Cwcist7 Ileetin&s. -.TJMPClUA CUA.-TEtt NO. 11. k U a. ML, hold regalar timniuniee- lion every first and tbiid Tuesday I each month All memonni in irooti tanding will take da u4 titrely notice aid gown themselves aonordingly. Visit ing companions are Invited to meet with hm CJiapWr wmi oonenie.nt. W. L FJLUIDS. a. A LAUREL LODGE A., F. and A. M uw" t bold regular meetinga on V edm-a- V" UlT nn or betofe each rot I moon. I. C. FULLhltTOJi, W. M. NEWCOMB, r-eey. - PHILETAIAN fhnAm. Nv 9, 1 0.0 F. meets x Saitrrday evening, ol mcIi week at 7 o'clock e j their hull at Rose barg. . Member of the order in goo.1 etanrt- la g sr invited to attend. By order of tlie & O. '.'.I -. UNIOST ECNAMPMEXT No. 9, I. O. O F- met at Odd Fellows' Hall on tli Ui and Sd Friday nt every tnontb. Visiting Urethras inthied to attend JOHN KICHLES.GP. E. a. Hoa. Saribe . FMPQUA -GRANGE, NO. 28. P.ol 1L, wiUuetKt hereafter en the 1st fc-atu -ot amcU month. t Orange Hall, in Rose, bare. All members in good standing an- MnMtlftll Til ill il a tMitt GEO J0XE8.M J. P. JDvNCAJI. Secretary. . . T?..Q Pirectorv. 1 Onu d after Jane lOrti 1880. the' mailt (at tin jnth, including California, Nevad and eastern States, will close at 7 o'clock r. M., sharp. ,,. The mails for the aorta will elate at 8:45 p. at. ! The mails lor Coos and Curry eounilee will close each day, Saturday excepted at 8:43 p. H. . I ' Mail for Oak oreek. Moon 8eo1t and aPattersoa's mill will oboe Friday evening at 9 o'clock p. K. I Mail from south arrives at 4.45 A M. dallp. i ! Mailt rrm tie north dally, Sunday excepted at 7:13 P. M. i j From Coos and Carry counties t 12 it , -daily, Monday excepted. j . From Pattersoa's mill Saturday at 6:3U , I ! Monday order business transacted each day, Sunday a excepted from 8 o'clock A. M. to 9 o'clock P. M. Valuali'c loiter and parcels registered to all tmrta nf ihe world - , H. C. HTANTo?f. P. M. BATOKDAY .. JaL'GUST21i,"T0 . SOTJTBEBN OREGON NOTES. Mrs. Joseph Aiken is at SHvertnn. More financial failures are looked tor. .. - j Senator Orover will soon arrive In this Irtale. . . ,-j. See the new fruit and reg tables at HaCTeisdeti'a. ! . I Go to H. Hamilton's for your flsli tines and hooks. - ,,, Abraham, Wheeler tt Co. hare an extra Aae stock of ladies ahoes. Empty wine, alcohol atvt whisky tarrels for sale at 8. amiltoa'a. Ob the 14th, to the wife t Da-id Lennox. ' a daughter weight lrj pounda. .. ' . j An immense amount of wood Is be ing broncht into town, and commands fair prioe. . Two of Mr. Klnff children, living Dear Myrtle Point,? have just been takea 111 with diptberia. . Mrs. Emma BaBenden, mother of Isittcg her aon and nb ladr. : Geo, Ben. Simpson arrival laf wventait, and Is In town. Time deal odly with Uncle1 Ben." VT. H. ' Byara. acoompaniel by Jleasrs. Kent, Hancock and other, have gone eat of the monn tali s, mr- ' Ororg Jonneon anu Htm iNeme j Good wre married at the residence of the bride's parent on the 8tl, wl.'t h the hafpy (ridegroom says is good ttoagh. , ! v B. F. Dowell, F-aq., and daughter, are In I lie city, Tltev will sotin da part for their home in Jacksonville. Bon voyanev The! latest and stan lard noveU at Dr. Hamilton's chenp from 10 to 20 cent" eafh. A rare cuauoe for hep reading matter. j " Having rented his f-rm. Mr. Fr-n iel Cuthetliii oflers same fine i rattle, bor-ws and aheep fur a .le. Adilre4 blm at Wilbur - i j Col. 8l-"ne, superintendent of the California atd Oregou atnge coiupany wa in theeity during the week, at tending to business . '.' Wells a Flook of Ten Mile and Looking Olaaa made an assignment lo favor of creditors.! 1 labilities $12, 000. James Byron Is asslgnee. The Portland Bee says: ' A bfusblnir Vtald of 84 years and a widower of C3 , ere mtrried at Hillboro a few days since," All same Douglas county. We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mr. Bettnet, the gentlemtt who - will superintend tbj building of the Myrtle Creek and Canyon vllle bridges " Mr Wright and Mrs. Partie were ell.-iting abi for the widow Hamil ton., Mrs. Hanilton's little daughter 1 reported la tbe last stages of cou cumptidn. ' . , ..,::;' A letter front Abe Mensor, mention f ahota we made last Week, states that he ra doing well wish hi new store at Wert Berkeley, Cai. Glad to bear it, boy.. . - ; ,, -j . Tell eases have been already docket ed ainoe County Clerk ftherblan eft for Cooa Bay. Of the ten eight are suftafor the recovery .of money aud two for divorce, j - j The lady Injared several days ago bf I he Stage accident, is already r--ccvere.!, The stage did not upset, a at first reported, and the lady was nut erioualy . injured. :.t V ; J ' Mr. T. 8. Roadman, nor collecting agent, when not at bis office, will be found at the tr ' Broa w hop oar patrons generally will re epoodla li'scails upon Uiem. Y: iAiieat?rtlai'"ht wiirb given at tbs-Cbcrt house fiaThurMlay, ffplem ber 9th. It will be ErM-cias in every re spect, and uadoubtedlr thaafKiIrj of the aeaaou. rrogTatt.rae next wee 1 "Mrs. T. P Eheridati baa returned I ' "froia Coos county, cd reports a very plearatst i:it. Coonty Clerk "hefldan aud lady left Empire fur San Fiautis- . cooa Ei!irJiy last. . . ? Wrs, Vr. H- Vlllls, aeoompanled by her daugher Lulu, are in Portland. : Lila . wlU rTfikia. at school- J. C i'lotd, Rr aeoompanled by Mhw Mag- . gie. MisaFtoe i aili altetid achoal. Most Bevers; sd i J. Patera, Arch- ! 