The Douglas independent. (Roseburg, Or.) 187?-1885, August 07, 1880, Image 3

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...... i
"A CH.VTER HO. 11. B
.... netd rsgalar eotnmuniea-
-vry Em mad thiid Tuesday
' ib members in good
. .'& due and timely notice
" ' rwv seonrtuogly. Visit
or are invited to meet with
i-i-r hea convenient.
i B, HERMANN, H. p.
LODGE A. F. and A. If
i t"xuar meetings on Wdnea
on or beior each fall moon.
....... Lodjre. So. 3. 1 O. O
tstturday nm'K, oi each
7 A'o(hj in their hall at K.e
emhre nf ihaonler in ?oa stand- to attend. By order of the N-
teg an
'J N I
1. . t o.ld FeJIi
w tlnll tin Iliu 181
"X ! i rubra ietvry luouth. Vinitii
"1! '"Vied 1- attend
r iVA OKANCJK, NO. 28. P. of
' at1 !4 r-x. . . . . ' . ....
''ji hum dereHfier on Hie 1m f ulii -
' i Orauye Hull, in
Pum. Ait rfirmlier iu tfond aiauilib are
j; itrvuua ti a lend:
. l UfcO JONES. M
pxca. Setreurv. .
O. Hircctorv.
. ' Tune 10th, 1880. the mail
,or l1" uih. ineiuiliair Cmltoroia. NVvad
aad rn 8ui. will clove at 7 o'ciuck
iir. !
- Tu- iiai.a for the north will cloce af
Tb ail. tCTr Cxie and Currr coantim
will H r -ct, 6tyt" excepted
. ate:fi l. jj. i ;i
l'-r Oak-orwek, Mnint Scot and
Paiwp, ,v mi:t will Friday- erekiin
Maiii iraiuf ihiuiU arrivee at 4.45 k.
.. dai tn. s. ...j, .;:..,! i ,. -
MUrnni he north dnitr, Sunday
xcertJ 7.-15 P. ju
Fprrfk-tu ai d Curry e rantu-e t 12 M ,
., .sniiay t-xo-ptnd.
FfMuFatteMon'a mill Sttur.iar at 6:39
,..- I;
. M-miky order barineaa tranme'Hd each
day, yufwiaTneifwptwi. from .'cUirk a.
H , to S a'e.oek P. 1C. Valttah'e letiera and
parcslaiQiaM-rwt i all part of i! wirld
- , : H. XX Ktant n. P. M.
. Ana Mill they go to the cnounUin.i.
Mr. Ealrd has gone south to perma
cently remain.
BolAl.rabant made a flying visit
toPortUad this week.
7 Tlie 1it Mail is our wsiest
exchange, excepting none.
Joliu Freyer pmllMl upon uajWed
seMlay. Come again, John. j
The number of houm-s burnel at the
Gaioiixr fire waa twen?y-aix.
H. F. Mt'C-'ure ban gone to Eugene,
and C 11. Rrviue to Silverton
' . , i - .
1 he report "that Cha. F. Wheeler
died at Coqullle city Is untrue, j
. Jn lire Willis reports mining matters
aoutli luprogresaliig favorably, j
Jlarvt-st hands aie In demand and
will coutinne so fori several days.
Our farmers, are lb the midt of har
vest, and the Ipwn looks detterted.
The popnlaMoa of Coa couiny has
trebled Vithif the past ten yearn.
Bring' In y'ur ood We' want it
. within the next two weeks, or never.
Bring In tiu vot'd you have pron
ised us.
This ila our" last and thirJ
We have fscilliles for dointr all kinds
of Job printing ou the lowest potable
: ." ' :. . term. j j
: We-rs, Newcomb at'f Grubbe auld
.10 WSanTeT' fruit Uryer iu Jackn
, . county. ' ! j
- . Wtn. Carll, diviaoi agent of the Cl-
f,'CQ7jforiiia and Oregon Stage Vk, U in
; ' this city. " j. '
George Stephens In do'n fine work
with ids new header! In Calapoola
Archhiehop Sesrhera la reported a
" . drsih.uxof establishing a mbslou at
A ralmnn, thirty p-Miwl li weight,
. . . .1. . 1- t. .1... !
j s other day.
. ' DouKlsa county has nhipped more
' wool than any county In the State so
far this year.
The fcwt of the cherry crop Is on
ban I. Now cornea cucumbers, green
corn, and the. i
" B. K. Applegaleattended the counly
i court Iri-the Intereat of the Upper
Elk creek brlge.
Flour i selling at $20 per M In Jack
; son county, and t bey bad new wheat
tlteieon the St'th. !
Geo. Kerea has returned bomata
Stay ton, Marlon county, whr b will
pernaiteQtly remain. -
And yet the opium dena are com
plained of. Cannot tha Biierd of Trus
tees look out for them?
: 1 wo panthers were lately killed ob
Cow oreek, one '"'of ;whlcb saeasured
algbt and Ws-half feet.
N:rs.E. 8chetter, wis af 9. SchaUer,
, - baa receive thUATpclZSS&S t
mi eanrrm in ina uiinu iuiiuii
mlatreaa at JEaiplw city.
Crop 111 Toncail T wpcrted firat
claaa. Bo far am Icaowa Ibey will
double lart yeajr vlu.
The Bra has fil!i tha Valley witk
smoke, ! tha atmoapbera kaa ba
ooma almost sulTiraUaf
The meeiug of tha county court
brought roaliiy citizens to towa from
varlotw iiirU srf he estmty.
"Uncls lllfokey' allertoo is la
town, and lit H. pleasing to sea his
smiling cou jteDsace again. : :
"" Hon. D. W. Stearns was in towa on
"Wedneatiay. Take hr word for It, be
will make a good representative.
Vorkaseu are bow engaged In re
building portion of the railroad
. brh'ge acmes the north Uoipqua.
