i -i RESOLUTION OF EXDOPvSOLEXT V il EREA9, TH K IkWOtAS ITOKFE5DERT newspaper published In Row; burg, lias veen puoiosnea in tni county lor the period Of thnw years; and Whubeas, e&ld newspaper is bow wel established, md during a three years' trial It bus faithfully served the Interests of the producer tad ti-payer ; tbfrefcre be It Utoii'cd, We, the members of t&e Emp. not Orange No, JW, do give Thk DouolaB IsDSPKKLiraTour unqualified endoeement. and would recommend it a a newspaper wordy tbs patronage of every farmer and ax-ByerSn. Southern Oregon. ; Geo. W, Jones, Master -- J. P. Vckcak. Sesretary SATURDAY. .NOVEMBER, 20, 1880 Tun iTOUE THE BETTER. The result in the last election Las. .Tviiiiout doubt,- brought many men to their ' senses, politi call. And there were a great many who needed " the reproof, which ; : ; adversity brings", to straighten them up. Now men in both tbis and Jackson couaties find that they were not altogether tnubie in vppoinjr the inde pendent idea which pledged to the n nothing more in the event of its promotion than an honest and economical administration of pubhe county aflairs. Wa do cot complain so much of the severe school m which they wet e compelled to be tutored in crdar to see the. light, as wo re jo:ce ia their late wisdom. They have been 1 aught that in party was not alono to be found the We:ea of their aspirations; od the other hand, they have learned that they may yet do good by Joo'dug after the most direct in terests for protecting the in terests of individual locality. They -..are now desirous . only for Rood and honest government at hone. ;" They now think that charity should begia here in fSouthern Oregon. Well done. While the lamp " holds out to burn, the repentant hat a chance to come back to his senses; and the mere Hhat honestly work for the promotion of public admin istration to that end which shall bring about the beet results, the bater it will be for allroncerned. The mere the merrier for every - LfratVWxj,fiyar m the county. , THFJiE WILL BE A JtOW. The election of Garfield and a pro pocderance of one hold-over senator, al least, in the Oregon legislature, is certain to give the republicans of Ore- ' gen much confidence iu their ability to elc t the text United States senator to succeed Ben a tot Grover. We have noticed that the Oregouian would sup port Goo. ' H. Williams as its most Available candidate; and on the other band there ate republicans who will Lave nothing else than there-election -of Senator Mitchell. The Oregonian is everything to beat Mitchell, and that paper wields considerable influ ence. Even to defeat Mitchell it would take up Mr. Dolph, Mr. Failing, Mr. Orbett or Mr. Anybody who is a republican and it might bolt the par-, ty before it would help Mr. Mitchell. . Well, Mr. Mitchell is. not to be frlght eaed at anything the Oregouian may say. Mr. Williams will not run away from Mr.- Mitchell for the reason that he came to Oregon to beard the lion in Lis den during the late campaign, and . declare that , from, this time on he projoses to make Oregou bis borne. This U enough, in itself to ioint Mr. Williams' afpiratiocr, and it shows that tbere Is son to be a bitter war waged between the two republican giants of the State for the senatorehip. As the end man in the minstrel ahw said of the Thomas cat that called "Maud" into the garden, and in the meantime noticed abo her Thomas cat .jumping over the fence, when Wil liams meets Mitchell, "There'll be a row " Mr Scott might have written the last sentence in this article, tn bis usual ; fa(.Udioas manner-" When Greek meets Greek then will come the tug of war-r-r-r." The.,;; Democratic Times, at " Jacksonville, waots