The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, October 30, 1880, Image 1

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SatuNay Mornlnga
W. KELLY, Publisher.
i a
Om Tear......
hi Mouth..
"Independent in all Things; Neutral in Nothing."
2 Z.,i
... l
Ynrao afoalb..
These arc the term for then paying In ad
vance. The iMDKPBitDKiiTofl'Hni fine induce
meoti tu advertisers. Terms reasonable.
VOL. 5.
NO, i
Watchmaker, and Jeweler,
Office ia Dr. FagVs Drug Storef"
Canyonvllle Hotel,
M.M. Canyonville Hotel, I am now prepared to J
Ornish travelers with the boat ol accommodations.
Feed and stabling for stock. D. A. LEVINS.
Ashland Woolen Manufacturing
Manufacturer! and Dealers in
Whits & Colored Blankets
Plata tad Fancy Caanjsaere, Doe It Ins,
Flannels, Ke alo,
Made to Order.
1 ASHLAND, JeVson County. Oregon.
Dealer in
Staple Dry Goods I
Keep constantly on hand a general assort
ment of
: ALSO ;
Crockery and Cordage
A full stock of '
Such a required by the TuUic County Schools
All kinds of STATION BUT, TOTS aiul
To suit both Young and Old.
furnishes Checks on Portland and procures
Drafts on San Francisco.
' ' Neaioat to U. Railroad Depot, Oakland .
Jan. Hahoney, 1?i-oti,.
The finoat of wines, liqaora and cigars in Doaj-
.- . lu county, and the beat
1 the State kept in proper repaln '
farttoi traveling en the railroad wTO find this
plac Tary handy to visit during the stop
: . ping of the train at tha Oak-
. land, Depot. Oira me aeall. mv ;
Hone Made Fmiture.
Upholstery, Spring Mattrasses, Etc.,
Constantly on hand.
rilOUITIIDC I kan the best stock of
I Ulltti I uns. mrnlturesoutb of Portland
And all of lay own manufacture.
No two Prices to Customers
Residents of Douglas county are requested to
give me a call botore purchasing elsewhere.
Richard Thomas, Prop'r.
nrnia hotel has been established
for a nnniber ot yean, and has become very
popuiarHn me traveling public nrst-ciaes
ABd tha table supplied with the best the market
affords. Hotel at the depot of the Railroad.
Fririiiture Store. I
ture Establishment of John Lehnl.crr, is
now prepared to do any wo:k in tho
He is also prepared to furnish
la all style?, of the best manufacttire,and cheaper
. man tne cheapest, liis
Are of superior make, and for low cannot be
equalled in the State. The
Finest of Sprinq Beds
And tha
Most Complete Sofas
Always oa hand. Everything in uie line fur-
iuanea,oi uie Desiqimiity.on theshortesl
notice and at the lowest rates.
And order filled cheaper and better than can
. any other establishment.
Desiring a share of ruibl'c patronage, the un
dersigned promisee to otter extra inducements to
au patrons, uive u e a trial.
that tha undersigned has been
awarded tha contract for keeping the Douglas
daaatr unnara for a iriod of two years. All
this in nimd c-f assistance from said county
aaaat trat nraearea certificate to that affect from
ay nam bar of tha County Board and present it
ftfOSt MUMSUPWIDK www lwiM, " -
ataariaed to and will care for those presenting
aea eartiSeates: Kutton jfermns, itoaeourc u.
Ih Xallogr. Oakland; Mrs. Brown, Looking
Glass. Dr. 'Woodruff ia aathoriaed to furnish
caedieal aid to all parsons in need of the same and
was have kaaa deolarad paupers of Douglas
Caaaty. w. B. CLARK- -
A. Ia JL. o57rElTS
. . ... v - . . "
Xroniptly attended tdand Goods shipped
.with W. ,
Mrees, ; Jlaehliap 7 k lr.o, ,
- . lc-rtlauut. Or 3,
That Boy."
For a good many weeks I suffered from
the want of the right kind of an office
boy. At last I concluded to advertise
for one trustworthy boy; neat, gentle
manly, prompt, and diligent; one who
lived in Brooklyn, so as to take messages
to my house in that city when needed.
So I advertised thus:
"Wanted, in an office in New York, a
boy who lives with hia parents in Brook
lyn; who is prompt, neat, diligent, and
doos not nse tobacco. Address, in hand
writing of applicant, with recommenda
tions "
Now I was certain I should be snited.
Applications poured in by mail. There
were in all about a hundred and fifty
writtsn answers to my advertisement.
Some of them were literary curiosities.
The spelling of some was frightful, and
in a number of instances the penmanship
was enough to make me wish never to
sec the writers. Out of the whole lot I
selected about twenty which teemed
worthy of attention. I felt sorry for the
disappointed boys whom I could not
take,' for all had written as if they were
very anxious to have the place.
Concerning these twenty applicants I
made as thorough inquiry as circum
stances would, warrant, in aovoraL. cases
going in person to their houses to see
what kind of parents they had, how they
had been brought up, and what were
their surroundings. I saw some very
nice boys, and homes which were a credit
to the people that managed them. . I
wanted no profane little ruffian who
would spend his evenings and his earn
ings at the circus or the low theatre. I
had no use for the street boy, who goes
howling through the neighborhood at
night with a gang of disorderly fellow?,
pulling door-bells and smashing ash-
barrels. 1 do not want a boy for a week
or a month, only to discbarge him and
get another for a like term ; but I wanted
one who was worth treating well and
bringing up to business.
- At last I found a boy who seemed to
be exactly what was needed. I accepted
the lad, and he commenced to render
service. . He was tidy, respectful; and
tolerably prompt. He wrote a neat hand,
and desired to giva satisfaction.
Altogether he seemed to be by
far the best boy I had employed. But
perfection does not dwell in small boys
at lour dollars a wees. 1ms boy, like all
others, had his infirmities. True, be did
not smoke, spit, swear, drink wliiskey.or
use rude language. He did not niean to
neglect hia work. Perhaps, he did his
best; but he was needless. If a boy is
told to do a particular thing, it is with a
view of his'doing it. That is what the
boy is for. If it is a matter of uncer
tainty witu me whether lie will do it or
not, 1 can do no better than do it myself
than by telling him to do it. If he would
only say to me, "I will not do that,"
then I should know exactly what to do.
