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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1880)
I i -t "' ':-.- - SBBtwe.rAePWJ!" J- ...i'. .. . .. ... ' . . . C OLTJTIO tlF EVnoRSEVrvr V HEREAs, tbb Douglas JDRpjcwnrKT I f; :V,,y7 5r .l?,ed in Bowb,"8' bs w-we years; and ; t Vt HF.haxB, raid newspaper Is now wel jaUnbed, ani during a three year' trial ifXlr'tZ:? L0HhZ JL'.t-Hwd,: We, the members of the Ump- JCSlt aaa would reaomnwnd n at a newspaper -" "i inirunffe or every tanner and mnaera ungoa. Ubo. W. Johes. Master J. P. Vtma&N, Secretary. SATURDAY ,t '.OCTOBER, 9, 1880 THE INSANE ASYLUM?" The Lcgtelatarefcas passed in t -e lower ocse a- bill to provide 1st the erection if an insane asy lara. It H oot opinion that the till will f become inopperative eiBca it is cot enfScientlv snaeiflc . iaits term, in "the matter of time cf building, eto.J In odr opinion it is just as well. Here, in Dong- las count v. taxes are heavv cou-h. and we do not want them laereased. And we cannot .ee. titer taking into consideration the 8cho1 measures etc., evidently present condition ot State finan. attemptine to rival the ejeat kn ees, and the interest to be oaid morons Mark Twain, but care- cn thb present State inbebtedneBS, fally drawing on the State Trees hew any could wish to add to the arv fop traveling expenses Etate debt which is already far 8Dd COTt ot pnbhcation of his Leyond the constitutional limit book which probably no one but To build the asylum could be. to increase the debt in order that the work might be paid for; and who could just now argue in fa - ver of a special tax for the pur- rose.' Uertainly no one wbo cares for the people at large. Sir Alexander Gait, the Can dian commissioner in England, at a recent press dinner in London laid a high compliment to the j p.pers of this "country. He said th-t the newspapers of the United Hin?dom are fast losing their laurels in ccmpctition with the enterprising journalism of the United States and the colonies. Jle added that there was scarcely a village in North America the "inhabitants ot which did not have a paper containing " nearly as" much news as tbe London dailies. , - Canadian advices requesting Nciiic railroad state that two es are offering bids for road the government that now under eon w company to con 2,900 mile, in - miles- from ing to r Thun jmpany to work fpr '"he entire road ' . a'completion. It is stated that one ofier is for $10,000 in bonds per mile and 60,000,000 acres ot land. To correct a recent item, that the whole number of different postage stamps known to exist in tbe world is about 6000, a Lond n . firm of dealers writes to the Times to say this estimate is far too small.' They aro now negotiating for the purchase of a collection of 9000, no tws of which are alixe, -'-iuL4n,J877 tbey purchased for ? 10dO a collection of 17,000 vane . ties. They have also had the efier of collection of 20,000 for an equal number of francs, or The ceremony of marrying one John Hall was performed by a justice at Cincinnati, Ohio. The couple went to a restaurant for a woddmg dinner. After the meal was over the husband said that he had an. errand to do, bat would not be absent mora than ten minutes, lie put -one arm around . the bride's neck, kissed her,' and with the disengaged hand took 300 frcsa her pocket. He has not been seen since. An old California prospector is of the opinion that the north pole is a solid ass ot gold. He says it cannot be otherwise, tor the reason that all gold-bearing true all cans d the world, ran ia tho direction of the north pole, just like the . parallels of iougitcde, and that, like these, ell the gold veins must come to gether at the pole. m The divorced Mrs. l'unner has furnishid to the Paris newspapers s fiat "she calls the secret of her V former husband's sncceBS in fat in, which ia a, liquid form of nourishment. The papers there, therefore-denouuee Tanner as an itaposter, anl ridicule the Ameri- cans for their credulity. YThtn you see a man take