to know where the republican majority of Jane has gone to, and makes the assertion that had Indiana and Ohio gone democratic in October so would have Oregon iu Novem ber. Well, it seems that the democratic judges for the su preme bench, were not the great men that Hancock is (according to the Democratic Times,- and we agree with it iu this particu lar), and it ssems that the peo pie of Oregon thought ot the judjea then e we did, and as the Times must think now, according to its own utterances. We are pleased to see the Times virtually acknowledging that our argu ments in June last were in the main correct, "and that the candi dates tor supreme judgeship were no better than we represented them to be. . The editor has had more ti e to de vote to editorial work this week, owing to the fact that he has capable assist fence In the typographical department cf the paper and the election is over, alhec&a say once more what he I letues. Looa, eut fir us trom w. on There aro democrat who Tt I DoUev mat the party aa oe 0D cea la tfca fatnre: there are 1 more sen siblt democrat! wha i know that the party'e manaeere are lacking brains, and. tinder the 1 preent management, the party t can never gam : a aubitantial, j or rather, a national victorv. The I troth is, the democratic party it I not the democratic part? any 1c nger.it u rather a party managed by leaders too anxious to eecare possession ot the flesh pott Of Egypt ia the administration ot the government at laree.' It is needless tor ns to write the his tory of each and every campaign since the detest of Douglas and t Breckenridge and the election of .Lincoln, to prove that the party has adopted any and every issue after it had been abandoned by the republicans, and adhered to only- those principles against which the republican party waged successful warfare. These are facte which a people have so well learned that atter a gallant fight on the part of the democratic party, iu uv n gauani presidential leader, the msjority have decided they are not democrats, ibis is enough to show that the leaders of the partj, outside of Htncock, are bad. If we: wanted further proof on this point, we would Sad it Jn the fact that in their greed for prominence in the di vision of spoils, the leaders di vide and quarrel among them selves until the electoral vote ot so great a State as New York is lost, and with it all hope ot the party since; by losing New York the election was lost. I We have it from such newspapers as the Ne w York Sun, owing to the great de sire ot democratic leaders to con trol for themselves the official patronage of that city, amocutiLg to over millions of dollars, the Slate was given to the enemy; and i we hear that democratic leaders in Pennsylvania aiid other States threw cold water Upon the party efforts to conduct a successful campaign, because the party's platform, in the matter of free trade, interfered with their inter ests which were protected by a hifch protective tariff which they were sorry was not higher! Ilow cau a party succeed with such men as leaders who will put self first and forget patriotism? How will it succeed so loner as the leaders in suet a State as New V,L- t, k K.l. -l""v " lu" acce of power in their favor, sell the welfare and interests ot the party for a meS8 bf pottage? The , . .! . . vuuviusiuu ib luuviiubfio tuai j there can be no substantial or compieto victory to ine party ..