sit i. r:t$amn, .j.. t-it ntn aw- I J 9 ifV ; ft - :" !l !;:'vt1 i I - SATUHDAY,.., ... MARCH 11 T tb PcBiic Since tbe copsurt. ; tierahip between Sol. Abraham ul the undmlf ntd beca dissoWed, I hereby forbid mny ote trutinsr the 1J 8U Abralum on my account. j Johji W. Kelly. Eowborsr, Mreb 11, 1883. Here ie Xijlly' mole! It is the tama mule that wtt into "tlr camp of Judge Kcily and Trim and kicked emuhereeus out of the enemy then. And herw th? mule is, and he nerer ran avray with auother man's money. Yoi hen lirelv frikI See ho w he kicks ! CUr d track, boye: Don't ye tbee, that this ii t kicking tntilc?' TaVfe care, y thee, for male ars dangerous. The Xlercury has an article to the effectthat it will text week show up the character ot ; Kelly the ingrate; and the ame papei expreaees actoniehment that w hould lay claim to this office. It ipeaki also of a certain receipt gWen. ' j Thie is too rooch for human for bearance, While we are writing this ar ticleand this j.18 Wednesday the body of poor oldj John D. VanBnrcn ljeej wrapped m it abroad, tud that receipt wa giv, en fcj ns opon thesajrestion ami at the requeit W aol. Abraham that poor, old John might be de-I-riTed or whft wii jastly hi. iae, - Could we put a toogre into t rj wocud, Soli AbrA im has ade nps that bow cold and i lnt,and now erot to be conain J to the grae, th?ery tone u Koaeborg recm Id openly cry out 'n motenj. j j'. Toor ud eilentjlipe! 'T;3 a pHy that Providence had need of your gentroua eol before Ht permrtted yon to; teatify in yur wn aehalf I ; v j S- Vae could tell ihi. truth were fee here; but he mlj neT.-r f&cc hi evemy figaia, uie the Al mighty bae prorided pUces to fit the geod and bad and YJv And at to our character! W rg poor; working aix yeara for gol. Abraham wnuld1 "iaaleen qh pr, aa we vare. williug t telrifj To loae money in work ingjfcdefecd wo'rthleia charac ter; to bsalime a.en iuoppjjiiriiH to auother'a interests; to com i another back and odl wt would hare continued todo h not the Nninty in reoe le agaiuit our fol'owjrig . the thn.- that wou'd cow rob SU4 of cur neani of obtaining an hones llTelihoei; to do thia would ha been only what Abrabjirt waed ua to di. Wa hive re fuaed to do a wrong, -and Abr ham would cruah u for oncoiu pliacce; aud that a!la there i ia it. . But let the "charaetf p" mitte in the Mercery, practad. Wt want a chapter or tn-o tnon f ro 'i theMercary and thi ,i".- -; to left what Sol. A bran i n ha done even 'at vatdaill C tinaed inTin'oir next. 1 The Pjaiiulealer i bwjw ! Abraham's organ." W rni.-tub . the time wheo Abrahui. c-tHf JI'rib a jicher, and ieu ioleda eomphmenUry tf'u . i" By are.?