off his hat to yu, it is a sign that he respects yo i; bat when be is seen divestii g Limeelf of his coat, - tcu can raal:e up your raind that he intends yja shall teppict.Ua- LEGISLAT1TS IT2S3. Sauk, Oct 4th- 1830. Editok Independent. Yonr correspondent is a close observer t4 what it going on at the State Capitol, atd ! pleased to communicate to those not '"on the ground," the result f many observations, provide 70a have room in the columns ot your pa per to print what I write. The Legislature is beset, as usual, by lobbyists who have an interest 111 some particular schemes, mostly designed to in some way prey upon the .treas urn but such characters have had httle encouragement eo far as this session has progressed. Dr. Hawthorne has had bis as . v . . j na' number ot bangersion to aid Ming by prison labor, and icmoving the insane At as early a J the buildings will allow. It is estimated that ltwll save the I ... " ft " completed. Col. Hogg wants legislation to enable him to handle bis land grant to better advantage in Ecg- land, in order to enable him to complete his Taquina Bay rail road to Winnemncca He has not built any road "y, but has only about three hundred miles to build to complete the.hne. Instead ot a tew lines in shape of a report to the Secretary of 8tate, the State Superintendent of Poblic Instruction, has published separately an elaborate account of his peregrinations of the State, caltivating the acquaintance ot the Proot reader will ever see. As aami8man on lQe treasury ne is voUd a grand success, j Ihe number; ot bund in the State i so small that it is deemed uoadvi8able to keea up any State Institution for their benefit. Tbe appropriations- heretofore Lave gone to teachers and bookkeepers without any apparent advanlagi to pupils. The result of tbe last session of the school for deaf mutes,, has 9hown ly a report from the su perintendent, convinces the leg lelator ot average Intelligence that it is cheaper to send onr mere handful of impecunious mutes to the California school, tnan it is to undertake to sustain a State institution for that j purpose; the last report showing that it cost the sura of 8167 00 to teed, while it cost ?783 00 to teach them. The tact is, the institution has been tsstained by the State for the benefit of & certain church, to which the State seemed under no special obligation.! The appro pnation, if any at all is made, will be very light, jtbe members not feeling sale in throwing away public funds, where the ralsappli caiou is eofiugrant. I he fall races are among the things that were; the attendants being light, and the usual amount of dissatisfaction among horse owners, finding expression at the close. i Steambo&ting on the Willam ette, has almost ceased, because of the low stage ot water, and low price of wheat. , .Capt. Flavel concludes that he knows more about managing tug boats than he does about horse racing and will at once pasture all ot his fine siock; he says he wants no legislation on the sub ject of navigating the lower Co umbia, with toes, but the peo-. pie of Portland insist that he has an outrageous monorolv. and - a ' want it broken no. What the egislature will do, remains to be seen. ADAPTAB ILITY OF PAPER. The adaptability of paper to numerous important and widely, varied uses is wonderful. W hat other substance can be satisfactori ly substituted for wood, iron and such coaamon materials, to the extent that paper can be ? It is impossible to find anything else which, like paper, may be so dex terously prepared, as regards flexibility, thinness, strength, tin ribility, imperviousness to fire and water, etc., that it can be readily, made into pails, wash bords, ashes, bricks, napkins,' blankets, barrels, houses,' stoves, wearing apparel, curtains, bon nets, newspaper an4 writing sheets, wrappers, carpets, coating for iron ships, flower poU, boxes, parchment slates, covering for the leads ot pencils, jewelry, lan terns, car wheels, dies for stamp, ing, uppers of shoes, roofing, and