4iv tils 4t3e r a, U p--l., will lw!d e i i : v i .. i at St. Stephen's Oath iia t'ts city, on Sunday i .. v n Ma way tm tbe coast : (;,t J Curry. - Mr J.O. Fulierton and lady and Mrs. Dr. Bunnell have gone to the country roatieatlnc. There la a poor devil of an editor who aadly complains because it Is bis bad fortune to not be out in the mountains with such good company. Don't you forget to call on Haflen den Bros., and lay in your supplUs. They are selling . very cheap, the finest rttick iu the county. Domestic and foreign fruits, of all kinds Queens ware, glassware, etc., at bed-rock prices. The ad. interim of the Plalndealer carrier hia sign on his hat. He be lieves hi advertising doubtless. Well, tlieie is nothing like advertising newspaper, especially when it does not advertise itself There is nothing like being generally known. - H.C. Paige is still in the Pendle ton ja'l awaiting trial for the robbery nf Wt-H's Fargo A Co.'s treasure box at Umatilla.: Numerous ' former friend of the asoused have been so lieited to go on his bonds and give bint temporary relief, but alJuve re fused. Old friends or Sol. Abraham say they miss liU form-r clerk Geo. Tetu, and tlmt the a ore does not look natu ral without him. Georgo is now in Canada, and often, he writes, thinks of DoukIus county and his many friends ler. Mr. James Woodward has returned from Portland, aud is now at work for hia father, Mr. W. Q. Woodward. dn hU return, Jumea his put up one of 4 lie fltirst saddles we have seen in ibeKtati We advise all to go and see it, as a look at it will pay for the trouMr, Mrs. Hoi. Abraham, accompanied by Mi xx Myra Abraham, aud two sons, aailed on the Columbia for San Fran ciwo uring the week. They are on,a pleasure tr p, and will remain absent from BoMd'iirg several 'week. We wish litem all a safe voyage, a pleas ant viwit and safe return. k watchmaker named Johnson, came to town last week and set up in liti'inesa. This week, be hits flown In prts tinkown. A milkman wear a rwy hue in his fitce, and others are a little out of humor. Truly Johnson has a notice, and we are watchmakers fhim. It is remarkable that the active In- gredients of Fellows' Hypnphospblte are alknloids from tree which attain lo the vcrv grett aire, taken in con nection with the fact thttt thi-t prcpa ration will increaae the long longevity of the human family Is a someiYbil singular coincidence. Mr. Jam8 W. Conn has gone t WaiUburg, W.T., fVr the benefit of his health, and to liNik after a farm he and his brother Francis own there. Mr. Francis Conn will come to tliia county and superintend matters here. We wih for Jiiniea a p!eannt jour n y and renewed health, Hint that be will timl the .ndepkndkkt a welcome visitor at bis borne beyond the moun tains. We arj pained to hear that Sylves ter King ('arlile, a former reald-nt of thin county and brother of barn 'I V. (.arlile, dit-d t lone City, Cai., Aug 6th. The deceased was a man led man and leaves a wife and other relatives to mourn the loss of a loving husband, dutiful son and kind brother. May bis last sleep be a peaceful one. and upon his grave grow the evergreen, emblematical of the faith tbat taught him how to die by pointing the way to heaven. Mr. a VV. Shane and Miss Martha Stepnenson were married on the 14th int., by C. Gaddia, Comity Judge, at the residence of J. D. Van Burefi. Tbe Judge, it would seem, is likely to get himself ino trouble over the matter; be made affldait to the effect that the contiaciiug. parties were 21 years of age, when th- lact Is that tbe lady is 64 years of age and tbe gentlemen CS. We wish the young and. happy couple a long and merry time ot it. A. E. Uagsdale, general agent for t'.e Pacific roost, for enlarging photo graphs aud other small pictures in India ink anJ water colors, and silver type, crayon and oil paintings, will remain in Koseburg but a few days. In the meantime, be will canvass the town for orders. It would be better for all who wish good pictures or por traits of their friends or themselves 10 secure Mr. Rig.lale's services at onca. The work done by bitn Is all the moat exacting could desire. He wants a local age ut, also. A "Shooting Affair. Says the Cpns Bay Mail: A man named Harris, a logger, who has been w rxitij at John leaver's camp at Sum n-r, met J. A. Yoku-n on the side walk in place list Sunday even ing, axbed him, "Why did you in-ull my wife! I am to blow tbe t" of your head iff now," and commenced firing at him the parties were but a few yards apart at tbe first fire, wldcli but for the intervention of sir. Odder might h ve been fatal, after the first shot, aud b- fo-B the second Mr. Yoa kum took considerable of a ' 'go aa-you pleaee ' walk. It appears that Yoa kum weut to Mr H's house In Manh field last week and made indecent pro posals to bis wife, hence the shoot lug. To be Kemarried.' ' Alout a jear a?p a cur le of young people ran away from Camas' Valley, and were married at Coos