J., r sT- , : ''y,- ft 6 ' V- tZ301CTI0 Off ENDORSEMENT SEHKi 8. THE DOtGLiS InMPKHDENT newspaper published in Boseburg, hss bo piibUs-hed in this county tor (be period ef three years; and Whkkxas. said newspaper I now we Mfab'.i shfd. and during a three Tears' trial it has fa'uhiully served llie interests of the prwlacsr trrt tax-payer; therefore bo it Aasai. We. the member of the Dnsp- ' eaaUrasi Ko. 28. do give Ths Douglas Isp?jiiNDSKTOui unqualified endosemenl. K worthy tb patronage of every farmer and ' ax-payer in Southern Oregon. r; Geo. W. Josbs, Master J. P. OjJCaa. Kesraury. S-ViUBUAY. .OCTOBER 19, 1SS0 HS BILL BEATEN: Last week we argued against the nar Bass of Senate Bill Ho. 82, sod la order to further, oppo sition to tha ineaaasa wr printed fcrtmo-htrance for gnature for Dotiglai eoQcty; people The re- tacactn.Ece was printed on Fri day e7Diag late, but before Sat urday night came, and inside of twelve hours, the recionatrance w&seigoed by 900 ot onr citizens, and on Monday w&a sent to our senators and representatives in Ealem. , T"u3 iay morning a dispatch was ' nceive-f "By-i"dee "Willis from Mr. Bol. Abrahan:,sting that the bill had been deftaiedaad that the entire Douglas county 'dele gation h&d worked faithfully and earnast'y for the defeat ot the ussrscM. which waa calculated to do DocgUa county and all south era Ortgoa material and lasting -dimage. Our senators and rep- rsreatauves are : reported : as ha vies been untinns in their work, tad as having failed not in any particular ia doing . their '-duty.;;-W anticipated this much fet the cutset; but we now think there should be a tote of. thanks givb&t the men who did not tai in their duty. Of course, Douglas -county expects evei - mo to do what is right when he is entrusted with office and its reeponaibilities yet there is something more due trom or people when meu. wjl -work, ts our senators and 'repre sentatives have worked, and when this - work is greater than is re quired by the oath of oflce; and they dt feat ad a scheme that has been metunc and which had for '.its authors John M. Thompsen the ostousible governor of Ori gon, i and perhaps a banker in .The measure in question first found tirth in tha brain of John . M:7kmpson. Two years ago ' he was thaather ot a bill con- Jaimog the same provisions;- And ; -..tlien lwa attacked the -measure, ire most then have struck hard, ; for Mr. Thompson- thooght it "cegoary to write us a communis ton ia hie own defense. And lay Mr. Thompson must feel ... k ce lisa seme consolation in act that this time (the second ime) ha bill was introduced by. , Jome 05 e else, and it will be a difficult matter to fasten the blame cpon him. "Bat in the t time of his rapes a Mr. Thompson tloa!!i.b3di3tarbea by unpleasant -- s. Tt should, cometo Vi tRb!e a spectre dismal to hia Aspirations and hopes, all of which taok to his election to the position of Supreme Judge, in the shape y'ot M e morf ot th People ; of Southern Oregon. It is true the voters of Doughs, of Benton and ofjCoos aad Curry counties did not see fit to elect him judge of the second judicial district, find it is true th. tlc-y have not experien ced a single pang ot reraorse lor their action since the time they voted ajainat fcirn; but all this is poor eicas'a tor the acts of one who, because ho is cot liked by oa eWn!i OregoaTJScause he w i not elected judge and .owns town property in Eugene and holds iccrtgsgea in Lane eounty Ptich lie wishes were settled,- rauat tacs revenge and guard his Ovfn intiresta at the expense of til EsrLtbera.Oiegon. . Y7e da sot write any of this in persoca; ipiia. We utter only publio c mhment. - It may be we have tai td pretty . plain English. Is their any tlainer languasre in the wor d than the English, when u rlecelaary to speak ot .men as they arc, or of t elf-evidsnt facts ! Ability is appreciated in Geer f,a. TMs is the way a candidate ii relerred to there by a friendly j; :r-a!: 'J udge Hawkins is