'' . 0jUa1ai THE INDEPENDENT. IWMMMMW IIHIIIH aWWaWWwaUaaawaaaaaaaaawWMSa ROSEBURQ. SATTJBDAY. AUG. 12 . THE CHINESE QUESTION. The ninety days time has elapsed for the Chinese restriction bill to go into force, and it' hag now become th? law. More than thirty-ix. thousand of ; these coolies have landed pn ourcoast during the ninety days, time, art! over .forty thoMSHnd'Ofviheee servile laborers have beeli tfop'gt here pfrictthe veto of the first, .estfic(S6n bill, under a system of ;jWonage antagonistic to cuf lawp and customs. Over thirty thousand are credited to San Francisco and over ten thousand to Pot tland alone, a .large number of whom have been shipetf from Portland .to this place, and are now employed on the construction of this railroad 'south' of here, undei; con tract not with the individuals, bat di rect with the companies in Portland, who own and control and who brought them here. ,-. 1 i - :4 These barbarians rill be turned loose en the people of this and Jack son. c6untie b soon as the road is com pleted to the California line," to'garfote the rich, mines of tV is section, as ft hey fiave done in California and to crowd out and displace an equal number of liiti laborers in every branch of employment-. 4 I The bill Vs i-passed in its modified form "Ir net only attended withj this evil, which must be patent to every in telligent mind, but it is inefficient to prevent the inread of these barbarians fronV and through the British posses sions, whenever, any gieat enterprise offers a paying" in'Vestirient for their toaatert to bring" them 'here. " ' A case is being made5 in San Fran cisco to-test the validity of the - law. Should it be held vclid by the courts, whe doubts that whenever the nl onop-; Hsfai;.,who are engagol' iri the great en terprises of manufactures and railroad ing shall desire' to cheapen; 'labor throughout the country, that they will be enabled to hayo the law treated as a 3ead" letter on our statute book3 6v re pealed altogether, that they can sjviaiy the country" with these serfa j : WtrtJngmen of America, be warned! f t was the barbarians from ihc north, brought in competition with .he plebe ians' of Rome, who overran thai coun try, ate out her substance, deleted her treasury, corrupted her peejilci and Heme, the great and mighty Ilonie, fella prey to 'her'o'wn venality j and Her greatness went out forever, j THE TA1UFF AG AIN. Under the existing" tariS' hosiery, knit goods and those made en frames, pay a dUiy Jot'SH er'ccni. The domi hant . paHyf ' Sn Cohgress have 'br en Avasting'hiuch of the time of the ipres erit Session in trying to pass an amend . meat o that portion of the tariff bill bontaned inflection 2504, of the re vised statutes of the United States, increasing, the duty on tliia class of - gaoda tov lbo per cent. Why ij Be cause there are millions in it. All la boring people use and consuuio j this class of goods, and an increase of duty ,t9 .this amount would gorge the coffers of all manufacturers and jobbers ; who nave large amount of these goods on hand, and they can pay liberally for the passage of this bill. j About the commencement vi the present session of Congress we rem em -j jber seeing some circulars with forms for petitions Bent out here to Oregon ;!by one of the wholesale jobbing honses jof Philadelphia, who make this class of goods a specialty, in which they repre sent that recently a mistake has been discovered in the revenue law and that hc duty which the government j htul een taking on this dws$ of ; goodajwas illegal, and' that the wool-growing in terttrfs" .bf ihe". country -woti-id suffer materially unless, the mista.k'3 was cor rected. This , rhi ' Hieref ore requests eignatureg to these petitions asking! cm; R?J;eentative and Senators to favor thiabill On investigation it will bo found that the . tariff bill aa it now stands im rpoSea and the officers of the govein- ment coltect an average duty of 35 per cent, en this class rf goods, andjtlie 'duty:on;the rawmtci ial c? woos that are cantafh'M in; ene dnillav's.