V f Society Meetings. UMPQUA t'UAVTER NO. 11, K i a m.. hold regular communica tions every first and thiid Tuesday r .-i. month All members in gooa tandlng will take, du and timely notice a id govern themselvs accordingly. V is.t. ing companions ee invited to meet wit h VV. L Fis3tsia. Sec'y. j a T.TTRF,L ijODUE A. F. Hid A. M . boids regular meeting n Wednes- day nn or beSim eaet. le-'i mowv. I. C. FCLLhUTOX, W.. 51. I?, XEWCOMBj. Secy, i rTTW'fl'"' ' PlilLt-.T ARIAS VtxJiviii Lodge. Vft f, O. O w mmtit on Satorriav evening: ol each Mk at 7 o'clock! in their hal ( at Rose l.nra. Members of th.Mirder in '.od stand ng arc invited to atleud. ly or. hr of the N Vl. UNION E0NAMPMlSN"l7o. 9, I. O. O K mcet at Odd Fellows' Hil oa be 1st and 3d Fridays ol every month. Visiting Prethreu invited to !end 'JUH.N NICm.ES.GP. E (i. Sir ,-.'! . , 1 MPOl'A GRANGE, NO. 28. P;of If . will inM hereafter on the 1st Satut each month. t Oraiign Hall, in Hum burg. All nvaioliers ui ifocxX stsnumg are eorditorly wvited to, a.tendt - ' UEO JON'ES, M. J. P. DCKCAJi, Setrrelarv. P. O. Bi veetorv. " Oos-d after Junei 10th, 1880. the mails "for the aoo'h, incImUnsr California. Nevad - and eastt.tn States, 'Win close at 7 ocioc P. M . aliaru. ( The mails for the north will cloee at . 6:45 p M. ) The mails lor Coos and Curry counties will clst) each day, Saturdays excepted P:4!, p. M. Mi.il lor Oak. oreek, Mo-int Rcott and Patterson's inHl will close Friday evening at 9 o'clock P. M. . Mails from south arrives at 4.4.) A M. dai'y. r. Mails 'rom the north dally, Sundays exrppted at 7:15 P. M. From Coos and:Curry counties St 12 M-, daily, Monday excepted. Froru Patterson's mill Saturday at 6:39 P. M. . I - - Motday orderjbusiness transacts! each : day, Sundays excepted, from 8 o'clock A. i M. to 5 o'eiock f. M. Valuable letter and i parcels registered to all parts of U- world II. C. Stanton P. M. TV' '"' " ': j : ; SATURDAYS DECEMBER IS, 1SS0 t ' 1 t - CALAPOOIA. I Mra,W. cJp.urk has sold 100 worth ot eggs In the last few weeks. I H.J. Cole i has decamped for Port v land to fit himself for the pill business. V. Mr. Harper, father of Hon. Tim Bar- nard's estimable wife, is paying them sv visit. J: i. . -The late rains have sufficiently moistened the soil to assure the pro gression of the farming business. The Indkpendent Is recognized by ". J intelligent people of the creek to le thV newsiest journal published in the county, j Isador Mice, of Scab Flat, succeeded in poisoning' a large coyote which has been trouWitg sheep owners for some time past. Hon. TimiBarnard did not purchase the Porter farm as previously reported Mrs; Porter being uuwllliug to sign the deed. ,' ; : . , ' ' A. E. McOee and John Eayless epcak . ). at pre-empting some land down on the t reservation John contemplates em I ploying MisS J to bake! apple pies j Wm. Stephens i Co. slaughtered one hundred and fifty hogs this season,and contractc of Oakland,! for ten centi per pound all " around. ' Mr. E. . Stephens, who has for the past year been residing; in Pomeroy, 4 W. T., Is expected to return soon, ac companied! by his brother William They intend spending the winter in this county. Misses llir.s and Badnard, two of our handsome maids, bade farwell to their many friends, and sweetheatts. which we presume they are lucky enough to have, and departed to attend school, the former at Oakland and the latter at Wilbur. We can no more ' than express the wish that these two fair ones will have a pleasant time and ' master their studies. George. Cmirt Protteeilings. v D McMillan et al; vs Abraham, Wheeler 1 Co, suit to foreclosa me chauics' lien. Motion to strike out amended complaint. Taken under advisement. in the matter of Caro Bros.; W R Willis assignee. Assignee's report made and assignee discharged. W H Moore vs F P Iloxan, action to recover property. Verdict for defuud ant. ;..-: Martha Barnes vs Z Barnes, divorce. GraUed. j Elizabeth Jones vs Geo Jones, di vorce. Granted. . Fl. cken-tein 4 Meyer vs A OCoston and Sarah j Kelly, action to recover money. Judgment fpr plaintiff for $219. A F Brown Co vs F A Williamson; motion to Confirm sheriffs sale. Sale confirmed. State of Oregon vs Fx Rel W F Ben jamin vs the Donglas county iod Co, actiou to annul the charter of a cor poration Motion to dismiss over ruled; case on trial. :- aiV It ! . Notice. - ThosW of our readers desiring steauy and prtijfitalile employment, ur valu able reading matter cheap for 1?S!, " ' should (send 15 cents to the Frank ' Leslie publishing Co., 15 Dey street, J Hew Vork, for a complete set of thir publications and illustrate J catalogue containing list of premiums, Ac., or $150 for a complete