WW" 49 n I 4 WOOLEN JFACTOfiY. " "& heartily aree with ,our cotsropoTary' io its argument . in favor of.th establishment : oi a woolen factory,'in or near Rose barg. We have wool in abuncU ance, and of the finest quality, and we have unequalled water power, and can readily reach by rail a profitable market. What more is necessary to make the factory a success ? Capital 1 Well, we have to-day any tiam ber of wealthy men, and the cap ital is here also. All that would be necessary to secure the aid oi that capital would be for some business man to tak the lead in this matter, and the work would be done -0 tar as building means were concerned. IThe business man would have to be one ia whom all would have con o ELSOLUTIOX OF ENDORSEMENT W B EBEAS, TH K DOTJ&UIS lSDEFEITDKXT The St. Paul Press, aaya that Senator Conkliojr ia the greatest personal forca this country has ever Been. Ilenry Clay, whom in many respects be resembles, was equally haughty in beariug, but he "won his victories by a tasein- ating aftability which few men could resist. Conklinc wius his by sheer personal power. His mfiaenee over and subjugation of men is something alike wonder ful and humiliating. a newspaper published in Koseburg, has been published in this county tor the period of three years; and " :: - , Wh&keas. said newspaper is sow wel .established, and daring a three years' trial it lias faithfully served the interests of the prodacur and tax-payer: therefore be it ItcvAwd, We, t'ua members of liie Hum. duaranifH So. 28, du give Thb Douglas fjrjenee as to his honesty, and ca- tod would recommend it at a newspaper wormy tne patronage of ever; tarmer and ax-payer in soutnern Wregon. Geo. W. Jokes, Master -J. P. PNCAK, Secretary 8 ATURD AY.. DECEMBER. 11. 1880 pacity for business. Find J that man, aud the money to build the factory could be secured in side of ten days: and there is, perhaps, not a single, sensible busiuess man in Douglas county who does not know that means ELM WHAT THB PEOPLE WANT invested tn ft woolen factor here, .Will some of y the' : politicians wou,a Q handsome pre Stable who are itust now Inrino-thft wires 'luluo - J is-- , . I i V I J r; t,., -1 "J' uuoiiicoB iuu ouuuiu the next State And ftonntv eler. tions, be kind enough to consider e,ae.'.' 8. first what the people may think take this matter into serious con-, should be sup ported in tbeir considerations by every taxpayer in the county The time will . come when the growing interests of the coiautry and trade will compel the railroad to pass beyond the confines of the county. When that time does come, and we, as a community, are found without our manufacto ries and our natural resources generally developed, a period of dull times will follow and! cnu- tinue for years and until outside about this kind oi business? We i - ass tnis as a tavor, since we ex pect a hand m the text fight, and we do not want any of our friends to mase xoois or themselves eo early m the day that the people will find it out! i We would ad vise our friends to rather let the people say who shall be sent to the State and county conventions, It would look better in the first dace, and then the voters at la rem would prnbablybe better pleased caPital can be Persnade1 to fest with the candidates pat up for tjieir capital with and ior us., ll thir a.,flPfl,a k;. .i.fl 8 d""g the lively i tunes we cations tor the position sought for should make Prov,aion9 p th by them. The people think their IQtare; lor wnen nmea are ver. wishes alone should be consulted, du"' tnen Pple are too poor to And thonrh thonlitl.n, m accomplish anything or to have by "fixing things" before hand, to tho heart t0 work fo1 "yS think tl a vntn maaao. BOt r,rr requeuu v towns oie and are Unor&muse, we must hold to the w5Ped out of existence through opinion that the voters are not so iaQ IaUQre 01 tneir Cltlzfn8 to -foolish in stickinff;up for their Ppare for the future; ard take riohta n,V thoir nmfaran- n.i the history ot all the towns and m uv ayvwa wuvva nui i they prove it very often by , de- WASTING DISEASES. Such as CoKMumptinn, Bronchitis, ARtliuia., O en era I I'etHU'f , Brain .xuaasitu, CJirouie Consti pati'o. Chronic Di arrhea, l)ygjepsia or Loss of Nervons Power, Are poeitivj-lT cored bv FEIXOW'S COM POCSD SYRUP OP UYW). ; PUOfPillTKS. - A phoephorua enters so largely into the animal economy, it becomes par excellence the beat velncl itU winch to a.