- worth of these manufactured gooda is a little less than five cents. ! THE New York Tribune gets off: J;is gbo'one.- j ; ifow I njoy the return of Satur- 'Sihty night," said Senater Vance in the forM car. '. riduig,'uj' froni the Senate. ' "Yea," rejoined Sena?oMl'o!as,'it you Vtre'a Republican you im!g hiu with 5)t. Watta in saying: ! ' i' -. j Sowpleaiant;i8''Saturday night, j When I'iifled ill the wee to be good. U''ftHtVt3icg a Republican," returned" 'e'Korth Carolinian, "I can't toll a Sie like that" Senator Hoar offered ' -Senatoi Ya'nce his hat, which was de 'tRel pelitely'Vnt flrmlv. j THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The wealth and; property of a State or nation depends upon the virtue and intelligence of its .citizens. Universal education of ' the rising generation,' is the beacon of hope tb our country and the only safeguard to her institutions. The more" general the diffusion of. knowledge throughout the rising gen eration the beiUr " qualified do tliey become to exercise th grave responsi bilities of citizenship. There is such an intimate relation between mind and matter that the mora-- acete the intel lectual power which dife'ets and con trols the aniniP.i or 'physical man... the greater , beconies his capacity for good; arid the niore rational and energetic and industrious are his actions;-; The niore learned, refined and moral the citizen the more happy and prosperous will be the State or' nation. The in crease in wealth and population in our young and using State of Oregon de- j raands a more ; lieiui and extensive1 system of educatiorif 0 that the oppor- i tunities f obtaining a good and thoi ough mental and moral training wiil be within the reach of all children even in the nvist rural districts. How this is to be accomplished is one of. the problems for our Legislature, which is soou to assemble. That a thorough revision of our school laws is demanded, is patent froni the fact that in many of out wealthiest rural districts they do hot rhave freo schools to exceed thive months in the year, and that at Buch times and inter vals thai it is impossible fbr the1 chil dren; cf the poor and needy. Jiving in these localities to obtain 1 even the rudi ments ci an education froni the public patronage. The general government has made liberal provision by the donation of the sixteenth and thirty sixth sections, and othr donatiens f the publ'c domain, for educational purposes, to iWm a nu elev.s for the free school fund, by which all children may be thoroughly educa ted. A mixed system of free and pay schcols in the same house, in the same district, is a species of injustice and jm tclerance which should at once o'r everbe dispensed with in a free State. Nothing would be more natural than for tlie cfiildren of the wealthy who have thj Advantages of six, eight and ten months' schooling during the year t. ontfctiip those of the poor who only get the privilege-of the two, or three, or four months-cf free sclool, in their advancement; and thus yoting mtn and women, the " sons ' aiid daughters of hor'.cst toil, become mortified at being crowded into clast-cs with rdtre ir?fuits, in' the primary departnients, vhen th term fi'the frff; school .isommences. As a consequence they refine to attend school, and grow up' without learning, a prey to Ignorance r'nd vice. We are not objec'tfng that any chiss get too much education, but that oth ers get too littleV '. Provide for from eight to ten mouths of free schools in each district, and far those who can af ford it end desire further advancement tat then provide colleges and universi ties. But'lhe district school is the hope and pride of America, so keep it always fm-, where its advantages may be equally shared by the most humble, as we1! us by the most wealthy. It is a duty ve owe to the State, the Country und posterity as well as the rising gen eration. ' Akarchy is spreading in Egypt. England probably understands herself, but it iooks from this distance as if she