agent's outfit of ' 13 beautiful chromos ani our pre mium -boos, of valuable information, 'esutalning over 500 pages; ako. Dr. ' Kendall's emiaent treatise on the , horse and his diseases, with sample copies 'of all our publications, ac An active agent In: every town twenty to thirty dollars can be made weekly. ' .Their illustrated publications-, with their new premiums, take at eight. : "Addres Frank Leslie publishing com- pany, li Dey street, New York. Bridge Aciosa the Umpqua. - pe itlon Is being circulated pray ' j lag the County Court to construct a 7 bridge ajrosa the South Umpqua at S this plac. .In opposition there is also beSusr circulated a remonstrance. The bridge wlil cost la the neighborhood L iAf $13,000, and at some future day we ' proj-cse to have sometmng 10 Bay in ' the matter. ' Before purchasing goods elesewhere, tfiiUoaCaro Brf SOUTHERN OREGON NOTES. Kxad Caro Bros, "ad." O oods for very little money at Caro Bros. The population of Oregon Is 173, 535. , A fine lot of holiday Roods at the Bed Front. Fine display of fancy note paper at the. Red Front. Fine selection of amber goods at the Ked Front. . Don't forget the lunch at the Esmer alda to-night. T je best place for Xinaa goods la at i ners Ked Front. Louis Belflh can give you the best bargains in jewelry. This is fearful weatbei for Dis. Floed and FuIIerton. Genuine meerschaum pipes and hol ders, at the Ked Front. Mrs. Fisher's youngest child died Friday morning. It was a boy. Large assortment of albums just re celved at Fenuer's Red Front for Christmas. Last year Oregon shipped to Great Britain wheat to the value of $6,609, 150. , Washington territory has a popula tion of 74,753. and the pupulation of Idaho Is 82,611. Cuzad, the foot-racer, was shot by Ma backer, for throwing oil a race at Denver, recently. Mrs. AV. R. Humphrey has gone Salem to attend her mother, who i reported as seriously ill. The total population of the ""United States is 49,933,895, or about 50,000,000 an increrse since ISTOof 11,7J0,"0 Dr. Hamilton is determine:) to close out his stock of perfumes, toilet soaps, brushes, etc. Call and secure a bar gain. Go to a dry goods store when you waut dry goods; but remember that Louis Bcl&ls has the best of jewelry for sale. A pany down (rom the Steam Botr mines reports plen y or water, aim Tom. Crietser and his party busy at work. . Mr Jacob Bitzer has, perhaps, one of the finest beeves ever brought to this marKet, It is a yoHng steer weighing 1600 pounds, and will be killed for Christmas. Laurel Lodge No. 13. A. F. A A. M.. has elected the following officers for the eustiin year: J. C. FuIIerton, W. A!.; A- Jones, S. 1).: J. R. N. Bell. J. D.; John Bast, Treasurer; John Lehn htrr, T.; H. L Murton. Secretary. "Par-V Woodward desires those ii . debted to bim to come forward and ! make Immediate settlement of the'r accouuts. Ho expects 'everybody owing him to come forward before New Year, aud speaks as though he meant what he savs and he does. Mr. Geo. W. Kimball baa secured a contract from the government to make plats of old donation claims, and is no longer editor of the Plain dealer. Mr Kimball was the best editor that paper ever had.' Mr. Byars has gone upon another surveying expedition; and Mr. J. W, Strauge is uow editor of the paper. This is cenerally pronounced a dull term of court, and one of our business men is of the opinion that the wit nesses came straight from home with a five-cent piece, and diridid that sum up between them after they got to Roseburg. The Itoseburg Social club will give the grand ball of the season at Ma sonic Hall, on Christmas eve, Dtc. 24th. Extensive arrangements are being made to have the bal 1 in every way on enjoyable affair. All shoulj turn out. ' The standard poets, juvenile books, photograph and autograph albums, scrap books, music binders, in colors and plain, at sheriff's sale prices, at Dr. Hamilton's. A letter from Jake Smith reports the death of his daughter, Emma, of diph theria, and the serious illness of his otherchild. He Cuds Portland very dull and would return to Roseburg if possible. Notwithstanding the large advance East in the price of window and pic ture glas, Dr. Hamilton still sells it as low as it has ever been sol I in Roseburg. Full stock always on hnnd - cutting free. . The we ather prophet is yet about, "a prognosticntor, n as Old Vulcan lias it. It is about time to say dash the old folks. Who in goddlemity name can predict Oregon's weather. Even "Old Probabilites" at Waihing ton has abandoned the undertaking since we have commenced enjoying May weather in December. During tlTe last year the Edward Todd gold peus have been thoroughly tested iu Itoseburg. and