-oeiate the other tritaiiztng ingredients of wealthy ingredient of heulihy Blood. Nerve aud Mnwle. In Fellows' Byrup of Hypoplii phites are combined all the saUiance found necessary to insure robust health, and wbereae it was inrenied with a view to supply every deficiency, it certainly has perlornied some wunuerrul cures. MA KCH ester, N. U., Juce 12. 1880. Mr. Jahks L Fallows: IVar Sir I wish to acknowledge the great benefit I have received irom the use of "lrellows Compound Byrua of Hypo- phosphites.'' ' 1 have been-an invalid for nearly two yeas, witUa bronclnal allectiou that had become elir .nic Io the Fall of 1878 I had a physician eighty days in cue cession, besides tna counsel ol several oth ers. They trave me but little encouriife ment. some of them none. Lust July I was adviped to give your remedy a trial I did so, and in lees than one week there was a marked improvement for the better, have continued its use from that time until '.he present, improving all the time and I can truthfully say I am more than hundred per cent, belter than when I com menced its use. 1 have increased in weight about a teen pounds, au i my couh. which was fearful, lias nearly disappeared. 1 be lieve had it not been for our Syrup, 1 should ere this have been bevonti tuu cares f life. Very truly yours, v ' ALBERT STORT. Do not be deceived hy remedies bearing similar name: no other preparation is substitute for this, under any circmtistan ces. The accumulated evidenca of nearly thirty years show that tue Bitters ia a cer tain remedy (or malarial disease, as well as its surest preventative; that it eradicates ypedsa. conxtipation, uvur complaint and nervouonees. counteracts a tendency to trout, rheumatism, urinary and uterine dis orders, that it imparts viS"r to the feeble and cluers the mind while it lavijiorates the body. For sale by ail Uruggists and Dealers generally. daring themselves independent ol party and voting tor the best men. We believe that several smart politicians have burnt their, fin gers in this county by attempting id ran the people who would not run their way; and we are atraid omcbocTTQilly 'sutler in a sitailar manner two years hence if they Are not very careful. ' . . . a . RAILROAD MATTERS. cities of the United States, and it will be found there is no leingrle instance of continued prosperity where the life ot tho place was permitted to depend alone upon transient causes! for lasting prosperity. Those towns that have grown in jwealth bad sen8iule . and energetic business men at the helm at the, commencement of their carrars and to the work ot those men in building up manufactoru'9 and developing local abd surrounding resources of wealth, is duo the wealth and business they now aud hereafter will enioy. With We have it from reliable, and in every way trustworthy sources, that the Oreeon and California Railroad Company's managers are Roeburg,such men are essential, now enaed in fiaurinff noon the '1 't is hoped that the city shall cost of building fifteen miles ot grow and prosper, and the pros new road, commencing with next perity of it shall increase in val spring. Whether the railroad ue "iNow is the accepted time" will go directly south and toward lor sensible labor, and foolish is Jacksonville, we are not altoeeth- tn8 business man who refuses to er fully advised, but our infer- 8eo that he is