Larger Circulation than any othe Newspaper pubtished in Douglas County. Society Ileetius. :x n. As Old JViEND VisiTim Uncle William D-udaon, of Myrtle Creek, paid us a, pleaeant vi&H during the week.'jj, Hudson is engaged Just now in bi',ying aa4 selling real estate, and "Day Heeds to hang out his shingle as reai estate broger to equal the energetic men In Portland in the same line. Come again, Uncle Billy, and per haps we will start a second Isdb. rEKDENT ai Myrtle Crefk. C M PQU A (.' il A PT E H '"f each is 5 i ' Hpsebi'ru Acahemy. We learn ?uiar coinmotiir-J.ui.. n. - i nns over, first an.ltnifllTueAdru"cLet'"i'll, ,lUk,t u '""""B' tiontti All iiwrnbertt m ; irK! landing Will take due and timely not let ad govern themaerv-s ucoordtffv. Visit nj companious are Invited to meet will he Chapter when convenient. B. HEUMANN.n.P. W. I. FiedTj.'SDB, Sec'y. A LA.UBEL LOD'JE A. F. and A. M fiftrVrt PBt" J. C FULLK11TON.AV ; holds regular gjfoa-fines on Wednes- te.KjCB liai 'it Vi.3itYVu na .iK full tmnAn ' L MUBTON, Secy. M. PHILETAUIAN F. meets on baturday evening, ol each week at 7 o'clock, id their httll at Rose burg. Members of theorder in good stands Ing are Invited to attend. By order of the N UNIOK ECNAMPMSNTVNo. 9, I. O. O F.. muets at Odd Fellows' thill on tbe 1st and 3d Fridays ot every moth Visiting Brethren invited to attend T- Foito, C. P. .-jT?. F. Benjamin, S. UMPQUA GRANGE, NO. 28, P;o" IL, will meet hereafter on the 1st Satur ol each month, at Orange Hall, in Kose 'urjr. All members in good standing are 'ly invited to a. tend: JAMES T. COOPER, M. Cordis t. Secretarv. j. P. Dtrac. . ' 'AY. MARCH 4 tin -acnntia. SATUKJ w " Dr.W.Kuyked..1l and WA.v Af Draia Were 5J t&wu duriilj tu.. week. 7nr old f.ieud Je. Palmer is at abrook, Lke county present t California. - , fiU.l told necklaces, ladles' and cents' watches and chains at Jatku- ltk'H. the Jeweler. Jjr. 8 K- Raymond spent the great- er part of Vet week visiiinff with frioud oa Deer creet. x Kut waa disf.hari?e;l on ths rai. road worts la-t Thursday tht aed, it li said, 1,000 pouu(lof JudBon powaer. A Yoanc sou of Mr. Bau Jin. w ho lived on the SpArks' frru acrow river from this place, '.iod durirg the .week.' " untif r (he iuannro?nnt of Pr f. B, t'hathey, as principal, Mi.s Anaie Kent and Mrs. Alice Gage asiUuts in the Ir.tertued ate departments, is now iu flourishing condltioa. There are over one hundred pupils In attendance. R-E'Iqsed. We 1-arn that Mr. R. R. Rogers has resigned his position in tle Unitetl States Sigual Service, in this city. Ue has held tbe position for a number of years. Purlng his stay iu Roseburg, ho has made a host f trieods, who will regret bis . departure from o-it midst. Hahd Wouk. While -the buiiJing cf bridgi-a for the railroad company contiuues with the proper energy. Mr. L. N Koouey tells of many ditlicuhiea be dail encounters. The latf heavy raius have ruined the id-; au l it urj rites us that any wojk is doue at IL It is the eup-irinteiident'j tner y. Fbcm PEKS:sAij Experience ean Jonp, CaI. Aug. 1st. Ib81. H, II. Warner & Co : Dear Sirs: Ffo per sonal experience I can chterfully X--c- comniend your sa'e Kianey ana Kiver Cure to all persons afflictt-d with kid--ney and liver diiScuMes. Airs. C VV Pomeroy. : A dKD Wt'MSTAS. Mr. J'ha U Vanieln is a gootl workman, aud .ready t. serve all iwho may give Him otui ).A top-rfnn. John can be found at pourthoiis-i, and we have f rund ntm rn !v and laitntui eacn na uais!i 'e ha been in our employ svf-rv tine ; no iaB oi me OAKLAND. P. 0. Eobanks, Esq., Is convalescing , The sickness among the chrditn is still prevalent. Rev. James held divine services at tbe church last Fabb tth. 1 Hon. J. CTtenoweth has rented tbe butcher shop of W, K. Hanua. Prof. O, T. Uuspell will rnme schohsiic dut'.es ns-xt Monday. bis TF. . ' LangrnlH-ru Bmtltisluve rcH-r T the finest stock ui b.ioU and A brought to this a.t 4 Is 6r good nargalaatii -. Miss Hattia O-.lliiUn d, who h l'frri tsaching ;chol at Uardlner fir t past nine months, is exppctci to am. home iu a fw day : nrw .r- y'-- i r-" oUt iue .".u TLeyr- eoBi.i. out tt a P Four car loa-ta of.tTiinamen came up Thursday Vud were Ukn FrUiay to liobert'a Hill l P"1 to work OD tU' sradaof the railroad. TU citizens of febool district No 44. rWill. have flhd a petition with thB.