:s..mtm u to sion WV : I-X I 3 iATUSDAT,. .. MARCH 18 i OH TMS I0CLISBNES3 1 Well ?ul Abrahaoihat been TVeH, ffu . A Portland. 1 here ! noiumg raew bout hi Twit eiccptio . a "i while there be wae -engaged iu rasniBg the bunrtay iilercnrj. The editor of that paper wai tiftt f Leviathan or Prcheron i atock eaffiicieot to ici the Bhy the witnesa-etaod m the columns ol the Mercaiv, ead each told hia little etory te the end ot Sol.'e rratification. The eiat ol their t'.Otiti le to the effect words pot iato their Kioothe by Abraham J thai the qulion aa to ersbip of thie papsr the own ssaa never dispnlid by then; end hia dev3'oped hie plav At.otiam ol tattle J . by dectarioff that b i wi I attempi . trt vW tki lnrUnendABita ot thft t I waica lUB.-auuwiiuct. uU paid to pnrchase the material od lock tbu play, nd d he called J recp tfa llfiBl Bhlta a opoa Moe and ..Welle t come to a ,WCbW a. u J J b.Uie apla varleua prte ef tks bUKMawia .bM o th edUor f'7" ' v- unt "d -..Id-L. caudld.u. k., ot thu p?sf, cryinz- ' pref wt the late Joha D. Va th(Mdj wltBIMj wira-w..kl.t t. gsae, Cassioaforl aink." Bureo from iueinjj the hnn 01 ordr t aear tbalr mtnanw3 for I TTn v A Moes for debte coatracled o5ces t jaLt, . It beeomaa our duty to rvar:aaBi biiiu vrwiiiaa wacsv i - u w sv v w - - j - , art of which thie paper island wbich we would have paid TTiu l.aKtc m - I w. found him a. partner. Mos, 7 Ii wae wone, u China cam lm toia tbetrttth. Mim knows ot the I ennt t,CC9 we '-were to receirp j to aid la th dvfeit of XiaFayette j Laae, and be is well aware that Abratiam it the go-be.lween, J and we received only $700! It ia j it fct tbt Abrehsza eaid to nt tbt he uly received 7Q0 ot the amount; bet what ia worao and ta hia detriment, the verv man whom he stated did not; par then pirt of the pool stand ! ready to testify that they paid their por hoa promptly. - Will !Mos, in Abraham's Mf rcary, tell hewjbust but a sparrow, and we ranch ot that Z10O ho received, ad kow seek he sjid Sol. Abras kaia had stoiaii? Walter, $700 .a from 91,000 mut leaf e a balance i 1390 Why d. n't you come oet like a ciao and tell the truth? Audit Abrahasa took 300 oat of the pool, yosi were robbed ol 2150 as ameiubjrot the nrcv oflnever ran away with another Keiiy 4 Ma, and Kelly1 was un- I v iaatlv loser of 150 ftuakin? the .v.t n,-.nt t m,.Mt t5dCy, why don l yon reter to ttse natUr? YOU know that more thts eace yon called Abraham a gray-baired ld ; krd yau sn4 WftUa knowU vbo woald ' - 1 - tell tkt tritk -that yoa ! sold to Walls VOar interest in th 4 naner with tke vnderstsndiag that he vraa Id have clear title to a one half itlsnit 10 this paper? Out cpoa yonr Hes!T We want you svnd Welle npen the witnasa sti&al. Wbea wir was declared npo is in this matter, lor ko reatoa whatever thaa that we wocld toi lie for Abraham and rebelled easiest the per. station