are pronounc ed cuperior to other'brands. Dr. Ham ilton purchases them of the raa:)ufac turers and retails them as low as any one in the U- S. . All persons knowing themselves in debted to Caro Bros., should call early and settled their accounts. All neccounta remaining unsettled, Jan. 1st 1S1, must be placed in the bands of an attorney for col lection. Our "Salem Notes" will be found of interest this week. Our correspondent states that J!rs. Dunniway and her friends comment considerably upon our rtrticles on the woman question. We cannot help it. We have always loved nil women, and have not said, in a life-time, one word derogatory of them. Vv'e are of that kind that has never experienced a hard feeling against any woman but what the lady admitted we were in the right, nor can it be said we have spoken a word to their detriment. This should be apol ogy sufficient. . "Sank' Owens Dead. The Oregonian announces the death of "5ank" Owens at Baker City. For sometime previous to his death, Mr. Owens was blind. Those who remem ber "Sauk'' remember only his good qualities and he had many. He was a true friend to the needy, "white'' in his dealings with men. and was the last man to turn to you a "cold shoul der." Peace be with bim. . Christinas Groceries. The finest stock ever seen In Bose burx, at HaSenden Bros. ; All de scriptions of luxuries aud novelties to be found la the grocery line. Cran berries, chestnuts, oranges,lemons, co coanct8,candiea, nuts.dates, figs, citron lemou and orange peeL shelled al monds, currants, raisins, et. Every thing at bottom prices. PERSONAL Henry Mensor, of Jacksonville, is in town. Joseph Carlon is the happy father of another baby girl. : Col. Stone and Mr: Wm. Carll were n town during the week. , We had the pleasure of meeting with Hon. Jas. T. Cooper, of Wilbur, the other day. Mr. John Clark left for Drain on Wednesday., Good luck go with you. old friend. "We had a friendly call from Mr. E. R Muller, the jeweler of Oakland, this week. . John Johnson is the boss fisherman. Mondav niirht he caunht 100 nue trout with the dip net. Puna Comatock is in town lie has recovered irom his late Ulnesf much to the gratification of his many friends. (.'apt. Ueo. W. fchMl is in town on a leave of absence. C'apt. Short will soon take charge of a sieamer on the upper Willamette. Garry Young, Fsq., of Oakland, was atteoding to busiuoss in lloseburg Tuesday paying taxes, . etc. We were glad to see jau, old mau. Hon: John C. Drain gave us a call dining the wvek. lie was on private business. Had he t'eeu elect ed to the last legislature, we honestly believe he would have done much t" wards keeping that erratic body straight. .Accidental. Last week we omitted to mention the following fict-r, which 'we earn estly ask our readers to give their careful consideration, then go and see for themselves. or better still, if you are unable to go yourt elf, send your orders either by your ueialilKir or by mail and rest assured you will receive just what yoc uuuEit, as the firm are anxious to convert their goods into money as speedily as possible, and for that purpose offer-any of the fol lowing articles for one dollar: 13 yds. mu-lin, 11 yds. - cauton flannel, 18 yd, calico, 8 yds. bed tickinu. 8 yds. shirting. 8 ydw. handsome plaid dress g'Kxls, 8 yd.-snowlluke dress goods, 8 pair ladies' or children's hos-j, 5 pair ' shaker socks, 1 pair best pateut over alls, 1 pir of misstd' or children's shoes, 1 pair kid gloves, 1 pair 4-but-ton lined Lisie gloves, 3 pair snseud ers, 1 suit underware, 1 tine lamp, 1 boys too! chest, 1 satchel, 1 fine hilkf, 1 lady's hat, I lady's morocco money purse, one-hslf doz. 'linen collars, one and one-half doz. hemstitch hdkfs, 6 towel."', 20 biills knitting cotton, 1 ladies breatp'iti, 1 set plated gold sleeve buttotiK, ' set shirt studs, 1 set French ta'ile tflansware, 8 lbs. F. refined fu.;, 3.Us. Young Ilyso i tea, 5 lb. Youug Hysou tea, 5 Iis. Jiiest Costa ISica coffee, 5 lbs. grain pepper, l?i lbs. rice. 15 lbs. saleratus, 10 ibs. vitrol, 5 lbs. mustard, 1 doz. papers washing powd-TS, 13 one pound" bars soap warranted full weight, !55 Grant's candles, 8 cans of oysters, 8 cans good yeast powders,, and numerous other articles which space forbids mention ing. Do not forget the place, Caro Bros. HIS PLi.i;CE. We have teen ent the following notice by citizens of Oakland, asking that it may be published. The pur pose is, we presume, in the publica tion, to show the pvdge Mr. Smith has given. His word ( honor should certainly have been siifllcieut, aud we give the notice place simply on the lequest of good men of Oakland. notice. Haviug understood that certain parties are circulating the report, that I don't want the office of trustee of the city of Oakland, and that if elecied I will resign in favor of J. R. Dodge, I wish it lobe unders ood that such report is a dirty lie, and the party who started it, a low down liar. I do want the office, and pledge myself ii elected not to resign at all, but fill the office to the best of my ability. Kichabd SMiTn. Dec. 6th, 1880. An Old S'tate.