sot i';: -:her frte from the Mceas of a ' -tlsman,' but he la an able L j- :r, a capable jariatv fta hon t li--3, tree friend, a Taloabl : ts, tsd eminently deserves si aad emoluments confar i h ua .t y the Q oyeraor," 1 A PARTY MEASURE. Ths OregoaOfiv, ia opposed to the passage by the Legislature of proposed nmen-imei?8 to the city of charter of Portland, and urges that it the amendment! become a part of the city law, there will be co one surprised sbonld the democrats carry the city in the forthcoming city election. To make the matter more plain, the papor earned would create the im pression that the success of the party in the city hereafter depends upon the defeat of the amend meots, and the inference is that the repabhcau who rotea tor the charter amendment votes against the interests of his party. We have no doubt as to the trnthfullne-a nt tha Oxonian's mn.rW Kt Wa An, know that the argument made would have but little effect when directed to P1 jjQa83 of representatives pre sided over by one who is in the bands of men claiming to be democrats, and yet have co coui ducted themselves as to become! men without a ; party. It the whole truth was known, it would doubtlesss be shown that, having lost preeuge wun xne aemocrauc party, Thayer, Bush and Thomp son are now attempting to direct the coarse ot republicans. It tma oe trnvthe natural result must be that the men who have destroyed one party must natnr- ally destroy another it their advice is f listened to and acted upon. vve think the Oregoman had I better make some kind of a plea m tha triumvirate named, and bv I - I tbis means captured the speaker I and his friends. It need not, how Avar, talk to tha rennhlmana in the Senate. They are republi-1 cans in every essential of the term, I and with Mr. Eol Hirsch as leader and Capt Humphrey as assistant, j unadulterated lovaliiim to Tjartv will be the watchword of every fepubheau member. i, ,.! .; Cheek w a good thing; but when there is a superabundance of the aiticle we get tired of it e I There is a quack firm in Roches- ter, N. manufacturing what is called "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure;" and this quack firm wants us to advertise a quack medicine, and in return for the same pay us in farther quack ad-. vertisements, which the .firm terms "scientific information.' We advise our patrons not j to purchase " learner's Safe Kidney and layer Cure;" and as the firm has asked na to send them a pa per containing a notice of it, we will send this one. We do this m all kindness, and to assure them that a publisher cau once in a while (if he thinks proper) give even a quack firm and! a quack medicine a free advertise- ment. The well-known shipbuilder UonaldAIaJlay, died atliamiltoii, a a " - r J " Li mass., a utys sint, ageu seventy years, lie built a great many well-known ships, among them, in 1851, the clipper ship r lying Cloud, tons burthen, which made the passage - from Boston to Ban Jrancisco m eighty-nine days; in 1852 the Sovereign of the Seas, ot 2,400 tens burthen, the largest, longest and sharpest merchant ship afloat at the time; and in 1853, tLe Great Bepublic, the largest mer - chaht ship ever built,' meaturing 4,450 tons, and 15,653 yards of canvass in a suit ot sails. - . y I here are, we understand, spies sent out bv both Dolitical n&rtiaa i f to learn each and every man's po litical behalf in the State. "They say there are some of them in Roseburg. If you find ' one, talk bis way, even if you don't be lieve as he does. To suchfellows there is no harm done if one does he about 999 times in a ; thou sand answers. ' During the year ending the 30th of June 30,751 tons of news papers and periodicals passed through the United States mails, being an increase of 5,098 tons over the year ending June 80th, TSTThe revenue derived trom this source is $1,126,462, an in crease of $112,266 ever the reve nue for the previous year. Senator Bnrnside ) tells this story at the