of a trae;e upon all that was hoest, why is it th- i Wells akoald forget the time when he called Abrahaaa a thief j and a liar ? When he said that Moss bad twindlsd him oat of erery bill due this oiSce 10 Saturn and Vorrlaad for advertising nd sub cnptica? It pats cs in oitud vt the line ,-, .vj; Thlabnt tae1aj h.te ahaajsi, Th slatkie have all gaua And Old Sol. my huv made it quite interesting for somebody to lie for him. By way of interruption, let ns Ask yoe, Sol., when was jit yon called Walter S. Mos ; rascal tad Welle aa idiot ? Did- yon sot cay so ot Wllsjast atsr we rtttrac 1 from riUta, where we bad keen engaged as engrossing c?erk oi the House ot Represent Utives to steers means to keep got jf this paper ? Did you uot cill Moss rascal juit alter he teok hie departare lor oaleru? W believe yoa did; and wht is morett seems atrangc thst, liaviug the good case" you ctaim to have tha. yea csute to be published th nam ts ef such reliable wit nest. Moa knovr3 thai be and ourselt java the pretended bill ot eala "after we came to Ro3e'ar be knuws that the pretended bill ct ea!e wae given sever' weeks tftef ti material had been m es poeaetsia; he knows that the preteoiievi bill ( sale is a lie npn face, since be end ourseu ere cociplled to ask lor mis of certain parties outside ot So!. Abraham before we could remove tbe printing material .im Onlcf:irl to Kesebur::; be knows that we bave hia and Abraham's dispatches and letters, tr tite eflect that if e would but leave the Daily Evening Jcarnat office and come to Oak land, we should not oo.lv receive the material of old Uuipqoa Call, ..M but alto ?o00. lib. Btepiiens em as . . .1. e.vt wall tno gave us $i0 as yea well know, Mos; but what became 0f the I a Ar other S30C?' Did tuner Sol. put them into jour packet? Oa thiar p.MBt we are ooljr inqmr r.,rinfmilion that li all. c . . - v - J II W U8U IU w wi I . . . to sro to ethers tor poseiOB rt . . . r v,v. I . . r j is u, ou, j - . received . tt'"instenai trora feo!. l....l,rr.7 V.,n i R,il Ahll. by Kelly a Moiher, We will es tablish tin, and many more nn- jplei'tant iacts To Abraham, Moss, Well k Co, Well knf that tt vry money which bought biw brail lit - i m. l l.i v ..Ma, riTw aoae. Iwbac he reached' Portland carnelEaea Ui other poaiUoas, but are w1Ub I .. frnm n r.A,.lct l,t hii te Lv.. !l V. .. ..tLUl ..Il he get the laoaey tc pay hu way;l !nd let him honestly ttU how m l!v.; heolf wa Bfnm-l.iift a certain I - I promissory avis uu tjrviW w EnjjUud ai?d williama at ; Salem, I ; . ..a M rtf r..,i. An r.i-Wnt rrtk I had not our confidence .o oor . I partner, for whom we oore te most tiocere friendship at the time, been decreased by . the rcp- rteentiou or atory ae you like it of Iuott, because of personal inter et on your part the Saintly Sol omen. Did you borrow money of.Sol. '.o prep? re yon a place in j in ;wh:ch