-hool sup ntMidi.t aAiug a Hilvisiuu of their district. J A Mr.Hope tnd Mf ..Bron, brothers . i . r r. vr-t tviIa f.r.. we jniaw oi understand lying qte low wU Jeerat their rcstdet:co in town. It is generally ' co C8ied that the read leading to this phce from every .. .. .it nA ia i far worse SThe &VlA - sw mill, wi:h m '-chinery fok' the n?w was sent the exception oi ne DJ-m, -. ine ouito yrt) Creek on Tusfi. e boiler will be aent out beft w .t -nla - and the mill Will i- i ruuiiing orlv hy the 10rh insunt. :Past REavi! sorry to autiouuce thkt the phyaicians who are attending ttiU S. Perkins, h ave given up all hopes of her recovery. As a lady, who has made everybody, her friend, her au dd n j r.ape will giieve our whole commwuity ITrs-s i LoT PURCnf?F.t. K. t'. lry has purchee-l V i?"l ' O' ft jT-'f -r;y tfyilV rco ,1..iiiR fih f ntied. th vr'iea' other Lui!di!g rni ! Led by Jn 't Murr son tv What Mr. iutend L a property, wa are ia- bw Miner dri.ii-3 pil The roc-nt hloh water swept'- nway lion. J. C. ilutchioMon'a boom, v Tt exhititi n (bat was ofetponel las' Frl lay evenh.g, will take plact' next. " Mr. Sampson Sutherlin bat a very sict chi d, which is not likely "to recover. Mr. CJarry Youus, the efficient Falesman of E. O. Young Co. te turned last Wednesday vtnln from 'Frrnco. His sister remained in the Bay City. " " A new order of things have been established by our highly accomplish' ed and mud esteemed city marchal. Thtre is nohmg like otd' rder, es pp daily in church. Wave j-our seep tr and go frr tbem, Martin !! Rupe rior talent is always appreciated by the observing. The correspondent of 'hs Plaiadraler seeiu to want more explanation rela tive to the "consp'cuous consultation'' room. If our ponderous marshal wruU givtthesubjeet bit attention as he does other matters of less importance. the iut Jienfc cii respondent would only have to IntetTlew that official to receive the information desired. ; Mi. yes Titian's littl child ia im proving. It has h en dangerous! ick for several days. Its' ia.prorement is due to the successful treatment of Dr. J. ! hambrook. The Doctr has i ad fevi ral very serious caw and has bed- eminently successful ia the trettinent of every one. Ho has met tbe.expnC tion oi his 11 lends and his few enemies are lorced to acknowledge his medical skill. . Last Tuesday, the little Ada, the i.Uter cf a: J. Howard, paseed frm fl 14 0f sorrow. She had been this w days and received ell b cfc twenty i -oder nuriing tha kindoe-4 ad , WM bright could be given. 8h by an WQ0 child and much loy . nlrit has knew her. Her angeiie v above gone to dwell in :h BJansion . .,y where pai Is unki.ovra and sort never cowes. The behaved parent tu -e tht i u;tjf vi tht entire cora sTini'it;. MoTHKiasI MorsKRS 1Artt y..u I wjrv disturbed at night and bro ten' of your . rest by a .'ck child fullering aul ,ry . ing with the -x-rclatinjr pain of cut- Opposlta f-i iig tee:li? If so )?o at onca ana ge lttla i,f Mr. AVlnnlntt'i KuothillS' 8yrup. It will relieve the poor Jbtle fufierer immediately depend upon he tiiere is no mistake'about it. There is uota mother on earth who has ever used it who will tell you at once that iUwi I regulate the uoweN nd give rest to the mother and " relieve healtlr to Ibe ch'ld, operating likw t agio. It ib perfectly safe to use in ail c. ses and piea-ant to me laste ana it ih irsrii:ion of one of the oldest and bfh of pbysioians and uur in tbe United Sta"te. Bold everywhere. ; lU;;k fttwbarg Propi'ietor Wixios, Li .oTiors & Cig Whei.c Cornea the Unbound d larity of Popu- Acock's Porous Pastar? BecaUi'ethey have proved themselves the Best External iJemedy'ev r iovent- eJ. Theywili