I 1 ATURDAY,... a run, co Oar readers will be pleaeed to learn that Hon. Hyman Abtaham !a rapidly recovering from his late accident, lie has recived ia satisfied he is yet the fastest Tace-horse oa the political race coarse, lie is determined to win. Hon. W.jD. Fenton, Democrat ic nominee for Congress, made a favorable impression with onr people the other evening. We had thought that Mr. Fenton U 1 " iL.' i- ; nvuiu iiovp luuin niait a iiinicu Mi public apeakmg; but now we aro convinced Mr. George ;s evenly matched. There is a Eichmond n the field. T.ie Democrats to-dav hold their primaries in the various precincts of the county of Doug las. It is to be hoped that at the primaries there will be elected delegates to the county convention who have the welfare of the peos plo at heart and who will go to tho PAiiAiit!nn tvifh ilia liitmaf determination" that none but the beet men in the party shall be nominated for office. The peo ple anxionsly hope that this time much good may come out of Nazs areth. When we speak of the people m this matter, we utter a plea in behalf of the citizens and taxpayers ot this count v. Without question it is true that tat late Republican ! county con tention mad 6 many mistakes in its nominations; it is true that the taxpayers of the county belong ing to that party are porely dis appointed with the result of the labors of that convention; aud in order that the people may have a fair opportunity to express their sentiments it 13 necessary that the Democratic parcy shall ece from the beginning that it U to the in terest of the party and its candi dates that no man shall be elected to the county convention who b'as a wish contrary to the will of t,bo people. It is the people who pay the taxes and support county and national governments and no man is honest, or at least sensible, who would, growl .or complain because the people demand, that only honest and capable men are placed in office. After menjhave for twenty-five or thirty years struggled against adversity, in wires', their children and them-i elves; after they have by their pluck and their etiergy become roted as the pioneers ot the Far West, and veterans in the advance guard of civilization they do not and cannot consistently sup port for office any man ot doubt ful reputation for that man may prove to be uaturally a thief and a rascal, lor wtose misdeeds hard- earned homes necessarily mnst be iiu.eu. vy nsu a man nas oarneu - 1 . tlTL . T - J by the fweat of his brow aod by bard labor ho does not expect nor should he be placed in posttion that be mudt waste his substance to make good the stealings of a rascal incautiously elevated to office bv either of (ho two names or any riug or clique of either. We do not know that it is the in tention of the party to nominate for official position any man of the kind which we willfover con demn in fact, wo hope that the member nf th rarfr will cvort: every possible cfbrt to prevent .the possibility ota pilferer of pub ia lands' nomination. Yet s mi in warning makes hnnora i; men cautious, even as the beacon of the lighthouse instruct laejsea-tosaed mariner. Thn ar ticle is intonded as a beacon to those who are about to eend their barks iiifloat upon the eea cf pol ltica. It tho barks are staunch and the crew fine without doubt thoy will stoersafelv through the breakers and in lead of the rotten cratt in the race. In this instance In Jefferson's motto be 6ttictly adhered to-and let it be known that every candidate is honest aud capable. - Such a ticket the peo ple of Douglas will heartily eup port anrl give it a heavy majority but bono , other. Thj pray that the Democrats will do better than ever before; and 11 eo. whtn the good work is done it will be well done. H. ROSENTHAL, S. VEDER. 