to live in Portland? j Ya went to leading '-. ineinbernr,t.ei,M stock ia noaelarg, aa I of th Gran? which Sol. baa en- j deavored to bea. You hsd j money in yoor pocket and yet ytu j went in debt to M. josephaon J But enough ef you. Yoa are at wooldnt try to kit1 you with a Columbiad or Dahlren. As to 1 Moe, bah! We can gmell hi j opium yet, and tho reputation he had in Salem after he leit here is stii ringiug m our ears. As to Sol. he has lost the best nude he poeetl in hia life, and he j man's money. WALLA WALLA, VV. T. j carl. Castle la elsrking in Hons drugstore. Charley Eamea is workin n th Daily Mirror, ofw.u Waiu. j Croralook fine and farmsra look for a 1 i.-c 1. A. 1 t. .. iu . I ' ' w wurnii I and cram marcUanta anticipate th DtcvMity orenlarRioji tbeir waraboasa I and facilities for hnd;inr irraln. whieM 1 must ajr ara s. s it praot far iahinf aoytbisg on tha coimv Emltraats arspounnc la herf,'oBi all pails of the East. All, or aearly all, exprefS tbaat-elves we'l pleased with Walla all valley Of eon'se, there sro some dicsalUfte!, but whera is the country that is mild eaongh in climate, preiue Iveaess in soil. aatN eiug and grand anoogh ia the baautte 0 nature ta plena all humio nature? Olid Dixie, Is laying in tha ca nty jail Bw&itlasthe actiea 'ot, the grand jury on lh coarse cr aariary com ml tied Lsic liSv December. Ha wade us. - - . - it . - u .:.:. i thecndnrwhiebenir weotto lock tb. cel'aUa then went toa barber abop sad got abavel ana then elude i the ffierB..;.for eeveml "tfeye-:. Sheriff Thompson offered tw hundred noli: reward for hina. He then eurpriaed theefSesis by boldly walklag Iato a aaloea her, and was immediately iiken into casuxiy. Ho may ec ps, but tbe iceoeui oplntoa ia tha. the pent teotiar will be eld Dixie'a bouae for vcars.aud tkis tine net under a fs!s cbarse. I sea by the last lt?e ef the Twbb- F23oi5r( tb mcle ia etill kicking, lit biio tick, f.-ienJ K-Vyj he will hurt somebo !y. maybe, if he is cot too e i. ! But iS will not be yuu,' aer anyone el who labcr fer tha zaci ef tha people sa you de Mte eooo, . J. R, C - i ii . m t i 1. 1 OAKLAND. Mrs. Mink ef Rosebnrg. ia vis tina Miss Fauni Tboraas of this place. Our writing echo I vnder the mta asrras&tof Prof, Cheuef , i prcjs ing favorably. Jack Uadoa of Xev.ida, is In this vicinity purchasing raittton aheep fo the Rontberu market. Mrs. Hetchklss Is having her ra'IIi nary ahp reconstructed and raracdeled preparaL.