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About The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1880)
- A Ei:3 3LUTI0N OF ENDORSEMENT IV J EJSS AS, THS DOUGLAS iHDEnnSDETTT ft Bor&rser published in Boeeborc. has bea pc faiiBhod is this county for the period of th cne years ; and V EKHi&B, said newspaper it bow wel ef al 1 Uied, and daring a three jctnf trial lihtt faithfully served the interests of tbe rroacr and Uvmiv; therefore belt H soiled, We, tbe members of the Ump. ffna Jmogo No. 88, do give Thb Doogla.8 L;.;o;ai'5KDBSToar unqualified endowment. cad would recommend It as a Bewaneoet von by the patronage of every farmer tad x-yeria ooutnero uregoa. Gso. W. ioNBS, Master VP. PtntCAR, Beeretary. Z ATUKDAY . .SEPTEMBER, 5, 1880 FEENCH THETFT. 4 la a letter wntten not -long since for publication , bj Hon Hugh McCalloch on the eabject of ...JCrjiJich fiiMkaood anrtfraueli -au-j periorify m financionup, he re narks that the people ot France ere an eminently economical and thrifty people.- A FreDch family, te aaya, can live, and live well, Ca leaa than would be considered luficient to save from starvation -an American family of the same numbers An intelligent Boston ian, who had passed everal years . ,xa France, remarked to him in speaking oi tho economical habits nod skill in cookery of the French peo ?le, that a French village of a thousand inhabitants cou'd be rnp;7ortod luxurou3ly on the waste ef one of our large American ho tela. And the remark is not eo far from the actual truth. ''If the art of cookery were understood and practice i la the United States as i" is ia France, if our people knew as well how to m'ake the most ot their provisions as the French do, the cost of living, as far ss tcod is concerned, would be reduced more than fifty per cent. Domestic economy, as a rule,' is neither prac!iced or anderttood by , , Americans as it is in France I It may not be too much to say that the entire population ot France could be supported on food which is literally watted in- the United Btatea. The number of people who live beyond their incomes is lets, and the number of people srhoso incomes exceed . then; ex I cauture is greater in France in fropertion to population than m any other country. Here we have of France to. rue go . rspidfj- Jrota Juer downLill under the strong 'aria of Gcrruauy. This explains .- t. T.. ...... . . ''., - . tiaticn iu .Europe, if not m the worl l. It j wuh a people a? it is with a farmer not those who f0i?S3 the most resourcea, but tlose tv ho. make the most of what tLey have, are the richest in all -that pertains to real prosperity. XL PASO. The sleepy ed Mexican pucbia ot El Faso wall., within three years be one of the great "railway centers of the continent. The Southern Pacific is now within 513 miles of it and building at the rite ot two miles a day. The AtcLiiOD, Topeka, and Santa Fe is net lar off, and Hearing the point at a rapid pace. The Texas Facifiic is also hastening toward it, and has already selected the fciuum iwr iu immense .aepots and other necessary works. The -iina from Guay mas to El Paso by way of Ilerciodillo has been start ed at Guaymas, and will be met half-way by the builders from tbe viuci cuu, as ice jr. spuci, wiinin a year" and a halt. ; The line from Denver, connecting with the Hansae, Co'orado aid Jay GodIJ iystem generally, is , poiuting aouthward and .-will' soon, be at the general point of intersection; srnd ft line from ill Paso, through Cbihu&bna and Dutango to the City of Mexico, is among the trong probabilities ot the next -tlreeror-tJUf-j'jats ifthe Mexican Congress loes not " obstruct it through jealousy ot American en terprise and political influence. TThen all tsese roads are fiuisbed Hi Paso will be the point where j six great hunk lines will meet c&cb. other, distributing the travel al trade of Lalf the continent. JThe town, which cow contains no more than 5Q0O inhabitants smd Is supportsd by the narrow bat fruitful vallej of the upper Hid Qrutde, promisos within half ft lltetim from, the ' influence of railways, to be a second Indian- - . . spolis and t,take tank above Dsover. Lif 2t will viut Come ia Sep Unber, and lemaiu la Italy ur.ttl Hi ITorthetn hom U free of the f -4 ..