vV'-'-""''"-' j 1 fcLSOLLTlUA VF IXHtSKJl ENT. I - w berkas, tiik Douglas Ikdepkhdext I newspaper published in Koseburg, has been published in this county tor the period I of three yean: and 1 .JbhsK It bti fanhfolly terred the interrt of the nmdacnr and lAK.Mmr.' thrtfnr- Km ft 1 JMof. we. the member of tha Uimw I . .., . ' V . 1 d qaarnsf No. io jriye Ths Douglas j MUMftaibfli vui uuuuaiiuru ruuiiffClUfDL 1 end would recommend it u a newsoaner wonuj we pairooaa m every tarmer and as- payer in Southern Oregon. uito. w. jones. Master I -. wx 1 vpbcah. Eesretary. SATURDAY. .. . . . . AUGUST 28, 1880 THE LEGISLATURE. Wa Voino t Via AMtitnmtniv lanria-I . , v-r- t attire villbeaa anxious to-correct errors in the management of State affairs as was the independent body of 1874. We know that many reforms wete made by the legislature of 1878, 8nd there can be so doubt on this score; but would it not be as well to give crjyiit'to the independent legis lature, (and thd independents, uuder the leadership f lion. W. Y. Uwens and John C. Dram, for the work done, which served as an entering wedge, and filially ended in tua disclosures bnd re torms two ysars ago? ITe do notthink it necessary to state one atteranother tbe independent ineas ant introduced and adopted, and 1 to follow each measure up to it? final ... consuniatioo v to Drove that the results were ac complished in the end by those measures; the thiuking, taxpav- nig classes to know all about hera. We would call the at- tention only of those who have read much and read carelesaly.and torgotten a good deal, to the pages in the history of legis lation of the-State wherein it can .be found that by and through the efforts -ot men who considered tbe public interests first and then the interests of party, ranch good was doue the people of Oregon Irhv lesnalators are elected is that just laws govericg an entire State may be enacted; and if this be true, it stands to Toaunn that - each member of the legislature, I to do his dutv. . according to the i oath he takes.' must look, to tbe soDfe's interests and hot to those ot party, f heroin tha torn eonflict the people's interests raast be protected "first, last and Alt the tioje." When it comet to a matter in which the people are j injuriously aftected, to benefit party by paving a way lor the outworking ot deep schemes, ; truly is the legislator great in- patriotism and truth who stands j by those who reposed sufficient confidence iu him -to give him the pnvilegs of making laws tor their government. The raau who will forgei the people and only thinks ot party is a roan who is alone planning to seoure eelf aggrandisement tbroug h the suc cess of his party, and such men are but time-servers tor a reward. Yet the man who, as a legislator and as a partizan, through good deeds, seeks to win renown and -general lavor for hw party, is neither a demagogue or a' rascal, but one who belongs to a party because he believes tbe princi ples of that party are correct, and fc? the reason he desires to do his workhoneetlv and to increase his ; party's popularity. It all politicians were this way no one would I ave anything but praise tor them. Therefore, let the members of. our forthconjing JegisTatare consider .these halt- undeveloped thoughts carefully, They are tendered in the spirit that would have every member of the lg:lataro a patriot, and that wonld cause every member to i think in all things his best efforts we say that it U decidedly njoy i . . 