: THE MORNING KISS. MRS. X. E. BANGBER. Up at the window a frost of lace, Held away by a wee, white band; Yp at the window a little face, : Sweet a thought of fairy land. j Down below in the sleet and snow, ; Waiting a moment a manly form, Heedless of winds that to and fro, . Sullenly drive the winter storm. j Quick 1 the car is coming in sight ! One swift glance at th. free above, Dimpled now with a smile so bright, ( - Answering back that look of loye. j "Oood-bre, papal" the darling cries, i ' Wafting a kiss from her finger tips, Pure as the light of her soft blue eyes, ! Sweet as the bloom of her dewy lips. . j ' . He to the cob-webbed office dim, And to the cares of a busy day; i She her lessons and morning hymn, Braided together by bits of play. He of many a step afraid, In the slippery paths of town; She with never a darker shade f Than the fear of a mother's frown. He in the restless race for gold, Down where the money-changers meet, Fee's the breath of the tempter bold, Sees the pitfalls near his feet I Well for him that the clouded skies : Clear when he lifts the latch of home; j Well that into a paradise j Never the tempter dare3 to come. f JJveiy night in her robe of white, Low she kneel j by her little bed; j Every night the angels bright, j Hover unseen above her head. There is bis anchor ! God who hears 1 That dear baby will hear him too; j Out of the dust of forgetful years 1 Struggles his prayers to the father truei Down in the street, in the snow and sleet, Waits the man in his middle age; j Up the window, sheltered, sweet. ; Watches the child on her first white page. He to the cares of a busy day, j Winning bread in the eager town; j She to her lesson add her play, After she throws her kisses down. Bow .Esthetic Boston Cultebaw" lis Supplied witu "Diversions."' Furnishing one of our reporters with the necessary number of dollars, we Btarted him off a day or two ago on a tour among the clairvoyants. Although newspaper men don't need much money when visiting the hospitable mansions of this class of people, yet we thought it -best to have it understood that our reportorial staff was not lacking in that most essential of commodities money Jumping upon a horse-car, he was not long in reaching the domicile where he intended making his first visit. To his surprise, . however, he found all the shutters off, and half a dozen painters busily engaged in painting the outer walls. His first impression was that the inmates had moved and the landlord was preparing the mansion for a widower with one child, who would soon adver tise for a housekeeper who would like to find a comfortable home one gifted with a genial nature and endowed with reciprocal feelings, suoh as minister so kiddly to the comfort of one who has been deprived of the happiness which a loving heart used to give him. Such an illusion was, however, readily dispelled by the appearance' of Madam Hosea herself, who, recognizing the reporter, volitely invited him into the parlor. For a moment the newspaper scribe felt all at sea: his head began to swim. and he felt more like one about to make his maiden speech than like a man who had spent many years in searching the mysterious caverns which abound in al our great cities. Wiping the beads o perspiration from his brow, he began to talk with the rotund hostess about the business he had to consult her on. In plain English, and in all sincerity, he began: "A rumor has been current abont town that you are going to import some of the finest looking women of Egypt I mean, of course, fortune-telling women and healing mediums; and that you are going to nfc up your establishment in truly pilatial style, and minister to the wants of suffering humanity in a truly magnanimous manner. Js it so? "Are you a newspaper man in want of information?" facetiously queried madam. "At your service," bowed the scribe "Well," she said, "to be candid, I will say that there is a good deal of truth An the rumor. You see, for some time trouble has been brewing in Egypt, and many of the most excellent women there have been in constant dread of an out break; so, wishing to avoid its conse quences, they have written me many let ters, asking me to provide a commodious place for them in Boston, somewhere in the vicinity of Frog Pond, of which tbey have heard so much. These women are the handsomest of our race, having been brought to Egypt as captive Circassians to contribute to the comfort of their masters." "But how will they escape?" asked the scribe, intending to bother madam . "Well," Bhe said,"the outbreak has al ready taken place,and no doubt they have escaped and are now on their way to the Jand of the free." j "Your answer is not sufficiently illus trative." ! "I shall make it more so," answered the smiling clairvoyant. "You see, we had it arranged that when the trouble commenced these women