(Sjjtjfnftejjenomt ATURDAT,... jJUXtaMMIHwMg "APRIL, 22 The Mercury is of the opinion Ibe Dmocratic conventioms ol would have done better had it nominated Savage, of Wssco, for State Treasurer. That paper is as well acquainted with the polit icai feelings ot the people of this State as the devil I is with holy water. We haven't seen the other ticket yet in this county; but it is possible it may be a good one, We hope lightning may strike the next one if it has not com tnon sense. The best men should invariably be nominated tor ots ce when the votes ot the citizens are desirable. I There are rumors of war in the camp of the faithful just now, and we cannot see the end. iv ery man thinks the other fellow on the ticket is a detriment and he wants the 'totber fellow ofl. But the Democrats must yet go into convention, and they must not make another case ot "damfino.' The negro was once a desira ble acquisition to a certain politi cal party as a voter. Time has made tl e negro intelligent and independent ot those who have vied him to perpetuate party ex istence. The Chinaman muit be the next source of salvaton for that party, and the negro will aid (he whire man to drive away the Itoathen who has nothing in com- saoa sympathy with us and who are but a band of invading rob bers seeking to secure America's wealth in jorder that China may enriched. . --- ' " James A, Stirling has written us the following note: ; Boaao machine politicians are trvlng to get me to withdraw which I shalJ ot do! I can only get beat, and that won't kill mi j Go for them, limmy! You are right to your place on the ticket, for you were fairly nominated. As to the othe lellows, the Lord only knows. They have no right to crowd ,y.u from the ticket, and when they make you such a prop osiliori it is necessarily a personal insult offered you. Thy would get in your j lace some of their favorites, Jimmy, and don't you permit tnose "machine politi ciciaus" to "hog" it all. We are pleased to note your true Vankee gnr. . The Republican State Convent tion ba nominated its State tick et as follows: Z. Moody, for gov rnor; m. U. Georgs, congress; k. r.f Jsarhart, secretary of state; E. Ilirscb, state treasurer; W. P. Lord, supreme judge; McElroy, State school superintendent; VV. H. Byars, state printer. For judi cial officers ot this! district R. Bean, judge; E GHiirsh, prose cuting attorney. As can be read ily seen, the snapperend ot the ticket is ended with j" 0, Hush." We wil! sayjmore of the ticket in our next uaie; but it is a fact, (hat in our heart we believe we could in many instances have done mu b better in making selections, and the people will probably think so before the election is over. mm " FOR ZIoraoaism unveiled BY A MORMON BIdHOP. i ,Ig tB0 n,y r'al exPe of the tu ukuioi yinuiei, Blood Ateaer gauging jsugeis ana outer secret eoaeuet er Mormoisai; Fall and atbeatie particulars of the horrible festsherr of 'men. women and child Coot At the Men ntin(tVea4ow9 Masse vm, ana wrnoiej wrongs and sufferings mf torn Brig Hampton A wonderful k for AgenU. Complete outfit 75 tamia. Outfit and sample copy $3 25. fteeure an atrencv at one or write r writ fo- illustrated circular and apeeJel term" t SUN PUBLISHING Co. S10 212 Pine St r .'l::-..:..L.r-mt.Lua. Me- Tm- Ccs'i Restaurant iiOSSBURG, OREGON. , HULLS AT ALL i HODRS 1 i l Vwa Mam absiMaMasBiaa,M Awr H uo KiqnT oh day. t Farm-r and otlio.s will find f Fsmi'Tt and otho.s will find this j flrav-class' place to tske dinner, supp i aad breakfist. ' fce C.ine cooks eraplo; el, ; 30 Stallion for Sale Geo; W. Ganger offers hi la Mer. en slniiin, JOB 'UOIOAN for sale