Jjxrger Circulation than any other Newspaper published in JJouglas Counl$ --HrUMrQIJA CHAPTER NO. 11, R. nicatioDs every nrst and third Tuesday in each montii. All members in coed Standing will lake due and timely notice and govern themselvers accordingly Visiting companions are Invited to meet with the chapel when convenient. B. HERMANN. TV. I. FBIEDIiASDER, Sec'y. A LA.UKL LODGE A. F- M WILL V Jl uld ieguhi' meetings on Wedoes. dnv on or before each full moon. J. C. FULLKUTON. V. 54 . PHILETAUIAN ;fc5?Lod sre, So. S. I O. O Pta on Thursday evening, ol each .v t 7 o'ciocs. in tueir uau ai uose : . . -. . . . " . , i.urir. Vl?-.ti b-rs of tV6 order in good eland in are Invited to attaS. O. . By order of the N UNI05 ECNAMPMENT. Na. 9, I. O. O F.. meet at Odd Fellowa' Hall on the 1st and 3d Fridays ot every month- Visiting Brethren invited to attend - E. O. Iictsu, C. P.. Joan Chase. Scribe. TjMPQXJA GRANGE, NO. 28, Piaf 1L, will 'meet hereafter on the 1st tfalur nt fsch month. at Urantre llali. in Kose hum. AU mesmbers ia good standing are cordifcily Invited to a-tend! JAMBS, T. COOPER, U. ). P. Dckcak. becretarr. ROSSBDRGI SATURDAY. APttfL 29 nonE NEWS. Buy the Bloate 5-cent ai car at Jaiku- If you want a Paimr'tega tigar go to Ned Dry's. Bay the Sloate 5-ceot cigar at Jasku lex's. If yon want a good meal, e to "the Roseburtf betel. Bay the Sloete S-ceat cigar at lex's. Jasku If vaa want a road bed, ga to the Koseburg hotel. On Friday. April 28'.h, a plat of the town of Kiddle was filed with county lerk of D uglaa can nty foi record. We are glad to be able to announce .tha fact, that Mrs. Day, wife of the Rev. J. E. Day, who waa brought tore from Albany to Dr. Marstera for treat meat asbort time ago. almost in a dying condition, has so far recovered under the doctor's skillful t.eatme ut as to be able. to b up and around. It is an indisputable fact that Hair Hair Rcnewer, renews, cleanses, bright os, invigorates and restores faded or gray hair to its youthful, color and u it re cheaply and surely, l'sople .with ray balr prefer to buy It rather than - pncIaL. it to the world through their bleached locks tbat they arc bcomlig aged and passing on to decay. We desire to call attention to the ad vertisement ia another column of D. M. Ftr y Si Co. Detroit, Mich, the t fn-at seedsmen whoe" mammoth S' ' taLlibeDt is ore cf the eights of the .bight of the chief city of Michigan. This house does tbe largest business iu tlfdr trade in the UniMd states reach itij avea serosa the Atiant'.e and Pa cific aeen. Their ewd have become known oTer tLe civilized world for pu rityand fertility and have gained for thera an eavis-ljle reputation. ' Tiieir annal seed ca.alojjtie just issued for 1832 reple witVvalui-.bJe information and beautifully iliusUated will be sent free upon application. Snd for one before purchasing your seeds. . At Sweeney's ra'll, on Monday, at I A.M.. April 24th y as the logging team was descending a hid bringing in a saw log, tbeing ran ahead of the team, atrk'.ng a portion of thd treble w"k that supports the flume that conduct water to the wheel, knocking it out of pkce and causing sixty 'four feet ' of flume to fill to the gr utv.i a distance of flirty feet, the whole wrcclt togcth' vrtih th body of water four feat wide hy ton in depth (atliug ou and arouad teamster Isaac Louia covering him tip and almost drowning him but sir nge to say not doing him any aerUus in jury. A man as sent immediately after nail's a distance of six miles gettiug back at 11;S0 and thafi ime was all up and the mill runninjrtagain' at 5 P.M. Pastokial VEnlKiCATiON. Fauta Clara, Cal May 3, 1881. H. H. War nsi & Co.: Sirs I have uwd your Safe Klduey and Liver Cure and find it all it Is represented to be. Rav. C. L. Fishr, paator Baptist churchy DILLAItt JVILLE. "Very suowy for the railroaders in these parts. The TTrnpqua is quite a river at this time. " . The grde around the hill has slid .nto the river ia several places. J. M- Dillard and Mr. Hartin have purchased several hundred hogs in Ceoa county and Will supply the rai 1 road hands with pork. The Civil Bend poBtofflce is quite attractive when the stage coms in on Saturday. All the men rush or send there for their letter or papers .Mr. Richards, our acomodatlng mail rrier, makes his trips regularly fcvm wo to three times per week. . Pro'. Alien Arriogt,a, who taugh the Civil Dend school during the later, baa charge af the public schoo at taos city. His numeraus friends ar pleaaed to learn of his success.