were to wrap themselves in the American flag, dozens of which I have sent to Egypt, and then rush to the American Consul and de mand his protection. Of course all American Consuls are gallant men, and will protect the ladies." j "That's more than they do for the male citizens Ireland, to wit," said our reporter. i "With that I have nothing to do,? said Madam Hosea. "All I know is, that twenty -five of the handsomest Cir cassian beauties in the world are now on their way to Boston, and that I am pre paring to give them a right royal recap tion, and you may observe, by the prep aratinns now going on, that it will be on a grandly magnificent scale." : "Then you intend charging an ad mission fee to those who wish to see your imported beauties," said the quill motor. i "Charge!" responded madame. "Well, I guess I shall. I know more than fifty men in this city who would gladly pay a ten dollar bill each to be brought in through a side or back door or even brought down the chimney to see such women as those I speak of." j "Your calculations appear to be pretty well figured out on this racket," said the reporter, in rather a serious tone. J "Perhaps you will think so after 1 have shown you a sample of tbeprepara tion made by one admirer of Egypt's adopted daughters." Here Madame Hosea suited the action the word, and tapping un electric bell !i prettily dressed young lady made her appearance. j "Take this key," she said, "and go to . oloset No. 4, and bring down that basket niirked H. F., in a hurry." ,r i In less time than it takes to write this paragraph, Sadie made her appearance with the basket, raised the cover, and began landing the bottles on the table. I "Yon will see through this, I think; without much explanation," said the nc ble hostess, "and" But the reporter grew impatient and cut her short by saying: "Yes, I'll see throngh some of that pretty lively. Shall I sample every bot tle?" "If you wish to," was the rerponse." In less than fifteen minutes the tongue of tl e scribe had become loosened and he began to put questions rapidly. "How, when, which steamer do you expect them in ?" "Tney will probably sail Irom Jjiver- pool, on the Icebergian, but b pre arrangement they will travel incog. My agents wjll see that they are conveyed in the most secret manner. Tbey will wear heavy dark veils and play the role of Egyptian refugees; and when they arrive here will be conveyed in haste to their 'sumptuous quarters without delay." "But, interrupted the reporter, "you are not quite ready yet to receive them." I know it, said madame; "but you will see by this note, which I received yesterday from one of our merchant princf s. that 86000 worth of the most elaborate and costly furniture have al readv been ordered, and will be put in inside of twenty-four hours. And from this letter you will perceive that the proprietor of the 'mysterious house' on New Bedford point offers to put in $10,- 000 worth of anything needed if I will guarantee to let mv Circassian beauties visit him during the month of August as that s toe time the wealthy men patrons come on from New York. Why, said madame, warming up, "it takes 500 to cross the threshold of that house, and $1000 to mount a single flight of stairs. I mean, of course, to enjoy the hospital ities of the house strawberries and ice eream, etc., etc." Although the reporter had been smil ing for the last half hour, yet he could not refrain from smiling again at the mention of strawberr'es and cream. "But do you intend to accept the lat ter offer?" "I do not; at any rate not just now, although it is a very tempting offer. Like Mrs. Daniel Webster, I desire to keep our own at home. There is too much of this going off to New York on business solely because there has not been the proper kind of attraction in Boston." ' "So, then," said the reporter, "you feel that you will be able to offer suffi cient inducement to restrain this emigra tion feeling ?" "I certainly do and that will prove the correctness of what I say; only, everything will be in keeping with the business of a clairvoyant and test me dium." ! "That is," said the reporter, getting somewhat funny from the effects of frequen libations, " your mediums will test the good nature of your male vis itors?" Just then the bell rang, and a wagon load of the most superb furniture backed up to the door, followed by a light wagon well filled with packages. This caused A flsh of Joy To sparkle iu madame's eye. And turning to the reporter she said: "Call again; I'll see you later but don't yon give this information to a soul till it's published in the Express." Boston oaturaay evening express. Suspended Labor. Most of the glass manufactories are in the Eastern States, but extend as far west as Pittsburg and Chicago. It is stated that not less than two hundred thousand hands are thrown out of em ployment