8- BROMBEIiQKR. F.0SEKTHAI, FIDES L CS. Manufacturer of B oota and Shoes. and 35 Battel y St., Fan Franelsce. ' ROSENTHAL, FEDER Ct., 85 Pearl St., - - Boston, Mass. (PC "f ff O.lrer day at home. Sam I U VCUplii worth $5 free. Ad' ifciiD80n ud Co. Portland, M aine COUNTY TRASURER'S NOTICE. Not en i hereby given that there is funds nth county treasury, for the payment of all warrants drawn on the treasur . of Douglas eonntv, Oiepou, endorsed, "not paid for wan; of funds,'' prior to April 5, 1882. Interest ceases on such warrants from this date. . TV. T. WRIGHT. County Treasurer. Roseburg, Oregon, April 7, 1882. 2t OLD IRON. Purchased at the Rosebnrglron Foundry and the Highest Jfnce paid for the same: FRAZEH k BUNNELL. ram kssss, TD JFL J. 5T 3Vr.lS liOlSEBURO. OREGON. ALL BUSINESS IN MY LINE WILL bo promptly attended to, aod charge moderate. Can be found when wanted Inquire for vats at Uosebur g hot 1. n. B THOMrsos, K, H. THOMPSON, E. J. DB ART WM UONKTUAN I Thompson, Da Hart Co, Importers and dealers ia Coal, Iron, Eteel, -Hardwood J-h ruber and wagon material. 184 First at., and 173 and 175 Front aft Portland, Oregon. Carnage Hardware. jan7 Bo not Eeciived By Plasters claiming to be an ini pmv ment on Allcock's Poroas Plasters. Allock's is the original and only genuine Porous Plaster; all other as called Parous Plasters are imitatlen Beware of them Sea that you get an Allcock's Poro us Plaster which we guarantee has effected more and quiokcr cures than any other external remedy s?o!d By all Druggists TO CONTACTORS. Pealed bids for the erectien of a brick ail at Roseburg, Dougiaa county. Ore- on. win be received until 1 n' clock . m ., on Tutadfiy May 2d, fcl883, at lie county clerk, omca where the plane aud ppecincations may be seoa. The brick wlil be furinis'iea on the ground, all other mat-rial to b Turn, iphed by the contractor. Botids iu double lh contract priea required. Uhe right is reseryed to reject any or all bids. C. Q ADD IS, J. M. DILLARD, A. E. CHAMPAGNE, no2 2w Building Cons tnit tee. WOOL, HIDES, FURS AND DERR SKINS. . Purchased by H LMURTOW (Office, at Railroad Dpot) 4.IQHEST CASH PRICE PAID. P arties having any of tbe abeve named articles for sale will de wall to give JU a -Mil. H. L. MURTON. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a most aereeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, witb. tna gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as mav be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling cf the hair Immediately, and causes a new erowth in all cases where the glands are not decayed ; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and readers It puablt. The Vioob cleanses the scalp, cures and nrevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of tho humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladie3 Hair Tbe Tioob is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it Is economical and unsurpassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Lowell, Mass. , Solo bt all sauoeiBTS nvaa DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The eprterarsSiip heretofore