1 t,i,t rl I.,. . -, . i T were m u rnou utuau ui those who gave him their votes ao that he might occupy an lra port ant public position, .to benefit the public. There will be no United Stats Senator to elect this year. Why then should not the - whole at tention ot the legislatnre be di rected to the promotion of the ; interests of the people?. In ; its editorials in Garfield's . behalf, the Oregbnion pute us in mind of that paper wbeu Araory Ilolbrook was its editor. It has " " tae right republican ring in its tone, and Bro. Scott Veeras to have gone to work' in dead earn cetness. - An electrotype of unusual size cf Hancock and EBglish is going 9 touud i of tbe democratic press cf tfee State. - Stick to the larger 'est," boR; those small aSairs r n (binder upon the candidates : iaiadad as portraits, cf. LET T9 HAVE" A BEST. TbattKbTJrjsh-Tfaajer cdmln' istralvon ' should continue their attacks npoa W. II. Watkinds it sometbiDi; beyond oar! knowlege of the perversity of mankiud. Uertainly "Sweet William ia not a candidate tor offico. The present governor is in lib danger oi appointing mm euperintenueni of the penitentiary,' consequently mere u do chance ot any one place there by and through Watkinds. ; And it Watktnds ia guilty of wrong, why ot try the case in the courts instead ot the newsr.nr.Brv.? 'I'hn onnrtiuro - - - - r - r - . , - T denlly capable ot adjucating this matter in justice to all parties - . . .. i . concerned, ibe public 13 urea the spiteful utterances Of t DOEe Who dlBllke WattUlUP: . - "1 y-i ti tha Tit no est Ti I TPlr. fcW" .QvaVa editorla.B, we, are I satisfied lnal liaPer 18 urea 01 Clv,nS "eul , . - . , . 1 viCe to the exclusion ;ot more f , . . interesting: matter, j igures wua wej on j,aper. in answerjo cveyr ' , argument brought forward Wat- kinds has tarnished a fitting reply the last time his ngures were rmind from Rcretarv Earhart's . . . ... J. . - bookg. And that Watkiuds wag ever a thief no one believes nor will be satisfied that -'Stanley V are correct mini so proven in court. ; To take a case into cou'-t is to create public expense and it is first right to secure reliable witnesses. We fail to See whre thev will be totmd as yet. So let uk have a rest until there re more grounds tor complunt, and competent witness can; come to the front The method, by-which William Charles Brown stole 85.700 from the Rutland, Vermont, bank, ot wnich le is teller, is u serious one Most of its eustoniwrs live at distance trom the bk, and are mfreqnent visitors, it tbey wi?h - aepi mey wcmiu hand lt ,0 Brown, h- would make I "'."..-.. Ah n. out a deposit ticket tor $wu, pi $200 m his pocket, epter 8500 on tbe depositor's p iss book, and tor a time both accoants would show correctly. When tbe bookkeeper balanced bo'b ac(o ts, then, of course, the discrepancy would appear. This error oil the pas book would be ehanged by th bookkeeper, tbe 5 to a 3, theii tbe book would balance. Bitore tbe pass book wus delivered to owner Brown would take it and credit ?200 to error, I have d.s coveted an error," etc., "that $300 should have been $500. ! When you get home you see it t is not eo. Ihe owcer would; take home, find it correct, and praise the teller as an honest youn Thw has been oing ou for over a year, and was only dis coverea ny an acciueut. J9 uia bondsmeu are relatives will not be prosecuted. Brow W. B. Moss, oft he Portland Mer cury, makes imdavit to (he etieet that the true name 'of iW. Stan ley, the man who hits written o many articles in defense bf Bnsb and I'hayer's administration, is John McConvery. TUisl look bad tor the two Governors hero and writer. The question! is now pertinent "Why did McConvery change his urae to that of Cons verse f" Ca'n it be possible that McConvery smacked !toostrong ly of the "Ould Dart?' and that this is another case of an Irish man, ashamed of his place ot nativity, turned Englishman? We do not wish to be considered a do ubting Thomas" in this busi ness, but should the ilercury; or any ot our exchanges throw a little light on this dark subject, perhaps our miud would be less troubled. j. - ; The democrats ' are evidently working with all their might to carry the State for