many other things. It is the tendency on the part of paper to take the place of everything else, to become a universal substitute eo to speak, which leads to the conclusion that the future has a grand developement m! store tor it, and that in the years to come its manufacture will hold a mag-! mficect position among the great industrial interests of the world. The Boers of Setth Africa bare a very useful social custom. Whoa a Boer lady has 4 daughter ia so ciety, and a youn man calls to see her, the careful parent sticks a pin in the candle; when the can die burns down' to the pin, the young man knows hs time is out; he picks himself up and ' leaves. Bores of more emhiod ; society might be managed in the same wav. A writer in as Australian pa per says that rust in wheat can be prevented by soaking the wheat for twenty-four Honrs in sea water made strongei by adding more salt, then drying it m lime, and sowing in drills not broad' cat. . . ' in defeating any bill looking to the building ot a State Ios&ne Asylum, but in the face of his op position a bill passed the House which provides for the erection of A88IGXSS SALS. Ifotioe i hereby erven toil toe nd signed has been appointed ueigaoa ol the estate of Kob rt Cameron, and -the credit ore of the aaid Robert Camera t. qnired to preeeot their elIioe, esaer oath, te hies etbie ofiloe Jaa IgrfHl V?eo, within three vontba,' &ad iirnaiiran l- oeowa w toe eiQ440Dert VTimiw, will tare vt by eaJUng at my efflee and as tUngthe eaine. Dated this 34th hy ot Aafrutt, 1880. KOBKRT NEWCOMB, ' Office with I F-Lane, Eq , "' :.. AeaigBee. 8. K. HATaOND, - SURGE OK DEUTX3T, 2ad door to Dr. Hamiltoa't Drag Store, Boeebarg, Oregoa. Oaeri bis professional eerrleee to the people of Doutlaa eoanty, with whom he Lac ben aeqaainted eeeeral Tear. Ali work warranted flretIaei, and term a moderate ae any other la the profeeMoa. BUY THE UMPQUA VAUIT I2IUS THE BESTnTHrAH"Ktr" Addresa A. W. ST2AKK8, Caoy tfaritle ungoa. aagi Louis Bolfils, WATCHMAKER AND JKWELEB Front Sw, Roeebut;, Oregon. WholetKle and retail dealer in Watehea, Cloche, Jewelry, Oold Feaa. and Moaieai Inetruuivntt. Watcbee, Clocki and Jew el j j repaired. A I vtj work warranted. TEE ST.&X, SAL002T Jackson Street, Boaebarg, I hereby an "ounce to the pablio that I bpve-efitie rd refurnished this - 1 1U keep on band fine ; Wiass, "Ztiquors Cigars PEliOS & CARLId HAVE FITTED UP THB In a Metropolitan Style, , ABB -7-'" THEY XLaYE OJT HAND " " . - LZQU0BS & CZQA&3 FINEST AND BEST SU THIS EXajaXSET BB0S; This firm haa oonstantly on hand the Baca stock or Boots and Shoes EVER BBOUQHT TO ROSXBUBQ. Best of Soots &&d Shcss Ma4e to order and Bepalred. PATENT METALUC 8TIPFENCR0. .... ron -.. . L&no it Himtj Boot and She JTeeU. Pieventa rm&iag Ming of ee tbe UDBaV The firm haa on head the fneat etoek of of Leather in tbe State, and i prepared to do all kinds of work ia a flrettelate Ban ner, upon the most reasonable term, Far ties needing in their line, shjld Bpoa them first, a they folly GUAIlANTgfl ALL WOBK Turned oat of their abeti te be A t and certain to wear well. All klndi of Moiieal Iaetrvseote said at Han Jfrancieeo prieea. TIoub and tringe a tpecialty. vnte aad tnat. ASSIGNEES 8A1JL rtotlee is hereby girea that the tnder aisrned haa been appointed aatignee ot the .state of L Care and 6i Caro, nnder the firm same of Caro Broa and the credit uraol said Caro Brea , are repaired to pre sent their claim, under oath, te htm at hit office la Boeebarg, Oregon, within three moatba. And all pereona indebted to the said Caro Brae., will tare eoeta by calling at my a Gee an j set tl Lag the aarae. Dnteei this UU day of Aagnct. 