eilstleg between K. L. Minard and I-1. Tbroll ia the bntchrring busiuess ia dissolved by mutual consent. I. Throl! will pay ail iudobtedness contracted by tba firm and collect all debts due the said firm. It. L. MINARD, Roseburg, April 12, 1882. A FARM FOR iFvexit or SoblO A Farm on Deet CreeV. leoated nr Mr. Willis' farm. Three hundred acres of land; one hundred acres of gecd cul tivatinz land in goad orde. God buildings. A good,- high barn. All large new bouse. On account of illhea !th, is for reat or sale on reasonable terms For further particulars appiy to S I. Tbornton.or llenry Oatas, at the Rota burg Mills. . 8. I. THORNTON. BAKERY Nearly opposite tbe PoetofBce, Prrtprietorw, Tbis Bak ery is cond-ie-! by a cenope t J IB1 who ha hd jeJjrci of speri ce and who- ih acaainted With his ork BREAD, rjKrf AND CAKES Always on haod, d the finest of ConfeCtionerife, ;n tl f. way of Candies, crackers, etc. pecUi atlf ntioii T?.;. to Weddlnir Cakes, and T? .S-ipofti-s. Orders served possible notice. C. and R. PARKS. on the sliT.t:' no53 HARNESS MAKER and Dealer in First -Class Saddles, Nearly opposit the Post OfJce, Roseburg. Oreoa. HaTing a first-Class sicck, and beiosr a competent woriman, I ask the patrou aga of tbe public. My stock consists in v erTthing belonging to and a part of tk Saddlery and harnew businesm eutbrHoiutr trimmings, etc., and my prices will be fonnd to be as low as i he lowest. All work warranted. CH AS. STEPHENS. Nearly opposite the postoflise. aool UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE ROSEBUKG DOTEi J W. LYOIIS, PR( PRIETOR, osusurg, Oregon. Tl undersizoed would anounce that to-day he takes charge of the Raseburg Hotel J.avinir refined the sair.e. will d most to proide larthe wants of alio I tr THE CIA AN T OF BEDS AINU B J R FAMILIES h WILL UPPLY, v ill Ve supplied with the BEAT THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. no5I J. W.LYONS. Stallion for Sale eo: W. Gen n slal lion, or offers bi" la Ms. JOB u o 5 a A X V for sale at a harea'n. Tl is a fin animal. 15 haniK ' hairbt; a beauti ful bar and vamable to anv ewoer of brood mare-: Oo! ix r of aga and weighs 1100 peud. W;:: be sold at a httcaiu, ai-S nitti f'ir-ry for six months' time. GkO, Vf. aiNQEB, Thronfh the Roxeburtr' postofBco er t Douglas lNDBFBMDeaT ofiea. . a week in vourtown. Terms and a S5 outfit tree. Address H. Hal iei Co. Portland, Maine. MACHINES FOII REN' -ON- SA8 T 33 Ji 2 S ti For turtber panicnlars Pi ly t JOHN CHASE, AgenCJTsw Whoelar k Wils-a X. This popular resort for buainrns roea. Farmers aod others desiring "aoniethina ood for the stomach's sake," willl be tausd south of Bmith k Co.' etnre, OAKLAND, OHEfilOX. The best of Wines, Liquors aBd Cgal always on hasd. sap 18 If JOHN B. McLANJC. BE I . I And Contractor, Sast Portland, Oregon. Contract? for Wagon and Railroad bridges raada. Retereuces given on appl caijon to Douald UcClri,an A co v-' oeit macieay, Portland. O ro jasf So so burg SSI 1HX CB I3ET Next door to tha Metropolitan dote Rosaburg, Oregon. The uudaTilcned has opened a neat and comfortable barber shop at tbe p ace above described.and having long experience in his profesHien, issaiiatiod be can give satisfaction to all who may giva him a call. His prices a-a pop ular, and as follows: ; Hair Cuttidg, 25 cants; Shaving, 25 cts. All I ask is a fairtrial, and that shall prove my work as a barber. I am willing to be put to the test. n40 CHARLES HAD