-." . i . until tbere are a nnv set of lead era. But to have new leaders the leeches now hanging opon the party, for the good the party will bring them, must bo Jone away with. How to destroy the leeches u the main question. ; There must be reason on the part ot those who have bra'ns, and who declare that in order ' to destroy the leeches you' must kill the party, and commence aaw with out them. It ; th new party is born with new ldes, and without camp-followers seeking crumbs ot comfort at any and every one's expense, then thete is hope for the great number I of democrats who were once organized, but virtually have been disband ed by , their late j defeat-, and must now 6eek other abiding places than those jwhieh knew them for years, but; through the force of disastrous circumstance, mu6t know them no mora There must be a new party, a new name, new principles, and those principles must not 'embrace op position to the manufacturing itf. terest s of the country. There was a time when these United States were without Itheir manu factories. At that ym a pro tective tariff would not be coun tenanced, and free trade wa de sirable. Those who would argue contrary forget the jjast history ot the American republic. To day were tho Southern States, which once desired! freo trade, because ota lacking jof manufac tories to make use of their raw cotton, are now, mth the man ,olactories clamoring : for pro tection. ; The govoo-nment has changed, and it is undeniabls, that a party must I not become fossilized, but change with the country, or it cannot meet iu wants or receive the' support of a majority of its people. : It is claimed that tho republi cans expended 52,000,000 to car ry Indiana and Ohio in October. This is an acknowledgment that elections in tho United States have become a farce; and that money buys a victory. The charge comes from democratic sources. Admitting this much, aud demo ciats must admit that English was a pretty poor stick, or ho would have given ; up enough of hit 523,000,000 to have foreshadowed the November elections ia the two States named. ' To Argue other. wise ia to controvert the aster ifeo&s of democratic cracs; tad when w think that Englub fHd to "go th npobliean jrty tar, ' and ba content with iu,wuw,uuw, it u certain we nnot regard English othertriia tbB . wy stingy cast, 8Uti oae who would hare been . more aniioas to see D1 VnJ o control at the White House had there been more money in tbe position. NEW TO-DAY. lew Backet! jZ. SZ.OCULX Will Bell all kinds ut Agricultural Implenents For Aaether Twelre Months la FORi FRAirK mos PORTLAND. Black Hawk Plows and Cultivators. Randall Boiling Harrows, ' Brown Sulky and Gang' Flows and Harrows. McSherr? Broad-cst and Foroe Feed Seed Drill Cider Mills, Etc., Etc. LOOK OUT FOR THE ii ii FOE 1881 Bead for Circular Price List. A SLOCUM. Agot. -if4 The accumulated evidence ' of nearly il.irtv vearsahow that trie Bitters is a cr- tau remedy for malarial dispute, as well as its surest prtven:auve; tnai it ernui-jairis dyepedaia. constipation, liver complaint and nervousness. cuiruci8 a tendency t' I gout, rbfuraatism, urinary and uterine dis to is- ordera, that it imparts vijrir to the feeble and cheers tltemia t while it invigorates ItiA 1mv)v Fnr &nl hv ntl DrninriHtft atwl 1 . I Uealers generally. Consumption Bronchi tas Asthma. WHERE Fellows' Compound Syrup use less in alt other diseases, the benefit which it undoubtedly yields in consump tion and other diseases of the Kespiratory organs would vindicate its claim to the at tention of every medical pr ict'oneer Frern the s'.atixtics of England and America it is estimated that niLfi-tentUs of the eutirw deati s is caused by cmis'jiiiptinn alone. If tHr' syrup is used perseverinaly it sub dues the teudency to consumption, and iu many conhrmwi cases, es in tbat of the inventor, it has effrcttMl a cure. - Indijf'ti.m and costivenes almost al ways ariea from weaknoss of thu nerves and muscles of the bowl's. Iu