I kept that boy some time. I liked him
so well that I got along with his heedless
streak the best I could. 1 would talk to
him the best I knew how, and tell him
the mischief which would result is he
allowed himself to grow up a heedless
One afternoon a leather satchel was to
be sent to my house, and that boy was to
take it. Often bad he taken packages
there before, sometimes this same pre
cious satchel. lou Know how a busy
man sometimes crowds valuable things
into a satchel of this kind especially if he
be both minister and editor. That day
the satchel was full to the mouth with
editorials, sermons, contributions from
writers, music, memoranda, books, lesson
work, and a little ot almost everything.
Alas ! alas ! My nice boy, who was
neat and tidy, who was prompt and punc
tual, who lived with lug parents, and did
not use tobacco, left that priceless pack'
age on board the ferryboat! He had no
desire that I should suffer loss; no inten
tion of doing wrong. He came to my
house and told me of the loss. He was
sorry and so was I; but neither our sor-
row nor tne advertisement x put into uie
careers ever brouerht the. bag back.
A month or two after I discharged that
boy. he had the assnrance to come to me
asking for a recommendation to the effect
that he was a reliable young person, and
altogether such a one as a man needing
an office bov could desire, V hat could
I do? I did not want to damage the lad's
Drospects: but could I recommend him
as worthv of confidence?
I want every boy who reads this to
bear in mind that whatever other good
traits he mar have, if a fellow is heed
less, and thoughtless, and forgetful, and
careless, he will never get along success
fully. If work is worth doing at all, it
ia worth concentrating the wholo mind
on. The highest type of godliness, as
well aa manliness, may be seen in him
who keeps every faculty of mind and
aoul wide-awake for business. Sunday
School Classmate.
One day recently, as one of our prom
nent business men was about to en to
his favorite resort for dinner, he was
accosted by an individual with a decid
edly careworn expression who begged
that he would assisi mm w
thing to eat. As the man looked like
worthy object of chanty tne gentleman
told lum to go in, and tureoieu tne win
ter to cive him twentv-five cents' worth
of food and charge it to his check. After
finishing his own dinner the gentleman
was proceeding to settle bis check, when,
noticing a numerous look on the waiter's
face, he asked him what the hungry man
had ordered. Th reply was,"Five glasses
of lager."
XMiyelcIan and Huriicon.
Special attention paid to
Operative Surgery and Treatment ef Chronic
Office in 1-ear of drug storo nearly oppo
site Uie postoince.
Office hoars Irons 1 to a eacls arternooa.
Boseburf, Oregon. (Opposite poslcfflce.)
Watches, Clocks & Jewelry. Spectacles
Walches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully
repaired. All work warranted. Genuine
Brazilian Pebble spectacles and eyeglasses
a specialty.
oreiton ana cauroroisi
irotjTt DAYa
Ersry I?y nX T-39 F. xt
YLXaA auiA t"nat:oa at EvoIdj wili Us
aanas thG.Q. K. M.
For fu!l pjrsic"...i end pnwsie apply
O. i. bIEICKLADt-t'
- A Delightful Climate.
CotTNCIL BuFfit Oet. IS. Friday's and
Baturday'a storm was unusual for this
season. Snow fell on Friday night and
melted as it fell. It Las turned cold since
ith a raw northwestern sale, and the
roads are frozen solid and are very rough.
On the Maple valley branch of the North
western snow drifts have blockaded the
trains. Snow is from five to seven feet
deep all along the Sionx City railroad.
From that point to Sioux citv" snow fell
continuously Friday night and Saturday,
melting almost as fust as it fell. Satur
day night a sheet of ice and snow was re
ported three to four inches thick. Trains
from St. Paul and Yankton due here Sat-
rday, have not yet arrived.
An Absurd 8tory.
Denver, Oct. 18. -Advices from Sag-
nacte state that Wm. 11. Peck, a govern
ment scout, gives testimony which goes
to prove that Berry Weaehem, Holmes
and Cline intentionally gave young Jack
son over to the Indians. He says Colonel
Beaumont, who, with his cavalry, were a
short distance from " Cline's ranch, en
route to Garland, offered to protoct the
freighters, bnt Berry and others ordered
him to proceed to Garland. The scout
states he examined the place where the
Indians were supposed to have forcibly
taken Jackson, but found uosigu of a
struggle. .
u naming- tne UDellaK.
New York. October 18. Policemen
now guard the obelisk, serious damage
having been done it by relic hunters
chipping off portions.
Honaoa Missionaries for tnrope.
New York. Oct. 18. Twenty-nine mis
sionaries from Salt Lake Citv arrived
last night. Ttiev sail for Europe Tuesday
Their efforts will be confined to Great
Britain and Scandinavia. They will re
turn in two years.
Another Steamer I,oat.
Chicago. Oct. li). The steam barce
Toader, which plies between Chicago and
MUNEegan and does a lumber uusinets,
and which, according to advices and re
ports of officers of schooners who have
seen her wreckage, has been lost and
gone to pieces on the east shore of Lake
Michigan, was captained by Frank Brown
and manned by a crew of ten. All hands
have probably perished- Sections of the
Toader and of the Alpena washed ashore
at Stony creek, including the Alpena's
wneei, a pimo, rope and -lumber.
The Hew Transcontinental lltir-.
1 he Atchisou.Tooeka & Hunt a Ke li. li.
Co. bus issued a circular to shippers of
California freight announcing that that
road and the Southern Pacific will be
completed and connected about January
1, IbSl, thus opening up a new through
route between the east and San Francmco,
Sacramento, Han Jose, Los Angeles and
Marysvule and all other points in Califor
nia and Arizona. It sets forth that the
new line will offer nnequalled facilities
for doing business such as will warrant
shippers hi delaying any arrangements
for the future until the new route is open
for business, of which due notice will be
Snow ana lee In Sew York.
Poi'ghkeepsie, Oct. 19. No western
passengers passed here since yesterday
morning. Keports from along the rew
York Central show passengers blocked
west of Rochester by suow and ice. They
will reach New York sometime to-dav.
Hlg Defalcation.
CntCAOo. Oct. 10. Dr. Riddle, local
freight agent of the Michigan Southern
railroad, has left town with a shortage in
his accounts of $50,000, which aro switch
ing fees collected but not paid over.
Senator Kdmunds He-Elected.
Montpeueb, Yt Oct. 19. Edmunds
was re-elected United States Senator by
the legislature to-day. The note in the
house stood : Edmonds, 203; Smalley,
democrat, 10; not voting, 18. Kdmunds
had the unanimous vote of the Senate.
Death of a Jurist.
Milwaukee. Oct. 19. Edward G. Bvan.
chief justice of the supremo court of
Wisconsin, died here to-day. He had a
national reputation.
A Child with Two Faeea.