LEY. Wbacc Cocies the Unbonndtid fopu ... larity of . -- ! - AUcock's Poroti4? Piaster? Because bey have pr 7ed tbenae'.Tes he Be st Ex'rnal Remedy eTrr iPTtnt d . Tby will cne asthma, colds, coughs rheumatism, neuralgia and any Iocs pains. j !. Applied to tbe small ef the back lb are iutalllable iu byck-ache, ' Nsr Vous Debility, and all kidnev trouble s to the pit of the stomach they are a sure cure foi dyspepsia and liver eotnr plain Allcokk's Porous Plaster; a e painless ragrantJ and,q uick to cure. Boware e mitatiois that blister and burn. Get Allcoek lathe enly gtuoine Pcrous Pla s ter. mar4 Errors of Youth A gentleman who suffered for years from nervous debility, premature de cay and all tha eff.cts of youthful in discreUion will for the sake of suffering humanity will sendfreft to all who de sire it the recipa aud direction for the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufferers wishiDg to profit by tho ad vertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing in perfect confidence. aJVJ.El.LV t. vJUJJ-t " . feb25 New "kork. '9 Manufacturers of Havanna Cigars And Importers of ACCO So. 18. Front Btreet.gan Frsnoisca, Ca GEO. BORRADAILE, AGENT. 478m and Take None Other. mantjfacxtjred by KOTsrAaxka &mu, PORTLAND, OREGON. lat. That the best eye tester in this world is the Johnson Optical Co's Tias at Telesxjope. 2d That the frames f their easy fitting spectacle and eye glasses are unparalleled. 3d. That these frames are tilled with the stona fint leus and transparent e;ue. finest 6. S. MARSTERti, M. D. Optician, ADMINIS 1RATORS NOTICE. Notice is heteby given that tbe un lorKt(rned has been anooiu'ed admin fHra.tor of the estate ot Levi Beckly, deceased. This appointment was made bv the Probate cuurt on the 24th day ot Fphruarv. 1882. All persons having claims against tbe estate of the ds mmmI will nreeent the same wlihin bit months from the date of tbis nn'lce to the UBtiersiened, and all claims nresested thereafter will be disbarred. ilKsttY Beckley, Adminiftrator. Hurch, 11, 1SS2. HISAS2Z SIFLS7 AIID 00 - Will r.iall free their catalogue f.r 18811. oontKiaLiit a full de scriptive True i nld and gsideu i of flewer. Baloo, ra tal )jrws. an4 lasaertclies. Uladiolos, Jiilie?, reses, plants, garden Imple ments. Beantilu ly illustrated. Over W0 pages. Address EOCHESTEB, N. T. CHICAGO, ILL lS.lK2FatWain str.0.2e0 Randolph a Admixiistratr'x Notice, Ifot'-ce is hereby giren that the nnder- sig ned has been da y appointed by tbe County CViirt of Douglas county, Ore gon, ana was qoaiiBt'a neea ouaunea as Administratrix ot tbo estate of John D Van Buren, deceased, late of said conn'.y. Now, tkwrefore, all persons owing said i estate, are notified to make immediate paymttDt,and all persons baving claims against siq estate ate hereby required to present the same, with proper : vouchers to he undersigned at Roseburg, Oregon, within ix mouths from date hereof for approvrl. Da ted Hoaeburg, Oregon, jaarvn zoba max. ALICE.G. VAN BUREN, m m p HOTXlia Cs CO. 3 and 5 5orth First st. Portland, mportsr. and whotesalo dealers in FINE "WINES AND LIQTJOP.S Cole agents f r the n CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY. And for Is sipoctod. Wa have replenished our stock of General Hcrdiandiss In order to complete our sale, : ann therefor off r to sell Cheaper than any house in Oi egon. We still sell 13 yard of Muslin, 11 yards C. Flannel, 16 yards of Calico tor Boots worth ?5.f)0 a pair, for 3.60 LadifcB Calf Shoes (warranted) for $1.75. Fadies' Cloaks Halt-price. Ladies' Ulsters Less than Cost. Red Flannels o All Descriptions from 20 to 50 cents per yard. Dress Goods tor less than cost. In our Centlemen's Depar.meut w sell such as CLOTHING, HATS, SMUTS, UNDERWEAR, j For such Low Prices that will Astonish the purchase! . Wa will qoata ' you some: y Cashmere Suits from $7 t $18. Pauts (Cashmere) from $2.