-man's Birthdny. Tuesday last was the sevcnty.ninth anniversary of the birth of general Joseph Lane. His many friends in Koseburg were warm in their congrat ulations, and in the evening the Silver Cornet Band gave bim a serenade at his residence. The General's many friends abroad will be pleased to learn that the gailant old veteran is in the enjoyment of the best of hea!th, and would marry again were it not for the thought that should he wed once more he would give a joung and handsome ltdy the hot her of raising a large f.m ily of children. General, you have our prayers fur many years mere cf life, and having that, the reop!e of the State will profit in so many more years of your usefulsiess to then'.. The LC; n Electric I.iht Has thus fr proved a failure a a practical light for family use, and the owners of gas stocks Lren he more freely and se renewed divideuds near at hand, but the Oregon Kidney Tea has been a success from the first, paying large dividends of restoied health to ali those afflicted with the backache or any diseases of the kid -ueys or urinary organs, and carrying consternation to the pocke's of rival coucerns with worthless nostrums to sell. Ask for the Oregon Kidney Tea and take nothing else. ! Boom Broke. During the week, owing to an unex pected rise in the North Umpqua, the boom at Patterson's mill broke, and over 200,000 feet of lumber In logs were swept away and went down the river. The logs will not be totally lost to Tipton Bros., since a great number ef them were caught iu rjau berti Noble's bm.ra, and Saubert 4 Noble will pay fr every log belonging to the Tipton boom. boys caught in their Another .Affliction. Another letter has reached this place stating that Eliza, aged 11 yeats and the elder daughter ; of : Jacob Smith, died in Portland of diphtheria Eliza was the last child is the family, and her death, being the second, must have a heart-rending effect upon her grief-stricken parents. Mr. Jacob Smith .wisb.es to return to Douglas county, siajje he has found little or no employment. SleCormick's Almanac We thank F. L. McCormick, pub lisher, for McCormick's Almanac for 18SL It is the best almanac issued for Oregon a4. Washington territory. NOTES FROM SALEM. The manner in which the Inde pendent treats the femare suffrage questtou brings forth some caustic criticisms from Salem friends of Sis ter Dunn i way. ; - y Jim Ttum is preparing for vigorous mining operations during the coming year. His company is decidedly for tunate In ob aiuing his services as su perintendent. The Bev. Mr. Bodabangh has a large mill ready for the Tellurium mine, but on account of some misnndir- tt'indiuif with the Kliretors the work of putting it in operation is delay'. The number of prisoners in the pen itentiary has been decreasing for a month past, on account of the number pardoned and time expired being greater than the new recruits. But, hullo! V " i Siessrs. Strong & Cooper, electricians and contractors n construction of tel egraph lines, are figuring nn a com plete telephone system for Salem. Business and professional men are subscribing li!)fcrally. - v Hen. Owens has been in the clly a short time fixing i.p some swump land records, after which he will turn his attention fo carrying out his plan for supplyiug Portland with an unlimited quantity of pure water. A boarding house keeper atjthe W'il lamette University and his wife are accused of treating some small pupils in a brutal manner, and came noar be ing summarily punished by indignant parents. He will be dismissed from the building. The supreme court is now provided with nicely furnished rooms. Twenty two caj-es are already on -.he doeket for the term commencing the firnt Monday in Januarv next. Judge T. B Odi iifitl, clerk, has all in readiness for the term. The stage of water in the .Willam ette river enables boats to nui to Eu gene, and large quantities of grain are being shipped from various points. Several steamboats are iu the trade moving wheat by the ship load. The supply of tonnage in sea going vessels is short and Portland warehouses are being crowded. The "bitch" in the Hogg land grant, it is feared, will delay theconstruetlon of the Yaqu'ma railroad, but the peo ple along the proposed line will likely make up