Abrabain Wbeeler! t'c. ara now
selling tiaeh da teri at $1 S each,
to order to elosa out large stock. .
frevarml . oar lAtsjers nava cut
their wheat for hay thia aeasoa. ow
ing to tb..ooet'j s4 dry weather.
' ' Wadisasdy mmuing .iAsabroaa of
Yoaealiartarted up two headers and
tbrtasen to tak ! bis own eropa.
Jaovea Weaver will take bla atalllea
t Eastern Oreoa. Hs will leave
this cosati ahuhly. ; Wa wlah him
luck. -, 1 ,
. Bellabla iafunsatloa From Gardiner
aays there ara twelva famUlsa there
who ara btffie!e9 and absolutely dea
titate ,1 : I
Henry Woodward has aonso of tha
boleestof ew book, tod will call on
ye at as tarlj ds.y. Cira bim a cor-
dial racef Oob. t " " '
The latest aud standard novel at
Dr. Hamlltoa's cheap from 10 to 20
eeut each. A rare chanee for clieap
reading matter.
The firm of B. Herman shipped out
of the Coqullla river about ten tnia 'f
wool by the last trip of the sobooiier
to Ban Francisco. a
Mr. Crosby ha resigned the position
of liubtuouse keeper at Cape Araxo.
His aKeistaat will be appointed lu hi
place made vacant. .
If you want blank deeds, mo'l-
gsges, eto.. call at this office. We can
supply you at the lowest rates, and
ylve you the let f worst.
Oeo. 8ettle, o. of th bet harness
maker, la lu town In company with
Pres. Kubanks They came over from
Oakland ou private business.
Mr. McAboy md Miss vary Thomp-
Mr. Martindale, by the Itev. Starr, tu
. . .
Camas valley on .-unday litt
1 he grain cleaner aid eiine build.
hilt of Abrxbam, Wheeler 4 Co., is so
coveted wl.b advertiiienieiiiM to to ap
penr like a great bulletin bo.ird.
ShrrlffHognii I having hie. houre
inthely cht:iiiel. and will a on re
joice over a new dining room, bath
room, and other improvements.
O H. Emerson, G 8. Hinsdale. A.
W. Rtld T. C Kcid and K. H. Bur
O'erdarethe mtnilvt-rs of. the relief
committee appoint ei at Gardiner.
Sheridan Bros, have one of the!
finest' atnvea we have eeen In the
niNiket. It iscalhd the ' Brigliton,"
and Is worthy of close iraprction,
Abe Menaor has started into the
mercantile buiiuefS on hia own ao
conn tat Berkeley, six miles from San
Franclco Gool luck attend him.
W are Informed that old Mr. Pitt,
formerly of Coos county, but for
several years past of Gardiner, loat
everything he bail by tne late fire.
"Rev Father Heinrich deserve much
praise for the maimer in which be
worked tn collect means for the relief
of the sufferers by the Gardiner Ire.
The Grange Butdne Association Is
havlnc; an engine constructed by Zim
merman a Frax-r similar to tliat built
by them for Abr tbam, Wheeler C.
We do not publish a list f the con
tributors tn the Gardiner relief fund
for wait of apnee, but let it be said of
the people of Koseburg that they did
It U atated that Mr. Hume has de
cided t build a et earner at EUensurg
an t that the work of getting out the
nec esary timber naa already com
menced, !
Pre. Eubanks is manufacturing the
ret flour eer sold in Douglas county.
V have tried the fl.tur and know
wl.ereof we speak. His add re -4 U
Mr. Jus McDoueall, of Willow
Spi li p. Jackson count, was one of
the bidd'-rs for the construction of
Don i;l county bridges. He has re
turned home.
Tl'e City Marahnl vm soon baf got
an m dt n did anunder fellow, if yu
vas not did have cocao riglidt ayay off1
mill bay de dxxea! You vas your
life haf better. ,
A Utter rcdved from Dr. H. J.
Boughton states that he has not re
ceived a paper fr e-erjl weeka. We
cannot account for it, since w aend
the piner rei?uUrly.
J R. EUlran hni shown us nme fine
wheat which proluced 36 bushel to
the t ere. The wheat was of 'the Aus
tralian variety, and was grown on
E.. G. Young's faim.
Abraham, Wheeler Co., have one
memlernf 'he fi-m constantly pur
cb gniHl for this market, and
conipieiitly the firm is now la
receipt of new goods.
, Abraham, Wheeler a Co., have one
merolr t the firm constantly pur
chasing eoo'U fr th s market, and
con-e-joeMly the firm inow iu week
ly receipt of new roodx.
Chns. WinefitT, of Oikland, his In 4
vcntl a derrick rigging with Iron'
fork to move g-!n irora the stoek to
tl Uiesihing in tchine, which promises
to prove a valuable Invention.
We had the -' pleasure ' of meeting
with nur,.dl frlendn, Hon. Henry
Re-kle-y and Mr. John L. Smith, of
Elkton, thin week." B th are In the
enjoyment of the beat of health.
D-ed, m rtgage-:. bound blank
notes, receipts, etc., for sale at this
office cheaper than they cm be pur
chased at any other printing; estab
lishment. Gill atid see samples.
Euirene Ambrose, of Yotwnlla. is In
town- ne reports everybody In Ids
precinct aa buay harvest In, and him
self swimmlne on the AimmI tide of pros
perity. Glad to hear of the boy's yjod
Mrs. A. W. Muison wishes to learn
tha wberru'oouta of her husband, A.
W. Vunaoa. Any information aK
dreaaed to the Independent office
Helena, Montana, will be thankfully
If half jibe money expended by the
City to fifcM gol. Ahtahatn had been
pat upon the streets they would not
now be covered with large gravel, nor
woaM the sidewalks be dangerous
from upraised nails.
