i : - . (- Society ZXeetingg. tTMPQUA CUAPTEB NO. 11, B A. M., hold regular communica tions avert trst and tbiid Tuesday f each month Ail members in good landing will take doe and timely notice id govern themeelv8 accordingly. Visit kg companions are Invited to meet will) fee Chapter when convenient. W. t FlKOLaUDB; Sec'y. L A LAUREL LODGE A. F and A. M l f holds regular meetings on Vednes r day oh or belore each full moon. if. C. F17LLEHTON, W. M. R, KEWCOMB, Secy. PHILETA R IAN it 3 ' a i . . f f. meets oni Saturday evening, of each week at 7 o'clock, in their hall at Rose eurg. Members of the order in good stand -jg are invited to attend. By order of the A UXIOX ECNAMPMENT.No. 9, L O. O meets at Odd Fellows' Hall on the 1st . and 3d Fridays of every month. Visiting .Brethren invited to attend , JOHN NICHLE9, C P. E. Q. HcH. Scribe . TJMPQTJA GRANGE, NO. . 28. P; of II- will meet hereafter on the 1st Satur- ol each month, at Orange Hall, in Rose hiirtr. All meambera in good standing are cordially invited to a. tend: i ! GEO JONES, M. J. P; DtJSCAM. Secretary. P. O. Direetorv. Onad after June 10th, 1880, the mails ' for the acntb, lnclnding California, Nevad and eastern States. will close at 7 o'clock T. M., sharp, i The mails for the north will close at 8:48 p. M.I i The mails tor Cods and Curry counties will close each day, Saturdays excepted at 8:45 P. it. j Mail lor Oak oreek., Mount Scott and Patterson's mill will close Friday evening at 9 o'clock p. M. j Mails from south arrives at 4.45 A M. osiy. i . Mails rrom the north daily, Sundays excepted at 7:15 P. M. From Coos and Curry counties st 12 M., daily, Monday excepted. From Patterson's mill Saturday at 6:39 Pi M. Mobday order business transacted each day, Sundays excepted, from 8 o'clock a. M. to 5 o'clock p. M. Valuab'e letters and parcels registered to all parts of th world H. C. Stanton P. M. SATURDAY .OCTOBER 10, 1880 i- ... - - -... Ik. . , - -re- SOUTHERN OREGON NOTES. f Mrs. J. i. Conasiock is in the city, a guest of Mrs. Judge Watson. The tarns foxes about town are play ing sad havoo with the tame chickens. The "Boy Orator" made a speech at -the court house Saturday evening to a large audience, j J. C Tjiam departed this life at Can yon vUle October 4th. He had been ill only twoj or three ;days. S. Marks 4 Co. this week purchased ef Mr. Jesse N. Barker 1,321 acres of land, paying theiffor fS.OOJ. Mrs. Isaac Jones has a shell moni tnent for raffle at the saloon of Mr. O. C Perkins. It is a handsome piece of work. Chances only 50 cents, Mr. E. A. Chase informs us that the "blower for the furnace in the New Idran Mine has arrived at Ookland, and that work on the mine will commence next Monday. Janes Pool has not yet been arrest ed. He is hiding, hut Deputy Sheriff """"Bspckway Is certaiu he cannot escape cafture. Pool had better come in and atandTIHa trial; $ Langenberg Bros, are selling out their prtent stock of boots and shoes at cost preparatory to receiving an ex tra stock for the holidays. The new stock will arrive to-day and Monday. Mr. Alf. Slocura has made arrange ments with Frank Bros, for another year, and dsires that all opeu accounts will be settled at once. Mr. Slocnm will remove his store-room to opposite . . 'Flood Co. in a short time. 4 Mr. Geo. A. Beath has made an as signment of his property to his credit ors, and T. S. Boadman, Esq., has "been appointed assignee. In a few days the saloon will be opened with Mr. Ad. Harmon as proprietor. Mr. L. C. Whselsr, of the Arm of Abraham, "Wheel r 4 Co., was mar ried to Miss Emma Chapman, of Wil bur, on the 8fh inst. We certainly wish the happy couple all happiness, future prosperity and nothing more than little troubles, with dark eurls. The news from Ohio and Indiana is that Indiana gives 10,000 republican majority, elects 8 out of 13 republicans to congress, and gives a large majority to the republicans in the State legisla ture. Ohio gives from 25.000 to 30,000 republican majority. It is not no aimcuit to select democrats from re publicans wlieir faces tell the story, at uasiana several refused to sign the "request" to the senators and rep resentatives from this county. .We found them to belong to those who are determined to incorporate that town whether the people wish i t or not. And they said tbey .were determined to learn the railroad company a lesson. Out updnsu h nonsense 1 Infighting the railroad company they fight the best friaud that Southern Oregon ever had. ; It is bad policy to cut one's none off to spite one's face, and now that the biUj has been defeated without their help, how do the one or two who have kept thei t names off the list feel siooo. their action in the premises has amounted to no more than an ill . mannered puff of wind? CALAPOOIA. David Hurst has rented his farm and stock ranch for a term of yenrt to Howard Martin for the consideration of 700 per year. , Chaa. wihocRs' mother, who has been visiting her son here for some weeks past) takes her departure for Wisconsin, iher home, in a few days. Prof. Hutchinson is preparing for an j exhibition the close of his school ( m-htch Axnirfag Fridav. November fil.h "' Ajl invitation is extended to all ? x .