cure asthma, colds, coughs rheumatis-ni, neuralgia and any ' lx:;vl pains. Applied to the small of the back ihey re iufalllabls la Oaca-actie, JNer voas Debility, and all kidney troubles; to the pit of the etouweh they are k sa re cure for dyspepsia and liver complain, Allcock's Porous Plaster's a painles, tMgrnt and q nick to care. Beware ol imitations that blister, and uur. Get Allcock's tho only genuine Porous PlaB er."v wtn4 tf '-PIMPLES. I will mnil fiee the reclp fur a simple vt-gn'able balm thjit will mu Vo tnn, freckle t, jiiniplrs and ffckVs pimph-s and blotehe s, leaviPR theskiti S"h and clear and Jjrauti tul ho josTusttons f"r pr-.n. ducinga luxvriant gtowth oi hair n a h. a iiai nf cmixirii fniVH. Address en !loit; siihre.ceut s'a ntTi BVn. Vanotlf . 13 uarcisv si. n, x. iitwivs in niTinlii uril nn livrprnfi.l.1, chaaders permitted about the uremi- sea. ; i. j, -irtvn. XOTICS. Ntiirte fs l;trehy giv-nt that thej iexl rrgalar terra of th- county i c:urt t!"o lM in lt-tt!bnrf, on the j tthikv it Aoril. 1SS2. ani.'ieat on w ll i b mil' by Phillip IMSouzt tt hav his. name changed - to PhUiip A da Motta. Puhtiihel by ord-r of Hon. C CJaddia ndg - of the above f.ami-d court. AMeit T li MIrRIi'AS, County ners ?ls:4-The pile.-'riv.r own d Co.. and employed u for Mi railroad,' ax 1. ...a nrltP1il V jlowu over by It.e wii i-.- i.hc. and tbs-Isl-rs broken 5ecs--rr repairs wH '-e iu-la OM. at in. r i pit J. - - Ku tri n t-nden t Harris - ... .it i i.a mi th line cf rh. railrwl are at 9, W and 8 o'oIwk ana uts uwc .v...- ping the cut being ma le will gov ern themselves accordingly. i Doiso (Jd Work kell au t his crew re -John McKa" doing spiendid work in clearing the voute for the railroad. He 1 two mile ahead, jk1- ih lutrt hsavT ral is, aud WiIHlU"luD - - i is work is well done. YCK'V .!.A ' '":" llifh w.ter. 'FoMtii:5- twinning, Yoncalla will have Bvt r-1 applicants for different ofllccs in tbe cmiisii lectioo. fivvrtl of f.rmrs r begining to 1 (s. dotitbaripa, on account w v Mtch swrray weatner. Mi.s 'Kill Woodson a charming littla miss -f Eikh'-a i, is here visiting rei stivest ud hlciidfr. Sprin? The Floor Mill. rhl.teHl rear Koe- bnrg, a mile from th3 0- U vv tl- n. kn w i ae tne propo.jr t iin es ale, iu Booth UmptinA. , Fo.jr s!ry raill, thorouglilv equlpp- .) l!an trrts of and iii-a- the wil'. Price, $4,500. isfactr' tt rr,) for part." WillseJl 200 acres uiorp d if deirtd. For particulars se J. C. Fullerton, Roseburg. J. W. Lincoln, corner Oak od G h st., Portland. fes uccebor to fKo. P. Sh. HARDWARE,- TiMWAlir , Ouns, CutWy ami Tir.ierf uithiiig foot':. i.1an) srov Fur- I W m m Law Ayer's 'JETair Yigor, FOR RESTORING GRAY HASH TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND CCLCR. It Is a most agreeable dressing, which is at oBce harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of yonth, faded er gray, black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always enred. It checks falling of the .hair immediately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands axe not decayed ; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality ana strengui, ana renaers ic puaoie. The Vigor cleanses the scalo. cures and nravents the formation of dandruff? and. , J by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, ii neais most u not an oi ins humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, "and soft, tinder which1 conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. c As a Dressing- for Ladies' Hair The Vigob is Incomparable. It ia color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and, will not soil white cambric It Imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for tha toilet it is economical and unsurpasied in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical nd Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. SU BT ALL DRCSGISTS ITXIlTirRXea., PAt-cnna t n rlr.nht o limit th ncwl pectJlel! slniid visit our opueai de artment at their earliest convenience