m -Ml .Hflal . .. .X- v . y : THE DOUGLAS MDEPEIDEiSS " " "independent in all Things : Neutral in Nnfhinrr I JHN ". wa -w a -a.wa.aw aawa-gwiw waaw. ' ' - CJ " YOL-5 ROSEBUKG, OREGON, SATUltDAY7iECEntF,n is iftan !?S!?!!!?!?!S??!g?'"M - xuuvi I ' . I Z3 . THE INDEPENDENT HAS THE FINEST JOB OFFICE IN DOUULA.S COUNTY. C.I71A?, J5 HEADS, LEQAL BLANKS, And other piloting, Including Larg: and Heavy Posters and Showy Hand-Bills, ! Nt'y and Expeditiously executed AT POIITL.VNI) PRICES. E. R. MUL.LER. Watchmaker and Jeweler -.'. . OREttOS OAKLAND, Office in Dr. Fage's Prug Storei. Caiiyonville Hotel, O. A. LEVIS, - - i PROPHIETOU HArTINO RECENTLY PURCHASED THE Canyonviil Hold, I km now prepared to urn'th travelers witb the best of accommodations. F1 aod stabling for stock. 1. A. LEVINS. . JAB. THOBXTON. W. H. ATKINSON. JACOB WAQNEB. E. K. AKOEBSOX Mr. Taliuage on Debts. Mr. Talmage preached a sermon to the r uuuu xiiuii TRHrrnftv rrnm t.rx hmr v w a .7 WAV IUt uu fragmentary text : "As an ox to me slaughter. "There is nothing," ho beuan. "in ttl voine or in th. man-.. u 1 v VUV UIwUUOl V. the butcher -which indicates to the ox mat death is ahead. The ox, no doubt, fancies that he is being lead to the her baceous luxuriance of some distant past ure. But after a while annear men ami boTR. whn. with load cries, drive th noor lieaut. in at . dark door way. The animal's nose is forced down noon the blood. tdjiinAil itiw and the unerring blow' descends. So,' many A vnnntrman ia heiner ilrivan .town unsuspecting to the slaughter. Society oiauguiers many uy us cruel demand that, no matter hnv (tmull tha inonnm appearances must be kept np. "Whatever your salary, poor nniortunate young man. rnn mnat. live in a fnchiimal.la boarding house, must smoke expensive 11 iiiVW W VWiwlsU JU4AUUebA "'""J your inenus as your neighbor. , ,j I If yon haven't the money, why borrow. and if you can't borrow, why. then steal. Do anvthintr. but don't unnmr 1 I . . , . . OYER AND UNDERWEAR CLOTHING 3 BMn th' . Ashland Woolen Manufacturing bompany, Manufacturers sod ,IXlers in LATEST NEWS SU3DLVRY. BY TELKGRAPH TO DATE. Iiau luun lf..nl,.,...n.l XVI ajm.w wwu D1AUKUIA71 Cu, I ueil Will VUU young man, learn the curse of debt?" air. xaimage had his glittering eye nxea upon a beardless youth in the gal lery who fidgeted in an uncomfortable Wav nnnn hm Beat 1 ' "llaltt. imlnnal r . I Lord Bacon to take bribes; it broke Wal ler Hcotts heart; it drove Burns to know that Lord Bygon's mother died iu a fit of rage produced by reading an up holsterer's bill. Oh, the curse of debt the curse of debt! If I go into a grocery fitorA and bnv Riicrftr Anil vnwtta -nit1mn J - n .... V" " 1 ; r 1 1 r mjr Tiiuuie uwitusui puyiiig lor uiem i ra mnnt liHhnnAHfc than if i ttr in rt ii wtl v- . . o and carry a bam under my coat. In the one case i roo tne grocer not only or his time. In the other casa T tjilcn nnna nf his time, I simply help myselt. In ; otner words, a sneak-thief isn t as bad as UrOCKerV ailCl UOrdaffe ono wha contracts debts he cannot pay. (Applause.) And yet in all our Made to Order. , W. II. ATKIN80N, Hecy ' ASHLAND, Jackson Counir, Orcson. H. C. STANTON, Dealer in j Staple Dry j Goods I t Kecpt constantly on bund a general assort- EXTRA FINE GROCERIES, WOOD, WILLOW 1D GLASS WARF, ALSO A full stock of 8 OIIO OIL, BOOKS Such m required by Uie Fublic County Schools All kind of STATIOJJKRY, TOYS and FAHCY ARTICLES To suit both Young and Old. "BUYS AND RF.T.TA T.RnAT. Ti-vnvtoa SB wauiaaa 1 ll.i A.' AtAJ furn'sUe Checks on rortland, and prociros MAHONEY'S SALOON Xearest to the Railroad Depot, Oakland v,., J Mahonoy, Prop'r. Til finest of wines, liquors and cigars in Dohg- ua county, ana u oeat ' BIIiLIARD TJk.UL.-m in th Stat kept ia proper npain Parti traveling on tba railroad wiU find thta - 1 - - - a - J : i a J umitwj w YHiauntu qJ HOlr huO SA HMil 1 land, Depot. Giv WAS. YHiaunBKun HOlr un at th 0k iv m aoall. J JA?1l MAniJII&T. ER, Wnituri JOHN FRAS -acme Maae jjiirniture WILBUR, - . j OREOOir, Upholstery, Spring Mattrasses, Etc., Constantly on hand. PIIRNITIIRP 1 "V tlte best florkof . lurnllar south of forllaud And all of my own manufacture. No two Prices to Customers BeeidenU of Douglas county are requested to fjive me a can Demre purcnasing elsewnere. , teS-ALL WORK WARRANTED. "ta DEPOT HOTEL- OAKXAKD, - - ; dRKUOBT. Xtiohard Thomas, Prop'r. nPHI8 HOTEL HAS BEEN ESTABLISHES for a nunibw ot years, and has become vary l)uiar wiw un traveling public t travels SLKtPINC ACCOMMODATIONS. And th table supplied with the best the market aaoroa. Motel t the depot of the Hailroad. Furniture Store ! JOIIlV 6ILDKR8LEYE MAVINO PURCHASED TUB FtTRNr tare Establishment of John Lehnherr, is now prtpared to do any woijt ,in the j UPHOLSTERING LINE. . Ee is also prepared to furnish In all styles, of th best maru&cture,and cheaper .i i Clinli-H, I Tablets. Uiii-oaii,-' j Uedstendm, Wasdisjtands, ETC., ETC.. I ETC. Are of superior make, and for low cost cannot be nualled in tha 8 Lute. The Beds Sofas Finest of Spring And the ! Most Complete Always oa hand. Everything in ;ne line fur- uisuou,ui uie oeuqiiaiiijfOn inesaoiresti notice and at th lowest rate. COFFINS MADI AND TtVIMMCO And orders filled cheaper and better than can 7 oioe. esiaousamcnu Desiring a share of public patronage, the un deraigned proniisvs to orier extra inducements to mn ration, uive e a trial. JOHN GILDERS LEVE OTIC2. V0T1CE 13 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT aw j concern lht the umlenigned has been warded tlieoBtract fur keeping the Douglas County paupw for a sriod of two years. All yaraons lo ned of assistance from said county BBWtt ftrat proenraa certificate to that effect from My amber of the County Board and present it 1 1 am ottaa following named persons, whoara Mtboriaed to and will cars for those presenting anch tjartifleatea: Button A Perkins, Roaeburg; L. IV itallogg, Oakland; Hra. Brown, Looking Glaaa. Dr. Woodruff is authorised to furnish saiml aid to all peraona in need of the same nd srk kav ban daclarad paupers of Domlas i w. H Oaanty. . B. CLARK. SEEDS !" 3SEEDS ! ALL m OF EST,QUAL1TT ALL ORDERS Promptly attended to and Goods shipped Jwith care. dJreas, HicUeney k Eeao, . ' (Portland Orphan cities are families who move everv , . . .... .... iiiav aav to cpr, nut or iha nmirtihnr of certain butchers, bakers and apothe caries and into the neighborhood of Others. I snnnose a ennd mrnii nt vnn i x m j - j have had that unpleasant experience nnnn niflvinrf i n 1 n atin a oiiiLlanlw nanalA.1 house of irate and unhappy tradesmen wwuuy n jvui uwr iweuij umes a (.lay with little bills acainnt tha fumilv that. has just moved out? And the familv that has just moved out in some fresh neighborhood is meantime leaving royal orders at the butchers for tenderloin steaks and ordering the nearest news 3der to leave at the door each morn ing, 'All the papers! Eaale or Aran. World, Tribune or Times.' " Mr. Tal mage rolled out this familiar Brooklyn 0 1 V BA cllltlv that. BAtrniHil mamluiKi w J " ITl ...... .i.i.ii.i , .1 . . ' i ' . i 1 i it l , , ui uia cuugiugui.1011 titterea. xne laugn- wri aucaivu iu uavo ui immuDir enect, r .. i . lur wiiu consiueraoie warmth he ex claimed "Tf nnvlirvlw in thia ani ence finds that my picture iits his case, a uun mina leiiing nim mat ho ought not to be in this (dmri-h Tin nutrht. to be in the penitentiary! (Awful si lence.) Detestable sneaks, they cheat the grocer out of the green apples that make them sick, thev rob the iloplnr that attends them and the undertaker who furnishes them with an outfit when they nay uio nnai ueot to natnra tna on v debt they ever do pay. ' Young man, yonng man, don t get into debt. I ve had a little experience that way. My first settlement as pastor was in a villa ee salary 8800 a year and a house. The amount seemed to me enormous. I said, What I all tins for one rear? I wax afraid of growing purse-proud and worldly, so I resolved to spend the sur plus of my fortune in entertaining my neicrhlmrft. T lwo-fl.n tllA ami.ililn taulr nf 1 - .1 1 . - . iiuving mem 10 tea in groups oi twenty five. I never completed the task. I had in CM v a it lii"i T n a vaw uIiavI u.. . w 1V1J DUUI, short time I learned the great truth that yon must measure the size of a man s body before you betnn to cut his coat After this interesting and instructive anecdote Mr. Tahnnge shook np his bag of beans and informed the vonnar men of his congregation that the second great engine by which tbey were ' being slaughtered was irreligious, "'if you want to dj.