1S80. WauB. WILLIS, " Aarigaea. NOTICE TO fflilERS! NSOTICB IS B5KESS1 GTTET TO Hunters that they mat net hereafter, roa deer with hounds Im tbe raegte be longing to tbe nndereigaMd e tbay will besaidfer tnmsk n v.. m fc.jw, . ...... , fepH PAJtTKi iiUXWSLU f Eing of the Blood ! llSorafalow afletMont nd dlnrfntMilu k K)tn Impmritj of U blood. It Is luxxUeo l wititj 11,m Uw milanr hi uuUt pamlT thait BM V bat Salt Mhnm, inpiw, VUtrt, Itewrm, twin, SwtUingt. o., era tbe moat common, m id any nflettwmot tlx Btori, iitad, tAftr SCROFULA. We&fisrfal Cars sf Elnaaeit. S. xUnov, Soe Oe.t Vee the hmftt ef a aupnil mta iwm or loim uom la IBM rim, I barabr neommmd Kint of tb BI004. Iaetwm troeb!d with SarohUs tm Vb VMi tea rmn, whith ea aflceM my 7 that I Heon. HetMT bliad fo six mnatM. I vm neanuawuted i w Kluf ot Ux Blood, wUah hM prowl gnat mmmam w mm, wm u omm oomgptnwr nna ma. an t werhiMy woomnmnd it toH tnulkdwlkv Tan trmlw. . Ma. 8. Vtimui, fiaWtlnU, . Y. 23 T7 Q n fee pnU to anr Pbblie Eonltat to be anva llf xrrd upon, tor mc, s-rtiiiesU ot IbieaMd. ajae pabutaeil by na vmoa it aar luiae. Its Xngredlezi.tfl. a the oar f alth ia tbe lafetr aaS eaerilaaei at She K. poo piopat panonel appUoattoa, what eitinfH that no imposition it intended, w will etvttlM juuaoeot ill its inatdient,br affidvnt. It abore oOun wwe tmt made Montr tbe pn MM of mit eaaer raauir umuobm u tat worto. Blaawi tuM imMtitm for nafcnur Tin ba found iastix MM -TnaUse ea Vlaaatat at tbt BkxM, ta WSjatnaAbotUaiaanaioaad. Prioa 1 p tottlaoeo. taatiiie tt oatMaa, ot 40 to M doeaa. BoU bydrw aWs.l).BtitnM.fiwi ACa.Fras'aa.Smiiatlt.Z. Tboucb shaking like an aspen leaf with ! tbe chills aod fever, the victim of malaria mar still recover bv asinn this celebrated specific, which not only breska op tbe most ageravated attacks, but prevents their reoccurrence. It Is Indeomte'y pr ferable to quinine, not only because it does j the boslness more thoroughly, but alee on aacoont of its perfect wholeaomenees and invigorating action upon tbe entire sys tern. For sale by all druggists end dealeia generally. AOXICT FOB - WILMERDINQ CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In a aUkils. if lilli 12Z seUWUiCw ... . i"x bmivi iu giuui DHeet. Ssm IVsmoiseo. - - IS. S- Cl J- Gm SBERIBAn, nncsesore to Than. P. Sheridan) DBALKRS IS HARDWARE, T1NWABF, &TOVES Uans, Cutlery and Tir ner For Bisbing Wood. EHIGX ST0E, JR0SEBUX8. G6N. Baving secured the above bnsiness, we era prepared to keep up its former good name for work and prieea. We have the beat of material and alwavs a full stock of gooa on nand, and it ia oar aim to fur nish customers with GrtelaM article at let live prieea. A full stock of Iron and Steel far ta Orders from abroad will receive prod attention. II :. A J. C. SUB RDA.'- Tbe finest and best saloon in Roeeburg JOE AIKEN, PROPRIETOR. The beet of liquor, tbe finest of cigars, and a quiet retreat. . Gentlemen are invited to give me a call JOE AIKEN. -EXCELSIOR iraEIlRIjTIAN & CO, O EtlS.1 AXtcaie HOBSK SHOEING If ADB SPECIALTY And all kinds of work GIVB THE FIBM A CALL. 4n& you ttIII oome agaia GO TO DR. B. HAMILTON'S HEW DRUGSTORE, ., FOB . Drags, Pslsts, Oils, Veraisb, Window sop jrietare uiass, ounonery, renomery, if yon wiab to purchase them- cheaper than at any place soa'b ot PORTLAND. Foil lines keept of EOWARD TODD A CO'S.GOLD PENS, PENCILS, ETC. SCHOOL BOOKS, NOVELS, LEGAL BLANKS. Cloth. Ka?i Kail &Toot& 0 rushes. Windser and Newtons tub colors. Wist tw ana rictare uiass, every stxe, at jweat Pries, by box or pane. Blank ooka. WritlBjr Paper, eavelonen. nena. All new Patent Medicines in stock as demand wttl warrant, GLaSS CUT TO ORDER, free of charge. Agent for Tonus TJiTrim paxstts The celebrated and thorongbly tested PA CIFIC KtoluiB FAINT, The IM. PKK1SHABLK PAINT, ad Tbe ENAMEL PAINT. Agent fair M. Gny MbsIb Dealer, Saa FraaiBseo, Praaeitpaofca tiled wltb sgwelslv at ffte wast rates.' Store ie asssfilnis at lieht wiedew ob beefc stress at ail bomrs ef the bb. Beaenber tbe bSmo. Brick beAU. f nvmtt teeiiepelWBB EsStsBbssg, J WWII SHOP WiaLaa tbe pobila to wtdwetart &M baa esublisbeit a A BROOM - WGHSiO ESTABLISHMEItT At Oakland., and on tbe aborts sottee win (apply tbe trade ana prrrnMr parae i with any nnmber .of brooms, oi all style and sizes, cheeper tbatt they esn be pur chased elsewhere. He bae bad long expe rience