Ilnncock aud JJnglibh. We do notjtemember the time whKn the democratic newspapers were more zealous in their labors. But there is no weakening aloug the repub- lican line, and the irepublioan journals return with interest the blows of their 'democratic adver-' sanea. Some may not! believe it, yet we only speak the truth when ume to an outsiacr wno cares uot tt tinker's by-word hqw the cat jumps, believing as we doj both the presidential candidates are good union men. i On .Monday, near Des Mnoies, Iowa, a littbt boy, aged 4 years, fouud a revolver "lying around loose," took it up and k'uled his ritt'e suter, a baby of two years. The same day, a boy of 11, on - a visit to his uncle's ia Cincinnati, found a pistol in a drawer,thought "wasn't loaded," fired at his cousin, a girl two years younger, and fatally wounded her. j It is rather unusual to : fiud fault with th appearance o the brile or her bridesmaids, but London Troth asserts tbat when Miss Sophia Arkwright married Hon. Evelyn Pierrepont that the bridesmaids, dresses I were '; so scantily made that it was With, difficulty tbat the wearers trug. tle4,to. and frooi their knees, j Woeth'ett was the heat or the alpect of the political sitaation that muddled him np, will per haps never be known, but John .Newbridge, of St. Louis, was somewhat absent on Friday. He bought his ticket for lndianapo lis, then talked aronnd bit, and meeting a frieatl who' was going that way, he walked leisurely np and bought his ticket again. Put ting' the second ticket in his pocket he tooled aronnd until train ume and then with ; a rush bought a third ticket aud climb ed on the train. When seated in the car he put his hands in his pockets and pulled, out the three tickets to Indianapolis, and couldn't think how he came "by them. lie resolved to count his money and 6ee it he really had bought the three tickets. Just then the conductor touched him a the shoulder and the pro occu pied Mr. Newbridge handed him $10 bill to pay his lure. , He has still three tickets in the held. the happiest mamages are those in whioh a high tvje of triendship tollows love; Friend ship of a sublimated sort is what ove becomes alter a year or so ot marriage and he who ifl tnendly to the very depths ot lus sou enters into this happily,'. ud is ready tor all the di!irht that follow. ' But a nitti wliD "is capable ot nothing but that Heel ing affection, which ewr pnrs'ipd a new object, and cans tor jio woman when she is won, Lute the domestic ties and .' bi-omes detestable in confieqnence. It is the man 'who would die tor hi?1 hend, and t r whom bis friend would die, who makes a miracu lously huppy wite of the woman to whom he scarcely knew h m speak when he courted her. Oregon imports reach nearly $15,000,000 per anuuni, or about 83 71 for each man, woman and cniiu oi trie population. inu f .( i. . fn. proportion ot the foreign import trade ot th United States ie about $10 per capliu. The l-ill lueasure tit Oregon's prosperity will. 'not.be attmnel until the proportion of her impor ts is ie uncod to correspond wiih hei home prod act. Some of uur friends wru'durge that by not taking part m the presidents! content we are sot independent, but neutrak lie do not see the po'nt. Independ ent in all things, neu'ral in notl ing" means nothing more than that we shall do as we pleitne. Well, suppose it please us to suy nothing in tavor of either of the presidential candidates t And then what ? King of the Blood Cure all Soro'ulfms nffeotioiu and disordsyrs rnnliw ing from Imparttx of thu blood. It is uoudleM to pttctfy nii, u t he aaffurrr can usoally perceive their eauee; but Salt" Rhum, JSmpltit UUxr$f Tuwwa, tirnUrt, Hwlti$tga lf.u.