- rr.i r , .iiu-tsiuter, iita guuu IVICUU, C Hohenlohe will nter t . .ili Abbe at the Viii d'Ete, s. - -" iTc wuera pleasant i: .1 . 'r: ecisllj tarnished and i--!lJ5W-' XZ3, EASTERN QUESTION. I n-v. iiKM?.riBnt,m to in submit kmdly to the W : -1.S.V v.. 1 resolved upon by the great powers i I. tt P t AIi-,A wwh 1 ! " fit.. tuiltv lv,v'J vr . v u "VUIO u . ' i . . . Uniilhnv M tl in th hand a oa, rK..r,lin that TnrKeVnut" r;; . I . , . . :,, 1 7--" 5" a reward for not eating the com the new matter; in possession.! . . .. Though theretoreiacknowledging the sovereigntyofthe Porte, tnel Albanians are loth to exchange the quasi role of the Turks for tbe eupremacy ot the hnngry ia. and the aveo'eioz exactiona ot . , . tneir natural enemw8 me vxreea-B. 1 The Montenegrina inhabit a bar- ren, mouuxiunou theportof Dulcignoandaporaon ot the rich valley leadaoi Albania are the prizes promised by Euasia tor TJieir acuve aBBisiance gjuuu Turkey. Greece eeeks expaasioa of her doxftu?, isnd is annous to avail hcradt of ihe' Rid of the treaty powers to j a conquest cf another portion of Albaciaa tr rrtoryWhich cwatd ol, ! by-' herself unaided. Discoru&ut religious beliefs algo eatar into the question. Among the Albanian tribes are many Soman Catholics; and they show by the active re--sistance they are 'making to tin proposed annexation that they pre: fer the comparatively mild rule of the .-Turkish, soversiseit to tbe oppressions that may be expected rrom their religious antagonlEta, the devotees of the Kaesian creeG who rule Greece and llontenegro. It is probable thai the Albanians would, in preference, accept the Austrian tule, but EussiaJ end Itely would put jlorward urgsat objections to this plan, and Ger many's consent anil material tack- injr would bo needed to enforce it The carving up cf Turkey in Europe may have been agreed upon, but the dimcult question now in process of' solution is the distribution of the choice pieces. A more gigantic! war than the world has before doc a may yet re result from this interminable tla&tero Question. I MIU IASY EIEVATION. An old-tim popular song dea dared that Uncle Sam was "rich enough to give ua'el) a fans." Ot late years our Uncle's domains have been considerably curtailed, lie ia still pretty well off, however, in landed property eud can pro vide homes for many yers yet, to his own people and foreign immi grants who may" wish to occupy 1 bem. -.TJbfe & 0 pugom. larzQ, Ini dian reservations wiU come to tbe market some dy,if the population of the country Bhopld so ; increase aa to require it Tins is Inevitable, for the march of progress cannot be stayed- They are not needed just yet, as will be seen by the statement of thegecerai land office which gives the location, extent audbisto ry ot each; military reser vatur.r located -..uppn- tbe public landa of tSio (Jn-ted States. The report shows that tiere are reserv ed for this purpose 2,920,480 acres, located ta tweoty-fpur states and territori?1:. Tha Ibreaj- fcmiunt m any one is m irlontana where the reseivations aggregate 830,056 acres, tort Aesmatioiue alone eta bracing 704,000 acres, Dakota, in- cludi.-jg tort 0:586,005 ccjrca, a part of which is li iUmtana 'hag 085,339 acres; Kew iMtxico,, 218,-. 085; Wjoming; 210,255; Arizona, 167,053; Utah, 'SOO; Kansas 92,910; Colorado, J 79,976; Ne braaka, 66,306; rTaishington, 25, 44C; Nevada, 22,195; Calitarnis, 21,462, Floriaa, 13,45; Michigan, 9,347; -Idaho, S,l78; Oregon, 4,-. 3. 