- L i. - i . J a n Honry Davis, Will Johnson and Mike Downing started for the Palouse country last Monday with the inten tion of atrikl ng better diggings. May you be crowned with success, .boys, is our wish. - J4ha T. Daniel, Esq., and family bade farewell to their many friends, and took their departure for the Pal ouse country the other day, there to take land and build and dig out a re eeptable home. Mr. D. for several years has been engageu in tne larming business here, but bad luck and failure of crops forced him to abandon tja desire of making farming a suc cessful oocapation, and hereafter he wm rive nis undivided attention to te laJalug cf fine atock la the horse catt'ie, abeep aaa iwiue une. 95 LEGI3LATITB AND OTfiZS NOTES. Powsll's "Instlteota" have coat the State a targe sum of money daring his term of office, and the people will Bet need bis seirvloes hereafter. Several members of the Legislature, who seem to have been sent oat of a kind of Joke, will hardly ever warm another legislative chair. The sover eign pi ople are looking after their In1 terests and will continue to improve on the class ef material they employ, The htate University is being ran at an enormous ezpenae for "salaries" as shown by report presented at this session. Reform will be demanded In a short time, in that direction. . The schools for the Mutes and Blind are supposed to be the property of a certain Salem Church and large appro priations are aaked for toy a certain clergyman who hope to be able to ''absorb1' the lion's share of the amount Vigilant eyee are watching bin and appropriations, if any are made at all, will be so light, that he will find it more profitable canvassing for yellow legged Jchlckens among his parish ionen. The angelic presence of Hen. Owens makes all who fear corruption in a legislative body, breath easy. The titles to swamp land which he pro poses to carry to Europe, are not yet complete, but hie bill la "grinding." A splendid suit, consisting of knee- breeches, black silk stockings, silvar buckled shoes, claw-hammer coat and white vest, is in course of construction, and as an American nobleman he pro poses to occupy said auit when visit ing the court or et. James. He goes with Col. Hogg and Wm, Beid to en rich European capitalists. Inexcusable extravagance on the part of a preacher by the name of Knight will likely prevent any ap propriation for Mute and Blind schools. Both have been run for several years for the purpose of sustaining a Salem Church, as the records show. The members see it, and will discontinue. The session grinds slowly, bat there will be enough legislation before the close. It ia safe to say that fourfifths of the new laws proposed would work an Injury if passed, and it ia under the workings of that gieat law of com pensation, that most bills will fail to reach the statu tee. Col. Hogg is fighting to secure the privilege of running hid cars over the tiack of the O. & C. R. R. when he has neither truck or cars. He wanta a certified copy of the bill in his claw hammer coat when he meetshis friends again in England, where his land grant is uiider a mortgage and on Uie mar ket for sale. FATAL SHOOTING. AFFBAVj James McNeil Shot by Jamea Pool And Dies From the Wound. Fool s Arrest Ordered by the Sheriff. Jatnts McNeil was shot Lby Jamea Pool on Elk creek last Saturday, and died the next morning from the ef fects of the wound iufiicied. McNeil was an aged man while Pool ia only 19 years of age. The circumstances of the shooting as near us wecan learn them are same- thing like this: UcNell and Pool had a quarrel, wuicn resulted in a usticun. McNeil would have whipped Pool quite severely; but after he had pum mel IvJ the boy sufficiently, outside patties Interfered, and the two coin- batanls were separated. Pool want off three miles and procured a pistol, and returned tu McNeil's , cabin. The parties who had interfered in the fight, in the meantime, had gone off to water some horses. They heard a pis tol shot, and one of them remarked, 'There, the old man ha Bitot him self:" They hastened back to the cabin, and found McNeil lying on the floor, thot in the thlgb, and Pool in the house with a pistol in his hand. Pool helped the others to put the old man in bed. McNeil simply said he would die, and knew it. McNeil's boy went for a doctor, but the puysiciau's efforts were unavailing, and as McNeil was mortally woanded he died Mono day nioruing. Sheriff Hogan telegraphed Thursday morning to deputy sheriff Gibbs o ar rest Pool, who will doubtless have his trial at the coming term of the circuit court. Reported Indian Ontbiw The following telegram baa been re ceived at the surveyor general's office from Dudley Henry, deputy United States surveyor: "The Indians have stopped the survey on the Skagit river. They threaten to kill the whole party. Everette and Baker were attacked yes terday and in self defense shot two Indians. The