such cas, Fellows' Hyrup of ilypophophites has proved itself of the greatifljt service!. The evacuations soon become copious and healthy. This syrup will care pulmonary con sumption ia the tirst stasr and will give Cfjaat relisf end prolonir life in 'he second and third. It will cure atuhma; bronchitis carvngitis, aud contrhs'. It will core all lore ail dis'-ases oiiinating frm waut of muscular anion and nervous force. PUBLIC BPEAKEUS AND SIKGSKS Will find this syrup of inestimable value. A dose should be taken before speakiug or singing. Aphonia, or loss of 7o?c is usually cured by a few doses. We have knnwu cases where a single dose has been elK:ct ual. S. Jacobs, M. D writes: "I had occasion to use your syrup in a case of Aphonia which would not yield to to regular treatment; it proved to be all that you claimed for it, having ac'ed with expedition and entire satisfaction." Do not be deceived byjremedies hearing a iroilar name: no other preparation is a substitute for this, under any circumstan ess. , , ED. TOLIES; House, Sigpn and Carriage Graining, Marbling, Kalsomining and HARDWOOD FIXISHER. Paper-hanging and wall-tinting prompt ly attended to at low rates. Orders to he be left at Dr. S. Hamilton's drugstore. JXCK80M 8TBEKT, BOSEBUK&. The proprietor of. this well-known and popular resort would thank his frieDds for their liberal patronage in the past sn'l ask for a continuance of the same in the future The publieis informed that 1 keep none bu tbe best brands of wines, liquois and cigars and that I sell over the bar the celebrated JESSE MOORE & CO. '8 KENTUCKY WHISKIES A good billiard table will be found In the saloon; also the leading papers of the of the world. BUT TKS UriPQ'JA YALLET Kill ' . X2EiO"GJS3 t - - TI2 EEST IK TIE MARKET, Addssw A, W. fTSABSS, Canyonville, Ciejoa sepl Raw' . CELEBRATED ISa EOSEBURG ACADEMY. The autumn sessisn ot ' tbis institution ill commence on Monday. (September Oth 1880. and will be in charge of Dr. Browse and the usual corps of competent assis tants. - The first month of the term will be free. the other two months will be charged for according to the following rates: Orthography, reading') Wntmg and Fn- v pr. month II 69 nary Arithmetic 1 - Geography, or Eng. Grammar J 00 Higher Art tntnetis, Algebra or iietoric, pr. month... 3 so Tj'atin or Ureek, pr. month.. ,. ... , 3 00 V. dRNEOTOC, 1 A. W. Comptojt, Board of Directors. C. Waddis. i S. K. ltATMOND, SURGEON DENTIST, Sad door to Dr. Hamilton's Drug Store, Bosebarg, Oregon. people of Deuglaa county, with whom he bas ben acquainted several years. AH work - warranted firtlass, and terms as moderate as any other ia the profession. LAlTGElTBIina BEOS. This firm has constantly on hand the finest - stock of Boots and Shoes EVER BROUGUT TO ROSEBUF.Q, Best of Boots and Sh.oss Vaio to order and Repaired. MTENT HETAUIC 8TIFFENER8, uwia ins amsse Boot and Slwe Heels. Pretvnts nna'ng ortr and airing off on the SIDES. The firm has on hand the finest stock of of Lenther in the State, and is prepared to do all Kinds ot work in a hrct-claro man ner, upon the most reasonahle terms. Par ties needing in their line, ghju'd call UKn thum hrst, as they fully GUARANTEE ALL WORK Turned out pf their shop to he A 1 and certain to wesr well. All Kinds of Musical Internments sold at San Francisco prices. Violin and other strings a specialty. ; I'ome nd Bee us. 113 OORDs Four Foot Wood FOR SALE. I have 115 cords of fonr-foot wood for wile on my pluce, 6 tnitas north-west ol Roebburff, on the Coles vallev road. The wood whs cut lust winter; is of the best quality; el! sound oak; will Ikv sqIiI on mv arm at the lowest rau-s. I have also pleniv of stove wood, ami iiurc.iaseis