at a barreta. He Is a fine auitaal, 15 baud ta height; a beauti ful bay ana vamaoie to any oi brood mare. Only six years of age and weighs llOOjpeuda. Will be sold at a bargain, aad with security for six monies' Line. Apply to GEO. W. 4EHGEB, Through the Roseburg postofflce or to Douglas lXDapaaosKT osee. a week 1 vourtown. Terms and a t5 outfit Ireo. Address H. Hal let Co. Portland, Uaiue. MACHINES FOR RENT ; ; .ON s Ao? Tsnno, For further particulars apply to JOHN CHASE, Agent Ke v. Wheeler WlUoa Ne. 9 Ji X3I. KCoTstrd's Tliis popular resort for busiaess men, Farmers and others desiring "something good for the stomach's sake," willl be loued south of 8mitb k Co.'n store, OAKLAND, OREGON. The best of Wines, Liquors aad Cgai always on hand. seplg lr JOHN B. IfcLANE, BH ID G2 BUILDER, And Contractor, East Portland, Oregon. Contracts for Wagon and Railroad bridges made. References given on application to Donald MacClelJan dt Co or Corbett Macleay, Portland. O re gon. Jaof . COUNTY TRASTJRER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that there is funds Jin th county treasury, for the payment of all warrants drawn on the treasur. of Douglas county, Oiegou, eadorred. "not paid for want f funds.'' prior to April 5, 1883. Interest ceases on such warrants from this date. W. T. WRIGHT. County Treasurer. ' Rosrbnrg, Oregon, April 7, 1883. 2t OLD IRON. Purchased at the- Rossbnrg Iron Foundry and the Highest Price paid fer the same; FRAZER k BUNNELL. IDJR..A. 5T C -A. 3SI ROSEBURa. OBEQCN. ALL BUSINESS IN MT LINE WILL L b promptly attended to, and charge moderate. Can be found wban want 4 Inquire for ma at Kosebtir g betel. R. RTHOMPSOH, R. H. TUOMPSOX, J. DR HART WM H0NKTUAN Thompson, Do Sart Co, Importers and dealers in Coal, Iroa, Steel, Hardwood Lumber and wagon material. 184 First St.. and 172 and 175 Front st Portland, Oregon. Carnage Hardware. Jan7 Be not Deceived, By Plasters claiming to be an imprnr mem on Allcock's Porons Plasters. Allock's is the original and only genuine Porous Plaster; all other so called Porous Plasters are imitation Beware of them See that you get an Allcook's Poro at Piaster which we guarantee bas effected more and quicker cures than any other externa! remedy fJold'By all Drngglga TO CONTACTORS. Pealed bids for the erection of a brick jail at Roseburg, Dougiaa co-jntr. Ore gon, win De receivei until i o'clock m., on lueMiny way 2d. :1883. at the county clerk ,a offle where the lans and epincaiions way be seen, fhe brick will be fuiinisiied on (be ground, all other material to be furn. ihed by the contractor. Bonds in double the contract price reanirod. The right is reserred to reject aatr or all bids. C. QADUIS, J. M. DILLAJtD, ' A. E. CHAMPAGNE, no2 2w Building Committee. M. KOSENTHAL,, S. VBDBB. S. BROXBEnORR. BOSEKTHAl, FBES L 68. Manufacturer of I Boots and Shoes. S3 and 35 Batiteiy St , fan Franeisco. ROSENTHAL, FEDIR CO., Petri It.. - - C "f fl"r day at home. Sins itO U dlLUPles orth $"5 free. Ad. drtws biino n tid Vo Portland, aine I WOOL, HIDES, FITRS AND DERb 61CINS. I 1 l J L 1 urcu"cu "J H L MTJBTOW .. (Ofllce, at Railroad Dpot) I'JUiiST CASH PBICC PAID. Parties baring any of tbe abeve o sned rJcles for sale will da w.ll to giri hi m n. L. MURTOX. IN THE COUNTT COURT in ar4 ur Duuglas county. Stan 01 Oregon, lit he matterof the change of nasao. Nitlc is hereby jtitea tLat by aa order ftheabore nom d court, duly aaade be 4tb day of April, 1883; the satae os Phillip DeSouur has bea chansed te Pbtllip A Damotta. Attest T. K. HHEK1UAN, no 83 i'ounty Clerk. DlSSOLUTIONy NOTICE. " The coptrternersbin heretofore exlstla? between K. L. Minard