( te S5.50. Overcoats fur less than Cost. Blankets tor lees than Cost. We will remain here until Spring, and therefore ask ail of yen to come and get bargains. Nothm but pleasure to show! a- goods. Respectfully, CARO BROS. OREGON AND CALIFORNIA Tkromsli to Sail Francisco IN TjSl.&. Tlia Quickest. Safest and JEa-iest Route. stase8 ,eav Day' 6:00 m Making Quick connection at Reading with the cars of tu Cir. n. n. Co. :o:- particul ars Far fall and passage apply to BUT ITHS UWPGUA VALLEY KILLS . THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Aidress A. Wr. STEARNS, Casyenvilie, Orejon. ,eF N OTICE TO THE CITIZENS ROSEBTJR. a. OF Xotic. We.the nndirsicnea, in coni sequence of the scarcity of.and high prices of stock throughout the country, will, on acd after 8atur3ay .February 35th, retail beef at tho following prices: Boil nor beef at 8 cents: cunoK. roana steak and rib at 10 uenls: Porter honse and surioln at 12 cents. iffned-A. W. rtlimmons. i. Ihros Bitzer. METROPOLITAN SAL83?3, BOSBBURO, OREaoST, Mcculloch & co, proprietors; OJVLT TEE BEST BE AND . OF ' WINeS, LIQUORS AND CIOAR3 Kent nn hand, and customers will fiadtkis aplaasant plaoo ef resf rt. ' ' j (l:iu a call oao Ceor soatk of fa Vetrepohtaa Hotel. REDUCTION IN GOAL.' THE KEYSTONE OF THE WEST COAL MINING ASSOCIATION, Beff leave to inform the pn blic that they will furnish COAL after tbis date at tbe following rates. Blacksmiths Coal $3.00 TJoniestin Coal. ........... ... 6.50 Address. JOSEPH A. HOPKINS, Sole Agent, "Vjl- 1 I i f if 1 I IllinnDTIMT TH ll'l I IMCTDQ I lypORTHNTTOJlLINERS Faney French F?wps AT PRICES CHEAPER THAN PAID ABROAD -:o: :o: Would announce that he has be consigned an extra line slock ot FREKCH ARTIHCIAL FL0WE83 Which must b sold at an early date, and that he would advise milliners and ladies in general to call upon him before sending their .orders abroad, as he is fully satisfied he can offer tbem bargains which thev could not obtain in San Francisco by send ing there. The flowers are in every way -fine and fancy; in fact, abetter slock was never brought to Roseburg and offered at such low prices. ROSEBURG, - - OREGON. Hulrtard Cresk CLARKE BAKER, Propriefois. Haviiii: purchased tbe above named mills of E. Stephens 4 Co., we ar ! now prepared to furnish auy amour : fBEST QUALITY OF LUJrBEE Ever offered to the public in T2ogis ( county. ' We have just puf chased ore the Weatherly, Kuggfe Kichai v:sr Planecs and! matheM Hd2 nnred to : do lnj-ier So. I :i pre wtfk thsn other mills in the coau'y. Wa will furuish at the mill So 1 lumber at the following prici-a: Dressed rustic 1 6 j r M Flooring (drssed A matched bio p-r M Lumber dressed on one tilt$ 14 per M Lumber drestied on two sidetS'.o perM Roujth lumber $8 to $10 per M e have an extra quality of lumber, equal, to any found on Coos Bay. aud will guarrantea to giva satisfaction to all those favoring us with their orders Postoflice' address, Umpqua Ftriy Oregon. CL.AH KE bAKEK. fl. BHACKEMSI DEALXK IV FOI ElGtiOTESTlG MARBLE Orders from abroad promptly filled and Estimates furnished and all work wars ranted first-class. Terms reasonable and cheaper tl an can bs furnl hed in Port land or San 'Francisco. Fer panicalar. Call upon or address, , Msnuments, Tsmbstsnes. 