will hnd that I can cive tueru siiin-nur barguns. ' lliimt who dwire a K'd trade cannot do butter than cive uio a call. II. CONS, &R. I arties may inquire at ttie olfice of the INDKI'EMDENT if 1 a'a not in town. ROBBIHS m YATES. ARE IN THE FIDLD AND PREPARED i4t IX A 1,1, TUE LATEST STYL S, tlaaLd w&M siwls TIIAI ANY HOUSE Ml FAWLITiES ABE AND OUR STOCK IS SECOND TO ALL TII.E "ET CtSTRA" OF A FirstClass Picture 'Store. Will He Found ' at Our Flace,r;229 - First, Portland. A Wont the 1st of September we shall re ceive our first invoice of the celebrated We still keep on hand the celebrated Whitney A Holmes Organ. Remember, that we buy onr goods at first hands, and have no middle men to hare proais with. &0B8IXS & YATES. 123 First Street, n nli llhtb - Portlasd,0 nsrnopoifim-EafSL HOSEBURG, OREGON, cac'-Q- owners. PEOPE1ST0K. - The.Osxy Fibst-Class Hotel m tdtb City and Depot of thk C. a O. Stage Coariitv. Well Furnished sleeping asartmenHthe lxst of beds, and the most attentive of housekeepers. table supplied with the bast of everything. STAGES FOB BEDDING Leaves thi house every day on the ar rival of the car from Portland.' The travelling public, and all who favor us with their patronage, can lest assured that they will be entertained in the beat peBSible manner.. M. A. CAN AN. IRON FCUKDRY. bosebtjrg, banr. Castings ot any size and . IRON WORKS Of every description neatly and promptly execnted. Grist, Quartz and Saw Hills Made to order. Portable and Stationary ENGINES Wade to order and WARRANTED. r-ft KCNDUYt Ooe block south of he Deps I. jy3 The CHICAQO LEDGER, a literary an.' family paper, can be had by sending to Chicago, Illinois. Price, 82 00 per year, The Ledger is published weekly and ha eicbt pages, and the tone of its stories and othi-r matter is pure and moral, and well calculated lor the (amity. O- MOORE, , (Late of Salem). ALL VVOHK carefully pe--formed, and as reasonable as grind work can be done, Auaesthet- ice given aud J,.a the Freeze applied for tho painless extraction of teeth Office and Dental Rooois over Marks & Co.'s Building, Roseburg. AGENT KCB WILMEltDING CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FIHSWniE&LiailOBS. 211 aud 213 Front Street, S&si Francisco. &?. SPm SEEBIDAH. (Successors to fhos. P. SlieriJun) UEAI.EK3 IN UARDVVAP.E, TIN iV ARK , STOVES U oils, Cullry and 'ill .ien1 fur- nieukiti Coot'. Uaving tipcured ihe alwv bnsiness, we ara prejmr tt keep up its fnrner gtxtd name for work and prieen. We h.tve the bebt of material and always a full stock ot giutdsiou hand, aid ir. U onr aim t fur uish eustnineta wilh firs'.'-c'.ass attic e at let live prices. A full stock of Iron and Steel fjr . Orxiersirom abroad will rwivo pr c a'teation. It .. d: J. O. Silli KDA. -EXCELS 10 II l!OIi-slllG 10? ! UOUSS SDOEIXH MADE SPECIALTY And alt kinds of work PROMPTLY EKEQUtm. GIVK TUIO FIRM A CALU And yo"i il cons agsAS. GO TO DR. S. HAMILTON'S NSW DRUGS TOES, ' FOR i -Drnns, Faints. Oils, VarnUb, Window anp l'icture (ilasK, Stationery, Perfumery, if you wish to purchase them cheaper than at any place sou'h ot PORTLAND. Full lines keept of . EDWARD TODDi CO'S.GOLD TEXS, PENCILS. ETC, SCHOOL BOOKS, NOVELS, LEGAL BLANKS. GtQtft, Htlp, lioxl & Tooth Brasttea, Fa?tit, WEiit wash. Varnish A.rttst's Windsor and Newtons tube colors, Win dow and Picture Ulass, every size, at lowest Price, by box or pane. Blank Books, Writing Paper, envelopes, pens. All new Patent Medicines in stock as demand will warrant. -GLASS CUT . TO ORDER, free of charge. Agent for THREE MIXED PAINTS The celebrated end thoroughly tested PA CIF1C RUBRER PAINT, Thv IM PKItlSIlABLK PAINT, and The i EX AM EL PAINT. Agent fo il. O ray. Music