-trov a vonni? man in double- quick order." said lie, happily addressing uie suggestion to no one in particular, "take away his bible. A steamer 1500 miles out at sea with the broken rndder and leaking fifty gallons a minute (laughter) is not in a worse condition than n .-nnnr. mnn i ! K it f lli n I.KIa Indefidelitv is splitting up the life-boats 1 a ; , ,i .i . uiiu wanng uown tue uro-escapes. uo you want to know my opinion of the in fidel who seeks to rob young men of their bibles? Weil, then, think of the meanest thing yon ever heard of and find yonrself at the top of a flicht of stairs 100 miles long. Go down these stairs and find a ladder 1000 miles loner Descend the ladder and look from the edge of a precipice down into a chasm t IV W t na I .in n aa tliA rliufnnna Fysiwi lmvn V .uv 1 . I tma .'III It. IJl-.VJ A.U.I. to China and tlien you'll find the level of uis ueiestauie indescribable meanness." After this what more could Mr.Talmage sayr 1. i. world M. Mason, President of the Dominion Privy Council, having retired. M. Mousseau has been appointed in his place. Two bodies were snatched at Prescott, A. 1., on the night of Dec. 1st. During November the mints coined $4, 574,000 gold and $2,300,000 silver. A corn corner is being run at St. Louis, and is expected to ran the price to 50 cts. Vi flooll nf tha O". nl 1 1.i.ia nP tha 1 1 . 1 1 n dt lnliiu & Rpddhit? Co.. have snHnfiidpil for December. Throe thousand uht. nr out of work. A Creek deletrntian Is hera en rnnta 1j Waliington to work for Creek. Indian Interests and oppose the settlement of whites In Oklbhama. A lTra1flfl fitiAnlal untn fliof PmuliKn. Hayes has stated especially that he is not .1 : .1.. ... i" m.... i ..a ii, innuiuuLo iur omuls uui, win renre per manently to private life at Fremont. The t resident hits nnnroved Ihn n. v.... u .1111 l4mi.lli7C.lllg Captain Andrew Geddis, of the 25th infan try, and mitigated the sentenco of 1st Lieut Wallace Tear, 25th infantry, to r . - c . . i- i ii i , - iiirieiuiro oi rans aim nau-pay. The Rtwkwith hr.tl t. naht-nch w;D bnmed last Saturday; losa.SOO.OOO, insur ance, o,miu. nirs. . a, rage, a boarder. wasBunocarea Dy smoke. Mollie Holiy- ran. A Wflitffr. is lniinf, anil it ia Kalinnuil perished. Kerosene caused the fire. A duel which wna in hnro hum fmi..lit bf.twpf.ll Inwrpniin TrlmhlA on.l T.CuK Benton of Covington, Ky., was thwarled by the non-appearance of Benton. Trim- blf. npcomnnniiiil hir W V Wm.. n..n r wimgumi waa tu Niagara rails nul the ucuiuu pany uiu not arrive. o ' v - vowfi ui&tj Sent atelecrram tn Parnpll aalrinn ;r A m- ican counsel tihould be sent to Ireland to cieiend land leaguers. If Paruell sends a favorahlA rpsnnnan a ilulaimiUn Ar i . i , w "mvbu.i mi w, au.r lawyers win im iiisnati iiori tn i .mi once. Among those suggested are .Tere Black, Roger A. Pry or, Emery A. Storr ana mail t;arpenter. lbeone and a halt millions of Ameri in OVSterS. Writes H Curltmn nnrrt - , - i. -v , v dent. Whlrll WrA nlantol in " -1... Belt" last spring were inspected a short time ago and found in fine growine cou- u.iiuu. iium iour raonius tney gained an inch in circiimfMrcnxo in.i n professor of zoology gives asaurace that lor oysters uermany cannot bo excelled. Cantitin Frndn commanded the ship Macedonia which : I ...1 r x- -t - . ... . . rum iew xorK witn provisions and supplies for famine stiicken sufferers of Ireland in 1848, died on the 2d. iiist. f'flnl'lin famnwin nl.n . . ....... 1 1 . I . . " v ' w.i mov U'lUUiailUCU Uie ship Robert Bound, the first vessel that sailed for San Francii.cn arrvin f. . v..vv . . j . a .tin. class passengers. J R. G. SCROGGS, A. M., M. D. l'liysilolan and Kuriteon Special attention paid to Operative Surgery and Treatment of Chronic Diseases. Office in rear of drug store nearly oppo site me jiostomce. OHlH boar Irani I lo a each afternoon. J. JASKULEK, l'lUtTlCAI. - WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND 0PTICAN. Roaeburg;, Oregon. (Opposite poslofflce.) DEALER 'is Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. Spectacles AND EYEGLASSES. Watches. Clocks and Jewelry carefully repaired. All work warranted. Genuine .Brazilian rouble spectacles ana eyeglasses asneciniry. Or iron tavna Ca.lirirnla TK1CUSH TO SAM FRAKCISCO FOUR DAYS. TSS QUICKEST. SAFEST AND easiest boute. stages lcavb r08cburo ' :; JBTr DT 4 T-M P. . tUkiMgioangtkn at Reading with tb afloaA0.R.a. for luu parucniars ana passage apply to G. F.STEICKLjLND. igt The nnnunl rennrt. nfilio illmitin, nt l, mint states that liminialn.il nmHuniinn of gold and silver of the Pacific coast has yisiniy euected both the amount of depos its and coinage at the San Francisco mint and ffivea the follnw!tir fimu r.. r.t . . . r- --p. . - . i.i ii v. - ,i deposit during fiscal yearoflSSO $3f,3S7, 049: amount of rninn,0 S.t5 nv: iwi. d, - ' - n i tv,vwv,wrv, uiiu ii ing a decrease ns compared with the pre- 1 : r i-i.i ... tcuiun jtarui a nine more man lour mil .ui. .1. mrjjvyiia nuu i:z;ost exactly six millions in coinage. The coinage at the mint in l.HH i nu i:l ikki rw hi Id... r,e ..,.11 v:-:, ..r.r ... . -"!"r.v " anu $o,uw,"uy less 01 tilver than in 1878, The New York Ornnl lii uni'a tq ntl ii-. hilt hno. AntAri.il infi an ,iml..H.,...i:n with rive of the heaviest holders of Chi cago.Burlington and Quincy stock tlmt lie shall buy So,000,000 worth of shares, and this llndArntandinoi nniitaina a fitl... stipulation that the investment gliall be jn.-iin.uieiii, anu utiiiHH oetjiven represen tation in the next huni-.l nf .11 contigent, however, upon the execution of the scheme projec ted by Jav Gould. A similar understanding ex is "a li.4u-i.on Vanderbiit. uni! Hia liaavioai toe Atchison, lopeka and Santa Fe. Van derUilt does not care to enter the direc tion of these Ii hps nnlpfld it uKnll Kn - - - - " so act,- - j . ' w.,..ou uuuioi, uie "wine L-uuiuiuauuu 01 VTOUiu. TllA llfft ftnVlTltf RPrvifO liaulTO ctoimno .... - - n ir-v aaaakj I ' DVUI-1UI I C. 139 on (he Atliuttir mi rha f,.lr AO mill 1! on the Pacillc. The record of the service surpasses any previousyear. The casua tics were greater than ever before, the highest previous number being 2VJ and this year .500 or the 1SJ89 persons 011 tioarit Of lllAaA VAeanl. unln rt i 11 11 tf 11--. 1 Great relief has been nMonloil cliimrrni.tnil persons and vessels, and warnings were given which saved many vessels. It is estimated that the value of vessels invol ved was S2.filrt.01in anil na.irr.ua 1! I11-.ilu1 , 1 " -1 . 