by the closing, for the months of July and August, of all the glass works in the country, by order of the heads of the labor unions, because of the alleged inability of the men to work dur ing the two months of hot weather. That is one of the infelicities of climate which would not operate against the manufac ture of glass in San Francisco. The summers here being cool enough for overcoats in the morning, all manufac turing can be carried on with as much comfort here in the summer as in the winter. It is true that in the interior of the State there is a great deal of heat in the summer time. We had occasion to note the degree of heat recently at a point about sixty miles from San Fran cisco. It was but little under one hun dred degrees. Yet there was no dis tress. No one was suffering specially. On the mountains, about ten miles dis tant from the last named point, the heat marked by the thermometer was about ninety degrees. Yet it was not intolera ble, except on the dusty roads. lhe degree of summer heat in Califor nia is as high, back from the coast, as in any part of the Atlantic States. Yet peo ple do not suffer greatly. Sunstrokes are rare. The atmosphere is dry and healthful. Glass works in San Francisco can be operated every month in the year, the climate making no exactions, and furnishing no excuse for idleness. Har vesting in this State is done nnder a de gree of heat ranging from 90 to 100 de grees in all the interior valleys where the bulk of the cereals is proud. Along the coast it is hot weather when the mercury approaches 80 degrees, but not uncomfortable. People go from the coast to the interior in order to get a greater degree of heat. They come back feeling better, because they have bad an opportunity to sweat. All manu facturers, such as glass, iron and various other metals can be carried on in this city with as much comfort in the summer season as in the winter. The absence of frost and excessive heat are certainly two great advantages which must be counted in favor of manufacturing in this city and along the northwest coast. S. F. Bulletin. Knowledge is Power. "Thirty days in solitary confinement," was the sen tence pronounced against Jim Webster by an Austin judge. "Thirty days?" asked the man. "Thirty days," was the response. "Look heah, boss, yon gib me thirty days las' winter for de same 'fense, when de days was a heap shorter den dey is now. ' Ain't you gwine to al low de usual discount on account ob de signs in de zodiackle?" A look of intel ligence appeared n the judicial face, and spread all over it. "I declare, I for got the days were not always of the same length. I'll make it twenty days' soli tary confinement instead of thirty." "Tell me dat book larnin' don't do a niggah no good. I gets out ten days sooner, all owin' to my habin' studied up de symptoms ob de zodiackle." remarked Jim Webster, as the constable led him off to jail. Texas Siftings I The colored minister who whipped his wife at Alexandria, Va., was fined four dollars by a justice. He had no money, and was given a week in which to pay. On the intervening Sunday he preached from the text, "Whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth," drawing from it ttie con clusion that he had punished his wife properly. Then he asked the congrega tion to contribute the four dollars for his fine, and they did it, though the plates haA tn hfl nasRfld six times before the 1 amount was realized. A6HICCJLTE&AL K0IES. Give vonr fowls soft feed in th morn- inar and the whole Grain at nicht oTAAnt. a little wheat or cracked corn placed in the scratching place to give them exer cise. - The most important study of a ctdti- vator of the soil is to plan for such crops as will always be in demand and always pay; crops that will be in demand year at ter year. A spoonful of paris green in a pail of water is recommended for killing canker worms. It shonld not be sprinkled over plants of which the leaves are eaten such as lettuce, etc. Prof. Atwater states that the best ration for a cow in full flow of milk is 100 parts of corn meal (by weight,) 80 parts bran and 65 parts decorticated (huskless) cot ton seed meal. lied raspberries shonld be set two feet apart in rows, and when kept well worked the first year they will fill up and form a continuous hedge of plants good for ten years or more. Gather no seed from the forest tree that is not clean and straight and a rapid grower. Scrub trees beget their like. The law of hereditary holds good in trees as well as in the lower animals and men. . Ensilage is nothing new, as far as pre servation is concerned. It is simply keeping green food through the winter by exclusion of the air. It is on the same principle as canning, only on a large scale. Watch the strawberries carefully that no weeds get the start of you; when black raspberry canes get from twenty inches