Deuier, San Francisco. Preserlp onvUled with ...et tht lowest ralet. ; ! ssible at right window on ut. ". all hour of the night. Remember the place. Brick built!, poslte the Metropolitan Uotei.ltoseourg ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed bae been appointed assignee ot the estate of Geo. A Beath and the credit ors of said Geo A Beath are required to pre sent their claims, under oath, to him at his efnee in Uosebnrg, Oregon, within three months. And all persona indebted to the said Geo A Beath, will save eosta by calling at my ofiee an! settling th same. Dated this ISA day or October, 1880. T B. ROADMAN, Assignee. if. . Opposite Uark a Ce.'s Brick Store, : 03 JACKE05 6TBEET, XSSIBCRa. Announces to thepubilo that he bas lurnisnea ts restaurant with new beds, and will give the people as good acoommodation as any hotel in the city. FUKNISn MEALS AT 25 CT& And that he will supply bis tables : . wita ins oesi in uie marxec Jf '.Chinese Cook Employed . John 17, Gilbert, 4T SALEM, OREOON. Dealer In LE ATM ER, - - . -; . - : j Hides, JFuro and Liberal advances made to Butchers. ocia Louis Belfila, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Fron St., Rbscbusp, Oregon. Wholemle and -retail dealer In Watches, ('locks, Jewelry, Gold Pens, and Musical Instrument. Watelies, Cloeks and Jew hy reaired. All my work warranted. SUPEBERLATIVE BAKING POWDEB, Beat in the World, ABSOLUTELY PURE The Superlative Caking Powder Is the standsrd article of the United States for strength and purity. The beet article ifo general baking purposes ever introduced. It is the cooks favorite. Warranted per ectly pure and superior to anrthing of the kind now iu the market, for healthfulness and strength producing al all times. The most delicious cooking. For sale by grocers, or sent direct by mail en receipt of sixty (CO) cents for one pound can. Solo in cans only. Full weight guaranteed. Ad- drew, Superlative Hating Powder Co., 143 ChamheraSt., XewVork SItOW THIS TO YOCR GROCER. Livery, Bale and PEED STABLE. A. C- YOUNG, Proprietor, Oakland, Oregou. The undersigned would announce to the travelitu; publ e tlmt he has the best of conveyances fvr hire, and that on the shortest notice, he can fill an order. Com mercial tourists wishing atecinnud bnsgy or team end wajron are especially invited to Lispect my outfiis fur their acciiniiuo ilatioo, which 1 wiil rent, cheaper than the cheapest. Ample loom fur horses or teams to hay aiid nra;n over nitrlit, t the low eat possible prievs. Give mo a call. A. C.YOUNOE.I AT FAIR OAKS, OK EG ON Sampsisp iSuther lis., Frop. Mr NEW STOUE AT FAIR OAKES 13 now completed end hiled with a fine stock ot go;wis embracing ev 'y:hing founJ in -a firsi-elass c-uiniry s.on' 1 am pre pared to tu supply ft rniers--it li all kinds ol gfxjd. at lober pi-ices th n'-they can be secured elwwhute, ilors , cai tie, sheep and hoirs and nil kinds country r.i uce taken and hiifhest in et price psid for the same. Oiv" r a .'1! and stisfy ourilf, . fcON BUTllKKLIN. UOSEBURG 21 A R RLE WORKS: Momuueuts, tombs, tub!eto Marble Mantles etc, made from the best Fir eign and Domestic marble. Designs and estimates furuUlied frte. Head ston -8 from $10 upwards Oive me a call and examine my work before pureeing. R. BRA.CKENRIDGE. TO ALSi-FAI.12S:- Preserve Your Fruit auJ Pay Oil Your Mortgages. Rend the following t s'timonlals from some of the best cilieusof Uot;g couuty who speak from experience onlyt .. " : ! Desk Creek, May 7, 18S0. Thin is to certify that have a Piuui mer Fruit Dryer. During last 8?ag in we jried nearly all kiDds of fruit. It will do ail that is reonmuieOiJt d and more. Our apples brought t:ine Ceors per pouud early iu the season and are wurtu thirteen cents at thiii date. V e do not believe it can be excelled bv any other drver io the Seme. V1US. tS. ADAMS. -'-.