1 1.1 J 1 " 'I'll. Of the total 'amount 2,(520,000 were saved. inadequate compensation w fast driving destroy the efficiency of the service. The superintendent as us mat the matter of DftV be left to the iliuprntinn of ihn non. it r.i I uiitiiiiitiiii.i.li.... 'PI. 1 . mu per momu. A Washincrt.on nr'ial envs narfialil has determined nnt tn crivnthA aAArAtnrv ship of the treasury to any New York nuiie wan. ne expiaineu mat me 101 lector OI the Dort holds an nrhen tmvina ij,uw per annum, anj through whose hands three -fourths of the customs rev enue is supposed to puss. The magnitude flf thifl rtOAitiorl An1 tin liaiiimaiiliir Milnllnn to New York politics is such lhat if the oeurviary was also Irom iNew lork it would eive him a personal influence that would be greater in bin opinion than the best interests cf the civil serviie would warrant. It is reported thut Schurz dur ing Garfield's Washington visit told the iiremueni eiect inat tne retention of Sher man in lllA filhinat ia iraru imnnH.nl tn bUdiiteiiS intArARb h vpIIiiu tAiha ni,i-a or the republican party, and that other members or the cabinet would not feel Chagrined at tne discrimination. Tt is annnnnnpil that Ilia unnml frantu - " v..H . 1 1 It 1 .HUIIM . I 1. . , flraiVn lln hv tllA IT ntn. m lucinn A-i. n .. , I ..... .- j vuu vi u.iiuiiiuiinoiuiicia Aim the rekiug government proposes that the AmArii'nna &hall not in-ipinrt ntiin m n carry the product coastwise or sell it. It is uu. mijw 11 iiusibiveiy, a iuii report 01 tne treaty not navingbeen sent by cable, trhnlhur ttiiu iu I run ti rinl 1.,, ,1.1a la .. . .. 111.11H . .11 ' ... . i 11 u jm l.W 1 1 L It . .11 IU B UU. discredited; out it is thought quite likely, because Uie Chinese government has been long opposed to the importation of opium i fl 1 1 1 Tallinn A m O . icutt uaoenla iram tn,. uierly engaged in the business of opium smuggling, but very little is done by Americans in that business nowadays. TtiA riTnlii 1.1 tirtnn 1 oIuiika will tint fl.ift Americans and was probably inserted in the treaty by the Chinese as compelling tha 1 f i 1 1 u 1 1 fo u .imita, n i. i-ti 1 1 tn ii n , n u a . j ivmu i.' i.-i in i it t higquigiii, no a large proportion of the revenue of British India comes frtim opium and China is the greatest customer for Indian opium. If tha fliinaaa hard n.Atitnil to thu TTttitail . 1 1 U -J 111 llll'l. . . f 1 W M. .WV. . 1 .11. w U1.UU States any special privileges iu the new ireaiy, 1110 xi 11.111 niu ig iisve similar privileges granted them. On last Fridiiv the crand inrv of New t-i 1-L- imiintll 1 till il.tll.l Trial, 1 1 .1 1-f Inui. Post, Kennard Philp and Chas. A Byrne of the Truth for criminal libel on Garfield; Hart, Byrne and Post, charged, the first named for writing and the other i for publishing on the 22d of Cvtolier .'ttt- un editorial headed "Lying and Backing to It" in the Truth newspaper, and also pub lishing the alleged Garfiil.l Chinese letter and a fac simile of it, and by these means unlawfully, wickedly and oialiiicusly de vising asniuch as in them lay to injure and villify James A. Garfield an I to bting him into public scandal and disgrace, and 10 deprive him of his good fame, ciedit and reputationand to the great scandul and injury of James" A. Garfield and against te peace) of the people 'of the Ftale of New York and their dignity. These parties are charged with criminal libel, the penalty of which is oue year in the penitentiary and $250 fine. Bail was given by Philp. After examination by Judge Davis was continued, Post and Hurt came to the district attorney's office in the afternoon to give bail, but Judge Co w inghad gone home and they were permit ted to go on their own responsibility -till to-morrow morning, when they will fur nish the necessary bonds. It is probable now that Morey has been indicted for perjury, he will be removed fron the house of detention to the loomus. Tennessee sure for a Demnf-rntiV Kona. tor. The tobacco fantnrv of Timoi Tow.!, Jones burned on the 0th;loss $20,000; par- uaiiy lusureu. The nariArfl nf Hia AonfAilarotA tm n n-..l n i j - vi.iiiviii,ii.ti, goiiciau Braes and Polk am nH'aru.l f.-ir aoin ihn 1-. ' " " w . W 1 U 1 W . l hllU Kuveruuient ior J1U,UUU. cenacor lamars liea th ia min.li im. proved. He is on his way to Washington iu uiae uis seat in tne senate. Jim TCeenA ia nAcotiatina, f. i- fl,.. nt. chase of the famous stock farm of Ged. Meemo. m SliAnamlonh valla., t a -, . .Hii... . u LVOV oi upward of $200,000. The F nanin l flimntM. r X' v i- .. viitvuivio Mi ii t, 1U1K shows the increased earnings for Novem ber, iruui IU linPH OI l-nuil nv.r ntt r Aar ii per uent, or 9J,tit.wu. rorthe first timA sinia tha tl.A southern states will participate in the In auguration iesuvities. there is every pi uuauilliy intu it will be a cram ninn ion. The New York Tinllntin Dana Wmcinn li in iiiiii in riTiriiir.il run i n n mn ... . that no further laroA amount. or.mi.i u.;n n M. l w 1 1, nil. , . .i . ,. l I r T , . . w .-iiiiciica irom iionuon With the consent or the bank. The Mississinni Valine Ki,i.;i.,,., rn,. -i.-,.. . j .i.i.uij VVfll" lereuce adonteil a ronnri nminii tha I.,. .. ernment to take complete charge of the sanitary condition of the Mississippi val- i ficiijr sirung anu-state rights act ine prevailing sentiment among mem- Ders ot congress is to make the holiday recess this year unusually short. The talk'lH to mliimrn ritiiiii I.-i.: -1 .i ni.T . ,7 J . uui 111.1,1V, U1B 24th of December, to Mondav, January 3d. Mrs. Glnsman a n.,inan nr 1 i.. i, i ui ti ii n vi iu a ii ui Marquette, tireen Lake County, Wis., in a tit nf 1 rt m ni, -.. .. ; .. : . .. i.:it .1. . .ujuiai luBBiuiy, aineu uer uaoe by cuitintr its heail nurln nfF .ml cuttinir her own t.hront ilv.o.t i,,, i. a - .-- U 1. ttllllllUt ill stantly. A fire at. Cnslur Pitt- Tlolrnia n. i. on. - -.-j . iiiiiiiu u.l UIU J Lll deStrOVAll tllA nrim.inal hr.fnl .ln . ' t " - I'-' "IVI, OIUI6 AilU postotfice; loss $4000. The surrounding buildings were greatly damaged. Six in cendiary fires have been discovered and extinguished in this citv, during the past fortnight. The secretary nf thA i af w.v aaavuasuav VM lCU ISt lKHllOvl firiliN nrrvi,!r..- fcpn-i (v - auaua IU1 nu lUblCOaC of one hundred pupils in the number of .va.MU vuuui iiuw uuuuaiea at me forest Cirove, Oregon, industrial school and for forty or iiftv ttdtlirinnul tha. iiomnfAn - w-w a. v wui .IKUiptUU a., otuuui. . , . . ULVa MfcJ a ( v a lUOll UfJ" tlOUS tO Mllnnrrpr (infiiinor n ihn Tn f- - O-" v-aas . va V a s v A I J J Ub ureenneid Kailroad, to try the experi- uicni ui uiuiuinauon ot me lloosac tun nel bv electricity a-ith a vian nt I. n ; such illumination permanent should it prove successful. Oil the tlth inat Sanatnr lanrllt,. Ohio introduced initha tonalii a inlni ra. olnfion tor the purpose or obtaining the i.ii.iir8ouiuiieuiii(! road aim highway from the Canada lino and British America, through British Columbia to Fort W range, at.d Sitka. The OnVPriifir ftnd .Ari;tf r.fr AfirA(A - a- " - - ' vmii j ctavo i ii Tennessee failing to agree on the election from Bradley county, the former claiming the democrat elected and the latter claim ing that the rennhlifnn ia tha .. .,-i'tl I .HV, t.iuic "111 be decided by the legislature itself. The democrats still Im V ft ill rA nioilin'iw rtr joint ballott. An Internatinn.nl fYlftnn Vrnrmllltin Association has been organized at Atlanta, Ga.. with Senator .Too I? Iti-nmn nfl:o.. gia, president, and twenty-five vice presi dents from the principal cities and man- nf..,. rii..!-... 4 .r ti t.i uiovmuiij; lunna oi me country. ine plan contemplates a grand international exposition of cotton annl iatiAAs ami ma chinery. In the COmmit.tA on n.