THE INDEPENDENT. 4P mmm i mm i i i BOSBBURO. SATU RDAY. OCT. 21. The role of the "bosses will come to an end forever on March 4, 1884. $ew York and Pennsylvania will join the Democratic ranks next month. The Republican party in Oregon will hereafter have a rough road to travel. Folger's nomination in New York shows the ''rule or ruin" disposition of the bosses. THE Ohio revolution is one that will count. The Germans are slow to change, but when hey do you may de pend upon them. The course of our contemporary in upholding Micchelliam is openly de nounced by many outspoken Republi cans. It is new conceded by many leading Republicans tht tne next: Congress will be Democratic by a good' working , majority. - Although it is a good "way off, one can place his fingers on the ring candi dates for' county offices twQ years hence. .THEpredicted overwhelming Repub lican gains in tho South have turned iput to be the usual game of brag., Ma honeism, Republicanism and Arthur ism don't take. The little Roseburg ring that worked ,up' the Mitchell boom in this county, will hear from the true Republicans of xhe county two years hence. The rule of the Republican party of this county by three men will come .to &n end when the people speak two years hence. TflE Senatorial question will be set t'el before this week's issue reaches fhr readers,-but the outspoken denun ciation of the course of Douglas county Representatives in supporting Mitchell indulged in by Republicans from all parts of the county during court week, will make the little Roseburg "bosses" quake in their boots, when they try to fix another delegati6n two vears hence. It. M. Pattison, the Democratic candidate for Governor of Pennsylva nia, is a young man of steiling worth. He is the presenv Mayor of. Philadel phia and has filled the office so honest ly and aby that he will be promoted to the Governoiship next month. He is of the right stamp forthe young De mocracy to gather around as their standard bearer for the Presidency in 1884. The Standard says: The Republi cans are making a great fuss over their victory in the first Congressional dis trict in Yest Vii gin ia, and claiming enormous gains. Tim fact is, the pres ent member of Congress, out of a total vote o2 36,710, only had a majority of 110 two years ago, and it is probable that Jay Hubbell was able to over peme this small majority with his "soap." Besides, there were cast at that time 1225 votes for a Green backer. The proposed amendment to tho con stitution of this State prohibiting the inanufac'nre and salo of intoxicating liquors, passed the House yesterday by a votA of fift.v-t.wn tn iv twn hairx? I absent on leave who were announced as being favorable to the amendment. The proposition to submit the o,uestion to the people has now passed both branches of the Legislature by such majorities as to leava little doubt that - - the matter will finally be submitted to . the people. It transpires that the liquor question in Ohi was not the main cause of the Republican defeat in that State, as we learn from the statements of Speaker ' Kiefer, upon his return to Washing ton, that the prohibitionists acted and .voted with the Democratic pavty, and from the Cincinnati dispatches that the j . heaviest Democratic gains were in the Amerioan wards and precincts. The patty tyranny of boss dictation, which is disrupting tho party in this State, served to drive the independent voters out of the Republican rankst while the financial depression -caused by the tar iff and National banks, contributed more to their defeat than all other causes, combined, as the principal gains were in the agricultural counties. POLITICAL ETHICS. Political prejudices often blind the people to their own interests and to their country's good. The wholesale! abuse of any man who enters public . life, by his opponents, has led the pi-o which would show the charlatan aud hypocrite from .he statesman and pa triot. Thus to the general