1 ha others ai;e iu smaller guanfities. The word 'Tory" was derived from a terra applied,! Koger North ays, to "the most despicable avages among the f wi!d Irish,' aud was first used ini 1679 during the straggle for ths xc5asion cf the Duke ot Y:rk frbx iha iiu3 of succession, the; as.tao ing given to the f&Uowero of ' th-v , duko bocauso Le favored Irishmen, j Johnson'! definition ot a tory wso this: Ono who adheres io the fencier t cor stitution of the State; aud tpostx- Heal hierarchy of the churjii ot England." The word ' Whig'' is a contraction ot 4Whigga more," whicfi ic tae aouth. jf Scotland used to denote a drover. In 1648, a party cf j Covenanters attacked Edintrorg and aft;r this "Whigga more'a' campaign" the word w taksn op as a word of reproach and applied to the opponent f tao court. Since the ajsage of the reform measa ur'os ot this century, tho political successors of the two parties have been known as conservative and liberals.. j , Job a G. Saxe, the poet, has been bedridden for; oxue time, and is said to be greatly depressed by the death of his wife, who was a" woman lovely in person and character. His only living daugb teriaau invalid, , i - Courage 18 A wonderful agent throwing ofl disease. A walk SX iT V5 ocecpant - of the lounge. Will r r- nine casea out ol ten, if not in - . headache IVa Trim er r tim.i Kni t flm. n pouu oi rim vb. out ibio mo , ' p' .. , . . ft At f . ... . . . . CI.member of Congrcsa. J Hewa. - . !j.ZJ ::Zl lErauucicu m ' x r iuuu.; vwwge 1t)Ae. , ft,- .- a repre8ent;tWe u ivu( wi 1 w . w : ,u . m ... vi froa AiabM3a from 1813 to 1721, fl rTc ;i .... and practicea fathi C0Qrta flt Mobile: Pe!e Bprague, who was a Senator from tlaice fremi 1829 to 1885, 13 the eldest living ex-Senator, lie ires m Boston. " ... ' 9r.ii - .'. United Statea Conmisaioner O'Sierae, beror" whora Oaptaia Do;g appeared this r4ormng,charg- eu vnih mRnBlaughtcr m having cau35 tha wreck ot th9 eteamsr Great Bepbhc at the mouth of tao Columbia river, he'd the de feadent ia S2000 bail, and trans ferrad the case to tbe United ott3a District Couri in order that the necesaary papers may be issued far cending Doig to Ora gon for triai, the plase where he was indlclcd. .Fernando Wocd, tho Chairman of tha r7ays and iieana Commit tee m the National Ilouee visited Richmoad, Ya., ia 1852, as a member of Eichardson's Theatri cal Company, and played subord inate pcrta at tho old J'arshal Theatre. While in Richmond ho made up bis miai to quit the jtags, and aacordicgly worked cs a cigar-marker with John F. Allea or aiz months. : ' BtTST. "'"".' - r "JE Tl est- irea hp I - TKt BEST E THE MASKET" Addreaa A. T7. STEAEN3, Cany onvills , Oregon. 0g4 Louis BelfiU 9 WATCE3IAEED. Al.'D Front St., Sotebusf, OregcE. Wholcale tod refAi! d-jttoj ?a tVctehes. Clt'-s, Jewsury, Gold Pens, and aSnfcical I.'.juumenta. Vato'ies, ;;.- eod 3r elr rpiii-ed. 11a; wcik isriti-raDSd. . - : :, ... .. -. ' ( Tim. STAS,;5AL0CH Jacksoa reet, Eossburg, i htreby an see te the public thai J VU kecj ca hand Cn HAVi3 FITTED UP if mmm mm II Zr. c Metropolitaa Elyle AS3 !ffiET HAVS ON HAITI? IQTJO ITKEST AIID . This firm tts soTtstantJy oa laaa'J ths . stock of Boots; and Slicts ITada to o.-ier ard F."rii.'od. , - fATEKT KETAII.O TlFFENERSr . coa - e t . - ,.a1-,VIinjrr.-,i:i ? eMtas Tbe ffrm bag on hsnd tl a Soeet noek of of i.-,aib j: ia the Cis.te, cad is prepared te do sJ) fiio cf wotH is a flrstcias man cr, Tpcr. the tnort re?.eonab! terms. Par. tie; aewlior la their line, cbould call mpea ttea rst, a they fully . fiTJABASTEE ALL WOllK Turned out ef their shop to be A t sad certain to wear weU. All kinds of Musical Instrument sold at Saa Francisco prices. Violin and otker airings a specialty. Goaae and see us. ASSIGNEES SALE. Kotlee ta hereby given tbat the under signed has been appointed aesignee ot tbe estate ef L Caro and 8. Caro, under the firm name of Caro Bros,, mad the credit era of said Caro Bros., are required to