aisd vr wilt lest their. eyes , ire or charge. All ierns who have pteta t lmt tlr I lu ll- ptc shmil.l iia an.t sea If they are pnperly aljiiHti-d This instrunieut will test Itotn fnr and ncai . schtei eye?, anti rt-gtster tne facip r. timber and clats of lens reqnir ed ft each ee. A. 5. M At'rt'l'ERS 4t Co., Iirugg'wts. snsAa puts iSiLLS. Til bliAVn tvttlla lnr& T. in hAit H. A. Kent lot of Sugar pine and Cedr and other khid of iumtier; dreKted or umir-ssnl that can be found iu t':e Doij'ilaa couuty marke:. Orders promptly rilled,- ud by appli cation at the mil's, terms will be given and which wtl defy V--mpeiit ion t, .lr... rhut rr nru tzltn 1! ii t a' i t i tuo.w as1 hmmi " v a v theni, and that their lumber hhall uut onequaueu in quattiy cr quantity, they give them a trial " . Br r ors pf Youth A gentleman who suUered-f r yea r from nervous dehiHy. preaiature d e cv snd all the eil'.cts of youthful In diiicrtt hn will for tbo sake of euffcring htnjia'niti' will send free to h 1 who do sire it 'h rb'ipe and direction for the simt le i-emetv by which ho was cur-d SultereTs wib!.g to profit by the od veru er'.- x erien." can d" s by aJ" drt'8in in jjerfect confi iencc. Jt.'HK B. oSDKN, !ar -t. ft-bSS New. xork. tallion for Sale liusirset, we Got Back. Mr. A. W. Compton .-h rmm T?.istBi n Wushinff- i ,,ni inn. - .1 a v " iimh rriui uc . " ..-KiAii -ihau tbef have been before ... Trrnorv. to vtsit bis wife. Me . I ... !.. . v.n. n .l.nrfc tim. The lor a autuvt - y iwii i v hi -- . ih. i.,i. hrs . was heartily welcomed The Presbytery oi vres-o, .K.ri.r. Church will cornm-nce in by hii many fr end. .f. .....-1 fh 2Nf lastaut. 1 1 v.a rbtte::. We ae sorry to say in the plac. of the 16:h inetant a tat the condition of J- D. anCuron eviensly announced. ha, not i mproved for the better Poor . L, .I. -i,- hold of the Van's many frietvu eatts ,e, t rour irfJ "" "r : .- ..w... h ..nd.of. Ids Wet-'mo re s.w muzzle of his loaded gun,- "." "' dav and pulled it towards himself llog w.y. ver some brush. Besuit: flun was TRs gXw MnjU-R. M cCulloch, B. fird and several rbot just mifeed bis , toha atraicht have posted head.- i U notice to the effect that they will . Aver'. Hair Vigor, as Its' name im- apply for a license to sHl spimuo is JZ invigorates and strengthens the 0Of9 at the Mountain Koa for six hair. It not only restores m i mniu. -color t gray or faded' hair but by iu T: R-p" atimulatlag action at the roots pro- . . has cortluuous'y fall". . . , ..Afh nd ff-iVCB It 1 u," nr . laces vtgonu k that beautiful lustra which resalta only troue healthy growtn or ur. filihis have a-ready com racneed. Two f our Voncallaites In duljred in a bvtly kuck-down a few . . as tiayij tgo. w ait is cum. Silas Una Cowan on of Yoncalla's mPt hh'h.Iy ts.esned young ladies, ho has ha spending th winter in Oakland, has returard to her home t this place. Ad F. Amhrooe Is home asrain after n f.w months stav In Oakland, where lie hfB beon attending school andr tn manaeement t Piof. Kussell. AI speaks in high terms of the school. Onh a number of our young people attended the paity at Drain on Febru- Bt-w r i nit. Thev renort havtnir a gne tima. and were nar fly reeeiva by their many frieuds more especially (he vouug m--n, who are ever welcome it, that city. " TI11ST0SC,.C6S tr nunm.t tliA above are preeared to k.P "P J-'"1'" B,fJ . .,,vv-.n,t r.ricis. We havetlw Vat Ol H1'B1'I -.i -. ; ; , A it our wwv t rur Inl-h,i.iyrs w'.th F..WcUrS r.IOlvH llv 1 . tiard a f..l: Ki-.t .f -roi ttt.d rtiI r M '', .leah-rs ' from ftbeiad wdl r. cmvh pro.a.t . 1! S . . J. t:. Mia il'-it nnvvutivii - - Opo: W. OenffSi gan stallion, , . - offers hii fine Mor 1 sua out JOE MO0 .' . . .. a Tne for " ?v a oarcnni..- lie is . . UiiU'il. i J llSlltn HI MttlglK, ut'" -.,i i .. . i, ,. tTuincIWA f c unv owner o itroo-l Mitn-e. Oolr "it jears ot as.' titt-l weUiiH'llOO ponds.- Will bo sold at a ii..rgriin, bum whu sv'uurity oi' time. - -- A pr hr o Gt:0. W. OENGER, ThroRglv'-he Po-eharg p"sti.!i or tu XitJ.