and I. L. Tbroll ia the batcut-ring business it diMSolrwd mutual ebnsenl. I. TUroll will rT iBdobtednea ceatracted by tbe firm and oolleet all debts due tbe eaid firn. R? L. M1NAH0, Rosoburg, April 12, 1882. A PARLI FOR Rent or Sale- A Farm on Deet. Creek, loos ted near Mr. Willi' form. Three hundr-d acres of land; one hu ndrod acres of good cul tivatinj; laad in good orde. . Good buildings, A good, high barn. All On account of illhealth, is for rest or sale on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply? to S- I. . uwiuvuu, ui ucui; viBia, at kue noae burg Mills. B. I. THORNTON. BAKERY! Nearly opposite tbe PoatofSce, Proprietors. This Bakery la conducted by a cempe nt Bakt r who lias had years of eiperi ce and who ia acquainted with his work BKEAI, PIES AND CAKES Always on hand, besidts the finest of MMirecuunenes, m tlie way of Candies, cannfd fruit, oyaiern, crackers, otc special attf-ntion paid to Wedding Cakes, and Bali Suppers, Orders tarred on the shortest p"Hftible notice. V no53 ; C. and JR. PARKS. GASe'v, STEPHUMS, HARNESS MAKER and ' . i Dealer in First - Class Saddles, Nearly opposite the Post Ofioe. Roseburg. Oregon. Having a first-ciass stock, and beta a competent workman, I atk tbo patiB a?e of tbe nublic. If atnek ererTthing belonging to and a part of the omuairrj ana uaroeM busines embracing trimminfrs, et aad my prices will be fonnd to be as low as the lowt. All work warranted. CHA8. STEPHEN 8. Nearly opposite tue pottoffics. no3l UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. THE ROSIlfi MOTEL J. W. LYOIIS, PRfPRIETOR. Roseburg, Oregen. The undersigned would anonnee that to-day be takes charge of the Roseburg Hotel, and baring refitted tbe taae, will do his nt most to provide forthe wants of all whom, patronize him. THE CLEAN 'T OF BEDS AND ROOMS R FAMILIES HE WILL UPPLT. Will be aupplied with the BEST THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. no5I J. W.LYONS. Cathartib Pillo Combise the ebnlcest earacrtto prisefpb In toedielne, in proportione aerarately aoV fnstad to aeenre acttrity, eertaiaty, and nnlfORnlty of effect. They are the ratals of years ef e artful study and jraetieal e periment, and are tbe nest effectual rea. edy yst diseoTered for diseases eans9tf deranteiaent ef the atomaea, UTfctaQd bewels, which require prompt and effectual treatmeat. Ann's Puis are speriall applicable te this elass of diseases: Tber act directly en the digestlTe and asaimV Jatlre pteeesset, aef tester ttgalaff healthy aetJea. Theit axtenslT e bf pbysiclaae ta theit ftaetiee, and by aft eiTillzed nations, la oae of the smaay proofs ef thslt vain as a safe, snre, an btrfeetly reliable yvrgattre aoedielaet Being eeapevaded of tfce eeacaatrated vbtaea Otrrely vegosabla mbstaaeea. My are weitiT!y tree Iroa ealeaetaf m nwiMti yeepetaee. aaa cba bo az MbW to aatnras with feqtert esiety. ArsVe Tax are aa affeetaal vara for poBsaioatlos) or CostlTeaesa. InOina . Dyspopsto. Lost off Appetite, swawa etna ssroau. mxuaeea, pntuw, mil ax Fiemoi i ef Memory. Rsnmbaeaa aaaoJee. ShevmaUsta, Bkte Disoasoa, Dropsy , zuuomaees Jeni Ernotloaa e.a Rk Tamoft, Werma, Vewvala, CoUa MJDlrTh9m. kTyaantety, OoW rues, DUorders of the Urn. aad all other diseases tesaltlas tress a disesdssed State of the CigMUre appatataa. . As a Dlaaat PHI they hare to equal tnuie fat!e ia tbelr aKen, these Tnx$ are tbe moat thoroagh aad aaarchlag eathar tie that can be employed, and nerer giro Jtain unless the bewels are inflamed, aad hea theit tadaeaee is healing. They etima late the appetite and digestive Organs: ther operate to purify and enrich the blood, and Impart renewed