reader it i: impossible to know for certain the standing or character of any public man. We have always recognized the principle that it is wrong for a public journalist to impose upon the: people. There is no truer friend to the people than an honest newspaper; one whosd columns pre not in the market and whose columns are not filled with ti rades and abuse tor the mere sake of temporary party advantage. Of the twenty American journals which stand at the head of the profession, there may be' three of this high standard. The others are either conducted in the interest of some ling of politicians or controlled by aome unscrupulous cap italist, or worse yet, conducted on the sole basis of a money-making business, regardless of its own honor or the wel fare of the people it seeks to mislead. That the smaller fry of newspapers, especially county papers that are sup ported at the public crib, should pat tern after the worst features of the creat iournals is not surprising. That any man who holds an office of profit and trust of just sufficient importance to earn his bread and butter and is compelled to run a newspaper in the interest of the party that supports him, should use his journal for the purpose of advancing his patron saint and to keep his own lips fastened on the pub lie teat, is prostituting the office ef a journalist, needs no argument to sub stantiate. We are sorry to say that men j?f such a character are the ones that edit (Gel save the mark) the av erage Republican newspaper of Ore gon. It is to the interest of these men to mislead the public. They are forever blowing the trumpet of their "boss" and no language is too low, too abusive, or too vulgar to be used against thosa who may differ from them. The motives of these men should be evident to any one. Bread and butter depends upon dirty work and he who surpasses at it is move liberally supplied from the public funds. It is safe to say that there is not a Republican journal in this State whose editor is an office holder, an obtainer of government con tracts, or an anxious expectant of an office, which is not a supporter of Mitchell and an upholder of Hipple ism. They shout his praises from week to week and take a tighter grip upon the public pap. They have no defense to make for Mitchell. By their silence or senseless tirades they admit him to be all that he is known to be, a seducer, a bigaini&t, a lobbyist, and O Lord, what is he not that is ve nial and corrupt! Tbey claim that he is smart and can do moro for Oregon .han any one else, and that his youth ful indisc i . i' or a period of forty veais should be overlooked. Years agp there lived in Portland a very smart man. lie made a living m a very easy way, through the aid of 52 little strips of various designed papeis. He was never a caucus nominee for Senator, however, probably because thirty-six smart men were never found in an Oregon Legislature before this time. McDonald, tho bunko sharp, a man of education, of fine address ajid pleasant manners was sent to the pen" itentiary. If he is still there we would respectfully suggest his name to the immortal thirty six as the only man whs possesses any rival claim to their votes. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the r t neisbip heretofore existing rmw Tl rt n...i I. T IT,-.,, I, itn the firm name r,f Booth Bros., is ibis yWOlvei y mill U.I consent, . A. Booth retiring. Ti e business will je continued bv J. O. Booih. ho pay mm debts conia;'.- I'V the nrm aim t whom all debts ;ut ill lirm must lu paiJ. J.O.P.OOTH, 11. A. JiUU I U. Yonca la. t?et 30, 1882. MBTIKIPOiilTAN HOTEL TIi is 'LPjiuilar House Situated in ih" center f i e busine rtion of I u i:. I'-tviotr r eutl 1;MIJJ 1 !ta! l . -. Iife-i COM PXiETE LY HEIiOVi- TED nd prepare 1 t th.