expense of his col league, Senator Anthony: They were dining together one day when ham formed one of the dishes, "if ever I turn farmer," said Mr. Anthony, "I shall raise plenty ot calves to that 1 can get some nice bams like this.' The total value of petroleum and petroleum product export for the past year was; in round numbers, $34,000,000, : being a falling ofi of $3,000,000, as com pared with the year preceeding. Colonel Bob Ingersoll m clos ing a lecture in Chicago on a re cent Sunday, laid: "I have made op my mind that if j there is a God he will be merciful. Upon that rock 1 itznd," It is recorded that tanong the persons returned to the parliament 1S61 (35, Edward ill.) were Mane, Countesse de JNorft; Aha nor, Countesse March; .A fines, ConntesEO de Pembroke, and Catherine, Conntesae de Athol. In the precceding Tear a,80 there had been writs tested at RVirnrnn. nn Anril 5. issued to " J 1 divers earls, bishops and to fonr abbesses, requiring their attend ance at Wetminster on the mor row ot the Trinity for the pui pose of treating to aid to make the king's eldest ton a knight, etc. It does not appear, how ever, that any ladies actually took their seats in parliament by vir tue of these summons; but there numerous instances on re. cord where of both squires aod It . i t . "igaw navmg sat m uUVh.. loia' ia nSfJl lu"ir ,YlY00 A Baltimore claimant has just arisen to the authorship of the famous ballads, "Kathleen Ma vourneen" and"Dermot Astore." It is Frederick W. N. Crouch, a professor ot music sixty years old who formerly lived at Plymouth, gnglan(i. Ue produces the ne. ceBMrv r,roofa that he composed both mei0djeef for words written by a woman. and has aasisned t,nm tAa l-nnHon nnl,iiohr for tweilty pounds. Mr. Crouch says that "Kathleen Mavourneen" waa fir4t 8UDg in public at hii former home ln pijm0uth, July 14, 1836 ana 'Dermot Astore" at London m 8iQ e. . m Multnoman COUntV has cer- tainly tour energetic repreeenta tives in the persons of Hons, Kelly, Plummer, Yates and Beehe. They not only work late and early, but they work for the promotion ot the interests ol the State, and with the idea that their party is to be benefitted more by the passage of mentori I r,0U8 measures than by the con isumatlon or personal projects, J It is a pity, and it ia a pity it I is true, that all counties in the j State are not represented by men I ot their character'and worth. Tim Connor, or Tim McCull ough, as he finally confessed his real name to be, wao was re cently hanged at Salmon citv Idaho, was executed in a difier ent mode from that usually practised on the Pacific Coast, Instead of dropping from a scat fold, he was jerked ofi the ground by weights. At the expiration of twenty-five minutes the body was lowered and it was found that the neck was broken. This is ac knowledged, beyond question to be the most humane mode of hanging. The New York Ilerald has compiled a census table giving the population of all the States in the union, the approximate res alt being 40,302,154. The population 0f 8ix tenitones, 563,098, bringi I . . . - . - the total up to 40,805,142; and the population of four territories not included in the table will make the.grand total 50,000,000, 0r an increaso of 11.720,000, or something more than thirty per cent, since the census of 1870, The ground on which two I armed attempts have been made I this year by white men to settle in the Indian Territory, is that ltho tribes have released sundry lands in the territory to the gov I eminent, and that these have ac cordingly become public lands. and are open to settlement under I the homestead and pre-emption I laws, L ANQENBEHG BH0S This firm baa constantly oa band the finest stock of Boots and Shoes IVEB BROUGHT TO BOSEBUBG. Best of Soots and Shoes Made to order and Repaired. IiTOBX'O PATENT METUUC 8TIFFENER8, Soot and Shoa HttLs Prsvsnts ranainc ovet aad wsnrlin of oa tba UDS3l The firm has on band the finest stock of of Leather in