-iy for th apriog trade. Mlee Prtrrt wbe haa been attendlas school at this plnce daring the fall a J winter, has returned te her - heme at Ho'btir;. K. G. Youni A Co. bava recei vt-d a v.ry large invoice of .earing soeda, which they - propose disposes of at iw living rate. Ja. H.Mahoney Esq. baa Jos re oeired a Urge shipment f & wlees and cigars. Jira la- bow ray far the candldaUsr TLe Chinamen on ihs OakJnad not) TTilt aectloua. wentoa a strike last wseU, aed could not bo induced to return to tt-lr work. i Miss Viol Bred'.y. ear char i n lor Ruseburjr on Tuesday, trhtti M will engsge iu buriuea. Mr. Chilsno, a professlentl watch maker, is ia town jooaieg after lees- tie. ! n -- . r .. .1 . .J W aav.aut Walt waictiwaiitr ou jwi. . ..,, Alter nosnot bj t of aeTtral weeks, tb iiifuxn tbild of KutietliB'. mssJ er h dMk rlret to tb cid shore. Dt.9.K. E.,..Jornth0r m !.,.., aWd-icd9;:.Theleeterla wMioa.idrlD th fee' that ww - h h&tf ksa au tuva'id fur Mk7 Jr. M Q w,,a Tl. 8Bis:au coaotrr spptr t attiactiEC cr,Qidr:a ttatia er t Te of otr citizens N8rt we w rd fc churebiit, will it?aTt for th ..oinn tiit'-k watk. scd Olltll Will mtlt u keawn gaeruy, laat wa xp3 to eoiaa rarwaru ih w,uwth wi.h a few ara-e which Will aw pra posed aa cuadidatea for office. We wilj uatba aataa aar ;ttiff t thiBK we slould feava tba clerk, eheiilT, jtidja. ceBtaitsiocsf, two raprifaiive, aca coroBtr. Wa ei !d furniah ted L. -..1. .1.1. .IL.. .....(...Af "-u r,.w.- - COUty ris nctszs. J. 1 MeJCioaty, ae- jcompmied by Mr. pjer Mcrerre' tana orrlross u?itui sua week . nvna-HW ea aw-11 Mr;uRriliutf hiia two of the fldest taljioos in ih C;sniy, attdwiltbrlug them both t &03barj in ori tiat .-.-. our etock-raf er nuy weea tnr warea .1 I ikli, aafsNaV at IZtotmW. L,f j;of.au tt0ck; sixteen huds high, ar.a fc Una seianal, "Daa" the other is an iron-gfry,' and a Lumox. He ia aa pretty a picture, and ahowa not enly bottom and sped but all sue enner ... 1 I . 1 a. f w 4 a. a aaVaaV. i iceabla -orae. Mr. McKinaey would hra takaa il berset ta aoenr county, but Lis buiicss preventa him doinr ao: but our stock-iaisra will b two. fitwl there, y. Ho will bnsgaome soon as th roe! ill iytmi, a jd will cocf-e prepare! f-r lwsiu at that ttrae. Front lti he inforui t, we juti tber wi'l te Jivly raciajj attla p'a;a ti ls spriuif A MlMSTKUIAI. STATE31fJIT.--ReV. C. A.'4-Iarvey, D. D,, is tb-fiopniar fluAiicial ioiiirv ofZZoward Lolvei' merit i d d vinrit. In a rr cent letter I frooi WaViiogtou to a fiinJ h id it rrtnviiK-fti tMat ror urieota disease In all its stasia inditing tirkt yjDptoma wijieb aeem se aHght but are dangerous 10 reiueur neratotore UiaeJTereil can be hel.t for one Bftaaasiit iu coMj a ia.n With Waroa'a Sae Kid ney LirerCur. Good WeRK.-A friend writes s tLstt 'onr as-eenJi frleud, Dr. Little, haa done a good hh tot nte. Kelly, with oat doubt ho i a dentist. Try blea, and you ili flud hiia to be wbt I sy of him." O.tr corfcspomdent, with the kiadest of iutautioas, baa wasted-snuch d , ,hic w. kt)w ti9 joo or 1 . m to ka a e lucated deaiw Obior eur cmrfudiut 4fot os his latter. I - - Ma'a VesetablB Piellian Hair Be- newer ia highly reconienlea by ph. acius. eergyaaen aad asientists aa a preparation coo-np!fah"uig woa4lerfol results. It is entirely hsraaleea