-Yet in. th' I.i4Kis . appearsjUr. Merriek's lertor a't.u aive ot onraelf. Ati Dr Mor Hck 19 a liar. In thrf firf tN-c?, i wae Sol. Abraham tirct brought a dirty article wginei Merrick: to this ofiieej ait 1 tiVirI th it are ahiaid "wr'fi- op the auid fof . lrtl4id - Mtricary The foundation ii yi acL- -vvi; published, ffgs .fornithed ue by u lady in CiuijrmTille,wljoie name Since Sol. Abraham hm pur is not nevesrv hers to.' repeat, iche 1 Mr. " Villard's interest! rej and by Sol. Abraham and D. A. Levene. Had ?e space "in thea oolnmns we would piv the lt- tera brvnght us by Ab'a.iam; but j iuty one who may come t- ourj way read the am. Ab-- to nnoy ni, if pnible, II not, why did the same appear iu both papers 6iraaltHieous!j ? There i no reason tor the; appearance' ot Merrltk'a letter attht late d-iy, when wo stoppedAbrabara u thr street over a month as;o, a nd aked hia about the mattur, aud dzrranded ot him to take uiau hmiselt the respousibilitj', and be and D. A. Levens reqoeated of n to let the mutter drop since Mer rick was a dog, the betrayer i tatnily ' secrets, ti e aedocar ot married woraeo, the "treker aftr youug glrli Tirtoej a bigaoiat at the tiuia of hi lute marritigu and many more things belonging to the comp'eta raseal! has paid Jor the publication the lettor bronghr about by the publication of Aotae ot hia on rascality, since his spleoa was too !ar;e uad bit anud too small to grre exprseion to hi own feelings, and MernckJa a coward it he die not write Abraham a letter. We ehall properly bold Abr- ham reipons'.ble tor all cuneei ning us wbicb may appear iu lv.i Mer cury or Flaindealer, and "Liy ou Macduff, aoJ d :unel V. hd lu Host criw Lold euogh." The Jscksonrillo Tiaiea aud othar Dawspaprs hare made rote ot the dissolution of the mm of Keily & Abraham. Other ree papra hail, the diaolation ot copartnsrahip with the kindest oi wuhea for ocr welfare aod isucces-; but the TiRij thinks " wher. rogues ta:' out honet men will get their due." We hare only kind feelings for brethren of tht preaa who haTs beeu kind to us; and 99 tar s3 the Times is con cerned it mat serf but luls. The fight we are making ia .not one rogue againar anotlt?r it i the expression ot a ikiermi nation on tbe part of aa Ufu-jt man against a ngue the expfeaaini) of ote who had worn green spc-c-tacles anbnow is put upon th alooi ot repentance a&d their ho&" eatly coniea bis rurahsni. Jo not misutiderstitud na ir this matter, Bro:ber Nichols. Iu all that we my aay of Sol. Abra ham, there shall ne7er iat oar aiinds enter the thought that j Uall black-mail hira. Uoneat journalism aid au honest journal iat ia ateve that. Bu 'iibored hard dnnng the paa jearatoe3;abhsh the lycpnxDB!, and now tint it i etab:.hed, and we bare