Several days ago a Mexican woman
gave birth lo a child with two faces on
one head. Each face had two eyes, two
nose.s, two mouths, and four ears. Tlie
child fed from both mouths, would take
the breast with one and a bottle with the
other at the same time, and would laugh
witn-one lace and cry with the other at
the same instant. This little curiosity
died yesterday after apparently enjoying
good health for twenty days.
Victoria Closed Out.
Galveston, Oct. 20. A News special El
Paso says: Intelligence reached here to
day that the Indian Chief Victorio has
been killed. Most of his band have been
killed or captured. Gen. Buell, who
crossed the river acting in conjunction
with the Mexican force, was notified ten
days since by Gen. Terespas that further
advance into the interior of Mexico
would be objected to by the Mexican
Government. Gen. Buell immediately
withdrew tothe American side. To-day
Dr. Mayiano Tarraniego, of Bass Del
Norte, received a letter from his brother
at Corriscole whicii s.iys a lieutenant
under Terespas, coming for supplies.
brought news that Gen. TereBpas has de
stroyed nearly all of V ictorio s band, in
cluding himself. The lieutenant Lives
the following particulars: On the after
noon of the 14th the troops overtook, and
surrounded the Indians, the latter being
in position upon two hill known as Los
Custillio. A light took place resulting in
their almost complete annihilation. The
party, consisting of Chief Victorio, al
warriors and 18 women and children were
killed and wounded. Many children
were taken prisoners and 250 head of
horees and mules captured. The Mexican
loss were three killed and three wounded.
showing that the Indians were almost
entirely out ot ammunition, witniu me
past year Victorio and his band have mur
dered upwards of 400 persons,
Au Episcopal Mlealanary Bishop.
New YoEK.Oct. 20. In the Episcopal
Convention the House of Bishops sent a
message to the House of Deputies, ap
pointing Rev. Dr. George M.TJunlap Mis
sionary Bishop to Arizona and New Mex
A 1 neky Earaps.
New Orleans, Oct. 20. J. Oliver
Wrieht. cashier of ex-civil Sheriff Gauth-
ereaux, charged witli emliezzlenient of $3-
000 of city scrip, and or taxes coi
lected for the city by the Sheriff, has been
discharged on the ground that Wright was
only an employe of Uanthrcaux, and in
no way responsible to tne city. ,
rate of a Roitea Vetael.
Chicago, Oct 2J. Special dispatches
from Holland comment on the character
of wreckage of the Alpena which came
ashore there. It is stated tnat there are
in some cases absolute rotten timbers, so
that it is considered remarkable that she
had not gone to pieces before. People
who saw the condition of the timbers that
floated in were highly indignant. It is
claimed in behalf of Goodrich & Co., that
many or the pieces ol wood winch came
ashore were not parts of the Alpena wreck,
Mr. Squire, whose son was lost on the
vessel, has been on shore ever since the
news arrived or her loss, and expresses
belief tbat sfae Alpena and David A. Wells
may have collided, sinking the Weils and
disabling the Alpena so that she was un
able to cope wit h the waves. The Wells
sank off this port.
Probable Vom ot a Schoonvr and Propel
ter ta Lake MtcnLgam.
CincAGO. Oct. 22. The owners and
agents of the propeller Europe are tele
graphing here to get news of that vessel.
She was doe here last Friday, but nothing
has been heard of her. She had the
schooner T. M. Neelon in tow, which is
also mifdng, fihe belong to the Mer
chants line, plying between Montreal end
Chicago. CapkCiilford in master, George
Clifford first mate, Wm, Rea second mats
ar.AJSnhn SffceBginer. She measuwa
tu jtfg'-jw.e daBS A2; value.
- are w oft-wee
ty-five and a number of passengers. The
theory is advanced that the boots and
shoes found on the east shoro was the
cargo of this vessel. She is nearly a week
over due and it is almost incredihlo that
she has neither been seen nor heard from,
as vessels which left port behind her are
safely in harbor:7 .
A Bishop Declined. . .
New York, Oct. 22. Rev. T. Houston
Eccleston, declines the office of mission
ary bishop to Washington territory.
Proaen to Death,
Sleepy Eye, Minn., Oct. 22. A family
of emigrants, consisting of one man and
two women, were found frozen to death
about six miles from Springfield, in this
county, yesterday, from the effects of
camping out in the late storm.
Republican Nomination for Mayor.
New Poitc, Oct. 22.-rThe republican
conference committee to-day nominated
Wm. Dpwd for mayor. He is president
of the clearing house and bank of North
A Family Poisoned.
Cleveland, Get. 21. -Eliza Sadis, a
young colored domestic, poisoned, but not
fatally, three members of the family of
J. J. Cooks, with whom she lives, using
druggists poison paper. The motive is
unknown. She escaped once from cus
tody, but is now in jail.
Fearful Fight With a Bear.
Deadwood, D. T., Oct. 23. Fritz Wolf
ken, while bear hunting with two com
panions, near Spearfish Falls, yesterday,
was attacked by a large cinnamon bear.
His head was nearly torn away from his
shoulder?, both arms were broken, the
lower jaw, nose and one eye completely
torn away before the animal was killed.
Death occured in a few hours,
Prospective Peace Good prospect for the
New York, Oct. 21. The Panama Star
and Herald of October 15th, is just re
ceived. It says a compact has been signed
by Colum bia anil Chile in which it is
agreed to submit to arbitration all ques
tions in dispute petweeu the two repub
lics. Arbitrators are to be chosen by each
party, and in case they do not' agree the
matter is to be referred to the president
of the United States.
M. DeLesseps assures President Cervora
of Panama that within a brief time the
financial questions of the canal will be
arranged and the commencement of the
work will follow immediately.
Chile Names Peace Coniuslwlonera.
New Yohk, Out. 24. Ignacio Garcia,
charge d' atlairs of Peru, announces that
information has been received from Pan
ama, via Kingston, by the Peruvian lega
tion in this city that the Peruvian govern
ment has accepted the mediation of the
United States after being notified that it
had been accepted by Chile, and ha?
named Senor Antoni Aranas, presideut
of the American congress of jurixti and
vice president of the council of state, and
Capt. Aurelia Garcia, of Novi, ex-minister
to Japan, to represent Peru in the Peace
The Ciovcrnment Favorably Impressed
with the N. P. it. Is
Washington, Oct. 25. It Is understood
that in the forthcoming report of the sec
retary of the Interior very favorable al
lusion will be made to the Northern Pa
cific Railroad. Early in the new year it
will be completed to the Yellowstone,
and the company expects that in two
years more it will be entirely finished. It
Is now considered that there will bo no
necessity for any additional legislation by
congress to confirm tne tittle of the com
pany to the lauds granted by its charter.