Bay. It was claimed at the time of the marriage that as tlie young lady was under ase, and bad not the e'mrsion of her par ents lo wed, lhat tbe license issued by tl.e Clerk was illegal. Ho it seems the lady's father thought. Hnce theyoung coupl -came back and were bbssed be haa worried considerable. To put an etid to douU, this week tbe young man came to deputy County clerk Wright, this time with the consent 'f the par-, entr, aud took out a sveoud l cenae, aud ban b en by b!s time marred a secoud tiice. Has KetnrnwL John Howley, Esq.. has returned from California. He came back Mons day erenimr, and will remain perma nently in Douglas couny. Mr Bow ley was detained abroad longer than he intended, owing to the settlement of private business. He has scoured a contract tu build a ferry boat at Winchester.' and other contracts al ready. John, we are glad to see you without doubt. Mr. Henry Woodward Is now sole agent for ths stls of charts of tbs can didatee f t tlie presidency, which are neat, cheap and instructive. Mr Woodward baa our t banks for a chart of Garfield and Arthur. Archbishop Searhers will bold ' ser vtae at the Ca'httie Church at 10 a. m. and T P. U. to-morrow. " There Was Mutch. a SbootiM THE TOWN AROUSED. Brain Turns the Joke oa Them AIL Thursday morning about S o'clock those of our citizens residing in the neighborhood of E. C Dry's salnou were awakened by the report of live pistol shots following each other in rapid succession. As the express of fice is near by, it was thought that burglars were attempting to break In to or bad broken into it, aud a dozen or so of Fuller's many friends armed themselves with shooting Irons and atarted to tbe rescue. But, : before many arrived at the scene of the diffi i-ulty they were reassured by Fuller's hearty laughter, a?d they continued on their way to learn the cause of the shoo-log. many of them sans coat. aatis bat, sans breeches, sans every thing but nightclothea, some of which were not sufficiently lo ng to hide long and lank spindle s istika. They soon were fully Informed. The tame bear of Mr. Headrlck had broken loose and climbed uuou tlie rof of Mr. Dry's aaloon. In climbing on the roof, his chain caught just over Ned's bedroom. The catching of the chain exuspe.-atetl the bear, aud to get eyeu on something r somebody, be com menced teariug up she thingles at a fearful rate, 'lhenoit-e ao occasioned aroused Mr. Dry, who thought the bear inside the saloon, an 1 he took two candles and : e.tlled to those ueide to let him lu. He soon found that . the bear was auv where but inside, aud as he started out the do-r, accompaniod by Fuller, be was met by Marahal Cox, attracted by the uoiae made by the Dear. : Then further search was instituted, and the bear was found eugaged as above rtated, and the ahingle were flying in every direction. An effort was made lo get bruin down by calling to hiui; failure No. 1. Then clubs, stouea stove wo.mI, .and other prenuitsi ves were employed; failure No. 2. Here came in a council of war. After louir id deliberate consultation, it was agreed between the Marshal aud Ned that there Mioutd be a shooting match, aud tbe bear shot down, whereupon the Marshal shot one lime. ihe flrat shot soured the bear, and be tumbled over; but as soon as be found lie was u-t hurt he went right along with his occupa tion The Mar.-lial ued none churcu- i inembet by-w rds in au expressive toue of voice, ad fired tvrice niord j without effect. Net! was about this time quite out of patienje, an I xrati Idug the piaiol, wi n the remark of "Ob, St. Xvier! give me tbat nun," be ared two ahota delibeiately. Aud after all the shingles were yet being twisted into the air. Her Mr. Head rick was aeul for, and wbeu he came aud pulled ihe animal down, bruin turned over ou his aide and began how ling. Ned was all sym pathy at ouee. hit him, Cam, without doubt," be said to the Marshal, aud as he spoke, he stooped down Hlib a lirbted candle in each baud to see where the bullets bad struck the b.-ar. Just whu he came cl-ae enough, the bear stopped bawl ing. Huh the quickueas ut a flash of greased lightning the bear slapped j out both caudles with both paws, and i before Nel could reover from tbe sud-1 ilenuers of Mio attack, the bear rainjd upon bis haunches and with both can-dlt-a in hia mouth, commenced eating away. Ned took tbe whole matter in at a glatice, aud with a look of bewil dered diBappointuieut on his face, be turned to tbe Marshal and mid "I'll be if we hit him!' Hr Fuller's laugh came in. Bui us to Ihe shooting match, we let the following score tell tlie tale: Marshal C -x 0 0 0 h. V. Ury, 0 0 TheBear,. .. .'.....1 1 1 Ho entlalb the chapter, aud the bear yet standing three lo uo.hlug villi two candles thrown in.