-rkuta anil niaa'no 1,1 the 9th, a long discussion' took place upon me pro position to move me internal rev enii'i tax from bank checks, friction matches and patent medicines. The mat ter was finally referred to a milunnmmii. tee on internal revenue, with instruction iu cunuiuer ana report upon the same at luture meeiintr The annual renort of the Pimmiiiiniir of internal revenue gives Uie following ngures us amounts oi aggregate collections iur ine year in uie districts named: Call fornia. Collector Ilicrhlv district. Ool; Collector Frost, ?316,9S4; Nevada district. Sriii.4.Vi flnninii rr. oo. WoUi, , v , , I'.fc,...., yniiM.r 1 1 ami- ington Territory, $27,081; Arizona, $2S.iS4: It IS flUthnritflf IVpIv fitntorl fl.o tha nnw Chinese treaty will be sent to the senate eariy in ine sessionso as to dispose of it hO tlUII'avIV M 4 IMWB III A I OIlTllrrno a.. am say that it will, in a great measure, satisfy ine lwi, iiiiougu not entirely. It is be lieved that no attempt will be made lo rass a Chineaa ruatriHim l.;U .,.,t;l ria. -i ..WUH..I1V Hill Hit 1 11 A1LTJE tne treaty is disposed of. In the national house of representatives on the 9th, Baker from the committee on appiopriations, reported the fortifica- iiuu appruprmiiion uui appropriating 51, 000,000; Kelly of Penn., introduced a bill repealing the bank stamps, match and patent medicines tax, and Aldrich a bill amending law taxing savings banks. A loin? debate oivured on the ui,..a l . 1 ' " - . -' ' -' 1.1. Ill u U '1 , 1,11 the senate resolution providing for a joint iuij uuuceruiiig me counting oi tne elec toral vote. The leadera in the iluUi. were MoLane on the democratic side and i.apnain on the republican. A Washington dispatch or the 9th says: The bouse or representatives to-day, on motion orDelegate Brents, or Washington territory, took up and passed the bill re ported by Representative Berry la?t ses sion from the public lands committee for the reliel or settlers on resloreJ railroad lands. It is as follows: Be it enacted, etc., That all persons who shall have set tled and made valuable and permanent improvements upon any odd numbered sections of land within any railroad with drawal in good faith and with permission or license of the railroad company ror whose benefit the same shall have been made, and with the expectation or pur chasing or such compauy.the land so set tled upon and improved may for any cause be restored to the public domain, and who at the time of such restoration may not be entitled ti enter and acquire a title to such land under pre-emption, homestead or timlieriMit m-ic ntih. '.;.. States, shall be iter-niUed at any time within three mouths after such restora tion and under such rules and regulations as the coniH-iiHaioner of tha vanal l-.l viviui iauu olhce may prescribe to purchase not to "-i iw iicira in client oi tne same by legal subdivisions at the price of $2 50 per acre and to receive patents therefor. mo "i now guca to tne senate. THE LUCKY HORSESHOE. A farmer travelling with his load Picked up a horseshoe in the road, And nuilpd it fant li hi Mrn ilnai That Luck might down on him pour, That Avarv hloinir in lifa Might crown his homestead and his wife, A ...1 nAA. i. : .. ,i ! i ' it i. iii.ti i an. .mu ui nai m Descend upon his growing farm. But dire ill-fortune soon began To visit the astonished man. His hens declined to lay their eggs; If is bacon tumbled from the pegs; And rats devoured th fallen legs His both, thai never failed before, Mildewed and rotted on the floor; His grass refused to end in hay; Hift cnttll. illicit np wnt ulnm In short, all moved the crooked way. " Next spring a great drought baked the s.id, auii roasteu every pea tn pou; The beans; declared they could not grow oo long as nature aciea so; Bedundunt insects reared their brood To starve ttir lack of juicy food; The stave from barrel sides went off As if they had the whooping-cough, And no(Ju6ig of the useful kind To holdlpigetlier felt inclined; In short, it was no use to try While all the land was in a fry. One morn, demoralized with grief, The farmer clamored for relief; And nraved riirht hard lo nrninmlonil What witchcraft now possessed his land; IVkw i i r ! j tn, ii nun mi in iu nuiH.rv grew Since he nailed up that "lucky" shoe. While thus dismayed o'er matters wrong iiu om man cnanrea to image along, To whom be told with wormwood tears now ma a Hairs were in arrears, And what a deanerate RtNtA nf thinn-a A picked-up horseshoe sometimes brings. The stranger asked to see tho shoe, The fanner broueht it into view: But when tho oldmnn rntaa.1 hi hn..l lie laughed outright, and quickly said, " N'o wonder rIcim nnnn vnn fmum You've nailed the horseshoe upside down! ,uov mm it rouna,aua soon you 11 see How you and Fortune will agree." Tbe farmer turned the horseshoe round And showers began to swell the ground; The sunshine laughed among his grain And heaps on heaps piled np the wain The loft his hay could barely hold, His cattle did as they were told; His fruit trees nocded sturdy props To hold the gathering apple crops; His turnip and pota oe lipids Astonished all mm by their j ields; Folks never saw such ears of corn As in his smilling hills were born; His barn was full of bursting bins His wife "resented him with taring- His neighbors marveled more and more io see we increase in fits store. And now the merry fanner sings " There are two ways of doing things; "ia wnen ior Rood luck you would iirav. Aail up your horseshoe tbe right way up.' Haper't Weekly for December, AT THE GARDEN GATE. Hen. Francis A IV.Ifr., un t . -- -nivi , n i f H. I IUKIIUCU1 of tbe census, has submitted his regular annual report to the secretary or the in terior. He says that although the work of takinfrthe tenth cenana ia uiiKat n niii. n - complete, returns having been received riw. - 1 1 1.,., ... 1 om an um .even tu uie total nuiuuer 31,305 enumeration districts.it will prob ably be two or three weeks before tbe of fice will be able to present complete 8ta tislica of the nonllldt.ion of tha an nt.. and he therefore considers it advisable to pobtpone to a future report all mention or the resulm of the enumeration and all aiscnaion oi methods ill use, as well as suggestions which may require to be made of changes in the census uw with refer ence to future entituerjti-n. The super intendent says every year and every month which can be saved in the com pilation and publication of census statis- 1 1 ..I I .. . : 1. 1. i .. i .t..: , i ulb nuua oifiitrt:iauijr til tueir value, and rei-nmmend.a t.hnr. mnffnui ha .ok a.1 tn authorize the printing by special contract uuuer me supervisiua oi me secretary 01 the interior, and if it be thought desire able, also Of nrintin? the several renorta of the census supervisors as fast as pre pared, ine accounts or 28,410 enumera tors have already been settled, involving a total exnenditure of ud wards of $l.R2f).