upper settlements are in danger. Wo cannot work unless protected by the government" Gen eral McMicken is now at Salt Lake City attending the council of survey ors general. A. B. Cowles, chief clerkt telegraphed to Vancouver to Gen. Howard, and received a reply saying the surveyors should be protected, but that the killing of the Indians would make it more difficult. Mr. Hi was engaged ia a survey In the same localitv last Tear, and the Indians threatened then to kill him if he did not stop work, but he conciliated them J by making present of provisions, etc f;pn Howard who accompanies tne presidential party.last night telegraph. ed to Vancouver to Lieut Symons to proceed to Olympia take the steamer Daizy, which has been chartered for the nuriiose. thenco proceed to Port Tnwsend, take sixty men from the garrison awl go to the aid of Surveyor Henry, on the Skagit, to quell the in dian outbreak here. ' The Price of Wheat. The houutiful harvest in both this country and Europe will no doubt cause wheat to rule very low this .... ... A 1 . I. - A season but tnis wiu not lewuu u up mand for the Oregon Kidney Tea, as every man or woman who has the backache or any trouble with the kidneys or urinary organs, win try this well known remedy even if wheat ah mild be onlv 50o per bushel. Bold by all druggists. An Advertisement. nr. Mrriek has a card in another wtimn tindpr the heading of "VAn ! ODen Letter." We here atato that we know nothing of the facts in tne case, and Dr. Merricks letter is to.be paid for as any ether advertisment. Birng in your "Wood. Those of our subscribers who prom ised us wood will please bring in the same immediately. We wish to store it away that it may keep dry for winter. ' Thrown From a Horse. Mrs. Bvante, wife of W. 0. Evaata the fruit-dryer man, was thrown from bone, near Myrtle Creek, aa Uou-, qv uuwujwuij,v . TXR3QKAL. Hr. Bel. Abraham la in Balem. Mr. Joe Cloaga kM ear thank for several items. S. C. ZTendrlek has gene to Califor nia there to remain. Mr. I. Carols once more oa deck at the Baaaar of Fashion. Parrott Bros, have opened out a new stock of boots and shoes. James Maheney and Alex. Gibson visited Reseburg Sunday. Virgil' Conn ia la Portland pare bas ing furniture for his residence. Col. Xfflnger la to speak ia this part of the Itate for Hancock and Eng lish. , ... .. . Mr. F. Bchleslnger, of CanyonTllIe, is in the city. We are pleaaed to see him.' - Albert Parker has gone to Lake oonnty to look after the grave of his late wife: Messrs. R. L. Stephens and B. Chenoweth were in town Thursday. Come again, Hon. M. C. George will deliver po litical speeches In this city next Mon day evening. James Cameron had his arm frac tured by the upsetting of a wagon on Looking Glass hill. Mr. Pike and wife, of Oakland, and Hr. Markwiek and wife left for Call. fornia Tuesday morning. Senator Slater has made twentyeix speeohss in the present campaign .and gone home to take a rest. The many friends of Miss Frankle Howard are pleased to learn of Uiat young lady's return to Koseburg. Hob. Jeaae N. Barker will Jeava next week for Eastern Oregon, and will be absent from home several montha. Miss Delia 8 locum' s many friends are pleased to know that she has re covered from her lata attack jof ty phoid fever. Mr. H. H. Hendricks, of the Plain-1 dealer, starts for Eugene en Monday there to attend school. Our best wishes go with him. Mr. J. Hedgpath has gone to East ern Oregon. Mrs. J, B. Linvule ac companied the family for the benefit of her health. W. H. Pitcaford and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harman have rented the house of Mr. 3. N. Backer, and will at once move into town. Ad. Harmon has purchased Beath's saloon and will open the same to the publio en this or to-morrow morning. "Ad " has many friends in town, and will make a succeed of the business. The Linn county fair closed Ootober 0th. The fair most be recorded as a success fiaonolally. The diplay was not large, but all the articles on ex hibition were of the very best quality. Mr. S. J. McCormiok, who is now in San Francisco, ia, we learn, ncgotiat- ng for the Monitor, a newspaper pub lished in that city. It is very preb able that he and his family will Iave Portland to reside at the bay. The editor la indebted to friends in Oakland for many favors extended daring his reeent visit to that place- to no others more than the kind hearted landlord and his lady of the Depot hotel i Ahem is the name of a young man who attempted suicide last Friday night, by blowing oat his brains. He only succeeded in burning his hair when the pistol report was heard and friends came in time to prevent the consummation of his purpose. We will soon give our Oakland read' era some spicy letters, writen from that place by a young lady, who, while she would guess the rightful names of some of our other correspondents and makes a failure, will know what she speaks of and w.hoshe is talkiagabout When she sees this item she will say we are determined to have the lat word in the discussion, and that this ! a