to two feet high, nip oil the ter minial bud, so that they will branch and grow more stocky. The best farmer is the one who thinks as well as he works, who knows what he intends to do a day, or at least a night.m advance; who believes thought has as much to do with sucessful farming as plenty of muscle, if not more. The premature growth of colts by high feeding and severe training, has the tendency to degenerate the breed, by entailing the overworked debility on their issue, which may become heredi tary, and be transmitted to future gen eratiots. A north room in a house, properly ventilated, is a better place to keep milk in summer than half the so-called cellars in the country. To obtain the most cream and the best results milk should stand 36 hours without skimming. Watch the currants, and at first indica tions of worms eating the leaves, dust them with hellebore, or sprinkle with tar water, or even strong soapsuds. The great secret in destroying the currant worm is close watching, so as to attack them before they have made much head way. Bones, when fed to fowls, induce them to lay a liberal quantity of fine flavored eggs, as well as maintain health! u mess and vigor. They are far better and more natural, a well as cheaper, for these pur poses than the "egg foods" and other preparations so largely used and so fre quently misused. An English mechanic has invented a horseshoe composed of three thicknesses of cowhide compressed into a steel mold and subjected to a chemical preparation It will last longer than the common shoe, weighs only one fourth as much, does not split the hoofs, requires no calks and is very elastic. Keeping bees in the old fashioned box hive is entirely out of date. The trouble with it is that the internal economy of the colony cannot be regulated, bfit the bees mustroe left to do yretty much as they please. It is a fact often preached, but seldom practiced, that bees need management and care the same as horses. catfle or poultry, or any other kind of farm stock. ! Buetoe a Agtin. D. J. Malarkey & Co., who were burned out at the late fare in Portland have re sumed business again at No. 44 Front street. There is no commission home in Portland that has the confidence of -the farmers of Oregon and Washington more than D. J. Malarkey & Co., and all friends of the house will be glad that they have decided to continue in business in spite of their disastrous loss by the nre. The same square dealing that has built up their large business will enable them to hold all of their trade and en large it as opportunity offers. Prof, Ham pie. The great horse trainer, Professor Sample, has been doing wonders in Port land in teaching how to subdue wild and vicious horses. He has been teaching large classes and every person that has taken lessons has been perfectly satisfied. He will make a tour of Oregon and Wash ington. Mnven's Yoseuilte Cherry Tooth Paste An aromatic combination for the preservation of the teeth and gums. It is far superior to any preparation of its kind in the market. In large, handsome opal pots, price fifty cents. For sale by all druggists. Hodge, Davis Co., whole sale agents, Portland, Oregon. Tuhkish Rugs. Send to Jobn B. Garrison 167 Third street Portland, for catalogues of de signs. Zoe Bentham in her great specialty, "The Poetry of Motion" is one of the great attractions c;f the Elite theater in Portland. Hosts ot talent arriving every week. When you desire reallv good photographs then take a trip to Portland and call on Frank G. Abell, the Gold Medal Photographer, and you will be sure of being satisfied, as he turns out ouly the best work. Send $1.00 to W.I. Palmer, Portland, for one year's subscription to the Pacifie Overseer, the great semi-inonthly A. O. U. tV. paper. Garrison repairs all kinds of sewinsr machin EYE & EAR UmitMAIlY AND SANITARIUM, OR HOME FOR THE SICK. Macadam Bond het. Porter and Wood Htm., Month Portlund, Or. Dr. Pilklngton, late Professor o f Eye A Ear Diseased In the Medical Department of Willamette University has erected a fine building, ou a beautiful elevation in the south part of the city and Is prepared to accomo date patients sutTering from all disease of the EYE, EAR or THROAT. Also will pay special attention to persona laboring under Chronic Nervous affections, and to diseases peculiar to women, and recieve a limi ted number of cases expecting confinement. The intention Is to provide a Home for such canes with all the best hygienic agencies, combined with the best medical skill to be had in the metropolis. t Ymsultiiig physician and surgeon Dr. Philip Harvey, Prof, of diseases of women and children in the medical department Willamette University. Also lr. J. M. V. Browne, Prof, of Physiology med dep't. Willamette University. t or any amount of references and circular, address IIR. J. H. PILK'UTO.V, Cor. 1 it and