the value of the land which i withheld by subscription. . II. F. Cady, Etq., late State Printer, and uow a resident of Taquina, is visiting the capital and expects to travel by rail when going home next spring. I UlcJutliean Society. On Tuesday evening the Phiialethe an Lilentrj Society hold its second meeting. The night was stormy btii a g'Od and select audience filled the court house. Tho Koseburg Band. composed of Mesor. Langenuerg and Frazier, furnished excellent music. Mr. S. F. Floed delivered a short ad dress. His manner is pleasing and his remarks were well received. Mr. Bali then came forward on I hp afuimative of the question: "'Kesolv ed, That the jury system as it now ex ists should b aooiished.'' Mr. J. W Hamilton followed on the negative Both gentlemen acquitted themselv.s cieditably. The instrumental music by Mi-s Cora Jones was especially good. The recifa-ion, "The old Blue Cloak by Miss i.IIa Kayon, was lngnly ap plauded. A song by Mr. HafTendeii, "Call her buck aud kiss her, ".elicit. ug.rouuds of applause, closed the ex-rcis s of the evening. The next meeting will be uext Tuesday evening, 1'ecember 21st, with the fallowing programme: Music Cy the baud. .Address Subject, " The Wondeis and Forces of Organic I-i!V,'' by W. V Uenjamiti. Musiis. Discussion (the question we are un able to give; between Messrs. E. G. Uursh aud A. F. Campbell. Mush;. Recitation by Miss Ama Byars. Bung by Mr. Hall'euden.' Fine Feather. M. Josephson has just received from San Francisco, direct, tiie finest stock of ostrich plumes and ostrich tips in all shades and colors. whieU must be sold during the holidays. The stock is the most complete ever oll'cred for the inspection of the ladies of Rose burg who should call at once aud in spect it. Fellows' Hypophoi-philesdiner fiom all hitherto piotiuced. in composition, model of preparation, and iu general effects, and is sold in its original form. It was developed from iietutil personal experiment, embracing many monihs while tie inventor was suffering from pulmonary consumption and nervous debility, 'lhe et od res lis following its first ue buvs sinoe been repeated in tiuniTous other cases. Christmas i 'resents. Si-.. Louis Bellils desires to inform he public that be lifts an extra lot of fine jewelry, suitable f. Christmas presents, aud that he will cot be un dersold in his line. Mothers ! Mothers ! Mothers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at niirht ainJ broken of your rest by a" sick child suffering excruciating puin of cutting teeth? If so, go at mice and pet a bottle of Mrs Wiuslow's soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend Upon it; thre is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who ha3 ever used it, who will not tell you at once that It will regulate th bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It U perfectly safe to use in ail cases, and pleas.'tnt to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the omest iemaie pnysicians anu nurses iu the United States. Sold everywhere. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 1" " ' ' - j ' A cough, cold or sore throat should be etopjwd. Neglect frequently re sults in an incurable lung disease of the consumption. Brown's Bronch ial Troches are certain to pive relief in Asthma, Bronchitis, coughs, cat tarn, consumptive and throat diseases. For thirty years the troches have been recommended by physicians, and al ways give perfect satisfaction . They are not new or untried, but having been tested by wide and constant use for an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Pub lic speakers smd sing' a use them to clear and strengthen the voice. ' Sold at twenty-five cents a box everywhere. laEssassoec NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that Tuesday, January 4, 1831, has been Bet for the sei liemfcnt of the final account ol J. A Palm er, Administrator of the estate of Month Palmer, deceased. All parties interested will t&ae notice. C, O ADDIS. 