nnr.hitr paai nf -''.p.inftnra!' One of Roseburg's "mashers" went to Looking Glass, there made (as he thought) a ten-strike, danced all night with the lady, and was finally told she could not go buggy riding because she had a husband. Our "masher" now wants pinned upon lady's shoulders, "married" or "single," as the case may be; He don't want to be foolad again, and give a married woman's husband a chance to pot up ano ther job on him. AN OPEN LETTER. Mr. M. M. Colvig, Druggist, Can yonville. Oregon, Dear Sir: The re port has reached me that some com plaint has been made in regar to the compounding cf prescriptions at your drug store. I desire, unsolicited, to state that in all my experience with druggists, I never saw a more careful and conscientious compounder uf pre scriptions then yourself. I have fre quently noticed the extreme exactness with which you would weigh and measure medicines, even those of no essential medicinal quality, such as simole sy rur. mint water, ic. It is the h abit with some unprincirlsd physicians, whenever a patient gets woraa under treatment, to look sus piciously at the medicine ordered and j exclaim'Thatisflot what I order ed," or '"The druggist made a mis take," thus castiag the blame for the patient's condition on the innocent druggist. Possibly you may have been the victim of that kind of practice. However that may be, let me give you some or the advice so often given to me when unjustly assailed. ' In yon position you cannot afford the time to stop and reason with every little dog that barks at yon. Bo right doing ia your dignified and correct way. Defy them to show wherein you have done wrong or harmed anyone. Let them vent their spleen and malice. It will goon recoil upon themselves and if there is any shame in their composi tion, tbey will some day see their er ror and bo sorry for the Injury they tried to do you." There are some men and some women who would scorn to rob a hen roost or a clothes line, but who have no hesitancy what ever, In robbing a pel eon of that which la far more valuable than gold, bis good same and position in society, Tbey would net poison his cattle bat they would poison and rain bis repu tation if they could. Do not let any reports prejudicial to your care and skill worry yon. Let them alone and they will die of their own rottenness. Da. C; H. Mebbicx. Opea Letter. . Creaeeat City, August 8d, 1879. Messrs. Griffln aa4 Co. We have sold your Cream Bakicg or Yeast Powder exteatlvotr, aad eau truly aay it haa given eetletetion ia every reapeci. Tout feate, ffetf Merria MdCa COTJET DOCKET. yellowing la the docket for the Octo ber term of the circuit court for this county. State of Oregon, resp., 'vs. Kennedy A Strickland, app.; appeal from w tlee's court from costs. State of Oregon, vs John O'Neal, ct al; recognisance. State of Oregon vs Jas. 7. Levies; recognisance. State of Oregon, vs S. Minard; ap peal from taxation of costs. Cyras 'Williams vs W. B. Williams ana J. b. uixon: action to recover money.:. A. A. Fink vs C. 4 G. R. Co.; in Junction. H. 8. Marsh vs Hawley, Dodd A Co., and Wheeler Bros.; action to recover money and damages. KllenJ. Longet al vs P. Griswold andfWUe, action to recover real prop erty. Ellen J. Long ct al vs Henry Land era; same. Tf. J. Alexander vs S. Minard; ac tion to recover real estate and damages. M. J. Courtney vs K. Kubly et al; injunction. Sugar Pine Milling Co. vs. T. C. Alaxander et al; suit to enforce lien. S. Plymale vs J. J. Comstock, suit in equity for specific performance. R. G. Ebert, reap., vs Henay Conn, app.; suit to recovery money. ,s W. S. Frazler, resp., vs L. . Vanar- burg, app.; appeal from Justice's Court. 8. Minard, app., vs county court of Douglas county, resp.; appeal from assessment of damages. John Stanley, resp., va W. P. Day and H. Stonier, ano.: appeal frsm Justice's court. F. R. Hill vs Jas. T. Cooper; sulk in equity to recover rent profits. Ida May Crow vs Henry Crow, di vorce. Sugar Pine Mill Co. vs H. G. Crow, to recover money. W. W. Thayer et al vs A. J. Man ning etal; suit to set aside fraudulent conveyance. D. McMullen et al vs Abraham, 'heeler a Co.; suit to foreclose me ehanio's lien. Samuel Feder vs Uaro Bros.; to re cover money, j D. N. and . Waller A Co vs Caro Bros.; to recover money. J. 8. Seed VS; Wella and Flook; to recover money. JeusUdUr Bros, vs Wells and Flook; same. - I Wilmerding add Co. vs B. Cameron; same. Mania A Co vs I R Cameron ; came, J E Pike ana Son vs J T Daniel et al; sane, John C. Alkea vs Isador Caro; fore closure', Clark and Mayhew vs Wm. Badger; to recover money. W. W. Thayer et al vs J. N. Barker; foreclosure. WSKeaavs O Bidweil; foreclosure. J O Booth vs L B Stark and E Dod scsa; action to recover real property. John B Hodges vs O Qosllne; actien to recover money. James Paisly vs Myron Bid well, foreclosure L 8 longer va R Cameran ct al; same. S Smith and Co va Snook and Moore; same. A P Hotallag and Co. vs J 8 Aiken; same., Feukhausen and Braunschwelger vs George A Beath; same. Fleekenstein and Mayer vs W. Steel; same. Sugar