Secretary Schuri gives it as his opinion
after personal inspection, that the road
will be one of the most profitable in the
A Modern Blue Beard.
Piiilapelphia, Oct. 25. A sensation
has been created here by the discovery
that Mary Ann Conner, who died six
weeks after her marriage, and just after
making her will leaving alt her property,
about ?U000, to her husband, Michael
Conner, was the seventh wife of the man,
his sixth wife having died within a few
months oi his marriage to the woman
who expired last week. It is alleged that
he treated his. wife with brutality, and
that immediately after her death her face
turned blue and her body became swollen.
Hew Railroad War Promised.
Lafayette. Oct. 25. It seems likely
that the Erie and Western Railroads are
not satisfied with the settlement of the
railroad war and to-day make a $3 rate
from Lafayette to St, Liouisand to Kansas
City, Jacksonville, Springfield and other
western points in proportion. Like rates
will be made from principal points on
their lines in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.
fit, JLouls gets Another Count.
St. Lotus. Oct. 25. Prof. CM. Wood.
ward, of Washington University, has been
commissioned as supervisor of census to
re-enumerate the population of thia city,
and will organize a force at once.
Sacramento Dispatches.
Sacramento Oct. 18. The first instance
of a lady being appointed a marshal of a
political procession in California occurred
here to-day. Miss Kate Cross, the daring
horsewoman, was named by Marshal
Bryte as one of his aids in the Republi
can procession of Thursday evening. She
is to command a cavalcade of ladies.
The ra"-oad commission met here Sat
urday, but though the notice was wide
spread, not a solitary person appeared to
loage any complaint against any railroad.
Woman Murdered ia San Francisco,
feAs t uancisco, Oct. si. Last nicht a
man named George Wheeler went to the
city prison and said he had killed his
sister-in-law, Adcle Tillson, at No. 23
Kearny street. Officers went to the place
and found the body of Uie girl packed
away in a trunk. According to Wheeler's
story he had been intimate with Adele
for some time, ins wife knowing their re
lations. The family! had been living in
Cisco, bnt some days ago Wheeler aud
Adele came to San Francisco and took a
room as man and wife. At Cisco Adele
had become acquainted with George W.
Peckham, and they became intimate,
Wheelersays criminally so. rndayA. S.
Peckham followed Adele from Cisco and
took a room in the same house. Wheeler
became jealoun, and savs he made np his
mind rattier than have Adeic leave lam
for Peckham he would kill her. yester
day morning the girl told Wheeler she
was going to leave mm, and lei: the House
to visit a friend. She returned soon after,
however, for her lotlies, and whilo in
the room Wheeler strangled her to death
by placing one hand over her month and
choking her with the other. So quickly
was this done that tuo occupants ol rooms
on either side neither heard or knew any
thing of the anair. He then packed the
bodv in a trunk and shortly after went to
the station house and confessed the deed.
Peckham, the lover of Adele, says he has
beon trying for some time to get Adele
away from Wheeler, and finally she had
agreed to leavo mm,
- Dels; In sjoart A gala.
8ANFRASci30o.Oct.21. To day Captain
Doig, charged with wrecking the Great
Republic, appeared in the L. 8. district
court on a writ of Habeas corpns. asking
for discharge from custody. His counsel
made the point that lie was arrested on
a complaint charging him with commit
ting the i-rime of mansl.tnghler on the
high seas and that ho ought not to be
ent back to Oregon for trial, as the' of
fense was committed outside of the state
of Oregon. The assistant U. S, district
attorney produced a large number of au
thorities tn opposition to tbat point, and
Judge Hoffman took the matter under
advisement. ..' - - .-
One ofThose Heavy Dividends.
San Fkascisco? Oct. 22.-Golden Terra
declares a dividend of 2o cents. ; . ,
;;:ft ,VaHouKews Items.-; '3-:!r-
i Sas Fbascisco Oct 22. Mrs. Ralston
was to-day appointed guardian of her
tureei;iniurenf iy iipe rroosie- court,
place of A. J., ICal.stcjn. ,Th fatter
given Cv.e days
There wei
for falw rf .
four additional complaints was received
foin the new city hall and warrants are
now being made out for the arrests of the
parties. j
According to the returns furnished to
the press by the bullion department of
Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express the receipts
of ttcasure ab San Francisco during the
quarter ending September 30tb, were over
$11,000. i j
- Filet Dolg Discharged. -
San FaiNdaco, Oct. 23. Judge Hoff
man discharged Capt. Thomas Doig from
custody this afternoon on a writ of habeas
corpus. U. S. District Attorney Teare
took an appeal to the U. S. circuit court
lor the purpose, as lie said, of getting the
opinion qf Judge Sawyer to show the
authorities. in Oregon that ho had done
ni8 auty in the premises, although he
believes the' conclusion arrived at hv
Judge llbffman to be correct, judge
Holi man based Ins decision on the fact
that the indictment does not charsre an
offense committed within the jurisdiction
oi tne u. o. aiBtnet court ot Uregon or
any other U, S. district court
. Fiendish Murder.
Los Angeles. Oct. 25. Yesterday a
most fiendish murder was perpetrated in
this city, the victim being a native Cali
fornia boy, aged 9 years. The boy had
been to a store -on an errand, for his
mother and on his return was met by a
man who told him he would find a pack
age of candy on a certain window ledge
that had been placedthere for hi in. The
boy got the package and ate some of the
candy, the remainder of which hia mother
took from him and laid it aside until he
had eaten breakfast The child has
scarcely taken three mouthsfulof coffee
before he complained of a burning sensa
tion in his stomach, and a few minutes
afterwards was seized with spasms. A
physician was sent for who pronounced
the symptoms the same as those produced
by strychnine. The usual remidies were
applied but the boy lingered for an hour
and died in great agony. Joe Woods and
Bill Justice, white men. and a colored
woman, who claims to be WooiIh' wife.
have been arrested on suspicion, the
woman having been heard to threaten
the boy's life.
The Little Board Basted.
San Francisco. Oct. 25 The California
Stock Exchange, better known as the
Little Board, has suspended business
owiug to the depression m the stock busi
Which Is Better Beer or Water I
A man once said to mo. "Do vou be
lieve there is more strength iu a glass of
water than a mug of ale?"
"Stop a bit," I answered; "that is not
a fair comparison. You pay five cents
foryonrmugof ale I get my glass of
water for nothing. Besides when I drink
my glass of water. I am satisfied with it:
but if you drink a glass of ale, directly
you must send down another to keep it
company, suppose now you get a quart
and pay twelve cents for it, and I take
the same amount of money, and pay six
cents for steak, and two cents for bread,
aud two cents for potatoes, and two cents
for apples, and have a glass of fresh
water for nothing. Which is the better?