- J V, Owens Killed. Mrs. Owen, the other day received a letter from Laqnash, Colorado, stating that her son, J. P. Owens, had teen shot, aud two weeks thereafter died from bU wounda. It appears that a quaarel arose bet ween Mr. Owens and another man wboxe name we did not learn, and Mr. Owens whs ahot twice, one bullet sttiking him imhe arm aud the other iu tbe. tce. . Tlie wounded man lived two we, k.i after tbe shoot ing and died u tn- Cth of Aogun. The deceasHnl w.. a i rother of Hon VV. F, Owens, and io'V the news mine of his sad taking off, we huve heard many of his old frieii is iu this county de ploring tlie d-ath of a friend wh m they sincerely loved. Our sympathies ara exteutled to his Sorrowing rela tives. . Open liCtter. Ban Jose, Cai , April 16th, 1879. Messrs. Griffin A Co. Genlemen: We, the undersigned merchants, have sold your Cream Baking or Yeast Powder to nur beat customers, and It has given entire satisfaction, and all who have used it contlue o do so. If you continue to keep it at its present de . ree of excellence, we predict that it will be tbe best yeast powder of the country. A. Friaut A Co., A. G. Que vedo. F. Lamory, J. A. Beibdi, D. Corkery, M. Hartman, Geo. P. Bull, C O. Wise. For sale at Marks A Co.'s store, Koseburg. The f'eople's Illustrated Journal. Mr. M. Bretauo has been appointed gn-ral agent for tbe People's Illus trated Journal, an illustrated news paper of 33 paves. The journsl Is not only one of the best family papers published, but la the cheapest. To gether with the paper, subscribers will be given six fine cbromos, for the small sum of $1. The one dollar pays for fifteen month's subscription Mr. Bertano will eoon start out on a eanvassing tour, and it would not surprise us should Mr. B. secured sev eral thousand suusorlbers lor the Jour naj. Drowaed in a Tab of Water. On Tuesday afternoon, about one o'clock, says the Statesman, Stella, youngest daughter of E. . Hosford, Km., was drowued In a tub of water i into which she ten wmie piaymg. ao one saw ."her when the accident occurred- She was aged two and one half years. Dr. Pay ton, of 11 em, was sent fur immediately but all effort to restore the child to lite we. e unavail ing. Mr. Hosford lives in Polk couaty, auont two nailee from tbe ferry, la Which A ELA23 OF FIRE. The Momtalna a Sheet erFlaas, and I Wild Aniiaals FleeUur to theJPral- L rie for Shelter Many af our citizens for the past two weeks have experienced a suffocating sensation from a dense amoks which has filled tbe valleys and rendered everything obscure to . tbe sight. So much smoke led os to Inquire into tbe cause. From various sources w learn tbat timber In the mountains surrounding the valley U one, con tinuous and almost unbroken heet of flame. One of tlie driver on the route to Coos Bay informs us that the roar ing of the flames Is terrific, being much louder than that of the surf ou the beach, and one of tbe drivers on the Oreton and California stage line says tbat the mouu talus are a blaze of fire south of Canyonvlle. On the southern line of travel trees are falling In every direction, and scarcely a minute passes that the ear la not eatuted by tbe crash of some miahty forest monster burnt off at the base and tumbled to tlte ground. So great and extensive is the fire south of Canyonville, the deer ami bear seek the open prairies for protection. Tbe driver in question nays, that without doubt, game could be slaughtered In endless numbers now in any of the prairie i near Hardy El ItT place, PRESIDENT HAYES. The Presidential Party Coming to Oregon Overland. We learn from Col Stone, superin tendent of the California and Oregon stage line, tbat the manager of trav- j eling matters for ,' President Haye and party, had telegraphed to know whether accommodations In the way of stages could be furnished to enable the President and bis friend to reach Oregmu by the way of Yreka aaJ Roseburg. An answer in the affirma tive was immediately ; telegraphed back. In return C4ine another mes sage to have everything in readiness b thedh of September, as President Hayes would surely he at JleadnK at that time. Superintendent Stone lias arranged stapes and t-ams in such a manner that the President and party ill travel only during the day, and Will lie six days In reaching Roaeborg from Reading. This will hrin the party here about the 12th of Septem ber. . i Would it not be well for our citi zens to make preparations for wel coming our President. Honor la due him, and we should pay him that re spect to which he is entitled as Pr-i- detof the greatest republic under the sun COSTLY BKRU5ES. ' Tbe story eoin to u that twi ladii-s from Wilbur and one from Rose burn wliuw husband is A C;'J' offi.;, went out Dtaktvrring in the moun tains the other d.ty. They look along With them a ynuuir toy to drive the team, aud had wiih thnt s'X loi-hels of as to fetl the horses, blttiltets and other beddinir. provisions, etc ! It was at independent crowd, sod when starting tie declare-! all mu a uuisitnce, and not worh being about. We don't for a ru.tuient sup pose one of I hem would have s)oken to a gentleman under any circumstan ce; in fact, all there were anxious in prove that mility is w.i d in but feeble and worthiest i4 mtn. Ih-y arrived at the tierry patcii safe aud sound, p;tnad a quiet night, aud next -morning, after breaktast, they started out after berries. Tln-y got the berries to the am iunl of toree pint, Were frighten -d netrly l i death every time the wm I sit uri the busbes, thinking that as lietrs ate tond of sweetmeats, flu re wua one after