,w tn, c " wamni t f r I- J iftttiM Society Meetings. fXTMPQLTA CUAP.TEB-.KO. 11, B f , A-1 A- U bo11 regular corainnnica dWbS tions every first and thild Tuesday of ea:h month All members in good . tandingwill take dae and j timely notice aid crovern themselvns acoordinirly. Visit- it ng companions are Invited la meet with the Chapter when convenient. 5 B. HERMANN, II. P. -" VV. I. FtEDLANOH, Sec'y. LAUREL LODGE A. F. and A. M i holds regular meetings on VVednes "V liny on or betore eacb tall moon. J. 0. FCLLKBTON, W. M. H, NEWCOMB. fcecy. . PU1LETA!'IAN 'Lodge, .No. S, I O. 0 K. meets on Saturday evening, - ol each week at 7 o'cluck. in their hull at Bom barg. Members of theorder in good stands lag ara invited to attend. By order of the N U. UNION ECNAMPMENT. No. 9, I. O. 0 F.. niiiet at Odd Fellow' Hall on the 1st and iid Fridays ot every month. Visiting .Brethren invited to attend 1 1 JuHN MCrTLES.C. P. E. G. Doss. Sinba . UMPQUA GRANGE, NO. 28. P;of nn will meet hereafter on the 1st t-atur-ot each mouth, at Grange Hall, in Ko burg, All mesuibera in good standing are CoMikiy invited to a tend: GtO 'JONES, 3. J. P. DCKCAS. Secretary. P. O. Directory. Onasd after June 10th, 1880. the mails or me miuin, Including i;alllornia, NevaU and eastern States, will dole at 7 o'clock P. M ., sharp. lue mails for the north will close at 8:45 P.M. The mailsN(or Coos and Curry counties , win r rose eacn nay, eaturaaya excepted at 8:45 p. m. Mail for Oak oreek. Mount Bcott and Patterson's mill will close Friday evening o ctocs p. M. Mails from south arrives at 4.45 A M. daily. " Mails 'rora the north daily, Sundays oacepiea at 7:10 p. f. From Coos and Curry counties tt 12 M., -daily, Monday excepted. From Patterson's mill Saturday at 8:39 1. x. , Mouday order business transacted each ' ay, Sundays excepted, from 8 o'clock A. l - to o o dock p. M. Valuable letters and arctds registered to all parts of th world It. C. STANTON P. M. SATURDAY.. .OCTOBER. 30, im SOUTHERN OREGON NOTES. 8W Boon the rainy season will com mence. Everybody is getting in their . winter's wootl. Mr. J.L. Smith reports everything a flourishing at I'Iklon, Bora, in Looking Olay on the I8th f Instthr wife of A. J. Warren, a ' "V' l"Zrrn, en .Robert's Creek, the 24th lust., to the wile or Ubo. Embree, a ton. Mr. Richard Thomas and Mr. Jan. JM&boney was in town during the week. - Uncle Aaron Rose caught a river, trout this week two feet seven inctus in length, and weighing over sevL- ieen pounds. Mr. James Moore still continues do ing good work in the way of making best of good roads between this place rStlfcSTlSiinwnvillt;, 1 We have received the wedding cards j tt Miss Orilla C. Baker and Mr. W. 8. i Humphrey. ' The happy couple will accept our congratulations. W. R. Wells have struck it rich in j. Sicer mines in a claim on OiiUla. The The claim is what is termed hill dig ging, and th e gold is coarse. A malriage has taken place in this county wherein the man is 63 years of ige and the lady 18. Go it when you are old, is the old man's motto. Some rascal the other night cut the halyards to the republican flag-pole. It would not be healthy for the fellow should the republicans catch him. Kev. W. i. Nichols will preach next Sunday, October 81, at Pine Orove church, at 11 o'clock, a. m., and 7 o'clock in the evening at lioseburg. . j Married, on Deer Creek, at the va. . tested residence of Rev. Dr. Smick, ! Oct. 24th, 1880, Empson Collins and Miss Holt, of Boseburg, by Rev. J. H. N. Bell. Died, on Robert's Creek, on the 25th Inst., to Mother Dodson, aged 78 years Mrs. Dudson ws one of the pofneers of this State. Rev. Bell preached the xuneiai sermon. No one will ask you how yoo are going to vote after next Tuesday. 'Thereafter your vote won't be wortn a continental, and the conundrum wUi be out of date. i - Abraham, Wheeler & Vv, have been offering many line bargains in general merchandise during the past week. and now pro pope doing better by sell ing cheaper tnan ever. ; Tbe publication of Ihe paper : has been somewhat delayed tbis weeK owing to an unusual rush of job-work and a desire on our piirt to make hay while the sun was (tli Ding. , Mias My ra Abraham has returned borne from Fan Francisco, reporting -' pleasant trip and a number of new friends. So great is the number of her friends in lioseburg she is universally welcomed home. 5 Our representatives and senators have returned from Salem. The dele gation need not feel aHhnmed of its work, since each member certainly worked for the promotion of the best Interests of Dougla county. Mr. Rndolph. Abraham, member of Abraham, Wheeler & Co., is in town He has many Rood tlilntrs to sav of Boseburg, and is surprised that the town has grown so mu h In a few years. His numerous old friends ex . tend to him a cordial welcome.,; ' We had the pleasure of