proyea that victry La perched upon our banner, we cry out againat Kol. Abraham or any other man who attempts to rob ui ot th? rrsalt dt our 'br. We hare wrkd long and ear ueatiy tor what we hare, and when we refuse to be a dog, it is tbf duty ot e7ery honest man to give U his eupport morally and pen niarily physically we wilt take care of oaraalf ..iaiuat he who would be rhe robber. Ot course, there ia muh wa might tell of the hlatory ot the Kelly a&d Prim eampa'uu; but it is not time yet to speak of secrets which would require in ritlca- noa the writii;g of ow'si in v the fi)jtttr, who is dead. JtJide your time and be patient. 4ITJP.RA2 ! TOR K03 L. F. Lane who bsia bren tskinj a petition to Ci:UKrasa fr the construe Uob of a wi'liiar' waia ' r- ai irot Ufa burg in direct l:na ta Fort Klatja th, has received th f 'liwwinjf iftrf (rom headquarter!!: Washtxcton, Fbrui.rj 22 1-3J. II "N. L. F. Isf.,'My btr V ur ltter -) the 4tti inia..k hiid pii'ie Ui-ntirud i retivd. I bav intrjdiic?i tb piiiioo t!'f h.l it r.-ferrei to tie Mil Tar- CowtmH' t'-e ard w.!l tia all in ray pow-r Ur the road. Very truly .. It. V. h.v; ft. Kepratvn'Uliva Gnvrta, wtvo b.: alo addread, w.'ite ae f'Ik" . H-:. U F. I.B.' My 'Dear fs.r; I l.ave rec i tfwl yo,r favor of lb 4-h r ebr'irarr. aud have pokin io sir firovrrot ti tuttr 1 vtil. gj" (.unsay hearty c - i-erotiou. I r eura" you at s-n e ths i iiie I h.'i. n roducrd f- r i-royr )n so fce rx )endd rtwefn Kwvurij aud Fof. nlirualh. I hiv evrry H-!iirnc' that ib'y wiil pana. Yo: yrj tr y, M. C. US'JKSC. This prooeJ road wil; ieI. i.i a u .oi'.i.. : i ;ra Orecen; jnd &tiii.ot S!r i jl'-u in iu weir, nd w.- doubt cot wiM renter to Li !!(:. j and Mr. i;ori? Ul bf:l of a'v'lo are owt-r .!. ma'ter r.o ti.r, nu -o-j iai- s.cce so - a va:ur.;-.i sn- in. - . , . i inn; uujui iuv hi ur: x war", leivpfci ror nuur- ur hwh mvy z , . t t , , V,V Bakr seit him back just before 10 hy ud yrmn ori-r utt.n( f i thu lu. ta the Plauidealfcr ar;d Mercury , , , , , . et iwtttilt tnjct. Giv m s Un, hi two weakly or?na-in order h? lett Foitld t t.ietv j. CAtao.N, rrulroad riiHtters on the IWifiv Coast, he Ima- been petting ot atyle. .Stan a a&ido, poor -farmer and laboring men; roue bat. Chines need apply, v the. A little late, but we have Wtcn moving to bow quarter, A Card o Thaxks. !!f. J. D, Van Bn?n and r.IatlvM t-f th U'. John X.;vtiBur,''dfct.-e rtr-m tbtlr locr thftTik oy frifend who -lhlfl ia caritijr for him dn-ir 1.1a Jut Ti.e WU ot gr-iUtUd 1 large U th tiP.tni-t, ti will not le fv-rgott9. Mr. J. D. Tau Buren. Euj tLe Stiai' CATARRH CTJT.XD, hclh and w-t bri-nt:! nefur!! Hh'Ioh's Cat arrh rrm'ij. f ric 50 veiits. Xtl tt.