Washington Htm., Portland, Or. REOPENED. D. J. Malarkey & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS Has reopened et !! Front Street Portand Oregon, next to Wadbsm's A Elliott's . Orders and Consignments Will receive our prompt attention. Explained at foot of this column. PorlM BnsiiBss Directory SHOW CASE FACTORY- JllXO.y, BER.V8TL A CO. -for, Front-ami wtark, Portland, manufacturers or au Kinos oi snow rases. Rend for catalogue. ' THK UIMCAL PAMT1 H E. A monthly Jour. nal of music (both vocal and Instrumental, sent 19 any address for 50cts per year. Address Wiley Bi Alien, pumi.mer aim music ueater, i iinni inri Portland. Oregon. Catalogue free. SURVEYOR. W. Is. UAYK& Civil Knglueer, Contractor and surveyors. OIHce 29 fc lark a rtel. Union Block! Portland, Or., with Ferry A White, Real Estatd Agents. Surviving done In any part of Oregon of BAKERIES. EM"l III E RA UTi-K V 42 Washington: Voss S Knhr, Props. Manufacturers of Pilot bread, Hoda. Picnlc, Butter, Boston, Sugar and Shoe Fly crackers. Orders from the trade solicited and promptly at tended to, A8SAYKB8, W. O. JESSE fe Co. 109 Front street near Washington. Ores. mentis, mineral waters. eoalf. etc., carefully analyzed. Assays for gold and silver 3. ; other metals from 3. to S. Mold dust bought and bars made. Orders by mall carefully attended to. .1. II. McIN'TOSU. Cor. Front and Stark. Chem ical analysis made of coal, mineral waters, etc. Or dinary assays of gold, silver, lead or copper, front .! 10 3. lr. t. fiarvey. tjonsuimm niemiwu ATTORST EtS. D. P. KEXNEBY, Attorney ami Couiinnior tu .Law Room & Uekun'i building:. Legal business pertaining to letters Patent for Inventions, Delor the Patent Ofl'ice or In the Courts, a specialty. MAGIC BALM! i V The Great rtiiati nliau Hemrdy for RHEUMATISM, Toothache, rWuralglK, Hack Ache, tiont, trtlW-a, LHmuto, fprmn Htm &velllns Iu nt and M-illtU, Chilblains, Brule, Keadoclie, Froted Feet, and Kara, Sore Thru t. l am lu ine ht IStr tcta", C-iih a.l Bunlona. ami all Bod ily Haltta. This renowned Australian ftemrrly Is, made rx- clu'lvelv of Australian herbs grown bv the uer mans of the rosewood scrub district. Queensland. Australia, who make herb culture a i-pecialty. It does not contain any poisonous ingredients what ever, and is tne BEST PREPARATION In the world for the above complaints. A Perfect Cure Guaranteed I if every Case It costs but 50 cents Der bottle, aad it is simply foolishness for those who are sufl'j log pain not to nsn 1 . Full directions accomoanv each bottle Sold by all Drug'ists and Patent Medicine Dealers PttOF. Jtt. A. SCOTT. Si, Crt., Kole Proprietors and Haaatactnrer BALLAKAT, AUSTRALIA, and SANTA CLARA. UALlrOKNl A C. W. Cornelius, First strei't. Portland. Sole Agent tor Portiand. Orwi-n ECONOMY IS WEALTH. And by Uuylnz Yonr BOOTS AND SHOES FROM TH K New York Boot and Shoe House, No. 1 First Street, Between Yamhill and Taylor, Portland 1 "VTOU ADD TO YOUR OWN WEALTU AND BY X that means make the whole country richer. We have Just received the most elegant stock of goods ever brought to Portland, which we are selling at rates mat no other nonse can. w uen you come to the city bring hi vour whole family and we will sell them goods at astonishingly low prices. Orders from the country wui be promptly attenneu.lo, and we will pay reignt on au goous s;nt 10 you. 1850. 32 Years Practical Experience. 1882. John A. Child DRUGGIST, Eealer in Fine Chemicals, Perfumery, Toilet Articles Sponges, Soaps, & Rubber Loods Cor. Morrison k 2d fit' Portland, or. Special attention pa d to orders by mail when accom osnied'vltb the cuf-h. Dr. H. M. RUSS, Dentist. For the Interest of the public. I have resolved to do nrst-ctass worK at uiese prices : Continuous Onm WorkPorceUtn..9TS to SlOO On Oolri Plate..... SO to - TS Meter Teeth on Robber 81 SO and npwnrd Het of Teeth on Celluloid.... IO OO and upward Gold Filling X OO and upward Silver and Hone Filling 1 OO and npwnrd Extraction of Teeth, with Gas. SI OO OFFICE 105 First street, over Prentice's mutdc store. t Dr. II. M. BUSS, Dentist. Ofllce hours, all hour. Teeth extracted nlthontgns, SO cts. For Cuts, Burns, Sores,IoiIs,lles Caked Breasts, Corns, etc.,it has Ml no equal. . Sold by Drug gists and coun try stores at 10 cents per box. RESTAt'RAST THE 11 EST IS THE TTT All Modern Improvements. Open all day. H. HRKKKRR. Pronrtrtor 81, OOO REWAJtir FOB ANYONE WHO WILL. LEARN Kellogg fe dtllaoa'a Rratem of Dreu and Clonk. Cutting, and. with a corret meas ure and perfect cutting, produce a bad fitting garment. Several Improvement have juj been made. Agents to seU and teach wanted In every town. Uood agents can ...alee irom $10 to $5o per day. KELLOOO fc JILLSON, Cheney, 8pocanp Co.. W. T THE "WHITE." WE HAVE THIS DAY SOLD onr entire interest In, and transferred the agency of the White Hewing Machine to Mr. John B. Garri