meeting :wlth Col. John E. Ross, senator from Jackson county, on Monday last. The Colonel was in the enjoyment of the best of health, and was heartily greet ' ed by his numerous friends in Kose bunt. We really believe Col. Ross is as popular in Douglas as in Jackson county. i Tne speech of Mr. P. G. Strickland at Canyonville i highly c otnpiiment edfby a correspondent who writes us many things In favor of the gentleman named and his speech. Mr. Strickland will make the speech at the meeting of the Garfield and Arthur club on this (Saturfiay) evening, ; to ; attend which all are invited, i. .Ksariy fifty democrats, accompanied by the Silver Cornet Band! attended the democratic rally at Portland from thl -t'e on Tbatsday. Our Portland ' the city on that - . blasts of light. ng In line 4 ever wlt- DEATH OF MRS. RAPP. 'Last week we reported that Mr. and Mrs. Bapp had arrived in this city, In this much we anticipated their ar rival, and wrote the notice that tbe lady might see that aha was welcome to PiOseburg, and that In the borne of her-husband there were friends who were glad to have ber come and be one with them. ' But while we were writing tbe "per sonal'' Mrs. Anna M, Bapp was dying in Portland, and her husband and daughter were at ber bedside watch ing the passing ol an angelic soul to Heaven. The lady died October 22d 1S80, and was buried In the Masonic cemetry, East Portland. Her age ivas about thirty years, and ber parents and other relatives reside now in El lenvllle, N. Y., In which place she was born. Ten years ago she and Mr. Bapp were married, and four and one-half yeais ago the birth of daughter came as a blessing to happy union. Six months ago Mr, Rapp left for the Paciflo coast. A few weeks ago Mrs. Rapp started to join her husband in Roeeburg, and be left a short time after to meet her in San Francisco, But the meet ing on his part was a sad one. He found his wife in the last stages of consumption, and knew she could not loue survive. He hurried to Oregon, hoping here to find relief and health for her; but, alas, the party no sooner reached tbe State than tbe last spark of life fled, and the lady died a day or two after her arrival in Portland. Those who knew Mrs. Bapp while living respected her as a true wife, a loving mother and a sympathizing friend. Those who knew ber at home thought of ber as the impersonation of good qualities and as one whose acts In the daily ; walk of life were to be accepted as shining examples worthy of emulation. Her husbaud and or phaned child have the sympathy of alleur people, and that sympathy is so large that there is euough to ex tend across the continent to tbe aged couple (tbe deceased lady's father and mother) to whom this article will con vey the saddest announcement they ever received. We are sad thinking it has become necessary with as to an nounce a mournful fact. But the sor row-stricken should remember that there is a Divinity who shapes our ends and that though afflicted by tbe hand of Providence, it must be left to our God to determine which is for the best. Often men would rather die than wit ness the death of their offspring or the last and expiring struggles of their wives. This wil 1 applr with double force to tbe mother and wife; for the world knows women love more strong ly than men. And who can gainsay, that by ber gsod deeds the deceased bad won a fond place in the heart of her Father in the skies and He called ber to His home in Heaven that she might not live on earth to witness in anguish tbe passing away to the other and better world of those whom she loved better than herself in the per sons of her husband and her child? Their times will come as did her's. In the future the tangled vines of the wild rose, the innocent blossoms of the pure, white liily and the brilliant hues of tbe pansy will be found upon their graves. But in heaven she will be before them, and if God has made it possible that an angel can help those loved best while on this earth across the dark river to the land of eternal brightness, then when her relatives come to the borders of the land of the blest, they will find that angel in the one who was called first. Seriously we have thought, more times than one, that some people die that they may not weep at the death of those whom they loved best, and that they go before that they may become guides to our Ood and our Father in Heaveu. In this much we are consoled in our greatest sorrow, and such consolation should cause us to go down to the grave with, out fear ot trembling, since we would expect only to meet a loving one on the other side. In this particuler case it must be that the deceased has be come a great angel, upon whose wings will be safely carried the souls of all whom she so dearly loved. Senator Grover and Wife. The following exti act is made from a letter