I ... .... w- t f r : PATUKDAY, .MARC II 4 Tn Janx W. Kelly.--! ake notice that I hreby terminate your teuenan cy at will, or by sufferance, of tlw lot No. 6, In block 20, iu the ciry of Eose. burg, my premises now oceup.ed by you at a dwelling house and printing office; and require yeu to remove ibVe from, on w befora - the 14th dy of March, 1S83. j Dated, this 3d day of March, 1&S2, at Boseburg, Douglas county, Oregon. Solomon A sbajiam. The above is a copy of a notice serv ed upen ashy 3oI. Abraham: whalt ia more Sol. Abraham, after tix year' hard service In bis favor and for his moral and social benefit and tlevatlon to the diiparagement of truth, ha has Attempted to eot only turn us out of doors bat alio to deprive us oi tha means of earning an honest livelihood for our wife and babies by instituting suit of replevin for possession of the material of this office to which he has no right. We make this statement for the reason that we readily gave bonds, and to- assure ike public that the mule will continue its kicking, Pol Abraham to the cootrary notwith standing. DIS30LOTI02I NoticjC This i to cer tify that the copartnership heretofore existing between f the uuerai?a- ed and Pel. Abraham in pol Hies or otherwise has beta diaeaiveti The undersigned continues the buisi Bess and will ride his own mule. ' Johw W. Kelly. Koeeburg, March 4;h, 1833. TO THE POINT. Sol. Abraham, in presence of H. C. K locum, asked us to return to him the material we received from him. The demand was tnude . on Wednesday last at the Metro politaa Ilotei. Our answer was that we had nothing to give up. Kqw, the bouen people i Douglas count maj understand the' thing we have labored tor Hit conscience at the eleventh hoar does not reproach him! claim js based solely upon a. job pat op by himself to fleece poor old John D. VanBuren, and lor truth, fce would i njuzzle us, it possible, onder the cloak of rlght- , eousnesi covering 'fiend. Out upon such oonseuse7 Tnere are mavy yet living in Oakland who know that it va3 not by Sol. Abraham's permission we removed thu priming material ..from Oakland. The permission , of his own brother was necessary. : Poor Jimmy Smith gave ua , his stock, as did others, and the result was, we were compelled to ask oUer'a excepting Sol. Abraham or iJermiesion. Poor James E. Smith is dead, a nobleman he waa, thank God-L.for ha was ..wuvou. n tBimui can mm a witness on less his 'righteous spirit should sometime j summon Ircm Hades the pmt of Sol. Abraham, in order that the Almighty might , . learn that there were two fallen angels in the bottoraltsa pit. We are iulornaed th?.t the plaintiff iu the' case has a witness. There are men in Koaeburg who will swear that tha witness in ; question was not drank lrom drinking whisky,; twit Was an opiam.fiend. We, will allow his testimony to go for what it is worth. But we hsve the right of rebuttal, and if wa do tiot establish tha fact that a dirty unprincipled witness is put upon the atand, we .shall give up the cage. But let the matter above go, J tor we have m our possession sundry letters writ. ten by Sol. Abraham. We have Ht ourliack the honest treu of the county. . So far ao'good.-.' ' Jiut ho v about fat 31,000 we .were promised to oppose tho eloc turn of 'Lafayette.1 Laue, oil of irD'w paid by wiiJing'coatrih Muto7s7sd. of which we only received yfSJ We know where ' tue'other iSUtkeat to. Ask us for parties in witcesa and lor papers. . The Portland LMercary has ariK;0 ot two waks ag-- why renntiay. Bs Jloeeburg ed itor "'d the attAck," hiiq Kwba.v aisnined .onjwilhuw tX""1 trm,J by (s U we t)CB are nor. II- . 