pre sent tbeir eUlnw, jutder oatb. to him at bis office in lioaeborir, Oregon, within three Booths. And all persona indebted to tbe said Caro Bros., will save costs by calling at my office and eettlinsr the Usui. Dated tuls MU day of Au?uv, 1880, . WILLIS, t salijiiee. ' King of the Blood Caw an iorofoloM ctini and f""1.1!? Bwafr kll.u ihe nffereran mnaliy jxacww ra eatMft; but lVoA Ainm Vlctrt. fumft. aU u mur atfattiQTM ot tbe r 4i Atfar SCROFULA. Sfiitrfal Cut ef SUaisui T. Suwnc. Pow Co. ! For the aflt of vntltd with Meroftiia er Impm Blood la hm rstais, I korcby f command Kmf of xb JUooa, k hmma tnmblwl with Sarafula for t Eut Un aSfOtsd my s that I wacon nr .rtwiMtft. I was roaozmacndoa Um Biotxi, vhieh hu prorcd ipnt -.r'ii i ZHifiicomd w in triutw! a.w 7 Mouri tT!r. kit. B. WlUxaaabBW, 6ud&la,H. T. 3. e O 2 ; will fa) paid In ar FobUe Hotpltal to be fcitn slly im, lor rtr eorufloato of this iao via fuUuiisd by u wiiot i not "miae. Via Ineredieiita. 0 . ear fa'.th lo tb nfety trA xfntM tt me Z-. B., upon proper rmoBKi application, ww t...H4'i oit -;iYv.i;.:ri i Intended. iro mH nil riJ -t ail tt ir.-.-jt,bT aAdaTt. I'b-.- riMT Kmue bicf rrihopft pci-U '.ab'-r -?tTciir .'-ia Ui worki. titer test1 Jmrvii."-rexthert.'.infio,anJ fv.Olijwtjoni :it u wtU i.aiau)id a lb patn. '!!- or- rn : tt 3 Blood.1? t . 1- " wtowil. jalirrbUaio cv.-. 1. at,wm fs Da., rn u'rj, it&joalot it ,x ThoTicb ebaking LUh en tmriea leaf with the ctuUs sod feror, the Tictiia cf ctRiaria tr.ay etill r-ooTer Dy ?ic this ce'.ebriiJsd specifio, which not cmiy breaks up the room ajiiravattrd aticcks, bnt prevents lliwr reoccurrence. It is irpdofiuite'y pre ferable to quinine, cot oly because it does the bu&imea more thoroughly, bui clrfo on accocnt of it perfect wboioeomennfa and inrigorating action cpua tbo entire bjs teai. " For Bale by all dragi3ts and Ja.leJ8 generally. WILM ERDING k CO, la-porters and Wholesals Dealers la Fins uinE&mnons. 1Z oxd SiO Fxoos Street, id 1, 3 S.:at--3 (SEses3or8 to fiio-3. P. fcueriiin) DEAL2U8IX HASDWAEE. TIVi.Ki", G TOTES Q cm 3, Cutlery wii Tirasre Var- Tf!r r-n ffi r.Wil. - 2.&cU? vUil Eaviasr acnr4 the above business, we era prepwrp d to ieep up ita former rofxi aesne for work and prisma. We 1sat tke t8t of ajatfitiiii and slwuva a lull stuck of oousi oq, ap.d it id oar aim rn tur nish astotusra wiib Ei'st-cisias article? at let livo pries1). A full stock of Iron ri4 Steel far t Ortiora ixoa abroad will rect-i ve pre, j attocuya. il a J. o. btlia REA. Ths finest and boat saloon i& Boseburg joe aike:?, peopeietob. The host cf liquor;, t'j finest cf SigaiS, and a quiet etn ul. . Qeutleuiea ere l37ited to give me a fall. JOS A IK EX. -EXCELSIOR 80BMCEL1 iu? E0ES3 EEOE1NG MAT3 SPECIALTY And tli kinds of wo;k ?.ti5r :",;-T,T"r- v v?v tin '-r. V 3172 THE FIE3J A l-ALL, y&s 'will eosa aaia C O -JO SR. S. HAMILTON'S 7 Pi -r t tn ffitr" iU J 13 i LIU -3 -F03- rirust:, Vl'icts, CHk, Varnish, Window enj Pic:crj Ci$, Suiiocr;fy, Ferfatiwy, if yen :4U to (.urcUase ihem chapsr tbaa at pr.y place scuii oi Tall Lras iee.i on' TWJ RD TODD t CC '3-G OLD- t PEISS, PENCILS, El cnTrrvm . Tinmra vrtrrtrt o LEGAL BLANKS. Gtt(t Hatp, Kail & Tcth epcshe89 Patat, ; White wash, Varrtteh d trtt&l's Brushes, Windsor sad Niwtoos tube colors, Wla dow and Picture Glass, every site, at Lowest Price, by box or pane. Blank Books, Writing Paper, envelopes, pens. AU new Patent' Medicines ia sck as demand will warrant. GLASS: CUT TO OBDEB, free of charge. Agent for THREE MIXED FAINTS Tke celebrated and thoroughly tted PA cine nuF.REii pAi.vr.The im- . FEltl-SllAULK PA1XT. and Tbej ENAlfKL TAINT. Agent for M. ttray, Uusis Dealer, Ean Francisea, Prewriptlons filled with b loweet re tee. Store is aecesnble at right wiadow oa back street at all hours of tbe hW Remember tbe plwe. Brick build. g psUe atetropoliUa Hotel, Xketrg, aVuegaa, Wlshei tbe pabliei to