-iOf free. A. C. Sorters A Co.'s irujftr, Uoa?burif. r'LKKpLHn NIGHTS, made tnir aUU by thut Urribie congh. tb loh' K-vtt f ib rmeiiy for ou. A. .Varster ..- trtisoir. nufturg W-LL YOU eUtFKR with tly p ya niid iivr cf'WpUiat? Vi'.aizftr is lut rfn.ely for you. A C. Joirsifer 4 Li.' driigtor,Uo!K-btirg THAT HAC-KINO COUOIt can It- niiit'klv ruM hiIlh, n.jr. Wb guirant- to -ur- it. A. '. jri!- ShUoli's Coach and eechuptiou cure i ;;.! ry us on a jj'.tarsuve. It eiirws t-uiupt.uu. A. C. Msniiera v'o 'a drug lor, iJ-fttbur. t'ron, whouj.ujf fouifh, an-'l 1 mr nitia iiuutevlitttfly reli-vi iShUwVa fi;r-. A. i:. .ur.!r a C. ufHure, . . " . . ... .:. GRAND AT THE SKATING KINS!, IN KO:iK B Uil G , .FK 1 DA V h.ViCNINO, Mrch. SI, 1S12. To the two IStiW. Fe!f.lntf ffcawNr Ijfiy cd Gi-ot. 3fut:-.'jath'a btrii:; Bnd. Adbiina :m Ijkdy Motr8,dr, free. Ontleman Ms(!radt -r-; $ lOjw ftora, SO Ci-ta. ?-b(lHCn'wtabfi.ff io dor? af-fr r.-making, &i cr-nse. AU Kt)kr8 will Uv so S'iccti fid at ti !: r. Tick t should ;!ocur?d be'o- 'he uicbt r l tie Kail Tickets iMMlsak A. C Sharks dig; '-r. F r .fisn: to J;':q Chaa r J e Ljucli b?fori the -;t'-. Errors of Yontli A prent!-m'vr wh.i !"rpd f r J"r fruro riar?oiift i!jb-bry, jirtsif iur d cay ani ail tS-v S-cis of yottbtui hi diert-t lea wif. fur th a.r usj-;ii x hitma-dty' wt'd cn f fr? to ! -.rr. aire it he recijt au! J r??iwo for th sini' le rni-.Iy Krbi h ha tur. i MitFerrrs iii:jrsf ' profit y fti an fenirer'n x. t-nii'f oir 1 . iiy m drtinsr prfst couliienca. JOHN B. UUUKSt -U CVJar itftwa Ihw York. tailion for Sale JO?" MOSO AN . fer s rr-rst;n. Iff. a firs arj.inal. lfj liaitd tu hiah:; a btot! rul Ua? a .ij .i:abi(. to any ovrr-A-r cf brKl iB'Hf i Oiflv is .-aiB f use ar d wri:tv HOW ito'iKla. Wiii b id at a bnrgnin, and with security fornix tuouitirt' lime. Ari'lT1'1 Gr.O. W. OESGER. Throunh h J'.o ei ftoa?-oSS or t" ' 1 V m. 1. l . A a. a- . ..1.7 V I. . . ... . . . . . 1) . i I 1 HEFFHSH'S HLeit.?Oathartic. Pills f oa-ir a? 1 rrt ' . tr,n-,y l;n-J and a wleonss . FNt'HliOn J5it-?r.i: iltTllip. f!f?f 51 S ! SM?ivU. ,-MiSU' N f.AV-K i-PS-Ciit-T t : t ad' al' sui:' f.f -t IP ta ,r i , -O.eVt.'- P-.! i jfimiSArfifH vol ir - i 1 '.Kot;ceh hbvgivi! that-tbeuj. f'er l- jird im- i r-ii i,wK,fu'J' ru'fv ! e-cd wU jT'-m..o?. ti . wbi in fttM Jjjfi. ."rt th; ; .... . .. - ,,. ; I'lAiifi . rtsriif -j in'ipilffr " wi.i r.C : vl.rre--5. ikm.y j?;rKi;T, Aia,.tnfrr.' i Xa.tb, 11, 1.. . i r-c-i- i i a--rr. - - - r... ' wehareaa be emptoyad, aa aaver give .t (-nau:, aa eaaft-.:9 mil Cad b-a tT, f r VV, - paJB aaleaa the towel are inflamed. e4 ; i La.a t.W ofiaa- ft, by the tV.t;H. (. .v-rt r i dy thea their luflaeaee la healiase. Tboytime :- Vi vniV "cao dWr ' awath Oi ile f ft.iwy, IHiC. ...