1 ' ,." v."- anvi Mitl- i-ro'-ed ': : i h're i pome the test? It is trae the Mercurrj's leading article, accusing ti of traitorous conduct, viaa written ui KoBcburgj we know the writer of hat article so well; we coald put our Driver upon the man. "Old bird urc not fooled with chaff And, as to Boxet' where is h-? le commenced the fight, and in return we gave him blow far blow, and threw our gauntlet do u In detiance. lie is as cow ardh' es tha man who wrtke the first and lending article in the Mercury. In this discussion we are on the side of right, ot hon esty aod ot justice, and in the name ot the three we ask a reply rom the prcsecntion. lias ihe Mercury lied, or has it been fur nished false! ood by an untcrupu- ous correspondaiit ? Let us hear from either ltoseburg or Portland. The vati3ans opinion ot beer was asked several yeara ago nn der the following circumBtauces, as told by a priest; "While parish priest or a Bavarian country village the Burgomaster cenie to him cno day and asked wheth er it was proper to drink bear iu Lent. The pastor replied th it he thought a moderate enjoyment ot beer waa quite IswuL the preai dent of the commnno, 'however, was not satifrhfd. a few vs Inter he again went to hia rever ence and solemnly asked him whether he cnlJ not make an inquiry in Home a& to the legality ot the wholesale drinking oi 'Baierisch' during Lent. The clergyman gladly assented. 'I received a notification trem the highest authorities, he says, 'that no judgment could be given on the beer question until the beer bad been seen and tasted.' A small barrel ot the very beat Bay arian 'was .jjnt lrom ' the village to the Eternal City; it was proba bly the very first Bavarin beer which crossed -'the threshold ot the apostles.' The decision came back trom Rome without delay. Che wine-drir-king authorities iu the Vatican ruled that as much ot this singular liquid might be druak dantig Lent as a man could bring r himself to dnnk. Not only so,but it was even added that it m ght be regarded as a sort of penance when a man drank a lara quantity of eo bitter and nauseous & concoction:,, Some are .inclined to make light of our article in relation to the Grange last week. Well 'lie who laughs last I.ingbs best." The Grange is pot dead, and those who would urge such is the case, are but ssnseless fools, pleased to madness with their, own folly, and the result of thoughts emenatiug from brains too small to have an honest pur pose or anythiog less than seifih motives. It would be well for the schemer against and to the detri ment of the farmer's pocket, veere the Grange dead and buried-that is tor his pocket But even with a full pocket that schemer would then tttmble lest the dry bones of the departed should arise from the grave, and by their rattling dis turb bis guilty conscience. There is a skeleton in the closet of every man who fights the Grange of Douglas county, and he sees it sleeping or waking::or he who fights the Grauge with" a lie knows his own .worth, and he knows that by a lie be lives and is flourishing', and his guilty consciecce i hia accuser. The report of the commisioner of Patents for the year ending Dec. 31, 1831, bears abundant evidence th3t there is no tailing off in the activity of our inventors. The number of patents issued waa 17,620," against 16,584 for the preceding yar. Tho total num ber of applications requiring in vestigation and action was 30,242. Ot these 26,059 were tor patents for inventions, designes, end reissues, a;id4,183 were caveats, filed .applications for registratron of trace