killing the city in station and opinion leads us to lhe future where be fmls to, out helieve, that fifteen miles of a new of his mean, to contribute to the wad will be constructed in Doug- establishment of factories making iub vuy iuuug in :is prosperity, las county next year. re also learn, from the same .source, that the company is ready and willing to construct a line of railroad to any permanent so&l vein, the value of the product ot which will ' command a general demand, and will supply that de mand, Taking all we have heard into careful consideration, we cannot but express the opinion at . ... . . . that there will be lively times in railroad matters in Douglas coun ty durinz the year 1881 A letter from. Cardinal Man mng was recently read in the va rious ttoman Catholic churches of Loudon, asking that 1 the names and addresses of parents whose sons ard attending non-Roman Catholic schools should be sent to him through their respective cler try on or before a certain date. lie wishes to find out what sup port may be expected for a pro posed ; central school in Xondon "which will meet the higher edu cational . wants of the .Roman Catholic middle class. - railroad or no railroad terminus SISTER DUNX1WAY. bistei Iunniway would have os copy alter the article of the Plamdealer. favoriny ' woman -3 sunrage. Pardon ns, sister, it we refuse this time : to accede to the reouest of a ladv. A - XTT - 1' n m . . . we ainer witn you in mauy things while favorinff the idea that women should be pro tected, fostered, loved, respected, worked for, hugged, kissed and treated as God's best and onlv true gift to man in this trouble some lifo. But there is a dilig ence in us. and we cannot helD it. We still maintain that you do ae&er ve more credit and greater fame for your wisdom and your pluck than yon now enjoy, and a better patronage for your paper, since, while wrong, in many things, ( m our opinion only,' perhaps ) you - have done much in the way of correct" iug many grevious evils in WO' man s behalf. A man in Candalara, Nevada, has given up the saloon business lifter an experience of twowreek. 'For,' says he, "if times are iively and business good, a man's . customers are liable to get drunk and kill him; while on the other hand, if times are dull and people . don't drink, he is sure to starve ' to death.". - 'r rv: :,,-iZ HUMlJiG FOR THE SHIP. GOVERNOR- FilEE BOOKS -TO- ft pi Santos Claua! LAiTQEiT3siia,BRos. Bios. PAliROTT BROTnERS Take pleasure in informing the Ladies and tJentlBmen ot uoaenurg tnat icey uave cn hand the finest assortment ef LADIES SUOL, . FANCY GAITERS, FANCV SLIPPERS, nnd ether Low Cut and fcinhrniclerrd Ooods ever brought to Jioebiirg. Hesides tliey oftVr to the male Tjopulation of South ern Oregon barcains Gum Boots. Over shoes and reJj-nmJt .Hoots, and will su)- ply you with a boot ot tnoe ot home man- i nlacture, etjuai in qui'3y ana uiaKe to any manufacturV-d in the 'ate. All we ask is a trie: and we will prove we fail nt in quaiuy r prices. 33tQ 1'iKBUlI UUO.", This firm baa constantly on hand the finest stock or Boots and Shoes EVER BBOUOHT TO KOSEBUBG. t Ssst of Soots and Shoes : Made to order and Repaired. LYON'O ' PATENT HETAUIC STIFFENERS, roa UBin abb amsBr Boot and, Shoe Heels. Frerents Turning otrtr wearing off oa tba SIDES. The firm has on hand the finest ick of of Leather in tlie State, and is jirepared to do all kinds of worlt in a first claa man ner, upon the most reasonable terms, rar. ties needinfrln their line, should call Upm thein first, as they fully n SMTn'CUUS HEUDQUM'FS ESTABLISHED. LMutilllC BROTH'S Would announce that they have Imported and are receiring the largest mss iitiuent ol TOY FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ever imported to Rnseburir.s, from VMe ttsWrn State" mantitfcciQriiJVttnd by purchast(r otr'IewJ iney are enabled to gixxis id luis une cueaperv , tuan