them, and finally returned to Ctup, tired, huiiifrv an.l disgite-t with the tramp. But what a sight they gaxed upon! During ihe-r ab s-tice, a spark fr-tn ihe ctiupHre kiuditrd quite a b e.ze idaze em n-l lobutu up bedding, f sl ami :ainp equippage, and to snori-h the wagon Of course, the adirs did not swear; ladies never do tlt.t; but t-tme b e t'h they rcii'iiiiic.t-ii their iiileieudence and soleinuly protni-o I never to g on a tramp again w tiiay were sure they with unn wuose stroutr right arm wits cert tin to pro tect and pre4rve tii.m from ni s.or tune. A belter resolution was never before agreed upon at a public ineet- ug. We vote this way because we aie a man. - 7 A Desolate Home. Sad aud lonely is the home where death has entered and taken an only child, but mote desolate if msible the house that has resoii'i led wi ll the hum of children's voices an I the treai of many feet, when these are all ruth lessly silenced. The sad record of fuch an one is furnished in th-j horn j of Wiu. Kineliart, of Suinmerville, where less" than a month ago six merry t.hil Iren gathered, and from which, but a few days tince, the Inst one was consigned to the grave. The devastali n nf this household was caused by the dread scourge of childhood, diphtheria, and the complete 'reck that It wrought is spoken of as one of thesddest events that has ever taktn place iu Graud Koude valley. Seeking Refuge. The Port Orfor.I Post of the 5th lnt , says the steamer Uylton Castb, Capt Joseph Banmann, anchorel In our bay ' last Friday morning at ten o'clock. She left 8 in Fr!icici Hat- urday, the 24ili at 3 p it for Victoria, li. C., and was six day reaching his port, not half the distance to her des tination. At Point Arena met heavy northwest swells and the northwest wind increased to a living gale; from that on had a strong bead wind and a rough sea: ran into Port Orforl har bor for shelter and fuel, havlug only a day an I a half's cosl left. ; The Whitman Monument. The executive hoard of the Pioneer and Historical Society, at it meeting at Ast rla, passed the following reso lution: ; Resolved, Tiiat the- corre pondiiii secretary, W II. tlrty, be au thorized to confer with the citizens of Oregon, VVashlnjrtwi Territory and Idaho, and end.avor to secure their united aid, by such means as they insy dem proper. In the raising of ad ditional funds to continue the w-rk of Improving the Whitman cemetery, and erecting a monument thereon. Readers get ready for the entertain ment, to be given at the courthouse, on Thursday tbe Oth of September, It is going to be a rare banquet of mu sics!, metorical and theatrical dishes Some of tho most gifted and a ceo in. plithed Isdles of your city have the matter In charge, and may be relied on to furnish a thoroughly enjoyable feast, . . . oxes kosjs T6 tss rnoNT. : Ths OregoalaA has oaee store o oms to ths front la favor of a rehearing of eases tried before the lata supreme court, W believe we are begianlng to Uko that paper mora than ever. IU best argument Is that justice shall be done, and that right never wronged any one embodies all there Is in the natter. Let ft be so tbat the present supreme court shall raopea the oases and review tbeaa, And, certainly uo wrong will be doue tbe innocent; and if a wrong has been dune and Is eor reeled, the ends of justice will be served. This is. If we mis take not, wbat ' courts . are con stituted for. And as to the matter of "establishing a dangerous precedent," tho a who offer sucb a plea against a review do not anderetaud what they ate speaking of. Tbooourt knows of, and next week wa wil, name, twenty cases where reviews have beeq granU ed by the highest tribunals, including ths Supreme Court of tbe United' Mates. Tbe Oregooiau Is right with . out a doubt, aud w ape laused it for its good sense. Bosebnrg Marble Works .... ' I Monuments, tombs, tablets Marble Mantles etc, made from the best For- eign and Domestic marble. Designs and estimates furbished free. Rnd ! - . ion-s irota iu upwards, uive me a call and examine mv work before purchasing. R BBACKENS1DGE. Various Causes. Advancing year, I cans, sickness, disap. - ointment aoa UBrwniary prodiipogiuon all operate to tare the hair gray, and either of hern iacliaet ft lo sbed pram- turwi.v. ats a maih viooa win restore b on or deep blact, as mar be desired. It soften and o inaea tbe scalp, giving it a htralthy acthHi, and removes and cures hu more and dndrafl. By itaaaa falling hair is checked, and a new irrualh will lie pros duend iu all cases wWe tbe follicles are not deal roved or u lauds decayed. . Its eilecia ar tx-aaiifullr shown on braaliy, ak or aicklv hair, to which a tew ap lilicutloiia wil produce the (loss and freslitiein ot r.