the State, And is prepared to do all binds of work in a firetuclass man ner, upon the moat reasonable terms. Par ties needing in their line, should call upon them first, as they fully QUABANTES ALL WOBK Turned out of their shop to be A 1 and certain to wear well. All kinds of Musical Inslrnmenta sold at San Francisco prices. Violin and other strings a specialty. Come and see ns. ASSIGNEES SALE. Notice is hereby given that the under signed haa been appointed assignee ot the t state of I. Caro and 8. Caro, under the firm name of Caro Bros and the credit ors oi said Caro Bros , are required to pre sent their claims, under oath, to him at bis office in Boseburg, Oregon, within three months. And all persons indebted to the said Caro Bros., will eve costs by calling at my office an! settling tb same. Dated this 14th day of August, 1880. ; : Wk.1L WILLIS, ? Assign. ; a fcao. . 11 OS Irjli S rvww tyvt"t . TiilO PAFEuSS -r King of the Blood ; Com all Berofnloaa afleetiona aad Slawier result. b from Impurity of tba blood. It ia Beedlaaa to specify all, aa the lufTeier can ueoallr perceire tbail aauee; eat Salt , PimpUi, Dlctrt, Tamer, Orim, SwMintt, c, are tha raoat common, aa wall aa many eeatioas al tha iisart, litai, iar SCROFULA. wmfarhl Core of SUBdneis. S. fiimeic. Sow At Co. 3 Tot taa benefit of all ttosblad with fionftila or Impon Blood u timt ?'atBja, I hmbr nooaunaiid King of tha Blooa, have baan tnmblad with Saref ula for tb paat taa aaara. which aa affected bt area that I waa aom. kiataly blind lor aiz numtha. I waa neomnacdad la try Kin(of tha Blood, which hma praaadapaat tlminf ts me, aa it haa eompletaly aund oa, and t ahearially rawimaiand it to all troubled al harS Xaa. 8, WBaxmaaww, BarfUbla, K. T. lean am,. . wffl be paid to any Pablia Heepital to be Bato aU, aareed upon, for every eeruoemte of thiaaaadi atoe yabliahail by aa whiah ia act anina. Its XsLsredientaU Ts shew ear faith ia the aafety and rxailimm of w X. B.. vpoa proper peraonai apviiaaaoa. m aatiatted that aa impdeitioa ia intended, we will it the name a of all ita iBgradiaata.by amaarit. 'he above omtra ware aavar made befora t r tha ero priater of any other Family Hadistna ia tha world. Many taaUranmlaJ a. further mf oraaalion , and nuameiioiia lor aur win na nua m tne pm. phlet " Treat ie en Diaeaaea of tha Blood," as wbir aaoh bottle ia eDdoeed . Price ftl per bottle eon. tuining LI eoneee, er 40 to M doeaa. Sold by drojp SMU. C. gsanii.fioa it Co.. grep'aS.Baflato.M.ltj The accumulated evidence of nearly thirtv vears show that tne Bitters is a cer tain remedy for malarial disease, aa well as itssuTBt preventative; that it eradicates dyspedsia, constipation, liver complaint and nervousness, counteracts a unaency io gout, rheumatism, urinary and uterine dis orders, that it imparts vig-r to the feeble and cheers the mind while it invigorates the body. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. &TJGB FOSTER, AGENT FCU WILMERDING CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers ln ' FIKEWmE&UaUORS. 214 and 216 Front Street, San Francisco. XL S. &. J. C. ' SHERIDAN, (Saecessors to Thos. P. Sheridan) DEALERS IK- HARDWARE, TINWARE1 , SroVES Guns, Cutlery and Tiriers Fur nishing Good. BRICK STORE, ROSEBURG, 0GN. Having secured the above business, we ara prepared to keep up its former good name for work and prices. We have the best of material and always a full stock of goods on hand, and it is our aim to fur nish customers with firs-class article at let live prices. A full stock of Iron and Steel far ia Orders from abroad will recei ve prcti attention. R .. t J. C. SHE KDA.' The finest and best saloon in Roseburg JOE AIKEN, PROPRIETOR. The best of liquor, the finest of cigars, and a quiet retreat. ; Gentlemen are invited to give me a call. JOE AIKEN. -EXCELSIOR DOBSE-SBOEING SHOP I iHEIaROIAN &, CO, Oab.land HORSE SHOEING MADE SPECIALTY And all kinds of work mmVJlX EXECUTE!?. GIVE THE FIRM A CALL. And you trill