-Jl-vviar(r,-.4;. lata the appaUte aud digestive oranu: they "1 :siniia',i; ti v-5.i- r.? ti a .: . aoerate to rmrifv aad enrich the hlocd. and ;ot' " ' Livery, Sal and JEED STABLE. T a itDderwffccwl wuu!d aunoance to tie tro'iuij pu!l,c that be Iim ibtt; beat of C'-SDrvyancri fr hir, end that oi tU Unrt-it notice, lit rta fill an orderi Cooj un reia) t-uriaU wi! a teiu and l,u-'M or itaui and WHjjon er eupMially iDVt'.tf DUAL. ULUIjUIIUJ- ill TIIK KEVhTONE Oft THE WEST COAL 'MINING aS5ooiatjon;- fi furn h t OAL a Ur CuU fit tI: faiowkg ratefc. ' R;cUtai(lu :Vj. . . .. .. ..... $8 00 ...... 5.30 lt Out- t ;c C'waI JUSF.FJ A. HOi KIN-, Holm AgbUt, DRY'd SALOON, Jackson Sire U-burg. The p eprscer of ttus w'l kn wa sod piu ur rrrt wiiitl sbauk hs?friiui for their iiWe u! j;iitf..jin iu the tU akd w u:ii fur a t'Kiitnuanp f ati iu Ui lu'ure. The i-ublx irif ruid th: 1 kp none but llie t i l,mu! f ti(ubrs aud eigara asuJ tb'. I ell over t! tar th cse t.ra-;(i Mocre a Ca.'c Krutta.. S bisk A d b;l!isrd kv -I'. be found is ."wu; bin) -ht Ua ing b M :La wCiU WOOL. Ufli-:.V FL'lti AND DClUi SU.'iNS. Turn, 7 t ' ") iii:ke3T. .cash r;aca paid. . Pr J-a tavipf? .T!.r -of the abor liamed artici'a lor vvill i weil t" gbim ? f-l . H. 5 siUIiToN.'tiU, OH:CO.V. V '' ML ALS AT ALL 1IOUKS asv K..VH sir.uT ost ey. , F.r.!. r s-.u .';!( flr.d (Ui a I r-f sfnt. r. EOTiUNO, t n t'ran .:'ir.i. r ai?ti A " -. C 1 !, I if. ist 3 aod 3 NoMh I i"t ft . 1'ortUrjd, B.ltittcr'' and vrljctexvlp dt t It r it-. i:- . V 1 M: A I) I.tQCO l.R. agrrt f r iba . Ct'ilrK U EOUI.IXI Ami vr 1 Lat frr i a 8 hf i f joup.;' . Itr;H- DF'dt ittr, v Jt:? titts b'te S 3trs o:d t yr". t.? nd a);b-r 3 vnr p'd lor-r-lo Jiii:e-f: one v" d fhdi;lc rj her iiiitl r- o'j'.od rU-ck, kSivt in cif3te.itJ n. vxlnal' to (is- f or cnater aii will hatddua tl -uatda ler;ii GEO. W. GKN'!:", fir4 lijifbur, Oregon. j Combina the cfca!cet eatactlo ilBc!plc CM lUTUiUn9 471 41?J?lPl (luw wv:iu MCIJ 1 Jaated to nnr acilvltr, eertninty, and .t .m -m.. ... .1... ..11 an of caxafal atadv and naetkal ax yilMUIlUHJ VI K.m. JL lvj I V J A periraent, and are tiie tii-t elzctual eay yat (Uanaveree lor dsieatea csnaea vr deraaamant ef His omach, Ht-, and aweU, which veqnlra prompt and affoctnal treatment. Avax'i ruxa ata apeoially arrliraila to thi clau Ot dieaaa. They ' act dlractlv m tlia tllcatlva and aaaimi. Bet directly ea t! fcaalthy action. 1 pivBiclan la th as a . reacore tegniar . Thalr exteaaive 'use fcf physician la taelr ra-aebca, n by aa Civilized aationa, ia cna ef the aoany preof. ef shelr value aa a eafe, anre, an4 perfectly yelUble tmrpittre twdiclne. 