3-4w OauMy ndg NEW TO-DAY. THE BEST OFFER YET MADE. Four of Frank Leslie's Publications, one : Year for only $2; 50. The Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15 Dey St- New York, will send Frank Lea lie s Family f rleqa, a in-page iiiuBwaieu panur for only fl per year. Frank Lrsiie'i! Young Folks, devoted to tho interflst of young peoplo, and contain iug mueii to inten st ih'Me of a more ma ture ajnr, a 16-pge iilustraWKl paper. Price per yea' 50 cents. Frank Ili-' National Agriculturist and Workina-. Fanner, a 16-rmire iiluri'- ed paper for only $1 per year. With Dr. B. -'. Kendall's eminent Treatise on ihe Horse and his Disease; nook ct It 0 p 'lies, 90 tine eiwraviugs, rree to each suV- Fiank Lee'ia's Pul.it of the D:iy, a 10 pnjre illustrated papen Just the paper for Suuduy reading. Price only 75 cents 1 per ver. iM-iumnji two r auuiui n i, "The F.rnt liister Uu, aua ruo-r irrt ChrisiiDHS M.iru." Or ail of the above publijcatioaii for $'3 50 per year. ! ; Samples of alt our Publications nad IU lu-tniteil Catt'o'in (without . prelum ) for 15 cunifl, Ail disiriurf steady aud vinenl souid send at ouce proStable emiil btor their ternt- rv is taken is taRen. in, of the above publications sent for six nn Dtl.s a half rBtes. Address FRAN K LESLIE PUB CO , 15 IVy s rest, --w l-rk. i 4a BUST, tiV.r in Thnmas and Jeieniiali. EirKn"'tt or aovtUiuj K lo driuV. ' An Hammon, Propt. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I herebv tfivw notice thnt all iudeb'ed to me must call and seltle I y either easily or note be!ori the 1st of Jauitarv. 1881. Un less such s tt!'iiiei.i iB n.ane I will feel compelled to add Ciwt to tli senlmem. FHES. KUBAN KS, 35-1 m Oakland, Oie-jjon. CALL AT IIE OFFICE ! Panics indented to me must prepare to iineke si-ttl ment of tlieir accounts by Jan uary 1st. IS'-Jf. I' nesd the money in mv hus'mess aud mut liave it. A prompt and favorabl-j answer to this reqm-sl will oblige XV. G. WOODWAUr. Ibweburg.'Dee. 11, 1880. ltn A 12- SPZCSELZI ixvi:stou A'Ja MAN ITf aCTCU Ell of the SELF-REGULATING WIND MILL. Fir Prices, Etc., Addr.-ss A. M. SPH'KKLMIER. 33-tf , ll.jsoburg, 0 egop.. Oakland Mills! Pres. IEi&RKlis &. o. Announce that thev have in operation a firsti-ln-i. tirist Mill at Oakland, Oregon, and will hin.ieu the iMsniifictUred in D ma'as county at the lowest r te--. Orders from abroad sol eited and prutupily tilled. 35. f GRAND BALL! ....AT.... OAHLATi'E), GN. ....ox.... GHRISTIMS EVE 1880, At Abraham & Brown's IlaH. MR. LAWKEXCE PLOWMAN Would nonounce that lie .tins ninda ar rangements to pive a Grund Ball as above tattd, arid that in lhe matter of music, suouer ami oiinciiig room, ev rytidnif will be rirst-cinW and that hecorduilv invii.-s ilie citiz-iis ot lnnrlns county to c uiie with li i tn ami -njov a iiolidav hop. 85'.d LAW RF.NCli PLOWMAN. wo'.ild announce that he l as tlie finest as sortnient of Holi'iay Jewe'rvever brought to Iicbnrg. It emlirBcr Watches. Kings, I'locka. and L 'dies' Ji-w!ry in every stvie. This M.wk must bo sold ni once, "slid is c inseyieiiily offered at extreme low pri cw. firing your aunts, yonr uncles, your couxics or yom sveethearts, nnfl come yourself. J. JASXULEK. ME AT S FOR THE ZET O L I ID -STS?. JAC033 EITZ2IL Would inl'i.rin bis patrons that lt will lave a full supply of Beef, Pork, Mutton, Pickled Pork, au-aire. Heud Cheese, Livs er Puddiua-, Blooti Pudding, and Bolognas for th Holidays. Also, a fine bit of Turkeys and Chickens 34td OT1CE TO HUNTERS. Hunters will hereby take notice that I wilt prosecute, to the fullest extent lo tse law, any one caught running deer with hounds ou the lieu. Lane farm. ' aa-4t J. II. WHITi-ETT. NOTICE FOR FINAL PROOF. Land Office at itoseburg, Oregon, De cember 10,. 1880. -Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and secure final en ry thereof, on Wednesday, January 12th. 1881, before M. M. Melviu, Nota ry Public at Uardinef, Douglas county, Oregon, viz: John T. Henderson, De claratory Statement No. 3387, for the 8 W 1-4 of N W 14. N 1-3 of S W 1-4 and 8 E 1-4 of 8 W 1-4, section 2, T 23 8 K 9 W, and names the following aa bis witnesses, vii: C. A. Henderson, of Scottsbarg, Benjamin . Deland, Jo seph Butler and F. M, .-penser, of tiara diner, all of Drf wlaa county, -Oregon. , W'jr, XhNJASUi, Register. ABB ARAM. W WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB8 IN ROSS SURG, THE ABOVE NAMK!) FIRM WOULD ANNOUCNE TO Til boutuern jK.r.in of Oregon that thry have imported lo Uooa Lapgest Stack Mercliaa-iisj EVER BROUGHT TO SOUTHERN Th slock in qui:Un is complete in every ,...icoat ta low U ires that we are able to competition in u.i,rsaie anu retail prices, V ... First-class Dry Full Lines of Clotiing,i Ladies' Dress Fancy Millinery Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots WE HAVE COMPLETE LINES OF GROCERIES Glassware, Tobaooo, Ciara. "Wiaaa and Liquor x ve nave ais.) everything la the way of PAHMIjG maohihbhy Of all kinds in reapers, mowers, Ptc on the Eig'irst PsisQ Pid fa? in pmcninn won tne svore anil near wnreuousH tor the stomg-e of trniin. and adjoining the wandioase w have the liftest improveil Oraiu Elevator and Urain t leaner, Country storerkeepors will find on application we can oifr ;li-m suiorior bargains trite us a 'rial or we wnl nol be undersold. 