-la) !K9CPBKOat3iT . . ioi!;-i Csv. . 3 r i ; : 't'i ''- mar !"iii'Lr.. s ' r "n luwCiirei ' l a t i ' i a one, Rtid :-t to bt w t Ot!v t-il f-.'m. of,ill heattt :!! a ! sire t euI.M;it.e to fahforuil U ii.rprove ih". wc Apply on ih prtuliK." .ti" ut the In'k- PKVnEXT offljt'.- A. O. iv-Si'j. ADMINTSTBAOU'S XOITCE, In the county court ot Doala county. State of Oion. - ... .....f. . 1. if I (kill". in the t iu" civc ui. vsu.. Kelleh-r, .'eee-sed. Notice ti nereo.'- gvn '' dfrs'cned ha been appjiuted auinin . -- at. A i..a.l nktutO isirator oi . " hv the ab ve er.iuien conrj. ill persons Having ciattw " .aid estaate &r require: w prt- tut theoi with th pr .o r v.itiohers w it.- in six in ii'.hstrm " "" notice t the U'.d rsi jra-d administra tor at bis place of buines- in 'Wbutg Doeuglas i-ounty, Or,gn, H persons indo ed to' the saiJ estate will please call and settle It 8. SriKblUA, Auuuiit.., Doc 27lh, 1&1- MACHINES FOR KENT ",t .... For tarth-r particulars j p;ly to JOHN CHASE, Agm Sew Whaler & Wlls m a'o, 8 J". lEX. Howard's h i & GO 'S Itl KCBAlKn ' CLEAN . S WEEP CIO A R, THE BEST 33 IT OIG-AR ' IX.IWSEBURG, Manufactured expressly for, i and for . i . i . . saie ouiy aw A. C MASK'S CIGAR S'ORE. ' ya. jvs '----y ... : if IMSMllHllMSBb TJiis porm'ar resort for business men Farmers others desiring - -"soninttiinj l.tod f iff iie sto-nach's -nke," wiltl l-e' touvd s. l'ih of smitu at s'nre, , OAKLAND, OREGON. The btfit of Wiues, Liquors !d Ogni always on hand. : ej Ir FOIt aiOraoaism Javeiicd BY A KOilMON BISHOP. TuinT triB onlv real expose of th vile deeds of BMiitites, Blood. A toners A veuffinsr Angels and other secret Bfcielies of Mormnnwra. Full autt en'hentic part-cuiars of h n-rnt-p' btjtcberv of men. women and chlid ren at the-: Mountain.. Meadow: Massa ere, and terrible wrongs aud suffering ofMr Brig Bampton A wondenoi nook lor Agents ompiet out in o cents. Onttit and sami'ie copy f j zj. Secure u ageucv at onee or wri'e or write for illustrated circular and p.-cil term to 1 bUN PUBLISHING Co. 210 212 Pine st. M Lous. Mo NOTICE "For beauty of ton. tt.uch and action 1 tftVe rM Ta It AI X) V 1 2 E K E LLC GO . 'The Kabo' made is absolutely the best Piano fe!8 A L.BAXCI OFT & CO.. 721 Market S. F. Sole Ag-;nt the Pacific Coast Raoifi i r,-ir-ni f.vr to ',a a citrn near Bwn''fpiia, l'-l o rcived tip in March 10ih, 183. the ciiy re" vn th" right u; r j:t any ct.d ail bid . F--r sm-cifi jationa call oa W. S. Hum- ilr-y, nt his .tfie Bv ortit-r ol the -Board o' Tius-e , ... , W.P. ItUMfiittCX, Rcrder. Ros-bnrg, Feb. 17th. 18S2. The leading Scientist f 1 to-day agree that most diseases are caused by js...nii,i lri.inova or livers. If there fore the kidueys and liver sre kept in ,..r.t nrAar. rfpet health wll be !ii rnlt . Tha truth has only been , . Jv..i itma nl or vcara txo ..i- ,.urnr-j orottt. acniv wi hoat being Rbie to llud veiief. The discovery of vVarntr's Safe Kidney Cure marks a .r. in th treatment of these AiiI.1m..' ad e from a simple tropi cal leaf of rare value it cotnains jut the eletneots necessary to sourish and Wnrit IKllll CI lllfm s vk;iu m', fely re lore and ke.-p them m n, k Tt is a positive reraeJy fr ail order. " .na,t cause pain in the the dlseawfc. :llf) bfKjT for ttrpid liver lowor twrt o! i- -,ujCft dizziness heai'aches jaw ..ue ,roaterial fe- travel - tever d . ( kidneys ver. and all .difficulties ; ,iver aud urinary organs . reme(jy It ia an excellent and sat r , f, r females during pregnancy 1s control Menstruation odU mTaJutw for leucorrhoea or falling of the worn'. As a blood puriUer U is unequalled for it cures thl organs that makes the blTht remedy which ha d-ne such wooers S put up Zt bottle "(any medicine PB tne m: ket.ndla -old by frwt rXSl deaUrsat$l 25 per rn aD. ts enquire for Warners B'.e Uiw ,es Cnre. I 1 a positive remedy. FLIT. WARNER Rthester, N. Y. 3y TlaBters claiming to be an improv Porous Plasters. is the original and only genuine Porous Plas:er; all other so called Porous P:asters are Imitation Beware of them men; on Alleock'a -: il lock's Bee that you get an A'lcockTs Poro us Piaster which we gvarantee has effected mor and qukkcr cures than any other externa? remedy .