4M WIUErENDENT. ' W ROSSSUBQ. SATURDAY, SEPr, 2. TAX ON MORTGAGES. - The waj to bring about reforms in g9Trntniitai aSaira is to agitate the fniMon. and tt In tha Antv nf t.ha nrusa '! ' I fft lto Mnt .nJ fil tk-4.ll J 1J and of the citizen to point out tiny and , , ' . . 4 SUGGESTION. We have always been thankful that success or defeat never wiped the Dem ocratic party out of existence. We have been thankful that notwithstand ing the Waterloo it has encountered, the principles which it espouses have been so dear to its leaders, so precious all abuses where they are known to exist and suggest 'Treasures of reform, im erder that the burden of supporting and the benefits derived from the gov ernment may be " equal and 'just to all - citizens. " j- That a very grave j abuse I exists in eur revenue law1 which operates unjust ly against all the agricultural portions of the State, in favor of Portland, frem ' the fact that mortgages are not taxed in the county where the land is situa ted and the mortgage recorded, is so apparent that it 'needs no' argument from us to demonstrate.' Whilst the legal title remains in the mortgagor the mortgagee owns just such ah inter est in the property, as the mortgage debt bears to the actual value "of" the farm, and this is recognized by the rev enue laws of the State when it allows the indebtedness 4educted from the as sessment The injustice of exempting the land and mortgage debt in ' this county where the land is sitdated, and allowing the tax to be collected in the . cities where the banking and money institutions are owned and operated, becomes so apparent where a large proportion of the land (as is the case in this county) is mortgaged to its as sessed value, that no one can gainsay it. An examination of the county records will disclose the fact that here in Douglas county the land is mort gaged above one-fourth the entire as sessed value of all property, and the mortgages owned by banking J and ' money-loan associations, controlled and operated in the city of Portland. Here we have, under our unjust system of taxation, one-fourth at least of tbo en tire property paying direct tribute-to Pertland, while less than three-fourths bears the entire burden of taxation here. , Every solvent person, whose property is assessed for more than his Indebtedness, has to pay at least one fourth moie in taxes than he would therwise have to do, while the farm cf his impecunious neighbor, which re ceives equal benefits and protection frem the laws, is exempt from all share in supperting the same and pays its tribute directly to the city of Portland. party became dearer to its adherents. But alas it belongs to the young State of Oregon for the party leaders to7 ad vise and openly espouse a course incon sistent with our principles and so dis honorable as to scarcely have a parallel in history. The leading Demociatic journal of the Statej for probably a few dollars, advocates the cause of a Re publican bigamist, a humbug, a lobby ist, a machine politician; for United btates Senator. A distinguished Deui ocratic State Senator asserts that he will vote for the same individual. The Democrats in the Legislature should tote for a pure, consistent, intelligent Democrat for Senator, and a man everv way worthy of the compliment, worthy to be considered the leader of the De mocracy of Oregon, and whose pure, spotless public and private life are in strong contrast with Hippie Mitchell, is the Hon. W. D Fenton, of Yam hill. Let the Democratic Legislators vote for such a man and let the Re publicans elect Mitchell, if they wish, and then see which party would stand higher in the public opinion. - . A WORD OF WARNING. 