they were ever sold before. The Stock embraces Doll Babies, Doll Wagons, Drums and Horns, Whistles, ;Accordeons, Jumping Jacks, Balls, Tops, Whips, Flutes, : Etc., Etc., And everything else in the Toy Line. A clance at the stock will Convince all that the stock is large and fizie, and the: in fact Has made his Headquarters at TO THIS LADIES I Would announce tlistj for the Holidays he nas uueinneai oi - French Perftjmss and Soaps, Ocuuine in every way and complete. He ; (las also several beauiiliu , And the Best Halt" Toulo Manufacured. He esiwcisily invites the Indies to inspect the etocls, since it is the best ever brought to ttoaeljurg, ana yet, for its worth, the cliespeet. 3atd nui jjesouzek. GUARANTEE ALL WORK aud from tH? fhe:01iief Turned out of their shop to be A I certain to wear well. All ainda of Musical Instruments Bolu at San Fraucisct) prices. Vionn ana otuer strings a 8(ieciity. vome anc see us. UOSEBUUG MARBLE WORKS Monuments, tombs, tablets., Marble Mantles etc., made from the liest x T . : , t - : ei& and Domestic marble. Uesins and estimates furnished free. Head- stones from $10 upward (Jive me a call and examine my work before purchasing. R. BRACKENBIDGE. o JO 5 no FOR THE h Choicest brands of "Wines UQUORW 8 I X 1 -f AND CIGARS f. zll 1 sr . i o i t-sl :-:flt ' HI "'all-'- IPIONEEE SAICOIT OAKLAND OliEti . T. B COPELAND. Proprietor. ; The finest of wines, lifeuors and eipa consUntly ou hand, and a welcome to au- , Com antf see tue. sept-ly ... Tbls popular resort for buniness men. Farmers and others desiring "somet'iinsr I rood for ths sWimach'S ease, wiui o iound south of Smith A Co.' trtire, . UAKLAXO, OBEGOX. The best of Wlnea, Liquors and Cgii; I always ou hand. sepls IT SHORTEST Atl Best Eouto -EXCELSIOR Would aiinounse jthut he has just recaived . a most complete etocK ol : HOLIDAY PRESENTS Comerisinsr Full or sinele setts of books 1'upeierie in tancy boxe, uunuome cams aud eurelopes in handsome 'fxes, auto lrranhs and other albums. The book. juvenile and otherwise. were written by the best ot autnors. mciuaini? tne woiks or the most celebrhted (tnthors. Silver-plated ware in many fancv forms, and colored cot- tonjflunnels and ulster cloths a specialty, Jouie and See my tock. You will be sals sfied that I can furiusb at lowest p'lce- the best of (roods. My old patrons are respct!miy invited to ive me a call. U UBHSIltW. l!ORl-Sill)l!ING m ! Herriiaaa & -Olinicliill, Oals-lanci. HORSE SUOEISO MADE SPECIAL! 1 And all kinds of work PROMPTLY EXeCUTEC!. GIVE THE FIH A CALL. And you vri come agaic 33td At the I'ostofHce. STJB SCRIBE E S Havinsr mie arrangements to club tl Douglas Inpkpexuent with the Cm- CISNATI vt EKKLY t.'OMMERCIATj, we announce that we will l'umi-h tlieDot'O LA3 lNDEPESUENT and the CINCINNATI WEEKLY (Jt'MMKRCIAti. a lrce B-pajje 50-colnmn Family Newspaper, one yea lor So and wil, trive as a free triZ- to e&cli ; early jubtcriber under this clubbing arv ranjfement any one book he may select from the following ftmous works postage paid and free of all cost l lie books bein Uarper s Editions, unabridged, beautitully pr.nted on irood paper, in paper covers I. "Jane r.vre, tue ceieontea novel which made Uharlotte Bronte's fatne. 2. "The Days ot Pompeii' Bulwor liisiorical romance of universal popularity, the ra st faecinatinit of bis productions. 3. "John Halifax, Uectleman, Miss Mulock's niaf-terriece; a story of the sor rows and triumphs associated with low birth and iron fortune. 4. "The Posthumous Pnperiof thePiek- wick Club,'' the work time gave Charles Dickens his celebrity; the moat humon us andalwasthe most popular of his worksu 5. "lhe History or a Crime, by V rmr-t Hugo. Tlie terrible narrative by tile great French poet, novelist and historian of the crime of Louis Napoleon in strang ling the liberties ot Ills country. 