Mr. A. Byaoa baa talked so often as
to his directory, and made his speech
ao freouemly (and it Is a good speech)
that he tbiaka be has a stereotyped
speech for sale cheap after the di
rectory la completed.
Geo. Settle has opened a irst-claas
saddlery and harness shop on Second
street, between Oak and Locust, where
he will sell the beat of hsrnes man
ufactured from California leather at ',
the lowest possible prices.
Tha Hancock club was called to
getbtr in Oakland last Saturday in
this way "Hear ye, hear ye. hear
ye, tha honorable Hancock club of
Ctlapooia precinct, Douglas county,
Oregon, Is" now in session."
The Douglas Independent has the
largest clrculut ion and Is the only re
liable newspaper, in Donelas county.
It i also the largest newspaper pub
lished lb tbacouaty. Subscribe for It;
only $3 SO par annum iu advance.
Henry Rhodes has resigned the
ofltce of Marshal, at Marshtteld, be
cause there is nothing in lu No su -
eeesorhas vet been annotated. On i
tnuB. ! tiw ..!. ..... i..- . I
-nw 1. i e: ... ' .
Considerable grumbling was done
by the subscribers of the Oregon !an
and Standard Tuestiay evening when
tboae papers failed to put in an ap
pearance. It seem that even tha city
dailies will miss the mails sometimes.
W. O. Woodward desires us to say
that be baa en band all goods in the
saidlery and harass line not to be
found at the shop of the Ilaxletoa
Bros., and that his prices are the low-
!m of uy eetablUhntent is Keatherti
Our atibrilwr will remember that
Mr T K Roadman ban bees apimliited
our ajrenl, not to titf reea any oae In
d'bfeJ to um; tii beeanae we have
much money . tMitstandina;, and we
nl Ibe money, aii'l have not the
Um to collect It onraelf.
Somebody materially injured a 'ante
d ar be online to Win. 6. Keoney oa
Tnelay titjrht; the poor animal came
hear Meeriitifr to death. It in HendUh-
lv cruel to ireut a dumb iiruie In aueh
a aliockinic manner, and the perietra
t"M of the leed aliould be made mflVr
rr!t. .; -.Or.-"" !?.;. " :
Ihtseburc will be well repreaente4 In
the state be held in Saletri
horily. Mra. R. Newenmb will deliv
er the valedictory add rest, Dr. J.
Brown rrili lecture ou the P teta and
, . ' ,. .
I oklainore will lecture on the 'Loiisct.
Ity of Mau "
Zimmerman Fraxer have con
a! meted aHnenprlght enclne fur Abra
ham, W heeler A Co.. which is a model
piece of workmanship.; ft iiofeix-horHe-Kwer,
and will be tiaed by the
firm to run their elevator and grain
cleaner, for which a Hue building has
been erected..
The county treasurer is payinstoot
the money to various school districts
quite rapidly, and but little money
is coming in. He asks this oonnun
drum: "If $150 goes out every week
and only one hundred and fifty cents
conies in, bow long will it take to
catch the pile?''
Jacksonville has a population of 839,
ami the "Timee" aays it is ahead of
Roseburg. The "Times' forgets we
only take inside of our incorporate
limits, but taking a tract of ground Sot)
yards square, wuioh should be incor
porated, and wa have over 200 mora
population than Jacksonville.
Wa are indebted to Hon. W. R.
Smith and others for an invitation to
address the Hancock club of Oakland.
The club is made up of same the beat
eitiseua of CaUpoola precinct, and It
would have afforded us luncb pleasure
to speak before such an audience; but
we are taking no public prt la the
Tuesday night a gentleman on the
street stated that he had isaurd an at
tachment for the amount -f 40, aiid
between lawyers and all. the co-ts of
the suit footed up to $30 7".; conse
quently out of the $40 sued for lie ouly
received $3 '25. Iiaw is an expensive
luxury, and o ily rich men tdiould
Indulge iu IU A poor man never can
aflbrd iu
A little three-year old eon of W. G.
Hill was kickedin the face, last Sun
day, by a horse. The child's face was
split open from the eye to the chin
bone, and b. sides his net k wss
bruised. Drs. Davis and Hamilton
were called in attendance, and tne
poor little sufferer's face was sewed up.
The child will recover, but the scar
upon its face will be permanent.
G A. Brodie has returned from the
mountains. He was contented while
hunting deer; but one day he ran
across a brown bear. Ihe other loys
stood firm, but Mr. B. came bac k for
reinforcements. He says the bear was
as large as MU Scott, aud it will tS"Ee
an army to capture hiui. The bear
roust ha vn played the d 1 with Bro.
B.'a imagination. .
The "Coast Mail" of Coos Bay says:
"James Oliver of Coos river has made
a practice for years past of raising a
small quantity of tobacco for Ids own
use, and some to spare to bis neigh
bors. It prows well and is of a gocd
quality. The question is, why cannot
the crop be made a source of revenue
in this country?" feveral experi
ments have proven that tobacco can
tie buccentul gro wn iu ibis county, but
uo one has yet considered it worth
the trouble. ;
Mr. Joseph Tipton's little child
came near drowning this week. The
little fellow fell off the boom of Ions,
nd was carriel down stream a dis
tance of four bundled yards His
father pulled the boat over the boom,
and caught the child after diving
several times. The child was tin-
cnnscinuH nearly fwohoui uftei being
taken, from the water. At the prest-nt
time he Is ns hearty n be ever wa,
hut he cannot tell any tldng of the Bi
dden! or how lie tuinhleil olf the Iors.