'J Tablets. Etc R. BRAGKINRIDGE TtOSUHa, - - ORKtiON. Qnalltr not Qttantitv is th DireJ If TOU WAST PURE Dri:gs and Medicine Chemicals, etc. do not forfft to call en HEELER. H. GABBEUT MrRTLE CREEK. Also Veaps ea haad tbe J. H. Cutter wbiakias, Helland Gin, Jamaica Rum, and tbs inast Wiaes and Brandies or medical use. Phyaieians Perscriptions a pec i ally. Dr S- 8. Kmter, Otadnate at tue Phyaio-Medical onsa oi O'ho.) of Rrabnrg, offers his medical and surgical services te ail who ay wish avail t. emsolvee of his skill- OfDee at B. J. aud 4. C, Masters drtig- stere. S. K. KATMOND, SURGZOH DEHTIST Opesite Maris Co V, 8!r. Offers kis professional services t t J people ef Douglas county, wi:. .B';a k j lifts ben scquamtea 6Terat jfs. a i: work warrauted first-class, an t'tms ms j saoderato as any ether in tbo prui'-i j ; j ROSEBURG, - ) fi Oakand, Mills. Pres. Enbanks & C, a.nacunca that ttey Lave in operafou a Brstclass Grist Mill at Oakland, OreT and will furnish the Manufactured in Douglas county a lowest rales. Orders from abroad sol and promptly filled. Louis Belfile, WATCH MAKES AND JEWELER Front a , S3ebu'p, Oregon, Wholesale and retail dealer in Watched. olocks, Jewelry, Gold Peas, and Musical nstrnmeats. Watenas, Clocks and .iew ,)ry ropairod. All ay work warranted. . I Young Horses FOR SALE I hare for sale 8 head of yoofij years .".), hones; two natch fillies, $ one Sbo horse 3 years eld. two 3'-. nor.se mate kiud lings and another 8 yar old to harness; oae good saddle These animals are of good stock, in disposition, valuable to the par chaser and will be soldo a the taostrea BonaUe terms. - GEO. W. OENGER, feb4 Roseburg, Oregon. OHO weeK ' 1' snay at noma easily I A made. Costly tree. Address True SflX la S afo F A 25 to 50 Can easily be made b using the VICTOR WELL AUGER i - In any part o W moan It, and are prepaired to demonstr Man, Horse or Stam Power, and bor 3 INCHES TO . .j .i . . Bimpl ia construeton, easily opeiaiwi uu most practaeable IMacbine exiaat. The a tiesals. We contract lor prosj .tecuoff of Minerals. Also sor sinking J. sian wc Is isu Engines, Boils, Wind M.Hs. Hydraulic Mi nin Tools, Po rta'ole Firgs, TwCk Prills, And will bore to any required depth. It will bore successfully and sfactionly in all kinds of Earth, Soft Sai.d and Limestone, Luminous k1 Coal, Slate and Hard Pan Gravel, Lara. Builders' serpentine aod i Conglomerated ' "d u ...-w- ' v-;'a in Ouick- Sand. They are light running. Good active Agents wanted in every coudtry- n the World. WESTERN HAGHIHER? SUPPLY DEPOT 511 Walnut St. St. Louis, M . U. S. A. Genl Merchandise, 0 ;' TiiJu iitr of all Variety and Shades" . AT THE OF JOS Gentlemen CLOTHEiG- BETOIiE PURCHASXCJ ELSI VTl'ERE, i BY' SO DOING GOOD BARGAINS Bt SEOURgD Sheridan Bros., lky wenJd announce that thay har. jnt Largest Stock Ftm Kr.0:lt te P..B9-1-1, n4 when ad led t- tb!r STOVK OF ALL PAT TERNS and RBADY MADE TLNWAUE. they are prepared to declare they We tb . bes. si p!r i. the.r lino at any ho in Hou.heru Oregon, wbich they prspee. can purchase elsewhere. la .he shape of budding materials ; ;.J,i..Tn.nf. tn imrchasers. Tl iU Tl 1"! MIUUL. . ..... I .... I... i ; ... in tli fn. i wW -ffiCB Farmer Uttll.y. Occidei Iron K nar, Kuipire i;tty, ana oiiit - The U-st of workmen ire constantly employed, io the manaiactaro ana buyers snouia learn uur i --.