-old Kr all I)rnggl, The' Johostoli T le-o; t fits th. eyn Wilh lUe i'r-'.i- t they make their patent p.iic. t of various. vimnisions, an i 1 nous --z.m to fit ait fa -. vrv tln-te maJementsi. ' - Dll. aiARiXER, ! Disohitloa of Parta Tlio pattnerhlp heretofow r. ' T.ivtrv hna,ri.'K4. itsia hfn cia! - All (l-3bw oing by the firm ?.r oy j . j. a iteu, and an ci;.s: payable, to him. . A. E. unit" J. C. AIKE. RoBe.burg, Nov. 18, lb81. I r.hertn11v TCft-iintnend! -J who C'lntinuL-a the business. t-- t age of the public. - A.- J5. UttA M '.: FIOlTEEEj fS.i: OAKLAND, OREO v P. K- WITHER : , Proprietr-r. . The finet of wines, liqaori " coup ts inly ou Imu. sad a web -- Come aa? see me. - Uitl. BLAC2V- KETAII, DSALKH IX WINE.;, LfQUOIW, AND CAXTONVTLUB, OBEGO.V. Patrons will find'iny saloo and pleasant placa f reo 1 Ivin'r mrt a rafl will ha trc4 (est I have for sale Admlnist rator'a Kt:' . VnMrtA lhriv rivn b V signed Admiuistiator of tbe - f Jilhprt. MeNTar. dof!pa?id. to ' itorsof, and ail persons hav against the said deceased, to them, with the necessary within six months from th hmnmu'i in Ihaai(l Arlnn at his offlce in Canyonviilc, County, Oreg m. Dated at canyonvme, ter. Tl a i.v.v ' Administrator of tbe estate t wOi'Sr, tte-.-easefi- - CanyanTille; Oreen : Proprietor. Th fint-od best st;k it' I tquors an 1 Cigos ever off r ; publio in Souliiern Orer . lH?t of Ale an 1 Porter. Al , .: the celebrated GIUiPE CREEK SOUR ' BOURDOX WHISK : T'ot. no inrps!v for m'tl". . poses, and ouiy for sale at t ' uive me atnai. IliOIT. . Purchased at tha Un-cbnrg Iron Foundry .and the U'.gliest i'nee paitl lor the fim. FilAZKU & BUNNELL. X3 JL-A- T3TS2'KSaH3 ft LL BUSlKT-PB- T "'u -CL be promptly motivate. Can be foniid when went erf w Inquire for i at wosenur g u- : Buy th Sloate 5-cut f lex's. cigar at Jauko- Buy lbs Sloats 5-cent ciar at Jasku Tex's ' three dayB and Bay hs Ploste 5-cent cigar at Jaskn- i lei's. front - rn n.nliS of Wilbur was aire. r. i. vi.uw.. -takea very si.k last Saturday evening and Dr. Rice was feat w, the patleat suffering from severe attack of strangulated Hernia, an i that an operaf on was necessary to relieve her. Dr. Davis was cailed and ths operation prfortned. ana at. i-t accousU the lady was doing well. Fewhonser in the line of buMnesa. have extended their trade all over the enfirfl country as have D. M. erry of De- Hroit, Uicfiigan- fW furnish em plovment to about 1,000 persons and keep t-ixty commetctal travelers on the rosd looklorf after ther tntre-ts. trv.... .Mt nn thoir own seid farm all , l iicgr lb - til to seeds they sell wHch is probably one of the principal reasans why their good i are held In such high esteem all ver the land.,. We would ad vi-e al ! ...vtn inforniation re i: ...,rtj on ! nrmlir I COPT Ol jjlviuiiiK w1" f - - - the new aud beautiful seed annual fo a .h- iturm is not vet over. More IUU IMC " - new bridges will have to be built. Jf?BcovEi;lso.-Mr. -Clark' little rhdd who has been -ick severttl weeks with a sore throat, is now improving. Buy the Slots 5 cent lar at ex s. Jaaku- MOUNT SCOTT. Buy the Sloate B-cent cigar at Jasku- lex's. 1882..- ' IjRTTBs List. Letters remaining, in the Brseburg Post office. Febury, 28th 1S93- T O Arnold, G M Ande ion.Alk Baldwin, M S Bush, John Barker, M Betflke, 1 Collins, Wm catehing, J Cooper W f ate, Sach xuifl r. R flroitn. Ella Lawrence, vy J Mots, s A Mete, Mary McK.lney. S C . Miller, Tom Moore, A B Norton, U 8 Oberdorfer. !ILS Parker. J Stark, - J Sullivan. J Thorn rsorii W Tailor, W T WUpv. V Wliinlnzham, R Wiantng nam. J A Willia. Mrs. J Welsh, J U . vvr a Wall J O Wilson.. A C Young. y.WZart; j J. M. Rowley, notary public wm -Tinton is running cayotes on their range. Abe Barker is through. farming and (S now nursing his big