'or i.'ES' At the Sua tiBae To purchase general their BROS AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. The ladii-s are especially invited f cail and quest on the superior bargains olTyre.l by the firm in AND FANCY GOODS. No such opp-jrtiinry for cheap purs .chsRe was ever before jjiven in ilie ciiy of Hs-teburg. . N. B AH those indebted tn tho firm t f Caro Bui., nn- ri'O, nested to make im mtd;t" settienn-iit of ihvir uccoiinis. tln-rv by sarincoHt s'jd trotibl-j. Should not a prf'iupt respoiiie be niiide to t!n request the firm mu-t plucn tiie.ir accouuts in tliu band ei an t.flicer of the law for colli-c-ion. KOSEBURG ACADEMl. Tiic winter sessici of 14 weka(3i too.) will commence on Monday, iiecemla-r Bib, 188-), and will end Friday. March 11th, 1881, RATF8 OF TUITION. Orthography, reading) pr. month fl 67 ami Writing f pr. tera 5 84 Ueouraphy, or Eng. pr. mouth. $2 Oil Grammar, f pr. term 7 00 Hi jir.T Arithmelic, Al ) pr. mouth $2 00 " gebrn. Geometry or Book-keeping, J pr, term 8 7 ) Latin or Ureek, pr. month... 3 00 " pr. term 10 00 Prof. B. A. Cathey. late of Caninnville, will have charge of the Primary Depart ment, and W. Brodie will assist iu the higher grades. J; BROWNE, LL. D. Quality not Quaut it v is the Desideratum IF YOU WANT PURE Chemicals, etc., do tot forget to call on HEEL2H II. GABBERT, MVUTLE CREEK:. ulso keopson hand tlie J.H. Cutter whis kis, Holland Oin, Jamaica Hum and the finest Wines and Brandies for medictl use. Physicians Prescriptions a specialty. KOSJCJ4rjKG, 0G2 IllIrlE&Oo I OREGON. CPLB )FTHE OBSGON. detaii. aud was purcliassd in San Fran- snil at aucli rates aiHo permit us to defy xue stock coini'Tlaes Goods, ' a Goods. and Shoes Etc & CEOGKEEY HARDWARE, and caa supply farmers ith shortest notice end most reasonable terms Wool. Qrain and Produc 3 in railroaa depot we imve a acomnioc. lou s wlncli farme r wiii fid advantageous. ABKAUAM. W UEELElt & CO- R is? nz us Siore ol 5ei"s:; extensive stock o BUY THE UrVlFQUA VALLEY KILLS THE EEST IN THE MARKET. Aldress A. il . STEARNS. Canvnill Oregon. ., . aep4 O. EJICE, D., rhjsician and Surgeon, OiTlce 6rst door south of Dr. Hamilton's drug store, o Main street. J. C. MOBEASD, . City Attorae.y. A. H. Tanner, otary Table HORELMD & ANKER. ATTOP.XER-A W. 163 First St."' ' Portland. Orsffm. ,x. . ty:-.. Bepu iy? tuzmzuu & KEcars (SAX FRANCISCO) Celebrated BOOTS and SHOES ....... . '.. - ..'.. . For 8ala at ABRAHAM, "WHEELER BTOSSs Sheridan Bros., They wonid announce that they have" just Largest Stock Ever brought to Donglas connty, and wtirn a.Ucd to their STOVES OF ALL PAT TEltNS and BE DE TIN WAKE, they are- prepared to declare they have the bes. supply i their linerof any establishment in Southern Oregon, winch they propose can purcliats elsewhere. In the shape of buddig materials in superior iudueeroeuts to purchasers. Try We can iw you bargains in iu ummiwuix unuui ui kiovcs, not equalled else where Hack's. B.-nanza. Farmer, Utility. I xter, Pacific, W We Wsi. Clarendon Occidrt, Iron King. Eiupire City, and other s'ores and raiig -k. Tlie bwtot' workmenar? constantly empWyed la tlio iu.-.uufanre our Tinware. and hover should It-am our prices. . - We have a'sa Uracils to ottern goas. us we.-! as to MuM-uunB ana We are al Aj;enis for tl W bile. Peerlew wesnii al lowest rales ana warranj uwaiww iu.jij mjia . W can also supply Averi!! and Iff The best in the market, at the lowest rates; Uive us a call, inspect our aloes, inquire as fanvonecan. Gen'l Merchandise, IXCLUDIKG EVERY VAKIETY OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF THE LATISST STYLE. CasMmerss cf all Variety and Shades ca Hon - -AT THE 'tuiiSliadB - OF - M JOSEPBHOW. jl eiitlenieii & Boys'" jis. us jsl :eld "ssr - ian: jh . . ri-ctoTmrr&jK BEFORE PUR HASixg ELSE'' VERE, BY 80 DOING GOOD BA RGAINS CAN BE SECURED Hotice of Sale of Delinquent Stock Notice is hereby given that the following Certificates of Stock in the Kew Idrian Ciiifiabar Minir.i; Company will be ofl'er.-d for sale nt Public Auction, id front of A, F. Brown 4 Co. 'a store,i n the town of Oakland, Dougias ciunty, Oregon, on Satnr !nv, the first dav January at 10 o'clock A. M., as dejliu'pientljn an assessment levied on the 24ih day of September, 1?80, notice of which was jjiveu in the Daily Ortjfio!) n, a nBwsi.ap.