Pine Milling Co. vs A O Ca3- ton; action to recover personal prop erty and damages. P S Oosline vs Sugar Pine Milling Co; action to recover money. Ordenstein and Co. vs Geo A Beath; action to recover money. E G Young et al vs E Eneok et al; same. .Cyron Mynatt. lespondent, vs Henry Bushuol, app; appeal from Justice's court R R Duncan vs Martha E Duncan; divorce. Alvlra Miracle vs Joel J Miracle; di vorce. Elizabeth Howard vs C H Howard; divorce. Lovina Holt vs Jas W Holt; divorce. Charlotte A Gabriel vs W P Gabriel; divorce. R W Kelchaln vs Mary Eelchaln; divorce. State of Oregon va Douglas county Road Company; action to annul the charter Of a corporation. L F Mosher vs ; confirmation. Thos Morris vs I B Dawson; align ment. Willard and Tan Schvyver vs Daniel Syron et al; confirmation. II V Green vs LStenger; assignment. GEORGE C. PERKIXS. On Saturday last says the Coos Bay News, the vessel built in the shipyard at this place was launched at the time announced. In the forenoon a large party poured in from all parts of the bay, some coming on the tug Escort, ethers on the bay passenger steamers and others in wagons. At noon the sound of the hammers called all to gether at the shipyard and much anxiety waa felt as the supports were being removed from the keel. At 12:30 when the last support was re moved, the vessel rested on the ways and gracefully glided into the bay amid the blowing of steam whistles and vociferous cheering by the spec tators. As is customary on such oo. caaions a bottle of champagne was broken when she touched the water; Miss Jennie Marl and Mis Ada Smith had charge of that portion, and Mr. Jobn Kelly was the re cipient of a champagne bath the time, the contents of the bottle finding its way ail over him. A large board with the name Gov. George C Perkins, painted on it was then placed in front of the cabin, showing that the vessel had been named after tbe Gov ernor of California. Tbe vessel was then brought to the wharf in front of E B. Dean A Co.'s store and pro nounced by all to be one of the finest vessels ever built at this point. CapU Reed, who has charge of this work, received well merited commendation for the manner in which he filled his contract. More interest was mani fested in this launch than on former occasions, owing we presume to the fact that nearly half the vessel is own ed by residents of this place Call The Watchman. Marshal Cox want all who desire him to call them for the train or for other purposes hereafter, to remem ber that hla price for aooh work la 19 cento, and that no one need come to him hereafter nnleae they have the needful wherewith neeeasary.to jnake the ermine tf twiUjaa toadei gat up A POO. At the request of the writer we publish the following. Ed. "Twas on a bright and brilliant evening The aforesaid queen of May I chanced to meet, - Her reqaesta to e were in language re peating. To meet her at the dooryard gate. Her offer was made and gladly accepted By me on that dar. with barov and imn Bat something occurred very unexpected. o.t me may grounds that nay, near by the , stream. - I straggled hard, I struggled long, But my chances got too loose, At last sh found a city chap, And how he cooked my goose I The next thing that my mind conceived, Tnat thequeoa and I soon must part. And you all know I felt relieved. When we landed again at the dooryard gat Butthis fair one again I chanced to meet. At oar Rabbath school, on Sabbath eve. The words ahe sent, with smiles so sweet, Could ne'er console my sorded fate. So in conclusion, I mast say, Let storms appear and again reherse. Let others talk as though the may. My sentiments are in the following verse. Fame is a scentless flower, With gaudy crown of gold, But friendship is a breathing lilly. With sweets in .every fold. Persons living ia malarious district may protect themselves from attack of fevers by using Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites;its effects in toning up the system enables us to to warn off contagious disorders and successfully combat disease. Fellows' Hypophosphites is administered by the leading medical men in Canada, a large number of whom have written of its efOeacy in specific cases. We Challenge The World When we say w believe, we have evi deuce to prove that Sboh's Consumption Cure is decidedly the best Lung Medicine made, loVas muctaj as It wiil cure a common 41 Cbrpnie Ceogh in one halfl the time and relieve AetUma, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, CTOnp, and show more' cases of (Jonaamption cored than all others. It will cure where tbey fail, it is pleasant to bke. harmleaa to the vnnncreflt r.liild mnd C girf rentes what we iajr. Price. 