lost her opportunity in not being able to fellow ih the capture of Alexandria with, a land force that would have crushed out A rabi Pasha. As it is, she r-barely able, in the absence of or ganized opposition, to police Alexan dria, while A rabi Pasha is marshalling his forces and getting ready to. fight. In various places Europeans are being massacred, and the destruction of all the large cities is threatened. Eng land weiit too far if her pttrpdse' was eantime signs of , ... e . . V, serious complications are appearing that may lead to a war of great magni tude, in which Turkey would be com paratively lost sight of. Victoria Wooihull Wants to ran for rresident in 1881. If sfie goes to Til ton UteyJ had better--Beach -her. HHRIDAII, jSuccesisorei to fhos. P. Sheridan) BEALEKS IN HARDWARE, TlXWAltF , S TOVB Guns, Cutlery and Tir mtp Fat- nihhiuir Oondr, . TIN ST9RC, R0SEBUR6) OSHe Having Beearadthe abi)VH (justness, we ari prepared to keep up its lornier good name fur wrk nnd prict-s. We have th.e bctft of material ud always a fill stock of goods on band and it is our aim. to fare nitdi cuntouiers with tir8-clas artiales liv let livs price-. - A full -stock of iron ar.d nteel for sale, i'ealrT.- inni nbrvad will rcc ivw prArupt ueuth.rf. 7- . : J. ('. SUEKIUAN NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. We tLink-it just to the people of Dbriglag cottnly .that tlteir especial at tention be called tf the-law governing the assessment of profierty. This be ing the meafts of raising revenue with Which to protect private rights and re dress public wrongs, hence no State or county i&n have a Btable form, of gov ernment; withant equal and just means of taxation. All classes of cit izens should be willing to contribute in proportion to the true value of their property.' And while it is desirable that county officials should do strict justice to all classes that contiibute to the public charge, it wili resolve itself info a conclusion of law that thoss who pay the taxes cannot be hold blame less when they refuse or neglect at the proper time t see for themselves tlut their property has been justly and fairly assessed under the law. Mistakes do and will occur with as eesscrs, and it is of the utmost import auce to the taxpayer to kiiow that' his certificate agrees with .ths assessaient roll. To meei the3e evih" " Board of Equalization has' been! rented, whose duty it is to meet on the last Monday in August 'of each' year to correct mis takes ir. the desciiption or valuation of property, and if the taxpayer allows this' opportunity to pass by unheeded, he canhot blame the collector of taxes when he comes around if he don't find hi3 assessment to aree with his certifi cate fioin the Asse;;Ror. The State ia yearly. reaping whtio the counties are loosing by the negligence of those who j should be most interested. , Come, farmers, citizens and look to your interests and it will save you both time, trouble and expense. The law contemplates that the opportunity thus offered should put an end to the further correction or alteration of the assessment roll. An Extradrdltiary Offfer. There are a numbtj-'of persons out of emri'oymeut in every con my, ye. energetic men willing to work do ot fied;t6 le Those willing t w-rk can make from 100 to $500 a month clear, wcrking for us in a pleasant and permanent business. The amount our agents make varies, some make as hig ns $500 a month, while others as low as $100, all depending on the energy o't the. ageuti - We have an arti cleofgre 't merit. It should be sold to every house' owner, and pays over one huudred p r cent profit. Each sale is from $3.50 to $10.00. One agont in IVn sj jVania sold 32 in two days, and cleared ?G4 00. An agent ia New York made 4o00 in one day. Any man with ner.y enough to work a full day. and will do this during the year can mke from $2,u00 to $6,000 a year. We only wani one man in each couny, and to him wiil give the exclu sive sole as long as he continues to work faitbful'y for us. There Is no