marks, labels, etc. The total receipts of the office during the year trom" all sources were $853,665,89, and the expenditures 005,173 23. The total balance in the Treasury of the United ; !lc c'"an Man no were duly State on accouut ol the patet:t j ioTdl-i. on January lr. In fund on January 1, 1832, amount- j ttl',r iaujrsiral they rM that ed to $1,880,119 32. The Com- I ti,:. w're pr-ud to belong to "oir mis3iouer urges upon Congress I nK"'f'l Republic". Said model Re the pressing necessity oi "' lucreaa- ! V' only one " foreign ing the '"examining" force ot ih. i'Erab.isaador (at Parif), olc bank, office, and providing moro rcivr;; j 0t!C railroad acd $1000 of debt. for the use of the -office. i?patch lnu Waehliiirion to Mi-, Ad Fr-i Jarvi, dated .Mdrs! S i, t tha 1 effect that lhi contrar-t f r e.-rfyini; j th iMnfl t:etween thisritw and i:moiM f has been Jet to A. C. Mare, of Uoise I r " 7 The recent anti-Jewish riots in Warsaw, were very disastrous in their results. During tie distur. bances 92 Jewish taverns were destroyed; b'03 stores, re-tn,u rants, medical establishments aitd places of worship,, and 403 lodgings. The riots extended beyond the limits of the e tv and there, wero itbreaks in several i.eiuubonnc , villages. The inunbei t-f ruined ! tami;iea has beeu officially 6tated at ' over 5000, oraprisii.g about j 20,0C0 individual. It is claimed i that only one person, a woman, was murdered, b'lt a great number were. wounded. Thirty-one hun dred rioters were arrested, all of whom were confined in the citadel and held for trial. A change in the Danish custom s i a nil', proposed by the tiovernm?nt t the Landsthing, is ni a decidedly free t radii g character. It rerr-ores entirely the duty on vnnons raw mntouals, including coals, : salt, rice, raw silk, Imlf-fiiished iron goods, minerals urd chemical prepara tion.'. It lowers the duty (on petroleum, pi iron, steel (in burs and r cofi'eo. .. The .duty on wine and tobacco is raised. : Tha Iohs of revenue resn'tirg 19 entimated at $584,240, ;vhUc an int're:fe of revenue Drioii' ting to 200.540 -. esfinutfcl from chaiijrea in the excise on brardy rud beef, giving a net minnn of 73,700. No honest man be he Repub lican or Dcmocrnt-can conscien tiously endorse the nomination of Conkling by the president for the position of associate justice of the Supreme Court. 'From all sources comes tho cry th.-t expresses the feeling of outraged honesty, v Bui it is t 'cnr.Folaticn to believe that the days of stalwartisrn hare been puramtcred. No bitter, partizan clique cr fcf ion can survive the blow." Arthur l.'t'S given hia wing of the party which m-ble. General Garfield openly enreed tis not honest enough to "be entrusted with ofSce. . . Now is ;t!ie ; tiniiS for an independent iiutional party. The thierei hav.; control of the governmcnf,". and no-.hing good can be s: con-d or expected in furtherance of the public good from their hands. Let there be a movement at once made loo?cuf 10 this end. Let either Blame or Hancock be put in the field as tlis champion of the peopeV rights, and the days 0' rascally rings will be ended. The honest people of the Umtprl States are ripe ia opinion to political revolution. Conkling 'secured Ar: bur's ap p-iutmeut to the New York Custom-house and Hayes turned Aribur our. Arthur is president and he puts Conkling into office. It is iitiowu that Arthur was a thief, and the uation-be'ievea that to Conklings influences - Oafie'd (an honest man) was murdered A thief and a murderer at the bead of "the greatest republic the world ever knetv. How com pletely "'-.""appropriate! Americans, take -.