The fiUpreme court has sustained
Judjie WatMiii of this district In his
decision Hpuini-t the opening of the
treet through Sol. Al rulmni's pie-
This is nothing m re than was an-
tlcipitC'!. We fought tl'.e expenditure
of the public moneys to work p r.onal
spite, and veoppoel tne taxation of
our citizens that one ninu miKht
haras another; and in all this we did
not forget to d suover that th Inter
cuts of tne people would not be sub
served by the opening of the btreet.
We complained iie.-au-e the munev of
our citizen m lieini: wasted, and
beuauxe the open ng of the 3treet,
while injuring a heavy taxpayer,
would not pay for the trouble and
was altogether iiiiiieceasary, and th
supreme court decided that the law
was not iu the favor of those who dis
liked S'd. Abraham, and l'at no one
has a right to destroy hi property be
cause ttiey do not like him.
It is a pity there is not a law iu the
statutes which would make the expen
ses if Incurred by the board of trus
tees payable by its members, instead
of the moioy being taken from the
pockets ot the taxpayers.
Death of Senator Grover's Mother.
In the San Fraucisco "Bulletin" of
the 27th ult., appear a dispatch fr-m
New York announcing the death of the
mother of Senator L. F. Grover at
B the!, Maine, aged 69. Mrs. Grover
frequently said it was her only coucern
to live and die alone. She wa cloudy
watched by her neighbors, yet she had
her wish, bhe was last seen alive on
-aturday when she entered her house.
That fche ns not seen Sortuay was not
Strauge; but as there wm no indica
tion of activity Monday morning, two
neighbors went to the bouse, and find
ing the entrance fastened, they raised
the wind iw of her bed room and ftund
the venerable lady on the bed with her
clothes on and li e departed. Ou. the
stove were a iot of tea aud dishes of
gruel ana ginger tea
1 Testimonial,
Fii-VKKToir, Oregon, March 87, 1870.
I have been afflicted with a kidney
trouble for twelve years, during which
time 1 have used almost every kidney
remedy I coul 1 bear of but obtained
ao relief until I tried the Oregon Kid
ney Tea. I am now using the second
box and am tree to say that I am
much better and have bo hesitancy ia
recommending it a a pleasant and
aafa kidaey remedy, . W, B. CuZ.
Harvesting la ia full blast.
The bum of the threshing machine
ia once more beard. i
1 je saw mill baa ceased operations
lor a couple of weeks
Bhambrook Son, have the build'
ingfor their ruit dryer erected aud
intend drying appleaou a large scale
iu a few Weeks.
The boys hero are all attacked by
the bat ball mania. They have a
nine that proposes to play auy thiug
iu the couuty in a fw weeks.
E. P. Am re and wife, together with
M. Ames and mother, loft thia place
lat week, en -route for astera Ore
gon. The former I u tends going to the
vicinity of Walla Walla, and the latter
to Powder river valley. , May joy lie
your ronstaut ouinpauion in your
new homes.
There has been a great deal of blow
ing down here amongst the teaman rs
hauling lumber front Clarke and Br -ers
saw-mill, but now one Calvin L
Devaul flo the front aud haula
1410 feet of lumber with one span of
homes. Stand back and call up next
W. It. Barr of Camas va'.ley has re
moved hia shop to this place, where
he w 11 make a specially of repairing
and manufacturing guna and makinv
cutlery. If you want a good job dune
and satisfaction given, send h im your
orders, or ca I aud see for ynuiself.
A Utile episode happened here not
many weeka ago, which w cannot fail
to give a passing notice. It waaofa
man near his 40s who abed a few tears
and expressed bis grief in other ways
on account of not Eettlnir bla accus
tomed place at the diuhertable. 'Mi
ca wake close." "
There .has been a general rush for
blackberries all ovar this valley, and
tha furors has been taken by soma
of tha Oakland, Wilbur and Boaa-
burgitee. Tha berry patch is oa the
mouotains, about two and one-half
mtlea from here, where Clarke'a saw
mill onos stood, and they have been
very plentiful. w have been relia
bly informed that aa high aa fifteen
families have camped there at one
time, and that during odd times tha
programme was filled out by prayers
and sermons, all taking a Hand and
making tbeir berrying excursions pay
two ways.
Umpqua Geobgk
Ripe apples are plentiful.
The reservation heard from. '
Take a spiritual view of it boys aud
be convinced.
O. T. Hutchinson has rented the
handsome dwelling formerly occupied
by Bro. Daniels. ,
Hon. Tim Barnard a few days since
had a fine $200 animal crippled by re
ceiving a kick frojn a no. her horse. ,
Harvest is progresdng nicely, and
judging from present indications the
yield of grain will be laiger limn here
Elders Smick and Richardson pro
claimed the gospel in their usual ami
influential manner laat Sunday at the
hool house.
Chan. Garrel had his Oaburti felf-
binder badly displaced, lat week, by
the expert raachineat running the
same into a deep ditch.
The grape crop at presen looks quite
flittering, and without a doubt there
will be a larger grape crop thM year
than there has been for many yean..
James Kifong, In company with
El. Ames and family, started last
weeK for Eastern Oregon. Willi the in
tention of searching for a new home.
The Calaioota Sunday si hool laat
Sunday had an elevtiou and elected
new t.flicers. Ibey are driving to
revive thing, and we wish tliein suc
cess, f
Mr. Chas. Wilcox's mother, direct
from Wisconsin, Warren county, ar
rived here last Thursday, and will
visit dur ng the summer iu thene
Mr. John T. Daniel and family,
are making preparations ti go
to Eastern Oregon. Mr. ... funic!, for
the past tweiitytive years, bin Ik-hi
a resident of Cahtpooin, and lo-da.v we
can say his character is pure ami Ir
reproachable. We can only say that
alapooia loes a good man and neigh
bor, which is a heavy blow, in con
elusion let us sny, that we wish Mr.
D. euccesi in alt his undertakings
aud hope to meet him in H-avcn.