son, of 167 Third str et. Portland, Or. Mr. Garrison will hereafter supply the growing demand for this superior and popular sewing machine. aplS HlfX ABARR MEN AND WOMEN, Boys and girts, anyone who wants ligM, pleasant em ployment In which from f 3 to tio per day can be mace will send thetr name and postofrlce address to us Im mediatelyjand recetv? onr descriptive circulars. Ad drem, D. It.' Ctetehell A Co., No. 187 Front street Portland. Oregon. Liver and Kidney diseases vetoed by Dime Pills. V v7 V &EE ME, f j BET r KB THAN OOL.D. i CALIFORNIA FRUIT SALT. A Pleasant and Efficacious Remedy. ;5 Avru'c WMWl IF YOU HAVE ABUSED YOURSELF By over indulgence in eating 01 drinking; have sick or nervous headache; dryness of the skin, with a feverish tendency ; night sweats and sleeplessness; by all means use S'aven's California Fruit Salt. And feel young once more. It Is the woman' friend. Try it; cl per bottle; 6 bottles for 5. For sale by all druggists. B. K. QUEEN. F.aAitn Ben. Selling, H. K. Doaca, la on every pair. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. AKIN. NELIUIO b CO. SEWING MACHINE STORE 167 THIRD ST. REPAIRING DONK ON SHORT NOTICE. ft r All Leading S w"V t MACHINES V ON HALE. 'yy THREAD, ATTACHENTS,etc. GEiEBAIi AGENT rOB THK HOUSEHOLD & WHITE $1000 11EWA11D WILT. BE PAID TO ANY PERSON PUODVC ing a more effectual remedy than Dr. Keek's Sure Cure for Catarrh, Which haa stood the test for fourteen years. Phvsi clans. Druggists, and ail who have used and trior oughly tested It, pronounce it .peel Me for the cure of that loathsome disease. Try It. Vour druggist has It, price tl. Dr. Keck thoroughly understands, and is emlnentlv successful in the treatment of all chronic am. dlffl colt daewte Of both mex and ull ugen. having made a specialty of their treatment for fourteen years lie treats Cnnwrwlthotit using the knife. His favor ite pn-scription is furnished to lady patients Free. No lady should be without it. Young, middle-aged or old, male or female. Insanity or a life of sintering in your Inevitable doom unles you apply in time to the physician who understands, and is competent to treat yenrcase. Waste no more time nor money with in competent physicians. A II communications attend- d to with dispatch, and are strictly confidential. Circu lars, testimonials, and n I'm of printed questions fur nished on application. CO.sri.TATIO FRE K. Inclose a three-cent sta'i p for list and addres" DR JAMKS KECK, No. I : First street, Portlund. Or. SEYMOUR, SAttlN & CO., Manufacturers of MINNESOTA CHIEF THRESHER Portable Engines & Horse Powers, And Sole Agents for the following celebrated Farm and Road Machinery: The Randolph Ilender, The Htundard Melf-KiiUe Renper, Tho Ntnndnrd Light Mower, 1 he Iron King Klx-Font-'at Mower, The Victor Self-Damn Knlky hnke. The Ntandnrd Iland-ltnntn Ntilkv Rake, The lluckeye Urnln Drill nnd Needera, The Celebrated MorrlMn Plow. The Whitewater At Ketchnm Wagon. We cordially Invite all wanting anything In our line to come and see us, and if you cannot come, send for our Price List and Catalogue. E. W. AH. F.N, Manager, m27wtf SO nnd 861 First St., Portland, Or. PH0S PHATE O-A-IP. UNRIVALLED FOB Coring Skin. Disease and for Preserving A Ht-M'llijr !kln. asr-Bevf are of Imitation ot bo.th the above justlx celebrated articles. The genuine made only by the STANDARD SoAP t OMPANY, who also manufacture the largest aHortmnt of LAUSDRY and TOILET SOAP in he world. Office 204 Sacramento street. 8n Francisco. l!si San Francisco Gallery. W. H. TOWSK, Prop. PORTLAND, OR., COR. FIRST and MORRISON. PHOTOGRAPHS OF ALL KINDS IS THE -( ' Highest Style of Art. Children's Plctnres a fteclilty. Thlx gallery leadg all others cn lhe Northwest Coat. h-viog better facilities, mors acceasoriea and a larger corps or trained artists than any cal ler norm of tan Francisco. BIllS Q Torn B1BIIN. WILLIAM. COLLIEK, :m: Ia. o i isr x s rr . Dealer In Xewnsd i SECOND HAND MACHINERY, 8 Hadlaon St., Portland, Or. Partlea d-lrlng Roller, Engl He or RAW : MIL.L. MAtHlNKKY eun eeare br addrewilu Mr. Collier. New and Second Hand Machinery SyKes' Sire Cure for Gatarri I JQUID OR DRY, PRICE $1 00; ATMOSPHERIC JLl Insufflators," price 50c. Dry Cure and In&nmV. tors mailed ou receipt of price, with full direction for usetc. . G. KKIDMORE& Co., lritgglt 164 Flrel street. Portland. Or. Boe Agents for the N. Paclfit Coast. luartiU f "-JJ -' - -TJ 5'i A ca ft I 3 i CO H . I S S ( See that our Trade Hack, "THK BOMB" MADE B1fTMSjnfigrIMlNC,sco; Gk WESTinSTGHOUSB & CO. 1 SCHENECTADY, KJSW l'OBK, IU. l' ki BRANCH HOUSE, P PORTLAND, W are now receiving a full line of our Celebrated Separator. Lever and Tread Powers, "o.lohle aad Traction Knglnea. Our Separator is Light Running, strong and Durable and uneqtmledasa t-.ula and Flax Having Threhr and has the best -Shoe movement and Riddle for separating