in the business, end gtBUSiJiaut Sat is tseuun. uroers tmm aenca crompuj filled. Give bim a trial. ; . SB. Two to 2T79 Thezzzzz Ems, froa 1 to S . Tears Old, CLEAN AND WKLLBBXD. Give price and fall pertiealsre. AddrtH ' ; B. G. FAstSAft, 623 Pine street, gt. Letria, Mo. Oakland Otfcsae . B. F. EJJLS WORTH, PROPRIETOR, Tha nronrtetor would tnueeaes tbaa be baa eeoa wore SMomed control ot tbie oop nlar boose ( lately under the mawkgeme&t of Mrs. Gibson) and that be will attend to tbe wants of patrons m a Brstaeiaes men- . ... ... l . A L. ner. Tne table win oe tuppiieu wu wb the market aflbrds, tbe beds or tne aoase are wall furnished, neat and clean, ami pains WUl oe sparea u reirar sjawwtwu fonable. B. F. ELLSWOBTB For Sals For Sail . - . I GEORGE . W. GEXTGSR, Anuouaces tuat ne win bvii u nw nroi, Situated on tbe sauth fork of Deer ereek, on the county road, seven miles east ot Koseburg. Deer creek tanking tbrtafbihe entire piece. I LESCBIPTiON OF FABM : - ;- W'ell improved, cood orchard, two story dwelling hotue, a convenient barn. There are 2(10 acres of arminsr land, and 100 scree in grain. 'Will sell ail or part. For particulars inquire of Boeeburg. Oregon, May 23. NEV? BAKTTRY Eoseburg, Oregon' jt niedWrstad t, (Ltie of San Francisco) Would ananunee to the public that ha has purchased the interest of U. F1SHEK in R0SEBURG BAHEHY, ' And that he has bad fifteen rears expe rience in first-cla-a bakeries in tbe city of San Franciseo as a baker. Be, . therefore, ia, prepared to conduct the bakery In a first-class manner, and will warrant ell bis work as nrst-claee. The Best Of Bread, w . t . . I naoa. astot, pie bs ermcebera oi tM tin- i eebqBBBUivT lur aiue; ina wucuuv iut wilt, parties or private famiUea, alt orders will be promptly mied at the lowest rates, in connection with the Oakery I will keep friuts and. vegetables, candies, nuta and notions, and with this regard I will not be undersold by any one. Utve me a trial, Tben tr I eaaaot suit yon aa to quantity Mad quality and price no one can. J. NitDERSTADT. FOE SALE CHEAP. A Seceal-Haiid fts&sr (Weather by, Riokardaon Roggv maobiDe,) AUDlta and slotted cylinder for ta i.ig rustic Bnd mouidiug goes wltb t tie maobiue. Few particulars inquire of mU.S. UiUSDAAdt, Boaebarf, Ogn. 7JL1XE3 W. HA2XH.T02? ? attomsy-at-LaTT: OFFICE FIRST DOOB TO THE right la tbe Court House. Busi es s promptly attended to ia all tbe arte of i He state. TO ALL FAJtifI.ES Preserve iour Fruit aoJ Pay Off tour Mortgages. Read the following testimonials from some of the beat citizens of Douir county who speak from experience only: Deep Creek. Mr T. 1880. Thin is to certify that we have a Plutn- mer Fruit Dryer. During last Season we dried nearly all kinds of fruit. It will do all that ia recommended and mote. Our apples brought nlue cen.s per pound earlj in tbe season and are worth thirteen eents at this date. VVe do not believe it can he excelled by any ether dryer in tbe State. . Utfo. IS. ADA Us. Wilbur, May 4, 1888. I ossd a Pluinmer Fruit Drvar bouaht of Orubbe ti Co. Uvt year and dried nearly 10,000 pounds of apples, for which I real ised ten cents per pennd. It did better work than was promised and I made more money than I could from any other busi Doss, l only run the machine twomoaihs. J. t i&AXKK. Barvy Jones save : I hsve a Plummer Fruit Dryer, and it has done all recom mended it would do : and turn ent the handsomest fruit I ever saw, I ahall run It fhts year to it full extent. Wm. Boon, of Calapooia sara t X hired a machine for f 100 and dried oa shares and made more than I could laming. lit. Tipton, of Mt. Scott, save tbe Piara- mer machine is the best I ever sew and it ia all that is recommended, and more. SrOTXGE. HOTICB 18 HEBEBT GITEK THAT the nndersioned executors ot tbe es tate of B. D. Willis, deceased, have filed a final account therein ; and that the 5th day of July, A. P., 1890, has been appointed, f it the hearing of objection to saab ac count and the settlement thereof in the couaty eeart for