-nili. Uarmleaa tod sure in its operation, it is incomparable as a dress ins, and i esH-ciahy vamed for tlie lt lustMand riciin-waol tone it imparts. It eontaina neither ni: nor dye ami wid not oil or color white Cm a brie, vet it lasts. longoo thn liairaud ketU fresh and rig- rons. H'Klite. Oivis It -Co., Portland, vliolesaln lieatchrs. I Wish Ever body to Know It. Bev. Gsorittf H. rhay-r, aa old ciiixtm of this ritiiiiiv, knoarnto every him aa a mcst inlluen iai ci'iien, and Christian Miuisier4 tbe M. K Clmrci, jjsi tins ruomxnt step ped iu mi stoivi t. ay. "I wish everybouy lotnotr timt I c iiis.iJer IwmIi myseli and ile oweur lives, to Sj:iU;i's Cinaumption Cure, It is liavutir a t rememioua sale over nur liounu r sii.t l- ffivinir erlectal-u-fction in ali cs- s ol Lunif Diseases, tuc i sa ooilnnj elsf lissftiMie. Dated Bonrboi , :ud., Mst U-li, 78 )r. Mutc'.tet A Franc . o,- t.V S. Dritittst. ! Tb- ittost p.''"Ur a.kl rravrant perfume .f t:ie kr.y is H ACfviiKfACIk. Try tf Sld by Ha.nilton, Jtewbursc, Oregon, We Cliallciirfo .The World, c Wliwu ivs , -.hi Otfil ire. we iiavs evi- eni w unvti ht b iHu'aA'oiisuup:ion Cure is deciui-d'.r ihe best l,uuir Medicine made, in a ntiicu a- It will cure acotumou i I'l.nni c t'nii)i i in one half tbe time slid reln-ve Aailiina, Bioi.clrii. Wboopinj; ' Vault. .aii, aii t show more cases of OoiMiuuiti -n rurel . toan all Mnera. It will cure where tiiey fail. It is pleasant to iik-, da m e-M to Ilia youngest chiM and U irar-t!itrs Jr.iat are . frine. to eta. tec, amt Jl.dJ 1' yrtur Ltma a.e aorn stesl o Bui! lame use HUiloli a forus flan lit in:ltoti, druggist. ROSEBURG ACADEMY. The aututu-i session of this institution will commence oe Monday, fwpieinlaw 6tb 183d. aud wilt be in ciiarire ut Dr. Bro ne ami lite usual corps of competent arsis tan a. Tne Brat month of the tsrai will be (roe, the other iwj ruunths wilt be charged r accord 'U. to l.iu lol lowing rate: Ultli trslilir, reaiiimzl VVnt.inf ami Hr V pr. month $1 65 ti.ary Arithmetic. I (J.-Oijrajioy, or Ensf. Q.-amuiar " 2 00 Hiiiot Ariiiiinsi.r, Aluebra or iieti.rc, ir. iu..Biii 2 f0 La! in or iri-ek, pr. moatb. ......... 3 0U P. BbXKnii K. A. W, COMF703, Biiard ol Directors. C. Uadd.s. CASYoNVll.LK;l!tEUtN, BL ACKSM IT11INQ k WAGON KEI'AIKIN J X12ATLY DONE. llors-sliiieiiiir a ajserialfy, and satislac- ti..o KuaiuKi eo. T.-rnis low for Casu o approveti or ilir, and Work done wheli wnt- d. Tliose in letited to me are hereby notiheii tlisi all ouistamiinir debts must li-paiu liy Jjinisrv 1st, 1HH); by so doing II old natrons wli- do-me a favor, and fin t me ! to put to a thai-class tuxk in "he cominii Uprteg ' i lie anak will Le TSiere ; t-ut 1 wisli a settlement with old friettils. and witti a tuM 'ik be able to se.l ilii-m work ct eanei than vver: .. . JU. U. ARZXER. 3V ?. W. SAU3S8T, H-D.a liOsEUURG Oil -. ON, W.LL ATIENI TO ALL CAttES im rested to Us ear. Office at bit residence 80tf ; NOAZCE- Great Eeductions - AT v.-'.' . ' FDR THE K EX T THIRTY DAYS commencing August 1st, Haffou ilen Bros will sell tbe following goods at very low prices: A full Tine of Q'lectiswaie, glassware, lamps, plated castor, stone jar, churn jugs. pots. fruit jnr. itifauts chairs, baakets, coal oil, br mna, lanl oil, castor oil, china nut on, tc . etc. oap, Syrup, can dles, 2our. canitea goods, ear flues, oyster, coffee, tea, aslaratus, bluliiif, beans, stan-.n, hickory . axe, pick helves, cigars aud tobacco. Call aud beemivlnced, , ' ; . R. BRECSEIIRIDSfi ! MARBLE & TOMBSTONE CUTTER. ' Opposite R. 8. A J. C Sheridan's Hard ware Store, , ROSEBURG, OREGON. " The finest nf Vermont 'and Italian marble always on baud. Orders from borne and abroad promptly filled. Parties desiring work In Jackson or Josephine routine wiu nod tbat i can aecomondAte theni with lowest rates. : - R. BliECKESatDGE. 9fft ff "s Trbe tsm& tm I iSl i.4 U.l Idvui. A COS Kewmxsnrr Ail'wnfetsf f l,i fwuo WTeeH.wbereailver- s - ' - - f tlaln.Mii.santn f ? be BwMte Am( t e ba!i; w-.--4 TESTIMONIAL. Office of S. Marks & Co. - To J. O. Baker, Agent Westero Fanning Mill. Sir. We Uke nleaanea tn a-o tt.-.- baoa naa.l nnrl nro liatnffthe "Western" for , . ... A HIM VIVHtllllKa OS 1 A . k I U V V U14U a can, therefore, recommt-nd it to ne. We full endorse the above. ! Ti e Western, manufactured have ever used. FOR f XaTH. A Fine Stock and Fanning Ranch. Term reasonable, snd desire for sale Is occasioned through a wish to emigrate te Kastero Oregon. For price of land and refemnees 'O-inirs of John W.Kelly, at the iMDWEkOEST offlje, or the protirietor on the prtm'ses. Lacd for sale 800 srrea of limber aud flrrasinar ana rarmtnir tana coiitninea ; about 75,00- of fanning land and the re mainder pastor and timber laid. The abova contains a fine orchard and about 3 acres of garden land subject to irrigation There also is a G oe lot ol ynuuir trees iu tlie above named orchard, embracing all kinds peaches, cherries snd apples and vines of all kinds. . There is a gissl water wheel on tbe stream oo the premises that affords about a twelre-lmrse power, and runs the sUngle mill of K. B. Msrtindata Son. it. L. STEPHEN 6. Coles valley. Oregon. -Ti.ere is a chance for a good bargains, who aupi enrlv B.4CIiSffIITll I Dearling Gibson, . O f LAND, OUX. Would announce to ths public that they ard prepared with .he best of mate ri al to auppW all detuanpa in their line. Having eujoyed over twenty years expe rience in their trade, all work performed by them s arnaranteed to be Grst-clats, and strictly according to ordr. Gibson's Celebrated Ear- rows FOR MALE BT J. W. 8TKANOE, ROSE- BCKO. Pmnoaneed by all