health and rtac to the whole system. Prtpartd by Dr. J. 0. Aytr ft Ct rraettoel aad Aaalrttoel Cliealits Lowflt, Mass. soma at as aawaawni stti O UEC 32LX 2J HP, Nazi door to th Metropolitan How Rossbnrg, Oregon.. Tbe nudereiflned bas opened a neat and comtortable barber shop at tbo p.ace above dvecribed.and having long experience In his profession, U satisfied ho can giv aatiafaetioa to all who may give him a call. His prices ara pop ular, aua at follows: Hair futtwig, 25 cnU:8bavIag, 23 ota1. All i ask. l a iu trial, ana mat ana prer mv work as a barber. 1 am willing vo be put te the test. mtO CliARLES HAD LET, Whetsee Cornea the TJaboaadUd Pepu larity of , . AUeock'a Foroui Piaster? Becansetbey bate pr ved themselves he Best External Jfemedy ever invent ed . Tbeyjwill cue ssthma, colds, coughs rheamatiam, neuralgia and aay looa pains. Applied to the small ef the back they are ' intaUlable in back-ache, Nr vous Debility, and all kldnsy, trouble s to tbe pit of the stomach they are a sure cure for dyspepsia and liver eomr plain Allcock's Porcus Plasters a e palalese rtgrantaadjquick to ears. Beware o saltations that blister aad burn. ' Get Allcock the only gfnnire Pcrons Pits ter. - ' niara ' " . Errors of Youth A gentleman who suffered for years from nervous debility, prematare do cay and all the eflVcts of youthful in dicrrUion will for the sake of euffrring humanity will send free to all who de si re it the reelpe and direction for the simple remedy by which he was cured Sufferers wishing to profit by tbe ad vertiser's experience can do so by ad dressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, 43 Cedar at. feb25 New York. J 3D 5 Manufacturers ef Havanna Cigars And Importers of hUl T3BAUC0 No. 14. Front Street, 8an Francisco, Ca GEO. BORRADAILE. AGENT. 4?lm and Take None Othor. manufactube it FOKTLAND, OREGON. 1st. That tbe best eye tester In this world Is the Johnson Optical Co' a Tes eat Telescope. 2d That the frames of their easy fitting epecttelft and eye glar es are unparalleled. Sd. That titeee frames are filled with the stone flint lens and transparent erne, finest S. B. MARSTER8, M. D. Optician, ADMINIS I RATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is h"teby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin it'ratorof the esUte o Levi Beck I y, deceased This appointment was made by tbe Probate court on tbe 24th day o February, 1882 All persons having claims atrainat the estat-- of tbe d ceased will present the eame wl'hin sis months .from, the date ef this notice to the uoaemigned, and all claims presented thereafter will bo disbarred. Hsttnr BkckIiST, Administrator. Mareh, 11, 1&82. niHAU SIDLE7 AIID CO Will mall free their catalogue for 1882, containing a full de scriptive Price iit of flower, field and garden Bales, rnsassnUI grasses, a4 fttaiertelles, Gladiolus, lilllee, roses, plaate, garden imple wiente. Beantlftttly Illustrated. Ovr 100 pages.- Address ftl i; BOC1F.STEB, N. 1 A CB10AOO. ILL lT,l2ta.tMin stJbjO.SCO RanJolph e Adasixtlatratr'x ITsjtloe, Notice is herebr cirea that the ander- igaed bas been da'y arpoiated b? the ( Coontr trt rf Doua-la cona I v. Ore gon, aad bas qnaliflcd bea Qallfied as Adaainistra Iris of tlte estate oi Job J) Vaa Dofan. deeneed, Itteofeald conatr. Ham, thereto, aii pemas owing said estate, are notified to make iaimedi at pavmrat.and all persons taring claims sgttnst eaid estate are brreby required te pravnt tbe sasae, with pnpr vouchers to the aadersitfaed at Uoesburg. Orejron, within I I months Iroai date jirof for appmval. DateJ oeeburg. Oreiron. March ?5tb. 1882. AUCE O. Vak Bcbev. 