competition, and nothing like our in vention made. Parties having , fruin $200 t $1,000 to jnvest. cP obtain a gem-ral agency i-f ten counties or a state. Any onoan make an invest ment of froth $23 t$ $1,000 without the It-asf rik ot hS, as our circulars wil! pl ow iht Ihose io vest iD2 $25 can after a ;0'.iajs trial return the goods unsold to us ami get their moi ey back, If they do not cletr at leatt $100,. They rbow itmi : general agent whA will take ten conn!! and invent $216 00 can after a trial of H days return all good unsold to urt, and hav money retur; el to them if ttLi-v fail tclear at least $758,00 in thatti- e. , V- e are .not paying salaries, but want -intfu ,,hDg.:to work and obtain as their pa the profits of their energy. Men not wijUng .tb work on our te m will not work on any. Those meaning tus neM will receive our large deKTiptive ei'colar, and extraordinary rtf. rl . enclosing a three cent stamp, wi'h tiinir address. Tb'e first to com ply with our term, will. . secure the county or couhties they wich to work. Address, HENiSEB Manufacturing C., 118 :mahftehl .-treet Pittsburgh, Pa. PDLILi SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. the Head, with a doll eensation in the beck peri, Fain under the blade, fullness after eatinc, wit clination to exertion of body nxuaer ue csnouaer of body or mind, lmtaoiuty or temp a feeling of bavins : per. Ijow spiritt, with : neeeted some duty. Uiurlntu. SizsiaMs. iriatterins et the Heart, DoU before the ejree. Yellow Skin, Headache senerIl7OTer the riht eye, BestleMnese, with Attfcl dream hlshly colored Urine, and j. , - CONSTIPATIOri i TVTTS FELLS are evpelaUy edspted te each oases, one doee efieete each a ehatoc of f eeUnr as so astotilsli tb sufferer. -. They laereeee fc AfveHe,t4 cause tbe body to Take on Vtes .tfaus thif system is DsceeUve Omn, Baralar aMooIa ere pt. mna or ipor tobic mwn un uie auoea. mce oenia. m larray at-. ST. Y TOTT'S mu OVi. Obat Baib os WmsnBS chanced to a OLoesr Bicx by e Ungie applies tion of this Dtk. It Im parts a natural color, act Instantaneously. Sold by Dranrista. or sent by expraae on ceoelpt of au erncK. w nvunAT arr mew tobk. CBt. TTTTS UXftU, at TstwMs trnttrmttcm u4 CwW eniae vtSt tnlH UI a PpUmlJ BUY TflE UMPQlU Uvzt MILLS XFl baa Br THE BEST IN THE MARKET. .Addes A. VV. STEAUXS,(Wonr'Ha SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon for - the County of Douglajs- RcsV Sutton pif. V Suit in Equity vs..' for b Divorce. Wk. W P.8uTroidef.1 To Wo W. P. SUTTON. In the name of the fetate of Oregon you are hereby required to appear aidj you by Ibe plafitlff, Rosy Sutton, in the above entitled Court and suit, on or before the first day of ? of the next Tegalar term of ea-J Cour, to wit, the second Monday the 9th. day of October A. D. 1882: and if yori fail to so an bWer the said .complaint" tt.e plaintff wiJ talie judgement against yotl ior want of an newer: and will : apply, to ihe C'ou t for the reiiei deniiin.ieoX, in said complaint, to wit, f- a ' deeree dietolviu": thie niarrlafire "contract exis injr between th plaiuttS af:d detrdant! oiju t-iinue 01 cue name 01 uie juaini itt' in thnt i-f itosy Kiucaid anJ her eoets sc:d dbbuisenients.' . - "' . I ThiM v urnrftons i fvublisbed by ofti-r of the Ho, Cifciiit C urt of said State of.Ort-gou fcr : l!oug aai . County, made and' entered the J9ih day of July A. , D 1SS2. ' Herman & BaLL Attorney' for Plalutlit: To Consumptives Thp adwrtider having been p ernoaie 1 1 !y cured of that dread disease coasti u p t iou i auxiou to make known to his fe low suffrtrei8 the means ot cure To a who desire it he. will M-nd a coty ot a presfriiitiori iisedJreeof charge with the' dircCii'ns p.r jrnHriair and ohiSmjr th fame which thy will nnd a sure curese conghs, cjlds, consu ttlVtioD,' asthma brnnehi'is &c, Pirut!8 wisldns the prescription will nddrHSi Kev. K A VVilson. 194 Pena Williamsburg, NY. FI0NEBE " S ALOOF OAKLAND, OREtiON. 2?. 