, In rst tortlaud. ill make this mcinv fvery accessible from i.U pari of in se ciiii-h. in-ne advantages wfll uecKSsaiUy attract a btix ;Opti'utioii, and In the meantime ,iake this the most nomilar and ;aa'uable suburban property lu ins vv-miiy. wiuie in me near .Ht lire it must furnish homes for he rapidly iiictvasing population -f Albina, and Uieu m value will e nt lecst five tiines what we ow ufl'er It for.- U' will show ije property and give full Infor mation to all who n'.ay ply to is personally, and iiiqitiiia ad- Ireswod to us bv mail will receive rompt attention. K.J. HA1U11T4CO., Real Es tate Agents. 52 Morrison street. land I.UWNSDALK ft CO.. Real J-tate Agents, W'ashlngtoa st. J Portland. Or. jr.mmit.poftri.tmt - BcoirsB &o co., I BUCKlHGHAff! & HECHT'S BOOTS AND SHOES j ; . . . ". Are the BEST and COST NO MORE than IHlier Brands, and if the Merchant with whom yon Trade does not keep onr Good it is became it PATS better to sell a pair i of Boots or Shoes etery TWO Hontju thai? e?cry FOUR or FIVE. WE WARRANT EVERY PAIR Wc make. AU Merchants In Good Credit '.m proenre these Goods at onr Ware houses In P0UJLAXD or San Frandsco. TRY OUH "HERCULES" BOOTS. 1 KECIIT BROS. & CO. USE ROSE 11T.T.S. r-TJISr IDEA'S CO X UJ X no 2 m CO CO sf:iji.Tc2i SFOiri ri:xo MARCH VXG0H HEALTH AND LIFE. KEHF.HBF.R, by PURIFYIJTO your BLOOD you Regulate the Liver and Kidneys, cleanse tie Stomach of all Morbid Secretions, and enioy th i t irreat boon, Oood Health. So sufferer should fall to Itive this popular remedy a trial. Get the OKNI'IIf i. and observe the Trade Mark. One Dollar per Dot e For sale evervwhere. Ladies' Underwear, j IXFASTSi AND CHILDREN'S COMPLETE WAEDEOBES , 1S5 Third Street, Portland, Or. I ' I. O. Boa 36 . USK ROSE PILLS." D. J filALARKEY & CO., PiiflflcsCflfflii j Bpeelalattentiosiftveii totheBkleM Wheat, Oats, Flour, Wool & Dairy i Produce. Bead for WEEKLY PBICES CURRENT. omIIqA , free on application, liberal Adrances on ConNlgmnents. ! ;u1gn-'.nU and Orders BoHdted. 41 TKOXT ST.. roXT&AJU JM, TVI--H WAI KKR. Froni St. foot of Rslmon. Porting i5. 1870. eisipiin ; 'nr m'ms' Wfiiri is '