'Adraiatstmlor. Ean Franoisco. Portlan A. ? S0TAX.X1TC d CO S and8 Horth First sU Portland, m porters and whotesale dealers I u FISI WINES AND LIQUORS Solo agents fr the H. CUTTBR OLD BOURBON WHISKY. And for 1 r IS 03CJ300tOCS . We have replenished ourtock of General Hercliaiidisi la order to complete oar sale, ann therefore offer to sell Cheaper than ay bouse in Oregon. We still sell 13 yards ot Muslin, 11 yards C. Flannel, 16 yards ot Calico tor $1. ' Boots worth ,5.50 a pair, for 3.50 Ladies' Calf Bboes (warranted) tor $1.75. i Fadiss Cloaks Halt-price. Ladies' Ulsters Less tbaa Cost. Red Flanuels o All Descriptions Irora 20 to 50 cents per yard. Dress Goods tor less than cost. Ia our Centlsmen's Department we sell sacb as CLOTHING, HATS, SIIIRT8, UNDERWEAR, Fer euch Low Prices that will Astonish the purchaser. We will qesie you some: Cashmere Baits from l to f IS. Pants (Cashmere) from $2.50 te $5.50. Overcoats for less than Cost. Blankets tor less than Cost. We will remain here an til Spring, and therefore ask all of yen to come and get bargain. Nothing but pleasure to show goods. Respecttally, CARO BROS. OREQON AND CALIFORNIA Otfi&o rtXrfl gaea s Tkl-sb to San franeiaee) :o: -:o: Ths Qmiekest, Safe it autd Ea-ieat Homta. Stages !ears Roseburg everj DaiS:00 s. m Making Quick connection at Raiding vifs the cars ef the C..P.JR. R. Ce. Fer fall particular and passage apply te QEQSlCli SftGtX, Agont. BUT THI IH?QUA VALIET HILLS J&JXj&XLj TBI J THE BEST IN THI MARKET, aleress A. vr.8TARW8, Caayesville, Oeea. fo NOTICE TO THE CITIZENS OT ROSEBURG. . Netiet. We, the aadfrsiffse, la eont sequence of tbe scarcity of.and high prioee of took, tbremgbotit the country. Will, oa and after Satur lav.Februar 25th, retail beef at tbe following pners: Boiiiag beef at 8,eeatt; Cboek. teakaad rib at 10 eente; Porter aud sorlelaai 12J cents. Hjra4 A. W. Bliiainoaa.u.J'. Xitser. roaaa hoeae Three HETROFOLITAN 8ALC3H, sosBxntes eaaeew, McCirtLOOH 6 CO, OJfLT THE BEST BRAXV or WINS, LIQUORS ANCIOAR3 Ket oa bead, aad easterners will f adtbis a pleeeeat plaee ef re rt. Oire ste a call ese deer soatb f the If etrepehtaa Heiel. vri GOAL 11 THJ5 XKYHTONB OT THS WEST COAL MINrlfO ASSOCIATION: Beg leave to Inform the pablic that tbe will furaish COAL after this dtte at tbe following rates. Blachanaiths Coal $8.09 Domestic Coal....... ... 5.50 Address, Joseph a: HOPKINS, Hole laent, L okiaffVlaaV REDUOTION iyPORTAKlTOJ!lillIRS Faney Fronch Ftotyors AT PRICES CHEAPER THAN PAIS ASS0A9 I?. jossPEisonr. Would announce that he haa bee conslgoed aa extra fine stock ot FBEHCH AHTIMCIAL FLOYEES Which must be aold at an early date, and that be would advise milliners and ladies in general to call upon him before sending their orders abroad, as he ia fully satisfied he can offer tbem bargains which tbev could not obtain in rjan Francisco by send' inar there. The flowers are in every way fine and ftcy; in fact, a hotter stock was never broutrln to Roseburg and offered hi u;I? '. ' 'cea, ROSEBURG, OSEOON. Htfrtard Creak HI E Ea Ha CLARKE a BAKER, Proprietors. Ha vine purchased tbe above named mills of K. Stephens a Co., we are now prepared to furnish any amount BEST QUALITY OF LUMBER Ever offered to tbepubile in Doagias county. Wo have just purchased oae of the Weatberly, Rugg Richardson No. 1 Planets and mathera aadj are pre pared to do beter work than other mills ia the oouatv. We will furnish at tbe aaill No. 1 lumber at the follow iaz prices: Dressed rustic $rr M Flnorins (dreshed a matched $15 per M Lumber dressed on one aideJ14 per M Lumber dreeMHi ou two sides ie per.M Rouub lumber ..18 to $10 per M We have an rxira quality of lumber, equal to auy found ou (kos Bay. and will gunrrantee to give satisfaction t e all those favorm us wttn ttietr oraers Postofflce address, Umpqua Ferry Oregon. CL.AHKE BAKEK. 