( ara tbe tooat common, aa well as many arfuctiona X the Heart, ico4. lAvf ad Stomach. SCROFULA. Wondsrfsl Curs e! Blindness. D. IUssom, Sox ft Co. : For the benefit of all troubled with 8eraful or Impure Blood in their ?Muu, 1 oarebT recommend Hmg of tbe iMoox here been troubM with 8erofula fur the peat ten tenu, I banbr ncommend Kin; of tbe Bloo reive, which eo affected mj ere that I waa eom pletelr blind for eix montha. I waa recommended to rr King; ot tbe Biood, which hae proved a ereat bleaain to ma, aa it hae eo-npleteli eured eie, and I cheerf uUjr recommend it to all troubled aa I hare zoure tnsir, Has. S. WBuaaBMW, Sardinia. N. T. tES&v JL i a3 Q win be paid to anr Public Earplul to be mara alif ajrreed upon, for erery oertincate of this BMdi aina pubUabed ij u which is not -uiiie. J Its Ingredients. To show onr faith in th. safety and excellence of the K. B npiin proper personal application, whea satiettrd that no imposition ia intended, we will aire She names of all itsuurmdimte,bT attidaTH. The a bo re oSere were never made before l r tbe pro prietor of any other Famile aledicise in the world. M anjr teatlraoaUU.furtber information, and full dirvctiona for oaino; will be found in the pam phlet "Treatiae on Diaraae of the Blond," ia which each bottle ieenrloatd. Price $1 per bottlecoa tainins 11 ouncea, or 40 to M doeea. Sold by drna tieta. D. BaaaoM.Soa A Co.,Pop'ia,BaiIalo,H.X, 10STET lJ CELEBRATED Appetite, refreshing sleep, the ac uisi tion of flesh and oilor.are lilesfings atetidaut upon the reparative process se which this priceless iiivigorant speedily Initiates and carries to a suo ceinful I'oucltiaion. IdgeHtion is re stored and HUxteuaoce aH'oide.l to each life-austaming organ by the Bi tiers, which is ItioffetiMve even to the fem initte palate, vegetable in composition and thorougty safe. For sale by all druggists aud dealers. ' ZXXJCLX FOSTER, : - WILMERDING CO, Importers and Wholesale Dealers ia mEumE&uauGiis. Si 4 and SIS Front Street, OHLOOSS factory Wishes the public to understand tbat he lias established a A BROOM - HANllFAGTURiNG ESTABLISHMENT At Oakland, and on tbe sUorteat notice will supply tbe trade and private parlie with an? number of brooms, ot all style and siset, cheaper than, tbey can be pur ebaned elsewhere. He has had long expe rience in the business, and guarantees Sat isfaction . Orders (mm abroad promptly filled. (Jire him a trial. Vermont Horse, .t. a Vermont was sired hv Carhm's Mor- piio liorse ; asm s siop, ijum nuu ut. oe is a full developed lour year oin iil-u- .;ii h. Hu will iniko the ureaent At-a son. cotiiinenning ai Koeebiirjr Fridny, and SaiurJaytBUi ana lOtli). " uouva lier creek. " Tt-nus can be had br applytnir tn pro prietor. tjlSJ, y. uo.ibu. SHEEP "WANTED T-v70 to five "naousaad Evas, fron 1 to 2 . Years Old, CLEAN' AND WELL-BRED. Uive price and full particulars. Address B. O. FAKHAR. 523 Pine strwt, St. Louis, Mo. Oakland. Oregon. n. F. ELLSWORTH, FROPUIKTOR, The ptoprilor would Krtnoimne that In has once more sssumul c mtiol ol U.is 'p ular house Uto!f mult-;- tin; nittnau'- me-t of Mrs. Ulbson) sod llmi lit- wtll ilteud to the wsnts of patnms in firwxclas " s: -nrr. The table will br tiipu!ld with the tunrket aflbrils. tlie lu lls of ilie liousi- are well ftrnislnd neat sort clean, sna pains will be spsri-J t' renlT uihisch r -fortablt. E. F. fcLliSVO;U'H - 3. For Sals For Sals v " GEORGE W. GE1JGER, Auuouuo-s that he 8. H nin hw ln.ru.. situated ou the sth folk of Derrreek, on the county road, fk-vt-n niilt-s .-nut ol Koseburjf. Di-er cm k tuu-'jug tliroiiglnlje entire : lace. LESC'RITION OF FA KM : Well improvml, cootl orchsrJ, two sn-tv dwellini; house, a convenient bHrn. There are 200 acres of 'arminir land, ami 100 aert-8 in srain. Will sell all or p"n. For particulars inquire of fjKO. W. UENtilUt. ' Rosebnra. Oregon, -At 23. - J. HIED E R S T A D 'l (La,e of San FranrlfiO-) Would anannnce to tin- pnM'c lhat he lis purchased the inlfW ol il KlStlttl iu ' .ROSEBURG BAKERYp And tl.ai. lie has lisd litieen vears ex;e rience in first-cl hitkeriee in the eUj of San Francisco as a bttk.