10 eta. JCli ana S1.UU. if your Longs tie tore stest or Sack lama ase Suiloh's Poras Plan Sold fays. Hamilton, druggist. I Wish Everybody to Know It. Rev. George H. Thayrr. an old citizen of this vicinity, known to every one as a most inuuential citizen, ana Cnmtian Mi mater ol the M. E. Church just this moment step ped in our store to say, "I wish everybody to know that 1 consider both myself and wife owe our lives to Shileh'a Consumption Cure.' It is having a tremendous sale over our counters and is giving perfect sat isfaction in all cases ol Lung Diseases, such as nothing has done. Dated Bourbon, Ina., May Mth, '73. Dr. Hatchet A France, Sold by S. Hamilton, Druggist. The most popular and tragrant perfume of the kay is HACKMETACK. 'fry if sold by a. Hamilton, Koebur, Origin It is a Keally Reliable Remedy Fori Wasting end Kervous Disease. ; After ousaerous experiments Mr. FeU lows' succeeded in frrxlucicR this com bination of Hvpphospliittis, whick has not only restored him to health, bat has since been so successful in the treatment of dis ease emenatlng from loss of nerve power, and consequently relaxation, vial Aphonia (loss of voice.) Neuralgia, Auieniia, Kervous Debility Chronic Diarrhoea, Whooping Coagh Djtneptia, Congetrfion of the luugs, Fever and Ague, Palp itation of the heart, Lt u curliCE, Melancholy, Mental Depression, .Nervousness. Persons living in ma'arioua districts may prosect themselves from attacks of J.-ver by the nse of fellows' Compound (Syrup of Hypopbosplutes. Its eflocte in toning up tbe system enaules as to ward off contagious disorders, and successfully couioat disease. The soluble phosphites and the other ltti.'-sugUiunig principle composing bel lows iiypopnospmitts are so carefully projioruoned and so judicially mingled, that their aetion upon the aerves. mus cles and membranes in imparting vitality strenght and hcaltby action la generally apparent within tWeutyfour hours, and the good effects experienced are of a per- nanent character. J"chn W. Gilbert. BALEM, OBEQON. Dealer Ia LEATHER, Hides, Furs and Liberal advances made to Butchers. oc!8 ASSIGNEES SALE. Notice is hereby ffiven that the under t i i : t. estate of Geo. A Beath and the credit" ors oi said Geo A Beath are required to pre- sent their claims, unoer oain. 10 mm ai his office ia Bosebarg. Oregon, within three months. And all persons indebted to the said 6eo A Beath, will save costs by I calling at my office ani settling the same. Dated this lath Oav of uctooer, ipov. TS. BOADMAN, Assignee. Louis Belfils, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Front St., Bosabusg, Oregon. Wholesale and retail dealer in Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Oold Pens, and Musical Instruments. Watches, Clocks and Jew- si ry repaired, Alt my work warranted. 8. K. KAYJttOND, SURGEON DEUTTSTJ tad door to Dr. Hamilton's Drug Store, aaesbarg. Oregon. Offer Ma professional servlaea to the people ef DoQglaa eounty, with whom be has bea acq sainted several years. All work wenaaMd 6m ilsst, end term as ndersioaaaay etas ia tbe ntofoadoa. SoneopatMo Physicist BOSEBUBG OBK)X, WILL ATTKJfD TO latrasted to hsi es residence ill CACSI Oflee at tfef BUCKINGHAM & HECHT'S (SAN FRANCISCO) Celebrated BOOTS anil SHOES For Sale at i ABRAHAM, WHEELER'S STOBB. BUY '':T:--v THE OKPQUA VALLEY MILLS THE BEST IN IS MARKET. Address A. vT. STEARNS, CaayoavilV Oregon. sepi TESTIMONIAL. Offieo of B. Marks & Co. . Roeeb To J. O. Baker. Agent Western pleasure to say that wc have ued ornin nl ati in sr. and that wotind it 0, can, therefore, recommend it to the public aa the beat olea ne Qse. S. Marks & Co. We fully endorse the above. TP. F. Owgjrs, Ageat G. B. A. II. L. Murton, J- C. Floed, J. D. Bcbnbtt, The Western, manufactured by Tom. Ilolmau it the best I have ever used. II. Conn,' Sr. 194w Parties desiring to purchase one of these machinca will send ia their orders at once, as iast year, though the dilatory action f the farmers, 1 was unable to supply the demand. I must hav ordera earlythat I may ship the machines in time fror the manufactory. J. O. Bakbr, Agent Southern Oregon. A Fiae Stock and Farming Ranch. Term reasonahle, and desire for sale is occasioned through a wish to emigrate to Eastern Oregon. For price of land and references Inquire of John W. Kelly, at the Independent oflire, or tke proprietor on the premises. Land for sale -SOU acres of timber and grazing and farming land combined ; i about 75,00 of farming land and the re mainder pasture and timber land.' Tu above contains a fine orchard sod about 3 acres of garden land subject to irrigation. There also is a fine lot of young treos is the above named orchard, embracing ail kinds peaches, cherris and apples and vines of all kinds. There Is a good water wheel on the stream on tbe premises mat affords about a twelve-horee power, and ruus the shingle mill of K. B. Martindnia As.jn. B. L.STEPUENSi Coles Vaixst, Oregon. t ;uere is a chance for a good bargains. who auiilt early Dearling Gifcscn. Weald announce to the public tnat I they are prepared with the best ot materi 'al to supply all demanpe ia their line. Having enjoyed over twenty years' expo- rience in their trade, all work performed by them is guaranteed to be Erst-clafJ, and strictly according to order. arson's Celebrated Har row ; FOB RALE BY J. W. STRANG 2, P.OSE- BUKfcr. Pronounced by all who have used them to be the beat ever