9elf eoipoaad4 at the eeaceatzsted Tlrtoea af jwrely VfRstaUa aabataaeea, ' tky are poaitively free frfa calbtnel ea - Buy bilurlou properties, and aa be ad: filerea t ddldrea vrith psrfect tafcty. Arra't Pn.i i in u ff(v-tnxi acra iak goo, by?epaia Loas Appetite, Foul Stomach e.nd Ureath Dizziness, BUloButeaa, Janodlca. Cheamatlstia, - r . a niee, uiaaraera r aa unr, aaa aa ether iaeaaea raaeltmg from a dianAon j- XfhBe aTSBtla la CieU? actios, these TtUM a - TSr Tr-1 1. 'Imparl aeaawei Jasalah asd tia la taa r' "ia ryaasa. priniria nv ur. . u. ATcr ii ba. ,. " yraaSaaal aad AaalrUaal rhaavaVBa UowsH, Mass. i BW AJ : TO 1 rM rive Heeular Winter Term, Eisitccn Weeks Just Oommesiced. vFECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE MUSIC, COM j MiRCIAL AN DNORMAL CLASSES. ' H. lJ BENSON, A. M. Priisipa Xjs -r2s:spe CtaX "WV ht rrUfdbed our atetk of J Ia ordar U cosp!eUur aalf, ami thetefere offr to Cber to aay bausa m Oiejnn. VT a.:!l ell 13 yards of, 11 yard C. Flannel, 15 varda ot Calico for 01- Boots worth $5.50 a pair, for 3.50. LaHV Calf tfhoea (nr.t-.i) tor I,7o. Fudi'ts' CloaVe Half-price. Ladiei U'osefi L t'.SO CtiJL Rod Fi.s AU Tseer'fiaior.i from 0 to 50 cent per yard. T. t4no tor Uss th. crt. . In oar'- Centlcwien'ii Ia?;r fcerit w acli aucu CLOTiUNO, HATS,::.SIIIItT,i unikwaIm y, r Mvh Iw Frit as tht iU Astcniah the furcb.?! . Vv a ill puta t-Mrhliiere S.Uita frm $i to ?18. (C.l.TOer) frotu 2.60 U - ri'i Ovi-rv;')!..' fr le? than Coat. UUniots hr Jea Ion. We rrritii?f! her nVil Spring, Hud in rct'ore ask a; I ot N.dhu.g but p!ant to ebort -'ds. lit?-ectto!ly, CAliO DUOS. CP.rQC74 AND CALIFCrtrtlA- T16 Qt:fX-:wt, ?:! aid I St-rf i etva Rwseburg every Cay, 5:00 a, m diking fiulck connection tt Rsidlflg with bie ciri ef t a ri. n. s.9, 1 er fall ar!icu.r and iaeag app'j to THE UffA vaiuif muz T ttST IN TitE MARKET. Aldroea A. Vv. IslalAiN, Cejuavill?, N jfh E TO THE OT ZF.Nd CF : Q i, i--. th hi. " n pnvea .t i ir.::tv .f.usd i ah vrie ,.f ,,.r rM.,-h -n- U hiu't, wiil. e i f Kat irlay.Fb.uary gj.h, . ratatl . a.i ' f eV 1' r 1 1 chark rand l' W-f 8 ceota, Cnt.rk. anl 1 Ka k a4- rd at 1 c o'J; tartar u.;dt s,,,tl U.;rla;;u- J-a, V-i -.t - A. V.- 6.ixa-a9. J.'' ' Jbn.e Bitarr. ftTf1 j 1 1 ii! (If n ' fV". till i T . i QXL V T'tiii, BIST lUiJiD LiQ U A.v: CIO AK! ivOiltK. : it v. ... -i,, it : inj. min j ii iimwiu iuiij i c--ira tlt 1 v,t' ehatKd 1 ca iuy aeui, without a wriea rdr. - Instnietsrs WJM to y LUMPS . :o; " AT PRICES CKEAlka THAN F& AFrC.: ITI. ROSES' IIKCF,, H'ould awinuH-e h has tM consigned a extra Lta- atot k t vhich naitat be sold at nn rarly and that bu woi.ld a'iVe rit-l;r-ir se d ladies in i;e:iera! o caii in on htm bfira adding tbir -r'.ter fcbrcait, mi be is iu;ly a'i.Vd cs net frbtatu in Fniiicia u by t-; d ifitf ibtff.