understand that be bi wttiblisbed a A BROOM HANUFAGTURING ESTABLISHMENT At Oakland, end on tbe ebortest notice will supply tbe trade ena pnvaie pariie wltli any amubur ef brooms, ot aU style and sizam cheeper thaa they can De pur chased elsewhere. Be baa had long expe rience in the business, and guarantees sat isfaction . Ordbtt from, abroad promptly nllsd. (lire bid trial. t vn nnt I is sired by Cartor. can horse ; d-v's side, Lumix and Joe is a fnli aawlcpsd four jear old tifnl bay. m rM me me pm. , Sp.tardsy Vku sna iuvu;, lUeorcresi. V. . . , , . pristcr. j vxuv. . uaw . ?me v73? to,i -&78 Thousaaa Tsars Cll. CLEtN AND f VraLERE. Give price and full particaiara. Address 3. a FAP.RAR. i Pinsetroet, El. Louis, Mo. Oald5id, Oregon. B. F.ELLSTiTOSTH, FP.OPSIETCF., Theprppri7r would annoence tbat be has once more sssr-mtd ooatrol ct tU'.B vP uler boae (tata!y oiidt-r t'je maniSfeme&t of Mrs. .Gibson) and that be will aut-nd te ihe waute ef patrons ia a flrstuclsss t& ner. T1m table will te s uptilied With beet the cjarktri irtla. tbe beds cf the hcuse ire wi?ll furnished, neat and clean, and Dalns viSi be epersd tt render pustcom fortab!. 3. F. E&LSWOUTU Wo? Lai. AnuouBCoK he win Bull Ii3 I'-ua ktm, eitasled on the south trk of ler cretk, oa tiie eojuty rK-.d, sven miles eaat of Koeburjr, Iaer creek landing through tbe entue v'sf-e IE6CEn?TION Oy-TAKM: . Well improved, good orchard, two story dwelling bouae, a convenisnt burn, Tbnre are (3 acres of 'armlcg laud, ar-d 1C0 aeres iu trraia. Will sell ail or f art. For particulars iaquira of GEO. W. GENGEB. Ecaebura, Oregon, 3iy 22. imw- BOTHY J. JMEDE&8 TAB T, (L.e of Sib Frr oelseo) Would fcEtnar.ce to tbe poi'lie thut hsbas patpb&seu the io'.e,-tst ot a., i lu ta "T-t. r? 1 g" "TTy) A ad tbat b Jaa-je3H;'ar"are- xpec rteoi m fr?t-bftkerk-s in tiie city of San Knucisco ra a bafcir. He, tberviato, U prwiarcd to couciuct the bakery iu a first-class L-ianser, and will warrant all hie work fir3t- eiv. Of Brsad, fit twa' Either wbmf.en,j onsen or rye, al-wsys en baud. Cake?, ir-s and cracker of tbe Cn etitquAlity for ssle; and whether for bails, paniee or ptivaie fini'liea, aU orders will ins promptly EUtti at the lowest rt -s. Ia connect loo wi'h. tbe Uak-ry I will keep tou: Riia ve!'etttiles, CaQjie3. nuts auu notiouA, aud vi'.b tUis regard I will not be vuuriii bf one. O.vo vjea triU, Tien if I cauiiot suit you aa t.j juuutity and qni'lity ami pricea co one ca. . j, iMbUlit.&I KUTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Ia tbe conntr ourt of tbe Stale Of Ore-' gon, for tl.o ot&uty of Douglas, Ia the matter ot tLe estate of Charles Vail, deewwoed; A. C i'oanr, administralor Of tie above t;i(e bsvin'Sf tb'9 ' 81st da7 of Maw, lifcO, C!sd bis final accounts for esttiement, and preying that a d&y be set span for the bearics of tha saoie, t) ere?r im ice in ht-mby iven that tbe final aecouot will be brd and determtMd iu Siid court oe Tuufdny July firfc, at !i!cli time .'! p-.-rons haviaz any ob ject:aa ta tiij Ci.e.1 acaouut aud settle lueist must ant t'sere luake the iwn e. Pu'.-lised in ibe D iuglts lNnEPE?n i:s'f it-r four cct.stut'.vs week, by oiUer of Hou. C. O'sdilis, county jUiljje. . V Ji. saiKRIDAN. Cle;!t. . ' BvW.T.WUWIiT, deputy EOSEBUKS, Mif 31t, A, C. 1S80. g q t : ( ' j r J TO FAUHKS Prcaerva Your Fruit ani Pay CUT Xcar Sloicigages. P.ead tha foiloxrlfig testimonials froot oaif tho 'test cidzeas of Doug- ccui'ix wi.o epea& tsosx expeneuoa omy: p-ar.p. Cn-saat, Kay 7. isftft - 9T1i!n !3 to tei-Ufy tlni w 3 have a Plum-, mer b'reit Cryr. lHieing Iftst Ce&son we drii Kerii-iy ait kiaflu of rait. it will do all that i eooaimcd(l end score. Car appK-8 brouabtnlue coa:s p; pound early in the st-SHua jtnti ara wcrtii fbiitaen seats at tbis cite. We do act believe it za be ecellai by ary oilier dr'cr ia the B;sU. ri. ADAilS. 