0. OHACEEMBI GE, BALn ia- FOIEIGH.DOIESTIGHAME Orders frets abroad promptly filled and Estimates furnitbed aad all work war raated Iret -class. Term n-aooaable and caeaeer tl'aa eaa be fuml had in Pert lead er Sea Francleeo. Fer yeriiealM Call ayea eraddres, esumests, Tsmbttsnes. Tsslets, Ekt K. IRACKENKIDGC ROSaSURQ, - fUOSN. Qnalltr net Qnantitv fa the Boslred IF YOU WANT TVKE Drnfjs and-ledlcine Chemicals, etc, de not forget te call oa IXEELEH. H. GADBERT MYRTL1C CREEK. Also keeps ea band the J. H. Cutter whiskies, Kel lead Qim. Jamaica Rum, and the faest Wioet and Brandies 'or stedieal ate. Pbricians Prrtcrifttoas a J.trXStCF, Oisdaate at tbe PhytiifMedical College ol O' io.) AVINfJ LOCATED IN THE CITY jkhar nffmrn hla aiadieal aad sar&ical services to all who may wish to avail i..emseive ot Die ami. Oflce at B J. and A. C. Mtttert drug store. . S. 7 RAYMOND, aunoxoiT djszttxst Opeslte Marks Ce-, otere. Offers VU arefeaeioaal services to the people ef Douglas county, with wheat he bee be a eeeueintrd several years. All work warraated firsueltss, aad lerataea moderate as aay other ia the profession; ROSKBURO, - - QP C6UU Oakand; H.lls. x Pres. Bobsinks eSc Co. Aaaeaace that Hit t eperatioa a Irstclaae Orisl Mill t Oak toad, Oregon aad will fnraieh the 1 v . lfaaaitetored in D'sus'ar caty a lowest rates, urdere trm i aad yreetptly filled. J&oui9 Belfils, WATCflMAKER A.S'li JhWfcLER Freat sarb i",', ?.-ve. , Wholesale aad reta;i i i in Watebo clocks, Jewelry, Gold aad Moeieal IBStrameata. Watebee, Clocks aad Jew t)ry tepsired. All my wark wanaatoi. "Zoongr Horecc FOB SALE I have fe aale head of yeang heneo; two saateh illiee, year old; oae lae horse t years old. t we year, lines and another f year old horee to heraeeec aa good saddle ascre These aatasals are of good stock, klad in ditpeeitloa. valuable to the par abater and will he eoid oa tbe sweet ree eoaable terns. flEO. vT. OE50IR, fehi Reeeborg, Oregon. :72 a week. $13 a day tt honav eaily made. Geei.lv fiM. lilMnTraa Tjw. AffaSal.12Sa '25 to 50 per D Can easily be made using the CELEBRATED VICTOR WELL AUGER AND BORING MAllil Ia any psrt o W mean it, aod are prepaired to demoostr Man, Horse or Steam Power, and bort 3 INCHES TO 4 1.2 FEET. And will bore to any required depth. It will bore successfully and sfactienly in ali Kinds of Earth, Soft 8aid and Umesione, Luminous Stone Coal, Slate and Hard Pan O ravel, Lara. Builders' f-erpentine aod Conglomerated Rock, and gnarar ted to make tbo very best cl Wei's in Quick Sand. They are light running, simple io-construetion, easily opetated du a 'e. and acknowledged as tbe best aad mo st practseable Machine extant. They s eendorsed by some of the highest Stats Omesalfl. We contract lor prosj vtectiag r al, Gold, 8ilver. Coal oil and all kind of Morals. Also nor sinking sian Wt Is nd Coal shafts etc. We also furn ibii Engines, Boils, Wind Mills. Hjdraulic Rams, Horse rowers. Brick Machines, 51 iHing Tools. Pj rtable Forges, Rock Drills, a d Machinery of all Kinds. Good active Agents wanted In every coudtry1 n the World. WESTERH mACHIIIER SUPPLY DSPOr 511 Walnut St. St. Louis, M .U.S. A. Gen'l lNCLm52SfG Ii7iEY VJLSIIY OF LADIES5 - PRESS GOODS, O'i TES LAIcsT STYLE.. Styles of all Variety-and 51iade3 ATTK&- - OF M . .JQSEPHSON, G.entlemesii & Boys' " :J2l HP "ET - JSMt QLlli ia . CLOTHING. BEIOKL FCBClASjia KLSlVTHBJti;, BY SO D0I3Q GOOD BARgaINB CAN Bg 8ECUflEl Sheridan Bros., Hosburg, Og. Tlty weatd annonnee tbst lbe Usee jest rece ved sad sew have ea kasd eae ef the Larg93 3to clx of Hardware Ever brenabt ts Pnnals, Bd when adled t thtlr 8TOTES OF ALL PAT" TERNS and RfiADY MADE TLX ARE, they are prepared to declare they hava the ber. earply ' auy hoaee in roobera Oregon, wKeh they prepave- tm&m& Qumzm can purchase elsewhere. - r- .h nt buJdinar materials i tanerior inducements to, purchasers. Ti o s. - . VVat-an ifiverou bargains in the ioi'jw ng brende ef stove. aot re, sailed else SZl? ....