'SHIM 6YMPTCK3 OP A fo'AEPlf?. Bowel costive. Fain ia ta Bead, with a dull sensation in th nSlSlftiKf1 etinawtth a dtau- Zlifmv. iLowspirita, wui afeling of baring- nefflctd Dome duty, rrl&'g ptP? TS iuttwing at die rS Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin! ?Jfrb eenerally over lbs right efe, Restlessness, witn fitful CxekmsL hi3 J CONSTIPATION. TCTfa FILLS are eopecUlly adapted to such eases, one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonf sh the sufferer. They Inei Um AMMXMt. end cause the body to Tnke m Fleala, thu tbe system ia qrte!MM. and by tbrtr tfoaie aetimi on ti.e MwUwm rauiL Bea3ar Ssiaale an "pro. duved. Price S cgilu. & Harray HU, St. V. The death of Pitzer Smith, which we publish elsewhere in our columns, is the direct result of criminal negligence on the part of the Railroad Company, in the manner in which the road and railroad are constructed at the point where the accident occurred. Thm Company has taken the old military and county road at thia point for tb railroad, and, under an agreement with the old board of County Commission- el's, agreed to build and construct a good and safe road wherever they ap propriated the county road. At this point, where the road makes a sLort curve, a point or strata of rock pro trades from the hillside and the Com pany, instead of making a legal road have cut a narrow track over this ride or point of rock, barely wide enough tor a team to pass over, whilst the rail road is cut through the rock with al most a perpendicular wall, twelve or fifteen feet below. The way the coun ty road is constructed there ia quite a short raise in going south before reach- TUTTS mm BVE. Obav Hajb o WmsirxBs ehsnvMl to a glomt Black by aslnrlesDDlicatlnnnr thta rv 1. 1 party m natural color. acts iRstsntaasomiy. 6ol4i by Druggist, or sept by express oa receipt of si. t omcE, sa wvnuAX snr. kxw vosw.1 wu SMifto as biim rax nritiSl VALUABLE for 0ilo.a( IS SPiGE IS RKE3VED For &MQ BROTHERS SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of vivgou i of me uounty or Doulaa 1 Suit In Equity Y for a Divorce. OCONKIFTINQ U -25 ACRES OF land, eltiiated 11 miles northeast of !tosbur?, in Muiintcr.tt Pnclno'. On hundred aews p'ow land, ihe btdnnce got pasture land, well watered aud all u mler g.id ence. Pj. uty of fir and oak timbt-r or fencing and fuel. Good farm tou-e and brn and other out buildings, nnd 500 choice fruit trees te.r nif. Price S5 per acre. Inquire of C H. O'deu tn ihn pien ises. or Her n:au ti Bail, mtorneyo, l oseburg. ' Rosv Sjjtto? plf. val VVm.W P.Suryosdef.i Id the name of the tate of Oregon you are hereby required to ppeur and answer the coinp'atnt 'ftled against you by the plaiurltt, Roey Sutton, In uwveriHiuea iourt ana suit, on or before the first day of of tbe next iealr term of e&id Cur- ti wit h third Monday the I6tu. day of Oetober A. U. 1882 and if yoi fail to so ann wer uie said complaint the plaiutf . juogt-meni sgamst vou for want Of an answer, and apply to tue vou t ror tne reitei demanded in 8&ia compsaiut, to wit, tr a decree dlB&olving the marriage contract esle inir blwe-n the nUintifl ami di .Un uu coange or the name of the plaint Iff to thai uf Hoy Kiucaid and her costs ai:u (U8uursemttJt8. TLia Dmmotio i nnhlisho hv .,p,t . of the Hon. Circuit C urt f said "Scut of Oregon f.-r I oug as Coim-, m... , e and entered the JUtbtiav of 1u,y A. D -883. Ukrman a Ball Attorney', for Plaintiff. A mall Farm for Sale. Having become tired of ba'ehing, I offer my ilac fr ale, wjth or without liousehi id ai.d kitchen furniure, on reasonable terms. It contains Ti am-8. more or iesa. n of which ut uud-r cul tivation, a nice voanv orchard. aarotMl s ard barn and box imuiw. wiib four rxm-; mm, tbe atdoor imprnv- ujviub. it in snuatea lu a bkk1 Peleh I 1-1. 1. . . . - . m wiuiiu a nair mt eora arj?e acnooi u use, 8-ven andonehaif miles weai of Ri avburg. in what is ali d he rrencn &etMituent, in Douglas unty vitri;ua. inquire ui m hi inv rarm. T.S. 6'Bkiun. BUY THE UMPQUA VAL'EY MILLS nr i cd no. n THE BEST IN THE MARXET. Addess A. V. STEABX8, Canyonvdle fTMPQUA ACADEMY Wilbur- - Orcrjon, FnU corps pt Ocapstct ifctnjtsrj, 4 . -" vuwjjo jTuiaj wauunr, iULuss xxeiena xioxman. f ... -Kh. ...J AND TlIOROUiH WORC. Falperm opens, September 4th 1882. Send for catalogue to Heitet I BexsoA.M., Principal. Gen'l Mei aise, INC1.7JJIHG EVSUY VAEIi r T OF LADIES' DEESS GOODS. 