- The grain prospect in this communi ty are favorable. Some farmers have own more grain than ever before. . i nruvuie promises to b quite a ""vlng u,wu in lho near future pfe Pwation, ara being made for the oon- 4 .. -. : r- - ' 1 - - ,i , structida of a large warehouse at this place, and partit s are looking out for city lots. It will la convenient for tha Looking Glass and Cauin Valley farmers. The yoliticf 1 fooling stirred up here. Some or the republicans are disgusted with thair county tieket and others say that the democrats can not nominate a belter one. Quite a number of good men are spoken of for tbe different po sitions oa the democrat side, for sher- i iff wa Lave tha Brockway. of Roseburg, and James iiutninson of Oakland. For clerk we have the naites of Messrs. H. Murton and S. F. Flood, of Roaebunr. and Ron. J. M. Dillard of Civil RnH. . ably mentioned. E. C. Sacry of Oak land seems to be the onlv enndidatn for coanty judge with the democrats. Many seem o be very much interested nominating.of school superiutendeot. Pref. V L. Arrinetou of Liokmtr Glass, Seem to be tLelnni vral ol,nii of this localj y. We heap the name of Prof, Geo. t. Russell of Oakland is used for the; same position. Should either of the two gentlemen be elected to tbat position, it would bo filled by weu qualified person. Both are well deserving the office. ! "CUMTUX." ! COLE'S VALLEY. The Cleveland sc ool uodr the man ageinetit ef .Mr, let: is progresii g fa- v v a u v iumor says that the people of Cleve land are goinyr to have a pic-nic on tha first of May. j Weather, favorable- forkilling early fruit. ,A'e have snow, rain, frost and sunshine, very little of the latter, how ever. . J ; t Hubtafi Creek is to have a bridje soon, which will caue the people o ta;a section to rejoice as they stand greatly in need of such a structure. xe: he is ; a new coiner a young man af ability, and should be easour aged by the Plaindealer. that he may develop his talent, for remember that very brilliant diamonds are oftn hids den by very Jraugh etoce, itn-l just think what a great los it would be to the world, if Mr. Dan Da Quilte's tal ents should meet wita the encourage men t; lookout for eomtbiug wonder, ful in a literary liuc, whicu will a tonight evju Dn himse'f. The people ot this community aro somewhat interested in mail matters, for instance, how is it that the cutinty papers cme by twes and throes whil the remainder are detained uu.il th next mail; and again, how is it that here are qu te a aumber of pr vate letters mailed at Cleveland, which leave that oftice and are never )&rd of afterw mis, by those who wri e them nr ly those to whom ihey are wittn? Nor is that ah,! there are small things oi email value which ara aostractcd from i he mail, i The republican cousry ticks is re ceived here with low muttenugs which indicate the party ia not a ualtevcu iu Cole's Valhy. 'However, all seeiu of tha opinion that there are sme good men on the ticket; unfortunately the good ones are compelled to carry the bad onef, which is a burden too he.i? to be borne successfully. The result of the approaching election n-x; June, will convince the repuMi van that they have , j Digged a pit and digged it d.-ep, They digged it for their brothels, But through their sin, they tuinUl -d iu The pit they digged for otLerV MYKTLE CUE K. ED 4 Independent: As candidates are looudog up fioui- the varieus jrt cinut" iu the coanty, we have jut one ir-m th'm place if nominattoi, will be supported ifiespective of patty, in this place. Mr. 11. Dyer in ioke of a a candidate for anaeeser. Mr. Dyer if an Or gouiau and will reflect credit upon himself and the party wh eh nominate him la r that position. j ; A. DEMOCRAT A SERENA1K FO't fexton. j Hon. W. D. Feoou, d.-uiocratic csn didate for conjiress, ariived in Rose burg hint Tuesday evening. He re ceived a warm, huest and cordial reception- : At abctu 10 o'clock be wts serenaded at Champagne's ho et and waa intro duced to tbe many friends around him by Hon. A. F. Cam bell. Mr. Camp bell in introducing him said hi had the honor of placin, Mr. Feutin'a name before the nominating conven tion and kucw that the democracy of Dougla- heartily ratified the choic-. Mr. Fenton, iu substance, stated that he was surprised at his nominaiion; that as delegate he attended th con vention with tin earnest desire that an old, and honest friend ef his. (Mr. TownsendJ, should' receive the nomio Inafion. The convention not he elected otherwie.j He had not sought tbe honor; nor yet as a democrat, aonld he decline. ' He accepted tha trust, and would do his best to fulfill it. He en dorsed the platform as worthy of sup port, and