6. "Menrv. Ji5.mona. A novel. By Wm, Tuackeray the most artistic, popti. lar find characteristic of tlie works of the wisest nov. list of this time. 7. "Eothen." By Alexsnder William Kiulake. tine of the most charming nar rativeS ever written; fuli of pen-pictures of life in the Kn-t. including admirable ac counts of penw)naiy experiences in Egypt and the Holy band. 8. "Journal ot the Plajrue in London. By Daniel Defoe, author of ''Robinson Crusoe." The true history, by one ol the most distinguisued writers in our language. of the mysterious and awful visitation ot the Plaaue toEnirland. 9. "Poems of Wordsworth. Chosen and eJited by Matthew Arnold. The most popular and select edition of the works ol one of England's jrreatest poets, whose writings ove their celebrity largely to the excellent understanding they display of the sentiment aud scenery ot country lil. 10. Three volumes "rnfirl!nb men of Let ters (in one). 1. Robert Harris. 2. lli ver Goldsmith. 3. John Bunyan. Ol these volumes the first is by Principal Hhairp, the second by William Black, the brilli nt novelist, and the third by James A. Froude, the 'diatinsuished historian Mo more marvelous book than these three marvelous biographies make ap has been issued tn modern times. It will be seen that these books comprise a wide range and striking diversity ol the mot brilliant and pleasing productions of modern authors, including Novels, travels. Poetry. 1 Biography and History so that all tastes may be consulted ana eacti sub scriber will be em harassed inly by tlie riches of the variety in selecting his favor ite book for a Jb ree frize. . Subscriptions payable in advance, and the Free Prize Book must be ordered at the timS the papers are subscribed ior. Free specimen copies of tlie Cincinnati Weekly Commercial may he obtained by addressing M. HALSTEAD Co., Proprie tors Commercial, Cincinnati, Ohio, and free specimen copiee of the Independent can be obtained by addressing tbis onice. JOHN W. KELLY. Proprietor Douglas Independent LaagenTserg Bros-' Store, HURRAH FOR THE T'i trade will be supplied on the most reasonable terms, and orders Iroiu the in terior solicited. Come young and old, and see the open ing of tSanta Claua' budjiets ss fust as they arrive. . : LANGSSBEBa BRO?', 62tJ Roseburg, Oregon. BOBBINS AND YATES. ARE IN THE FIDLD AXO PREPARED TO Santa cpiauis HOLIDAYS. HAS KOT POKOOTTEN mm S. K. RAYMOND, SURGE ON DENTIST, 2nd door to Dr. Hamilton' Drug Store, Bosebmv, Oregon. ' The telegraph reported - the Greenback vote of Now York at 123,000, while the Syracuse Jour cal, November 20th, sajs: ; In tbo State of New York the total Greenback vote for president wai somewhat over 10,000 the Terns r eraoce vote about 1,500, and tho Anti-Masonifi voe 72. jEarnum -will not be able to do "oyttat Kew York has been cars " lj firah Bernhardt, Already the politicians" are at; work, looking after the loaves and fishes ot two years hence. Lat v, eek Hon. Wm, R. Coch ran was in this city, talking in a pleasant way to everybody, and fixing for the democratic nomina tion for governor to succeed Thayer. The success he met with bas not as yet been aseer. tained. On the other hand we hear that republicans in this county are working In the inter- est ot Hon. T. R Pornelius for Governor, There is nothing like being even a little ahead of time. At tho school election at Saras toga, N. - Y., three women were elected members of the board of education. Three men ran against them, bat tho women were chosen by vote of 50 majority. Offers his professional eople of DuUiiias county, For von will l:nd tliire the b-s' of cv. ry- tliiiitf in the line of Toys, in the y of Cli lint 111 presents and Holiday (ioods. Aud remember thai I bave the best of Tobacco first-. Cigars aacl For ssln. and in this linkeep only cla-s ifuods. 