- Thr Jjar- H'f fu tv-.-rv way nn aad fai.:v; in fai t, !r liwk wa nsjvtr br-.ugbi i il,;.ufi aud vtlertd at kuch low ROSLBUI.O, - - Ollc, .iS. f K'-5 r a5S i CLARK 15 A RAKEH, Prwprieiotn. Tlavlne pnrrh?d il a ev ;i mill ..f E. ,St. ht iis a Co., rj. now rraid le foruifh a:t iOuun; r.ftb ftav i .;-:rh-d eue of ins V eashei-.yj iivrrf ttK:?.d.M ?h, i f'ia.Ma uiht-r eri2 r; p5v-i ! i l" v. Oi K ii; u fltbr ia ilu; viify. V :st t-if.-r-Hu. jit. tl;p inlti ISo 1 Icober tbr ?-..ib.; j-f:.--: t-rtnati s t --r v F5Mrnjj .r-.-.i .. i. !'" io .--.. .' i.u uber .?rtr-i -.i- fj -i- t-i j.r ' lUIufirf 'li--rmi ...f. iv Hi'.; ft j rrM ivafc iuifiir j-7 it? :oji't : bivt- :-.u ta j'ir.i tv ..r iin-.r,-i;o! to tvy f '-..fid r?t 4 m. J".y, i't;-iri;arfatd4.i- io jrivr ciuef n'" tiiki fiff'i s: 'Vj;ti .-r t'os orris a wHk.--, c-ti p.w Ortgc. Ci,A.KJ. A ; AivtA, .a. a.VaavU jf Si .( SIS W .n,U.viii;kwl ,0,'LL r-tJ firjt-e.s.. l-iu.s' ":if 11 6.- Si f jn i Ji-ii ,u P, re I ! fit I L.t-..r a. o ?,- .: :r. ilesuHwnJs, Tafrbs:s. "?aV!'s. tc Qnallty kt rwnlitT b t- i.-l -.. ir tou w AST ' r;-j;?: aa4diciaaA r-iia ii i ' : M YKTLK CKEi'.. Ati kef ps oa UtC fcl-e . Li ft-biraiva, iiollf cd Oi. in. ..v. and the Cnt W'.m abd Br-- 1 mej:eal naa. Fbjicir4 Pi--. ; . Peiaity. fiiadnaie at the i-'iiy:-Air,-'. ; , ol pyAVi-a locatsd r; : l e an surira. to ;i spuo Cit.v Vaii t mo!v' tf bu fiiii' OiBca at R. J, aa.l 4. C, Xd. .!-.-atore. u -e S. K. ItATHOrvD, Opoeite Marks C .?- b!7'tV. aeS'r- Ju w rk wTantt'd ;. -i--.. r.i era. w inode?ia s aay 1., t .t - ,? ..:v ;a;.-o.. . Oakl Jj-' . I J lf aeauaea that t'.f ;5, t,j-.r.ti.,a a llratejaaa Wrist, i.'.l t O-ii Orro 1 .-tl will toroi.T:. ii-. - .'ti)uf-tur-vi .:fi.n a I'.?. Oii: f.-f.iM 'Tr.,ad ! : aa - . VVATCiJJI.K-.,R jKV? V5fhis'.a! aa-I ri,; 4 '.ifka, .T4air, ft.'iirf icitfuloia1.. V. a". e. rya aus a naj rvt-a.rat. A fir., jl ftf Th Can easily ba made hj using CELEBRATED VIOTOIl WK1I AiJCEIl A?D 0i)lii.'8 MAIIa In any port o the o uutry. VV m -sn it. ad ar prrpairil tn dninstr -a Si i set. Tby ra Operta t , M u, Uotbo or Siam' I'ower, ud tori v-?ry rapm Tie rau i . 3 INCHES TO 11.2 FEET. And will Iwjra to i :dtat required dajiU. It w'.U bnra aucct fully aad fenri)y ar'-h,"Soi"lrial-d "! LuuestoBf, Luuiin. u Scoue Coal, Slata end i. Lata. Builders srwntina a.l Cutglomfrated ib'ick, aad ijoarar. ' in all Kinda of Kan II Anl Pan UraVf i. td t' mk h Terj M d WV la in Quick Snud. TUy ara liin muiurav B;sai.l iu c-iofttra-tit-n, mady opeive! di.'a ''. aod a'.