deubted not it would pre vail. Those who could hear er read would surely sustain it. He gracefully and tenderly referred to the gratifica tion ha enjoyed at his reception at the late home of good, and great, old Gen ral Lane, whose wise voice is bu-ded in slumber f evr; but whose memory and his true democratic principles are eternal, During his brief address, Mr. Fenton was frequently and enthu slastically applauded. Mr. Fenton, upon special appoint meat, will address, the people of Doug las county next Wednesday evening at the court house, in this city. To Thb Public -Fro a this tlma oa meals houra at our restaurants will be ss follows: From 6 till 9 o'clock, breakfast, at 23 ceots per meal; dinner from It till 3 in the afternoon at tha same rata, and supper will be served from 8 till 9 o'clock.' All who come for meals between the hours above stated will be charged 69 ceata. Mas. J. T. Lynch, Blanco restaurant, Mrs A. E. Cox. PRESENTIMENTS. An Investigation of the Causes ef those Dark Forebodings which Make Powerful Men Weak. gg Golden Uule Much apprehension has been occa tinned throughout America from th announcement male by Professor Proc tor that the return In nineteen years of the great comet of last year will cause the destruction of theVartU. Bnt while people are bocomlng so strangely exercised over this announcemet an event f far more serious importance which is takiug plac to.dey seems to bo almost wholly overlooked. The na ture of this most vital snbjecfc can be beet explained by relating the follow- ing experiences : . Bihop E. O. Haven known to the entire land was unaccountably awaken, ed one night out of a sound sleep and lay awake until morning. His mind eeemcd usually active and he not only reviewed his past life which had been uneventful one but laid exten sive plans for the future. He did not feel especially ill but could not ac count for the unusual activity of his brain nor for th restlessness which s emed to possess him. In the"moru !n? he had but little appetite but was apparently well In other respects. In a few doys be began to feel restless and morbid although he tried earnestly to overcoaiothe fmdiug wlich had taken possession of him. But try as he would the shadow of some evil seemed to fo'buv him and he was consiausof gradual staking of all his physical faculties. He had been an earnest and diligent worker and in his ze&l fre quently overtaxod his strength an d being absorbed in his duties failed to observe the common symptom with which he was afflicted thu s pc-rmiting the wo;k of destruction to go on unn neeaeu. uut tue en 1 nna.iy came in n premlory manner. Sliortty before his death he wrote a letter the last one ho he ever indicted in whteh he speak as follows: "A belier mat death i near aShcts diSVr.'Ut .micds differently but Lpiouably till who am in a fair conditi- ti n of ibv'tal btrpiigih shrink trom I with an undt-rinnble drtad and horror A dyne man is no more able of him df to foresee hn own destiny or tho donliny o( those he leaves than he wa before ho becan to'dif." Th'i recent d and sudden death of Iloa. Claikson -N. Po'.ter is one ot the 1no.1t ser;0Uf! w;:rniui!8 ever triven in trie ;o:ig nst or muumerauie latal net;-)-ct. It is not surticient to aay that many other brilliant men iucludin Everett. Sumoer, ''hase, W'ootl. VVi bon and Cy rj nter'wer -Hwej't away by the tame latal4 trouide. The question is were tnese men sumcientiy caretul their health and c uld they hare been saved? The Aibanv Areus in speak usrof Mr. Potter's sudden iLnes. and dea h tays: 'One of the physicians who attnded Mr. Potter h re was iuterviewed .last evening. Ho stated that Mr. Potter's inability tc converse hal for some lime served 10 baffle the physicians in their elt rts tTdeter-niue the root of his ill ne-s. It seems howvver ibat Mr. Potter s inetw yeirj agosuffijr d; a flight at- tnck of kidney disease. Unwise de- ecit nciv8 on a rouust consiitutionand natunv ly perfect health an i neglect of proper dot id ng douhtlei-s sowed the 9. eds of a diseas-i that needed but orne such personal neglect as that of Thurs say m iming to deveb p, From ih symptom at first aiiown It was thought that hi only trouble was nervous prostration but hislong routinuance iu a semi-nneons'otis state led to the be lief tint his illness was sga'ted In a chronic difnculty more mysterious and dangerous." Up to the latter part of lad, year Mr. Edward F. Kok a member of the New York stock excha 1 ge van doing basine s in Wall street, New York. lie had evcryl hhig tu entourtige him and make life hnppy Intwas the victim of unac ountable uneasiness. H s esperi euce as deribtd by one who knew was as toilows. ''at unexpected Itinies and on i be occasiuiis when hu had ti e greatest ii-ason to f i-el joyous he waa irritable and haunteu with strange leeiuig of dHcotiient. ITe endeavored to etieeK tueae Jet nags and tpnear pleasant but it required a great effort to do to aft"r Wliii h be would ugain. relaj se int his .former morbid mood Tnis Iteling roe tinned tor a number of months when he became conscious of anotlier added sensation of ; laasitude. He was dred eveu when resting and although experiencing no acute pain had dull aching weusat'ons in his limbs and various piii ts or bit body. Shortly aflerw.