33td S. GOLDSTE1X. FINE MEATS FOR THE HOLIDAYS i McGregor IX ALL TUE LATEST STYLES, TUAN ANY nOUSE NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO OUR FACILITY ARE AND OUR STOCK JO services to the with whom he ben acquainted several years. AU work warranted fi rat-class, and terms as moderate as any other in the profession. Would announce that he has male ranffenieiitsto provide the citizens of Rie- buri; witli I lie I'.ntHt 01 cuts in beet, pork veal and mat. on, and besides he will sup- ply patrons with chickens and efrtrs. Come to ne if you want a fancy roast, a fine beefteak, a nice veal cutlet, or a tender chicken. Bust of Potatoes always on hand. 33;d - L McOREOOn. Grand Blow Out FOR THE IHEOLIlAYJ . AT THE SAN F KAN CISCO BEER HALL! FRED. SCI1 WARTZ, Near the Depot, would ak his patrons while Celebrating tbe Holidays, to come in an 1 sample his new lot of San FrancisOo Beer, Fresh. Brewinp, and direct from tho Brewery. This ts an extra lot, im ported especially for Christmas aud Aew Years, and lriends will find it superior to anything in the line otteed. 3oid , V. 'SCHWARTZ.'. Livery, Sale and PEED STABLE. A. C. YOUXG, Proprietor, Oakland, Oregon. ".;..' The onderslffned wonld announce to the traveling public that he has the beet of conveyances for hire, and that on the shortest notice, he can fill an order. Com mercial tourists wishing a team and baggy or team and wagon are especially Invited to iiispect my ontSts for their accommo dation, which I wiil rent cheaper than the cheapest. Ample 100m for horses or teams to hay and graa er night. the low est possible priest, Give me a call. ' r .4. COGSTGIV SECOND NONE. ALL THE ET C3TRA" OF A First Class Picture AStore. Will Be Found at Our Place,.. 229 First, Portland. About the let of September we shall re ceive onr first invoice of the celebrated We still keep oa hand the celebrated Whitney & Uolmes Organ. Remember, that we bay our floods at first hands, and have no middle men to share pronta wlto. M. I ,1 COBBINS & YATES. 129 First Street, Portland, Ol. Appel Would announce that lie has just received a very large stock 01 ALBUMS, MEERSCHAUM PIPES AND HOLDERS. The best of Candies and other articles suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to In spect my stock bofore they -consult Hatua Clans. I wil not be undersold. Do not forget, I always keep the finest brands of Cigars and Tobacco. 1 sxonnjismQ -AND- WHOLESALE GROCERS -AND DEALERS IS (fO TO DR. S. HAMILTON'S HEW DRUGS TORE, FOR . Ihrnss, Paints, Oils, Varnith, Window anp Picture Olass, Stationery, Perfumery, if you wish to purchivse them cheaper than at any place sou'h ot PORTLAND. Full lines keept of EDWARD TODD ft CO'S.GOLD PENS, PENCILS, ETC, SCHOOL BOOKS, NOVELS, LEO AL BLANKS. GtQtft, Hatp, Matt & Tooth Brushes Paint, White Brushes, Windsor an-1 Newtons tulie colors, V in dow and Picture Uiaea, every size, at Low.gt Price, by box or pane. ' Blank Bo ks, Wriiiu Paper, envelopes, pen: All new Patent Medicines in stock as demand will warrant. GLtSS CCT TO ORDER, free of charjre. Agent for THREE MIXED PAINTS The celebrated and thoronchly teeteil PA Clt lC KUBREU PAINT, Th I.U PKRIRHAIlliK PAINT, and Tlie KNA31KL PAINT. A-ent for M. Uray, Music Itealtr, an Francisco,. PrecripU nt fiil-d with disrate , at t' e lowest rate- Si ore is ecce-iilild at all houre of -the nigbt. Reineinber tlie p!ao-. Brick building, posit e the Meiropolitau Hotel, lloseuur. S- HAMILTON. KEY WEST XEW YORK CIGAR3 Nos. 12C, 12S & 132 Market Slreet, AXI Nos. 23 & 21 California Slreet. SANFRANX'ISCO.CA LI FORM A. METR0P0ITAN HOTEL UOSEBURG, - - OREGON. TO tlie Xa a. cJaSffasr, ! TEOPKIETOR. Ooasi Tna.OHLY Fikst-Clabs Hotel ik the City and Depot of ran C. O. Stags ! Company. John W. Gilbert, SALEM, OKEGOX. Dealer Ia LEATHER, Hides, Furs and Liberal advances made to O "L- MOORE, (Late of Salem), ALL WOKK carefully in formed, and as reasonable an jrnod wtrk ';'; can be done. sV"r--- J Anaesthet ic- inven and 4 -tSL&J-" tbe Freeze appliii' for the painless extraction