- 000. Only about 1200 accounU remain unadjusted, and them' la no rcmnii In doniit. that lha month of lWumluii vill ree all enumerators paid for their services except only in cases'w here suspension is rvll.l l-Oll fii,;,...!!.!. Un m i ., t 1, W, 1 .. Ann 1 1 iMn in .in, isiuuiia uiiuiioiiiaiitHi Au- nected with some fault Jof tbe enumera- Janet Dudley.stood at the garden cato 41 It 1 : . , inc. i. iiivmv uvtjuinir in nonrpmiuir n... . p i , r '"K p mo nu wiiu anxious eyes, ine faint light of the rising moon lay like a blessing on the golden head, and the air, filled with the fragrance of new-mown hay. caressingly touched her fair Tnnnr fnnn V..n n: : ,1 i"4 .t.i.1.. notw jitjitiur iiiaiu swiuieu lover. And yet John Hallani's step was slow and bis fate clouded as he emerged from me snatiow ot the trees and came to ward her. Janet onened tho rat ami stepped out to meet him. "Well, John?" bqo said, and tier vome rremlitAil urn, an t:..i iittie. The vouhir man took her tinv hnnla !n his, and looked down npon her she was a Wee tllinl? with almost, a fpnum nnnn his brow: -'Uncle Rosier is as obstinate as a mule," ho said. "I have just come from a most weariROmn intArviAw with him. He insists that I shall either tako np my drudgery again at Mink & Otter's or some other equally agreeable estab lishment, and forfeit all claims npon him, or give him the promise he asks." "Welly" said Janet again, gazing steadily np in his face, and this time her voice did not tremble at all but her lov er's did, as with half-averted eyes he made answer: "I should hate to go cierung it again after being my own master so long, and, to own the truth, patronizing my old chums somewhat when we met: and it seems too bad to let the fortune go to strangers as Uncle Itoger declares it shall if I don't come to teiiiiB. i u L i Mi ii I ill, -nroniiMA iia m u-tu is so absurd. 'Absurd, " repeated Janet, slowly. "Is it SO absurd, when von think- of it. calmly? Your uncle wants to make sure of a pleasant companion for five years, and at tho end of that time wiahes to choose a pleasant companion for that pleasant companion, and thereby secur ing for himself two pleasant companions for the remainder of his life which sounds like something ont of one of tjtienuorn s neons ior beginners, or a riddle," she continued, with a laugh that hail no Infirnmnnl in it "anil on ha offors you great inducements to become mat companion. Ana, 'onn, you have always been discontented because vonr station in life was not a high one, and more of the world s gold had not fallen lo your share. And now that wealth and position are offered you, it would be absurd indeed to refuse them for the sake of a poor country school mistress." ' l T 1 i ii u uiict, juu are cruel. "Poiiliiiria T am in tha nt n . iiii.nnn.o viuHta jt. am ... n. u 1 1 1., ouigcuo are cruel; but I really think, John, the cure for vonr hurts is to accede to your uncle's wishes." "And part wit'i you ?" "Anil Hart, with ma anil if ia t-inl t. Inn evident that that worthy gentleman con siders metotftllr nnworthv the honor of ever becoming the pleasant companion of his pleasant companion." The young man dropped her hand and caught her in his arms. "You do not love me after all," he said reproachfully. "I do love yon," she replied, at the same time turnintr her face away from his kisses, "and I have loved you ever ainea va first, met .Tint T hiva lnuintn. convinced that as a poor man you would not oe a success, J onn, and therefore I nfl-v nKnv vonr nnnla 1 i i-n tha I i fa fn which you have longed, and get the for tune. Tlw liAlrflns T will not friva i-nn .. C J t ....... - " " . ..w J"" n ' i exclaimed Hal lam, stung by her quiet sarcasm. "But, Jennie, dear, listen to reason. Promise to wait for me, and I will atrree to TTncla Tinhert.'a enniiitiona Who knows what might happen in five years r xne old man may die Tho girl started from his arms with startled eyes. "bhamo on you John! she cried. " W llftt hanninajzA con Til a Han .1 tha ii.iw.i - 1 l. vuv UUIUII of two rieoule who waited for a death and falsehood to brinar them toirether. Yon have said enough. ; Our bonds are broken. You are free. - "A faint voice from the rot tuna, nolla,! "Janet." ' 'I will never iriva von- ntv " ranaaiaA the lover vehemently, and snatching her again in his arms, he kissed her passionately and turned away. Janet looked after his retreating form for a moment, and then raising her'clasp ing hands in mute appeal to heaven, choking a rising sob, and answered her mother's call. ' John Hallam, then clerk in the whole- -sale fur store of Mink k Otter, first saw Janet Dudley at the country house of a cousin, where he was visiting one sum-1 mer holida-a, She had graduated at the Normal College a year or so before, and j being obliged to leave the city directly afterward on account of her mothers' failing health, had sought and obtained ' the position of village, school -mis-tress at Strawberry Center. ' They had fallen in loveprith each other at first sight, he fascinate by her pretty girlish face, be graceful wEy ana quaint, sicinFT oieeuij. huu wr promised to become at some not far dis- wui time uis wile. But a few Tn rtn ! a aVa- IL. t 3 plighted troth, John's uncle Roger, who hal Loan tl.n V. 1 i . 1 - . . ' -n-cu me umci gneep 01 his family returned from abroad, like the famous black sheep of Babyhvnd, with three or more bags full, not of wood, however but monev. Vn on. l..,. i i these bocrs had lieen fillan -.,! n --1. , ..ui 111 jue seemed to care. That they were full ap peared to bo quite enough, for all doors ujrcu to mm at tne nrst ' iiaa. Amens others quaintance with Mr. Roger Vandergras now bleached to admirahle vhiteness! isaa his npiif.ow wKnm ikA nj x since his childhood, and to whose mother ho had not sent one line for fifteen years before her death The nU nn:...j, . "tn iti.111 leueiveu bis yonng relative with great kindness, and being so immediately fascinated by his handsome face (which he Becretly nattered himself raaamhla.1 h.'.. n . -vtuuivicu UIO VW11I, his air debonair, and fine tenor voice, de clared his intention of making him his heir, commander) him to u.inn i.ic - ; .mtigummiiiu- ation at Mink & Otter's a command which the commanded lost no time in obeying and instated him in elegant rooms adioinino Ilia own in thn CI t-1. - 4 D " m w. UI. UI Y hotel. . But when nnela Ttntrar - "'t) v'1 w ucm the prettv villaca wr.hnol exceeding wroth, and swore, with many strange and terrible oaths, thai if John did not Dromiae in remain a lianhaln. n at least five years, and when he did change his state, to marry his nnole Rog er's choice, back to the world he should CO. and not a tvennv from thvaa n- . . i ' - 1 j .1.1 iit m iimio bags full should he ever have. Now this jolly, singing, fine-looking younar fellow beneath a concealed an intense longing for wealth uuu un tne comiorts and luxuries wealth Could brine: Vieaiila -n-hinh l,n -. troubled with a constitutional lassitude, as a certain fox once rallml it. thonnh it is better known to the world under another namo, also commencing with an L. And to descend from his perch, as it were, and mino-le nneo mora -with tha ri w .V.1W nibw luu CTUmblinc worlr-a-il Y 1 O - DVV1UDU to him worse than death. But then he loved, as well an aneh a. nlaaninrr nafiifn could love, blue-eyed, golden-haired Janet Dmllev Anil hftfAll tl"l m'vn ha- n.i J , ... 1. w , 1 . w it i 1 u jl almost as much as the elegant rooms at the St. Sky. Here was a coil, and thinking how to unwind it cost him a week of sleepless nights. The proposi tion he at length made to his "layde love." as has been seen. rIio inilio-nantw repelled; and swearing. "I will never give you np," he gave np the next day, as will be seen bv the followino- letter: "My darlinp: For nntwithatanlinn. your cruelty" (her 'cruelty,' poor child!) "my darling you are and ever will be, the die ia aiiniioaeil to ha una! T Im.. I I . " .'.t .un.. a uaie acceeded to Uncle Roger's wishes, as yon wouiu say, yon prim, old-Iashioned, lit tle sweetheart, with a mental reserva tion. YOU are that mental reservation Be true to me, as I shall be to you, and 1 may yet lay a fortune at your feet. JOBS. A Fenian Incident. rown Vve. hp"". voice. 