I eat my dinner and am satisfied with it.
and go back to my work and earn more
money. You go back to the saloon to
get more ale, to spend your money, and
waste your time.
If tha beer drinker will abstain long
enough to get rid of the effects of bis
beer, ho will hud himself able to do
mncli more work than when he drinks.
One of the greatest champions of our
day, when he is training for a contest,
says there is nothing like cold water and
dnmb bells.
There is no greater mistake than to
suppose that beer and spirits strengthen
a man. They only stir him up and use
np his strength. I drovo twenty-four
miles the other day. When I got within
a mile or so of home my horse fagged. I
gave him a sharp cut with my whip and
he went faster, but I did not say "I've
strengthened my horse!" If that's the
way to strengthen him, why not let him
live on whip-cord ? Alcohol is a whip
to him that drinks it. and he is a great
fool that whips himself.
Home years ago two men took an early
start and walked over to a neighboring
town twenty miles away. Having
done their business they walked about to
seo the place, and met a fellow-townsman,
who proposed to return with them.
and invited them into a beer-shop for a
strengthening drink. "Ao, said they,
we are teetotalers, and we have had our
lunch. "But he could not go without a
priming of ale. At last they were off,
and for a while tlioy all kept even step,
till after some miles the beer man began
to lag behind, and. at the half-way
house he must have a bracer. After
three miles more he wanted another, and
this time it was whisky. Finally at fif
teen miles, he gave out entirely and
stopped for the night, where he was laid
up for a day or two; while they walked
on home and the next day were fresh for
busines. -
Oh, no, friends, all nature works on
water, and we believe that God meant
that man should do the same.
Take the water, friends, and all the
good things that go with it. God's bles
sing is in it.
. Oulda.
Oiive Logan says, in the Philadelphia
Times, writing from London: Ouida has
been in town, at the Langham Hotel,
and her solicitors have called upon Mr.
Labonchera, of Truth, to demand a re
traction of the statement he allowed to
be printed, to the effect that tho cele
brated novelist was in her forties, had
yellow hair and dressed in odd taste. If
this statement be "Hat burglary it must
be so, I fancy, only by that singular
legal quibble which has it that "the
greater the truth the greater the libel.
So, too, is Mr. Labouchere's statement
that "Moths" is "a most nasty book.
Most nasty is not a whit too strong to
express the moral disgustingness of
tho-w Moths. I always disliked insect
moths troublesome things, fretting
ones garments, getting their foolish
wings singed but human ones are
worse, it appears. I, was surprised this
summer during my -visit to America to
see young girls reading "Moths' and
others of Ouida s recent novels. By
English mothers Ouida's writings have
long been placed in an Index Expurga
torius, and for an unmarried girl here to
do seen reading Ouida would be thought
to indicate a looseness in the matter of
parental rearing which not only elderly
people, but young marriageable men,
would disapprove. hatever thoir liter
ary merit, there ia but one mot d'ordre
for decent young girls concerning the
perusal of Ouida, Zola and Belot; Cent
afenuu! , ,
Quite a number of darkies, young and
old, were fishing down on Kunn's wharf
yesterday, when a boy of about twelve
fell off and would have met with a wa
tery grave had it not been for the energy
and presence ot mind of old Uncle Mose,
After the boy was safely landed a bye-
stander took occasion to praise old Juose
for the heroism he had displayed. "Is
the boy your oaT asked the sympa
thetio spectator. "No, boss, but he
mont jesa as well a been. He had all de
bait in his pocket." .
It is a huniU'ating confession, but
Miss Xeilao tell us last year
that she V ear-Admiral Carr
Glynu. J 1 perusal of other
papers; I .he imparted tho
secret 0 . Jig matrimony, to
tn" 4eariy every prom
onntry; and why
'left out it is hard
' the ther
Rocked In the cradle of the ocean.
By the ceaseless tkle of bine.
Sen moss folded close around her
Keeps berXrom her loved ones' vie w.
Silently I watch tha billows,
Eva's fata too well is known,
Resting neatb tbe ocean's water,
bUe Is sleeping all alone.
No green grave marks ber resting place,
No flower, tree, no stone.
Beneath the ocean's mighty waves
Hhe sleeps, and sleeps alone.
Ocean's treasures all aronnd thee,
6ea shells, corals, pearls are thine; -
Sleep on, darling, aleep forever.
Till tbe changing oomes with lime.
or we know thy splilt Hveth
In the world beyond the skies.
Ocean holds Uy toulless body.
To Heaven alone thy spirit Hies.
So. I'll wait and watch the summons
That to all is ture to come;
Yon my beacon light to steer by,
Yon to welcome -Little One."
Yon have sailed the river over,
1 have "passed beneath t lie rod;"
You In heaven safely landed.
1 have "heard tbe voice ol Uod."
In June 18G0 the brig Tolly Deems.
Captain Job Parson, sailed from Boston
for a port of Turkey, laden with cotton
goods. he was a new, taut little vessel.
with plenty of storage room, aud had ac
commodations for two passengers.
The crew consisted of the captain, one
mate, four sailors, a black cook and a
cabin boy.
' Captain Payson was a conscientious,
just man, who treated his crew neither to
jokes nor grog, but who lodged and fed
them better than did hve out of six of the
masters sailing from New England ports
thosa days.
"Old Job." the. mate, who was from
the West, used to say "he was a hard
man, but .'one you could tie to in fair
weather or in foul."
His crew were picked men. and with
the exception of Dan. the cabin boy. had
leen with-him for years. This was Dan's
first voyage, and he felt that captain and
crew both eyed him with suspicion. He
was on probation, and he lelt that not a
grain of favor would be allowed him in
any error.
Dan was a farm boy, aud knew nothing
of the world beyond the village in which
was his mother's church.
'Keep your eyes open and yonr hands
ready to see the work of tho moment.
and to do it before the moment is over,".
was his mother's last advice. "For the
rest, Daniel, ask the Lord's help. You'll
find him jnst as near you in Turkey as in
your own home.'
Dan, in the hurry and excitement of
getting under way, aud of his new duties
repeated this advico over and over to
himself. It seemed to keep his mother
near him.
Several days out while he was carrying
the dinner dishes into the cabin he
heard the mate say:
"That boy is clipper enough for a raw
hand, captain."
'Aye," said Captain Payson, turns out
better than I expected. I took him for
his mother s sake. V idow. ' Old friend
of mine."
"ltathcr gentlemanly fellow, this pas
senger, ventured the mate, finding the
Captajn in an unusually talkative mood,
He is a gentleman, sir; one of the
Farnalls, of Springfield. Ill health.