recently received by a gentle man in this city from Senator Grover, under date of Dansville, Xew York, October 3d: When you visited ns at Wilmington, Delaware, in May last, Mrs, drover could not sit up 'two hours in the day. She is now able to sit up nearly all day, and is improving slowly right along. She has at no time suffered in her mind as she did when in Oregon. Her chief difficulty has been marasmus of the bowels, and the general debility attendant upon such diseases. She has not taken any medicine for the past five months, so she is doing very well and expects to be with, me in Washington next December. I am much better than when you saw me, and about four pounds heavier. Tbe spinal in flamatiou is gradually subsiding, and symptoms of paralysis leaving me. . I have felt that I might go to Oregon tbis fall and vote, but my physician forbids it. They say I am safely over danger, but that I must await the hardening procoss or nature to render me safe from a relapse. PoIiti(l Speaking. The democrats of Douglas county will be addivsscd in the various pre cincts on Monday,- November 1st., at 1 o'clock, bv M. Dean. Canton-. ill Jas. F; Gnr.ley, Myrtle Creek; Jaa. v. Hamilton, Ten Mile; A F. Campbell. Cole's Valley; W. F. Owens, Looking Glass; C. Ball, Oakland; JohnC- Drain, Klktou; O. A. Bodie, YoncalU; L. F. Lane, Drain; T. O. Owens, Gardiner; E Burcbard, BcottsburgjL. F. Mosher, Mt.. S-ott: J. M Hennl. Galesville: T. o' Koaamap, wnour. a granu monstratton will be held In Boseburg on tbe same evening, and able speak era will address the people. Wheat Bhwkade. The wheat blockade is simply im mense at Walla Walla, and tbe fact demonstrated that one railroad can not near meet the demand. Trains are running constantly, carrying all ths grain possible, yet teams bave block aded the depot, and at present 8,000 sacks of : grain ate piled about the depot, more than half of which is tilled -out of doorm. Teams are still bringing In wheat at the rate of 125 tons per day, aud the solidity of slockde Is - steadily increasing. Will those of our subscribers who bave promised ns to pay their bills In wood and other truck pleas come to time before the rainy season seta ia? It is about time they vex here. CALAPOOIA. Mr'O. H. Mire baa returned to bis home,' ; Misa Molli lhman has gone to McMinvllle to attend school. John Grot Is chief. B. L. takes back seat sine tbe last deal. . Thomas Blain, ti Cooa county, gve this seotion a call last week. Mrs. R. Romain, of Dayton, W. T. who has been here visiting her aged mother. C. M. Jackson and Mr. Farnsworth are very intimate friends here of late. It's naughty but sweet, Charles. Wm. Stephen ft Co., owlngto tbe increase of custom, are obliged to run their mill day and nigbt. Good enough. David Hurst returned to McMinn vllle. David Is deeply interested in things at McMinnvUle? and why shouldn't be be? W m. Canutt, tbe great beaver and otter trapper, is shearing down on the Umpqua, for Mrs. Mella Spareribs. We wish William success. Rev. 8m ick proclaimed the Gospel here last Sunday at the school house to an average eongregration. His dis course was quit lengthy and right to the point, as the Irishman said. Prof. Hutchinson's school closed Ust Friday on account of tbe school funds being exhausted, consequently there will be no exhibition as anticipated Mr. John Porter's little daughter, we are sorry to say, bas been seriously ill with typhoid fever, during the past week, but under tbe treatment of Dr, Page sb is slowly recovering. w e are in formed that our young friend Robert Long, of Yoncalla, and Miss Nora Curtly of Drain, will be oined in the holy bonds of wedlock. When tbe Tonoolla girls see this it will undoubtedly" cause them to twist their sbouldeia and say; "How foolish we are to let a Drain girl capture our best looking young man. COURT PROCEEDINGS. Martin A Co. va, R. CaoMren; -action to mover money. Judgment lor put, lor S282.S6. W. S. Beao vs. O. Bodwill ; furecloture. Contin ued. Sugar Pin Mill Company n. A. O. Coeton; action to recover personal property. Jodgmwit lor plff. lur S131.7S. K F. Kosher vs. Bridget VNeel; confirmation. Confirmed. Tboe. Morris va J. B. Dmon; auijrnment. Aa aignment discharged. . Millard & VanSebuynr ts. Daniel Syren et al; con firmation. Sale confirmed. H. V. Greea vs. L. Stenger; assignment. Assign ment discharged. E. O. Young et al n. W. F. OUIitt et al; action to recover mosey. Settled. Ashford Clayton vs. County County Court of Douglaa county; writ ol review. Manliftaed. B. F. DoweU va. Jeesce Applegata et al; suit in equity to aid execution. Continued. H. W. Ketcham vs. Mary M. Xetcham; divorce. Granted. Byron Mynatt ys. Henry Buahnell; action torecov. er money. Verdict for oft. Chariot ta A. Gabriel ra Wm. P. Gibriel; divorce. Granted. State ot Oregon vs. Warren Robert?; larceny, by