-.r l his head legan to ache most frequeiuly and .'his stoinwch faihd t: digest properly. Peiu? told that he was 8utlerlng from malaria he con suited an eminent phynieian who iu formed him that his kidneys -.were wl.glilly affecti-d and gava him niedi cine t restore him. But he grew woise iiistead of bette.. He then con suited other eminent doctors of another school and was informed that he hd a brain ditfieulty s mnvhat in the na tuie of a tumor but in tpue of all etFort to the contrary hp oej.-ati to urow worte. At this lime hi condition was terrible. What wer at first simple nyinptomshad developed to terrible troubles. He was flushed and feverish constandy and yet always weary, lie, had an intense ajipetite one day aud very little the next. His pulse waa irregular and every moment of his existence ivas a burden. These disas trous nympUms continued his face & nd body became discolored his heart was irregular in its action and his breath eame in sLort aid an! convulsive gasp-1. H grew conetantiy worse, uotwcllts'anding the u:m st pr .-cautious of his frbnds and finally died in the greatest agony. Alter his tie. tit an examination as to its actual cause was made whon his brain was found to be in perfect condition and he reason of bis decease was of an entirely difleient nature." The expeiiances which have been 0 -ed above all had one conmon caue aud were etch the result of one disease. That disease whihh so de ceitfully yetsmely removal the shore named persons was Briglu's disease of the kidneys, j In the cas of lur. Rock after death while showing the brain to be p-rftct condition revoate I tha fact that he was the victim of a slight kide-y trouble which had gone on un checked until it resulted in acute kid ney disease. The leading physicians and scientists of the world are fast 1-aruiug taat more than due half the dsths that occur are caused by this dreadful scourge". U is one of the most most deceitful of maladies ever known tbe human rac. It manifests itself oy sy raptoms so slight and common so seem unworthy of . attention and yet these very Insignficant a.naptoms so are the worst Known in the hiatory of the world. Thousa fids of ptofle have dfeu from what is known as heart dis ease, applopiexy, pneunonia. braiu fever and similar dineat-e wjeu it was in fact Bright's disease of the kidueys. Tbe ravages of this disease hava lieea greatly increased fr m the fact that until recent yars no way was known to rrevent its beginning or check its increase when it had once lacsnte "fix ed npon the system. Wi'hin thepast two years however we have l arned of more than four hundred pronounced caws of Bright's disease, many of thena mnch worse than those above described and most of whom have given up promineut physicians who have been comp'ctely cured. The means used to accomplish thi end his , has been Warnei 's Safe Kidney and i Liver Cure manufactured in Rochester N. . a remedy that has won its way into the conndf-nce of the public solely upon tho remarkable merit it poses- ( ses. as a result It la more widely used and thoroughly praised than any other medicine uef re the American public, indeed there is not a drugstore iu the entire land where it cannat be found. Although Bright's disease is so com mon in cities, it is still more pevalent iu the country. When eminent physicians in the larg-st citie9are not ahlu to recognize Bright's useas it is oniy natural that In the country where there are few physi cians of any kind and -those lew so unacquainted with th s disease as to call it by some other name It should rage terribly and yet unknown to the ones suflvriug with it. Thousands of people can look back and recall the death of friends from what was sup posed some common complaint when it was realty Bright's disease and no one knew it. The terrible pleu-monia. which has been so dreadKl is usually the result of uremic or kidney poison. Lung fover