Douglas county, Oregen. WM. B. WiiXIS, O. L. WILLLS, Exeutoxa, AT FAIR OAKS, OR KGON Sax&psoskSntlier liu, Prop MT NEW STORE AT FAIR OAKES 18 now completed and tiled with a flue stock ot goods, embracing everything fonni in a nrclae country store. . I am pre. pared to to supply farmers with all kinds ot good, at lower prices than they can be secured elsewhere i Horses, cattle, sheep and boo and all kinds of country pro ace taken sad high ist market price paid or the snrnn Givetpe a call and satisfy yourself . ftAUPS BCTHSaialS. SUPEHLATIVE WAILING OWDEO, Best ia the World, ABSOLUTJCJLT FTJZ2JB The SuperlaOve Baking Powder la tbe standard article of the United States for strength and purity. The best article ak general baking pnrpoeee ever introduced It is tbe cooks favorite. Warranted per. feetly pore and superior to anything of tbe kiud now in tbe market, for bealthfnlneas and strength producing at all times. The moet delieioas cooking. For sale by grocers, or sent direct by mail on receipt of sixty (60) cents for one pound can. Solo in cans only. Fall weight guaranteed. Ad dress, Superlative Baking Powder Co-, 143 Chamberstit., New.Tork SHOW THIS TO TOCB GBOCBB. This space Is reserved for Laaa1 p3 rTr 0 w Notice- rWISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE publio that I will pay no bills of Mrs. Kitchell hereafter. C. L. EITCUELL. Boeeburg, Jane 15, 1880. 4w. N-OTZOSL tT. 8. LmA OEce. Boseburf. Oregon. Mar 10th, 1880. Notice is herebreiven in pursuance of an act of Congress, of June 8d, 1878, for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of Ca)flornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Tenitorv. that. Geo. W. J.moa anri Wm G, B. Dixon hss filed their arilica Uon to purchase the north-half of the south-half of section 5, In township 27 south, of i ige 5 west. Any and 11 persons claiming adverse? the above escribed land, must file th. r claim in h. Register's office, within sixty ds; g trom bis date. W. F. B EN J AMIS : byl0-8 KOSifiBURG. GN 1IO OORDs Four Foot Wood FOR SALE. I have 115 cords of fonr.foot wood fn sale on my place, fl mila nnrth.wat ni Koseourg, on the Coles valley road. The vu was cut isst winter; ia of the best sound oak; will be sold on my farm. owest rates. I have also plemv of stove wood, and pnrcaasers will bnd that I can give them superior bargains. Those wbo desire a good trace cannot do better than give me aeell. H. CONS, SB. Parties may Inaufre at the office of the XjtDBPBa'DBHT If 1 am not in town. . IRON MI1M. KOSEBURG, OGN. ZlfJRMAN&FRAZER, PROS. Castings of any sixe sad IRON WORKS Of every descriDtlon neatly and promptly . . executed, v Grist, Quarts and Saw TiTffls Made to order. Portable and Stationary ENGINES Made to order and WARRANTED, (ft FOrjNDBT: One blosk south cf he Depot. ' jy3 The CHICAGO LEDGER, a literary and family paper, ean be bad by sending w Chicago, Illinois. Prise, (2 00 peryear. The Ledger is published weekly and ba eight pages, and tbe tone of tta stories and other matter is pure and mond, and well calculated for the family. - ' . J. Va7..EAlTleS2Tn. D: BOSEBUEO OK ,OSTf " TSTOt. ATTEND TO V W ra trusted te bia AU. CASES Offieea toskleaat , . . UAV3 THE LEADING Grocery Provision - STOKE OF SOUTBESJSf Or.ZOON THE LARGEST AST) FINEST DISPLAY OF SOUTHERN OGN. zp'txxbXb TeTBZGrsraa oivcn. Choice Goods Low Prices LOWEST . , . . 0A!fS H fl Poroii and Domestic Fruit in' Thtir Stcra, ZTutSr CANDIE8 AKD CALIFORNIA CRACKERS. Evervthine in thv shape ot "4 CO.lE-i i hi M1J 1111111x1 1 AMD ': WHOLESALE OROOSRQ AND DEALERS IN KEY WEST a NEW YORK CIGARS Nos. 126, 128 & 132 Market Street, AND ' No. 23 & 24 California Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA COMMENCING JLPR1LUT, 1880, The Celebrated Stallions IT 'A Will stand for tbe ensuing season as fol. lows: Roacburi; on Fridays and Satur days; other times at home, six miles norh westoit the Cole's valley road. If change is made in tbeee arrangements, due notice will bo given. H. CONN, Sr., Rates of Service: To insure, $10. Proprietor. Ali communications by mril mum be ad dreeaed toJhe proprietor, Kosebaig, Ores gon. SAN FRANHSCO BULLETIN. TUB Leading Evening Newspaper West of the Rocky Mountains. It is rticognised authority in commercial nd financial circles aa the best family journal on the Pacifie coast. Served hy carrier in Ban Francisco snd the towns f the interior.... 