Invented, always ea hand and for sale cheap. FARM MACHINERY KE ;FAIRliD, Give TZiexB a Call. WHOLESALE AND ROSEBTJRG, OREGON, mm ABOVE NAMED FIRM WOT7LD JL boatharn portico of Oregon that they las gsat Steks EVER BROUGHT TQ SOTJTHEBNi OREGON The stock iu inestion Is complete in every I v.scn at tueh tow figures that we are able I competition is wnuieaale and rsuui prices. First-class Dry Full I4xies of Clothing, Ladies' Dress Fancy Millinery Goods f-l of-CJ Q,Y) H fln.Tr? JLACllUO tiAj.ll VftUOj Boots WB HAVE COMPLETE LXNE3 Ot GROCERIES Glassware, Tobaooo, Cigam. Wiztes and JAxm Wo Vave also eveTytMo(ialb way of Of all kl4 ta reBpers, raowars, eta et ZHhcct Paiss Pali Ia eenevtle with the etore and Bear warebease for tbe storage ef grain, aad Impreved Urata sievater aad uraia Cleaner, wtuca numars win see aavaatefeeae Co an try etoro-kespsrs will iad ea applicatios we an eler tams swperiet barirala ! Iiph ft ae atu aet as aaoaraN n. EZIECSELTIB02 T MA.KBLZ k TOMBSTONE CDTTEH. Opposite K. S. J. C Sheridan's H.-fO ware Store, ROSEBCEG, OREGO&- Tbc finest of Vermont and Italian marble always on hand. Orders from homo and abroad promptly filled. Parties desiring work ia Jackron or Joaepbinc counties will find that I can accommodate them with lowest rates. B. BKECXE5T3IDGB. E. M; BAVIS, H. D, FHYSICAIN AND SCRGEE. FFICK CPSTalttS IN g, MASK! feCo'i brick building. EoMbur. On gon. Private eMulMtia rsoai tea, pa- tients. org, Oregon, Angnat 12th, 1880. Fanning Mill. Sin Wa take and arc using the "VT stern" tor tbe best mill we bare tried. Wc . B. Tipton. F. M. Tcptow pft.TERSorro SAW MILL. TIPTON BROS., PBOFS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Including SUGAR PINE, CEDAR, Fill, PIffE AND OAK LUMBER. Always oo hand, and orders promptly filled on the shortest, notice. AH kinds ol d reused lumoei constantly on hand. Lum ber furnished at any point ia Koseburg wiehout extra chaitre. and by application to me it will be found that my lumber is not ouly the bet but the cheapest in tbe market. Try me and see. Address ali letters to TIPTON BROTHERS. jy3 PateraoB'a Mills, Or. fT5a S&E2, EOSEBrSQ, ORE GO JT. a I.I. BHSINESS IN SIT Lliflf WD -Ct, be promptly attended to, aad charges moderate. Can be found when want Inquire for ma at Koseburg hotel. EQSEBUR6 HILLS, PF.CniF.TQ5S the best Flour in the Market The Floaref these mills has gained ia popularity until it has been considered by by purchaser! as the best m the market. Orders frot , homo and abroad ClUd promptly Address, ICNES GATES. EETAIL DKALKBS V AN50UCSE TO TH r : OPL HP THE havt imported to Uo&o r? j detail, and was purchased ia Baa Fraa- to fall at such, rates as to permit aj te defy I ha siocii soinj'ruet Goods, Goods, and Shoes. Etc. & CROCKERY HARD WAKE, aad eaa eepplj Ub tbe shortest Bade sad bms4 XTodL Oxsin &&& VssSs. ike railroad depot we have e adjoining the warehease we nave the latest , . .. 4aasaa wghi Sheridan ' Bros. They weald anaoaaee that tbey have jaat Iiarsest;; Stocli of ;Hcxclt7aro" -H:'- Ever brought to Douglas eoanty.and wbea adced to their 8T0VE8 OF ALU TAT TKRN8 and BS DE TIN WAKE. ths a-e prepared to declare they have Vise beat supply in their Mnerof aay establishment in Eoathera Oregon, which tbey prcf -sw esa pnrcbaae elsewhere. , - 'r'' la the shape ol bndOg nUtride----ia the way ef lochs, buttt eU, we can S saperior iadueements to. purchasers. Try as. We can glveyoa bargains in the foliowiog Vraadi of ovea, not equalled elea where Bock's. Bonansa. yermer. Utility, Dexter, Pacific, Wide West, Claraue, Occident, Imn King, Bmp're City, and other stoves aad ranges. Tbe best of workmen aro constantly employed m the maanactare of oar Ttawcaa and bayers shoald taarn oar yrtcee. We have also taragiu to oBet ia gnns, even as Winchester, Sharp and othsr EK-, as well as la Bhot-gnns and Pisto'e. We are aJse Agoois for the Vhite, Perlem aad Haw Home Sewlog Blaebiae .ittSi we sell etbjwett rates and warrant as eomplste in every respeet. Wj oca also sapply Avcrill.end BulTr !?autxts, The best ia the market, at the lowest rater. Oive as t. sail, iuapeet oar stock, lco aire e to ear prises, aad we promise to roitnS anyeeo. SHEK1DAK BROS. Gen'l Merchandise, ISCLCJDEiG EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF THE LATEST STYLE. CasMrisrsi cf all Variety cad Si.ad3 ca. Esa AT THE i M. JOSEESHON, (gentlemen & Boy's :J7e 113 JX. E "SaT - ITCLOTn BEFOB3 PUB HASuJO ELSir'BIBE, BY SO DOING GOOD Ba RgAINS CAN BE SECURED tb Timmyu as Fas rs ten e( alj no aifuiiom ktA TUatleie ef aaa Mre Ptmwr suad faviaerates' ef nerve atr4 seta. Taenaer aaa anyacjteeef anaJa rewasv- ; reQowe Compound Bymy la eota poeed ot tagredlenU fdenttcal wit those whisk eonatitate Healthy Blood, Unaola and Xerve aad Brain SubBteneo while Life itself ia deotly dependent npoa aome of them. By ita anion wlm the blood and lta affaet upon the masolos, reeetablishlnc Che one and toning the other, It la en (ehle( effotting the following resulted It ta3 dleplaoe or wash out tubero Joan matter, and thus cure Consumption By increasing