can be traced to similar re suh. Most cases of uaralvsis arise trom the ame difficulty s well as innumei raule fevers, lung, head and bowel troubles. A vast number of ladies have suffered ard died from complaints common to their sex called verhaps gtnerrl debility aud when ike real cause have been known it would been foini-i to b Bright's disease mas querauing tiniu. another name. In marked contrast to the sad canes which have been above described are theexi periences of many people who were as low as any of the persons mentioned but who were restored to former health and vigor by this same remedy.Among this number aro the following promi nent names: Col. John C. wWhltner, Atlanta. Ua.; li. V. Larrabee, Boston, Mass.; (Jen. C. A. Heckman, Phipaburjr N. J.-Bev. I. D. Buck, J). f). (ieneva, N. Y.iDr. F. A. McMiiunut, Baltimore, Mi;; Edwin Ffly, Davenport, iawa; Kev. A. C. Keudrick. IJ i)., Hocln-s ter, N. Y.; J. S. Mathews, Portland, Mich.; C. W. Eastwood, New York, Dr. A. A. Hatnsay, Albia, Iowa; Cham ehelieor C. N. Siu,8, 1). D.. Syracu-e. X. Y.; Dr. H. P. Jones, Marieneta, Wis N. 65. Ingraham. Cleveland, O.; Ilenrv T. Chain pney. Boston. Mass.; Elder J"s 8. Fresco tt, North Utiso.-i, O.. who is a prom meat member of the Shaker family and mnny others. To all cau iid minds the force of tbe above facts must con.e with sp.Hiial power. They how tho Importauco of promptne-s and attention to the first sympi-ouiB of disordered health before disease becomes fixed fact and hope dr. parts. They show how this can be sue cessfully lioufl all the dancers whrch awaits neghot can only with Uitliculiy bo removed. We had written a long article on Philetarian Lo !o;e Xo. 8's cel ebration ot tho C3J anniversary of the. establishment cf OtW Fellow ship ja America. An accident has caused ih the I033 ot two col umns ot type. W will make tli2 amende honorable?. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY THE! baa for more than forty years maintained its position as tbe leading paper of the West. It rants above all others In circulation, influ ence, and In the esteem of Its readers, becAnae It Is Just the kind, of paper the people want. The Weekly Time covers the whole grtfnnd of a first cleaa family Jonrnal. It is larger and better than any high-priced weekly of fered the public; its reading matter covers a greater scope, la more entertaining and In atruotive, and yet it coats BUT ONE BOIAAB A TEAR. Our agenta everywhere say It ia the easlesf paper in me ne;a 10 canvaMR lor, ana readers 01 one year are so pleased that they are sure to renew ttielr subscriptions. .Xnhl paget Jriflystz columns for one dollar a year, and ta most liberal terms to club agenta. Kpec'.men coDiea free. Send for one before Buoscnoingror any paper. Address wetku I'lmea. . 1),1 1 1 . . . 1 1 . . 1 .1 j". THE DAILY TIMES-STAR, JStgte page, fortu-eigXt column. Only irlx toilar a yenrrw3 for atx months, $1.50 for tliree mouths. Has the largest circula tion of any paper In Cincinnati. Is the best advertising medium and the best pantr for readers who would know of the world's ooings aa promptly aa tne news can be 1 pejnou. Auuress 'Aimes-ut wiaeianaa. Cathartic Pills Combtos ito enoie4ii eatoutio prlndplsi ta medicine, In proportions aoenrataly ad Install to Meore acWvity, rtsinty, as4 nniformUy t affaet. They are th Mtalt o yaars cf earerol troAy and vraetieal aa parimant, and are the tnest offaetoal raa dy yat eUaeorerad tor ilseaaes eaqma 7 danngement ef the etomach, HvtfPjeji bowak, which require ftotapt and afl&ttHal traatrnaat. Arsa'a rrxxi are apecmht applicable H this laaa ef diaaaaea. Taef act tflrtatly on the digaattT and aahn latlva prooae, aaa restore jafular healthy aetlaa. Their aztaaalv m W Shyaieiaaa la their jractite, anA by as ivUbraA eattoaa, l ana af tha wiry virksaa t partif vejatebla snbetaBcea, Qtay are poaittvaly tree from oftlomol or any lntnrieaj iofrUai, aad aaa Vo adjokr mmA to aaifftrea with repeat cafotr. .arn'i Pnxs are aa eSetu&l rnr 1st CaaaUmtlo t Coatlveaesa, lBdlse liao, Dfspopaha, Loss at Appeut Faal Stamaeb aad Brectn, Iizalnes Beadaahe, Lees ot Memory, Kombnees, BUiaaaaee JanaOiee, KheomaUaz Ermptfaaa anS SJUn Diseases Dropsy, TamoH, tVorroa, Kaaralia, Coua, Grtaaa, DlarrheM. Dysentery, Goai FUeaj Disorders of tae liver, and all other dumasa t eanlting from a aJaordfflffld state c4 alia difeaUve epparataa. Aa a Diaaar PHI ttey lutva ao anaL "WTilla gaatle ia their action, tbata frua are tbe most thoroaga and aearthinf eatbar tie tbat can be employed, and sever gtva pain valets tha feoweis are inflamed, and then tbalr laflnenee Is healing. Theystuna late tba appetite and digestive organs: they operate to purify and anrich tho blood, and impart ranevad health and vtoc -to tha wholaeystam Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical aad Analytical Cbamist towsll, Mail. " 0Ma a am. wim svwrrwMt.