-r of general circulation in the State, of Oetoher 1st, 1880, and also in the Western Star )f same date, a newspaper of general circulation in tho county where '.ha works of the coiupanv aielocattd. Wit. J. MAY. Secretary N. L C. M. Co. Dite of Issue. Ii Whose IVc. 9, 1870 May 14, 1880 10 June 10 Nov. 24 j. p. oin A Fine Stock and Farming; Kanclu Terms reanonable, and desire for sale is occasioned through a wish to emigrate to Kasicrn Or. gon. t -ir price of land and referenc Inquire of Joitu W'. Kelly, at lhe iMUGi'ENDEXT obi ic, or the proprietor on the premises. Iicd for sale 800 acres of timber and grazing suit farming laird combined ; about 75,00 of farming land and the re- ; maindcr iasture and timber land. The aUv contains a fine orchard and about 3 ' acres of garden land subject to irrigation There also is a fine lot of young trees In the above named orchard, embracing all kinds peaches, cherries aud apples and vines of all kinds. There is a good water wheel on the stream on the premises that aiTords about a twelve-horse power, and runs tiie sLingla niiil of K. B. Martindale let. an. P L. STEPHENS. Coles Vaixet. Oregon - ?..ereisa chance fr a go Iiargaibs. who appiv ftar Dearling Gitson. UI I LAND, OGN. Would announce to the public that they are prepared w li iha best of n.ateri al to supply all dei. ops in iin-ir line. Having enjoyed ovrr weuty years' vx: rience in their trade, all work performed by them is guamn teed to be first-class, and strictly according lo order. ' Gibson's Celsliratsd Ear- FOR SALE BY J. W. STRANGE, R0SE BUliU. Pronounced by all who have used them to be the best ever Invented, always oa hand sad for sale cheap. FARM MACHINERY RE PAIRED, Give Them a CalL J. II. Tipton. F. M.Tiptos SAW ILL. TIPTON BROS., PROP'S , ALT. KINDS OP LUMBER. Including -' 6UGAK PINE, CEDAR, FIR, PINE AND OAK LUMBER. Always on band, and orders promptly filled on tho shortest cot ice. All kinds ol dressed lumoer constantly on hand. Lum ber furnished at any point in Roseburg without extra chaige. and by application to me it will be found that my lumb-r is not only the hot but the cheapest in the market. Try me and see. - Address ali tellers to TIPTON .BROTHERS. jy3 . Patereon's Mills, Or. BUY THE VLn F.IUS I-i iR . THE BE - HT B MARKET. Address A Oregon. W.Tfi BNS, CanyonviPe . . aep4 ; ROSEBURG, OREGON. LL BCSLSTESS IN MY LINK Wn.L L be promptly attended to, sad caarj mod era t. Caa be f ootid wkea wast la airs for bis at Betbatg, hotel, Eosburg, Qgn received and now have on hand one of tfia of Hardware ths way of looks, butts, ete, we eatt offei us. sucu as v incliern-r. fcoiry and other Rifles, and er Uome cw-.n Mpchine ,wblcl aaltaa 6 'aitits, jaavaAvvmK ja. :? our prices, and w promise to anil all nnr.Riua HKON. W)3 Sia e t iNo. name Issued. jXo.of ish'r-. AmU assin't ert t t 3rt. 1000 350 00 A 13; 1 001 25 00 Aliii 100 25 00 A 17; 808! 203 00 A38-10Qui 2o0 00 A 8!i 3'XK! 750 00 122! 50i 5 00 f3 SHERIDAIJ, (Successors to TUos. P. Sheridan) UltAiEUS is HAEDW'ARE, TIXWAUfe", STOVES Uuus, Cutlery and Tiraers Fur- nishine Cfoodc. . . ER1CK STORE. ncsECjr, c aiti Uavin secured ihe above business, we aid prepared to keep' op its former good name for work and prices. We Lave the best of material and always a full stock of g.oda on hand, and it is oar aim to fur nish customers with firs:-clasa articles at let live prices. A full stock of Iron and Ptcel far tsj Orders from abwad will receive prcm a'tentiou. P. .. J. C SUERDAX " NOTICE FOR FLSAL PROOF. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, No vember th, 18f0. Notice is hereby given that the fol- t l .l !..,! nn.l of ids iutention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Thursday, December 23,lt80, at the Laud oilicat lioseburg, Oregon, viz: Henry M, Copelaud, Homestead Application No. 8 I'M, for the N W 14 of section 6, T 26S JR 3 W, and names the foilowiug Witnesses, viz: Walter M. Hotchkiss of lioseburg, HicI...:J W ithers, of Oakland, William. Tipton and M. Tipton, of Oak Creek, all of Douglas county, Orenon. W.F.JJEXJAMIN, 32-td Register ED. TOLIES; House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER, ..: draining, Marbling, Kalsominlng and HARDWOOD FINISHER. Paper-hanging and wail-tinting prompt 1 attended lo at Irnv utea. - Orders to be be left at lr. S. Ui.miltoii'6 drugstore. - JACKSON ETHKiT. EOSEBUSO. The proprietor of. this well-known and popular resort would thank bis fronds for their liberal pair mage lo the past and auk for a continuance oltiie same in lb future The public ft informed that J keep Bone bu the best brands of wines, liquors and cigars and that I sell over ths bar the celebrated JESSE" MOORE CO. '8 KENTUCKY WHISKIES A good billiard table will be found ia the saloon; also the leading papers of the of tho world. R0SEEURG HILLS, pnortirjor.3 The best Flopr ia the Market. Tha Flour of theie mills has gained In iwtnni.rti v iinT.ii tf i.n m ,huu itt by purchaser, as the beet in tb market, o vruers iro . uoiae aad abrosd niki promptly At drets, a.. ,!C.jf GATE3. the tr::7JA v;un l...ii : I? i..t. or Adrtfi A. Oregon, 4: ;aa " A