8 v 1 hia fore John's ' r his handsome . hi tine ten earing; and 1 over the tenoV a hi ha5 AT THE GATE AGAIN. Only a year had missed nnrl Mr Van. dergaSS. alreadv Wearv of hia neriliaar'a fine tenor voice, handsome face, and air aeuonair, suddenly bade him farewell one cloudy mornino- ItliAvvprt .inn . ping at a hotel iu Paris), gave him the smallest bag of wool money, I mean and agi.tin denariel for nartu nnlnnnni To do John Hallam justice, he also was tired of the companionship; and at times had almost regretted entering into me compact witn tne wicsetl old man. But on regaining his liberty he congrat ulated himself on the cleverness he had displayed, for though the largest part of the fortune might be lost, he had seen the gayest part of the Old World in its gayest dress, securing a snug sum of money, and was free to return to Amer ica and Janet. "Im anro she ia wnilinir for inn Tna said, "though shs couldn't answer one ot my letters, tho proud, inflexible little thing." And llft"k llOntA llA want. nnai.li.aiA back to the village where he had left the pretty young schoolmistress. It was just such a lovely evening a3 that on which they parted when he found himself once more, this time with hur ried steps, walking along the old familiar rood. The birds were chirping "good nights" to each other, the air was full of fragrance, the great night moths were hamming in successful mimicry of the humming-birds as they hovered over the blossoms that opened beneath the stars, the crickets shrilled loud and merrily, the fairv lanterna of the tire-Hiea d-Ihwai! fitfully on every side, and Janot yes, it was Janet, the moonbeams resting on her golden head stood, as tliongh she had never left it since the hour thnv parted, at tho garden gate. "Dreaming of me, no doubt," tho fast approaching lover thought, and in a moment more he stood before her. Khe RtartAil fnint. Iilnali atartatl tn Im. cheeks; she looked wonderfully bright and liappy. "Why, John Mr. Hallam, I should say can it be you ?" she said. "Mr. Hallam!" echoed the young man with a light lautrh. "It ia John vonr own John." "Yon are mistAker: she Tie cm n tin f he interrupted her hastily. ''Uncle Roger deserted me. I am glad of it. His desertion set me free." 'And will von eret hia forf.nnA after all?" she asked. "Don't be aareaaHe .Tanet " Iia raWliatl "I did what I tliono-ht. for the lwat an.1 the end proves that I was more far seeing than you wera. for evervthino- has turned out for the best I have had a grand holiday, am richer by twenty thonannd ilollara than and won you, and you shall have a set of uiAuiuuus auu raacn scnooi no more. "I never cared for thonsands of dol lars or diamonds," she said with pro- voKing calmness, "and 1 gave np teach inpr school at the beginning- of laat vacation." "Yon did? Then there non,l lie no delay. Yon will marrv m at once Jenny?" and he caught her hand and pressed it to her lips. "John," she replied as she quickly withdrew it, "I ceased to care for you as soon as 1 read the letter you sent me an nouncing yonr decision to remain with Mr. Vandergrasa. Strive to disguise it aa vnn will van nhnu lull niuon . a - J 11 .1 111 'VU Llllt.lU 11. " humble life with me and a luxurious one with your nncie. 1 "Janet." he interrnnted. eagerly, "von do not you will not, look at my con duct in the right light. Yon are an nn comprising little woman. But granting that T Aii ww.no. . 'PurCTlPA Ami forO-et'i that was one of our school mottoes, you know and give me back yonr heart, if yon have ever taken it away from me, which I doubt" with a confidential Simla ana tell me wnea you win do my wife." "Aever, joon. "Nonsense! I won't take' that for an answer. I foresaw, knowing you so well, that von wonld hrincr forward many obstacles, and I have come pre pared 10 com oat mem an, ana to do bat- 1 1 ,. 1. 1 . .. 1 . 1 .. , .. 1 1 . . . tne wiui nuawmt atautts uetweeu US. - A few good blows, and down it crnea Tne fore me, Janet." Janets eyes twinkled, and a little laugh escaped from her lips, "I warn you to attempt no blows," she said, aa a stalwart young fellow strode np to the gate, "for I must pre sent to you an insurmountable objection --"ir. jonn xiauam, my husband, Air. Oscar Ljiter." . PrAaiilanli TTavaa tliinVa 4l.a4 Via Awl .wit..... ... mmnj 1-1. HUU,. eilAH 11113 111 H l two years were as hard aa Lincoln's, and he says that President elect Garfield has been in accord with him during his ad-sunistratioB, The following amusing incident oc curred dnring the Fenian excitement of 77 in Ireland: Two young men, fugitive Fenians, were hiding in the mountains, when the mother of one of them was takeu sick unto death. She wanted to see her boy once more, and a faithtni ,n ' 7 UIOOBDUIICI anmn.nna.4 In-. i,. . in . . . .tUUOl. mm ii-oui tuB mils, his com panion went with him, and he had the melancholy satisfaction of seeing his mother alive. As soon as the vital spark had Aa,! tha ..;i: - ' , . - r ., 7. " AugiuYB aiaae ior the friendly fastnesses of the mountains. They started after dusk, an old woman going a short distance before them to look out for police and military. They had traveled about three miles when the preconcerted screech of the woman wamea uiem of danger. They took refuge under a bridge. A flying column had come npon the old woman, and pre- tending to be fricrhtanail ahn ' 1 'he stipendiary magistrate began to ex amine her, when the following dialogue, as detailed to me by a government offi cial who had made notes of the conver sation, took place. Her object was to delay and outwit the pursuers. The magistrate's object was to find if she was uawye oi ine locality and knew all the inhabitants. "What's yonr name ?" "I forgot to hrinir it mul . .'! .1 - 1-1 - " mi 111c , lb o At home." . "Come," tell yonr name ?" r,Musha, begorra an me name is Mary." : . "Mary what V" "No, indade, but Mary Malowney." "Where were von Horn" "In bed to be snre where else? That's a purty question to ask." "When were you born?" "Faith an T rlon't. -iiiii ti... tit. 1 . .. 1 TI - . i i.ii.lll in; 1 f uuv x ue- lave it was in the nite time." "How many years ago!"1 "Just two weeks before Jim Cassey's father took the rheumatics, an' that was three weeks after Dromane Castle cot fire, an' it was distinguished a month afore Donnelly bate Copper. Rickin that np an' ye have me age, av that's what ye're after." . "Where do you live and how do yon go there?" ' "Troth an' I live at home, an' get there on me feet." i "What road do you go home?" "Downbeyand the bridge there ye ee a iiuuaa on tne thumb-hand side av a haystack comin' up; about three miles farther at this side, there's a pig an' a barn sittin' down; that's a mile from Liskea churchyard. Whin ye git there ye'll hear a bull roarin' an' , I live widin the ball av an ass av that." "You're a satisfactory individual." "You're a lyin thafe; I'm an honest woman, so I am, an' you're not." "Come, now, what do you know about the Fenians?" I ,"Och ! not much for nothin. " HT 'I- . . a will give you two pounds if you Will tell lUe where tu-O of tham nnmml McCabe anil Afaho, . Arrab, they'd kill me av they found me out; an' besides, I'd be informin' on me own godson, Ned McCabe. But av ye don't tell who tould ye I'll send ye on their track for five pounds, and pay me the money down." The money is all right; youU be paid when they are canght." "Ye'd be afther catchin' 'em thin. The top av the evening to ye." i "Come back, here's the money." "For God sake, don't ye tell who tnk the blud money, and go to Maher's house an' ye'll find 'em in the room back of the one