25c per week. By mail, postage paid, ....$12 peryear. The Weekly Bulletin I a mammoth twdve-pnze ournci. and in proportion to iu size the cheap est journal in the country. SUHSCSRIPTION KATF.S. The Weekly aud the Friday Bulletin, forming toiretiier the most complete svmia Weekly published on the Paei&c coos', will be sent to auy address, postage p&id, oa the following terms: The Weekly and Friday Bulletin. One year $3 00 Six months.... 1 CO Weekly Bulletin Alone. One year ... Bis uion'.Ua, .... ?9 23 .... i;w Be mittanees by dra't. Pottoffiee order. Wells, Fargo a Co's express, registered ter at our risk. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Each subscriber will be presented with several varieties of rare and valuable tree, vegetable and flower seeds, equal in value to the subscription price oi the paper. Send for sample copy, giving fall par ticulars. Address, 8 F. BULLETIN CO., Saa Francisco Cal NOTICE SETTLiK UP. Notice Is hereby given that my lease of the Metropolitan hotel will expire on tlie S8d day of September, 1880, and that I ehaR j soon thereafter leave the country. All in j deb ted to me must come forward at once accounts, or havti the aajne nlad in tlu hands of an officer for collection. This bt the lost notice, and I hope it will receive e prompt response. W. L. BUTTON. 20-tf. Proprietor Metropolitan Hotel. R08EBURG ACADEMY Monuments, tombs, tablets., MarbJa Mantles etc, made from the best ft eigo and Domeetio marble. Designs and estimates furnished free. Head tonea from $10 op wards. Give me call and examine my wors beftm pBrcbtwag. B. BRACKENBIDCUa. ROSEBURO ACADEMY. . The autumn session of this institultos will commence oa Monday, tJeptember 6th IS80. and will be in charge of Dr. Browns and the nsaal corps ef competent asai tarns. " The first month of the term will bt free, the other two months will be charged tot according to the following rates: Orthography,, read i ng V Writing and Pri- V pr. month $1 f roary Aiitbmetlc J Geography, or Eng. Grammar ',"' SOD Higher Arithmetic, Algebra or Ketoric, pr. month j.... S 8r Utia or Oreektpr.Bnlh.. S C6 P. Bbbxdick, 1 A. w. Coxi-tox. I Board el DitteteiaV mm Or-Hl W W t Groceries to bej tound it their store fl O QQ K SB) 03 w Q I a -s- ca 8 c rt s H 3 U o to I o 4 H OS to i3 ! :I J e M ell o- l 11 ii a I o 00 ea, O o s- -4 5 isotv im nn til Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. FIBS 02TLY. iDeoiae U Months, $238,563 73, Premlaaas CIboo Orgaolsatlon, $3,171,423 19. Leasee Paid Biaea Organisation, $1,521,402 15. Loeaes Paid la Oregoa la 7 Yeara, 183,363 19 The) BOMI bTTJTDAL haa ba4 for ore levna Yemr 050,000 Deposited vtib the RMa ' segoa Art the pivteettoa af ItkaUswtv GEO. L, BTOirr, Portland, Baaacejr Oregoa, Washington Ittaha ttrnumsoBwi Tt Xewla, of AJBea a Xavvtst 9. : J. vraeeermaa, or waseerman Co. J. aUeCradtao, of J, KeOsakea a Oa, The ondenlgnetl taAa taMCsn ta aaaoaaetnr ta tM eitlaene of fioew org and violalty asat aa aat Naalaaat i ta ageaey ef taaaaeva naadiBf ta terBaaavaaaj ar ta raeiaa caaaa aa E2T'fTH. J.C. MeBLaBB,. OtyAuorasyy A. BTaJQtsm, Sbtary Pabltv. HORELMDiTkRIEU ATI OBirEft.ATU.A W. 189 First st. PanlaaaVOsagoB. sept3 ly 1117 If THE UFQ'JA YALJIT IXILU THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Address A. W. STBABKS, Ctayoa villa vregoB. . esp4 NOTICE 15 BXSSBT OIYXH THAT the eopartnersbip. aeretaSsre exitting be twHsn Wm. Carl! aad O. C. Perkins, bae been dissolved by atetvai eeaesnt. Was. Carll retiring froat lb Cm. All debt due tbe nndereitmed mast be aaid soO, C PerUae, who wiU esule- aU tBdebtedaeai loftheffrsx. , st)H CAELL, ' f ACKJ90B iTEBBT, XJOeBSCBeV. Tbe proprietor of. this well-known and popular resort would tbaak ale Irienas ior their liberal patronage-in the pest and ask for eontinaance of tbe smme in the future. The public is InioRsed tbat 1 keep bom bel the best brands of wises, liquors-an ci gars. and that I sell ever the set tne eeieeraiesi JE3S3 MOOES OX'S KXKTTCK.T WS3SSIS3 a tmnJh allll.rd table will: be tsmad fat tbe saloon; slse tbe leedii pa ttm- of tbe werkL . PI0H3 BEE SAL001T, OAKLABB OBSQOR-. t. & CQPirr.