who have used them to tm tbe best ever Invented, always on hand snd fur sale cheap. FARM MACIIINKKY- KE PAIRKD, Criwe Them a Call: - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN C?mm,itz ME&ca&misE. ROSEBURG, THE ABOVE NAMED FIRM WOULD uthern pordou of Oregon that they EVER BROUGHT TO SOUTHERN ORBGOTSr The stock in question is ermplete in every detail, and waa purchased in San tuch low figure that we are able to sell at aucn rates aa to permit us to dety competition in wholesale aud retail price. The slock comprise First-class Dry Goods, Pull Lines of Clothing, Ladies' Dress Goods, Fancy Millinery Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Etc. WE HAVE COMPLETE LINES OF GROCERIES & CROCKERY Glassware, Tobacco, Cigarsi Wimes and Idquors. We have also everything In the way of HARDWARE, and can aapply farmers altb FARMING lOHINilRY Of all kinda la reapert, mowers, etc, on the Eighrst Plica Paid for In oonettion with the s-or. sod warehouse for tbe MOraae or grain. an au,.n.sT t aT . , fj.i u- ..t,r n.l (train t leaner, which fsna'-ra wilt snu aav3tajreou- rtkeeD. wdl find Tm application we ,sn 0fT,r them aare-ri. bargains. Country Store-Keepers win aim "HI ibhiuiu WHKKT.R't l fl Give u a 'ri', f r wa will n a ne now ' FRANK BROS. AGENCY. AGIUCDLT0R&L mPLELlEXITS, FAHU ATID UILL UaUUIILUY. n ALFRED SLOCUM, RESIDENT MANAGER The maeag-r would state to the farmer. ow than lie baa evr Dtien uatore to safipij w.. ---r- ----- --- machinery, and at U.wer than can be offered theat by any other ealtoral dVlerer dl-alrrs -the Mate. Be is the aeat for oaly the best fJT. and he ea every article he sella. U wisnet i antHsstiaa. e good, which ar otberwieelhaa aa repreaenta-t. and if tbey aw aot .hT ,h qwattity than those onVred for sale o her dealers, will navar uoujplaa U bis oBers are alecMa. iae manager nasHtr asa. WALTER A. WOODS' SELF-BINDING IIARVT53TER, IM PROVED UEADEti, CHAIN AND S W EEP R AKB K E AlV ERS, NEW EN CAKED O EA R MO W ER? C I1ICAGO PITTS THKESIIKK AND 110KSB PWER, BLACK HA K PLO WS,CULTI V ATORS, ETC. Also: the Celebrated -La Belle" Wagon a O. Cooper On. doable and sisgle . ,t Aim aarlaei Kamd tor eiicalsrs and pnee-iiW - . . '1 ALFlIliD JSLOgOXI- Mawtser, liosebnrg, Ogn Roseburg. Oregon. Angnst 12tb, 1880. a- it t Kpnt mill wo have tried. We aa,av -ar - ------ -- - the ublic as the heat cleaner in 8. Marks & uo. TF. F. Owkss, Agent G. B. A. II. la. MUBTON, 1 J. C. Flokd, J. D. BCENBTT, by Lou. Holman is 11. Cons, Sr. tho best 19-4-w J. B. TtPTOW. F. M. 1IFTON , XATXSZtSOST8 SAW MILL. TIPTON BROS., PKOFS ALL KINDS OP LUMBER. Iucludiug SUGAR PINE, CEDAR, FIR, PINE AND OAK LUMBER. Always on band, and orders promptly filled on the shortest totice. All kind ol dr-esed lumber constantly on hand. Lum ber furnished at any point In Rosebur wiebout extra chaise, and by application to ma it will be lound tbat my luinb-r it not only tlie last but iua cheapest ia tbe market. Try me and aa , Address all letter to TIPTON BROTHERS. jy3 Patersou'a Mills, Or. . PSTBB KfiH8t.-.; id fla.isa:2: ROSEBURO, OUEQCN. ALL BUSINESS IU MY LINE WILL be promptly atteuded to, and charges moderate. Can be found when wanted. Inquire for me at Roseburg hotel. ROSEBURG LULLS, mniM ;&:-:''a&'SPSB FBORIET The best Four in the Marke.. Tlie Flour of these ta ils has gained in popularity until it baf ! by purchaser as the best 'n ths market. Orders fro home and abroad CI d promptly At dress, v . It KES a GATES. OREGO&, ANN'OUCNE TO; TFE P have Imported to Roseburg PEOPLE OF THE one ol the abort arnica tad moat rsaseaaWa urn TTcol. Grain and Proiucs. lJS 7! f As Z2ZE2S , , . , g'attjam Taey weaid awawtaos that they bare Steals KWt broatrkt to D atfla enawr, sad TERNS asd BE DE TIN W A BE, tbey are prepared te declare tbey have tbe beet sui ply la tbe.r linerof any etalUaLuieot In Son hem Oregoa, which they propasa cuKia onrj&zz vrjbii aitz- chd - ess purehaae ur Uera. j ; - .... Ia the shape t liSdding nK rials ia the way of locks, butts, eta, ws ssa e& superior lducenot to purchaser. Try as. Weeaa irlva you bargains ia the following brands of stoves, aot rqaallei esxa where- Back's. B-nause. Fsrmer T7tility. Dexter, Pacific Wide West, Clarasde, Occident, Iroi, Kintr, Empire City, and attu-r stove and ranges. The best of worrp-n are constantly esaph-yed ia the man u I act ore of oar Tiaware, snd hnrers sbould l.-io our prices, i . . We nave a'ao taravtua tu-r iu j;uua. uwo mm luvunin, susip anu vtunr juoea, as we' I a te rlhot-getis and Pistn s Ws ate a!t Airema tar the While. Peerless and New Home Sawing Hachiat .wkiab we aell at lowest rates and warrant as complete in every respect. . We eau also supply . y.' .iveril! atitl Unbbcr Paints, The beet in the market, at tbe newest rates. Uive as a call, inspect our snick, inquire as oar prices, and w promise te salt all anvnnscaa. Gen'l Merchandise, INCLUDING EVERY VARIETY OF LADIES' DRESS GOODS, OF THE LATEST STYLE. Caslaimsrss of all Variety and Sliades en Haa - AT THE v - M. JOSEPHSON, Gentlemen & Boy's JSH 233 JX 1U "SST - 33-21 JSL 32L IS I7CLO TIX Z XST C3- -a BEFORE: PUHCUASIXO ELSEWHEBE, BY SO DOING GOOD BARGAINS CAN BE 8 El -U RED SCaaBSllaD