Lost His Finger.,
County Commisdoner James DilUrd
met witti a painful accident Friday
morning, ne and another party had
taken a threshing m idline fr.ini tin
barn, the machinery of which did not
seem to work very well. The other
mau started to examine the machine,
when Mr Dillard told him not to do
so, as he would nah his flugem; hut
Mr. Dill.itd iinqxcted the machine
Idniself, and while turning the cyl n
der with his left hand, the fii-gers or
his right hand were caught iu a pair
of cogwheels, and the second finger
was tnsgoed and mangled, while two
ethers were severely bruised. Dr.
f croggs amputated the maHftcd finger
near ihe second Joint. Mr. Dillard
showed remarkable pluck during the
Timothy Green Killed.
Our citizens all remember a worth
less scamp, who at one lime loafed
about Roseburg, and known as Tim
othy Green. Green's right name was
J. H. Kelly, and he was killed with a
knife in Portland last Monday even
ing, by a man named Rae. Kelly
turned out ouce more after he went to
xw.lbu.., .u.. Know., no aolCDAUfc W. T.. Marob
"Kelly, the Vag," and while he watl8.-I havTharl .h- ' .uVL.
muruereu, me i iiriiauu papers uo not
i j i i . . i
regard his death otherwise than aa a
public blessing.
I deem it a duty to state that Mr.
of this county, hid his right lung se
riously aC-ctud with tubercular de
posit, aocompauied with night sweats,
frequent hemorrage, copious eXec
loratlon and much emaciation ; the
use of Fellows Syrup of Uypophoaltes
seems to have arrested the progress
of the disease almost ': immediately.
tbe bemori'bage has not returned, his
appetite t excellent, and be ia able to
attend to hit business aa Usual. A.
B. Smith, M. D., Cambelttown, N. B.
W. Stanley.
We received a letter from W. Stan
ley la which ho denies bavins; aided
in tha attempt to have W. H. WaU
kinds indicted for illegal voting. Mr.
Stanley shows" too much feeling ia bla
letter yet wa girt him the benefit of
I the doubt.
The "Oregon iaa" to the Front.
The article which we print on the
second page and Is copied from tha
"Mercury," also finds place ia the col
umns of tha "Oregonlan." While up
on many subjects we have differed
with the paper last named. Injustice to
it we can truthfully say we have felt
forks editor the respect tuat is due
from one editor to another, especially
when the other is the editor of the best
newspaper In the State, aud when the
other also takes always a coul aud
careful view of public matters, and
moat generally iu bis Conclusions Is on
the nght able. Thau tha "Oregeiiian"
is widely circulated, fend Independent
of those influences which are charged
often against poor esktatry newspapers
and very often atdustl so charged
by th se who; would control the pour
man, and fail iu so doing because a
mau Is sometimes poor and very often
bouet. that the "oregonUm en
domed the "Mercury'" pimiiiou aa to
tlie rupretne Couit, is farther proof
that there is need of reviews of many
c.ixesiueided upon by Prim aud Kelly,
aud also that the ''Oregoiilan,".' from
its means of obtaiuing a knowledge of
ihe public, finds that th people of Ore
gon demand a rehearing where their
rights have been aaail.v by men as
Juugte, win to ay the least, have
been criminally iuuoratit of the law
aud the duths cjf the.'r iuai lions.
Ihe following bridge? con tracts have
been let by the Couu y Couit to A. S;
Miller&Son: j v
One over he South UmjiquSj two
miles al.ovef he Yokum bridge; main
span, Howe truss, 130 feet; small tpan.
Bowstring trustf, 6;); approaclu-s, TO;
crib piers tilled with rock, and the
bridge will be built 0 feet above low
water mark, aud covered. Price, $4,-
885. : ,:
At Myrtle creek, 60 feet span, Bow
string truss, approaches 43 feet. Price,
Elk creek upper bridge, 120 feet span.
Smith truss, 240 feetof pile approaches
crlba Riled with rock, and biidge cov
ered. Price, $4,000. c
Eiktou or lower bridg, 142 feet span,
covered, 2-JO feet approach! s, rib piers
filk-d with rock. Price, $4,000.
The total amount approbated for
the above bridge I' $13.315. ...
Weatiier Kcport
Following is the weather report for
July: :
Highest Barometer 31.":'.0 ou 27ih
lyiweM B-r i'0 8")6 ouSid
Monthly itaiisfe Bir. ..... 0 4W .
Hi!liet Tenierature... .. t7 on 1-Mh
iiWestTemjierature.. 4.) deg on 12tu
"re '.et.t Daily lUoge of
TemtKTHlure. 4bUg. oil 13th
Ijeust Uaily Range of
Temperature.... ....isdeg 5on0th
Mean ol ..M ix inum Tem ..80.7 dog.
Mcatt of Miniiuiiiii Tent .. .)3.2 deg.
Mean Daily Uaugj 'iVm a;.5 d. ii
Dir.ction of Wind NortH
Total Mi.v.'iiK nt of Wind 29H mi n
llihent Vcl of Wind. ...... 16 iu r
ir hr
.uniwr t.iear u.tyt. . ...
.Nuiiiiier roRjy liya...... ., o
Numbvr Fair Daya ,
No tM'uy Dy's witlt'iiit enow or ram 1
No Cloudy Days with lain or suow I
Kuiiiiu-r f rainy D.iys 1
l),teof.-tlar lialo ....-....0
Dale Lunar Hao .. ... ...r...O
Dales of iroata . 0
it. It ItOOKKS,
Serjeant Sfignal orji, U. t-.A.
The Crops.