Wild Oataf. oat Vhenu Our Horse-powers are Compact. Kaay Running and don't break down. Our Engine is an improve ment long needed; Weight 4500 to SOOO lb 4e than the average engine of same power, and uses one. third lea water and fuel to do the sane work. Is durable and easy to manage. Hundreds of these engine ami threshers have been in successful operation for years. . . - Please send for our Descriptive Catalogue and Price XAmt and Investigate thoroughly before giving yoor order. Saw Mill Machinery and Stationery Enaines Furnished on Reasonable Terms. Gr. P. DART, Manager. OFFICE Commercial Dock, 'Toot of Morrison street, Portland, Oregon. THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF ITb KIND ON THE COAST Where a young lady or gentleman can obtain a Thorough Business Education At a Cost in proportion to time Engaged. A copy of the COLUMBIA COMMERCIAL COLLLGK JOURNAL, containing full Information, will bj eat free to any address on application. Address , . t , . - P.O. Box 583. W.H. JAME! rrinolpnl. Forronsnmpilon, Asfm. I?roe!titl, Catarrh, Dyspepsia. Ueartaelie Debil ity, Xeurafvia, tthenmniiftiu. aod nil IhrCRieaud jSiervous llnorc"er. l'aelf ases may le oivrnlntly sent by nreos, ready far tmuitHliatvusc nt home. Keud for fi-ee trtitie on the Oxygen treatment. AddreNn the proprietors, 1109, 1111 Hit -rl Street, Phila., or If. Vm MATIIEWS, Pacific Ieiository, H06 Siontgomery St.San yranel-seo.Cal. SPOBTSMENM EMPORIUM. WM. BECK Sl SON Importers and dealers ia Guns, Rifles, and Revolvers Rods, Reels, Floats, . . ys v i-H-.5T,.-.-.'jr.- tnrgeon Leaders, SSS8 F.TaxacxasrG tackle. Braided and Tapered OU Silk Lines. Six Spliced Split Bamboo Rods, 165 and lfiT Seconl .t., Patnil, Or HUDSON'S GOT ST0BE, U Flrtt street, Portland. Oregoa. 017XS, FIITOM AMD AHUlKiTIUH Taekto of rrery Deaerlptt A CARD. Dr. Moody, of New York City, A. Gruduiite nt (he Sw Vork Nchnol of Medl clnr, aim of the Ituiillu Pructlce. A word to the public- Consultation free. I invite the sick, no matter what tlit'irdisfaws may be, to call and investigate for themselves Itefor aban doning all hones, for it will cost vou m-thinn. I eivi- no encoiirasement unless there Is a fair prospect ol 1 iiiuKiiiK a cure. 1 win eimeavor 10 oe caiuiid in tr.y opinion and rcapoiwle in my cliarera. I cluiin not tci cure everybody, but to cure all that can be cured. 1 have had twenty years' RU'-cessful practice in the treatment of both acute and chronic d.sease. I have located iu Portland, and all I ask la that you Klve me a fair, unbiased trial, by which 1 hope to merit yonr coo fldence. and trive entire Ratisfnciion to all sutTering humanity. My reputation has been acquired bv beinsf candid with my patientn, through ; cars of successful practice, both in Kurope and in this country, and studiously keeping up with the age. I know the cause and remedy needed, not by guesswork, but by years of experience. In my treatment of many diseases I make use of a new method of cure. The treatment Is simple and the most feasible of all. There is no unpleasaut sensation whatever attending the treatment. I invite all persone afflicted to visit and freely convince themselves, leav ing me to verify the awrtion that there has never existed a remedy so startling and immediate in its effects. '1 hese noted curative a ds, as handled In mv practice, are endor ed and approved by the faculties of both Kurope awl America. The beneficial effects are perceptible almost from the start. Cases regarded incurable, and of years standing, yield to its mild but wonderful influence. And in no case can the treat ment be attended with the least danger, thereby tes tify ing It to be the most harmless agent In therapeu tics. Those who wish to apply for advice or treatment may confidently do so without hesitation ordifllilence, as the most timid may rely ou that inviolable se recy which has already proved the basis of au extensive professional reputation abroad. Cases can be treated by concspcndence when a i-er-sonal interview is impossible, providing the patients will minutely detail all of their bodily infirmaties and mental disturbances written in a simple and natural style, and In accordance with the nec.ssary de'ails of their own feelings. Oi.e personal interview, however, even with patients residing at a ilbtance ia highly de sirable when practicable, and will more than repay the patient the expense and trouble of a trip to Port land. The advantage of even a visit are apparent and manifold. A single visit in most cases will eimblo the doctor to form au accurate opinion and note particulars which might be lost sight of in nierecnrrcspoiidence. particularly when a microscopic and chemical analy sis is absolutely necessary. Patients not resid ing In the city who wish to transact their business through the mads or by express can hav e the neces sary remedies gent to any address or left at anv rail way station or coach office in Oregon or Washington Territory until called for. carefully packed and se curely sealed. Office and Residence, -jsii First street. Rooms 2fi ail l 27. l.add'M Xew Iblllrlfilir- Cnrner Vtrut i and Columbia, Portland. Oregon. Ladies' Underwear, INFANTS AND CHILDREN'S COMPLETE WARDROBES; p. o. Box aw. 165 Third Street. Portland, Or. 6Kfi t W STENCILS SEALS -o. i.