Tbe Preaaoter aag Perfeeter of Aa etasiiatiea.'' Tbe Reformer and Vltallser of tins Blooa. - The rraatuter aad Invtawrater of Xerre aad aluacle. The Builder mail eapewrterwf Braia Fewer. Fallows' Compound Syrup Is eora posod of Ingredients Identical with those whieh constitute Healthy Blood. Musclo and Nerve and Brain Substance, while Idle itself is directly dependent upon some of them. By its union with the blood and its afreet upon the mwsclee, reestablishing the one aad toning the other, it U ca pable of effecting the following results : It will displace or wash out tubercu lous matter, ar.d tbag cure Consumption By increasing Nervous and SXuscular Vigor, it will cure Dyspepsia, feeble or Interrupted action of the Heart and Palpitation, Weakness of Intellect caused by grief, worry, overtax. ? irregular habits, Bronchitis Acute or Chronic Congestion of the Lunge even In the most alarming stages. It cures Asthma, Loss of Tolc Kcuralgia, St. Vitus Dance, EpllepU Fits, Whooping Cough. Nervousness, and is a most wonderful adjunct to other remedies in sustaining life during the process of Diphtheria. Do not be deceived by remedies bear ing a similar name : no other prepara tion is a substitute for this under any circumstances. Look out for the name and address 3. 1. FELLOWS', St John, NJJ., on the yellow wrapper in watermark, which Is seen by holding the paper before tho light. rrloe, $1.50 per Bottle, for $7.e&, Sold by ail Druggists. I. S. Hossabaum & Co., MANUFACTURERS OF G13ARS, AN Dealers in Tobacco, S. E. ''-or Batter f y Streets SAN FRANCISCO CAln Would announce to tlie trade throughout Southern On-iron that Ihej are prepared tu off -asuperi'ir adrantae in their line, rod would reaieettully call attention ea- is-cialtT not tut It lo - T A T1 1 N I T Z A- Their purely Havana, ami cent eiirar, but also to i tie followiaa popuiar brands ef whieti tbey r- ma.-tufaeiurer : "ii'.Hanmnd," - v "Our Charlev," "Oinaie, " "Elaine," Cnzley," Cliampton," Hohcmtfln." And which brands are now It Brsl-clas demand everywhere, 1. S. Rosenbaua A Co, also would have It understood that they are willlus- to and will Sell ai: articles io their has ft puma cheaper than can traveling airenta Im any fl-m, and tbuaii orders sent Mieut will be furnished without delay and ia tbs Beat- j est sdd UKi reliable meaner. Uive as a trial once, and yno wui re maia our pemtaul patrons - 1. 8, KUSUOab ji a m B. S. i J. O, SBEBIDAII, . (Saeeeasora w rho. P. Sheridan) 0KALKKS IB BAEDWARS. TISWARK. SrOVES Uana, Cutlery and T ! ar aiahiagr t?oot!,. . EHlv't STC ECwlX JH3f C s Ultl Having secured tha abova bua!aes.we ara prepaied- l keep up lt former good aama fur work and price. We have tbe faeat of uatenat aad alwara a tail stock of graxb en band, and U ia imr aim u far nih carwiuteit with firv-cisa article at let it t prices. . . k fall stock ot iron ana etc' r v. Order from abroad will rewve ruMMa. 11 ; 4 J. C buLKDA; 1 :'. I - BOOS liist rscaivel and sow have ea hand aae at tiaB cf HstcIttcxo 'M whea added to their STOVES OF A XX FAT intBiUAi BKiltt. T?3 -OF- J I S. HAMILTON S HE YJ DRUGSTORE . for Ltuz. Faints. Oi'a. Varnish, Window asp Picture Uiasa, Stall uierv. Perfumery, if you wisli to purchase them cheaper than a' an? pl iee sou'h ol PORTIJIND. . And keeps full lines of CDWAUDTOODi CO S GOLD PENS, PENCILS. ETC, .SCHOOL BOOKS, NOVELS. LEGAL BLANKS. Ctth.'rlalp, Kail & Toot!, wash, Ytpntshi &fo.isfa' Windsor and Nrwtooa tabe colors. Wis do w sad I'icinre U lass, every mse, at lowest Price, by box or pane. Blank Boka, VV'ritiuif Paper, envehrpes, pena, AH new Patent Medicines in stock A, demand will warrant. U L CUT TO OKOKR.ifree of charge, Ag-nt ft THRIIH IIlXHD PAJTJT3 The eelebraietl and tlion.osrh'j -.ested PAy C1FIC KURKKR PAINT, The IM- -PEKISHABI.K PAINT, aad Tbe ENAMEL FA1VT. Atreut for Jd. ; Oray, ilusic Ueak-r. a Francisco. Prescription filled with dispatch, st th- Inwest rate, tstore ia aecetMhle at rie til window on back sir t at all btnr of the night, Betneniherths pi;o. l!rirk busld- ag oppoiite Jietrvixili an Ui-trl. litMonrs. Oeatriia. PlaliKS & !RLIs HAVE FITTED UP U : THK HETIlOPOLIT'iV SALOOS In a Metrojiolitan Style, ; AKO - TIIEY II AVE ON II AND LIQUORS & CIQAF.3 FIX EST AND BIST ZX7 7XT2 ZSaOJXXS LAzraEiriRa snos. This firm has const a ''von hand lb fioett stock of Boots and Shoes ever Fiiouanr to rosebdro. Ssst cf Sost3 and Ehzza Hale to order aad liepaired. Xa-S-OIiT'O MTFJII gfTAUJC I OTIFFCflEnO, roa I ; aastss at saanr Boot and SJwe JfweU.y' ratvaatt mMnf arer aad waaeaaj ear oa the , The firm ha ne had llwt Seest stock of of Lsather is ttra ftate. aBd is piv pared do all kinds of work In a 6 rot -rla man ni'Ty open the most n-aaooab e terms. Fajv . ties needing In lhir line, altau'd Call Qpoa til em flrrl, as they fjil'y ' QCABANTEE ALfe WORK Turned oet of their shop to be Al sad. certain to wear well.. All aiadaef Madnal Inatratnmts Sold st Saa Francisco t trices. Violia aud otbes. wrins a apeeiallr. tmis snd See us. .. -EXCELSIOR D0MIEI.W LaaUi i O Is. X & aOk 2. HOESE Gt'OEINU MACS firECULTT ' Aad all kinds t( work v'ttVlMir' ikaS-asS- ie$tal fe. CITS Fiaa A cm. -A 2 "it;