&iTDw Pfopriatov Th flnaatof wlsiea. llaaort and eiflrsrfl' constantly on band, and a welcome to alU . Coma aud see me. . : sepviy , R. ERECKEniUOSE ! MARBLE Ac TOMBSTONM CUTTER. CpesiCe K. S. J. C Sheridaa's Bard-' - wart Storev EOgEBURO, OREGOJt The finest of Vermont and Italian marble always on band. Orders from, borne aod abroad promtitly filled. L - Fairies deetrlDsr worK in jacKsoo or Josepbiue couotiee will nod that I ean accooKuodate them with lowest rates. - ' ; E. BKEiCKESiHlVUHi, This popular resort for baslnesa menv Farmers aod others desiring "something good for tbe stomach's sake,". Willi be toaad south ofHmitb Co. 't store. OAKLAKO, OEB30N. Tbe best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always ob band. seplS ly Caneron's Bcirtsaraatt CORHEK JACKSON WASHINUTOfl Rosebnrg, Oregon, nttt tt m Koups. FBESH OYSTERS IN EVEBT ITYL Tbe only first-class eating bouse ia tbe city. Tables supplied with tbe best, and everyy attention paid to guests. (BAN FRANCISCO) Celebrated BOOTS and SIIOK3 For Sale at ABRAHAM, WBEELEBS BTOBX. ED. TOLLECi HtmaW, Sign svnd Caxxi&ce "'.I eiV Z O Vim. S' V ' Graining, Karbling, EalsQBslclng aodL HARDWOOD TZX13SJLB. ' PaparJiaBging and waU-tiattag preen pk. b anecdad to at low rates. Orders to be tb b&St Dr. 8. Haoeil ton's drogstora. ov jaceson BTRXjrr, xossaraa. ToHn Announces to tha publbj that be haa reopened the reetaorant opposite : Haffendea Bros., and will FURNISH MEALS AT 25 CTS"- And that he will supply " hie tablet wltb tbe best ta the market Xo Ckitss9 Cooh Zmploym3 a iv zxooixia, . (Late of Salem). all work carefully per formed, and as reasonable aa good wcrk can be done. Anaeethet- Ice given andi the rmm applied for the painless extraction of teeth . OSes end Dental Baomaover Marks A Co.'s BaUding, Boeeburg. D. D. UICE, H, Da, Phjsician and Surgeon, Gfflee first door south of Dr. EamHutn drug store, e& Mala atreet. NOTICE FOB FINAL PfcOOF. L!4"f "ebarg, Oregoa, Sep tember 80tb, 1880. - Notice is hereby given that tbe fbUow. tag aaaed settler baa filed aui. r v.;. tntoothn to make final proof ia support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof on Saturday October Sta. 1880, at the land" i ru"eS"l : wn OUpatrlcfc. PressaptioB Deciaratorr Rt&tn v. 8101, for tbe soatbeast quarter of aogtbf. eatt quarter, section 9, and north half of of the tenth west quarter and south wes, ejaarter of touthweat quarter, section lOt township S3, sooth range flL west, and aamee tbe follawins aa bia wltM. . William Haverlo. Jaaaae AnM I..U- Haightsad Frajjk Martin, aii of Gales, Blue, Deugtas oooaty, Oregoa. ' W. y. BSJAMiy. BeaW. XXQXZCS: Great Bcdnctionk FB THE KJE5T THIETT DAYS eomma aclng August bat, HafTen den Bros, will sell tbe following goods, at very bow prietsu A fuafTuoe of Queerurwaro, glaaswan, btmpa, ptatted castors, atone jars, chums, tugs, pots. fMitJare, infants chairs, TbaStets, eoal, oil, brooms, lard oil, castor oil, china aut oil, etc., etc. 8aapsh syrup, can- dlea, lard, flonj canned goods, ear-, dinea, oysters, oo&ee, tea,, aaUratut blaing, beana, ataroo, hickory axeh pick helves, cigars and tsbacoo. Call and be oenvlnoed. . , a SALE I f f Tbjrewgbbretdste offer. I will I sell 40t SpaabJb Merino bocks wuiji bsea saacad oa mr place. aev . are eurterior bevaskeaad will tiwt tbe ideas of evefy sheep reaea They wa be aeJd : very ettmp for easb. aad. 1 bvrite tbe cheep, ileeief Demrhte eoasiy to inspect theav The? wiU be found ar my turn, she ssUea itasass aeaetwrs, tensf .xes viea 1 1 i ( J 4