We are inf irnied ty Mr. A. Bynon.
former editor of the Res-u revs of
Oregon and Washington, who U row
iiaveling throUiih thU valley, that
the harvest in well utnler way, in Llnu
and Marion counties aud.a ciiimvhce
nieut made lu Lane. I he. fall sown
wheat ii i-eing cut In excellent con
ditio:!, full ripe nnd well filled,
jinuiiiwitig nilicli over, an average
yi id. 1Uf Mi.iing sown will prot
nbiy .iotihow such plump grain, but
lieveriliele.-s, a good . ield will gladden
the farmers' heart alt over the
valley. llie jatcMp. while' in some
places the i-traw shows a limited
growth, yet in inost localities the
grain will be more thilt an ave.age
lUiti hell's Appointees
An exchange uiak. a the remark that
something u u ti e to We done to liar
lUniiize li e Republican -pjrty. A Re
pui beau friend at our elbow a ivs this
is true; hut lie has a riyht to gruiuide,
j and t Hers ns pne filial Senator Mitch
ell's ap oiutee-, and tbot-e who have
eljoyeil his favor In the way of pro
curing Miir-eying contract, hav lee n
bis wor-t mi iiiies, and rv'vi.r led for
trailorsiiip. while those wlio have
w.rki-d fir bis Vuccesa, and stoai by
Id in in the time of need have been al
tj:ether u gtecud. Afier ll-tening to
our Kcpiiblicau fiieiid'n itr.v we can
not but think be is half-woy right.
- . --
Siage AecUent Woman Killed.
The iioriherii-boiiitd staxe from
Califoi nia to lliU plm on Friday did
not arrive till 10 o'clock. T ie cause
of ihe deay U unsstisf.ictorily re
ported, owit g to the fairt that at this
writing no direct news has been re
eel ved by telegraph or otherwise. Mr.
John i urry, of Grave creek, report
that the rumor had reached (bat
place, that the team to the stage had
ran off, dashing the stage to places
killing a woman and Injuring ana
or two other passengers. ,
Good ft Stricklaad.
Mr. p. o. Strickland, who hae doae
so much good work forth Improve
ment of the roads south of Roseburg,
has returned from Portland While
here be obtained from clllrens and
the railroad enmpsey $1,(C0 to Im
prove the read l-etween this place and
Ihe Roberts bill. Certainly for this
Mr. Ptrtckland deserves crldlt, nnd
now our County Court should add to
the amount ahead y raised a like sum.
thirty years. Have hl many physi
dans prescribed for me, but failed to
get relief. 1 tried the Oregon Kidney
Tea, and the first dose gave me relief.
I am now almost Well, and would re
rommend It to any one soflering from
this disease. Moses rru. '
Opea Letter.
Hnxsaoitn, Oregon March IS, lfU
Meesra, Griffin Ca. : Sirat Tha
great majority of my customers ara
perfectly satisfle.1 with yoar IVaam
Baking or Yeast powder and pre
fer it to any other. Itespectfutly, A."
C. Arch bold. For sale lu Roasbnrg. by
Marks Co. .
Aaotber KatertaiaaMmt.
Another literary vatort adamant at
tho aonrt bonea tt talked of. Wa
have not beard tha partiealara, fur
ther thaa a part of the prograraa is
to be an addteas by the Rev. . a. If.
Bell, which will, af Uaeif be attraetlf a
suQclfBt to.flll tha court baoaa.'
XAugenberg Bro. do not claim to be
the oldest boot and shoe makers In
Oregon, yet they have a floe shop to
show now successful they bava been,
and a stock of leet lers, aud the best of
workman to prove that they can do
the best by those needing their work.
Luscious Peaches. '
Yam, yum I A large shipment ot
ripe peaches and other fruits, will be
received by Haffendeo Bros Call and
give your poor sonl a treat for once.
Opposite R. S. J. C Sheridan's Hard
ware Store,
Tlie fi nest of Vermont
a d Italian
marble always on hand
Orders from
home and abroad promptly tilled.
l- ti..m rtuui rl .c u..elr lit 1 ...Ira.... 1
Josepbiue coun w will flird that 1
nil aceommudto theiu wall ljweat
rates. ;-.-s
A Sccoad-Had Planer.
(Weatherby, Richardsou a Ruggs'
All bits and slotted cyl ndt rformak'
inir rustic ami ruouldinr coea with tlie
machine. 'For partii'ular iuqu're of
noscbnrg, Ogn.
fins Grin has constantly on hand lb finest
stock of
Boots arid Shoes
Bsst of Boots and Shoes
Mate n or-ler and Unpaired.
lis "X o ixr Q
. . oa
una i iwiir
Boot and Shot Heelt.
Ptcraats rann'jig ever and .
eaarlnj off on Cha
The firm has on hand tlie finest sutck of
of Leather in t'i State, and is prepared to
nail kinda of wurk in a finit-class man
ner, uiion tlie ni ii reaaouab e terms. Par-
tien neeiiingin iheir line, an.iuld call U(an
them nrirt, a iliey fully
Turned ont of tbeir sliop to be A 1 and:
certain to wear well. s
All inds of Musical Instruments Sold at t
San D'ranctsco prices. V.oan and other;
struma a siiecialtr.
iNilile and See us
right In tbe Court Houe. Husi-'
i ies promptly cttendeti to in all the
Cour s of ihe Mate. '
Boutliern puriion ot Oregon that tUi-jrliave imurtd to Rusburg one ot the
Largest Stocks? Mawttanfls
The stork in T n-stion Is er mplete in every detai'. and was purchased ia San Fran
rise .at licit lo figures tliat arw able to anil at aucn rate aa to permit us to defy
coiii-t-tuiou iu wholesale and retail prices. Tile stuck comprise
First-class Dry Goods,
Full Lines of Clothing,
Ladies' Dress Goods,
Fancy Millinery Goods
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, Etc.
Glaaoare, Td&seso, Cigar TTimes and Liqu ors.