Doctor prescribed a long sea voyage for
him. A gentleman and a scholar, Mr.
Dan, while waiting on the table at din
ner, could not help noticing the passen
homo of these days." thought the
true born Yankee lad, "I, too, shall be a
gentleman and a scholar."
Doctor -fr arnalls was a tall, lean man,
carefully dressed, with sandy hair and
mustache, but with eyebrows and lashes
almost white. His eyes, too, were large
and pale. They never met the eyes of
any other man fairly. Once when Dan
happened to look at him he turned quick
ly away, and he glanced suspiciously and
furtively at the boy at times during the
restot the meal.
"Don't like him," thought Dan. "He
looks sneaky and tricky and not like a
But Dan, of course, kopt his opinion
to himself.
Fortunately the lad was not sea-sick.
He learned his new duties quickly; was
alert, neat, and always good-natured. In
course of one week Captain Payson had
twice grunted approval.
Dan worked harder than ever, and be
tween times, when the passenger was on
deck, watched him.
Doctr i arnall talked fluently and bril
liantly, as even Dan's uncultured view
could perceive.
But there were days when the doctor
was absolutely silent, ate nothing and
paced the deck wrapped in profound si
On one of these days, going down just
at twilight to gel something he had left
in his bunk, Dan saw a tall bgnre which he
did not recognize, with a candle groop-
ng about among the chests of the sailors
"Who's there V( he shouted.
The man came quickly toward him.
The candle threw a yellow glare over his
set face and glaring eyes, it was the pas
senger. He caught Dan by the sloivo.
"Here, boy what do they call you ?"
"You are surprised to see me here.
Dan ?" with a guilty laugh. "Took me
for a ghost?"
1 beg your pardon, air; 1 oughtn t to
have called you. But it took me, aback,
sir." '
'Naturally; bnt you need not be sur
prised at seeing me in any part of the
vessel. I am studying its construction
as a scientific man. Captasn Payson has
been good enough to give me admittance
to all parts of the vessel, ion needn t
shout that way again. It startles a nerv
ous man," and with a vague smile he put
out the candle and went on deck, leaving
Dan staring after him. -
"It's not all right, or why should he,
being a gentleman, make such a long ex
planation to me, being a cabin boy," said
That night Captain Payson was alone
on the quarter-deck, when Dan presented
himself before bim and saluted. His
voice shook a little for he was terribly
"Old Sob" was a bigger man in his
eyes than any king.
. well, wnat s me matter wiui you r
growled the captain.
"The passenger. :
"What have you to do with the passen
"I beg your pardon, sir; but aro yon
sure he isn't a thief, or worse ?" gasped
Dan. . - .
The captain seized the rope's end.
"Take that for your impudence,' ha
shouted, aiming a blow at Dan, who
dodged it, and then blurted out the en
tire story. " '"'y-
" Searching among the bunks? Doctor
Farnelir muttered the captain in aston
ishment, dropping his weapon. Then he
walked thoughtfully np and down. Sad
denly he stopped before Dan. :
"ft is well yon came to me and nobody
else, he said. " it s or no account Doc
tor Farnell is an eccentric man. If he
wishes to examine the ship in any part he
is not to be watched or. spied upon. : So
keep your eyes open to yourself aud yonr
tongue, too."
Dan crept off to his work foelinar as if
he bad had a sound drubbings Tears of
rage and mortification stood ia iltt h-A'
eyes. .
but they won't do on shipboard," he
muttered. "But there's something that
needs watching in the man, and I'll watch
Nothing of moment happened, how
ever, for a week. Then Dan observed
that the passenger's days of depression
and fasting grew more frequent. There
were whole nights when he paced the
deck until morning.
Tho crew joked together about him.
One declared he was a , murderer; an
other that he he had escaped from a lu
natic asylum; but the common opinion
was that he had run away from a termag
nant wife.
"D'ye ye mind," said Irish Jem, how
he eyes every ship we hail as though she
might be aboard ?"
Dan never joined in the gossip below
decks about the mystery. '
One day an incident occurred which
strengthened his suspicion. -
Just before nightfall, when passing the
after hatchway, in the covering of which
was a slide that could be opened and
closed at will, Dan met Dr. Farnell com
ing up, covered with dirt and dust.
There was an unsteady glare in his eyes.
Ho seized Dan by the shoulders.
"Do you know where I have been ?" he
said, hoarsely. ,
"In the lower hold, sir, among the
"What d'ye think is down there, boy
for you and all of us ? Death I Death 1
but tell nobody nobody " He drop
ped his hold and staggered on.
"Mad as a March hare!" muttered
But half an hour later Dr. Farnell was
seated at- the supper-table, gay, self-possessed,
keeping tho captain in a roar with
his good stories.
About the middle of the second watch
that night, Dan turned out of his bunk.
The boy was really too anxious to sleep.
"Death in the hold, eh ? Death in the
hold ?" he repeated to himself.
He did not dare go to the captain or
crew with his story. Yet he was sure
some peril was at hand. He sat shiver
ing for awhile, then pulled on his clothes.
"If Death's in the' hold, I'll find him,"
he said.
He groped his way to the after hatch
way unquestioned; for the mate who had
charge of the deck was reclining list
lessly against the rail further aft, where
the hatchway was hid from view by the
The slide was open.
His heart beat quick with excitement,
bnt noiseless aa a cat. Dan. creot down
.to the lower deck and groped for the
hatchway that opened into the lower
He was so certain that danger was
afoot that he was not startled when he
saw a faint, reddish light, and found the
lower hatchway open.
The hold was not so closely stowed but
what one could move about- it quite
freely, and on lowering himself care
fully, Dan saw the light come from a
lantern, and that it cast a glare directly
upon the face of the passenger, who was
kneeling and working at something upon
the floor.
"So that is the way Death looks, hey ?"
thought Dan. "He couldn't well look
worse," and he eyed the haggard, ghastly
"What grating noise is that?'' he asked
himself; and in the same instant he
sprang forward with a cry of horror.
The passenger had an augur in his
hands, and a saw lay beside him.
He had bored a hold through the side
of the vessel, below the water line, and
the water-was already coming through.
The boy clutched iarneil, and shook
him like a wild beast. "You are sink
ing," he said. "Help ! hel!"
The madman turned upon him, and
nodded. -
"Yes, we'll all go down together. Don't
make that outcry. Nobody can hear
yon.". . . .. . - . . .
He had caught the boy s wrist, and
held him with the unnatural strength of
the insane. .
Nobody could hear him. Dan remem
bered that, and became suddenly silent.