1 Vrwtcu. Mar 4, 1338. : Its-1 a Plnrnicer ifsutt IrTr booffbl ot S Ust yea? and drit-d aearlr lC.-OCO pounds of apples, for which I iwj. ici-d tru cents per cntid. It did bstt-sr woch than wes o?oraiae4 tnd I made mon money than I eculd from aoy other tusi oeea. I only ria lha machine two months. J, I BAZEB. Harvy Jones ssyo : I nave a'Piutnmer Fruit Drver. and it has done all recom mended it would do : aud turns out tbe handsomest fruit I ever saw. I shall run It lUis year to Its full extent, Wm. Boon, of Cslspooia says : I hired a machine for $100 and dried on shares and made more thaa Icould tanning. Ut. Tipton, of itt. Scott, tay the Pin tu rner machine ts tbe beet I ever caw and it is all that ia reeommeadedaad more, IIOTTCTL "IJOTICB IS HEBEBY GIVEN THAT il the andersitfned executors of the es tate of & D. VViiits, deceased, nave filed a fisat account therein ; and that tbe 5th day of July, Af D I860, has been appointed, for the beaTJuar of objeeUow to such ac count and tke settlement thereof, ia the coaatv court fer Douglas county, Oregon. Z1. - WM. B WILUS . Q. 1 WILU, SxeeatMb. mmmmsmm. 1 8UFEB1ATIVK -Best ia tie World, j AJJSOLTJTELY FTJRE The Enperlatire Bakinf Powder Is the standard article of the United SUtea tor trenatb and purity. The beet article do general baking pnrpotee rror! in trod need. It is the cooks faysrite. Warranted per fectly pure and snperlor to anything of tbe kind now ia the market, for healthfulneas aad strength producing at all times. The laeat delicious cooking. For sale by greets, or sent direct by mail on receipt of BUtT (CO) cents for one pound can. Solo in cacs only. Full weight guaranteed. Ad dress, j - , Superlative BaUiig Powder Co., 143 Chtmbersft., New York aaOWTHIS TO TOCB flSCCEB. rhis sp90 is reserved fer fed Ais'egjav STotlco. 7 WISH TO ANJ-OUNCE TO THE 5. publia that I wiU pey no billn ot Mrs. KitcbrJl Ii-jreiifrr. C. L. IUTCUEU.. lXtNsoburg, Juae 15, 18SU. 4w. TT. S. Litd OEce, Kosebtrg, Oresroa, Kzy ICth, isaj. Kotics ia hereby given ia pEsnance of . 3 accof Congrers, cf June 8d, 1673. for the site of Timber Lands ia tbe States of Cailinrnia, Oregon, Nevada and Was'i'iDif- tnn icrtr-ory, tnat vtea. vv. Jones ar.d Wm G. 13. Diroahas filed their arolleaj tion to purchase tho uorth-hslf cf the soutabalf cf section c, lu towusbip 7 soQ'fc, of r i are S we3t. Aay nod li persona culaiinff tdverrplv the t.bo7e escribed lnnd., must C!e th r ciai ia 1- Register's ofilce, nhia sixty days iroin bis date. W. I-. EE3JAMIN, 5iyl0fl 203JS2URQ. CN felT Ffifif WArl www It WU. FOE SALS. I fcsTS 115 eorda of font-foot wood for w.le on my pl&ce, fi mi! north-wect cl lioEebuig, ob the Cries volley roed. The ced was cot last winter; Is efthe belt ionad oak; will ba Sold oamv owexi raioa. I hevs aleo Tlent v of stos-a wood, aad puroaasera will bad tbut I cun eiira thera superior bergaics. Those wbe decire a good irade caaaot o better thaa fife ms e.caii. H. CONN, S3. Pariiee rc&y icnsfre at iba ccS cf tho IXCEFKNEEXf if 1 S1 ilOt ia tOW"3. ECJl'IOSlRy, BGSSB"Xt3, CQN. ; ; Caet!a2 of tay sise and s. Of eiary description eeatlj tad promptly executod. rGiist, Qaartss and Bawllills Mad t order. . Portable and Stationary Vade to order and WARRANTED; rs FOUNDBTt Oa kiosk south ef he Depot. i JyS The CHICAGO XJEDGZS, a literary and family paper, can be had by sending u Chicago, Illinois. Price, 00 per year. The Ledger la published weekly and ha eight pages, and the teas ef Its stories and other matter Is purs and moral, and well calculated for toe family. EOSEBtma objON, tWTLL ATTS5D TO ALL CUSS V V la trusted U km Office at sat aUiesUeaea CT?3J3 FHANIv BEIOG. ACEWCY. vacssstma. AGRICULTURAL lUFLHIIEIITS, FAIUI AUD lull LXMinmaY. ALFRED SLOCUM, RESIDENT MANAGER. ' Tke maasger would state to the fanners of 60 nth ens Oregon that he is better prepared thaa he has eTer been before to supply them with, this latest inmrored agricultual