13- WITHERS Proprietor. The Quest of wines, liquors and cigars Constantly on hnnd, and a welcome to all Come nm? see me. Bipt-ly Buy the utavqm valley Mills THE DEST IN THE MARKET. AidrvSs A. W. STEARNS, Canyonville, Oregc::. Sep4 iiAiii mm m .MR.. X. THROLL, Would announce that f he is prepared to io h!1 kinds of work in the way of weaving hair, or making pufis and curls from combings er otherwise kod that she will do dressmaking in the latest modem styles. AH work guaranteed, and satisfaction assured to all wht may patronise her. Call at my residence nearly .oppo. site the Catholic church t - . ' 38-f MRSxii THROLL. liEFFRON'S SALOOK. ItOsjSBURG, OREGON. ..... The best of winse, liquots and cigars, onstantly on hand and a welcome to all. Give uie a call. , ,- ' :- ' ' - Young Horses Foi; SALE, I have for sale 8 head of young hor.-eHj two match fillies, 8 years jld, one Clio horse 3 years bid two year; lings and another" 4 yar Old borse to harneH: one go'd f ad. lie mare these an ituals are of god stock, kind in disposition, valuable to the pur chafer and will be sold on the most rea sonable terms. OEO. W. OENOBK, feb4 Boseburg, Oregon. John W, Gilbert. 8ALEM, ORI.QON. Dealer In L EAT H E R Hides, and Fur 8 J. W . DO WELL, . Market Gardner, RQSEBJRrt, OREGON, Informs the public that he has on hand a. eupply of Po a foes. Onions, 'Cabbage -our t rout ah i UJte O eeusj . . Anj- one J-siring any of the above articles can b Mippli-.i by applviog to h.m or leaviug orders : at the l?ost Office. Jah2l lm ;pi)mpLe I will msi' fre- the receip- Tar a simple vg.:btf o il A tUat wili remove tae l'ri-kh-e, pi:nplen tnd (r cklea pimples and lldtcli-, leiiv'mn the skin soft and cieaa nnd bai.tiliil tl. iustruti ns for pro dapinjta taxvrlan: growth t l hair n a LrIJ Lend or smooth facu. Address en c!R"in n'tli rs:. cent ftrmiip, Ben. Vandelf & V k tl B.rciay st. N. Y, Bill m IN DUAL HE KIIVSTONE - UF THE sr. - COAL MINlKQ AS SOCI ATION, Be; leave to i'ifornl ihe. public ihsd tbey will furuibh COAL after this date at the following rates. Blacksmiths Coal $3.00 Domestic Coal ... 5.50 Address. ' . ' ; 'A ' JOSEPU A. HOPKINS, : Sole 'Agent, Looking (Uass lH'3 SPAGE IS RESERVED For Q ESLOXiCfiiiS, CLARK K a BAKEfif,' Proprietoia . Having purchased tlife above fiamed mills of E. Stephens a Co., e are now prepared to furnish any amount of the BEST QUALITY OF LUMBER S Ever offered to the public in Do.'igias county. j,' . ', ' We have just purchased One' Of the Weatberly, Rugg & Richardson No. 1 Planers and mathers 'and" are pre pared to do be'ter work than other mills iq the county. We will furnish at the mill No 1 lumber at the 'following prices: M Dressed rustic $16 rr Sr. Flooring (dressed & matched $i5 per M Lumber' dressed ou one side$14 per M Lumber dressed on two aides$16 perM Rougn lumber........ $8 to $10 per M . We have an extra quality of lumber, equal to any found on Coos Bay, and will guarraDtee to give satisfaction t o all those favoring us with their orders Postoffice address, Umpqua tterry Oregon. CLARKE tJAKER. JAMES DEARL1XO, Blacksmith Farrier, Gf :q Hsl H sm do. Ar.d welll-known to the people of D )U Uh cornty, wuld respectfully anniiuno lUnt he i . prepared to do all kinds of work iu his ine and uar.iUtees Sntt8. factiud. HOR E-sliOEINQ A SPECIALTY. Any fanu-r 'laviutf a plow t sharpen or mach inery t repair will do well to irivo me a call Rt oiy ol.l stand. I have a full rtock of iron and steel, and haviug pun-baaed the same at a low price, can do work, so far as prices are concerned, cheaper than any wli? will at tempt competition, JAS. DEARLINO. febl? lm Oakland. Orepon. F1AS3". ir u V - "For beauty of ton tuch and action have never teen their equal " CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG. 