where Maher's mother is on her dyin' bed. Av ye go there quick ye'll find Maher gettin" bis mother's blessin'. God help him." The party hurried np, but of course, were disappointed, while the fugitives gained their retreat in safety, and the old woman pocketed the five pounds. NO. 36. , Hew She Cooked His Bice. Sakti Kumara, the hero of curious omunstan story, preferred testing a damsel s capability before tyinrthe knot. Master of a prosperous and profitable business, he came to the conclusion that a wife was wanted to complete his happi ness, and determined to go In search of one. Adopting the guise of a fortune teller, and carrying some rice bound up fn las cloth, he started on his travel "nenever encountered a girl that pleased his eye he asked her to cook his riCA foxhim. Some laughed at him.som reviled him, none seemed disposed to comply with his request, and it seemed f if he would have to take his wn8 T vAJ l1 he hed Swira, where he beheld a beautiful girl, who instead of ridioniina. . .1.5.. ' XT' , , e 1 a u uaiu tlie strange traveler, relieved him of the rice Q Vl 1 ha J 1 a flnil hnrlA T . the kiidlr ,.;7 r Aaea. they wiU and r ' wv where - .. mem Wai i TP!. ' , I AUII BCVW AJ toif fcw preparing the ike. First she thl 1 " ii, watGr t"3" uried it in the sun, and that accomplished, rubbed the grains gently on the ground, re Hrn.4 breaking' the tw w ? """urse, sne dispatched that worthy to anil tha l, .5j il ' - - ; - wiau, auu wiu the proceeds purchase an earthen boiler two platters and some fuel. . By the time this commission was executed the rice n w86 1 bVedJin toortir, winnowed and washed, and was ready to be put m the hoilar win. e i- . "imuioKBAi lis bulX. in water. As soon it n.j . n .a- ciently the boiler was taken from the fire, the water cleared of the scum, and the boiler nut Iek n th ' i stirred by the pretty cook until she wu bttl8itAhlt-7aSprrlr dono' 5 turn- lDff the boiJpr iTiAntK towm j JTi.- tmguishetl the fire, and, collecting the nnconsumed fuel, dispatched the old wo man to Convert it into Tnnttn. 3- and tamarinds This achieved, she told the enraptured Sakti Kumara to go and bathe, and not tn omit n i,h: x : with oil. Having obeyed orders, the wife-seeker was directed to seat nimself npon a plank on the well-swept floor, on which were already laid a ; i . and two platters. His charminir hostess then Drought him water in a perfumed jug and administered two spoonfuls of well-seasoned rice and ghee, preparatory to serving up the remainder of the rice mixed with spices, curds, butter, and milk, of which Sakti Vnm T. . . , . ""ma. w Ul Uil, and then indulged in a siesta, with a mind at ease, knowing his quest was ended. As soon as he woke he asked tbe girl to become his wife, and she, being willing, the necessary Zi T?y Jon trough with out delay; and the supposed fortune teUer took his bride home, to astonish her as the Lord of Burleigh astonished his rustic love; but the Hindu lass was luckier than Tennyson's heroine, for we .hi i. V . ,um Jong to wor smp her husband .a . nnj n . , . kvu, w pay uie most assiduous attention to his house hold affairs to superintend the regula tion of the family coming in due course, and make her house such, an abode of bliss that Sakti Kumara was well repaid for the trouble he had taken to tret a " Huwea in his well-ordered home the joys of paradise.T-Chamber's Journal. 0 T.. : Ko 1ir KMiil-- ' Then r (, rx! for vanoe. 1ie l.i;ursrKS tuenta to au.ji is ift latL-Tsl Cars t. An oldLh ma. who B-..1 toiTr . Inni'h at tliS tiiaTWmit (itld HlVS kee depot yesterd&y, 1ahi1am,1 a C i'l aonfaJerat. ": ' "Wa .Inn't Va tjii S here." said the attendant, the bill. - Don't, eh: TerTweil- faa in lmiai;i.' Th.V CSA 1 u. 1.-11. 1 1.1,1 I an J places and refine it in otji ticnlar harm dose to c2er it bilir . It was an ld wildcat fcil " it was handed back with 1 it wouldn't pass. "Won't, eh? Well, no tr6 offer it. Am 'you willing to note of hand for sixty dsyi sum ?" "No. sir." - "Won't eh?" TL?raarer r.'iuiie whs won't. No crime, t! onzh, to pf Do you think I 1 Late ia standing you oiT?" ' "No, sir." "I uresume r 1 ' i !J ia;- 7 seemed pertinet ' i it rr"r tt you as i! I would 1 , --yt-jlJs cash?" "It does." "Strikes me the j- - -; -y. It. Tl s are times when it ' i -" po j-' wriggle ont of c& ': .. . I s ' proposition whkj -r . Jftil resort. Are you y t j look i- i me as an object of rad - me this thirty cents' . ." lasci.: " i "No, sir, I ara not. : "That's what I ex j 1 .title; : it na harm to tia'ie i . r i no o -' way except to pay i. . J"Jis t. your chas ge out of t' - c:!" The right change ) 1 "a hi--' 1 him he heaved a sigh . . f siid down to pick his te-i., a -'ir. ' from the broom. Dc , - - - e I'r&, rowerfal Bea Sot' Alf i s. "A foreigu newspaper i cur friend," said the L. coffee. "Well, it must always I have news from home I t Endymion. - "Home!" said the Bar always interesting, wht from home or not." "To pnblia men," said T ping his coffee. . . "To all men if they be wi aron; "as a general rule, t eessf al man in life is ths i t-lS best information. " "But what a rare thinis lie, said Endv-ion. "T of the crowd." - . V n. . . ... xuu ioht nava KncitjKA ,t, i a out stepping out of the crewd.""r Baron. "A sort of snccess," said r "I know what you mean. 1 i mean is real success ia life. I should like to he a mil, 'in - "Why?" asked the Bron. "Well, I should like to I aid Endymion, blushing. 1W mOSl pCW6IJnJlJJj"n.ra , s ict?.t s ui.jj i-1 ? it o,"-..i :'' iaa who tO BUT c a. . Th. Indla.ua Conservatlsui Run Had. Tbe fact cannot be denied that tbe policy of tho Government iu dealing with the Indian question has been, as a general tiling, highly unsatisfac tory to tl.at clues of people most directly interested, those living on the frontiers, whoso safely has been continually imperilled by the sav agery of the tribes who were sa ported by tbe Government. This Policy has been nf fhn t am - - , - ,VWIVIIAII1Z sort, shaped rather to meet the emer gencies of the hour than to settle tho uuuuriymg questions lor all time. -a.. .. AT lie men," said the Baron man is responsible, and man is a slave. It is privs governs the world. Ton w." out some day. Tie world t powerful sovereigns and gre and if being talked aboat ma erfnl, they would be i-res..-tlie fact is, the more you t the less powerful yon re.' Earl of Beacousaeld. 1 Cii6 rwiv it. t,',t -UujniLon AGRICULTURAL, thins- from a high moral nri ;t ;. f'-ared sometimes from an hnAiv.. i , . . "6v.av. ipiactiuauis ecaoapoint, now ap pears to have strong faith in tho civ- ilii'njr Processes flnr) n era n rl as a -v. ployed at a few points among those o..o .i me loresu xhere aro be tween 250.000 and 2f!0 Ofm Tnoi.n. ritbm tha limit nf h. iTn.-i.ii I - w "V WMtwCVA states, exclusive of those in Alaska. ui these less than one in ten is pay. iug any attention to cm ized tinr- : . i-i .... . : i buiib, wnue an the others aro to all intents and purposes as savage and mure degraded wan were their an cestors when I onco heard brought out in the course of . trial i' tha Ann . I 1 1 - 1 - a .no rou uiiuuies Hearing ue I - 'j jueotiuns ior aii time. a trial a statement which very much President Hayes, who views everr surnrised still more when I verified the assertion. I was in Bristol, and being in the county court, heard a case decided where a Lon doner, who had settled in the ancient city, was summoned for a nnarter's rent. His defence was that he had given due warning; the lanlord disputed this, and then the tenant proved that he had given it on the 23d of December. ; "Which," retorted the landlord, "is two days alter quarter day." "What," exclaimed tb) Judge; "two days after quarter-day? Everybody knows that the twenty-fifth is quarter day Christmas Day." "Not in Bristol, Your Honor," said all the attendant lawyers in chorns. "Not in Bristol?" echoed the amazed Judge. "Vo Tnn, UAnn. n it. 1 . ,i i' 1 T --' 1. 