- ' tn proota af wait vane aa a aaie, sure, ana MitMtly raliabl ynrgaUra taedichMk Bales MBwrnadafl l tba eaantrataa "F RATkR N H Y, INDEM NI I Y AND I RELIEF." ublic Meeting at i the Court Rouse Saturday Evening. Arjril 23J, Of Indep-rdent (Order of Chos-n ' Frienia of the Pacific Coast A S'tiort LecturS ;AdmirI n4-Free. While in rtan Fi n iacf on his way to Europe, Mr. Simou Caro purchased a large st ck of go )Jsj at bankrupt sale and shipped thctn tv Roseburg.' 'I he firm has now the cheapest goods at the lowest prices. The Johnston Telescopic eya testers fits the eye with the yroper lens, and they make their patent apectacle bridges ol various dimensions, and leuses of va rious b'izcs to fit all faces. Call and veri'y thee statements. PIONSBE SALOOxT OAKLAND, OUEUON. P. E WITHEH3 Proprietor. The finest of wins, liquor and cigars conxtaiiily o" hand, and a walcmc to ail Coma au 1! see me. sept-ly : WM. IBL1GEW8 ' RETAIL DEALER 1$ WINES, LIQUOSS, AND CICiAUS CANTONVII.L12, OnKGOX. Patrons will fiud.'my naloou a quiet and nleasaut place of resort. hose ivlna: me a call will be treae 1 to the best I have for aale AdmlnLstrutor's Netiee. Notice is hereby (riven by the under. sicrueJ Admiuiatralor of the estate of Gilbert McNei-r. deceased, to tha crd itorsof, and all per.ous having claims pyaiust the aaid decease!, to preaent tliem. with the neceaBary vouchers, within aix mornns irom tne uai.e 01 thia notice. 10 the aaid Administrator, Ht his ofiioa in Canyonville, JDouglaa County, Oregon. Dated at Canyonville, vec 10. isai D. A. LEV ENS, Administrator of tliu estate of Uilbert McNear, deceased. Canyonville, Orason, Proprietor. Tha finest arid best-stock of Wines, 1 lnuois and Clzors ever offered to tlio oubHe iu Southern Oreaon, aiso tne bes.t of Ale and Porter. Also agent for tbe celebrate-i C.7L4PE GREEK SOUR MASH BOURJJOX WJ1ISK1, Put up expressly for mdn'al par- none, ana oti'y tor eai ho una iii-.c iivs me a irbil. WU HMIUd iua u UtracU. mi enrtMrt wubw nbrw Mk U Mlthii art Mlmd pliwt, DM wlit kM m man. ccl full dertrlka, pint K4 llrrUrni ftl ImMm IU Wa ( T.ui.l aaa llowtr Unit, Flank vUl htttfMmai nUabl r pUoilaf In Trmunti mam iMt erco ftrtfea? Saath. Wa bmJm a lyaalilt wyiitytea l$sl rsaa"? & CtX. Detroit, Mich. : BUY ;ON U AN YON V I L L E M I L L S Manufactured from only the best of wheat. I have for sale also Bran. Shorts an Middlings, Bacon, Hams. Lard, etc eured iu the most scientific manner Purchasers will do me a favor to in apect my atock at tlta Cauyonvilie" V. KKAMER. M. SELLER & CO., Importers of 3 at q 3sB:5 j y $ Glass ware, WIIITJC ROSE OIL. 13 aadlO North' Front st no2tf Portland. J. vt. DO WELL, Market Gardner, ROSEBURO, OREGON, Informs tbe public that he has on hand supply of Poiatoes, Onions, Cabbage saorCroutand lixet Oreens. Any one desiring any of the above art cles cau be aupphVl by applying o h.m or leaving orders at the Post Oilic. jaaJt Im Hr3- Coz'3 H?3tn?at BOStlBURG, OREGON. MEALS AT ALL HOURS AST HOt'R NIGHT OR DAY- ' -rs a v rd oitt .a v ill find thia ; bb p'aC to uke iiatr, . supp Ooks rnpio;el. 80 fete mmmm mm Person In doubt about the ne ' specticles should visit our optical d partmeut at their earliest con venienco and we will. test their eyes five . cb irge. iersons who have hpectaf that tire their eyes should come aud fee if they are properly adjtis?d Tl.ia instrument will test bo far an ! neai sghte-J eves, and register ' tt faelp number and tdaes of lens retpiir-1 ed ti each eve. ; A. 1. M AhSTERS A Co., Druggists. "'SOGAB' PIHE MCLLS The above mills have for ale the best iot of Suijar pine and Cedar and other kinds of lumUer; dressed or undressed that can be found in the Douglas county market. Orders promptly tilled, and by appli cation at the mills, terms will be given and which will defy competition Ihe propietors of the mill have re-s-dved that no one shall undersell them, and tnat their lumber shall not be equalled iu quality or quantity. They give them a trial ! w. ti' WIS & ;CO.S CELEBRATED ' 1 CLEAN SWEEP CIGAR, THE BEST j B 1 T O I O- -A. rL IjY. ROSEBURG, ! Manufactured expressly for, and for sale only at A. C. MARK'S CIOAU Tl.e leading Scientist of t'day scree that most diseases are caused by disordered kidneys or livers. If there fore the kiluays and liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the reault. The truth-has only been known a short time and for years peo ple suffered jrreat agony wi hout being abiB to find relief. . The discovery of Warner's Safo Kidney Cure mrks new era. in the treatment of tln-se troubles. Made from a ainiide tropin cal leaf of rare value it contains jiui; the elemeuta necc-aary to oour.sh and invigorate both of thse gr-at orjans aud safely Te tore and kep them in order. It ia a positive remedy for all tbe diseases that cause pain in the lowor part of th body for torpid liver headaches jaundice dizziness gravel fever and ague malerial fes ver. and all difficulties of the kidneys iiver and urinary organs i It i an txeelleut and sale remedy for females during pregnancy. It will coutrol menstruation tiait-is inviduabls for leucon hoea or falling of tbe w omi'. As a blood purifier It i unequal" for it cures ths organs that makes the blood. ! This remedy which ba d.ne such wonders la put Uin the largest sized bottle of any medicine up-n the mar ket aud ia sold by dru,'gisU an J all d.-ab-rst$l 25 per bottle. Por diebe lea enquire for Warner'a 8 fa Diaba-u-sdnie. It i a positive rciuady. H.H. WARNiSlt A Co., Pwocbaater, N. Y. JAMES DEARLIXG, Blacksmith j Farrier, And welli-known to the people ef Dour laa covnty, would, rrsr-ectfuil v announce tnat he 14 prei ared to do all kinda of work In his line, and guarantees fcutisu faction. nORSE--SHOISf NO A SPEOTALTr. Any farmer liaviajr a plow to ul arpwa or luachinerv t repair will do w;i to irivs me a call at my old stand. I have a full tck of iron aa t st t. and bavin;; jure based the same at a lo pnc.. c-in lu wjrt, S far aa prici aro concru!a, cUeioer than anv who wi.l at tempt com petition, JAS, DHAllLlNtJ. fbl? Im Oakland .Oregon Oearlmg $0 Gibson, OAKLAND, 00 JS. Wuiild announce to tho publio tn they are prepared w h the best ef materi al te supply all deu ops. in tueir line Having enjoyed ov?r wenty yars expa rience in their trade, all 'work performed br them ia iruaraQteed to e first-claws, anJ strictly according to ord Gib son's OeXetoi" Sar- FORSALB BY J. W. S i' NGE, ROi'E- Pronoanced by all wl o.h B9ed the, ta ba the best "svar ' Jnvea always oa hand and for aale cheap FAR VI JtlAOiJINKKY KE PAIR KD,' Give Th.ev9 a call. TBS BUBEM SALOOIi ONLY THE FINKS T Liquors. Wiaes & Cigars Keit on band, aud patrons waited upon ia a fashionable manner. Give me a call 2t)tf iluHERl TKOX'EL. NOTICE. Notice is hereby s ivn that at th next regular terra of th-s t.'ounty court to be held iu Itoseburg, on tbe 4tb day of April, 1883, app Icacation will be made by Phi lip DeSouzer have his name changed 10 PhU.p Ada Molts. ' PtihlidiedJiy order of Hon. C. Uaddis Judgj of the above named court. Aueot-r U SkI5LtJAt, Count Clerk ' - - STORIi. j jiiimisii ;. Kj,ty iJtmfvuatfZ Davenport! TUE VETERAN ESTABLISHMENT , s, SCilULTZ & VUXl 15AIiUiii OP SAN FRANCISCO II as Iti It tip a lofty monument of honor ubKa i d ruccest-fui in dulry, ai d thi ir coir:inerciul enterprise lias crowned them witb Kur-ln of business wiimpha. Not with tatidioa tbat the fiercest financial storms have raped ar,,und them, runi'ing thel eaves of tbeir chapleta at one period o tbeir existence, I. ut PLcenixliko tbe'y ar rive afresh from tticii well contested battles and apua unfurl their banner of triumph and eucces. They now c irubine tue ex pcrlenca auJ judgment of age with tbe vij;or and enterprize of youth. The eaBtern'businessol Schultz Van Bargen is nowj under tho personal direc tion of Mr. Georare Schultz, while the business of the Pacific is nnder the di rection of Mr. Henry Voa Bargen. Mr. Julius Paulsen is manager of San Francisco, whila Mr. John L. l'urnesia Ccneral traveling agent fcr the Pacino coast, Texas and Mexico, with neaa- quarters at Han Francisco. Under the able management of Mr. JohnL. Bums this company s success is assured. A PURE, STRAIGHT WHISKY; America' Finest Production. nrTlcn'of Rchnltz 4 Von Barcren, 129 Frm- Clifornia st. corner Front, Ban cisco. ."'."..", To tha trade Practical experience ha has demonstrated to us that the trariu re quires a choice old Bourbon for immedi ate use. For it is well known that whiskey that ia absolutely pure, requires age, care and attention and our old Da Yen p; rt whiakey poasesst-s "all - the above qualities. The jrrajn used in the diatllla" fionof sur J. H. Davenport Whiskey is alwaps felrcted rrcia the floaat, richest and best grown n the State of Kenttieky Ths wator ia drawn from one of the finest limestone springs 10 the State, tha peculiar properties of whieh have jjained of Kentucky whiskies such worla wide ctlebiiety. This aroees makes ur J. H Davenport a pura. har.d uiada soar mash whisky, aud we elaim that for delicacy of Kivor, parity sad medicinal qualities stands aaxcelied. . Yours truly, SCHULTZ VON BAROEK, go!a Owners WILLIAM HEFFRON, Sole Aganl, nirlO RostOur&'Orecon. P3S1PLES. . .