'The Kabe" is absolutely the beat Piano made A. L. BANCROFT & CO.. 721 ' Market st. S. F. '. ebl Sole Agent for the Pacihc Coast IMPORTANT TO M LLINEPS :o: j Fsney French Ftows AT PRICES CHEAPER THAN PAID ABROAD Miokpiisoi, : Mould announce that be has bee consigned an extra fine stock ot FRENCH ARTIHCIAl FiQ WEBS W hie t be sold at an earl v date, land that he would advise milliners aid ladies in general to call Upon him before sending their 'orders abroad, as he is fully satisfied he can offer tbem bargains which thev could not obtain in Sau Fradcisco by send ing there. Tbe flowers: are in every way fine and fancy; in fact bettei stock was never brought to Rosebnrg and offered at such low prices. liOSEBUnG, - - OREGON. T. BE ilYxo:.JL.. It is time to buy new goods for the, sold to makeroom for tbe new. i - z Wilbur SURELY' Full cais of Co22xp3tent Instructors. In charge of that popular i - - i j AND THOROU II WOR C Ifalf term opens, September 4th 1882. Benson A. M., Piincipal. Geh'l Merchandise, 1NCI. LADIEST O silZ Styles of alf Variety and Shades at HJ3W YOIE OK M . JOSEPHSON.- Geiitemen .& Boys' na w jl xld isr - jDiii a im ia CLOTHING. BEiORfc. PCRCHASN BY SO DOING GOOD BAItUAlN'S O N BE SEl JRKI) Sheridan Bros., : '' - .. Tbey would annoance vbat tbey bave just Largest- Sftjck Ever brougbt to Donslas. nd when added to their STOVES OP' ALL PI TEUNS and READY MADE TINWARE, they are prepared to dclarfct!iey hav bea HUjply in thwir !me of aay house in toukhern Oregon, which they .rop can purchase elsewhere. Iu he shape ot uuiionisr wattnajB j uum, we can onar superior indueeme-uu to purchasers. Ti , u,s. . ' 1 " We an give you bargains iu the io: jw ug brands ol stove not equalled else i , uk'a n.,miiiTji Farmrr tJtilitv. Dexter. Pacific' . 'A He V m- CUn-mlnr Occidei Iron King, Empire City, and other The Ust of woratDen ai' consianuy -uipi.i-j iu me uiKuumtiurs oui i in ware and buvers should learn our pricee. , We have also caragms w oner m guns, nutu w i uiturcwr. ,Tirp sdq .-.wtrn-i M, xs well as in Shot-guns and Plato's We are also Azenis for th White Peerles and New: Ilrtne- !iig Macl .ot wi,k we sell at lowest rates and warrant as couiole te i erefy respefct, Wre can also supply- " , , Averill and Bubbi r , Paints, 'J i e best iu the market, at . lowest rates. dive us a call, inspect ur atock, inquire aa to our prices, and wo proma to suit ah any one rau. fsUTBCPOLITAfl SfiLOON, KObEBURO, OBKOoN, McClJLLOCM & CO, 0NLT THE MEST BR1XD OF- - , WINks LIQUORS A'D K:R9 Kept oa band, and cugtotrera w.U flnUiii a pleasant place of re rt. v Give me a ckil-ooe duor aouth o the Metropolitan Hotel. DRY'8 SALOON, r Jackson Street;, R.8eDurg. .-The prbpretor of this well kn iWn and popular resort wonid ibauk hlmeiids ftr tbeir libe'al patrna; in tbe past and would auk for 'a contnuance of he same iu tbe luture, Tbe pubi,e is informed that 1 keep none but the beat brands of winea, liquor and cigars and that I sell over the ' bdr the cele bratd JeSM Moore & Co.' Kentucky Whiskies ' ' A good billiard table will toe found in tbe aloon; also the leading papers of the world. CANYON V I bLEJ MILLS Manufactured from only the best of wheat.. . . ;,.. ! " ; I have for sale also Bfaa. Shorts and Middlings,. Bacon, Hams,;-Lard, etc. cured in the most scientific manner. Purchasers, wil 1 do me , H favor to in pect iay irock at the CanyobvlUe W. KRAMER- MTJST EtE SOLD I Fall Trade, so our Old Stoekf must bo' - Oregon teacher, Miss Helena Holinan. . Send for catalogue to Hkx&t 1m i VI r V OF SS QOODSj i cM' STYLE. the ELSB WHERE, "Rosburg. Or. T I rfr" ved and ticw . ave in hand on 1 th of Hardwaro -'. s'ova and rHUgee , SHERIDAN BROS THE SlliO! Canyonville, Oregon, Proprietor. The finest and test at k o Wines, 1 iquois and-CigO'-s ever. v0 kI to tu public in foutberu Oivjeuu. Mn the best of Ale and Porter. AImo agent ler tbe celebrated ; - GRAPE, CitEEK SOUR MASB BOUftBOX WHISKY Put up expressly for medical pur poBfd, and only for sale at this place. (Jive me a trial. SOOTH DUPQDA HILLS ..... i . make ink r, Jn.Rosebug. J. W tlllCOm Proper E. i TSOMPSOK, B. H. TCOMPSON, E J. DK HABT W M HONtYMJLN Thompson. De Hart Co, Importers and dealers in XHX son txIlTysy-fflBEfO Coal, Iron, Steel, Hardwood Lumber and wagon material. 184 T irst st., and 173 and 175 Front st Portland, Oregon. Carriage llardwa Jan'7