1 uvuill. nBO Ilia 1 1- 1 1 1 in I - Bristol we make the twenty-first quarter- v,ded them, one in ten will per. day." haps remain among tho whites after And so it was settled, and so, in inquiry, lner school years are complete and I fonml it Woe HH1....1 1 1 1 I n . . uuuwokwu. uBcomo a aort oi hanger-on of eivili rMlT-t!" f.on, whi e the other nine will go fat i i.i,..r"ir: .. ,, mn. r. d&ck. to their teoD le and n unma de. The city is a favorite of mine among Pe0 re'aP8e "to the habits and cos cities, and its residents are of the kind- toms of their people. This may be liest, but they do cling with too great caHed the uncharitable view, bat it oosunacy to tneir old ways. Only a lit- is iortiood by tho history of the tie while back, as it seems but it is thir- country, The future of the Indians v jaauuu. u. regiBter tue cor-1 as indicated by their past, is to tIllv m: dal,7i-ado away, before the ad reanit. wa th.t inn a,, hi a w.iatoi,na dancing light of civilization and to arose, and trains were continually being Pe timately extinguished instead of missed by the good people of the town. Decerning a partaker of enlightened while with strangers it was still worse, I citizenship. After threo or four until the very odd phenomenon was generations ot them had bean avhihita.1 n .1..1 I . . - .. . . . V -.v.reu a uj cto.j vi. uauer , suoiectioa asa trained in mne:far. the result might bo more . . " " " " . I enconracintr hnt tha Tmi;... .c ,;. O Dl w auumuo W A A U III Charleston has a corner oa - j. XI a price is sixty cents per dozen. In Arkansas and the Cheryl yL',an they have mule footed hogs. Texas produces eider frora t . It sells for $1 25 per gallon. The milk-condensing facf-rv T.'p. t Point, Neb., condenses 7,Cji)vc,.t tf milk daily, Farmers livintj two hundr.-I re ";j from Sherman, Texas, haul their c.f.j-i in wagons to that place. - Horned frogs are reported to h-a saved the cotton crop of Clav eoncty, Louisiana, by destroying the web-worm. There is one farm in California t?;i t-s half the size of Rhode Islaa j. Eat it ean't raise baked clams. An old farmer write ti i a i h. K t a .i. .r.i a to the convictioa that the top-dresaicg of lawns costs less on hm lands than it does a his wife. . . .. Too little attention ia Aj.ii1 - " ' ' age of meadow lands and tne drainage of the pock the Mnrflnwnf fimt touched Fllff-nin's rolr A ml of s i- v. i vie uiuuiige ui uie pu tttosa who are in the schools pro- is entirely oTerdore4 i iucu nil L il il in nnn in lan urt t .na. . -i . . , : a. wntar m tn fo gives his testimony as to . being the Farmers' Nat, whence he can draw if he h liberally without four He has eorn that is a fvt. t-n. can reach with his cane, in whi wouia oe hid at two rods' ja, lana where nve year, im v. tne com did not pay far Cause, a good clover i 1 tima turned under last fail. We e&n p. sou on any of our prau-ie aoi 1. fj' JaZo JO. di we " j i--- . j m.i i. a little manure will he? hen we have a'good ..J,'i know we can raise anytliir g SEJTSE AHD t;.rTI3tr. T ' the railway time, occasioning no small perplexity to those who beheld the arrangement for the first time. It was really much such a difficulty as is caused by Russia obstinately adhering to the old style calendar, and so being always ten or twelve days behind the rest of Europe in its dates; but Bristol has yielded to the innovation, and some day so will Russia. : A Heap of Trouble. A popular Macon minister recently passed the night thirty-eight miles below Americns with a backwoodsman, whose house contained only two rooms. The family, however, consisted of twenty one, though, owing to a dance in the neighborhood, only seventeen of the children were at home. The minister spent the night with the father and seven sons ia one room, while the old lady and ten daughters occupied tbe other. In the morning a junior member of the family, in response to an applica tion for a wash bowl, brought him aa old rusty pan, and after the face toilet was complete, hunted up seven teeth of an old tucking comb for him to arrange hia hair with. During the progress of this impottant ceremony, the following, conversation between the two took place: "Mister, do you wash every mornin?" "I do." "And comb your ha'r too?" "Yes." "Well, don't it look to you sometimes like you is a heap of trouble to your self?" ! The occurence of these blunders, likely to be - repeated under onr complicated system every four years, should teach congress the necessity of amending the method of electing tbe president so that the escape from a revolution every four years mar not be 'considered a signal mark of divine mercy. country are too few to last through me vivinzins: nrocess Which it iron f require to bring them up to a level wnu onr own people. Some years ago a Western speaker, discussing me two proDiems ot Jior monism and iue Aoaian question, said; "I wish every (adjective'. Mormon wonld shoot a (adjective) Indian, and get uung ior u. j.nat'8 the best prac tical solution a can find." This solu. lion, however, is too heroic for the present condition oi the public mind and the men with good hearts like President Hayes, are trying to find a milder way of converting the Mor mons anu civilizing ine Indians. (Jan they find it? It is difficult to tell how. Th largest castinir ever maA in Ihi. ; country was recently turned ont at the UltiV TI." 1 Ci..inr i -r.it. .. . aAanta 1U1UUUU DtKl V OTK, flttSOUrgn, Pa. The castintr was an anvil htnaV fa. a 17-ton steam hammer, and its1 weight was aw tons. lve iurnaces ware built expressly for melting the iron, and seven Hour were occnniert in mnnin. .'u - A"- - Auau.AlA Ml. metal. The hammer will be the largest iu mis country tne next largest, of ten In- 1.: a A XT . .... w. ' months will elapse before th block will w coo euouga so bundle A iTlhnnA tMlltssHal Asr Tin a jttU a.a.1" w r-w.. ...v VTI .VST?, lvl Cf ui" nenilyeays: If the eiectorial has been at all close, then there would have Iwn V '. chances for a row. First be feu of t. -California elector which would hais t -1 set down to republican partisan z! ; vv defeat of the Indiana eltor l,i . i democratic canvassing bourd j ; , tainly have acCjtnjiiL-iha l If th v - wwiM - hurt . mi9 il.vr thinlly, the stupid fai.U'- .i , e'si-toral cjlic-ge to v. is iacpotottcL London ladies are in l.it Booth's eyes. An IoWS WOffiilS. uTrrAsa r,n truant, cut a rOiya awiiii. l I . i- towed him to school, lie br-r e: ties could not halter her d.f,';.., , The Bnrlincson f7-y,r' 1 l niiring the maa who k, a'a r t : c a plank lattewalk. -,.. u - t picks np a raw bniuila Lee tn 31 When tho Mexican xte: ,- i Missouri, Kansas aa J Texas road itthed, and other li now co.ii - ara done, the lii,fij:iri.Pnf-lfli tnti. embrace about 4-( j m.ies. Wyomins ran.:!-r.iS'3 f-m. 'v serors thtir trn tr-'c.Jevl V--. v . tiey Lav- ,i fjr four ii u y i A cow will noi..(-u i,cs ro-a-. . r , v. hoi family cf cs jvcs. A physicis a C:!l.1 nnrtn a r ,- istierit anl t-wl: "I la-- a t cough." "1 :,, f1)i t t. 1 f I. '"take soma of 1 A TTiitn r-:i. loss," tie y ?ho -aas c ; net tow ' 1 l lothet, m . i ' i usricio-f -. (ftirmr,' i . im, 1 nt I 4 v , laved L a fty rot il) a ! s i -iver t.i: Virt - a tr t-.' ! It,' -'II t r a.d yie . iu i" i hiiaii'tMMW ' i&S