and a csrtaia remedy for renaovi Bg 4andrT making the clp white and cl?aa snd r.toriuj gray hair te ita youthfu l color. It imparts airless and freshBeJS to the hair w'lieh all admire. Wa wold adeiaa all eur readers who think ef waking a vegetable er (lewer garden this spring, to 8ad te D. M. Ferry a Co, ?t- t, Mtch., And g--t tbeir valah'e and beautiful eead an- uu&l. . Tbe h-iUe- i estiraly reliable. I -"' - onUf a toHSOt j uttor UiB A, lo th!M; . -' v. cj.,. Wash. Ter 1 MfcrcU ta ri. H. wrner A Ce : H.f3: A((ef BUtE,red for over t-cu year wkh kidney coaifHtat I mia u ot jour 8a e Kidney and LiTer Cure, vj'i cured, and have nTer bf il th lest symf,tom ef the die:s ki.icc. II. Patrick. GRAND r-s w5 mum m a. C1U tlai CIXLK? . AT Til 2 SKATING .'HJiS'ir,. IK KOSE. D fJilG. FKJ DA Y ENING, Ma.-cb, SI, 1S2. T tbe two Trn Sn .inei (ktrtetar Iiadv ami Ot-t. Jffoele qynch's feiring Baed. AdialseiOB Lad r Mawmeieder, free. Omtlemaa H5aqoeradr, $1 tfl, Spec tators, 5tt cr-nte. GeRlleBiea w'sblag to dance after unaiftakieg, SO cents. All Maskers will bv be ienti Hfil at the deer. Tickffs should be procured before the nithtof the Bail Tickets for aaie At A. C 3firk' cigar store. Fir co'tome t pplv lo John Chase vt Joe JU;oe afore the aftih. Errorc of -Youth A recthassn mVkorrtt f yetr from servous Ul.Utjf tsreatPT de cay ftodall th cfiTttt a f joutaful in dUrtin will tor the ak of aufriHg honaaity will sead frt to all whe d air i tba rtcipo and diractloB for the iiv.i:l. nr.mcH v iiT whiph h WHS Urrl j affrr wishins; 10 profit tiy tha J Toriir'az;ru ty aa- dreafiosr in parfect eonfl itnc. JOHN B- oUDlii -ir at. Jiaw York. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIC. irotce 1 hoTeby $ ia tfcat ttte bb- t.'.tr f th stta of IjstI DeekLr,! ilacra d TM arpiBeni ws TKt BEST W" THE KASET- A(Ma A. W. feTTAJElH, fsBysav-Be EEBlDTiON IN COAL. mv rTKYS-.TOE OJ THE WEST i COAL MINING ASSOCIATION, td Uforat ths rablic tht ths will furnihl COAL aftsr ttta da at ti.a f.:!lwioar rtea. Kix.amitha Coal......... tS-CO Addles.---" '--.,''-A, BOPKIS!, Bol Atfebl, Ii okiaj Wlaaa DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, Kteocrf. Tke prreter of this wall ka w nuiar reaort waald ihMk hisj; w n sod - - t t..r thlr ttb& ml nKtraniura iu the akbt . ..ww ' - t . - g ua W'-nW t rr a venpui: b eaaie ia the luture. Ite .une ia in,.rd ih&t t keen nans but tha best brands f wiies, liquors aad eijais sail that I fell over tie tar the eft bra:l Jiae Moore a-smusaj l KUtri.a a t lift .1 m L. ill ea renna in the taleou; al ih la,ung papers i oi sue soi. i WOOL, IITDK3, FUUS AKD DERR SlklS. Purchased by H4Ii.mXJBTN (Oiaee, ." B:nad p't IlinEKST CASH K:IC JPAID. runiea havlct: ?r f the abov iiml srttcUa for ele will do wa-l t tfTehlm cI!. If- L. MURToJf. Bi a 4am MEiLS AT ALL nOUnS riiacbsS OCTCnC AlfT HOTJ KIOHT OB AT. Trmm and etb,s will