of tteti Oliice ami Dental Imouis over Marks Co.'s Building, Koseburg. l.'OSEBUP.G Oll.C ..ON, W1 Well Furnished sleeping apartineDts.the bist of beds, and the most attentive of housekeepers, a table supplied with the b-Ebt of everything. I STAGES FOR REDDING Leaves this bouse every, day on the ar rival of ths cars from Portland. The travelling public, and all who favor tin with tbeir patronage, can rest assured that they will be entertained in the .'"esti pesaible manner. M. A. CANAN. FOB SALE CHEAP A Seeoad-Hand Planer ( Weatherby, Richardson Rugg? ruachitie,) , All bita and slotted cylinder form-, 1 in it rustic and moulding: goes witL tae machine. particulars inquire of THOH. ulilsDALK, Rosebnrc, Ogn. ' STAGES LEAVES DRAIN Eyery Monday, Wedae.day, and Friday, at 8 o'clock A. M.. for 5S Ot) T T8BURG GARDINER AND COOS RAY. For further particulars enquire of , ILL ATTEND TO ALL CASES intrusted to his care. Ollice at hi? residence .,. ;tOtf mi p. JAMES W. II AM IX ION j cttomey-at-La'rT; rFFIW FIRST DOOR TO THE w right in the Court House. Busi em promptly attended to in all the ourts of e State. Louis Belfils, WATCHMAKER AND JLWELER Fron St., Kosebusy, Orejion. Wholesale and retail denier in Watches Clocks. Jewelry, Gold Pe'is and Minica ! Instruments. Watches. Clocks and Jew ly repaired. All my work warranted. Butchers. ocl6 Farq.uar'3 Hestauraat and Hotel, Opposite Marks Co.'s Brick Store, ON JACKSON ST BEET, KOSEBl'llG. Jolin Fa.zrQL-u.etx1' Announces to the public that lie has furnished His restaurant with new beds, and will give the people e good accommodation as any hotel lu the city. 1 FURNISH MEALS AT 25 CTS. And that he will supply his fables with the best in the market - JAMES WOODWARD Would infora the public that he has opened a new Harness Shop, Next door to tlie saloon of Mr. E. C. Dry, and that hereafter he will have for sale, the finest SADDLES, AT FAIR QAKS, OREGON Sampson Suther Hn, Prop. T NEW STOKE AT FAIR OAKES IS now completed and hi led with a fine stock ol goods, eiobracinjrev ythinjr fouaJ in a nrsUclass country sioiv I am pre pared to to supply farmers ith all kinds ot goods, at lower prices tb n thy can be secured elsewhere. Horn , caitle, sheep acd ' hoirs ani nil kinds country ; ro uce taken and hi . ment ui el price pain for the aanie. Oivvea el! and sMisly ourself. SAlii' SON SUTIlEKLiN. Tlie best of Harness, and and Harnessware tor sale. all Saddleware FANCY SADDLES AND fink harness - a specialty. Repairing done with neatness and dit. patch, and all work lrusted to my care will receive skilllul attention. Give me a call, and you will find that my work' is linst-clas and tuy prices as low as the lowest. 33if JAMES WOODWARD. 33 M. APPEL. ROCK & RYE AND OTHER 0.0. PERKINS Wonld inform the pah'le that he Is pre pared for the Holidays, and that besides other Fancy Drinks, he has purchased in San Francisco, and will offer for sale a fine brand of . Somelhlnsr plessicR to the taste and suit able r the palate.' , This celebrated liquor caniwn be equated ia this city. f&Aj- 9. C PERKINS: . Jt'o Chinese Co oR Employed R. M DAVIS, M. D, PHYSICAL AN3 SURGEON. OFFICE UP8TAISS IN S, MRK8 & Co's brick building, Roseba' 3,D.e iron.' Private consultation room for pa tienta ' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby priven that Tuesday, January 4, 18S1. has been set for the set tleraent of the final account of J. A. Palm er, Administrator of the estate of Norab Palmer, deceased. All parties interested will take notice. - C, OADDIS, 33-4 w - County Judge. TIB P". W pw mnybe fbund oil "Si me ij - tl astaa Uowku, it r ?9 yewsuape a4vertltor Ibtreaa 10 ?'voe tMrtpwswiOTnT I I i IRON FtUiXDRY. ROSEBURO, OON. ZIMMERMAN & FRAZEft, PROS; Castings of any sine and IRON WORKS Of every descriotiou m-aily and promptly executed. Grist, Quartz and Saw Mills Made to order. Portable and Stationary ENGINES Made to