come again GO TO DR. S. HAMILTON'S HEW DRUGSTORE, ' FOB . Drags, Palnta, Oils, Varnish, Window anp Picture Glass, Stationery, Perfumery, -if you wish to purchase them chvaper than at any place south ol PORTLAND. Full lines keept of E&WARD TODD it CO'S.GOLD PENS, PENCILS. ETC, SCHOOL BOOKS, NOVELS, LEGAL BLANKS. Gtath, Katr, Waft & Tooth iptsfts9 Patat, White wash, Yarcttsh Artist's Windsor and Newtons tube colors, Win daw and Picture Glass, every size, at Lowest Price, by box or pane. Blank Books, Writing Paper, envelopes, pens. All new Patent Medicines in stock as demsnd will warrant. GLASS CUT TO ORDER, free of charge. Agent for THREE MIXF.D PAINTS The celebrated and thoroughly tested PA' CIFIC RUBRER PAINT, The IM PERISHABLE PAINT, and The ENAMEL PAINT. Agent for At. Gray, Maaio Dealer, San Francisco, -Prescriptions filled with dispatch, si tb lowest rata. Store, is aacessible at right window oa back street a all hoars of th night. Remember tb place. Brick bsilr Ing Mostts MUmUi KstaL Xsarz. ' . - : V FSk STOIIACH Wishes the public to understand that be baa established a A BROOM- INUFAGTUHG ESTABLISHMENT At Oakland, and on the shortest notice ill supply tne tracts ana private pariie kh anv number of brooms, of all style and rises, eheauor than they eaa be pur chased elsewhere.- He has had long expe rience in the business, and guarantees sat isfaction . -,. Order fmrn abroad promptly filled. Give Inn a trial. SHEEP - WANTED T"wo to flva TnotisaTid Ems, from 1 to 2 - a Years, Old, CLEAN AND WELL-BRED. Give price and fall particulars. Address B. G. FARRAR, 623 Pine street, Bt. Loots, Ho. Oakland, Oreson. B. F. ELLSWORTH, PBOPRIETOR, The Dromietor would snnoonce that lie bas once more ssgumf d control oi thia pop. nlar house (lately under the management of Mrs. Gibson) ssdthat he will attend to tl, wanta of natrons In a firstaclas u.ai.- Tim table will b lUDulied with brst ho market affords, the beds of the bouse arewell furnished neat and clean and no pains Will b spiced ts raat (tneaiacoit: lortaoi. : r . " v. . For Sale For Sale GEORGE W. GENGER. Announces mat ne win pbu uib uuc mtui, aituated on the south fork of Drer creek nn the county road, seven miles east of Koseburg. Peer crees. tunning lurvugnine entire place. lfEStKlr l iua una : i Well improved, cood orchard, two story dwelling houae, a convenient barn. There are 200 acres of 'arming land, and 100 acres in "rain. Will sell all or part. For j particular inquire of utu. vv. uiuiucn, Boseburg. Oregon. May 82. NEW BAKERY Roseburg, Oregon' J. NIEDERSTADT (La.e of San Francisco) Would snanunce to the public that be has purchased the interest of H. FISHER in the ROSEBURG BAEERY, And that he has had fifteen years expe rience in first-cla bakeries in the city of San Francisco as a baker. He, thereiure, is prepared to conduct the bakery in first-class manner, and will warrant all h work aa first-class. Tha Best Of Bread, Either whealen, oaten or rye, always on band. Cases, pies and crackers ol tbe nn eslaualitv for sale: and whether for balls parties or urWate faui'liea, all orders will be promptly filled at the lowest rates. I connection with the Bakery I will keep friuta and vegetables, candies, nuts and notions, and with this regard I will not be undersold by any one. Give me a trial. Then if I cannot sui yon as to quantity and quality and pi ices no one can. J. JS IKDkHSTAUT. FOR SALE CHEAP. A Second-Hand Planer (Weatherby, Slcbanison Rugg machine,) All bits and slotted cylinder form H' lug rustic and moulding goes witt. tae machine. F particular inquire of THOn. OKISUALE, Bosebnrg, Ogn. JAMES W. BAMILIOHl, sttoniey-at-La'vT- rFFICE FIR3T DOOR TO THE w right iu tb Court House. Host ess promptly attendod to ia all tbe ouna of ilia Ute. PL17MMEH TO AL.I. FAHIflUS Preserve Your Fruit and Pay Off Your Mortgages. Read the' following testimonials from some of the best citizens of Doug, county who speak from experience only: Deep Creek, May 7, 1880. Thin is to Certify that we have a Plum mer Fruit Dryer. During last Season we dried nearly all kinds of fruit. It will do all that is recommended and more. Our apples brought nine cents per pound earlv in the season and are wortii thirteen cents at this date. We do not believe it can be excelled by any other dryer in tbe State. MliS. S. ADAMS. Wilbtje, May 4. 