boy. The Tipton boy will raise their new mill in a few days. Tne city is not moove I yet, but the officers are appoi ned. d Free Mont, barber, is doctor. His Grot patient was a cow. His success was good. Mr Parker has just recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mr Vorna is running a hotel at the new mill. Callaud see him. Twenty five cnts a meal- Wra. Broadley has been appointed jus-Jce or the peace. He is a good judge of BRIEF REFERENCE FIRS INSURANCE AtfENOY. IIMPERIAL, LONDON, NORTHERN AND, QTJBBN INSTJRANOS Severs! Patent Rights For Sale. Ihave a coed lay-out fur an energetic young Clan. It Is a good, easy, Honora ble UU61IUS6S. ana oue wuiou mcrn .nuv in in f.nfr;r,.t'c business man ca make $!' er day and exvet'es essj App'y to Jiimes n. vv unseti, ivnu"i; or to th D uglas Indepeudf ct, for par HEFFEBITS SALQ0M. : RQSEBURG, OREGON, JAMES DEARL1NG, Blacksmith Farrier, Tie best of wines, consttntly on hand ad. (liveTiie a call. Arl wlll-known to the p-opie of D ujt- i. .,l nAiartfullv announce i. m. t. . -. .!.! nil kind. a of liquors andcigaTS, work In his line, and guarantees satisu and a welcoma to tacti.1.. r EXCELSIOR lit I. OUECiCN. R THOvrsosi, it. tuoMi'sost; E. J. DK 1IAKT WJf HOU EYM AN Thoapsca, Do Hart & Co, : Iraporiera and dealers In XLIX ran G3cisxbp2& Coal, Iron, eteel, Hardwo-d Lumber and wacoa material. 184 First su. and 173 anl 175 Front t Portland, Oregon. Carnage Hardware. Jan7 -. T i o r rr ttrf.TV health and sweet breath secured by 8hiloh'aCat- rrh r..inilv. I'rlce n eent ir.iector free. A. V. aiarsiera drugstore, Kosebnrg. sLEEPLSS SIGHTS, raae miser -ivt h that fperibli? conch, rhtlon's cure is the remedy for you. A. C. Marster A Co. s tirugsiore. iwseuuiK WILL YOU SUFFER with day pepsia and liver complaint? Shiloh's Viiaiizer Is the ren.edy for you. A C. tarsttrs Co.'s drtigstore,Rosebf!rg THAT HACKING COUH can be quickly rured by Shiloh's cure. We guarantee to cure it. a. . Co.'s drugstore, Ro-ehurg. sriilnh'afoiinh and eensnption core id sold ny vs on a guarantee. II. arf" ronoumptioa.- A. C Uarsters v v m drug tore. sepurg.v i -. .. Mt ... a . lOOMPAJMiiiia. in ana .- Capital! 898,923 00 J. b HAMILTON A.fiCCttr, feblSlut Roebnrg,Orcgor. , aw. . x-t 7.pnt. "N EW VEQE I'- ABLE. White Giant Stiipgart Sun.iu r.T.alhm. mmm shop ! - o b,l.lo.rL3.- HOilSS gl'CEINU MADE SPECIALTY ":Ani!l all kinds of work PROMPTLY EXECUTED. (JIVE THE FllOT A CALL. And you vrill corns again Anv f armor having a plow to sharpen - j.' ii . or machinery to repair wm uo t ffivo ma a call at my old stand.; - ; I have a lull utocs oi iron ano. ovr..', aid. having purchased theame at alow ttIoiv l- tp.wr ao far as prices . are , e-.neerned. w ... - LUIIJI CI'WIlW ItWUl s jraa a- fdbl7 lm . uiiutt.v'r'- JOHN B. McLANE, BHIDtjS BUILDS?-. And Contractor, East Portland, Oregon. ; - sa"BS . . i - - Dearling 6ibsons OAKLAND, OGS. lHknijMki39nttl1i'' IxnttM -WfcM4fal!i(wtlir-t;?" - " IfiTTrggACa-!3tt: '- Officr ot ScHtxTZ Von li :-; 129 California street, cor. 1 - gaa Frat - : Joak I Bcrss, A g Tn ti Tr ATR!--PracticaI has demonstrated to us that requires a choice oui uourto i .no.iinfa iiba. For it is we i that straight whiskey that i . ly pure requires ag. o.i nnr nhi Davenpo ? - powesses all the above qusls grain useu i tuc mui..' j navonnort whiekv is ?' - lected from tbe finest, riche grows iu the Btato ot j.ut u water is drawn f : 051 one limestone springs in the SUt . culiar properties wu;u for Kentucky whiskies wide celebrity. TUia pro,:- -our J. II Davenport a pu -.... whisk t claim th it for delicacy of fit' - and medictual qualities n si- ". celled. '"-"' ' Yocra trdly, ScatTLTt A V-? r From and after this d- - Ileffron. of Roseburg. will : celeiirated Davenport, pur.- whisky exclusively. 