machinery, and at prioea lower than can be cultural dealer er oeaiers in ine eiaie. ixm is and he can guarantee every article he sella. goods whlcn are oinerwise man as represented, sua 11 wey are not onesper ir quality than those offered for sale by other dealers, will never complain if bis offers negiectea. xam nianagvr uas lur sua, WAL1HR A. "tVOOD3 PROVED HEADER, CITAIN AND SWEEP RAKE HEAP ER8, NEW ENCASED GEAR MOWER, CHICAGO PITTS THRESHER AND HORSE POWER, BLACK HA W K PLOWS,CULTIVATORS,ETC. Also; the Celebrated 'La Belle" Wagon C. a Q. Cooper Co.'s double and single aw mills' mounted and down engines. Brad for circulars and priee-llst. : ALFRED 8LOCQM. Manager, Roseburg, Ogn HMWBIWEI BROS. HAVE TEL5 LEADING- - Grocery ! X svntn 02- THE LARGEST AND SOUTHEENOGN. Olioiee Goods Low Prices 14 Fsroigs 02.1 Scmestio CANDIES AND CALIFCRNIA CRACKERS. Everything ia tho shapa ot WELIIM, PECK 7i CO. Aim VJKOLESALE JJ5I2 X2S IS EY WH3T & ITS V? YCK CIQAJES N33. 12f, 123 &. 123 Karket Street, j Nos. S3 & 24 Cji'crnia Street, EANFEAKCISCO, CALIFORNIA. CCSHEKC1NG APRIL1ST, 1350, ?hs Celebrated St alliens Piffl Si NAPOLEON Will Bir-cd for tbe eneoin seaeoa as fcl. lavs: AosebnrfF on Fridays aad Satur days; other times at borne, six miles aorh wtst oti tbe Cuie's valley rnd. If cbanfre is made in these arrangements, daa aotiee will be (fiven. II. Co:-'N, Sa., Kates of Service: To insu.-e, $10. Proprietor. All communicatioss by mril must bs ad drekued to tbe propnutor, Koeeberj, Cr 2u. j the aiiui - TUB LeadiEff nverJog Ne-wspuper- Wast c2 tiio Socky LlctuiUuns. It I reeof-oised authority i; cozmereil and EuaaciU circles a3 tbe betit family journal on tbe Fasifia coast. Served by carrier in Can rresrioeo and tke towns f tbe interior... .itoe per week. By irai!, postage paid, ....f 12 per year. TZie Weekly bulletin I a m&tnrnetb twelve-psre ourna?. aud ia proportion to its size tbe cheap, est jecraai in the country. GUL'3CciaivriON RATES. Ths Weklr t1 i suj.; Oulfvtra, tnatat tofet-ber ths most entuplete semi a Week!? pit::absd on tbe Fa2io ecast, will be eea i to cay address, postage paid, oa tbe ioitovirjr term: Ti8 Weekly ead Friday Bulletin. One year $3 CO Six moutua , 60 Weekly Balletri Alcns. One year f S 35 Six mo&'.hs, , 130 Es mltteusee by draft, PestoEee order, Wells, Fargo a Ccs express, regisUred tsz at ur risk, FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION. Eaes subscriber will be presented with sereial varieties of rare and valuable tree, Teateble and flower seeds, equal ia value to the subecrlption price ot the paper. Cead fox sample copy, giving fall para AidrtSB, 8. r. BULLETIN CO., Saa fraaciseo CaL oars CAtaon, SACXMX STmn,'BOSXBUB, The pTopriete of. this well.knowa aid popular resort would tkaak hie frieads fet their interal patroaage ia the past aad ask for a continuance altae aame la tbe future. The publie is Informed that I keen aene bat the beet brands of wince, Uqaors aadsciigars, at Ikat I Mil mmm , v.. U- ML.V.- vrwirTJ- SSNTCCK7 WSISSTJE9 A roe& billiard labia will he fatal ral tsoaaieoaialauthalaadiaaT aauers mtmt af aha vend, , cas'Sen. offered them by any other firstMclasa agri- ui agent lor ouy me oeai 01 macoinery Be wishes it understood he will not sell the are BELF-BINDING HARVESTER 'IM Provision 7-trTi:sRN Oregon-,.-., FINEST DISPLAY OF . T Lse Y I'rcit ia Their Stcre, ifats, Groceries to be found at thoir store on H aa o Ff 2 O Pi lit o u m 1 o v Irv H C3 S3 M o CQ o- q O a PI (a M O - tl O U u c3 o nJ y o M3 I r, H w- e a i- S5 I ct eija 5 a HI cJ 4 im. isse. fSi s Ml s n t? - j InsuTnca Company OF CALIFORNIA. FZZ.S 01TL7. Income 12 Montht, $238,563 73. - rrsuiiuiUB since OrganlaaUoa, $3,171,423 19. Losses Paid Since Orgmnlxaflon, $1,521,402 15. Losses Paid In Oregon In 7 Yean, 183.363 19 Th HOME MUTUAL, baa had fey ever Seven Yean, $50,000 Dopes! ted with ths State Treasure ef regoa for the