--.-. ' - i Wilbur, May 4, 1888. I used a Plummer Fruit Dryar bought of Grubbe ii Co. Iut year and dried nearly 10.000 pounds of apples, for which I real ized ten cents per pcund. it did better wori than was promised and I made more money than I cou'd from auy oVher basi ats. -1 only run the machine two months. J. FRAZER. Harry jnnea says ; -: I have a Plutntner Fruit Dryer, and it has done 11 recom mended it would do ; and turns out the haudsomest fruit I ever saw. I shall ran it this year to it full extent. Win. Boon, of Culapoola says : J hired a machine for $ 100 and dried on shares and made more than leould tanning. Mr. Tipton, of Mt. Scott, says the Plosa mer machine is the best I ever saw and it is all that is recommended, and more. 0s C3 3 9 W Hiw ft P. , AND i WHOLESALE QROGER8 AKD DEALERS IN sa.A.'v.a.Jia'L, KEY W JSST Jk N EW YORK CIGARS Nos. 126, 128 & 132 Market Street, . AND ... Now. 23 & 24 California Street, SAX FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. SAN FRMiK BULLETIN. - TUE LcailiuR F.vciiiag Newspaper West of the Rocky Mountains. It is rec.ijrnised antUoiM in commercial snd financial circles as the best family journal on the Pacific coast. Served by carrier iu Ban Francisco and th towns f tho interior.... 25c per week. By mail, postage ('aid, ....$12 per year. T!ac Weekly EuiaCiin la mammoth twelve-paire ountal. aud in proportion v iu size the cheap es: journal in the country. SUBSCSRiPTlOX RATES. TJ.-e We ;k'y a id th i Fri .'ay Bulletin fr.nuiuir together the most complete -mi Week'y puDJithed on the Pacific coas', wul lie see t t- any address postage paid, on the loilowinr lernis: The Wee'ily and Friday BaHetiti. One year ...43 00 bix moat 1:8 1 20 Weeklv Enlletia Alone. One year $3 25 Sis months, " 1JS0 Kemlttances by dra-t Pnst'iffice OTder, Wells, Farif." ft Cj's registered FKEE SEED DISTRIBUTION. I Each subBcriix-r will be presented with several varie.iivs of rare and val uable tree, Vejretebie and 13 wet eeds, equal in value to the subscription price of the paper. Bend tor sample copy, giving lull par ticniart". . , . Address, i S. F. BULLETIN CO., San Francisco Cat. ' Hc22.copakio E&ysioiaa COSESURG OK i ,ON, j 'ILL ATTEND TO ALL CASES intrusted to bis cv.re. Cilice at hi residence' 30tfi J. HIED EE S TAD T, (I.uie of San Francisco) j Would anannnce to the public that he h punchused the interest of li Fls-Hlvli. in the And ti nt h has had Gtieen years xpe rience in nrst-cl8 biikeries in the city of Sod Francisco as a baker. lie, thereiore. is preMred to conduct the bakery in a lirsi cia manner, and wili warrant ail his work as limt-ciaw. j Tho Best Of Brsad, j Either wheaien. oaten or rye, always on hand. Cakes. .phaand erackurs of tlie fiu estquaiitj for srtie; aed whether for balls, parlies or private families, all orders will lie promptly filled at the lowest rati s. In connection with the Bakery 1 will keep trims and veg-iablea. candies, nuts and notions, and with this regard 1 wilt not be uoiierxoid by auy one. ..- ; Give met trial. Then if I cannot suit you as to quantity sod quality and pr ices no one can. J. MEDEKSTADT. f TH Ui' tJMm'J U W GEORGE, T7. GENGSR, Aououuces that he will 8-1; lus hue laroi, situated on the south fork uf Deer creek, on the county road, seven miles east of Ito&eburg, Deer creek lunging through lh entire place. . DESCEIPTION OF FARM : j Well improved, good orchard, two storjf dwelling- house, a convenient barn. There are 200 acres of banning land, and 100 acres in grain. Will sell all or part. Fot particulars inquire of UEO. W. GENGEB. Roaebnrg, Oregoif. May 23. . . - t BUT ! TR2 u::pqua yauet kills TH BEST IS THE BASSET. Address A. W.STKAEXa, Canyoav Ule iriiWi ' Ut Q 8 2 tmi.nnri Uggiej CffTTi'Ai'fiB al tn 1S64. 