-'V.i' r il'Siri evl. tft'OBA VKT5. rtKJTBf 6T. I The Ilishop Scott Grammar School. A BOARDING AND DAY KCHOOL FOR ROYS and Young Men, will begin Its fifth year ucdr lt present maiiHgement Sept. o, iTepares boj s for college or Iinxiness. The teaching ia practical and thorougn, and discipline sirict, -eud for twelfth an nual catalogue, giving complete list of former pupils. Address, J. W. HILL, M. 1'.. Head Master, 12Jeiu Portland, Orego Baskets, 'JBf:'? ' Lines all Muds. 1 F t jL 7 OGN. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT'S 800TS AND SHOES Are the BEST and COST 50 MORE than Other Brands, and if the Merchant with whom yon Trade does not keep onr Goods it is became it TATS better to seli a pair of Boots or Shoes eterj TWO Months thap every FOUR or ITYE. WE 'WARRANT EVERY PAIR We make. All Merchants in Good Credit can procure these Goods at onr ITare houses in PORTLAND or San Francisco. TRY OUR "HERCULES" BOOTS. HECIIT BROS. & CO. PERUVIAN BIT The Flnet lUrTEKS lu tue WUULU. THEY EFFECTUALLY. CTJRE MALARIAL DISEASES, Vitalise the fc.vstem nnd nrreat the ravage o the DretMlful Alcohol Habit. llll'MIMA.MA, Ash. boar DramtUt or Wine Merclinnt for tbem. HTLMERBI.VO .t CO., Axent. Saa Fran Cisco. V- J. VAy KCWCYVr.K A C Portland. ThU srent Strenfth enlnc Renedy aad onle la the le- resultof overao practical experi ICL'RBS Willi WH1 ..MUU UcinrAI.i ''.' EjTY, Ner'ous and Physl- ;w H1 81 I'euiiny, Kemlnal It YT,Fvy?' Y'-- m Hi " rw'T, ?perniaur kJ i f nn '''" rrostatorrhea,Kn- ill dmimlana, Impotencv, Ex r rt" . i4 1 1 Ft Wi'austed Vitality, Premie I Ill7!riMAIIIl!E'',re lx?ll and lyOSt LUU VENMIUllROF UAMIOOD, from wrffl-wrrtffiiTffgaimiaw naiever cause proluceu it enriches and purities tne blood, Htrenglheim the Nerves, Brain, Muscles, Digestion. Reproductive Or gans, and , Physical and Mental Faculties, it stops any Unnatural deMiitstieg drain upon the system, preventing Involuiitarv losses, de bilitating dreams, seminal losses with the -lne, etc., so destructive to mind and body. It is a sure eliminator of all KIDNEY AND BLADDER COMPLA1NTH. IT CONTAINS NO INjrRlOr INUREDIENT. To those surer lnK from the ef fect of yoothfal lndlerrtlon or rin-wa, a peedy, thorongh nnd permanent 11RH IS Ul'ARAXTEhli. Price. 3 uU perbottle.or Ave bottles in case with full directions and advice, tSent secure from observation to any address upon re. ceipt of price, or C. O. D. To be had. only of Dr. f li. Nnl field, 141 Keumy street. San Francisco, Cal. Consultations strictly conflden Hal, by letter or at offli-e, k'HK.H. r'or the convenience of patients, and in order to secure perfect secrecy, I have adopted a private address, under which all pack ages are forwarded. TKIAL ItOTTf.E FREE. Sufficient to sh wits merit, will be sent to any one applying by letter, staling his svmptonia and as;e. Communications stric ly confidential. DR. SPINNEY, K. 11 Kssrsr ttrMt, I. P., Treats all Caronle mm Special IMseasos. YOUNG MEN TTTHO MAY BE SUFFERINO FROM THE E. fects of youthful follies or Indiscretion, will do well to avail themselves of this, the greatest bono ever laid at the altar of suffering humanity. DR SPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit sSGO for every rse of SerainaJ Weakness or private diseases of any kind orcbMracter which he undertakes and fails to cute. MISOLE-AGEB HO. There aie many at the ag of thirty to sixty who sre troubled with too frequent evacuations of the bladder, often accompanied by slight smarting ot bu rning sensanon and a weakening of the sysu-m Id a manner the patient cannot account for. On exam w ... ii,m.t j wiiflNt m iyy wkuiwvui win ones be found, and sometimes small particles of albumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin milkisb hue. again changing to a dark and tond annearanca. 1'h.ni . .. v . - iu., wiivuravi .11 IS UUIKUliy, IgnO hint nf fh.mu ..ti(..V. 4 .V. a A . t. re are many men who die of this difficulty. Igno- nal Weakness. Dr. & wlU guarantee a perfect cure la all sneh cases, and a healthy restoration ol the genito urinary organs. - . Office Hours 10 to 4 and t tot. Sundays from 10 te and advteei'UltUOn Thorou8Q eammatioa Call or address BR. SrrsrjrEY ls CO., . No. 11 Kearny street, ban Francis, (il. HTISELL 10 000 Pianos I.UOU Organs. Hail. Buy ef Manofacturxra Fmtu J3 to ( 1 , M19 C.h, Rfntt.r 1 JtJ- T- 1 1 . . ' "1 i-Q -i - j. , , - 1 1 r. AMTISELU w. V.tT!tlF.rll "ui r'rmiriw'o 'mm U M