fiad tWt fim-r's plsee to tske ciscsr, aa?f" and hrakfaat. NoCUumh oe-te aeiloted. tffrt i.e. ean Franol. rart'aa i A.PE0TALXSrC-I.C0! S and 3 North First si. Portlaml, biih rlera and whotessle dralera in FIN fV INES AKI LIQUO SS. ffe'e f sate f t the w CCTTEFt OLD 0TJl89 WHIRtT. Abd fer "Young Horses FOB SALE I have for sal head ef.yftBBs; a . a: tt snatch t lies. S Vesi ;Je ana fli hoiae 3 veara eld. tw nam ts,1 ancth-r 3 T r ebl -t-.e-rrr 1.. hainew: one itntt eiU maw Tbs-t Miiiwalare fK'-"'! ateck, '' in tispoaitt-'B. Vhluabi t th rr cliar aul mill ht aold oa the avostrs aouable terus oEO. w. 0ENar.it, febf Roseburg, Oregoe. 3 P wie.wi - 1 Vaonfkcturers of And Importer f Ne . 1, Frttt street, Fan Frsas'tKe, Cal CJF.O, BOaHIDillJE. AGENT. 47 fas SJKKSTi. iKTffa MSFXIAI. AH DHOIBIAL CLASSES. -'f "S''t J'. J-L ' : auiaU llMKT BscKLfT, AdmlaUtratar. ... -:'.,; . - '-.''' 1 ''''' ? 00ad "t5T Areata wasted la aary eeadtry J b tha W ori4.-'. : a'Kl" 'Si : -TTSSn'riw m m hihess WES?EP.H HAHinEn? EDFFLY ESFC? ter Term, Stetoea ; Woolio jnat Commenced ( ! 1 lln nds f Karth. Sort l lna wor i...u.v v,., iVv. V'r SaJ We have lepleniahed oexatoia ef 333in?3l HSJCJiaaSlSw 1 orOr t eempleteear tale, bob therefore oSer Mil CLsaper rtan ay hus is Oregon. Vs i.in sell 13 yard oi M?l, 11 yards C. Ifi varda ot Calico tor A, iihm- f tJoot worm jwi, i". .. . ... : , -. n Laxlue i;su cnoes wrrnirv; tor S1.75 Fad'tes Cloaks lUlt-prke. Ladii TJ!tr Ls tl?n Cost. fVd Fl?ne f- AU Uffcnpnoi.-a tm"4 tn 50 cnts per'yard. DfetGol tor less than "cost. la oor Centleraen'e repar;mest wa oil saeh CLOTHINO, HATH, Sillit tS, UNPKKVVIiAK, ! pr aeeh Low lV.i a that will Astonish the purehit . We will qorta y4o AAro: . Cwhtor sii:t .m to 18. (Cashmere) fro $2.50 to S5.50. 0crco-ts for less than Cost. Blankets br lees than Cost. We will remain here astil Spring, and t!tret'ore ak all of yea t oirue al get bH!gane. Nothing but ple?nr tr -hw a tjoi-us. Prfepeetrdly, CAP.0 DR03. ORtBON ANSCALIFORm. Tbtmzl t Sax yrauscJjsc :: - Ti '. Q2c3ctat,' Sfcfrt Stifies 'ssvs Rmburj ever; Bsy,e;C0 s, BaVisr Cukk eenrfictiss st P"'S,?nf with . . m m m t - the ears ef re cr..n n. fe fall srticW aa-t pssaage apply B XT T !?A TiUin mas TKE SEST IN THE MARKET. Aid fern. A. Vf,gTJiAR!5. CaayaaVille, tf i ti TO TFT1C CITHER a OT xir,. ii satUrs'icned. ia e'B 'miirDH at tbe eercivy of.d higb prieee iofetock throstVai ihewnBlry, d. en I and after Satur lay.Fetrarx zoia, raisu i.eft tlie flle1og priete: - Bd2 b-f a 8 teats; CbasV, roaad .aj viUat 10 e-uta: fofwr hocae - ens "' & ..a ?iipiais ai w mm m. ;.,t. dA. VV. kliim aoas. j, mree Bitser. aosactnte, oaxeoa, ' Mcculloch & co, or . LTQaOIH AJ CIOAR3 Ztt r t tad, sad eaMontere will fiad this a o!aal lc of rt. -"ti r. m a aall 49t seat Be tro-olitsa Hate). "BOfics. " I hereby aotlfy all 10 whota ii may concern that I want