Horror and fear only made thought more
Death was just at hand. There was no
body to drive it back but himself,and he
was in this mad man's hold.
He stared into the fierce glassy eyes
with an agony of hesitation.
Farnell laughed back at him.
"I thought of burning, but this is the
quietest. I want to go calmly into the
great hereafter. We shall go together in
a few minutes," glancing at the stream
of water gushing out of the opening.
Oh, mother, motherl ' cried the shiv
ering boy.
"We 11 all go together. Kings among
the ancients went across the river Styx
attended by the slain on their burial, I
will bo followed by the Yankee Captain
and his crew.
A sudden flash lighted Dan's eyes.
"Not by the Captain," he said.
His own voice startled him, it was ho
calm, and in a tone so very different
from any in which he had ever spoken
"The Captain and Mr. Briggs will es
cape!" he cried.
"Why. what do you mean t cried
Farnell "Escape I How can they es
cape?" "Because they are not in the hold.
They will take to the boats."
"1 never thought oi tue Doats. '
Dan felt a chill run over him. He
tried hard to speak, but his voice failed
him. He had but one chance, and he
must try it. :
'I will go and bring the Captain and
Mr. Briggs down, if yon like. Then they
can't get away."
'Ha, hal Pretty good toke. Well, go
bring them, and be quick I" loosening
his hold, and pushing Dan away. ;
Dan walked slowly to the ladder, then
he made one wild spring up.
"To the hold! To the hold! A leakr he
shrieked and fell to the deck. ...
Within another hour, the mad man
was in irons, the leak had been stopped,
and the water was pumped out of the
hold. The danger was past, and all snug
and taut. "
The crew made a hero of Dan. Even
Captain Payson spoke out his heavy
praise. ;
'The lad saw what was to be done and
did it. He had courage, and what is
better, good sense. Who taught you to
use your wits, my boy?"
"Aly mother, sir, said Dan.
It is well known that fluoric acid will
dissolve glass and the practical execution
of etching designs on glass may be done
as ioiiows: The article must nrst receive
the drowing by band, stamp or by trans
fer, using as a material an oily lac mixed
with a little paint, so as to show on the
glass, This done, dust over it a powder
made of metal, copal, or any substance
capable of resisting tbe acid. When
dry dip the glass with the drawing on it
in nuonc acid, or paint it on, allow it to
remain a few seconds, or until the pow
der begins to come off. Then rinse and
clean with water, and your worx is com
"I now have something for a rainy
day," said old Mr. McSnifkin, the
other evening as he entered the room
and greeted his family. "A windfall, a
windfall!" screamed Mrs. McSnifkin, in
an ecstacy of mental paralysis. - "No,
no." he responded quietly, as he drew
bis slippers from under the sofa; "it's an
umbrella." !rs. S. told him he was a
real steaa old tiiisar.
. .1
i c
1 .
ajuax HiasELF fcrri:. r. ;
"I made up my mind," sail t' o re
porter, "that if the ghost ever e. ; 1
in my bedroom again I would ovcrcca s
my fears and speak to it, instead ol iurj -ing
my head under the covers, as I C 1 1
the first time. Well, sir, sure enot :i,
the next night, exactly at eleven, I l;c , r I
a iamt noise by tho bed, and 1 i l
around. There sat the specter in a i- u a ai ,
I sat right up and said, with some txiu .
ness, although my voice trembled ;
"Who are you?"
"I am nobody in particular now." saL I
the ghost, "but I was Adam."
"Adam who?
"Had no family name. There was bu ;
one family of ns, and they all knew me.
I was the first man, yon know. You
must have heard of me."
"Yes, indeed," said the reporter.
"I'm sorry I can't shake hands." salit
Uie ghoBt, "but you might as well try t
shake hands with a fog bank as with me.
It's not sociable, I know, but I can't hah i
"Oh. never mind." said the reporter.
"I'm glad to see you all the same."
"lour name is Johnson, ami ltj
asked the specter. '
"Ao, my came is Jackson," replied thv
"Pshaw J said the ghost, "I was look
ing for a man named Johnson, but laj
eyesight is so bad that I couldn't read
your doorplate distinctly. The worst x
it is too, I can't wear spectacles; notliir g
is substantial enough to hitch them to.
I wish some of you people would invent
an eyeglass that can be worn by near
sighted ghosts, ion would confer ala
nine benefaction on the folks in the other
"What was your business with John
son? Perhaps I can "
"Well, in the first place, X understand
that he is one of a committee appointed
to get up a statue of me for the city oi
Elmira. I have been in to Bee that
statue, and I want to ask Johnson where
he got the idea that I used to wear a straw
hat and side whiskers. I want to know,
also, what authority he has for giving
me a Roman nose."
"Hadn't you one of that kind?"
''Why. man, the Romans hadn't intro
duced that variety of nose in my time 1
And Johnson has had me represented
with a huge serpent lying at my leet.
Now, what was the use of bringing up
painful reminiscences of that kind?
Why not let the matter drop ? Hanged
if I like it !"
"It's an outrage 1"
"Between ourselves," said the specter.
locking hia misty fingers over his knee,
1 don t think much or the stutue busi
ness, anyhow. Do you know what they
did? Too stingy to make a fresh piece
of sculpture out of a piece of marble,
they bought np a second-hand statue of
Benjamin Franklin at auction, and hired
a man to work it over into me. Doesn't
look a particle like me 1 - And, anyhow.
Franklin was no kind of a man to make
me out of. Greenbacker or something.
wasn't he?" v.-:
"We consider him quite respectable?"
"Another thing I want with Johnson
is to see if I can't make arrangements
with some reliable spiritualistic medium.
I have been crowded-out in the cold tor j
about 4,000 years, and no chance to par- j
bcipate in anything. Now, I am the ;
nian that started this woild. I gave it a
send-oll, and it really does seem hard
that I can't even express my views in a
newspaper, or defend myself from this
calumny, just because I happened to be ;
dead; now, doesn't it?"
"Very hard, but we didn t think you
took any interest in such things." j
"Certainly. I often feel as though I d
like to express an opinion about the
tariff, or the elections, or the buzzard ;
dollar, or popular education," or some-
thing of that kind; and then, of course,1
Eve wants to hear everything about the
fashions. I wish there was some way
for a ghost to save a little money, so that :
I could subscribe for a fashion journal
or two, just to quiet her. Do you know ;
of anything I could get at?" ":..';.
"How would it do to make aa engage
ment at the theater to appear aa the
ghost of Hamlet's father or the ghost of
Banquo?" i -
"It doesn t strike me very favorably.