1888. I nsed a Plummer Fruit Dryar bought ot uruube at Uo. upc year and dried nearly 10,000 pounds of apples, for which I real ised ten cents per pcund. It did better work than was promised and I made more money than X could from any otner busi ness. I only run the machine two months. J. FBAZER. Harvy Jones says : I have a Plummer Fruit Dryer, -and it bas done all recom mended It. would do ; and turns out the handsomest fruit I ever saw. X shall run it this year to iti full extent. Wm. Boon, of Calnpooia says : I hired a machine for $100 and dried on shares and made more than Ioou'.d larming. Mr. Tipton, of Mt. Scott, says tbe Plum mer machine is the best I ever saw and it is all that is recommended, and more. : NOTICE. JSP OTfCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned executors of the es tate of 8. D. Willis, deceased, have filed a final account therein ; and that the 5th day of July, A. D., 1880. has been appointed, for the bearing of objections to such sea Count and the settlement thereof in the county eaart for Douglas county, Oregen. WM. B. WILLIS, O, U WILLIS, Executant AT FAIR OAKS, OREGON Sampson Sn.th.er XinJProp. JifT NBv? STORE AT FAIR OAKES IS JUL now completed and blied with a fin stock oi goods, embracing everything founi in a first-lass country store. - I am pre pared to to supply farmers with all kinds ot goods, at lower prices than they can b secured elsewhere. Borse, cattle, sheep and hogs and all kinds of country pro bos takra and highest market price paid oi th cams. Give m a call and satisfy yeonslf, SAMPSON SUTHSBXLN, . SUPERLATIVE CAKING POTVDED, Best ia the World, ABSOLUTELY PTJEE Tbs SaperlatlTe Baking Powder is the standard article of the United States for strength and purity. The best artlcls Jfo general baking purposes ever introduced, It is tbs cooks favorite. Warranted per fectly pure and superior to anything of tbs kind now ln the market, for healthfuloess and strength producing at all times. The most delicious cooking. For sale by grocers, or sent direct by mail on receipt of sixty (60) centa for one pound can. Solo in cans ouly. Full weight guaranteed. Ad dress, . Superlative Baking Powder Co., 143 ChamberaSt., Newjork how Tfiua to votra orocbb. This space ia reserved for SSBh O i l td L-a J BBaSsBsSaSsBBBfl Notice- IWIsn TO ANNOUNCE TO THE publie that I will pay no bills of Mrs. Kitchell hereafter. C. L. KITCHELL. Boseburg, June 15, 1880. 4w. 3NTOTIOTi3a TJ. S. L.nd Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Msv 10th. 1880. Notice is hereby given in pnrenanee of an aetot Congress, of June 3d, 1878, for the sale of Timber Lands in tbe States of Caifiornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Tenitory, that Geo. VV. Jones and Wm G. B. Dixon bas filed their arplicaj tioa to purchase tbe north-half of the south-half of section 5, in township 27 south, or range 9 west. Any and ail persons claiming adversely the above described land 4, must file their claim in the Register s office w.thin sixty daye trom uts date. W, F. BENJAMIS, hylO-8 1. E. ROSlCBORG. OGN 113 CORDs Four Foot Wood FOR SALE. I have 115 cords of four-foot wood for sale on my place, 6 miles north-west ol Rnsoborg, on the Coles valley road. The wd was cut last winrer; Is of the best quality; all sound oak; will be sold on my arm at the lowest rates. I have aleo plem v of stove, wood, and purc.iabers will und that I can give them superior bargains. Those who desire a good trade cannot do better than give me a call. H. CONN, Sb. Parties may inqufrs at the office of the Independent If I am not in town. BOSEBURG, OGN. ZIMMERMAN & FRAZER, PROS; Castings of sny size sad IRON WORKS Of every description neatly and promptly executed. - Grist, Quartz and Saw Mills Made to order. Portable and Stationary ENGINES Made to order and WARRANTED. FOUNDRY: On block south of he Depot. i jy3 ,. Tb CHICAGO LEDGER, a literary am family paper, can b bad by sending t Chicago, Illinois. Prise, 82 00 peryear. The Ledger is published weekly and ba eight pages, and tbe tone of ita stories and other matter is pure and moral, aad well calculated for the lanuly. D. B.XUCB,; 31. D., Physician and Burgeon, Office first door south of Di. Eamilton'a drug store, c Main street. -.; eaff2saBBBBW aaSBlSBIBBBBBBHaB&sBBal HH HAVE TUB Grocery TOKR OP SOUTHERlSf OREGON TH3 3 THE LARGEST AND SOUTHERNOGN.1 Choice Goods LOWEST q 1A! S H Foreign and Domestic Fruit in Tneir Store, ITuts, CANDIES AND CALIFORNIA CRACKERS. Everything in tlio shape ot Groceries to be found at their store WELIilM, PECK'& CO.l&i AND WHOLESALE AKD DEALERS IN . TT A TTAJsTJTA, KEY WEST NEW YORK CIGARS Nos. 123, 128 & 132 Market Street, AND Nos. 23 & 24 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. COMMENCING &PRIL1&T, 1880, The Celebrated Stallions 3 a Will stand for tbe ensuing season as fol. lowi: Roseburg on Fridays and Satur days; other times at home, six miles norh weit on I he Cole's valley road. If change is made in these arrangements, due notice will be given. H. CONN, Sa., Rates of Service: To insure, $10. Proprietor. All communications by msil must be ad dressed to the proprietor, Roseburg, Ores go n. THE FRANCISCO BULLETIN. - THE Leading Evening Newspaper West of the Rocky Mountains. It is recognised authority in commercial and financial circles as the beat family journal on the Pacific coast. Served by carrier in Ban Francisco and the towns f the interior. . . .25c per week. By mail, postage paid, .... f 13 peryear. The Weekly Bulletin I a mammoth twalve-page ournal. and in proportion to its size the cheap est jburnal in the country. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. The Weekly and the Friday Bulletin, forming together the most complete semi Weekly published on the Pacific coast, will be sen t to any address postage paid, on the lollowing terms: i The Weekly and Friday Bulletin. One year $3 00 Six months 1 SO Weekly Bulletin Alone. One year $3 23 Six months, 150 Re mittsnces by dralt. Postoffiee order. Wells, Fargo Cos express, registered ter at our risk. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. . Each subscriber will ba presented with several varieties of rare and valuable tree, vegetable and flower seeds, equal in value to the subscription price oi the paper. Bend lor sample copy, giving loll par tieulars. ; Address, 8. F. BULLETIN CO., San Francisco CaL NOTICE SETTLE UP. Notice Is hereby given that my lease of uib jieiropoiuaa noiei win expire on tne ?3d day of September, 1880, and that I shall soon thereafter leave the country. &J in debted to me must come forward at once and make immediate settlement of their acc unis. or have the same placed in the hands of an officer for collection. This is the last notice, aod I hope it will receive prompt response. W. L. BUTTON. 20-tf. Proprietor Metropolitan HoteL ROSEBURG ACADEMY Monuments, tombs, tablets. Marble Mantles ate., made from the best For eign and Domestio marble. Designs and estimates furnished free. Head stones from $10 upwards. Giro me a call aad examine my work; before purchasing. R. BRACKEN BIDQ B. ROSEBURG ACADEMY. Tbe autumn session of this institution will commence on Monday, eeptember 6th 1880. and will be in charge of Dr. Browne and the nsnal corps of competent assis tants. j - v The first month of the term will be fre, tha other two months wilt be charged for according to the following rates: ' Orthography, reading"! Writing and Pri- V pr. month $1 06 mary Arithmetic J Geography, or Eng. Grammar " 1 Q0 Higher Arithmetic, Algebra or Ketoric, pr month............:. 