a bailee. Dlecharged. Marion DeSoazer vs. Philip PeBouzer; child or dered kept at Vancouver until further order ot the Court. E. J. Crow n. H. Q. Crow; foreclosure. Grant ed. State ol Oregon vs. KsnneJy a Strickland; ap peal from justice court. Diamleaed. Same vs. 8. Minard; appeal, surety. A. A. Fink va. C. and O. G. Co.; injunct ion. Continued. H. S. Harah va. Bawley Dodd Co. and Wheel er Bros; action to recover money. Continued. Ellen Long et al vs. P. Oriawold and Lyder Griawold; action to recover money and damages. Continued. Same vs. Henry fonder; action to recover real property. Continued. Samuel Feder vs. Caro Bros.; action to recover money. Dismissed at .cost ol dlt. D. X. ft E. Walters tt Co. vs. Caro Bros.; action to recover money. Dismissed. J. a. Beed vs. Wells ft Flook; net ion to recover money. Judgment lor pUinun. Clark ft Mayhew vs. W, F. Gillitt; action to re cover money. Settled. Bustler Bros. vs. Wells ft Flook; action to recov er money. Judgment fur plaintiff. Welmeiding ft Co. vs. B. Cameron; action to recover money. Judgment lor plaintiff for (109,25- M, J. Courtney vs. B. Bube; et al; injunction. continued. L. Plymale vs. J. J. Comstock; suit in equity for specific performance. Taken nnater advise ment. B. O. Ebert vs. H. O. Crow; action to recover money. Continued. F. B. Hill vs. Jas. F. Cooper; suit in equity to recovei rents and property. Extended time to take depositions. W. W. Thayer et al vs A. J. Manning et al; suit to set aside Irauduleat eoavuyso.ee : Deere for plaintiff: J. O. Booth va L. B. Starks et al. Judgment for plaintiff. RETURNED. Capt. L. L. Williams, the old Rocky monntain veteran, returned to Rose burg last Monday night, after an ab, absence of about five months, in the upper Columbia river country. He is looking more hale and hearty than ever. During his absence he has traveled over the Palouse, Spokane, C'oeur 'dAlene and Pen d' Orielle Lake countries. He gives a glowing ac count of the progress of settlements to the northward, reaching and including the Spokane river valley, aud the prospect ive future ef the vast fields of uninhabited prairie and timber lands, along the line of tbe N. P. K. R. From the Bpokaue to the Missoula, a dis tance of several hundred miles, aside from the various other attractions, he reports game and fish in great abund ance, oil throughout the rend' Or idle and Clark's Fork country is in terestiug and exciting for the sports man. The demociats bave almost con ceded that old Cap. Is a political power in Southern Oregon,, and while they hoped and prayed that he might not return until after the ehction, he drops in Justin time to work and vote for Garfield. Wot particularly from any patriotic motive of bis, but from tbe regular habit be has fallen fnto. of nlwsys getting around back just be fore election. Bought Them Out. Mr. W. O. Woodward, the saddle and harness maker of Southern Oregon, has purchased the stock of Hazletoa Bros., the .latter, retiring from business. He is now better prepared than ever before to offer superior bar gains in his line, and those who pat-' ronise "pard" will vet go away com plaining because they did not receive good bargains, an extra quality of goods an the ialrest prices. The Boss Stable, - '- Commercial tourists and ethers will notice the advertisement of A. C, Tuuug, Oakland, published elsewhere. sir. Young is undoubtedly the best livery stable-keeper In the country, and those who patronise him will him accommodating and prices very low; uive nun m trisu. On . Jast Sunday died little Berate arqaar, aged 5 years, era months and twenty days. Tha bright little girl was tbe daughter of Thomas and Alice Farquar, and hr remains were followed to their last resting plaoa by a iargs Diu&Der r fxleads of the fam ily, who deeply sympathta With ihe Mr. James Woodward has uat com pleted some of the finest saddle ever seen in tbe city or Boseburg, and the stock of saddles now on bind- at tbe store of W. G. Woodward is second to none tbis side of Portland. The .reas on 1 plain, line Mr. Jaoiea? WWdr ward is known to be one of the best addle-maker In tbe State. Call .and see tbe saddles and Inquir as to prices put upon them. Open Letter. Ban Francisco, Cal. May S7th, 1880 To whom it may concern: We, tbe undersigned do hereby assure our pa trons that we have examined reliable testimonials from all parts of Califor nia, in regard to Griffin and Co's Cream Baking or Yeast Powder, to our satisfaction, and will take pleas ure in filling any ord' rs for tbe same. (Jaatie Brothers. W. W. iienr, , Vtll- man, feck Si Co. Marks Co., sole agents fr lioseburg. Mr. James l. Fellows, chemist, St. John, . B. Dt-ar Birr Having ued your Compound Byrup of Hypophos. pnites Tor some time iu my practice, I bave no hesitation in. recommending it to my patients who are suffering from