-Jiuowltdea as tle Wffitaad I m.t nrArrib!n Michia axtaati . . Thar a aattdorafd by v-van of tit bigfcvttt 8tatu f Offifrwia. eoniml br iro . tactinff r at, 0ild, Silver. Caal oil and all kiai f Sliarrais. A;ai aorahuupjr i r:Ji,.ii - ull at'ttta mc. W a!ao fara h ink En"in- a a, VVl,j ilin.'Hydraalis at-jai. Hai-s Fors. Brick MaeLinaa," . JiimasT'SVxda. P mbte Forjr, tVk DrIV.a, ; McUin-ry of allkitd. -v Good active Afp-ma waiiwd ia very eoadtry'' a U World. v " :TEKB BAQBEIBS? EDPFLY IHC? iu- 511 Watuot.St. fcit. i-.ou'., M . C- $ ' i-T?ni - g ja-'s ri,e fi - -r -s o ' O lil -AT J t at?- -OF 4:r idan Bros., 7 roa -A ie:;o iht-s - jt Fv-r lroiatd t i i -t- 5 w i'KUSH p,;t". liK 2f i;i Iij. ;:.! f ba t'Utijr n--(rr:fis H e . a fi y.-K baraiea :n tj.r- Ji ,r brands of f set ei; tailed elea-h-re i?c'-., H, Fnor t-tiHiv. l..riert. Vac;!r,- iU : tft atf Clataadat 'f"-if !. tr; f ;.t r! -t-s ci?f.:?niy !Z-rt y' i ;a s maa'B.scinra' tar Isa-ae?) . '' ;-a kS.CiIiI.i l.-f' ST - Vri a.- iarvir? t. tfr in atit'j as Vfiaebeetcv. Sharp tai. 'tSrtt fca i -. ?:! -v TVs-i V- n?- &..' tff..t ;ir it. "- 'ii rert?--nd w Koica Seariag ttaettM j e s; r a'jd a;rafit a cr.uif ' t i every reapeet, - v .-.Hi .I- cj.'ir .'. "" ----- ( ... ' ' - 3 ?ivf- ;i a .;1, iiyvc; s-;-:;!;. i ; i 0 s . X . w,4ii. -irii : i ; ?5HE AIVJV'A SAiil " 1 frr.r'i i Stock of r.,- .:x n i j-av i vi H c rj;i -i jj.-c a;" .!:'. !; fiiufiw '.i!: niie n . n-i-a. Fir o t-cla 3 - Dry .' ; Goods : - Full Line o OJching, jjiadieH' . Drass. goodSiM Hat3;;;and ;0ap8r.v;; WK KAVE t OM ' 1 0BOGBBISS : '-- U in r-Vrs. iiif.wM, ne,, 'u ii -...f x "- T-.;; ti.s ";'tr- p.i.j Br tb" fai!fd depot we hsva aaeotsaaodiw ii- :fi; ii.- f.Of j-? -f T''.''. r' "tv!f ii. rt.tinjat we 1mv tue it n.fc-."- Sr'-'f -!':''--'' -i-iraia ' Ja-tr. lf;a. rs tiutJ advfltajfrout. -.j tri -s .fi,-;r. ls fr - r- .r-,-r K v- at' ; .i r. ir alafjfa.'o; by trn';- i ' .t llifi-r ui 1. L. iNir. i.a : trf- P.; --b';rc j t r.-. r r.5 !!- :-. w)!?-rr i i-i:.' f;':s nv . : O.-k wrir,.,. v T;. .k, ;, u wa----; I City., . v'fc-j. '. i rduead . .iifcii'.'.i; . fl..j . 1 1 v 'i S. A. ' vjyic? y or : GOODS, ic - M STYLE. Tilfl .wjt at.. arsr er few a. Bosbm-g,-::; Gg. ff A ."w felrta oh af til I a Ml t ih.!r fTilTES O? AT.I. P4T -. r5Mr(d ta d?eUr p'oy ara ih i - y t Ifcka, ta ei, eaa effer as t.v.r ir;f, ad r prf.i) 5a aU ra.5 i s r-tj f : ,fv ';::H in . ':;.-'v-''";; ': ' ' -. Art 's Tr. wv kf:im v nv Tfrt Gensral Kcrehaaidiso IP isr or jsn.a , a i waa ;iufch taed - ja Ban Fra t., v-'i p.t .ku M m io ccrnit us to Th- stoca cj:anriaoo J 1TE LTES OF & ; OBOGKERY- ,DWAH.aBd eaa n,.P;y tarmera w , iortf.t aotiee and murt leaeoaableur vt - ; Ai::T44.vvuii;ii. V H'.oi .-.a, a ia 1. ' t -. jfei nun Mi"-! '1- V :- ! '' - v" ' ; ';: -- : ;'::;: : : ,2;: :