1 So Latin or Greek, pr. month. ......... I 00 P. BairxDici, 1 A. W. Compto. V Board of Direetoa. C. 0ADBIA. i sWa LEADING Provision S2G1T ! jTOTEST DISPLAT OP .-Low Prices JPMICESt :Oip:!i.i Y !. ft tba o n CQ H u o 1 I 3 til o el ta H OQ C3 f-s o VI o o o crj s H 9 o bo 1 13 8- i 3 O CQ o o o O at OQ ta I I c 5 al a- a a S e-c it "2 a 4 1864 1880. Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. PIRE OULY. I Doom 13 Months, $238,563 73, Premiums Since Organization, $3,171,423 19, Losses. Paid 81 nee Organisation, $1,521,402 15. LorjBos Paid in Oregon In 7 Years, 183.36319 Tbs BOMB UUTUAL baa had for vs Seven Years, $50,000 Deposited with tbs State TreTjre of Oregon for the protection of Policy-holders. ritrr i dtodv t-i i IBanager Oregon, Washington Idaho ttrPBTBVISOBS I C. H. Lewis, of Allen Lewis; P. Wasserman, of Wasserman a Co.; J. jaavraKea, oi j. Jtcuraaen (jo. The aaderalrneal takes pleasure to announcing to the citiaens of Rose burg and vicinity that be has received tbe agency of th above ''leading in- i company oi tbe Paeifio Coast. U. JlUKSii, Agent J. C. MoEELAKD, City Attorney, A. H. Takmer. Notary Pnblc. MOHELAND & TANNER. ATI ORNEB-ATsLAW. 109 First st. Portland, Oreg m. sept3 ly BUY TKE UMFQUA VAIET MILLS THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Address A. W. STEARNS, Caayonvllle, Oregon. sept CISSSLUTISM K0T1CE. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the copartnership heretafor existing be tween Wm. Caril aad O. C. Perkins, bas been dissolved by mataal eoaaent. Wm. Carll retiriag from tb im. AU debta dus th sadersigaad mart be paid to O. C. Perkus, who will settle all indebtedness ofUeffiraa. CARLL. o. c rmfi&iXaV FANCY noon;. MCKCOat BTBKST, ltOSKBUlK..- Tbs proprietor of. this wsll-knou-n ancf popular resort would thank bis frivuds fur their liberal patronage in the pant an'l ask for acontinaance of the same in the tuluri. The pablis ia informed that 1 keep nu lut the best brands of wines, liquors ann cignrif. and that I sell evar tb bar the celebrated JES8S MOORE CO. KENTUCKY WHISKIES A good, billiard table will be founl iff the saloon; also the leading pauers vfthJ ; of the world. PI0HEEE S ALOOF, OAELASB OREGON, ' T. B COPELAUD. Proprietor. The finest of wines, liquors and ciun constantly on band, and a welcome ti all. Corns and see me. sept-ly : This popular resort for business mon, Farmers and others desiring "somet'nn good for tb stomach's sake, willl ua iound south of Smith A Co.'s store, OAKLAND, ORBGON. Tb best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars- always on band. seplS ly Cansron's Eestaura&t! HORXER JACKSON a, WASHINGTON Koseburg, vregon, Heats at AID Htettrs. FRESH OYSTERS IN EVERY SITU Th only first-lass eating house in th .1. T.hlo. ,Hnn 1M W11U IUH wnrv. au ' WT7 wnU0,l ffx cImeron BOBBINS AND YATES. ARE IN THE FIELD ANO PBEPABED TO IN AUi THE LATEST STYLE'S, CHEAPER THAN ANY HOUSE NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO OUR FACILITIES ARB uwsxritpJLs&E n AND OUR STOCK IS SECOND TO NONE, ALL THE ET CJ2TRA" OP A B-i-al 1in"4- -a. -sa e J-'AAOLVyltlSS Picture , Store Will Be Found at On m n First, Portland. About the 1st of Sentemh-. .v.r. . ceive our first invoice of the edebld We still ksen on lin -L . . Whitney Holme. Organ. ' Urml Betneinber, that we buy oar a-ooda at first handN and hav. s'mldita'SS to share profiu with. BOBBINS & YATES. 123 First Street, , Portland, Ot. oc9 NOTICE- crmt wmm AT TfOB THE NEXT THIRTT DAYS 7 comme ncing Angost 1st, Haffert denBros. will aeU the following goods at very low prices: A fall Tine of Queenaware, glassware, lamps, plated castors, stone jars, churns, jugsT Dots, fruit jars, Infanu ehaira, baskets, J oil, brooms, lard oil. castor oil. hfn. nut oil, etc., ate Soaps, ayrnp. can dles, lard, flour, canned goods, ear- (1 1 nMt. towMtmvm. aaITa. tu I . . bluing, beans, atarcn, hJckoryiS pick helves, cigars and tobacco. Call and be convincccL s J --ler