- - p ion of s. uesL- ihe Dining Uomii win lie t-upplieu win ( he best tue Market A fibrils with good attendance. As Mrs. Zigler bus charge l t'- kiiclien.Jim quality . the cooking Will W Unexceptionable. Hates reas iiabb-. tree coacli from the railroad. LOU. ZIGLER. WE KEEP IN STOCK THE LARGEST VARIETY OF QOOOS IN THE U.S. ANO CAN SELL ' YOU ANY ARTICLE FOR PERSONAL OR FAMILY ' USE, IN ANY QUANTITY AT WHOLESALE PRICE. WHATEVER YOU WANT SENO FOR OUR OATA-. LOOUE (FREE) ANO YOU WILL FIND IT THERE MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 227 229 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO. -1L toi& j .t&hmm Ayer's Mair Wigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY KAIR TO ITS . NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most agreeable dressing, which Is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light,' and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin l:air is thickened, and baldness often tiough not always cured. It checks falling Cf Uie hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases whero tho glanda 6X9 50i decayed; while to brasay, weak, ot etherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The Viaoii cleanses the scalp, cures and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible' As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The Vigor is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co practical ju'J Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sols by ail rr.i"!ctsT3 evekyt.-hee Is a compound of the virtues of Barsaparil la, stillingia, mandrake, yellow dock, wit the iodide of jwtash and iron, all powerful blood-makins, blood--leauains, ami llfe-sus. taininpr cleraenta. It is the purest, safest. and most effectual' alterative luediciuo known or available to tho public. The sci ences of medicine and chemistry havo never produced so valuable a remedy, nor one so potent to cure ail utsea.scs result mc from Impure blood. It cures Scrofula and all scrofulous diseases. Krysipelas. ltose, or St. Anthony's Firs', Pimples and I'aee-Krubs, i'ustiues, uiotcncs, Iioils, Tumors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Ithcuiii, Scald-head, Kins-worm. Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Mercurial Disease, Neuralgia, Female Weak nesses and Irregularities, Jaundice, Alfections of the Liver, Dyspepsia, emaciation, and General uebiaty. By its searching and cleansing qualities it purges out tuo loul corruptions wliicli contaminato tue i'.owx anu cause derange ment and decay. 1 1 stimulates aud enlivens Ihe vital functions, promotes euergy and strength, restores aud preserves health, aud infuses new lifg and vigor throughout tho wnole system. Ho eutlerer lrom anv uis. ease , which arises from impurity of tho blood need despair who will give Ayer's barsapahilla a fair trial. It is folly to experiment with the numer ous low-priced mixtures, of cheap. materials, and without medicinal virtues, offered as blood-puriliers. while disease becomes moro firmly seated. Avku's Sar&apakilla is a medicine of such concentrated curative power, that it is by far the best, cheapest, and most reliablo blootl-nurifier known. Physicians know its composition, and pre scribe it. It has been widely used lor lorty yaxs. aud has won the unqualified confi dence ef millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical aud Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. 4I.D mr jill brcsctsts cvc&TWiisjtt. Ague Cure Is a purely vegetable bitter and powr ful tonic, and is warranted a speedy and certain cure for Fever and Ague, hilla and Fever, Intermittent or Chill Fe ver, Itemittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, and all malarial disorders. In miasmatic dis tricts, the rapid pulses coated tongue, thirst, lassitude, loss of appetite, pain in the back and loins, aud coldness of the spine and extremities, are only premonitions of severer symptom!, which terminate in th U6 paroxysm, succeeded, by high fever fcuu proiuso perspiration. It is a startling fact, that quinine, arse nic and other poisonous minerals, form tho basis of jnost of the " Fever and Aruo reparations," "Specifics,-' "Svrups, aud "Tonics," in the market. The prepara tions made lrom these mineral poisons, although thev are palatable, and may break the chill, do not cure, but leave the malarial and their own drug poison m the system, producing quinism, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache, vertigo, and other disorders more formidable than the disease . they were intended, to cure. Ayeu's Aguk Curb thoroughly eradicates these noxious poisons from the system, and alwavs cures the severest cases.? It contains no ouinine, mineral, or any thin; that could injure tho most delicate pn tient: and its crowninc excellence, above its certainty to cure, ii that it leaves tho Bvstem as free from disease as before tho attack. For Liver Complaints, Ayek's Agcb Ccue. bv direct action on the liver and hiliarv annaralus. drives out the poisons which produce these complaints, and stim ulates the system to a vigorous, neaiiny condition. "We warrant it when taken according to directions. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. OLD BT AIX DBUOGim KTXBXWUCIK. P Announcement- Clfo BROS TO THE PUBMC Demand for our goods compelled us to tend for a complete assortment, which we are daily ree-ivmg from the Hist Lauds, and can afford to TLX ETOE 3ct BE I. L any Louse In the State. Our suck is more i;inplee tbau ev r, in all urau n- s. If you bargain, now is youi inie to cull on ns and 6atiffy your- se ves iietore purcunsing eisewnere. We mean w hat we ay and you can ai way? pifd us at the OLD STAND One door from the Postolfice. Quality not Quantity is the Desire IT YOU v am PURE SriiSTM and Irlcdicikic Olieuiicalx, etc.. :o not forget to cab on HEELER. H. MYKTLK cia:i:K. Alsn keeps on Li.ud the J. H. Cutter ibki-P, Hoi bind Gi;i. Jamaica Rum, aud the fineht WineH and Brandies or medical use. Phvvicinn.H Perscrpthm a tcialty. I i k ' Hi lit 3Rs. i. THBOLL, Would nrni'uit.ce tbats-liH i prt-pa d to !o nH4ii!ls f wi'fK iu I lie Wai ot weaving hair, or makiiig u?N ntui CUrlu from C'lini'ings v-r .uvr' Hiul tliat she will do dressmaking iu the latest modi rn nfy'es. All work guaranteed, and wiusi:ttii assured to all who may patrotie her. Call at my residence nearly opjo. site the Catholic church . 38 f M1W 1. 1HKUL.1.. Loui Bel fits, WATCH MAK 11 AND JLAVIXEll Front st., Roc),j, Or n Wlioif f Je and retail I'l-aler in Wk.cIu s clocks, Jewelry, Gold lVn and Municd mstruiuenis. v uteres, t iu,-K! and e)ry re p 5 red. All my work warr-Mited; Next door to the Metropolitan flote Roseburg, Oregou. The unde-fiiirned has opened a neat and comfortable barber shoo at the niace above descrihed.and hi? winr Ions' experience in Ins proiessien, " satisfied lie can give sati?factJonto al! nrho may ivc nun a cull. iuh prie He pop u la r, and as follows: Hair ( uttidg, 25 cnt3;Shavinft:. 2.1 ct. Ait I ask is a fairtriai, end that fchun v my work as a barbe I am willing to he put to the test. n40 CUAKLiES 11 A "LEY 5.'f TCK3 CFA t. .' rt a orete. Eowcls ccst ve. Pain in IS's-t, v i a a c ull E3n""tic.n in the v.ri, Y'-.i si uader the Ehoulder "v.3.":, 1 1 . - "i'?r eating, with a dlsrn i w . rci-tion tf body or irind, r"i; I !-3ir.p-r. Low sp rits, with ''iir.? ot nevms nns!cet-d s-ome duty, f o-?, !"7.iaei. Fluttering at the ; v. ,j5 , iove the eyes. Yei ov Skin, --n"a 'j rr the ticht eye, . ,, w'.ta Ltfai drc-.v Viphly . ..N.ii!ja - " '." ; r. . the i . ylftn 1.1 : loii on tbe ar pro-.-. HS.. IS. Y. 1 3 . :.ncc1 toaGt.fsv . i ( tliisDvir. Jtlm - . . . - 1 -Tuntaneously. Sold . - . i ..:i" on receipt of tl. :- -r. - - :::z,iV rri'-, NEW VOEK. ft s X li i.' I InfnnmUoii ami HEFFROH'S SALOOH. HOSEBUEO, OREGON, Ttebestof wmts, liquors and cigars, oasf.aa.'iy oi laad iy t and a welcome SCMMONS, In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for the County of poualas Kosv 8ptton plf. 1 OultinEquhy vs. J. for a Divorce. Wm. W P. Sutton def. ) To Wm. W. P. Sptton. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear aud answer the complaint filed against you by the plaintiff, Rosy Sutton, in the above entitled Court and suit, on or before the first day of of the next regular term of said Coup, to wit, the third Monday the 16tli. iay of October A. U. 18S2; and if yo i fail to so an i-wer the said complaint the plaintff wi 1 take judgement against voU for want of an aner: and will apply to the t'ou t fr ihe reliei demnnded in said complaint, to wit, Jor a decree dissolving the marriage contract exls. log between th plaintiff and defendant and change of the name of the plaint iff to that of Nosy Kiucaid and her costs at d disbursement. . This rtiniiaoua is published by order of the Hon. Circuit C urt of said State of Oregou fur I'ougias Coun' , made and entered the 19ih day of July A. D 1882.. Herman & BALL, Attorney V for Plaintiff. A Small Farm for Sale. Having become tired of batching, I offer my place for sale, with or without boueeboid awl kitchen furniture, on reasonable terms. It contains 72 acres. more or less. 11 of which ar uuder cul tivation, a nice young orchard, a good s z d barn and box bouse, witb four roome: also, the out-door improve ments. It is situated iti a good peign borhood. within a ualf mile of a a ore school house, s?veu and one-half miles west of Hi;8euursr, iu what ib calliU ?ne French Settlement, in Douglas county OregQD. Inqune i m on my farui. T. 8. O'Brien. BUY THE UM?0UA VAL'EY MILLS .UP i a ML jot? THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Addess A. VV. STSA.T1N3, Cany-Wll e iT TO II LLINFS Frencn Flowers AT I'Ul Ks ICHE4PCK nm PAID A3i?3AS Would announce that ho ha bee consigned an extra fine slock d FRENCH ARTIFICIAL F;.0WE3S be Bold at '. u carl, date, and that lie would ndvi.-t- niillin is and ladies in geutial ;c call iip.i him before sending iluir nnh-r-abroad, as he is ft: I. y - l is ied In can oiler tliein uar.iaiii' wim i!ie im.j , not obtain in Sun ? ri t'dsco by ceiid inir ibeitv Hi! fti'wers ae in every .my im tUlM. 'U- und nl r. lit! f. i C IK' v t'l 4I( III icf, a ie tei . il- sviHir 40 IlosiBUiUi. OiiltiON Blacksmith Farrier, vS5 sea I sq 4a. Aid St- ilfk'i vii ;.i ; :i .tiK' of D U ' ! p C 'vni v, w ni l resi.ei'l iu.iy niiu"Mrc I 'i-i prei arrd to do all kinds - f vi. fk in Ids iue. and guar.iit-es s-it's iiictimi. IIORE-SHO!SiS(i; A SPECIALTY. . Any farui-r liavinga plow to t-harpen or machinery to repair will do well to givo me a call at uiy old stxud. . I have a full btock of inn and steel, and having urchased the fame at a low price, can do work, S- fr as prices are concerned, cheaper than any who will at tmpt compel ition, - JAS. DEARL1NO. fll? im Oakland. Oregou. CLARK B &. BAKER, Proprirfors. Having purchased the above named mills or K. Mpnens & Lo., we are now prepared to furnish any amount of the BEST QTTA LiTV OF LUMBER Ever otVml to thu public In Do-igias county. We havf jiist purcnaseu one or the Weatherly , Kugg A Richardsou No. 1 Planess and mathers and are pre pared to do better work than otner mills la tue couuty. We will furnitm at the mill No. 1 lumber at the following prices: Dressed rustic....... .... $16 perM Flooring (dreshed St matched $15 per M Lumber dresei on one t-ldef 14 per M Lumber dressed on two sides$16 perM lloun lumber ..$8 to $10 per M W e have an extra quality of lumber equal to any found ou (kos Bay, and will guarrantee to give satisfaction i all those favoring us with their onler Po9totIiee address, Umpqua Feriy Oregou. ' 'CLARKE & UAKEK. V. i WIS At CO CELEBRATKD CLEAN SWEtlP CIGAR, THE BEST B1T..OIGAR IN ROSEBURG, Manufactured expressly for, and for tale only at i , A. G. MA8K'8 STORE. oj3oc20i3 DOUGLAS DSTDEPENDEKl -THE ONLT- -IN DOTJGLAS OOUKTT, ORBGOI? Snbscrip i ion Price Gen'l Merehandise INCl, LADIES' Styles of all Variety and Shades AT THE - OF M. .JOSEEHSON Gentemen ; & Boy us ,2s mo ickr - ism: eb REFOl.'l PUKC'HAN(I ELSE Vf EKE, BV s-j UOINO 'JOOiJ BARGAINS CAN BE SEC JRKD Sheridan Br js., v vouiu auiioiince viiB' the' nave ji.ei Largest Stock t.rnnsri.t t n .ulis "id when 'J, -n.i UK A DY MADE TIN W Alt l, Us is.iiplv iii tle:r in ! a. iv iiouso ill poai,iieru urugon, which they propoa in tture;ia eiwiifre. .... In lie shape ol Im tuiujf mattriale i l- . locks, butts, ete, we cu fff ,,i trior inducements to purchasers. I TlJ O. V, . We. an "ive you bargains in the follow ug brands of stoves, not eqmmUmi 1m .vhnre lJuck's. Bi-uaiiZH, Farmer Utility. Dexter, Pacific, VHe Wert, C3sxsjide Oc. ioe, Iro.. King, EiiipireOiiy, and other stoves fcud ranges. . I I..- b. ftof wuikmenar conetautly tm ployed in the manufacture of our Tlnwftl a:ii !iuv..j-i. .i.i learn our prices. . ,'' ' " V- a't -.ara; ins to oH- r in gun. aucii ka incueBier, oiiarp asa WftSgfairiW h s us Slut-guri I an ii l'it a W- "if a: Agents for ib vVUite Peerles and New Ilome 8eving ,wkih e sell at -l.weM rate a no warrant ascoiume W can 'su iiiily iiveriil aisd : Rubbi r tJiisat, 'l eOestiu thu, t.t lowest rates. Givh uu a call his'sect amck, inquire ii uv ooe can. t HETR0P0UTA?4 SALOON, KObEBUUO, OUi:6X, McCULLOOH & CO, PtlOPHXETORS, 0XLV THE BEST BRAND -OF WIS LIQUORS AND'rUiAlfc? Keut n Land, and cusiou ers will lindth's H iIesaiit plaje of re rt. Ii v nit a caTl one door south ot the Metroiohtan Hotel. DRY'S SALOON, .Jackson Street, Ri.seDiirg. The nronretor of this weH kn iwn and popular resort won'il iliaiik hisffriends for their libe al pair 'iiatfe in the past aud would ak for a com nuance of he same lu tbe iutiire, Tue public is informed that 1 keep none but the best brsnd9 of wines, liquors and cigars aud that I sell over tlie bar the cele bratod Jes?e Moore & Co.' Kentucky Whiskies A good billiard table will be round In the saloon; also the lealing papers of tbe world. BUY THE UMPQUA VALLtY MILLS THE BEST IM THE MARKET. Address A. W. STEARNS, Canyonville, Oregon. ep4 BUY iY v ?A N YON V I uLV. MILLS Manufactnrett from only tbe best of wheat. " "" 1 have for sale also Bran. Shorts and Middling:. Bai'i'ii, Ham. Lurd, eic. nifl in tbe iuw t-uient fie manner. t urcliasers 1 1 d.i m a fitv- r t in pict my stock ;t the Caniivii.e- v. K..Av.i:il. S. K UAVAioNl). ' SUROEON BiJMTTISr Opoeite Mark3 ft C , rttor Offer i i profes?iinnl Bt-rvitfS to the peopiw of Doulae cmi.iy, with' whom 3: tins be-n acquainted several years. All woia warraniea nrsiiass, aim iuiMj deaurs from aoroaa wm iwiw preinii moderate as any other iu the profesoion. jmeation. II S. d J SHEKlDAli ROVSBCTROI. - - OR 5Q0K warn 02:50 Per Tear. 5 . TSTj T OF GOODS, IT Bosburg, Or. n-c ved and new . rvp n hand warn l th" of Hardware ad Jed to tlndr STOVES OF ALL PAT r th they are prepared to declare tW havn le it erery respeci. an our prices, ana we promise to suit mT.i SHERIDAN BROM. THE 9.-I9!;.. Canyonville, Orgon, Proprietor The finest and best st ck o Wines, iquois and cigors ever ofle ed to fli !;ublic in Soutbern Oregon, also th best of Ale aud Porter. . Also agent for t lie celebrate! - GR.4PE CREEK SOUR MASS BOURBON WHISKY, Put up expressly for medteal pur poses, and only for sale at this plaee. Uive me a trial. SOOTH UMPUUA HILLS MAKK THE Io Roseburg, J. W UNCOIL. Prop'r T.. H THOMPSOS, R. H. THOMPSON', ' E. J. DB DABT W H HONKYM AN Thompson, Do Hart & Co, Importers and dealers tn Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumber and waeon material. 184 First su. and 173 aud 175 Front st Portland, Oregon. Carnage Hardware. jan7 SHERIDAH, .Succesbors to Tbos. P. Stieridsn) DEALERS IN HA.'.DWARE, TINWAUK, STOVE ; ii tin. Cutlery and Tir jet Fur oibliinir l4ooda. TIN STOSP. RuSiBUSQ, OQfi :-'"'-- Havitiji cur.Mlthe above business, -we :re rei'ar4 Ut kep up us tormer jfoa name fl-r wi rk and prices. We have the bi-st of material nd always a 'all stock .f tiO'Hfs nn band and it is oar aim to far nirdi cusumiis-m with firstclas- art.ioles lir let uv - i-riee,-. A full 8ckof:ra ar.d steel lot sate.