-'something to 3etne your stomachs, or you will become fearfully sick! Captain' Daniel Katler, the last survivor of the military ; escort that accompanied Emperor Na polcan to Elba, died recently at Klaustnburg, '-Transylvania, m his I02d year; - In 1706 he entered the Austrinn army as a cadet, and served with distinction throughout the wars of the holy Alliance against Republican and Imperial France, lie retired en a captain's pen r ion in 1826. .That Homer was born in Brus sels Ujnt generally accepted as a fact, but a learned Belgium ped agugoe a short time p.go published a book proving to his own satis faction and the repectfsl astonish mant of bis contemporaries that Homer was a brave Begiarn. The most absolute cud conclusive confutation i f this claim is now in the hinds of Professor Ilokos of Ather.p University. The n7 consuls of the Rrnub A.tvyuiihy.oian ailmi'er in Mar- j..iJks recruly-rnado th ilepubKc i a present of &o,0C0. " t.-r.Tkau 'rpr, Arthur nxf . . i . - v'"Mliil'6 ihi'i'd. said tha Pcvil - IlU 1 - - 7 Can it be tWArthur expects to t , rht up before be sometime brots,u v , A he United the Supremje Cwt Of k. , StatfH f"r h'gh crimes and w... 1 mcanors, ana nencc eppouii. Conkling that be might have a warm friend pn tf ft Bench? Time will only tell. Pe,l,aP! lfess Volito tha cxprcsarve in (.eorge William CrMii to n mark ' that Sargent's ppi-intmeit -was "roujrh or. the Oerojan, ' t,ut Uurtis lies a bamt of saving wh-t he thinks, especb ally libmt "bo-siBm'aud machine pontics. Livery, Sale and . BEED STABLE. T e iiDrlrignt-t vtiii;t announce to tbe travetiusr puni-.c ii'.st. I lifts the best of Ciri'V'tgruuci . fc unv nJ tfmt n llie sliortwi n-jtitc. l. ohji t;ua,!i onier. 0m iuTcm! tur'tsi rsi.-niir tt'aun and bungj or ifjiin ku:l wti'oa uru rtjttfcmlly inviiwd to iiWSK-', hit (inffiia for t'ueir accommo (tuiitiii, V7i;eit I viill t"M cheaper than tu I'liPapi-yf. .inpti) to-ir.j for liorstes or teams to Iihv Unix jra'a tiVff nijht, at the low. est rxusiliw pH4 . Jlive tna a call. JCS. CA11LON, Hoheburpr. REftCT J COAL THR KKVr-TON K OF THE WEST COAL MINING ASSOCIATION, B -ir lenvr to imi:ci the j ublic that tliey win ftirni.-ti (.OAL a'.ler ibis date at tue f H'wiuj lAtts. Illactsniiths Coal $8.00 Uoipstie Coiil 5.50 JUSITU A. liOi'KINS, " Bolo Agt-ot, L oklng Ulaes DRY'S SALOON, Jackson Street, ' ' Roseonrg. The proprptor of this well knwn and popular resort wonlil thank his ffrie&ds fur tluir libe ai patrouAu in the past and would ,ak U-r a eout nuance of he came iu the luturc. The public is informed tUat J keep none but the best brands of wires, r iiquor and cigars an'l that I .il oyer the lar the cle l.ratii Js-e Moure & Co.' Kentucky . hisk'if A good billiard table will be found in the Mfw; also i he leaainj papers of the wuriu. WOOL, IIIL FURS AND DEli'i SKIN'S. . Pure hr-sed by (O.lice, tUIioad Dpot) IIinUKST CASH PUICE PAID. Parties having fanr of the above named articled lor Isiwe will do well to give him a call. II. h. JiTJRTOX. Sartf- Gez'a Tiestaurant ROM BUHU, OHliOON. MEALS AT ALL IiOUKS ANY IlUii !lGWr OR DAY. IVroi'TH ftnd cihis will find this a fcri-c.5s ji'mv u tai oinner, supper Ciiiuetj cf.ks. rupojod, . 