- Fm.r UtilitT, Deiter. TadCe. Wide West. Clareadea Occidei Iroi. Ki'njr, Empire City, and othsr soes and ranges. TheU-stof workmen arc constantly employed ia the rnaaulaetsre ear Tiaware and buyers should learn our prices - ... . , . ,v-.-,. We have also caratrios o ,we-,l as in Shot-gnnj i and 1W. ve are aiso Azems iur tu " , we sell atlowest rates and warrant as cnmnle r e can iyyj Averiii and Dubb ir EPaints, I'ebeetln tbe mmrket. at . lowest Tales. - ire Us a call, inspect ur atock. inquire as nmj uuc vhu HAIR--DSIISEII AND MB". I. THKOLL, Wenld aanoance that she It prepared to do all kinds ef work ia the wr or weaving hair, or making pu (It and curia front combings er otherwise snd that she will do dressmaking ia the latest mode rn styles. All work guaranteed, and tatlefadioa assured to all who naay patrouite her. Call at my reaidence nearly eppe. site the Catbolie church. 8tf MltS T. TH ROLL. "For buty of tone, much asd action have never Men their equal." - CLARA LOUISE KELLOGG. 'The Kabe" is absolutely tbe beet Piano made A. L. BANCROFT A CO.. 731 Market tt. 8. r ' fehl Sole Ageat for tbePaclle Cesst SwaasBaasnnaawnBenawaBMwMBMaw'gi se s Ea I AT THE SEATING KlhT, , IN BOSS BURG, FKlDAr EVENING, To the two Beet Smtalaed Ch raster Lady and Oenk. M osle Lynch'e String Band. AdaihMiea Lady Maerera4wr, fate. Gentleman Vasqeeraders, tt 5f . 8ae- taters, 5f teats. Ceatlemea wehiag to danee after aBasaskiag. fi eeate. All Mtskers wtil have to he idea ti lled at the door. Tickets should be procured before the sight of the Ball NOTICE. I hereby notify all to whom it may concern that I want nothing charged a asy aoenat, without a written order. the c no try. e tiit set. very rapid 1 hey are operate f Tbe range ia siae . ercb andise, &avr sut s &n mrz gild ...'. - t-e way t locks, batta, ste, we eaa eCer r . - U ta every respest. . ie onr prices, end ""'' ' FIRE IXSUKAHC2 AUISCY. IMPERIAL, LONDON. NiORTHBBN AND QTJBBN insuranob companiess Capital$41,88323CS) ' r "s .. ' r - '.. J-m ' : . ,-, v; " , i- . J. F. II AMILTON, Aent, febl ! 1 m Keseba rg. Oregen . i( A WONDEBFCL ITSW TEQTfA, ABLE, While laat Iteggart Baaiaes Rallsh This aew variety ef Titiih it heey,. i bupcu, ton nmirusir cae navoreo 'mild and brittle. It is the oalv varietr which the best or dry "waihr dees 6i ran frj aed htfore lormfiey j tirt red dieh. Iu deliaaey af la retained doriag all st gee of growth which eon tiaaee for a period of tea weeks froa tbe time the first are Ct for the tab!. 1 th)B Ffarirffah ttll th mw.lim v. are atoat verity ever lotrodovad aad It j haa developed tbe romarke&e peariarity jtbat the but Balled have easl to the Int. I varraat It In all mreela to- um eqoai to iae auove deeeriptioa rearrests the eare arrival of tlt e seed. Price ef thee wi by atatt postage rH, 15 eents per large peker, 4 for 4 eentt; os ten for oae dollar. AM orde for wore than one peerage will rereive fre a beantifsl ehrotao of t!iis raiiiili. Remittsoce for less than eae doi'.tr make la pouge eiampe HTs.C7sr thisraidislt Is offered by tbe Yetra seed Grower tf low.' Addrtst i eri5 - " nuao r,Tr?.. .-et.. :