11 road pnon anrnTcatbon to Donald M.cCMian A Co Krhis u Macleay, Portend. Ore gon a. . ir.nAn and PailrO Jan' Would snnonnci to ths pubhe th thev are- prrarl h ! beat ! of materi al to stu'pW all de.,. ops in, Iheir Iips ii nr wt-ntv Vara exie i- .i...i rad all work i WTioruied TICUVO IU !. . l tlmm is ffoarantee lis Brst-clis s, ana strictly accordin to or d , Th n;:aT'r:mTa,k b? n'u 'naJ.'ed' SSTJjd brJlirU h7e whleb t..e best -TTTa: iun to Meo uenJTu iui - r - .. ITODB, wnn biij msi -,: . f . t. J.'i.. (if aTO' is reiatuo . ruins 4iiiiiici I.H.V-' j , v..---- - ! i . - M JamrutftVA 1 .fnst eur-. A. C. ilarater 8 & -n - . . a. ... M ,ved by8b lob'S dish. Its o" .',"' , ,,.:... An Co,, drugstore. -iS rim-the Br are fit for th-, tale. in CUAS HIRT3EI & M First 'and 107 Front street Poittand tvPOliTErSAFOWnotESALSOFAtERSW GlTSSOa'S C3l3 J. W. 87 BOBd ' I " . .: J 1.- mil School aid Miscellaneeua Books, SOUTH TEN MILF. r ..iiin match at the South - i.U , Ten Milo school h use, n f rdav, teo. 17th,outof one hundrtnl i-electet woru- Daniel Fisher, George uyron. cjr j ron, Mary Short, William su'". Thomas Leonard aaa annoa missed one each. Elmer Wens, uiiam Friend Benjamin Fisher ana wanna 'm.fed two each: , Frankliu j, j. uvai - - - - . , . - - Simmons and Logan Fisber. missed three each: Sylvester t immons four; Lawney Wellf seven; Rsca Prewett, clue, sad Ernest HoQYer.teq, - To 0ixisufliptiwes . . - -.t th- attvertUer having been perui" Ir cur.dol that dread disease mpi A . .....l.lnnwll 1(1 hlS 11- ii is anxious w , T .ii 10Kuff.-rra U e means ot cure. To a l . . .. i, w in a.nd a codv of the Who oen:r" j " pr iim the nrni a'" " . . ... v..-. IK lWd,h all the 3?J2 H ro most van iv .. are nw' ' , - . .,v.i recoluirity n"uV . i,.i i.... lo eouftl to that theiaai r:. Jn ; . g.,Wu to tim first I warrant it In Ji r..ape,w - euarraatj- IinBtaJ e paid Umm. r.I rile ffrirct . J 1-. nrklT. 4 tor 15 Cents pwr e----- - cnt; t-u i.r"" v Ilil'UIti "-D " Statioriery, Cutlery, Tor, Notioa A grnt V tor Jhn Foley's Gold P ns, and also for TliouW wiiUi-g inks. tH'Cil4icoant in School Books. Ortlera eareiuaj iiwiwcu . w D.flH i i luuuuiivv "v -- , be the best ever Inv a i, am t...A .nit r-i aalc. euean t FARM 4 tor BO Ali orders ?ho desire it he Will seada copy ,t.f the - Un kag wdl ,r.scrit.tion aaed free of charge .-.beautiful chromo of th.a raddh. directions for preparing ana Rcniltunce for l w aj:.r :d bv the Vetera, t L Orowe'r oTloi- Address all order. TTTTRf IfKTYFTl J 10 New London, TXry e-tty, l'wa.J13 sinr tod Ear- k6 bcse- :i ' . ..or---; . t nsed tw t BUY OIaX"J- Mannfactored from only ti' wheat. v h for sale al9 Bras, t v in t iiUM Kannn. H AfTlfl. l.,t M If III t llJCr? v I ' cured In the most, ecient'n it....,i.iuri win a, me tUltv'v.- 1 TEE BOSS 1)5 -THE ROAD r vr n. E - m -Til I .... .frulr fi ( Ilia flllllo . VTitli Continuous . y - - w; k , mrm a F 1 t Oo3te Mo Om thau U v . MLUil 1 i i UUi vv .wa ra-.-i. tx7ico as lens- if w " . r MA'JI? ikkk PAIt? KD, ; Give Tlie? ft eaU '" , ..v. .i,, iti find a sura care ter esme wuiu - . tSm, coughs, cjlds. , consumptioD, asthma, bronchitis c, . -, . . -ui Vnrlies wishing tu proacriv.'-'t. - addSl rZ E A Wilson. I9 Fer st. t0 Wdliamsburg, x i 9' IBUUtrou '. -' H make la posiagst m vti-n - - -r B -r t ! r THE E-ST - Aidresi A. Vv IS 1THE KARKET. TrAEN3,Caaonv:ri9 THE -BDRSan MLOKi ONLY 1HE FINEsf Liq,uoi3. Wines Cs-Cigais ' . . 'T . j ..i.Ani waited iinoo Kent en hana, ana ial, . J ..k M. MB n . Y111.IJUTSI. ' ' . in a IMUIVU.K'" r SOtf manner, u1''"';:, iiOBERl TEOXTEL. Ihave opened Qools. one -110. ot Millinerr aU in a nrst-fc'w , tespectU, 'E.V. ' eia , m m.v -r- ' . r-Tl.Vin-T trF ' SrEoTC; I' U It l Li .a ju, vm.vf- Oak'a a - and Take None Other. manbfactcbed tY ! "V" I . v ..-" i witv v ' I , iiGXIXCw s-vi hXy- .j ROSEBURG, .'. ' That the lt eye tester In tha In(rtns lhc puWtothat be I. i l,K U thi Johnson Optical Co' pat gappy f Potatoes, Omo WOrll.VU 3 Tht ths fls oor Croat an iiixet Of.- ey.hrir S5 fitting anei-Vde. and ere Any one during ar j t t .tb!a arV unparalleled. 3!- Tj srt,cl cau.Jba .Wty' nar. fra are "Ilea wilh the finest h m rlC(; o-jVr nl tliese lramt one. ,,m..b ; - Un ,v . . .. .:mii