nothing ebargeti ta my acoant. withbu a wriwaa eruet. at Fatcia 1 CHEAPER IKAif Mi3 KMM -" i ! Weald ant5titee that he ha ' eoBsigoaxt ia tatta ;fiue atock ol . - i vt hich mna be aold at na1r date, and that he would advise . wllitnrr ! acd ladi- la penerai w "i"'" him bf ira Scsu.tyj ifr rat obtilu in San rufOT y way Cn awa wncj, i - .rw.k & t,v-r br .isff hi to Hosab'ir i aad 0R'er4 t uvi low pnee a. j ST stub st5 6 CLARK K k BAKES, -" Prvpr;feioa. . - . pBVtrc pnnrh' ov ii!e r K. Strphciii Co., e arc 60W rtiCd to fil?.'!:sii i a.toOUU! of th I v.t evAL!iY Lt;.niir.n f otH-rrd te count-?. W bav lot r rc':4 Mte f the Watif!y, r;t;g iiichiri. Jo. 1 trlaiiea add feathers at,oara pr tarcti l i- 1 er .work thiu r.er aiiiN the 'u&ty. VV mil furnib t tie mill Ho 1 Iocir at loliowliig prices: Dressckf "- rtntie. ....!.. ... US r' -' FiK.rtwr (d"Si tafct;hfHl f 15 pt-r ' I;uiuifi tirBed o si If 1 4 j r M Lruraber dre on Iwa erM liouh luialer.......v4 to V P'r M tobevti'atr ojlty-i lumber, eqtial lo ary fmui m ' ani will guerrautee to nf eatiftfaatioa to all those fave fa t1 surt t' eir rier i'ostofiice duTts Ueii'quft tVriy Orpgen. Cl.Al.Kis. Aivfcu. A?AAWa.i' - FJ A. raLra:- - OrrlarS frota j . tj; t'y n'!l and Xeiissete faruioi V . td jl ors Tar. TB-'ted irst-c'as. '"i ra0;-a')iy xud sbe!f 11 aa :) f.3f.Jli. -i ia Pon- util or ..(. t t tia-i ar Slenumst!?!, Tb'vt, ' 7ab:. E'c 3t. in'iCXSHRICCE Qaalltr at QrA:titv i tJ Dc-ircd 17 TOU WANT FCKE ZX3g, atut rTilHlItisie Cbcta:cal, te., n te. tirv'ft i call no EEELSIi. 3. Gil3B5IeT MYiULr; ClilCKii. Also keeps an bf sd tbe J. U. Ctittn rl;iskii.-l tioJ)iiI Gin, Jsira.r Jr,ua.f aad the Sueet TVibes aad b.rn.d-. or aneJical aa. Pbyeiciaas Perecnf -;oe peeia'tT, QiSuoa-.e at tU Fb Mi:ii Coli-ajre ,-ii-;-'. -. ' Ot ..-.) rrAVii3 locatkl) rs the cxty "if Koeburjr, ?iT-r vis nif-ufc) sifi urgicat eert'.ca o set-. "t wi1 te avail t. etaee!'"? fintrkui- OiSca at U. J. v C- M.rt 4rui:. tor. ' S. . KATOND,, otTROSoirrjiiiiiTi 1 : Oposite Marks a C, M-w. Offers bis profeHi:ift!il t-rviefrt t tbe peepl ef Douglas tuvni?t ha bm 1 bat We aeqaaiatvd svtfs! rara All work warranted fir-eU-?, and ermi as nodsrate as say etLsr ia t:is proia stun. ROSXBTjriO, - Oit vGUN Oakland MJls Prsss. JEfibarfisi &. Co, Saaonaeetbat they bare to rattns a firatelaaa (f rist Mill at OalnJ, Ore&ai and will fariJsk tbe Matrafaeiared In Duuies county a lowest rales. Orders frasn abroad sal and promptly filled. W - WATCH HAKES, AJf I JEWELilt - Freat Rowbiwi, Or--? n. T Boiataie aaa reTsu rrir in j . , . 