-r. U, theren re. is prepared to comluct. tint bakery in a first-class manner, ami will warrant all liie work as first-clasc. , T3i8 Best Of Broad, Either whealn. oaten or rye. always n hand. Cakes, pies and crackers of the fiu esl quality for sale; a il whetimr for bails, parutsor private, fant'lies, all orders will lie promptly filled at the lowest rates. In connection with the Bakery 1 will keep friuts snd vegetables, camibs, nuts and notion-, aud with this regard 1 will not W undersold by any one. (iive mea trial. Then ifl cannot' suit you us to q iaiitity and quality and jt ice noonecau. " J. Mr DhltriTADJ'. ' KOTICE OF FINAL StlTTLEEXT. In the county court o( the State of Orv- (fon, for tho county o( Douglas, In the matter oi the estate of Charles Val , dec.-ai'ceii: A. t:. l'ouiiif. administrator ' ol ' -the aliove estsle h.ivinir th't 31s: di.v l May, 1SS0, filed h:s tinnl accountw Cir settlement, and meo priijitij? that n i.av be st apart for the hearing of the smtio. V ereforu ln iu is hereby aivvil that the final account will be hesrd ami di-teriuitiiil in said &urt im.TncsUsy July C h, IbHO. at which time all persons havinjr.an ol - jections to said dual account an,! settle uient innsl and tbere make the stme. Published in the Djujtlas lKnKl'ESi) ENT for four coiisecutive week-, by older of Hon. C. Oaddis, cuntv jud)re. T K. MtliKlDAr;. Clerk. By W.T. WRIUHT.dc-i.uty BossnuKO, May 3lst, A. p. 1880. plumm: TO A IaTj F Alt Preserve Your Fruit tnJ Fay Off Your Mortgages. Bead the fullowingi testimonials from some of the best cilizena of Doug county who -fcpeak front experience only: ''... - Dbef Cbkck, Mny 7, 18S0. Thm is to certify that we have a Pluut mer Fruit Dryer. . During last season we dried nesriy i! kinas of fruit. It will do all that id rtcoinmeniit'fi and more. Our apples brought nine cents per pound early iu the season aud ur; worth thirteen cents at ihindste. VVeiii) not believe it can be excelled i y ui y other drver in the Hmte, Mi.S. !. ADAMS. .."Wilbcb, May 4, 1888. I used a Pluintuer Fruit Dryar Ixiught f (Jrubbr & Co. last year and dried nesriy 10,000 pounds of apples, for which I real ised teu cents per pcund. It did buiir work thau waa promised and I niade more money than I cou d Irom any oilier busi ness. I only run the machine two months. J. i'UAZKli. Harvy Jones says : I have a Plu'nnier FruH Dryer, and" it has done ail recom mended it would do ; and turns out the handsomest fruit I ever saw.: I shall ruu b this year to its full extent. . Wm. Boon, of Calapoota says : I hired a mnchiue for - $100 and dried on shares and made more than Icou'.d iarmiug. Mr. Tipton, of Mt. Pc.tt, says the Plum mer machine is the best I ever saw and it is all that ia recotnmendad. and more. KOTICE. EOTICB IS HEKEBT GIVEN THAT - the ondersianed executors oi the es tate of S. D. Willis, deceased, have Sled a final account therein : and that the otb day of July, A. D., 1880. has been appointed, for the hearing of objections to such ac Count and the settlement thereof, ia tbe county court for Douglas county, Oregen. WM. R. WILLIS, O. L. WILLL", ; Exeentors. TCI r f! fWn mav be ihonjt rm LI tril fUll ' to. p; af B t J tkaiS UimiL m KrrwwpaiMr Advertlsina; Bureau. 410 Spruce tislBweoaitrwfltaniay Im natla Jhar tt in m -FIELD ;2Gj- Q."W O O J)W AE . , ; Would announce that be baa juat received one of the moat complete stocks of LB ATHBUG; S ADDLB W AHB, THII JI.IIITGS, Etc. WW 'iCHKJS. Rmemler this much t I propose to San Francisco, and nujsoecan undersell me. trom 8. Marks a Uu i. brick store. This space ia reserved tor to BEBBataBl "Notice- T WISH TO AN.NOUNCK TO THE JL puhlie lb u.t 1 will pay no hills oi Mrs, Kin-hell hereafter. C. U KITCUfil-L. hoseburg, June 15, 18. 