protection ef Polioy-holdert. ISanager Oregon, Washington a Idahe SUPKBV1SOM f 0. CL IiSirls, of Aflea A lewis; f. waesermBri, oi v aeserman vo., . VaGrakan, of 3. MoCrakea Co. Jaanomicing to the eitisena cf Bom. i feu Md Yiclnltv that ha baa received Ike agency of tha aboya 'laadlBg la- aompasy of tba Paetno Oeciv CY XTOTXCS- Great Eeductiont . -AT . ' FOR THE NEXT THlRTx DAYS comma noing Angunt 1st, Haffen-. den Bros, will aeil the following goods at very low pricea: A fun uneor Qaeensware, gUssware, lamps, piatea castors, stone jars, oaurns, jugs, puis. - rruitjars, iniancs cnaire, oaa&eua, wmi oil, brooms, lard oil, castor oil, china nut oil, etc., etc Soaps, eyrup, can--dies, lard, flour, canned goods, . dines, oysters, conee, tea, uantua,-- bluing, beans, siarcn, nicaory aer pick helves, cigars muu iodscco. mu and be convinced; SPANISH MERINO BUCKS FOB 8 ALE I , Throushbreedsto offer, t will i sell 40 Spanish Merino bucks wuiuu uave been reared on my place. They are superior buocks and will suit tbe ideas of every stieep raiser. - 'I'iury will' M seio very cheap for cash, and I invite the sheep raisers of Doujrlas county to inspect them. They will be found at my farm, six mile southeast of Roaeburg, on tbe Coles valley road. (j;3in2) H. CONN, SB. AT FAIR OAKS, OREGON Sampson Sutherlin, Prop JfT NEW STOUE AT FAIR OASES U ALL now completed and biled with a fine stock of goods, embracing everything founi lj a flrstvclaes country store.- I am pre. paf to supply farmers witlt all kind ot (Tjods. ut lower prices ttW.'.y b . sscured elsewhere. - Horses, cattle, Sheep and hoes and all kinds of country pro uce takes and highest market price paid fur tbe same. Give me a call and satisfy yourself. EAMPSON SUTHEELIN. O X- MOORE. (Late of Salem). ALL WOE5 carefully per formed, and aa reasonable as irood wcrk - r -it -. .- .-" ,.;t a jj can do aone. rr, - '.V-vrJr ' Anaesthet iUivdT i given aud LLJ&iLtk the Freeze applied for the painless extraction ef teeth Omee and Dental Booms over Mark A Co.'s Building, Koseburg. Physician and Surgeon, Office first door south of Dr. Hamilton's drug store, oi Main street. Cameron's Fctraraa.t! COBNER JACKSON WASHTNaTON Eoseburg, Oregon, FRESH OTSTERS IN EVERY 8TYL Tbe only first-clase eating bouse In tho city. Tables supplied with the best, and everyy attention paid to (meets. ROBERT CAMERON. . B'JCXINEHAM & KECHT'S (SAN FRANCISCO) Celebrated BOOTS and SHOES For Sale at ABRAHAM, WHEELER'S STOSH. H. DRECEEimiDSS I MARBLE 4f TOKIB3xv75r CUTTElt. Opposite R.S.4J. C Sheridan's Bard ware Store, ROSEBURG, OREGON. The finest of Vermont and Italian marble always on hand. Orders from home and abroad promptly filled. Parties desiring work in Jackson or Josephine couniies will find that I can accommodate them with lowest rates. R. BKECKENRIDGE. ED. TOLLESi Hotise, Sign and Caxristep PAIUTEIi Graining, Marbling, KAIbo mining and HARDWOOD FINISHER. - : , . - :- - Paper-baniring and wall-tinting prompa I) attended to at low rates. Orders to a be left at Dr. S. Hamilton's drugstore. Faruar's Sastauraat ' ivwjhiv,mi, Announces to the public that lie has reopened the Unffendea Bros., and will FURNISH MEALS AT 25 CTSv And lau .ue saPPly his table with the best in the market ; JVo Cliinsse Cook Employed ROSEBTJRO ACADEMY, hfonurnents, tombc, Ublete Marble Mantles etc, aaade from the beet Fom elgn and Domestlo marble. Design and eetimatca famished free. Ht4- tones fromilO. upwards.; Give ma a call and examlna m n,v PVlXllAftl&Ar. ft nnirrirtfWBnsw. , w 'MAWajLa,! . I H . SI : .-( FOE SALE CHEAP. A Seccal-llasa pi-j. (Vreatbsrby, Richardson Emr-w machine,) -""r8 All bits and alott . . . ing rustic and niooWiu. wfrK ?k machine, rticulainel wmsuurg, vrga. ; .i, Gttcrasy-at-LaTr: OFFICE FIRST IXXS TO THS right la the cenrt Moss.: Ba.fc as promptly attended te ta aU th aorta of tbe elate. - f f . . J " mm IttCWW A,rw-- v