Kervous andMuseula Tlgor, It will euro Dyspepsia, teebbi or laserrapted aetloa of the Heart and rdpftsUon Weakneaa ot Intellect aoBad by grief, worry, overtax, o fmgabt habits, Breaehitf Aeuto of Cbroale, Congoetloa of the Longs, eras In she moat alarming atagea. It earn Aattma, Loan of Toloe SeatalgU, St. Titos Daneo, Epileptic Tibs, wkooptag Oeugh. Nervouanoaa, od la a meat woodefful adjuset ta ekarnmedloa uanstaining Life durlns Via proesea of Diphtheria. , , Do not badeeoivedby roraedlesbene. ta similar aamet ne other prepara fioalaa entotltate for akia anderany etronmiVwisaQ. - look oat for the name and addram . Z. TOiCVfl', at, John, JI.B, on the jeSew wrapper la watormark, whiah ta eon by holding the' paper before aba Beht. r Prise, IM per Bottle, for 9t& aMfejeUBnejrteta, mm a HVUSOltUU W WWj HAISUFACTURRS OF COARS, ASD Dealers in Tobaooo, - S. K. Cor. Battery yStreetg SAXFILiXCISCO. CJLU Woald aanounce to the trade throughoat Southern Oregon that they are prepared to offer superior advantages In their line. nd would respectfully call attention es peclally not only to m A rn w m nr an K. J. JL X 1 A. A. Ma J. Their purely Havana and 124 ceut eiirar. but also t tbe following popular brands of wbicu taay are mauiuactarers I 'Blaamond," "Oar Charley,' Umate, , "Elaine," - "GnIey," Champion, Bohemian', ; Aai whieb braeda are aew ia SrsueJass demand everywhere. I. 8. ftoseabeasn k Co, also would have it andersiood that tbey are willing to and will sail all articles ia their tin to patrons cheaper than eaa traveling agents for any firm, aad that ail orders sent them will be furnished without delay and in tbe neat est and most reliable manner. Give as a trial oaea, and yea will re main ear pennant patrons. . l. b. KUa&r.nAi'M Co. CAKTONTILLB, OREGON, BLACKSMITHLNG k WAG05 REVAXaiNG NEATLY DONE. Herse-ehaeiBg a speeialtv. and satisfaa- tloa gaaiaateed. - Terms low for eaah or approved credit, and work done wbea wanted. Tnoae Indebted to me are Hereby notified that all outstanding debts mast be paid by January 1st, lBW; by so doing all eld patrons will do me a favor, aad ana me aoia to pat in a BrsUdass stock in therfoming Spring. The stock will be ther ; bnt I wish a settlement with old meads, aad with a iall stock be able to sou tbem work cheaper than ever. dOS U ARZ9XB., BUT TK1 C Kl VALLET E2LL8 1 AeaeemAitJaaVSABIia.CMMavtCa. Boabui, Or. , reeeind aad new have oa hasd cse tS C.J KILLS THE BEST IN THE MARKET I Address A. Tf . 6TEAEX8 CanyOnvilfe. Oregon. - s.;p4 1). TOLLES; House, Sign and Carrlas Oral Ding, Marbling, Kalsomining ami HARDWOOD FINISHES. Paper-hanging and wail-tinting prompp 1 attended to at low rates. . Orders to ba be left at Dr. S. Hamilton's drugstore. Farq.uar'A . Rsstaurs&i OS JACKS0S STREET, B03EBUEO, 1 .: ., : JoHn IT cm ca.-u.cvz Announces to the public that he haa reopened the reetaurant opposite - Hafiendea Bros., and will FURNISH MEALS AT 25 CTS. And that he will supply his tables witn tne best in tne market Xo Chinese Cook Employed O L- IIOOUE, (Late of Salem). ALL WOES carefully pea- lone eo, ana as reasonahle wcrk done. Anaesthst given and Freeze applied for the painless extraction of Vwti Office an) Dental Room over Marks a Co.'s Building, Roasburg. Land Ofnee at Bosebarg, Oregon, Sept tember 20th, 1880. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named eettler has filed notice of bis intention to make final prool in support of his claim, and secure final entry taereof. ' on Saturday October S3, 1S30, at the land' office at Koseburg. viz ; Oron Gil pa trick, Preemption Declaratory Statement tio. 3101, for :u sonthcaM quarter of south: east quarter, section 9. and north bait ef of the soulh went quarter and southwee, quarter of southwest quarter, section 101 township 32. south range if west, and names the' following as his witnesses, vis William Havnrlo, Janes Oveisireet, Jobe. Haight an.i Fran It Martin, all ot (ialesv ville, Douglas couotv, Oregon. . Vf. . BENJAMIN. Register. SPANlSfl 11ERINO 'BUCKS FOB SALE I ThrowgWnreedi to oflfbr. t will" La t- eei 1 y epanisn ntennooucaa iku'i kra bcea reared on mv place. They. at aaparlor buocis and wdl suit the ideas of every sheep rawer. They will be seld Very cheap for eaB. and i invite tne suee raiiersoDoBgla connty to inspect them. Tbey wilt be found at my farm, six miles southeast of Bosabur2,on me v-ea ""r rsad; J3m2) H. COici, oxw TBE STAE SAL002T, Jackson Btr-et, Boaeburg, hereby announce to the publio that 1 have refitted ana refurnished tUii3 PGPULAB nEEOnA' and shall keop on hand flue T7i3f Liters & CiziTZ ASSISNES &AL& -k-h. i. tmbf atveo that the esdee slgaed has beea appointd assignee ot the sate ef BoVrt Cameron, and tbe crediw era ef tbe said wooers vamervo r iv onirad ireseal tbeif claims, under o&tb. . . . I. 1?.w.l.C,-M lMraA te aim ai m .ut,i. ikM BMatha. And all persoas iih- dsbtad to tbe said Sober Cameroo, wtl) asree-MebyealUafattsy office andsa. MirS?.Ll ifctsMtb ? at Aojt. SOBSaT.R-vS'COMS, 4 aeiia. r. Uo, Li -X"-: i. Jr- as good f'.r' R H-"."? I can be U: Si HI" the