18S0. lit Emm 5:-HraG es rail - Insurance Ccnipany OF CALIFORNIA. 01TLY. Income 12 Months, $238563 73, Premiums Since Organization, $37423 19. J-osees P.tld Since OrgarjizafioD., $1521402 15 Losdt'B Paid in Oreg-m in 7 Years, .83.36315. The UOMR MUTUAL has bad for over Seven Years, $50,000 Deposited with the State Treasurer of Oregon for the protection of Poliey-holder GEO. L. BTORY. Toriland. UaAftger Oregon, Wiiahington & Idaho ri'ERVlSoBS t O. H. Lewis, of Allen A Lewi: P, Wasserman, of vVsvennan A t'-o.; J. jAevraiteu, ot j. Mcuraseu & uo. The nnersigoea lakes pleasure In ddobuc'u,' vo tue citizens of K'lge burg and vienity that l has received the agency of the ar-ove "'leadirtr $ suraaos cempany of the Pneifie Coast. E, G. liUKBH, Agent. J. C. MoreIaAKD, A. H. TaNNER, City Attorney. Notary rub). HORELAD I TAflSE.fi. ATI ORNER-ATsLA W. 1C9 First st. Portland, Oregon. sepl3 ly JA22X3 T7. niHILIOg, - tttorasy-at-La": OFFICE FIRST DOOR TO THJ right in the Court House. Bunt ess promptly attended to La all the arts of b SUte. FOB SALE CHEAP (Weathtrby, Bichardsa Rag;' machine,) AB hltd and lnttAltTl1ru1vfnTincV. Ins; raklo and isouldlnit goes with the nacaine, sw particulars inquire sr . THOS, URISOALE. Xsaeb&rx, Og. - no FOB TIIE Choicest brands of Wines T LIQUORS . AND CIGARS, ft 1 V i PIOITEEE SALOOU OAKLAKD OREGON, . T. B- COPKLAIID, Proprietor. ' m.. nf bIhu. linnors and clears constantly o hand, and a welcome to aiU I Come and see me. eept-ij . This oopolar resort for buslnese pen, ! Farmers and others desiring "r.metning i good for the sumach's sake, Willi b Jound south of Smith & Co.'s store, OAKLAND, OREGON. V The best of Wines, Liquor and Cgat (always on hand. septa jy Best Bout To the Coast STAGES LEAVES DKAIN Erery Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8 o'clock A. M., for SCOTTSBUHG, GARDIIIER AIID CG03 RAY. For further particulars enquire of JOHN CLARK, rGprletorV Drain. Ogn 23 oars: jicToii'sr Wishes the public to understand tbat he has established a k BROOM - KAMJFAGTONG KSTABLIdUMENT At Oakland, and on the shortest notice ill supply the trade and privnte imrlid wjih auy number of liroomK, ut all style and nv.s, chejn.r than tliey can V pur chaxed eisewbstc lie Ims bad Iwir eX;e rience in the bu-iiies, aud (rutin nt e Kat- islnciion. Orurrn Ii"U abroad p.-uiiiitly tilled, dive him a trial. SHEEP V7 FITTED Tro to five Ticusanl IS-vTcs. from lto2 Yeirs Old, : CLE'aN AND WELL-BRED. Cive price and full particulars. Address B. O. FAKBAR, 523 Piuc street, St. lnis, Mo. ALLEN AfUHKGTQN, Teacher cf Sti3ic, OAK ST., R03EDUKU, OK. Hours from 7 to 9 a m. and froji 4 to p. m. iiovi3 Oakland, Oregon. B. F. ELLSWORTH, PROPRIETO!?, The proprietor would anuonncs that ho has once more rshuiik d control ol this pop niar house (lately nnder the nianairenie-t of Mr. Oibson) and Uiat b will attend to tne wants of ptr.iii in -a 6ric!as ii ai m r. Thetnij! w(ll be supplied with bet the in rke. affords, th., beti of the house are well furnished m- and clean and no p-vns will be spared io render guests co i. triable. ...... u. F. ELLSWOKTH King of the Blood SCROFULA. Wcaderfal Curs cf rdaaastB. 3D. Rawikvx go -Co. . Tar tb tienfii of 7Mm. X iwrsby nooakiund Kiw- of th riuT li'J "'h M aiteiV'Sfc .. Vourtnur, H. TTSaiaaaiu, Bain5a, jr.r; SL' tr Bints. Its Xa3redics.i3. ipo.UK,a a iild.i. . ji- it r w, w iMiorv tr to - ilUIVbSiMiHMaaKL. J . ia tho k m o.a. - "assBj SUV UK' MOT. . , - . . .. uixum'.i. t f "ll.n or o it S; 'T TSfoprietoiWy 1 "XL :