Wa bava aja verytkiag la tha Way of HARDWARE, and can supply farms! Uli
...:"-'.'...''-..' m
Of all kinds la rsapers, mowera, ete ea the skorteat notice rnd most reasonable terns
High: st Pries Paid for "Wool. Grain and Produce.
In aaostttna with the sad near ih railroad depot w hava s scommo Jinus
warelionsi! for the stores; of irrain. and adjulninif be warebnaso w hvrv tbe latest
Improved Grain Elevator and Oraia t leaner, which fnn-r will 6nd advaatatreons.
Conatry store-keeper will and on application we an off.-r them surs-rsor oarjrains.
Give as a 'ria , for w will not be utviers i'd.
The saacaswr woal J stats to the farmers of Bootlttu-a Oreona that be hi bet tar prepared
w tttaa a baa war seea bafor to supply tbaaa with the latest improved aa-riealteal
ataekinery, aad at prioea lower than can ba offered them by aay other 8rt-iaa agn
ealtaial eValer or dealer i tbe r-tata. He Is tbe aireot Air oaly lbs best of aoaciunerv
aad he Can gasraaiee every article be sella. Ha wishes it endetstoud be will not aell
goods which ar otherwise than aarepresrated, aad if they are not cheaper h .the
qnality thaa those eSered for aale by ot her daalers, will arr uotvputia if bis offers are
nngiected. , Tbesaaaagcr bas lor sale, . .. - ...... .
Alio: tha OaWbrated "La B!ln Wagon C. a 0. Conner Co.' doabla sad aiagls
aw mills' aseanied aad down engines. . Send tor crcaUrs aad pnce-ltaVj
ALFliED SLOCOM. Manager, iiotebar, Ogo
Great Reductions
i commencing August lt, Hatfeii
den Bros will aell the following gomls
at very low prices: A full line of
Qtieeuewarc, glassware, lamps, plnted
eastom, stone j rt. eiiurns J iif. fails
fruit ii.ri, itifants chairs, tntakets, coal
oil, br otus, lard oil, castor oil, china
nut oil, etc , etc b"M, syrup, can
ti es, Ikrd, Sour, canned goods, aar
diiiea, oyster, oofiee, tea, salaratus
blultnr, tieans, starcli. hickory axe,
pick helves, e:trrs and tobacco. Call
and be convinced.
J. B. TirroN.
' F. M. 1 IFTON
, SAW r.llLL.
Always on hand, and orders promptly
BHeu n Hie sboriesi. aotioe. A.I Simla l
dri-iwd Inmb r oiiistitntly on hand. Lutu
tajr fariilsbed at any point in Koseburi;
wiebout extra cliaiite. and by application
to ntn it will be loand that my lim ber i
out only the btt but' the cbcapeat in tbe
luarkei. I ry me ana see. -Addrevs
ali hitlers to
, Jy3 Patonmu's Mill. Or,
The nndereigned would announce to the
nubile that ilwv have fall linen of tha brat
sujrar pint, cedar and other lumber dry
or areen ver maDafalun-d in the enasty
and at rates less than can be purchased
elsewhere. Contractor will Bad that We
can furnish rx-.ra InducvUienu fr tn
airouaife by addreasinaT
1 ..T.... mv-u. m.T, f lift V
DlUAa ri..n J li.iiUi .
lsxikiiiir Ulaa. reg!
E- OOBSU5E, President
ra?2 sJ5SE?a
bo Drum m lv attended to, and charges
akaleraie. Can be found when wanted.
Inquire for ma at Roseburg hotel.
, & -y &A1PaBS3
The best Four in the Msrket.
The Floor of these. ra"!ls has gained in
popularity until it bsB i
by purchaser as the best 'a tha marks, n
Oolers fro ' borne and abruad fit d
promptly A' dress, '
They wonld aen-Hute Uiat tliey have j
Larses :stooh , ; :
EverbrouKbt to DaUs eosRty.and wiie nddsd to tbwir STOVES OP AI t r-if
IEU.V.M and KB t Tl.NWABE. they .,. prepared to teT.m .'efuvlf
be. i ply in tlwtr hnerof any eMabhabment ia ttonthern Oreeoa. bich the m- 'Z
can piirctiaae elsawher. -
Iaibt shape l ia the way of locks, butts etc we can -
ueriir inducenirnis to purcbaaers. Try ua. . '
We can triv you bargain In the loliowing brands of stove, not eg nailed Va
arbeni Hack's. B.ns. l-anner Culity. Drx e v Pacific, Wkla Wei V'ajnAsZ
Oreidoot, Inx, Kina?, Empire t'ny. and other aovaa aari ranges. '
Tha beat of workmen am constantly employed 1 the uaaufactar of ear Tiawaia.
and buyers aliould learn er pricwa. - wa.
We 'have ahu Canities offer ia gun, sock as Winchester. Share sad mIip EISbb.
w J . in Khot-gaes aai Pirno's
W te also Airenis for lb" White. Peerlesand New tLBi Sewlajj lliaauine which
k sail at lowest rate and warrant as complete in every (aspect, '
We can also supply .
Avcrill and Xn!5ir Paints,
The best in th market, at the lowest rate.
vli us a call, inspect our sioek, inquire
anv one ran.
Gen'l Merehandis
Casnimerss of all Varisty and Shades on Han
Gentlemen & Boy's
. so
mm Ttrteetmr af Aa-
staaUattaa. -The
tteroeaaer aaa Tttallasr of taa
Tae rraaacer aaa lavlswratar of
Xeeve aaa Maaeie.
Tae Builder aaa aaapartee af arata
Fellows" Compound Syrup Is com
posed ot Ingredients identical with
those which constitute Healthy Blood,
Musclo and Nerve and Brain Substance,
while life Itself ia directly dependent
upon some of them.
By Its union with the blood and its
effoct noon the muscles, reestablishing
tha one and toning tbe other, it 13 ca-
paoieaieiieetttig tbe ioiiowlag results; .
itwuidispucoorwash outtnbereu- i
lous matter, and thus cure Consumption
By Increasing Nervous and Muscular
Vigor, It will cure Dyspepsia, feeble
or interrupted action of the Heart aid
Palpitation, "Weakness of Intellect
caused by grief, worry, overtax, or
Irregular habits, Bronchitis Acute or
Chronic, Congestion of the Lungs, evea
In the most alarming stages.
It cures Asthma, Loss of Voic
Neuralgia, St Vitus Daneo, Epilept,
Fits, Whooping Cough. Nervousness,
and is a most wonderful adjunct to
other remedies in sustaining life during
the process of Diphtheria.
Do not be deceived by remedies bear
lag a similar name : bo other prepara
tion is a substitute for this under any
Look out for the name and address
3. L FELLOWS', St John. K.B.. on tha
yellow wrapper la watermark, which ia
aeen by holding the paper before tha
Price, $1.50 per Bottle. 6 for $7.6
Coll by ail Drogguits.
X. S. EossnDwm & Co..
a v r
Dealers in Tobacco,
S. E. r Batter v Streets
Would announce to tlie trade tbrouirhont I
S'Uthe-n in-0on that ilu-y am prepared
tonfr-riiperer advAiitae ta their line.5
rnd w.. a Id rspfcttulir call attention ea-
peciafivu-i imly to :
. F AT1NITZ An i
llieir purely Hsvana and Hi cent cljrar.
but a!o to the io!lowinir Donular braud-.,f
li C'l they are manufacturers
'l.Hmond, ; .
"Our Charley,"
And wbirk brards are now ir. CraiUa
demand evervwbern. .... j
I. 8. It Meiiimu-u & Co, also would liav
it nndenuood that they are willing to and !
a III sell aK article iu llieir line to :
chaiper than can traveling agent lor say
firm, aud t hit ail orders sunt ilietn will he
furnished without delay and iu the neat
est and tttnat reliable manner.
Uivn u a trial once, and ynn will r
maia our pennant itrmis
I. S. hUSfcNB.VOM k Co.
(SneoMSora to rtioel P. Sheridan)
Uana, Cutlery and Tb jvrs ruj.
niahlutr fjooc'. .. . ,,
utwA . aiVil iiki.H W
Uavmg secored the abov busies, we
sjj preiivi I., keep op iu former good
name tor work aad prims. W hav tbe
beat nt mat rial sad ajways a fall stork of
g tod on hand, and H hi oar ata. to far
oisb enstmuets with aiat-c'taa articbn al
let live pn
A fall stock ot Iron and Steal far is;t
Orders from abroad wUI recefv pKV
atmUoa. 11 t 4. C KUERISAF.
teeeired and now lisvr on e;
a i onr price, and we pmciise in snit aH
s H r Kl lA HKOH.
aW m
.3aI--l.:Ilitf J3 M"-:
. ' FOR
Drue. Paint. Oils. Yarnirh, Window aap
Picture Olasa, gtaii mery. Perfumery. .
if yon wish to purchase them eliaaper
than at any place uh ol
And keeps full lines of '
Gtotfi, Kafp, EtaU & Taat
Bpushesi, Paint, Yti?t$-
wasfe9 Vapafeh rS'A.rtti'
Windsor and Newton tube color. Wia
. dow and Picture U lass, every sian, at
lowest Price, by box or nana, blank
Bo ks, Wmtejf Paper, etiVeloiiea, pen.
4.11 new Patent M.-dlOOes in l'!rk
demand will warrafit. .jnTsiS CUT
TO OKOICK. free fclirjr. Ajr.-nt tn?
- l uecetetwaied and iin.r.ueii'T :eted PA-
1 1 r 11 rA int. The IM-
ENAMEL PAINT. Airetit f..r M.
Oray, Aiueic Dealer, an Francisco.
Prescriptions filled with dlnptcli, at tu
lowest rat. Store ia aco-k-ihld al ritrbl
window nn back aireei at all boon, of the
night. Remember tli p'rin. Brick build
UK npiotMe .Metrojioliiau Unlet, iiuteuurg,
I Ina Metropolitan Style,
. AltD - "
Four Foot Wood
. - "
' I have 115 corda of rony.foot wood Jor
sale on my plane, 0 mill- anrtb-n-est oi
R-ehurir. oa th Cole valiey raid. Taw
woo.1 w.a eat laat wiuvr; ia of Uia Oasf
quality; all snaiul oak; will-be s -ld on my
format .h..Mtt I h. .'.u,
aiTo wood, aad nare.iasKi wdl nnd tiia
1 ran giva tbaai S bargtins. Tuna
who desire a good trad can-t do bnttat
than aive meaeall. 11. COSH, Sa.
Parties auty inoafro at tne niBce of the
iKDKrKKDtaTif i aa not in tiwa.
iTiEKnraAff & CO,
O CalX.1 0.Z3. CS..
And all kinds of work
And jii Trill c:r.3
P. 8. Lb4 Offlci, RoMbarg, Oregoa,
afaV 10-b. ltU.
N ci ice is neiuby givsn la psia-;e ti
aa aetof tosrres, of Jane fd, 1878, ft?
tlie sale of Tiinbur Lands ia t in sitcts of
California, ttegoo, Nevada aai VsT6.i.!-s
ion Te.-.ito7, tbat Ueo, W. Jotuia 4
Wn, (1. B. Pi zoo baa fi'sd ihuh tf pi "
tton to perdtase tbe aortli-balf of ttvm
sonth-ba.f of section S, ia toJiei.ip 'li
sooth, of r ire 6 west.
Any aad U persnee emmlsg
th above ssenbed land, raaat die tit. t
elaiaiiath' Ksjruter's oil m tiiiati ;
daystrota tils t at.
I i