It might be considered rather undigni
fled in the father of the race to be hang
ing around among scenes, shifters and
tiddlers: besides, they have too mucn
light on the stage for me; I can't get into
shape unless there is absolute darkness.
And then, you know, I'd be exposed to
insult. When we hear a cock crow we
are obliged to flit. Now, suppose, right
in the middle of a performance, some
miserable boy should crow. Even if I
knew it was a false alarm I should be so
unnerved that I couldn't go on; but most
likely I'd vanish as soon as I heard it
just from force of habit No, the propo
sition doesn't strike me. Seems unfair,
though, doean.t it, that a man who owned
the entire earth can't call a dollar his
own?" -.r:v, -.
"If a small loan will be of any service
to you, I will gladly" said tbe re
porter. ' -
"You're mighty kind; but Here, you
see, we encounter another diuicuity.
Where m X going to put a dollar when I
get it? I haven't a pocket about me
that'll hold a cent. Yonng man, a ghost
has no chance at all. Keep out of the
business as long aa you can."
The reporter said he should.
"And now I really must be going. The
sun rises so disgustingly early this time
of the year. I think I shall go around
to-morrow night and haunt Johnson, if I
can find him. If you. should happen to
see him I wish you'd mention it to him,
so as to prepare his mind. . People are
always scary at first with us. -eneet
nonsense, tool That is all I am. Put
your hand out and feel me. Don't you
see? You can stii all around inside of
me, just as if I wasn't there.
"Wonderful!" said the reporter, "very
wonderful. I never believed in ghosts
before. The oddest thing is that you.
who lived so long, should take an inter-
WOW au iUUUClal trtUMWWt
.... . . it . . .
"But 1 do, though, saia tue specter.
"Perhaps vou will be willing to tell
me if you. are ia favor of Hancock or of
Gar-" -VCX:-.-:
Just at this juncture, tbe reporter said,
a cock crew in the yard below, aud the
ghost Adam vanished, xt was most un
fortunate, too. for his political opinions
would have been mtereatiDg.--ftMax
Not long ago. in the Court of Appeals,
an Irish lawyer, while arguing the
earnestness of his cause, stated a point
which the Court ruled out. "WeU,
said the attorney, "if it plaze the coort:
if I am wrong in this, I have another,
point that is equally as conclusive." J
: 'Ta," said a little boy, who was look ,
ing at pictures of strange creatures, "an i
auk is a bird which cne would be apt t ?
shnn, isn't it ?" "I suppose so,'" trai
quilly answered the father. "And if ai j'
one should shun an auk, then t ciat won
be an auk-shun, wouldn't it?"
A man out Weet cU
from hia wife, and m-.rr
three days after the u-:--An
Irishmen ecn-.nv-'
action, Toa: S 1 "7
have macU r- -p'vl i r
be r .i.-ry'.i' , f
A F.. - ' t'
Col."". ? . i
1 .-,!
9 ilivfi
- .1 with,
- wi:
t'.'ij llulott
I a k;2 r, TOf -
' "Tbe M4 ':j
Le c.:.ce l-o
-.. "liiasttiiai I :
ger, mpnin.?. r
tmd of L is f
e tl;e 1 ead.;
f- -low thai yi
fan J responsi
aUmt t).a Cat .
d.-y'i Fost.
Through th
office came ai -though
a terri i.
hole, followe
have been cut '
"E4!i out, j,
"GoldtfBi -
!ar party, much arteo
purpose to battel
club "
He will be sorr ' i
said the office l ,
your paper loft re J
"Paper be eve
blanknaiion," tu
"Mv sister is the
"The Oaetfn of wha '
"Of tkche., idiot;
"Once more for t2n , v bov, leacing forwi
"Why, tbe Queen of
Carnival, I mean, Eb
home from the matinee . ?
lord ay in a hack and fits,
did i," and the aggr
hauled out a marked copy ot
family journal (only fifteen ft
by carrier) , an! pointed to tl
We would Tathcr find s
dollar bill, lost by a poor win
erwoman, than say snytiiiTig
personal in this article, bu'
same, we mean to overhaul f
tory the first chance we get
tain whether there is definite ,
authority for supposing tbat t
of Sbeba had access to unliras
tities of Limbiirper chesse. U
Cad that fact fully sabsUm
shall be reluctantly forced to (
the counterfeit preseutaert
nnlAn.lA n ti &Twl 1.
be an atmospheric fraud and I
gested the ofSie boy. i
"Mistake be llowed,"aai"I tlie
brother, branc hing his
treme uiac-T-' m jf the csuhiti"
an -infernal, miSKiside lie. ?'
never eats cheese, and, be
chews cardamoa seeds s -Never
ate Limburger in her
"I de," . said the offiea '
"So I see," said the ontif
end of his club. "The Bu
that cowardly slander, Ijnstwi .
that wood pile and picked out
tiest stick I could find, and J '"
it down at this end tor,v
When willjtbe 0"""
wait for himf " "
A couple i ,
within. f.
"He'll be ?
boy. The 1
vigorously. :J
I mean
youth, hast .
ranch some --
one for n s
gets back t i
Just m
tered the a
who vofiu
him for a few minufe v
Bat there was nobot
the time. f
"All right." said th
the Scriptural ruler. ut
have a lot of basebal I '
to this club, and if t
ditional retraction s
paper I will drop ii
uonal, mind I and a
ing a newsboy off
shouldered his redwt 4
As he dixapneere.
Montgomery tha pit
from beneath a table
intelligent office boy t
hia salary two dollars
How marvelous! y caret
a new garment. When
is at great pains to hang "
tirely by itself, and woe
bangs another article
end of a week the same g
picked from the floors
times a day, his wife bp
"Yes," said the witr
the defendant's moth '
caaion referred to. g
her left eye the y . , -
the tears were ny
cheek." "Whatr
"howiSrttld Ui
honor," said tk !
fully cross-eyed." .
The Philosopl ,
is to hold an exh"
on a large scale if
intended also to a -same
time of the .
illustrate the pro
lighting, iu telepi
in the i&anufactar ''
water measuremen
hydraulic engines,, -lation,
etc. V
Sandstone, marb .
their essential difft i
tion. No architect e
larly than did n&tvtt
even the smallest I ' '
animals grow by
meets, increased by
chemical changes
equally perfect in t
and enlarged euHy by
test and " -
. It may bo safely
have been mistaken
physiolofrirtal reft co,
and that repair go
eence. Nutrition
pair is tlie coiscoa
Appetite ia one thing
pest food aaoiler,
ravenous, and consur
ot material
nutriment, but be un - '- ,
the Supply fnioichaA
tatv- .