2 O f TEE " aT STYLE. - Styles of ail Variety and Skadss AT THE . . OF M JOSEPH Gentemen SON. B 9 ffl. ihta system of lniustice is workinc a 'great hardship on our people and ing the narr0w pass, with an abrupt Sheuld be remedied by the Legislature w 1 on theone 8ld a precipice on j-wbicb is soon to assemble." It Is a e tfther- Owmsf t tba curve in the matter which directly effects Renubli- road ifc is iraP0S8ble to see an approach ns alike with Democrats. It is an lns tram beforB caching this eminence buse which has Uns existed in this and int t danger.- Should a train State and would have been remedied mct at thU Pointan(l a team become jto doubt, long ago, had the aricultu- friguteued, nothing short of a miracle rl portions of tbe State been burdened could Prevent an accident with debt Jo (he same extent at at the So obviou8 is this t( the casual ob present time. j server, that it has been frequently re- The Portland delegations will be ex- Iuarked ln the short space o2 time the fected to oppose, and as they have in road has been in operation, that some Jthe past prevent action en this ques- Person would hilled there. When tion; and being Republicans as they the RaiIroad Company took the public ; all are, if the question lis brought be- hiSbwaJ t this point for their road fore the Legislature, as it undoubtedly bed' aild ""dertook to construct the Will be, seek to make it a party issue hiKDwar they were under a moral as and thus defeat any legislation upon it as a IeSal obligation to make it We, in common with other members and PttS8ahle, where human life 1 four last Democratic State Conven- wou,1 not be constantly in danger. tiont were instrumental 'in having the our County Court were so remiss in declaration ftcorporated ! in our plat- their official duties as not to provide formf,That we favor Jhe taxation of for the reconstruction of the public All mortgages in the county where the mgnwaJi" each a manner as to pi e- isame ai-e recorded." It was ratified by vei,t Ioss ife Justice and hu- . the entire convention without a die- maimy wouia dictate that our present enting voice. The Republican Con- ourt should take measures to have vention, which met some weeks after the Ioad constructed in such a way as " oys CLOTHII7G. BETORK PUJICBASNG ELSB Wf KKE, BY SO POINQ .GOOD BAKoAisa CI N BE SE 7REU Sheridjan Bros., "Rosburg Or. Thty would annoanc that tbey have just n' ved and new . ave m band en el tb Largest Stock of Hardraro Ever broorlit to D-miflm. nd when ad-led tn tbvir STOVES OP ALL Pi TERNS and UEADY MADB TINW ArfK. tlwvart. preuared to dc -r i, Ih-t. supply iu tiiir .in ot a.iy bousa . in Soutbern Oregon, which the tima can pttrehaaa else wheri). Iu ,ht)sliap nt buildiujf materials i 1- ay i locks, butts, etc, we eaa ofier tupfPiir inducetUfiw? to purchasers. Ti u. We van uivojou Lareaius in tbe io. tw'aa brands of simes. not fnnnliM .i. wbre Buck's. B-.nnaa. Farmer. Utility. Dexter, Pacific. Ai1 West Cln.uiM Occidoi Imtt Kintr, Empire City, and othr stoves and ranges. . i The L.-et of workmen ai- constantly tmploytd in the manulactBre t ' tiur-Tlbwar and hujers shnnld ifarn onr prices. We have also tarauins to oflvr ia guns, sucb u Winchester. Sharp and thsr JL'Cas. ! well aa in Shor-uuna and I'into'a Wh are also Asrents for th White Peerles and New Home Hewing Maei.tna ,sUm we sell at loweiit rate and warrant as coninle te ir every respect, we can hiso supply Avcrill and Rubber Faints 1 e beat In the tnxrket. at . lowest rates. , Give us a call, iuspect mr stock, inquire aa t? rtnr prices, and w promise to salt a!l 'PHE1UDAK.BKOK ' any one can. Quality not Quantity is the Desire IF YOU WANT PURE Drags and Medicine Chemicals, etc., do not fyt-get to call on HEELER. H. GABBERTi MTUTLK CREEix. Also keeps on baud the J, H. Cutter I wliiBkiep, Holland Gin. Jamaica Bam. Hubbard Crscn CLA KK B BAKER, ' - Proprietors. Having purchased the above namKl Ml. 1 t. .1. miua m,r. u-piieDs voM we are now prepareu to rurtiihb. any amount or ine BEST QUALITY OF LUMBER Ever offered to tbe public In Doislas county. w have just purcliased one of the Weatberly , Rujrir liiohardsnn No. 1 Planess and mm hers and! are nre pared lo do beer work l--f X. - 1 . ' . . . I frt nrarnn t. t....iU- 1 e t I ' ving naa arapie ume to consider the h T lvo lue ua and tle finest Wit,s end Brands, m than other mills io the ecuntv. l pi...iv.u... D.. I We will furuidh at the mill J la m ' . ' i u,bw ITS St VO uesuonin us oeanng on the political rr".w"u n..ur, -a mere medical use. Physicians Peracriptiona a canvass, although renorm,-,; th f I '"W equally dangerous places be- p.c.alty. Ice of the nronosition. fearincr fh.k t.h tw.ee tbk P,ace and MJrtle Creek a 9 . O wwa party would lose votes in Portland, if Something strnrra um tn they should favor it, and not daring to come over the drean.a of th RtAA . , . -r . - . "" V ttend tte agnculturai portions of the man. He has undoubtedlv rri Ox. i- . . .. ...... I J , oww opposing it, passea it by in si- enced a change of hent t in .Wn, lence, not Having u&eient itaimna or I the aaintly Mitchell Tbe query ia Honesty of purpose to oppose the meas- wha- was the color of the argument ':'-. I ' USed bv Villarrl v-nA l,..l. ',llufs u smivM we vook occasion Dolnb. that wrought th. ' adk 4i.lt. ik.a.i. k. ,' Y I - w I ,ua; 01 our republican Had the chattel mortgage roecorded in inena wno are; tax-payers in this Bristow'a name, anvthin to d wuuvy, muuu hub question, wno with. ! v,. ., w . .', . . ' . ;; vuu8 senuaenw ' yve can q exception, aamjtea the justice of have nothing in common with an apoL the proposition and the necesair fnr.;- r v ... 1 . f ... " . j i vLiov iui Mil HixiirnAV nrnA win aA.n Til 1 j - ..it.' - , I w ------ " vr nm I'tUOU" Legislative action', but claimed that it tote his official position to rob innocent rr fr i ."MI,fc.-.-xae acuon children of their patrimonv. If Mr. e oenung legislature wtj demon- Noltner will read the official record strata tnexaijcy ot this position. The ' Damocracy are f ullv pledged to.the measure, and If defeated ii, will be bv The united action of the Republican ma 'jority and fully demonstrate td our ' farming cemmunity that Portland owns and centre Is the Republican party; Zoun Belfilo, WATCH 5IAKKR AND JEWELER Front at., Rosebusp, Oregon. Whoiemle and Tetail dealer in VVtr1, i . . - . mm i ciocRS, Jewelry, Uold i'eua. and Musical instrument. Watches, Clocks and Jew ry repr.rwj. All my work warranted. e will furuidh at the mill No 1 lumber at tbe toilowiug prices: Dressed rustic. ... $18 rr M Flo-.ring (drsMHl 4 matched $i5 por M Luojler dressed on one t-ldtl4 oer M Lumlier dressed on two sl(let$18 re M a ..a a. ... . - . ttouifii iumoer........fs to flu mm vebaveantxtraquahtv of lumb equal to any fuuud on (Joos Bay, an , will iruarrantee to eive satiafaciinn t all those favoring umwith their orders PtwotJieer address. Umttona Ftnv Oregon. , CLAUKh A iAKEtt. TAUT TO ULUNI'S -:o:- AT PRICES CHEAPER THAN PAID ADROAD -:o:- Next door to the MetroDolitan Hot Roseburg, Oregon. in troduced in evidence in the trial refei red to in hij issue of the 29th of Au gukt, and then continue to apologise The unde-slaned has nwnort - and comtortlilr bariur RA1L23AD KoTis. The ; track has Wen liid to R;.ddievill3 aud the com pany are removing the' turntable to 'that place, where a warehouse and ' de- wui oe estaotisnea. as soon as the necessary accommodations 'are pre pared thefroa wUr bVat '5RiddIevilJe. , 4 - I w-v iu'i nil toe tor the robbery, we will admit that it I P ace above dscribed,aud bawtnir lour is net "throngh ignorance or want of understanding that he advocates Mr. Mitchell oiim x air. x no zzna an nual fair of the Oregon State Agricul tural Society commences at Salem en September 18, 1882. Tbe racing de partment ja under the supervision of e special committee, which offers premi ums on the trials of speed to the amount of $5,95$; ; , :. eXMrieuee iu his professien, satiisfied oe can give satiblaction to all wno may iVe liira a Call. Hia tiriM) Kn nnn Hair Cutt.dg, 25 ent3;SbavJn. 