1 , , , Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Ffns. and MtitleaH tfc- Iaatrasacets. watenea, ClocssaSd ie ereaaifee. AU v wew waacs, 25 .to 50 Can easily bojmade Ir uiing fcho CELEBRATED H A Id any part o W mea It aadara prepalred to domanstr Mi a. Ho' or 8wai Power, and hor 3 INCHES TO And will bore to any wqulred daptb. . It 5U Walnut t. &t- U'UH, M , U. (xenl Meresiandise txqlutiz O Ciyiw of ftll AT S?Sjr""", aT lieiiiienieii sr. it z&s: j&l. s& cxcraisTe- S. Xi . Hi,.. ftis ejji BY SO Tbiy weld aeB.ttne tii-a fc j T'vr bronabt tnDiii: f . i'KUNS inl RS Wr, i p'y ia tUeir liserof rv e:hli4i. n parenaae elsewhere. In .hu s;i t ba.Wmsr otterials superior idu:etBru, to nrcuaRi. x . Va,a K'Ve ow twsir ia the ! ra :rts or a tttnti t s-w wbcre Luv'i'a. hvuusi. earia-r. t'Mlitv. I'vTtsr, P.-ilre, t i-le C1f t)cci'J) Irtt Xiufe-, i.UJjjire City, sad nLr ' a;: a M(t. The b.-et of wir'Bf eensiacil t-ibel"ye4 e th ttia.vsTe ' , rrts si:J!iarrasbo-ii!d lare nr pr:ree. NVe 'have a' triL'ms '!fT ie j;ac, ?esh aa ViMlti, Btrp e4 -a s fcs iu bot-if mis Mill PWo e AVt tie s!ao Aifc-tus f;r tv. Vbjta rerl'an! H-Be fw Mt je&it e sell at lw rates aad t. srreat as cctanle w jb tvery rssjws, "tt ea also snrply 'J 1 a twst la k rt.t?t. at 'i-li' Mti". vi us a c'l. las"si uf -i, nar' aa ABB AH A ffl .W VTHOLEALli aN ii wlSt' A I. iiAl.feii4'l iJ wis iamw riBM ocli A2i:o to t: s .paLif op tki Larg-st Stoci of General". Kerchandist :vfcB iirraHr to TV stock In qw.i-') e-'ia : a a rare al was irtUaai e te.it eu tow fiijurw that "V ritf atl at sued ra'es a te pans it l miadiioei wa.ieale aad rewii aa. Th stock eoaar-s First-class Dry Goods. Full Line o Ol otning, Faaoy illmery good Hats and C&ps, Boot and Shoes, 3te. RAVK O.1 LITE LI3E3 OF GEOOBEIES Claara-traara, Tali. -a. Vines sisd Lircia, , JVa hav. ala evetytSinS e be w- A DtTACE. aad eaa saPPly Unaers w ViJEaatM ltd. ia reapers, mowers, Ievien aotiearrd reeeaaabte ur ' Trkb:ct Prica Paid towcsl, Orasii- anirsts ... . . -w.. aaJ arar A tailroad depot we hav aeeoft-anodia a eonaeeo. w.th the i wore J Jr warm. ws bve is .hoa for ral will foe ri-Btgeess . roveu gra f lr loa we a olf.r tt,e e.,r I ar?a S.7,wTOlS bViaSerield.4-.. , ABOAUAM. VTUKLLEA CO El T a. CHANCE FOR A EARSilfl I Fe t! a wls'iing wlnW'a wood, cat for be ' e. mill make a barrio by wriuag - .'lliag P J- L. Jftsur, Bvfte- be hat prepared fr lla Bosefanrj irad trlBX'tbo fst wiaur aa extr one y Oak wood. Tb wood is w anted sol aad Uaunsr, ad tfjual t, if su eriof. any oaTred for sale la the .it', .'t.it ta takeB ai redoaed artfea. i.r.;, a. tm. vhfollv filled. Opiers left r - .... ; i XI nmrohmim ill m- with rresapt l , ar . T ' -fs u pe:i! D UU1 the c ntry, t at.;Theysra ivperata t vary rapid Tl raig ee 4 1.2 FEET. tlBw "rT'j , td L'.fJ d. A. 5 ?acikty or .a. i . T aMajjrsW . THA ej" 05 Hfi "WX jk " it les v4 aad acw c e t ih of Hsjduro I alls tbir STOVES or ALU PIT a pr7ared W tU.r hy i tTetle B !i taera Oiero. ninth tL 'inL t- m; hnVs. bait, e-.e. w era eC eta , ' ia r prti. ad w penia t tan ai HEELER 4Tv JtLi Tra taf 8s OEOG warn e.;viSi . it . ' CALE1J, "DttHr In si . pas v Lta LbW at' w r c: ? CD v. -4 n ke 7 J