-'-' -V ' - - - I will mail fiea tha recei p far a eiaapla vegf.able balm that will retmrs te twi-kif.g.'-olainlei and fraeklas pimples and timolol), lnnvina ths akin soft and deal and beautiful alw insiruaiioaa ior ' . ' . V . .... ducinga luxvtiant crow th of hair on a halrl lad or amootii face. Address an- cKia.ns' a ihrea cent sta mp, Uen. V aasau A Co. 13 Barclay st. Pi. Y. To Cnsumptivoe The advertiser having been p enn i i . 1 1 ly cured of that drea.l disease eonvt pt ! ion is anxiom to make known to b s fa 5o" suffereia ti e means of eore. To a who deKire it hn will srnd a copy of a prescription used Iree of charse with the directiona for prspariosr and eiusinjr th ame which they will tind a sure curese roughs, c.tids, consu mptioo, astbaaa br-inchi'ia 4c. , Prtie wishing the prescriptiaa . will addrea Rev. E A Wilson. 191 Peaa Vdllamsbarir, ST. The Flour Mill-. "situated near Rosa- burg, a mile from the O. &,C. It. It. stas tion. known as the property of Ebert un estate, la eoutu umpqua. Four story mill, thoroughly equipp ed, having plenty of water the entire year, good trade. Also 35 acres of laud near the miH. Price, $4,500. Sat hfactorv terms for part. Will sell 260 acres more land if deaired. For particalars see J. C. Fullerton, or J. w. JiiDooln, lioseDurg, SHERIDAN, 4SacceBbor to ri:oa. P. Shestdaa) DEALERS IK- HARDWARE. TIS WAR", STOVE Guns, Cutlery and Tir aer Far. niahiug Wood. TIM STORS, RBSEBUSQ, QQNa Having secured tha above business, we are prepared to seep up us tormar gooo name far work and prices. We b ave the b-at ef material rod always a. 'all st'fk of eaadaen hni ami it ii ear aim to fur Biah customers with ntelaa artioles liv let live vrice. A foil stock efiroa ar.d steel for aal, dealers from abroad wdl reeeive "prompt attentiea. ft 8. JJ, C SHEKIUA. HEFFROirS' SALOON. ; ROSEBURG, OREGON. TLa best of wia&a, liquors and cigars, easiantly aa hand and a welcome to all., ftlya me a call. John Tf, Gilbert, SALEM, ORMION. Dealer In ' LEATHER and tiff - fc-II jliliH'M1f CSLL. GOLD MEBAEi AWARDED IN:1877 AT PHILADELPHIA For Excellence, Purity & Quality DAVENPORT WHISKEY PTirof & U"aadulterj i Superior to Any ' BWfJ Imported. I DAVENPORT WHISK1 IS XXintlVALLSD I This is a Whiskey of Sper" ior Quality, aa has never bee& In the marko This is at Lot ft&. This article SHOULD be classed "with tho BOcaSmiJ Compounds of this Coast, is of a rich, rare flavor and fj bodied, ai d NO BLENDE or COMPOUNDS can compar with it, t Distillation of 1875 & 1876 u- Superior er ell aco. Shalt' & V i3ar3a, D AVE W PORT for baIjE by only w m. nzw FKON, ROSEBUBG, OR. The celebrated Btallioa "BRIGHAM0 Will stand tha ensuing fieasaa In Douglas Coanty. Timss and places will hereafter fca stated. PEDIGREE. Brigham was sirtd by Orey Wolf, Na Old Dan, and Old Dan by Ballm, te uinoBiy Known ts "uiu juusiaaux,' th "re of many of the beet horses l iba nittd States. Brigbam'a dsatt wit vie, oy rtapoieon, cranu-oaaa i 8al by Webfoot; Webfoat was si rai fcy 8ellm, "Old Lummux.'' Jsrianam is iua oniy norsa ia tutBui'.t tha' ca traca his pedigree an bath sides to tha Lummlz stock, wbicb i known by every breeder of good horsa in Dcuglas county to have produce tha bast horses for all work and alnd- disposition which have ever has a rahav ad here. A. W. BLIMMOn, moS9 Proprietor - Dura SALOON, . Jcckioa Street, Roiebur Taa prepratar of this wall kaawa ate popular resort wonid thank his (rmaut I for their libe'al patronare in tha aaajk aud would ask for a can ti nuance aJ- ha sansa in tha iutura. Tha publia ta informed that 1 keap none bat tha bad brands of wines, liquors aaid eigaya 1 and that I sell over tha bar the aala , bratad Jesia Idoore U Co.'s Eautuokr Whiskies A good billiard tabla will ba fata ia tha saloon; also tha leading fats' of tha wsrld. thi enpquA vawtxu? THE I EST IN THE MARKET Addess A. Y. STGARXd.CanyeaviUe RESTAUR ANT, i"?I rs. Ta J, Xynch Vro'9 Next deor tafcYC. Dry'i ' Kaaabusjj, Oregon, Meal lieurs, day M ilt, sa t erderu for speda! suppera promptly sad satisfactorily filled. The table always au. piled with tha est "tha market atToros. Meals; 85 Cents or Upwar Fresh oysios in season. . : .' ;reet),!3crcaave'"f,?? trLvTf A ; ' e y 1 . -v WfWa T;'Sa trs H ri mnwtn ! ma IbS I if?-" je Lwca, -$ -if'