general debility, or any disease of the lungs, knowing, that, even in cases utterly hopeless, it aflords re lief. I Am, sir, yours truly. II. A. Addy. M. D., St. John LitrArTr Pinlo nrrt BBSaWA W V" J 9 SWWsS W - si' Sis fan PEED STABLE. A. C YOUNG, Proprietor, Oakland, OregoU. Tbe underignet would announce to tbe traveling public that ha has the best of conveyance for hir, and that on the shortest notice, he can Gil an order. Com mercial tnnrists wishing a team snd bntrgy or team and wagon are especially invitid to tispei my rmtnts tor their accommo dation, whieli I will rent cheaper than ths cheapest. Ample loom for horses or teams to Hay and gram over night, at the low. est possible prices. Give mn a Call. A. C. YOCNuE. Farq.uar's Restaurant Hotel, i Co.'s Brick Store, . and Opposite Marks ON JACKSON STREET, ROSEBURG Jottn Farqunr Anaonnces to the public that be bas furnished -his restaurant with new beds, and will give the people a good accommodation as any hotel in the city. FUKNISII MEALS AT 25 CTS. And that he will supply bis tables with the best in the market No Chinese Cook Employed John W. Gilbert. SALE3J, OREGON. Dealer In LEATHE Hides, Furs and Liberal advances - made to Butchers. oclS Louis Belfils, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Front St., Rosebusj, Oregon. Wholesale and retail dealer in Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Gold Pons, and Musical Instruments. Watches, Clocks and Jeiv- lry repaired. All my work warranted. SUPERLATIVE BAKING POWDER, Best in tha World, ABSOLUTELY PURE The Superlative Baking Powder is the standard article of tbe United States for strength and purity. The beet article ito " general baking purpose ever introduced. It is the cooks favorite. Warranted per- eetly pure and superior to anything of the kind now in the market, for healtbfulness and strength producing at all times. . The most delicious cooking. For sale by grocers, or sent direct by mail on receipt of sixty (60) cent for one pound can. Bolo in cans only. Full weight guaranteed. Ad dress, Superlative Baking Powder Co., 143 ChambersSt., New York SHOW THIS TO TOOK GBOCBB, "ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the under. signed baa been appointed assignee ot tbe estate of Geo- A Beath and the credit ors of said Geo A Beath are required topra- msufe tnnrviaiuiv, uuuer OBin. lO . UITO St his otnee in Roseburg. Oreson. within three months. And all persons indebted to the said tieo A Beath, will save costs bv calling at my office and settling tbe same. unoa mis ioiu dav of October. 1880. T S. ROADMAN, Assignee. ROSEBURQ MARBLE WORKS Monuments, tombs, tablets Marble iLtutles etc., mads from the beat For eign and Pomestio barbie. Designs and sstlmates famished free. Head stones from 1 10 tipward Give ma a . i call aaa samia my rork baftwa ' nlsta & t3i(?Ssa . t Wish Everybody to Know Ifc. m i ili re H ThJM ?M cjtlsen of u.o.viwunv, aoown to every one as s, most Influential citizen, and CUriitlan Minister oi iue pi. zi, vnurch lost this moment step ped la our store to Say, "I wish everybody to.l.uotr that 1 consider both myself and iWie owe oar lives to SLlleh's Consumption Cure,'' h Is hsing a tremendons sale over our counters and Is giving perfect sat- wiacutm in an cases ol hoog Diseases, such as nothing else has one. Dated Bourbon, ma., may wtu, "78. Dr. Matchet A France. Sold by 8. Hamilton. Druirjigt. The most popular and fragrant perfume ui we aay is jctAV nai ci AUH. Try It sold by S. Hamilton, Roseburg, Oregon We Challenge The World. When we any we boiieve,. we have- evt deneetn prove that Spoil's Consumption Cura is dtf idedly tbe best Lung Mitlicins made, m-'e.R much as it will euro a common tl Cbronie (Jeueli in one half the time and relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, and show more casus of O'nsumption cured than all othrs. It will cure where tliey fail, it is pleaant to hke. baraaleaa to ths C gitrentee what wo say. Price. 10 cts. sacts. and $1,00- If vourLunm a. e sore jtest or Bnck lame use Sbiloh's Porns Plan Said by s. ili mijlton, druggist. ! ' " ' ii "... ' i 1,000,000 m. e.;n At the Store of Sib. -&12ai3 3We3lcS; To purchase general their extensive stock of AT SAN FRANCISCO COST. The ladies are especl ally invited to call and question tlie superior bartrains oQ'ered by the firm in Ladies' Z3ress AND FANCY GOODS. No such opportuni'T for cheap pure chawc was evt-r before given in the city of Hoseuurg. N. B All those indebtpd to ths firm of Cnro Bros., are rpqiwetHd to mnke im mediate settleraawt of their accounts, then by savini!cost ard trouble. Should not a prompt response be made trt their request the firm muflt place their accouuis in the hand vi an officer of the law for collec- ion . METRQFQITAH HOTEL ROSEBURG, - - OREGON, sza k crxor. PROPRIETOR. The Only Fikst-Class Hotel in the City ano Depot of the C. & 0. Staob Company. Well Furnished sleeping apartm entg.the best of beds, and the most attentive of housekeepers, a table supplied Wl.hj.be btst of everything. STAGES FOR REDDINO Leaves this house every day oa the ar rival of ihe cars from Portland. The travelling publ'c, and all who favor us with their paironsge, can rest assured that thev will be entertained in the liest pessible manner. M. A. CAN AN. Notice- WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE publie that I will pay no bills oi Mrs. Kitcbell hereafter. C. L. KITCUELL. Roseburg, June 15, 1S0. 