- Wa have also tarains tonU'-rin guns, a well a in Shot-guns and Pistoa nj- .1.,. ATn! for tho White Peerlet we sell at lowest rates and warrant as com ole We caa laO supply Avcri-1 aa3 0 - 1 te best In the mhrket. at .lowest rtce. Give ns a call, inspect uf stock, inqo.r. a say ore can. ' HAlR-DRB:SBtt JR-. I. THBOLL, VFeuM aer.sanca thatfha te prepq-ei to uo nil kIa-Js of worx in th wa nf eains hair4 r w aklag pufts and cu'e from c-inlmgs r o'l.erwifo th :'et rr.-1 T' r. b2 3l.;ff5Irt'a All wark e tJiro: a:artd :o sit who way r-9srrm ner. ! ais ? my rsid ns caarly ,-- site Mi"! v.atnor? i ti u.u.v c SS1 "For beauty cf ton., truchand action have n.vr en their equal " CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG. 'Tho Kabo" mad is absolutely tbo best Piano A. L. BANCROFT CO. 731 Market st. S. F. foal Bole Agent for tho Paciae Coast AT THE SKATING BINK, IN KOSE- BURG. FBI DAY" EVENING, T the two Bst Snstained Cbarattar Lady a ltd Gobi. Music Lynch' JString Band Admission Lady Maeqaerader, free. f.nlloman Wasqaeraden, It. rpae - - .. ... J tators, 59 eents. esntleman wishing to daoae after nnmasklng, 58 eento. ... All Mae'aers will have io bo identl- fiel at tha door. Ti.b-f. ,m T,reiirafl hfor the night of the Ball KOT1CE. I hereby notify all o whom it may eoneera that I want nothing charged My ateRBt, without a wrinen order. mr Day AND BORM lUGBISB the c nn try. ;e t u act, vry rapid They are operate f TLe rang in Bise 4 1,2 FEET. i .ni flr rtitwido-Hd a the best 1DJ ,.nav p.-. :Cia" eadoreed by some of the behest SUtoi rt ai.J uom, r. vww . .j .d CVal sl.ahs f?' Kama Horse Powers. Brick Machines, s a aiacuiurrj- ui 7BY V AKIK? Y OF GOODS, - sT STYLE. jjilaJw EPH "C2. Uosburg, Og. rcce ved and now bare on hand ene f th of Hardwaro; - t-e t U.S. 1.1.-m Vint'tc mt mm rka m? 1 , 1 f nor branv'S of stOTrt. pot en nulled ! Ceator P-c.Be. VVHe West. CUreud-n ar. Tinware , .-.....,. u .j ..:.-Eai. bbcu as . and New Home Sowing Mael in .wUa te in every respect. bbfr Pniists, ,a ,uU .i, t or pnc.. and w. mj J ' " .FIRS IXSURAWCE AUEXCT. IMPERIAL." LONDON. NOBTHBBN , AND :- QUEEN INSTJBAKOE COMPANIES! Capital$41, 886,923 00 J. F. HAMILTON, Aent, fobl3 lm Roobnrg, Orogoa. WONDERFUL NEVT ABLE. TEOETA Wkit. Ciant Itaggart tantnuS .Balls! This now variety of Kadith is nosy shaped, and remarkably fine flavors a SON mild and brittle. Is is t he on ly vanet J whieh the beet or dry weathsr does jot ; rue to seed before lormrojr a perfect. rad dish. Its dolioaey of flavoe is retained during all stages of growth which eoa linnes for a period often weeks from th time the first nro ft for the table. In th s Raddfrh all tbe desirable qualities are Boat vsritv ever introduced aad it ; has developed tbe remarkable pecnharUy that the lal pulled have be.a oaal to tht gm j Wfvmnt it ia all respects t . be equal to the above description and I aruarrantiw tbe safe arrival of tie seed. Frie o thosed by mail postage paid. jl5nts per largo psckaga, 4 far 69 cents: t0 SoT ono aouar. All oraera for ore than no pekag will r-icoivo fre a beautiful chromo of this rad-hi'j-Remlttsnce for 18 than eno rlollar make in pontige starars Rerrsvabor this T&1dittb. h' offered by tba Vi.raa seed Urewot ol Iowa. Ai-iri a'l ordera- nroo rJYX, JTaw T, lies ry ,'Sif, Ut" r A )