23 eta. All lasfeja a lairtiiai, and that shall '"my work as a bariie I mn wiuinjr o be put to the tt. . DW ' ' CM At. HA Hi. BY . HEFFDOH'S SAL00K. HOisEliVHU, OREUON. . :-i TLe Test of wines, liquors and cigars, nsuntiy on hand and. a welcome te alL Give me a call. v - VK:?v;.; 2,2S on a CEXBRTED CLEAN SWEEP CIGAR, THE BEST 33.1 T1 OIC3--A.DE IV ROSEBURG, Manufactured expressly for, and for . sale only at A. a MARK'S CIOAR STORE. IiAIR DM Af Would announce that hu Is Drenared to do all kinds of worn tn the way of Mreaviuir bair. . or ma kins putt and curia from com bintrs or oberwie aud that s)ie will do dressmaking In th- Uiest motif ru styles. All work uuaraiiteel. and satisfaetfon assured u all who may patronise lier. Call at my remdence nearly oppo. Bite the Catholic church. SS;f MBS. T.THROLLi Would annonnce that h has bee conBiguet! an extra fine stock ot FREKCH ARTIMCIAL FOVEBS w hlL fte sold at an earlv date, and that he would advise mllliu rs ar iJ Jadi?s in general to call upon Dim before Sending thfir nnT-. abroad, be is fully saiiaSed be can oflVrtl.fcin barjraliirt whiub thev could iwii ouwiju ui sail r ranclsco by eud m ur uuwen aie in evt-rv j u wnwi hi lain, a ii.t-i tok wa never br ought to Rosubur aaavdl s..l ...... . t 1.. ... uu vucicu ai uuu iow prices. ROSfiBUUG, - . OHEUON METROPOLITAN SALOan, . UObEBUUO, OIUCOON, HcOULLOOH & CO; Oir TiTJF i?r BR.1XD WINjsS, LIQUORS AND CIGAR? Kept on hand, and customers will findtlrs a pleasant plA.' of rs rt. Q:vv nii a call one door south ol the Metropolitan Hotel. DKY'S SALOON, Jackson Street K..8eDt:rg. The propretor of this well kn wn and popular resort won'd thank btsftrieuds fr tlieir libe al patriate In the put and wulu ak for a cout nuaiice of he same iu the future. Toe punlle is iuf riued that 1 keep none but tbe hest i'r.titij nf h e, iiquor and cigars aiii that I ell over cue tr the csle hratHi J-sie Moore & Oo.' Eetitucky vvhiskie ". t A good billiard table will be found in the vmIooii; also the ieaainir papers of the world. TI1JE A.LOOiSL Canyouville, Oregon, Proprietor. The finest and tiesttek o Wlnea, lquo-s aud c'igora ever ofle ed to tn putliii iu Smlheru Oreiron. ala the best of Ale and Porter. Also agent for the celebrated CREEK SOUR MASU BOURBOJf WI1ISKY. Put up expressly for ra dical pur poses, aud on y for sale at this place. Hive mea rial. SOOTH UOPaUA MARK THE JAMES DEAR LING, Blacksmith Farrier, Ai.d welli-known to the people of Du .. wiTniT, wiuia reflowttdiiv nn..nn. that .he i prrjAred to do all kinds uf work In his .ine, and goarintes satiau (action. HORE-SHOEINQ A SPECIALTY. Any farm -r navinir a nlowto hir,n or uacMnery to repair will do well to tf'vo me a call at my oil stand. - ' - I have H full tuck of ir.n and at.1 and havinir lorrhaaed thesanae at alow pric. cut do work, 8 J, far aa prices are c-nceruHt, chetper than an wh will at tempt competition. J AS. DKARLINU. rbl7 1m Oakland, Un-gon. In Roseburg.. r.. R THOMPSON, K. H. TUOMPSOX. S. . DS ITART VT If HOSKYMAJEf BUY , THE Uf.!PQUA VALLEY LULLS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. A1drea A. VV. STEARNS, Canyonyille, Oregon. vep4 oanyo:;vijl,le mills .. :.. Manufactured from only tbe best of wheat. - t. I have for sale aim Bran. Shorts and MiuVI !(!!, Bacon. Hams. Lard. ma. cured in the mot tx-lctiL fi ' 'minna Purchasers will do me a fW to in-; HABDWABE, spect my stocK at the Canyouvil.e- - - , . . . I nishlcflr Good, Thorapson. S3 l?art & Go, Importers and dealers In Coat, Iron, Steel, HardwW Luciber and waston material. 18 P Irst at., and 173 and 173 Front st Portland; Oregon. Carnage Hardware. JT ; SC'1 ": Soecesio to rhos, P. Sheridaaj PSAL&KS ISf- - TINWARF, 8r073 s. k. if atmond, iT!HSTS3. R0CCaX2, CtlU S XT HO XL Oil DEIITinT U'HiC secured the abva bnsiness, we , - pw lared to k-p up its former a'wd Uposite Mark C , Store. name f r work and prices. We have ihe OfiVrs Ida profeiousl arvi to 2tM?' .a,w DKiuleof Uniiul ,,.,. -i.i Ji I" " oon ruo ana it is our ana ayif-ir woik warranil HrsMslaas. ai.a t..- fVT.,"w? .-...",. 7" Rorttd' ueprofeaon. dealer, from abroad will receive pr .iipt iiOSBBUBG, . - . OR CGOI? i attention. II 8. e J. C. SIIgjliDaS f -