4W. NOTICE. XT. S. Lind Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Mav 10th. 1880. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of an acvof Congress, of June 3d, 1878, for the sale of Timlwr Lan is in the states tjl Ca'.tiornia. Oregon. Nevada and Washing ton Tertitory. thai Geo. W. Jones and Wm G. B. Dixon has Bled their af plica tion to purchase the norih-half of the -south-half of section 5, in township 27 south, of range 0 west. Any and all persons claiming anversr-ty tbe above described land, must file their claim in the Register's t IB-M w.thin sixty days trout bis date. W. F. BENJAM.IM , bylO-6 . : "TO. 8. "WKiSeSS, BOSEBURG, OGN ,1153 CORDa Pour Foot Wood FOB SALE. I have 115 cords of four-foot wood for sale on my dace. 6 miles north-west oi Rngeburg, on the Coles valley road. Th wood was cat last winter; is or tue Dest quality; all sound oak: will be sold on my arm at tbe lowest rates. I bave also plemv ot stove wood, and purchasers will tind that can give theru superior bargains, luost who desire a good trade cannot do better than give me acall. II. CONN, SR. t'arties may inquire at the office ol tne Ihdktkndkst if 1 iu not in town. ROSEBURG ACADE3IT. Tbe antnmn session of this institution will commence on Mondav. rett ember 0;h 1380. sod will be in charge of Dr. Browne and tbe ssnal corps of competent assis tants. The first month ef the term will b free, the other two months -will be charged for according to the following rates: Orthography, reading"! Writing and Pn- V pr. month J CB tnary Aritltfnetic J Geography, oAEng. Gram mar S Higher AnthrAstie, Algebra c " iletorie, pr. onth.....A Latin or Greek, pr. dmbiIs. . . 2 jf. issirxDTCX, i r A. w. Coatrros, Boa c V; J. P Ws Ai7gBTII- 1 HcneopatMc Fhysioiaa. BOSEBURG ORE ,ON. TjrriLL, attend TO ALL CASES Office al 30tf ww intrusted to bis awe. his residence BUCKINGHAM & HECHT'S (SAN FBANCISCO) Celebrated BOOTS and SHOES For Sale at ABRAHAM, WHEELER'S STORE. BUY THE UMPOUA VALLEY MILLS exjOtt:ri THE BE8 f IN Tija MARKET. Address A. .V, STEARNS, Canyonville Sbp-4 Oregon, TESTIMONIAL Office of S. Marks & Co. To J. 0. Baker, Agent Western Fanning Mill. Bin We take pleasure to say that we have need praiu cleaniiiff. and that we lind can. therefore, recommend it to u80. We to'ly endorse the above. , Tue Western, manufaetared haveever used. Tarties desiring to purchase their orders at ouce, as ast year, farmers, 1 was unable to supply the demand. I must bave orders early that I may shin the machines in time from the manufactory. J. 0. ji. Fine Stock and F Fine Stock and Farming Ranch. Terms reasonable, and desire for salr is occasioned through a wish to emigrate to Lantern Oregon. I or price ot land ana reiererrces m-juire of John W. Kellv, at the IsDEPESOKST office, or the proprietor on the premises. Land for sale 800 acres, ol tlmoer ana grazing ami funning land combined ; about 75,00 of fanning land and the re mainder iature and timber land. The abovu contains a fine orchard and about 3 iicresof garden land suljt to irrigation There aleoi a hoe lot ot young trees in the above namnd orchard, embracing all kinds peaclu-s, cherries aud apples and viura of all kinds. There is a good water whrt! on the stream on the prmniseS that aflTor.ii about a twelve-horse power, and rauB llie sLirgla mill of R. B. Martindale &i JB. K. L.STEPI1ENS. Coi.es Vaixky, Oregon. ?l.tra Is a cbanca f"r a good bargains, who appl v oarly JB1L ACKSJIlTIirV 1 ii Dearling Gilson. Oi Fl AND, OGN. Wuuld announce'' to the public that tbey are prepared with the best of inateri at to supply all demanps in their line. Having enjoyed over twenty years' expe rience in their trade, all work performed bv them is guaranteed to be iirsUclakS, and strictly according to order. Gftstm's Celebrated Sar- rc"w3 FOR SALB BY J. W. STRANGE, ROSE- BURO. Pronounced by all who have used them to be tho best ever invented, always on hand snd for sale cheap. FAU.vf MACIUNKKY KE PAIRKD, Give Then? a Call. ABRAimWllEJklB&Os WHOLESALE AND RE ROSEBURG, THE ABOVE NAMED FIRM WOULD tiouthern portion of Oregon that they tscks EVER BROUGHT TO SOUTHERN OREGON. The stotik in question is complete in every detail, and was purchased In San Fran coat suob low figures that we are able to sell at such rates as to permit as ta 'dsify competition in wholsaale and retail prices. First-class Dry Full Lines of Clothing, Ladies' Dress Fancy Millinery Goods, Hats and Cans. Boots and Shoes Etc WE HAVE COMPLETE LINES OF GROCERIES & CROCKERY Glassware, Tobaoco, Cigars. Wimes and Xalrjuor W Lave ftlso trwytbirifl: U tbe Va of HARDWARE, and oaa vappl laimm vUh PAULO jG LIACHLITEHr Of all kinds tn teopeiv 4owrs, sto oft the shortest aeCes and snost iiswsulili sislui 1 ' . .. " .. . , - - . - the more snd 15 .