4w. IffOTIOE. IT." S. Ind Offie-. Ki!bnrg, Orgon, Mnf 10th. 1880. Notice is hereby fiiven in pursuance of n act of I'oDtrress, of June 3d, IS78, for the ssle of Tim ter Lan ls in the -tatosof t'ttiiWrnia, Oregon, Nuvada and Washing, ton fenitory, lhat Geo. W. Junes and Wm J. B. Dixon hns filed their nr plica. t on io pur.'.hnie the north half f the mth-hal( of section 5, iu township 27 s'-n'h, of r ise 5 west. Any and II persons claiming adversel) the above escribed land, tuust hie th, r claim in h Heyister's office uithio sixty lays trotnt his daw. W. F. BEN'JAMt.V .'irlO-6 KOSEI3URG. OGN J 113 CORDa Four Foot TWood FOR SALE. I have 111 cords of four-foot wood for sale on my place, 0 miles north-west ol Riweburg, on the Coles valley road. The wood wus cut last winter; is of tbe best quality; al! sound oak; will be sold on my , farm at tbe lowest rates. I have also pleni v of 1 stove wood, and purcjasers will tind that ' I can give them superior bargains. Those who den.-e a good trade cannot do better than give mo a call. II. CONN, Sr. Parties may inquire at the office of the rxDETESDfrj.T if 1 a'a not in t two. ; iron wii" IcOSEBURO, oas. Zl.V.MIRMAN & FRAZER, PROS; Castings ol any size and i : ' k Of every description neatly and promptly executed. Grist, Quartz and aw Mills Made to order. Portable and Stationary ENGINES Made to order and WARRANTED. FOUNDRY: One block south of he Depot. . jy3 . The CHICAGO LEDGER, a literary am' family paper, can be had by sending i Chicago, Illinois, Price, $2 00 per year. The Ledger is published weekly and ha eisrht Dsjrea. and tha ton of tta atorlea and Other matter is nun and moral, and well calculated for the family. V R. IL DAVIS, IL fil PHYSISAH t?.3 -cjsssca. OFFICS UPSTAIRS IN B, MaRKS ft Co'i brick baUding, Roeeburg.Orw goa. Privat cental tattoB rooas Utt pa eiena- , t 1 t i HTj Ever brought to Roaebursr. and that he is bow better prepared to offer superior In dacetnenta id hU lioe to purchasers than ever before. In He hea the largest, beat and cheapest stock ever offered for sale la Southern Oregon.' His aadddlea Bnd lianieee are rw.dy tcade, and tho in wtD( of harness need not snfff-r dt-lay, since be has all aisea and styles, and on five minutes' notice can fit any Lne out with from , j I .v.--- --- -I :z ' i-':.-f:- ' P"::V;; ; f "- - v: 1 to 20 Setts of Harness or 20 Fine Common Saddles. None but the beat of workmen employed and patrons will find In my store 11 Styes la "STIups, Buggy Trinaiiigs, oTjes, Fancy and Ccnnon Sridles, ' And in fact every thine else kept in a first-class saddlerv and hum ess store. fell cheaply as do dealers In the city of Portland. Kenaiung done witn neatness ani atsatcn. W. ELA-FFBHSSI'T BROS. ! i III AVE THE LEADING . Grroceky Provision -STtlUK OF THE TIIE LARGEST AND Qjrvocciaie tit SOUTHEENOGN Choice Goods Low Prices LOWEST PRICES. Q A Foreign and Bcmestio Fruit in Their Store. ITuts. CANDIES AND CALIFORNIA CRACKERS. Everytliine ia tho shape ot WELIiMAN, FECK "& CO. AND ' WHOLESALE GROCERS ASIt DKA.LEKS IN KEY WEST A SEW YORK CIGARS Nos. 126, 128 & 132 Market Street, AND Nos. 23 & 24 California Street, SAKFRAKCISCO, CALIK0RXIA COMMENCING APRIUjT, 1880, The Celebrated Stallions 113 a 'A J i 11 Will stand for the ensuing season as fot. lows: Roschurg on Fridsy and Satur days; other times ai home, six miles nurh Wiston the Cole's valley rond. If change is made in these arrangements, due notice will be given. H. CONN, Sr., Kates of Bervice: To insure, $10. Proprietor, Alj communications by raril must be ad dressed to the proprietor, Koreburg, Ores gon. SAN - FRANCiSCQ BULLETIN. -.';:.- TUB -Leading Evening Newspaper West of the Rocky Mountains. It is recognised autho-ity in commercial end financial circles as the beat family journal on the Pacific coast,' Served by currier b Ban Francisco and the towns f the interior. . . ,23c per week. By mail, postage raid, ....