30lf r. HOT.vi.iNoi, an FianciFCO. E. C. XjCBD, Portlan A. P -EOTALIWa & CO 3 raid 5 Xoith First st.. Portland, jrjxvrters ad -wholesale dealers iu FISK W I NES AND LIQUORS. oe agents fir the Ct'TTtK OLD BOCKrON WHISKY. And for "Soung Horses FOS SALE I have for sale 8 bfad of yoons; j tmt v:v n : icli t.Hit. 3 ytais o.e one tint? horse 3 years. old. two yfs. rign mnd another 3 y;ar old borrr. t hariieea: one fxid saddle man 1 h-e animals am of jrood stock, kiad in disposition, valuable to the pur cba-er ar.d will b sold on the mostrea soaatle term. ; GEO. W. GEKGER, ' febi " JRoseburg, Oregon. NOTICE. I hrt-hy notify all to whom It may concern that I wnut nothing charged on my seount, without a written order. W.J. SINGLETON. Tiis cmsimiiffit baa Ibr more than lbrty ysan atot.t4 m position aa the lead in? ppr of tib W. II anJu above all otbera In etrealaiian, lnfla nee, and tn tbe eirteem of lta wdan, itniia It is Jurt the kind of peper tbe people wanV Thi WetMv nma eovan tbe wi croaaA er a nr chtw famUf Journal. It to. lewr and better than any hlBh-priewJ mly of fered the public; It reading matter wTma BTater soope, ia more aUrtaixas and la airuotive, aad yet it 0tU KVt OSS XHMUKAB A TfiAB. " Onr agents ererywliere eay It la tha eaatert txvper In tbe field to eanraaa Sor, and raadere nns. lthral terms to elnb asenta. Specimen copies frae. Bend tor woe feetaro jT?? TUmf, iM Walnut QZMiBXMt Ob &TCS EAIIY TT3-STL?, 2 ght jpogm, Jbrty-trig'M eaAMtea, Cslf eft dollara yesr, S3 fee six CLM for Mireemeatba. Haa tbe Uurgtset eiroai. 'advertising: medium and tbe fcf4 peaor reader who would know of taiwortdw uon or ny pPr ia bincuuuu. M uie P"l - - oln)wi aa promprty aa li-e aawe tmm hm Just Commence " pfttaTj ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE MUSlv, MBRCIAL AN D NORMAL CLASSES. EEHD ?0a CAL0GU TO H. L. BENSON, A. M, P rirc iya 6 f V'J Is oaipootod. We have replenished our.ttock of Oftneral 2erc.3:&XL&i? la order to complete our sale, ann therefore ofter to sell Cheaper than any bouse in Oregon. We still sell 13 yard of Muslin, 11 yards C. Flannel, 16 yards ot Calico tor Si. Boot worth $5.50 ft pair, for 3.50 Ladies' Calf Shoes (warrn tor $1.75. Fadiea' CloaVa Ilulf-prico. Ladies' U!?ters Less ,ti?.n Coat. Red Flannels o All Descriptions from 20 to 50 cenjta per yard. Dress Goods tor less than cost. In our Centlemeu's Department we sell such as CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS, UNDEKWJSAR, Fr such Low Prices that will Astooih the purchaser . We will qoute you 6omc: Cushmera -Snita from i to Pauts f (Cashmere) from $2.50 to $5.50. Overcoats for less than Coet. Blankets (tor lesB than Cot. W will remain here wntii Spring, and therefore ask all of yeu to come and get bargains. Nothing but pleasure to show goods. ReBpectlully, CARO BROS, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA Threnslx to;San Francisco X3?QT -A The Qxdckoat Safest and a"iest JXoute. Stages 'eavt Roseburg every Day, 6:00 a, m Baking Quick connection at Reading with :ht cars sf ts C.P.IR. R. Co. For full particulars and.paeaaga. apply BUT TK UMPQUA YAUET UiV THE BEST IN THE MARKET, i Address A. W. STEALS, CanyooTilh , egoa. notick to the cotzkss roseburw. OF Not We. the undtwitrned - Ja "B sequence of tu ecareity of,aud h 5g prmea of etock througboat the tonntry will. and aher Satur Jayjebrnary 25 b, etu bMfat tbe loHowintf nricea: Boding beef at 8 cent; Chv r.k. round hte kan i rib at 10 e -uia; Pur:i bouse aud ear loin at 12J caata. ind A. W. 6limuoos. J. Throe Bitxer;. ; rjETBGrCUTATs 2Afl 4!, nosEBDRa, onB wr . ncOTJLLOOH & CO, GJfhr THE BEST 2Z2f t.YD '.".v--.."........ - . OF - . LIQUORS AND CXXJit Kept oft band, and customers will SiI a pleasant vlace of lescrt. ' ' t. this Ue me a call one door eonth T tmpllitao Hotel. "fc Is "teen Weeks "i. COM IMPORTJtTOJ LLlfiiH Fancy Feeach Ft we ps AT PRICES CHEAPER THAH PAID ABROAD III. JOSEPHSOW, Wnnlil annnnnrn that-he has been consigned as extra ne Block ot FREKCH ARTIHCIAl LOWiJS W hich must be sld et nn early date, and that he wond advUe- millim-rs and ladies ; in irenpfal to call upon him before aetidii.tf their orders ahroad. asheisfullv satisfied he can offcr them hargain which t hv x-ould not obtain In fcu tnmciseo oy fcena insr there." 