-g9 tt and -iora- .'.-aie v.iMiirr, ; w.,j fc -4 tt apt. Atsaaist) n. BRECEEURIDGE f MARBLE k TOMBST0NJ5 CTJTTEK. Opposite R. S. a J. C Sheridan's Haity war More, ; ROSEBURG, OREGON. The finest of Vermont and Italian marble always on hand. Orders from nome ana abroad promptly filled. Parties desiring work in Jackson or joseptune counties will find that I can accommodate them with lowest rates. Ii. BKECKENRIDGE. E. M. DAVIS, M. D, PHYSICAfM AND SURGEON. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN S, MARKS A Co's b-ick building, Roaebnrg.Ora gon. Private tnsultation room lot par ttents. Koseburg, Oregon, August 12th, 1880. and are using the "Western" for it the best mill we have tried. We tbe public as the best cleaner iu j S. Marks & Co. W. F. Owens, Agent O. B. A. IL L. Murton, J. C.Floed, J.D. Burnett, by Tom. Ilolrhan is the best II. Conn, Sr. 194w one of these mathrnes will send in though the dilatory action of the Baker, Agent Southern Oregon. J. B. Tipton: F. M. TiptOH i fkTERSorra i SAW MILL. TIPTON BROS., PIW5P8 AT.T. KINDS OP LUMBER. ' Including SUGAR PINE, CKDAR, FIU, PINK AND OAK LUMBER. Always on hand, and orders promptly filled on tbe shortest Bo'.ioe. All kinds ol dressed lumoer constantly on hand. Lum ber furnished at any point in Roseburg wiebout extra chaige. and by application to uift it will bo found that Toy lumb-r is not only the Iwft but the cheapest in tbs market. '1 ry me and see. Address alt letters to TIITON UROTIIKRS. jy3 Paterson's Mills, Or. ROSEBCRO. OREGON. ALL BUSINESS IN MY LINE WILL be promptly attended to, and charges moderate. Can bo found when want inquire for me at Roseburg hotel. ROSEBURG HILLS, PS.0R1F.T0RS The best Flour in the Market. Ths Flour of these m'lls has gained ia popularity until it lias been considered by by purchaser as the best in the market. Orders fro home and abroad filled promptly At dress, ICNE3 a GATES. TAIL DEALERS IN OREGON. ANNOCCNE TO Til bave imported to Rose tPU? on o FTHE Mm ohm The stock comprises Goods, Goods, ear the rallrosJ ierot Env 1 9&rer,3iCxmt adjoinieg the warebowse we lave r law wliics U.-rcsrs wfd Sei a- v' jbki wh r , - 1 i -. . . Sheridan Bros., Kosburg, Qzn They weaM AanoBnce that tbsy bavs jast reosivsd sad sew have oa hand one i.s Largesi" Stoclj' of Hardtraro Everbrongbt to Docglaswaoty.and when added to thsir STOVES OF ALL PA'H TERNS and BE lli TINWARE, they ars prepared to declars tbey bars thU beet supply la their linerof any establishment in Southern Oregon, which they proT can porehase slsswhere. r' ....,.. la the shape of building materials is the way of locks, bntu, etc, we eaa ci snperior induoements to purchasers. Try ns. We eaa give you bargains in tbe following brands of stoves, not equalled e&e ; where Buck's, Bonanza, Farmer. Utility, Dexter, Pacific, Wide West, Clarewio, ' Occident, lro King, Empire City, and other stoves and ranges. Ths best of workmen aro constastlv entDloved tn the manufacture of our TinwlXA. and buyers shonld learn our prices. We have also taragina to offer la guns, as well as ia Shot-guns and Pisto's. We are also Agents for tbe W bite, Peerless and lSew Home Rawing Machine ,v(hka we sell t lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect, . We eaa also supply Averill and Unbbcr Paints, The best la the market, at the lowest rates. 1 ' Oive as a eall, inspect our stock, Inquire as ts oar prises, and w promise to salt svrl any one can. Gen'l Merchandise, INChPDLNO EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF THE LATEST BTYLE. Ca3hiners3 of all Variety ani Shades ca Han . k- ' : AT THE -; IBW YOEE M JOSEPSHON Gentlemen & Boys' 3' H3 JSSV lEBb "SrT - rXE HLP J33 cr c l o Ta fioa BEFORE PUR. BASinq ELSEV lIIBE, i - - BY SO DOING GOOD Ba The Bsfufsr susjal Titsaiiser mt tfee Tit rieSur smi lartlawMtaor eS ICerve autS slnaele. The BsrJMsr aasl sTapsritmr esT Bamla : rowsar, jreuowr Compoonsi Byrnp is eom posed ot lagredlents ientloal wlta those whieh oonstitnte Healthy Blood. sMuscI and Kerre and Brain Substance while Life itself is diectly dependeok tspoa some of them. By its anion with the blood and Its effect upon the muscles, reestablishing the one and toning the other, it is oa pableof effeettng the following results t It wBl displace or wash out tubercu lous matter, and