$12 per year. The Weekly ISnllcf in la mammoth twelve-page ournal. aud in proportion to ivx size the cheap est journal in the country. . SUBSCSRIPTION KATES. The Weekly and the Friday Bulletin, forming toeetlter the moBt complete semi. Weekly published on tbe Pacific coast, will lw sent to any address postage paid, on the lollowini; terms: : The Weekly and Friday Bulletin. One year '..' J3 00 rjix montiis 1 fD Weekly Bulletin Alone. Oue year 3 25 Six mon:hs, .... .. , J0 R erai'.tances hv ilr t. Postoffice order. W lis. Ksrgo O 's express, registered ti r at our risk. FREE SEED DISTRIBUTION". Each subscriber will be presented with several varieties of rare and valuable tree, vegetable and flower reeds, equal in value to the subscription price of tbe paper. Betd for sample copy, giving full par ticulars. Address, 3. F. BULLETIN CO., Sao Francisco Cal. - SET'S SUDOR. JACKOS STftEBT, BOSEBUKO. The proprietor of. this well-known and POP"1" W!,ort oul3 t"" bi friends for their liberal patronage ia tbe past and ask iu, ewvwiiuiiwv uivuw Muie iu lue luiure. The public is informed that I keep none but the beat brands of wines, liquors and Cigars, aad that I sell over the bar the celebrated JESSE MOOBE CO. '8 -KENTUCKY WHISKIES . pood, billiard table will be (band ia th aloea: also th lead Lea papata of th V J) I Import my materials direct from Store and shfn on the virnr west V7QODWARD. SOUTHERN - 01! EG ON SIGH ! MEST DISPLAY OF lilIYi Groceries to be found at their store f4 bo O O - H e 03 a a o tt H QQ W M O -t CQ C o rT i i . o m a5 t . Jtft- og ,5 . -o a. e at u Eh S. O Ph ft Q g (A tn M H ta M o - VI o o . rJ o n U ri on e-t O $ crj o 4 e , K W -3 O w ts 5! ft 1804. 1880. BT'Uatt'USslll. ,; Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE ONLY. Income 12 Months, $238,563 73. Premiums Since Organization, $3,171,423 19. i Losses Paid Since Organisation, $1,521,402 15. Losses Paid in Oregon in 7 Years, 19. Tbe HOME MUTUAL has bad . over Seven. Years, for $50,000 Deposited with tbe State Treasurer of Oregon for tbe protection of Policy-holders. GEO. L. STORY, Portland. Manager Oregon, Washington Idaho scpervi&ors : . C. H. Lewis, of Allen A Lewis; P. WassermaD, of V asserman Co.; J. McCraken, of J. McCraken Co, The undersigned takes pleasure In announcing to the citizens of Hose burg and vicinity that he tiaa received tbe agency of tbe aoov leading in. . sura urn mm pan; or tbe Pacific Com TE. Q. HVtkSII, Agent, r n MOW -V- f--i-y- jBSr i-eS- rn-x3-5sa mT.fflfMB It II -"-T.1,1, OFFER.. Special Inducements To Purchasers, consisting of Their Entire Stock of mill AiliiSi GrOOdB Embracing a Full and Complete Line of CO CO UI tat to as 0 0 x W 3 a) a a t c 54 0 1 0 i g M U CO -3 j 5 rg u - AS D a WATER. X H O OF3 '" --V- ...,A8I.... - OREGON AND CALIFORNIA FLAN NELS AND CASS1MEKES. ... OCB STOCK OF.l.. ClothiriG Style and Qua'ity is not Equalled in this Market. It consists oi MEN, DO VS' k YOUTHS' Dress SUBSTANTIAL WINTER GOODS, UNDERWEAR HOSIERY, GLOVES, TIES, c We have on haul a Full Stock ol Groceries. aaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaieiBi CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Paints, Gils & Glass, Remember our motto" Low Prices and square wealing. Agent KNAPP, BCKRELL A Co. ILOED & CO., Koseburg. Oregon. TEE STaE SAL002T Jackson Street, Roseburg, WIL IIUFFRONi PROP I hereby an " ce to the public that I br ve efitie ' d refurnished this P fJIAS RES0IIT " ; lartl keep on band fine Irs BAILING FOWDSO; Best in tbe World, AE30i.tmx"sr pus. The 8oprTtiv Baking Powd ta th rundard rtil of th United, States tot ttrenath and purity. Tbe best .ructisjuo general baking porposes icvet introduced. It is the cooks favorite. Warranted per. fectly purs and