'The flowers nre in evry way line and fancy; in fait, a be ter Ktock was never lr night to Ilnfivburi; and ottered at such low nr.ces. ROSFBUP.Q, - - ORJ5CJOX. '"rBuara-Creek t r? CLARKE DAKEli, j Proprielois. Faving purchased tl ea' ove named mil s of K.5 St-tlien 4 Vo., we are now prepared to furnish auy amount or ine . : KKST QUALITY OP LUMBER Ev r OilVrcd lo the public in D couuty. VTo bre fnt purchsficd one of the WeatherSy, Kujg & KioSiar.lon No. 1 Planers and Ujaihera andare pre laied to tr be;er . work thua other mill in tbe ft-uoty. We will fur:iih at the mill No t iuiuOt-r at the loilowiog priivs: Dressed rustic....... .... $i6t"-r M Flooring lrrs:sMl & matched $io pT M Lumber ureMeton one de$U wr M Lumber dr.etcd on two sidei-$lS rer.M i . .... - " a - ' IIoukIi lumbtr to ? i p-r - We have an xua quality of iumbr, equal to any found on I'oos Cay. auJ will iruarrantee to give satisfaction to all those favoring us with tuet renters PosvofIic address, Utiipijua Fcriy Oregon. j I'LAtiKiS A i-Afcti. 4. BHACSSSS! -D1SAT.FR IX FOlEIGII&DOlESTiOlRdLE .Or4er? from i bread rnioptly flli-'l and EBj.iuiat!a foriiiiieii aud -11 work sr ranted first -elans. Tr-rni raeoriiille and cheaper ti aa can he furui lied in Fcrt land or Sau "Frnc."sco. For particaar Call upon or add res. Monuments, Tombstcr.es. Tablets. Etc &'jBRAGKi MIDGE ROSfiBTJRO, - - OREGON. Quality not .Qaantltv i the De- ired , IF YOU WANT PURE - I .. - " .- " Drugs antl ITJedicifje Chemicals, etc., de Be: ior et to call on HEELER. E. SAS1EHT M YUTL15 CtlEi:iv. "Also keero on band tie J. JI. Cutter wbiakiefi, lioiltaq Oin, Jamaira Bum, and the finest Wit ea -and Bras dies or medical asei Physicians Peracriptiona pecialty. ; Dr- S- B, Marster, Giaduata at tbe Phycio-ileUical College j ot O'llO.) Cr AVISO LOCATED IS TJiJS Ct l I of Koburg, offHra bis medical and surgical aerricea to all who may wish to aTail tjemselTPB of bis akill. Office at E. J. and A. C Masters drug store. ! . . S. iw. KATJiOND, OUIl&EOIIDENTI X Oposite Marks Co., Store. Offers bis profeacdoBal services to the people of Douslaa eonnty, with wbora l.e liits be-n acquaintt-o aevrai years, aii work warranud firsi-claae, aad enns aa moderate a$ any other in tbe profe eico, KOSEBUBG, - - OR CGOS Oakland Mills Pres. Enbanks &. om Announce that they hate in operation a Bratclaa Wrist Mill at Oakland, Oreoi and will farcieh tbe Manufactured i Tona;as eonnty a lowest rates. Order from abroad aoi and promptly filled. a- Lou elfilQ, WATCa5lA&i.R AJiD JEWELER Front .. l.-Uii-, t ij.n. Wholeaale and retail dealer in Walrhea. Clocks, Jewalry, Gold Pena. and Musical Instrumenta. atcnee, Clocks and Jew thf rapsJred. All my work warranted. $25 to 5 O per 33 ay Can easily be made hj using tho CKLElillATi:i) VICTOR. ML mm A! I) BOaiXG MACS!aK In any port o W mi-tn it HDtl ar prepnired to demonstr Ma ii, tio-wor Steam Power, and bort 3 INCHES TO 4 i 2 FEET. And will bore to any required depth. It will lor euccesffully aad slwti only in all kinds of Earth, Soft Sal i acd Iime8ine, Lum:o.Us bi.ne CohI. Male and Hard Pau Gravel, Lava. Builders rpeutlne i)d tonxlomerated Rock, and uuarar ted to make tbe v'err best of W'l n Qoiek-. Band. -1 bey are l.ght rwnniag, mple ia eouatruetion, easily opeiated du a sftd ackuowledd as tbe wst ao.t ractaeable Macbint extaat. Tbe a teuaort-fcd by fM-me ot the bighj-si btwiu - V contract lor prosi.trtrng most t . lto ioreiokinfr t:n wc OHk-MIS, Wind Mills. HTdraulic liirns. Hrstt rowera. cru a iiacuiuaa, ofitli.traK a. tJ'orgfS, flock Drills. d Macbin-ry of all kitoa. SW?5aW. every coudtryn the World. Good actite Agents wtitea. 