thus cure Consumption By increasing Xerrous and Musculo Vigor, It will sure lyspepsla, feeble or interrupted action ot the Heart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect oased by grief, worry, overtax, or Irregular habits, Bronchitis Aeute o Cbronie, Congestion of the Lungs, even In She most alarming stages. It sores Asthma, Loss of Votes Seoralgia, Bt. Vitas Danoe, EplleptU Fits, Whooping Oooghi Kervousness, and ts a most wonderful adjunet to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphthsf ia. Do ot be deseived by remedies bee. lag e sintUar same : no other prepara tion Is a substitute for this nndsr an? tfronntstaaeea. Look oat for the aame and address X. L rKLLOWS', Bt. John, N.B., on the yellow wrapper la watermark, whieh ts seen by holding the paper before tha fight, if ' Pries, IL80 per Bottle, 6 for tT.tX BoU by aU Irta?nsU. Z. S. Rosenbaum & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF CGAFtS, ANU Dealers in Tobacco, S. E. Cor. Battery yStreets SAXFR.IXCISCO. CAL., Would announce to the trad throughout Southern Oregon that they are prepared to offer superior advantages (n their line, snd would respectfully call attention es pecially not only to "PAT1NIT ZA" Their purely Havana aud Hi cent cigar. but also to tbe following popular brands of wuicn laey are manufacturers t "lilaamond," "Our Charley," "Ornate, "Elaine," "Gnzlej," Champion," V. Buheniian," And whica brands are now ia first-elass demand varywaere. I. 8. Rosea baam t Co, also would have it nndemooi tliat tbey ars willing to and will sell all articles in their line to patrons cheaper than eaa traveling agents ten any firm, and that ail orders sent them will be furnished without delay and in the neat est and most reliable manner. Give as a trial once, and yon will re main our pennant patrons. , J0HIT L. AmSITSB, CAJITOHVILLB, OREGON, BLACK8MITUING k WAGON RE1AIRLNG NEATLY DONE. Heiss shoring a specialty, and satisfac tion gaaiaateed. Terms low for cash or approved credit, and work done when wasted. Those indebted to me are hereby notified that all outstanding debts mast be paid by Jaaaary 1st, 1880 : by so doing all old patrons will do me a favor, and find me able to pal ia a first-lass stock in thaveomtasT Boris g. Tbe stock will t then ; but I wish a settlement with old rtiesds, sad wlta a isll stock be able to seU loots vezk cheaper than ever. JOHN L. AKZXZIL HTJ5T sW.M.ri r. S4-.X-tel, a-j.. . a r " si i Sl The PtwtssOSaw ana PesfteSar t A itaSllMlM, U t-jv: - t ' such as Winchester, Eharp and other RiStSi BHEK1DAN BROS. or- RuaINS CAN BE SEOUEED UHE UMPQUA VALLEY KILLS THE BEST If THE MARKET I Address A. W. STEARNS Canyonville, Oregon. tvp ED. TOLLIS; House, Sign and Carri&ge Graining, Marbling, Kalsominlng and HARDWOOD FINISHER. Paper-hanging and wall-tinting prompt ly attended to at low rates. Orders to b be left at Dr. 8. Hamilton's drugstore. o I, noons, HDsJ3 3Ea.tltlI.r3 H 4 (Late of Salem). ALL WORE carefully per formed, and as reasonable as good wcrk -r . caa be done. Anassthet fiLU c given and iHJkA the .Frees applied for tha painless extraction of teeth Office snd Dental Rooms over Marks s Co.'s Building, Rossburg. ! NOTICE FOR FINAL PROOF. Land Office at Rose b org, tcmber 20ih, 1880. I Oregon, Eepa Notice is hereby given that the fo'low- ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, on Saturday October 23.1 830. at ths la. rut office at Boseburg, vi : Oreu Gilpatrick, Preemption Declaratory Statement No. 3101, for the swntbeast quarter of souths east quarter, section 9, and north half of of the sonlb west quarter and south wes. quarter of southwest quarter, section lOt township 83. south range 5 wsi, and names tbe following as bis witnesses, rixt William Haverlo, James Overstreet, Jobe. Uaight and Frank Martin, all of Ualeov villa, Douglas Connty, Oregon. . W, F. BKNJAiliN, Register. SPANISH MERINO BUCKS jssp-sr ' (; FOB SALE I . gsi" Tbronghbreeds to offer. I will faxgtrt.Lra sen 40 hpanish Merino bucks wnicu Uav been reared on m y lilace. Tlin are superior b nocks and will suit the ideas of every sheep raiser. They will be sold very cheap for cash, and I invite the sheep raisers of Douglas county to inspect them, They will be f..und at my farm, six miles southeast of Roseburg, on tbe Coles valley ro d. j3m2) . H. CONN, TBZ STAK. SALC017 , Jacksou Street. Roseburg, to imrrRONi pros. hereby announce to the pablio that -I have. rfit:d and refuraished this j and shall keep on band fine T7iac3, Licr3 & Ci iaMS WkaS, IRON FCUADRY. : ROSEBURG, OON. I aaivvt Catir 0g of any aise tad Of every descriotion neatly aad promptly eieeoteo. . . . 6riolv: Quarts an3- am rmtmw Made to order. Portable and ftatiogjiry EITG Ude to ord !? aed WAT.r.AJ' 71 t3 - FOnSIiEli "Oas' Uak be .-epo t. tis.c: ?.C".) tr:: ! sr. t-e 1 1 . T - - i A" .1. v Tim