order and WARRANTED. FOUNDRY t One block south of he Depot. jy3 ' The CHICAGO LEDGER, a literary an family paper, can be had by Mndingt Chicago, Illinois. Price, (2 00 per year. The Ledger is published weekly and ha eight pages, and the tone of its stories and other matter is pure and moral, and well calculated for the family. For Sale For Sale GEORGE W. GEN.GER, Auuouncea that he will 8-tl bis Sue laru situated on the south fork of Deer creek, on the county road, seven utiles east ot Koaeburjr. Deer creek muring through ihe entire place. LESCRIPTION OF FARM : Well hnnroved. irood orchard, two story dwelling house, a convenient barn. There are 200 acres of tanning land, and 100 acres ia crain. Will sell all or part. For particulars inquire of i OEO. W. OENUER. Roseburg, Oregon, May 23. . . JOHli.CLAlSvr"" Proprietor. Drain. Oga ALLEN ARfUNGTaPC, Teacher of LIustc, . OAK ST., ROSEBURO, OK. Hours from 7 to 9 4 to 0 p. m. a. m, - and from iiot13 , Few ' Racket! A. SLOCUm Will Sell all kinds of For Another Twelve Months ia R OSEBURG, .. FOR FRANK JiROS., PORTLAND. Black Hawk Plows and Cultivators. Randall Boiling Harrow, v. Brown Sulky and Gang Piows Harrows. X McSharr? Broad-cast and Force Seed Drills. Cider Mdls, Etc., Etc, and Feed THE BUY : PQUA VALLEY (.".ILLS THE BtST - IH "THE EARXET.. Address A. W. STEARNS, CanyoavIUe eon.. j SHERIFF'S SALE. Whereas, Jos. Palmer, In tlie Justice Court of Deer Creek Precinct (before E. O. Hursli. justice) Uougl s county, Oregon, recovered judgment againat Dr. J. Wood run. tor tne sum or twen ty-two 55-100 dollars and thereafter to wn: inov. 4tn. jwu, niea aauiycertt fled transcript thereof in the office of the County Cleric, of Ltougias county Oregon, and said Judgment was there upon immediately docketed in tbe Judgment Lei n Docket of the Circui Court of said Douglas county, Oregon and whereas on tbe 4th day of Novem ber, 1880, executiou issued thereon out of tbe aaid circuit court, directed to me, commanding me that out of the personal property of the said Dr. Woodruff, or if sufficient personal property coula not be found, then out of tbe real property belongiug to him on tbe 4th day of November, 13), or any time thereafter, I cause to be made the amount of said judgment, with interest and costs thereon. Now therefore,, in pursuance of the said writ of execution, I have levied upon tbe following described real pr- perty, to-wit: Lots Noa. 4 and 5, and the south half of lot No. 7 in block No. 27 and lot No. 7 in block No. W, and tbe N 1-2 of the S 1-2 of lot No. 2, in block No 28 in the city of Rosebnrg, Douglas county, Oregon, according to records of surrey made by A. R. Flint. And, further, I will sell all tbe right, title and inter est of ths aafti Dr. J. Woodruff, in and to tbe said premise described as afore said, together with all and singular, the tenements, the hereditament, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anyrrise appertaining, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the court house, 10 the city of Koeeburg, Douglas county, Oregon, oa Monday the 27th day of December, 1890, at the hour of one o'oiock in, tbe afternoon of said day to satisfy the amount of aaid execution, together with interest and att iegal aocrulng eos ts tbereoa. " '' . - iteted ttUBpsta flay r rr. lessi. ; t . . .F.P. J20Q4NV'-" I Kid Cl:;13cf lvUiCo..Ot. . LOOK OUT FOR the iw twi! wm FOR 1881. Send for Circular Price List. ; A. SLOCrUJI. Agent, to J T King of the Blood Z?tt Ho and ditordm nnlw . ' tJO ,1 UIU1 i T ZZ e., an the mow common, aa ?r attains ot tb. limn, U.li SCROFULA. i witi e lapmi Wood la Hmt 7!rbI,Tmma'i Kim of tin Blooa lu.T f a9red r T that I V con t towl troaUla4 son Hat, 0, TIubumw, Bardhfl, S. T. 0HOO CD wfB ba pU ts any PnbUs Irowltal to U notn. muf avFwtajpnn, for wnrf wrwntate ol tha umi l 0 UOt XllUUVa f" ft '- aVJ ra W r' - r a ' - t P- ' ' Ift A ia? 1 - j