'qmgY SUPPLY DSPO T WPSWRTI XZhU A. Sir Walnut St. tSt. houia, M . U. Bfl Miis m misi aBUi vwk. iviei INCL 7J,K . ..Tiir VJ.JV roir. LADLES' ""TV C& tJuiV - O ZE- ..x, t Styi63 of all Variety aad Sliades -AT THE OF Geiitlemeii Boys' SZ DBS 113 CLOTHING. hv.tovti; pt'!tcnA?K ELa? wiiekk, BY SO DOING GOOD HARGAINS CAN BE SSCaO Sheridan Br os.9 Tbey would ariiioucce t!'iut!: r.r.ts F.ver hronjilit toDmitlm 'lEUXs anrl RE ' .". bt. euf.piy ia th!!r liocrof any eata WH.m ho nurcinfii ciMtitvliere. iu i tie siiape ot bmlditi? ioti-ri 'U aumrior inducenienta lo nrciiRTH. Ti .v ... .. . r ; "' sj, i r Occiilei Tlie L,-st of workrcji aic . . u niijfr and buyers should I oiwantl? virpl Wc t-arn our price t . i tat i:ii!, we.J a in Msot-Kona anil I'iwr., ..sell atlowm r.b,nd warrant AmTuVl ,1 ZJt!z.wtax Msc, w" vh are aiao Aaer.ta for it. w i Weceaalaoftnpply " A vers 11 e best In the market, at' . TAXtVi ie o a ciL inspect .ur aNii. inouire it iy one can. WHOLES A LK AND HEt'V mHE ABOVE NAMED Pi KM. WOUH ASxJ XE TO TI'E PEOPLF OF THB U "a W ot 0t" bate in, orted It, RosfbuS i.- Largest Stock of General Merchandise EVER BROUGHT TO ,la.VTy .d waapurehssed in San Fra. wui,,miuu in wumceuie anu retail prlct-a. First-class Dry Gocda Full Line o ' OJolhing, Ladies' Dress goods Fancy Millinery, goods Hats and Caps, WE HAVE'COM GROCERIES & CROOKEBT Glatwar, Tcfceco. Cie r. Vincs and Idqaors. . X. u,.. ,W nqum .a lU w.v ... H ,v DWiUE. ..4 c. ..ppl? t.ra.r. w PAHMIjG MAGHIZTBHir O all kinda a rajra, moweri, ;te., re tbe Hhortttft notice sad moat raaeonableter Highest Pries Paid for 7col, Qraia aad PrcducD n eonnertioo with the Siore and n.r th- railroad dpot we have atconsaiOdio ebonae for the Hioraireot imin. and ojninjr th warthonse We hve the lat rovtfo jjrain Jtlvator and tir;a lar. wiiiciufuriufra will Sod advaategeoai. nury Buosv-krepBrK will find ou appiiwe- ion we -an o2l r iln ro un-rior bsr uaa !t..t Vm w will n t l uodrao!d. ABHA.HAM. WHEKLEU 4 CO EI S K CHANCE F0R A EABGAIN I IV t! a wishing wint r'a wood, cot for tbes. e, iil make a bargain by writing i tUn up a J. L. Fish-?, Bfrse htt : rko has prf-pared hr the R )K-bur trad iiH2 thf paat wict.r an rxtra qua ay Oak wood. Tbe wood ia' war anted aoi and lrsiir.fr, and equal tn, if suierior, y off-red for sale in the City. Conti ta taken at redueed prirea, and oi ers fa thfully tilled. Orders left wita M. 'osephaon will meet with prompt attention. . 7, i . insmzi the u uutry, le i-J vitj rapid They sre cerate f The rangn in s.ze r al, uo:d, s.tver. coai oii ana annua . is ' d CVal alialta nc. Ve also furn- to. ise. .ctiaiiia. - . v - GOODS, tusv STYLE. 2 Kosfourg, Qg. rfM red and ri: on hand t-- 1 atiiJ t' their STOVS3 OF ALL PAT a prapirtfi to declare bar have th n S U'.-m O.eaoo, wluch they propes the t locks, butls, ne, we taa offer urm di Kinvfft, not 4o called !- - ye - J in tbe Uiauuiactare c tovc8 hjj rune ee. vat lu rurtl : as Wincberter, Sharp aad tbT Kif v "..--- :w7 nr pric-a. end w promlae to tnlt all MiEKlDAN BROJ. U DEA LBKB IN ucu rates aa to oerurlt ua todef The stock cotajwes i tv-.. Boot and Shoes, Etc. LETE LINES OF- J"ohn Yf. Gilbert, SALES!,- ORLGON. Dealer In L SAT M E P, Util 'jp" dr? ji'. liber il adTsnote tniula V ilatohef i. gi. J r-c-- -' ' r. . ' '-V-r'fH-ir sis