tnperior to aoTthtog of the kind dow in the market, for health fulnes nd strength; arodociriji at all je. Th most delicious , c . jkag- For sale' by grocers, or sent direct by mail n Tweetp f sixtr (60) centa for one pound can. Soto ia cans only, full weight guaranteed. Ad dress, - ; . SnperlfttiTe liaKing rmw At "143 CUambirsSt.; XewTork aaOWTHIS TO YOUR GKoclB. ED. TOLIES; House, Sign and Carriage PAZZ7 7X5 1 Gr&lnfug, Marbling, Kalsomiaisg and HARDWOOD FIXISHER, Paper-hanging and wall-tinting prompt ly attended to at low eates. Orders to be) be left at Dr. 3. IIam.il toe's drugstore. ParcLuar's Eestaurant OS JACKSON STEKET, ROSEBURQ. Announces to the public that he has reojx'tied the restaurant opposite Ha.fteudea Bros., and will FURNISH MEALS AT 25 CTS. And that be will supply bis tables. . wltb the best in tue inarEet Ao Clunese Cook Employed a "L- MOORE. 1H Ci ia 1S; fi. m it (Late of Salem). - ALL WORK carefully per formed, and aa reasonable as good wcrk can be done. Anaeetbet ics given and the . Freezer pplied for the painless extraction of teeth. Office and Dental Rooms over Marks at ' Co.'s Building, Roseburg. ASSIGNEES SALE. Notice is hereby triven that the under-" signed has been appointed aignee ot tha estate of I. t'aro and S. Caro, under the hrm nams of Csro Bros., and the credit ore of said Caro Bros, are r quired to pre sent their claims, under oath, to him at his ofiice in Koseburg. Oregon, within three months. And all persons indebted to the said Caro Bros., will save costs Oy calling at my office and settling the same. - Dated this 14th day of Augnst, I860. Wm. H. WILLIS, -Assignee. o. H. RICK, HI. b.f rbjsician and Surgeon, Office first door south of Dr. Hamilton's drug Btore, oi Main ureet. SPANISH MERINO BUCKS" FOil SALE I THOROUQHBKEDS TO OFFER: " I wi'l sell 40 Spanish Merino bucks which have been reared on my place. They are superior buockaand will suit the ideas of every sheep raiser. They will, be sold very cheap for each, and I invite the sheen " raisers of Douiflas coSnty to inspect them. . They will be found at my farm, six miles southeast of Roseburg, on tha Coles valley road. (jj3m2) . II. CONN. pR. AT FAtlt OAKS, OREGON Sampson Sutherlin, Pr op " MT NEW STORE AT FAIR OAKES IS now completed and biied with a fine stock oi goods embracing everything fount . in a first-class Country store. - I am pre pared to to supply ftrtners with all kinds ol goods, at lower prices than they can be secured elsewhere. Horses, cattle, sheep and , hotrs and all kinds of country pro uce tsken and highest market price paid for tbe same. Give me a cal! and satisfy yoarsolf. SAMPSON 8UTHEBLIN. - THE B"CraE4iI, The finest and best saloon ia Roseburg JOE AIKEN, PROPRIETOR. The best of liquors, the' finest ol cigars, and a quirt retreat. ' Uentletnen are mtited to give me a calL JOE AIKEN. Cameron's Ikstaarant! CORNER JACKSON a WASHINGTOH Koseburg, Oregon. Meats at AtC ttQurs. FRESH OTSTERS IN EVEBT STTL '" ' The only first-class eating house ia the city. Tables supplied with the best, and evetyy attention id to guests KOBEKT CAMERON. R. BRECKENRIDGEI MARBLE k TOMBSTONE " CUTTER. Opposite R-S.4 J. C Sheridan's Bard ware Store, - . ' ROSEBURG, OREGON. Tbe finest of Vermont at-.d Italian marble always on baud. Orders from " home aud abroad promptly filled. Parties desiring work in Jackson or Josephine counties will find that I ' cart accommodate them with lowest ' rates. . . R. BIIECKENRIDQE. FOE SALE CHEAP. A Sscoai-Haad Maacr, ' (Weatherby, Richardson a Raggs ' , machine.) AllbiU and slotted cy 1 1 ndeT for mak ing rustle and moulding goes with lha macntne. parUouia,rs inquire of' r, w ' TUoii, UKISDALE, .; Kosebnrg, Ogn. ' - 7 -! ' JAZIE3 T7. IIAIIILTOr. Atterzsy-at-XaOT: fFFICE FIRST POOS TO THE . , ngnt to the court lions. Bast- it ly attended ta ia &11 t&a'. fctst. , -